THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BKE: JULY .8, 1906. D 8 H0NE AND HUSBLND COM Pitiful Tale Belated 1 Woman Wis Tied from Ean Franciaoo. TELLS HOW SHE WAS FILCHED OF COIN are llr Haaband Had Mas Repre sented to Be Mayor Wha Ska Kaowa Wn a Coa plrator. man who tald he was mayor of San FrancJReo enters Into the taJe of distress and possible desertion related' by Mrs. Annie Blaucho to Superintendent Morris or the Associated Charities. The woman Is a German, who marrlod an Italian and survived the San Francisco disaster. She and her year-old baby were shipped to Omaha along with a lot of other refuges, but before leaving Vincent, her husband, pried her loose from S1.300 belonging to herself and infant and which, he says, was deposited In the National Bank of California. She received ne word from the husband until a few days ago, when a letter came from Florida, stating be had heard reports that she had been In Des Moinos consorting with anotlier man. This Mrs. Blaucho denies emphatically and says she can prove she has boen living with hospitable strangers at Forty-fifth and Grand avenue since she landed here. Re cently she has been picking cherries to cam a living. Notwithstanding the Inti mated Intention of Vincent to drop her, the woman says she still loves him and wants to be his dear wife at a range some what closer than the mileage between Ne braska and Florida. Then Cam the Crash. She says $500 was loft to her and $700 to the Infant by the death of her mother In Germany. Her husband. It appears, was a painter, and the cash went on deposit. Then came the morning of grinding shocks and falling buildings, followed by Are. The Ulaucho family was In the midst of the mad flight for safety. Eventually, the woman says, she was told that she, with another woman, must leave, but that her hunband must remain to work clearing up the debris and rebuilding the town. Be fore the parting he took her before another man, represented to be the mayor of San Francisco, and between them they induced her to sign papers authorising Vlnoent to draw the money from the bank, provided this was possible. Then she and the baby were placed on a train and traveled as far as Omaha, destitute and cared for by strangers. The long silence of Vincent made the woman fear for his safety, but the letter from ' Florida aroused suspicions of his faithlessness. The neighbors heard the story and brought It to the Associated Charities, and Superintendent Morris has undertaken an Investigation to bring up the facts and to determine If Vincent really wants to abandon his wife and child, what he has ddne with the $1,200 and why he went to Florida. Mrs. Blaucho says she does not now think It was the real mayor of San Francisco who entered Into the deal, basing her con clusions on the atudy of newspaper pic tures. 12.SO to St. Paal use Minneapolis and Return From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets on sal dally after May tl to September fa Final return limit, October U. Equally low rates to other points In Minnesota. North Dakota, Wiscon sin and lower Michigan. For further In formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general agent. 1511 Farnam street, Omaha. Bast Values at Hew Hotel Woodstock, New York. , It Is the aim of the proprietor to give his patrona as hear honest value as Is compatible with first-class service and homelike comfort at the new steel-built, fireproof Hotel Woodstock (125-135 West Forty-third street, near Broadway, Times or Long Acre square). The very heart of the city. In the midst of the theaters, clubs, etc. Adjacent to subway, "L" roads and Broadway cars to all ferries and rail way stations. Sterling Silver Frenser, 15th and Dodge. Hints for Planning Yonr Vacation. A little note will bring to you our book let on Summer Vacations where to goahow to get there and what It will cost. It con. tains over eighty different tours, combin ing rail and water routes. No vacation plans should be completed without consult ing this guide. For a copy address C C. Merrill, Traveling Passenger Agent, 10th and Walnut Sts., Kansas City, Mo. W. J. Lynch, Pass. Traffic Manager, Chicago, Flahlnc and Camplnnr Rates to Madl. on Lake, Watervlll and Elyslan, Mtnan Via Chicago Great Western. For parties of ten or more, on far and ne-thlrd for the round trip, good for tea days. Tickets on sale dally until Sep tember SO. For further Information apply to H. H. ChurCbtll. O. A.. 1612 Farnam St. Werts, Dentist. 604- Paxton block. Men's, boys', chlldren-s clothing, hate ladtea' suits, skirts, millinery, etc., cash oi credit. People's Store, 16th and Farnam. Best typewritten letters, Mangum 4 Co. To Correct Fails Reports. Ths report being circulated that Hayden Bros, are using the depositors money In their business la absolutely untrue. The deposits in Hayden Bros.' bank are loaned on the bat and most available se curity for th safety f the depositors. Not only that, but Hayden Bros.' bank has more lld wealth and cash reaouroe ft It lUblBUaa than any other bank w know of, either in this state or elsewhere. Ther to no martgag sr Incumbrance f any kind on Hayden Bros.' property! It is all clear to strengthen and support th bank assets in cos of panto or adverse condition of any kind. It might h well ta think f thess fact whsa making pour savings deposits. Hayden Bros.' bank will pay 4 per cent Interest from July 1 on all deposits mads befor July 15; no notice required to with draw your money. HATDEN BROS.. BANKER 8. WATCHES Frenser, 15th and Dodge Sts. , . . ., ,,.. . ... hid iiiiii.ii HEW HOMES in TUB WEST. Shoshoa Reservatlaa to Bo Opeae to ttlemeat. CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN R'T Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates from All rolnts July 11 to M, Leas than on fare for the round trip to Shoshonl, W'yo., the reservation border. The only all-rail rout to the reservation border. Dates of registration, July. 18 to SI, at Shoshonl and Lander. Reached only by this tin. Writ for pamphlets telling how to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request at City Office, 1401-1 Farnam St., or address S. F. Miller, A. O. F. 4 T. A-, WJl Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Have Root print It. Very Uw Rates Tuesday. Every Tuesday, balance, of tha year, the Chicago Great Westers railroad will aaU bomeseekera' tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesdays. Write H. H. ChurohllJ, O. A, It 11 Farnam street. Btat number la party and when going. DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th and Harney. To Clear Iake and Retara. The Chicago Great Western railway will run an excursion to Clear Lake, la., Satur. day, July 14. Trains will leave - Omaha at 7:45 a. m. and l:M p. m. A tourist sleeper wilt b handled In the 8:30 p. m. train. On the return trip It will be run la the train leaving Mason City at 3:65 a. m., July 18. Tickets also good returning on all reg ular trains, Monday, July It. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill," Q. A,, 1511 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. fT.JM to Minneapolis and St. Paal and Return front Omaha Via Chi cago Great Western Railway. Account G. A. R. National Encampment at Minneapolis, August 13th to 18th. Tick ets on sale August 11th to JSth. Return limit August 81st, with extension privilege. For further information apply-to H. H. Churchill, a. A., 1612 Farnam St., Omaha. LOW ROVXD TRIP RATES To Hen -Jersey, Look Island and Mew England Coast Resort. The Lake Shore will sell excursion Uokets to Asbury Park, Atlantic City, Long Branch, Sag Harbor, Newport," Block Island and all principal coast resorts. Re turn limit October 31, ISOt. Stop-over of ten days at New Tork, Philadelphia, Niag ara Falls, etc. For full particulars write M. 8. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago. W. J. Lynch, Passenger Trafflo Manager, ' Chi cago. Omaha Council JSo. 44 National Union Members of this council are herewith re quested to attend tha funeral of late Dep uty W. B. Jacobs, from the home of Friend R. Richelieu, Sunday afternoon, 1 o'clock, 1MB Blnney St. WM. KENNEDY, President. DIAMONDS Frenser, 16th and Dodge Sts. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY MISSES' AND CIIILD REN'S TAN SHOES AND OXFORDS All of our misses' 82.25 tan C Cft button Shoes, slses 11 Vi to a.iBI'OU All children's 81.75 tan button Cf OK Shoes, sizes Vi to 11 lBI.AiJ Misses' 82,50 Russia calf Ox- X4 en fords, sizes lift to 2 tOU Children's 81.75 Russian calf ff R Oxfords, slses 8V to 11..... 200 pairs women's black and tan Ox fords, worth 82.50 up to Bft 84.00, broken fllxes OUW 200 pairs women's shoes bro- CD J it ken sizes, 83.50 to 85 values 3 I.UU 300 pairs misses' and children's Shoes, broken slses of our best makes, nar row widths, worth up to ai, J2.50, at ......OvIC We do not charge, exchange or re fund money on these shoes. On sal Monday. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. Delicious Sweets Monte Christo Chocolates are the most delicious manufactured. Once tried, you wilt have ne others. Phone In your orders. We deliver free to all parts ot Omaha. Mont Chrlsto chocolates, per pound 60o Lowney's chocolates, per pound .60o Alllgrettl's chocolates, per pound eoo Haieppa chocolates, per pound ........ OOd Beaton Drug Co. 13T1I AND F Alt NAM Home of Omaha's Famous Fountain A real Delmonlco, our latest creation, it a winner. . mm i...lwmMi,., im i i. J QBaSSe IflRflfnlM PMOP UUUUU u u uuu uv is official to frail Omaha If i a linll aL snbl JbmLaL Klhr TTFI 1711 Till Meeta -at peeiai TraiBi Will leave Omaha July 16th (Monday) 4:00 p. m. Arrive Denver July 17th (Tuesday) 7:50 a. m. This train will be equipped with Pullman palace sleeping cars, Pullman Tourist sleeping cars, Buffet Smoking and Library cars, free Reclining-Chair cars, and Dining Cars meals a la carte. Tickets on sale July 10tb to 16th at for the Round Trip. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1 324 FARNAM ST. . 'Phone Douglas 034. route of .L(IMI(B QJJ t 4 MsuMJUfflTflM C535a MMlaUaWalTts. OUR OXFORDS ARE COOLERS Coolers to the feet, the mind and the purse. The now stylos are ready and there never was a better time to choose. You may be able to pull through the summer without a hat or pair of trousers, but ox fords you, must have. Patent colt or kid, vlcl, gun metal calf or .tan leathers. C0NSVATIVH FBXCESl g $3.50, $4.00 to $5.09. FRY SHOE CO. THE 8HOER3, tth and DouqIms Sts. f " !. ..:'M I'Jir.J..:. - J-1"""1 " ""'3 GOOD FOR YOU! a question of price, pride or prudenGe THE ONIMOD SHOE) Will Settle It. From maker to wearer gives price advantage. Correct models, good taste and Judgment give style advantage. Combination of these merits with best materials and superb workmanship makes it prudent to buy Onimod shoes. Thd bench-made Onimod Is the acme ot shoe excellence. Price $4.0010 $6.00 " v The $3.60 Onimod surpasses other, shoes at that price. ... . . SOS S SJ5ST. SPECIAL $7,50 CASE $5.00 We have placed on special sale this week a full Cowhide Leather Suit Case, sice 24 inches, linen lined, with shirt folder, heavy steel frame, brast lock and bolts. It Is rs- fytm gf ularly priced at (7.50, II (I but marked down IJUaUU special this week at w 20 DISCOUNT on all Suit Cases and Traveling Bags this month. See our line of Japanese Mattlns 8u1t Cases. Just the thing for hot weather We are closing them out at reduced prices. We carry everything in Traveling Bags, Trunks and Sample Cases OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, 1200 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Two Beaoitics We ' are . selling two sty'es of watches, high "class goods, but medium priced, ' which we can reccommend Without hesitation Our solid gold filled, twenty years' "guaranteed case, 15-jeweled, El gin or Waltham movement, guaranteed live ilLQ '7' years, only J A. O The same watch as the above, but 'lT: -..$11.75 Orders by mall executed promptly.. We are leadquartera for high class guaranteed watches. AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN Opposite liostou Store lt5 South 16th St. SIMMER HESORTS. m.ACK POINT ENP. On Bound. ne.r NiMniic. t't. lcu.lli)ii liiient and cKlet on Ciumn'tliMii Coimi furnished summer coi (' to let tn rom i. tjeidra bathi iinmi, laundiy and goud attic; two acres ot cl-ar lawn to shore; abaoluttly new plumbing and abundant pure artesian water suipi ; sanitary conditions perfect. Oood accom modations for New Tork and Btmton train service on N. Y., N. 1L II R U. Terms r-asoi.!. Apply JAMES bOKD, Black Fblnt r-'luntle, Ct. eaent 'Don't Miss the GKfcAr W ft ILK Most Sfupe.i dous Bargain Event Ever Known THE RELIABLE TORB Groceries! Groceries! I New Goods. Highest QuaW.y. Lowest Prices. Firsh new stock fills our shelves in place of the goods damaged by water. Not one particle of food stulT in anyway damaged will bo offered for sale. Send us your orders. BIO FLOUR 8ALE MONDAY Wo are going to give the people of Omaha another gigantic bargain Monday In flour. To every customer who wants a sack of the best Fancy High Fatent , Minnesota flour, nothing finer made, we will sell a 4S pound sack 100 REMEMBER THIS 13 FOR MONDAY'S SALE ONLY. 21 pounds best pure cane granulated sugar for $1.00 10 pounds best white Wheat Flour 15c 10 pound sack best Cornmeal 12Mtc 7 pounds best hand picked navy beans.. 25c The Verlbest Potted Meats, per can S4o X-celo Breakfast Food, per pkg 7V4o 2 pound pkg. Pancake Hour 5c The best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c Fresh crisp Ginger Snaps, pc;r lb 4Hc 5 pound pails pure fruit Jelly 15c 1-Q Mason Fruit Jars, Important Noticel Our telephone system has boon changed so that from now on any one Wishing any department should call DOUGLAS 355 and ask for depart ment wanted. HAYDEN ii TE3llAffiS One and a quarter million acres to bo opened to settlement on the -SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates of registration July 16th to 31st. EXCURSION RATES Less than one fare for the round trip, daily July 12th to 29th via Round trip from Omaha, 5?il.00 over the only all rail routo from Omaha to Shoshoni, Wyo. , the reservation border. GEO. F. WEST, Gtnaral Agsnt, Chicago & North-Western Ry. Omaha, Nsb., Please send to my address pamphlets, maps and Infor mation concerning the opening; of tha Shoshone or Wind River reservation to settlement. Cut sut (hit Coupon) Momescokers' Excursion Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory.. Louisiana. Now Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. RepuDIlo of Mexleo. TUESDAYS 190G, Via MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. P. A., T. F. CVMJFIIEY, P. T. A., OMAHA, NEB. H. C TOWNSEXD, General Pasaengej- 8.C1 TkJcet Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO. IJM.UV PL'Ff A lifcXIGIlT WHEN IT' A -op? 2 ...TIW Willi li'4j.n P. R. Rico MervanUlo tija Co., Bargains in the UftWlftllt DnLC Sec large Ad on Page 8, Half-Tone Section Swedish Health Bread, per pound 7Ho Fresh crisp Craokers, pr pound 12Vo i pound can fanoy Sweet Sugar Corn 5o 1 pound plug Chewing Tobacco.. .. !5o TEAS AND COFFEES. HAYDEN BROS.' DIRECT IMPORTERS Fancy B. F. Japan Tea. per pound 28a Fancy Sun Dried Japan Tea, per lb....2f.o Fancy Bngllsh Breakfast, Gunpowder. Oolong or Ceylon tea, extra fancy, a fins drink .Wo Choice Tea Sifting, per lb 120 EGOS: EGOS! EGGS! Strictly fresh new laid eggs, per dos...l6o FRUIT AND CHEESE SPECIALS Fancy New York white full cream cheese. per lb Wo Fancy large Juicy Ijemons, worth 30o per dosen, for this sale only, per dosen..STto Fancy large ripe Pineapples, each 7&a per dozen BROS Special July 17th. August 7th and 21st, Beptember 4th and lHth, October Zd and 16th, Aoveuiber OUi and ZOth. ....... T I r""T. Manufactures, bw Lroals, U.