Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Tm Utj tat 1907 Tenutirely Brotitbt to
Official ffctice.
Departaaeat Be Asked far Eatl-
mate oa Wklrk ta Base Flaal
Calealatlea ar
Th matter of mikln tha turn ta Urv
ire brought befor the city council last
rdght by a resolution from Councilman
Bedford, naming tentative figure for the
amount reqalred. Cotinollman Zlmmin Im
mediately said that the eubjrrt vn on
worth thorough discussion and considera
tion and that estimates of egpnses should
be MQehred from all departments and an
effort made to trim the levy as low aa
possible. Bedford aald he agreed with him
and the document waa referred to the gen
eral committee. It named the sum of
ITtiO.Ool) for general city purpose. ITVXOM)
for the staking fund and 13 mill for the
chool district.
Health Commissioner Connell'a ordinance
the local health department, waa highly
rompltmented for returning tha beat r
porta received up to date." Mr. Barker
treasure the letter very highly.
Charles MvGrata'a High Cheek Baaea.
May (4BTlet Hla af
Charlea McOrath' high check bone may
be the cause of Ma aervtng a term In the
penitentiary for the robbery of a etreet
car conductor on the South Omaha lln
June t. Then , prominent facial feature
were used in the Identification of McOrath
a the holdup man by Motorman C. O.
Anderson, who waa tha principal wltnee
In the trial of McOrath Tuesday morning
In Judge Button court. AnderCon declared
he raw McOrath and hi companion climb
on the car, and the minute he caught alght
of them he felt ure a holdup wa going
to happen.
The men Btood on the rear platform for
a few minute and then atarted for tho
front of the car. " Anderson (aid he took
particular notice of- them because of hi
premonition that something waa going to
happen. The man he Identified aa Me
Grath went to the front platform and held
his gun on him, ordering him to atop th
car opposite the Catholic cemetery. The
other man went through the pocket of the
to 1v ' hla office the rlsht to condemn
and remove vault and cesspools within 1 conductor. O. A. l.ane. getting about 14 In
errer tHrtrtct at will met.deth by a vote mange.
of 4 to . Councilman Davl attacklna the Anderon wa very positive In his Identl
nuatton or sicuratn. tie said ne noticed
his cheek none especially and ha could
GoTtroor lot wen Fropoeali of Eii Chief
Eival for Semination.
Reaalaatlea Fairly Waa TV 111 Be Re
ejalred of Coarcatl, Say Caaa
anlaa, aaa Perklaa Oagkt
ta B Goad.
DE8 MOINES, July l.-Oovernor A. n.
measure severely. Dr. Davl aald he would
not want to .trust anything to the discre
tion of the commissioner accenting his
hostility to Commissioner Council plainly.
Govern talked 'from the standpoint of
tha poor man who s trying to pay for a
heme. The commissioner wanted- the old
restriction about' condemning nuisance of
the kind taken away.
, Call for a New Via dart.
A resolution was . Introduced Instructing
th engineer to prepare preliminary plans
for a viaduct over th railroad tracka from
Thirteenth to Fourteenth atreeta on Locust,
but waa referred to the committee on rail
way and viaduct at the request of Zlm
man, who said ha did not believe the traffic
on Locust street Justified demanding the
expenditure . from the railroad companies.
Councllmen Bedford, Brucker and McOov-
rn said the condition were the -reverse
' and that the street waa much used, espe
daily by women and children.
Ordinances were Introduced to make it
punli.hable by a 1100 fine and ninety day'
' Imprisonment to tak and use automobiles
Without the consent of owners; to abolish
tbe lob of clerk In the street commissioner's
office and to make the transfer concessions
granted by tha street railway company
4aeetlaa) of Caa Inspector. -The
ordinance to abolish the office of
ga Inspector waa passed, but ao amended
a to Indicate clearly that the council In
tend to re-create th place as soon as
the present Incumbent, John C. Lynch, Is
thrown out of the Job. This amendment
struck out the section transferring the
duties of the office to the city electrician
and make no arrangement for perform
ing them.
By way of ringing in the necesssry char
ter change for th offices of city prosecutor
and gas Inspector ' Mayor Dahlman sub
mitted the names of V, J. Connell- and
Humphrey Lynch Instead of those of Tom
Le -and John C. Lynch, both being
promptly rejected by the council. Zimman
made a sarcastic speech about Connell and
caused considerable amusement." '
Mayor - Dahlman named three appoint
ment to fill vacancies on the library board,
th council confirming them, aa follows:
W. U.j rMEra nee , vice Alfred Kennedy;
Philip Andrea vice Charles E. Morgan:
George Rogers vice Nathan Bernstein. The
terms id 'July 1, lf.
tAaetow bldihwt-sewer-, conatructlon." con
tract's were awarded to R.' L. Kennedy for
ft.302.3 and 14.4.71 In districts 318 and V,
and-fo ' John F, Daley for $1,818.60 -In dis
trict 319.
" Bids for Advertising.
The Evening Ben and the Evening World
Herald submitted proposals for city Silver
Using, .the prices being for squares of ten
unleaded nonpareil lines each. The Bee
figures wer 37H cent for the first Inser
tion, 24'V cente for th second. 21 cents
for the third, 21 cent for the fourth; 90
cent for. the fifth. ' 19 cent for the lxth,
18 cent for the seventh, 16 cents for the
eighth, 14 cents ior the ninth, '12 cents for
the tenth and 12 cents thereafter. The
World-Herald ' proposed to do the adver
tising for St rents the first Insertion and
SO cents for subsequent Insertions of tli
awne matter. The bids were referred to
the finance committee.
The James Morton eV Sons company sub
mitted a bid of $1,170 for furnishing sixty
sis of broom for the street-aweeptng ma
chines, and F. J. Robbln bid 118 for each
ten sections. Th proposal were referred
for tabulation.
The health commissioner reported tlint
during June he had served W0 notice or
dering people to clean up alleys and back
yards, and that .4 surprisingly larg num
ber bad compiled. The liata wer being
shacked up and delinquents are to be given
to alternative of complying within twenty
four hour or going to 'Jail.
City's Clash Aoeoaat.
' Tho comptroller aupmlttod -he following
gtaUment of cash checked In the baud vt
the treasurer:
Cash la drawer , 4l&.Kt
Check for deposit lu'ugu 11
balance In lutnk. nltv fundi
first National bank KHMUMS
Merchant National bank. .4.'4t '
Nebraska National. bank.. 62.2til .71
Omaha National bank W.LAu.U
y. t. National bank 62.84
Xountae Bros.. New Vol k K,MU
Balance In batik, schonl fund
First National bank lli,M2 1
Merchants National bank.. .140
Omaha National bank.... S.4n70
y. B. National baufc .HW).7t
ILountae Bros., New Tork M.4W.2 60,33 11
Folic relief fund
itarcb&nt National Dank..$J.13).tl
V. 8. National bank,., .1.7HJ.U 4.M2K!
not be mlstsken. Mr. I.ane did not get a
look at the man alleged to be McOrath,
but he said he waa satisfied McOrath was
the man.
The state rested It caa at noon. Attor
ney Henry Murphy, who la defending Mc
Orath, will put on evident tending to
prove an alibi.
Portion of Creditor File Petltloa la
laterveatloa la Perfleld
t'oa. . . . .
When Judge Smith McPheron convenes
the special session of federal court In Coun
cil Bluffs Saturday he will be called to act
upon the application of fourteen creditors
of the Perfleld Piano company of Omaha,
who desire to file petitions of Intervention
in the I'nlted States court.
Twenty-eight planoa are involved In the
petitions of Intervention. They once formed
part of the atock of the Perfleld company,
and Just previous to the appointment of a
receiver for the company were brought to
Council Bluffs in moving vsns and placed
over night In various storage houses. They
were replevlned the next day . by the re
ceiver, who furnnlshed a bond for twice
their value.
The creditors who appear as plaintiffs In
the petitions of Intervention contend that
the Instruments were owned by them and
were In their actual possession when the
writ of replevin was Issued, and further
thst they were misled by the representa
tions of the Perfleld company as to 'It
financial standing. They allege that s soon
as they learned of the fact that the com
pany waa Insolvent they made a demand
for the return of the Instruments, which
was done. The petitioners also deny that
there was any preference given their claims
as the return to them of their property
alleged to have been secured under misrep
resentation did not constitute a preference
within the meaning of the atatute aa con
tended by the receiver In the replevin suit
It is contended that the property In con-
troversy wss turned over to the rightful
owners before the bankruptcy proceedings
were begun artd the plaintiffs In Interven
tlon demand that they be given Judgment
against the receiver and lb, company, fur
nlshlng his bond In the replevin action.
Mission, whleh furnish th slide, will
be taken.
Par Feed Measare, l n. geolt Say,
Will Hart Oaly ta la.
8peaklng of th new pur food lw en
acted by congress. C. Q. Scott of th Psx-
ton-Q11aghr company ald:
'Whll w do not hav be for Us th
full ttt of th national pur food bill a
passed, w ar familiar In a general way
with th requirements of th bill. We be
lieve the result of th bill will be wholly
Cummin today ent th following letter good and afTord the conumer needed pro-
t O. D. Perklna at Bloux City, in answer tectlon. The vast msjorlty of food manu-
to one received from Mr. Perkin a few facturer ofh United State ar Just as
days ago: Jealoua of their reputation for producing
I hm re oil ani mmi earefullv ronsld I f,lh.rrad food products as in average
rd your letter of the Kth ultimo, and I I goo s jealous of her reputation for bread
io give you fuu7 and 'Frankly' my "v7ew. or cake baking. But th. law .. Intended to
upon the aubject of your communication. protect the consumer against the very email
1 not only desire, with you, that the minority who ar unscrupulous a to their
convention "shall be orderly and above ..,, (i. tha ouestlon of whole,
ausplolon of Intentional wrong." but I con- methods, giving the question 01 wnoie-
fldently believe that It will be guiltless of someness Uttle consideration,
either intentional or unintentional Injus- "This small minority will be either forced
tlce. I cannot share your apprehension thst .... fl A ,i necerv fn rev.
th psrly name Is In danger of dishonor, or out of business or find It necessary to rev-
tnat tne convention win nominate a uciiei oiuiioms ineir nimnuu. ..v.ii mi m
which the members of th psrty will refuse (he pat sags of this law, we believe, will be
:".'i:'.,h .n t. greatly to increase the consumption of
Influence we have the suggestion that a many lines of food products, because the
republicsn convention, however earnest, conumer, knowing that each one of these
'in, either in Its nominstlons or in r.a . ., h. ...hlected to tha closest
latform, give any republican good reason article will b ubjectea to the closest
repudiation of his ticket. 1 hsve scrutiny and tnat 11 must cumpiy wun me
standard sdopted, will have a confidence
In them which h does not now possess.
'It has always been our policy to give
our customer the very beat quality ob
talnabla and we are therefor greatly
pleased with the passage of this law."
Ko Passeager Injured When Saratoga
Limited Is Demolished In
s WiMk,
" " i
BALLSTON, N. Y., July .-Th Saratoga
limited on th Delaware ft Hudson rail
mad, the finest and fastest passenger train
running between Saratoga and New Tork,
wa wrecked In thl village early today,
and although the train wa completely de
molished not a passenger Was killed or in
jured. The train left Saratoga at 7:40
with twenty pasaenger and a crew of
Seven. At the north end of this village the
Bchnectfidy. electrlo railway connects with
the steam railway and when the limited
approached at the rate of fifty miles an
hour the awitch tender made a mistake and
for the
too much faith In the wisdom snd fairness
of mv fellow republicans to allow a Uttle
feeling, developed her and there In the
campaign, to shake my belief In the sober
second tnought or our people. 1 Know mat
the campaign hes been intense, but reason
ha not been driven from the seat of Judg
ment and the convention, will be prompt to
recognise the principle that It la th priv
ilege of the majority to decide and the
duty of the minority to acquleace.
Confident of Nomination.
I cannot concur In your statement that
the pre-conventlon struggle has not re
sulted in a clear settlement of the contro
versy, so far as the nomination for ov-
ernor Is concerned. I would not bs candid
were I not to sav to vou that.- from my
point of view, excluding every contest for
wnicn tnere is even a semblance or rounos
tlon. and without reckoning the two coun
ties yet to hold conventions, I hav more
nan nrty votes above a majority or tna
whole number of delegates in me conven
tion. I refuse utterly io believe thst the
republican of thl state will tolerate, or
that you will approve, the appearance In
toe convention of contestants from sticn
counties as Scott. Delaware. Carroll and
Audubon, or that you will give any sup
port to the extraordinary proposal that
Polk county should be disfranchised be.
cause It convention conferred upon m
the right to select Its delegates, or that
other counties should be rejected because
thev hSDoened to hold the r conventions
prior to the Issuance of the call for the opened the switch, thinking It waa the local
Bat for Her He Would Be Compelled
to Retnrn to Prison for
' Ml.
A mother's tearful pleading brought
about the release yesterday of Tom
Brook, who wa arrested Monday on sus
plclon of being implicated In the burglary
at Beth May's saloon Sunday In Council
Bluffs. Hsd not the case against Brooks
been dropped he would in si) proh.
ability have had hla parole revoked and
been aent back to finish a Ufa term In
the Fort Madlaon penitentiary. .
Heventeen years ago Brooks was con
vlcted of the murder of a msn namt.l
Frank De Good In a Broadway saloon,
known as the "Bucket of Blood." HI
parole waa conditional, aa uaual In tuch
caaes, on the prisoner' promt to keep
out of saloons, refrain from the us of
Intoxicating liquors and otherwise con
duct himself as an upright and iuw-abid
lng rltlxen.
Brooks' parents are highly respected
people and for several years hsve h.l
state convention,
I feel that you are sincere when you say
that you do not want a nomination in-
then. That you would accept the vole of
th counties I have named, or take the
nomination from a convention that had
refused Polk county the right of repre
sentation, or that had exoelled the dele
gates from other counties on account of
th time at which their delegatea were
chosen? I know the high standards which
yon recognise, and I ask you, aa a fellow
man and a fellow republican. Could you. In
good faith, assert before any board of
arbitration- or before the state conven
lion that there is -any honest, fair dis
fiute concerning the title of the delegate
intruded for m from th counties to
which 1 hav referred?
Dispute, that call for arbitration mutt
grow out of circumstance which admit
fair differences of opinion. If I should en
ter your newspsper establishment, demand
It possession and then. suggest that Inas-
mucn a the controversy mtgnt lead to
trouble, w should arbitrate, what would
be your answer?
Not Willing to Give I'p Victory
I have made myself aa clear as. possible
Upon these tniugs because both you and
tn public have a right to know that the
imier numoer 01 contests made 'ana .pro
posed In your behalf are mere sham and
train to be sidetracked, When the limited
reached tbe switch the entire train leaped
from the track. The engine parted from
the train and landed In a ditch on Its side.
Engineer Ed Crane and Fireman Flannery
stuck to their posts and were not Injured.
Th four palace cars followed th track
for a few feet and then overturned and
went into the ditch. The fact that the en
gine parted from th train and went to one
side prevented telescoping and probably
saved a score of lives.
Lnartneer Crane said that the signals were
set right for his Is believed that
the switch wa turned Just before th train
reached th Junction. f
Representative of Colombia Ha Ex
cellent Reeord Man of
Great Learning,
WASHINGTON, July t Enrico Cortes,
who" has been nsmed aa' Colombian minis
manufactured In the vain hope that through ter to the United;ho stranger to
tnem a majority can be turned Into a
minority. 1 am willlna mora than will
ingto do whatever I can to reach a peace-
iur conclusion upon every fair and honest
controversy, but w wllltnot be robbed of
me victory w nav won by th pretense
ui comma wner none exist.
I cannot, however, . accept your proposal
witu respect to such bona tide contest s
may nave arisen during tne course of th
campaign for a variety of reason. First,
neitaer you nor 1 ha the . shadow of
right to enter- Into any arrangement for
th purpose of deetrmlnlng the title of
Washington. In the seventies he served
a secretary of the Colombian legation In
this city. . and last '?: he was sent to
this country the special representative
of President Ryes 'TTls banker and
has' banks both In Xondtrn and 'Bogota,
H to now In Kngland. At th beginning
of the Reyes administration b served for
a -short time as minister of foreign af
fairs, but waa compelled to give up the
any uel, -ate to alt In the convention. Tne I cabinet position to look after his Interest
voiii-iiiin ueirgaies nuve a primary inter- 1 in Qrest Britain
est. and nothing that you or 1 murht do
should or could deprive tnem of the privi
lege or unmiiiing meir titi to tne con
vention itself. Not only to, but all the
delegates who have been chosen to repre
sent the party have a right to decide for
tnemelves who shall constitute the con
vention. The interests of a large nuin
ber of candidates for other offices ar In
volved, and the policy of the party, as It
may be declared in the plat tor 10, may be
directly at laeue. We have at least two
candidates for lieutenant governor, three
candidates for secretary of. stale and
Mr. Cortex was a member of the Colom
blan senate at th time of th failure to
ratify the Hay-Herrsn treaty, and he pre
dieted the dire consequences which came
a the result ot the failure to approve
the convention. This mad Mr. Cortes
very unpopular for a time, but hi coun
trymen soon realised, the wisdom of hi
predictions. '' '
For several years Mr. Cortex served as
William Horace Brown wrote "The Olory
Seekers" with good Intentions. The nsrra
tlvs Is extremely Interesting In places. And
the stories are said to be true, though they
read like fiction. Though a trifle Inco
herent, yet there Is much of fascination
In reading of the filibustering expeditions
to the southwest In the young days of
the republic. Ther are many who would
prefer the book to a mor accurst his
torical portrayal of border history. Pub
lished by A. C. McClurg A Co.
Charles Dormon Robinson, whose Illus
trations (one of them reproduced In color
from the original psstel) of the San Fran
cisco lire will appear In the August Cen
tury, has seen his horn city burn four
times. He was In the fires of ISfl. KA and
18M, as well as the much rreater catas
trophe of lxifl. Mr. Robinson Succeeded ,ln
making a painting of the recent lire when
It was at Its greatest height, on Thursday
night from 11 to t in th morning. He
painted thirteen pastel also, several of
which the August Century will reproduce.
To the student of modern political con
ditions, as well ss the observer of the trans.
Itlon state In our country's csreer, "Con
structive Democracy," by William E.
Smythe, comes as a welcome Illumination.
While there Is no attempt to solve the
many vexing problems before the American
people at this time, yet much food for
thought is here presented. In a brief artlole
It Is impossible to present all of th val
uable feature contained In th book, yt
one cannot refrain from commenting on
the lucidity with which the rate problem
I treated. Most pertinent Is the strong
strain of patriotism which recognises that
certain conditions exist today as dangerous
to the preservation of unity as any which
faced Abraham Lincoln. We quote a sug
gestive paragraph: "Now, a in 1861, it la
certain that a majority of the people, differ
ing widely a they do, aa to policle and
method ar united in one central thought
of which no party ever did or ever could
ciaim exclusive proprietorship. They ar
determined "to eave the union' to preerv
the economic freedom 'and political inde
pendence of the American people. They
have no present thought of revolutionary
changes, but tbey will 'save the union at
every cost.' Published by the MacMlllan
Co., New York.
The "Quickening," by Francis Lynda,
should appeal to those who are Interested
In stories of real men and their develop
ment. It Is a typical American story of
a typical American. Tom Gordon begin
life with Ideal Inspired by a glrL In th
tress of commercial chicanery he lose
them, the loss being accentuated by tha
semi-engagement of th girl to another
man. The latter la an example of th
cold, heartless business man to whom
nothing Is sacred but tbe amassing of
ealth. Gordon yields to temptation only'
to discover In the end that his ideals hav
been merely In abeyance, not lost. Of
course, he gets the girl In tha end and
crushes hi rival, allowing him to aav
a fortune from the wreck, becauae the
maid want him to. A good, wfcolesome
story, which teache some good lessons
and leaves a permanent Impression of
value. Published by Bobbs-MerrllL
The variety of pleasurable and profit
able reading' in Recreation for July is
such as to amply bear out Its 'claim of
being "devoted to everything the nam
Implies." Two very good Informational
arttclea on fishing are "Baas Fishing In
Wisconsin." by Don Cameron, and "A Mat
ter of a' Maacalonge," by Harry U Mans.
"An American Bport for American.' by
O. M. Richards, will urly increase the
Interest In the ancient and excellent game
of lacrosse; the Illustration, from photo
graphs of a game between the 'varsity
teams or Columbia and Pennsylvania,
have a deal of "go" in them. "The Art
of Camping," by Charles A. Bramble, la
to be a series of practical articles, and
the first two chapters appear In this nuni
ber. "To Grand Lake by Team," by J.
W. Copeland, relates a trip in a camping
wagon In Colorado, and "Th. Athers
World' Athletic Meet," by M'.V.jn rl.
Towne, and "The Camping Launch,"- by
W. R. Bradshaw, are relatively of Interest
to followers of athletic and of boating.
lonely mountain family, whose life In
summer I brightened by th passing of
th stage, ahoee passenger frequently
stop to purchase berries or collection of
stonea, mountain flower, etc. The lucky
piece wa given by a small boy to the little
daughter of the mountains In exchange for
a dish of these berries. The author In turn
Introduce u to the summer visitors, a
daughter of th mountains whose father
conducts the summer hotel, an Interesting
and much admired guide, and a hermit.
Around these characters a very interesting
story I woven with the pictured mountain
scenery forming nx very admirable back
ground. There la Just enough undercurrent
of mystery In th tory to make it very 1
Interesting. The story appeared serially
In th Delineator. The Outing Publishing
company of. New Tork I the publisher.
"f4andpeep," by' Sarah R. Rogga, Is a
story of a fisher girl whose home Is along
the northeastern coast of Maine. By
natural methods ah ha given not only
a charming heroin and an interesting
story, but has succeeded also In trans
ferring to her pages the atmosphere of
the wild, free life In which Sandpecp grew
to womanhood and In depleting; realisti
cally the surprises of the grsdual awaken
ing that came from that contact with a
mode of civilisation to which her esrly year
wer unaccustomed. Sandpeep' originality,
her native wit and serene tinconsclousnes
of her own power, the humor that attend
certain characters and acenes, the dramatlo
situation Into which ahe Is brought by her
devotion to the city family whom sha
serves, and the complication of her love
story, combine to make a romance of un
usual Interest. The Illustrations are by May
I,. Bartlett, and published by Little, Brown
"Truth Dexter," by Sidney McCall, author
of "The Breath of the Gods," Is a new
edition of one of the few ' novels of 1901
that continue to be in considerable demand.
"Truth Dexter" has been almost universally
admitted to be the most lovable woman
In modern romanc and the new edition Is
candidates for secretary of, stale and a I rur Jr" v"r
number of candidates tor railroad commis- director of public Instruction in Colombia
and wrote a number of books on educa
tion which attracted much attention In
printed from new platrs. Is handsomely
bound In cloth with a new cover design
and la Illustrated with eight full-page pld
lures by Alice Barbara Stevens, while the'
title psK" contains a vignetted head of
"Truth Dexter," drawn by Jessie Wilcox
Smith. Uttle, Brown & Co. are th pub
lishers. "Court of Love." by Alice Brown, la a
little book easily resd at a aitttng. which
will Inveigle the render by lta title and
capture him by Its Interest and attractive
nppearance. The comedy Is Irresistible, the
absurd situations laughable and the atti
tude toward modern life is kindly. There
Is, of course, a lovely glil, and her peculiar
whims and fanclea lead to the curious v
entanglements which concern all of the
characters. The book Is a distinct depart
ure from Miss Brown's stories of New Eng
land life. llouKhton, Mifflin ft Co., Is the
The above books at lowest retail prices;
Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street.
Dr. Salmon Cioea t t'rognay. .
WASHINGTON'. July 3 .-Dr. D. E. Sal
mon, former chief of the bureau of animal
Industry, has been advised by the Uru
guayan government of the acceptance of
his offer to organise a bureau of animal
Industry for that government at a salary
of 6,XH) in American goia " all of his
living expenses.
Virginian for Sornnr.
WASHINGTON. July 5 Maurice Mar
shall Langhorne of Virginia has been se
lected as secretary of legation at Chrls
tlania and will accompany Mr. Pclrce to
that new post ' about the middle of thl
present month.
Speyer Again Convicted of Mordee.
KANSAS CITY. July S A Jury in tbe
crinilnnl court here today for the conl
time rendered a verdict of mur
der 1n the first degree against John Martin
gpycr, a circus performer, formerly of
New Orleans, who .killed his little son
here four vears ar"- Ppeyer cut his bo'3
throat while a mob was trying to reach
him for an alleged assault on a young
girl. He waa convicted at the first trial,
but given a rehearing.
A safe, delicious, 1
tcUl tthnulatiii. Ionic is
nacostitr with every
busy msn and woman. Af
r th wnm of basinet.
1st hours, shopping or le I j
diout travel nothing equal
VltUbnuainu '
Brace tti nerve aod
create a wholesome ap
petite. Should be on very
sideboard, call tor a at
ay Erst claw hotel. Cafe,
club of restaurant, and
tee lhat it it UNDER.
11 vur,t7rjf
I ?e-w -?-7 UH
L 1111 .aJl MJM.
vJk.-,Vl I'll
IT ' -" I ' II II LJ
mm 11 . .. . a i TV I I an.
The Best
Qvr ,tM.0M kettle kasenai It U. B.
Cted snd Indorsed by th hlghast .
tntasrlttes la all eoaaUlss.
At Grocers, "Wlno Moronnnts,
I -oaf 'r-. gM..UM
sioner, and they are Just as much con
cerned In the contesting delegations as
we are. Even, therefore. If M would be 1
wise under any circumstances to resort to I
rbilration, the candidates for governor
ought not to assume the prerogatives which
belong. In part, at least, to others.
Second My firm conviction is that
party peaoe and harmony would not be
secured by referring the controvermes in !
thl state to the national committer. The
Dtactire would be full of danger and dis
cord. In the end the national committee
would become the master of the uarty. ss 1
to Its state policy and aim. nation'. anJ
Ijtln Anierlcs. He haa also written sev
eral historical works.
Kaiser Starts XEorTh.
KIEL. July Emperor William left
Kiel todsy on a cruise northward. He
will arrive at Trondhjem, Norway, July f.
mi. ,.rni..lii.u HI ' it 1 1 11 mn r.iui.n ' . h. ,,.
tne contract Tor rurnlsnins mla to thw . inference that It would disrupt our or
prtsoners in the city Jail. The evidence I ganlzatlon and tend to our deieat. It 1
A ... . ... . - . . ..
ajtatntt Brook a to hi alleged connec
tion with I ha robbery at tbe aleth May sa
loon was purely circumstantial and tno
police believe that the other man for
whom they are looking was the one win
uggested and planned the burglary.
Total funda'oa hand.'
Haa Qaa a. If Hot tne BsnaUt, Death
Hat In tn r sited
I gtate.
Omaha U on of th most healthful cltlea
In th United Btatea. according to a ra
nort Just iaaued by the census bureau of
mortality statistic of th nation for tn
yur front Isut to U04, inclusive. Th
death rat of th city per 1.0u0 population
M given a 11 1 which la flgur, however,
oa th 1N4) oonau rturna of Ion than lot,
00. whan lta real population I over 132.000.
Paptt thl fact Bt. Paul and St. Joseph
ar th only towns f anything Ilk
Omaha ! ls that hav lower dram rate.
aoordlnsT to tha showing mad, Bt. Joseph
I th hlt bleat city, small or larg. that
yagltr guUstlc of Lh kind In th
vinfry. th rat being 7.1
U should b remembered In thl eonnac
Uoc that It la calculated also on th 1
nana, which waa supposed to saggerat
Bt. Joseph's population a much a it d-
yraoiataa that of Omaha, fit. Paul a death
fate la gtvan at Ua. Bevea smaller cltlea
4U showa with mortality scale slightly
Omaha, hut thy ar town of small
aaoapt. Lincoln, which la down at
la. 4, aod thsrofor takes Its place In the
front rack of healthy town. With soma
ether eommunlUe running up to W and
over pr Luoo, It will b understood how
wall Omaha and Lincoln stand.
J tv roooat latur from th ceasu de
Bataaaat John Barker, alark (or year In
Car Made tn Omaha, Holding; Twenty
People, Will Make Regu
lar Rnns.
Omaha Is finally to have a rest sight
seeing automobile car with which to show
visitors the beauties of th city. This ha
been brought about entirely through local
enterprise, th owner being Omaha men
and the machine waa made In Omaha. The
car which will be utilised for this purpose
Is an enormous twenty-horse (.ewer ma
chine which will carry twenty people com
fortably. It wa mude "by the ' Karbach
company and la a model In It line. Th
;ats run crosswaya, permitting everyone
to rid looking forward.
Th ear Is owned by a new cdmpany
formed for the express purpose of putting
this and other automobiles on ths streets
sailed ths Automobile Service company.
The "sightseeing car" will leave the Her
Grand every hour for a trip through the
parka and over the boulevards ot Omaha.
This rams company also hss bought a
number of large-sised touring ears which
will be used for rental to parties wishing
to tak special trlpa to points not covered
by the sight-seeing ear. An office las been
established In the Her Orand where snr
Information may be had concerning the
tat ice. nui
I incnther
good leel
j 1 side per-
Grass Will Bo llaatd Along; Right.
f.Way of tho Inlen
Th Union Paolne la considering th
plan of planting alfalfa along the right-of-way
of the 1.000 miles between Omaha and
Ogden. Thl la being: -considered a . thu
asiest and best way to eliminate th
weda which Insist on coming up along th
track. Experiment will b made, and
ehould they be successful It will be planted
for the whole distance. Alfalfa I a hardy
plant and will grow without Irrigation,
and when once It get a foothold air other
vegetation la strangled. Weed cannct
Brow In alfalfa and will thus soon be don
away with.
Jar better for ua to adjust our own trou'
ble. we have been aula to do this wi-n
high success In the past, und 1 am sura
tliat we 1 an do It in the future. 1 do not
vry much whether a state convention
slioult", under any circumstances. sk f7i
aid of an arbitrator In the lid justment of
controversies which may com b.'iore 't.
It may be Influenced by partisanship and
may not always do perfect Justice.- hut
Its decisions concerning its own
ship will he more apt to bring good
lug than the judgment or any ou
son. tiooo government seems to require
that a contested seat In a legislative as
sembly shall be determined by the legls
Istive body Itself, and the reasons which
support this practice Apply wlih still
greater force to a political convention.
Plea for Harmony.
Btltvln that It would be unwise to
adopt your suggestion, I am still heartily
In accord with your desire to promote th
strength and harmony of the party. 1
want the convention to do Its work In the
t1me-3inored way. and, althougn I cannot
aaree to the withdrawal of any part of
Its responsibility, there Is a melhid
through which you and I ran allay much
of the bitterness to which you refer an!
insure a convention that will be full of
enthusiasm and begin a campaign lhat
will end in a complete victory In Novem
ber, ua from thla time forvtatd put
away the thought that the convention will
be unfair. us stamp out the idea thst
it tnay terminate In disunion. I,ot ua
make our friends and followers understand
that we will no', resort to technicalities
of procedure and that the delegntes who
have been aclected by a majority of the
republican voters, in substantial com
pliance with the custom of the party,
shall take their seats unvexed by op
position, tn tnis way you anu 1 ran ren
der good service to tbe party and can re.
move every trace of Ill-feeling that ha
bean aroused.
I'nfortnnnte) Steamer In Port.
NEW YORK, July I The Dutch tank
earner American, which arrived here to
day from Antwerp, collided with and sank
the Danish schooner Perthe off Bouth Fore
land the night efter the American left
Antwerp. Tbe schooner went down almost
Immediately and all of Its crew of nine,
with fhe exception of Oi captain'a son,
were drowned.
IVegro Sentenced to Hans.
JEKEEIIWON CITY. Mo.. July S.-The su
preme court today overruled a motion to
transfer the case of Edward Bateman, a
negro sentenced to death In Ijiwrence
county for violating a ahlla woman, to the
court en banc, and fixed the execution fur
August 7.
Deadlock Over Senator.
WEP3TEP. CITY. Ia.. July 8-tSpeclal
Telegram. ) After having taken l.t") ballot
without th change of ao much a one vote
the Thirty-seventh senatorial district con
vention. which haa been In session In this
city since yesterday morning, adjourned
this afternoon In hopeless deadlock. It
will reconvene here Thursday afternoon at
4 o'clock- At thla time there Is not tbe
slightest outlook that a break will come.
The vote throughout has stood: D. C.
Chase. Hamilton county, IT: Oeorge W.
Wgrd. Hardin county. It; Charles P. Peter
son, Wright county, IS.
"Oar Coaatry In Plrtnres."
"Our Country In Picture, a Oeneral Sur
vey of the W ork of Home Mission from
Alaska to Porto Rico," Is the title of a
patriotic lecture to be Illustrated with aev.
enty-flve stereopticon slides st the Second
Presbyterian church. Twenty-fourth and
Nicholas street, lh evening of th Fourth
at I o'clock. No admission will be charged
hut t coUecUon for Ut board of ilom
lasts Fe Redacea ftraln Rnte,
TOPEKA, Kun.. July S. The Santa Ke
railway today announced a cut In the rate
of grain shipments of l' cents per lou
pounds from any point on the system, ef
fective at once. The reduction will also
ripply on export shipments to Galveston.
This action I to meet the recent cut made
by the Chicago Great Western. . ,
Wonts Kills Hnsbnnd.
CIIAIU.K8TON. W. Va., July l.-Wllllam
Jarvla of Cooper' Creek, aged 36. was
shot last night by his-wife In the yard
at their home and bis body left out all
night. Before h died h called their Uttle
chlllren to hi aid aud told them that
their mother had murdered him. It i aald
they had frequently Quarreled. ,
Mia Deualas Meet Champion.
WIMBLEDON. England. July 8.-In the
final of the women singles In -the all
England lawn tennis championship tourna
ment her today Miss Douglas beat Mis
Terry, 6-2. 4 2. Miss Douglas will now
meet Miss May Sutton of California for
the title of champion.
Tornado In Texas.
WACO, Tex., July l.-A tornado at West
Station, twenty miles north of Waco, last
night blew down a suore of residences.
Mis. Mary Allen was badly Injured and a
man named Adams had an arm broken.
The members of the Adams family wer
thrown a distance of 100 feet.
Astomobllo Hnoea la Chloagto.
CHICAGO, July I Th feature of th
first day racing held her today uudr
th auspice of th Weaurn Automobile
association wa the endurance contest of
fifty miles. Another event waa th inter
national Darby at fifty miles, with a num
ber of th leading racing autolsts in lh
country among th entries.
Valentin Leaves Orals Company.
CHICAGO, July 1. The resignation of
P. A. Valentin aa president of tna Armour
Oraln company was accepted by tha di
rectors today. O. . Maroey, formerly vice
president, was elected a Mr Va!ntln'a
auccessor. E. M. illggina, former first Vic
preaident, will become vice president.
Hot Day In Oregon.
PORTLAND. Or.. July 1 This city to
day experienced the hottest weather since
July 11. HM. The government report was
K1 degrees, snd street thermometers r-ad
as high as ltx Several persons fainted and
a man died from drinking lc water.
Louise Perrett, originator of "Recipes;
My Friends' and My Own," haa again ex
hibited her clever ability at decorative
designing. In collaboration with Sarah
K. Smith, she has produced a unique and
dainty volume entitled "The Girl Grad
uate; Her Own Book," a novelty every
girl wants in which to keep tho happy
record of her last year In school, college
or university omethlng' h will keep
and prixa alway. Thera I a place for
everything dear to th girl graduate's
heart and memory class flower, color,
yell, motto, photographs, autographs.
Jokes and frolics; departments for social
events, officers, teachera, lnvltatlona, bac
calaureate sermon, programs, present,
press notices, class prophecy and other
"doings." The book la done in delicate
colorlnga on pearl-gray stationery, with
cover to match, handsomely chaaed In
gold, with a trelll of rosea In tints a
most harmonious effect. Put up In an
attractive gray box. Th Rsllly St Brit
ton company, publishers.
"The Lucky Pleoe," by Albert Blgelow
Paine, Is a story of the north woods,
whose scene is laid chiefly In the Adiron
dack mountaina. Our first glimpse of a
1 Early Closing of Omaha Stores
Following up the custom inaugurated a year ago, the
leading stores of the city will, on Thursday , evening, July
5, begin closing their places f)f business at 5 o'clock sharp
Saturdays excepted and continue till end of August.
Hayden Bros.
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Thos. Kilpatrick & Co.
The Bennett Company.
J. L. Brandeis & Son.
Nebraska Clothing Co.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet
Berg-Swanson Co.
The Peoples Store.
Milton Rogers' & Son Co.
James Morton & Son Co.
Fred Brodegaard, Jeweler.
T. L. Combs Co., Jeweler.
Henry Copely, Jeweler.
Columbia Optical Co.
Huteson Optical Co.
Regent Shoe Co.
Walkover Shoe Store.
T. B. Norris (Shoes).
A. Hospe Co.
Fred Kern, Millinery.
S. Fredrick Berger & Co.,
Ladies' Cloaks.
Miller, Stewart '& Beaton.
Browning, King & Co.
Dunning Hardware Co.
Townsend Gun Co.
Mawhinney & Ryan Co.
S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. .
A. Mandelberg, Jeweler.
Albert Edholm, Jeweler.
Brown & Borsheim, Jeweler.
Jos. P. Frenzer, Jeweler.
Drexcl Shoe Co.
Fry Shoe Co.
Sorosis Shoe Store.
Benson & Thorne.
Orkin Bros.
Shelley, Milinery. .
Moyer Stationery Oo. '
Nicoll, The Tailor.
$15.00 Colorado and Back
Elks' Special Train to Denver
For the accommodation of Elks and their families from Iowa and Eastern Ne
braska the Burlington will run a completely equipped special train, leaving Omaha
Sunday, July 15th, at 4:45 p. m., and Lincoln G:35 p. m., arriving Denver for break
fast Monday morning.
Reserve your sleeping car berths either in the Standard or Tourist Sleepers
early1 on account of the heavy volume of Colorado business to move on the special
$15.00 Elks' excursion rate. Standard sleepers, $3.50; Tourist sleepers, $1.75 per
The destination of tickets at the above rate may be Denver, Colorado Springs or
Pueblo. This train will make stops for passengers only at Lincoln. If your ticket
reads going and returning over the Burlington it will be honored for the return
journey on the Burlington's famous electric lighted Denver-Omaha flyer, No. 6, which
leaves Denver at 4:35 p. ra. and arrives Omaha at 7:10 a. m.
Special descriptive folder, Colorado publications, berths, tickets, all information
in connection with your Colorado excursion from
J. B. REYNOLDS, C P. A., 1502 Farnam SI.
a SJMFS m ua sas.
i a
I 1
i 0
' 4
, 6