Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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that beginning
We will hold a Great Special (3 r" (Q
Sale to be known as our . . . Kzds U
We want our friends to
tion in the city we have planned extensive changes for the purpose of beautifying: and furnishing most modern equipment for
- . i i . i i rr 1. il x 1.1. i. ft
stocks and prepare for the
Basement Bargain Squares, Center of room.
Staple Dry Goods, Summer Wash Goods
Burmah Challles, splendid designs and colorings, usually 6 Vie
ale price, yard 8fc
Irge assortment of Argyle Batiste, former price 15c sale
price 7M
M-lnch fine madras, regularly 16c sale price . .64c
Tine floral organdie suiting, madras cheviots, worth up to 25c
sale price 4
Linen Suiting, Jacquard, Madras, Panama and Printed Effects
In one lot 18Hc
Yard wide Bleached and Unbleached Muslin and fine Cambric,
yard 3c
96-lnrh Percale, was 12 He; 32-lnch Madras, was 16c all at,
yard Hc
45-lnrh Indian Head Suiting 15c
36-Inch Unen finished 8ulting. was 16c sale price 9Hc
Summer Flannels in neat stripe and Jacquards.were 60c sale
price 23c
Main Floor.
High grade Wash Fabrics and Costumes all of our fine Em
broidered Robes of Linen, Swiss and French Mull notable im
ported novelties.
Those which have sold up to 115.00 each 95.00
Those which have sold up to $25.00 each S10.OO
Those which have sold up to $40.00 each $15.00
Come Early.
All of our fine Batistes, in neat staple
A great collection of the season's
Fine Dimity
Mercerlzod Pongee
Embroidered Voile
Vice Heine Suiting
Mercerized Checks
French Mull
Fine dainty fabrics Silk Chiffon, Eyelet Mull, Embroidered
Swiss, Silk Jacquards, Plain Linen, Silk Quadrille selling at
35c and 39c yard ; 2Sc
Very BrHTinl Our finest materials Mercerized Mull, Silk Chlf
fonette, Crepe de Chine, Silk Eoltenne, etc., appropriate for
evening gowns and worth 50c, 65c and 76c at, yard 33c
Printed Madras Those neat printed figures 26c, 30c and 35c
qualities at, yard 19c
White Dress
Fancy White Check Nainsooks, Stripe Lawn and Jacquard Madras,
worth up to 26c sale price 12c
All fancy White Swisses and Imported Walstlngs, worth up to
85c at, yard ...17 He
Fine Imported Fancy Swisses, worth up to $1.00 4c
27-inch French Embroidered Mulls, were 85c yard 59c
36-lnch Sheer Linen Lawns value 69c sale price 48c
36-inch Sheer Linen Lawns value 75c sale price. . 59c
Our Linen Department will be compelled to move entirely from
its present location, hence these prices on Staple Table Linens:
70-lnch Bleached Table Linen value 69c sale price 48c
64-inch Bleached Table Linen, extra heavy sale price 49c
Juice landii Will Not Fix Punishment of
Eailway Until Wednesday.
Weald Show that Alleged Secret Rate
Between Company and Packers
Was Known to All
CHICAGO, July 7. -Judge Landls in th
United States district court today refused
to grant a new trial to th Chicago
Alton and John N. Falthorn and Fred A.
Wann, former officials of the Alton who
were yesterday convicted of the Illegal glv
Ing of rebates.
At the time of refusing the new trial the
attorneys for the defense claimed that the
(ranting of the rebates to Schwarzschlld &
Suliberger company was generally known
in Kansas City and they asked for time to
show that the rebate was given publicly
and not In secret. The court after some
discussion said that they would have a
right to show this before the punishment
mos determined and gave the defense until
next Wednesday to bring evidence Into
court showing that the rebate was gener
ally known.
Indian Worlb'Tnt Whites.
CINCINNATI. July 7.-Pltcher Chech and
Outfielder Odwell of the Cincinnati team
Dr. Pierce's Farorlte Prescription,
la not a secret or patent medicine, against
which the must intelligent people are
Quite naturally averse because ot the un
certainty aa to their harmless character,
pat is a medicine or laowx compositioh,
a full list of all It Ingredlonte being
tinted, tit plain KnglUk, oa every bottle
wrapper. An eiamlnatlon of this list of
Ingredients will disclose the fact that It
is non-aleohollo In Its coon position, chem
ically pare glycerine taking the place of
the commonly ued alcohol, tn Its make
up. Tim " Kavorlt Prescription of Dr.
Pierce Is tn (art the only medicine, put up
for toe cure of woman peculiar weak
nesses and aliments, sold through drug
gists, that does not contain alcohol wui
ifuit too tn large qunntM. Furthermore,
tt Ik the only medicine (or woman's special
diseases, the Ingredients of which have
the unanimous endorsement of all the
leading tnodlcal writers and teachers of
all the several schools of practice, and
that too as remedlns for tho ailments for
which "Favorite Prescription" Is recom
mended. A little book of some of these endorse
ment will be sent to any address, pott
paid, and absolutely frt If you request
same by postal card or letter, of Dr. E.
V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't (orget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and
delicate ailments, Is not a patent or secret
medicine, being the "Favorite Prescrip
tion "of a regularly educated and gradu
ated physician, engaged In the practice
of his chosen specialty that of diseases
of women that Its Ingredient are printed
in ploin EiyjlUk on every bottle-wrapperi
that it 1 the only medicine especially de
signed for the cure of woman' dlseasee
that oontalna no alcohol, and the only
ene that ha a professional endorsement
worth more than all the so-called "testi
monials" ever published for other med
icine. Send (or these eudorsemenU aa
above. They are fnt for tne asking.
If you suffer from periodical, headache,
backache, dtulnea. pain or dragging
down sensation low down la the abdomen,
weak back, have disagreeable and weak
tng, catarrhal, pelvic drain, or are In
nlstrea from being long oa your feet, then
you may be lure ol Iwnent from taking
tn. Pleroe' Favorite Proscription.
Dr. Ptero' Pleasant PeUeia the beat lea
atlv and regulator of the bowels. They
Mvlgorete stomach, Itvar and bowels.
Cm a laatiTt two or Utree a cethartla
rejoice' with us, on our
unavoiaaDie crowaing aunng ims
effects, yard 12 He
popular quarter sellers.
at 18c yard
were today traded for Outfielder Jude, the
Indian member of the Toledo American
association club. Pitcher Hall of Seattle
tins also bren signed and with First Base
man Deal, late of Lancaster, Pa., and Out
fielder Jude will report here Monday.
Gratlfled Over Showing; Made It
Arm 7 In Spite of New
WASHINGTON, July T.-In a letter
Acting Secretary Oliver, President Ro
velt has expressed his gratification at .
remarkable progress thst Is being mil
by the enlisted men of the army In mark
manship. Before the Spanish war the
American private soldier was admittedly
the finest ihot in the world.
The addition of a large number of vol
unteers had the effect of reducing the aver
age of the riflemen; but aince the reor
ganisation following the great war every
effort has been made to stimulate Interest
In marksmanship, snd the result is that
today the average Is probably as high. If
not higher, thsn It was at the beginning
of the war. The figures laid before the
president that elicited his approval showed
thst In 1903 there were In the whole army
68 expert riflemen, 349 sharpshooters and
600 marksmen, as the various grades are
known technically. In the following year
theso figures had Increased to 264 expert
riflemen, 1,439 sharpshooters and 2,484
marksmen. Now It is shown that last
year the record stood 696 expert riflemen,
1,371 sharpshooters and 8.436 marksmen.
General Oliver sttrlbuted the Improvement
In large part to the fact that congress has
allowed an Increase of pay of S3 per month
In the case of expert riflemen, $2 for sharp
shooters and tl for marksmen.
"Mayor" of Chinatown Tells of Al
iened Plot of Chinese
PHILADELPHIA. July 7. Sensational
testimony was offered today at the cor
oner's Inquest In the case of Dong Boo,
a Chinaman, who died from gunshot
wounds received during a factional fight
In Chinatown on the night of July 4. Lee
Toy, who has long been known aa the
"mayor" of Chinatown, testified that t
a recent meetlrlg of a band of "highbind
ers" several men were marked for as
sassination, among them Rev. Frederick
Poole, an Episcopal missionary, who Is
located In the Chinese district. Mr. Poole
was shot during the disturbance on July
4 and Is now In a hospital.
Lee Toy atated that the murders were
to be committed during the celebration of
I Independence day. He further testified
thst he saw Tung Uow nre at Dong boo.
Tung Qow, Mok Kin and Tun Why Joe
were committed without ball to await the
action of the grand jury. Since the shoot
ing representatives of the Hip Sing Tong
and On Long factions have signed a peace
rellee Called Oat to 4aell Fight
Between t'nlaa and Nonanlen
AIGUBTA. Ga., July T.-A special to the
Chronicle from Savannah. Gs , says: Vnlon
telephone linemen snd nonunion men em
ployed by the Southern Bell. Telephone
ron'pany as linemen In plsre of the stria-
ers naa a serious anray inmgnt st tne
corner of Broughton and Drayton streets.
Several were Injured In the melee which
assumed the proportions of a riot, the de
tective and a squad ot police being called
success, in acquiring
worn. io accompusn mis ana
Extra fine Double Satin Damask Pattern Cloths, with napkins to
match at these sale prices: 8-4, $4.75; 8-10, $5.75; 8-11.
$6.50; 10-4 $7.5
S napkins to match, $4.75; sir $6.25
Pattern Cloths Oar standard, durable, moderate priced quality.
All the newest patterns, at: 8-4. 1M 8-10, $2.09; 8-12.
$3.15; 9-4, $3.89; 10-4 $3.79
Napkins to match size, $2.39; alee $3.15
All Pattern Cloths soiled from being shown will be sold at halt
Full sized Fringed Bed Spreads value $1.60 sale price. .$1.19
Lot of Colored Marseilles Spreads, somewhat soiled were $2.00
sale price $1.19
All linen extra heavy Crash, yard 10c
Big Silk Sale.
From our entire stock, including beautiful Embroid
ered Pongees, Rajah weaves in colors and fancies,
the wearable Heather Silks. 27-lnch Taffetas in the lead
ing colors, exquisite Printed Foulards silks selling
freely at $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 and $1.76 will go at one
price yard 49c
N. B. This lot is on display in west window, so that all
may have an opportunity. They will not be removed until
10 o'clock, when they go on sale.
At Ribbon Counter.
All New Fancy Ribbons at Thre Prices:
-Beautiful Dresden and Roman Stripes Printed Warps
sold up to 35c.
21c Fancy Embroidered Printed Warp and Stripes which sold
up to 66c yard.
85c Balance of fine Fancies, some 9 inches wide, and sold up
to $1.00 yard.
Buy these now for your holiday fancy work at a gEat saving.
Embroideries and Laces .
will be virtually "driven from home" when the carpenters begin.
All fine Nainsook and Swiss Sets, which are broken, will be
sold at half price.
Four Lots of Fine Edging and Insertion:
Lot 1 12c yard sold up to 28c yard.
Lot 2 19c yard suitable for skirts and Dresses sold up to
40c yard.
Lot 8 20c yard extra wide deep Bouncings and dainty edg
ings sold up to 65c yard.
Lot 4 12c yard rare bargains in our finest Embroidery,
Corset Coverings and Allovers sold up to $1.35 yard.
Laces Fine Applique, Net Top and Irish Crochet sold up to 35c
yard, at 12c
Fine 10-lnch Net Top Laces and beautiful Applique Allovers, etc
sold up to $1.75 yard hoc
Handkerchiefs All linen, colored and white Embroidery, worth
25c half price 12 He
Women's Stocks at 10c which have sold at 60c.
Belts at 15c black and colored. Silk and White Wash Belts,
which have sold at 75c.
Shopping and Carriage Bags in fine Buffed Alligator, Morocco and
Sealskin which have sold up to $5.00 for .$1.95
Combs Fancy trimmed Back Combs which sold up to $1.00. ,29c
out to suppress the disturbances. A num
ber of arrests were made. K. E. Neldlln
ger, electrician for the Atlanta Coast line,
was most eerlously hurt. He received se
vere knife wounds.
robate Jadae In Ohio Issues Process
Asjalost the Standard Oil
INDLAT, O., July 7. Judge Banker of
.- probate court has tBsued a summons
John D. Rockefeller In connection with
..e suit recently filed here against the
Standard OH company and Mr. Rockefeller,
In which It Is alleged that the Valentine
anti-trust law has been violated by the
Standard OH and its subsidiary companies.
The summonses have been turned over to
Sheriff Qrover, who states that he will
make service on Mr. Rockefeller as soon as
the latter returns from Europe Sheriff
Grover has gone to Cleveland to serve sum
mons upon the Standard OH company
through one of Its officers.
CLEVELAND, O., July 7.-Sherlff Groves
of Hancock county came to Cleveland to
day with a subpoena for John D. Rocke
feller. Groves was naturally unsuccessful
In his quest, as Mr. Rockefeller Is In Eu
rope, but he did succeed ,ln serving Im
portant papers on J. M. Robertson of this
city, secretary of the Standard OH com
pany, Instead.
A warrant and a certified copy of the In
formation filed at Flndlay by Prosecutor
David were left with Robertson, who was
warned to be on hand when needed. The
statutes require In criminal as well aa
civil proceedings where service is had on
a corporation, that the sheriff must deliver
the papers In the case to the president,
and If he be not available, then upon the
next highest official to be found. In case
of the Standard OH company, Secretary
Robertson was the highest official of the
company that the sheriff could find hers.
After seeing the secretary of the Standard
OH company, Sheriff Groves turned his at
tention to discover If possible the where
abouts of Mr. Rockefeller and when he
would return to Cleveland, but little In
formation could be had on that subject.
The prevailing opinion seems to be that It
will not be until the latter part of August.
Senater Will Spend Summer In tSarope
and Retarn to Washington
In Pall.
NEW TORK. July 7-Tha Tribune to
morrow will say: The announcement Is
made on good authority that Senator De
pew. who waa absent from his duties at
Wahlngton slmost the entire winter, suf
ferlng from a nervous breakdown, had
practically recovered. He Is satd to have
no Intention of resigning from the senate
but Instead to be Intending to msks a trip
to Europe for the summer and when h
has returned to resume his work. He may
sail within a week or two.
Defease Fleets to Try Hargrls anal
Callahan Together far Marenaa
BEATTTVILLE. Ky., July 7.-The jury
which will try the rase of Judge James
Hargls on the charge of having murdered
Attorney Jamea B. Mir cum, was secured
today. After the Jury had been completed
tile defense announced that It had elected
to have Hargis and Callahan tried to
gether. Court was adjourned until Mon
day, when A. F. Byrd will make the open
lug statement for the prosecution.
by purchase, our present
mase me event memoraoie 10 umana Bnoppers, mosi unusuai price
Jewelry Counter
Reputed Reactionary Standi for Ministry
from Popular Branch of Government.
In Fiery Talk He Calls Prince
I roaofr a Traitor Who Had
Bald Himself for
ST. PETERSBURG, July 7.-General
Trepoff's advocacy of a ministry composed
of constitutional democrats introduces a
new element into the situation, which,
though the fall of the Goremykln cabinet
la momentarily DiniDimnl. is atemlllv
trending toward Parliament government aa
being the only expedient which may ward
off the impending storm of anarchy.
Trcpoft' conversion to the idea of a re
sponsible ministry Is based, however, not
on regard for the constitutional democrats,
whom he considers to be half revolutionists.
but on the conviction that repression by a
disaffected army and disorganised polico
would no longer serve. The general spoke
with, his usual remarkable bluntness, not
attempting to cover the desperate condi
tion of the country and the strength of
the revolutionary cause and giving the lie
direct to Prince Urvsoff, whom he further
characterized aa a traitor who had sold
himself In the hope of attaining a place In
the new government. The constitutional
democrats will take no part In that por
tion of the policy of the radicals which
can only plunge the country Into streams
of blood. Parliament must exist as th
Instrument of pacification or not at all.
The constitutional democrats In the future
are bound to aotlvely combat the tactics
of the extremists as well as those of the
In the reorganisation of the guard corps
the emperor has replaced the "carpet
knights" among ths officers by fighting
soldiers of the type of Major General
Letschltsky, the new commander of ths
First guard division, which Includes tns
Preobrajensky regiment. Letschltsky has
spent almost his entire life in Turkestan
and the far east, commanding with dis
tinction In China and Manchuria. He is
an utter stranger at court.
The newspapers today print an open let
ter from the Lettish Royal Democratlo
league ot Llbau In regard to the execution
of Makhovsky, a revolutionist, who re
fused to go to the scaffold, protesting his
Innocence. The guards handled him so
roughly that they broke his wrist and
crushed in his chest. The man died before
he reached the Dlaoe of execution. His
body, nevertheless, wss strung up.
trmitTO with Damn.
The demand for Parliament for tho
retirement of the Goremykln cabinet will
be backed by the semstvo congress at Its
meeting In Moscow on Mondsy. The pro-
"TAere's a Reason" j j
store building the oldest, most convenient and best dry goods loca
our store. Tending the beginning
. 1
-All our fine Dog Collar Necklaces
halt price.
All our fine Bear Necklaces Just half price.
Sterling Silver Bracelets which sold at $1.76, each 95c
Sterling Silver Bracelets which sold at $2.75 to $4.60, each $1.75
Fancy Pins which sold up to 60c, each 19c
Fancy Goods Counter 60c Stamped Pillow Tops, at 10c
Bulgarian Embroidered Center Pieces and Table Covers, 10c
the 12-inch sizes which sold at 30c; at 29c the 20-lnch sUee, sold
at 86c. All Table Covers $1.65 sold up to $4.00.
Underwear and Hosiery
Our reliable stock of well known makes must be sold.
Low Neck Sleeveless Vests, rightly made lOc and 15o
At 19c Fine Ribbed Lisle, Tape or lace trimmed Vests,
worth 26c.
A very special clearing lot of fine Vests and Pants, comprising
Imported Swiss Vests, Lace, Crochet, Vega Silk, Lace Trimmed
Pants and Outsize Shaped Vesta all splendid 60c values
each 87c
Extra fine SwIrs Vests, selling at 76c, 85c and $1.00, for 59c
We shall offer during this sale the best Union Suit we have ever
sold, for ROc
All small lots of dollar Suits, Including Plqua makes and Im
ported Swiss, at 9o
All fine grades our best makes selling from $1.60 up, at. .98c
Children's Underwear To dispose of a lot of Ribbed Vesta we
will sell them six for a quarter.
Lace Trimmed Pants, pair , 10c
Lisle and Balbrlggan 'Ribbed Vests, Pants and Drawers on sale
at 25c
Boys' 60c Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, at 85c
Children's Hose Just two items but!
Fine Imported 60c Lisle Hose, ribbed and lace, black and tan,
for 25c
Infants' 26c Socks, black or tan, pair 5c
Women's Hosiery Closing small and broken lots, but alto
gether there's lots of them.
Lot 1 Full fashioned, black and fancy stripes, worth 26c and
35c, for 15c
Lot 2 Fine qualities in Males, both lace and plain, also a sample
lot, mainly 60c goods, at 29c
Men's Department
Underwear Egyptian Ribbed Double Seated Drawers, at special
price of 23c
Three 60c lines Plain Balbrlggan, Plain Gauze, flesh color,
ribbed, all at n 89c
Dollar qualities of Lisle Thread 69c
Extraordinary Shirt Hale A cleaning up of Madras and Negligee
Shirts, .mostly dollar qualities, each 29c
All the new styles the cream of the season In the popular
makes, white and colored- dollar numbers 79c
Dollar and a half numbers $1.15
Soft Negligee, attached soft collars, in Mohair, Solsette, etc.,
selling at $2.00 sale price $1.29
A large lot of Half Hose Some great values Imported, Fash
ioned and Shaw Knit makes the 50c qualities 29c
The 25c qualities 19c
Oreat clearing up of Men's Silk Neckwear Four-in-hands and
various shapes, worth 25c and 50c, all in one lot three for a
half dollar.
bbsmSB sjeussj Vty H9mD1 unssJVF
gram drawn up by the central committee
favors the withdrawal by the semstvo or
ganisations of all measures for famine
relief, "so long as the present ministry re
mains In power."
The committee, however, raises the con
tinued maintenance of free dining rooms
to relieve actual starvation.
Parliamentary data regarding the fam
ine shows that 127 counties In twenty-
eight provinces are affected, that 117
crops are complete failures and that In
eighty-eight counties the famine is In its
second year.
The revolutionists of St. Petersburg are
organizing an executive organization,
which. It Is expected, will fill the gsp
caused by the arrest of the members of
the workmen's council during the last
crisis. Thirty-eight agitators, arrested
within the past week, have been sent to
prison by administrative orders for three
months on the charge of Inciting strikes
and the closing of shops.
Council Amends Death Penalty Bill.
The bill of the lower House of Parlia
ment for the abolition of the death pen
alty went on the rocks today between the
caucus of the centrists and the council
of the empire, a majority of which was
opposed to Its acceptance In Its present
form. The substitution of a measure
abrogating the provision of the code
whereby civilians come under the Jurisdic
tion of the military courts In "a state of
exceptionable security," a minor form of
martial law, which Is the chronic status
of nine-tenths of Russia, will solidify the
parliamentary opposition to the ministry.
A considerable faction of the centrists,
particularly the Industrial and commercial
representatives, desired for tnctical rea
sons to follow the lead of the lower house
and pass the bill unchanged, but the de
mand for the retention of the death pen
alty came with the greatest lnsltence
from the representatlvea of the border
districts, where the penalty Is most In
use Poland, the Baltic provinces and the
Caucasus who feel themselves In the grip
of the revolutionists and terrorists without
the summary processes of martial law. It
was proposed virtually to abolish the death
penalty except where circumstances Justify
the proclamation of full martial law, such
as armed uprisings, where the authorities
are given a free hand to summon drumhead
courtmartlal and use the firing squad.
This rejection of the first fruits of the
legislation of the lower house revived the
old demand for the abolition of the council
of the empire a a wall between the em
peror and the people.
Revolution In Siberia.
Dr. NlchcilalefTsky, who was elected a
member of the lower house from Kras
noyarsk. Siberia, has arrived here. He
openly flaunts the revolutionary colors. In
an Interview today he avowed himself an
active member of the revolutionary organi
sation. He ' said that just before hta de
parture he presided at a great revolutionary
meeting at Krasnoyarsk. Cavalry sent to
disperse the meeting Jolnd the revolu
tionists In parading through the town be
hind the red flag in place of the national
colors. Trie meeting demanded the trial
of Generals Rennenkampff, Milieu and
Zakomllsky. who suppressed the uprising
along the Tranx-Sib rlan railroad, as mur
derers. Dr. Nlcholaieffsky said the Si
berian peasantry was flatly opposed to any
further Immlgretlnn from Russia and were
In favor f a broad policy of tallroad con
struction. The frequent offxhoots from
the Trsns-Siberian line are necessary to
, open up the grain producing country.
BERLIN. July ".The Foreign office has
been notified thst the delegates of the
t'nlted Ststes to the wireless telegraph
congress, which will ssMttiMe in Berlin
September I, will b Ambassador Tower.
of actual work we find it necessary to materially reduce our
1 l! Ml M
reuucuuus win. prevail.
Second Floor Bargains
White Linen Sulta in Eton, Cape and Jacket styles, sold up to
$18.00 sale price $.98
India Linen Shirtwaist Suits, sold up to $7.50 sale price. . .$2.98
Waist Open back, long or short sleeves, India Linen or Lingerie,
lace and embroidery trimmed, sold up to $2.00 sale price. 98c
Fine Lingerie Waist, elaborately trimmed, sold up to $6.60
sale price $2.49
Elegant Waists of fine Lingerie, hand embroidered and lace
trimmed worth up to $12.60, each $7.98
Dressing 8acques and Kimonos, new and dainty patterns, were
$1.25 to $2.00 sale price 98c
White flerg Eton Suits, were $25.00 half price $12.50
White Voile Salt, were $50.00 and $60.00, earh $29.00
Eton and Jacket Suits of Panama and Prunella, pastel shades,
wore $85.00 and $40.00, for $15.00
Brllliantine and Silk Sulta, good styles, sold for $20.00 and $25.00,
These suits are at shamefully cut prices, but they all must go.
Dress Skirts, newest styles, white serges, mixtures and checks,
were $12.00, $16.00 and $16.60 sale price $9.0S
White Serge and Mohair Skirts, were $10.00 and $12.00 sale
price 7-ft0
White Mohair and Black and White Serges, were $9.00 sale
price $1.08
Black SUk Eton Jackets, worth $9.00 and $15.00 sale
prlce $5.98 and $9.98
Cut Price Goods at Cut Prices.
Gowns at 59c Made of Nainsook, some lace trimmed, worth
UPGowns at 89c Made of Nainsook or Cambric, beading, ribbon
and embroidery trimmed, all makes, were $1.26.
Gowns at $1.19 Dainty summer styles, appropriately trimmed
and well worth $2.00.
Gowns at $1.69 Beautiful styles, trimmed with embroidery,
medallion or fine val. lace, worth up to $3.60.
All the garments Skirts, Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers,
Chemise, etc., mussed or soiled from handling during our Great
June Sale will be sold at one-third to one-half regular prices.
Children's Drawers, all sizes epeclal value at.. ......100
Children's Drawers, all sizes, fine muslin and cambric, nem-
aTndrJn's' sTlrU.'flnem ruffle, worth
35c, at: 1W0
Drapery Department
One lot of Ruffled Swiss Curtains, odd curtains and odd pairs,
worth uo to $2.00 a pair, at, each '" "?
150 pair. Curtains and Nottingham Swiss Ruffled Net. Irish
Point, etc.. sold up to $6.00 a pair. at. each. fl-89
rut nrtces on curtains too numerous to mention.
PoS-rS i of fine Tapestry and Repp, some bordered, some fringed.
FlnTq'Sami'of'Mercized pVrUere..' handsome design's', worth
CtoanlM J a loVrt PUlow TVpWh.t were Voc.' aach.V .' 7. .10.
Sale begins at 8 o'clock sharp. ore cloaca at 5 p. m.
Brigadier General, Jams Allen, Rear Ad
miral H. N. Manney and John I. Water
bury of New York. General Allan. Ad
miral Manney and Mr. Waterbury were
nominated, respectively, by the Depart
ments ot War, Navy and Commerce.
Members Examine Railway Terminals
at La Boca and Visit
Calebra Cnt.
PANAMA, July 7 Only routlns business
was transacted at the meeting of the Pan
ama canal commission, held July 6. All the
members of the commission went to La
Boca yesterday afternoon to examine term
inal facilities for the railroad, after which
they went up the canal in launches. Today
tho commissioners visited the Culebra cut.
The commission ha discussed Informally
the problem of the canal entrance on the
Paclflc aide. Chief Engineer John F. Stev
en la against a high lock at this point,
and basos his opposition on the. results of
the borings now being made. It Is be
lieved the canal will be sea level from Ls
Boca to Mlraflore. There may be, however,
an alternative proposition for a 25-foot In
stead of a 36-foot lock at La Boca, the lat
ter proposed by the mining engineers' com
mission. A flaw In the mechanism of the
lock, however, would, bring danger of flood
and might cause the inundation of Panama
City and vicinity.
Engineers are marking out a new site
for the town of Gatun, as the present
town, according to the plans adopted, will
ultimately be under water.
Condemnation proceedings agslnst Isnd
owners In those parts of the tone which will
ultimately become lakes have been an
nounced. President Cnaaratetetes Prlnee.
BERLIN, July T. President Roosevelt's
congratulations to Crown Prince and
JPor Thin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine tested sixty
years! Sixty years of experience, think
of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsaparilla; the
Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for
thin blood, weak nerves, general de
bility. What does your doctor say?
. We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Made ky th 1. C. Aver C., lwtl. Mua.
aim ataufoturers t
A TEB's HAIR TlOOB-rer th kair. ATER'I P'LLS -For coaitl patio.
ATER'oCHKkBT PBCTOKAL Fat coagk. ATfR'3 AGUBCURs f ot nMUnaaaaagM.
Crown Princess Frederick William on the
birth of their son has been transmitted
through th American embassy and the
Foreign office to Emperor William and the
crown prince and crown princess.
Waa Waiting; for ess Wind Before
Resuming Ita Trip t
WASHINGTON, July 7.-A11 anxiety for
th safety of the lighthouse tender Laurel
was relieved today when the llghthquse
board received a tolegram from Lieutenant
Commander Hood, lighthouse inspector at
Key West, reporting that It had been an
chored under the Lobos light from June 25
to July t.
The Laure) was due at Guantanamo June
27, and when It failed to show up there
several days after that date Lieutenant
Commander Hood left Key West with the
tender Mangrove In search of It, and at
his request the naval tug Osceola also was
sent out from Key West to look for the
missing tender. The Laurel was waiting
for less wind before leaving the anchor at
Lobo light.
Bee Want Ads are th dependable seeds
of success.
Savannah, Mo., Is Scene af Serious
Crime by Men Who
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 7.-A pola! to
the News-Press from Savannah, Mo., savs
that during the absence of Sheriff R. G.
Gambia last night robber entered the Jail
residence and beat his wife almost to
The thieves took msny valuable and left
Mrs. Gamble for dead. She recovered con
sciousness this morning and crawled to a
neighbor' to give the alarm.