Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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VoTmnt tf fcsw Crop Eu Iti Effect
on Wheat
weet Sow Grali-Ttri Holda
Flram, Ikcwlic Sllkt Gala
at Session's Close.
OMAHA. July 7, 1908.
After starling rak on farther Belling
Against free acceptances In the southwest,
tha market steadied somewhat on covering
by ahorta, only to weaken again and close
lower. Eat I males of sales oy the country
laat night ran aa high aa I.OOO.OOO bushels,
mostly No. 2 red. The hard wheat haa not
yet started
spring wheat
tha whole, and weather la fine. Indlcatlona
are for higher temperature and continued
near conditions. While little export dusi
ness vn said to have been wurked, and
little wheat sold to miller, thla bualneaa
la so email that It give no hope of any
material quantity being worked. The fu
ture la purely a matter of the Ideaa of
consumers here and abroad, unlets, of
course, some accident ahould happen In the
northwest to cause alarm fur the spring
wheat crop.
Corn held Arm, with tome complaint
coming In reaped to lack of warmth and
moisture through thla Btate. It aeema that
rain and higher temperature would be
beneficial to the Prop under existing con
ditions. Country acceptance continue light.
Oete onntinue to drag, gales were large
again overnight, resulting In pressure on
the near deliveries, the far month going
off on realising and favorable reports re
specting the crop. There neve been a lot
of oats dumped on the market In the lest
two or three days and It Is probable the
trade la pretty well evened up. .
Primary wheat receipt were 417,100 bush
el and shipments -22J.0 buahels, against
recelots laat year of 318. 000 bushels and
rash. $7oo: October $ v Timothy, prime,
H HV Alike, August, $7 4 asked.
RTK No. t, tlV. nominal.
Qaotnfleaa ( the nay Vorloo
NEW YORK, July 7 -FI-OCR-Recelpts,
23,22s bbls.: export, 8,678 bbls; sales, i.l'O
pkga. Market dull and barely steady; Min
nesota patents, 84 8"tr4.0; Minnesota bakers.
tl4i43K5; winter patents. $4.(i"14 4..ii.. win
ter straight, lafciir' r
841.40; Ivw grades. (2 31 JR. Rye flour,
quiet; fair to good, $4.46) , choice U
fancy, $Jt64j4.2u.
CUHNMnAb-Steady ; hue buiir ......
low, $1.2u&L; coarse, ll.l'Xjl.U; kiln dried,
12 fiS.OO.
RYE-Dull; No. t weetern, 7Hc f. o. b.
New York.
WHEAT-Recelpts. 16.100 bu ; export, 14).
471 bu.; sale, l.Jw.Om bu. futures. Spot
market easy; No. 1 red. 84V, nominal, to
arrive In elevator; No 2 red. WV. to Ar
rive, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Du
luth. 8!4c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. I
norinern flisnnooa, x , nuinmni, i.
-JL. "iJit. ,Z Vh. t afloat. Further aevere decllnea appeared
to mwe. Reporta from the reflecting weak cables,
belt continue tivonbto, "" larger receipts of new wheat, heavy In
dian shipment and stop-loss selling.
Finally the market rallied on covering ana
slotted steady at H" to He net decline. -Msy,
deva 16-NSc, closing at 8x'o; July, x"Vi
81c, closing at 86V; September, MVVk;,
cloning at Mc; December, stW8ic, clos
ing at M-Vjc. .
t OKN Keceipts, lO.sbw dii.; exports. n,mt
bu.; sales, 40,ii0 bu. futures. Spot market
steady; No. 2, 6V. nominal. In elevator
and 69o, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. Z
yellow, 6c. nominal; No. 2 wnile. wc,
nominal. Option market was also weaker
during the first hour with wheat and un
good weainer, mil nnany rauiea on wui
slde support, closing partly s net lower;
Julv 6j,iiiltc. rloalna at 684c: September,
5DS'?iHc, closing at fcSVtc; December closed
tiW. .
OA 1 Receipts, 46.IW0 nu. ; exports,
bu. 8 Dot. barely steady; mixed oats, to
21 lbs., 43Vj-43c; natural white, 80 to 33
in., 4L'H1l4c; cupped wnite, aa to i
' 11 t n'oi.nJ... nrln V. n 1 Q timlllDt
shipment; middling. ).76 'prompt ship
ment; city, IZl.tkdtt.SO. A
HAY Dull: Shipping, btrfotoc; gooa to
choice, 8fVf1tfc.
llOt'H unlet: state, common i
lo Cittlo Ear Today to Ma Ttrt
- of Valnat.
Itkeep or I.aatbe la lgkt lo Make a
Market For the Week There Haa
Bee a Oala la Receipts,
Ba4 Weak Prlera.
SOUTH OMAHA. July 7, i
Receipts were:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday ..;
Official Friday
Official Saturday ...
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
... lis 7, I.M
... 2,ns ll'Jsf '
...Holiday. Holiday.
...2 4"2 1237 !
,.. 1.S26 l79 in
; i.w '7
srrlng lambs. I7537.M. rood to rholc
western shorn lambs, M0042H7S; fair to
H good to choice yearling. $6 Xi
5.76; fair to good yearlln, Ib.rti.i-.t good
to choice wethers. IS ltri6 31; fair to good
wethers. 24 7Mj 1; good to choice ewes, fslr to good ewes. 14 .04 76.
Quotations for range stock: Good te
choice wethers, 25 OUi ISfl; good to cholc
ewes, 4.76fi6.3.
tattle Stea'dy, Hogs, sheep and Ijiaihs
. .Slronc
CHICAGO, July 7.-l"ATri.F.-Receipt.
1.0 head, maiket tsd; beeves. 14 nvf
16; cows and heifer, fl 8k,i 5 ii; calve,
H( lft Receipt, ll.onti head; estimated
Monday, 42.nnn head; inarkrt string to c
higher; mixed and butcher. iloff';
good heavy, tS.WA.fn: rough heavy, H ,WI
62H: light, lntiia6; pigs, t&.tj.4; b'Uk
of sale. 4fi.',fli4l8u.
PHEKP AND t,AMHa-Receipt. S
bead; market strong; shep, W.iViiH.o;
lambs, l"v(ifi7.S5. .
This week
Last week
Week before
Three weeks ago
h our weeks ago
ahlmnenta nt 1 Mi i MIA h&iahel Corn receiDts
were 613,0(10 bushels snd shipments (26, oft) im6, liffl4c; 104, nominal; olds, nominal;
bushel, against receipts last year of 4! paclfio coast, 1906, 10816c; 1VH, 12c; olds,
fiiihlM nA ahlnmirtlt of iFA (ITIO buhelS. I 1 n. I
Cletrances wcrs K,im bushels of wheat, HIDhJ Hteady; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs..
lti.sen tiarrei of nour, Dusneis oi corn
ii nd 3nr bushels of oats.
Liverpool closed .ftSd lower on wheat
and NWHd lower on corn. x
Broomhall estimates world's wheat ship
ments for Monday at s.ano.nm) husheis.
.... ,01 K.m 1S.767
... .16.217 tB,M7 . 13.104
16.(1)6 "a.Jlo 6.6.14
....17.763 7.17l 7.W2
.. .17 P7 os 4SH 1I.6W
Same week last year....l3.11 4,iW8 I4,tii
The following table shows the receipt of
rattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared w'th last
year: 11. 1- Inc
est! le 43,S 43B.Hl 44.21!
Hogs 1.44.771 1,337.26 14, .613
Sheep 774.523 753.1M 21,08$
Tho following will show the prices paid
for the different kinds of cattle on the
South Omaha market:
Uood to choice corn-fed steers I6.20UC.76
Kalr to good corn-fed steers 4 7eu6.2tf
Common to fair corn-fed steers... 4.Wir4.75
Oood to choice cows and heifers... 4 tU4 78
Fair to good cows and heifers S iu4.'0
Common to fair cows and nelfers . 1.76 00
Oood to choice stockers 4 feeders. I 7V&"4.10
Fair to good atockeis ana feeders. .2txu3 i'S
Common to fair etockera I.a4.2
Bulls, stags, ate 1.7la"4.10
Veal calvea 4.0U4J6 7
The following table shttws the average
price of hoga at Buuth Omaha for the last
several days, Willi comparison;
20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., ne; iea,
dr. 24 to lb... lc.
pRdVlKinNH-Keef. steady; family, l?w .
- . . - . . . I '1 fMl
10 50; mess, 8.(ni!i.u. m-ei".
. IA- nark, XS ItlTflM.Mr. city
Data. ltd!l(00.
The government crop 'report will be Issued mesa. '$1d.00(o15!&0. Cut meat, steady; pli'k-
at z o noes j ueeaay. It will snow acreage led bellies, iii.jhih w; i"V:',,".v . .
and condition of com. condition of winter IxVVfiS.lW: pickled hama. lixn i '
ano spring wneot ana an small gr-tina. nnn
acreage and condition or nsx, rice ana to-
Local range of options'
Articles. I Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yes'y
Wheat j
July... 72A 72A 71'4jA 71HA 72A
8ept... 71A 7PiA 71HA 71SA 72MA
Julv... 4V,A ' 4j 4tm,A 4;;a
Sept... 4tSA 4HA 4iHj tD,A 4GSU
Oes I
8ept 82 331A
A asked. B bid.
Omaha Cash Kales.
WHKATNo. 3 bard. 1 car, He; 1 car,
iiv: No. 2 hard, 1 car, 70c.
- 4 "tin N -No. , 1 car, 47c.
OATS No, 3, 1 car, 3Ho.
Omaha rash Prices.
WHKATNO. 2 hard. 7J'973Vc; No. I hard,
,vu , i v ; .o. 4 nara, Noetic; o. spring,
CORN-No. 3. 4r; No. 2 yellow, 47H7c;
No. w?!lte. 43c.
OATS-No. 3 mixed, 36586Hic; No. 3 white.
aic; io. i wnite, 8hc.
Carlot Rovelpte.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Kansas City
Bt. Louis ....
.. 78
.. 1M
.. 8
.. 84
.. ft
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Julv 7. Weather throughout
the I'nlted States today continued favorable
for tue new wheat crop and the local mar
ket was Weak, final quotation on the Sep
tember delivery being down He Corn was
orr 'c. uhis were noun Wic. rrovlsions
n r . . 'M. . I'JU t. t.
. " ' . m7 ' 'e"V ... 1 t'ttt'V IBlOrtO rum, Mt iJ.,
i ne ncarisn reeling tnat peovailea tarough. Itl874 Ird, firm: ptima steam.
ut the entire. svfsion wss due chiefly to the I fiait meats, steady: boxed extra shorts.
barely steady; western prime,
i . . .nntlnent.
America. .tt; compound. K-KWH?--
firm; family, Jis.w; snori cift. .
me, 117.75'olS IPO. h.,m:,.
TALlA)W-ulet; city. k, w" j -
RICE Firm; aomesiic, iair iu
c, . .1. extra
TTKr.".1. VZ: VHc'eW: creamery.
man to extra, r.-wic; wmrm
common to flrsts, Wal.c; western '"'"Vr;
creamery, extrae, itw, wesieru
ftCrlEKBE-Qulet; new state f"".6""",
large, fancy. 11c; stats fair to ood. llW
lose; new state, small, fancy, lie. new
atate fair to good. lOtyWVkc,; new state in-
ferlor, . ..... tn.vl.
KOG8 Hteany to nrm; :,-
i . . . n . .,- rattcv aeietTtv-tt
23c; state choice, 21j22e; state mixed, ex tri a.
$0621c; western nrsts, .lwoiiii -
second, lSiUc; southern. 41&c"..,.,n
POULTRY - Live. trregumi .
prlng chickens, 18c; fowls, 13c: turkea.
Iiei2c. Dressed, quiet; WM.-rn -"e
chickens, l'921c; turkeys, 11 13c, lo wis,
64f 13c.
. I.nal Geaeral Market.
of im-io tnl 1-WHKAT-Usw; N.
2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, new.
7S"t.et7V4Jc; Old. 7JHc; Sept 'triber. lec . De
cemW 7887h,c; No. 2 ard . 76-.
CORN Lower; no. s caen, i-i
tTMc; September, 60OtrT(,c; uv.-whu.
4,43ATS Ixwer; No. J cash, 87c; track.
87o; September. 34Vc; December, 35c.
No. 2 white, wqnyic. ,,,, tt
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, IJS
4 60; extra fancy and etraigni,
BKKiv-limomy, " "r;.
HAY-Steady; timothy. $li.5O817.00; prairie.
IRON lUllOPI llbo-i "i.w.
VROVIBIONS-Pork. higher; . Jobbing.
absence of rain In the greater nart of the
wheat growing section. Other factors that
contributed to the weak tone were a decline
at Liverpool and a probability of a big
Increase In the movement of the new crop
as shown by liberal acceptances of bids
sent out by cash houses. Selling was aen-
ral during the day and the only support
tor tne marxet crime rrom snorts, in tha
net nair oi ma session tne market became I Plow bhls
eieany on . nuying rausea oy reports of I wheat, bu...
r i.-i -M,ri. i ne Bfmina, nottever, I Oats, bu.
";. mnin-iFniij nveiy to prevent an- I rorn bu
othV-r decline, prices at the close being al- I v '
moat at ne loweet point, oeptemner op-I Mlaaeooolla nrts Msrvel
co 7it Iee rlh. IW IfiS: snorx t ier.
Hacon. steaoy; kii " "
clear rib. $10 62; short clear,
POULTRY Bteaay ; cnicaena,
18c; turkeys. 10c. duck. 8c; g.
BUTTER Quiet; creamery, lotjjc, dairy,
KOtJB Bieaay, itc.
June 2... e 6 SSI I 6 70 7 HI 5 M J 01
June 27... 4i)l 6 ii, t 14 i 66 , 7 64 , 6 tl S W
June 28... t 44 6 30! S U ' 7 4 17 1 11
June 2... 4HI $ 22 t tiu I7 7 ta m
June 1SJ. .. I 4l. 6 111 6 0 6 6ti I 91 l
July 1.... I 25, 6 13 t 60 7 64 6 80
July I.... 6 48 6 18 6 66 7 64 f 83 4 K
July $.... 6 47 6 7 6 61 7 61 6 76 6 01
July 4 7
July 6.... 474 6 26 : 6 26 I 7 64 6 73 6
July 6.... 42'4 6 26 I 27 t 66: 6 79 S 17
July 7 1 6 2l 6 IS1 5 4!l 7 76 $11
Cattle. Hog.
Omaha $1.76iy6.50 $5.2fV(b.nO
Chicago 1.30-&4 1R l"5-'a6.S8
Kansas City J.itx-flfi.10 6.7Vo72,
Bt. Louis 1.75'fl.00 6J04i4i.;b
Sioux City 3.0OU6.&0 14lKU6.a6
The following shows the number of cars
of stockers and feeders shipped to the
country and their points of destination:
F. P. Day. Nodaway, la. Q 1
O. R. Newport, Yale, la. Mil 1
Wllllnm Brleco. Tekamah. Neb. M. O.. 1
E. J. Todlark. Plsgah. Ia.-N. W I
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cat tie. Hogs Sheep. H'ses.
C, M. Bt. P 4
Missouri Paclfio 1
I. P. System ,14 1
C. N. W., esst 12
C. A N W west.... 1 23
C, St. P., M. 0 2
C, P. St Q , east 3
C, B. 4J., west 7 .. 1
C. R. I. P.. east.. .. $
C R. I. A P., west.. .. 1 .. . ..
Chicago Gt. Wast 1
Total receipts $ 70 1 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hops Sh p.
Omaha Packing Co....
Bwlft and Company...
Cudahy Packing Co...
Armour V Co
Other buyer
.. 14 6.2SO m
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 100 head: maiket, unchanged ;
choice expott and dresaod beef steers, o.u)
65.50; stockers nnd feeder, $2.75544.30; south
ern steers, $3.0041 5. 10; southern cow. $-.ft
$3.26; native cows. $2 Ko3.26; native helfer,
t8.OiKii6.35: bulls, $2.54Ka4.i; calve. $:.tiw.f0.
Receipt for the week. head.
HOGS Receipt. J.4l head: market. 5c
higher; top, $", .724; bulk of sales, $ti."'o6.77V.
heavy. Ki.fio'ati. . pataer. ihs'in ut: pis
and light. $6.75dj.75. Receipts for the week.
3t.0n0 need.
8HEEF AND LA MRS Receipts, none:
market, nominally steady; lamb. $5.7517. .;
fed sheep and yearlings. $4.7Mi6.2u; Texas
and Arlxona yearling. $5.SV6 So; Texas and
Aritona sheep, $4 75fj5.90; Texas goat, 11.00
U3.60, stockers and feeder. $3.26j.(.
New York Live fttock Market.
NEW YORK, July 7 BKEVKB-Receipts,
222 head, all consigned direct: no trading;
feeling steady; exports. 9M) cattle and 6.440
quarter of beef.
CALVFB No fresh arrivals and none for
sale: market, nonlnally steady; dressed
calves, stesdy at Hi'10Vc per lb. for city
dressed veal and 4&9c for country dressed
HOG 8 Receipts, 3.828 head; none for sale;
market, nominally weak.
SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 1.7R1
head; market for sheep, nominally steady;
none for ssle; lambs.- firm and good stock
higher, qualitv considered; common to
prime lambs, $t).7Tl9.05; culls, $3.lXii6.76.
Bt. Loals I.lvc Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 7. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 350 head, Including 200 Texans;
market steady; native shipping and export
steers, $4.75'raV00: dressed beef and butcher
steers. $l.0i'(i6.a); steer under 1m0 lb..
$3.7544.10; stockers and feeders, $2.0iEf-4 25;
cows and heifers. $2.10446.25; tanners. $1.0014)
2.00; bulls. $2.W.; calves. $3.4Xi$.Oo;
Texas and Indian steer, $2.35.50; cows
and heifers. $1.76fi3.26.
HOGS Receipts, 1.700 head: market 6c
higher: pigs and lights, $ti 3"ii4vG6; packers,
$2fif-70; butchers and best heavy, $4.58
SHEEP Receipts, none; no sheep on sale.
Slonx City live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. July 7. (Special
Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100
hesd; market steady; beeves. $4.00(8 5.6";
cows, bulls nnd mixed, $3.004.60; stock
ers and feeders, $3.254.15; calves and
yearlings, $3,106)4.00.
HOGS Receipts, 4.600 head; market fo
higher; selling at $6.40rg 6.55; bulk of
sales, $.47 ro'6.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 400
head; market steady. '
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 7 head; market stady: natives,
4 4Wi.xO; cows snd heifer. $1. 7544. 75;
stockers and feeders, $3 noii 8. 75.
HOGS Receipt. 2.07 head: mostly Be
higher; light. $6.5otfj.60; medium nnd heavy,
$6 ntyfjl.70; bulk 'of sales. Jfi 5.Vff6.fi0.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, none.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
t-Rttle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha
Sioux City ....
Kansas City .
St. Joseph
Bt. Louis
. 2f
. I
. 350 '
...1,733 27,690 3,707
e.ied V11V1O to 44kc lower at 7Mo to
7s c. sold down to 7h4o and closed at 7
44."4c. clearsnces of wheat and flour were
e.uai 10 iz,ii nu. Krtmsry receipts were
.MXTviMDot ii tnl 7. FIX)!' K rtrst
ai 1 .1 .1 1 v.... . . .. ti null
patents, $4 fikfJH .36; second P"n,"i 8?".
flmt clears. $3.$5fJ$ .46; second clearo, U-t
41,.H1 bu.. against 8L8.O1IO bu. the m. ri 62.60.
I... ,.. ... HRiM-In bulk. IlS.60ria.l9.
" . t, . ,,tm 1 jt, iuiuiii ana t.iiicago I - '
a.nn.. . !.. . . " ' ,& I.. Dnl rtf Trtllt OUOtatlOttg Of
rare last week and 14 cars one year ago. Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Tit
ideal weather for the crop and the weak- I or P- r.pS.r,"r ' .; '
nee 01 wneat caused some pront-taklng I t;o.. iivui jwttrtt t
in . y ii winy in tne oay .ana resulted In I , . , . , . , -v '
moderste weakners. I,ter cssh houses re- I Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloe. Tee f
i""1"! 1 ii 1 acceptances or dios were ex-
- tremely light and thla caused sn Improved I Wheat
ruiiiu tuwaru iti-v mmoie or tne nay. All I J
of the early loss was retrained and the m. I July
ket held aieady during the last hour of I ' Bept:
trading. The close was steady. SeDtemher I lec.
opened We to o higher to o lower at I rxxr
to nitc, soia oei ween 61vlTe and
ai5TfiUAC and closed at 61Sc. Loral re
ceipt were $69 cars, with 94 of contract
'" marser was weak all day on
toiia". vteatner oondt-
1 12W
1 UV1
I 77SI77SSSI 78H
7b7 78W1 7V:79tTH4
inQ 111? 112 l"1
iuCi niHi 1 107.1 inn
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
northern. H,c;'to arrive, 7V'o; o 1
northern. 78Sc; to arrive. i8Sc; No. 3. T!&
.dv.Ve. fromTheoun,V;"Jred Xt No. 1 durum. c; No. I Jurjm. lV.
many action, the growing gram anowed Urn: No. $ yr w" .o
marked Improvement. f4et.temher I Oata: No. $ white, a&t. NO. ,
Vie to ViUc lower . UL. . uiZ, " barley: $84il6c. Rye. eblOQic. ria
m , , A V.. In.. 1 T . ! I tt
r.v. i-iwcu nu atntu-sstc ana closed I
t -tiiT. ixM-ai rereipts were ss cars.
t-rovision were quiet and firm. Rlba
-" in nioiinraie aemana oy small pack
Ka.aa. Cltr Oral. ..d Pr.srUlo...
KANSAS CITY. July 7. WHfciAT-July.
era, while other products were bought bv6VTe; Beptember, 70A,4j"70c; - December,
pit tran era. The chief bullish Influence was I Tl'sc; cash. No. 2 hard. 7Je. n
sdvance In the price of live hogs. At
i ' oepiemoer porn was up 12c at
til 12JE-rT..w" 2V higher at $ 00. Ribs
" " T: IllBlier at tt.
"Estimated recetpte for Monday: Wheat
J? rorn- " "rs; oats, $13 cars; hogs!
The leading futures rattan . en I kVlWa Firm : Missouri and Kansas, new
I No 2 whltewood cases Included. 14VS case
urttciee.i open. High. Iw. Close I Tes I count, 14c; cases returned. -jc less.
. ! ' 1 HAY Steady; chol. e timothy, $1$ 5O4514.00;
ew : No. 8,
No. 4. taVjc; No. 2 red. 71W72ic, noml.
nal; No. s, twr; , i v-
i u w v 4ic: Seotember. 4iT4c: De
cember. 44746c; cash. No. 2 mixed, e04a;
No. 3, oug&iec; no. s wnin, wk, o-.
OATH-L ncnengea; rp. m fun, mnrv
fVW"; No. 2 mixed,
CATTLE There were no fresh receipts
of cattle today and the total for the week.
shows a most decider tailing orr as com
pared with last week and .with a year
The week startad out with a good,
strong market on all kinds of cattle, sn J
with the best grades quoted a little
higher. The trade waa fairly active, the
receipt changing hands freely at current
prices. The intervention of a holiday
seemed to mark the coming of a change.
During the latter half of the week tho
trade waa slow, and, while the best kinds
were quoted about steady, it was very evi
dent that the wire edge was gone from all
other gradea. For the week, aa a result,
it would he safe to quote the best rattle
fully steady, with the medium to common
kinds lei5c lower. This Is the season
of the year when Texas csttle art always
used aa a club to pound down the marktt
on the common to, medium grades of na
tives and that Is given ss the reason for
the weakness that haa been developed this
Cows and tielfers of good quality sold
verv well during the first part of the
week, but during the latter half buyers
begsn talking about shipping Texas beef,
and it became very evident that they no
longer wanted the grass cows at the price
that they had been paying. Friday's
market was very much demoralised on
that kind. For the week the best fed
cows and heifers showed but little change,
while other kinds sre 25f4c lower, anil
In some cases probably aa much as $0e
lower on the more common greasers.
Stockers and feeders did not show very
much change during the week, both sup
ply, and demand Deng rompsrauveiy Er. Bt . -. . .
"man mm tiauai. at in I season or nt - - --...
I ' . - . j lkjl.-17 1- . .. m ...
xwrtix. JI1IV I. KVAIIIRlTPn
Cotton Market. f
NEW YORK, July " 7.i-'OTTON-Spot
closed steady; middling uplands, 10.8Oc; mid
dling gulf, 11.05c; no sales.
quiet; prices six points higher; American
middling fair. 6.84d; good middling. 6..?4d;
middling, 8 14d; low middling. o.Wd; good or
dinary. B.7Hd; ordinary. 6.56d. The sales of
the day were 6,0o0 bales, of which 600 were
for speculation and export and included
4.6in American..- Receipts. 2.0H0 bales, all
Amerlcsn. Futures opened and closed
Clored quiet; sal 400 hale. I,nw ordinary.
7c nominal; ordinary, 8'c, nominal; good
ordinary, 8 9-16c; low middling, liKVc; mid
dling, lHc; good middling, 11V; middling
fair. 12c. nominal; fair, 12V- Receipts, 229
bales; s ock. 41288 bales.
BT. LOUIS, July 7. COTTON-Slesdv;
middling. 10V: sales. 1.004 bale; receipt
none; shipments. 75 bales; stook, 27,616 bales.
Oils aad Hnsla.
NEW YORK. July 7.-OI L8-Cottoneed
oil firm; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, IVg
ip, nominal, new crop; yellow, 374ifi.1Sc
Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $7.80;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.75; prime, in
bulk, $4.ii6. Turpentine, quiet; COijjwVtc
8AVANAH, July 7,-OILS-Turpentlne,
tlrm; 57Hc.
ROBIN Firm: sales, 2.M0 bbl. Quote
ABC. $3.56.0; D, $3.S.Va3.0; E. $4 On'144 10
f ; G. $4 26; H. $4 40; I, $4.45; K. $4.50-cj
4,.-M.".!i,0: N" H -S71; VG. $4.8Er0,4.9ui
t Vt , so. 00.
OIL CITY. Julv 7 OtI.B4"rel Klo-.
JhB1; t8'pn.ents, 70.7.12 bhls., average. 2.
154 bbl.; runs. 76.437 bbls , sverage 6 150
bhls. Shipments. IJma. 64.876 bhls, average
"'.?! hJ'. i run" -ma. 4ti.029 bbl., average
2J,14 bbls.
July... TsHfiV
v orr,
July.. ' Sept..
Pork- ".
. July..
' Bept..
88 1
17 60 I 17 60
17 ui I 17 121
$ rn; $ to
no t t onV
02 I Oltf
J62W $52 J
46 S 46
17HI $ 25
17 60
8 86
$ 7Hl
s uu
1 so
$ 16
choice prairie, $10 5iiU.0O.
7 I RYE eteaay, egc.
7fiu. BUTTER-Creamery. iw; pacxing. m-o.
otfsOi 80s . "mPmr.n
I Wheat, bu iw.ww ti,
iiyk-" '
"iS! bl vat", -.-.w
37V' 881 Pkllstdclphla Prodoeo Market.
$4'86StS Firm: extra western creamery, 2c; extra
I nearby prints, ac.
IX MiS- Steady; nearby fresh. 18c, at
mark: western fresh. 18c, at mark.
CHEESE unchanged; Mew torn run
creams, choice, lliillVrc; fair to good,
"60 I 17
17 121 17
3 86
$ ui
$ 6tW
$ 36
$ 60
Nit. t. .
Cash Quotations were aa follnai.-
FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $3.6034 00:
winter straights. $3 j3 70; spring patents.
:2"Vji-"l.I,n lra,ht. eS45r. 86; bak-
W HEAT No. 3 spring $2ifiKHfcc- No J
tfi2o: No 9 r.. TuLh-: -Wic. INO. J,
CORN No. 1 lVc: No.'l vello- tm -
OATS-No. f. rsc; No. I white. w'e4tii:"
No $ white, 16MtJ,c. A" "
n 1 t ro. 1, sue.
BARLEY -Good feeding, 40441c: fair
choice insHlnB. 4360c. '
SEEDS-rFlax. No L 11 04W,; No. I north-
estsrn. $1.11 Prime timothy. $3q4i
Clover, contract grade, $11.25.
PROVISIONSBhort rlba sides tlooeel
rs 6t 66. Mess pork, per bbl.. 817 l"v4i it so
Lard, per loo lbs , Hi 85. Short clear sides
ivuarur, "v itHov J-.
Th receipts and shipments of flour and
grain were: Receipts. Shipments.
riour. Dim..i M I860)
V4 heat. bu. M ") 10 tvti
Srn- bu 447.)
"' tia ,............4uu,j
Rye. bu 1 no
oaney. Du.. m.M noo
jn tee troduce exchange today the but.
ter market waa steady; creamery, Ugaic;
dalrlea. IWylSe. k. -steady; at mark,
cases Inciudvd. 13il4c: firsts, ItWc: prima
nrsts. lac; extras, lac Cheese, oteady, 10
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, o.. July L-ejKDS-Uover,
Milwaukee Onls Market.
Easier; No. 1 northern. 864tivc: No. 3
northern. 62H4j4V; Sptemer, 7"Hc.
RYE Dull; No. z. MSMV.
BARLEY Stesdy ; No. 3, 66&fc; sam
ple. 444c.
CORN-Steady. No. 3 cash, $Ht4jlc;
September, 61Sc.
Dalatk Gralsr Market.
DULITH. Minn.. July 7. WHEAT To
arrive. No. 1 northern. V9Vc: No. 2 north
ern, 77Vc; on track. No. 1 northern. 7c;
No. 3 northern, i.c; July, isc; Beptem
ber. TSijc; December. 77VK.
OAT8 To arrive, on track and July,
Peoria Grata Market.
PEORIA. July 7 CORN Iower: No. 3
yellow. 62 V; No. $. 12H; No. 4, 61Sc; no
grade. 60c.
IIA1B I'lin; rto. I wnite. auvc; r0. I
chite. 37fJ3c; No. 4 white. 3fiAt137e.
WHISKY on the basts of II iu for fin
ished guodS.
Coffee Market.
for futures opened aieady at an advance of
$ points on steady European eablea and
moderate Brasllian receipts. Trad ins waa
quiet early and some months eased off $
points rrom tne opening, but later local
bulla were moderate buyers and there was
some covering with the close steady at a
net advance of enio points. Sales for the
day were reported of 23.260 bags. Including
September at sv.-: December tV60f ; March.
tltfV: Mav. 7 0ue. Spot Rio, aieady; No. 1
Invoice, iTeo.
year. There waa. nowever. soma nine
Inquiry for better gradea of cattle of that
deacrlptlon and the few coming sold to
pretty good advantage.
HOGS Hogs were Be higher this morn
ing. While the trade was not especially
active at the start. It was fairly so when
once under way. and all the hogs w-re
dianosed of before 10 o'clock In the morn
ing. The grest big bulk of all the hoas
sold at $ -ss against n un
(.42 H yesterday. The top was $6.55.
which waa also tc higher than anything
bought yesterday.
APPLES Market firm on spot, owing to
the light supplies, and fancy gradea com
mand slightly higher prices. Prime Hit
ll"e; choice. 114i&llc; fancy. Uc '
for future delivery are mid to be a shade
essler, but spot supplle are firm, held
with quotations ranging from 7f 8c ac
cording to grade. Apricots are in slight
supply with choice quoted at 13c; extra
i-noice,; lancy, it'ait'c.
nrm; rnnice, iob 1 jc; extra choice, 11V
HHc; extra fancy, 11 1.91 2c; fancy, 114,!&l2c;
Receipta of hogs this week have been ' f , raney, tcri.-.-. jxaisin are In job
tv light aa compared with the previous ' b'n d'm.a"di1 "1e " seeded
sVk but conaiderably lower than a year ralslna, 6Voc; London layers, $1.66.
o Aa a matter of course the interven
tion of s holiday haa had a good deal to
do with the moderate receipta. The mar
ket haa abowed comparatively little
change. At the beginning of the week It
waa a ahade lower and hogs sold on an
average In about the aame notch unt.l
Frldav. when there waa a drop of 6c.
but that loss waa recovered today, ao that
at the close of the week the market '
lust about where It was at the close of
lsst week, If anything a very little
Representative sales:
at. Sk. pr.
111 ... I u
17S tee t ts
0 44
H 4 41
St 44
... 4 44
... 4 471,
to 4714,
It 414
4ft 4 47',
SMI 4 4744
4ft 47
irr its 4 47i ... 414744,
...t M 4 474
.. 4 Ii 4 47l
...W4 40 4 47
... 4 47
...tit 4 4 47
...trr 144 f 47
...tut 144 4 47
.. t ... 4 47
.. tot St 4 47
111 S.t47
K4 IM 4 47
11 44 4 47
. IS4
14 ..
41 ..
16 ..,
u .
u .
H .
M .
74. .
74 .
74. .
41. .
TS. .
SHEEP There were no fresh receipta
of aheep In sight this morning and noth
ing to make a market. This week range
sheep and lamb have commenced coming
forward, with the reeult that the receipta
have been Increased somewhat over last
ek and a year ago.
The market during the week haa been
rather unaettled and It haa been no easy
matter to quota It from day to day, es
pecially aa tho receipts have consisted
largely of odds and ends of fed stock and
of scattering lots of rangers. It Is safe
to say that medium to common kinds, es
pecially lamns, are lower than last week.
4 47
4 47
4 47
4 47
4 47
4 47
II .
AT. 8k. Pr.
....til 4 4 47
... Il 40 4 47
....174 ... 4 47
....HI 1M 47
....111 10 4 47
...1S IM 47
13 40 4 47
!I7 140 47',
....111 ... 4 47
....121 44 4 47
... 114 ... 4 47
474 SO I 47
... 111 10 I 47
til 140 4 47
....114 40 4 47
....111 10 I 47
Ill M 4 47
Ml ... 4 47
17 140 I M
114 40 4 40
.....124 49 IM
Ill ... 4 40
104 SO 4 40
....4:4 11
14 SO 4 44
204 40 I M
141 140 I
let 11 4 M
171 100 il
.....141 110 1 41
IM SO 4 11
144 ... ID
"Wool Market.
INDON. July 7-WOOl-The fourth
aerlea of the 1908 wool auction !. 1.
scheduled to open next Tuesday. During
tne nrsi weex tj,i oaies will he ofTered
The arrivals for the fifth series of le
amount to 8.281 bales, Including 4,(a0 bales
torwarnea aireci 40 spinners. The Im
ports this week were: New South Wale
bale; Queensland. 1 bales; Cape of
Oood Hope and Natal, 4.074 bales; River
l-iata, Zli. bales; New York. 437 bales; va
rious, 2.161 bales.
ST. IXJUIS, Mo.. July 7. WOOTPteady ;
medium gradea. combing ami clothlnr. ?4
ai:c; light fine, 18(j2-e; heavy fine. 144117c;
tuu waeueu, AJUte.
0"V -Sf f 1
" ""W 1 1 ir --
ft. "V r. J. . 4k JmK.
m H - e- 7K
Wig itt fi Tmi
TM Sninaiier ?
F YOU ARE why not arrange to have THE
x OMAHA BEE sent to you by mail? The
address may be changed as often as desired
The subscription price to any address in the
United States, Canada or Mexico, payable in
advance, isi
.35 for two weeks
.70 for one month
1.50 for three months
3.00 for six months
Postage to foreign countries, 60c a month additional
Dear Sir:
PUamrul THE BEE r ..beginning
with issue of , 1906, to me at the following address:
Nam m
18.1J, the figures bclnmore or less nom
inal. Lead remains quiet at JS.T.VcrA.W) and
upelter at 8S.6'o4).0u. Iron was uncnunged.
ST. IX4L IS. Mo., July 7. M ETA I.H 1esci,
steady at 85.80. Spelter, quiet at 8fi.87Vi.
16c. Cocoanuts, 4 per sack
oarar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. July 7.-firflAK-Haw nrm
fair refining, 3lic: centrifugal, M tent, 8c;
mnlanses sugar, 8c. Reflneil. steady; No 6
42c; No 7. 4 15c; No. 8, 4.10c; No. 9. 4U3c;
No. 10. No. 11. .5c; No. 12. S 9iic: No.
12, 3 86c; No. 14, 8.8oc; confectioners' A. 4 3fc;
mould A, 6.06c; cut loaf. 64oc; crushed.
6.40c; powdered, 4.80c; granulated, 4.7oc;
cubes. 4 Hoc.
MOI.A88K8 Steady: New Orleana nnen
kettle good to choice. 304i;i8c.
Steady; open kettle, centrifugal. .V,iJ 7-ik,--
centrifugal, yellow, SSe; seconds, 2ttic
d i iL r orgjec.
F.i ports aad Imports.
NEW YORK. July 7. -Total Imports of
merchandise and dry goods at the port
of New York for the week ending today
were valued at $181,271,437.
Total Imports of specie were $43,448 silver
and 3148.678 gold.
Total ejponi of specie were $9S0 797 sil
ver and $15-.0ut) gold.
Liverpool Grala aad ProvlsloaB.
nominal; futures, easy; July, 6s 6V-d" Sen
te ruber, te Sd; December, 6a Sd.
CORN Spot quiet: American mixed, old
4a UH,d; futures, steudy ; July, 4s Ihtd: Seo
tember, 4a 6Hd.
Metal Market.
London closed aa usual on tvaturday. the
metal markets were quiet and practically
unchanged. Spot tin waa quoted at 147 50
i.i, ia. itae copper la neld at l'8 Si"? is m
W notation lor fed alotki tivwd to clioics j electrolytic, $13 ii8U J4, casting, l8.ts9
Condition of Trade and Quotatloas oa
(Maple and Fancy Produce.
EUUS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, 16SiC.
LIVE I'Ol'LTR Y Hens, Vc; roosters,
6c; turkeys, 12Vic; ducks, iij8c; spring
chickens, 16c per lb.
BCTTKR-racklng stock, 14'gl44r; choice
fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, L'ldiJlSc.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Keed com
pany: No. 1 upland. $10.60; medium, $i.50;
coare, 19.'". Ryn straw, $6.50.
HHAN-Per ton. $17.60.
Hl'tlAR Iran ul h ted cane. In bbl...
So. 1 b . granulated cane, In sacks, $6.11; granu
jaled beet, ill sacks, tool.
' SYRl'P In bbls., Z7c per gal.; In esses,
6 lo-lb, cans, $1.70; cases 11 6-lb. cans, $1.80;
cases 24 -Ib. cans. $1.85.
COFFEE Roasted, No. 35, 2.V4C per Ih .;
No. 9). 20i per lb.; No 2.". 18'c per lb.;
No. 20, lf,Vic per lb.: No. 1, per lb. 1
Cl'RKlJ FISH-Family whlteMsh. per
quarter bbl., 100 lbs., $4.00; Norway mack
eiel, No. 1, $18; No. 2. iM: No 8. $J0; Irleri
No. 2, $18; herring. In bbls., 200 lbs. each.
Norway, 4k. $12; Norway 3k. $13; Holland,
mixed, $11; Holland herring, in kegs, milk
ers. Hoc; kegs, mixed, 70c.
CANNEli GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, 6.VyiSic; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 8-lb.
cans. $1.2firl.50; ii-lb. 874ci$l. Plneappbs,
grated, 2-lb $2.0fi82.3O; sliced. $1 9tv-u2.Ju;
(1,-illon apples, fancy. $3 80; California sprl
cnts, $1.4ttl2 00; pears, $1 76ia2.&0; peaches,
fancy, $l.;Mi2.40; H. C. peaches. $2.iKKa$.6o.
Alaska salmon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook,
F., $2.10; fancy aockeye, F., $1 86; sardines.
I, oil. $2.60; mustard. $2604441.10. Sweet
Cnlatoes. ll.16fll.25; sauerkraut. $1; pump
Ins. 8ft"fr1.00; wax beans, 2-lb., 76icc;
lima beans, 2-lb.. 7fici&1.8S; spinach, $1.36;
cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, 7fdSwc; fancj,
TOMATOES Texas, per crate of 20 lbs.,
WAX BEANS Per market basket of
ahmit 16 lbs.. $1.26.
STRING BEANS Per market basket of
about 16 lbs., 60c.
Per d". bunches, 25c.
LEAF LETT I'CE Hothouse, per dox.
head. 20c.
CIVI'M BER8 Home-grown. per dox.,
50c; Texss, per bu. box, $7.00.
ONIONS 4'allfornla, 2Vc per lb.; Texas,
In crates, white, $1.76; yellow, $1.36.
GREEN ONIONS Per doi. bunches, JOc.
R A IMBUES Per dox. bunches, 15c.
CABBAOK- Home-grown, 2c per lb.
CACLIELOWER Per dos. heads, 76c.
OREEN PEAS Per bu., $1.26.
NEW POTATO E8 Per bu., 75c.
POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., 5fjJ
60c;'South Dakota, per bu., it'JOo; Colorado,
9oc per bn.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1 86; No. X $1.75.
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 3Hc.
D TES Per ox of 30-lb. pkga.. $2.00;
Halloween, in 7o-lb. boxes, per box, 6e;
Bayers, per lb.. 4c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb.
nkirs $20u per dos.; 8-lb. boxes, $1.00.
ORANGES California, extra fancy nav
els large size. $4 Jwift i; Mediterranean
sweets, all sizes, $4.Ug4.60; Vslenclas, all
,.. xnoflrri6&0.
1 FMONS Llmonlers. extra fancy,
size IHiKI; fl to 3S0 aixe, $7 26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton,
hi-- Imported Sniyrua, three-crown.
six-crown, i-'c. .
BANANAS Per medlum-aised bunch
$176"t2 2o: Jumbos, $2 5oi(ia.OO.
PINEAPPLES Florida, sixes 24, $0 and
36, $3 25. FRrlT9
CHERRIES California. $2.00 per 8-lb.
box- sour ctirrles. 24-qt. crate. $1.60.
C,OOSEBERR1ES-Per crate of $4 qts.,
8 00
PEACHES California. $1 10 per bu.
PLCMS California. $1 6Cttl00.
BLACK BERRIES Per 24-qt. crate. $2 S5.
RASPBERRIES Red, per 24-pt. crate,
$2 26: blai-k. per 24-qt. crate. $2 26.
t PRICOTS Per 4-basket crate. $1.76.
CL RRANT8 Hnie-gTown, while and
red. per 24 qts.. $150.
WATERMELONS-Per lb., lty, or about
3iwi:iec each.
CANTE1.0CPE8 California, per crate,
about 45 melons. $4.5uii.u; Texas, per
crate about 45 melons. $3 60.
Ribs. Nu 1. 12c; No. 2. loc; No. 3. 8c.
I Aim, No. 1, 15c: No. 2. 12y No. $, 11c.
Chuck. No. 1. 5V,c; No. 2, 6c: No. 8, 4c.
Round. No I. 8W-; No. I. IV; No. 3. 7o.
plate. No. 1. 3c; No. 2. 3c; No. 3. 2c.
CIDER Per Wig. $3 75: per bbl., $4.75.
HONEY New. per 24 lbs. $3 60.
CHEESE Bwiss. new. ltic; Wisconsin
brick, 1-c; Wisconsin limburger, 12c; twins,
tHy; Young Americaa. 15c.
Nl'TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., Is'ac: hard shells, per lb.
l.l'V I'ecans, large, per lb., 14c; small,
per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb.. 6H-.; masted,
per lb. 12u. Chill wslnuts. per lb . larriUSc
Alinonds, tuft shells, i,r 1U., 17c, baid
shells, per lb.
or io. . .
Board of Trade statement.
LONDON, July 7. The June gtatement
of the Board of Trade shows Increasea tif
$J1. 678. 500 In Imports and $23,2,0!)fl In
exports. The principal Increases In Im
ports are meat, grain and food, $16,000,
000, and metal manufartnres, $10,000,000.
Cotton from America decreased $10,000.
000. The Increase In exports Included
new warships. $13,760,000. Tha rest waa
in manufactured articles.
Another Link In the Romantic Coldea
Chain of a Hawaiian
Pen of novelist has mrely woven so In
teresting a romance as that Involved In
the marriage In Davenport. Is., a few days
ao of Miss Anna Elisabeth Whiting, niece
of Rear Admlra! Whiting, to Albert F.
Afong of Honolulu. While his bride 1s
thoroughly American, Afong Is the sou of
a full-fledged Chinese. Still more unusitnl,
however. Is the fact that he has no less
than thirteen sisters, three of whom have
married Into the American navy, as he may
be said to 'have done, and a fourth Into
the army. One of these is the wlfo of
Resr Admlrsl Whiting, so that by this
latfst union she will become the aunt Ss
well aa the sister of young Afong.
Of the others, one la the wife of Lieu
tenant Rlggs of the navy; one of Jame
W. Brewster, who served on the cruiser
Harvard In the Ppanlfh-Amerlcan war, and
a third of Lieutenant Andrew 3. Dougherty
of the army. Albert waa the last mem
ber of the family remaining unmarried.
His courtship, like that of hi sisters, began
under the coecanut trees of the Pacific Is
land, and th family looks to him for the
perpetuation of a name already known In
every capital of the world, and especially
In the best circle along the Pacific coast
For twenty year naval officers have told
of the delightful hospitality afforded them
In the Afong horn while their ships lay at
anchor in Honolulu bay
Tourist have come back from Hawaii
telling of the gorgeous seml-orlental man
si on of Wing Ah Fong the name has since
been Americanised and Mrs. Concepclon
Ah Fong, who la a mixture of Spanish and
Portuguese. Every one who ha been In
the islands talks of the charming manner.
the brlght-hued gown, the languorous trop
leal ballade and the fund of good nature of
the highly attractive progeny of Wing Ah
Fong. millionaire, of the South Sea.
Along about 1838 a young Chinese bearing
this nam came with a shipload of his
fellow countrymen to Honolulu. He wns
unususlly Intelligent and genial, and, with
a little capital, soon built up a prosperous
business In Chinese crockery, silks and
bric-a-brac. In a short time h was tin
leading merchant .of Honolulu. He spent
money freely and was well liked by while
and blacks In the quaint old town. As hi
grew In wealth he made love to Concepolon.
the daughter of a poor Portuguese Bailor,
who had floated into Hawaii. She was
what is known as a Kanaka, and there was
a strain of English blood in hy. and after
their marriage, in I860, it was this strain
In her which produced the energy and
executive ability by which ahe helped him
to gain money.
Ah Fong Invested in sugar tan planta
tions, and In those times, when such prop
erties yielded almost Incredibly large prof
its, he became very wealthy. In ten years
he was worth more than $300,000 and was
adding $36,000 to thla annually. He was
careful and prudent, while his business as
sociates drowsed and took no heed for the
morrow, and he was ceaselessly watching
for chances to buy more plantations at
cheap prices from the Improvident H
wailana. Meanwhile the Ah Fong family circle
widened. There were ail children In the
home In 1870. a boy and Ave girls. Eight
more girl were born there during the next
fifteen years. Wing Ah Fong was an Ideal
father. He was delighted to see how each
child resembled the mother in fscial ex
pression, Hs hired servants galore, en
larged hi house every few years and
thought nothing too good for til bable.
He used to find no greater Joy than to
get his wife and all his numerous girls Into
a great lumbering open carriage' like a
Concord coach that he had had built ac
cording to hi own Ideas, and, with him
self as driver on the front seat, go rolling
slowly over the. rnfcd 'about. Honolulu
for hbur at a time.- It used to be a mem
orable sight to see fowling along any of
the Isva made roads In Honolulu Papa Ah
Fong. with hia long queue dangling down
his bsek, driving in a vehicle containing
his entire family circle, all singing, laugh
ing and having a good time by themalve.
True Chinese that he is. Wing Ah Fong
never gsve tip his Idea that the Chines
ways of living and doing thing were a
little superior to any others. He let hi
wife conduct the home and dresa and edu
cate the girls as she saw fit, but he took
charge of the boy, Albert, and for a long
time, while the sisters were fa r bed and
trained after th American fashion, h
had his head shaved, wore a queue and
affected flowing silken garment Ilk those
of hi father.
Indeed, he and his sister have never
been ashamed of their origin, and with
their accomplishments, they need not be.
All the girl have the tropical love for
music and several are excellent singers.
Personally, seven of them are noticeably
pretty, with black eye and hair, One,
Mr. Arthur Johnstone, wife of a promi
nent Honolulu merchant, I a deml-blonde,
and the combination of her blue eys and
dark lashes and hair and her pink and
whit complexion make her" th accepted
beauty of the family. Several of th Bis
ters have their father's tall stature, but
th rest are of petite figure. Three hav
almond-shaped eyes and nearly ovary on
of them has the mother' olive completion
and soft, easy mode of speech.
Wing Ah Fong waa reputed to bo worth
$10,000,000 In 1890. Two year later h left
Honolulu and went to China. Ha haa never
returned, and the reason for hi Strang
act ha always been a mystery to tho out
ride world. . j.
He (pent month getting Ma enormous
business In shape and then saJled away.
When month passed and he was still ab
sent rumors began to spread and there waa
a atory that hs had narrowly escaped se
vere punishment for having deserted a wife
In China. Mr. All Fong and her daughter
kept closely to their home for a long time
and never spoke of th subject to out
siders. AJter thla period, however, tha hos
pitality of the house was resumed and It
never waned until the last of th daughters
was married New York Herald.
The book sgent was showing th old
farmer one of the '"lx best sellers."
"A wonderful book," said the agent gs
h turned to the first chapter. "Just listen
to this plot: 'There' sn ominous cleud on
the sire's brow when he see th lightning
flash in the determined eye of hi beauti
ful daughter.' "
"Great shoots!" ejaculated the old fanner,
his Jaw dropping.
"Then come the shower of tear. 'But
hark! The hero I thundering'"
Th old farmer Jumped down front th
fence and held up his hand.
"One minute, mister," he drawled. "On
minute till I put the chickens up and get
my umbrella. I swan, that thar book 1
so stormy
now." Colu
Lfeel like I am gettl
bus Dispatch.
ng wet
you go
Not Complimentary.
John Henry (Reading Aloud) The fortune
left Mr. Bailey, th circus king, amount
lo several millions.
Mrs. John Henry Why don't
Into the circus business. John?
John Henry It tske a lot' of capital
and experienced partners to start a cir
cus. Mrs. John Henry Ha ven't yog got
enough for a sideshow T
John Henry Do you mesn a show of
Mrs. John Henry Yes. You set tain ly
could atart that all si una Closeiiiil
Plain Deals.