THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 5, lOOfi. 5 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Tax Lot j for 1907 Tentatively Brouiht U Official Notice. FIGURES SUGGESTED LOOK RATHER HIGH Departments te Be Asked (or F.stl. roates ea Which to Base Final Calculations hj the toancll. The matter of making the IMC tax levy was brought before tha city council last night by a, resolution from Councilman jedford, naming tentative figures for tha tiifaanti required. Councilman Zlmman im mediately Said that tha subject wss one worth thorough discussion and considera tion and that aatimatea of expenses alaiuld be received, from all departments and an effort mad 'to trim tha levy as low as possible. Eedford Bald he agreed with him and tha document waa referred to the gen eral corn mft tee. It named the sum of ITRO.OOO tar sen eral city purposes, lafl.ouo for tha atnkJn fund and 13 mills for the school district. Health Commissioner Connells ordinance to give hla office the right to condemn and ramore vaults and cesspools within aewer districts at will met death by a vote of 4 to 8. Councilman Davis attacking the measure severely. Dr. Davis aald he would not want to trust anything to the discre tion of the eommlKHloner. accenting his hostility to Commissioner Connell plainly. McOorern talked from tha standpoint of tha poor man who 1 trying to pay for a home. Tha commissioner wanted the old restriction about condemning nuisances of tha kind taken away, Call for a New Viaduct. A resolution was Introduced Instructing ' tha engineer to prepare preliminary plans for a viaduct over the railroad tracks from Thirteenth to Fourteenth streets on Locust but was referred to the committee on rail ways and viaducts at tha request of Zlm man. who said he did not believe the trafflo on Locust street Justified aamanning me expenditure from tha railroad companies. f juncllmen Bedford. Brucker and McQov ,tn said the conditions were the reverse ...... . U n . V . atKAB waa ntnnh 1 1 I. H 0.fu- UIIU H ' .ill V V fa nan Liu.. " ' I r clally by .women and children. Ordinances were Introduced to make It punishable by a $100 fine end ninety days' Imprisonment to take and use automobiles without the consent of owners; to abolish the Job of clerk In the street commissioner's office end to make the transfer concessions granted by the street railway company obligatory. Question of Gas Inspector. The ordinance to abolish the office of gas Inspector was passed, but so amended as to Indicate clearly that the council In tends to re-create the place as soon as the' present" Incumbent, John C. Lynch, Is thrown out of the Job. This amendment struck out the section transferring the duties of the office to the city electrician and makes no arrangements for perform ing them. By way of ringing In the necessary char ter change for the offices of city prosecutor I and gas Inspector Mayor Dahlman sub mitted the names of V. J. Connell and Humphrey Lynch Instead of those of Tom " and John C. Lynch, both being promptly rejected by the council. Zlmman made a aarcaatlo speech about Connell und caused considerable amusement. Mayor Dahlman named three appoint ments to All vacancies on tha library board, tha council confirming them, as follows: W. II. DeFrance vice Alfred Kennedy; FUU.': Andrea vice Charles E, Morgan; George ftogers vice Nathan Bernstein. The terms end July 1, 1909. As low bidders, sewer construction con tracts were awarded to R. L. Kennedy for S5.302.95 and ItM.Tl In districts SIS and 320, and to John F. Daley for $1,81.60 In dis trict 319. Bids for Advertising The Evening Bee and the Evening World submitted proposals for city adver tising, the prlcea being for squares of ten unleaded nonpareil lines each. The Bee flgurea were BT cents for the first Inser tion, 24H cents for the second, 21 cents for the third, 21 cents for the fourth: 20 rents for the fifth, 19 cents for the sixth. 18 cents for the seventh, 15 cents for the eighth, 14 cents for the ninth, 12 cents for the tenth, and 13 cents thereafter. The World-Herald proposed to do the adver tising for 38 cents the first Insertion and 20 cents for subsequent Insertions of the same matter. The bids were referred to the finance committee. The James Morton Sk Rons company sub mitted a bid of 31,170 for furnishing sixty Suffered Severely With Eczema All Over Body Examined 15 Times by Government Board Who Said There , Was No Cure An Old . Soldier Completely Cured. A THOUSAND THANKS TO CUTICURA REMEDIES "For over thirty-five years I waa a eevere sufferer from eczema. The erup tion was not confined to any one place. It. vaa all over my body, limbs, id even on my head. 1 am sixty t rata old and aa old soldier, and have Va examined by tha Government Board over iiftoea time, and they said thers waa no cur for me. I have taken all kinds of medicine and have spent Urge sums of money for doctors, without avail. A short tuna ago I derided to try the Cuticura Remedies, and after using two cakea of Cuticura Boap, two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, and two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, two treatments in all, 1 am now well and completely cured. A thousand thanks to Cuticura. I cannot speak too highly of the Cuticura Remedies. John T. Roach, Richmondale, Hone Co., Ohio, July 17, 1903." 100,000 MOTHERS Dally Tell Other Mothers That Cuticura Soap la the best baby aoap In the world for cleansing and purifying the skin, and that Cuticura Ointment is of priceless value for aoothiug and healing itching, tortur ing, and dislifrurtng eruptions. A single application of Cuticura Ointment. pro ceded by a warm bath with Cuticura Boap, rives instant relief, and refreshing sloop fur akin-tortured babiee, and rest for tired mothers. Bathe tha af fected parts with hot water and Cuti cura Soap, to cleanse the aurfaca of crusta and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle ; dry without hard rub bing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay itching and tnflamma tion, and soothe and heal. ct imiM. ui nn im : tknr4 s rH urvf ikn, ',.. a... fiop.. a. SKIN ERUPTIONS FOR 35 YEARS TOOTH TALK NO. 45. Comfortable Dentistry There Is very little dtucom f.ort In modern dentistry. Wonderful advances have been made and a really skill ful dentist should nut And It nec-eaeary to cause pain. However It Is largely a matter of personality. All dentists have accent to the new discoveries, but not all take the trouble to learn and adopt them. Besides that Home are less sympathetic and less deft than I am. I do not wish to be classed with the so-called "lyiinless dentists" but I give you my word that I have practically eliminated pain In my opera tions. I do not use bhb I do not deaden your senses, I simply use harmless local applica tions and care. You will commit yourself to nothing by calling and I would like to tell you some thing more of my methods. Crown and Brtdgework a spe cialty. DR. FICKES, Dentist. 338 Itee Itldg. 'Phone Douglas 63 7 sets of brooms for the street-sweeping ma chines, and K. J. Rohhlns bid $1S 6 for ench ten sections. The proposals were referred for tabulation. The health commissioner reported that during June he had served 800 notices or dering people to clean up alleys and back yards, and that a surprisingly large num ber had compiled. The Hits were being checked up and delinquents are to be given the alternative of complying within twenty four hours or going tu Jail. City's Cash Account. The comptroller submitted the following statement of cash checked In the hands of the treasurer: Cash In drawer 3 6.HU5 89 Checks for deposit 113,u0.11 llalance In banks, city tunas First National bank 3W.416 15 Merchants National bank. H3.4H9W Nebraska National hank., bxm 7 Omaha National bank t,l:.f3 V. S. National bank 62.3!4. Kountxe Bros.. New York W,54.SH-399.191.61 Balance In banks, school funds First National bank I18.2I2.&7 Merchants National bank.. 223 40 tmiilia National hank.... 5, 4X6. 70 V. S. National bank 9.W0.76 Kountxe Bros., New York l,tt.2 50,386 11 Police relief fund Merchants National hank. .f3.130.l U. a National bank 1.792.11 4.M2.92 Total funds on hand $675,116.64 MURPHY MAKES A GOOD CATCH Pnts In Ills Time Off Doty to Good Advantage nnd Lands rick pocket. A policeman without a home ts a most lonesome person when off dyty. i When Patrol lirlver Murphy lost his through the ravages of the vacation germ, which robbed him of his wife and family, the other day, he suddenly realised how few places there are where a full grown man can find amuse ment. Bo he began to go hack to the police station nlgl ts after his day's work on the wagon, lending a hand through force of habit. Tuesday evening he started out for a walk In the neighborhood of Eleventh and Farnam streets and spied two men, one Intoxicated, standing together on the ride walk. To the layman there was nothing at all suspicious about this, but to Murphy It was all wrong or at least it looked as though It might be. It wasn't exactly his business to "butt In," as he wasn't on duty, according to some people's Ideas, but Murph" sidled over toward the men to Investigate. Just as he was getting near enough to overhear the conversation he saw the sober man extract a watch from the pocket of the other and slyly hand It to a confederate, who started off. Murphy Jumped forward In an Instant nnd captured the pickpocket, but the man with the watch made good his escape. Murphy took his man to the station and found him to bo William Iarkin, well known to the police as a worker of drunks. His victim In this case was Patrick O'Brien of Kansas City. On the way to the patrol box with his capture Murphy picked up a couple of drunken men sleeping on the walk. For a man supposed to be at home In bed this record Is considered very good; In fact. Murphy Is entitled to congratula irons over inn ijHrain capture under any conditions, as ho has been a troublesome character. Which Did She Prefer? When she entered the car It waa easy to see that she was very angry. Her chin was high In the air and her lips were set In a rigid line. The car waa crowded and every seat was occupied, so she pushed her way up front with a determination that gave further evidence of her vexation. She reached the front end of the car Just as a tall, good-looking man rose, and. lift ing his hat, ssked In a pleasant voice: "Won't you have this seat?" 'No, I won't," she snapped. The young man was surprised, but sat down again without speaking. For about five minutes she rode along. hanging on to the straps. Then the car gave a sudden jolt and she waa thrown un ceremoniously Into the young man's lap. She blushed a vivid red, and struggling to rise was almost on her feet when another lurch threw her back again. 'Madam," he said quickly. In the same good-humored tone, "If you prefer this seat to the one I offered before, you are quits welcome to It." Baltimore Bun. To Correct a False Report. The report being circulated that Hayden Bros, are using the depositors' money In their business Is absolutely untrue. The deposits In Hayden Bros.' bank are loaned on the beat and moat available se curity for the safety of the depositors. Not only that, but Hayden Bros.' bank has mure solid wealth and cash resource for lta liabilities than any other bank we know of, either In this state or elsewhere. There Is no mortgage or Incumbrance of any kind on Hayden Bros.' property; It is all clear to strengthen and support the bank assets In case of panic or adverse conditions of any kind. It might be wall to think of these facts when making your savings deposits. Hayden Bros.' bank will pay 4 per cent Interest from July 1 on all deposits made before July it; no notice required to with draw your money. HAYDEN BROS., BANKERS. DIAMONDS Edholm. Hta and Harney. Flaking end Casaplac nates te Clear Lake, la.. Via Chleage Great Westers Railway. For parties of 10 or more one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for It days. Tickets on sale dally until Septem ber W. For further Information apply te 11. IL Churchill. Q. A. 1M1 Farnam ftl . 'at Driver lajared. Oscar Schults. US South Thirteenth street waa thrown from an Omaha Trannfrr com pany depot 'bus which ha waa driving in front of Callahan'a livery barn. 14 Bou'h Fourteenth street, and sustained a painful spraining of the rlirht ankle. The horaea etuched to the vehicle were running away firobably frightened by the no! of explod ng firecracker. Bi bulla waa earned Into tha Callahan barn and Ister removed to hie r wim by the ilct. Hurgeoa aUmert aiteuaea turn. AFFAIRS ATJ0UTI1 0MAI1A Company Organised to Manufacture Ful from Stock Yards Waste. ENFORCING CITY BUILDING ORDINANCES City Connell Reaches Agreement with Spltser Company Regarding the Taking Ip of the Smtr Bonds. A number of prominent cltiiens met Mon day evening and orgsnlted a company known as the American Feat and Chemical Coal company. John Flynn waa elected preeldent. Lew Wentworth vice president. Ed Culver gcneial manager. Dr. McCrann treasurer and 1). M. Click secretary. The object of the company Is to utilize the waste product of the city and the stock yards for fuel. This fuel Is made by a certain mixing of chemicals with the com bustible waste so that It forms a solid fuel which can be handled like ordinary coal. The company expects to have a plant In operation within thirty days, which will be capable of making HKI tun dally. The lo cation bus not been secured, but It Is ex pected that the arrnngements can be made with the I'nlnn Stork Yard's company for a convenient site. The machinery ued is simple, resembling thai uxed fur brick moulding and mixing. The product Is dried In the sun and Is then ready for use. The I Stock Yard's company Is said to have ap propriated IJi.OOO for the work of remov ing Its cftal dumps, and It Is likely, there fore, that they would be glad of a chance to have such a company take the burden off Its hands. The present company Is capitalized at :,CA Enforcing; Building; Ordinance. The city building Inspector, Kd Trapp, is busy these days keeping the ends of his business even. There is a huge amount of building going on and In some cases there has been difficulty In convincing the builders that they munt comply with the city ordinances regarding the taking out of permits to build and of properly construct, ing their buildings. D. J. Karrell was re minded of tils fact yesterday afternoon in the construction of a house belonging to Mrs. Mangan. He had failed to take out the. permit and his work was stopped by the Inspector until such had been complied with. When confronted with the ordinance, ha made haste to take out the proper pa pers. The Inspector has conciemnen several buildings within the past week. There are two on South Thirtieth at T street, which were condemned a wfok ago. Yesterday the Inspector condemned the brick building known as the Transit house belonging to McCague, located at Twenty-eighth and M streets. Agreement with Bond Bayers. There was a special meeting of the city council held last night In the mayor's office. The meeting was held for conference with the representative of Spltser Co. rela tive to the South Omaha sewer bonds. The proposition failed of acceptance on a former occasion for the reason the council, mayor nnd treasurer were not satisfied that the city was made sufficiently secure hy the banking company. Last night the company agreed to put up a collateral security of IlGX0O0 In municipal bonds with the Fourth National bank In New York City, or the eastern correspondent of the Packers National bank of this city, as additional security; besides allowing South Omaha to keep possession of Its own bonds while the money remained on depc-'t with Spllrer & Co. There remains, inerefor Jl 00,000 4o be placed pn deposjt wth Spltzer & Co. The agent of Spltcer & Co. Incor-. pnrated the above proposition In the form of a contract with the city, and on this being done a resolution was passed making Spltzer and Co. one of the depositories of the South Omaha funds. On the money deposited they will pay the city 3 per cent on the balances and will pay accrued In terest up to the time the agreement as originally proposed was entered Into. The Fourth National bank, under Instructions from the Packers National, will be the Judge of the securities which shall be placed as collateral, and which shall be In Its keeping. It Is now thought the treasurer will have no fault to find with the proposition. The contract was entered into under the direction of the city attor ney. Fire and Police Board Meeting. There was a meeting of the Board of Fire and Police commissioners last night. It being their regular meeting night. There was not a full attendance of the board and little business was attempted. One druggist's permit was granted. There were some matters of Importance which might have come before the meeting, but these were all paased over until a full attend ance of the board could be secured. Maatc City Gossip. Mrs. Richard Dervln Is reported to be suffering from a severe illness. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. 8. T. C. Marah and family have started on a six weeks' vacation from this city. The South Omaha Country club will have a carryall accommodation to Its grounds during the day and evening. Oeorge Bchwer Is building a new residence at I htrty-secona and X streets and Mrs. William Manaan Is bulldina a residence at Btxteentn and M streets. The members of the Baptist church and Sunday school will give a fsrewell recep- NO MAN IS STRCNOER THAN H15 STOMACH. Let the (Tea test athlete have dyspepsia and hts muscles would soon fall. Physi cal strength Is derived from food, it a man has Insr fbcient food he loses strength. If he baa no food he diea. Food la con verted Into nutrition through tha stom ach and bowels. It depends on tha strength of the stomach to what extent food eaten Is dlgosted and assimilated. People can die of starvation who have abundant food to eat. when the stomach and Its associate organs of digestion and nutrition do not perform their duty. Thus the stomach Is really the vital or gan of the body. If the stomach la 'weak the body will be. weak also, because It la upon the stomach the body relies for lta strength. And as the body, considered aa a whole. Is made up of Its several mem bent and organs, so the weakness of the body as a consequence of "weak" atom ach will be distributed among the or gans which compose the tiody. If the body U weak because It la Ill-nourished that physical weakness will be found In all the organs heart, liver, kidneys, etc The liver will be torpid and Inactive, giving rise to blllousneas, lots of appetite, weak nerves, feeble or Irregular action ot heart, palpitation, dizziness, headache, backache and kindred disturbances id weakbeasea. Ut. Umii Pare, of Quebec wrlteai "For roars after my health brgao to tall, njy head grew dttij;, eyes pained me, and my stomach was sore aU the tine, while aerrihlng I would eat would seem to lie heavy like lead pa my stomach. The doctors claimed that It waa sympathetic trouble due to dyspepsia, and prescribed for me. and although 1 took Uielr powders rogularly yet I felt no belter. MX wife advlasd me to try 1t. Plan-e Golden fcedieal Discovers -and Hop taking the due tor's Qiedu loe. fiiie Uu-ht me a bottle and we soon Icond that 1 brcao to Improva. so 1 kept up Lta reatmenL i took on Both, my ioiuk J fcoratue normal, the dlgeaUve organs worked c-rfecil and I soon Xeeao to look lise a alffereut person. I can haver ceaae to be grateful for what your aedlcln baa dose ferine and I certainly alva It blcbrat pra.' Ion I be wheedled by a penny-grabbing tfealer Into taking Inferior substitutes fof I)r. Plerce'a medlciuea, recommended M be "Jus, aa good." To gain knowledge of your own body In sickness and health aend for the Peo ple Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book of UJuo page. Send 31 one -cent at am pi for paper-covered, or Bl stamps for cloth-hound copy. Address Or. k. V. rW lo) Mln bireet, Buffalo, fi. ), tlon to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heymsn en Friday next at their residence. Friends of Patrick J. Coyle In this city received word of his denth In California, where he went In quest of his health. Mr. Coyle was a pioneer of South Omaha. For sale or rent. W19 a St., So. Omaha. Address R. A. Krebbs. Tel. A S94. Charles P. Hatcher and Mary K. Arm strong were married Monday night at 9 o'clock t the home of the brides parents, ykH N street. They have gone to Denver for a wedding trip. There will be a double-header hnd ball game at the Young Mens Christian as sociation gvmnaslum this morning. Hesfev and Fltxgerald play against Cahlll and Pheehan and the Cohn brothers play the Tanner brothers. OUR LETTER BOX. Vonna Wtati'i Christian Association OMAHA. July J.-To the F.ditor of The Bee: Permit .. inc. through the columns of your valuable paper, to call at tention to some fcatuns of our locul Young Women's Christian association In comimrtson with the work In other cities. The annual statistical report of the asso ciations of tue l iiiled Bt.ites has Just been received and we are pleased to note that in point of memliei'shlp our asSm latlon i fourth. Ios Angeles is tlrwl, then Detroit. Harlem and tnnaha. The attend. tnce in the lunch room is also fourth. Los An geles leads, then Detroit, Minneapolis and Omaha. Nineteen associations hive linger educational departments and fully one-half of the associations of the co.intry have larger gmnasluni enrollment. Our rcllg- lous department is fair, Bible study enroll ment is eighth and attendance at religious meetings tenth. Our classes in dressinak- Ina and millinery are small. We have no room In 'our present quarters to accommo date such classes. We have no school of domestic science, very Inadequate toilet and rent accommodations; not suinVlent office room to make possible good employnit nt bureau and boarding house directory; no public baths. The public may be interested to know that the Minneapolis association gave fJ.utW baths last year at 6 cents each We believe that public baths for women are one of the great needs of our city. Socially the Omaha association ranks among the first. The' number of social oc casions and attendance Is large and the In terest on the part of our members I very unuHual. We are proud of the record made by our girls In raising fa.wo toward our new building. It will be seen by these comparisons that the Omaha Young Women's Christian as sociation Is really one of the largest In the country, but tftat It- 1 nut- a symmetrical work. It has some vory decided weak nesses. One of the greatest needs of our city Is a school of domestic science, where our young women may study all the essen tials of good housekeeping cooking, buying, sewing, laundry work and household econ omy In all of its phases. The Young Women's Christian association has planned to have one entire floor of the new build ing given to this department, also a model laundry In the basement, where a proper method of washing and ironing may be taught. Considerable pace will be given to public baths and lavatories, large and alt y rest rooms, with plenty of couches, will be provided; also a room where tired mothers may take their babies to rest a while, a good gymnasium With proper showers, lock ers, etc. The sssoclatlon hopes to meet all the needs of women that are so apparent In a city where there are 1000 wage-earning women. The need of a flve-etrtry building for our work has been questioned by some of our citizens who are not Informed of the scope of the work. Statistic show our weak nesses are on account-' of not having room and equipment for all"deartments. One of our national secretaries said she had never seen space so well utilized, and Vet we have not a fourth of the room needed In order to have the well-rounded organlza- tlon for women, such as they have In De- trolt and Harlem and Minneapolis and other cities where they have their own buildings and everything suited to the needs of so great a work. We are Justly proud of the results of our finance cam paign last April and believe that If the Ban Francisco disaster had not happened when we felt obliged to retire from the field, we would now be In possession of the necessary tltS.000 for our building and equipment. As It Is we are happy. In the possession of pledges amounting to tS2.0O0 and believe that the 43,0OO still to be raised will be forthcoming In the very near future. Perhaps some good friend, or friends, will send In gifts especially for our school ot domestic science or other depart menta. The association Is grateful to the gen erous public for the munificent gifts that have made the building possible, and we hope to dedicate the building free of debt some great day not very far distant. EMMA F. BYER8, General Secretary. The Very Beat Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known realdent of Blufftort. Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colld, Cholera and i Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy tor bowel trouble. I make this statement ; after having used the remedy In my family for several years. I am never without 11. HEW HOMES IS fBB WEST. hashes Reaervatloa Be OaBd to Settlemewt. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RT Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates from All Points July IS to SS. Lass than one tars Cor tha round trla to Bhoshonl. Wjro,, tha reservation border The only all-rail route to tha reservation border. Dates of registration July It to SI at Bhoshonl and Lander. Reacnea only by this Una. Write for pamphlets telllna bow to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, map. and pamphlets free oa acquest at City Offloa, 1401-S Farnam St, or address 8. F. Miller. A. Q. T. 4k T. A, 1201 Farnam St., Omaha. Nab. Low Rates te Okoboil and Spirit I.aka Via Chlraa-o, Mllwaakea A St. Paol Hallway. Round Trip from Omaha. $6.20, on sale Friday or Saturday, good returning Monday. 18.00, on aale dally, return limit 3D days. 9.K6. on sale dally, return limit Oct. 31st. An Ideal spot to spend a summer vaca tion. Writs for Okobojt folder. F. A. NASH, Gen I Western Agent, Ibzi Farnam Bt.. Omaha, Neb. A New Trala for Fort Dodge. Th Chicago Great Western railway Is now running a train leaving Omaha Vnion station at 2:30 p. m., Council BlulT. at 3:00 p. m., arriving at Fort Dodge at 7:56 p. m. An excellent train for Mlnden, Harian, Manning. Carroll, Lohrvllle. Somera, Fort Dodge and Intermedial atatlons. For full Information apply to It. H. Churchill, Gen eral Agent, 1512 Farnam Bt., Omaha. Kew York oad Palladelpkla ran not be mors pleasantly or conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-LehlaS Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains, magalncent scenery. Poekrta Plrkrd la Hedllgkt Dlatrlft. Two colored women were arrested by iiie poiu-r iut-sdav evening and 1o-k-1 up at the city jail charged with larceny from the peraon on complaint of white men Chri. Christiansen of Gardner. 111., was the first vlct'in of the pif k n Wets, saaert lug Anna Fiink, Capitol avenue, look The Dynamo of the American People We are a race of workers Work requires brain, nerve, energy. We glory in achievement. To work and work with might and main, good food is absolutely essential. Although nearly every one eats soda crackers sometime, yet there are a few people who do not consider their true value as an article of daily food. But it is now a recognized and established fact that the soda cracker contains the most tissue, fat and muscle forming elements of any article of food made from flour. Great as is the value of the common eoda cracker, yet it is small in comparison with Uneeda Biscuit the most wonderful soda cracker ever baked, and of which nearly 400,900,000 packages have been sold. Uneeda Oiscuit the food of power, transmitting as they do the elements so vital to our well-being,. may in very truth be called "The Dynamo of the American . People. $1875 O $J "1 00 TO LONG PINE. $2J 95 TO MARQUETTE. Splendid train service from Omaha to points north, east and west. The 'Best of Everything For full information concerning your vacation trip, hotel rates and accommodations, railway rates, train schedules, etc., apply to CITY TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 FARNAM ST., AND UNION STATION. Nwas HO from him. Ijirs Bwenoon of South Omaha was the second, and on his com- filalnt Lena Burns, Twelfth street and Cap tol avenue, waa arrested for taking tin. A white man who was charged with strik ing Swenaon when he ssked the return of his pnrketbonk wss also locked up. WANTED TO SEE FIREMEN WORK Boy Seta Fire to Hone, bat It Is Die covered Before Maeh la Doit, A desire on the part of a neighbor's little boy to see the fire department at work cost Z. W. Avery of 2616 Hlmebaugh avenue more than S75, according to a complaint which he made to the police Tuesday even ing. ' Mr. Avery stated Htlo L,yons, aged about 12 years, living next door to him, set fire to his house Tuesday, but the blase was discovered and extinguished with only 17 or 13 damage, without the aid of the fire department. A month ago, Avery said, his house was fired In a mysterious manner, and he be lieves the snme boy was rcsponslMe. At that time the repairs coat him $70. The matter was turned over to Probation OSler Bernstein, who will Investigate. Advleo to Travelers. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Change of drinking water and diet often cause bowel troubles, for which this remedy Is especially Intended. It csnnot be obtained on board tha cars or steamahip. Flablag and ran pin a" Hates to Madl. aoat Lake, Watervllle and Elyslaa, all on.. Via Chicago Great Western. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for tea days. Tickets on sals dally until Sep tember 30. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill. G. A., 1612 Farnam St Haston'e ItaflT la Reinforced. Edgar F. Walte. general aalea agent for D. H. Baldwin & Co. of Chicago, man ufacturers of pianos, piano plavers an. I organs, has come to Omaha, accoiupanieil by two assistants, U. T. Lord and C. W. Ruse, to give a helping hand to I.oc.l Manager J. J. tiueton In the big contest piano aula w hich the latter la conilut-ttnrf here from the headquarter, at 4oi South Fifteenth atreet. CHUOI.S AD t OI.LKGKB YOUR BOY'S FUTURE ddapoods l.rfi a th training b rwlvM bsrt wm lb sgat ut 11 and 2v. Nu.barr ea Urn ravsm tettrr trail U1D( fur the fret pn, bill tic of mm hooA than t thm K K 4 H N fc Mil.lTAHl A A fll ft. l V I l....r..A,l ,.t snlnrf m..A ijl. If -rc(.rmi"t and InuiaUiv at lta maximuBn ftci ne y. ( ofl.plata col lag praparsvior maaual trala In lliiarr tart lea luat ruction and dtaripltoa t borough. thoda aut aer Alb !, pur air aad aarollam Mitttarv co;i(Vioaa Wrtia for (ai lugiM aV svaaaa MiUUr? A., a dan, aaxuir, lata. NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY Special low round-trip rates are in Omaha daily throughout the summer points. $ Q70 TO CLEAR LAKE. $"j 35 TO $1 950 TO ST. PAUL AID $1 f50 TO MIINEAPOLIS. U $1 R40 TO HOT SPRINfiS, $1 50 TO V S. D. TO DEADWOOD AND LEAD. $1(250 TO The Shoshone AND Big Horn The Shoshone Reservation la a new empire about to be opened (or development and trade. Bealdea 2,000 Irrigable farms to be drawn tor, there are 700,000 acrea ot mineral and timber landa to be tak,en up in the usual way. The whole Shoshone proposition deaervea thoughtful consideration by those who desire a farm, or a mineral or a timber claim. Those who are fortunate in the drawing for agricultural landa are to pay only $1.50 an acre, one-third cash, subject, ot course, to the future prorated cost of irrigation. When you register, combine business with pleasure and instruction, and go to Worland, Wyo., for the registration. This la the terminus of the Burlington's new line through the Big, Horn Basin along the Big Hora River, enroute to the Shoshone Reservation. You will enjoy the viewa of the Black Hills, the Big Horn Mountalna, the Cuater Battlefield, and the acenio canona of Big Horn River. You will paaa through the new towns along the Worland extension, which offer splendid chances for moderate capital In the way of stores and industries, and you will pass through thousands of acres of perfectly irrigated farms, giving you an idea ot the proiita yielded annually from Irrigated farming. Iess than half fare with a maximum excursion rate ot but 120.00 from Nebraska territory. Hend for Bhosbone de i . tj SCHOOLS AKD BROWIIELL HALL, 0MAIIA.S,S ' . cate admlta to aaaar, Wtllea- ley, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, I niver.lty of Nebraska, and I'nlvarilly of Chicago. A stu dent who holds a certincate of admission to the college ut arts, of soienca, or of lit erature of the L'nlver.lty of N-branka is admitted to tha Junior year of the Academlo courae without examination. Exceptional advantages In Music, Art and Domestlo (Science. Well equipped gymnasium, lennls. hockey and other field sports. Inairuf tors college graduate of large teaching experience. Eturierita mothered .ympathct Irally by exer!enrert women who appreciate the need, of young womanhood. Add-esa. MISS MACKAE. I'rlnclpal. IWentwonhlilslii ""a i 14 a m 9 1 effect from to various RAPID CITY. KASOTA. SUPERIOR AKD DULUTNs ASHLAND AXD BAYFIELD. tfeservation Basin in? JUL 1 .'. i scriptive folder with map of the Reservation and the Big Horn Basin, rataa, routes, train service, method of drawing, etc., tree. L. W. AKELKY, G. P. A.. 10O4 Farnam St, OMAHA. NEU. C QLLKGKS.