Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1905. - VORLASD L1HENEARLT READY Vrw Borlbctoa Branch Will 2 Opened Twelfth of Jose. MUCH NEW WORK GOING ON IN NEBRASKA Klhtk MHa Car la Nrla- fotnal. floa at Taloa ralltt Shops ' mm4 Will He Great est T.t. kTha WorlanA line on th Burllnatnn will fce open for both freight snd pasaenirer traffic July 12 end rearular aervlce wituh llahed between Frannte and Worland. The track wan completed Into Worland and a bis celebration held on tha Fourth, ac companied by th driving; of a a-olden aplke. Worland la prepared, for the comlne- of the people from July 1 to 31. Present condi tions Indicate Wyoming will look It best to welcome the Influx of homeaeekers this month. The grans la fine and there baa lieen an abundance of moisture, which hnii loenred a aplendld rentr. and easterner will find the herdi In Wyoming as sleek ai can be aeen In any part of the country. Oaaaja f anrreyora at Work. Although denial la made that the North eeetern haa men In the field west of Hnat tns, at 111 aeveral ganso of surveyors are at work at that point. on a railroad to the west. Thla may have aome. bearing on the fit or y sent out , from .Denver . that Moffatt Md bis asaoclatea would build from Denver i eonneot with the Northwestern at Hast ings. It Is said to have been the original Intention when the line was built from IVemont to Haatlnga to extend It to Denver some day. Surveyors are at work In all parts of Nebraska and considerable new building may be expected In the near future. It la certain the Union Pacific Is to build aeveral new branches to carry out Mr. Haniman's Idea of having more feeders to his great Overland road. EUrbth Motor Car. Motor car No. t Is nearlng completion at the Union Pacific shops and when out la expected to, create another sensation. Thla car will be 200-horse power, will have all kinds of speed and will be able to climb any hill on the Harrlman lines. Car No. T which waa sent to New York created a veritable furore and all the great magnates were glad of an Invitation from Mr. Harrlman . to take a trip. It has been put In. regular service and and been doing good work. Additional cars will be built right along as fast aa Im provements can be worked out. A report- that Harrlman has aent an rder fox twenty new cars elicits the statement from Mr. Mohler that no special number Is ordered, that the work Is simply progressing steadily. Barllaarton Csd Rate, Too. . The Burlington has announced the re duction of grain rates from Omaha to the Ohio river and Mississippi river common points. The reduction Is H4 cents, an! Is simply extending the' territory of the reduction announced this week .from Omaha. This also corresponds to the re duction made by the , Illinois Central Thursday. No reduction has as yet been made on grain from Nebraska points to Omaha. - Railway Notes and Personals. C. W. Green, with the New York Central t Kansas City, is In the city. Bella axe now on the way for the track of the car line from South Omaha to Belle vi mi and the directors expect to have the care In -operation by September 1. G. E. Spans, general freight agent of the Surllngton, has gone to Chicago. Grain men momentarily expect .some announce ment of the cut In the Nebraska grain rates from interior points to Omaha, which Mr. Spans has said his road would make. . The sixty-seventh annual convention of the Beta Theta Phi will be held at the Albany hotel, Denver, July 23-26. This Is at the same time na the Elks' convention vnd the same rates may he used on all roads, the rate from Omaha being 115 for the round trip. woman misses her husband Arrival from Rasala Expects to Kind Ma Awaltlagr Her at Depot. n't;:: Mrs. Anna Starker is being cared for at the matron's department of the city jail, the woman having arrived here from Rus aria and expected to meet her husband at Union station. The woman arrived at the atatlon Thursday "morning and' waited' and Watched twenty-four hours for her hus band, who was to meet her. ' Through some misunderstanding Helnrlch Sterker, the husband, failed to be at the ststlon. The wife did not have .her husband's address With her. i Advice to Traveler. Never leave home on a Journey, without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. .Remedy.. .Change. . of. . drinking water and diet often cause bowel troubles, for which this remedy la especially Intended. Jt cannot be obtained on board the ears or ftaemshlp, MmW HOME! IN TUB WEIT. koahono Reservation to Bo Opened , to .Settlement. . - CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN B'T Announces Round-Trip Exourston Rates I from All Points July 11 to 2s. Lees than one tare for the round trie io Bhoahoul, Wyo.. the reservation border The only all-rail, rout to. the reservation border ' . Dates of - registration ' July M- to U at sjhoshonl and Lander. Raacnefl only by gble Una. Witt for pamphlets telling how to take M on of thee attractive homestead. Information, maps and pamphlets free on eaoueet at City Onto. lel-l ffmrnain St ar address n. F. Miller. A. Q. F. A T. A, JJ01 raroam St.. Omaha, Neb. WTXK to Minneapolis and Retnrn VIn Cnteas Oront Western Railway. Account of O. A. R. Encampment, August Uth to lllh. Ticket on sale after August 11th. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill. Q. A., 1611 Feniam St. Omaha. Cobalt, e newly dlecovered region, rich In silver and other metals. Is conveniently reached, by tbe Grand, Trunk Railway System. , A well prepared booklet descriptive of tbe notion will be mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux. A. O. P. A T. A.. Grand Trunk Railway System. US Adams EL, Chicago- Kxoaraiona. On July ana 37, to Chautauqua Lake, It. Y, and return at til good 30 day: and dally Juno 1 until September H, at JJO, via fcPUB RAH-ROAD from Chicago; stop over also permitted on all tickets to New flora. Boston. Niagara Palls, te. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. Dolan, T. J. A Ut Railway Exchange. Chicago. 111. DIAMONDS Prenser, l&th and Dodg sts Mortality statistics. The following births and deaths have been gnported to the Hoard of Health dacing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday Births Thomas Thomson, SJS Cedar, boy John Watson. 637 North Thirteenth, girl; George A. Hood 1114 Grand avenue, girl Deaths Klias Swanaun. 11 Pine, AS; Jena Christiansen. Pi. Joseph's hospital, Sk Fannie Tolee, IbU North Twenty-third 4J gtoee Agenskee, X North Twenty-aecood! I Lore Hneeobluxn. Omaha: Basel JJ. Iflatd, fx Catudw avenue. 14, ii v II ii m mmn pi u ii urn ni mrmmin I aa.. a .. t tl . ,M tli.i n tnt't - r- r 1 - i-A " II Store 11 Opei Saturd.j 53 mi I I 10 p. R. n J LJ 'Oil' Ston 0e Till 1 1 1 10 p. . 11 n ri n n ri NEW LOTS JUST ARRIVED IS LADIES' LONG GLOVES . -e"V II Thea are the p gloves in II fashionable H demand, n n Elbow Length Taflfeta Gloves in black R sies, exceptionally good bargains, at, 2 per pair p Ladies' Pure Silk Extension Glove Tops, in white n only, at, per pair n n ii ri e Biggest va- J j riety of long gloves in Omaha. 11 and white all 11 1.50 n 75c g W Ladies Elbow Length Lisle Thread Gloves in white TfCp q II and colors, worth up to $1.50 pair, at, pair. ..... 0 P n Ladies Short Lisle Thread Gloves Two clasp effects in all H 1 1 at A A i2. nwtgaa M I" ri n M n u ii n n n ti M II II n ii n ri M U n ii ti p p p ri ri ri ri ri n colors and all sizes, worth up to seventy-five cents, at, per pair n Lrxdics', Men's, CKildrca's HOSIERY This hosiery is in all sizes, blacks and p and fancies, hundreds ot styles, all for sale in two M day, worth up to 25c a pair, 10c-12!cl at, per pair Children's white ribbed hose in all sizes, special lAp for QntnrHo of nnnir Summer Underwear For Ladies and Children Ladies' light weight summer vesta;, trimmed with crocheted top, silk taped, etc., very special lot, at. each .,. . .' "2 Ladles' fine vests and pants, prettily trimmed with lace and crocheted effects, silk ribbon trimmed, etc., pants are knee length, cuff or umbrella style.' wCa-JC Ladies' fine union suits, sleeveless, knee lengths also full length suits, made AQ of fine lisle, two specials, at . . .aC"T'C Children's Summer Underwear A special lot of children's underwear, vests and pants, in fine quality lisle, all sizes, neatly trim med, light weight, at, each , j JAPANESE NOVELTIES IN ANNEX g Pretty effects In Jap goods, table wear, china, ornaments, toys, etc., many novelties seen for the first time. P 100 Calling U Cards for 39c 7fT lOOCallins 1508 DOUGLAS ST. rand Sacrifice MID-SUMMER MILLINERY CLEARING SALE SATURDAY. Absolutely EVERY HAT In tha house eiow est. The Shoshone Reservation AND Big Horn Basin The Shoshone Reservation Is a new empire about to be opened for development and trade. Besides 2,000 Irrigable farms to be drawn for, there are 700,000 acres of mineral and timber lands to be taken up In the usual way. The whole Shoshone proposition deserves thoughtful consideration by those who desire a farm, or a mineral or a timber claim. Those who are fortunate In the drawing for agricultural lands are to pay only 91.10 an acre, one-third cash, subject, of course, to the future prorated cost of Irrigation. When you register, combine business with pleasure and instruction, and go to Worland, Wyo.. for the registration. This is the terminus of the Burlington's new line through the Big Horn Basin along the Big Horn River, enroute to the Shoshone Reservation. Tou will enjoy the views of the Black Hills, the Big Horn Mountains, the Custer Battlefield, and the scenic canons of Big Horn River, You will pass through the new towns along the Worland extension, which x offer splendid chances for moderate capital In tbe way of stores and industries, and you will pass through thousands of acres of perfectly irrigated farms, giving you an Idea of the profits yielded annually from irrigated 'farming. Less than half fare with a maximum excursion rate of but 120.00 from Nebraska territory. Bend tor Shoshone de scriptive folder with map of the Reservation and the Big Horn Basin, rates, routes, train service, method of drawing, etc., free. L. V. WAKELEV, G. P. A., 1004 Farnam St. OMAHA, NEB. When You Come to SU0SH0N1 to Register STOP AT PIONEER HOTEL, SSS-ii ., . Ifiaolre for j. B. SHARP, Atloriey la Lsad mi c Boys Will jBeBoys They had a a-Iorleua time on the 4th and arc now ready for their sum mer vacation. : A new pair rf shown Is the net thins; In ordor, and hn you think of horn' shixtK. always think of "DK1XIL" then you will know Just. wher to (tct to get the best boys' shoes In America,. Poya'. sia8. 1 to B "A . .tfl.OO Little Cents' Ktr. lOto 13H. l-60 ., Saturday Is boys' day. Drexel Shoe Co. 141? rarnam Street. r M n El t IP I '!SM I f ri la42C (I f sen n 1 ri B E u n andy Sale Today Wa shall TODAY for the Fifth Saturday r.laca on sale a lo of LAGGETT'S SATURDAY CANDY (An assortment of nut chocolates and bon bone.) At !9o per pound box. This Is a regular quality 60c candy mada In Boston, for. whjch wo havo se cured tho Omaha a-ncy. This candy Is sold Saturday only and alwaya at a very low cut pnr. Only enough candy is or dered for each Saturday's sale so that fresh roods only are offered. Remember Saturday from 7:30 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. 60c Candy for 29c. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. Corner 16th and Dodge. OMAIIA. NEB. IMS HOES Misses' $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes to close out at :u $1.50 All Children's sizes1 to "..:w, All pur Children's Tan Strap Slippers, ', , &4 AA and $1.50 Value. .VXeUW Infant Sizes, 2Ys to 5 cut to 65c T. B. NORMS, 1517 Douglas Ask for Green Trading Stamps. 381 BRUSHES Wi need tha money more than we do the brushes. Hand Brushes, 4e to $1.00 Hair Brushes, gfto to 93.80 Cloth Brushes, gte to S3.O0 Tooth Brushes lOo to BOo Whisk Brooms. )& and up. Howell Drug Co. 16th and Capitol Ave. Lumen's mm IDS Worth , up to $2.50. Even's Underwear In old gold, grey mottled and many other shades, Worth 35c, Sale Price Men's Hose. Worth up to 20c, on Sale at Guarantee QottiingCo. 1519-1521 Douglas St. MS A Shoe Perfectly Moulded to .very part of tb. foot. That's the WALK-OVER Id .very pair there's satisfying; fit, style and comfort, and WALK-OVER quality has aet a n.w standard for "$3.50 and $4.00 1 Buy yours at - the Walk-Over Shoe Store 1521 Faroare St. Fd 8. Thompson, the Walkover Uaa. MCTTLKTOX AGENCY. I OUR $2.50 OXFORDS TWO-FIFTY 1b rather a low price for a good pair of Oxfords. Many Women who would like to buy Ox fords at thjs price are afraid to do bo, fearing that they would not be satisfactory. We sell Two-Fifty Oxfords that are satisfactory In every way. The styles are the same as higher priced Oxfords and the shoemaklng is splendid. Come here and see what two fifty will do in buying Oxfords. Think you'll be surprised at the values. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOERS, Uth and Douglas Sts. DURING JULY WE keep a large force of Cutters and tailors busy by Including an extra pair of Trousers with every suit order. , 1 There's little profit in it for us, but it cleans up the surplus stock and as sures to us your next order for fall garments. WILLIAM J ERR CM 3' OONS. 20-ai loth "Follow the Flf" LOW RATS NEW ENGLAND POINTS OLD DAILY III JUlt JULY 18. AU8. I AMD 32, SEPT. 5 AXO 19 Ask WABASH CITY OF PI OB, . MOl FariMun BC, or address HARKY K. MOOKES, O. A. P. XX, WaWh ft. tL, Omaha, ... Nebraska TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER fabUsfcas Tlsa.ty Fans Taalu. . Great Water Damage Sale Several New lines Bronfjht Forward Saturday. nn THB RILJAILI STORK Saturday the Greatest Bar gain Day YcL - From Now Until September 1st This Store Will Close Promptly at 5 p.m. Except Saturday at lO p. m. Arc You Looking for Bargains? How's tho Time! Hero's tho Place! to .secure just what you are looking for at a price below any you ever imagined. Nine days of unprecedented selling and still the crowds throng our store. The bargain worth of the offering has not de creased. The buying interest has steadily increased. Don't iiliss Saturday's Offerings SEE LARGE AD ON PAGE EIGHT. Special Showing of Laces ' Monday. Special Showing of Children's Dresses and Underwear Monday. IKIAYDER3 BR! ELECS QlAL. TO DENVER Leaving Omaha July 16th (Monday) 4:0O p. m. Arrive Denver July 17th (Tuesday) 7:50 a. ro. This train will be equipped with Pullman Palace sleeping cars, Pullman Tourist sleeping cars. Buffet Smoking and Library cars, free Recllnlng-Chalr cars and Dining cars meals a la carte. VIA o n a c i ff I c Tickets on- sale July 10th to 16th at $15.00 for the ROUND TRIP Inquire at CTTV TICKET OFFICE. 1834 FARNAM STREET Thone Douglas 884. . Our Popularity '0TJlrED Om MXBJTS We rive bene values than amv other retailer. On fooa sappU.s ar. fraabw. pnrar, more oost Is mmoh UH kMsut w. bar in larre qnandtl.s for nt cash aad rataU on th. emaUast of profit marrlas. Tha av.rare t amUx eaa save from so cats to SI a day by tradlas ragTUarly with us. w SOME OF OUR SATURDAT SPECIALS OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION: MZAT SEPAJRTMEirT. Port.rhouae Stak p.r pound... lOo l Round Steak p.r poun: a Sirloin Steak per pound lOo Good Botllna- Meat per pound. 3V4o Pork lMla per pound . J2e OBOOXBT BXrASTaTBHT. PINEAPPLES 600 dosen to pick from special for Saturday ach ?u. WATERMELONS flweet and ripe big- sis.. .7 sbo'toalS MONOGRAM RASPBERRY FRUIT JUICE In heavy ayruD.Ua seller, pot bottle. 10c our Drice for Saturday " SALAD DRESSING Regular 20c bottle mZTl 8be 15a 00 IS NUM'.I'11I. IKJ ll'IT rl' L. A .Uawtvlnta A ti a COFFEE Frih roMted 0c aeller for . k..-. i i rvj. ii funiK unAnu i.w j r.u duuak ror .1 PURITY FLOUR The best on the market every sark cuarante.d $1 XXTBA arSOIAI. SATTrXSAT DKafOirSTmATIOBT We will plao. oa sal. Saturday s.v.ral rrnt of th. saw lo sis. BOaCAjrQj;i,OaT the mort p.rfMt 1 iKSHKRT JKLI.Y made. Speolal, a Saturday only, thr. paokaa-s for OC If you use Bromangelon now Is your time to put In a miprly. IF YOU ARE NOT A USER. BECOME ONE NOW. IM BXST fOB OVM OOSTOmai 1LWAYI Six flavors oraaa-e. WI1 OUR DEMONSTRATOR lL,I. SKRVK YOU FREE. MLAHGE GROCERY CO 24th and Cumina streets. kHiiUa. UUUULIII UUn TELEPHONE 1B0 rwuglas J!2J. GOZDTOJR Jus before you go to bed, a glass of this per fectly brewed and carefully aged beer will bring you tbe ulet restful sleep of childhood, preserve your strength aad youthful grace, giving you an appetite for breakfast and a delight la the day to follow. We will send a cm to your homex ... am , Omaha Headquartsnk Jett8rBr6wmgCo.HS Tel. Nn. I. South Omaha hS ."Kk 7v THE CORNFIELD CLUB OPPOSITE MAIN ENTRANCE LAKE MANAWA ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE cjr, A CsrUla Cure ler Tired, Hoi, Achlaa Feet WASCe--vGv DO NOT ACCSPT A 8UBTITUTK. am ev9 box. For Trial factait, B. UlDMHwa L Blf, ti.