Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Sewi Beceifed at Lincoln with Grea
Deal of IntfreiU
State Politicians Aaree that tha
Rftull of tha Vote M III $ (
Immense Benefit ta tha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 4.-8peclal.) -The victory
of Edward Rosewater In the
county primaries held yesterday has boon
"the subject at Maru,sslon among the poll
Htifctans and cttlsens of Lincoln today. Lan
caster county citizens have been watching
tha contest with great Interest and it la
tha opinion of leading men, whether they
are for Mr. Roaewater'a endorsement at
tha republican atate convention or not, that
lila enemlea resorted to tha moat outrageous
(dpi ve cMnlnvMl -tiraln.t n candidate
In Nebraska. By reason of this fact the
politicians here aay tha greater la the vic
tory and the stronger it wlU make him in
the atata.
Every atep of the contest has been
watched by the politicians here and by
tha state officers, and while all conceded
Mr. Rosewater would get the great ma
jority Of the delegates, few of them looked
for such a victory. Quite a number eat
up at the Lindetl hotel until long after
midnight waiting for some word from
Omaha, aa great wal the Interest taken in
the fight.
Borne' of Mr. Roaewater'a enthusiastic
supporters here aay the contest Is prac
tically ever, while others say the bitter
fight on Mr. Roaewater in Douglas county
and his cleanup of the opposition will have
effect in his favor out In the state.
Borne Personal sentiments.
Representative Crutchfleld of Kearney
county, .who. was, here .yesterday en route
to Omaha, was shown a sample ballot to be
used In the primaries
"That la all oatrage," he said. "People
who would resort to such tactics should
not be suocessful In politics. Mr. Rosewater
will suit us out In, Kearney county."
V, O. Qourtney, beard the result of the
-ctlon as he was getting In. his hack to go
horns .last night. . "I knew it would end
that way," he, said. ."The people won't
stand for that .Douglas county ballot. The
Fontanelle club knew they couldn't beut
Rosewater in a fair fight, so they resorted
to the. rotation ballot. It glvta Rosewater
a big lead.",. , ' ,'
"Mr. Rosewater won a splendid victory
In Douglas .county against great odd's, and
I wanjt to congratulate him," said Land
Commissioner Eaton. . "With such a ballot
It .looked .like an , Impossibility for a man
to get a solid delegation. Mr. Rosewater
will come to the convention with .a big
"With .such a victory In Douglas county
things must look pretty good for Mr. Rose
water In. the convention," said L. L, Lind
eey. "His victory there will materially help
bis candidacy in thia county."
-: Fonrth at the Capital.
A few short hours after Mayor Brown's
proclamation tor a. safe and sane Fourth
had been Issued. .Lincoln assumed all the
aspecta ef an annex to Dr. Greene's In
stitution. The most fastidious of Dr.
Greene's guests would have been perfectly
at home on O street, and the hippopotamus.
Ilka movements of the small police force
to head off the ambltlona of the crowd of '
safe and sane celebrptors was amusing if
nothing else. , . (
Jn bls proclamation tJ .mayor called at
aoosennot the- fact, that Lincoln was with
out water with which to fight fires, and
therefore any person shooting a firecracker
er a revolver or an other explosive within
the business -district would be promptly
arrested. The proclamation waa riddled
with Roman candles, sky rockets, devil
chasers and such things aa soon as it was
dark, and mixed with these dangerous things
were thotfaands of torpedoes, which were
placed on the atreet car tracks. The fa
vorite place of operation along these lines
was ' near the IJndell hotel. When the
policeman reached this point and stopped
the work the noise began a block to the
east. And then, as though It waa a studied
attempt to oatractse the policeman from
participating lit any big arrests, the poople
turned loose all along the street car lines
and Mr. Policeman waa busier than a horse
fly, though not so successful. In causing
-' One Fire Alarm.
' During the early evening sn alarm of fire
Was turned In from Miller & Palnes. where
some cotton caught In the basement and
caused considerable smoke, but no damage.
"When the department made the run down
O street small boys and old men took a
few pokes at the firemen with Roman can
dles. 'When this failed to stir up enough
enthusiasm they were turned loose on the
crowd. During the horrible din some one
swooped' down and arrested a small boy
for riding a bicycle without displaying a
light, though the light waa a thousand
candle strong all around him.
Day was., broken with a' thousand
. punotures long . before it waa the usual
time for "the sun to get up, much less the
rest of the tamily. Then followed Lincoln
auid Sioux City, wttH a couple of games of
ball; a half dosen games between smaller
teams; the celebration at Epworth park
and Lincoln park the opening of Capital
Beach, and the open air show at Blystone
park. During the day no serious Injuries
were reported to the police, but late this
evening the doctors ars getting together
on statistics of the lesser Injured. Tonight
the people of Lincoln conceded It waa a
glorious Fourth, whether we ever have
foot her oBs or not
Dtwi Cornea the I'slea Jack.
The British flag doesn't fly in Lincoln.
Not as fong aa the police force la composed
. ct such men aa McOulre, Malone, McCorkle
ind a few. others. Miss Anna Q. Tompsett
Every old eore exists because of 'a
i. i
vital num is ltueciea wim some germ or old taint, or perhaps has been left
in an unhealthy condition from a long spell of sickness, or the trouble may
be inherited.. The poisonous germs and matter with which the blood is sat -
u rated lore an outlet on the face, arras, legs or other part of the body and
lonn a sora or nicer, ints being continually fed by a polluted blood supply. ! " "' "
grows red and angry, festers and eats into the surrounding flesh until it t.wB
oecomes what, i, very aptly termed aa old sore." The relif produced by e.-n'T the oZ y
external treatment is on)y temporary. The only treatment that can do any i th, ore of , t0 ttn Inn,n ,n1 , to ?
real good U a blood purifier that goes
moves int cause, ana lor wis purpose nothing equals S. S. S. It drives out
f rota the circulation all morbid matter and genus, even reaching down to
hereditary taints, and by cleansing the blood heals old sores permanently.
S. S. S. not only removes all taints and poisons from the blood but builds it
up by supplying it with the rich, health-sustaining properties it needs to
- keen the svatem in health. S S 5? miUi m,r V.lrwl on.t a . ,.f
heal if the blood is pure and healthy. Book on Sores and Ulcers and
medical advice free. . THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA.
f'l A
i ? c ... c. 13 -,- r w i - . . ; il s J J - a sr: w
found that out this morning. From the sec
ond story of her home at Twentieth and J
streets she flew to the breezes an elegant
new Union Jack. The neighbors saw the
emblem of British rule when they got up.
They talked It over among themselves, but,
fearful to charge the house of the young
women, who recently came to Lincoln from
Canada, they did nothing but express wbat
they would like to do. A gray haired vet
eran of the civil war 'hobbled along about
thi tlme and he P'ed tne na-' He snorted.
rathered up his battle scars and
humped himself to the nearest grocery
store. Ha called up the police station.
Captain McQulre answered the telephone.
No- complaint waa necessary. All the. old
soldier got time to say was: .
A BrltlBh flag is flying out here at
Twentieth and J streets."
Then he had to Jump out of the way of
the detail of police sent out by McUuire.
Miss Tompsett was called to the door and
It was explained to her whatever goes up
must be hauled down even though It be
the flag.
Miss Tompsett appealed to Captain Mc
Oulre over the telephone.-
"Isn't this a free country?" ehe asked.
"Yea, ma'am. It is; you bet It Is, the
freest country you ever saw," answered the
son of Ireland. "But British flags don't
go here, especially on the Fourth of July."
Miss Tompsett, who came here to be
free, hauled down the flag. No guns were
Trouble at the fen.
The report of Warden Boemer, filed with
the governor yesterday, contains mention
of an attempt made to escape by four pris
oners In the state penitentiary some days
ago. The prisoners In one cell had sawed
a hole over a foot square through the steel
side of the cell, while In another cell some
distance removed, a hole large enough to
permit a man going through, had almost
been completed when the work was dis
covered. In each cell the warden discovered
a braoe and bit, and rope with which the
prisoners expected to use in getting down
out of the building. Parker and Lynch,
burglars, were In one cell and Gray and
Bradley, bank robbers, were In the other
cell. The work had evidently been done
in a short time as the cells are thoroughly
inspected twice a week. Hereafter a daily
Inspection will be the rule.
Coacresatonal Primary In Lancaster.
The congresalonal committee of the Frst
congressional district has been called to
meet at the Llndell hotel Friday evening
at 8 o'clock for the purpose of deciding
whether to call a convention or a primary
and to set a date for the same. It is freely
predicted In Lancaster county Congressman
Pollard will not insist upon the committee
calling a primary, for If It does It Is be
lieved no other candidate will contest with
blm, and thus he will have to bear the en
tire expense. As to whether Pollard can
win out in a convention is a very much
disputed question and a very much dis
cussed question. A strong effort has been
made to get Judge Field to be a candidate
collated condition of the blood. This
to the very root of the trouble and re
x lliltfMm Mill It L
To obtain a uniform Barley, we have built a new, up-to-date
Malt House in the Best Barley section of Wisconsin,
and Wisconsin is conceded to be the banner Barley State in
the Union. Most brewers buy their Barley on the Board
of Trade, and get a mixed article; in fact, do not know
where their Barley comes from.
Our Malt House is equipped with the Galland-Hen-ning
"Drum System," thus insuring us Slow-Grown
8-Day Malt. Most Beer is made from 4 to 5-day
against Judge Holmes in this county, but
so fur without success. The other counties
would come to Judge Field, It Is said, but
It is claimed they will not come to Judge
Holmes, which means if Holmes stays In
the race' Pollard's chances for a renomlna
tlon are good. Over the district, though
not so much In Lancaster county, there is
a feeling against Pollard and a desire to
return him to his orchard. In this county
so far, it seems, either take Holmes or
Pollard. Some of Holmea' friends say If
the outside counties won't take Holmea,
then Holmea will force Pollard on the dis
trict, as he did at the last convention.
Boyd County Land Casts.
The state legal department has filed' a
motion for a rehearing In the Boyd county
land cases. This Is the case in which the
state is trying to oust the present occupants
of the land. The court held, in Its opinion,
the settlers should be allowed the Improve,
ments made on the lands in question.
Hon. John I,. Webster' of Omaha
Speaks at Madison.
MADISON, Neb., July 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) A successful celebration waa held
at Madison todny and attended by an as
semblage of over 5,000 people. The day was
perfect and ushered In with an early salute
by the Madison and Stanton militia com
panies. The parade at 10:30 Included com
pany F of this place and company B of
Stanton. The fire department, three bands,
floats of merchants and company of little
girls dressed in the national colors. At 11
o'clock the exercises at the opera house be
gun. Ex-Senator William V. Allen, as
chairman, in eloquent terms Introduced the
peakcr, Hon. John L. Webster of Omahn,
who delivered an oration teeming with sen
timents of lofty patriotism and ideals.
Sports and races after dinner were fol
lowed by a ball game In which Lindsay de
feated Creston 8 to S In a spirited game.
Company F of M idlson. In command of
Captain Froier, and company B of Stan
ton, under Captain Eberly, then engaged in
a sham battle In the streets and the cele
bration closed with a display of fireworks
on the farther banks of the creek and a
dance at the opera house. The celebration
was in charge of the Madison fire depart
ment. Major Fred Qegner acted as marshn.1
of the day.
WEST POINT. Neb., July 4. (Special)
West Point celebrated Independence day In
old-fashioned Nebraska style. The attend
ance was far In excess of any previous
celebration, the younger generation being
very much In evidence. The festivities
passed off very pleasantly, without acci
dent, and the weather was perfect. The
usuil patriotic exercises were held at tho
Riverside park.
t'TICA. Neb., July 4 -(Speclal Telegram.)
The Fourth celebration here today was
attended by large crowds. M. W. Dlmery
was the speaker. There was a chorus of
thirty voices. Two ball games were played
between Utlca and Greeham. The races
all took place as advertised. The fireworks
display was good. Rain put a stop to the
sports during a part of the afternoon. The
music was furnished by the Utlca concert
band. No one wal hurt.
LYONS. Neb.. July 4. (Speclal.)-Today
was the largest and best Fonrth of July
celebration Lycns ever had. some 4.000 peo
ple attending. Everything on the program
went off as scheduled and the hiuerock
, shoot, foot races of ail sorts and horse
' races were ail taken caro of in a manner
: ,na PIeaBa w- in rr,n fentures or the
eight Innings. In the evening John Mowrer
of Lyons made a successful balloon ascen
sion and parachute drop, which was fol
lowed later In the evening by fireworks.
TECl'MSEH, Neb., July 4 Speclal Tele
gram.) Tecumseh's Fourth of July and
seml-centennlal celebration was a grand
!"CC," ln'v,ry ay' "nc w..
here. Ex-Governor Crounse was the speaker
of the day and Commandant Joseph Pres
son and others spoke at the old settlers'
meeting. A long program of sports of all
kinds was pulled oft and everything was
free. The crowds of people went home
well pleased. Sterling defeated Humboldt
in the ball game, 18 to t.
Hone Itrsrk by l.lahtalnaj.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. July 4.-(Spe-cud
Telegram.) During aa electrical storm
ii aa riis n n u
rzanzpagize o
which is made by an unnatural process,
less, and is not healthy.
this afternoon the home of W. B. Davis,
three miles west of this city, was struck
by lightning and burned to the ground.
The loss will amount to $4,000. The bouse
m-as partly Insured.
One of Participants Severely Injured
and May Die.
TECt'MSEH, Neb.. July 4. (Special Tele
pi im.) George Schasteen and Charles
Wriht got into a flght here today and
Schasteen drew a pocket knife and Inflicted
four or five gashes. In Wright's anatomy.
Bad blood is said to, have existed between
the men for . tome, tlmo, .and )t is sold ono
of them, If not both, had been imbibing
too ffeely In liquor. Wright was removed
to his home and Dr: T. E. Falrall called.
Some thirty stitches were required to close
his wounds snd tonight he Is reported to
be In a serious though not necessarily
dangerous condition.
Schasteen waa lodged In the county Jail
to await the outcome of Wright's wounds
when he will be given a preliminary hear
ing. Schasteen has done time In the Kear
ney reform school.
George Bosanna- of Nebraska City
Jumps Into River.
NEBRASKA CITY, July 4.-(Special Tel
egram.) Late yesterday evening George ng. a wealthy retired farmer 79 years
of age, made two unsuccessful attempts to
commit suicide. ,
8hortly after supper Bossung went to
the Missouri river and Jumped into the
water. 1 He was rescued by two fishermen,
who revived him and took him to his home.
The police were notified, but before they
arrived Bossung secured a butcher knife
and made a desperate attempt to cut his
throat. On the arrival of the police he was
taken to the county Jail. Bossung will give
no reason for the wish to end his life. He
Is supposed to be Insane.
Work oat Academy Oolldlna.
KEARNEY. Neb., July 4. (Special.)
Breaking the ground for the new 150,000
building for the Kearney Military academy
has been begun and there are eight teams
at work excavating for the foundation and
basement. The work Is In charge of J. L.
Hershey of Lincoln, an engineer who is
representing the contractors. The erection
of houses to accommodate the men who
will engage in the work of constructing the
building has also been begun, and soon the
campus of the academy will resound with
the hum of Industry and appear like a little
town by Itself.
Firecrackers Take Barn.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Fire caused by firecrackers de
stroyed a barn belonging to W. R. Smith
hre this afternoon at 5 o'clock. A horse
and surrey were saved, but the structure
with Us other contents went up in smoke.
Loss about 8900, insurance 8000.
Ffews of Nebraska.
KEARNEY At the State Normal school
there have been l.aoo students regiterd
so far. and more to follow for the summer
sesst m.
BEATRICE Charley Gamble, who haa
been an Invalid for the last few years, yes
terday underwent the ninth surgical opera
tion for stomach- trouble. It is thought he
will recover.
BEATRICE Miss Nelson, a member of
Parker's White City company, now appear
ing in Beatrice, had her right eye badly
poisoned yesterday by confetti and is unai r
the care of a physician.
BEATRICE Arthur. Sonderegger, who
plys in left field for the Beatrice ball
team, had his nose broken yesterday by
being struck in the face with a ball and
la under the care of a physician.
BEATRICE Yesterday John Mallrkey, a
farmer living three miles northeast of
Barnr-8ton, began threshing his wheat crop
and the yield averages from forty-two to
forty-four bushels to the acre, much bet
ter than he expected.
WEST POINT-A class of forty-seven
young people of both sexes partook of the
tirst holy communion at St. Mary's Cath.
ollc church at West Point on last Sunday
morning. The class has been receiving
religious Instruction for the past four
months at the hands of the rector. Rev.
Joseph Rueslng, and the sisters of ths con
vent school.
BEATRICE Mrs. Martin Schidlowskl. for
twenty-eight years a resident of Beatrice,
died yesterday at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. ilargreavea, in Lincoln, where
she went several weeks ago to receive
treatment for cancer. Mrs. Schidlowskl was
M years of a-e and leavea her husband and
five children. The remains will be brought
here Thursday for Interment.
BEATRICE Leonard Leggett, a boy who
was brought here yesterday from Wymore
to undergo an operation for appendicitis,
died yesterday afternoon at Full's sank
tarluia soea after liie vveraUou was r-
x mm
To obtain uniform Hops of the highest quality, we haro
made contracts with growers to take their entire crops. Our
Hop Growers rank among the largest, oldest and most able
in the country. We have taken the entire crops of some for
the past thirty to fifty years. We pay the highest prico
because we want the Best.
The Water we use comes from the same bed of Lime
Rock that Waukesha Water comes from, which city is
located 12 miles West of our Brewery. We have
three wells, each 2,000 feet deep into this rock,
from which we draw our supply.
formed. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Lega-ett, old residents of Beatrice,
and was about 16 years of age. The re
mains were taken to Wymore today for
BEATRICE The eighteenth annual as
sembly of the Beatrice Chautauqua passed
Into history last night with an eloquent ad
dress by Rev. 8. Parks Cadman and a con
cert by the Wesleyan male quartet. The
assembly has been one of the most suc
cessful held In years. Dr. Davidson, the
superintendent, left last night for North
Hampton, Mass., where he opens a Chau
tauqua next Monday.
KEARNEY At a meeting held last night
at the First Methodist Episcopal church it
wan decided to raise a fund to build a new
church, as the present one is found to be
too small to accommodate the large con
gregations. In addition to the new church
a new paraqnage will also be built, and
the present site of both church and par
sonage will be used as a site for the new
church. The building will cost between
115,000 and 130,000.
KEARNEY Already the harvesting of
the large crop of wheat raised In this re
gion has begun and the yield promises to
be bountiful much better both in quantity
and quality than was at first supposed. The
first report of harvesting begun comes
from across the river to the south and
southeast of the city, but ripe fields of
golden grain are waving In the breexe In
all directions from the city. Harvest time
will soon be here In earnest and harvesting
In full progress everywhere. The yield
promises to be good. In many Instances
even better than last year, and It Is ex
pected that many fields will yield thirty
bushels or over to the acre.
Matutinal Vegetarian Idyl.
There was a mn once who, when the dew
was on his strawberry vines, and the wren
that had her nest In the box elder near his
bedroom window had begun her morning
thanks, arose and dressed htm leisurely and
strode out Into his tittle garden at the back
of his lot, and without losing any of the
wren's melody plucked him a bunch of
radishes, cut a liberal supply of heads of
tender lettuce, picked a pan of strawberries,
and while in the garden took out of the
soil several handfuls of young beets with
their tops and also picked a dish of green
Going back to the house he picked over
and washed the vegetables, and berries, lay
ing the peas and beets aside to be cooked
for dinner. The radishes, lettuce, berries,
together with a pitcher of milk and a plate
of crackers or bread, go on the table.
Breakfast Is ready. There has been no
banging of stove lids. No frantic stirring
of the hot fire on a hot . summer morning.
No greasy odor of bacon or beefsteak per
vading the house. No toilsome and lengthy
preparation on the part of a flushed faced
"hired girl'' to get ready coffee, steak and
hot biscuit for reluctant stomachs of people
who are going to leave half the breakfast
on their plates to be wasted or served up
again In hash.
The time this man usee to get this break
fast ready is the time spent by the wren
In her morning devotion, but It Is enough.
New York Independent.
A California Doctor with Forty
Years Experience.
"In my 40 years' experience as a teach
er and practitioner along hygienic lines,"
saya a Los Angeles physician, "I have
never found a food to compare with
Grape-Nuts for the benefit of the general
health of all clasaea of people. I have
recommended Grape-Nuts for a number
of years to patients with the greatest
success ai.d every years'-" experience
makes me more enthusiastic regarding
lis use.
"I make It a rule to always recommend
Grape-Nuts and Postum Food .Coffee In
place of coffee when giving my patients
Instructions as to diet lor I know both
Grape-Nuta and Postum can be digested
by anyone. ' pensive luxury in Niagara Falls.
"As for myself, when engaged In much T,e total hydraulic energy of the Fa!!),
mental work my'dlet twice a day consists .ays Mr. Buck, would represent nbotit
of Grape-Nuta and rich cream. I find It . ,600,OGO horsepower. To generate one horse
Just the thing to build up gray matter and I power continuously for a year by a steam
keep the brain In good working order, engine requires about thirteen tons of
"In addition to Us wonderful effects aa coal,
a brain and nerve food Grape-Nuts always To generate, therefore, continuously li0..
keeps the digestive organs In perfect, 000 horsepower by steam would require
healthy tone. I carry It with me when I 1 about S0.O00.0CO Ions of coal per year,
travel, otherwise I am almost certain to i To generate electric power by steam with
have trouble with my stomach." Name the most modern steam plant costs not len
given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich, j than $50 a horsepower a year, allowing for
Strong endorsements like the above fixed charges and operating expenses.
from physicians all over the country have
stamped Grape-Nuta the moat scientific
food in the world.
"There's a reason."
Look in pkgs. for the famous little book.
" Road to WellvUle.
Runaway Oar Dashes Into Party of Merrymaker-
Near Fortaee, Fa.
Car Rons Three Miles Down Steep
Grade and Leaves Track at
'Sharp Carve Bodies Hor
ribly Mangled.
' ALTOONA, Pa., July 4. investigation
today of the runaway car accident near
Portage late last night showed that thir
teen men of a party who were holding a
celebration along the track were killed.
8everal others were Injured.
The disaster happened on what is known
aa "Martin's curve" on a track four miles
long that acts as a feeder for several mines
located between Portage and Puritan. The
Incline Is very steep and It Is the custom
to run cars down to Portage by gravity.
The car had gone three miles before leaving
the tracks and had gained a frightful mo
mentum. It hit Martin's curve while go
ing at full speed and left the tracks at a
sharp angle, turning half way round and
plunging into the crowd of merrymakers.
The party had been drinking and singing
for several hours. One of the men taken to
Portage to have his Injuries dressed de
clared the party was singing Its last song
prior to retiring for the night. The specta
tors were appalled by the frightful sight
that waa presented. Two of the unfor
tunate foreigners had been decapitated.
The lower portion of the bodies of four
men were visible, while the trunks were
crushed Into a shapeless mass, pinned down
by the twisted steel and broken timber.
One man whose head and a portion of his
body protruded from the wreckage was
alive when the first of the rescuers ar
rived at the scene, but they were unable
to remove the weight thst pinned him to
the ground and he died In a few minutes.
Awful Sight Under Wreckage.
In the course of an hour a portion of the
wreckage had been removed and disclosed a
horrible sight. Directly under the car were
at least seven bodies and they were ground
Into the earth, the heads crushed as flat
as though they had been placed under a
steam hammer.
All of the dead men were Arabians who
had lately been Imported to work In the
mines near Portage. . Many of them were
young, at least nine of the killed being
under 21 years old. They lived In a shanty
near the scene of the disaster. A Portage
undertaker was directed to take charge of
the remains. Several of the bodies, ground
to a pulp, were shoveled Into a wheel
barrow and taken to the undertaker's.
It' was Impossible to see the car--in Its
headlong flight down the decline until It
was within twenty feet where it left the
tracks. It cleared the tracks, plunging sev
eral feet Into the air and alighting squarely
upon the Arabians. The awful suddenness
made escape out of the question.
Mine policemen are making an Investiga
tion with a view to ascertaining who
started the car and the coroner of Cambria
county la also Investigating.
Proaaie Enalneer Ijmcsl- the Loss of
Pswrr Tnsnbllna- Over the
h. W. Buck, an engineer writing for the
1 Outlook, makes out that we have an ex
Niagara power can be generated and sold
In large Quantities for $16 a horsepower
a year, or for $36 a horsepower a year lens
than la possible from the use of coal and
the steam engine.
Fron. the above It will be seta tti.t if nil
TcTo) lit
i ft
5V ?-s
the hydraulic energy of the Falls were util
ised for power purposes, there would re
sult to the country an annual saving of
$36 a horsepower for S.5otrnoo horsepower,
or $122,500,001, and In addition there would!
ho an annual ...Hr,- I. I a
.... ......uu. PHTiiia in VUBI VVflir ll-t--JltJ
of 50,000,001 tons. I
These figures Illustrate what It costs thsj
people of this continent annually to
tain Niagara Falls as a spectacle. Tbejr
rrpresrtit the saving to those who would
consume the power, and not the profit of
those who might own the power develop
ments. This waste Involved In prohibiting the
development of Niagara power might bo
likened to a- great confliigratlnn In which
60,000,000 tons of coal were annually con
sumed. 6dch a conflagration might bo one
or the most magnificent sights In the
world, and people might come from all
parts to view . it, but the human rsce
would certainly be Justified In using every
effort to stop the waste by putting out
the fire. New York Bun.
"Madam." said the. wanderer, respectfully,
"to my request for a trifle of cold lunch I
beg to add that you may regard me aa
wholly unshaken by the popular clamor
against meat as a diet."
"But the canned Is bad, Isn't it f she
asked, as she prepared a sandwich.
"No-o," replied the guest, "but such use
of a can to me represents painful and mani
fest waste. A can, madam. Is designed for
The many Ills that come during
the hot, sultry weather can be avoid
ed by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
taken regularly as prescribed.-
The exhausting: heat of the Sum
mer weather, causes untold suffering
aftd misery to thousands ot men,
women and children. Deaths occur on,
all sldees from Diarrhoea, dystery,
chills, cholera morbus, typhoid and
other fevers, due In - a great num
ber of case to -impure water and
the consumption of unripe "' fruits
by those whose systems and stom
achs are not in a healthy condition.
If all were more careful to have
their systems iu a vigorous condi
tion the germs of these dlseaapi
i could not obtain a foothold. Lead
ing doctors agree that Duffy's Pure)
Malt Whiskey has no equal as a
destroyer of poisonous germs in tha
system. It aids digestion and assim
ilation; purifies and enriches the)
blood; regulates the bowels; quiets
the nerves; hardens the muscles;
stimulates the heart's action and
builds up and sustains the eotirw
system. '
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
can be retained by the most delicate
stomach, as it is a food already di
gested. It is also absolutely pars
and contains no fusel oil, and Is the)
only whiskey recognized as a med
icine. All druggists and grocers or di
rect, $1 per bottle. Duffy Malt Whis
key Co., Rochester, N. Y. .