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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1906)
THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JITLY f. lpnft. POSSIBILITIES OF AMERICA Pif f Fw Hatioa to Uplift Hanfciad ' TJilimited, 8ajs Ir. Wadiwofth. COUNTRY BLESSED AS NONE OTHER IS Preefaeat ! Hlleae DmIMm 'PeltHoal cerraailow rrl PeH eee Cra-ee Geseel ' "The Possibilities of America In Lpltfbting Mankind," was th ubjert dealt with by president Guy C. Wadsworth of Bellevue college In sermon at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church Sunday morning. Ir. Wadswortn outlined the greatnese of th fnlted Slate In area, population. Health and Intelligence, quoting figure. II do ihla." said he. "to quicken your imagination and to stimulate our memories and not In a vein of flattery. If - great, -what are we to do with our great ness? We. have prospects If Ood la with ua and we keep close to Him to niaka It th greatest empire by all odds that history ha told na nythlng about. "Ood haa given ua wealth without Hint. Our eup of rommerrlal and financial bless ings is beginning to run over. This is the way Ood haa dealt with a people from whom ha expects great returns. Tha wealth Is not given to us to make us proud or to forget Ood. hut that we may remember that He save tis the power to get It and tha responsibility that goes with It. T.IM of Satlvlty. "There Is another gift which God has made to vis for which we ought to thank Hire every day. and that Is that we belong to the great branch of hiimsnklnd. the Anglo-Saxon race. Peihnps the beet gift of all. however, is that of unconquerable optimism. Show me the man who never knows when he Is Wten and that man never i hentt-n. Victory Is sure to come to rrrti who have faith, for faith and vic tory gn sld by side. "The nations of the world admit thai (od hss- blessed ours as He has no other part of His footstool, and consequently Kiev are looking to us ss the land of promise whore the surt of hope never sets, Put the fireworks are a thing of the past, The Fourth of July speeches have been thought out and spoken and It. Is time to give some sober uttentlon to the dangers of our nation. The man of unbounded op timism 'who never takes a moment to weigh the difficulties in his path Is like a ship with full sail but no rudder. What Is a patriot wlfhout a little common sense and the ability to look Into the difficulties that fnce him and to solve them as they should Mr solved? Political Corruption a Peril. "Political corruption Is a practical danger that confronts us. There are signs of hope but all Is not accomplished by any manner or means. By 19Jn we are told by statis ticians our urban population will be greater than our suburban population and we must look seriously after the government of our cities. , "The Bible does not say that money Is the root of evil. It does say that the love of money Is the. root of all evil. History shows that when Rome reached a certain , state of lichea It Immediately began to go down to destruction. It. Is not necessary for us to look back to the corrupt days of ' Oreeee and Rome. In our cities today crimes are committed that cause any one to blush to even contemplate describing them in public crimes as bad as any In the time of Nero or the worst days of Oreece. "What ia the remedy? The remedy Is perfectly sure. It la religion and morality. It Is false to say that the bulk of tha preachers of this country are cringing be fore tha Influence of wealth or other In fluence of a material nature. Th gospel lor) ay la preached with power, faith and simplicity, and It Is the hope of the nation. Th dangers of wealth are nothing when Wealth is .brought forward and conse crated ta God. - God loves the rich man who uses his .wtalth to make the world better, to dry the tears of the grief -stricken, as suage the pain of the afflicted and spread the gospel through every land." think that we ean get along without righteousness. We must lay asids tha sin which so easily besets us and seek Ood. Wa should not put our light of doing good works under a bushel, but let It shine out aa an Inspiration to others. The spirit of Ood moves In a mysterious way. W may not understand It. but we are safe In following It. Where hspplness restg there csn b no evil, and happiness Is In doing Ood will." LABELED CANS ERE JULY ENDS Secretary Wilsoa i( Morbc Bapidlj.ia Impaction Preliminari. APPOINTMENTS BY CIVIL SERVICE iana'e Uaaraaty ea Meat Pree- et la F.iaected ta Give TO em a Staadlaa- la World' Market (or All Tlaaa. FARF.WEI.I, TO RKV. A. J. P0l.0l Plymoatk Carea-atloaal Paatar Oaee T. M. C. A. la Mlrblaaa. Rev. Arthur J. Folsom of Plymouth Con gregational church preached his farewell sermon to a large congregation Sunday morning. He will leave Tuesday for Orsnd Rapids. Mich., where he will have charge of the religious work of the Toung Men irt and wUnln th t two or three weeks Christian association. Mr. Folsom took for every one of the largr packing houses from (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. D. C. July .-(Speelal.) Secretary Wilson Is rapidly perfecting the organisation of the meat Inspection serv his subject Sunday morning "The Steadying Power," and for his text the words of Paul In Aacts xlx, a: "I Must Also See Rome. Paul' life wss one of singleness and continuity of purpose,'1 said Mr. Folsom. " 'I will know nothing but Jesus Christ and him crucified." was his motto, and divinely Boston to Denver will be supplied with a force of Inspectors to pass upon the health fulness of every pound of beef which en ters Into commerce between the state. The secretary, who haa absolute discre tion In the matter of fixing the compensa tion of the Inspection force, has not yet Inspired to preach tha gospel to the Ro- announced the salaries to be paid, but this mans, hs said, "I must also' see Rome, has not caused a deficit of applicants, and and never swerved from his purpose. It there will be no desrth of men willing to was In the yesr of our Ixjrd 54 snd Rome serve their country, even In such unat had reached the height of paganism under tractive places as the slaughter pens and Nero Caesar, the greatest coward who picking house plants of the great centers ever lived, and yet the most powerful man of the trade. When the committee on agrl of the world at that day. What could Paul culture of the house first voted to suspend accomplish by preaching the gospel In the the civil service law so a to enable Secre city of the pagan Nero? The Romans tary WUson to make appointments promptly ould make sport of him. they would feed it was with the understanding that the him to the beasts, they would light their civli Brvioe commission could not supply arena with his burning body. Did Paul the demand for this particular line of em- reallxe the extent of the work he wa to payment. It must be understood that no start? Did he have visions of churche and one Is eligible for appointment s a mest schools, a Christian world and a famous Inspector who has not been trained In a col- name for himself? No, he wa Inspired by one divine purpose he must preach Christ and must preach Him In Rome. And when Faul came before the great Nero he was steady, calm, confident, knowing Ood was his help. Ood was his steadying power. "Let us look upon the trials and Borrows of life with calmness, holding fast to Ood, our steadying power. Out In the storm the waves roll high around us, but we cling to the plank our hands touch; It Is Ood, the steadying power. Tou may lose your family and your worldly possessions, hut see that you hold fast to Ood. You may be sick and weary, almost ready to give up the struggle of life, but hold fast to God. Do not pity i'aul; he does not need It. God Is his helper and he has confidence and singleness of purpose. Rather pity the man who weeps and groan under the weight of his own pleasures. "Remember, too, tht ther are always soul trusting in your true heart and they will need your cheer. Just a the sailors needed the reassuring words of Paul on the voyage to Rome. Stand calm, steady and confident, passing through Asia, Mace donia, . Jerusalem and finally on to Rome. lege of veterinary surgery. But nearly every member of the committee declared that he. Individually, bad no desire to be consulted In the matter of appointments. Just as soon as the president declared his opposition to the anti-civil service clause of the bill it was promptly stricken out; there was not a dissenting vote. It I now announced that the civil sen-Ice eligible list Is sufficiently well equipped with the name of veterinary graduates, who have passed the examinations prescribed, to Insure the appointment of an adequate force a fast a the other necessary preliminaries can be complied with. labeled Can loss oa Sal. It will be some months before the new law can be put Into effect In every city of the country. But before the end of July the shelvea of the retail stores. In the larger cities at least, will be supplied with canned meat product bearing upon thalr labels the stamp of the federal govern ment, showing first that the animal from which they were made were healthy when slaughtered, next that the carcasses ex hibited no signs of disease and most Im portant of all, perhaps, that the content Before voif reach Rome'vou msv b ahln. wrecked, and with the steadying power of of tne can w" PrePr' " absolutely God you will be able to hold out your hand """"7 manner to your fellow and say, "Be of good cheer, we are not lost; we will reach Rome.' I.OVAI.TY WILL BR WATCHWORD Yoaaa; Motto of Omaha for Baptist People's Valon. Loyalty," the motto displayed on the b destroyed or sold for a song, but once No other country on earth has enacted such stringent regulations to govern the killing of animals for human food or the preparation of food products. It will take some months to retake the European mar kets which have been lost and in the in terlm hundreds of tons of American canned meats, now In European warehouses, will banner all over town to welcome the com ing of the young people to the meeting of the Baptist Young People's union In this city this week, wa taken as the theme of a sermon Sunday morning by Kev. J. W. Conley at the First Baptist church, the text being "Whosoever will conlesa me before men him will I also confess before my father which I In heaven." S "Thl word loyalty will be displayed in Omaha thl week as It never wa before," said Dr. Couley. "The street cars, wagon and home will fly the banners bearing the Inscription, 'Loyalty to Christ.' If we are ever to become noted for our loyalty It will be loyalty to a person and that person should be Jesus Christ. Many things In life we cannot understand, but we can understand a person such a Jesus Christ. 'The word Joyalty directs attention to cannot be deprived that label of the t'nlted States Department of Agriculture become recognised as an absolute guaranty of wholesomeness and healthfulness the meat Industry of America will have, obtained, a standing throughout the world of which It again. Regulation for putting into effect the pure food bill are also being perfected and these two measures, affecting as they do practically the entire food aupply of the country ought to relieve the fear of the squeamish, especially when It is recalled that the federal legislature now taxes oleo margarine and "renovated" butter; compels the branding of "filled'' cheese and "mixed" flour, by four separate statutes; permit whiskey to be bottled In bond. Including all It fusel oil, and has just enacted an other law to permit the "fortification" of sweet still wines. Within a Tew years It is my hope to have f consulates," the secretary w par ticularly fortunate In obtaining the ser vice ef men euallflod In every tespect for the Important, duties Imposed upon them, and ao far a can be judged at present, he ha also assured a score or more men for consular places of exceptional merit. In this connection It I worthy of nol that In transferring the duty of collating and publishing consular reports from tha Stat department to the Department of Commerce and Labor a wise move - wa wade. That most valuable of government publications, known a th Dally Consular Reports. Is published under the direct su pervlslon of Major John M. Carson and Mr. E. J. Oibson. The former was for a quarter of a century the Washington cor respondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, and he wa for several years during thrt period clerk to the committee on way nd mean during th Incumbency of "Pig Iron" Kelley and William McKinley a chairman. Mr. Gibson waa for a long period the Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Press. Both Kentlemep are thoroughly equipped newspaper men nd there are none better posted on the foreign commercial relations of thl coun try than Messrs. Carson and Oibson. The Dally Consular Report are recognised by manufacturers and exporters as of the greatest value, and they will continue to Increase In importance with the "reorgan ised" consular service behind them. LORD'? 91 PPER ., SYMBOL OK JOY Mot lateaded aa a . Fast, Saya Dr. A. . C. Clark. The Institution of the Lord's supper and it significance was the topic of the sermon by Dr. A. S. C. ' Clarke at Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church yesterday morning be for the administering of the sacrament. He traced the origin of th service In the Jewish. Feast of the Passover. Joy, he de clared, and not fasting;, wa the significant Idea of the aacrament. "The feast haa been perverted from n original meaning by some of the churches," he aaid. ' "We must get out of our minds the id'ea 'Of tha priest and the sacrifice in the simple servlfo around the table. Our service grew out of the Feast of the Pass over. ' W.' too, have the lamb. We must have the lamb. Christ, before we take part In the feast. 'We know how we feel when we speaa or one mat na gone from us. W cn almost feel his presence. That Is what the t-ord'e snpper doe for us. It is a ' symbol. It' wa never intended we should believe by some hocus pocus the bread and ; the wine actually become the flesh and th blood. It should bring to our recollection the love of the Redeemer, like the star and stripe bring back to the traveler the thrill of the love of country. "Th unleavened bread la here the symbol of'aorlty and incerity. Before the feast th Jew aearched their houses for leaven and If they found any they put It away. That I what th Ixrd want u to do, to search our heart for malice and untruth and when we have found It put it away from us. The bitter herb signified repent ance.' Th wine in the scripture Is the sym bol' of joy. It la not Intended as a fast, aa.aome churche teach. It Is a feast and Intended as a symbol of 'joy." .AY HOLD OK THK LIFK YtKHSAL 4 krr. Mr.- Uroh I'raea God laatead of Trivial Fa ar Ira. ' Lay Hold on Eternal Life" was the sub. Jett of th discourse of Rev.- Ionard Oroh at Bt. Mark' Lutheran church Sunday morning. - i "In hi epistl to Timothy, Paul uttered a strong warning against worldline and the- faocinatloa of worldly affairs." said Mr, Groh,. "and Paul sought to impress upon Timothy the full necessity of holding fast, to the eternal life and it promises, rather than worldllnes. There should be half-heart ednevs in our forgiveness of thoa who w may think have wronged us. 'Veageanee la mine. I will repay,' salth th Lord, and 'Whatsoever ye shall measure ta ethers, so. It shall be measured unto you. .1 have area thl lesson exemplified often In my own life. It behooves us to free from. th. wrath to come, a we would from a plague, earthquake or panic. Flee ye. therefor, from worldllne. We become pellbound and. fascinated by the visible temptation of worldly affaire. W should follow after Godliness, faith, meekness, love and patience,' against which ther Is b -law, dtvlM or human. These thing are th fruit of the spirit, right th good flght that you may say, with I'aul. 'I have fought th good fight. I have finished my eourse.' Without faith It is Impossible to be with Ood. Year faith meen your oon VieUon of th mer f of Ood. We must not the very center of Christian life. The potatoes labeled by government experts power of Christianity can be found In and onions deprived of their scent through the person of Jesus Christ and In the true the efforta of the Bureau of Plant Industry Christian life Is faithfulness to a purpose, and perhaps the day will come when a We owe allegiance not to an institution, chemical analysis of the contents of every not to a creed, not to a form of worship, egg will be required to be stamped on the MARINE HOSPITAL SURGEONS Examlaatloaa for Admtaaloa to ferv- le to Be Held In Aagast at Washington. A board of officers will b convened to meet at the bureau of public health and marine hospital service, S B street, 8. E., Washington, D. C, Monday, August (, at 11 a. m , for the purpose of examining candidate for admission to the grade of assistant surgeon In the public health and marine hospital service. Candidate must be between 12 and 89 year of ge, graduate of a reputable medical college and must furnish testi monial from responsible persons as to their professional and moral character. The following Is the usual order of the examinations: (1) Physical, (2) oral, (3) written, (t) clinical. In addition to th physical examination candidates are required to certify that they believe themselves free from any ail ment which would disqualify them for service In ny climate. The examination are chiefly In writing and begin with a short autobiography of the candidate. The remainder of the writ ten exercise consist In examination on the various branches of medicine, surgery and hygiene. The oral examination Include subjects of preliminary education, history, litera ture and natural sciences. The clinical examination Is conducted at a hospital, and when practicable candidates are required to perform surgical opera Hons on a cadaver. ' ' Successful csndldates will be numbered according to their attainments on exam ination and will, be commissioned In the same order as vacancies occur. Upon appolntement the young officer are, as a rule, first assigned to duty at one of the large hospitals, as at Boston, New Tork. New Orleans, Chicago or San Frsnclsco. After five years' service' assistant sur geons ar entitled to examination for pro motion to the grade of , passed assistant surgeon. Promotion to the grade Of surgeon is made according to seniority and after duo examination as vacancies occur In that grade., , , Assistant surgeon receive $1 . V : passed assistant . surgepos, K,0OO, and aurgeons $?,500 a year.- W'hen quarters are not pro vided commutation at the rate of $.10, o and IM a month., according to grade, Is allowed. . , K All grades above that of assistant sur geon receive longevity pay, 10 per centum In addition to the regular salary for every five year' strvlr up to. 40 per centum after twenty year' servicq. The tenure of office is permanent. Offl cer traveling under orders are allowed actual expenses. For further Informstlon or for Invitation to appear before the Board of Examiners address The Surgeon General. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, Washington. D. C. MILL CITY VIEW HILL LINE MinBetpolia lfe S in Aihland Cut-Off Bir Fedtr f Grain for It, OMAHA DEALERS THINK DIFFERENTLY ! Ciato C ity Elevator Mea Reaard It a Aaotber Oppertaalty ta Reach Seaboard Market Via Dalath. Grain men of Minneapolis think they see , In James J. Hill's new cut-off from Ash- Isnd to 8loux City a great help to the grain ' market of Minneapolis. They think they see In that line an effort on the part of j Mr. Hill to capture for Minneapolis the Im- ! mense tonnage of grain grown in the east- ' St Mrt nt VKvI.b An Unrllnvtnn I nd the cut-off. , They claim that while Mr. 8tlckney with his Great Western ha been trying to build up Omaha aa a grain mar ket, "th Oreat Northern haa quietly been at work on the Ashland loop which, by way of that otherwise unimportant ststion. a connected th Burlington and Oreat Northern, opened up a more direct route to Minneapolis, msde possible closer co operation and quicker transfer of north bound freight and made the Oreat North ern a powerful competitor for the Minne apolis haul on grain that in greater part a heretofore gone east to Chlcsgo." That Is th way th grain men at Minne apolis look at th situation, but the grain men of Omaha think they see In the building of the rosd another outlet for i Nebraska grain and that Is via Duluth, wher Mr. Hill will get the haul all the , way by means of his own boats to Buffalo. To carry out thl plan, the Burlington and 1 Great Northern have announced the same I rates from Duluth to Nebraska point as apply from Chicago and these rates un doubtedly will be reversed. Th Burlington and Great Northern 'now own lines from Sioux City to Ashland, from Bloux City to O'Neill and to Niobrara and Bloux City to Wllmar and can get a direct haul of this from Sioux ' City to Minneapolis and Duluth. Chicago has con trolled this business for some time. Of late the south has been getting a large share and now a new outlet haa been sprung to the north. Instead of being Jealous of Minneapolis In the new position It will occupy In refer ence to thi grain which undoubtedly will move to the north In large quantities, the Omaha dealer have tried to prevail upon the Burlington to build a connecting link with the new cut-oft that grain from this market may also seek an outlet to the north. not to historic descent, but to the person of Jesus Christ. Loyalty implies Intelli gence and study of the word of God. Loy alty must have courage in it makeup. We must magnify Christ aa He really is and put our thought on Him aa He la. "If we wish to be loyal to Christ we must recognise the feature of HI life first aa a Savior of men, aecond aa a teacher and third as an Interpreter of life. Life Is the riddle of the universe ana He alone can tell us the causes of life's disorders. Lastly, we must recogntxe Him a commander. He I our prophet, priest and king, all are combined In Him." The Very for Bowel shell before rMs. Farmer trades her hen fruit for sugar and tea at the general store at the "Corners." Problaa- Alleaed Ponder Trast. By the time congress reconvene In De cember the Department of Justice will prob ably be in possession of all the facts con nected with the existence of the alleged Powder trust. During the session Just closed congress has been bombarded with circulars calling attention to the alleged existence of the trust and the fact that the government Is paying nearly twice aa much for It powder aa it costs to manu facture a like grade at the small govern ment factory at Indian Head. These cir culars more than intimate that certain offi cers in the United States navy are the patentees of the process under which smokeless powder Is made and that the pat ent right should by law be vested In the Beat Remedy Troable. Mr. M. F. Burroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and niArrhnps Remedv aa the verv best remedv for bowel trouble. I make this tatmen't Un,te1 Btat" ov"nmnt " "t n the trust, after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without It It 1 learned upon excellent authority that the administration has taken the preliminary ateps toward securing the necessary evidence upon which to base I legal proceedings. If a tithe of the state ment made In the circulars so generally distributed proves to be well founded it United States To Correct False Regvorta. Tha report being circulated that Hayden Bro. are using the depositors' money In their business is absolutely untrue. The deposit In Hayden Bro.' bank ar loaned on the best and most available - ' Probable that another curlty for the safety of the depositors, aenator will be mixed up in a federal legal Not only that, but Hayden Broa.' bank tangle, for It 1 well known that Colonel ha more olld wealth and caah resourc Dupont of Delaware, who ha at laat uc for it liabilities than any other bank w eeeded in reaching a seat in the kenate, Is know of. either In tin state or elsewhere. he hMld and, f ront of ,ne powder There I no mortgage or Incumbrance of any kind on Hayden Bro.' property; It 1 all clear to strengthen and support th bank asset in case of panic or adverse conditions of any kind. It might be well to think of these facts when making your savings deposits. Hayden Bros.' bank will pay 4 per cent Interest from July I on all deposit mad before July 15; no notice required to with draw your money. HAYDEN BROS., BANKERS. fta.HO te tt. Past -a Mlaaeaaiolls ead Before rrom Oman, via Chicago Oreat Wests' Railway. Ticket oa sal dally after May II to September 10. Final return limit, October SL Equally low rate to , other points in Minnesota, North Dakota, Wiscon sin and lower Michigan. For further In formation apply to H. H. Churchill, gsoarsj agent, l&tf Farnam street, Omaha. plant In the country. But whether or not the investigation result in the discovery of the existence of an unlawful trust, it is certain that the price of smokeless powder will take a decided drop, and the psssage of the bill to remove the tax on denatured aclohol will 'be prime cause. Alcohol is one of the "component parts of chief value" in the manufacture of smokeless powder. Root's Coasalar Reora-alsatloa. Secretary Root haa practically com pleted the plans for the reorganisation of the consular aervloe, and by the time he return from hi South American trip th new regime will be In full working order. One of the most radical change decided upon in th plan of reorganisation i th determination to refrain In future front ending "aa a representative of the coun try of his adoption" a naturalised clttsen back to the place of hi birth. In the past Innumerable complications hae arisen because it wa deemed wise or ex pedient to end a German-born American SUNDAY CROWD AT MANAWA Many. Plrasare Rerkers Upend Cool Afteraooa aad Evealasr at Lake Resort. A very lsrge crowd of pleasure seekers visited Lake Manawa Sunday. The weather waa Ideal and the park wa very plctur eaque with its beautiful flower plot, velvet lawn and shady avenues, crowded with the many visitor bedecked In holiday at tire. An unusual number of children were noticeable among Sunday's patrons, the lit tie ones greatly enjoying themselve fro! icking upon the grounds. The special musical program by Nordln's concert band won much commendation from all. The Fault overture, "Bhogun election and "Silence and Fun" received loud applause from the audience. The roller (coaster did a cspaclty business the entire day, thl aerial railway furnishing mucn enjoyment to all who took a light ning spin. On of th most popular feature wa th excursion launch. This waa a novelty and th four boat were well filled every trip around the lake. The theater proved a drawing card, the vaudeville acts, lllus t rated aongs snd new moving pictures pleasing all. The balloon ascension was made by Prof. De Zaxa. The Gypsy camp wa patronized by a large number who consulted Madame Inie regarding thel destinies. The Japanese ball game did good business. The penny arcade, electrl studio, merry go round, bowling alley ahootlng gallery, baby rack and novelty stands enlisted their shsre of attention. Oae Way Fare Pla Sa.OO for Baaed, Trie rare Grand Trunk Railway System to many back to Germany, or an Italian back to ummer reeort in tanaoa, toronto and Italy as a conaul. Such selections and ap Ast, ana in rtew wiiwu. pointments, whll occasionally beneficial Particulate of date of sal, limit, atop- h,v.( ,n ,. ce out of tn. resulted in over p-viw..-. ..c - - BBiamea oy rr(..t detriment to American commerce ltl Adam St.. Chicago. and it 1 to benefit American commercial Interests that consul ar sent aoroad. Secretary Root expects great result from the reorganisation of the consular service. Th utmost car I being taken to choose appointee who will appreciate that they war appointed for the purpose of advancing th Interests, not of them selves, but ef their country.' Ia Mleetlag Sterling Silver Ftenaer, 14th snd Dodge. th four consuls at large, or "Inspector Go te r York ea two Lehigh. Deebl track scent highway. Conaeeta 1 t r.uflalo or Niagara Fall with all Has trora th west- Write pa eager department, Lehigh VaU vy B- all South Clark 8U Caieage, III EW HOMES 1 THK WEST. hesaeae R crn s.-n s INDIA AND CEYLON lieu Is blended and packed under the most watchful car of trained experts. Thl Insures purity and uniformity ot quality. McOORD, BRADY & CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha. CROWDS AT BOTH THE PARKS Lara; Attendance at Haescom aad Rlverrle Where Baadh Play la Afteraooa. Han scorn park was the scene of the largest crowd of the season which had turned out to see Green and his band. The concert was rendered In a high class man ner and every number wa enthusiastically received, the band receiving a great ova tion. Chopin's funeral march was rendered In memory of the unfortunate at Manawa July t. Water barrels have been placed all over the park for the accommodation of the visitors. Rivervlew park was well filled Sunday afternoon by a crowd estimated at 8,000 people who had come to enjoy the beauties of the park and to hear Iluster's concert band. A splendid musical program wan rendered. The park management Is con sidering the probebillty of giving concerts both afternoon and evening for the balance of the season. If you have anything to trade advertise It in the For Exchange column of Tne Bee Want Ad pg. Omaha Maastorefcer. Th Omaha Mannerchor now haa a chorus five associate members. The o: of twenty-four singers end some seventy- irjers. The ortranlxatlnn has derided to attend the sangerfest at St. Paul, July rtl-is. snd compete for some of the prizes. The Mannerchor gave a con cert at Krug park In June and la now ar ranging to give snother at the same place, July 20. The purpose of these concerts Is to raise funds for defraying the expenses in connection witn tne Bt. faui sanger fest. GREEN POISON KILLS BED BUGS, KILLS COCKROACHES, KILLS ANTS. KILLS MICROBES. KILLS ALL INSECTS, HAS NO ODOR Does Not Burn or Explode Kills the fcggs. Too. See the Point? "GREEN POISON" la easily applied with brush or featoer. A 25-cent bot tle of "GREEN POISON" from your druggist will kill a million bugs. DOCTORS for emer 'SK ''-.'Uig a 7 '.A m . : ;1 r v" "'in . he- . aa'' "d Pi The Reliable Specialists It Is not so moch of a calamity that a man eontraets disease or weakneasee, but that ha neglects them or falls to aeeure th proper treat men t"f or thalr euro. T men who are weak mentally, morally and physically, whose systems have at some time been polutted with potsonovs private disease, these -whose depleted manhood forbids any advance toward matrimony, and who hav mad the mistake of marrying wh le there lurked in their syatem om frightful weakness or poisonous taut of private diseases, and who now flntt themselves on the verge of social rufn. To all such man a conaclentlon and experienced doctor would advise yon to oonault without delay the best specialists. One who has made a llfelon study of just such case. On who can quickly and fully understand your trouble. On who will not deceive yon with false promt or unbualneai llk propositions. One who can ani will cure you in the shortest peestbl time and at the least expense to you. Any man In need of suoh medical ad vie or treatment should com at once to the Stat Medical Institute. TV cure safely and thoreughlyi Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nerro-Sexual Debility, Im potency, Blood Poison (Syphlis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all disease and weaknesses of men due te evil habits, excesses, self abus or th result of speclflo or private dtseasea. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. .Sr 1 STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St, Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. EXCURSION RATES EAST! Round trip tickets on sale every day to many points in Canada and New York nt ONE FARE, plus $2.00, for 15-day ticket ONE FARE, plus $4.00, for 30-day ticket. VIA THE CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Also low round trip rates to many points in Wisconsin and Michigan. For full particulars call on or write to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent., 1524 Farnam St., OMAHA; NEB. Telephone Douglas-284. i eserratlea to Be Opeae to Settletaeat. chicaoo 4 northwestern ry Announce Round-Trip Excursion Rate from All Point July 13 to 2. I-ess than one fare for the round trip ta Shoshonl, Wyo., the reservation border. The only all-rail route to the reservation border. Dates of registration. July II to JI. at Shoshonl and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlet telling how to tak up on of these attractive homestead. Information, map and pan.phlet free on request at City Office. JH-3 Farnam St . or address 8. r. Miller. A. O. F. A T. A., 1301 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. LOW ROIXD TRIP RATES Te Kew Jersey, I.oaa Islaad aad Jew Elas4 Coast Resort. Th Lake Shore will sell excursion tickets to Asbury Park. Atlantic City, Long Branch. Sag Harbor. Newport, Block Island and all principal coast resort. Re turn limit October 81. 1J Stop-over of ten days at New Tork. Philadelphia. Niag ara Fall, ate. For full particular writ M. 8. Gtlea, T. P. A..' Chicago. W. J. Lynch, Paeaengr Traflle Manager, Chicago, Some choice offices from $10 So $24 per month There are several very desirable medium size offices from which to ohoose. At this time it is well to secure a cool, pleasant office before the extreme hot weather. Everyone says that the coolest place in summer is ME lEE MDL1I1G For f 10.00 Per Month Room 010: Very plegsant, small room oa tha 6th floor. !t li light gad -well ventilated and is a vary desirable room la every way. For ilS.OO Per Month Roam 618:' This is an outgide room on the Cth floor. It la 1a tha portion that was remodeled about a year ago and the woodwork and floors are all new. For 91 S.OO Per Month RoomAQlt Very conveniently located, being immediately next to the eleva tor. It has a large burglar proof vault and has been Just newly decorated. This is tha only medium aize office with a vault 'that Is vacant today. For 934.00 Per Month Room 822: Facing north, tt is paarticulsrly desirable for anyone who needa good light. Tha room is finished in hard wood and is one of the best offices in the building for tha price. For 975.00 Per Month Salt 88: This is without doubt the most desirable suite of offices ia tha building. It consists of a large room, containing betweea four and five hundred square feet of floor surface and haa a amaJl room adjoining. It Is a corner office, with a large burglar proof vault. It has a most besutlful outlook, faring south and east. In connection with tha office Is a small room, which can be used for physician's, ek a dentist's laboratory, or coat or atora room. Tha offico haa hard wood floor and is finished ic bard wood throughout.. Ther is nothing la Omaha that compares with this suite of offices. ' R, W. BAKER. Sopt.. Room 410, Be Bnildigaw V. KJ. KOSEWATF.R, Bfrf. llee ktiutlaees Offl re.