Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Chloieo Amr;cam Take Both Pactions of
Double-Header from St. Lonit.
second is a battle; between pitchers
White Allows Frit Owe Hit and
of the Visitors Rfirh ".eosd
Rir-rnrn of Other
CHICAGO, July J.-Chlcago defeated St.
Lou In In both pmra nf a double-header
hare today, 6 to 2 and 8 to 0. The first
game was marked by heavy hitting, while
the fond was a pitcher's battle. In which
Whit allowed the visitors but one hit.
6t. Louis runners (ailed to reach second
base. Boors, first game;
st. Lons
B.H. OA B. Nile, cf 9 0 0
aha. If 4 110 0T. Jnn.a. lb..
1 12
r Jones, ef . . 1 1 I 1 0 stona. If
1 0
0 0
lab. 1 1. 3b I
41 Hemphill, rf. 4 i II 0 A
IMT1. BO 4
Doflonife, lb.. 4
O'Neill, rf... 4
IntO Wallace, m l 1 I 1
14 OO'Hrt.n. 2. . 4 1 1 a 0
1 4 0 0 Hartell, Jb.. 4 10 11
0 4 10 HIi keT, e I 0 6 4, c. .. I
Tannaalll, tB 1
1 I t 0 Smtlh. p 10 0
p 1 0 2 0 4) 'O'Connor
1 0 0
Totals II 10 7 14 1 Totals 11 1 14 IT 4
"betted for Smith In the ninth.
OWoao . 80100001 -6
Bt. Louis 0001001108
Lft on bases: Chicago, 4; St. Ixiuls, .
Two-base hit: Hemphill. Three-base nit:
Eton. Sacrifice hit: F. Jones. Stolen bases:
Nni (21, O'Neill, F. Jones, Donohue, T.
(ones. Struck out: By Owen, J; by Smith,
First basil on balls: Oft Owen, 4; off
Smith, 1. Hit with pitched ball: Bicker.
Time: 1:68. Tmplre: Connolly.
Score, second gurnet
Halm. R....14 1 t 0 NtleO,
T. IOlig.
B 11 O A E.
of. .... 4 0 1 0 0
W. Jnoea. of.. 4
0 1 0T. .tonal, lb. 1 0 II 1 0
laboll, 2b
liarta, ss.
.401 I Stone. If I 0 0 4 0
.10 0 4 0 H.mphltl, rf. I t 3 0
Donohuo, lb.. I I It
O'Neill. If... i 0 0
0 Wallace, aa.. 1 0
0O Brian, lb... I
Hartzall. lb.. I
Suiitraji, e. . , I
0 I
Tann.hlll. lb I
1 I
u O (.'onnor, o. . 8
While, I 0 t 1 OJacobaan. S.I 0 0 I
1 0 0
a i n ii i
Totala 27 1 !4 1 8
Batted for Jarobsen In the ninth.
Chicago 02010000 1
St. LajuIs VO0O0OOO0-O
IWt on bases: Chlccsro, 3; 8t. 1x3 ill. 0.
Sacrifice lilt: O'Neill. M..len bases: Dono
hue (2;, F. Junes. DouMe pluys: Davis to
lHtxill to Donohue, Wallace to O'Brien.
Struck out: Uy Jacobsen, 1. First base on
balls: Off White. 1; off Jacobsen. 1. Time:
1:27. Vmplre: Connolly.
Waalilnarton Shots Oat Boston.
WASHINGTON. July 3-Raln stopped
today s gume between Washington and
Boston at the end of the fifth Inning, with
the score t to 0 In favor r the local team.
A remarkable catch by Hickman, almost
against the right center Held fence, was
the feature. - Score:
B.H O A B. B.H O A E.
Aiiiaor. a... i 1 o I 0 Parent, aa ... 1 o 0 0 a
Jonea, cf t 1 '
Mil, M 8 i
0 0 C. Buhl, cf.. I
8 0 Freoraan, lb.. I
1 0 iloer. If 1
1 0 V
Croaa, lb..... I
Andrraon, If. 8 0 1 0 Ferris, 2b.... 8 8 0 1
Hkkman. rt.. 8 . 1 1.0 0 Nudln. rl... 1 10 0
Stahl, lb.
0 0 7 0 0 Morgan, to... I 14 1
H.ydnn, 0.... 8 9 8
0 Armbruat.r. c 1 0 t 0
P.... 8 0 0 1 0 Harris, p 2 0 0 8
. Totala 18 4 15 t 0 Totals 18 III I t
i Washington 0 2 3 0 0 R
Boston 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hits: Jones, Ferris. Three-base
hit: Cross. . Sacrifice hit: Cross. Stolon
bases: Mil, j. utahl (L'i. Morgan. Double
f.- yL, JI"rtt" to Freeman. lft on buses:
Washington. 3; Montm. S. ' First base on
bnlf-: off Harris. 3. First base on eriois:
ashlngtoii. 1. mt with pitched ball: Hv
J"1'1""- ' Struck out: By Kltson. 2; by
Harris, 2. Time: 1:15. .. , .
Cleveland Shots Oat Detroit.
' CI.EVKl.AND O.. July 3-Cicveland de
feated Detroit J to g today and regained
first pliice. It begun to rain In D. troll s
half of the llfth, hut Kvans forced the
teams to play loSite Detroit's pretext
until the end or tin slxtn. During the
sixth the field was a sea of mud and water
the eecond baseman of Detroit playing in
a. rain coat. Score:
.. BH . Wtlotyro, if..! ot
A a a .i
Bar, cf 8 1
Turner, aa ... 4 2
l.sjola. Kb.... I 8
1 l t Crawford, rf.. 8 t 1 2 0
1 8 UCobh, cf 8 1 1 0 0
l4 vi guinun, on a 0 I a 1
Roasman. lb. 1 1 ft A min,.... 11. , a .
8 .1 oi ouahUa, lb. 8 0 2 8 1
Jaikson. If... 3 0 10 Oo Xeary.' aa.. I 0 8 18
Bradley, ab..8 0 0 1 0 W arner. C....1 0 8 0
lark, c 2 2 8 1 0 Donahuo. , p. . . 8 0 10 0
Townaand, p. 8 8 0 8 0 Payne, c 0 0 8 0
Totala 28 11 it 8 0 ToUla 18 8 il It "4
Cleveland .....0 0 2 1 2 0 fi
OfoU 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Rossman. Lajoie. Craw
ford, 'three-base hit: Turner. Sacrifice
lilts: Jackson, itossman, Schaefer. Double
play: Turner to lajoie to Kossman. First
base on bitlls: Off Townsend, 2; off Dona
hue, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Townsend.
1. Left on bajes: Cleveland. 8: Detroit 6.
Struck out: By Townsend, 3; by Donahue
8. Time: 1:18. Umpires: Evans and Sheri
dan. At Philadelphia Phlladelphta-New York
game called at beginning of third inning
on account of rain.
Standing of the Teama.
Played. Won. Lost- pct.
New York.. 63. 88 26 . 606
a BE
New elegant side entrance,
high powered touring car, for
rent by the hour.
Also the "Seeing Omaha"
car, capacity twenty passengers.
All cars run from the Her Grand
The Automobile Service Co.
i i f y"
U o'r
L "IT'..' Ui enpe
OP a BUHL, MX pm4
T 'j . '.; T f
"Vs-aw ' ' ''
Cleveland ? 4" M .sr
I'hllsdelphla ft 39 .
Cnlrsgo firt .11 3i .fcs
Detroit 7 3H M .M7
Ht. Ixiuls T 31 .4-;
Washington n 24 41 J'
Boston 17 48 2Z
Uames tday: St. f.ouls st Chicago, lie.
troll st Cleveland. New York at Fhila
d'lphia, Boston at Washington.
'sin'! lionil Work Knahlea Parkers
to Defeat Bremer.
M1I.WA1KEE. July . Pwann wss In
vincible with men on lases today snd Kan.
ens City won an easy victory. The game
wan niHrred by rontinual kicking at the
deftslnns of Danglcy, the new umpire.
B.H.O A T. B H O A E.
P rrine. aa . .
I lir, f...
W a M ron . rf . .
Til 1 1. 2b
Slaltery, lb",
flotiannoh. cf.
Ft'irk, Sh
Iahr. c
SaanD, p.....
I a 4
0 Roptliaon. at
0 iren. rf
fHrnea. If...
2 Rateman. lb
1 H phi It. rf-ns
OtteTllla. c...
OCIark. lb
0 I
2 1
1 14
1 !
f 1
0 0
VrCorm'k. 2b 4
Or.fiortwtn, p. .. 4
Iiouahartv. cf 1
Totali 24 10 n II I
Tolala S7 8 27 13 1
Kansas City 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 ? a
Milwaukee 1 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-bi!.e hit: perrine. Home run: Burkn.
Stolen hnen: perrine, Slatteiv. 1jis s on
halls: Off lioodwin, ti. Hit by pltclud bp II:
Uoodwln. 1. Struck out: By iloodwln. 7; by
Hwnnn. I. Sacrifice lilts: Green. Caesady.
Slsttery. Boliannan, Pwann. Mft on bases:
Milwaukee. K; Kansas City, 10. Time: 2:X.
Umpire: l.angley.
Millers M In from Saints.
MINN RA POtil 8, July 8-Sugden made
threa errors today, each one resulting In
runs, Minneapolis winning 7 to 9. Ford re
tired after the third Inning. Score:
B.H.O.A-B. B H O A K.
Darla. ef 4 1 4 1 0 Oeler, as 4 2 110
Rtilllran, rf. . 8 0 1
Freeman, lb. 8 0 11
0 Sufrden, lb. . . 4
0 VanZan.1t. cf. 8
OKrlak. rf 8
0 Wheeler. 3b.. 4
o rv. it , a
0 Pailnn. Jb... 8
(Iremlng r, 8b 8
Hart. If 4
Oyler, sa 1
Uraham,, 2b.-4
Yf?atr, o...; 4
Ford, n t
(adir.rder, p2
I 0 Drill, c.
8 0 Mooro, p
.( 4
.. 8
4 0
Totala 18 10 24 10 1
ToLala 2T t 27 14 0
Minneapolis 2
Bt. Paul 1
0 J 2
10 0
0 0
0 0 0.
1 '-7
1 '0 3
Three-base hit: Hart. Stolen bases: Davis.
Greminger (2), Oyler, Graham, Coy. Sacri
fice hits: Sullivan (:'), Freeman, Cadwalla
der, Oyler, Sugden, Coy. Hits: Off Ford,
b In three Innings; off Cadwullader, 6 In six
innings. Hit by pitched ball: Oyler. Struck
out: Uy Ford. 1; by Cadwallader, 2; by
Moore, 4. Bases on balls: Off Moore. 4: oft
Ford. 2; off Cadwallader, 2. Ixpft on bafes:
Minneapolis, 6; St. Paul, 8. Time: 2:00.
Umpire: Kgan.
Columbns Hats Out Victory.
I-OCISVIL.LE. July 3 Columbus defeated
Ixuiisvllle today by batting Puttniann at
opportune times. Kobertallle kept the local
hits well scattered. Score:
B.H O.A.E. B.U.O. A.B.
Plrkartnf, cf. 4
0 0 Hallman, If.. 4
4 OfltnTall. cf... 8
0 Bsaahear. 2b. 4
1 OsulllTan, lb.. 8
0 0 Karvln. rf . . . 4
1 0 Woodruff. 8b. 4
2 OShav. c 8
1 1 Qulnlan, aa... 8
2 0 Puttmann, p. 4
1 0
2 1
2 10
a a
l a
0 9
Wrlrler, 2b.. 4
Hinrhman, rf 4
Coulter, If.... 2
Kihm, lb 8
Frlel. lb 8
Hulaarltt, aa.. 8
Blue, c 8
Robertalllo, p 8
ToUla 81 8 87 11 1 Totals 84 11 24 18 2
Columbus 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 1 6
Ixiuisville 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 03
Two-base hit: Hulswltt Three-base hit:
Coulter. Stolen bases: Sullivan (2), Coulter.
Sacrifice hits: yulnlan, Sullivan, Kihm,
Coulter. Bases on balls: Off Puttmann, 2;
off Robertallle, 2. Struck out: By ' Putt
mann. 2: by Robertallle, 4. Wild pitch:
Robertallle, 1. Double plays: Qulnlan to
Brashear to Sullivan; Puttmann to Bra
shear to Sullivan; Stnyall to Qulnlan;
Coulter to Wrlgley to Kihm. Left on bases:
IxMilsvllle, ; Columbus, 4. Time: 1:55. Um
pire; Owens.
Game Postponed.
At Toledo Toledo-lndianapolla
postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams
.... 75
.... 71
.... 70
.... 71
.... 71
.... 73
.... 71
.... 70-
Won. Lost. Pct.
45 39 .O0
41 30 .677
3! 31 .B67
37 ' - " 34 ' .SH
35 3i , .4:fl
85 3S' .47
28 43 'sSH
2 ' ' 44 - .871
Columbua ......
Kansas City....
Minneapolis ...
bt. Paul
Games todav! Columbus at I.Aiitavlll In.
dianapolis at Toledo, Kansaa City at Mil
waukee, St. Paul at Minneapolis.
Defeat Fremoat by a Score of Fire to
Three. -
FREMONT. Neb., July 3. (Special Tel
egram.) Sioux City defeated Fremont in
an interesting game this afternoon bv
heavy hitting In the third, aided by a
bad error. Colonel Shea's boys were be
ginning to find Kooney when the gams
was called at the end of the seven! n 10
enable Sioux City to catch the Llnco.-;
train, and the fans think the' next two
Innings might have changed the result.
Sioux City had a strong outfield and notn
Ing got away from them. Freese got a
finger knocked out In the sixth and Welglo
caught the next Inning. Score;
, R H E.
Sioux City 1 0 8 0 0 1 05 8
Fremont 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 8 6
Struck out: By Rooney, 5; by Bradlev,
2; by Hunter. 1. First base on balls: 0:t
Rooney, 3. Hit by pitcher: Rooney, 2.
for Rent!!
Douglas 527
- 77
ly Ike 014 lettable M. SEULES SEUIXS
Established in Omaha for 11 years. The many the,
aands of cases cured by us make ua the most export,
enc.d Specialists In the west. In all diseases and all.
tnenta of men Me know just what will eure you-a
and our. quickly.
We make no misleading er falsa statements er offet
you cheap, worthless 11 oat menu Our reputation ani
ame are too ravorally known every case we treex.
eur reputation is at stake. Your health, life and bxae.
Dlness Is too serious ft m,tt t n n.u M T .
.- ww-, 1 01 frym a cuag (or Weak.
NertrOus Man, Varicocele troubles. Narvou. DebiUty.
l-f. 1 rts'kA tsk I ax-t. aa Pen u I aa 4 aa. a . . Wt 1 1 J . a. '0
lUMAMav, Hydrocele. ChrentV DieeMeeL
viseasea, aieaiaca and Bala Dlseaea.
Examination and Consultation. Write Baa
symptom Blank fer Heme Treatment,
f8 aeenaeJaa.
Balter1s: Sioux Cltr. Rooney, Freese
and VTetgle; Fremont, Bradley, Hunter
and Shea.
(kaiaplaai Shat Oat the Darkey
Holmes taad.
DF.8 MOINES. July Hitting Jones for
one, two or three bases in the first Inning
the Champs scored five runs, sddeil oni
more In the third on a base on balls, a sac
rifice and an error, and won the last of the
noma series t to 0. The game was plaed
fat and after the first Inning Jones tight
ened up while his team supported him well.
Msnske was a bit wild, but steadied down
with men on bases and strikeouts prevented
scores. Ketchem wss struck on the
elbow with a pitched hall nnd retired from
the game, and Towne slid Into 7.lnran at
the plate on a double play. Injuring Zln- i
ran's shin and putting him out of the game. 1
AB. R. 11. O. A. E.
Csffvn. If 1 1 1
Schlpke. 3b 4 12
Welrtay. cf
Dexter, lb 4
Towne, e X
Ifogrlever, rf S
Andreas, ss 4
Ma goon, 2b 4
Manske, p 4
Totals 3.1 6 11 27
AB. R. H. O.
Flllmsn. ss 3 1 0
Collins, rf 4 0 2 0
Oulllln. 3b 3 0 13
Thomas, lb 4
Kstchem. cf 0
Steen. rf 3
Wolfe. If. o 4
Barton, 2b 2
Zlnran. c 2
Morse, It t
Jones, p S
Totali 80 0 I 24 IS 8
Des Molnea 6 0 1 n 0 0 0 0
Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Stolen bases': Schlpke. Magoon. Two-base
tilts: Caffvn. Towne, Hogriever. Three-base
hit: Magoon. Double play: Zlnran to
Thomas to Zlnran. Bases on balls: Off
Jnnet., 2r' off ManskA" 2. -Hit by pitched
ball: By Manske, 1. Struck out: By Manske.
11; bv Jones. 8. Time: 1:30. Umpire:
Keefe. . Attendance': ,UX). . ' '
; Standing; of the Teams.
. v Played. . Won. Lost
Des Moines.
Sioux City ......
, IS
. 59
Games today: Des Moines at Omahn.
Sioux City at Lincoln, Pueblo at Denver.
Wild Throws by Dorner Allow Phila
delphia to Defeat Boston.
BOSTON, Mass., July 3. Dornei was re
sponsible for the defeat of the locais today,
his wlldness In the sixth liming costing a
run and a wild throw by him in the
eleventh allowing the winning tally. The
game was well played despite the error
column. Score:
Thomna. cf... 4 0 4 0 0 Brldwell, as.. 6 1 2 8 1
Gleaaon. 2b... 8 0 8 4 0 Tonnay. lb... 8 1 It 8 0
Tltua, rf 8 3 4 0 V Brain. 8b 8 1 8 8 1
Courtney. 8b. 8 8 8 0 Bales, cf 4 0 10 0
Maare. If 8 3 4 Howard. If... 4 0 3 1 0
Doolln.' aa.... 6 0 8
Branafl.ld. lb I 1 7
I 1 uoian, rf a v v a t
U 1 Brown, e 8 0 7 3 0
8 0 Btrobel. 2b... 4 1-241
Lioola. c 8 3 4
Duttlebr. p., 8 1
18 0 Uornor. p
1 0 2 4 8
"O Nalll
1 0 0 0 0
Totals 48 8 88188
ToUla 84 4 83 83 8
Batted for Dorner In the eleventh.
Philadelphia ...0 00001000034
Boston 0 000010000 23
Sacrifice hits: Dorner, Duggleby. Two
bane hit: Magee. Home run: Brain.
Stolen bases: Doolin, Dooin. Double play:
Stroebel to Tenney. First base on balls:
Off Dorner. 1; oft Duggleby. a. Hit by
6 Itched ball: By Dorner. i. Struck out:
y Duggleby, 3; by Dorner, 6, Time: 2:14.
Umpire: Conway.
At New' York New York-Brooklyn gamo
postponed; rain.
Steadies; of the Teems.
Played. Won. J-ost. Pet,
New York.......
r mladelphla ...
Brooklyn ........
St. Louis........
Boston .........
.... 68
.... 66
Games today:
Brooklyn at New YoTk, '
Philadelphia at Boston, Cincinnati ai ot.
Louis, Chicago at Pittsburg.
Dew Moines on the Fourth.
Slugger Bill Schlpke1 will come along with
the Des Moines team for two games on the
glorious Fourth at Vinton street park.. The
flrst game will be called at 10:30 a. m. and
the or ootid at 3:46 p. m. The Des Moines
team la showing great strength of late, but
should not be able to manku any walkaway
with the Colts, Judging from the game the
Rourke-Long'a have been putting up of
late. No team has a license to win two
games In succession from the Omaha team
If the pitchers get to working right, as
Corns did Monday with the heavy hitting
of the Pueblo team. Friday will be ladles'
day. Slats Davis will umpire the Des
Moines series, The lineup:
Omaha. . Position. Ees Moines.
Dolan First Dexter
Howard .Second Magoon
Long ...Shortstop Andreas
Perrine.... Third Schlpke
. Left
.. .Caffvn
Center ..
Right ...
. .Hogriever
Rogers Catcher
Dodge , mcner
Sanders Pitcher Cicotte
MeNeely Pitcher Manske
Come Pitcher ...Miller
Ayer Pitcher Glllen
Bender I.enves Saturday.
Johnny Bender will leave the Omaha team
Saturday for a six weeks' physical culture
course at Chautauqua, N. Y., to complete
his preparation for a physical director. He
will return at the end of the six weeks and
play out the season with the Omaha team,
after which he leaves for Pullam, Wash.,
where he will become physical director of
the State Agricultural college. He will
have supervision of all athletics and the
gymnasium work aa well. It Is safe to say
the foot ball team from that institution
will be heard from.
Beemer Defeats Wlsner.
BEEMER, Neb., July fl (Special.) In a
fast game of ball played here yesterday af
ternoon. Beemer outplayed Wisner at every
point. Score:
Beemer , 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2
Wlsner , 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Batteries: Fehllman and Harrison;
Schnell and Krueger. Struck out: By
Fehllman, in; by Schnell. C. Base hits:
Beemer, 8; Wiener, S. Umpires: Sullivan
and Thledtke.
Lexington Beats Shon Tram.
LEXINGTON. Neb., July ..-(Special Tele
gram.) An excellent game o( ball was
played here today between the Union Pa
cific shop team and lxxlngton, which was
won by txxington. Score:
Lexington 0 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 7
U. P. Shops 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 3
Batteries: U. P. Shops, Knight, Bogats,
CTalr; Lexington, Bun-her, lx?vel.
Srrlbaer Defeats Gleneoe.
SCRIBNER. Neb.. July 3. (Special. )-The
Scribner Juniors defeated Glencoe in a very
interesting game of ball by the score of
J to 0. Score; K U.K.
Scribner 1 0 0'"1 0 0 0 2 8 8
Glencoe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tt 0-0 4 6
Butteries: Scribner. Brown and Meyer;
Glencoe, C. Black, M. Black; and Coates.
If your dog Is sick oome to us. as
we sell ALL kinds of Dog Medicines,
For fleas get our "Dog Shampoo." Kills
every flea. Price 2&c. For mange gt
"Improved Mange Cure,'' to apply, price,
50c and Tonic Condition Tablets for Inter
nal use. SOc.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.,
Conor SUteeaVa tad Sodfe, Onfcha,
Struck out: By Brown. ; by Black. .
Bases on balls: Off Black. 1 Time: l:(t.
Umpire: Kanslem.
Hot Game at Greeley Captared hy
Omaha Team.
GREF.LEY. Colo., July 8. (Special -The
Union Pacific shop team of Omaha defeated
the fast Greeley team this afternoon. The
game was snappy and Interesting from the
start. Scully for Omaha wss In fine form,
and held ths locals safe at all times.
Oreetey In the ninth, after going eight In
nings without a hit. scored on a base on
balls, a sacrifice and two hits. The next
game for the Omaha team Is at lxxlngton,
Neb. Score:
AB. R. II. TO. A E.
J Casev. If .10 1 3 0 0
Horn, ss 4 1 2 2 3 1
C. Clair, lb 8 1.1 1 0
Mullen. 3b 4 1 2 2 2 0
Knight. 2b 4 8 1 3 3 0
Bogatts, rf 8 0 0 1 0 0
E. Clnlr. e 8 0 O 7 0 0
B. Casey, cf 8 0 9 0 0
Scully, p 4 0 0 1 0 1
Totals " 31 10 27 12 i
AB. R. H. FO. A. E.
Davis, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Jonas, lb : ,..8 0 0 8 0 0
Bolinger, 2b 3 0 0 8 3 0
J. I.umiiri. If l 0 1 3 0 0
G. Luman. ss 3 0 (I 2 4 2
Sheppard. 3b 3 ft 0 2 4 0
Toellffe, c 8 0 0 4 1 0
Gorman, cf 3 1 1 2 3 0
Lawrence, p 8 0 0 2 8 0
Totals 7 "i 27 IS t
Games In Three-I Leagae.
At Davenport Davenport, 1; Rock Isl
and, 0. .
At Springfield Springfield, S; Peoria, 4
(ten Innings).
At Decatur Bloomlngton. T; Decatur, .
At Dubuque Dubuque-Cedar Rapids game
postponed; wet grounds.
AH Marka for Fifty Miles or Under
Lowered by Ollle Savin.
CHICAGA July 3. All records for fifty
Tnlles for stock touring cars wet-e broken
by Ollle Savin of Tcx:u. In the fifty fnlle
endurance -lerby, the feature of the auto
mobile races at Hawthorne today. His
time was 1:01:19. The former record was
1 MX 51 made at St. Louis last month. Five
of the nine starters finished the race. W. J.
McDonald waa second and G. Rogers third.
The other event, resulted as follows:
Three mile, open to cars listing 81,000 to
J2.ono, fully equipped: O. C. Friend flrst,
C. V. Rogers second. W. R. Wlllett third.
Time: 6:46.
Hawthorne handicap, free-for-all: A. C.
Webb, scratch, first; Ollle Savin (45 sec
onds), second; Fred Good (one minute),
third. Time: ftiw.
The three preliminary heats In the Illi
nois sweepstakes, a three mile race, were
run off nnd today's winners will meet In
the finals tomorrow.' C. A. Coey won the
flrst heat In 4:24V The second heat went
to A. C. Webb In 4:06. while Barney Old
field captured the third heat In S:f3.
Field Clob Tenala Toirnimrat.
It would bo a hard matter to find any
where throe more Interesting or close
matches In tennis, than those which were
pulled oft at the Field club last night In
the championship tennis tourney which Is
being held at the present time, two of them
taking three sets each to decide and the
third one, that between Hughes and Cald
after each one had won a set and the
after each won had won a set and the
games stood 5 all on the third. The par
ticular surprise of the tournament was
sprung on the gallery when Cub Potter de
feated Gall Martin. When young Potter
won the flrst set 7-6 the general opinion
was that his win waa of the nature of a
scratch and this was borne out when
Martin took the second set 6-1, but when
Potter then took the flrst four games of
the third set by almost faultless playing,
the spectators realized that Potter vans
playing the game or all it was worth. He
finally took the thlrtf set 6-4, tand will meet
Scribner tomorrow In the semi-finals.
Scribner had finite a scare In his match
with Ralney, but finally won the deciding
set through bis greater experience In
tournament play and his ability to change
his tyle of game at the proper time. The
match between Caldwell and Hughes was
also close and there. is still one set to be
played to decide 'lt. Play In this match
was concluded, for f he day on account of
darkness, after the' games stood 5 all on the
deciding eet. TMs match will be finished
off early this afternoon and the finals will
be played at 8:SW't. in. Wednesday, the con
testants belng'The-HAinners of -the Hughes.
aiaweu ana icnianer-r'otter matches. The
last named match will be played at 10:30 a.
m. today.. ;
Drawings for .the play for the consolation
prices resulted as follows: .
A. Totter plan's. West.
Teal a bye.
Iennlng plays Epeneter.
Hellls bye.
Doherty plays Wood.
The consolation, matches must lie played
oft without delay and any players not on
hand will be defaulted.
Pairings for Golf.
The pairings for the golf match between
the teams from the Omaha Country club
and- the Field club have been made. The
teams will play on the Country club links
Fourth of July morning. The last match
with twelve men each between these two
oluhs waa wen by the Field club and the
Country club players hope to even up mat
ters on their own links. The teams are
paired thus:
Field Club ys. Country Club.
Thomas plays Abbott.
Sumney plavs MrClure.
Davison plays-Gaines.
IaDoucleur plays Sprague.
Rnhm plays R. R. Kimball.
Palmatier plays -Reed.
Bone plays Bancker.
Boyer plays Kinsler.
Torter plays T. A. Kimball.
Sharp plays Lowe.
Reckard plays J. K. Buckingham.
James Allan plays Heth. -
Shields plays Mahoney.
Mclntyre plays Lemlst.
Martin plays Fairfield.
Carrier plays Connor.
Hoel plays Stewart.
Jones plays Bob Burns.
Sholes plays W. H. Redlck.
Howell plays John Redlck.
Entricken plays Morsman.
Cahn plays Butler.
Clarke plays WUhelm.
J. W. Hill plays Tom Davis.
Schneider plays William Burns.
Hughes plays Lewis.
Chambers plays Montgomery.
Parrifh plays McShane.
Foster plays B, Martin.
Canadlaaa Win Second Heat.
HENLEY. England. July S.-In the sec
ond het for the grand challenge cup today
the Argonauts (Canada) beat the Thames
Rowing club. Time. 7 mlnuiea. 4 seconds.
The Canadians led throughout and won
Not a man ot the Argonauts showed the
slightest sign of distress. They all sat up
as straight as poplar trees st the finish
and were accorded a fine reception. The
Argonauts ere Improving at racing and
many experts consider that the fate of
the grand challenge cup is sealed and
that It will leave England for the first
time In Its history.
Omaha Cricket Clob.
There will be a match game of cricket
between sides chosen on ihe grounds at
Miller park Wednesday' morning. July 4. at
8:30 o'clock. H Is expected that "Billy"
Richelieu will captain a team from the
Union 1'uclflc shops, and that It will be an
Interesting day for cricketers generally.
Evirybpdy 'is Invited . to come out and
participate In the game. The Park com
mission has klndlv put the grounds In ex
cellent shape, and all members should re
port promptly on time and show their ap
preciation. Attell and Xell Flgbt Today.
LOS ANGELES, Cal , July 8. Abe Attell
and Frankie Nell are in readiness for their
IisHit tomorrow for the featherweight cham
pionship of America and the gold challenge
bell offered by the Pacific Athletic cluo.
The men will enter the ring at about
:t:li In the afternoon and will weigh at
the ringside. The odds are in favor of
Attell at 10 to 7, but the betting so far has
been light.
Mew Golf Coarse.
The new golf course at the Omaha Field
club was thrown open to the members
Tuesday afternoon, the sand boxes all be
ing put In place and many of the golfers
took a turn over the course. Everything
will be in readiness for the afternoon of
the Fourth, when the games scheduled will
be played over the new course. This will
make the Field club course one of the finest
in the country.
SaortlatT Brevities.
Chicago has swapped Pitcher Bee be and
Catcher Noonan for old "Juck'1 Taylor of
St. Louis.
Kenna, the wonder with his mouth wat
knocked out of the box again Mondiy it
Some one has said the recent rains have
helpd bring Corns out. Anyway, he was
out in full bloom Monday, and so were
thirteen of Belee'a sluggers, Without ever
cuuuocUng wait the tall.
DieeM of Virulent Type ia DisooTered in
City of Manila.
Situation le Serlone aa Twenty-Six
Cases and Tweaty-Flve Deaths
Are Reported la
MANILA. July 3. Cholera of a virulent
type has broken out among the natives
of Manila and surrounding provinces.
Four Americans In Manila have been
stricken to date, and there has been ono
death of an American, that of Charles
Sheehan. Twenty-one cases and sixteen
deaths were reported today. The
provinces report twenty-six cases and
twenty-five deaths. The disease is one
of the most deadly type.
The suburbs near Fort McKinley have
been quarantined. There lms been ono
death from cholera among the soldiers,
that of a cook. Christian G. Dwlght of
Company C, Sixteenth Infantry. The
health bureau is taking every precaution
to prevent the spread of the disease.
A circular has been distributed among
cltltens warning them of the danger and
requesting that precautions be taken.
While the situation la serious. Ihe health
officials do not look for an epldemio of
great proportions. The greatest difficulty
is experienced In getting natives lo report
cases of sickness. The Filipinos fear the
health officials are concealing cases from
them. This cause la assigned to the
spread of the disease.
.'Other Outbreaks.
The last outbreak of cholera in the Phil
ippine islands occurred in August, 1'5.
when, . from August . 23 to, October 14, 713
ca-ieK and 563 deaths were reported, dis
tributed as follows:
Prcvlnce of Rizal, 449 cases, 327 deaths;
province of Cavlte, 12 cases and 12 deaths;
province of Pampanga, 2 cases and 1 death;
province of Bulacan, 2 cases and 2 deaths;
province of l.a Guana, S4 caes and 21
deaths; Manila, Americans, 11 cases and 8
deaths; Filipinos, 180 cases, 162 deaths; for
eigners, 19 cases, 15 deaths; Chlnee, 4
cases and 4 deaths.
But the outbreak nf 1906 was Insignificant
when compared with that of 1902, when a
total of 130,363 cases were reported and
82.965 deaths were known to have occurred.
But It was stated at the time that the
actual number of deaths waa probably J
per cent greater.
Noted Singers Will Appear In Omahn,
Where They Are Held la
High Esteem.
A musical event of the summer season
will be the appearance of the Swedish Na
tional choir at the Crelghton-Orpheuin
Thursday evening. This choir sang here
two years ago and made quite a hit. Since
that time the organization has been
strengthened. Hugo Llndqulst Is director
and-John Husbrrg., a baritone singer of
rare ability, will appear. Director Llnd
qulst Is secretary of the Young Men's
Christian association of Stockholm,
Sweden The organization has been cor
dially received throughout the country by
the Young Men's Christian associations and
the general public. Seats may be obtained
at Flodman'a store, 1514 Capitol avenue.
The advance sale has been large. On be
half of the local Young Men's Christian as
sociation Dr. W. O. Henry will welcome
the choir.
WATCHES Frenser, lftn and Dodge ata.
Fair and Warmer In a Nebraska
nnd lown Today and
Tomorrow, y
WASHINGTON, July 8. Forecast of the
weather for Wednesday and Thursday;
For Nebraska Fair Wednesday and
For Iowa Fair Wednesday; Thursday,
fair, warmer in east portion.
For Kansaa Fair Wednesday, warmer In
western portion; Thursday, fair.
For South Dakota Fair Wednesday;
warmer in extreme west portion; Thurs
day, fair. ,
For Missouri Fair and warmer Wednes
day and Thursday.
For Colorado Fair Wednesday; warmer
in east and south portions; Thursday, fair.
For Wyoming Fair Wednesday; warmer
in southeast portion; Thursday, fair.
For Montana Fair Wednesday; Thurs
day, fair, except showers and cooler in the
northwest portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, July 3. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 190!. 1906. 1904. ISA'S.
Maximum temperature,... 77 71 78 81
Minimum temperature.... 69 61 66 61
Mean temperature fiS R6 72 71
Precipitation 00 .83 .69 .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 74
Deficiency for the day fi
Deficiency elnce March 1 90
Normal precipitation 18 inch
Deficiency for the day 1R Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 13.52 inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.69 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 15.... 8.46 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19H 2.13 inches
Reports from Stallone at T P. SI.
Station and State Temp. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
Bismarck, pt. cloudy 76 7S .W)
Cheyenne, pt. cloudy 2 66 .00
Chicago, pt. cloudy 66 66 .(10
Davenport, clear 74 76 T
Denver, cloudy 64 W .00
Havre, clear 80 SO .(ft
Helena, clear Tt SH .00
Huron, clear 7H to .Hi
Kansas City, clear 6X 76 .(
Omaha, clear 76 77 . 00
Rapid City, clear 74 76 .00
St. Uiula, clear 74 7S .00
St. Paul, clear 74 78 .no
Salt Ijike City, clear 80 X2 ' .00
Valentine, clear 74 76 . .00
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Road Grading
The Reliable Specialists
This Institution has long been established in Omaha for the benefit of
suffering men For the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and blighting
weaknesses that destrov men's mental and physical powers, making thgm
unfit for work, studv, business or marriage, and depriving them of the social
duties and pleasures of life and marital happiness. Men. don't delay if you
want to be saved and restored to halth and strength, with mentiU and phys
ical powerK complete. Come to the men's true sKeclullKts and learn your
true condition. Get the right treatment and be cured safely and thoroughly
We will make a thorough, eear-hlng and scientific examination of your
ailments; an examination that will disclose your true physical condition,
without a knowledge of what you are groping In the dark, and without a
thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should treat yon.
We want all alllaig men to feel that they can come to this Institute freely
for an examination and explanation of their condition without being bound
by any obligation whatever to take treatment unless they so desire.
will find this Institution thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called
Institutes, medical concerns, or specialists' companies. You are Just as safe
In dealing with the State Medical Institute as with any State, or NatlongJ
Bank. .. ..
We cure, safely aivd . thoroughly: - r
Stricture, ..'Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
- Impotency," Blood Poison (Syphilis, Rectal, 1
Kidney and Urinary Diseases, . , .'; ' ,
and all dleseases and weaknesses of men. due to evil habits, self -abuse, ex
cesses or the result of specific or private diseases.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
ft."u,T n s N
i '
Number 12
It leaves Omaha. ...... . . ..... .8:05 p. m. .
It arrives Chicago... .9:03 a. m.
Number 6
i leaves Omaha.... ...7:25 a. rni
It arrives Chicago... .8:45. p., m :
-. Number 2 - -. ''
"r: i.--'- ' .iff r. V- .-','' I .'.-l-i'.S .. .Tie-
. , - ...
It leaves Omaha ....8:45 p. m.
It arrives Chicago . .-. .7:00 a. m.
Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at :
City Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St. .
treating without receiving any benefit, we hare decided to make ' a special
offer to charge only one-naif of our regular fee for curing those who are now ,
undergoing treatment elsewhere and are dlaaatlsfted. For Instance, If you
are afflicted with either Hydreoeie, Varioocele or Nervous Decline, we viu
guarantee to cure you for one-balf the regular fee, and accept the money ia
any way you wish to pay- This liberal offer Is made to enable suell to be
cured and to show the many who have treated without benefit that we bare
the methods that produce results. t
Our methtxla are up-to-date and tare Indorsed bj the hifheat
tBedionl authorities of Europe and America. Hence oar sncce In
the treatment of men'e diaetviee. Remember, our specialty U limited
to the disease of MK.N, end MUM ONLY.
FRITATB DISEASES Newly contracted and ohronle eaaed eured. Ail
burning, itching and Inflammation stopped In 84 hour.
We cover the entire field of private and chronic, deiep-eeated,
compllcavted iimemM.
Northwest Corner 13th and
arid Ditching Revolutionized
Contnctors Supplied With Rotary Disc Plowing Attidments for
Elevitnlg Grading Machines
One third 'more work accomplished la the same time than wits,
tee eld style plow attacumsat. Our attachment works well In
wet places where the old style plow will not work. Onr rotau-y
plow cots throngs any kind of soil and rubbish, and rolls ever
rock and other ohstraottons. Oar rotary also le specially made
for as, belaur hoary S-lach thick. Oar pateat roller and ball
baarlare prevent frloUea and wtar. This patent attachment caa
only be parohased from The XMeo Orader and Plow Co., nf
Euater, m. D., or It aathenaod ageate. ror etroninni and par
tUnUars, address.
The DIc Grader and Plow Company.
Hunter, INorlli UajKjt
- ' ... '- .
..igi, "Z
For One-half the Regular Fee
Varicocele Bladder Diseases
Hydrocele Plies and Fistula
Urethral Obstruction Prostatic Diseases
Hernia , Neurasthenia' ;
Kidney Diseases Blood Poison
In viow of there being so many afflicted with
Diivate. chronlo and pelvlo diseases who are
Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Oaayaa, Taxaa, arl! t.
Te TVs Mas diwaar flare- Oo-.
St. D.
I ears ease esing year st)
ma Groear tar - the Ban tan Oara anal
tttak it tee teat tool I mr eaast I
noakt so eaaa tack te tan M ajiaar
tor tarts lis seat. Tnn napeaUnir.
H rOTTnk.. Rallrua4 Ooatrajalar. '
M4I towart sju. ObwUm. Nak., Sept. 11.
Disc Ora4ar at Plana r . Buntar. M. D.
GaetlesMa : FUaa baae ml a rear Ralsry
Diss Plowing AUacaaaat far the siat aaw
ears tua lit it a gooe tool., m piscae
whar aaetlaar plans will ac boost, this
will, ana so R murk aaaur than tar stbar
alow anl throw aaavh bbobo ssrth aa the
olantor with lass labor aa the saaohls
a .4 stork. I ao sot to I ok aay oootracU
runalag (ratl.iK saarblcaa caa Sara te be
without It. Toiara tnly,
I. 1 LAMOftgArX. extractor. ,
aWaeroft. Nob.. Nov. 1, IX.
The Due Oraar at now Co.. Htaatar,
K. D.
Ooatlonea I the goatwatae foe
Iko Katorr filae AttaibsMol lor
Craains Marhlooa ... In rply. caa an
so fault I ho auioj aioro 4lrt Is the
lonrb of tlmo that avar bfoH si4 aai
oli plou.4 Tosra Uul,.
W A -VPl-V. OaTkBVW.