Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone) DoufclM 618.
Tbifl "will be an important sale in every respect. A low price without quality do8 pot
.constitute a-bargain. During our July Clearing Sale, you will get bargains, for we are going
'to gitenaUty;' Not old, damaged or bankrupt stocks, but clean and reliable merchandise at
money-saving prices. ...
Be here early Thursday
Our Great , Semi-Annual Clear
ing Sal ;, of Ready-to-Wear
Garment ' Commences Thurs
day Morning, July 5th. Extra
ordinary Bargains. -
Linen SuitsAll tha pretty lawn and
lingerie and beeutirul net aresses win o i
placed on special sale at exactly one-half I
our regular Jow price, This is an P-
porxunuy to ouy nw very iuiiii u
finest class of new merchandise at much
leaa price than la usually charged for
oiled, (hop warn and common gvjoda -
Be rare nod attend thla great aale Tburs-'
day and gar one-half the regular price.
Beautiful lines) suits, dainty laoa trim-
mad bolero coat, full cut skirts, regularly
old al price. 13.75.
. Handsdme linen aulta, new styles, reg
ularly sold at $10.00; July aale price, $5 00
Linen aulta with Eton coat. linen suits
with box coats, all at one-half price.
All tha dainty lawn dreaaea, regularly
old at $5.00; July aale price, $2.M each.
All tha dainty lawn dreesea, regularly
old at VIM; July price, $XTS.
All tha dainty lingerie dresses, regularly
old at $.5o; July sale piioe, 94.75 each.
All tha dainty lingerie dreaaea, regularly
old at $1150; July clearing "sale price, $6.3.
All the dainty lingerie dreaaea, regularly
old at OlOO; Jul clearing aale price, $7 50
each, i:
All tbVdalnty lingerie dreaaea, regularly
old at $,00; July clearing eale price, $9.00
All tha beautiful white dresses, regularly
old at $2.00; July clearing aale price, $12 50
eaoh. j .
All the) new lovely net dreaaea. In two
piece and ' Princess styles, . regularly aold
at $11(0. .$i&.90, M-L, island $30.00; July
law aa applied to delegate electlona Im
posed a pretty aevere teat upon the voter
and I remarked to a friend aa I came out
of the booth that If I were a member of
tha legislature I believed I would not be
In favor of retaining such a law oh the
etatute books. It la too burdensome for
practical purposes. But, of course, this Is
matter for tha legislature and not for
tha courts. In my own case, I know tha
plan la too burdensome and severe on the
voter. I am willing to concede that. I
count myself of ordinary Intelligence and
It took me twenty-five minutes to oaat my
ballot. When I got down the Hat tha first
time I thought I had made no mlstakea,
. but, t counted and found 4 had voted for
, only seventy-three men, ten short."
Judge Kennedy The law, seems to b a
little cumbersome in Its practical opera
tion as It works out. and I believe It ought
to be changed. I believe the rotation sys
tem Is all right. The difficulty la that
there are too many candidates to be voted
on. If the delegates were elected In each
precinct Instead of at large the number
to be voted on would be amall enough to
do away with the objectionable features.
I think there should also be provision made
for the expression of preference for can
dtdatea for office. This would be according
to the direct primary Idea. If the direct
primary were state wide there would bo
no need of a convention and hence no
necessity for electing delegates.
Judge Troup I am In favor changing
the law, as there Is no doubt It Is cum
bersome In Its operation. This Is a mat
ter to be taken before the next session
of the legislature, where the remedy should
ba sought,
Howard H. Baldrlge, chairman of the
Rosewater, campaign Committee, waa not
surprised at the outcome and had this to
say of the rotation ballot:
"In my opinion the law should permit
... the voter accurately and easily to express
his choice at the polls. The present law
requiring rotation of names aa Interpreted
by tha court when applied to the selection
f a large number of delegates to a nomi
nating sonventlon makes It too difficult
for the voter to express his choice. Every
objection urged by the attorneys before
the court against the enforcement of this
law has boen proved by this primary to
have been well raised. The law should
enable every voter to register his will st
r. r.
Our Great Scmi-Annual Clearing '
Sale CommcAces Thursday, July 5
clearing Mile prlP, H 2R, n.W. I9.00. fl2 .50
and $15. WT each. ' . '
Four ' Mack Uwn dresses, pretty styles,
regularly Hold at (4.SO; July clearing sals
price, $2.26 each ,
Two gingham. dre, regularly sold at
$5.00; July clearing sale prVe. $150 .each.
During thla grat sale 'of linen-and lln-
J aerie (tresses, no alterations wilt he made.
THE GREATEST 6At.E ef beautiful new
a.ti ,T 8n0wn In Omaha will commence
nJIt 84lur(jay. watch the newspapers and
.OUtvhow wfndowa for particular.
BeOOnd floor,
i .
rVnt. nriiial flt-oat nioorlnrr Sn i
- . i
of Colored Wash Goods.
I Commencing July B. at I a. in. One of
the fundamental principles of our store la
to never carry over goods from one sea
aon to the other. We have, therefore,
commenced a general price cutting all
through our atock of choice, perfect wash
Not the following reductions:
10c Dimities.
16o Oinghatna.
16c Organdies.
20a Zephyrs.
I0c Qinghnma.
ISo Batistes.
, 26o Tissues.
26o Bilk Organdies.
25c Scotch Zephyrs. '
Ko Egyptian Tissues.
30c Olnghams.
J6o Novelties.
40o Silk Organdies.
40o Bilk Tissues.
46a Imported Wash Chiffon.
'400 Novelties,
Qoward Oorner fUxtee&th Strtel
the polls precisely , and expeditiously. The
law should be so framed as to. encourage
and not discourage every voter to vote.
Considering the difficulties under which the
voters labored at the polls I think the vote
was representative, and. If mora had voted
It would only have Intensified (ha result."
R. B. Howell, one of the Fontanells lead
ers, had this to say when, a shed hit opin
ion by now of the rotation ballot:
"As a matter of fairness If a man's name
begins with W or X It seems to me tho
rotation ballot Is a good thing. No candi
date ought to suffer a disadvantage because
of the Initial of hla name. But where the
number of names on a ticket reaches SCO
or $00 it ;..i;eare tha rotation ballot la dim,
oult to vote. Yet X believe that anything
Which will make tha voter careful-la. the
study and selection of the names of men
for whom he shall cast his ballot ought not
i riuiuum i rum me law. However, li
may appear after all the returns ara In
that so far as tha election of delegates, to
a state convention Is concerned a change
In tha law would be advisable."
Member of Thirteenth Cavalry Shoots
Himself Thronsrh Head
Fort Riley.
JUNCTION CITY, Kin., July .-Corpor!
T. Redder of Troop A, Thirteenth cavalry,
atatloned at Port Riley, committed suicide
In this city tonight. Wflh a trty of sol-
dlers, he came to town from the post to
hear the band concert In the city park, and
during the last selection Blared bv th
band excused himself f-om his comrades.
walked up In the light near the bandstand
In front of the large crowd, drew a revolver
and blew his brains out. He died Immedi
ately. - .
Corporal Redder served twelve years with
the Rngllsh army, and during the piwrwir
received favorable mention for acta of
bravery and daring. - He Is supposed to
have been despondent over a love affair.
COLUMBUS, O., July t.-Former Con
gressman John J. Lenta and Mrs. Kate
Alexander were married today. Titer were
no guests save the members of the Immi
dlate families of the bride and groom and
a few personal friends.
'-o 4 -i nrV x
failili C E !
v. s . :s w
Dee, July 4. 106.
45c Finest Tissues."
KV Zephyrs.
KV: Silk Organdies,
60c Imported Gauze.
In Basement. ' ' '
July Clearance Sale , of .Milli
nery, Fine Ready -to-Wear
Hats 29c Each. '
If you are going to need a hat for some
. . . . . . W.
special purpose, ana nave pui uu
on account or price, let i nursaay db me
day to buy, for We are going, to close out
the balance of (
nee of our stock or reaay-to-wear
turbans and street hats for women and
children at a ridiculously low price. ,
HATS WORTH" FROM $1.00 to $3.00,
, In Basement.
July Clearing Sale at.- Linen
Imported French organdies, silk chiffon
cloth ,and white barred French voile all
low priced In this great sale.
Imported French Organdies.
For party dresses, etc., sold all season
at EOe per yard; Thursday'! price, 22Vo
Silk Chiffon Cloth.
For evening dresses, one of the prettiest
materials shown thla aeason, most beauti
ful and dainty patterns and colorings, .sold
all aeason for $1.60 per yard; Thursday's
price, 76c yard.
. White Barred French Voile.
The dainty material, most popular for
party gowns, cornea In the latest weaves
of bars and figures, sold all aeason at $1.25
per yard; Thursday's price 2c a yard.
Main Floor.
Dead and Injured Vict mi of Firework,
' ." Teitivitioi Number Hundreds.
Fatality In .'lows, Three
Wisconsin and Foir in India
Hundred Hart In st.
NEW YORK, July 4. While the list of
minor accidents aa.. a . result -of today
Ml,brmUon of lhe Fourth of juiy
up lnto the nunared8( tnere we
up Into the hundreds, there were fewer
serious casualties than for many years
past. . Only one death attributable to the
celebration was reported by the police, that
of Morrlss Shapiro, a seltser water manu
facturer, who was shot In the head by a
stray bullet as he was driving through
a street In Harlem. He' died soon after
ward. The police were unable to learn
from where the bullet came,
There were ten deaths In Greater New
York from the heat and humidity.
Five Bora Instantly Killed
W1LKESBARRE. Pa., July t.-At Wana-
mle, a mining tawn Ave mile's from here,
1 nv9 boys were killed tonight and nine others
Injured by celebrating the Fourth of July
Tw0 of the k"ld were brothers named
Pachunls. Two other brothers named
Bhukawlcs and the other named Long.
They had placed powder In a pipe and it
had failed to go oft. They then forced a
stick of dynamite Into the pipe and began
pounding It. A terrific explosion followed.
Four of the boys were fatally mangled
and the fifth died on the way to the hos
pital. Borne of the Injured are so badly
hurt that they may die.
Many Casualties In Iowa.
tES MOINES, la.. July 4. One person
was fatally Injured and several others
seriously hurt by the collapse of the bal
cony today at Danbury. Woodbury county,
Iowa, during a Fourth of July parade.
Dispatches from various towns In the state
, chronicle the serious injury of seven per-
sons, the majority ohlldren, aa the result
of Fourth of July accldenta. At Waterloo,
Howard Parry, aged 15. and Leo Hollar,
i aged It. were drowned while attempting U)
awlm across Umless lake.
Over Handred Injnrad.
' ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 4. otatlstlca gath
ered by the polios Indicate that while mora
than 100 persona wers injured, there were
no deatha here today as tha result of the
celebration of the natlon'a birthday aunl-.
, veraary. Tha Hat of Injured . follows:
Firearms, forty-sight; toy pistols, four
teen; torpodoa, two; oannon cracksra, nine
teen; powder burns, nine;- toy cannon,
! sight; fireworks, fifteen. Total, 116.
I Four Fatalities In Indiana.
I INDIANAPOLIS, ind , July t.-Reporta
from throughout the stata show four
fatalities and a large number of persons
Injured ss the result of today's celebra-
, Uon of the Fourth.
I ELKHART, Ind.. July . Ray Browning,
' aged U years, died today from lockjaw, re
sulting from a wound caused by the ex
plosion of a blsnk cartridge. . Frank Beach
lost a neys on account of a giant Ors
' tracker.
I Throo Deaths In 'Wisconsin.
MILWAUKEE. Wis., July i.-Three
; deatha ara recorded In Wisconsin as a re
. Suit of the celebration of the Fourth of
July today.
Congressman John A. alllvaa Mnkea
Political Spoooh.
NEW TORK. July 4-Ths annual cele
bration of tha Society of Tammany, or the
Columbian order, took place today In honor
of the UOth anniversary or American Inde
pendence. The exercises which wers held
at Tammany wers attended by prominent
men from many parts of tho country.
Ono of tho principal addresses of ths day
was delivered by Congressman John A. Sul
livan of Massachusetts, who ssok of what
ho rocarded as tho evils which had grown
out of tho protective tariff.
Tho sddreos of welcome wss delivered by
Orand Sachem W. Bourks Cockran, Thomas
C. T. Cratn rand ths declaration of Inde
nondenro and brief ad dreaaea were deliv
ered by r present stive democrats from war
Ions sxttlons of ths country.
TnalnesB propositions adrortlaod In Ths
Bos go tot ths homos of ths boat poop la
Most Important tWloa Bitot th Gloss of
: -th Ciril War.
Hon. Jki I. Kennedy Talks on tho
Resnlts of Congressional Wsrk
Mnny Important Bills'
' Passed.
Congressman John JL Kennedy Is back
from Washington,, asM while he Is pretty
well tired out by th strenuous labors of
the session f congreis, speaks enthusiasti
cally of the results adcomplleheri. He said:
'The first. 'session of the Flfry-nlnth con
gress will prove to bj the most Important
Id the history of the country since the
civil war. - This is particularly true because
the measures enacted Into law are mostly
constructive In character and will
strengthen our Institutions and laws and
develop our trade.
"The railroad leglslatlan would of Itself
make the session memorable". "It la a
gr't step forward-In the regulation and
control of ,'oommon carriers. The people
have clxnplnlned. ncrt'RQ much of excessive
rates, as of unfair discriminations. The
new lnw will In large measure correct these
evils. Tile discussions on the bill make
It perfectly plain that It Is the Intention
to perfect the law still further If necessary
and that In the meantime Its provisions
must lie carried Into effect without fear or
favor. )
'Btntchood has been granted to Okla
homa and the Indian Territory and It Is
left to Arlxona and New Mexico to say
whether or not they ' shall be admitted
as one state. Should either of them declare
RKalnM Joint statehood that will end It
for years to come. The new state of Okla
homa will come In with a large, energetic
and enthusiastic, . i-lllzenship and It has
a great future Jx-fore It.
The removal of the tax on denatured
alcohol means a grrn deal to the mechanic
arts and much, very 'much, to the farmers.
It can be.msdc from almost nil kinds of
farm products, and If It will acompllsh one-
hslf of the wonders cl.ilined for It In the
generation of heat, light and power. It will
revolutionise many modern methods ami
relegate the lll-ainelling gasoline to the
Boon for the Conanmer.
"The, pure food law will be a godsend
to the people. The Investigation made In
ttwy house established the fact that many
of. the most common articles of food and
irlnk are adulterated and are sold by short
weight-or measures. I'nder the n 'lw
Consumers w-ni know what they eat or drink
and huw much thoy'-get of It for their
money,' . .
"Tho mest' Inspection measure Is In
class by Itself and will have far-reaching
consequences. Tlr public agitation of the
subject did g-eat Injury to the trade and
Is to be regretted. The ultimate effect,
however, will be a benefit to the entire
country. The testimony taken before the
agricultural committee of the house did
not disclose that diseased meats were be
ing canned or sold, but .that in some casea
the aanltary conditions were Imperfect. A
permanent annual' appropriation of $3,000,000
was made to cover the cost of Inspection,
thus distributing the burden equitably upon
all the people. "' To shave done otherwise
would have been' ts tax the west and the
Industries of the west for tha benefit of
the east. I'nder the provisions of the pure
feod law the "cost "of Inspection Is to be
borne by the geiiWalVgovernmont. There. Is
jto good reason Why a, different rule ahould!
he applied In uva.eane or meat inspection.
"The new naturalization law will make
uniform throughout the United Btatea all
proceedings relating to cltlcenshlp, and will
preserve, them to (Jie third and fourth gen
erations, It will dignify American cltl
xenshlp, and make certain to the natural
lEed citizen the protection of the govern
ment at horns and abroad.
"The settlement of the type of the Isth
mian canal was of vital importance. The
sea level plan would have entailed an ex
pense of $230,000,000 or mors, and under that
plan twenty years at least would have bean
required for Its construction. The lock type
can be built In half the time, for less than
half the cost and may be changed after
Wards If necessary without Interruption to
commerce. Ons of the advantages of that
rliit Is that th present generation may
use it
(Continued from First Page.)
blessing out of sin. Nations, if tbey
would be great in the hetter sense of t:.e
term, must Intend benefit as well as confer
it, they must plan advantage, and not
eave the results- to chance.
I take It for granted that our duty to
the socalled Inferior races Is not discharged
by merely feeding them In times of famine
of by oontiibutlng to their temporary sup
port when some other calamity overtakes
them. A much greater assistance Is rend,
ered them when they are led to a more
clevHtcJ plane of thoueht and activity by
Ideals which stimulate them tn self-develop,
ment. The Improvement of ths people
themselves should be the paramount object
In all Intercourse with the orient.
Among the blessings which the Christian
nntluna are at thla time able and In duty
bound to carry to the rest of the world I
tuny mention five, education, knowledge of
the science of government, arbitration as
a substitute for war, appreciation of the
dignity of labor and a high conception of
F.d oration necessary.
Education oomeo first, and in nothing
have the United States and England been
more clearly helped than In the advocacy
of universal education. If the designs of
Ood are disclosed by His handiwork, then
the creation of the human mind la In
disputable proof that the Almighty never
Intended tlwt learning should be monopo
lized by a few, and he arrays himself
ssalnst the plans of Jehovah, who would
deny Intellectual training to any part of
the human raoe. It Is a false civilization,
not a true one, that countenances the per
manent separation or society mio iwo Dis
tinct classes, the one encouraged to lin tha mind and tha other condemned
To hopeless Ignorance. Equally false Is
that eoiicculion of International politics
which would make the prosperity of one
nation depend upon the exploitation of
another. While no one la far-sighted
anoiish ts estimate with accuracy the re
mote, or even the immediate consequences
ki.m.n action, vet as we can rely upon
the principle that each Individual profits
rather man looses oy
Srosperlty of his neighbors, so we cannot
oubt Is to the advantage of each
nation that ever other nation shall make
tha laraeet nonalble use of Its own re-
n.irraa and tha raoabllltlea of ItS people.
No one questions that Japan's Influence
has bian a beneficent one since she has
emerged from illiteracy and endowed her
people with public schools, open to all her
boys and girla The transition from a
position of obscurity Into a world power
was acarceiy raore rapm mn. "
.inn trnm m m.n.ra into an ally-
China la entering upon a almllar ex
perience, and I am confident that her era
Coffee dyspepsia, isn't
w&ys ' suspected, but
10 days leaving off
coffee tvnd using
Clears all Doubts.
of reform will make her. rfot a yellow
erll, but a powerful co-lsborer In tlie In
ternational vineyard. In sndla. In tho
Philippines. In bgvpt and even in Turkay
ststlstlca shew a gradual extension of edu
cation and 1 trust 1 will be pardoned if
1 say thst neither the snnlea. nor .he
fULvlea, nur yet the tmmmerce of our nor
tlons, nave given us so Just a claim to ihe
gratitude, or the people of Asia as hsve our
school teachers, .sent, ninny of them, by
private rather than by public funds.
The English langtiaae has lwmi ths
vehicle for the conveyance of governnientAl
truth, even more than for the ssread of
general Information, for, beginning with
Magna Charier and continuing through the
era of the American . revolution and ths
Declaration of Independence down to the
present, no language lies been so mu-'h
employed fr the propagation of that
theory of government which trsces gov
ernmental authority to the consent of the
governed. Our own nation presents the
mnst illustrious example known to history
of a great population working out Its des
tiny through laws of its own making and
under offlcisls of Its own choosing, al
though, 1 nisy ssv, we scarcely go beyond
Knglsnd in recognizing the omnipotence of
a parliament fresh from the people. It is
difficult to overestimate the progress of a
nation and. tn turning the thought of the
world away rrom despotism to the possi
bilities of self government, the pioneers of
freedom mad weslern civilisation possi
ble. F.tTect of nn Iden.
An Idea will sometimes revolutionize an
Individual, a community, a state, a nation
or even a world, and the luea that man
possesses Inalienable rights which the state
UIU not give and which the etate, though
It can deny, cannot take away, has niuue
millions of human lieinga stand erect and
claim their, tlod-glven inheritance. While
the era of constitutional liberty Is ever
widening, while the tyianny and lnuce
of arbitrary power are every year decreas
ing, the leadnrs of the world's thought,
not only the English shaking nations, hut
the other Christian nations as well, have
jet much to do In teaching reverence lor
the will of the majority and respect for
the public servanta, upon Wliom the people
bestow authority.
The Christian nations must lead the move
ment for Ihe promotion of peace, not only
localise thy are enlisted under the ban
ner of the Prince of Peace, but also be
cause they have attained sch a degree of
intelligence that they can no longer take
pride In a purely physical victory. Thj
belief that moral questions can be settled
by the shedding of human blood la a rrllc
of barbarism; to doubt the dynamic power
of righteousness Is infidelity to truth Itself.
That nation which I unwilling to trust Its
cause to the universal conscience or which
shrinks from the presentation of lta clulms
before a tribunal where r.'ason holds sway
betrays a lack of fulth In the soundness of
Its position, tmr country hns resson to
congratulate Itself on the success of Presi
dent Roosevelt In hastening peacfl between
Russia and Jupnn. Through film otir nation
won a moral victory more plorlous than a
victory In wnr. King Edward hns also
shown himself a promoter of arbitration
and a large number of the members of
Parliament are enlisted In the same work.
It menus much that the two groat English
speaking nations are thus arrayed on the
Side of peace. 1 Venture to suggest that the
world's peace would be greatly promoted
by nn agreement among the leading nations
that no declnratlon of wnr should be made
until the submission of the question in con
troversy to an Impartial court for Investi
gation, eaoh nation reserving the right to
accept or reject the decision. The prelim
inary Investigation would In nlmost every
instance Insure an amicable settlement, and
the reserved right would ho a sufUclont
protection against any possible Injustice.
Dignity of ljbor.
Iet me go a step farther and appeal for
clearer recognition of the dignity of la
bor. The odium Which rests upon the work
of tho hand has exerted a baneful Influ
ence the world around. The theory that
Idleness Is more honorublo than toil that
it Is more respectable to consume what
Others have produced than to be a producer
of wealth has not only robbed society of
an enormous sum, but It has created an al
most Impassable gulf between the leisure
classes and those who support them. Tol
stoy Is right in asserting tliafmost of the
perplexing problems of society grow out of
tne lacK or eympainy peiween man nu
man. Because some Imagine themselvis
buve work, while others ses netore uiom
nothing but a life of drudgery, there Is con
stant warring and much of bitterness.
When men and women become ashanud of
doing nothing and strive to give to so
ciety run compensation tor an iney rectum
from society there will be harmony between
the classes.
Individual Responsibility.
While EurcDt and America have ad
vanced far beyond the orient In placing a
proper estimate upon those who work, tfn
our nations nave not yei tuny teamen me
lesson that employment at some useful
avocation is essential to ths physical
health, Intellectual development and moral
growth. If America and England are to
meet the requlrenienta ol their hlgli po
sl lions they must be prepared to present
In the Uvea or their citlaeiia oxampiea, in-
ot exiting in number, ot mn and women
who llud deilglit in oontriDUiing to me wel
fare of their fellows, and thla ought not
to be difficult, for every department if
human activity has a fascination of Its
own. The agricultural colleges and Indus
trial sohools which nave sprung up in so
many localities ere evidence that a higher
Ideal is spreading among the people,
and now we come to the most Important
need of the orient a conception of Ufa
which recognlxua Individual reauonalbllay
to Ood. teachea the brotherhood ot man
and measures greatness by the service ren
dered. The first establishes a rational
relation between the oreature ana me cre
ator, the second laya the foundation for
juatlce between man and hla fellows, and
the third rurnianea an aniouiun iare
enough to fill each lite with noble effort.
Mo service wnicn - we can renaer to me
less favored nutions can compare In value
to thla service, for If we can but bring
their people to accept audi an Ideal they
will rival the Occident In their contribution
to civilization.
Christian nation's Work,
If thla Ideal which must be accepted as
the true one. If our religion is true had
been more perfectly Illustrated In the
Uvea of Christians and In the conduct ot
Christian nations there would now ba lesa
of ths "White Man's Burden."
ir It Is legitimate to "seeg anotner s
profit" and "to work another's gain" how
can this service best be rendered? This
has been the disputed point. Individuals
and nations have differed less about ths
purpose to be accomplished than about
the methods to be employed. Pereecutlona
have been carried on avowedly for the
benefit ot the persecuted, ware have been
waged for the alleged Improvement of
thoae attacked, and still more frequently
philanthropy has been adulterated with sel
fish Interests. If the superior natlona have
a mission. It la not to wound, but to heal
not to caat down but to lilt up, and the
means must be example a far mote pow
erful and enduring means than violence.
Example may be likened to the sun whose
genial rays constantly coax the burled
seed Into life and clothe the earth, first
with verdure and afterward with ripened
grain, while violence Is the occasional tem
pest which can ruin but cannot give life.
Gfflcser of Example.
Can we doubt the efficacy of example In
the light of history? There has been great
Increaaa In education during the lust cen
tury and the school houaea have not hnon
opened by the bayonet, they owe their ex
istence largely to the moral lnflueuca which
neighboring nations exert upon each other.
And the spread of popular government
during the same period, how rapid! Con
stitution after constitution hua been
adopted, gnd limitation after limitation has
been placed upon arbitrary power until
H.iaala vieldlna to Dublic opinion, estab
lishes a legislative body and China sends
commissioners aoroau wun a view to in
vltlng the people to share the reaponai
hilittfta of aovernment.
While In America and In Europe there
la much to be correc-tea anu aounaaui
room for Improvement, there has never
been so much altruism In the world aa
ih.r. la lodiiv never ao many wno ac
knowledge the indissoluble tie that binds
each and every omer meiooer ui ma ra.-a.
i h.u. (alt more orlde In my own coun
trymen than ever before aa 1 visited the
circuit of schools, hospitals and churches
which American money haa built around
the world. The example of the Christian
natlona, though but feebly reflecting the
light of the Master, is gradually reiorm
lng aoclety.
Higher Dratlay of gervlee.
Society haa passed through a period of
aggrandisement, the nations taking what
thev had the atrenath to lake and holding
what thev had the power to hold. But we
are already entering a second era an era
In which the nations discuss not merely
what , they can do. but what they should
dn. conaiderlna luatlcS to be more Important
than physical prowess. In tribunals like
that of The Hague, the chosen repreaenla
tlves of ths nations weigh questions of
right and wrong and give a small nation
and equal hearing with a great and decree
mintlni to conscience. Thla marka an im
measurable advance. Hut. Is there another
mi met v.t tn ba taken? Just CC. after all. IS
cold and pulseleaa. a negative virtue. Ths
world needa aomathing warmer, mora gen
erous, llarmleasneaa Is better than harm
fulness. But positive helpfulness Is vastly
superior to harmleosness and we atlll have
beforo ua a laraer. to after destiny or aerv
lea. Kven now there arc Burns of the ap
proach of this third era, not so much In the
actions of governments ss in the growing
tendency of men and women In many lands
to contribute their means. In soma cases
their lives, to tho Intellootual. moral awak
ulna ot Lhoao who alt In darkness. No-
jvfeor m-s tbeoo sigus isoroabupdAat thanj
July I,
Conservative Savings .
Loan Associalion
Real Estate
Loans on Faaabook Security
Warrant Geneiral Pundg
Certificates of Deposit In Banks. . . .
interest Due on Loans
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Real Estate Sold on Contract
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Cash on Hand and In Banks
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W-JHsli-:. H.87,54.49
Capttal Stock Paid in and Diridenda Credited. ...... 11.665,037.25
Building Loans 111,068.94
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Present Dividend Rale , 6 Per Cent
Our need Just now Is for more1 applications for loons. .
Office 205 So. 16th St., Omaha
In our beloved land. Before the sun set on
one of these centers of civilisation It arises
upon another.
On the wans or tne tempie or rvaxnaa
nti ancient artist csrvea tne iiaeness or an
Kgyptluu king, represented as holding a
group of csptivea by the hair and In the
other hand la raised a olub with which to
strike the captives. What king would be
willing to confess himself so cruel today?
In some of the capltols of Kurope are
monuments built and ornamented with can
non taken In war. Thla form of beaming.
once popular, la still tolerated, though time
must give way to some emblem of victory
less suggestive of slaughter.
Great Opportunities nnd Bnrdenn.
Aa we are fathered tonleht In England's
cupltol, permit me to conclude with a senti
ment suggested by a pleoe of statuary at
Windsor castle, it represents wueen vic
toria beside her consort, tine of his arms
is about her and the other points upward.
lie told thH st.jry so plainly mar. it was
hardly necessary to chisel the words.
'allured to brighter worlds and led the
It was a bewtitlful conception, mors beau
tiful thnn that which gave the world ths
U:eek slave, the dying gladlstor or the
goddess Athene.' It embodies ths Iden with
which the expanding feeling of comrade
ship makes applicable the association of
nations, as well as the relations of husband
and wife. Lt us Indulge In ths hops that
our nation may so measure up to Its great
opportunities and bear Its share In ths
White man nurden a to earn too nam
to symbolise Its progress by a similar fig
ure. It haa been allured by providence to
a higher ground; may It lead the war In
winning the conlldence or moan wno ioiiow
It nnd In exhibiting the spirit of Him who
snld, "If I am lifted up, I will draw all men
unto inc."
The reading of the speech proved a dls
ppolntment to the crowd, which wanted
oratory unhampered by manuscript.
John L Orlfflthm tha American consul
general at I Jverpool. answered tor us
guests snd won rounds of applauso whoa
he compared tho financial and meat packing
scandals of the United Btatea to apota on
the sun and paid his reapeota to those .per
sons who could seo the spots, but not ths
The American and British flags wers
draped on the walls of tho dining room nd
the orchestra, played a program of Amer
ican melodies.
The guests included Blr Lnursnos Alma-
Tadema, Paul Morton of New fork. Frank
lin MsoVeagh of Chicago, Consul Oenoral
Wynne, Isaao Seligrman of New York. Rep
resentative Nicholas Longworth of Cin
cinnati, George Harvey of New Tork. J. O.
A. Irishman, American ambassador to
Turkey; Hr H. & Maxim, and Admiral
During tho dinner Ambassador Held read
a letter fro Queen Alexandra expressing
the keenest sorrow ever the Salisbury rail-
way disaster and tendering a heartfelt sym-
pathy to all concerned, "especially the
young bride so suddenly bereaved," mean
ing Mrs. Frederick H. Cossltt of New Tork.
(Continued from First Page.)
aervance of Independanos day has Increased
rapidly during the last four years the
country over, and the decrease of death
and Injury In Omaha Is merely In line with
the rest of the country. The figures, how
ever, a how that the advanoe has been made
principally In regard to lockjaw. Accord
ing to the Journal of the American Medi
cal association the total deaths from this
cause for 1108 attributed to Fourth of July
gunpowder celebrations numbered 481, In
1904 but 18 and in IMS. 111. There were
6.171 persons dead or injured In 1KB against
i.U In 103, the conclusion being thst small
accidents flourished, but that the mors
serious ones declined. In 1906 Nebraska's
quota to the total casualties was small,
thsre being but four deaths and thirty-nine
persons hurt.
Boy Shot with Mine.
Ths shooting of John Law. ths li-yeer-old
aon of Ambrose Le, 2&2 California street,
occurred about U:lv yesterday morning, the
ride being in the hands of a playmate
named Frank Welch. Lee, Welch and an
other boy, named Karl Edwarde, were
ahootlng at a bottle In the backyard of the
Edwarda borne on California atreet near
Twenty-fourth. The target waa ao close
that little difficulty was experienced In
hitting it. Lee proposed that the ahootera
atep further back and they atarted to do
thla when Lee noticed the gun waa point
ing towarda him.
"Don't point the gun at me," ha Bald,
and endeavored to push the muaxle away.
The force used, according to the stories
told, waa sufficient to cause young Welch'a
and light wagon, the driver of which
whipped up and escaped. The boy waa
taken to the police station and bruises
about ths legs and feet dressed by Surgeon
Raber. The patient was removed to his
ttetM laitai IDA. tit OTIS
is cents baom t a son aa osmts)
efcosrr, eeasoev a eo.
1906. of
I1.S30.574. 00
4. 070. S3
. . None
home. ' His Injuries were not considered
Jnmee Tnkos Tnasblo.'
Tho explosive cane was much In evtdenoa
being used In large numbers because of Its
phenomenal noise-making proclivities. It
is supposed to bo ons of the safest imple
ments of celebration, but It did not work
well In ths oaso of Alex James, a farmer
of Lockport, Mo. James bad spent his
money on firewater rather than on fire
crackers and waa sitting near an area way
at Thirteenth and Douglas streets dream
ing dreama. Someone dropped an explosive
cane near hla feet and tha shock caused
him to fall Into tha areaway. Wounds
about ths scalp were dressed by Police
Surgeon Flynn and James locked up lest
hs get Into more trouble.
Ray Freer, a boy of 11 years, accidentally
ran a knlfs tn his eye while engaged In
oelebratlng and may loss ths sight of It as
a result. Hs was taken to ths Omaha Oen
eral hospital and tho Injury dressed by Or.
Rasjr on tho Pranks.
Police Judge Crawford made short work
of police court business yesterday morn
ing. All oases of Importance worn con
tinued and when about twenty drunks lined
up for punishment ths Judge said: ' . ,
"Boys, this Is ths nation s birthday. Tol T
ought to be ashamed of yourself for being
In jail on tho Fourth of July. As I think
a great deal of ths oooaalon I am going to
dismiss you with an admonition to ' get
drunk no mors."
The prisoners released fait go goof about
it that thsy gave three oheers for his
kmaf and nmnillMt' ta mt im n.i wnfen
wagon tho first tlras they saw ons.
finger to doss over ths trigger ant -fsll
to ths ground with a 11-oallbre long bullet
in hla left lung. Hs was taken homo Im
mediately and Dra. Allison and Porter sum
moned. They at onos pronoun oed tho oaso
very serious and tho patient waa taken to
Bt. Joseph's hospital. It is thought that ho
cannot live.
Fred Marsh. 1B61 North Elghtoenta street,
lost an sye as tho result of using a toy
oannon to oelsbrate with. He and soma
other boys were firing the cannon at Six
teenth and Oraoe streets about Il; When
the powder oan booame ignited and ex
ploded. Marsh caught the oonouaaloa In
his face. Ha was attended by Dr. Bherr
and taksn to his homo.
Because he hold a largo firecracker too
long Will Howard of 174 Leavenworth
street will lose ths Index finger of his right
' band. His left hand was badly lacs rated
also. Howard waa doing hla noise miking
In the rear of his home. He was attended
by Dr. Stuart McDIarmld. . ,
Burke McMahlll, aged KK had part of his
oheek blown off by the too close proximity
of a firecracker at Twenty-fourth and
Emmet streets. Dr. Paul H. Ellis dressed
his wounds.
Beer Wagon got em Mrs.
A small boy at Sherman avenue and
Manderson street during the morning
touched a match to a bunch ot fire crackers
. an4 ,nr,w tnem on ih of a wagon
dellverlng beer A few Seconds later the
top was In a blase and the driver had to
hurry to escape being singed. The dam
age, was about $20. The matter was re
ported to the police, who failed to capture
the small hoy.
Stanley Kersan. an American District Tel
egraph boy residing at 83a Leavenworth
street, wss stooping to light ft flreoracker
sn ths pavement at Fifteenth and Howard
streets when he wss run down by a horse
All Orocen tad DniultiM
BM mall
Vinton Street Park.
JULY ,4, 4, 5, 6. ,
July 4th, Morning Game 10:30
July 4th, Afternoon Game 3:45
Friday, July 6th Ladies' Day
Games Called 3:45
Ths largest excursion steamer running ea
the Mississippi river will arrive at Omaha
about Jobs Kth and will make regular sa
rin Horn every afternoon and evening. The
uaan haa one of the largaat Aaore
of any excursion steamer on tho fives aad
IU be run strictly Arst class.