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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1906)
TOE OMAHA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, JULY 9, ino. PA'S BOYS BUXCn HITS ' Eonrki IribtfilnIIp But Ecsra at fiooi Oity and Tttten Btttinc Avtrurw. PACkTRS MAKE ALL THEIR RUNS IN NINTH !. Rons and Get Horn af ! at Other Gnsnea. SlOfX CITT. la., July 9. -Omaha won today's me by Undine on Jarrott for fl run In tha limn Inning. Tha Ptrktri ware nnsbl to hit Bander effectively until tfce ninth Inning, when four lngle. two arrora and a home run by Weed over the center Held fence netted flv talllea. A local firm offered a bog of lft-cent cigar for awry hotna run hit made In todays ame. Pairing, feaaeey and Oondlng car ried away threa txrse and Weed of tha locals goth tha fourth. Oondlng homer scored two man ahead of him and cinched tha game for "Pa" Rourke men. Scor: OMAHA. AU. K t'srter. rf-cf Howard, Jb Perring, 4b- , Welch, cf-rf Haeeey, If .. lolnn, lb ttomling. c . i-ong. ai "... Hsnr.ere, p Tolalii M. TO. A. 13 1 4 tt I Campbell, If -., nan, rf-3b, cf v eeu. in Meyer, lb .... jsewlon, s ... t nil, rf Frost, 2b nena, c waillitl, p aiwjw. i 'Cuioeti Totals 41 U SIOUX CITY. AU. It. ... s ... I ... IS IT U 1 o u o D H. Po. l t A. 0 1 H 4 2 1 1 1 E. 0 t 11 15 0-11 a a utr uui: c M , 'hattfu lor Sawyer in ninth lmana 1 1 1 0 u oiux Ci( . w u o u u uturieu tun: nioux iny, 4; Omaha. I u-iwm; nits: uityei. .iuwuii. Long, i mini,. Kii.i. Oi esiiuit. n. tayer ncie I (...a. .nu. .c.i. i, ivrfof) JOIIOll.e,. Lii,f pmvn. .plu.. to e 'U lo tetsXiV, S hi it- lo .Newton. .M'WtOII to -jee.-. L.i'i.K iu In.aaiU to Doiun. Left Ou iii. ti.A.A tn. i. Omai.u. b Stolen )r; i'ji iti. . bnry. Mcriiife ill's: ..muing wj, Cnsi ueo on bars: wvii, j, of. ftanoei. 1. fell nc wuiri.Lt, i. by r..auei, ii. linie; i. iiioui .. Vflx. Attendance, ii.ltAi. Ilreak In Paeblo. ' ri 'KUIjO. 1.0I0.. July S.-I.1 a double under In which heavy hilling by ootn i.hiiih it leau.te. pueblo and Weaver i'hc even looey, raurot was given poor -iiuuon. whne iUjiiis was elieotivi! si .iical plates in tn Ill-el game. The lii'izsiies u.ok kl.idly to Kauri. i s offerings liny in tne gume. Slid coupled with tne wild tnroHi to hise iy tue Indians gnve ilie viviiors a lead wnlch could not be overcome. Adams struck out nine of the liard-hitilng Indian and grew stronger hh (he gsme progressed. Pan of the sec ml tiame iim p.uyed In the rain, a short Intermission bring tsken. The lienvere loos a Iced 01 ilx tuns in the first three innings and it looked as tnougli they their perlormanoe. ocore. lVnrer ; 7 Ploua city IHncoln M Pueblo Oames trxliv Omh el fUnut f'ltv. Des Motnaa at IJncoln. Denver at Tueblo. 42 r : 24 41 43AME9 M AMKItKA AfKCIATIOI Makes It Three Oat rest. (WMBrg. Julv .-Oroth kept Indian- spolla from scoring todsy and Columbus msae It tnree out or four on tne ri-. Bine hlttlns was the frsture. Atheilon, for the rietiors, snd Manager Cllnier of Columbus were sent off tne nld. Score: COLIMBI - INDIANA POLIi. B.H.O A g. B H O A g. Pl'livrlng. tt. I t rhinlMTT. rf. t Aibnnn, In. lis TMlmn. If. I 1 Hlme. lt... 4 1 II I r.rr. If Jb... 4 11 Willltma. w. 4 Wr1lr. fk . i Hlnthmtn, rf t l oiilipr. If... I Ktkm. lb.... I rni. b I Hnirvltt, m. 4 Blue, e 4 Grots. I Totals. ..II 1 Porrr. rf ... 4 Mrr. lb. 4 Kihoe. e.... Hli-liy. 9 17 10 :HBoril ... Totslb Batted for Hlckey In ninth. Columbus 0 6 116 Indianapolis 9 0 0 fcrfiien base: Atherton. Ototh. Mist base on balls .14 t 14 II 1 0-1 0-0 Bacrlflce hit: Ort Uroth, I 0 0 0 0 0 0 oft Hlckey. l. Two-bane nil: Blue. iKiuble piays: r'riel to Blue, Klhm to Uiue, Hlckey to mines. Hit by pitclied ball: Hlnchman, Couiter. Struck out: By Uroth, 5; by Hlckey, 3. nalk: Hlckey. Time: 1:50. empire: i.ongicy. Brewers Defeat Salats. MILWAt KKK, July . Milwaukee won three straight from t. Paul by pounding biagie s curves to all corners of the lot. The feature was the batting of Robinson. Bcore : MILWAL'KCg. IT. PAl'U B.H.O. A g. B.H.O. A g goblnton, M. 4 Orn. rt I Mn hnney. If 4 btlkman, lb. I Hemphill, et 4 Hotb. c 4 Clark, lb 4 M- urm'K, lb 4 iirtii, n I 4 1 I 14 Oeler. rf 4 8u(dn. lb. .. 4 1 lir, lb. 4 Krikk, If 4 Kuc k fld. h. I I'kildan, lb... 1 I Kelny, ct.... 4 1 Drill, e 4 1 !, 4 I 1 I a i Teult 14 II 17 II I Totals 11 III I 4 Milwaukee 111X0006 10 bt. t'aui 0 u 0 V 1 1 1 V 0 X Twc-ouse hit: Green. Three-basa hils: Itomneuri t.'), rateumn, Qeier. btoien base: ire-n. rnet base on balm: nit Curtis, v; ou Biagie, '. n't py pitched ball: 13 y oiae, i, ny curtm, i. anuck out: lly cuiin, b; uy UiKuie, 4. 1-elt on bases: Milwaukee, t; bi. fuui, V. Time: l:oU. Liupire .ane Dlstllle'ra Wis Both Came. LOUoull K Juiy . Uiulsvillu on uotn games oi a uoubie-heuder lure louay. in ue nrst game bom Btecner and Bumon Vine baweu out of tne bos, r-l-lioii and piati taking their places. In lite second game ltnnehan was wild and Hie Home team sx:orei ennugli runs in Hie ill si iiiiiiug lo win. Liunkle held the vistt- o.H kaic at ail times. A keiieaiional one naim running eaten ny Haiiman was the leu ui re. bcore, ntst game: U1U1SVIUJS. TOLEDO. U.B.O A E. B.H O A K would repeat in st game: Mcltale, Cb... .aiusky, lb... HniidHll.- rf... Husll, cf.... Retldick. II).. Ileloen, It .1. Hmllh, is.. XV.laart, c... Adems,. p..... Totals Cook. If Mctillvray, lb Morrison, of... Minor, cf Melcholr, rf..., Klwert. 3b Messltt. v H.niranl. c Kiska, s Madr. 2b KavirOt, p. UKNVBR AB. R 4 4 I 4 4 4 3 ........ t 4 H. PO. Totals 3i 12 PCEBI.O. AU, R ft 1 , 1 40 I 0 1 X 3 1 2 1 0 11 E. 1 0 0 u 1 0 11 0 0 llallman, If. Moan, cf. . . a tirthear, in. 4 Suitivan, In. I Hvrwtn. rf . . . s Moooruff, ib 4 fcnaw, r 4 NUiniao, ea. . 4, k s a,uwil, . . . . I I t I 1 1 I I U t u 1 1 it 1 1 u i 0 Nance, cf . . . . I J. t lark., If. I 0 uamonl, aa. .. 4 1 June, rf I 1 hrutger. lb. I u ivnalM. fb. ... I v i larka, lb 4 Abbott, c I tf suuhoff, p. .. I v Piatt, p 4 I 1 1 11 a 'o PITTSBURG DEFEATS CHICAGO First. Win Clou Game la Last Inoinc os a Wild Tbrow. NEITHER SIDE SCORES UNTIL NINTH Both Willi nag l.aaggrea D Flae Wark la the Baa Haas Wagaer Steals Haas. CHICAGO, July I -After eight Innings of superb pitching and great fielding the local gave. Pittsburg the game In the ninth on a wild throw. A pass, a oarnflee, a single and the error scored one run and advanced the runners to second and third. A long fly scored the second run and Wag ner made It three by a clean steal horn from third. Two singles, with two steals, gave the locals their one run. Bcore: ' PITT bur a B H O A B. Beaumont, cf. I Oanlrf, rt..,. I Loach. If 4 Wainer. aa... 4 Ntalon, lb... 4 Sheahaa, lb.. 4 R It. hay, Ib... I (llbaon, e. . . . I a una. p t I I 14 Slasla, Shatura. II. I nulla, rf... 4 Chapoa, lb... 4 0 Stalntaldt, Ib 4 4 Tinker, as.... 4 SErara, Ib....4 0 Klini, e 4 1 LuoOf ran, p. I CHICAOO. B.H.O.A.g cf.... 1144 dates they wotiM Ilk to fill end are anxious to hr froni the Ptrollr snd K")al Achates. Telephone Hatney 3211. DIETS AMI tICTORS P,IT V. ICS Kea Ip la Tea fast tiaaie al Diets Park. People who Journey down to Vinton Street park seldom see two better s.smc than were pulled off st ttt park Sunday ftemoon In a dotible-hrsdcr with the Victors. Splendid pitching snd sensations! fielding were the festures of the day. The Victors won the first game snd lMeti the ; second. In the first gem, from the tsp of the gong until th Inet hslf of the ninth, with two men on bsss. Bowes pulled down a line drive snd retired the side, the spectators were treated to some of the fstet bsll seen In many a day. The second game was the IHett'e from the stsrt. and. although the Victors tried hard to tie the score. Mathews pitch ing, backed by fast Holding, kept down the runs. The Cherokee Indlsns are billed for two games July 39. one In the sfternoon snd the other by electric light In the evening. Score, first game: VICTORS. W. Kill, ss 3 Bowes, cf Krebs, rf Hlnton. 2b .. Wall, lb Brodbeck, p Orleb, c Hawkins, 3b Moucka, If... Totals ... H. PO. A. E. 2 2 3 0 1 I 4 U 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 2 0 0 0 110 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 -. a o 1 II 0 2 0 1 0 4 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 1113 1 7 12 ' 5 11 6 Tuiala Jk It 17 11 1 Totala 34 J7 il 4 Louisvniv 2 4 u 0 1 0 2 0 0 10 luieuu u V 4 1 0 0 0 U 0 i i no-base hit: W. Clarke. Three-base lii is : tiHumun, Stovall, Miashear, Nance, June, nioien httses: Wonoruu ui, Keiwiu, tirasnear. rSut rim e hits: Bmsnear (.', BiuvHii, Huliivan. Hallman. Mist base on Iwiis: Oft Slecner, S; oir r.nlott, Z; off Biiinoff, 1; ort 1'iait. 1. struck out: by IStecncr, 1; ny buinoff, 2. Hit by pitched bHii: By Elliott, 1. Wild pitch: bullion. Louble plays: sjulnlan to ttrashcar to Hulilvsn, buiiivan to Wutnlan, Juue to VS. Clarae. Ueit on bases: louisvine, St. To ledo, 5. Hits: ufl rttei-her in four innings, u; orf Eliloit In hve Innings, 2; ort bullion In rive Innings, 8; off 1 Ian in tour Innings, . Time: l:oo. Cmpire: Owen. Bcore, second game: LOl'ISVILLg. TOLEDO. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.g. Hallman, If.. 4 Slovall. cf 4 Braahaar, 2b Suillvan, lb. Karwln. rl.. WoodruR, Ib Sria. guinlan, aa.. bunkla,. p... I 4 11 4 0 4 Nanre. cf I 0 J. ( lark. I:. 4 a Hemont. aa. .. 4 ) Juaa. rf 4 0 Krueier. b.. 4 0 Kiiaba, Jb 4 4 VV. I'larkr, lb 4 1 Lend, v 4 1 Mtnnlhan, p. I I 111 0 1 1 0 0 0-12 1 0- 7 McOtl Welgert out, hit by batted ball. ivenver 0 4 4 0 1 2 1 IHrblo 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 Stolen bases: Rsndall. Welgert. viay. Two-bsse hits: Mrssut, Randall, Russell, flchrant, Bader. Passed boll: Hchrant. Btruik out: By Adams. : by Kaurot. !. Hit by pitched ball: Reddlck. I .ufl on bases: Denver. 1; Pueblo. T. Time: 1 ..". l"niplre: McCarthy. Attendance: l.ot.iO. bcore, second game: L'KNVKR AU. 2 MeHale. 2h.. alueky, lb.. Randall, rf.. rtussnll, cf.. Iteddtck, 3b.. Welden. If.... J. Smith, ss. Welgart. I'alge. p., Murgan, C. Totals Cjck. If MeOilvrny, lb.. Minor, cf-p Melcholr, rf.... lOlwert, 3b .Messltt,' c. ...... Klske, ss Bader. 2b Morrison, p.... Kaurot, cf ...40 'EBL AB. R. H. PO. A. K. 1 2 2 3 1 113 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 12 0 1 0 I 0 0 113(2 1 3 S 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "5 14 24 11 2 O. R. H. PO. A. E. Total! I I 17 II 0 Touts II I 17 II 1 Pittsburg 00000000 33 Chicago OOOOOtOOl 1 Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Pittsburg, 3. Two-bsse Uts: Stelnfeldt, Bheehsn, Wag ner. Sacrifice hits: rtlsgle, Uanley. Stolen bases; Kllng. Wagner, Tinker, Evers. liuuble pley; tttelnfeidt to Evers to Chance. Btruik out: By 1-undgren, 4; by Willis, 1. Klrst base on balls: Off Lundgren, 3: oft Willi. 2. Time: 1:66. Umpire: John stone and O'Day. t'laelnaatl glials Oat St. I.oals. ST. IA3UIS, Mo., July 3. Cincinnati won from the locals here todsy, 1 to 0, In a pitchers' battle between Beebc and Weimer. Bcore : CINCINNATI. ST. LOITB. B.H.O.A.g. B.H.O.A.E. Htisdna. Ib. 4 114 v Bureh. rf ... 4 1 Kallar. It I III lb.. 4 t 1 Seymnur, cf. I I I IShanaoo. It.. 4 111 Ualahanty, Ib 4 1 1 I SSmoot, cf....4 1 1 4 I Lobart, aa.... 4 III I Noonan. lb . 4 Ilia Hrhlet, lb.... I S 11 I t HoMMItt, lb. I 0 I I 0 Odarall. rf....l 1 I 0 tlradv. c I V 7 1 4 Llv'fXon. cl 7 1 DMiHrlda, aa.. I 111 Weimer, p... Becha. p I 0 114 MrCsrthjr, a. 1 1 I I Totala 4 17 11 I Totala II I 17 It 1 Cincinnati 00000000 11 Bt. Ixiuia 00000000 00 Three-base hit: Odwell. Sacrifice hit: McBrlde. Double plays: Lobert to Hug grne to Schlei. Hostetter to Bennett. Btolen bases: Hugglns, Seymour (2), McBride, Shannon. Hit by pitched ball: By Beebe, 1. First base on balls: On Beebe, off Weimer, 1. Struck out: By Beebe, b; by Weimer, . Left on bases: 8t. Louis, 6; Cincinnati, 4. Time: 1:45. empires; Car penter and Klem. Standlag of the Teasaa. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago T4 61 23 . 6S New Vork 70 46 25 .443 Pittsburg 71 45 Jfi .34 Philadelphia 7& : 3n .620 Cincinnati 74 3l 44 .406 Bt. Louis 7 29 47 .3i Brooklyn t8 2ti 43 .377 Boston 73 20 47 .H66 Games today: Boston st Chicago, Brook lyn at Pittsburg, New York at Cincinnati, Philadelphia at Bt. Louis. Hall :b ... Massman, Camp, lb . Anderson, Hunter, rf Tracy, ss .. afferty, cf at nam, id Young, p . Total 36 Victor 0 0 Diets 0 0 Attendance: 637. Time Kelly. Bcore, second game: PIETZ. Hu.iter, rf . Eldson, 2b .. runan, no... Ooddard, cf Strong, c ... Spellman, If Tracy, ss..,. Mllllken, in Mathews, p Totals ... W. Kill, ss .. Bowes, rf .... Krebs, rf Hlnton, p .... Wall, lb Franck, 2b .. Grleb, c Hawkins, 3b Moucha, If... Ramblers Wla Tea, The Ramblers won a double header Sun day at the Joe Duffy park. The first was won from the Laurels snd the score was 9 to 4. Powers pitched for the Ramblers and did well, allowing but six mattered hits, while his teammates made thirteen. In the second game the Transfers of Coun cil Bluffs put up plucky work, but were defeated S to 1. Ronan and Williams did the battery work for the Ramblers and let their opponents down to four hits. Batter ies, first game, Ramblers, Powers and Re gan; laurels, Buck and Christ. Score sec ond game: RAMBLERS. base ou balia: ott T-Vf . r i, I " nhan. 9. Struck out: k;kp.atrck, rf... Totala. .....U 117 17 1 Totala 34 1127 11 8 Louisville 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2-9 Toledo . ....2 0 1 U 0 0 1 9 I Two-base hits: yutnlan, Kerwin, JuJd. Three-base hits: Biovaii, iUilmau, Name, J. Clarke. Stolen bases: Sunlvan. Wood ruff, Brashear, Kerwin, Krueger. Bacrtttce hit: stovail. r Irst Dunkie, 1: off Minna By Mlnnahan, 1. Double plays: Stovall to Uulnlan to Brashear, Uuinlan to Brashear to Sullivan, Brashear to yulnlan to Sulli van, Woodruff to Branhear to Bulllvun. Left on bases: Louisville, 4; Toledo, 4. Time: 2:t. Cmpire: Owen. Millers Shot Oat Park era. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 3,-Cgdwal-lader held Kansas City down to four hits today, while Swann was batted at opjair tune times. Score; MlN.NEArOUl KANSAS PITT, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. IJsmond, :tb 5 12 2 10 Corrlaan. ss 4 0 O 0 9 0 Williams, c 5 1 2 4 3 0 O'Neill, 2b 5 1 2 4 2 0 Collins, If 4 1110 1 Hwlft. cf 4 1 1 1 0 1 Cavanaugh, rf 4 1 1 3 0 0 Marsh, lb ...... 4 -1 1 11 I' 0 Ronan, p 4 12 110 Totals 39 3 12 27 1 4 1 TRANSFERS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Davta. cf D.Sulllvan, If I Fraaman, lb. I Oramlnger. Sb 4 Hart, rl 4 Oyler, aa 4 Uraham, b.. 1 Yeager. c. . . . 4 Cadwal'dar, p 4 B.H.O.A.E. 4 114 IPerrlna. aa.. 114 SCaaaadr. If... 1 IS 1 0 Waldrua, rf. 14 Hill, cf 4 10 OSIattarr. lb. 14 14 i'hyla. b 14 4 1 Burka. lb... I I I (I lahy, t 11 gtil. p.... B.H.O.A.E. 1 0 11 Total Pueblo Denver Twa-ha hits: tt 1 20 27 2 ....1 1 3 4 0 3 9 0 -lb ....2 I41OVOO0-9 Russell, Melcholr, Bader, PmtlU. Three-base hits: Randall U), Wel gart (2). Melcholr, Bader. Messltt. Home runs: alusky. r'aurnt. Bases on balls: Off Paige, I; off Morrison, I. Struck out: By Paige, 1; by Morrison. 1: by Minor, 7. Wild pitch: Morrison. Hit by pitched ball: Minor, M-ssItt, MeHale. Double play: Mo Halo, Smith and Zalusky. Left on bases: Denver, Il Pueblo, lo. Time; 1:50. Umpire: McCarthy. Attendance; l.tuO. Llaeala Deleala Leaders. DEB MOINE8, July 8. rtllman's sensa tional stop and double play with Thomas cut off a Dea Moinea balling rally Iu the ninth and won the game wilh Lincoln hera today. Tha so6r waa 9 to 1 It was either team s game up to the eighth, when a pair of costly errors, a base on balls and a single gave Lincoln two score and a lead of three. In the ninth th Champion Started a batting rally. Caffyn opened with a single and 8 hipke followed with a (Ingle. Then Welday drove a low one and Flllman made 4 sensational catch and doubled Sclupk at first. Jack Doyle, who appeared In tne -gam yeaterday tor the first time snd hadthre hila out of three time up to hi credit, flied to Barton and the gam wa over. McKay pitched brilliant ball, wbll Cloott waa wild. Bcore: 4 LINCOLN. . AB. It- H. O. A. E. Flllman. ss ............ 9 4 2 I 4 Ketcnum. cf IS VrfullUn. ib 4 0 114 i SomaS. lb 9 . I 11 I Colllns.-Tf 3 9 11 Fsnlon.' If 4 1110 Barton.' 2b v.... 4 9 4 3 Z.lnran, c 4 1 1 1 0 McKay p 119 0 4 Total Caffyn.' If Bchipke, lb ..... Welday. cf Doyle, lb Dester. c ........ Hogretver, rf ... Andrea. M&gonn, lb Clcoite. p 34 9 DES MOINES. AB. R . .1...... o f 27 . 19 11. PO. A. 2 f 0 0 ! I 12 1 0-9 9 9-4 Total 13 9 11 27 Lincoln 1 9 9 1 9 4 4 lie Mollis 4 1112 0 9 Stolen baaaa: Ilogralver, Andrea. Me- goon, Flllman, Kelchum. Three-base hit: Collins. Double plays: Cloott to Andrea; Quilling lo Thomas, Flllman to Thomae. Ba-a mi bJU: off Cioolta, 2; off Mckar, 4 Hit' by pitched ball: By Cloott. V Struck outt By (.lootte, t; by McKay, 1. "lime: I.oa. I'niptra; Davis. Attendance: , ftaala af tbe Teaaii. Plaad. Won. lst Ia MiUa 96 4 Is Omaha ,i.. v. ..,.,. 94 94 P' Totals 14 11 17 II 1 Totala II 4 27 14 I Minneapolis 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 05 Kansas City 00000000 00 Two-base hit: Sulllvsn, Gremlnger. First base on balls: Off Swann, 1; off Cadwai lader, 2. htruck out: By Bwann, 5. by Cadwallader. 'J. I -eft on bases: Minne apolis, H; Kanvas City, 4. Double piny: pnyle to Peirlnc to Hiatterv. WIM pitch: Swann. Stolen base: Perrln". AValdron. Hacnnce hits: Ureminger. Hart, Uraham. Time: 1:40. 1 mplre: Kgan. Standlag af Ihe Teasaa. Played. Won. Iist. II 78 77 n Alberts, lb Cravlnger, p Patterson, Collins. If Peterson, c Shiffcrly, ,1b O'Neill, rf 4 0 11 1 1 0 4 2 1 6 24 10 33 32 33 40 40 48 40 Pot. .BUS .579 .671 .646 .4K4 ,41 .377 .306 Milwaukee, Columbus 31 48 Milwaukee 7tt 44 Toledo 77 44 l.oiiievllle 77 42 Minneapolis ' 79 30 Kansas City 77 27 St. Paul 77 29 Indianapolis 76 27 - Games today: Bt. Paul at Minneapolis at Kansas City. Roarke Tribe at Uraad Ulan. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July i.-(Spe-clal.l Much interest Is manifested in the gem on Wednesday next between 1'a Kouikes Omaha leaguers and the local Independent team. 'ihe latter has won sixteen cut of the last twenty games and Is regarded as the strongest independent team In the state. Several of Its men have been offered positions Iu the Iowa ritate league, but the latter Is regarded by soma of the amateur teams aa a school of de tention rather than as a stepping stone to better things, aside from wnlcli -salaries here ar sure for th present yesr and there is ronsidersble harmony and good fellivwsMp In the bunch. Kearney also has a very strong Independent organisation and it has defeated Sioux City. 2 to 1 in the only contest so far between any Western league ajid any Independent club, imme diately alter which Grand laland defeated Kearney, 2 to 1. Iamver will play a gam here on it next trip to the east. Sterlings Wla from Soldiers. The BterUngs defeated the Fort Crook team for the second lime this season yestrr. day by ihe score of 9 to 1. Both teams played good ball, but Webb, for the Ster lings, had the s ildlers at his mercy at all times, striking out fourteen of them, and getting nice support from his entire team. Hochvfurd did good work behind the bat. Scort R. H. E. Sterling 1 2 9 1 2 4 0 9 9-9 10 X Fort Crook... 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 01 7 j Batteries: Fort Crook, I'mberuack and Waller; Sterlings, Webb and Kocheford. Krags Defeat Stars. Tha Krugs defeated the Btorg team Bun day. Th features of tbe gam were th pitching of English, striking out sixteen men. and th bom run of Stilling. Score: Krug 1 0 1 9 0 1 1 9 1-10 Btorg 4 9 9 1 1 9 9 9-1 Batteries: Krugs, English and Bweaney; Blurs. Trout and Good. rifteea-laalag 11 Gaaa. CEDAR CREEK. Neb., July . (Speolal Telegram. A warmly -conieated gam of ball between Cedar Creek and the famous Skylights waa played her today, ending in a tie at th end of the fifteenth. Inning. Bcore, T to 1. Game called ua account of making train. Bcore: Cedar Crk ....2 4499191190999 1-7 Skylight 9 9419109194999 1-7 American Laaga tiaaaes Today. nhlraso at Boslon. Bt. Louis at New :it York. Detroit at W asulngton, Cleveland at j phlldi. hl.V Totals 29 Struck out: By Ronan, 4: by Cravlnger, 1. Bases on balls: Off Ronan. 1; off Crav lnger. 1. Two base hits: Collins, Williams, Ronan, Cavanaugh. Marsh. Three bae hits: Cravlnger. Double plays; O'Neill to Marsh, Peterson to Carpenter. Cmpire: Kennlson. Time: 1:30. HOIXY9 AMI ORIGINAL", WISXERS Former Beat Coopers and Latter Nonpareils at Vision. Vinton street park was the scene of a double header Sunday afternoon, the Hollys winning from the Omaha Coopers and the le-Glass-Andreesen winning from the NonDareils. The opener was a hummer and required ten Innings to settle, while In the second game tne old uriginais naa a wsik awav. The first gsme stood J to I In favor of th Coopers up to the ninth, hut after two of the Hollys ware out Kelly walked snd Meehan put the bsll to the fence for three sacks, in tne nrst or tne tentn an ascen slon of the Hollys gave the Coopers a lead of two, but In their half the Holly piled un three on a hit. a bunt, an out and two errnr. The feature of the game was the work of both pitchers, score: R H E Hollys 1 00000001 1-6 41 Cooper 1 01000000 24 o Batteries: Bunnell and Spellman; Mason and Carey. The Ie-Glass-Andreesen team defeated the Nonpareils In a one-sided game. The feature of the game was the great pitching of Adams for the tesm, he striking nut sixteen men and al lowing one hit. Bcore: le-Glass-And n ...0 0090041 10 Nonpareils 0 00 0 0000 11 Batteries Adams and Kaar; Lynch and Brown. Gold Taps Win In tbe Twelfth The Coronas were defeated In an Inter esting game of ball at Jetter park Surfflay afternoon. Th game started out to be slow and ragged, but after the fourth In ning It was the fastest and best one wit nessed there this sea eon. The special feature of the game wa th pitching of Hanty Coiner, he navlng struck out thlr teen, passed no one and allowed but two bits In the eight Innings he threw. Score R. H. E Gold Tops 4X01100000 19 14 Coronas... 10 0 4 0 0 0 1 4 9 0 08 8 I Home run: Crandall. Three-base hit Rando. Two-base hits: Murphy, Kennedy, Van Cleve, H. Hlnkle. Struck oul: By P, Hlnkle, x; by comer, a: Dy Murpny. i; t; Hoaatts. 6. Bsse on balls: Off Hlnkle. 2 off Murnhy. . Hit by ball: By Murray. 2 by Bogatts, 1. Baterlea: Gold Tops, Hlnkle Collier and Flniey; Coronas, Murphy, lio aatts and Mockay. Next Sunday th Gold Top will meet Harry Sage Sterlings- Lincoln Groeer Win Close Ganae. BERTRAND. Neb.. July I. (Special Tele gram. Before an Immense erowd the Lin coin Grocers took the third gsme from Ber trand by a score of 1 to 0. The feature of the sain waa th pitching of Bchmitl. al lowing but one hit. Be.'trand failed to get a man farmer man second oaae. score R H E Lincoln 9 0091900 0-1 9 Bert rand 0 0 4 9 9 9 9 9 0-4 1 Batteries: Lincoln. Bchmltt and Cookus Bertrand, A. Bellamy and Masters. Two base hit: Bchaefer. Tim: 1.15. Ganae In town Stat Leagae t league MARSrtALLTOWN, la.. July I -(Special lit in lowa Bta Oakalooaa, 1 Telegram.) Results In Burllnaton. 6: Oakalt Marshalltown. 4; Fort Dodg. 0. Ottumwa, 9; Keokuk. L Waterloo, 9; Boone, 1 Dlaasoada Defeat Stock Yarda, In a game full of hitting and running the Dlamoud defeated the Block lards team bv th score of 17 to 1. Th Diamond Melded aa well a they batted and pulled off a fast double pier. Wlnsaow's work la th box wss also very good, allowing but two hit. The Diamond bava nveral opn If I 1 ......30 D1ETZ. AB. 4 6 4 4 - 4 2 1 4 0 112 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 2 0 1 13 2 0 0 10 14 1 1 1 0 0 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 T 1 27 11 4 R, II. TO. A. E. 0 0 2 2 0 0 16 3 0 0 2 10 1 1 0 II 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 12 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 "o 7 27 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1:18. Umpire: AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 2 0 2 0 0 0 1113 2 1 4 112 2 0 3 9 1 8 0 0 , 4 0 0 8 0 0 ,., 3 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 3 1 0 6 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 0 27 "t 5 27 11 2 VICTORS. AB. R. H. O. A. E. 4 0 0 2 1 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 10 11 4 118 0 1 , 8 0 0 2 2 0 4 0 1 4 1 0 4 2 8 1 1 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 35 3 7 24 7 2 0 "0 3 0 1 0 0 0 04 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-3 637, Time: 1:27. Vmplre: Fremont Kearney .... struck out: Batterle: Diet Victors Attendance; Kelly. Fremont Win from Kenrney. rrn rvin'T Neb.. Julv S. (SDeclal Tele gram.) Fremont did up Kearney lif good Bhape this afternoon. The Kearneys took kindly to Hunter's curves In the tlrst half, but after that they could not bunch hits. Score; rl. fr. C. .0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 1-9 13 3 .3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 14 14 Bv Hunter. ; by Harwood, Fremont. Hunter. Bradley and Shea; Kearney, Harwood and Zalusky. Home runs: Richt and sura. Fast Ten-Inning Game. Th Continentals won an excitlns ten- inning game from the , Americans Sunday by the score of 6 to 6. McAndrews not onlv pitched a great game, but tied the score In the ninth Inning by a two-bsse hit. With the score 5 to o in tne lenui Inning Murphy walked, stole cconu ana third and scored on New-bank's hit. Score: it.n r,. Continentals 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1-H W 5 Americans 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-5 9 4 Batteries: McAndrews and isewbunks, Dlnney and Horace. lnteratate l.eagae Disbands. FORT WATNE. Ind.. July 8. The- Inter state Base Ball league, wmposed of Fort Wayne. Marlon, Anders- ana ivoaoino, Ind; Lima and Marlon, O., went out of existence tonight. The inability to secure a successor to Flint. Mich., on the cir cuit and the failure of the Bay City. Mich., club caused the suapension or tne league. President Dkkerson announced tonight that the leHgue finances are in gooa snap and that all debts will b paid. Grand Island Detent t. P. Shops. nnivn tar.AVn Neh . Julv 8. (SdccUI Telegrsm.) Grand Island played all ai.iund the Omaha Union Pacific shops team today. Score: . . Omaha 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 o- I j s Grand Island. .3 0 1 0 4 0 4 2 -! 14 2 D. ....,. Omaha Rerchard. Scully Slid Clair; Grand Island, Coykendall and Town-send. Games In Three-1 Leagae. At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, 7; De. catur, 4. , . , At Peoria ripringnein, ; r-eoria, a. At Rock Island Davenport, 2; Rock Isl and, 0. At Cedar napias eaar napiui, i, fu- buque, 1. Holmes Bros. Win. The Holmes Bros.' team defested the Red Elks in a close game of ball by the score of 13 to l;i Sunday. - Batteries: Holmes Bros.. Prelsman, II. Rosecrani and Mannl gan; Red Elks, Grube, Green and Hutch. MF.KTISG OF GYMXASTIC INIOX F.mll Hoeeheetei1 of Chicago la Elected . President. NrtriRK. N. J.. July R The biennial of the North American Gymnasium union. better known as the Turners, was canei to order here today with about ISO dele aratea nraaent. Herman Lieber of Indian- a nulla nresldent of the executive commit tee 01 tne union, Brier auumnnni inn nii- nnnl renort addressed the delegates. Rob ert Nix of Indianapolis reported on the work of the executive committee during ire past vear. telling of the success of the seminary conducted by the union st Mil waukee for the education of teachers of physical culture. Officers were elected SS follows: Prextdent. Emil Hoerhester of Chlcsgi vice president, Heinrlch Metiner of New York; first secretary. August Buchholtg of Pittsburg; second secretary, William F Kramer of Dayton. O. Track Meet nt Travers Island. NEW YORK, July 8. The national Ami teur Athletic union championship com mltte. of which James E. Sullivan of New York is chairman, announced today that It hoe been decided to hold the Junior and senior track and field championships of the Amateur Athletic union of the United States at Trovers Island, tha out door home of the New York Athletic club ihe seniors' to be held on September 9 and the Juniors' on Thursday or Friday pre ceding. Ho Blamed tha Frog, James Wilson, the secretary of agricul ture, waa discussing a rather antiquated kind of farming. "It is about aa profitable and logical," he said, "as the westher reading of a Connec ticut farm hand I used to know. This farm hand claimed that h could read the weather Infallibly. On a walk with me one afternoon a frog croaked and he said: , " 'Wo will hav clear weather for twenty four hours. When a frog rroaka in the afternoon you may be sure of twenty-four hours of sunshine.' We walked on, and In twenty minutes or so a heavy shower came up. and w were both drenched to th skin. " 'You ar a fin weather prophet,' aald I, aa w hurried homeward through th downpour. 'Yorf ought to be ashamed of yourelf.' " 'Oh, well,' said tha farm hand, 'the frog 11 d. It's to blame, not me. Am I respon sible for th moral of that particular frog?" Philadelphia Record. H n SOMETHING ABOUT The Greatest Pen and Ink Artist in the World M H M 5 99 5 n m CHARLES DANA GIBSON, the man who has made himself rich in a few years with his pen, has won his placo by strict ierseverance. His growth was gradual up to a CERTAIN POINT, and then lie suddenly became famous. "Life" discovered his GREATNESS and for years he .worked only for that publication, until his fame becamo teuch that many of the reproductions of his work sold for framing for aa high as three dollars each. About four years ago, Collier's Weekly made a contract for ALL OF HIS NEW .WORK, and Gibson's fame became an assured fact. It is the best selection from the DOUBLE PAGE CARTOONS DRAWN BY GIBSON, at this time, at the pinnacle of his greatness which are being issued now each week by The Sunday Bee. THESE PICTURES REPRE SENT THE GREATEST WORKS OF THE GREATEST ARTIST in black and white. His last pen and ink work has been done, for he has given up an income of $60,000 a year to take up studies in color, and he is now abroad engaged in that work. The public will watch his new departure with the greatest of interest to see if he will even EQUAL the old work in his new field. In his former field, he stood ALONE, superior to all others. Formerly these pictures were only for the few who could afford to pay high prices . for them. NOW7 THERE IS A NEW DEVELOPMENT in the Gibson picture situation. The pictures, that graced the palace and the mansion can now be secured for the cottnge and the modest home. i M 4 m M i J9. "-7V . " I fcw-, ....... Stl li Kilt , !If 5BI. V9M . nU'V'K --- S2av. ! . - t121 'T-tW .g'yaaas- SJ , ,a iLiaT A 4 ae t. 4$SLSi r Fig ;. - ' S M I liawjatissnilalijai!, MMmn r 'nf mm, W: 3s c .i ...- . V IV a ef maer-es'iTsaiiawe, a CASTLX IN THE AIR. n. i.j,. roi t lyg's; wffkl Cetynght 198, F. F. CeUisr ft Sea. .3 H 99 H H H TILE SUNDAY BEE is now issuing a series of them, like the above. ' The first picture issued caused people to SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE. Last Sunday's Waa the talk of the town. Bear in mind that the picture reproduced above is printed upon a separate sheet of fine art paper, with a tinted background, of a size suitable for an easel portfolio, or for framing if you desire. , Nothing extra is charged for the picture. You get the GREAT OMAHA SUNDAY BEE AND WITH IT TILE ART SUPPLEMENT, together with a descriptive article in the same issue, the picture completing the scheme. There is absolutely no extra charge. The newsdealers could not supply all the orders for the last issue because orders were not received in advance. Better tell your newsdealer about it if you want a fine (Jibson picture next Sunday. The next picture, shown here in. miniature, is one of his most famous pieces of work A CASTLE IN THE AIJ, A story in pen drawing, that will appeal to every heart. No need of a description to give its meaning. It is a living lesson of "What is" and "What might have been." 2 5 i - n M 5 s B0H4lBBlBflIvlBB4n quett air er female with th' aenllmenta'. ense of Irresponsibility too highly de veloped In her. An' she air borned ter mischief es th' sparks fly upward. An' ef one of 'em ever make er pas at yo', yo' hain't likely ter ferglt It." Ameri can Magazine. Advice to Travelers. Never leave home on a Journey without a bottle of Chamberlain' Collo, Cholera snd Diarrhoea Remedy. Change of drinking water and diet often cause bowel troiblcs. for which this remedy Is eapeclally Intended. It cannot be obtained on board the cars or ateamshlp. DIAMONDS Frenter, 15th ami Dodge St. What Ooajnotto I. "In th' fust placa. ah were, by nater an' vocation, er croquette." "A croijuett! What do you mean?," asked th stranger, who had only an epi curean definition of the term. "To" needn't pertend, young man, thet yo' don't knew what h air. fcr cro- SCHOOI.S ANU t Ol I.KtiKS YOUR BOY'S FUTURE 4aii4a lararlr ea tha training fca racaWaa bat waa a tbe a ef 11 an M. Nowhere f-aa be racatTa bat tar t rawing for tha fraat poaalbilltlaa of nan boo than at Ike K K A H K K 1 MILlrAHV ACADKMV. Deraluvaaaul el BilnS as bod,, aalf-raairalnl an Initiative at Iu Biajlaum aovi-aner- ( emulate college preparatory manual train ing sitlllarv tactlt-a. inetrwA-lloa aa4 4lauipU.e tborougti. though not aevare Atbletu-a, pure air and eaiallent aanlurr aotidliloaa. Write for Cata logue A. Kearney MlllMfT Acadaaar, Kearney, Nek. WILSON COLLECE FOR WOMEN In tb beautiful Cumberland Valley. Course leading to degree of A.. B. and Uua. B Classics, Music, Art. A most excellent fac ulty. Campus 94 acres; 14 building; rate modcrat. M. H. REASER. Ph. D. Praa't, II CoUf AV4, CHAUBERSBUKO. PA. The Right Road to MINNESOTA LAKES CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY $12.50 For th round trip to St. Paul or Minneapolis A osy sf "Guldt to CitUt oW trt. H. H. CHURCHILL. General Agent. SOU fat nam Strut. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. LWentworth Military Academy lslnstaa. Ms. Oltea and laiaeet MuliAr aviHwnaiBfl BMiaaeta, 1 laaa lir tut. On of I In u. fc. nana lor nllul at War Itmvt. sua la Mbsuaxl. Oni it