Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
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Ckiouro Jury 0ob?1oU Bailroad of Psyinc
' lUbatei to Ehipprs.
Ju&f Laadis Eieludes BeotioM Relative to
fcefnadinc Panew Fares.
CmaX Will Hoar AjomonU of Attorney!
Thia Moraine.
Parkers Allowed $1 a Car tor I se
Track Coart Declares This la
Rehnto Bmin ft Waa Sol
la Tariff faaat.
CHICAOO. III., July I -The Chicago
Alton railroad and John N. Falthorn and
Fred A. M'inn, formerly ofTlclala of th
road. were today convicted In the t'nlrrd
States district court of illegally granting
rebates to the Schwarxechlld Sulxberger
Packing company. No sentence waa im
posed today by Judge Landls. pending the
arguments for a new trial for the defend
ant, which will be heard tomorrow morn
Ing. It was claimed by the government
that the officials of the ratlrojd company
had allowed tha employe of the packing
company to travel free of expense by re
funding to thera all money expended for
transportation. H waa declared by the
court that thla did not comprtae a rebate,
and he instructed tha Jury that a verdict
f not guilty should be returned aa to the
counia of tha Indictment which charged
the giving of rebate In connection with
thla passenger transportation.
In tha other eight counts of the Indict
ment on. all of which the defendanta were
found guilty, two offenaea agalnat the Elk
Ina law were proved. It waa ahown by the
government that tha railroad company had
Charged 14 per car for handling tha prod
ucts of Schwarsaehlld Sulxberger at
Kanaaf City and had then repaid tha pack
ing company $1 on each car. The govern
ment claimed, and the court held that the
failure of the railroad to publlah In lta
tariff aheet tha fact that the tl waa re
paid made It In fact a eecret rebate. It
waa claimed by tha attorney for the de
fendanta that the refund of the tl per car
waa neceaaary becauae the packing com
pany owned the railroad track near lta
plant and compelled tha railroad company
to pay that amount for trackage when It
hauled tha cara away.
Under the law the maximum aentence of
tha court may be a fine of 1120.000 for each
of the three defendanta. No Imprisonment
provision appear In tha law. There are
two specific allegations of rebating alleged
In the eight counta of the Indictment up
held by the court.
lMMHMa. Jht,Btk.taa Law Dooa
So Contesnplota Prison, Sentence.
Js'BW TORK. July f,-Judg Holt. In the
United BLatea aupram court, today handed
down an opinion tha effect of which waa
to dismiss th Indictment found against
Nathan Guilford, vie president, and F. 8.
Poraeroy, traffic manager of the New Tork
Central railroad, and C. Ooodloe and Bdwin
Earle, th latter sugar merchant of Xe
trolt, charging them with conspiracy to
violate tha provisions of the Klkina rebat
ing act, punishable by Imprisonment. The
eonrt, however, also holda that the Indict
tnenta agalnat the New Tork Central road,
Guilford and Pomeroy, found under the
F-lkins act ar good and sustains them so
far aa they ar punishable by fine.
In sustaining .h demurrer to th eon
' ptraey Indictment and dismissing the de
murer to tha other Indictments the court
Tlolda that congress did not intend viola
-Hpus of the' Klkina law to be punishable
by imprisonment. Judge Holt further
' hold that tha amendment to the Klkina
act providing a punishment by Imprison
Met waa not retroactive and . therefore
Mia rof Include th men charged with
i ooJ'epiracy.
Th American Sugar Refining company.
Jointly Indicted with tha New Tork Central,
pleaded not guilty, but Interposed no de
mtirrer to the indictment, preferring evi
dently to stand trial under the Indictment
a returned.
"Th public." said United Btatee District
Attorney Btimson today, commenting on
the decision, "must not misunderstand
Judge Holt's decision. Th government
charge th defendants with two distinct
crime: one for conspiring to commit an
ffena against the government, and the
second far th actual commission of that
Offense. Th conspiracy Indictment wss
returned tinder a federal enactment en
tlrely separate and distinct from tha Elk
Ins act. By tht decision Judge Holt merely
holds that congress did hot Intend a viola
Won of th Elklns act ahould be punished
with - imprisonment, and throw out that
indictment. Th Indictment returned
Under tb Klkina act ar sustained In tbatr
entirety by Judge Holt, and w shall pro
teed to try th accused forthwith or
soon as possible. Judge Holt's decision
only fleets th form of punishment to be
administered if th aocused ar found
WUcala Secretary af (tat Aeqalt
ted af Chars at Attempted
MAD1BON. Wi.. July 1-Waltr U
Houer, ecrtry of tha tut of Wla
conaln. waa acquitted In th Dan county
municipal court tonight of th criminal
charge of having attempted to brlb Zeno
M. Host, atat eommuuonar of Insurano,
on Jur 1. 1M, by taxing a prepared d
clsion In taa Krunkhorat-Rqultabl Insur
ance ca from Robert Luaoomb to th
commissioner and telling him. aa alleged
in tb complaint, that the Equitable o
clety would contribute 12.000 to tha La
rollett campaign fund If such a decision
war rendered. It took th Jury over four
hour t reach tha verdict of acquittal.
Thirty af Fa alas Typo t Bo Va
UsN la th
x Wast.
CHICAOO. July Thirty bug Paellla
typ looarootive hav just been delivered
ta th Burlington road for rvlc betw
this city and Denver. Th machine out.
weigh by IT.Ott pound th hvt
paaaeturer ng1a) tad Burltngtoa road haa
Aaaast Rosenberg, Hal4 to Be (rem
Seattle, Arrested by Prasalnn
ALTON A, Prussia, July . It became
known today that August Rosenberg, an
alleged anarchist from Seattle. Wash.,
arrested here Tuesday. July S.'aa be was
leaving a train arriving at Altona. Acting
on Information received from the police of
New York the authorities were watching
for Rosenberg, who haa relatlvea living
here. Rosenberg, who waa accompanied by
his wife, came to Europe on the Hamburg
American stea-ner Patricia, which left New
Tork June It and arrived at Hamburg June
22. The prisoner aftlrma that he la an
American cltlsen. His baggage haa been
forwarded to another part of Germany and
has not rat been searched hy the polloe.
IiNPON, July . According to a dis
patch to a news agency the alleged anarch
ist arrested at Altona. Prussia, Is named
August Rosenberg and he Is accused of
having had designs on the life of Emperor
NEW TORK. July . A dispatch from
Seattle July 3 reported that tha police of
t city, acting at the Instance of the Qer
'. goverrment, had raided the house
'4 v occupied by August Rosenberg, a
and had found a plant for mak
ing . . and Infernal machines. Rosen
berg lv y, ntle for Hamburg, Germany,
May that time the O'rimn gov-
rnment r. 'a warning from Seattle
that an atte, -mid be mad to assassi
nate the Oer. mpcror. The German
consul at Scatt. jbsequently received a
cablegram from Hamburg Instructing htm
o Investigate. The articles seized Included
more than :oo bottles of acids and explo-
ves. crucibles, mortars, moulds, a furnace
nd considerable scrap Iron.
r.sfnt of Major Reaeom, Kebraafcaa
, Talk with Head of
British Araay.
I..ONDON, July . Wiinam ji. 3ryan to
day lunched with Major John H. Beacom,
the United States military attache, to meet
War Secretary Haldane. The luncheon
waa arranged particularly so that Mr-
Bryan and Mr. Haldane could meet. No
other guests were present.
Ambassador and Mrs. Reld gave a lunch
eon at Dorchester House today to a large
party of visiting Americana, Including Paul
Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Bishop
William P. Lawrence. Boston, and Mra.
Lawrence; John W. Terkea, commissioner
of Internal revenue: M. O. Keeler, former
governor of Connecticut, and D. O. Mill.
Mr. Bryan lias decided not to leave Ixm-
don on Monday, aa he had Intended, but
will remain until Thursday, principally to
ear Mr. Haldane, at the latter s Invitation.
deliver a speech on army retrenchment in
the House of Commons, after which Mr.
Bryan will at art on hla tour of the Rhine,
Switzerland and Italy. Mr. Bryan haa
also accepted invitations for next week
from Winston Spencer Churchill and othera
in public life, when he will meet many
prominent persons. He will go to Wrest
Park tomorrow with Ambassador and Mrs.
Otnaaai Wtll Inatrwct Toath
Ecoaaaalcal Sabjeerte fraa
. Party ltsslrelst.
BERLIN, July . The executive commit
tee of the socialist party has announced
Its intention to establish a pnrtlaan school
In the autumn, with the object of preparing
socialistic youths for public life, by lec
tures on national, economic, socialism, law.
hlatory, science, literature, tha natural
sciences and debating exercise.
Th Vorwaerts, organ of the party, says
that no expense should be spared to carry
out the plan of thus creating a body of
well Informed agent, adding that, owing to
th Reichstag' decision to payment
of th Reichstag for their services, it
Is not neceaaary for th socialists to col
lect money to pay their own members, a
haa hitherto been done, thus saving $20,000
annually for th "partisan war school. "
Field Marshal Doaalaareva Saeeeeds
Morel as Premier with Port
folio t War.
MADRID, July 1 King Alfonso today
sanctioned the appointment of th follow
lng ministry to SMoeeed th cabinet, beaded
by Moret Prendergast, whloh resigned yes
Premier and Minister of War Field Msr.
shal Lopes Domltigues.
Minister or r oreign Arrair rtenor uuuon
Minister of the Interior Bernabe Davlla
Minister of Pi nances Navarro Reventer.
Mlniater of Publto Works Garcia Prleto.
Minlater of Marine Benor Alvarado.
Minister of Instruction Amallo Oiemento.
Minister of Justice Count Romsnanonea.
Although tha Moret cabinet disappears,
tb new ministry represent th sain gen
eral policy, ecnslstlng of prominent man
representing th various liberal group In
th Senate and Chamber of Deputlea.
' Mortoa Befer Lord.
LONDON. July . Paul Morton, prl-
dnt of .th Equitable Lit Assurance so
ciety, and Emery MoCllntock, vie presi
dent of tha Mutual Ufe Insurance com
pany of New Tork. appeared before th
elect committee of th Houa of Lords
on life Insurance. Mr. Morton explained
th methods by wb,leh the Equitable was
conducted and called attention to th sp.
clal provision mad for th security of
British policy holder by the S&OO.ODO de
posit in th Bank of England. He con
sidered that th Investigation had clearly
ahown th sound financial position of th
society, bat he admitted that confidence In
It had bean restored more In America than
Aaabaaaavdor at Coastaatlaople.
secretary of th American legation, yester
day presented to Foreign Minister Tswflk
Pasha a not formally announcing tha ele
vation of th legation to th rank of an
mbassy and saying that so soon aa new
credentials ar received by Ambassador
Lelsbman th change will take effect. The
not also expresae the hop that th de
cision of th United SUte will be rec
ognised as frwsh proof of th friendly re
lation existing between th two state
and th esteem felt for Turkey.
Porelaaa Rapwlao Tnrka.
attempt to seise further territory on tha
Persia a frontier has been checkmated by
tha governor of Pushkar, who repulsed the
Invading toroe of MO Turkish regulars and
TM mounted Arab regulars with consider-
able loss to the raiders. The council of
ministers has now Instructed the Turkish
commander, Zckkl Pasha, to withdraw his
troops from their moat advanced positions
and ta avoid further oausaa for a rupturo
with Persia, t
'Minister Admit Paddine of Estimate! to
Liqnidat War Expense.
Statement Caaaea a sensation la the
Lower Hoose Another Mora
a Toward a Responsible
ST. PETERSBURG. July .-Whll the
action of the lower house of Parliament
today In appropriating IT.SOO.onO to be dis
pensed by the administration for famine
relirf was epochal, aa the first recognition
of t"e cabinet by Parliament and the first
step in Joint work. Its Importance was far
overshadowed by the revelation of alleged
admissions made by Minister of Finance
Kokovsoff In the budget commission about
tlie padding of estimates for the liquid
ation of sir expenses. In order to be abl"
to extract a larger loan from the foreign
markets. These developments made an Im
mense sensation and were eagerly dis
cussed In the corridors of the chamber,
where It was declared that If the state
ment of the commission members were true
It plsced Russian financial methoda on a
par w ith those of mushroom Bouth Amer
irsn republics and would undermine the con
fidence of foreign financiers In the old
guard now msnsging Russian finances and
Immensely complicate future credit oper
ations. AH this naturally Is flsh for the net of the
constitutional democrats, who see In the
revelations the brightest prospect for for
cing the transfer of administrative power to
a responsible cabinet.
All of today's moves of the constitutional
democrats point to a realisation of their
expectation that they may soon be en
trusted with the full responsibility of gov
ernment, unhampered a bureaucratic min
istry. The speeches of floor leader Nabouk-
off and othera on Thursday during the de
bate on the BldelnJkoff Incident show that
the decision to break with the extremists
and socialists, aa foreshadowed In the re
cent Interview of the Associated Press with
Ivan Pctmnkevltch. haa been definitely
taken and that the party leaders are now
looking forward to constructive work In
place of merely destructive criticism , of
everything governmental.
Warnlag from the Rech.
The Rech today, discussing the efforts
made In the British House of Commons to
Induce the British government not to send a
fleet to Cronstadt. says:
Whether the fleet comes or does not
eome, the sympathy of the Engiisn wnn
the struggle of the Russian democracy for
constitutional inatttutions Is already proved.
The same Is true of Prance. Aa regards
Germany, It Is tha sole supporter of the
old regime In Russia. Emperor William
prefers to maintain the sources of weak
ness of the Russian state In order to profit
thereby, but Emperor Nicholas should re
member th danger of outside Interference.
It was the duke of Brunswick' threat to
destroy Part If King Louis was harmed
which forfeited the king's head."
During the debate in the lower house of
Parliament today on ' th Blalystok report
an orthodox priest, Pather Aranasleff, a
radical member from the Don province.
fiercely denounced the policy of the gov
ernment, whloh, he declared, Instead of
being diretced to pacifying the country,
seemed to be deliberately provoking anti
Jewish riots snd every manner of class and
race strife by th spread of proclamation
agalnat the Jews and revolutionists.
Disorder ta latertor Cities.
BATOUM, Transcaucssla, July T. Th
mutiny of troops here Is ended. The ring
leader escaped, whereupon their follower
yielded and are confined In the fortress.
WARSAW, Russian Poland. July .-Th
reign of crime and terrorism I so great
here that the police hav decided to resign.
A few day ago, a a measure of protec
tion agalnat assassination by the revolu
tionists, the system of police beats was
abandoned and th police were formed Into
patrol for mutual self-protection against
bomb throwing, etc. But this only made
It easier for the terrorists to shoot them.
The governor general, when apprised of
the decision of th police to resign, threat
ened to arrest and punish those who failed
to appear for duty.
BERLIN. July . A dispatch to the Lolal
Anaelger from Kattowita, Prussian Silesia,
says that twenty-flv Cossacka today sur
rounded a lime kiln at Mlechow, In the
province of Klelce, Russian Poland, on
Information that It waa being used for the
manufacture of bomb. A th Coasacka
,wer forcing their way in a terrific explo
sion blew the kiln to piece. Eight Cos
sacka were killed and five were wounded.
It Is not established whether the explosion
waa caused by tha bomb makers Inside or
whether the kiln waa exploded from a dls
New Zealand' Representative WId
Hav Reciprocity Law with
1'atted atatee.
OT8TER BAT. N. T.. July Sir
Joseph Ward, ' premier of New Zealand,
took lunch with President Roosevelt at
Sagamore Hill today. Before proceeding
to the president' horn Sir Joseph said
he was most interested in discussing with
the president the possibility of negotiating
a reciprocity treaty between th United
State and New Zealand. Th latter coun
try he said , had a aurplu of wool and
New Zealand could negotiate a treaty
with th United States, he said, without
reference to the British government and
he was prepared to take the offlulal
preliminary steps in that matter and waa
anxious that such steps should be taken
before he leaves th country. H aald he
ahould endeavor to leave the matter In th
handa of the British embassy In Washing
ton on hi departure from th country.
Major n. B. Tnraer Ordered t Take
Chars f Caaatractloa
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July S. (Special Tele
gram.) Major Reuben B. Turner, Eighth
Infantry, will proceed to Fort Meads and
aaauma charge, temporarily, of construc
tion work at that post, relieving Major
Oeorge Hunter, Sixth caralry, of that
Tha Plret National bank of Whits lkj.
D., has been authorised to begin bual-
"1th 2 ft09 capital. H. W. Hln-
rlchs Is president, Joha Ooeres vice presi
dent and John P. Baker cashier.
Civil service examinations wtll be held
at Omaha, July 11, and Uaraaiie, Wye.,
August I. for positions of clerk and car
rier La tha poatoOca sarvtca.
rhaaffcar of Dead Haa Pay They
Were oa Frjeadly Term
NEW TORK, Jul 1-Mrs. Harry K.
Thaw s visit to her Ijuslmnd In the Tombs
prison was very brief., She remained
scarcely more than, ten minutes in the
prison, and after leaving there went to Iho
offices of her husband's attorneys.
That Mra. Thaw and Stanford White
were on friendly terms up until last Sep
tember I the assertion made In a signed
statement given out today by John Burtia.
who was employed by White aa a chauf
feur. Burn says in hi statement that on
two occasions, one in February and again
In Sept ember, 1!6, the electric cab which
h drove wa placed at Mra. Thaw's dis
posal by White. The first of these oc
casions was before- her marriage, the sec
ond waa Ave montha after It. In each In
stance, according to the chauffenr. she was
taken from a rrstaurnul to her hotel, and
In neither case did White accompany her.
Dr. Allan Mcl.anc, the alienist, who has
been retained hy the defense, spent nearly
two hours with Tha today. Upon leav
ing the prison he said that he had ex
amined Thaw at the requt of counsrl for
the defense. He would say nothing, how
ever, regarding the result of the examina
tion. Former Judge Olcott, after reading the
statement given out today by Chauffeur
Burns said he wished to deny absolutely
that Mrs. Thaw since her marriage had
been a guest of White erid had used his
automobile. "There Is not one chance in
a million of it being true." said Judge
Olcott. ,
Assistant District Attorney Garvan said
that although he had examined Burns In
connection with his Investigation of the
Thaw-White tragedy, he never had heard
'of Mrs. Thaw's ride in White' automo
bile until today. Burn told him nothing
whatever during the exanilnatlon.'conccrn
ing White having entertained Mr. Thaw,
he aald.
riTTSBI'RO. July 1-Mrs. Charles J.
Holman, mother of Mis. Harry K. Thaw,
broke silence today for th first time since
the killing of White and in a short state
ment Issued to the press made denial of
many stories printed in Pittsburg and New
Tork papers. Mrs. Holman says:
I never Introduced m daughter to Stan
ford White. I never look her to theater
managers. I accompanied her, as I would
not permit her going alone. I hav been
maliciously misrepresented. My story will
be told at the proper time. I am not in
strict secluelon: have received all friends,
but denied all reporters.
IiONDON, July 6. It Is, reported that
Mrs. Thaw, mother of Harry K. Thaw
who la now In the Tomb, New' Tork,
charged with the murder of Stanford
White, salted for home today from Dover
on the Hamburg-American line steamer
Kalserln Augusts Victoria. It is believed
that tha report la true, but every effort has
been mada to envelop Mrs. Thaw' move
ment with secrecy and no confirmation of
the rumor has yet been obtaltved.-
Later In the day the earl and countess of
Tarmouth confirmed th report that ' Mrs,
Thaw sailed for New Tork today."
Prareidewe Balloonist Picked t p hy
- FiiMss BoapW it. ?!. !fv
O? tb'Cat.
BOSTON. July 1 After one of the most
remarkable experience in the history of
aerial navigation. James K. - Allen, the
aeronaut who made a balloon ascension
at Providence on the Fourth of July, wss
brought to this port tonight on the Ashing
schooner Francis V. Sylvia. Allen was
picked tip at sea twelve miles off Chatham
at 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning, eighteen
and a half hour after his departure from
Allen hnd a narrow escape from death
by drowning, the winds that prevailed
Wedneaday having blown hla balloon
long distance from shore. Until news of
hla arrival here became known it had been
thought that he had met hla death, aa It
was known that at the last time he was
aighted on Wednesday evening he was
traveling out to sea.
That Allen is alive tonight Is due wholly
to a fortunate shift of the wind. When
he made his ascension st Providence on
Wednesday the wind wss blowing s brisk
breeze from the southwest. The aeronaut
was carried In his balloon in a northeasterly
direction and passed over the town of
Attleboro. He had his balloon under per
feet control at that time and while in the
vicinity of Attleboro he descended twice.
From Attleboro the airship traveled In
the direction of Brockton, and the las
seen of th aeronaut by observer on shore
waa when he passed over Scltuate early In
the evening. At that time the balloon
was headed straight ont to ac'a. When
Thursday dawned without any news being
received from Allen and It became known
that the last time he was seen was when
he was on the ocean shore headed out to
sea It was then believed that he .would
never return. Alter Allen paaaed over
Maaaachuaetta bay hla plight was more
perilous. Wedneaday night he waa over
Provlncetown. At thla point of the voyage
the wind shifted from southwest to north
east, and from Provlncetown th balloon
ailed down the outer Cape Cod cos at.
At 7 to the aeronaut waa rescued twelve
mile ff Chatham by the fishermen of th
Sylvia. The balloon wa aaved In good
condition and wa brought to Boston on
th schoner. During his flight Allen cov
ered a total distance of about Jnn mile,
nearly half of which wa over the water.
The point where he ill picked up Is about
seventy-seven miles from Providence.
Defeated la Snpreme Coart. Denver
Honest Rleetlon I.eaarao Will
Not Coatlano.
DENVER. Colo.. July a Attorneys for
the League for Honest Elections today
asked leave to wlthdrsw their petition In
the crlmlns"! court for a grand Jury to in
vestigate alleged frauda In the vote on
franchises at the city election May IS.
They msde a formal statement, the pu
port of whloh waa that they wanted to
I have a Jury drawn by elisors snd ths In
vestigation conducted by special prose
! proae-
nan 'or-
cutors, and aa the supreme court
bidden District Judge John I. Mul
n- -
ting in the criminal court, to oust District
Attorney Stidger and Sheriff Nlsbet. they
had decided to drop ths matter.
The court took tha request under adva
ment and probably will announce its de
cision tomorrow.
The supreme court today Issued Injunc
tions against District Judge Mulllns pre
venting him from removing officials who
would serve In summoning snd sdvislng
a grand Jury. Judge Mulllns construes this
ruling as applying to the Honest Eelertlon
league application for a grand jury and
Intimated that he would tomorrow, on hla
ewa acoount, start new proceedings.
Republican County Contention Endorses
Eim for Senatorial Nomination.
Every Precinct Repreaeated and the
Herniations Adopted Are Voted
Wlthoat Dissent hy Assem
bled Delegate.
Republican Instructions to Date.
k Delegates.
Cedsr ....
ouglas ..
Uarrtvid ..
Totul ..
Buffalo ..,
Sherman .
6 1
X alley ...
Total '.
HVRWELL. Net., July S.-iSpccial Tel
giam.j At the (ijrlield county republican
invention today every precinct was repre
sented. The (I. 'locates to the state con
vention arc J. A. Hrownell, K. Bailey,
Georgt. Worth and R B. Scliarnp. all of
Burwell. and arc for Rosewater tor sen
ator and go under the following resolu
tion, offered by Judge O. S. Todd:
Whteae. The republicans of Oarfield
county in convention assembled, recognne
n Kdward Itusewater a man of me nign-
t type of clusensliip, a mnn who nan me
miruBA nf hla convictions and at nil times
ready to opiiose grnft and the domination
of corporation greed. We recognise me
f.u-t that, lor many years Kciwara "
ttatpr Iimr fhuiiiiilnned the cause Of th
common people, and while he haa
tne enmity ot me promssionai puum !"
of our state, he has likwiw.- inspired the
confidence of the rank and file of un
people of Nebraska. We congratulate him
upon the great victory jusi Hcnievm m
Douglas county and the rebuke adminis
tered to rnrooriitinn nnil dishonorable, meth
ods resorted to by designing enemies- We
recognize in Mr. Rosewater uie (juauii.-n
that go to make up the true statesman
and believe that us t'nited States senator
he would reflect great honor ann dc oi
great service to the stHte. Iherefore. De it
Resolved, That we heartily, enaurnc re
ward Rosewater as our choice for I'nlied
States senator, and urge our delegation to
the state convention to use all honorable
nicana to secure his endorsement by said
convention for such ofllce.
Kinkaid was endorsed and the delegation
la for him. T. H. Doran was allowed to
name the representative delegation. He
named the following delegatea: P. P. Scott,
Harry' Whltesell, James Oallno. C. I.
Bragg waa renominated for county attor
ney. '
Criminal Proseeotlona to Grow Oat af
Millionaire's Divorce Bolt
at Plttsbnrc
PITTSBURG, Pa.. July 6 A controversy
by opposing counsel In the sensational suit
of Augustus Hartje, g millionaire pter
manufacturer of this city, agalnat Mary tor-tifvoree, which -is now
being tried here, has developed that Chief
County Detective Robert Q. Robinson has
warrants In bis possession for the arrest
of Augustus Hartje, Joha I Welshons, a
wealthy business friend, and Clifford Hooe,
colored, former coachman for Hartje. The
charge against the three Is conspiracy and
the Informations were made before Alder
man Festus M. King by Detective Robin
son on April 18.
The warranta have not yet been served
and District Attorney Robb stated today
no action would be taken until the divorce
trial is concluded. Hooe, tha negro coach
man, who waa named aa a co-respondent
In the case, la now In Jail awaiting trial
on the charge of perjury in connection with
a deposition made previous to the opening
of tha present trial.
The first Information that warrants had
been lasued was received by Attorney
Ferguson, Hartje and Welshon when they
read the evening papers. Attorney Fergu
son immediately went to Alderman King's
office with Attorney Marlon, Augustus
Hartje, Edward J. Hartje snd Mr. Wel
shon, where a demand was made that the
warrants be served. The lawyers read
the papers and then arranged for ball,
which waa placed at $3,000 In each case.
Attorney Edward J. Hartje went on the
bopd of his brother, Augustus, and Mr.
Welshon. The hearing waa fixed for Sat
urday, July 14.
Prof. Candeld Wonld Have Public
Libraries for Assistance, of
Foreign Cltliena.
A recommendation that every public li
brary In this country should be equipped
with books Intended to help Immigrants
to, become citizens was made to the Ameri
can Library association todsy by James
H. Canfleld of tha Columbia university law
library. Ha said:
Immigration to thla country haa become
SO enormous and is affecting so directly all
the conditions of urban life that w must
assimilate these people by the moat rapid
methoda. It Is a mistake to conxlder th-ir
presence a menace. There ought to be In
every public library in every city of any
else at laaat the clasalca in several
languages to win the confidence of these
people snd to draw them to these libraries.
Once there they should find elementary
text books In chics and other literature
that will be helpful to theni In their new
relations, translated from Kngllsh into their
own language. In other words, securing
them as patrons of the public library hy
their own claaaics. we ahould minister to
their needs precisely as we minister In
the needs of our own people. No such
texts exist, even in English. It is this
very point upon which discussion ought to
turn what this association may be able to
accompllah In the way of preparing or
securing the preparation of such texta.
The following officers were elected:
President. C. W. Andrews, John Creernr
library, Chicago: flret vice president. I.
P. Andrews. Albany, K. Y.: second vice
president, Katherine I Sharp, I nlversl'v
ht Illinois library. Urbana. Ill; secretary.
J. I. Wyer, Albany, N. Y.; treasurer, c. F.
nowermaii, ihhbi '"'"""ra punnc
library: recorder. Helen E. Haines, Nw
York City. Member, of the association
council: G. 8. Ooddsrd. Hartford Conn.;
T. W. Bloch, Michigan State university
II Vi.n ... Ann irltfir M 1 1 h lUrh,.. U
Putnam, librarian of congress. Washing-
. . p Wr.h, K, i,..,,'
iii.i-i?. ' V1.
. public library. St. Joseph. Mo. '
Montana Men Fined ttflOO r.srk and
genteneed to Twentr-Fonr
Hoars la Jail.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. July (i.-A special lo
The Pioneer-Preas from . Helena, Mont.,
says: Former United Slate Marshal J. II.
Woolman. Grant ChriFtian and Frank l.
Cooper today pleaded guilty In the United
State court to illegal fencing of govern
ment lands, and were fined S5oO and sent lo
1 jail for twenty-four hours by Judge Hunt.
Pair Mnrlar and Warmer
Portion! Sunday, Pair.
la Writ
Tesaprratnre at Omaha Vesterdnyi
. :t
. till
, . (Ll
, . m
. i T
, . TO
, . r
. T4
1 P-
a p.
a p.
4 p.
A p.
T p.
n p.
r p.
t a.
T n.
K a.
ft a.
10 a.
11 a.
13 m
tale of Kansaa Trying to Recover
Tea Thoneand Dollars from
T. T. Kelly.
TOriSKA. Kan.. July The examination
of witn.era in a suit agnlnst T. T. Kelly,
stat treasurer, t recover an alleged
shortage of JW.imn lu his office, was begun
here jesterd.iy by Attorney Cole
man. A supposed shortage of J.ow In the
state treasurer's account running through
two administrations was discovered rev
cral months ago and made public by Gov
ernor lloch. Tressnrer Kelly, It Is al
leRrd. fa'led to account for certain Inter
est bearing ws mints supposed to have
come Into his possesion.
District .ludre A. W. Ian today sis
tainel a demurrer to one count charging
a shortage of fl.ajv) n the loss of lnteiest
on certain Oklahoma warrants, holding thnt
Kelly had the right to dispose of the war
rants as lie saw fit. Attorney General
Coleman thereupon withdrew another count
of similar nnture Involving certain coupon
owned hy the State Agrlrutt'iral college.
After the defense Imd Introduced Its tes
timony respecting the two remaining
counts, involving a total of $500. Judge
Imna took the case and stated thst ho
would announce his verdict on Monday
next. The case ws not tried by Jut v.
Kanaaa Court Plnea Kansas
' Man for Being F.lertrd
to Oltlee.
TOPKKA, Kan., July . The state su
preme court today handed down a decision
holding Mayor W. W. Rose of Kansaa City,
Kan., In contempt for having assumed the
office of mayor after the court had ousted
him for the nonenforcement of the prohi
bition law and the law agnlnst gambling.
In the order today Mayor Rose la ordered
to relinquish the office and ta fined 11,000
for contempt. The court further order
If Mayor Rose falls to pay the fine within
twenty days he shall be committed to jail
until such time as It Is paid.
Mayor Rose's attorneys Immediately filed
a writ of error. If this Is not granted the
case will be appealed to the f nlted States
supreme court.
After being ousted last January Rose was
re-elected at a special election.
Coart Derides Agalnat Indiana Mayor
" Whs Attempted to Enjoin
. . Inapearbmeat,
. , n .. ..- -
TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. July S.-Judge W.
D. Robinson of the Indiana appellate court
sitting today aa special Judge in the peti
tion of Mayor Kdwln J. Bldamln to re
strain Frank M. Buckingham from assum
ing the office of mayor, dissolved the tem
porary restraining order and held that
the action of the city council In outslng
Mayor Bldamln was legal and that Bldamln
had no claim on the office. Buckingham,
who was comptroller, became mayor on
the Impeachment and removal of Bldamln.
Pending the ruling on the legality of the
council's action, the city haa been without
an official head and all municipal business
has been tied up.
Vessel Honod for Manila Past oa Coral
Reef Xesr Island of
MANILA. July 6.-The United States
transport Thomas Is reported to be ashore
on a coral reef near the Island of Guam
General Wood haa naked the eecret a ry of
war for authority to send the transport
Meado to take off the passengers and cargo
of the Thomas, whose position is favorable
as long as good weather prevails. The
Thomas is reported to have run on the
reef a distance of 100 feet. Efforts to dis
lodge It thus far have been futile. All on
board the Thoniaa gr safe. It carried no
Federation or Traveling; Mea'a As-
soclatloas Favor Flat Rata
for All.
PUT IN BAT, O.. July .-ThIs evening
the seventh annual convention of the In
ternational Federation of Commercial Trav
elers' Organisations adopted a resolution
declaring for a flat -cent rate to tha trav
ellng public.
The convention adjourned to meet . Col.
orado Springs next year. Oeorge 8. Dane
of Utlca, N. ' T., was elected president
Louis T. L. Beaume of 8t. Louis, vice
president, and Arthur L. Sheets of Omaha,
Child Killed and Fifty Persona In
jured by Heavy Storm la
VALENCIA. Spain, July S.-A hailstorm
toaay giuea one cnua ana Injured fifty
I persons. Hailstones as big as oranges
j ,ma shed the roofs of houses, causing the
. . ,,. , ... , ' """" ln
Inhabitants to take refuge in the cellars.
! The crops ln many districts were destroyed
nl great distress prevails. Relief
,,, ..H ,
1 ura('n,l-v requested.
; Movements of Oeraa Vessels J.T
At Sen- 1 nek AriivA.1-
! M,.m. pV, ,V.vivYn . V, w
mrllana. from Naples.
Dora, from
, uM',ne""r-Arrlved : Caledonian,
i " poTd0'-,
I York: Cymric, for Boston.
At Movlile Arrived: Ionian, from Mon
treal. Sailed: Victorian, for Montreal.
At Bremen A rnveo: Prinxesa Allca.
from New York
At Dover Sailed: Kalserln Augusts Vic
I toria, for New York.
At Quecnstown-Salled: Parlaian. for
Glasgow; Cambrian, fcr Ixindon.
it 8t. Mlchaela Arrived: Canoplr, from
At t'openliagen Arrived; Oacar II , from
New ior.
At r'hrixtlansand Bailed : United States,
for New York.
At Marseille-Ai rived GallU. from New
Ywrk- oaUed; Rjuia. far JXaw York,
Onus of Diraster Placed on Street E ail way
and Manawa Amusement Company,
Decides Throntrh Owner's Neelieence Six
People Lost Their Lives.
Question of Jurisdiction Stands in Way of
Further Action,
Aside from lerdlrt of Council Rings
Jury Inqnest la Held h
the Sarpy Cnanty
At an Inquisition holden at Council
Bluffs, in I'ki inwai lamle couiuy, on toe
liith and sixth unys ol July, A. 1).. l"o,
lcori V. L. Ireynor. coroner of lue ssi.l
C limy, upon the nody of Mary W-et ao.l
ol Iters, Ihere lying by thj Jurors
hoe unmca are Hereto suosci ilieu, ami
said Jurors, upon their with, do say that
the deceased came te thir deaths Dy
hi owning in l.BKn Munamt on the n.giit i
July I. iSnK, rollowmg Ihvlr prectptnitlon
Into the water of said lake oy the col
lapse nf tlii- floor or platform at tlm K..r
saul, upon which the deceased ami others
were suimling.
We further find that the said platform
waa car, li-KSly and negligently mi.
atructeil and waa not liulil strongly
enough to support the weight of Iho peo
ple who could and did gather upon it.
We further find Hint the management
did not have a aufrhiem force of em
ployes to n.anagu and properly safe
guard the nuitilM-r oi people w iio wet-.-present
at the Kursaal at tha time of
i he accident.
We further find that the management
did not have in attendance any person
or persons of sulllclenl skill and knowl
edge to give proper aid to drowning per
sons. We further find that the Omaha & Coun
cil Bluffs Street Hallway company and
the Lake Manawa Amusement company
were negligent in the premises and that
the deceased met their deaths by reason
of such negligence.
The Jury empaneled by Coroner Arm
strong of Sarpy county, Nebraska, failed
to arrive at a verdict. Two of the Jury
declined to Join In a verrtli-t condemning
either the street railway company or thai
amusement company operating the resort,
while the other members were as decided
In returning a verdlet holding both of theni
responsible. The coroner announced that
he would aummon another Jury and resume
the inq'iost early nest week.
The above la the full text of the verdict
rendered by the coroner's Jury at the in
quest hold Friday In Council Bluffs by
Dr. V. L. Treynor, coroner of Pottawattamie-county,
lows, over Mary West of that
city and the othr-r five victims of the dis
aster at the Kursaal, Lake Manawa, on
the Fourth of July.
The Jurora were Ovlde Vien, C. C. Clif
ton and A. il. Hutchinson, all of Council
Attorney CM. Harl of the legal firm
of -Harl tc T nley represented the stret
railway company and the Manawa Amuse.
wont company, while the state of lows.
waa represented, by Attorney Dillon Roa;,
assistant county attorney of Pottawatta
mie county. A. L. Werrlck of Omaha
took shorthand notes of the testimony at
the Instance of Mayor Dahlman of
Omaha. Two local atenographera did tlm
same for the street railway company and
the county authorltlea.
The testimony of Chrla Jensen, a promi
nent Council Bluffs contractor, was that
he construction and design of that pari
of the Kursaal which broke was faulty.
1 he Inquest was held at Cutler's under
taking establishment.
Ten Witnesses Examined.
Ten witnesses were examined, the only
expert testimony being that of Mr. Jen
sen, who- testified as to that part of the
Kureaa! which collapsed. He declared the
platform faulty In construction and desig.-t
and said the Joists which supported the
platform were not placed on top of tha
girders, but simply placed end up and
nailed. In hla opinion It waa a mlrar
that the platform had not given way be
fore, as It waa not in any way constructed
to bear the weight that it evidently was
Intended for.
R C. Brown, deputy game and flsh
warden, Tom Kendall. Reed Hanchet snd
I. Von Gorkls testified ln a general wsy
regarding the collapse, scrambling of tha
victims and the rescue work.
Other witnesses were Albert Heaston, D.
B. Dentler, E. P. Gooden. Samuel Dohaon
and D. P. Cowlea. Dentler and Heaston
are employes of the Manawa Amusement
company at the Kurxaul. The testimony
of the former was not of Importance, but
Heaston testified that he hsd been em
ployed at ths Kursaal ever since it was
constructed and had never known of any
repalra or any. inspection of the structure
being made.
No Arrests Tat Mada.
Owing to the Jurisdiction of the Iowa au
thorities over that portion of iJike Manawa
In which ths Kursaal Is Iocs ted being In
dispute, both Coroner Treynor and As
sistant Cotnty Attorney Rons declined to
order warrants Issued for the srrest of
any of tha management of the ltUte resort
on charges of criminal negligence Imputed
by the coroner's Jury.
The verdict was returned about I o'clock
yesterdsy afternocn, the Jury having gona
out at 12:90. At t p. m. Coroner Armstrong
of Sarpy county, Nebraska, began an In
quest. The list of dead remains at six. No mors
bodies have been found, though the search
haa been continued. Yeeterday three of
tha vlctlma were buried and others will be
laid al rest today.
In Omaha. South Omaha and Council
Bluffs ths feeling is pronounced In favor of
thorough action In thla terrible calamity
that will tend to guard against a repetition
of ths disaster. Manawa and Its attrac
tions are denied to tha public for ths pres.
tarpy Conaty Iaoaest.
The Inquest held yesterday afternoon at
the Kursaal by Coroner R. V. Armstrong
of Sarpy county, Nebraska, over the victims
of the Fourth of July disaster at Iaks
Manawa failed of results, as the jury
could not agree on a verdict. It was stated
that two members of the Jury declined to
agree on any verdict which would throw
the responsibility for ths catastrophe on
either lha street railway company or tha
Manawa Amusement company, while tha
remaining memliers were, equally de
termined that both corporations should be
held responsible.
When tt was found that the Jury eould
not egree on a verdict Coroner Armstrong
announced that he would empanel another
Jury and hold another Inquest the first
part of next week at Papilllon. the county
aeat of Sarpy county. The jury after
being empaneled will be taken to Lake
Manawa to vknw ths seen of ths dUaat