Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1906, Image 1

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The Omaha 'Daily Bee
VOL. XXXjl-iO. Ik.
FORECAST (ff Vr,-Elv
r S
Pln for Fnttin Men Inspectit w in
Tore to Ef Ditcaeted.
Secretary Will Probably Visit
Frcking; Eouae Center.
Half Year'g Jonraey to Far Ewt Nearina:
the End.
Euan. 1 ratio. Trnver, gnwyer,
W hit and Other t rack lo Tnke
fan In Content at
I Fastlewond, .. J.
WASHINGTON. July .-nn fur pul
ling Into efTct the new federal meal In-sp-oifon
li will be discussed in Chicago
tut week by Secretary Wilson of the De
partment ot Agriculture and supertri
totiuent of Inspection from vnrUjos pack
ing noun centers. The s-eret-ry may visit
Ottior cities to look Into the methods t
b-- pursuer) In enforcing the new lnw.
The steel flouting dry dork Dewey is due
to tench Manila July U when It will have
cintrert a distance ot wniietliiiic like i2,
mil's. The Dewey, which is destined to
dorK the largest nhlps of the American
naval force tn the far east, started from
Salomon's Inland. Md.. December last.
The natlonnl amateur gulf championship
will he decided on the links at Knglewood,
X. J., this week, with H. Chandler Egan
of Chicago, who won the championship
two years In succession, as one of the con
testants. ' Others who will piny are: Wal
ter J. Travis, who was American cham
pion three yeats; Jerome D. Travera of
Ptlneeton. the metropolitan champion; D.
K. Bawyer of Chicago; Harold Weber of
Toledo and A. I.. White of Boston.
On Saturday probably twenty yachts of
various site will leave Chlrago.on a race
to Mackinac Island, under the auspices of
tha Chicago Tacht club. Boats from
Toronto, Toledo and Detroit are expected
to compete for tha prize, the Chicago Tacht
club-Mncklnac cup.
The Rlsley rifle tournament will open
In England tomorrow, when the yuecn's
Westminsters will be pitted against a
strong Canadian team. The latter Includes
member from all over Quebec and Ontario
and the grest northwest, and even British
Columbia Is represented. The team is com
manded by Lieutenant R. W. Wilson, com
manding the Third regiment, Victoria
nifles, of Canada.
Wilson Reaches Chleaaro.
CHICAGO. July 8. Secretary Wilson of
the Department of Agriculture, accom
panied by a corps of assistants, arrived In
Chicago today tn confer with superintend
ents of government meat Inspection relative
to changes msde necessary by the new
meat -Inspection law. Inspectors and su
perintendents of ment Inspection to the
number of Ihlrty from all cities where gov
"annment i:ipeciion Is" In force have been
Instructed to report to tha secretary at
once. The conference will begin tomorrow
and will cover every phase of the Inspec
tion service.
Boaton Man Who Killed Ills Wife nnd
Pled to California Para
the l'eiialt.
BOSTON, Msss.. July . John Schldlofski.
a Lithuanian of Brockton, was electrocuted
at the state prison at Charleston this
morning for the murder of his wife at Bel
mont, July 12. 1S06.
uu.y . .1.... ..
nlf links at Belmont, a few miles to the
west of Boston.
It was known that a day or two before
tha murder the woman had drawn all her
savings, amounting to about $3K, from a
hank. A search for the husband devel-
fced the fact that he had nought .a ticket
for Csllfornla. A description of the fugi
tive waa sent out and Schldlofski was ar
rested a few days later on a Pacific eost
train at T-e Junta. Colo., and Immediately
confessed hta guilt.
Schldlofski s defense was that he had
been d-inklng and that the crime was un
Vnldentlfled Man Drives Hla Head
Throagh Window nnd Cnts
Throat with !.!.
NEW YORK, July .-An unidentified
man killed himself in an unusual faahion
In the Bronx today, to the horror of a
number of persons who happened to be In
St. Mary's park near the scene of his sui
cide. After pacing the sidewalk for nme
time In evident mental distress he drove
hit head against the plate glass front win
dow of a saloon until It was shivered from
tep to bottom. Then with a big fragment
of the broken pane he cut hi throat. A
policeman summoned an ambulance, but
th man bled to death before It reached
tha place.
rred L. Hancock. Chnrgrd with Sen
sational Crime, Commit Snlclde
After Necaptare.
PJREWTON, Ala., July Fled Leslie
Hancock, murderer of Prof. Jee Trout-
man, and who figured In a sensHtlonul trial
far tha crime at the last term of circuit
rAiiH MmnilllHl Billet, la in him II 1
Escambia county Jail tonight by taking an
ounce of carbolic acid.
Hancock mad his escape from Jail May
and had Just been recaptured In Kansas
City, Mo. Sheriff Baley returned her with
him last Friday. Before killing himself
he left a not in which h aid h was
going whera h would receive a Just trial.
.Indianapolis Mob Attempts to Lynch
egro Who Kill Wlfo oa
Crwwdod Tboronghtare.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. July 8. Aaron
Morton, a negro, shot and killed hi wit
a a crowded downtown street today and
waa pursued aoveral block by a crowd
of 1000 people bent on lynching him. Mor
ten reached a fire atation. where he waa
given protection. He wa taken to th city
ail. During th pursuit a member of the
mob fired at the murderer and another
-tod -aftar hlin with a knife. Morton
and hla wlfo had Sot lived together for
avarai r.oaitt-
Secretary nf State Received or Gov
ernnr Wlnthron nnd Other
PAN J CAN. P. R.. July K.-The cruiser
Charleston, with Secretary Root snd party
abosrd. srrlvrd here at 4 o'clock this after
noon. The Charleston established a record
! run between New York and Sin Juan,
making the distance In three day and nine
teen hours.
As the Charleston entered the hsrb'.r It
received salutes from Morro Castle and
he Italian cruiser Imbrla. Governor
Wlnthrnp and his secretary, A. M. FTaser,
went on board the cruiser, and after the
exchange of greetings the secretary's party
came ashore In naval launches. A large
crowd had gathered outside the naval sta
tion to see Secretary Root and the houses
In the vicinity were filled with spectator.
Secretary Root drove In the executive car
riage to the' palace, escorted by tho regi
ment. Mrs. Hoot, the secretary's son and
daughter and the higher military authori
ties cam in other carriages. The secre
tary subsequently reviewed the police from
a balcony of the palsce.
A number of prominent citizens were
awaiting the secretary In Governor Wln
throp's office. After an exchange of greet
ings Secretary Root spoke of the relief
work he directed In Porto Rico aa secre
tary of war after the hurricane of lf?!.
Tho talk then turned to coffee planting.
Referring to the pan-American congress,
Mr. Root expressed the opinion that the
next congress would be held in the Argen
tine republic and added that If such a con
gress were ever held In American terri
tory, Porto Rico would be the most suit
Collision on ( oner Island Line Canae
Excitement and Six Arc Hart
In Crash.
NEW YORK. July H.-Fire following a
collision in Coney Island tonight between
the elevated railroad express train and a
local trolley car caused a panic. In which
six persons were Injured, three severely,
by being trampled upon. Bound for Coney
Island nnd going at a high speed the ex
press had Just turned the curve In the
road near the SeabRch place, when Just
abend the motorman saw the local car
stationary nnd passengers alighWg from
it. lie was unable to stop his train and
It crashed Into the local. By the force
of the Impact a fuse of the local was
blown out and flames threatened the cars.
The passengers fought with each other to
ATLANTIC CITT. .V. J., July l.-A slight
fire among picture machines on Young's
pier here tonight started a panic among
the srvernl hundred persona who were in
tha auditorium and n number of persons
were Injured. When the moving picture
machine took fire there was a puff of
smoke and then darkness. Some one called
"Fire." and a rush was made for the door.
Women were knocked down and children
were separated from parents, but all es
caped from the building without serious
injury a far a known.
Officer. Arc Klectc "Movement
for a' Klaa.Honr bay la
NEW YORK, July g.-The Amalgamated
Leather Workers' I'nion of America, which
has been holding a convention In this city,
elected Jamea T. Gilllgan of Lowell, Mass.,
general president; Adolph Achmltt of St.
Louis, auditor, and John Roach of Olean,
N. Y., seqretary-treasurer.
Seventy-eight delegates, representing
very branch of the trade from nearly
every leather producing city east of the
Mississippi river, attended the convention.
It was agreed that the financial support
of the organisation should be guaranteed
to locals making a demand for a nine-hour
worklnB day.
T? u . I m t in n var, mAnrtmA Hftvlalntr rtfnocra
j m.mb.r, to p.rticipa,. actively in
political affairs and to support no candi
date who refused to pledge himself on
labor measures.
G. Mmde Knorr of Washington
Fatally Wonnded by Lover
of HI Mere.
WASHINGTON, July S. G. Meade Em
ory, a distinguished lawyer of this city, was
shot and probably fatally wounded at hi
residence here last night by Chester
Thompson, a student at the 1'nlverslty of
Washington and son of William H. Thomp
son,, formerly an attorney for the Great
Northern Railway company. Thompson
wus infatuated with Mia Charlotte Whlt
tleHey, a niece of F.mory, and Miss Whittle
sey had requested her uncle to prevent
Thompson from entering the house. When
Kniory attempted to carry out his nlece'a
wishes Thompson shot hlin. After the
shooting Thompson barricaded himself In
a room in the Kmory house occupied by tha
wounded man's two small children and re
fused to surrender until the arrival of hi
father some time later.
Chief r".xecntlve Listen lo Sermon
by Rev. ('. H. Wabb of
Astoria, V V.-
OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. July (.-President
Roosevelt, accompanied by Mrs. Roose
velt. Miss Ethel and (Juentin, Inaugurated
his usual suninvr custom of attending the
j 11 o'clock service at Christ church today.
j The sermon waa preached by Rev. Charles
llinry Webb of Astoria. N. A'., who is In
1 camp near Oyster Pay with fifty bos from
j hi parish. The boys accompanied Mr.
' W.,l,Y tn . V. 1 1 -.-1, ,,,! m -r. Iln,l -1
i 'he driveway entrance when the president
j arrived. They respectfully lifted their hats
: and received th preldcnt's smiling greet-
log. After the service the president and
hi family drove at once to Sagamore Hill,
' lr-aent for Infant Friar.
HEKI.IN. July .-in recognition of the
fact that the youngest member of the
Hohenzollem family, the Infant son of
Crown Princess Frederick William, w.s born
rn the Fourth of July, the American colony
resolved to present hitn with an ornamental
stiver cup emblazoned with the star and
trlpe and the American eagle. The con
dition of the crown princes and the baby
la most satisfactory.
Weddlas at Woodbine.
WOODBINE. la., July iSnecial I The
marriage of Evert Stewart and Mary Elis
abeth Pattee occurred thla week at the
borne of the bride s sister, Mrs. Fred
Decker. In Cedar Falls. Evert Stewart Is
on of th publishers of the" Wood bin
Chronicle and w well known la Harrison
county. N
Commission of Lower Home Decide Upon
Limited Expropriation of Land.
Moeh of the Dlitnrbanrr D to
Effort of Teaaant to gave Them
selves nnd Stock from
ST. PETERSBURG, July S.-The flrat
paragraph of the proposed grarian law,
viz., the augmentation of the lands of the
peasants by the expropriation of all atate
and crown domains and church and mon
astery lands, ha been accepted by the
commission of the lower house with prac
tical unanimity. The commissioners have
now locked horns over the mode of expro
priation and the method of disposal of
private estates, and the end is not yet In
The determination to expropriate church
land, which In distinction from the great
estates owned by the monasteries lie cat-
tered like the land of the common school
In" America In small tract throughout the
country, and support the local clergy, will
cause complications. Such action would
deprive the parish priests of the principal
part of their scanty emoluments and
necessitate an equivalent from some other
A correspondent of the Associated Press
has Just completed a tour of the provinces
of Samara and Saratov. He reports that
the drouth la finally broken, but the rains
have come too late to save the crop and
help the peasants, who are In a pitiable
condition. Their cattle hsve either been
sold or are starving In the fields.
Food nnd Forage Rlota.
The government relief granaries wev
completely emptied during last year'
famine. The present agrarian disorders,
which can be expected to grow worse, are
due largely to the necessity of the peas
ants seizing food and forage to preserve
their lives and save from starvation tha
remainder of their cattle. These disorders
have reached tho highest pitch In the
province of Voronezh, where the troops and
Cossacks, although In considerable force,
are practically helpless and on the de
fensive. Many peasants have been killed
or wounded In desperate attacks, on the
military patrols and the rural guards.
According to a telegram received here
from Tambov peasants oa the estate of
Princess Bariatlnsky attacked a com
missary and a posse ot rural police. In
another section of the province of Tambov
a body of, peasants, armed with pitchforks
and spades, attacked a squadron of dra
goons. Because of this resistance the
troops fired, killing three peasanta and
wounding many others. At Kedabey,
southeast of Tiflls. a hand-to-hand fight
has occurred between Cossacks and an
armed band of peasants, with the result
that several men were killed on both aides.
Fight Between Peasants.
There has been a fatal encounter at
Krasnonolsk ,Iti the rrovlnce of Padoolla,
between rlcn peasants and poor peasants.
The poor men were Incensed because the
rich men had sent a telegram to the lower
home protesting against the proposed dis
tribution of. land... In the fighting -one of'
the wealthy, peasnnta killed four and seri
ously wounded several of the poorer men.
There have been grave disorders on the
estate of Minister of Agriculture Sticiiin
sky. In Tula province. The representative
of the Associated Press at Rostov reports
that the crop conditions In the Kuban and
Don districts are above the average.
Agrarian disorders among the Cossack
agricultural population are not .expected,
although there hns been some ferment
among the military levies over having to
do police duty.
'ew Marseilles t'nder Ran.
The Twentieth Century, formerly the
Russ, has published a second poem by M.
Amflteatreff, one of Russian's brilliant
Journalist poets, entitled, "The New Mar
seilles." The paper has been confiscated
and probably will be suppressed. The
verses are dedicated to Maxim Gorky and
are an appeal to armed revolt. The re
frain goes:
Rise to your rights, people;
Array yourselves under the red banner.
The following I a translation of a typi
cal stanza:
Seize the headsman's axe and pass sen
tence to slay:
Quit the plow and grasp the sword and
bludgeon; '
The Volga weep bjood for the wrong of
the people;
Seek your salvation In mortal combat with
the oppressor.
The censors have seized an antl-semlte
brochure, entitled: "Down with Amnesty,"
and the authora have been held for trial.
This brochure Is especially violent against
the members of Uie lower bouse. It calls
them fools and says they have sold them
selves to the Jews.
Panic nt Rialyatok.
New received here from BLalystok is to
the effect that the Jews are In such a con
dition of panic that they are selling all
their property and preparing to emigate
to America. f
The testimony In the esse of Vice Ad
miral RoJetvenky, who I being tried by
court martial for the surrender of the de
stroyer Bedovl In the battle of the Sea
of Japan, has been submitted, and the ad
dresa of the counsel probably will be com
pleted tomorrow.
The testimony ha brought out details
of the cold-blooded way in which Captain
Baranoff of the Bedovl abandoned the
crews of the hattleshliw Oslabla, Knla
Suvarotf and Alexander III to drowning, not
offering to save a single person. The pres
ident of the court virtually called him a
coward in open sitting. Rojestvensky Is
the only defendant emerging .om the trial
with any credit. He has 'ibmltted his
case, in lieu of pleading by counsel, In the
following words: "Sirs: Russia's fleet had
been humiliated; the people have confi
dence in you. I await my punishment."
Governor Kullster of Grodno, within
I whose Jurisdiction the town of Rlalyatok Is
j situated, baa been recalled. It Is said al-
' legations regarding the recent massacres
I at Bialystok have been brought against
j him.
j William to Visit Klcholaa.
v5NlON. July l.-Th correspondent In
i Bt Petersburg of the Tribune telegraph
I ti,t a meeting between Emperor William
anrt Emperor Nicholas is expected next
! month
! Rennloa of Crocker Brlgsit.
; CUNTON. la., Jaly (.(Special.)
Crocker biigad. Including tha eleventh,
thirteenth, fifteenth and - sixteenth regi
ment of Iowa in the Civil war, will hold
th annual reunion at Clinton September
and 18. Colonel R. H. Rood of Mt. Ver
non la the present president of th organi
sation. Tha reunions of thla famous brl
i (de which fought In soma of th bloodiest
battles of th Civil war ar notable gath
siing and bring togstbsr a large number
of visitors annually. Thers will bs about
oa survivor ot th brtgads atland vba re
union at Clinton tola fear.
Committee to I r si lanl Conditions
In the - Sen Ice Plnn to
Real It Work.
WASHINGTON C. July l-Herrv
H. Glauste. secrfe-v of the commission
lo Inquire Into nnd report conditions and
It conclusions Concerning the laws rel
ative to second c's mall matter today
Issued an announc merit that the first ses
sion will be held at the Holland house,
New Tork, at noon, October 1, I!- The
announcement In . part follows:
The report of loe postmaster general for
the fiscal year eii'ltl June Ho. 1. shows
that the cost of maintaining the entire
postal service for. thet vear was approxi
mately ll6T.000.ono and 'that tha revenue
from all sources annroxlniatelv 11".-
(4H),iin Second class matter constituted ap
proximately two-tsmis of the matter han
dled while it yielded but WUKS.til'i.M. or
about one-twenty-fourth Ot the revenue
derivj.1 from postage. Not only has the
postal revenue suffered by reason of the
undue expansion of this, class of matter
as compared with --other classes, but In
detune; with the matter Itself the postal
service Is hampered nt every step by diffi
culties and perplegltles of "administration.
The system as a w hole, the report says,
lacks uniformity and la confusing to pub
lisher and official alike. The report says
the Inquiry will be especially directed to
ward determining Vhether the revenue
from the second claso of mall matter should
not be made commensurate with the actual
cost of the service rendered in handling It,
If not what limitations should be placed
upon tha matter which may properly be
embraced In that etnas?
Owing to the great number of publica
tions concerned the committee deemed Im
practicable to extend the privilege of the
hearing to Individual' publishers. Each na
tional organization will be heard orally by
not to exceed three representatives desig
nated by the organization and those classes
of publication not having regular organi
zations will be heard through persons ret
garded a fairly representative.
Lone Hlahvvarinnaj Secures Consid
erable Booty from Yosemlte
WAWONA, Cal Jtily .-Flve Yosemlte
Valley stage were held up late yesterday
by a lone highwayman who obtained a
considerable amount of money and Jewelry.
The conveyances were halted In rapid suc
cession at a curve in the road near Ahwa
pee at the Identical spot where a lone
bandit, operating a year ago, relieve-r sev
eral wealthy tourist of their valuables.
The stages were traveling sufficiently far
apart to avoid each others dust and when
the first vehicle reached the turn In the
road the highwayman whose features were
concealed by a duster thrown over his
head, stepped out, pointed gun at the
driver and commanded him-to halt. Some
of the women passenger ecresmcd, but
others began without. delay to secrete their
valuables. The highwayman directed nil
passengers to throw out their money and
Jewelry and when fho order met with com
pliance directed the driver to move on.
The aecond stage arrived within a few
minute after the first and the driver and
passenger suffered, a similar experience.
The process was repeated until all five had
been halted and tubbcJj. when th bandit
disuppured .In vhebrjil-;, 7 ,
Four Men Killed nnd Two Carlond of
Cattle Cremated In Wreck Bienr
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., July K In a
head-on collision between two freight trains
on the Western r Atlantic, which Is leased
by the Nashville. Chattanooga & St. Louis,
even miles south of this city, which oc
curred early this morning, four trainmen
! were killed and four others slightly In
j Jured. The engineer of the south-bound
; train failed to take the switch at Kings
, Bridge and crashed into the north-bound
train which waa slowing up on the main
line Just opposite the switch.
The dead:
W. V. HAMILTON, engineer north-bound
H. F. PINSON, fireman, same train.
ROBERT ATKINSON, engineer south
bound train. "
A. O. GENTRY, fireman, same train.
Immediately after the wreck fire broke
out, consuming two cars, one of which wa
loaded with cattle, and burning the body
of Engineer Atkinson.
Clondbnrat Caoaea Heavy ?mage
at Denver, Bonldor and
DENVER, Colo., July 8. Cloudbursts and
rain tonight caused much damage In this
section of the state. In Denver a wall of
water ten feet high cama down Dry creek,
in the western part of the city, carrying
away foot bridges and damaging tha bridge
of the Denver Interurban railroad. Two
boy Ashing under the bridge were rescued
with difficulty.
At Boulder a wall of water six feet high
came out of Sunshine canyon and spread
over Pearl treet and other atreet In the
city. A mile of the Sunshine railway waa
At Rockvale a big bridge waa under
mined. A heavy storm destroyed telephone
connections between Florence and Pueblo.
Fay Powers, aged 17, was killed by light
ning near Colorado Springs.
Carnegie library. In Colorado Springs,
was struck by a bolt during the storm, but
no damage is reported.
Kaatbonnd Passenger Trnln Partial!)
Derailed Xear Flagstaff,
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., July a.-Paaenger
train No. 4, the limited, east bound on the
I Atchison. Topeka ft jSanta Fe railway, was
I partially derailed early today at a point
' four miles west of here. No paaseuger
wa Injured. . Ed Plllsbury, the flremun,
was caught under the engine and scalded
to death. Engineer Goldsworthy was
scalded about the legs and wa Injured iu
tha chest
The accident was rauaed by a front truck
on the engine leaving the track. The en
gine turned over on Ita side and a com
posite car and a dining car slipped over
th creet of an embankment. The thie
Pullman sleeper remained on the track.
Th presence of mind of Engineer Golds
worthy probably prevented several fatali
ties. - He applied the brake and remained
at hi post until the engine started to turn
over, when ha Jumped.
Hailstorm ia W yomlna.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. July I. - Special.)
This section I In the grasp of a sever cold
and wet spell. Hall storm have been th
order for th past fw days. Grain fields,
garden and th rang were la need of
moisture and. asida from soma damage by
hail, in otoru-i nr dam- gxomitU food.
0, 100G.
Preliminary Lineup of Republican 80 Tar
aa it Eai Taken Shape.
Foorth District Contentions Are o
the Calendar for the cxt Week
or Ten Days gnpposed
Brown Stronghold.
Republican Inatrnrtlona to Hate.
Total delesnlrs elected ISO
Cedar n
Dona-Ins M
Garfield '..... 4
Total 98
KOR nijriwv orvi Tow
- ' 1. . 11, L' 1. 1. '
Buffalo 15
lork IS
Total 51
FOR Ml Lion stih f:nvr.nvciR.
Adams 15
FOR Mitl'RV. triii iniviritvoH
Hall u
Valley t
Sherman S
York IS
Boone S
Thla table summarizes the situation to
date In Nebraska with reference to the
preliminary lineup for the republican date
Three counties went on record last week,
Douglas, with eighty-three delegates, and
Garfield, with four dclrgates, Instructing
for Edward Rosewater for senator, giving
him a total of ninety-eight Instructed dele
gates, and York for Norris Brown for sen
ator, adding sixteen to hi home delegation
or a total of thirty-one delegates. Tha
York endorsement for Brown, however, was
weakened by Instructions also for a home
candidate for governor.
The coming week promises to give con
siderable Impetus to the campaign with
seven counties scheduled to hold conven
tions. These counties are:
July 13 Thayer county at Hebron.
July 14 Hamilton county at Aurora, But
ler county at David City, Seward county
at 8eward, Polk county at Osceola, Jeffer
son county at FaJrbury, Cherry county at
Brown Strategy in Fourth District.
It will be noted that all but one of these
counties are in the Fourth congressional
district and supposed to be strongholds of
Norris- Brown. The Brown manager
played a card to push these conventions up
early by procuring the calling of this con
gressional convention for the Fourth dis
trict to meet at David City July 18, the
Intention being to Inflate the Brown column
at the start for Its effect in other parts
of the state.
Of the other Fourth district counties,
Saline and Saunders will hold convention
on the lHth and Gage on the 17th, Fillmore
having appointed Its delegates to the con
gressional convention by It committee
owing to the fact, that Its county conven
tion hns already lieen set In August. Brown
has been cultivating these counties very
assiduously and is billed to make two or
fhree speeches ' there- during' the wee In
the hope of talking himself Into Instruc
tions In his favor.
York county added to the list of candi
date by Instructing Ita delegation to Dr.
J. B. Conaway for governor. Dr. Conaway
has served In the state senate and Is well
known In hla section of the country. Jef
ferson county promises also to bring out
another gubernatorial candidate by en
dorsing C. F. Steele, who was In the leg
islature several times and president of the
senate once. In Saline county Frank J.
Sadllek Is aspiring to be railway commis
sioner and in Gage county a candidate for
state treasurer will be projected, probably
R. R. Kyd, now a member of the legisla
ture. It 1 possible the counties which
have candidate of their own for other
office may not express themselves on the
Troable In the First District.
Another development of the past week
arose out of the calling ot the First dis
trict convention with an apportionment
based upon the vote for Congressman Poll
ard at the special election at which ha was
chosen, which apportionment makes It pos
sible for a nomination to be made with
out both Lancaster and Caas counties. This
Is supposed to Jeopardize Congressman
Pollard's chances for renomlnation and Is
also, liable to complicate matter in Cass
county, which haa a candidate for governor
In the person ot George L. Sheldon.
The First district congressional call was
followed up at once by the Itncaster
county committee fixing July 18 for the
Iaijcaster convention. Lancaster will prob
ably have a candidate for congress In Judge
E. P. Holmes, while the atate delegation
Is sought for in the interest of Rev. Luther
P. Ludden for lieutenant governor on one
aide and Dr.. H. J. Wlnnett for railway
commissioner on the other promising an
interesting fight, especially aa Norris
Brown la also figuring on .getting Instruc
tions for himself for aenator.
The calls for congressional convention
In the Third, Fifth and Sixth districts are
expected to come within a week or ten
day now.
Aatomobllea Come Together and
Womaa la- Thrown Oat, bat
Kot lajnred.
The automobiles of J. J. Derlght of
j Oinuht and Frank Kaspar of Council Bluffs
I collided Sundsy morning at the southeast
corner of Fifteenth and Douglas streets.
Mrs. Kaapar was thrown to the walk with
out Injuries, while the Derlght car was
damaged to the extent of $100.
At the time of the accident Mr. Derlght
was going north on the east side of Fif
teenth street, while the Council Bluffs man
u approaching from the east on the
wrong side of Douglas street. Mr. Derlght
brought his car to a slsndstlll, but Mr.
Kaspsr did not stop his machine in time lo
' avert the collision. The lowan admitted
h wa in the wrong and agreed to stand
for the e'amsgea.
War Departmeat Vessel Gottea Safely
Oa Reef Mear Island of
WASHINGTON. D. C. July 8 -Th navy
department waa advised today that the
L'nlted State army transport Thomas,
which went ashore at Guam, wa floated at
high tide yesterday. The dispatch gave
no details. Th Thomas, carrying ten army
officers, seventy-nine civilian and four
army nurses and having on board a large
quantity of Philippine guld, want oa g
rosl near Qutun,
Fair and Wnrmer Today. Fair To
morrow. Temneratare at Omaha lesterdayt
Hone. Dei, Honr. Ilea:.
g n. tn l 1 p. n Tit
a. m t 1 . m 2
T n. m mi :t p. m Ht
" n. m...... tin 4 . m
n a. m T:t R i. m '
III l. m T!t II p. n
It n. m 7)1 T p. m
It m TK N p. m Tt
t p. m TT
Federal Officials at Cleveland After
High Rnllrond Offlclnla tinllty
of Rebating.
CLEVELAND. O.. July . Federal of
ficials announced today that G. J. Gram
mar, traffic manager of the New York
Central lines west of Buffalo, would not
be called as a witness beforo the grand
Jury which meets tomorrow to begin the
work of ferreting out violators of the inter
state commerce and anti-rebate laws.
The announcement that Grammar Wuu'.d
not be called was accompanied with the
statement that the government would not
be put In a position where any high rail
way official could claim immunity from
prosecution on the part of the government
because he had been compelled to glvo
testimony before the grand Jury.
Service was secured today on N. H.
Anspach. head of the tariff and schedule
bureau of the Ike Shore railway. Anspach
will be asked to bring tariff sheet run
ning back a number of years.
The artion of tiMlay reveals definitely the
plans of the government officials to strike
at some of the biggest and most Influential
railway men in the country. All of the
plans for the session of the grand Jury
wero reviewed In minute detail by the
government attorneys during their confer J
ence today. At the end of the conference
the opinion was expressed that the caac
were well In hand.
Idaho Sapreme Coart F.atahllshe
Precedent In Might for
v Change of Venn.
BOISE, Idaho, July 8. An opinion tht
will be of general Interest because of it
bearing on the trial of the officials of tho
Western Federation of Miners has Just
been handed down by the supreme court In
the case of Agnes L. Day against F.ugenu
R.' Day, a suit for divorce. The plaintiff
asked for a change of venue on the ground
that the Judge was prejudiced. The district
court overruled the motion, but the su
preme court holds that "the record show
such a state ot affairs that it would bring
discredit upon the Judiciary to permit a
trial before the present Judge," and orders
that another Judge be called In.
The attorney for Moyer, Haywood and
Pettlbone have already filed a motion for
a change of venue from Canyon county, al
leging among other things that the presid
ing Judge Is btaaed against the defendants
The statute law makee no provision for a
change of venue on this ground and the late
utteranoe of the supreme court will be
point In favor of the defense If their claim
of .bias can be established.
Scene of Recent Labor Riots Con.
verted Into a Military
FORT WORTH. Tex , July 8. A the re
sult of the labor riots last month at Cans
nea. Mexico, the mining camp of W. C.
Greene haa been converted Into a military
stronghold and hereafter 1.000 Mexican ru-
rales will be quartered there.
Thla action was taken by the military
governor of Sonora to serve aa a precaution
against further outbreaks.
B. B. Deems of Bt. Louis returned last
night from a trip to the interior of Sonora.
Mr. Deems says the-Yaqul Indian uprising
in the state of Sonora Is practically a thing
of the past. He says the Yaquls are being
sent to Yucatan as fast aa they are cap
I lured bv the government troops and In
that way their ranks are being thinned out
Slayer of Stanford White Rcada
gaaday Papers and Attend
Prison Service.
NEW YORK. July . Harry K. Thaw
spent a quiet day In th Tombs today. He
had no visitors. He arose at 7 o'clock and
remained In his cell reading the Sundiy
papers until 10 o'clock, when he attended
the prison service conducted by Chaplain
Wade. After church he exercised with the
other male prisoner in the Tomb yard
Assistant District Attorney Garvan was
at his office today working on the Thaw
case. Shortly before S o clock he was
visited by Miss Edna McClure, an actress
playing at present In a Broadway produc
tion. She was accompanied by her mother
and the three were closeted for nearly an
hour together. Mr. Qarvan refused to dis
cuss what was th subject of the confer
ence or what information he had obtained
Bis; Shipments of Ore.
BUNRISB. Wye. July l.-(8peclal.)-Dur-
Ing the month of June the Colorado Fue
and Iron company shipped from the Sunrlsri
mines 1.077 cars of Iron ore to the smelters
at Pueblo. Three hundred and flfty-nlnt
cars went over the Burlington and the 11
a nee over the Colorado A Southern. Dur
Ing the same period the Chicago iniu of
the company shipped 263 carloads of ore lo
the Colorado smelters, all of which wenl
out over the Burlington. The lUrtvllle
lime quarries during the month shipprd
twenty-five carloads of lime rock to the
sugar factories at Sterling and Lungmont.
NEW ORLEANS. July 8 -Dr. J. H.
W hit.-, surgeon in hsrae of the marine
I hospital service h'-re. Ifsiied statement
I last night that so far as he was aware
: none of the marine hoHpital physicians at
New Orleans had given out tiny
that there Is yellow fever in New Orleans
and that neither h nor his assistants have
any evidence that the fever now exists In
this citr.
Movement of Ocean Vee Julv a.
At New York Arrived: Brooklyn, from
Marseilles: I'mhiia. from Liverpool.
At Liverpool A rri ed : Cedrlc. from New
York; Wlidfredan. from Boston: Etrjrla.
from New York. Sailed: Canadian, for
Boston: Milwaukee, for Montreal.
At Ixindon Arrived: Lake Michigan,
from Montreal. tsilled: Maryland, for
At Southampton Arrived: St. Louis, from
New York.
At Movllle Sailed:, for New
At Bremen Sailed : Bremn. for New
At Queenstown Sailed : Campania, for
New York.
At Dover Sailed: Patricia, for New York.
At Montreal--Slled: Montezumt, for
Ixndon and Antwerp.
Ar Hostua Arrived. T innn n. n from
Water Company Ihinki it Under Actual
Worth, but Fair ai Fotaibl.
Eall and Hunt Say Fact Ahord Dissenta
Cnta No Vital Fieure.
Member Hippie of Vtalfr Eoard Eaji
Valuation ia Entirely Too High.
Company Officials Have o Direct
Information a let Point Ont
Reanlt I Indication of
The Bee's Prediction.
The report of the water works appralscii
in The Bee Sunday morning wa a com.
plete surprtso to the Omnha Water com
pany, so A. U. Hunt, superintendent, and
R. S. Hall, attorney, said yesterday. Both
Mr. Hunt and Mr. Hall regard the ap
praisement or ii,i03,Pii) nearly lair, though
less than the actual worth ol tho propertj.
That the appraisement will not stand be
cause It Is not agreed to by Engineer Al
vord. the appraiser appointed by the Water
board. Mr. Hall and Mr, Hunt say Is ab
surd. Water board members hold the ap
praisement Is not lawful because the law
provide that the appraisement shall be
made by three engineers and this I by
only two, the third man dissenting.
That is absurd," said A. B. Hunt. ' It
ia Invariably tho case that when three ap
praisers are chosen, on by each con
tending side nnd the third by these two,
the result of the deliberation Is by a ma
jority, it is the rarest sort ot thing that
the three men agree On any final propo
sition. There I no reason In the world
why this appraisement ahould not stand.
It ia les than we estimated, but Is at
nearly right, I guess, ss we can hope for.
I take It that It Includes ths whole plant.
I knew nothing about the report until
1 read It In The Be. We did not look for
It until July IS. We first got a tip from
the Water board that It would coma about
July 1, and that Is what Mr. Woodbury
came out hero for a few days ago, hut
when we were again advised by a Water
hoard member that the report would not
come until the 15th, Mr. Woodbury went
back. They talk about the water company
Influencing thla appraisement. Why, bless
you, the water company ha been kept In
the dark about tha deliberations of the ap
praisers all along. The Water board has
been on the Inside from the first. We got
all our information from it whenever ws
got any. And we have not even had any
official advice of this appraisement yet;
all we have I what we read tn The Bee.
"This appraisement proves th wisdom
of what The Bee said long ago and It pis
cine!)' forecasted Judge Sanborn's decision
on the contract."
R. S. Hall Rays it Will gtaad.
"Th appraisement la less '.than the
actual value Of the plant." said Richard
S. Hall, attorney for the water company. -"But
I presume wa cannot change It.
You ask If th appraisement will stand.
Why not? The fact that th Water board s
appraiser refuse to agree to It cut no
figure. I have had no Information on the
report other than what I read In Th Bee
this morning, so while I assume this to be
correct, I must explain that what I ssy
I say on the basis of this report. It was
a surprise to me when I read the news, aa
I had not expected the report at this time,
having been led to believe It would come
"The Water board haa made the error of
appraising this property in the newspapers.
The general tone on this water works ques
tion tiaa been unreasonable. The Water
board say the plant I only worth I3.000.0o0.
That Is foolish. AVhy, the Kansas City
Water company, which dldn t have any
thing, was given an appraisement of
83,0no,0no, and they had to spend 12,000.000 to
put It In shape for adequate operation.
"I'll say one thing, this appraisement
Is In exact line with what The Bee has
been telling the people. If ever Mr. Rose
water made a prophecy It certainly was
In this case. He told th legislature when
Interested politician were fighting for the
water bill that tha appraisement would be
nearer K00O.O00 than 3.000,0ti0.
"A to this appraisement standing, I
think there is no question about that. The
fact that the Water board's engineer says
he won't agree to any appraisement fixed
by the other two engineers, engineers of
unquestioned utility and Integrity, doe not
look reasonable."
Webster Will Kot Talk.
Some of the Water board mem
ber and John L. Webster, who
ha been one of Its attorneys, refused to
make statements yesterday In tha absence
of more speuitic information than the sum
agreed upon by Appraisers Mead and Ben
zenberg. Mr. Webster declined to discuss
ths question raised aa to whether any other
than a unanimous report would be binding
upon the city for acceptance.
It la the general understanding that tha
figure of ti.2ti.'!,nr,0 1 Intended to cover th
whole system. The courts have ordered th
appraisers to segregate the part of ths
plant tn Omaha, South Omaha and th sub.
urbs. in other words, to make a report
so that the water works of Omaha would
be shown at Its estimated worth as op-
I posed to the property outside of the city
I and the supply mains to Florence and th
pumping station and accessories ther.
In the appraisement proceeding the
Omaha Water company contended th
whole plant was worth more than 7,000,0iO.
Th city argued It did not represent a
money value to exceed M.non.000. and that
vast sum spent til experiments and on
impractical venture should not be Jncluded
In the amount lo be pal. I by the city.
Dr. A. 11. Hippie, who I a member of th
i board, is strongly of the opinion that th
'report is without alue liei ause Engineer
I Alvord, the city pp raiser, did not con
cur. Member Hippie point out that th
original contract refers to a valuation to
bu determined by a hoard of three ap
praisers, saying nothing whatever stout
majority or minority findings. He said:
"The figure is altogether loo high. I do
not think the Omaha portion of the plant
Is worth to exceed l4.".0Ca I do not be
lieve a finding by the majority of the ap.
pralsers is sullliient under the contract or
will be binding on the city. I certainly shall
! not stand for uny such price and shall d-
all I can to pievent the city from ping
any su'ii an ount. I do not think the
physical plant Is worth it. nor that the city
would be Justified tn making such an In
vestment, for I do not believe the earning
power of the property would make It a de
sirable one II a have l pay an thins,