Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: MONDAY, JULY H, n M 5 1 j I j 1 i a ; s ) i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements tor these rolamas rill be tnhen II IS m. for th) .-renins; ealtlea ial nntll N e. m. far .he mnrnlna Mad edition. Rate I l-ae a wnrd r Insertion, la a nnrd thereafter. Nnthlnsr taken (r rn thaa Oc for Brst Inser tion. TkfM ndvertUements mnst be It -onsernl elr. KrtrlUrri, by rntll aam 'erel rkfrk, ran hut "'" M lreksea to a nntnbered letter la M" .f The He. AMirrn addressed .till be delivered on nreseatatloa of Week. MISCELLANEOUS - ' SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Iv-r day Ik enrollment day. Business, ho'rtuand. Typewriting. Telegraphy anl English. Catalogue free. Address H. M. tJoyles, Pres.. Bojrlea Bid.. On ilia. Neo. ' .. R Matw WHERE THINKS ARB MADK Trunk, suit cases-' and shopping bags. 'Id tfunlts taken In exchHiise; repairing. FKKUSU II STEIN LE. Id N. Kih bt. f,h,J'ufyJ iMAIIA Safe and Iron Work make a spe cialty of fire ce-ape. hutlera, doors and a fee. O. Andreen. Prop.. 102 8. lnJ .kVn71AINt7ng7s. HTcole. lIMDrtMlM. TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 85M. R-212 iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1 F",m- ', HATS, new shapes. V N." ISth 8t. A NtT-MONOPOL.Y Oarbage Co.. 2I N. 16th. Tp. Doug. 17T9. Ree. 'phone, Doug, iiljl. R 314 Bl.fl AP8FR PRICE, la. hlnl.i. TIT South 12th St. Tel. 537. R-25 x- t T.t -i.livc fic each. Ave for II. 217 IALiLj IVLIO a i4lh st. Tel. Doug it :T4. R M47 Julylb rYPKWRITKRS rented, all makea. 2. 60. Fox Typowriter Co.. Rj--,yl4 BUSINESS CHANCES 10-ROOM rooming houae, full of roomer?: good location. Address O 64, care of Bee, Y M758 PRIVATE tale of up-to-date drug ttocV. Nemaha Co. (eoutheaet Nebraska); well etiabliahed; aal-a from 50 to $75 per day; advise with owner; no trading stock; will require about 6,0UO cash. Addrees H 8, . Bee. Y 01 Jy21 GOOD, clean ttock of general merchandise, Invoice about tt.0O0, In a good live town In central Nrbraska, doing a good busl 1 lieia; no trade considered. Ill health . reason (or telling. Addreat II 83, Bee. Y M300 Julll 'DoYou Wish to Make a Change II vou have a farm, home, business or rroncrty that you want to sell or ex 'change, write ua. GLOBK LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. . . Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la, Y M412 Jy-31 FOR SALE A painting and paper hang lng business which Is working from three to six men the year around; have lota .more work 'than can be done; wages are KtHltl low II lK . .WV, ill lull" .will Omaha, Neb. Address J 11, Bee. Y-M676 FOR BALE A nobby restaurant In best town in southern Neb., doing a mie business, but want to move away. Ad- dress J 17, Bee,. Y M706 15x BIACKFMITH ahon for sale; a good up-to date shnn and woodworking Dlant In cood town, (lerinan community. Good set of machinery. Address John Kreutxer, Plymouth, Neo.- I m;u lux FOR 8A I. K Business doing I30.OU0 per year; rhh'K consisis oi anoui si.iRiu in snoes, II.6IW- In groceries. $2.&U0 in dry goods ., mens furnishings and hats and quik selllnit 'notions: rent 125 per month: cash ' la!kn: liberal discount, R. W. Boyd & Co., Marjutte, Neby Y M8S4 9 : FOR SALE MISCELUNEOUS SODA FOVNTAIN, any else 1S1 Farnam. 611 K!RVlN-V ILLIAMS. CO., best mixed pHlm. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y-Z17 11A1.L. 8 safes, new, id-hand. 1813 Farnam. Q 218 FOR SAKE Empty Ink barrels. J. it. C.auipbell, Bee mall room.. Inqulro of VI 42 FOR BAI-E New and second-hand billiard and pool tattles; wa lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: ey payments. Bruns- wick-ualKe-coilender, 407 a. loth Bt. -M21 WE buy everything ir. the furniture line. (. nlcafco Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. CHEAP chicken ferce. long fir timber while busswuod tor burnt work. -l N. loth. Q-221 Mll.t'li CQWS, on euey terms. 43d and Center. 4 lii SEND 18 your mail orders for drugs freight paid un 11U lots. Myers-Dillon Oiu Co., Omaha. y-Z.'S P.KAC11ES U.Ourt farmers; ,on 100 R. D routes for sale. Rural Directory Co. Portland. Ore. ' UbbH jyHx FOR SALE At a bargain, a 1906 Oldsmj bile, just new. Address J 45. Bee. Q-MbU) I2x MEDIUM site Hall safe; good II . K , 144 Karnam. condition. CI RRANT8 and cherries for sale. L,. J mm, tvid and .Military Ave. I'hone Ben aon 404. g-Mi07 14x VPRIOMT plJno, mahogany caae, at bargain. 1M Davenport. Q M797 i:x FOR PAI.E F.leoirk piano. $); electric ! n jos. II. n; Kegina music boxes, .X wit slot aitachnienis. Continental Novell Co. Q MtwVJ tix FOR KALE Counter scales, ice boxes, cash register, oil tanks, cneap. Ati Bo 1,1th 81. Q-M8Wlltix r WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUr. 8EiXND HAND FURNITURE, stoves, csrpeta. clothing and shoes. Pay the best prices. Tel. Iouglas-;i. N MS AugS WANTED TO BUY Five-room all modern cottage, located north, state price and terms. Address, J-i'i. Bee. N-M-M7 :x FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. IMS Farnam. Tel. Doug. 134. -t PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, 4t JORVE. ti. t4. corner Iflh Bt. anil Capitol Ave. 28 ENGRAVING and Co.. iiltf Howard. printing. Kotera 4 Tel. Douglas J07. 2 . PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale - pricts. Sae on every article. Only first . data goods handled. Prompt atten'ion to every order. Send for catalogue. B, i Karol. 23i Harr.eon St.. Cbicagu. Ill - -MtmTx CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. Ill Boulu 16 in St., upstairs, iieaultful prediction absolutely given. 8-2TT LAW & COLLECTIONS J. V Macfarlaaa, tW N. Dvuj(. M4. Y. U Bldg. Tel. S3 WANTED MALE HELP WANTED-Cla-armakere; ( roller n! hunch breskers: will pav the beet of prices to a-o out of town; will tend tli-bets. Adflrcin 11 12, rare of Be. B MKT WANTED Three men of good personal appearanee; outside position; steady em ployment C. F. Adnms Co.. Ml Howard Bt. B 2J DRl'fl stm-es bought tnrt told; 'nil clerks wanted. F. V. Kntest, S24 N. I. 1. B 3 YOINC5 Men for Locomotive Firing. Freight end Passenger Tmln Braking. Address By. Dept.. 2u 8. 12th 8t . Omsha. B-230 JulylO WANT KP-t Men to learn barber trade: 10 position for every graduate. Top wages paid. Few weeks complete. Cour In cludet tools and positions. Can nearly earn expenses before completing. Call or w rite Moler Barber College. Farnam Bt. B M16 Julox 600 TOCNO MEN for ftrenirn and brake- men; experience unnecessary: firemen brakemen wt jer month, with rapid pro motion to engineer or conductor. Hun dred of position open. Call or write lor !rtleulr at once. National Railway Training Aaa'n.. 640 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb. B M.Vtl Aug 1 W A NT ED Cigar makers. M Anson, Ca-B-M Auglx per, wyo. WANTED-Tennis C. B Havens A- Cos Yard. 14th and Webster. B MtnH 12 WANTED Putrher Bnd shop man In small town; references required. Correspond with Aug. Shss, Beemer, Neb. B-M677 x FOl'R carpenters for old railway line re construction work In Minnesota; sieaay work. Ship free fare today. General carpenters and tinners for steady work In factory. Sweney's Etnpt. Co., 2fi So. Uth St. B-M704 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We prepare you for positions. 112 to til weekly. Busy season now. Positions waiting. Can nearly earn expenses be fore finishing. Call or write Molcr Bar ber College, 1116 Farnam St. B-M89 lax CI,E:RK WANTED Experienced grocery clerk In general store In Nebraska; Scan dinavian preferred; must be a salesman, willing to work and strictly temperate; give full particulars In first letter In re gard experience, salary wanted, etc. Ad dress J 20, care Bee. B MRS 9 TINNERS wanted. F. A. Spencer, 158 Broadway, Council Bluffs. B e3 11 WANTED FEMALE HELP MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good Home and goou wages: na tionality not considered; t23 4th St.. Coun cil Bluffs. C-M045 WANTED Experienced shirt makers on power machines. Howell, Allen Ac Kaun, Denver, Colo. C M730 Julyl8 WANTED First girl, who Is a good coo; small family; large salary- Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 UNIQRAPH shorthand, 1824 Farnam St., C-M299 Jul27 Omaha. A GOOD cook and laundress, 421 N. 40th; IS per week; must be good. Mrs. Frank Parmelee. C M574 WANTED At once, 26 girls for machine operators at overall and shirt factory. M. E. Smith A Co., lllh and Douglas. C iUY 10 WANTED 100 girls of good character' for the Omaha I mbrella Mfg. Co. Nice clean eight-hour day work. Call Monday after 8 o'clock at the factory at 24th and Par ker Sts. C M693 9 DRESS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell system. 1623 .mrnam. ' C AW38 A4 WANT experienced overall makers; steady employment, good wages. Address un derbill Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. C-M691 13x WANTED Housemaid. 824 Worthlngton C M702 9 Place. WANTED A competent girl; no laundry work. 824 worthlngton Place. C-M703 WANTED A good girl for General house. work; good wagea. . Apply l i'axton oik. - C 719 x TWENTY-FIVE Strong girls for turning bags. Bemls Omaha iiag to., iitn nml Jones Sts. C 715 9 QIRL wanted for general housework; 3 In family; M a week. 25ia Wirt. c 719 WANTED Good girl- for general houxe- work. Mrs. C B. Horton, 132 North 39th St. C-M843 II WANTED A cook, good wages, small fam ily. 1120 Park Ave. Phone Harney won. C 880 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Hustlers for- Nebraska Cor poration to visit business men, road work. Dctiltlon permanent, bond and in ferences, self sudresaed stamped envtilwp lor reply, good pay, address n 3t uee. J 194 July 2 WANTED 150 agents to sell fancy waist natterns. to make 110 to 116 a day. call and see us at once. United States Em broidery Works, 10!Vi 8. 15th St., 2d floor, room 20-22. We fill mail orders. J-685 tlx FIFTY dollars a month and extras; I will give for a man of good character as my agent. Either salesman, farmer, mer chant or banker may apply. Write Ixck Box 1625, Lincoln. Neb. J M743 14 EXCELLENT opportunity for experienced solicitors. 428 Bee Bldg. J M784 x WANTED SITUATIONS SEMI-TRAINED NURSE seeks position; care of Invalid or confinement case after July 15. Address J 2J Bee. A M887 llr PATENTS H. A. STUROE8. registered attorney; pat ents; trade marks, copyrights; no fee un lets successful. 517 N. Y. Life, Omahrv -324 F. J. LARSON &. CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 22a BHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. i4-tl2 B. 10th St. -226 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. Mi TO Aug5 CONSULTING ENGINEER L. H. GARDNER. 511 First Nat. Dunk. Power plants, manufacturing processen. Ice plants, tests. Inspection, reports. . -MOT Jutyl FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing ic per foot. 204 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. -W2 July WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts. Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire nml Iron Works. 8-7 Bee Bid. Tel. Red . - M-".n Jy9 FOR EXCHANGE IF Y'OU do not And what you want in this column, put an ad in and you will soon get it. Z KI3 130 ACRES improved eastern Kansas land to exchange for merchandise Clement L. Wilson. Tribune, Ksn. X M774 ISx LOST LOST Gold brooch. Reward on return In shape of a knot, to Bee office. Lost-M37(x LOST One diamond and sapphire ring Sat urday night at Omaha Field rlub. Re turn to Dr. Jensen. Brown block. K'h and Douglas. Liberal reward. lAst-MW8 10 TICKET BROKERS 4TVT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. PUllblQ, Una Farnam. 'Phone Doug. T84, $31 if Look Around the House- Some One of FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 18th and Farnam. E-i3 Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E -at Thurston hotel; rooms $1.50 up per week. FrRNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 2306 Douglas St. K-70 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Nicely fur nished, modern room. 131 N. 31st Ave. E 1 70 FOR RENT 2 or 8 beautiful rooms, rur nlshed or unfurnished. v.-iy central. Woodjard Art Co., 518 Broadway. Co. 7?luns. E-M125 SI" ITE of three rooms and library suit able for six gentlemen; also ntnef rooms; references required. Old Thurs ton home, 24th and Farnam. E Mfili FURNISHED room. 22 !4 Chicago 81. E-720 10 FINE large, cool modern rooms at "The Boston near postofflce. 107 S. 17th St. E M ("58 ix ONE very nicely furnished room In strictly firlvate family to one or two respectable adies; on car line; -ery reasonable. 2 So. 3th St., 1st cottage In Standford Cir cle. R MKt3 10x FURNISH ED j00 MS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-23li VIENNA hotei; private dining rooms, cafe. F-23? ROOMS Single or ensulte; ftrst-clnss board; large lawn; gentlemen preferred. Tel. Douglas 4284. 24"6 St. Mary's Ave. F 684 9x FINE outside rooms; meals if desired. 617 S. IRth St. F M8.T4 10x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 8 rooms; bath. 23d. Tlxard, 120 N. G-M131 CENTRAL, I 23d. rooms, bath. Tlxard. 220 N. U MoOS FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Hchmoller He Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D as TTHTTSFS1" H parts of the city. The 110UOU00 F Tjttvig Co., 608 Bee Blug. D 239 TiflTTKlVS'n " Parts cf the city. R. D 240 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. D 241 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack. move and store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 1569. D 342 WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H96. Office, 1713 Web iter St. D-243 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save yoj TOTiii K S'S'tm; : ri?JL v, ....... - ----- D 244 Central, 4 or 6-room flats. Tlxard. 220 D Moll N. 23d. FOR RENT J rooms, cltv water. 1S26 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann. 436 Paxton 11!k. ' . ' D-972 NEW, modern, 9-room house. West Farnam district. -Tel. Harney 927. D M3U4 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. 'I'hone 1052. 1106 Farnam. D M338 Jul2S SEVERAL at $12 to $25. Chris Boyer. 22nd and Cuming St.; 'phone Doug. 204 . D 6T A. H. Hennlngs. Harry . Counsman. HENNINGS-COUNSMAN CO. Storage and Transfer. Best Storage House In the City. Immediate Attention Given. 1529-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Doug. 4619. D MX9 Julj'31 QTYlTJAniT' Maggard Van and Storntsu OlUXkAuL to- Tel. DouBlas-10;::i-14ii D M6H9 AugS 7-ROOM, all modern house. 208, No. 2th. D M092 COTTAGE, $20 per mo. 2501 Franklin St. D-70S 222 N. 25th St., 8-room flat, strictly mod em. Inquire McCague Investment Co., 1500 Dodge St. D-7H 9 FOR RENT 8-room modern house on 2th Bt near Jackson. Good condition. Rent, $37.60. Will be vacant about Int. M. J. Kennard & Co.. 3o-10 Brown Blk. D Mbl4 FOR RENT 2437 8. 16th St.. cottage, six rooms and bath, fine condition, $22.00 a ' month. Possession August I. Apply to T J. Fitrmorrls. room 107, Bee Hliig. D M27 FOR RENT A modem 9-room flat. Samp son & Sons. 608 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug las 260. D-M812 9 FOR RENT Have applicants to rent cot-1 tajres. nats. lurnisneo. ana uniuriimneu rooms. List with us. Sampson Sons, bi Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas SM0. D-Mbll 2220 CHICAGO, I rooms, modern, $.10. 102 South 3th St., 8 rooms, modern, $4i. Rlngwalt Bros., 306 South loth St. D M8ii 9 FjDfl RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., South Onw h i. Apply to manager. 1124 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Ttia'd, 220 N. 23d. 1-MftiS STOIIE ROOM for rent, 4i 8. 15th, Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 151S Dou,j las. SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu (.Purlin: 22x100: 3 floors and basement inoi Farnam. Inquire 314 First Nat. Banl; Bldg. 124 DESK room in large outside office; all answer phone for tensnt when absent. 56 Paxton Blk. 1-MS.a 3 AUTOMOBILES GOIifG- to leave Omaha; will sell my au tomobile (pope-Toledo), together with canopy top, baskets, etc., at a big bar gain. The machine is In first-class con dition. AfarrM J i-, ""'-,.., ... Mbol 12x AUTOMOBILES for rent. Tel. Red .21 Stand Myers-Dillon, 16th and Faxnam. J72 Julyix HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE A good Moyer make canopy top surrey and brass mounted harness at a bargain. Inquire at 4W15 Capitol Ave. Tel. Harney 21. P-M7C 11 HORSE, delivery wagon, harnese and some grocery fixtures. ro. uiu bi. - M8S H tx DRESSMAKING Woodruff Arnold, 113-14 Neville blovjt . M7&3 Jy20 M DO WELL SCHOOL l&J Firmra. DRESSMAKING. - MK22Jy 22 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 21. lJt J24 Find Something You Don't Want The Bee's 30,000 Readers Wanl It. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SPECIAL $2,500 Full lot. anxl;)0, on Chicago St., between 21st and 22d, with small cottage. Cheapest lot In city. The Byron Reed Co., ' 212 S. 14th St. 'Phones Doug. 27 and 29K. RE-643 13 An Ideal Home Corner lot 50x 75. new, modern, 7 rooms and large reception hall, bath, furnace, gas, electric lights, trees, shrubs, lawn, perma nent walks, two blocks from car. Part cash, balance cany. J. H. Dumont & Son 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 12C9. RE-M819 10 CHAS. WilHnmarm Hn V. . fax. Bldg. hi. . . . ist Floor. RE 4l STOP PAYING RENT. 8- room modern house on boulevard. .tiio 6-room house, on N. l!Hh. S. of Ohio.. $1,750 5-room house, Ohio. Bet. 19th and 20th. tl. too 9- room house, on Miami, modern $4.5no 10-room house, Kountze Place, modern. 86.00 8-room house. 2515 Emmet 82,100 All on easy terms. To buy or sell vou should see CHRISTIE, Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone D-133. RE-M738 9 9- ROOM8. 6 blocks from postofflce, 83U0 cash, balance 135.00 month. 83,500. 10 rooms, two lots, shade, fruit, barn, paved street, permanent walk, easy payments. V1.500. 10- room house close to car line, $1,600. National Investment Co. RE M 746 9 TKACKAGE A flne piece of trackage property, 147x884, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones rtra, 813,000 will take It for Immediate sale, THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. HE 489 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has over 10.000 conies of titles, which en ahles It to figure lower than any other ubMtract comnanv in Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglas-829 or call office, 1714 Farnam. KE-MM4I FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; i . r.rlresr ten vein1 time. LIM L(DL U. P. R. R. Oinaba. Neb.. Dept. "A." H 0 MONEY T0J LOAN CHATTELS OUR'LOANS our ciuiJ.oyi: arc wuit lut'or.nuu id courteous and we aie always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent what the coat will be, and if you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow, there is lio harm done. We loan on lurniluie, pianos, live Block and other chattels and to salaried peopl upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates as low as you wi.l find and our facilities lor quick and con hdential set vicei, are unauruabsed. We are the oldest concern in our line in the city, nnd we always try to please oui patrons. OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Doug. 2200. x MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. 13th. X 264 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chiitlclx or salary. Easy to Bet no red tape. You get money same aay asked for at email cost. Open evenings till 7. X 266 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payinentB suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 2o9 S. loin St. X 266 MONEY I JAN ED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol- man. room 714 New York Life Bidg. X 26S FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8. Baikcr Blk. X-260 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X--281 CHATTEL Credit Co. and salary loans. , 633 Paxton Elk. Phoenix X262 EAGLE I-oan Office, reliable, acommodat lng; all business confidential. 1301 Dimy. X-257 VACATION MONEY! EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is the place to come and get It. Don't let money stand in the way of en joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. WAGONS, etc. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. e have a good proposition to offer those who winh money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. It ELI A BLK CKEDIT CO., Jn7-3ii8 Paxton Block. X-M811 14 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 16414 Farnam, 6 and iVi per cent loans on real estate; no delay W-263 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. W-2o4 WANTED City Farnam Bmitn loans 1 Co., and 12-M warrants. W. Farnam ol. W-2HJ BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W-248 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-247 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. W-JbS tl.,OO0 TO I.OAN on business and real dence property in Omaha; lowest ratei; no delay. Thomas Brennan, K. 1, N. Y. Life. W-2tS WANTED City loans. R, C. Peters Co. W-270 City V farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N Y L. W-271 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Ttiomaa, 6ui First National Bank Bide. w-r 1 DEATH NOTICES LA M.TE- Emma Alnilra. beloved w ife of Rev. Dr. -Joseph J. l-jimpe, departed this life Julv R. 1W6. Funeral services at the home of the fam ily. 4X24 Davenport sireet, Tuesday, l:to p. m. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of piles cured Internal, external, oiithi. bleeding or Itching piles. A guarantee given in every case treated by Dr. Max well, who has had twenty-five years' ex perience In treating piles. Hundreds or testimonials given on iippllcall in. 524 nee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Dotiglns 1424. U M4t J31 ADHE8IVE, Invisible, harmless, Fstin SKin powder Is made In four alluring iinia.- A Dollar for You Any time before July 4th. 1906. this slip will be accepted at II 00 down, paymeni im. -$10 purchase of shoes, hats or clothing, the balance to bo paid as you earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge St., Omaha O. A. LARMON, Mgr. ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of tne oaivaiio Armv t. ,r wnmcn at 824 iN . -Ull St., Omaha, Neb. L'-Ml'JO TRT KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas L-275 3620. DR. ROY, nam. Chiropody, R, I t I 1506 Fsr-U-27t YOU CAN RENT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for fa.oO monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME. ' THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER -0.. 118 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 2? 19. U M3i J12 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21et St. Tel. Doug. ALL KINDS. Buttons, Ruchlns, Kmbroiderlng. PLEATING Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink' lug, only 6c per yard. Send for price list and (sample. OOLMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 3936. L 279 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM, Tel. Doug. 254. 211 S. Uth St. U-2S0 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Uardell, 2.'lt Charles. Tel. Doug. Ull U-281 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off Jthlng; in fact, anything you do not Tfv-ed. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon win call. U oil FREE medical and surgical treatment nt Crelghton Medical College, 14tli nn1 Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervlsed by college professors. Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night U-129 THE City Garbage Co. Otflee. 14th and Leavenworth Ets. Tel. Douglas 1287. U-28J TRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Ithifts, la. Tel. 774. US22 SURVEYING, Blickensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. C 2tU OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk U-284 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut Jirlres. bend for free catalogue. Myers Jlllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 2S5 MAGNETIC! Osteology, female weak-IVLAVIIXAjAAV-i ness treated. Mrs. Rit- luniouse, 410 N. 16th St., room 2. 2d floor, U M5S3 JylO u . it it. NT sewing machines at $1 p-r werk; we sell second-band machines $5 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 15th and iiamey. tel. oougias 1663. L 26 DR8. VOGEL. private hospital for women and for ladies before and during confine ment. i-Jis o. 13 tn et.. omaha. Neb. U M466 Jyl5 Ornv TTair restored to its youthful color Ula' AA"and 6loB. We uae no dves or lotions, .it &:a. U M586 18 MAGNETIC! Massage, 412 N. 16th St, U M149 Jy25 MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage. Lutie Bryant. 818 Bee Bldg. U-M148 Jy26 cnmopoDisT ssa Halrdressing. manicuring, massaging. We ubo exclusively latest appliances. t U-M371 July2 LADIES. If despondent or In trouble are given eympatny, counsel and aid. Room i, bo. join Bt., omaha. Neb. U-M6S9 A6X MANAVVA accident. Did first ladv, wear ing black lace gown, taken from the water, see gentleman In water who had shortly before returned her handkerchief ? ii so, win sne aaaresa j m, Bee. I MR) 9x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray'a Nerve rood fins i box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 2S7 DR. PRIES, Wlthnell Blk., 16th and Har ney, room 2. Treats successfully diseases and irregularities o' "von-.en, recent or long standing. Doug. Sib8 649 When You Write to Advertisers remember it takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to say you saw the ad in i ne hm. SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS -All kinds: licensed. A. f Hoel, 2103 Webster. Tel. Doug. 404. - 316 10 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, Doug. 1664. 413 N. L. TeL -291 Case ef Rallaar Pasatoa, She was the prettiest patient that they had had at the Polyclinic In a long lime. And she knew It, too. Her kimono was an exquisite creation of Its kind. Aesthetielsm seemed to rise up In revolt against a cruel operation upon such a daring daughter of Eve. But so fate had decreed. "Get me a yard of ribbon blue ribbon an Inch wide the next time you go to the department store," she said to the day nurse. The day nurse forgot It. "Please get me a yard of Alice-blue rib bon an Inch wide." she pleaded with th niglit nurse, and the night nurse forgot It- Then her tempersture rose till the ribbon arrived. Wf en, on the dreaded day, she was lifted to the operating table It was discovered that she wore white silk stockings with dainty blue bow-knots tied to the garters. The secret of the Alice-blue ribbon was re trealed. "The ruling passion strong In death," grunted the surgeon but the swre thing, she dldn t die after all-she was saved to fashion and to finery'. The stock Ings came off and the ribbon went Int the carnage trough before the operation, however. Philadelphia Record, DEATH LURES OF WORKMEN HnmnLif Tai Paid by Iroru to the Grim Rasper. PERILOUS TASKS SET BEFORE TOILERS kyaerapers and Twaaels Eisrt Hace Toll Brldae Werk Fatal. Hies Ratitn f Paaania Caaal revere. There goes another lantern!" How very careless the Workmen are. That Is the third light lost tonight." I'wo women, whose apartments were bout a half mile from the, Eiffel tower, were Bitting at their window, where they seated themselves every night during the enrly summtr of 1888 when work was be ing rushed on M. Eiffel's daring rroject. The great steel tower was to be completed n good season for the exposition, which was to be opined the following spring. Nothing, like It had ever been seen a iant of steel trusses, lattices and arches lslng to a height of 3i0 meters. There eie some who said the scheme was Im possible of realisation. But the engineer was determined. The tower would not nly be finished, but the elevators would be running to the top when the gates of the exposition were thrown open. To do this In the short time allowed only three ears elapsed between the acceptance of the design and the completion of the work It was necessary to put on night forces of workmen. Night after night the two women took their station at their window and watched he lanterns moving about the high struc ture, "twinkling , or pulsating like fire- les. Across the Sflne cattle the feeble ummlng of the riveters' hammers. And he women were entertained. The monot ony of the fairy scene was broken occa sionally by the fall of a lantern; the women were charmed. The falling lantern added drop of excitement to their modest pleasure. Some nights no lantern was ob served to fall, and on those evenings the uiet spectators retired to rest feeling dls- ppointed. ucb Inaoeeat Treat. Other evenings their patience was re warded by seeing one, two, even three lanterns seek the earth' by gravity. They onnted them, compared notes and smiled with satisfaction. It was 'such an Inno- ent treat. The lanterns did not cost above 2', francs, and the sight of their pasmodlc dropping was highly spectac ular. One evening while they were engaged watching the "flight of meteors from the Eiffel tower," as they called It, a physl- ian, a friend of the pair, called. They had Just counted the third lantern ob served to drop that night. They were un witting to keep secret the source of their nightly enjoyment and Informed their vis itor how they spent their time at their window. "Three, you say!" he replied In a voice of pity. "Is it possible!" 'You alarm us!" cried one of the women. T am sure there were three." Pausing a moment as If desiring to pre pare the ground for his revelation, the visitor then spoke. "Did you know," he asked calmly, "that there Is a man tied to each lantern? Every workman wears belt around his waist. To this Is at tached a lamp so that the latter may not accidentally fall upon those working below, My dear ladles. It Is not the loss of a common lantern now and then that has made your evenings amusing. Tonight, for Instance, you have seen three souls enter eternity." The women shuddered, and every evening thereafter they 'carefully drew the curtains of their window, so that the "flight of meteors" might pass unobserved. The Martyrs of Peace No wonder. they shuddered; the tax prog ress pays to death Is enough to make any thinking person uneasy. The cost In human lives of the wonders of modern civilisation has never been complied. The totals would be too appallng, and the world counts the cost in dollars, for money is the medium of exchange. There Is something benumbing' to the senses In the thought that every skyscraper la a monument to some unfortu nate workman who has. given his life that it might be built. There are martyrs of peace. , No grateful . country remember them; In fact, no extraordinary efforts are made to have their deaths recorded. Those who are killed In battle are heroes. Those who give their lives In building a bridge, tunnel, a railroad or a twenty-story build lng are the victims of progress, which. like a greedy giant, never falls to levy toll, It Is a singular fact that no attempt has been made to give the statistics of accl dents, fatal and otherwise, which have oc rurred during the construction of some great engineering work. Dimensions of buildings or other structures are given with much completeness. The time occupied In the construction and the coat In dollars are available so far as the majority of the engineering marvels of modern times are concerned. The cost In human life is sel dom referred to. Occasionally the fearful laughter Is hinted at In an epigram, which tears away the veil for an Instant Many efforts are made to prevent the awful loss of life which accompanies every huge engineering work. The generous ex pendlture of money and the employment of scientific devices and of such helps as the latest ideal In sanitation and hygiene sug gest have had their effect. But the engin eers grow more daring, sometimes too much reliance Is placed upon the assist ance new appliances and methods may give, The engineers of the Slmplon tunnel, just opened by the king of Italy, have been cheered by the fact thaf "only eleven deaths occurred In the works." The Slmp lon la more than eleven miles long, and required seven years to drill. The railroad tunnels in New York, little more than a mile in length, have lost more than that number of men In an afternoon. acrlAers la the Taaael. The statement ot the engineers of the Slmplon tunnel that only eleven men were killed In the works, while It undoubtedly Is truthful, fails to take Into consideration the numbers of workmen who contracted miners' phthisis during the first year the work was progressing. The contractors used every device to preserve life th seemed to promise success, yet msny of the workmen fell 111. The Blandt drill was substituted, and as this suppressed dust the dreadful disease peculiar to men who delve In the bowels of the earth was ie- duced to an Inconsiderable quantity How many workmen returned to their homo in Italy, Swltserland and France, only to waste away with the dread consumption contracted in the tunnels, will never be known. It msy be remembered that In boring this tunnel the longest In the world the workmen encountered a subterranean liver, the temperature of which Is U3 degrees Fahrenheit. Efforts were Immediately made to render this Injurious torrent in nocuous, hut even with the temperature reduced twenty-five degrees by means of high-pressure wster sprays and the hot water diluted by means of cold wster from hydraulic mains, the men hsd to work In an Intensely hot and humid atmosphere Coming from this enervating temperature to the cool air outside the tunnel, th change was at least weskening. By th ose of bath houses and graded temperature rooms nuh of the Ul effects was obviated, et It was killing work, ai d the tunnel Is dmltted to have mst a life for every mile Of lt length. victims of "the llrnili." At present seven tnntf l. -f.Mllv fnnr- een are being driven under tlis Hudson nd North rlr. In New Yntk. stul the loss of life so far has hern appalling A hort time ac the i rew working In on- Of the beadlliK was Killed by the air pressure, which hurled It Into the rivet Such fstallties one hears of. but without publicity every day several men are it. moved from the hiKh-prosnrc air locks ufferlng from "the Im-ihK' They used to call it caisson fever. l,ut hy any name It remains one of the most dreadful forma of debilitating dlse,. that a workman may endure. All of those who are attacked by the dread disease do not d:e front Its rffrris. Many think they recover fully. They re turn to work In the rhumher and become ccustomed to slight attHiks. I'.tit if tltry remain long at the work the disease claims them. They either die a very painful death or are crippled for the rest of their lives, going about with twisted limbs. One who has experienced the shock likens it lo a jumping toothache or "the worst rheumatism you ever felt.'' The gravest feature of the ilisensc Is that physician have not yet been able to provide a cure. It usually attacks a limn as be lenves the lock, where the pressuie is maintained at from thirty to thlrly-ilve pounds per square Inch. The normal atmosphere pres sure Is only fifteen pound per square Inch, so that ill effects t.pon the human system from two atmosphere are only to be ex pected when the men emerge from the com pressed chamber Into the normal atmo sphere. The sudden release of pressure sometimes causes the men to fall uncoji- sclou from the "bends." Bat Meat Mast Work. In the Pennsylvania railroad tunnels In New Y'ork some of the worst accidents have occurred. In the looks used tut these trnnela the compressed air escapes through the soft mud of the river as the heading is pushed forward. Every now and then an airhole Is found and a "blow out" follows. This Instantly reduces the pressure of the air In the chamber, Rnd a fresh supply of air has to be. introduced great speed to catch up with the es cape. During this short time the pressu.e may reach forty pounds or more, and the effects of the violent fluctuation tell ter ribly upon the workmen. But the task must go on. As some men are borne off to a hospital others are ready to tako their places. Every expedient that science has suggested Is being adopted by the contractors, but victims continue to perish as a sacrifice to progress. Disasters at Panama. Since the Americans have taken charge t the Isthmus It Is reported that "yellow Jack" and malaria are kept at a minimum, nd that the former has almost disap peared. The difference of method Is best shown In the figures of the sjovernment's work. In August last year there were 12,000 men employed digging the canal, and there were only eight deaths, or two-thirds of a man per 1.0H). The death rate In the large cities la greater than that. The deadly Culebra cut cost the French company many men when It was begun. The top soil wsx particularly dangerous to life. Fortunately, the cut has reached low strata and this source of Infection Is now removed. However, the work ss a whole at the Isthmus has cost more lives than some wars, and the few continue to perish tMat civilization may continue to advance, that the many may enjoy the boon. Philadelphia Ledger. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION gTATIOff TBMTH AND MARC Y, laloa Paala. . ... Leave. Ov rland Limited a 9:40 am The China- and Japan Fast Mall a 4:11 pm Colo. Calif. Bx a 4:16 pm California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:25 pm I.oe Angeles Limited. ...U: am Fast Mall a 1:66 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am North Platte Local a s 10 am Beatrice Local b SU6 pm ikleatfo lrtawetera. Local Cedar Rapius a f.u am Chicago Daylight a s:OS am Chicago Limited a ;3a pm Carroll Local a 4:32 pm St. Paul Fast Mail ....a B.25 pm Sioux C. 4b SU P. Local, b 1:00 pm Fast Mall Chicago Express a 6:6t pm Chicago Limited ail: 00 pin Norfolk ti Bonesteel ....a 7:4uain Lincoln & Long Pine ..a 7:4u am Casper rv'yonULg ..lpra Deadwcod A Lincoln ...a 3. On pm Hastings tc Albion b 3:06 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm Chicago Local all:3UMin ArrWe. a 8:1$ pm a 1:10 pm a (:80 am a 1:10 pm al0:45 pm a 8:80 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pm b 1:00 prd a pm 11:80 pm :16 am 8:60 am 7:06 am a :tu am 1:80 pin a 1:30 am U :16 am 10:45 am 10:86 am a 6:05 pm iK pm 1:06 pm bU:40 piu 8:45 pm Chleaato Great Weetera. St. Paul at. Minneapolis. K.SO pm St. Paul Jc iiinneapoUs. 7:4b am Chicago Limited 6:40 pm Chicago Express 7:45 am Chicago Express 3:3u pm Chleaso, Mllwaskss A at. Pawl, T:10 am 11:60 pm 8:00 am 11:80 pm 8:0 pu CM. t Colo. Special. ...a 1M am a 7:80 an California Oie. Ex...a :4B p a 1:10 pm Overland Limited a :-. jm a (:20 am Marlon ft Cedar R Loc.b 4:45 am bu:00 pm Chleaao, Hook. Island A f-aclaa. E1HT. Leave. Chicago Limited ...a 12.. am Iowa Local a 7 ;u am Chicago Mall a 8:1a am Iowa Local bl2:ln pm Chicago (Eastern Exp.). a 4:06 pm Chicago uowa Lamiiui.a i:4 pin west; Rockv Mounta'o - Llm..a 7:20 am Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a 2:01 pin Okl. aV Tt-xaa cxp a 4:40 pm Colorado Fast Mail ...al0:10bm Arrive, a 7:10 am a 4:30 pm al0:10 pm b 8:65 pin a 15 pm al2:lo put at 115 am a 8 .55 pm 12:u6 pm l.i SOS a dally, b dally except Sunday. Illinois Ceairaa, Chicago Express a 1:00 am Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm W a bask. St. Louis Express a JO pm St. Louia Local (from Council Bluffs; CU am Btanoerry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 5.00 pm Missouri raelsa. Et Louis Express a (:00 am K. C. as SU L. Express. aU. 15 pm a 8 56 pm a 7 .80 am a 8:48 ant ' al0:84 pm bU :80 am a 8:80 pm a It.Oi pm ISLINGTON STATION lflTH A MAI09 DarllaarlBB. Leave. Denver ft California.... a 4.10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special. ......a 4:10 pin Northwest Express all :10 pm Nebraska Express a t:0 am Nebraska Local '.a s:00 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 1 00 pin Ft. Crook av Plattsm'h..b 2:60 pin Bellevue et plattem h..a 7:60 pin Denver Li n I tea Bellevue eV Pac. June. ..a 8.S0 am Bellevue Pac. Juno. ..a H:lu am Chicago Special a f :2k m Chicago Express a ?:( p Chicago Flyer a ' pm Iowa Local ..M...t 1:15 an St. Louis Express a 4.4. pn Kansas CHy-Sl Joe....al0:45 pm Kansas CK.'-bt. Joe. ...a k:15 am Kausas CJ(y-8t. Joe a 4:4s pin Arrive, a 8:30 pm a 4:30 pm a .( am a 4.80 pm a 7.40 pm a 8:06 am al2:20 vm biu:26 am a .30 atn a T:10 am a 1:80 am a 1.50 pm a 7:2 am 8:M pm T 14 am 10 61 pm all:80 am a 4 a am a 6:10 pm WEHITBR DEPOT-1ATU A WEBSTER rhlaaa-a. t. rani, Minneapolis xwMha, Arrlvn. Twin City Passenger... b 4. u am b 6 10 pm all 20 am b 8:10 am Sioux City rassenger...a i:w pin F.n.eraon Local b 6:20 lira Emerson Local 8:46 am e k:ei pm iimuurl Paclne. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water b 8:60 pm bU M pa a Dally, b Dally except Nunday. d Dally xcept s.iturday. a Buodsy only, e Dalle ticeut W n1y OCKAN BTEAMERS a NO HOW UN C. MAIL STgAMfltirt. KgW V'lKK. LUMiutiUMlt ANli 'll.A.1,0. MCW (Oak. PAXJIBMU aD NAPLC6. suefer arroiaiamiaiiM, Muieu uihm. Tee saajoit et eue' tafsfuiif teiur. gias.t er retw4-tiip ikuu hum . M I x u Sceica. gi.gilcb. iru sa4 ftii priaaipal eututes') Gits at ureoti nus. 4 Cor hues el twa ticaste er ssssrtl iDioiavtuee eyslr le uf tl asset ta ascSer Lis, er availaaav4 ax.. Ou t Aseata, Cklaiaw IsW ft If i r n