Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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; . ' -pfflec, 10 Pearl Bu TeL 45. .
Exteniion of tha Qai Main Still the Quai
. tiom Which Eoldi Up Oontrtct.
LlgVt Tower Also DImumI at the
M.eeleT.'-bet Dtseosslosi la, aa
re ne It Went, Toward ' j
' Settlement.
r ' ? i j . ' - i." ."
Brtflrig m omitiltlM of th whole the
City .council last night took up end dis
cussed, the- proposed lighting contract with
th-CItten'' 0 and Klectrlo company,
but nothing was errlvrd at.
Anothrr conference between the commlt
tM on Are end light and the offlcere of the
1J Sitting company will be held, the reeult
of which the committee la expected to re
port, at the adjourned meeting of the city
council next Monday nlgbt.
A ".considerable, portion of tut nlght'a
awasfon waa devoted to the dlcuss!on of the
ztenalona of the company's gua nialna In
certain' parts of the city. Councilman Hen
6r ld his. poosytufnts In the Sixth ward
demanded thai- th mains be extended on
Avenue B, from Thirtieth to Thirty-fourth
tret. ' Councilman "Wallace demanded that
they be extended to1-Babbitt Place, at the
and of Easf, Broadway, .while Councilman
Knudsen .Instated -that they be extended
throughout -the Fourth 'and Firth wards.
As a result ofthe discussion of this phase
of the. nuestlon the -committee on fire and
light wus Instructed .". td.. confer w4th the
lighting company aa to these proposed ex
tensions 'and rrport'lmck at the meeting
tit the city council next Monday night.
At Councilman Wallace's suggestion a
'clays be Inserted In the lighting
contract requiring the company to extend
ItamaUve when ao,dlrected by the council
and when a "reasonable" number of pa
trons are secured on such extensions.
The question of abandoning the electric
flight towers and replacing several of the
arc lights wlttr thirty-two candle-power
incandescent .. lamps was discussed, but
nothing" decided upon.
Uod. a.' Cleveland Kelley. Carrl Pwln
nell, William Bhaw. Marie K. Aicher. Peter
linger. William Klahn. Ella M. Ehrlg.
JmmI tewls. William F. Boucher, John
Tatterson. Mamie I,ewla. Orace Messmore.
Mattle Tuilor,' Frances Chernls. Evelyn E.
Cummlng, Reuben A. Payae. William
Btrohbehm. Blrcha Olelm. Fsnnle Long
man, Rthel M. Johnson, Aagus C. Cllsbe.
Cumtnim May Lota tht ' Delcrttion from
Hii Hem Count.
the IttU year -oh! daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Smith, living four milt east of
Mackshnrg. was attacked by an old hog.
and received inluriee so iievere that she died.
locan Baalees fbaoge,
MAGNOLIA. la.. ''July" -(pedal --t
W. Fplres. who has operated a general store
here f'Jr. several year past, sold .his slock
of goode this week. -to Ffax
Kler. Johnson A
It Is
Magnolia store. It Is trrnlTstood 'thai the
two storea will be consollduted.
SfMODsbiy Quiet Condition Appear
Many Commercial Department.
Western Iowa follesre Commeaeemeat.
Commencement exercise of the Western
Iowa college were held last evening In the
commodious raoma of the Institution, In the
Merrlam block, formerly occupied by the
public, library. Hon. Emmet Tlnley of this
city delivered the address and Miss Caro
line Conklln and Mrs. IJntoln R. Hypes
contributed to the enjoyment of the pro
gram, the former with a violin solo and
the letter with a vocal solo. E. P.' Miller,
president of the college, presented, the
diplomas. Rev. Jamea ,0'May, pastor of
Hie Broadway Methodist hurch. offered the
opening prayer, while Rev. G. W. Snyder,
pastor of Bt. John's English Lutheran
church, delivered the benediction. There
nounced, would be Issued ' by Chairman
Miller In a few days.
Th dste for th convention at which
the party will name a county ticket was
not fixed, but It Waa determined that It
would not be held until about the middle
of September, or In any rase not until
after the democratic state convention In
Of the forty-one precinct In Potta
wattamie county about one-half were rep
resented at the meeting by committeemen.
asserted That Primary law Inhibit
teleelloa of Delecates by Aay
Persea In This Case Dele-
Oar Ratnrday Specials.
21 lbs. granulated sugar. 11; Washburn A
Crosby' Gold Medal flour. $1.19; 10 bar
good soap, :4c; Sapollo, per bar, 7e; salmon,
per can, 10c; 1-lh. can Dr. Price' baking
powder, 39c; quart Mason fruit Jars, doxen.
53c; tumblers, i per doian, 22c; granite col
ander, 22c; &-qt. granite kettle, 19c; 10-qt.
granite dish pan. 27c; 4 passenger lawn
swing, $3; gas stove oven, tl.30; ham
mocks, up f rom 15e ; "a leo fancy cuta of beef,
pork, veal or mutton; peaches, apricots,
plum, pineapples, , watermelon, moskmel
ons, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, bananas,
fresh vegetables, etc.. No delivery of sugar
alone. J. Zoller Mercantile Co., 'phone S30.
1I0-102-10 Broadway.
Water Coibpaay Heady to Aealat Him
. r f i, nia labors.
William' 'Klersted. the hydraulic en
gineer of Kaunas City, engaged by the
city 'to1 compute the value of the water
works nlanV and to furnish an estimate
jr of the cot of the fconstrurtlon of a new
r one, arrived In' the city yesterday. Mr.
Kierstea is ready to oegin wora at once.
In speaking 'of Ms plans Mr. Klersted
stated that hi first work Would be along
th line" Of preliminary- Investigation and
taking an Inventory of the plant and prop
erty of the ' waterworks company. How
long" thf Would' take Mr. Klersted said
he wn unable to say. In this work of
making "an Inventory MK Klersted will be
assisted by an engineer to be employed
by th " waterworks company. Manager
Hart 'of th waterworks company ha of
fered to extend all th assistance' In hi
poWr to Mr. Klersted and all map and
other record of the company will be placed
at ths.Jatter's Service.
Snprtlj' after ' hi Arrival Mr. Klersted
held H eonferene with the' member of
th special waterworks committee, of which
Councilman Wallace Is chairman.
ttostlagr Heady for Carnival.
At meeting of the Council Bluffs Street
Fair and Carnival company held last even
In "trf 'th office' of President Victor E.
Bender the first atep towards 'making
preparations for the annual street fair to
be held the' week of Beplcmber-S to 10 were
Correspondence I to be entered Into by
Secretary -Oeorge S. Wright with three
carnival companies whose representative
ar cxpeoUd her next week to look th
(round over and confer with the officer
Of '-th 'company. Becrotary Wright was
rthorixud to' awouro the usual mile or so
of eight-foot canvas fence to enclose th
oarntvaJ ground.'
It Wf'. decided to begin awarding th
various concessions next week, when a
plot of .th booth will Also be ready, It
being the Intention of the management to
bar everything completed and In readi
nan by the opening day of th atreet
If - tb plan of th management meat
with aucoeoa. It I) Intended that th atreet
fair and carnival will surpass any of th
Sorts f former year.
Pineapple sale today. We havi extra
large ones, two doxen to the crate, t only
$!. per doxen. Rartel tt Miller. Tel. 359.
. (From a Stsff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES. la.. July i-8peclal Tele
gram.) It Is reliably reported here tonight
that Hon. Charles Mackenzie of this city,
who Is a a mi Id (He for attorney genernl
and who received 4.0K) majority- In the
primary vote in this. Governor Cummins'
home county, and a very large majority
of the delegates to the county convention,
will contest the legality of the Polk county
convention, which gave Governor Cummins
the right to nam the eevnty-two dele
gates from the county of Polk to the tate
convention, on the grounds that this Is
violation of the Polk county atate primary
law and that legally the convention could
not do this, as the law prohibited voting
;.by proxy and thereby Ignored the rights
of Mr. Msckenale; Colonel D, J. Palmer,
candidate for railway commissioner; Hon.
W. L. , Eaton, candidate for railway com
missioner; Hon D. A. Hltes, vandldate for
seccetary of state, and othere who received
a majority of th popular vote at the
primary election, a well a a majority
of delegates to the county convention.
This ralsea an Important question In
connection with the aeventy-two votea to
the stat convention, a the county con
vention adjourned sine die and cannot now
be reconvened.- In the opinion ot some of
th ablest attorneys the delegation can be
protested, and If thla IB done Governor
Cummins would lose seventy-two votes In
th stat convention.
It Mr. Mackenzie doe .not make this
contest one of the other candldatea will.
Endeavor to Sera re Bryan.
An effort la to made, by the demo
crats of this com.. to secur the active
assistance of W. J. .Bryan of Lincoln,
Nab., In the cair.palgn In this state.
Brtdo I Only Sixteen.
Just Justice of the Peace Duncan had
concluded the marriage ceremony uniting
Miss Beulah Baker and Tom Landls of
Peru, la., today, John Baker rushed into
the office and ahouted that the girl was
not of age. He was too late, a the cere
mony waa concluded. Charge of false
wearing as to the girl's age were filed
against the couple and they wer arrested.
They hoped to b able to settle It out of
eourt. The brother of the bride assert
the la only. It years old and ahe looks th
part. The charge of false swearing la set
tor next week.
Nearly All Report,
Only a few counties of the state have
not yet reported the personal 'property aa
eeSsments to the stats auditor. . They are
expected to make their report In a few
days. The report thus far Indicate a
substantial Increase In the amount of per
sonal property in the .state, probably
amounting to tlO.OOO.OOO.
Shelby Call Convention. '
. The republloana of Shelby county have
called the county convention at which del
egatea to the atate convention will be se
lected for July 14. It will be' the last con
vention Ijeld In th state. Marlon, the
only other county remaining.' will-bold Its
convention July 11. The rest of the cau
cuses in Marlon will b held tomorrow and
will decide that county.
Attorney General Miller ot Indiana
Harasses Some Phase's of
the Lltlaatlon.
PAOLt, Ind., July .-ChHrie Miller, at
torney general of Indiana, who is here per
sonally conducting the litigation on bfhaif
of the state against the Fii mli l.lik
Springs and West Badeu Hotel companies,
In discussing the statement made yester
day by Thomas Tagijart of the French
Lick MpiinKS Hotel company to the effect
tint the casinos were nut a pat'C of.sthe
hotel prnertles. but were under lease to
third parties, and suits were- pending to
cancel these .leases because tlm hotel com
panies had learned that gambling was be
ing conducted at the casinos, said today:
"There are some peculiar features aiswit
these two 'pending' suits to cancel the
leases. Why were they brouaht In a Jus-
Fall and winter Trade In rroa
ress Uerrensc la Nnmber
i of Fallnres.
NEW YORK. July . R. G. Kun
Co.' Weekly Review of Trade will ay
Seasonably quiet conditions have .up
peared in many commercial departments,
the nrst week In July Invarlaoly bring
ing the minimum of activity In certain
occupations, but preparat ions for un
precedented fall and winter trade tn-reasi
with the maturity of the crops. A few
small strikes were started with the new
month and work was delayed pending an
agreement on wage scales In oilier cuS"i
where no formal struggle was announced,
while stilltractte coal miners took th
usuul extended holiday; but a large num
bet of textile workers resumed when lip
oid rate of pay was restored, and the ag
gieeate of Idleness is probably at tue
lowest point ever touched at this seanon.
Piospects for the coming season are
brightened" by the appearance of Jobbers
in the primary maraets several w.eka
earlier than usual.
' Failure returns for the "first half of
tlce of the peace court at 7 o clock at n1-ht j ,vf,rv department except one. embracing
. , Germans to Celebrate,
Tb German-American cltlxena of Council
duff and Pottawattamie cpunty will cele
brate "Oarmao day" In thla city thla year.
Thla was decided upon at a meeting held
last night In the rooma of th Commercial
For the last few yeara the German so
ciety, th Bon of Herman, have observed
Ootober as the anniversary of the settle
mint ot Oermantown, near Fblladalidila.
Two year ago th celebration waa hold
ta Council Bluff and last year In Manning-.'
Thl year It waa to have been held
either at Minden or Avoca, but neither of
" th town considered thwnsel ves able to
handle the crowd and It finally devolved
oa Oouncll 'Fluffs to entertain It.
Tb date- for holding the celebration was
xiot determined laat night, but probably
' will be at aa adjourned meeting to be held
Hx.t Tuesday night in the room of the
Commercial club.
The wer appointed a general commit
tee on arrangement laat night: Theo N
Petarosn, Henry Sporkitvg. A Becker, editor
Cf th Frcfe Freaae; A. Kramer and August
Borsea. . . .;
., Heal Eatat Treaefer. .
The trauefer wer reported lo Th Be
July by.Jh Title, Guaranty and Trust
company of Council Bluffs:
Mat L. WUIlams and wire to Q. A.
Lons- lot a? block 7. Urvant oV
Clark e eub., w. d ... t 60
II. . Uaa to Z,. T. Jones, lots SI.
S3. U and M. block S. Highland
Place, w. d 260
Walter J. Tompkln et al to Laura I.
stiller, let 4 and B. block 14. and
part out lot 6. Macedonia, w. d l.tiO
Iowa Townslta company to A. C. and
Henry Peterson, lot 2. Peterson
ub. of out lot D. McClelland, wi ... 00
Four tranafera, total
Donaoerata Hare Two Cenventtona.
At th aaeetmg of the county democratic
central oomtnltt yesterday at th office
of Chairman P. W. Miller rt waa decided
t hold tw conventions on to aelct
delegatea re th atate. Judicial and con
grestonal convention and on to- nam
a County ticket. - .
Th convention' to select delecetea to
th tat, Judicial and congreaslonel oon-
treatlon will be held Tuesday. July 24,
and th prsclai t prlmartea to aeleot th
delegaaea 4o mak up ' thl eonvantlon will
be held ' Saturday esanlng, July II.- The
official rail for this convention. It waa an
waa a Marge attendance of" students aad
frtands of th Institution. v '
Th graduatea rSoervtiuK ' diploma werei
Vac Board man, Llxil jarugenbempa., May
Clark's sodas.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Fine engraving at Leffert'.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
New location. 30 Pearl 8t., Maloney.
Plumbing and heating,. Bixby A Son.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. S3I.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Phon 97.
All our men' tan shoes, 13, $4 and 18, for
.. Sargent'a.
Diamonds as an investment. Talk to
Leffert about It.
See Duncan ft Dean' Dutch Auction, 13
how window. 23 So. Main.
Men W 50 tan shoes it 60 at B. A. Pierce
V Co.', Broadway and Main, atreet.
Position I waiting for you after taking
a courae In th Western Iowa colleg.
George Hoagland haa th Kansas Shall
Brick. All hard brick. Get his prices.
SJ pair men' tan shoes, $4 and to shoes
first come first served, $3.41. Sargent's.
Be Stephen Bro. for fire brick and Or
Clay, aewer pip, fitting and garden ho.
(2.60 buy a nalr of new 13. GO Recent tan
shoes at S. A. Pierce at Co.', Broadway
and Main street.
Picture frame mad to order. Hundred
of pattern to choose from. C. E. Alex
ander. 833 Broadway.
City Physician N. J. Rice will attend
the meeting of atate health officer at
Waterloo next week.
Domestic, New Home, White and Stand
ard sewing -machines for sale at William
son's, 17 So. Main Bt.
A marriage license waa issued yesterday
to John Hasklna, aged 27, of Jerome. Arts.,
and Vada Davis, aged 18, of this city.
When buying a piano you run no cnancea
on price or quality at A. Hospe Co. s., So
ooucn Main street, council muns, la.
Men's Tan Sho Sale 13.60 and 14 men'
an shoes, all new up-to-date stiles, sal
price' 12.60. 8. A. Pierce A Co., Broadway
and Main streets.
To th chicken raiser: Don't scrap with
rour neighbor. Fenoe them up. W have
h best assortment of noultrv fane ever
carried In the city. C. Hafer.
W wholesale tc cream. Shipped t
any part of tho atate. Soecial Drlcea to
the retail trade. L Muccl, Jli "West Broad
way. Council Bluffs, Ja. Tel, 4.
W have th finest 11 n of aampl monu
ments to select from In the west, ttheely
& Lan Marble and Granite wurws, fcx
aat Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Th caae against Melvln Head, charged
wltu assault and battery on Peter Koeelit,
ws dismissed In Justice Field couct yes
terday on the defendant paying the court
coots. ;
400 palra of men s tan shoes, 11.60 and t4
values, all 14 styles, most of them th
well known Regent U-50 shoes, noted aa tn
best fitting and wearing 111 -60 shoe on th
market. 8. A. Pierce A Co., Broadway and
Mala streets.
it rou need a new broom com and see
tn Henoe wire swseonrs. hub aweenera
11.76; floor brush, tl.oo; warenouae brusn,
$1.W; atreet broom, is cents. Complet Una,
com aod see. Paddock at Handsuhy Hard
ware company.
Henry Smith, th 17-y ear-old youth who
adiultied th theit of a aaxchal balonglhg
to Clara feeastrom from a mall wagon in
front of th postoOlc. was sentenced to
thirty day in th cuunly JaU yesterday by
Polio Judge Scott.
Cheep fruit Jar ar high price, thl ea
m. Why not buy good one at a very
little moreT W have Ui "Glob" glass
top. patent aelf-aeoilng fruit Jara Pint.
ti per dosen; quarts, ti.lo. Aio extra heavy
ruooera, tin top jeiiy giaaeea ana root ooor
bottle. - W. A. Usurer.
Men a 14 tan ahooc at Cl.W at S. A. Flero
A Co. 'a. Broadway -and Main atrta.
Miss Anna Nelson, who was caroled
about three years ago from St. Bernard a
hospital, waa before lb Commissioner on
insanity yesterday, her guardian. H. G.
MoUee, deeming it necessary to have her
placed under restraint again. Th board
deferred action In th caae, but ordered
Miss Nelson placed In St. Bernard temporarily.
Mayor Macrae yesterday granted papers
to Mr. and lira. Juaeuh F. Davis of thla
city ior i&e aaopuoo or tneir granoa.u.a- , DUy.a bass ball at lc to and w..ti
tar, JJeriUc lavla, agea s year, wnus . - . .
mother la dead and woos fatnar he de
serted her. Papera wer also recorded
'esierday by which Mr. and Mr. Harvey
VUliaiiuoa adopt th t-year-old daughter
of Rebecca Rousch. '
W. T. Seaman, manager of the Seaman
Waron eomuanv. will hav a hearing In
police Court thla morning on a charge of
assaulting' Robrt . Bender, th young ion
of Victor al Bender, manager and secretary
of the New Nonpareil company. It la
charged that when young Bauder presented
Seaman with- a Dill si in leiier piece
ot bualnees Seaman kicked blui out of th
front door.
Hr w are at the end cf the season
and for the next thirty day I will nak
tuts clothe regardless ot oost. 'I hav a
vnrv fine line ot ticotuh suitings, both
light and heavy weights, from III) te 14. j
tbat will go at i-a. lour cnotce 01 au im
the a lore.
-Improvement at Gleawood.
OLENWOOD. I., July .-(8peclal.J The
elty council haa entered Into a contract
with th Electric Light and Power com
pany of thla city by the terma of which
the company is to pump city water for a
term of years by use of electric pumps
from the artesian well furnished by the
city. This Insure an Improved service at
a decreased coat. . Thla Improvement waa
auggested and put in force by the present
city council, who are at this time pushing
paving, permanent gutters and completing
more . foment ' walka and crossing - than
other town of th same alas, Glenwood
haa baen in th peat rather backward In
the line of permanent public work, but
under the direction of the present city
council and th active business men at this
tlm there la in course of construction a
free public library, paving on Vln street
and many miles of cement walks. . From
present lndlcatlone it will be only a ahort
time until Glenwood will rank aa one of
th best county seat towns on the line of
th Burlington rosd through Iowa.
and tried with great effort, and secretly
and then aa quietly appealed to th- cir
cuit court, where they have remained
covered up and unknown?
'They were brought' to meet exactly su"h
contingency aa thla and to be dragged
out and used as a 'defense' whn needed.
Th leases were made March 19, th suits
were brought April 11. the hearing was at
night a most unusual procedure and tha
appeal- from the finding f the Local Justice
to rcie circuit court was made June 15, and
all. was so quietly done that few seemed
to know that any such. -action, had ever
been Instituted.
"But the state Is under obligations to
the hotel companies for those official rec
ords, for. In their complaints, the hotel
companies set up ownership to the prop
erty, and base their petition on tne ground
that ths people operating the casinos hav
been using them for gambling purposes.
Here we have the admission of gambling.
In all other respects the suits for pos
session gre Jokes, as I characterized them
in the court yesterday."
WINONA LAKE, Ind., July 6. -Governor
J. Frank Hanly, at . whose command tha
raids oh th casino at French Lick and
West Buden were made, today made a
statement. In which be says:
We shall now learn whether the manage
ment of the French 14ek Spring Coal com
pany ana tne west Baden Hotel company
Is above the law. The Issue Is not between
the managers and these companies and
It is between them and a far ertutor
and more enduring power between theni
ana me law. Tne statement ot Mr. Tag
gart that the French Lick Springs Hotel
company has not and will not tolerate
gambling on Its premises, in tne light of
recent developments and evidence In the
possession of the state, scarcely rises to
the force and dignity of a Jest. If his
statement Is true, what' is the meaning
erf the carload of costly paraphernalia
taken from the premises of the hotel com
pany? He admits himself that gambling
nas existed. Mis counsel yesterday. In open
court,' s greed that gambling should be
permitted yesterday and the isth Inst
when the casea are to .be heard. Where
did they find this new power to stop It?
The hotel Itself has betfn used for wteKs
nightly aa a place of safe keeping for the
money earned by the casino. The casino
building itself did not-cost more than 111).
O0. What legitimate purpose or use could
Justify- the rmvment of the areat sum. said
to be tOO.OUO annually, by the operator of
the casino for his concession? The truth
is that Mr. Taggart, as -manager of the
hotel rrtmnlnv has, St.. Jio time ' desired
anything in connectlmi-wfth the Casino that
has not been granted by Its operator.
On apeclal dAys like (bet when members
of tho . National- Kdsjre-ial . association.
visited Frerich Lirk he had the power to
cause the suspension of gambling in the
Casino during the Wift)i time of thoir
visit and It was actually closed except
as to the rower flow ' where- 'the slot
machines were allowed "to run. Mr. Tsg-
gart will 'not he .ablo trf fool either the
people of Indiana or deceive the peopl i
of tills country In this matter. I 'tvib ve
the suits filed by Attorney General Miller
to be well founded. ir lor any reaso
the Inn is Inadeauate lis now written
shall appeal to the people of the sta'o
without regard to tneir party amnaiions
to elect a general assembly in iMovemner
thst will erect a law clothing the execu
tive with such authority as will enable
him to reach such conditions
Francisco, th rfult of which he haa aent
r-ff to his government. While making no
recommendations to the home office, ihii
tenor of the report Is unmistakably in favor
of the Insurance companies carrvlug out
their obligation.
The consul wd.iM not commit himself . on
the attitude ot. K.rpperor William toward
Klumood Park'i eeds.
OMAHA, July 6 - To .thf rdilor of The
tho- companies that showed a tendency to 10B- peop.e oi wm.i.n -'j .--,..,
greierui to.-.ino putniu pats itwm ivi tie
very able -mnner In. which they have
shave their claims. The general Imputation
of bis retrmrks, however, was to the effect
that the emperor had practically ordered
the companies to settle on a dollar for
dollar basis.
I7aaal to Nominate grantor.
WKBSTER CITY, la.. July .-(8pecial.)
Vnable to break the deadlock in the
Thirty-seventh district senatorial conven
tion, which haa been In aesslon In this
city ainc last Monday, an adjournment
waa taken late thla afternoon. Two thou
sand four hundred and aventy-nln bal
lot were cast during tha session and the
last resulted aa did th nrt: D. C. Chase,
Webster City, 17 votes George W. Wsrd,
Eldora. 19; Chart F. Peterson. Clarion, 15.
Th convention will reconvene In Iowa
Full, July 9. At thla morning aernlon
each of th condidate released hi delega
tion and during th day alight changes
were, mad In tha vote, but the greatest
gain made by any candidate waa two and a
half votea, which D. C. Chase secured
from Wright county.
l.l&ek thibala. undress worsteds,
hla k and blue ercea. gray worsteds, will
ge 4a July regardless of eoeU . lis over
coat at 12. If you want te save 1 on a
auit or overcoat drop In and see HltJ.
perfect satisfaction la guarantee win
everything. . b. S. BWk-s.
a lba. gTanulated augar. H; Washburn A
Crosby Gold Medal flour, 11.19; 10 bar
good soap, too; euipoUo, per bar, 7c; aalmon
pnr can, 10c; 1-lb. can Dr. Price baking
powder, 39c; quart Uisoo fruit Jara, doaen,
6Jc; tumbler, per doson. ic-. granil ooU
ender, Uc; s-tt, granite kettle. Uu; 10-qt.
granite dish pen, 7c; 4-paaeesger lawn
wing, t4.Ho; gas stove oven, II ; ham
mock. Up from tic; also fancy cute of beef,
pork, vws.1 or mutton ; peaches, apricot,
pluuia, pineapples, watermelons, muakmel
ona. tomatoes, lemons, or an as, bane a as,
fresh vegetables, sic. No delivery of sugar
aiou. J. Zolter Mercantile Co, shoo js,
karlu-lt Broadway
Aceideat at Gleawood.
GIJCNWOOD. Is., July .-(Bpecial.)-Ten
thousand celebrated her yesterdsy from
all over southwestern Iowa. Th day was
perfect. Th Emerson and Bchulhoff band
furnished tb ruuslo. Free vaudeville,
moving picture and two exhibition fir
run by th Glenwood department, with
th usual Fourth program furnlahed enter
talnment. Glenwood H. 8. and Plattamouth
Glenwood at a. Score. 11-1 .nd M. Glen
wood each tlm got th abort and,
Th only accident happened to ex-8uper-vtsor
George Eate. Taking part In tha
fat men race, he fell and dislocated hi
houldar. Weighing- M0 pound b kept
three doctor busy thre hour reducing
tn injury.
Iowa Senator Confer.
DUBUQUE, la.. July l-Speclal.) Poll
Ileal significance 1 given to a- secret con
ference between Senator William B. Allison
and Jonathan P. Dolllvsr here yeaterday
Neither would give any Inkling of th sub
ject f th discussion, although politician
say that It waa Intended to decide upon
om plan to ettl th factional fight In
lwa. Th only etatemeat Delllver would
mak on th Parkin offer of compromise
waa: If It Is the unenimoua sentiment I
tklnk It would be all light. '
Iewa Eeeeater tea Meatann.'
IOWA CITT. la., Jun C-Charl H.
Bowman of Clinton, la., a gradual of the
Iowa university, class ot U98. has been
elected president of the Montana State
School of Mines. "
Hoar fatally lejoree Child.
WINTER8ET, la.. July .-i8pt:lal.-WkUe
la the hog pea trying to catch on of
the Utile pigs, which ah wanted for a pvt.
-Murder at Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, July 6. Perry Corbin,
plumber, was shot ' and killed here to
day bv T. W. Parks, proprietor of a dye
and cleaning establishment.' Parks was
lealous or corbtn a atteniions to ins
divorced wife. He surrendered Iminedi
atalv fnllnwlnsr the shooting. Mrs. Cor
bin, the dlvorcea Wite -or ine ueaa iiiuji,
lived at lawrence. Kan.
Rv direction of the War department an
honorable discharge from the rogular army
has been granted tsergeant Aaam c. war
tin, Company C, Eighteenth Infantry, Fort
In compliance with Instructions from the
War department. First lieutenant E.
Alexis Jcunet. Signal corns, and the de
tachment of Company B. Signal corns, now
on temooranr duty at Fort Leavenworth.
will, as aoon as tne exercises are nnixnea
at that post, return to Fort Omaha.
Tha formal orders relative to the id
nrnsrhlne canine of Instruction and con
rant ra tion st K'nrts Rilsv andRuHsell have
not yet been received from headquarter
of the Northern Military aivision, tnougn
the orders are expected dally, in the mean
while every preparation ' being made at
headquarter of the Department of the Mis.
sourl for th camps. Their operation and
establishment will be directed irom umaha
and the entire command at bo til encamp
menu will be provisioned through the
office of the chief commissary of this de
partment, and the tranxportatlon and camp
and garrison equipage aa well aa quarter
master's supplies, will be furnished through
the omoe or in cniei quartermaster or
thl department.
The aaals-nment of the several companies
of the Twenty-fifth United State Infantry
to various posts In tne department of
Texas, upon their departure from Fort
Niobrara, upon It abandonment, ha been
revoked by the War department. The regi
ment is now ordered to proceed to Austin.
Tex., to attend the camp of concentration
and instruction to be assembled there, and
will upon the breaking up of that camp
be assignea to garrisons mrougnoui tne
Department of Texaa. The date of the de
parture of the regiment from Fort Nio-
Drara nas Deen aeierreu uiiiu iu;y ji, at
which time the regiment will depart by
rail. Bids were opened Friday afternoon at
tha office of Major M. Gray 7tllnskl, chief
?uartermaster, Departmtnt of the Missouri,
rom tha various railroads for the trans
portation of . the regiment to Texas. The
Northwestern waa awardsd the contract.
Th Missouri Pactflo and the Wabash road
hav secured the contraot for transporting
th regiment from uoiana to Austin, Tex.
The following general court-martial sen
tences have been approved and promul
gated from headquarters. Department of
th Missouri: Privates Patrick J. Van
Bramer. Company K, Thirtieth Infantry,
Fort Crook, for aDsence wunout leave, ai
honorable discharge and three months' lin
mlsonment-. Edsar Harris, TrooD B. Elev
enth cavalry. Fort Des Moines, for selling
government arms, dishonorable discharge
and six montba Imprisonment; Floyd B.
Ihnnikts. Twentieth battery. Held artillery.
Fort Riley, for abeenee without leave and
apolllng hia here, dishonorable dtechnrge
and eighteen months' imprisonment at Fort
Leavenworth military prison; Charles T.
VcOresor. Twentieth naiiary. neid artlllnrv
Vnri Hilev. for conduct prejudicial to nuiH
order and military discipline, dishonorable
discharge and eighteen month' imprison
ment at Fort Leavenwonn military prison
John Amlrk. Company A, Eleventh
fantry. Fort Russell, for conduct prejudi
cial to good order and military discipline,
dishonorable discharge and one year Im
prisonment at Fort Leavenworth military
prison; Edward Rean. Company L, Thir
tieth Infantry. Fort Russell, for deser
tion, dishonorable discharge and eighteen
months' Imprisonment at Fort Leavenworth
military prison; Joe Berry. Troop I). Tenth
cavalry, tori Laveiiwurtii, ior aeeertion
dishonorable discharge ana six months' iin
prisonment at Fort Iavenworth military
prison; Frank M Sudro and Ralph A. Mo
Connell, both of Company a. n giisj corps.
Fort Crook, for absence wit li, nil leave.
cuenonorabi uiecnarge ini lore nioulbs
Imprisonment at rort i-rooa.
occupations chiefly of a speculative na
ture, and tne ratio or aeiauiieu iiaotiinns
to solvent payments through the clc.:--Ing
houses during the last three months
was only 13 cents to $1,000. Railway
earnings thus far available for June sho'V
gains of 9.7 per cent over tne nnures in
105. while for the last wees at mis port
foreign commerce returns exhibited In
creases of 13,451.038 In imports and $758,-
30& in exports
Stee mills have found some difficulty
In securing satisfactory deliveries of ma
terial, and entered the scrap market to
a decree that hardened prices.
Alt hough a few changes nave occurreo
In list prices of cotton gooda. the primary
markets are actually weaker on account
of sbeclal concessions In order to secur
contracts. It is sun noiewonny mm
nnrchases are restricted to pressing re
qulrements. practically no forward de
liveries being arrangeo.
Fallurea this week were 133 In thi
United Ststes. against 110 last year, and
twelve lu Canada, against twenty-one last
i , .
Baalnes I nasnnlly Active for Mid
summer Season.
NEW YORK, July . Bradstreet a to
morrow will aay:
It has been a between-season's week In
general trade and industry, but more than
the usual seasonable business is aoing iy.
Bpite of holljsy Influences. The taking
of Inventories and in the case ot Indus
trial plants, the market for repairs is nat
urally a feature. Nevertheless bright pros
pects continue unimpaired. Fall orders
are coming forward in good volump. Crop
conditions on tne wnoie are iavoraoie. i-i
Iron displays more firmness and consider
able business has been booked while fin
ished lines could hardly be in a Deuer
position, demand from the railways con
tinuing to be most marked. Labor !s
scarce, not only In the crop growing
regions, but In Ihe Industrial sections as
well, the paucity of help curtailing pro
duction of Pennsylvania coke. Incidentally
a strike or puddlers and finishers in esst
ern bar iron mills affects the situation.
but the disturbances are purely iochi. nan
way earnings are still very heavy, Indl
csted a-sin In gross receipts for June as
compared with the same month In li)S
being no less man n per cent, muteo.v-i,
the paat fiscal year was the best ever ex-
erlencea by tne rauwajs, uu
for a gain OI 1U per ceni or muio in
cross earnings.
. . i .).n.u. ..(urn, pnnflrffl
V allures HUH tiraoiiB . . v. . -
early claims of record and profitable trade.
Failures are down close td the minimum
for the first nair oi tne ei. u-ii.
per cent fewer than a year ago, while lia
bilities are 5.7 per cent smaller than lsst
vejtr and onlv 17 per nent above the amall-
est total for nearly twenty years.
The situation in textiles piMrmn
Ing aspects. Good cotton crop
have apparently, ror the time being, been
discounted, and the raw material shows
little or no ensnge un m -
lined goods the situation la Irregularly
strong at the revisions recently made to
meet lower cost ui .... V' fVlo,
Plgvlron snows more uimu
. v. - pflimpd nv me oiitituiuiiuii ui tn"
southern producers' agreement has appar-
ently. passed endina
Business ianureo im
July 6 number 134 against iv "'"':":
?"ln the like week of . 17! In WW
in iftH and ISO in l' " ' '
were 23 as against 20 a year ago
:;"rr o . week ending
June 5 (San Francisco and Pesttle riot re
Ported) are 1.385.313 bushels
Eu.hels last week. 1.06O.M4 bushels this
Leak " last year 87SW bushels in 1904 -and
13S0.41O bushels In 1903.
"tnt Contention In Denver oml
aatea William 11. llnywooa
for Governor.
DENVER, July 6 It was learned tonight
that the socialist party of Colorado held a
convention In thla city on the Fourth of
July and nominated a full state ticket,
heartd by William D. Haywood, secretary
treasurer of the Western Federation ot
Miners, now In prison in Idaho, for gov
ernor. The remainder or the ticket Is aa follows:
Secretary of state, H. C. Darragh, Col
orado Springs.
Treasurer, J. W. Sawyer, Grand Junc
tion. Auditor, John M. Martin, Denver.
Attorney general, 1. Tarkoff, Montrose.
Lieutensnt governor, A. II. Floatln, Tel
ltirlde. Superintendent of public Instruction, A.
K Lurch, Wellington.
Regents State university, D. J. H. Mor
row, Denver; Dr. E. II. Graeb, Denver.
Judge of the supreme court. F. Woodslde,
Colorado Springs; John M. King. Denver.
Congressman-at-latge, Guy K. Miller, Tel-lurlde.
Tariff War In Bnlknns.
VIENNA, July Servla having declined
to make concessions In the matter of Aus
trian imports, Ihe government of Austria
Hungary today closed the frontier against
Servian cattle and ordered the enforcement
of the autonomous customs tariff on other
Imports from that country.
looked after our different parka, but ope
very necessary comroit of Elmwood park,
one of 'the vety prettiest natural parks
In Ihe city, ha bee overlooked. There
Is absolutely no protection to visitors and
picnickers against rain. July 4th fully
3"0 picnickers were generously soaked dur
ing a heavy shower, owing to th lack
or shelter. If the public park board will
erect a building where people can lake
their lunch during a storm, they would
be "filling a long felt want."
Half Million Credited to Jnn and
Qnarler Million Carried
Over to Jolr.
June produced $497,079 city taxes, ot which
$300,082 waa on real estate and tUt.We on
personal property. Last year Rn2,7 waa
collected during the same time, greater
exertions being made to garner the cash.
This time aomethlng like a quarter of
million was carried over from th rush
of the last day to entry In July.
Aacnstns St. Vnnden Recovers.
WINIWOR. Vt., July Augustus St.
(Lindens, the sculptor, who I 111 at his
summer home In Cornish, N. H., and who
has been 111 for some time past, wss
busily at work when seen lotlsy. He hss
not been contined to the house since his
srnval at Cornish a few days ago. At hU
home today It was denied lhat Mr. St.
Oaudens had undergone any operation for
the removal of cancerous growth.
firover Cleveland Better,
PRINCETON, July . Former President
Grover Cleveland, who Is 111 or IntllRetiticn
t his home here, sent down word from
his room this morning to a reporter for the
Asaoclated Press to the effect that ha had
been slightly ill. hut was reeling better
and would be out In a day or two '
K1 1 lift. aa .ts;m "-r- -
Wheat and flour exports from tne
L anana ior me "
Francisco and Pesttle not
r. , ' ... v. . . .. I, .. 1 a u bj In.l 1.90!
sr.m July 1. li.
fo June the Port- were "1M.7I8 M7
Dusneis ." 'Tl-7'' V-. a 7R1 IKK Sush-
145,750,964 busneis in irt .
"corn exports for the week are -cn.tOO bush
.aTni. 870.237 bushels last week. 3-3.2-S
v,o.he. a vesr sgo. 613.124 bushel in jw
ijtKK aki bushels In 1303. From Juiy i,
and 1.6L0hl.Dl'?nPL ,i,. .snorts of corn
1806. to June - 790i275
rS-i. in iK 61.151.115 bushels in 1904 and
68,6i9,974 busliels in law.
Our Method Insur Every Man a Lifelong Cure
for Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Varicose and Pro
static Troubles. Constrictions and Obstructions,
Nervo-Vltsl Debility, Acute and - Chronic Dls- .
charge, Sore. Ulcers, Swollen Glands, Ulcers In '
th Mouth or on the Tongue, Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Troubles. Piles. Fistula, and all Chronic
and Special Dlaease.
Nervo-Vital Debility
There I not a case of weakness in existence
that we cannot rebuild and strengthen with our
Our cure Is a thorough and scientific course of
trejjrinent. which acts .t once upon the nerve
force, stopping the drain and replacing the worn
out and run-down tissues. It gives strength and
fresh vitality, building up the entlr system and
transforming the sufferer Into a typ of perfect
W cover th ntlr field of Chronic, Nsrvoua and Special, Deep-Seated and
Complicated Diseases.
Northwest Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha
Canadian Destinations, Daily.
New England Destinations, July 18, August 8 and 22..
'. i.i..ii. i-
One. Hanarea n o. .--
Hient Mnd with San Fran
cisco lasers.
caw irnANCISCO. July .-Th tall says
today that 166 settlements that have been
effected by the fir Insurance cbmpantes
indicate that In the business section of
San Francisco more than $100.0u0,o will
be paid In coin to fire losers on the face of
the adjustments made on losses that hnve
already come before commltteea. The
average adjusted loss In tn iw instance
mentioned I $84.82. th total paymenta
being $14,000,000. Tha ound vaiua oi iw
properties la given at $is.ow,wo W mc
Justera. Consequently the reduction for
earthquake damage , and for all other
cauaea In tha adjuatment la $5,000,000.
The figure are supplied oy an niireiy
competent authority. Th larg um or
$100,000,000 for pending and effected ettl
ment 1 an estimate upon the average
already noted.
The lose committee appointed up to oat
number 1.221. The $100,000,000 la baaed upon
the nultipllcatlon . average of 4,3J t'
The Examiner aaya that the Auatrian-
Phoenlx, an old established Insurance com
pany of Vlnna, Austria, haa ao far not ,
offered to adjust a single lo, nor baa It
von admitted liability, although Ha pol'-
clea are ot atandard form and contain r.o
earthquake clauses. Concerning Its attl- i
tude and affair Herr Wltta representative '
from Europe, atatea:
Insurance Deople In Europe are sadly mis. ,
informed concerning th San Francisco
conflagration and Its causes. I have told
my people tha truth and advised them tr.a.
they are liable. ...
1 have surgesteo an aiijuBmiin v. i"---under
the principle laid down in th reso
lutlona adopted by the New York confer
ence. , , ,.
I hope my company win ray. i "
tha foreign companle will pay. If they
do not. 1 am aatisfted th courta of their
countries will recognise any Judamenta of
the courts of this state.
"German Insurance companies will pay In
full," ays F. Bopp, German consul, tem
porarily located in thla city, who recently
returned from Germany, where he investi
gated th standing of tha companies doing
business on this ooast. ...
"I am in a position to know that the
German Insurance companiea will pay dollar
for dollar," said the consul today, "and I
wish to advise all parson doing bualnees
with a German company, not to expect a
compromise. Non of th German com
panle wish to be classed with th sis bit'
concern. My knowledge on thl point 1
absolute. Money to pay off every claim Is
on hand, and it will be a matter of a few
days when tt will arrive.'1
Mr. Bopp has Just concluded an x
haueUve inTeaUfaUon it tonUiiluu la Sea
15-day limit, one fare plus
30-day limit, one fare plus. . ,
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle
; .... - t i
One way via Shasta Route
Spokane, Wash.. . .
Butte and Helena .
Yellowstone Park Tour
Salt Lake City and Ogden .; .
Glenwood Springs, Colo.
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. ...........
$ 2.00
. 60,00
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, July 10 to 16 15.00
Sheridan, Wyo. ,
Deadwood and Lead, S. D
Hot Springs, S. D
Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead, S. D.,
July 11 to 16 ,
Chicago, III
Bt. Louis, Mo a...
Reduced Rates Daily.
Better call or wrtte and let me plan your Bummer
vacation for you.- I can -give you all th
latert information and free descriptive lit
erature. ' .
J. D. REYNOLDS, C. P. A.f .
1502 Farnam St Qniha. Kek.
S' "775
o . .-1' -'.: a
ly Om 014 leflaU DL SEAILQ t SIAtLES
EatablUhed In Omaha for II yeara The many tbeea
and of caae cured by a make as toe moot exoerU
enced Specialist In th west, in all disease and alb
ment of men. W know Juat what will euro y
and our quickly.
W mak a misleading or false (tetement er effse
you cheap, worthies tieatmeaL Our reputation ana
nam ar toe favorably known every ease w tree I.
ur reputation 1 at aiaka Your health, life aild rt-y-plseas
is toe serious a matter te place la the hands ef
a "BaJCBX.Xge' DaOTOSV." Honest doctor of aeUlt
use their O WST I1HI (W tKaa lOmill. w
can wRect for everyone a life-long COaVM for Weak,
Nsrvows Men. Varlcooele troubles. Nervou Debility.
Blood Polaon, Proatati trouble. Kidney, biadde.
.Vy" l waSTUit visx;ajsxi, nyaroceie. in rem rmin
t ' iff : if .1 itinirutsa iiseases, eiemacn ana aajn Lnseaea
f 'tn M biici; axaminauon ana censuiieiion. write Bto
-.- 6ymetom lenk fur UeiB TreettMot.
Stm. , s lUUls Leak M OeelM lUsels,