Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
tntered at Omaha Foetofflc aa seoond
eleea matter.
Dally Bm (without Sunday), one
Iallr bra and Sunday, ona year J
Sunday Ba. ona yaar
Saturday bee, ona yaar -M
iJally bee tlncludlna; Bunilay), par week.l7q
Ualiy Baa (without Sunday), par wak..Uo
jpivanina Ba, twitnout Munaay), per
Evening Baa wltl Sunday), par wee..10o
6unJay Baa, par copy
Addraaa complaints of lire a-ularltles in fla
il vary to City Circulation Department.
Omaha Tha Baa Bulldlrui.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 1M0 Unity building. ... '
New ork-l6 Ho ma Ufa Ins. Building.
Washington Ml Fourteenth St real.
t'ommunlratloni relating to news and adl
torlal matter ahould Ba addrcaaad: Oraaha
Baa, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or pottal order
pajranfe to Tha Baa Publishing Company.
Only J-oent stamps received as payment of
mail account. Personal checks, exoept on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
fltate of Nebraska, Douglas County. :
C. C. Rosewater, general manager of
The Bee Publishing company, oelng duly
worn, says that the actual number of full
and complete copte of The Dally, Moralrg.
Evening and Uunday Bee printed during
tha month of June, 1101, was aa follows:
I ai.79j it aa,4a
t aa.gio 17 so,800
I ao,7SO 11 l,eo
1 31,60 it 81,810
$ 8180 20 39,000
I 88,070 tl 31,840
f 38,010 II 31.8E0
1 31,100 II.. 38,370
1 88,410 14 30,340
II 80,880 tl.... 31.780
11 38,300 21 31,800
It 81,880 27.......... 31,850
II 31310 21 31,780
14 31,880 28 31,700
II 31,870 ( 0 82,850
Lesa unsold copies
Net total sales
Dally average . .
. 848,084
. . General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before mo this 10th day of June. 104.
(Seal) M. B. HUNQATK,
Notary Public.
Sabacrlbers learlag tbe city tem
porarily ahonld bava Tha Be
mailed to theaa. ASdreaa will ba
ehaaajed mm often aa reqcatd.
Millionaire Hartje is setting a rapid
pace for Millionaire Corey If the latter
desires to lea4 .the Pittsburg divorce
Kansas has begun Its suit against
its late state treasurer for an alleged
shortage. Nebraska precedents will be
cited only by the defense.
Since ice is an essential to mint
Juleps, It Is easy to see why the at
torney general of Arkansas is prose
cuting the alleged Ice "trust.".
The report that Japan has impris
oned the emperor of Corea may mean
either that the ruler refuses to listen
to Russian blandishments or that he
has heard too well.
Perhaps Tom Taggart felt that
French Lick needed the advertising
which it failed to receive by reason of
his position as chairman of the demo
cratic national committee.
It is hoped by all, with the possible
exception of Des Moines hotel men,
that the senatorial convention at Web
ster City, Is not setting an example to
the Iowa state convention.
The new that Orover Cleveland Is
not feeling well is not surprising, com
ing as it does so soon after he heard
f Colonel Bryan - being hailed the
champion of conservative democracy.
That former surveyor general of
Oregon sentenced to Jail for conspiracy
to defraud the government, operated
several decades too late, as Nebraska
can testify through one of its alleged
Perhaps the Judges who rendered
that rotation ballot decision would be
willing now to knock- a few feet oft
of that forty-foot limit where the bal
lot would pass the point of constitu
tionality. Natives of Egypt who were whipped
for shooting at a British officer might
at one time have figured as cause for
war, had Great Britain found it neces
sary to distract attention from domes
tic affairs.
Carrie Nation may discover that
while she may wield her hatchet in
Kansas with Immunity and gather a
sort of notoriety, she cannot fool with
Unci 8am's postal laws without par
ing the penalty.
The introduction of the ten-hour
workday by imperial order at Moscow
will hardly satisfy ths laborers, while
it will certainly displease the employ
ers. Ths ctar seems fated to do the
right thing at ths wrong time.'
If the United States undertakes to
arbitrate all differences between Con
tral American states, one international
board of arbitration will have been
permanently established without the
aid or consent of the powers of Europe
With f 14.000,000 paid at San Fran
cisco on property still valued at fit,
ouu.uuu, insurance companies are
demonstrating that ths Golden Gate's
loss was not "total." And yet it is
generally insisted on that the reports
mere not overdrawn.
A well-defined rumor says that the
mater works appraisers may bo ex
pected to get together for final agree
ment upon their report by the middle
cf this months Several similar well
denned rumors, however, nave suc
cessively failed to materialise, so that
, when it comes to ths water works ap
i ro'onment our people are) all like
tKs stasia .iUasourJ
The recent primary in Douglas
county turned exclusively, ho far as re
publicans are concerned, on the choice
of United States senator. . The sesator
ship was the only Issue. Ample notice
was given to all aspirants to enter the
rare if they saw fit. ' When he lists
were made up tbe competition bad re
solved itself into one of Edward Rose
water against the field, the field being
represented by a delegation fathered
by the Fontanelles and made up In the
Joint interest of Lorenzo Crounse and
Senator Joseph H. Millard. While the
vote at the primaries was technically
between the opposing delegations to
the state convention it was in reality
between the candidates for United
States senator whom they represented.
Each of the delegates whose name
appeared on the official ballot signed
for himself and his principal, whom he
represented, a sworn declaration end
ing with the words, "and I pledge my
self to abide by the result of said pri
mary election." Judge Crounse's son
and his son-in-law gave this pledge for
him and the assistant cashier and book
keeper of Senator Millard's bask signed
this pledge for him, as did likewise all
the other delegates filed in the interest
of either Crounse or Millard. While
they may not have any legal obligations
upon the principals, whom they repre
sented, did they not put their prin
cipals as well aa themselves under
moral obligation to abide by the result
of the primary election?
That result is decisive and unmis
takable, and there Is no possibility of
denying that Douglas county republic
ans have spoken for Mr. Rosewater and
spoken emphatically. Suppose the sit
uation bad been reversed and Mr.
Roeewater's delegation had been de
feated by even the slender majority of
a single vote and Mr. Rosewater'should
insist that he was 'still a candidate not
withstanding the declaration of his
home county against him. Imagine the
hue and cry that would be raised
against him.
If primary elections count for any
thing and the voice of the rank and
file Is to be heeded, good faith requires
Douglas county republicans now to get
behind the candidacy of Mr. Rosewater
for senator. There may be a few lrre
concllables with whom good faith Is out
of the question, but those who went
into the primary and subscribed to the
primary pledge cannot in good faith re
pudiate the expressed verdict, of the
It, as is generally anticipated, the
president, will shortly appoint James
Harlan of Illinois, and E. C. Clark of
Iowa, as the two additional members
of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, for which the new rate law pro
vides, the present Inequitable' geo
graphical distribution of its member
ship will be somewhat corrected. The
five members of the old Commission are
Martin A. Knapp of New York, chair
man; Judson C. Clements of Georgia,
Francis M. Cockrell of Missouri,
Charles A. Prouty of Vermont and
Franklin Lane of California. Besides,
the secretary and assistant secretary,
officers of hardly less importance than
he commissioners, are Edward A.
Mosely of Massachusetts and Martin S.
Decker of New York. Thus New York
and New England at present have two
of the five commissioners and both the
secretaries, while the whole Interior of
the continent is directly - represented
by a single commissioner. '
It is altogether fit that one of the
commissioners should be chosen from
the Pacific coast states, which have
distinctive Interests, and that the south
and gulf region should have like rep
resentation. A single commissioner,
however, would seem to be all that the
eastern and New England group of
states is entitled to. This would leave
four commissioners to be picked from
tbe best qualified men from different
sections of the vast region between the
Allegheny and Rocky mountains, an
allotment that would be more in pro
portion to its population and the im
portance of its transportation and in
dustrial interests. The new arrange
ment, if it be carried out. conceding
that region three commissioners, goes
as "far as present circumstances' permit
in this direction. It is to be observed,
however, that even this arrangement
does not allot a member of the com
mission to the great group of trans
mlssourl states, which is constantly
growing more Important.
Curious but really significant is the
agreement among the republican and
democratic leaders in five Indiana
counties to limit campaign expenses
this year to strictly legitimate pur
poses, and on that basis not to exceed
the minimum of indispensable need
While the success of the plan depends
upon good faith, it rests certainly upon
a substantial "community oi interest '
that ought to be sufficient to provide
additional safeguards For In a state
politically so close and doubtful as In
dlana has long been, both parties have
come to be victims of the evil of pro
fuse campaign expenditures. A large
voting element has there been edu
cated to expect and demand money at
each, recurring election, whereas
neither party gains advantage by it
It it. did not result In infinite corrup
tion In government, the burden im
posed upon candidates and loyal party
men Is enough to condemn the prac
tice. So. on the other hand. It Is
good sign when influential men of all
parties in so extensive a district Join
la a resolate effort to abut oft or at
least greatly reduce ths burdensome
and profitless custom. '
Ths futility of campaign profusion
has. Indeed, been notably illustrated
la Indiana, where it has long been ths
accepted estimate of the most expert'
a ocad ramualsn managers that at most
less than one dollar out of five ex
pended actually reaches the political
destination In contemplation, the
greater part falling into the hands of
pretenders and defrauders. It has
been found that even where the pur
pose la strictly legitimate, the crowd
of onhangers who gsther like flies to
molasses wherever a campaign fund
la in sight, Is sure to absorb most of
the pay without dolsg the work. At
all events, this new Indiana idea is in
harmony with the awakened public
conscience which Is manifesting Itself
In so many directions.
The address of Frank A. Vanderltp,
president of the great City National
bank of New York, before the New
York State Bankers' association, urg
ing an organized bankers' movement
for an asset currency is a typical ex
pression of the eastern banking in
terest on this subject. It is typical In
its vagueness, assuming that "the plan
may take one of a dozen forms." The
Idea of bank note issues on assets
alone, unsecured by government
bonds, has been put forth from eastern
banking quarters by a multitude of
advocates, but the diverse schemes
have been almost as numerous as their
authors. But no particular scheme
which has been worked out in detail
has yet received the general assent
even of the leading bankers of the
eastern money and exchange centers,
while the Judgment of the bankers of
the country as a whole has been un
favorable to all of them.
There Is no reason whatever to ex
pect a different reception of an eclectic
system that any committee of New
York bankers could put together out
of parts taken from these Innumerable
asBet-note schemes. Experience In
this country with bank credit notes
from' colonial days down to the civil
war, in contrast with national credit
notes since, has been such as to
place, at' least for a long time to
come, Insuperable difficulties in the
way of return to the former, no mat
ter what provision may be made for
redemption. If there were no other
objection, the complications of great
New York banking administration
with colossal promotion and specula
tive interests invest with suspicion
their urgency of asset notes for the
purpose of ' circulation expansion, al
though it is generally put forth tinder
the guise of flexibility. Undoubtedly
the rigidity of our note volume does
periodically involve strain, but K is
at tbe same time a protection against
the hazards which inhere in those
complications. Not until banking In
the eastern centers become assuredly
more divorced from commitments or
identification with speculative manipu
lations is any scheme in their interest
of bank notes on bank resources likely
to be even patiently considered by tbe
bankers of the country generally.
Mr. Vanderlip likewise exaggerates
when he declares that "the responsi
bility is on the bankers of New York."
although such Is the feeling and the
assumption with which they are prone
to approach such questions. Western
bankers have been gaining relatively
at a remarkable rate the last decade
or two. and they and their brethren
in other sections outside of New York
have Interests and responsibilities In
the aggregate enormously greater, and
those interests and responsibilities,
too.v are Jess Involved in speculative
entanglements. In fact the eastern
desire for an expansive system of bank
credit notes has been growing as the
eastern banks have become depos
itories for surplus western funds
which are periodically heavily dra,wn
upon. Accordingly western bankers'
associations, like those of Nebraska
and Wisconsin last year, have quite
generally pronounced emphatically
against Mr. Vanderlip's innovation,
believing that their interest, upon the
whole, under present conditions, calls
rather for inexorable security of bank
note Issues, even at . the expense of
Under tbe circumstances and condi
tions the vote polled at the Douglas
county primary was not a light vote
except by comparison. , . Relying upon
the rotation ballot to disfranchise a
large part of the republicans the Fon
tanels bosses figured that the total
vote would not exceed 8.000 and no
one put it above 5,000. It is safe to
say -that close to 5.000 republicans
went to the polls, although several
hundred of them were prevented from
voting by the delays In getting the
election boards organized or by in
ability to wait their turn on account
of the slow voting, and several hun
dred more refused to vote at all after
they saw the discouraging ballot or
had wrestled unsuccessfully with the
confusing rotation. Taking all these
things into consideration tbe number
of votes polled is highly creditable and
the decisive majorities indicate that
they would have been doubled and
trebled had there been an opportunity
for all to express themselves freely
and without unusual effort and loss of
Secretary Taft is making an ltlner
ary for a western trip of inspection
next fall which would take him among
other places to Fort Riley and Fort
Leavenworth in Kansas and Fort D. A
Russell in Wyoming. In making these
points it ought to bs easy to arrange
the trip to take in Fort Crook and Fort
Oslaha and thus give our people an op
portunity to entertain the head of the
War department and at the same tlms
impress him with the importance of
the military posts in this vicinity.
Sons of the new councilman have a
scheme they would like to project of
selling. ths pressat city Jail property
and patting np a new jail building In
some other spot Ths preeat Jail lo
cation is quite satisfactory so far as
Its accessibility and seclusion srs con
cerned, and it would be hard to find
another place equally as desirable from
these standpoints where It could be lo
cated without arousing strenuous pro
test. All things considered. It would
be better not to consider moving the
city jail until it becomes feasible to
consolidate the city and county prisons
Into one new jail and criminal court
building, erected by the city and county
together at some fairly central point.
Judges and clerks of the recent pri
mary election who were compelled to
keep the polls open thirteen hours and
then canvass the vote on more than
500 names are entitled to recognition
of ths fact that they put In more than
one day's labor when the pay rolls are
made up. There Is not an election
board In Omaha or South Omaha that
got off with less than two eight-hour
days and many of them put In more
than twenty-four hours. Unless the
county authorities take official notice
of this It will be next to Impossible to
get anyone to serve as sn election offi
cer for another primary with such a
formidable ballot to be handled.
Ths responsibility for the fatal ac
cident at Lake Manawa should by all
means be fixed, if it is possible to fix
it It should be remembered, how
ever, that while the victims are tor the
most part Omaha people Manawa Is
entirely outside of the Jurisdiction of
our Nebraska authorities. Whether
anyone Is criminally or civilly liable
for failure to enforce necessary pre
cautions to Insure safety of the col
lapsed bout landing should by all
means be developed by the coroner's
Inquests, and the lesson should not be
allowed to be lost for the future.
The bombastic announcement of
that circular saw sample ballot in the
democratic organ of the Fontanelles
with the self-confident prediction of
the execution It was sure to make at
the primary, makes good humorous
leading now that the returns are in.
The criminal division of the district
court has closed up shop for the sum
mer, but the professional crooks are
notified that it will resume business In
the autumn and that the supply of
penitentiary sentences has not been ex
hausted. The sacred rights of the man who
filed Independently as a candidate for
convention delegate of which the Fon
tanels lawyers were so hysterically so
licitous seem to have been lost alto
gether in the shuffle.
!fo Occasion for Comment.
Chicago News.
For various reasons which need not be
discussed at great length this country docs
not feel called upon to comment in a su
perior way on the negligence which caused
the English railway horror.
Fameti Voices Hashed.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Just at present little Is heard from those
literary bureaus of the corporations which
a year or so ago were actively demonstrat
ing that any railway rate bill was wholly
unnecessary and would never be passed.
Great Showlnar for Skill.
8t. Louis Globe-Democrat.
American skill and Ingenuity have been
conspicuously shown In gel ting to the front
In the manufacture of automobiles, which
In this country last year amounted to $26.-
OoO.oooO, and over a tenth of the machines
found foreign purchasers.
Show-Down by Conarressmea.
Boston Transcript.
One of the Incidents of the closing hours
of the session In the house of represent-
tlves was the ostentatious display of rail
road mileage books by congressmen as
proof that the days of free transportation
had passed. Such evidence, however,
Should be subject to cross-examination, In
order to obtain an answer to the old ques
tion, "How did ha get It?"
Aa OffeaalTO omparlaoa.
Chicago Chronicle.
The fact that the general government Is
not yet expending so much per capita as
European governments ts no excuse for
Increasing our expenditures for two rea
sons: First, because every country In
Europe la an armed camp from fear of Its
neighbors, while we have ' no neighbors
to fear no long as we mind our own busi
ness, and, secondly., because tne govern
ments of Europe do very many things
which ra 't to the Mates In this coun
try anA which the generxl government does
not do and ivirht not to do. Mr. Tawney
knows this as well a any of us.
Mora la What It PreTeata Tfcaa la
What It Corrects.
Charles A. Prouty In Review of Reviews.
The benefit of tha new railroad law will
consist mora in what it prevents than In
what It corrects. Assuming that the courts
sustain Its main provisions, and that its
enforcement is reasonably effective, It may
be expect :
For the last few years railway ratea have
been advancing; from now on the tendency
will ba the other way. This will be due. not.
to any extensive or sweeping reductions
ordered by the commission, but rather t
tha fact that the railways themselves, hav
ing knowledge that the reasonableness of
their action may be challenged, will hesl.
tate to make tha ' advances which they
otherwise would, and will grant tha rV
mands of shippers for reductions, which
they otherwise would not.
Tha payment of rebates and tha granting
of similar concessions from the punllnnej
tariff will, in the main, cease. Rebates
will 1ver entirely stop so long as com
petition continues,' "but they will become
rapidly lesa, and In ten years from now
that aort of discrimination will ba as rare
as It was universal ten years ago.
Discriminations between localities will
largely continue and this will ba the moat
fruitful source of complaint In time to
coma. It Is difficult to see, however, how
such discriminations ran ba altogether
avoided, unleaa our a aterwaya are to be
shut up and tha benefit of geographical
position entirely Ignored.
Thla bill Is mora significant In Its passage
than In Ita previsions While President
Roosevelt deserves the entire credit for
Initiating tha movement, he would have
been oowerleaa but for the people's aun-
port. Tha enactment of h rte b111 l" ,n
people's declaration that railways muai
submit to governmental control and that
certain abuses muat atop. If the railways
recognise thla, U they co-operate, as there
Is every raaaon to believe tney win. io ob
tain a compliance with tha spirit of this
Uw. ondrtlons will be fairly satisfactory;
otherwise, there will be renewea st nation
followed b! mors drastic leglslatloa.
O Til ICR .ASDfl THH OVla.
The frugal habits and method of the
Fret oh people, which were so strikingly
shown In the payment of the German war
fiebt over thirty years ago, have bcajna a
fixed national trait. To this marvelous
economy and Industry Is attributed ths fart
that France la now playing the rola of the
world's banker. "Tha strlkea of the nation
toward financial supremacy," says the Ue
vlear of Reviews, "have been most rapid In
the paat five years. In that time French
Investors have taken up many milliard
francs of foreign obligations. They furn
ished Great Prltlan with much of the capi
tal that went to finance the Boer war;
they loaned enormous amounts o Ruvsla,
practically supplying the money needed In
the struggle against Japan: they provided
Germany with 1,000,000,000 marks In 1904-06
to carry on her tremendous Industrial en
terprises; they took a liberal amount of the
last Japanese loan, more than half of the
Russian loan of last April, and, finally,
they supplied borrowers In the United
Btates with fully tlS0,800,0O0 during the
tight money period of 1ft at winter and are
now financing the bond and note Issues
of some of our greatest corporations.
Although the annual gold production of
the world Is nearly 1400,000.000, there Is such
tremendous trade activity In every quarter
Of tha universe that capital Is In demand
s never before. One thinks of the usually
well supplied money markets as todty
cleaned up bare. In a condition of drought;
but then there Is a great reservoir of free
capital In France which Is being tapped by
tha ether thirsty nations, and which, in
spits of tha drain on It, keeps well filled
and shows no sign of exhaustion. The
bank of France, the largest hoarder of gold
next to the United States treasury, has in
Its vaults- today nearly $600,000,000 of the
precious metal; two years ago it had $468,
000,000, and In 1900. when Paris began slowly
to forge ahead of London as the center of
largest money supply, ths Institution held
only STS.OOO.OOO."
How has France, a nation Industrially
Inferior to Germany and with a commerce
very much below that of Great Brltlan,
gained such a power in world finance? The
answer Is, through her domestic economy.
For frugality, thrift. Intense application to
the work In hand and the very commend
able ambition to carve from life's labors
enough to make bright the inevitable rainy
day and to cheer old age the Frenchman
has no peer. To save ts ah Inherited de
sire. Tha poorest peasant In the least
productive parish of the republic manages
to put aside a little each year for a com
petency, and the fishermen down on the
Brittany coast would have starved a few
winters ago, when the catch was almost
nothing, had they not been able to draw
from the savings of more fruitful years.
Tens of thousands of small, shop keepers,
Innkeepers, scantily paid government em
ployes are Investors, and their combined
savings have provided the funds to finance
many a nation and carry it through a
lean period. The population of Fiance is
about 40,000,000 people; the wealth of France
Is nearly $45,000,000,000. This wealth Is evenly
distributed. The number of estates admin
istered in 1904 was 394.787, and of these
one-half were for values ranging from less
than 110,000 to a little under $100,000. Only
three were Over $10,000,000.
The 'Teltow canal, which the Germain
emperor opened the other day, establishes
a fresh and most Important link between
the eastern and western canal system of
Prussia. ,The canal, which Is about twenty-
four miles in length, passes through t'e
forests and lakes to the south and south
west of Berlin, and connects the upper
Spree near Kopenlck with the Havel near
Potsdam. It was built by the district coun
cil of Teltow, wlthqut state aid, at a coat
of $10,000,000, and Its construction occupied
six years. The orglnal estimates were
one-third lower, but the cost of the land
and the special engineering difficulties
added enormously to the expense. No fewer
than fifty bridges had to be constructed
five of them within a distance of 500 yeards
in order to carry railways and roads
across the waterway, and part of the land
through which the canal passea offered no
firm foundations when It was first ex
cavated. The width of the sill, or central
and deepest part of the canal. Is through
out sixty-five and one-half feet, and ad
mits of the passage of vessels of 600 reg
ister tons with a draught of about five
feet, nine Inches. Five harbor baalns have
been excavated at Teltow, Grossll.-hter-
felde, Steglltx. Brltx. and Tenipelhof and
near all of them there are goods stations
upon the railway lines which converge-upon
Berlin. A special feature of the canal Is
the electric system of traction. Klectrlc
locomotives, which are nearly nolsoless.
and are supplied with power from overhead
wires, run along the banks, and tow the
boats In either direction. Thus speed Is
gained and the destructive effect upon the
banks of the screws of tugs will be alto-
arether avoided. The towing la a monopoly
of Teltow, and will help to secure an ample
return upon the outlsy.
"Everybody In Japan appears to do work
nr nm Ulnd: It Is a country without beg
gars, without drunkards, and all are polite
and good-natured," says Jacob hi. BrnriT.
the New York banker. In Harper s Weekly.
"Nothing Is heard or seen of the effect of
the recent war. The people neither talk
hnnt It nnr have they become overbearing
or in any manner Intoxicated by their great
victories, but have quietly gone to work
to develop their Industries, to Increase their
commerce and tradei and to get a fnlr
control over the new markets which the
success of their armies has opened for
them. A tendency to exclude other nations
from these markets does not exist, the uni
form and repeated assurance being readily
given by Japan's leading statesmen that
the promise of the 'open door' In Corea and
Manchuria will, as far as Japan Is con
cerned, be strictly carried out. Corea Itself
Is gradually getting under effective Japa
nese control and administration, which will
be of much benefit to thla entirely out-of-date
country, he resources of which ap
pear to have been dormant for centuries:
these with proper and intelligent adminis
trative methods should promise rich results
The natural resources of Japan Itself are
probably somewhat limited, but Its people
are frugal. Intelligent and energetic, and
the burdens which the late war has Im
posed do not appear to weigh heavily upon
In his recent open letter on the subject
of Congo reform King Leopold of Belgium
declared that his experience compelled him
to reject tha policy of annexation on the
ground that new countries like the Congo
require a more rapid system of administra
tion than la afforded by parllmentary in
stitutions. He added: "If you are asked
my'lntentlona you must reply that I, for
my part, consider myself morally bound to
Inform tha country whenever I consider the
moment opportune to examine the question
without prejudice. At present X have noth
Ing to say." With regard to this the spe
cial correapondetit of tha London Tlmea at
Brussels repeats his fomer statement that
not only was tha question cf annexation
seriously discussed lsst April, but a schema
was actually prepared for placing a bill
before the Chamber with that object. Tha
fuct that the Catholic party remained In
power after tha May elections, he remarks,
may have modified tha king's Intentions,
but there Is nothing In his letter to show
that tha door la finally closed against such
a step. Whan tha Belgian Chamber meets
In October tha government will b Inter
pellated en tha king's letter, and the en
suing debate Is likely to reopen Ine wools
The People Are Always
Greater Than Craft or Graft!
Tha people are always right In the long run. A merchant may deceive them
for a while by false statements and false promises, by crartlly devlsxd halts such
as commissions i sometimes openly, generally secretly.) paid to alleged friends
for bringing In customers and by a sliding price which he Juggles np or down
according to the credulity of the customer. But ere long that sort of merchant
finds his proper level and the graft he practiced proves his undoing.
In the Hospe store each piano Is marked with Its one lowest rrlce and wa
cannot reduce It because all. discounts have already been figured off and the
marked price Is the net cash price. For the same reason we cannot pay com
missions. Our prices are so low we cannot afford to. The re piano we sell
for $10.00 has never been equaled and It Is famously known that iio pianos In
the world are as good as Knabe, Kranlch A Bach, Bush & Ijine, Hallet-Oavls,
Hospe. Weser Bros., Werner-Victor, Cramer and othera at tlie HOSPE PLAIN
PRICKS. Seeing Is believing. No trouble to show or write to you.
fl. HOSPE CO.,
1513 Douglas Street.
Flaaos Toaed, 98.80.
The street car companies of Philadelphia
cut out M annual passes on th 1st of
July. The slaughter wss confined to poli
ticians who need the exercise.
Senator La Follette of Wisconsin says
that "there Is good fighting ahead In the
next ten years for a man In public life."
Tha senator expects to be In the thick or It.
General Charles Henry Grosvenor, the
bearded prophet of Ohio, having donned a
summer suit of white duck, caused tha art
crltio of the New York 8un to exclaim, "No
sweeter allegory ever walked on legs."
Ex-Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas
receives a $o0.fl"0 fee and ex-Senator M. C.
Butler of South Carolina receives $75,00
from the Cherokee settlement. No, addi
tional answer Is needed to the question.
"What shall wa do with our ex-eenators?"
Mayor McClellan has a butler In his
Washington square house who weara knea
breeches and the rest of a real butler's
outfit on ceremonial occasions. The mayor
Invited aome Tammany leaders over to his
house one evening to dinner. One of them
came early and was sdmltted by the stately
butler. The leader drew McClellan aside as
soon as he had reached him and whispered
hoarsely: "Say, George, why dMn't you
tell me this was a' masquerade party?"
During the session of congress just closed
Secretary of War Taft roused no little envy
among members of both houses by the easy
manner In which he promoted legislation
of special Interest to his department. He
had a bill passed by the house allowing
the naval nUlitia of the Philippines to us
a government vessel stationed there. When
the measure reached the senate the naval
committee Informed hlra that no more
meetings of the committee would be held.
Mr. Taft, undaunted, saw each member of
the committee and got a favorable report
by polling them. Then the bill was passed
during a lull In business and the senate
adjourned without learning how the big
secretary managed It.
Charles F. Kelly, a former speaker of the
house of delegate of St. Louis, who fled
to Europe when Folk was running down
the boodlers of the city council, has decided
to re-enter politics. "I haven't voted for
four years," he confessed, "but now I'm
going to make) up for lost time." The
charges of four years ago have been
dropped; Folk as governor can no longer
afford to spend time and energy In "perse
cuting" him; and "the boys" of his old
ward want him back among them. As he
phrased It: "They (the boys) said to 'me:
'Charley, we've been on the shelf for four
years Just because we needed a man like
you to whoop things up In this ward.'
e Pretty near everybody likes o hear
the plaudits of the people. They certainly
sounded good to me. and maybe I'll hear
them again. Tou never can tell."
Better Be Sana Than Sorry.
Philadelphia Press.
If all the advice that Is being sent out
about the celebration of the Fourth of
July could be made effective many aecl
lents would be prevented, but there are
some people who would feel, that they
had had no celebration. But heed should
be given these warnings. They are all
directed to a good end, and those who have
any regard for life or limb will not treat
them heedlessly.
Hot Pace In Sight.
Washington Post.
When Bryan gets back and sees what a
pace Roosevelt has set fofTnlm, he may
conclude that the simple life. In Nebraska
la preferable, after all.
Browning, King & Co
Stock taking always reveals a lot "of suits
and broken lines of different merchandise that it
is best to sell at once. They are the remnants
of the best selling goods, but the season is too
far gone to fill in the missing sizes.
Among our assortments of 6uits and furnish
ings for men, boys and children, you are sure
of fisSing some extra good value at much less
than the original prices.
Closing our store at 5 o'clock evenings, (Satur-.'
day excepted), causes some confusion at the
This only lasts during the hot months of
July and August, and is done to give our help
some extra needed rest and a better chance for
an evening's enjoyment.
fifteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Iway aU 8ta MrMrl
. OMftiifl, NED.
39 Tears of Persoaat Rapervlalon.
"One today Is worth two tomorrows,
said tha philosopher.
"You're another," replied Pat. "Tomor
row's pay day. "Chicago Record-Herald.
"If I were a girl, I wouldn't waste my
time with Mr. KJonet. He's not a mar
rying man."
"Yes. ha is."
"How do you know?"
"Why, he's a justice of the peace."
Cleveland Leader.
"Yes, he stole up on, the motorman and
hit him over the head with a lump of lea.
Then the policeman arrested him."
"What was the charge against htm?"
"Carrying congealed weapons." Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
"That girl seems to be absolutely devoid
of fear."
! "Yes. I haven't any doubt tbaU abe'd
even marry a Pittsburg millionaire if she
gets the chance." Chicago Keoord-Herald.
"Imnudent fellow. Isn't he?" remarked
the first man in the crowd. "I do despise
sassy people, don't you 7"
"O! I don't know," replied the other. "I
like the people to talk back."
"You do?'1
"Yes; I'm an auctioneer." Philadelphia
There were several young women In tha
party, and they had Inspected the office of
the metropolitan newspaper from tha
ground floor to the proof room.
"lieg pardon, madam, but are you look
ing for anybody?" asked one of tha edi
torial aaslstants, addressing the tall, self
possessed young woman who seemed, to be
tb leader. . ,
"O. no, thanks," she said. "We're Just
doing a little slumming, that's all." Chi
cago Tribune.
Baltimore American.
If you're waking, call me early, call tna
early, mother, dear.
For they are holding the midsummer sales,
the feast time of the year.
When you get the marked-down bargains
in the very latest styles
Of goods and gowns and waists and hats
oh, how they bring the smiles!
My wardrobe Is complete, you say? What
need have I for more?
Oh, mother, shall I sleep me ou, and. this
chance at my door!
Nay, never bid me heed It nofr-that wild,
hypnotlo call
For I'll get the best of tha bargains,
mother. 1 11 got the best of all!
In early spring I Joined a class a trained
gymnast to be;
I learned by trick of eye and hand each
clever chance to see;
To an ex-puglllst of note I went with pur
pose grim, ...
And how to box and wrestle, too, I painful
learned of him; ...
Then In the jlu jiuu Jap art I took a thor
ough course,
Till with my skill I could throw still a
giant in his forced ' " '
Bo am I ready now to shop in any crowded
haul, . M
For I'll try the flying wedge, mother, and
get the best of all.
So If you're waking call me early, call ins
early, mother dear; .
I want to get there soon enough to nava
my pasnage clear. '
I long to feel the fighting blood that from
my sires came down,
Rush through my veins In riot wild aa I
rend obstructing gown .
And crush tall hat, aa I battle on with
upper cut, and mow
My way Into the counters with a solar
plexus blow, ... . .
And drag from other women s hands what
they have anatched with gall
For I'll beat them to a fraixle, mother, nut
I'll get the best of all!
hu bn ux-d tor orer SIXTY TgARS by MILUONS
CYRRS WIND cour, an4 li ths bMt ttulr lor
DIARRHOEA. Sold hr nnilui In ererr part el
the world Pe "ire tnd ilk for ,
And uk no other klad. t U cants; a hottla,