HIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 7, 190(3. DEMOCRAT BR1ND OF REFORM AT THE mm sen CO, 1511 DOUGLAS STREET 9 Days July Clearing Sale SPECIAL Pure linen, cambric and mer cerized Handkerchiefs, embroid ered and hemstitched edge Rule rrlce Regular Belling prices, B0c-25c. 27c-19c The Bifl Skirt Sale Every black, blue, brown, gray and cluster skirt In our entire stock wll be on sale at 23 per ceat to 8.1 1-8 per rent redaction from original price. There are Panamas, serge and henrletta, made up In the best liked styles. JV8T LOOK AT THESE riUCKS. JS. 9.98 Regular selling price $15. rSe ".....6.48 Regular selling price $10. sale t rr c Price , 3 Regular selling price $3. Cloth Jackets Reduced $12.50, f 10 Cloth Jackets at $7.48 and $0.48 Tight fitting jackets of good tan covert or black broadcloth, trimmed bock and front with stitched straps and finished with buttons, lined with silk or satin Reduced now to . .7.48-6.48 Regular selling prices $11.60 and $10.00. Washable Skirts Indian Head MuRiin, mercerized and linen finish, circular and tucked and strapped skirts, to clear now at. .1.19 Neckwear Dainty lace and embroidered col lars, turnover sets, Irish point and Val lace 1.69 i 16c Regular selling prices from $2.60 to 36c. Hats, Millinery, Ostrich Plumes at Great Reduction of Price. OMAHA SUIT CO., 1511 Douglas St. DODGE PLEADS NOT GUILTY Disolaima Intention of Applying Botation Scheme to Election of Delegates. THINKS THIS EFFECTIVE FOR OPPONENTS Wilt ' Go to the Kezt I.esUlat ur . wit View ( Correcting Hvll. of the I'reaent Law. N. P. Dodg. Jr., legislative sponsor for the primary election luwn In Nebraska de plores the rotation ballot plan which the courts thought necessary fur use In selecting- delegations to the state convention, and points out that enemies of the direct primary will seise on the experience for ammunition In contesting a direct primary law for the whole state. Mr. Dodge says there la no reason why the defects dis covered should not be remedied and he proposes to attend the next session of the legislature and work for various- amend- merits that practice has shown needful. He says: "I think It Is very unfortunate that I did not foresee the construction the courts placed upon the rotation ballot clause of the primary law. as it Is just such, things as this, aa The Bee showed editorially, that bring reforms In election laws Into bad repute. I had no idea there would be any rotating of the names of delegates. In fact I thought we would hereafter have but one 'delegation and that the candidates would file their names and the highest man would get the delegation. 1 knew there would bo no more county or city conventions In Douglas. I provided for the election of . state and district delegates, anticipating nothing except they might be voted for In groups. Rotatloa Scheme Dangerous. "The primary law as a whole has come t stay and we should be careful In ad ministering It that the natural enemies to It the special Interests cannot find weak nesses that prove disagreeable to the voter. If this rotating ot names la not corrected before another state convention we will have thrown at us one of the strongest arguments used by the lobbyist for the special Interests against the state primary 'aw, namely, the expense to the county. 1 have heard that the printing bill for the rotation ballot alone will be about 17,00(1. Vnder the old party primary plan the en tire cost never exceeded $3,000, Including the wages of Judges and clerks and everything else, whereas a single Item under the new plan Is twice as much In this instance. "The construction placed upon the statute by the courts Is one Of those -amples of pure logic-reaching conclusions that are Impractical and burdensome and shows how frequently In enacting legisla tion the legislature views matters In a practical rather than a scholastic way. I have no doubt that every man who takes an Interest In political matters feels ws had no such Intention ot Inconveniencing the votr by compelling him to vote for each delegate. The' strict Interpretation of the statute and the wide publicity given to It may be Inimical to the passage of a state primary law at the next session of the leglslatuie. Those Influences that have promulgated our state tickets will take full advantage of the opportunity, but they must be defeated." WILLIAM B. JACOBS TAKES ACID Dies Before Doctor Who Was Kin Hissed Coo Id Reach the Scene. William B. Jacobs drank a quantity of carbolic acid at the home of his brother-in-law, Robert Richelieu, 1S0J Blnney street, at 8.30 o'clock Friday afternoon, and when found by his wife a few moments after ward life was almost extinct. Dr. Hixliip was called Immediately but when he ar rived Jacobs was dead. Financial reverses and consequent de spondency are believed to have been the cause ot the suicide. It is said the man had attempted taking his. -own life before and was saved from self-destruction by drowning by a number of boys only a couple of weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs were to leave In the evening for Kansas City, where their son had secured a posi tion. Tickets had been purchased, bag gage taken to the station and all was ready for departure, when on entering a bedroom Mrs. Jacobs saw her husband stretched upon the bed, apparently dead. The couple had made their home with Mr. Richelieu for a short time, having ! previously lived at 23.14 Poppleton avenue. Mr. Jacobs was lat employed with the National Union, before which he had been with the Modern Brotherhood of Arneilca and the Kannus City Mutual Life Insur ! nnce company. The son was educated for ' the ministry. Coroner Brailey took charge of the body and will hold an inquest at 9 o'clock this morning. ' Jacobs was for a number of years em ployed on Th Bee as a printer during' the days of hand-t type. GRAIN RECEIPTS DOUBLED Supply at Omaha and Council Bluffs Twice Greater Than Lait June. v SHIPMENTS FORTY PER CENT IN ADVANCE i Mb R COVERED L MBS Little Girl's Obstinate Case of Eczema Instantaneous Relief By Cuticura Little Boy's Hands and Arms Also Were a Mass of Torturing Sores Grateful Mother Saysi CONTEMPT CASE ARGUMENT ( re Tt'rilers anal I nlon PaclSa Are Still, Knsrnsicd In Least Flaht. Increase Applies to Wheat, Corn anil Oats and Total Gain la Million and Half Bushels. Reielnts of grain at Omaha and Council Btul r June were almost twice as lsrse as n,: .lie same month last year. Ship ments were over 40 per cent more than last year. These figures are shown In the monthly report of Secretary McVann of the Omaha Grain exchange. Wheat, corn and oats were all received in larger quantities than last year, the greatest increase being In corn. All were shipped In larger quantities, except oats, of which 4.000 bushels more went out this year than last. The following table shows receipts and shipments for June of this year and last: RECEIPTS. Wt. iw. Wheat, W.6i0 152,000 Corn 2.96. 60 1.IW6.0O Oats tX&.WM 361. B"0 Rye 4.0IO 2.0"0 barley l.uOO 2,00-) Ocnnoil Irnores Lynch'i Appeal for Facili ties to Ds Proper Work. MEANTIME TURNS DOWN APPOINTMENT Pretend to Want OBlce Ahollshed nnd Have Another Man Really for It When It Is Recreated. While the democratic council has been busy trying to abolish the office tit gas Inspector to recreate It and fill It with another Incumbent more to Its liking, ur gent requests of OAS Inspector Lynch for facilities to Improve the gas service have gone unheeded. The Inspector In bis re port filed May 31 called attention to the need of testing apparatus In his office and made a number of recommendations, among them being one for an analysis of the ga to determine If the complaints of residents about Increased bills with decreased rates were well founded. No attention whatever was paid to the report by the democrats, who promised everything under the sun to the people of Omaha before election. The document has been growing dust and cobwebs In a pigeonhole In the comptroller's office and the councllmen have gone their way de vising schemes to defeat Mayor Dahlman's plans for distributing patronage. . Meter rroven Bad. Inspector Lynch said during the month of May he had tested nine meters at the city hall, but that the meter prover was not reliable and Should be put lrt proper condition. He said the office required a Bristol gauge to ascertain the gas pressure at all hours, and that he could not . test the candle power Ot lamps because the photometer of the department waa broken and should be repaired. "Complaints continue to come In about the Increased gas bills," he remarked. "Gas should be analyzed, the heating power determined and all meters tested by the city to bring about proper re sults." He pointed out that his apparatus was altogether insufficient to do the work of the office rightly. Among the recommendations was one that all gas posts not In use be removed, as they are "unsightly and dangerous." Up to date all the council has done with regard to gas Is to obtain a letter from President Hamilton of the gas company saying It was Impossible to lower rates under the $1.16 price, which will be ef fective October 1. The communication was put on file. . Meanwhile It Is said eight of the coun cllmen have made an Ironclad agreement to fight the mayor on appointees for city engineer, city prosecutor and gas Inspector until a certain warm region freeses over. Totals 3,108,200 Increase, 1.B2S.7O0. ... SHIPMENTS. Wheat , Uin.OOO Corn 1.7t!,(i0 Oats 477.000 Rye J4.000 Barley 2,000 J,5!!.500 143.000 l.OTt.il'O 601,000 1.0N0 Total 2,445,000 1.719,000 Increase, 726.000. Receipts and shipments were larger for June than for May of this year. May re ceipts were 2,711,700 bushels and shipments 2.87S.OOO bushels. WATCH 1S Frenser. l&m sad Dodge sta To Correct False Reports. The report being circulated' that Hayden Bros, are using the depositors' money In their business Is absolutely untrue. The doiMislts In Hayden Bros.' bank are loaned on the 'best and most available se curity for the safety of the depositors. Not only that, but Hayden Bros.' bank has more solid wealth and cash resource for its liabilities than any other bank we know of, either in this state or elsewhere. There Is no mortgage or Incumbrance of any kind on Haden Bros." property; It Is all clear to strengthen and support the hank assets in case of panic or adverse conditions of any kind. It might be well to think of these facts when making your savings deposits. HORSES DASH INTO STREET CAR Vestibule of Car Smashed and Motor man Baker Is Severely Braised Running madly on North Sixteenth Street, the driver helpless bri the seat, a team of horses attached to a iight wagon, dashed Into the front vestibule of a southbound Hanscom park car at, Sixteenth and Cal ifornia streets, shortly after 6 o'clock Fri day afternoon. The car was damaged con siderably, and Motormon 11. H. Baker re ceived brui3s on the left thigh, Conductor W. A. WrvnraunUi hurried forward to the aid of Baker and nen for the police, who took the injured mafl to his home, 1S3S North Eighteenth' 'Vre'ef. In the patrol wagon. His Injuries are not severe. The horses were being driven by Homer 8. Howes, 1108 North Twenty-fourth street, but got beyond his control. He was not Injured. The Very Best Ncmcdy for Bowel Trouble. , Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for several years. I am never without it. Hayden Bros.' bank will pay 4 per cent Inlaraal from T.il. 1 j . . The arguments in the contempt proceed- rZfnr. ,Jx v U - ,! u7"" mane . - before July 15; no notice required to with. draw your money. "CUTICURA REMEDIES A HOUSEHOLD STANDBY" "In reply to your letter I writ you my experience, and you are privileged to use it as you see fit Last year, after having my little girl treated by a very prominent physician lor an obsti nate case of ecsciua, I resorted to the Cuticura Remedies, and was so well pleased with the almost instantaneous relief afforded that ws discarded the fihysician's prescription and relied ent irely on the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Puis. When we commenced with the Cuticura Rem edies her feet and limbs were covered with running sores. In about six weeks we had her completely well, and there has been no recurrence of the trouble. "In July of this year a little boy in our family poisoned bis bands and arms with poiaon oak, and in twenty-four hours nis hands and arms were a mass of torturing sores. Ne used only the Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointed them with the Cuticura Oint ment, and then cava him the Cuticura Resolvent. In about three weeka his hands and arms healed up; so we have lots of cause) for feeling grateful for the Cutioura Remedies. We find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby, living as we do twelve miles from a doctor, end where It costs from twenty to twenty-five dol lars to come up on the mountain. jHespectfullv. Mrs. Iiiiie Vincent Thomas, Fairmount, Walden's Ride, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1905." Cmpjm Iitntil a4 iMmtl TfMtaMnl Nr hay ,VMI pin.. M Scrotal, horn Italaitcj t. A$s Pmmmtaf tf Cttcyr u. Uc Otutwat, . 1 la k t C ItaM. CM4 Hilt. IV. 1 ' M l k. k4 ml all ruf I0U. A Mt M S l mm t mn . mmU t-roa - ml.mm I rw - Hum U I m Tnriaa. liigs In the case of the Chicago Oreal I Western against the fnlon Pacific were being heard before Judge Munger In the I'nlted States circuit eortrt Friday. The opening argument was .made, by Edson I Rich for the fnlon Pacific, denying the fact of contempt. He argued that every concession had been' given the Chicago Great Western In conformity with the or ders of the court and that no restrictions had been made against that road in the i matter ot terminal accommodations. Mr. Rich occupied the entire forenoon In j his argument. He was followed In the afternoon by Frank B. Kellogg of St. Paul, general attorney for the Chicago Great Western, and W. D. McHugh of Omaha, In which they undertook to show that the orders of the court had been Ignored, giv ing the Oreat Western terminal accommo dations, and that the irnion Pacific and Its officials and employes had persistently en deavored to annoy and hamper the Oreat Western, especially In the matter of grain terminal accommodations. HAYDKN BRO8 . BANKERS. MAN AND WOMAN USE GUNS Husband and Wife Exchnnsre Shots and Police Settle Tbelr Youaa War. . Sergeants Sigwart and Hayes and a de tail of patrolman made an early morning run to 1214 Case street about (.10 o'clock Friday and quelled a family row between Badle and C. A. Robinson, wife and bus' band, and R. Robinson, the husband's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson exCliai.fced about six shots, and when the husband discovered be could not aim well he knocked bis wife down with a length of stove pipe. When the policemen opened the Robinson front door they could not discern the occupants through the dense powder smoke In the room. The room looked aa If a wild west show had Just been In progress. The three Rpblnsons were diunk. They were all placed in the city Jail. tier It was discovered that Robinson's left arm bad been grased with one of the bullets. LOW ROISD THIP R TK8 To Stew Jersey, Lone Island and New England Coast Resorts. The I-ke Shore will sell excursion tickets to Asbury Park. Atlantic - City. Long Braioh, Bag Harbor. Newport, Block Island and all principal coast resorts. Re turn limit October SI, 1KW. ' Stop-over of ten days at New York, PhlladelpLia. Niag ara Falla. etc. For full particulars write M. S. Olles, T. P. A., Chloago. W. J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago. Announcements ot the Theaters. The Bijou theater will be open to the public for Inspection tonight. A full or chestra, under the direction of Prof. Julius Thltle will dispense an operatic concert to the sightseers. The beautiful decorations and illuminated gardens should attract a large number of Omaha theater-goers. Bee Want Ads for Business boosters. Fastrsl of Charles R. Loo. The funeral of Charles R. Lee waa held Friday morning at :3i. from the famUy resliii nee at feT Pacific street, P.ev. H. c. Herring of the First Congregational church officiating The Interment took place at Forest Uwn. Prof. Waterhouse, R. J. Din ning. E. Kvsns. Andrew Murphy. John D. Ware and A. C Davenport act4 as !!-bearers. Card ot Thanks. We, the bereaved family of Lena Rosen blum, desire to thank our many friends and relatives for the kind considerations and sympathies they have extended to us in the recent bereavement of our dear daughter and sister. MR. AND MRS. HEN'RT ROSENBLUM AND BROTHERS and SISTER. Ratorriay Afternoon Closing-. During the summer months this office will be closed from 1 to o'clock Saturday afternoons, but will be open from 6 until 9 o'clock Saturday evenings. THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 3i6 So. ltith St., Omaha. The members of the St. Agnes Court, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, No. 289, are requested to be at Bt. ' Agnes' church to attend the funeral of Mary Ixioney at :30 o'clock 8atUxday morning. Visiting members Invited. Diamonds (of own Import), watches and Jewelry at 31 per cent below price at A. H. Hubermann's, southeast corner 13th and Douglas. Pays no rent and buys for cash. DIAMONDS Edholm. ltp r.d Harney. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. Age. Alvln A. Steel, Fayettrvllle, Ark M Ethel O. Klefer. Colon. Neb 21 Oeorge O. Bland. Minden. Neb 26 Dakota liendrlcKson, nartnurg, in is Charles Jackson. Omaha .;.S3 Clara V. Lindstrom. umana in John Henry Oehlr.rlck. Omaha Sfi Johanna Carlson, Omaha 36 Sterling Silvef-vrenxer. latu and Dodge, Hotel Men's Association. The exi-cutive committee of the North western Hotel Men's association met with the president, Rome Miller, at the Millard hotel Friday. These were present besides Mr. Miller: B. M. Johnston, secretary, of the Wtdman, Mitchell, 8. D.; C. L. Kings ley. Irving hotel. Waterloo, la.; Walter A. Pocook, Ryan hotel, St. Paul, and F H Kent, Depot hotel, Huron, 8. D. These gentlemen are vice presidents from several states, the members from Nebraska and North Dakota not being present. It was decided to hold the convention Aug ust 'at-H. Arrangements were made for a program of coiixiderable merit; speaks! a of well-known reputation will take f.irt and the aecretary reports considerable Interest and that there will he a large attendance It la customary for the members to bring their wives. The local hotel men Were rep resented In force at the meeting, extending greetings and hospitality. Applications were received from Messrs. H. Drexel of the Drexel. T. J. O'Brien and M. J. Franc k of the Midland. The committee adjourned In time to attend the bull game, afterward being the gusals of Home Miliar at Lbs Millard, CHOLERA MORBUS Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux. Cholera In fantum, etc., can be Quickly cured by using x Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Every home should have a supply ot this reliable remedy on hand. 60 years of cures. 'All druggists sell It. CLE.ANLINE.5 S " . Is the watchword for health and vigor, com. fort and beauty. Mankind is learning noi only the necessity but the luxury of clean Iinest. SAPOLlO, which has wrought sucn changes in the Dome, announces hi f'stcr inumph-r- HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH k special soap which energizes the wholt body, starts the circulation and leaves ae iimuutunr glow, si n frnrtri ana arufruu PENnvRbyiL Tills H-irv , e,.i.I ui e.ir ..!.. r C-U f-HlCHILVlfch s KNOLla Ifmr.. X U kit i nr KIP im ie ml lakMlMllM. ui llu. I.I f fc. . A- (a Kr iMUk'k uum. tt rm mi t i ii i ii.ii 1 1 1 af I WOMEN'S HIGH - GRADE SKIRTS Made to Retail at $6, $10 and $12.75 ON SALE SATURDAY a $2.90, 4.90 and $6.90 "We purchased from the fa mous factory of ALEXANDER BLACK CO. Toledo, Ohio, makers of the celebrated "Worth skirt" their entire Biirplus stock of women's skirts at "50 per cent off." NOTICE. We Close at 5 p. m., Saturdays, 10 p. m. DURING JULY AND AUGUST. There is just 1,230 women's high grade Skirts, nil made of this season's most desira ble materials in the very latest models plaited and circular shapes, not -a skirt in this lot made to retail for less than $(J and up to $12.75 ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING. 12 Jl $4'J IM For Skirts made to rt-tall for For Skirts made to retail for For fiklrta made to retail for $6.00. 10.00. 12.T5. ( nMkggg' 1 r $15.00 Colorado and Bock Elks' Special Train to Denver For the accommodation of Elks and their families from Iowa and Eastern Ne braska the Burlington will run a completely equipped special train, leaving Omaha Sunday, July 15th, at 4:45 p. m., and Lincoln 6:35 p. in., arriving Denver for break fast Monday morning. Reserve your sleeping car berths either in the Standard or Tourist Sleepers early on account of the heavy volume of Colorado business to move on the special $15.00 Elks' excursion rate. Standard sleepers, $3.50; Tourist sleepers, $1.75 per berth. The destination of tickets at the above rate may be Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. This train will make stops for passengers only at Lincoln. If your ticket reads going and returning over the Burlington it will be honored for the return joflney on the Burlington's famous electric lighted Denver-Omaha flyer, No. 6, which leaves Denver at 4:35 p. m. and arrives Omaha at 7:10 a. m. Special descriptive folder, Colorado publications, berths, tickets, all information in connection with your Colorado excursion from J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A. 1502 Farnara St., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. a a ay-.: J LIU BATES CTfl TC IT JL EST ml E3 un Special low round-trip rates are in effect from Omaha daily throughout the summer to various points. TO CLEAR LIKE. 51 070 $1950 TO ST. PAUL AID 1 - HIXXEAPOLIS. $" "735 to rapid city. $Q50to kasota. $ g40 to hot springs, $-j Q50 to superiob AID DULUTR. $1075 TOOEADW00D IO AND LEAD. $1R50to asklaidaxd o bayfield. $"1 Q0 TO LOXQ PIXE. $21 95 TO MARQUETTE. Splendid train service from Omaha to points north, east and west. The 'Best of Everything For full information concerning your vacation trip, hotel rates and accommodations, railway rates, train schedules, etc., apply to CITY TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 FARNAM ST., AND UNION STATION. NW1S Waters That Make You Well. SH000 LITHIA imparts energy and vigor and kills that tired feeling. If your dealer does not keep it order a case or demijohn from II0G0 LITUIA SPRING C0.4 MILTORD, NEB. Your Monty's Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best & West 1 1