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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1906)
ft NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JULY P, 1905. COUNCIL BLUFFS Offleo, ! FMri Si. TeL 4S. MISftft MCXTION. COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT Clark's sodas. TMTln sella drugs. Stockert1 sella carpets. Fine engraving at I.ffert'S. Ed Rogers" Tony Faust beer. New location. It Pearl St., Maloney. numbing and heating. Blxby Son. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. Ma, Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 7. Mm Henry Cutler la visiting friends In Uncoln. All our men's tan shoes, $J, M and $. for l.'.W. Bargents. Diamonds as an investment. TaJk t LfTert about It. Tlrture framing a specialty. , C. E. Alem Snder, Croadway. fle Dutv-an Iean'S Dutch Auction, 12 show window. 2Z 80. Main. 12th seml-annuul Hearing sales now In progress at The John Betio Co. Men a M ) tan shot a I'.'.iVt at 8 A, PI'Tca aV Co.'s, Broadway and Main street. Position la waiting, for you after taking a coursa In the Western Iowa college. Oeorge Hoagland kas the Kansas Shall Brlrk. All hard brick. Get hia prices. H. G. VcQe and family have gone to Spirit' Lake .tor a two weeks' outing. 43 pairs mn a tan shoes, M and ti shoes first com first serred, lilt. Sargent's. Sea Stephen Bros, for fir brick and firs clay, sewer pips, fittings and garden hose. Wanted Board and room with a private family. , Addtesa 5S, Be office. Council Bluffs. Robert (twain of the high echool fac ulfy left, yesterday for a vacation trip to Colorado. Mrs. J. V. Kelly. 702 Perrln avenu. left yesterday) tor a two, months' visit In L'tah Hnd Colorado. . I:': 50 buys a pair of new 13.60 Regent tun shoes at S. A. "teres A Co.'a, Broadway and Main- street. .. Domestic, New Home, Whits and Stand ard sewing machines for sals at William son's, 17. 80. .Main St. Mrs. Walter t. Smith left yesterday for Muntte, Ind., called there by the illness of Mrs. Smith's sister. We manufacture our own cement blocks. They are good for all time to come, and cost less than good brlok. C. Hafer. Alexander Woods left Saturday for an extended trip along the Pacific coast and before returning home will visit Canada. Kor sale cheap A large refrigerator, suit able for a grocery or restaurant use. A snap. D. W. Killer, 10S South Main street. - Harry Senift alias Harry Young has been arrested on complaint of Warren Hough of Crescent City on a charge of beating a Doara. 0111. The nirmhera of Harmony chapter, Order 01 inn r-asiern ptar, are arranging tor a basket picnic at Lake Manawa on Thurs day afternoon. Man's Tan Shos Sale $3.60 and 14 men's tun shoes, all new up-to-dats styles, sals price l-'.&'j. 8. A. Plercs sc Co., Broadway ami Mali streets. Wo wholesale ics cream. Shipped to any part of the stats. Special prices to ins retail trade. I. Muccl, ZIZ "West Broad w.y, vjouncil uiuiu, J a. TsL lit. We have ths finest line of sample monu- nieuta to select from in the west, fcheely a. i.ane Mamie ana urantte wuras, xw tast Broadway, Council Bluffs. la. Ths best planoa on earth are to be found at A. Hospe Co., S3 South Main atreet. Council Bluffs. They do not charge more than you pay elsewhere for unknown and inniuereni makes. f The open air religious services at Fair mount park yesterday afternoon were well attended. Rev. G. W. Snyder, pastor of Bu jonn a r.ngnsn i.umeran church, waa In charge and preacjied the sermon. Imagine a big store turned Into a bar gain booth every department giving a discount of 2U per cent on seasonable and desirable gooda. That's what awaits you at Beno's semi-annual clearing sale. The John Benu Company. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Thomas and daugh ters left Saturday for California, where they expect to spend several months. Thy will return by way of the Canadian Pa cific route and will spend several weeks with friends in Canada. W illiam Brown, the motor conductor charged with assaulting J. J. Hughes Sat urday night, was taken into custody yes- terday morning on a warrant issued from tho court of Justice Uardlner. He gave ' bond for his appearance this morning. Mayor Macrae, In his cupacity as com manding officer of the hospital corps of the luftu national guard, is anxious to enlist six more good men between the ages of is and 25. The corps will attend the en campment at Furt Wlcy. Kas., September 1 lo 11. The following drinks, ice and Ice cream w 111 he served at our soda fountain all this week: Camercia Kiss, Canteloupe Hiuidac,. Collego Ices, Ked Kaspberry Sundae. Froxen Phosphates, Kldorado Sun die, Florida Julep, Banana Royal, Banquet Bouuet, Clark Drug company. 40V pairs of men's tan shoes, 13.60 and H values, ail 1MB styles, most of them tha well known Regent M.60 shoes, noted as ths b. ft fitting and wearing Stf.aO shoes on ths Market. B. A. Pierce at Co., Broadway and t:iln streets. Cheap fruit Jars ars high priced this sea son. Why not buy good ones at a very ' nttlu more? We have the "Ulobe" glass top. patent self-ssallng fruit Jars, pints, tl per ooxen; quarts, S1.10. Also extra heavy rubbers, tin top Jelly glasses and root beor battles. W. A. Msurer. ' Meti s 34 tan shoes at 32. 50 at S. A. Fierce 6) (.n.'s. Broadway ami Main streets. RoIhii. jr., Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. JtouiTt Henderson, died yesterday morning at .Mercy hospital. The funeral, which ' v. ill be private, will be held this morning at 11 o'clock from the residence, 24 Harrison street, and Interment will be In Walnut 'Hill cemetery. Rev. Marcus P. McClure .' of the First iresbyterian church will con duct the services. John Haskins of Jerome, Arlx , and Miss . Vail. Davia of thla city were married Sat Uruuy evening at the home of the brido'a . parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis. Ave- ' Hue D and Thirtieth street. Rev. W. B. Clemmer. pastor of the First Christian . church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Jlaakins will maks their home In Jerome, where the groom Is employed as an engineer on 'ths ' Mania, Ke. J. W. Collier, suspected of being Impll csted In the rotibery at the saloon of Beih May on the night of June DO, waa arrested In Omaha yesterday afternoon by Detec tive Well and brought back to Council Bluffs, ilolller. who has been In Omaha, . It is said, since the day following the bur- flsry, profe8Hed considerable surprise at eing au reeled and entire Ignorance of the cause. He will have a preliminary hear ing in police court this morning. Ths po lice claim they .have a sure case against him. Here ws ars at lbs snd of ths season . and for tha next thirty days I will maks fins clothes regardless of cost. 1 have a very fine line of Scotch suitings, both light and heavy weights, from 120 to 4a, that will go at f 26. Your choice of all in the store, black thlbets, undress worsted, black and blue serges, gray worsteds, will go In July regardless of cost. 33b over coat at t6. If you want to save 310 on a suit or overcoat drop in and see Hick. Perfect satisfaction Is guaranteed wl h every thing, B. Hicks. H. M. Deeds and U C Hulliert became in volved In a tight yesterday afternoon in the rear of the saloon at 13 South Main street and were arrested. Hulbert was found to be carrying a revolver, so an additional charge of carrying concealed weapons wss placed against him. At the outset of the tight Hulhert, according to iDfnrmatloa given by Detective Weir, who arrested the (in man. was wielding a long sharp pointfd meal knife, but dropped It before the uri - . f the officer. De tective Weir four. ' tin knife and took It to police head'idj. e . las Cream Frosaera. Whits Mountain. ' Arctic and Wonder freexers (none better) Just before ths Fourth of July. Ost our prices. Swains 4k Maursr, ISt-SU Broadway. Proposed Licbtinc Contract Will Com Up for Consideration. DEMAND FOR EXTENSION OF MAINS Csaenatttee an Cemnnns- Officials Will Attempt t Reach galal A BTl"Pln?JP 1 OOaflalS the Day. , It Is expected that some agreement will be rearhed between the fire and light com mittee and the Cltixena' (las and Electric compatny relative to extensions of the company's mains before the meeting -of the city council tonight, when ths proposed lighting contract will come up for action. The counellmen concede that some of the extensions demanded are unreasonable and will not be pressed, a a It Is not. It was said yesterday, the deelre of the city council to place any unreasonable burden on the company. It Is understood that the com pany has agreed to extend Its rosins to Thirtieth street In the Sixth ward, but de cllnea to extend thm any further at this time. A member of the fire and light com mittee stated yesterday that lie would not vote lo force the company to extend Its mains beyond Thirtieth street nor In any other locality where the patronage would not warrant the expenditure. It Is be lieved that the company will accede to the demand for extension to Babbitt Flare on Exist Broadway, as urged by Councilman Wallace. , . t Hers's sn opportunity for careful ' buy ers: 20 per cent discount from our al ready low prices and on Just the kind of fresh, clean, new and crisp merchandise you want. The John Beno Co. proprietor, - with ths aaslstanes of his Walters, Is said to have thrown OU1 out of Uis place. When sn officer reached ths scene Gill was lying on ths sidewalk In front of tha restaurant and was bleeding freely from several cuts on his face and head. But ths prices tell ths story; they speak for themselves, regularly. They point a moral; they adorn this tals with forceful ness and conviction 30 per cent discount for seasonable, desirable merchandise dur ing ths 12th semi-annual clearing aals. Ths John Beno Co. I.S00 acres good farm land In eastern Colo rado, 36 per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired. Can nlas all kinds of small grain and corn. A few good homeeteade Join our land. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 114 Main street, Council Bluffs, la. For rent, f-room cottage, modern In all respects, with plumbing and hot water heatlnr. 74 Msdlson avenue. 360 per month. Inquire Stephan Bros. Men's 34 tan shoes at $2.60 at S. A. Pierce A Co.'s, Broadway and Main streets. CEI.EBHATIOS OF GERMAN DAY Commercial Club Will Lend Its Assistance Boom In a; Affair, The Commercial club will lend Its as- slstance In boosting the German day cele bration, to he held In this city probably In October. A conference between the mem bers of the Commercial club and the com mittee of German-American cltixens will be held tomorrow evening, at which time it Is expected definite arrangements for the celebration will be made. Secretary Reed of the Commercial club has advised the members of the entertain ment and publicity committees of the club that their presence Is desired at the meet ing tomorrow evening, when It Is likely they will be asked to take charge of the project to some extent. The members of the entertainment committee are: W., H. Town, H. Z. Haas, R. C. Peregoy. J. F. Wilcox, W. A. Maurer and W. E. McCon nell. Ths publicity committee la composed of Victor E. Bender, J. W. Smith, O. J. McManus, John Toller, Peter Jensen and Dr. P. J. Montgomery. Teutonla lodge. Sons of Herman, the German-American organization of this city, will have direct charge of the plans and arrangements for the celebration. These are the members of the general committee appointed at the meeting last Friday night: Theo. N. Petersen, Henry Sperling, A. Becker, editor of the Freie Presse; A. Kra mer arid August Boysen. The celebration, when held In" Council Bluffs two years ago, attracted a large gathering of German-Americans from all parts of Potta wattamie county and adjacent territory to the city. A feature of the celebration, as was the case two years ago, will be a historical parade. LIBRARY TRl'JTEES MEET TO SIGHT Board Will Reorganise aad Elect a Libraries. Ths board of trustees of the free public library will hold its annual meeting this evening, at , which time Victor E. Bender will take his place on the board, succeed ing Mrs. Everett, whose term has expired. C. R. Tyler and John M. Galvtn, whose terms also expire, will succeed them selves, having been reappointed by Mayor Macrae. The board will reorganize and elect a librarian and assistants There has been little or no talk about the presidency of the board and it Is not known whether M. F. Rohrer will be a candidate for re election, as he has held the office of presi dent for several years. Last year W. S. Balrd, secretary of the board, ws a can didate for president, but was defeated by Mr. Rohrer after a large number of bal lots. It is understood that Mr. Baird Is again a candidate. Mrs. D. B. Dnlley, the librarian, will un doubtedly be re-elected, as will her two assistants. ' Children's and misses' oxfords and slip pers. We have too many 20 per cent dis count on them all at Sargent's. Look for the bear. Complete Satlsfactloa. Do you realize what a great thing It is In being thoroughly satisfied when you purchase a piano? We do not try to push our planoa off on our customers In a big hurry; we want them to take their own time in making a selection. That Is the reason why we do not have a lot of dissat isfied customers, an other stores do. We offer a plain, square deal snd guarantee our prices to be the lowest, quality consid ered. .Good pianos for $186, 3m $260, $350. 34W and up. See our Kingsbury piano (In west window), stool and scarf Included, for only $200, easy payments. Swanson Music Co., 407 Broadway. Pianos tuned, stored and repaired. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ns -room houss with gas, city water and sewerage, also a 6-room cottage with city water and sewerage; both well rented. Never vacant. Must be sold at once. Will maks a good Investment or a good horns. Please call and let me show them to you. Have houses to rent on monthly payments. Call ma up. 'Phones 417 and 408 Red. D. 8. Kerr, 644 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Semi-annual clearing sale now In prog ress. Many exceptional values Monday. This aals Is the rendexvous of all who pre fer to practice economy with prudence. The John Beno Company. Now is your time to buy low shoes, cut to $2.48. Ws will blsck them If want, Sargent's. Look for the bear. All you mall Crowd at Maaawa. The catastrophe at Lake Manawa last Wednesday evening was undoubtedly re sponsible for the small crowd at the resort yesterday. At no time during the day were the cars to the lake crowded and It Is estimated that ths attendance was only tbout one-third of the usual Sunday crowd. The Kursaal, ths scene of Wednesday's disaster, was closed to the public. The launehes were In commission, but their patrons were only given a ride about the lake and were not pennltted to land at ths Kursaal. The scene of tha disaster was, however, . visited by quite a number who rowed across the lake. They were not permitted to land at the Kursaal, which was closely guarded by employes. Great crowds throng ths store during ths semi-annual clearing sales. Only three more days In which to secure 10 per cent discount from our regular low prices. The John Beno Co. Men's Tan Shos 8le 11.60 and $4 men's tan shoes, all new, up-to-date styles, sals price $:.(0. 8. A. Plercs A Co., Brosdway and Main streets. CENTRAL FI-OUR-sl.16. Every sack warrantsd. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both Phones 24. Ses Duncsn A Desn's Dutch Auction, $2 show window. 23 So. Main. Why are McAfee's bakery goods better Ihsn any made or sold In ths city? Simply because all of the Ingredients that go Into their composition ars absolutely purs and of ths highest grade produced. and will conform to and pass lospecttoa under any purs food law on earth. No compounds or imitations used. Tour present snd future requirements can be supplied from our splendid storks St a' saving of 30 per cent. Remember, banks only pay 4 per rent. . Only three more days of the l.'tli semi-annual dear ing sales The John Beno Co. Men's 33 60 tan shoes 32.60 at 8. A. Plercs st Co.'s, Brosdway and Main streets. N. T. Plumbing Co. TeL SO. Night Lett f OCAVCNCER WORK f haul stead animals, 310 psr head. . Garb, ashes, manure and all rub biih; clean vaults and cesspoola. Ail work don Is guaranteed. Ca-lis promptly attended to, 'Pbone, Red U71. J. H. SHERLOCK Ws employ nothing, but first-class tin- era and plumbers and guarantee all of our work. Spencer Furnace sad Sbsst Usui Works. U4 West Broadway. Vlyds Ulll. a soldier from Fort Crook. Neb., wss arrested late Saturday night by ths police. Chief Richmond, however, yes terday ordered htm released In order that he might be able to report to his company at ths fort before his leave of absence ex pired. Gill, after having trouble with negro on Broadway, entered a restaurant near ths Northwestern tracks, where be is said to have started a rough houss. Ths NO OLD STOCK AT SARGENT'S. They have got to go Ail low shoes this time up to you, if you want bargains In shoes. Sar gent's. Look for the bear. $2.60 buys a pair of new $3.60 Regent tan shoes at 8. A. Pierce A Co.'s, Broadway and Main streets. Position Is waiting foi- you after taking a course in ths Western Iowa college. Gas Company Foreman Arrested. J. J. Daugherty, foreman for the Cltixens' Gas and Electric company, has been cited to appear In police court this morning on a charge of violating the city ordinances by falling. It Is alleged, to relay the paving on Ninth avenue as required. Complaint was mads that the gas company, which took up the paving on Ninth avenue to relay its mains, failed to place the brick back on concrete, as required by the or dinance. The committee of the whole of the city council Inspected the work Fri day afternoon and found that while the company was ostensibly, it is said, using concrete, the material was not up to speci fication In that it lacked the proper amount or sand and cement. After examining the work the committee of the whole ordered that an information be filed against Fore man Daugherty. Twenty Per Cent Dlsconnt on our new Iceberg refrigerators, porch and lawn goods and hammocks. Keller A Farnsworth Furniture Co. 400 pairs of men's tan shoes, $3.60 and $4 values, all 1906 styles, most of them the well known Regent 31.60 shoes, noted ss ths best fitting and wearing $3.60 shoes on the market. S. A. Plercs A Co., Broadway and Main streets. Ws pay $11.00 per ton for east Iron: mixed. $8.00 psr ton; stores, $7.60; rags, lo a lb.; rubber, 7c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Kattls man, 808 South Main. Both 'Phones 650. For Imported wines, liquors and Bud welser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, 11 South Main street. Don't fail to aea those new photos they re now msking at Schmidt's. They are worth double the price. Special Bale. Lawn swings, $6.96; ics cream freexers, $1.46; hammocks, up from 75c; lawn mow er. 32.76; garden hose, per foot, 6c; gaso line stovs ovens, 31,60. J. Zoller Merc. Co., 100-02-06 Brosdway.' Pbone K Buy your gasoline stove now. We are making special diacounts on all gasoline stoves, refrigerators, stc. Paddock A Hand- schy Hardware Co. tlaallty Ooaats More with paint than with anything else. Tou may think you save a few dol lars on first cost, but you'll lose a yea.' or more on the wear. We don't offer bar gain counter prices for paint, but ws paint so It stays painted. Jenssn A Nick olson. Outslds and Inside Houss Decorations. Mast Ge. Thirty-one lots belonging to sn old eststs, west of rsr houss on Avenues A, B and C, First, Second and Third avenues, fifty lots, $100 each, on monthly payments. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First Nstionsl bank building. Both 'phones 103. The Title Guaranty ana Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books data back to 1863. Books ars all up to data. Work ac curately and promptly dons at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Peart street. Council Bluffs, Is, A. Hrtifsr A Ca. New Location of Wholesale Bakery. 614 Mynster Bt , Co. Bluffs, la. Homs-msds Bread a Specialty. Van Brunt is still tbs acknowledged leader In the buggy line in this section cf ths country. Hs designs all of his own work snd uses nothing but ths best material in ths construction of his buggies. You buy ons ones you will never buy any other kind afterward. TO RAISE BUTTER STANDARD eXBBBBXSBXBnM Dairy Commission Preparine to Stop Sale of Import Cream. RAILROAD ASSESSMENTS COME UP TODAY Officers of Meat Pro seers' Associa tion WIH Irgs Commission to Make Raise of Ten Mil lion Dollars. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. July a-(Specla1.)-By enforcing rigidly the new law prohibiting buying and selling impure cream for the purposes of manufacturing It into human food. State Dairy Commissioner H. R. Wright expects to greatly improve the standard of lowa butter, which has already attained a high marking In eastern mar kets. He believes that Iowa can make as good butter as Is made In the world, and so atated today. The new law was passed by the legislature for that pur pose last winter and went Into effect Jul 4. By the provisions of this Isw a pen alty of from $36 to $100 in the wsy of a fine awaits anyone who either buys or sells impurs or adulterated cream or milk with the Idea of manufacturing It Into human food, or cream that is unfit tor such use. The dairy commissioner Is given wide latitude in. the enforcement of the law and has already taken steps to enforce It. According to Dairy Commissioner H. R. Wright, the stiff competition between creameries over the state has caused them to buy all kinds of cream. Cream Is al lowed to collect for several days before It is sent to the creameries, and by that time is spoiled, and yet the creameries will buy the cream because competition Is stiff and some other creamery wlll get the patronage (f they don't. This cream makes a very Inferior butter, according to the dairy commissioner. The new law providing a penalty for either buying or selling such cream Is designed ror me purpose of stopping its manufacture into butter. Dairy Commissioner Wright de iara thai the climate and quality of grass in thla state give it an opportunity to make as famous butter as that of Den mark, If there Is the same rigid Inspection and enforcement of law by the state gov ernment as Is done by the government of Denmark. This he proposes to do under this new law. Railroad Assessments Tomorrow. The executive council will meet at 1 o'clock tomorrow morning In the gov ernor's rooms for the purpose of hearing representatives of the railroads and any citizens who care to be heard as to what the railroad assessment should be this year. Last year the Increase In the assessment was only about $1.000.nno. This year there are Indications that there will be a very much greater Increase. Represenatives of the tax departments of various railroads reached the city Saturday and today, and It is understood that officers of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' association, who were before the council last year for the first time to argue for a higher assessment will be present tomorrow morning at the flint hearing. The largest Increase the council has ever made was in 1903. when a raise of $3,233,503 wss made. In 1904 the Increase was only $W3.647 and In 19rt6 only $'106,029. There is talk this year of asking the council to add as much as 310,000.000 or 316.000.000. It Is quite possible that something less than 310,000.000 will be added as the reports by the railroads were never so flattering as th(s year. Dr. Kennedy's Job Safe. Because of the old soldiers' preference law. Dr. J. F. Kennedy, secretary of the State Board of Health, will be re-elected secretary of the board at the annual meet ing In Waterloo. There are a large num ber of candidates out for the position on the supposition that Dr.. Kennedy will not be a candidate for re-election, but the doctor has decided to run again. He has now held the position longer than any other person haa held any state position. It is discovered that the old soldiers' law protects an old sold In a position much better than 1t aids ..1 getting a position, and his position Is, therefore, secure. It Is probable no other candidates will pre sent their names to the state board. The board meets In Waterloo Tueaday next, and these candidates have all been men tinned for the position: G. H. Sumner of Waterloo, L. A. Thomas of Red Oak Charles H. Preston of Davenport. H. A Wheeler of Sioux City and Dr. Charles H Shultx of Spirit Lake. Honor for A. J. Imall. A. J. Small of this city was msde a mem ber of the library law section of the Na tional Ubrary association at the recent meeting at Narragansett Pier, R. I. Goes to Northern Paclfle. 8. W. Flint of this city, who fourteen years ago started In as stenographer In the employe of the Northern Pacific at $25 a month, working In company with Oscar Vanderbilt, has resigned his position as passenger and ticket agent for the Wabash at this place and haa accepted a position with the Northern Pacific, In charge of the Immigration work for Iowa. Nebraska and South Dakota. He will leave here within two weeks to travel to the Pacific coast to familiarize himself with the work and the resources on the lines of the Northern Pacific. Governor's First Marriage. Governor Cummins will probably perform his first marriage ceremony at the state house July 21. The governor received letter from J. H. Elbe of Oskaloosa yeeter day asking him to perform such a service for litm. He did not state the bride's name, but Insisted that the service be per formed at the stale house by the governor. The governor has no other engagement for that day. To Kebraaka state t nlverslty. Miss Daisy Irene Lutz librarian of the city library of Clinton, has resigned her position there to accept the position of as sistant librarian of the library of the I'nlverslty of Nebraska. Her resignation takes place August 4. MJss Lutz has taken a prominent part 1n the library work of this state at the meetings of the state asito clstion snd is considered one of the best city librarians In the state. Gives I.eslslatare m Problem. One family in this city has Increased from a father and mother and five children to a family of 150 persona in forty years, and every member of the family ha a city Jail, county Jail or state penitentiary record and all have received aid from the county at some time or other. The family pre sents a problem to the state legislature. Preparations ars being made now to present the facts concerning this family to the legislature next winter In the hope of get ting a law to prevent the marriage, of per sons with criminal or pauper records. Such a law was endorsed by the State Bar as sociation at the suggestion of the late Judge L. G. Klnne some yeais ago. lows Has a Wolf Eel. Ths state of Iowa Is the owner of one wolf eel. There Is only one other In cap tivity and that la In the Field Columbian museum in Chicago. It Is pickled in al cohol, as Is also that belonging to the state of Iowa. Both were secured In the Puget sound, which Is the only place they ran be found. Ths sal Is about seven feet long yo mm via tie n nn uu u uu 1 1 Special low round-trip rates are in effect from Omaha daily throughout the summer to various points. TO CLEAR LAKE. $-j 35 to rand city. $Q50to kasota. $1 R40 TO ROT SPRMfiS, SI 50 to superior O j.d, IV AID DULUTN S1O50 TO ST. PAUL AID MIXXEAPOLIS. S1R75 TO DEADWOOD W AKD LEAD. S1R5OT0 ASHLAND AND W BAYFIELD. $ " 00 TO LONG PINE. $2 95 TO MARQUETTE. Splendid train service from Omaha to points north, east and west. 1 The 'Best of Everything For full information concerning your vacation trip, hotel rates and accommodations, railway rates, train schedules, etc., apply to CITY TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 FARNAM ST., AND UNION STATION. I $15.00 Colorado and Back Elks' Special Train to Denver For the accommodation of Elks and their families from Iowa and Eastern Ne braska the Burlington -will run a completely equipped special train, leaving Omaha Sunday, July 15th, at 4:45 p. m., and Lincoln 6:35 p. m., arriving Denver for break fast Monday morning. Reserve your sleeping car berths either in the Standard or Tourist Sleepers early on account of the heavy volume of Colorado business to move on the special $15.00 Elks excursion rate. Standard sleepers, $3.50; Tourist sleepers, $1.75 per berth. The destination of tickets at the above rate may beDenver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. This train will make 6tops for passengers only at Lincoln. If your ticket reads going and returning over the Burlington it will be honored for the return joffrney on the Burlington's famous electric lighted Denver-Omaha flyer, No. 6, which leaves Denver at 4:35 p. m. and arrives Omaha at 7:10 a. m. Special descriptive folder, Colorado publications, berths, tickets, all information in connection with your Colorado excursion from IJi.JLi..,.- US mm : '-: A J. B. REYNOLDS, C P. A. 1502 FarnamSL OMAHA. NEBRASKA. and has a head that very much renemhles a wolf's head. Its nose and teeth especially are like those of a wolf. It was presented to the historical department. Through the efforts of T. Van Hynlng. the museum superintendent of the histor ical building, several specimens of succlnea concordlalls have been discovered In the vi cinity of Valley Junction, west of lies Moines. This Is the first time they have been found outside of the state of Texas, and the find Is therefore considered quite Important In the realms of biology. The aucclnea concordlalls Is a specimen of anall and la quite email. Chant, at Knosvllle. Dr. W. 8. Olson, the present assistant at the state inebriate hospital ot Knoxvllle. has been selected by the state board of control to succeed Dr. Willhlte as super intendent. Dr. Willhlte has accepted a po sition in the Cook County Insane hospital at Dunning. Actuaries Refore Commission. J. C. Crawford, expert actuary for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance com pany of Milwaukee, will appear before the Insurance commission next week to advise the commission as to certain features of life Insurance. The commission will ask him especlslly about deferred dividends and uniform policies. B N. .Waller of thla elty. the state agent for the Northwestern Mutual, will also appear before the com mission some time next week on features of the Northwestern", policies. First Over Sixteen. The first girl to get the benefit of the new law allowing girls up to IS years old to be sent to the Industrial school at Mitchellvllle, Instead of only 16, was Miss Mabel Asliely of this city. Bhe Is J7 years old and waa today ordered to Mitchellvllle by the district court. The same court also today declared the girl's father an Inebriate and ordered him to one year at tne Knox vllle asylum. Central Committee Will Sot Meet. Tlie stute central committee of the re publican party will not meet in this city July lo. next Tuesday, to consider making up a provisional roll call. A number of tho members of the committee thought It inadvisable at thla time. The meeting may be called later befure the state convention la held. Claims for slarlon Count?. Marlon county Is claimed by Perkins ns a result of tlie caucuses In sever. I town ship. In the county today. In KnoxviMe the Perkins people claim to have carried the township outside of the clt of Knox vllle by S3 votes to 81, giving Perkins IS delegates. These with the 68 he had before and the eight delegates in Ewan carried to day give him the necessary majority of SO. Cummins people'are claiming to ti ive car ried Knoxville and to have a majority of the delegates In the county convention. fSSaMBBSsfsflfrssyanBnmgsaagn I HAmnnnci c iivnnnori r 1 UillllUUULLL. IIIUHUULLk i Can Dc Cured In 5 Days Sbilltr to cure and that In taking our treatment l coats nothing fnr an ices unless we cure your Vsrlcocsls, your Hydrocele, your Hemorrhoids or any olsease that we suarantea to cure. Our nrnfeaslnnsi . . more than j ou will be pleased to pay to obtain our expert servlcee. Personal Interview a' our offices absolutely required before commencing treatment y,4r, (JJ ,U,JJ' or lasrg' personal eclentlnc treatment may add health and NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE, I NORTHWEST CORNER 13TM AND FARNAM ST8., OMAHA, NEB. To yen who ars afflicted wlta YAUOOOiniL rroaoCBLB, IIXSI4, TXT7SiA8TKMLS., KID. IT AJVS BLADDBI DISEASES. FIXES. PHTV I.A, BLOOD rOUOI OB AXUXD DISEASES, We Invite you to come to our thoroughly equipped medical oBice. Ws will with pleasure explain how ws curs diseases of our specialty. Ws ars desir ous of seeing obstinate and chronic oases that havs been discharged and disheartened. Ws will cheerfully explain and demonstrate to your satis, faction how ws can curs you quickly and perma nently. A Free Diagnosing Consultation and Ex amination ws give to every man. Certainty of Cure dlseass. All our years of experience and office equipment are at your disposal. We will gire m guarantee 10 cure special Slssasss or refund money. This means we havs . . onnrience In our We ftever Sleep. Twenty per rent discount on hlgh-grsd. lawn mowers and hammocks. Swains aV Maurer, t--138 Broadway. Iet ua glvs you estimates on painting. Ws will do the work right and maks you the right price and put on the best ma terials. II. HorUk. Ill South Main. Doable Drnwala Near Cincinnati. C INCINNATI. July ..Albert and Charles Bollin, brothers, aged 22 and 19, respec tively, were drowned while bathing In Sil ver lake, near Erlanger, Ky, near this city, todaj mm u... -i i.ipisi i ,i, mil, n, . AND RETURN 1gj-00 u July 10th to 16th, inclusive ' LIMIT, AUGC8T 20, 190. ALSO $17.50 Daily to SspUmbsr 30 I Limit, October 30, 1 906. II UNION PACIFIC J ) V Tho popular routo to Colorado If V Inquire at X CITV TICKKT OKFICK. 13J4 FARXAM ST. 'l'hone Douglas 83t. Bee Want Ads Bring Results