Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Contitntioolii in Bnuit Will
Demand Abolition of Council.
Party ladlrMaallty ta Be Preaerreal
by Making Separate Deaaaad
far Recognition at
ST. PETER8BVRO. July 4 -At a aeselon
of the constitutional democratic parliamen
tary committees to determine th tactlca
of mmihri of that party In the council of
the empire It, was decided that they may
participate In caucuses of the centrist,
ut they must preserve their party Indi
viduality and move a aeparate preamble
and resolution declaring lack of confidence
In the ministry from that which the cen
trists are planning; to Introduce. This de
cision la taken aa an Indication that the
constitutional democrata are Inclined to
recognise the legislative atatua of the coun
cil of the empire and not to demand the
abolition If legislation originating In the
lower house la favorably received In the
upper house. There were no developments
today In the ministerial situation.
It la announced that the parliamentary
commission appointed to enmtne Into the
question of famine relief on account of the
bad harvest at a meeting today decided to
grant an Immediate credit of 17.500,000 to
the minister of finance, who, with the
minister of the Interior, attended the sit
ting. The proposed credit will be covered
by on Issue of 4 per Cent state rentes.
Alexis Bouverln, editor of the Ruse, who
on Jnnusry 20 waa sent to prison for hav
ing published the worknina manifesto Is
sued In December of last year, will be lib
erated tomorrow. Emperor Nicholas having
pardoned him at the request and on the
recommendation of Minister of Justice Che
glovltoff. -
The agrarian movement In several sec
tions has developed a new phase In the
form of a struggle between land owning
peasants and peasants who hold no lands.
Bloody conflicts have occurred at aeveral
places. .
The estates Of Trince Obolensky and five
other great landed proprietors In the prov
ince of Sara toff are reported to be In Tames
and the mral guards are said to have
been worsted In an encounter with the
The details of the pillaging of the Sheer
emetleff estate in the province of Voroneah
are more serious than at firat reported.
After sacking the estate the peasantry de-
etroyed the railroad and oollce stations
and other government buildings and beat
flftv-reven rural guards almost to death.
Artillery as well an Infantry haa been Bent
to the scene.
Police gapaorteil Rioters.
A point strongly brought out In the par
liamentary report on the massacre of Jews
at Blalystok Is that there was no religious
hatred of Jews among the peaceful Russian
population. The fighting was confined to
the police, troops and black hundreds on
one side and the Jews and revolutionists on
the other. The parliamentary commission
found overwhelming evidence that the out
break was deliberately prepared. After the
assassination of Chief of Police PerkachofT
reclamation were scattered broadcast by
Interior Minister Stnlypln on August 4, 1906,
while the latter waa governor of Baratoff,
haa been acquitted.
MOBCOW, July 4.-A band of terrorists,
consisting of thirty-five young men. with
a full equipment ef bombs and revolvers,
haa been captured by the police here.
Matlay ta the Cssrsisi.
TIFX.I8. July 4,-The military situation In
the Caucasus Is exceedingly grave. Dis
satisfaction haa appeared among practically
all the troops. Including Cossacks. Two
battalions of Infantry and four machine
gun have ben dispatched to Hatum to aid
In the suppression of the mutiny there.
Murder, robbery and general lawlessness
are Increasing throughout the mountains.
Thirty-five newspapers have been sup
pressed In Trana-Caucasla In the last five
rosaarka Fire oa Peasants.
KIEV, July 4. A detachment of Cossacka
that had been sent to make retaliations
for attacks of striking peasanta on rural
guards and for the wounding of the com
mandant, encountered a desperate resist
ance at the village of I'm an. The tocsin
waa sounded by the church bells and the
peasants took the offensive. The Cossacka
fired several volleys, killing and wounding
many of the peasants.'
Featarea ef the genii-Annaal Report
of the Omaha Associa
tion. The semi-annual report of the Omaha
trfan and Building association presenta
many notable features. Chief among them
ia ths evidence of steady grewth in home
ownership In Omaha and South Omaha.
Receipts for the six months- period
amounted to too. 187, which swelled the as
sets to I1.24R.M. Included in the receipts
Is $161,801. representing loans 'repaid, a aure
Indication of homes quickly freed from
debt. In round numbera the association a
resources Increased by 1207,000, Its earnings
rose from $34,000 to $40,100, the dividend from
125,000 to $29,000. and $4.fi00 was carried to
the snrplus: The cost of handling the busi
ness for six months waa only $6,600.
It la evident that the demands of hotne
makera In the association keep pace with
the supply of money, aa tta working cash
balance la down to $38,000. Foreclosures are
few In number, and what aecurity reverts
to thn association la readily disposed of.
The dlrectora declared the usual semi
annual dividend of 3 per cent.
Forelaa Flaaaclal.
LONDON. July 4. Money was In In
creased demand In the market oday. but
the consols Settlement waa easily met.
Dlacounts were weaker. On the Block ex
change the dealings were small. Tlio
market closed distinctly firmer. con.. a
recovering on covering operations. For
eigners felt the effect of the more favor
able Paris advices. Russians wer
stronger. Kaffirs also Improved slightly.
Americana opened firm and movt-u to u
fraction over parity. In the forenoon busi
ness was narrow in the absence of New
York support, but later a small amount of
business was tranaacted at hardening
rates. The market closed steady. Jap
anese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at 102.
BERLIN, July 4. Prices on tho bourse
today were Arm. . i momou
PARIS, July 4 Prlees on the-bourse
were firm and Russians wore in demand
on a rumor that the Russian inmlsr
had resigned. Russian Imperial 6s closed
at J 60 and Russian bonds of 1904 it
48S.OO. "
Some Splendid Opportunities Offered in
that Bute Jut Bow.
Itegloa that la Beta Opened t Oae
ef Great Promise aa Which
Ilia's Fair to Become
Wltbln less than the average lifetime of
a generation what was virgin prairie In
what is now the prosperous and thriving
state of South Dakota has been trans
formed Into thousands of beautiful farms.
whose combined area Is over acres.
out of a total of about 60,nno,(;iu In the
state. The record of growth In this state,
whose area exceeds that of all the New
England states by one-quarter, la most
marvelous While It Is more than a cen
tury since the region came into the ter
ritory of the United States by the Louis
iana Purchase. It was not until the open
ing year of the civil war, W6L that it was
organised Into the Territory of Dakota,
taking Its name from the most numerous
tribe of Indians who Inhabited It. It was
In the early 's that the territory was
made Into two states and admitted to the !
Union. It had been proposed that what la i
now South Dakota should bear the original
name and the present North Dakota should
be called Lincoln, hut this purpose of hon
oring the martyred president failed of ful
filment, aa no part of the territory was
willing to surrender the original dcBigriR
tlon. So the precedent set when the C'aro
llnaa came to be known as North and
South In colonial limes was followed In
naming the two Dakotas. and not the pre
cedent nearer at hand when West Vir
ginia waa set off from the "Mother of
Railroads Brlna It Oat. '
But the construction of railroads in the
region marked the real beginning of the
prosperity of this younger member of the
family of states, South Dakota. In the
last quarter of a century the rich farm
land has Increased in value from 15 to 20
per cent. The projected rallrond building
for the present year promises to form a
record-breaker, and will open up a large
extent of new territory for agricultural
One of the moat Important of these ex
tensions Is that of the Chicago. Milwaukee
& St. Paul railway from the Missouri river
to the Black Hills region. This traverses
a rich agricultural territory and will ex
tend market facilities to a section where
i thousands of homes will be ratnbllshed. A.
I large extent of this region Is included in
Lyman county, which formed the great
Sioux reservation until lo, when t,000.0fi0
acres betwoen the Missouri river and the
famous Black Hills was thrown open to
homesteaders. The rich eoll. salubrious
climate and attractive conditions drew
stockmen to the region, but with the ad
vent of ndeouate means for the transporta
tion of crops the territory bin rapidly been
subdivided Into farms, and permanent
homeseekers have supplanted nomadic
ranchers and daredevil cowboys. In place i
Jaw BUB B""" " IB I t aT - Wy W- 1 - 1, l - f V ' ' f W r
.. , . 1 .,s,X. - v
ihe police among the soldiers and black
' i . . i i . u . i w i , Consols, money
enemies of the Russian state and responst- Anaronda
Vila hm MvAiuHiMi an4 stvllnv the lower ' Atchleon
.. .v- t-v T-i.. i..i 1 P'4
ruillf inn iiRninii i-Mima. I nr i i.iiiiiiibiuh
fOadon Cloalaa; Storks.
LONDON,' July 4. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
cttes proof on'everv hand that after the
rioting was .started It was directed by the
ywille and 'supported by the troops, who
"firefr'milyt''7erTs and Jewish" houses.
The report does not specifically place the
blame forthe throwing of the original
' ' hoitih Into the procession, although It savs
several revolver shots were fired and that
a bomb was thrown later among the black
hundreds accompanying the procession,
Sherometleff.' the police officer who fld
from Blalystok to Vllna after the rioting,
has been summoned to St. Petersburg by
Interior Minister Stolypln.
Alleged Assassin AcqnKted.
SARATOV, Russia, July 4. Konloff. who
was accused of attempting to assassinate
. T. Central....
Morfolk W
So Btt
Viurlo W.....
f'nnrlTant ....
land MIqs .......
do lat p:d
do Id pfd
iouiharn , ItaUwar
da pfd ;..i,.lft'k
Soutbarn Faclllo . iv 17
. .. s
... M
... 4S
... '
... i
... 44
17 11-1
17 V
... It'.
... 0
Baltimore A Ohio., i.lte
Canadian paolflc ....1U4
Chea. Ohio t'u
ChlrafO Gt. W..... IT
C . M. St. Pv...,V7hfe
DeUeere 174
Denver at R, O....... 4J
do pfd M
Erie 41
do 1st pfd tV
do Id pfd ...TO
Illlnola Central
Ijiul.Tllla t Nin.,.1W
M . K. T 4
SILVER Bar, steady, 30d per oiince.
MONEY per cent.
Tiie rite ft discount in the open market
for short bills Is 8 1-1&S3V4 per cent; for
three months' bills, 3 per cent.
?'s '?. r , , v1,- ,. : ..
Coffee DFinkers Versus Beer Drinlsers
Thousands of men and women ruin their health by habitual coffee drinking. Coffee produces indigestion, billiousnesa
and insomnia, because (being an astringent) it dries up the peptic glands and strains the nerves.
Whereas medical authorities declare a fully matured barley malt beer if properly brewed and flavored with the tonic juice
of fine Bohemian hops like
is one of the most wholesome and nourishing drinks in the world. It builts up bone and brain, gives energy to the mind and
brings the red glow of health to the cheek. It contains only 34 per cent of alcohol. Hence it is truly a temperance beverage.
Dr. Josiah Zeisler of Northwestern University of Chicago, says: "I fully believe that the moderate use of a good beer at meal
times acts as a tonic, and is therefore useful to adult persons." PccrleSS is Fold everywhere, but bottled at the brewery only
where it has been brewed for over fifty years by the celebrated Gund natural process."
All high-grade places stock it. Ask for it if you want something better than ordinary. Try a case delivered to your
home. Telephone us today, we deliver it at once.
John Gund Brewing Co., La Crosse, Wis.
W. C. HEYDEN, Manager, 1320-22-24 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb., Telephone Douglas 2344.
BARNHART & KLEIN, Wholesale Distributors, 162 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
. " ""
'f'lwa. 'in i m
i.Jtfriifrtf'i! aa.wa-il m'u4
agriculture was
that of sold, valued at Jabbing:, uppercuttlng and
swinging, the
of the broad stretches of unfenced prairie I Ji.lS1.5S3 last year. This Is due to the fuct t( l. vu)t.B thP two llule men fought until
Union Paclic
do pfd ........
I'. I. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
. 91
. Jo
. I0V
. to
. 4
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. July -SEEDS Clover, cash,
K75: October. $r..65 hid Prime timothy.
$.'.10. August alslke. 17.90. No. 2 rye, 62c.
over which the herders could ride at will,
with ranches scores of miles anart nnd
broad grazing; grounds between, there are
now to be found thousands of miles of
wire fences, well built farm houses w'.th
outbuildings along the laid out cross
country roads, and the region Is dotted here
and there with villages and even towns
of considerable slse nearly all the way
from Chamberlain to the Black Hills.
Source' of Dakota' Wealth.
-.Moat of the wealth of 8011th Dakota haa
been made from the land, and the greater
portion of It in the last twenty years. The
savings bank deposits in the state now
aggregate H2,00f,000, having grown from
J13.000.0CO since the beginning of the present
century. Last year no less 'han forty-three
new state banks were chartered to care for
thui thn Hlm-U Hills, cnlleil the richest 100 i, Bi cim-d both must ilron from i-kii.tusln
mile, square in the worjd. IMncludcd in the NcHne,, rvu-i --'V,!
area of the Coyote state. Surrounding the n)rn b,nh 0falnH, U1(, rrlprs iianging onto
r'g!on Is a rich agricultural territory, the eat. other, jabuing. punciung and swinging
product, of Which find a ready market j Int he wUd,s, rotalns tlie feather. '
in the principal mlhinSf centers. For the wright L.tiiimpionhlp nnd receives the J1,0"0
first time since gold was discovered thore ; belt awarded by Manager Mcfarcy to the.
and white men began to occupy the region j " Inner. ut,nato Ulc tner' ha"!
will have direct .communication with the 1 ' ' 1 J j
east by the 'completion ot the Chicago, EVKXTS OX THE Rl'XXIXU TRACK '
Milwaukee & St. Patrt.'llne from Cliamber- , , , : . ' i
Jin to Rapld Cltyr ,: "T . i ' j Dlah.Mll. Wins the Loan Island )
1 ....rnnl.l.. ami on.. 11. Ilandlcau t Sheepalicad Day. t
NEW VOKK, July 4. un a neavy iiatfi
DiHiidbille. tavorne at IX to 5. wen tne Long
Isiand handicap at Sheppyht-ad Hay today.
Von TriMiip wa second and Ulorifier third.
L. V. Bell udued hl coit. lilorlnt r, and lie
wus litavilv played, bring backi-d down
from In tu 1 to to 1 at tne- close, btluui '
won tne ripring stake for in a
cnlVB by one und u half !e:i(ths from Ked
Kiut, an added starter. Hesults:
KilHt race, the ituR-pencence steepiocnaae.
The majority of tli' men ,ruw well to do
In South . Dakota have-made their money
In raising grain, cattle, hogs and poultry
In the last twenty years. Opportunities
cquul to those which they enjoyed nnd with
mi hk
Erery mother feels
great dread of the pain
and danger attendant upon
the most critical period
a mother should be a sourc- of joy to all, but the suffering and
danger incident to the ordeal-makes its anticipation one of misery.
Mother . Friend is the only reaedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity; Ujis hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial i not only made painless, but all the danger, is avoided
by its use. Those who use ttys remedy are no longer despondent or
.gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions ara
, overcome, the system it made ready for the coming event, and tha
hour are obviated byihe use of Mother's
" "It is worth its weight in gold.'
say. many wno nave used vit. p
bottle at dfUC Stores. rirtnk rnnlnnmir
valuable information of interest to til women, will
ert to anv address free upon application 1
S Mother's
Cleanliness is essential
to healthfulness and
the first aid is
Jap Rose
the same prospect of success are op-n be
the growing wealth of the state. The total ! fore the settlers of tod.i The returns froui
value of the products of the state amounted i croos are adeuuato and assured and the
to lbS.0m,(xx In round numbers In 16. an cilmatle conditions are enjoyable and agree- ful course: Kernel won, L'uligny accond,
increase r J17.000.000 over 1904. With lr. .i M i.iH,.rv i-nmtitlnna nn I l'uul Jones third. Time: 5:iS
dressing area under cultivation and a I be found by the man sreklng an oppor
steadlly growing population, the Increment j tunlty to work and . secure from the soil
of wealth in the neat score of years will .he return for labor Intelligently directed.
be something enormous.
No part of the state Is better prepared to
participate in this added Increment of
While farms caa now be obtained in satis
factory surroundings for low prices, there
Is no assurance that this condition will
wealth and prosperity than Lyman county, j ionst pntlnue, as the Influx of population
of which the county seat is Oacoma. beautl.
fully situated on the Missouri river. On
the railroad extension of the Chicago, Mil
waukee it 8t. Paul, to the westward from
this place, three new towns were founded
last year, bearing the names of Reliance,
Kennebec and Presho. F.ach la In the
center of a rich territory, into which
throngs of settlers are pressing, who have
only to tickle the land with the Implements
of cultivation and It laughs In abundant
harvests. All manner of supplies for build
ing homes and carrying forward farm
works are readily secured at theae business
centers, which share In the prosperity of
the region. Lyman county haa the White
river in the south, the Missouri In the east
and the Bad river In the north and many
smaller water courses are tributaries of
each, one of the most conspicuous being the bantamweight champion, before the
Medicine creek In the central portion of I P'J"c Athletic club here this afternoon
Along every stream there are
Is steady and Increasing. The population
of the state is now about 450,0i and rapidly
Increasing. In the eight months ending
with March 'l of this year there were 3,37
homestead entries in the government land
office at Chamberlain. Lyman county, which
is estimated to mean an Increase of KS.OflO
In the population of that county, and which
put SOO.OuO acres under cultivation this aea
son. With such phenomenal Inrush of new
settlers, It can be only a brief period before
the desirable lands are. all occupied.
Clever Featherweight Given Derision
at End of Twenty Fast Rounds.
LOS ANOKLBS. Cul., July 4-AtteU.
champion featherweight of America won
a twenty-round battle from ('rankle Neil,
the county.
trees which furnish timber and fuel for
settlers. The rolling prairie Affords an
Attell showed to great advantage with
his remarkable cleverness and lie landed
six blows to NVil's one.
Nell's left eve was closed early In the
... . . . .. .... 1 rnniPH ami uib mie unucinj " " "
laeai region for diversified farming and 1 blue. Nell, however, appeared to be si rong-
me ricn soil reward the worker with est throughout the ligiu. ami nis mows,
adequate crops In return for a medium of when, ,n7 'anrt"'11 haJ I" behind th-m.
, .. . . . , " , ,'um 01 Attell s cleverness in covering up and slde-
v,,. 1 lie wtbi ui water IB xouna in wells .iinv ,lu nnnnnpnl a virions swlnira
1 stennina
I saved him repeatedly. The last two rounds
were fought bv both men with fiercenci-s.
and Nell landed more blows in the.H two
rounds than In nearly all tho balance ot
the tight. The men slugged at each oth-r
during the last two rounds and fought
head to head, slugging at each oth.r's
The decision of referee Eyton waa a
popular one. and as Attell rushed across
the ring and embraced his defeated op
ponent was cheered to the echo by th
great crowd which tilled the amphitheater
Attell. while botti eyes were slightly dls
colorod. showed but little effect of tin
(Trad MarfcJ
Its simple purity and sooth
ing qualities make it exquis
ite for Toilet and Bath, and
too it has the delightful odor
of natural flowers.
James S. Kirk & Co., Chicago
from twenty to thirty feet deep In all parta
of the county, while by sinking artesian
wells abundant supply for stock and large
farms for Irrigation purposes when needed
and for artificial lakes la found.
Opening Wew Rewlona.
The extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad to Rapid City opens up
Banicy and Pennington counties, where the
conditions In Lyman county are duplicated.
Homesteads can be secured at Jl.K an acre
In Pennington county, while In Lyman ! terrific mill. On tne other hand, the entire
.... rt,.H " left side of Neil a face was battered black
'- it. I'l 11 C I J
Jll to lis an acre. The taxation la light
and the steady addition of taxable area by
Hccnnri race, six and a ha:f lurlongs: ill
Phillips won. Veribesl hetond, Moin t third.
Third race, the Spring stakes, six fur
longs: p.ilion won, Ked K'.ver second, Clare
Kiimc1I third. Time: l:lvi5.
Fourth race, the Ijong Island handicap,
one niilw and a furlong: J.n.m mine won,'
Von Irunip Hocond, Gloritier tnird. Time:
1 Kttih race, five and a half furlongs: Al I
Powell won. Jaunty second. Judjie Davey ,
third. Time: 1 :H-
Sixth rare, one mile and three-quarters:
I ttneastrian won. 1'rloritv second, Olivtr 1
Cromwell third. Time: j
CINCINNATI. July t. -Results at La-'
tonlu: I
Fust race, one mile: Early Hours won.
Docile second, lxingbrlBlit third. Time: ,
Second nice, five furlongs: Dainty Pame
won, Friction second, Dila Thorpe third.
lime: j:im. i
Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha
San Francisco and Los Angeles, June 25 to July 7. .$52.00
One Avay via Portland 64.50
San Francisco, L03 Angeles, Portland and Seattle . . 60.00
Third race, six furlongs: Prlnclpia won,
Mavor Johnson second, Wee third.
Tinie: 1:1s. 1
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth, t!ie
Cincinnati hotel handicap: l'rancas won, !
Alma Iinfour second, Milltlades third. I
Time: l:L'7t. I
Fifth race, stfcplcchnse. handicap, short
count": Knrik Me won. Firat" second, Frtd :
Priesmier third. Time: :iSi. I
Sixth race, one mile: Hltn r Brown won, I
I'roteua second, Dr. Mct'leur third. Time: !
IM014. !
fcU-venth race, one mile: St. George, Jr., 1
won, Hill arter second. J. r. May berry
Time: 1:44 V
third. Time: 1:44 V
I A AI)l A
and blue, his eve closed shut and his noc
bruised and bleeding from the seemingly
countless Jabs that .Attell landed.
The last two rounds wre probably the
equal of any ever fought for fierceness
and continued hammering. The men ruBheii
to the center at the gong and with their
heads on each others shoulders fought
and belabored each other about the ring
forgetful of science and everything, vainly
attempting with all their force to knock
f'ach other out. Circling about the rniK.
iammering wildly with rights and lefts,
new settlers taking up land tends to pre
vent any Increase In the burdens on prop
erty. With the Increase of the area of the state
under cultivation, which In a few years has
quadrupled, the annual rainfall haa steadily
Increased and the climate has been modified
In extremes of heat and cold. Billiards
In winter and hot waves In summer have
decreased In frequency, and are. In fact,
practically unknown In all parts of South
Dakota. The climate Is aa delightful aa
can be found In any part of the world.
Llttla snow falls before the end of Decem
ber, and the protracted period of Indian
summer weather Drecedlna- the hn ,nin.
of winter affords ample oportunlty for car-fculP tail JTOUP PlSk by
' iui crruim ana rnaaing reaay ror the
snowy season, which la not long and Is
unmarked by foggy and disagreeable days.
As In the early stock raising days, cattle
can subsist throughout the winter on the
native graas and without shelter.
The greatest agrtcutural product of the
State of South Dakota laat year In both
quantity and value waa wheat, of which
f7.aM.0G0 bushels were raised, worth vi,
CrR.noo. Next to this In quantity waa corn
of which there were ff.MO.OOO bushels, hut
thia waa worth only Ja.51l.0u0. The stock
raised was valued at I41.000.oon and the hay
at ni.000.000. One of the noteworthy pro
ducts ot a, state ao largely devoted to
investing in bonds.
Final Cuntrat at Henley Will Be Br
tnrrn RelKiaas and British.
HKM.EV. England. Juiy 4 In the seml-
fintl tor the grand chullenge cup today
Trimly Hull. Cambridge, beat the Argo
nauts 1 Canada) by hall' a length. Time:
The club Naullque de ("land (Belgium)
beat third Trinity, Cambridge, by two
lengths. Time: 7:):3.
Tne Belgians und Trinity Hall will thus
contest in the final for the gland challenge
cup tomorrow.
It was a magnillcent race. For the first
quarter of a mile the boats nose were level.
Trinity Hall then slowly forged to the
front. Huif the dlstan.e was reached In
iliroe minutes, twvnty-nve seconds. The
Cunadians then were hardly a quarter of
a length In the rear and making des(eiate
efforts to overhaul thej opMinenis. but '
the repealed spurts of the visitors proved
unavailing. The Trinity Hall crew always '
responded wit n a slight quickening of their
stroke anil held the lead to the end after
one of the best races ever witnessed at
As the time of tills heat wa six seconds
Mower than the seml-nnal In which the
Belgians were easy victors, it now look
as though l lie coveted rowing trophy Is
going across the channel.
30 50
Ope way via Shasta Route
Spokane, Wash..
Butte and Helena
Yellowstone Park Tour
Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 17.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo.. July 10 to 16 15.00
Cody, Wyo. 30.10
Sheridan, Wyo 26.40
Deadwood and Lead, S. D 18.75
Hot Springs, S. D 16.40
Hot Springs, Rapid City, Deadwood and Lead, S. D.,
July 11 to 16 15.00
Chicago, 111 . 20.00
St. Louis, Mo 18.50
Milwaukee and Madison, Wis . 20.00
Mackinac Island, Mich 25.75
Charlevoix, Mich 23.75
Petoskey, Mich.. ' 23.75
Bay View, Mich 23.75
Detroit, Mich 33.50
Port Huron, Mich 33.75
Put-In-Bay, Ohio 32.00
Buffalo and Niagara Falls 41.00
Chautauqua Lake Points 40.00
Montreal, Quebec 53.00
Toronto, Ontario 42.35
Portland Maine 58.00
Pittsburg. Pa., 37.95
Mexico City, June 25 to July 7 53.25
Better call or write and let me plan your summer
vacation for you. I can give you all the
latert information and free descriptive lit
erature. J. D. REYNOLDS. C. P. A.,
1502 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
inassuiui'aaijsi' nie ij i 11 is ii a i ininiej
Karlnar Mutlnee at Ilentrlre.
l'.EATRlCK. Neb., Juiy 4. imperial Tele
frani ) The Fourth wus appropriately ob
server! in Keairice. in me luinu i "e ,
driving park a arne i f base ball wi played ,
between Kills and Beatrice, the locals win
ning bv a score of g to 4. In Hie afternoon j
I lie Driving Hark association pulled off
some interesting races, the program Imiud-
ing three harness and a running race Tills j
eening the association and 1'arker's '
Amusement company entertained a Isi-ge ,
crowd with a display of fireworks. Fol-
lowing i.s summary of races:
Special Mile
Jessie M
Krert 11.
Time: Ml. 2 :, 2:174
i " Trot or Face. Mile
Willie Hamilton
Time: 2:26. J.liTVfc. !:.
S 00 Trot or Face
Miller WoodlLne
Grand Ensign
Connies H
J . Z X. Z.3.
1 I
ling Btlver Frenser, litii and Dodge.
High GrsIe TrafmeM
(If responsible, ypu may pay when cured.)
tf Vnil hlv B Him.. '' " mnUnHM n.i,i,lla. tn
the Pelvic region, your condition calls promptly
for too beii treatment the medical .. . on
afford. Cf this fact you must be thoroughly
convinced whun you stop to consider how many
different doctors you have consulted, and how
many bottles of worthless m'dlctn -a you have
taken. We haa no fault to find with th: in in
who employs such Inferior treatment, tor tnt
la his privilege, but the money l.e thus espenls
would to far toward securing for nlm a cure
that la safe rapid and i' i.e lu.e
long studied and thoroughly mastered lnflrmW
ties of this character n.alo pelvic disease,
Recently we have treated scores nf stubborn la-ies,
and not a single failure or unpleasant rea.nt
has been rejorled to us. Other physicians may
treat men, but we cure thm, cure theni to re.
main cured, an-1 this fart we are prepared ta
trove to the entire satisfaction of aay man sin
cerely Interested Our tees are as low as they can be coosiMent with high
grade treatment.
By tht litest and eif mtlhodt we curt to rtmnn curti. VARICOCELE, URETHRAL ,
BLADDER nni KIDNEY trouti'tt, tni all a$socltt diseisei and weaknesses, wifb
fbef rcf i complication!.
Northwestern Medical "ort?? Corne
a P ,i tv ,e. . I3tti and Farnam Sts
u urical Institute.... omwia. nlb.
iiaannsia asvaa si aisni'iair jlfrrjl'S'!XJU'3!!&5'9J"T. y 9
- Ai-V 'i7 , I