TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. .TTTA 4. IfWl I I V J pifei te fc Midi THURSDAY, 10 O'CLOCK A. M, JULY 5TII , Our store will be closed ail day Wednesday, 4th of July and Thursday until 10 o'clock a, m, to rearrange stock and prices for our special 9day July Clearance Sale. Wait for this sale and get best values of the season mm OTHER ROADS JOIN IN FIGHT Milwaukee and Missouri Pacino Announce Outs on Grain and Grain Produtca, ELEVATION FEE WILL ALSO BE DROPPED Vnloa Pacific In Its ComrkMk De eUrtf It -Will Meet the Cat Inatitnted by the llnrltngtesu Tho Milwaukee road baa announced It will follow the lead of the other roada and re duce It tariff oa train from the Mlaaouri river to Chicago and Mlsalaalppt river polnta 114 oents, at the same time doing away with the payment of elevation charge. The Missouri Paciflo announced late yesterday that It would make the aame cut of 14 centa, effective July 8, on all grain and grain producta originating went of Omaha and going aouth and south east. The battle la waxing warm. On Monday, the Burlington announced the grain rate from Nebraska polnta to Omaha would be reduced 14 centa as long aa the Union Paciflo continued to pay ele vation. At the aame time the payment of elevation waa announced as discontinued and the rate from the Missouri river to the Mississippi and Chicago was reduced the same ' amount. Now1 comes, the Union Pacific and says that road Is going to take a further hand In tho fight. At Union Pacific headquar ters Tuesday It was said there was but one -thing to do If .the Burlington lowered the rate and that waa to meet the cut. ' Grain, not elevated would be overcharged by the Union Pacific Just 1, cents unless the cut-in made by the Union Pacific a It la, by the Burlington. "And the end la not yet," said a leading Union. Pacific freight official. "Ai ' the 14 centa per hundred refund appllea" only tn. grain-elevated, the Union Pacific would be-at a disadvantage to that amount If the Burlington cuta." . . Lincoln Displays Nerve. A protracted meeting of the freight offl clula of the Burlington, Rock Island and Mlaaouri Pacific waa held In Omaha Tues day to take up the question of Lincoln ' rates The Commercial club of Lincoln hae been pounding the railroad officials on the back to get them to put Lincoln on the same basis as Omaha. Nothing definite was decided upon. "That proposition Is almost-- too foolish to consider," said one railroad man," for If Lincoln was put on the same basis as Omaha, why not Beatrice and Hastings and Kearney? Where would you atop?" Another railroad man said: "That would be the worst thing which could happen to Omaha, for much of the freight from the south cornea through Lin coln. If Lincoln was put on the same baais aa Omaha and eome legislature should opme along and put in the mileage basis that la In effect In Iowa, the Omaha merchants might . as well close up shop and move to Lincoln. The river Is the proper basing point and towns inland should not expect ' to get on Vh same basis as the river cities." Ile-tter freight Rate. That something will have In be done to Induce the railroads to- inaugurate better freight service between Omaha and the towns of southwestern Nebraska waa the decision reached by the transportation com mittee of the Commercial club at lis meet ing Tuesday. The agitation la a result of the recent trade excursion, on which the jobbers were made to realize more thin ever the advantage better freight service gives Ft. Joseph and Kansas City. The transportation committee of the club and the heavy shippers of the city will be called together Friday to talk over the subject. It waa decided to begin a campaign for Weak Lungs Bronchitis ., ,. ... . . - ' For over sixty years doctors : have en dorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, consumption. Cures hard cases, des perate cases, old cases. You carr trust a medicine the best doctors approve. Ask your doctor'all about it. We have no secrets f We publish the formulas of all our medicines. aim ataa mi l Rira noon-Far twt halt. Irkit-g lA ig ktf i taa lfo. b yet 1511 Douglas Street. new members and not stop until the mem bership reaches 1.000. It la now BOO. T. B. Stevens, J. P. O'Brien and C. A. Mallory were elected, to memlierahip In. the club and Rev. B. Ht Ftauffer of the First Methodist church to honorary membership. Inspired by an address of T. W. McCul lough at the Ak-Bar-Ben den Monday night on the subject of denatured alcohol, the committee decided to make a study of the possibilities of that product. NEBRASKA CROPS EXCELLENT C'ondltloas Along the Burlington Are Promising; of the Beat Reanlta. The Burlington crop and soil report for 'he Nebraska district for the week end ing June 30 shows the orops.of the state to be .in excellent condition. The Lin coln and Wymore dlvlaiona were vlalted by aeveral good rains during the week and the aoll Is everywhere In excellent condition. -Soine rain fell on the McCook division, but more Is nee.-'d. The re port says: Winter wheat Is being harvested on the Lincoln division and Is everywhere a good yield. It Is a little early to estimate the yield per acre, but It la claimed to be up to or In excess of the crop of 1U05. On the Wymore division the winter wheat harvest is progressing rapidly and a good yield Is reported In evtry locality. In some places the straw Is somewhat short, but the heads are well Ailed. Harvesting has commenced on the McCook dlvlBlon, but the crop Is not In as good condition In all places as on the two eastern di visions on account of lack of moisture. Corn In all parts of the district is in excellent condition. The fields are clear of weeds, and on the two eastern divisions the rains and warm weather of the past week have been very helpful. On the McCook division, while corn Is not yet suffering for moisture, a good rain would be very beneficial. The recent ruins have been a material help to the oats crop, especially on the northern part of the Wymore and on the Lincoln divisions.' The straw is short, but the heads are filling much better than waa anticipated, and in -the localTtiea above mentioned a half crop Is now x peoted. Oats are nat -extensively .raiaed on the McCook division, but about a half crop la expected where grown. Other siring grains In the district -will not amount to much. Potatoes are in good condition. On the Lincoln division the early-planted ' pota toes are ready for market ,and are of good quality. Pastures on the Lincoln and Wymore divisions are In good condition. Pastures on the McCook division, while not yet avfferlng for moisture, would be greatly benefited by a good rain. The second ciop of alfalfa Is everywhere In excellent condition. ' Sugar beets on. the Imperial line are in good condition; also In the irrigation district on the west end of the McCook division. On other parts of the division, where irrigation U not resorted io, th sugar beet crop is not In good condition, owing to lack of moisture. Prospects for fruit continue good. Keep Woonda Open. The danger of lockjaw from Fourth of July accidents may be avoided by apply ing Chamberlain's Tain Balm and keeping the wounds open. Do not bandage. MAVtirilSH. I On July 8 cr.t ,, to Chautauqua Lake, K. T., and rwrvra vi $14, good SO days; and dally June 1 ur.Ui September Kl. at 130, via ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago; stop over also permitted on all tickets to New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, etc. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Ua Railway Exchange. Chicago, HL DIAMONDS Ed holm. 16th and Harney. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. Age. Carl H. Younger, Omaha 21 Una Stringer. Omaha ......19 Francis Hlldebrand, Florence. ........ ,19 Helen Allen. Omaha 3j) Burtrum Taylor, Omaha V4 Mary J. Hourlgan, Omaha ...25 Perclval H. Daley, Glenwood, la 29 Cora A. Reynolds, Omaha 2o Peter Csaplik. Omaha 37 Stanislas Oranowaka, Omaha ai PU4.-For eooatipatioa. AW AOVB CUKJs-f or atalana aag agaa. 00 It LETTER BOX. ' Young Woneen's Christian Association OMAHA, July 3. -To the Editor of The Bee: Permit me, through the columns of your valuable paper, to call at tention to some features of our local Young Women's Christian association In comparison with the work In other cities. The annual statistical report of the asso ciations of the United States has Just been received and we aro pleased to note that in point of membership our association Is fourth. Loa Angeles la first, then Detroit, Harlem and Omaha, The attendance In the lunch room Is also fourth. Loa An geles leads, then Detroit, Minneapolis and Omaha. Nineteen associations have larger educational departments and fully one-half of the associations of the country have larger gymnasium enrollment. Our relig ious department Is fair, Bible study enroll ment la eighth and attendance at religious meetings tenth. Our classes In dressmak ing and millinery are small. We have no room In our present quarters to ac imrho date such classes. We have no -school of domestic science, very inadequate toilet and rest accommodations; not sufficient office room to make possible good employment bureau and boarding house directory; no publlo baths. The public may be Interested to know that the Minneapolis aaaociatlon gave 8,000 baths last year at 6 cents each. We believe that public baths ior women are one of the great needs of our city. Socially the Omaha association ranks among the first. The number of social oc-. caslons and attendance Is large and the in terest on the part of our members Is very unusual. We are proud of the record made by our girls in raising $26,000 toward our new building. It will be seen by these comparisons that the Omaha Young Women's Christian as sociation is really one of the largest in the country, but' that It Is .not a symmetrical work. - It haaf seme very decldadr weak nesses; One of the greatest needs bf our city la a school- of domestlo science, where our young women may study all the essen tials of good housekeeping cooking, buying, sewing, laundry work and household econ omy In all of Its phases. The Young Women'a Christian association has planned to have one entire floor of the new build ing given to this department, also a model laundry In the basement, where a proper method of washing and Ironing may be taught. Considerable space will be given to publlo baths and lavatories, large and airy rest rooms, wltk plenty of couches, will be provided; also a room where tired mothers may take their babies to rest a while, a good gymnasium with proper showers, lock ers, etc. The association hopes to meet all the needs of women that are so apparent In a city where there are 10,000 wage-earning women. The need of a dye-story building for oar work has been questioned by some of our citizens who are not Informed Of the scope of the wok. Statistics show our weak nesses are on account of not having room and equipment for all departments. One of our national secretaries said she had never seen space so well utilized, and yet we have not a fourth of the room needed In order to have the well-rounded organiza tion for women, such as they have In De troit and Harlem and Minneapolis and other cities where .they have their own buildings and everything suited to the needs of so great a work. W are justly proud of the results of our finance cam paign last April and believe that If the San Francisco disaster had not happened, when we felt obliged to retire from the field, we would now be In possession of the necessary 125,O0O for our building and equipment. As it Is we are happy In the possession of pledges amounting to S2,0O0 and believe that the $43,000 still to be raised will be forthcoming In the very near future. Perhaps some good friend, or friends, wilt send In gifts especially for our school of domestic science or other depart ments, s The association Is grateful lo the gen erous public for the munificent gifts that have made the building possible, and we hope to dedicate the building free of debt some great day not very far distant. EMMA F. BYERS, General Secretary. TWO ROUTES F0R TRADE TOUR Black Illlla Territory with Western Nebraska anal Seatheaat Una with Northeast Missouri The cholre of route for another trade ex cursion will be left to a vote of the mem bership of th Commercial club. Two routes are suggested by the trade exten sion committee, one through Black Hills territory and In Nebraska west of Valen tine and the other through southwestern Iowa and northweatern Missouri. A circu lar letter has been mailed to members of the club asking fur their vote. Soma members of the trade extension committer are anxious to take the Clack Hills trip. That section of the country is and always has been regarded aa Oniaha a territory, and there has been little to fear from the Inroads of merchants of other cities. Now that the Milwaukee Is build lng a line into Rapid City It Is necessary for Omaha merchants to get busy In order to keep Sc. Paul and Minneapolis from getting the business. It is also Important that southwestern Iowa receive some attention, for the mer chants have not vlalied that part of- the country lately and they feel the necessity of making aa strong efforts as Kansas City and St. Joseph to keep In the good grace of the retailera. No date haa been set for the excursion. It probably will be in the latter part of July. CELEBRATIONJS ON TIME lloiae Producers Tonobed Off Fromptly with Betting of 8nn, 0RPED0ES ON CAR TRACKS UNDER BAN He Official Observance Today, hat Ample Program of Sports Pro vided, with Maale at Resorts and Parka. Preceded several hours by the splilt of the day, the "Fourth of 1908" arrived last night, lights burning, rockets flying, crackers and torpedoes booming and balloons floating to herald Its appearance. The reception given by the people of Omaha waa all any day could have desired. While it was not more noisy and auspicious than other Fourths have received. It was noteworthy In that no Incidental casualties or serious accidents were reported. Temporary street stands and other places selling fireworks did a thriving business all day and with the setting of the sun the continuous roar of a grand salute to the approaching anniversary day began In all parts of the city. Noise-producing para J phernalla of all sorts were put into use, but the efforts of the police to suppress the use of revolvers, large torpedoes and large fire crackers made theae dangerous articles hard to And. The habit of. placing torpedoes on the street car tracks Is particularly tabooed this year, but although this waa given wide publicity through the presa, there were some who, through Ignorance or malicious ness; paid no heed to the warning and as a result many found themselves under ar rest. Most of them were released on bond to appear In police "court this morning-,1 but all Were haodled "without gloves" by the police, ai they believed Sufficient warning was given as to the practice. Persons who do hot wish to take a ride In the patrol wagnrt today will do well to remember that torpedoes are not to be placed on street car tracks; that revolvers must not bo used, even with blanks, and that any explosive apt to be considered too dangerous or too great a nuisance must be let alone. No shooting should be done In the vicinity of hospitals or houses con taining sick persons. Policemen were placed near some of the hospitals last night and will be kept there today. Amusements of the Day. A card of sports and plher amusements has been prepared and all the parks and re sorts will be open. The program runs some thing like this: Vinton Street Park Two games of base ball between the Omaha and Des Moines Western league teams, . one called at 10:) a. m. and the other at 2:40 p. in. Krug Park Special patriotic concerts by Royal Canadian band,- with solo features; two balloon ascensions, one of them being by Miss Madeline WaJdemar, and both with special fireworks display In mid air; pyrotechnic exhibition in the evening Including tne "Siege of Odevsa." - Lal.e Manawa Usual features, with ape clal attractiona and a fireworks exhibition In the evening. Rlvervlew Park Free band concerts and several picnics, including those of the socialists and "I. W. W." organization, which will have a program of music and speaking. . Hanscom Park Free band concerts In the afternoon and evening by George Greene s band. Florence Old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration, beginning ,1a the morning and lasting all day.- Country Club Tennis j tournament and golfing. - . Field Club Golf and Jannte.. Chief of Pqlice PonAhua s orders regard' lng the use of gunpowder aire explicit and patrolmen and detectives have orders to arrest anyone who violates them. The chief la determined to again have in Oniaha an approximately bloodless Fourth. Fire crackers more than three Inches long are forbidden, together with torpedoes of any kind more than an inch In diameter. Ex plosive canes are under the ban and pis tols, rifles, shotguns, reai or toy cannon are strictly tabooed. Placing explosives of any kind on the street railway or rail road tracks Is punishable -by a heavy fine. and the ordinance on the subject will bo strictly enforced. Toy cap pistols are not on the black list and may. be used freely. HUMANE SOCIETY EXPANDS Twenty-Five Members Added aa Re sult of Letters Sent Ont by Ellison. The membership of the Nebraska Hu mane society, which for two ears has been at a standstill, has been Increased by twenty-five active and one associate member aa the reault of letters sent out June IS by Superintendent Ellison. Tho latter Is now equipped with a horse, and, mounted. Is able to perform a much broader range of duty. Ills report for June shows that seventy-two cases were Investigated and remedied by the aoclety, four cases being left still open. Sixty of these cares Involved animals and sixteen Involved children. Three persons were taken Into court to answer to charges of pruelty to animals and one was fined 1) and coats. Forty-three warnings were given and one horse destroyed. Forty-one horses were ordered out of harness. Al together there were eighty-eight hore.es concerned In Inveatlgatlona, thirty-three email animals and 204 persons. ThaN Investigations about children in volved twenty-six adults-, eight boys and nineteen girls. Five convictions were ac complished, two cases were acquitted and two dismissed by consent. - Two circuses were Inspected, meaning a total number of horaea Inspected of 620, of wnlch six were ordered not used. HU A little note will bring to yon our book let on Summer Vacations where to go, how to get there and what It will cost. It con tains over eighty different tours, combing lng rail and water routes. No vacation plans should be completed without consult ing this guide. For a copy address C. C. Merrill, Traveling Passenger Agent. 10th and Walnut Sta., Knnu City, Mo. W. J. Lynch, Pasa. Traffic Manager, Chicago. Go to New fork on tkt Lehigh. Double track acenio highway. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with ail line from the west. Write paaaenger department. Lohlgh VaU wy R. K., 21 South Clark St.. Chicago, III Pockets Picked In Redllght District Two colored womm were arrenifd ly the police Tu.-.sdiy evening; ami locked up ai me city jail chansu wuh lartvny from the tirrnon on roiimlaint of whltn jiu-n. Chris ChrlKtlanson at Gardner, III., was ho first victim of the pickpocketa. assert ing Antm Frank, 9'JO Crititl avenue, look HO from him. Irs Bwenxon of South Omaha was the secontl. ntul on his com plHtnt Iena Burns, Twelfth Btreet and Ci Itol avenue, waa arrested for taking )IH. A white man who waa charged with atrik Itm HweiiHon when l.e anked the return of ni pH'ketronk waa alao locked up. 'Una Driver Injured. Oscar Schults, 61S Bouth Thirteenth atreet waa thrown from an Omaha Tranfer com puny depot 'bua which ha wus driving in front of Callahan's livery burn. GM tti.utli Fourteenth street, and auntnlned a painful spraining of the rluht. ankle. The horaea attached to the vehicle were running away, prooatny rriKhtened tiy tne no.e of exploit lng MreerackerH. 8chulti was carried Into the Callahan barn and later removed to his room by the police. Burgeon t-lntore Commence their' great Mid-Summer Clearing Bale on Thursday, July 5th. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of clean, fresh, up-to-date dry goods and ready-to-wear cloth ing for women, children and infants to be sold at about half price. July must see our stock of summer goods entirely closed out. Here are a few of the Thursday bargains: ' ELEGANT CREPE DE CHINE SILKS THURSDAY, 60c YARD. Keon judges of fine crepe do chine will lay in their season's supply at this sale. It is an extra quality, full 27 in. wide and you cannot buy this silk elsewhere at anything ' like our price; clean, fresh and strictly per fect, in any evening tint or street shade you desire; also a complete color range of lining taffetas to match. The regular $1.00 qual ityunusual offer Thursday Cfn at, a yard JUC 36-inch black oil boiled taffeta, soft chiffon finish and made to wear, only a limited amount of our $1.15 quality will be 70h sold; Thursday, at, a yard f Jrl 500 Ladies' High Class Lingerie Waists, Thursday we will make a sale of fine white waists, in all the very newest materials and trlmmlnggthat will startle the community. The finest hand embroid ery, the finest shadow embroidery and the finest Valenciennes laces are among; the trim- f r Q mlngs. Most of these are 15.00 waists I J all of them Thursday at m LADIES' WHITE TAILOR MADE SUITS HALF OFF. White Suits marked $7.I5, for 3.98 White Suits marked $8.L for 4.25 White Suits marked $9.90, for 4.95 White Suits marked $12.50, for 6.25 Ladies' White Wash Coats ?;?:.ked..M.f...1.75 Ladies' White Wash Coats ??" 3.25 Ladies' Cloth of Gold Coats f' "'"6.25 Ladies' Cloth of Gold Coats rfV:"8.25 Ladies' Cloth of Gold Coats '12.00 x LADIES' SILK SUITS AND DRESSES. All colors and black and fancy. Our stock marked from $12.50 to $22.50 LADIES WOOL SUITS Closing them out at once marked $12.50, $14.50, $16.50, $22.50 your choice CI OA Thursday. ZJ J U Great July Clearance Sale in Laces and Em broideries Begins Thursday LACK SPKCIAL 2.000 yards of fine imported bands, edges and appliques in heavy clunys, torchons, an tiques and Paraguays, that sold for 15c, 26c ff and 35c yard; Clearing Price, a yard 2C DItESS TRIMMINGS SPKCIAL. 1,500 yards of fine Venlse appliques lions, in creams, black and white, that sold for 25c, 35c and 60c yard; Clearing price, yd. GltEAT EMUKOIDKIIY VALUES. 10c embroidery edges and insertions all go Thursday, a yard Owners of Dry Goods Dept. in the INHERITANCE TAX FUND USES Money Cannot Ce Devoted to Boadi Within City Limits. SUCH IS DECISION OF JUDGE SLABAUGH Conn'r Attorney Thinks Proceeds May Be laed to Rnlld Roada Anywhere Ontalde Cor porate BonndaJ County Attorney Slabaugh has given a written opinion to County Commissioner Solomon covering some of the mooted points in the use of the money raised by the Inheritance tax on the permanent roads of the county. Mr. Solomon wanted to know whether the money could be used to build roads through Incorporated vil lages and whether it could be used in making cuts and Alls n order to level up the roadbed. County Attorney Slabaugh Is of the opinion the money cannot be expended on roads inalde the corporate limits of any city or village, the law speclllcally pro viding that this shall not be done, r.oada ran be built up to the limits of the city or village to connect with rua.la con structed by the corporations. lie is of the opinion the money can be used to make cuts and fills for permanent roads and for the maintenance of theae perma nent roads an- also for permanent bridges. The law provldea the roadbed shall be twenty-live feet In width and the paved part not more than twelve nor leaa that) nine feet In width. County Attorney Sla baugh auggesta that the law be changed to permit the more populous counties to build paved roadways more than twelve feet wide. He would alao change the law to provide for a highway connecting towns and villages and running clear across the state. The law should permit the county to build this highway through the towns and villages where necessary, he thinks. The Inheritance tax probably will allow the county board to reduce the levy for road purposes somewhat, though It cannot indiscriminating' Old Dutch Cleanser chases dirt no matter in what form or how thick, hard, crusted or greasy, from every crack and crevice throughout the house, leaving the surface spotlessly clean and uninjured. ' Saves time and energy, and avoids the drudgery. Sold in large, convenient sifting top cans. At all grocers, Sent FREE, on request, the useful little booklet "Hints for THE CUDAHY PACKING CO., 0. D. C. Dept., South Omaha, 15c embroidery flouncing and yoking edgrs. in sertion to match all go Thursday, yard f aC 19c embroideries, fine and heavy nainsook and plain and colored insertions all go Thursdav, m. ard 1UC 69c down to 86c, wide and narrow edges and inser tions, fine Swiss, Nainsook and cambric em- f (J ' broideries all go Thursday, yd,. 25c, 10c and UC Clearing Prices in Ladies' Neckwear, Hand ' kerchiefs and Veiling. S00 dozen pieces of fancy wash stocks and embroid ered turn over collars that sold for 16c to Z5o f f each clearing price, each 1UC lX EQUALED P1UCK ON VEILINGS. Thursday 10 to 12 a. m. we mill placo on sale BOO yards of fancy mesh veilings, worth 15c to TC 25c yard for this sale, yard. C HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL. 1,000 fancy lace trimmed hemstitched handkerchiefs, very sheer, a 10c value clearing price, eaoh JULY CLEARING SALE Eilk organdies and tissues, white grounds with very pretty floral designs, fast colors, worth to f Q 36o Thursday only, yard 1C 100 pieces of 80-inch batiste, with th very newest plaids and ring effects, regular 20c quality f f Thursday only, yard IJC 2,000 yards of embroidered Swisses, In small and medium aired dota and rings, regular price 18c on sale Thursday (one day only 1. from 9 to f A 12. at, yard 1UC 600 pieces of 27-lnch lawn, light grounds with pretty small floral and dot patterns, regular price 7 8 l-3c Thursday (one day only), yard JC 200 sofa and porch pillows, covered with a fine sateen or art denim, with a 4-inch ruffle around, filled with either silk floss or feathers, regular 60c and 75c pillow Thursday only, each JZfC ' JULY TABLE LINEN SALE 200 pattern cloths of fine grass bleached Irish linen, 2 Vt yards long, with wide open border all around, our regular $2.60 cloth Thursday (one 1 CI C day only), each lJD 22x22-lnch napkins of the same quality of linen to match cloth, worth $2.65 per dosen Thurs- QO day only, per dozen I, JO All our 72-inch unbleached linens, worth $1 Oft and $1.25 Thursday only, yard OJC 10 pieces of 66-lnch bleached linen, very pretty floral designs, regular 76c quality Thursday f'T only, yard OS 2V 25 dozen linen tray cloths, scarfs and center pieces, slightly soiled, worth to 76c Thursday "1JJ only, each JtDC JULV CLEARING SALE OK BELTS. Big lot of plain and fancy wash belts, mussed and soiled, that sold for 10c and 25c all go Thursday CUT PRICE SALE OF HANDBAGS. White canvas handbags, fancy embroidery, all wash able, that sold for 36c, C9c and 76c all in go Thursday, each 30c and IZfC LADIES' VESTS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. 60 dozen, sleeves, low neck gauze vesta that sold for 10c each clearing price., each DC SAMPLE LINE OF HOSIEKV VEKV CHEAP. Our big purchase of ladles' sample hose that were worth to $1.00 a pair the odds and ends of this lot many good values left will all go y f Thursday, a pair DC and small medal 10c 5c take the place of the regular county roud fund. It can be used only for permanent roads ana cannot be expended on ordinary dirt highways. County Commissioner Brunlng Is In favor of expending a part of It, at least. In con structing permanent bridges of cement and steel. Beware of Lockjaw. The danger from Fourth of July acci dents is of their resulting in lockjaw. The street dirt contains the germs of this dis ease and injured persons are unconsciously vaccinated with It. Apply Chamberlain's Tain Balm as soon as the Injury Is received and an danger will be avoided. Do not bandage the injured parts. To Correct false Itepnrt. The report being circulated that Hayden Bros, are using the depositors' money in their business Is absolutely untrue. The deposits in Hayden Bros.' bank are loaned on the best and most available se curity for the safety of the depositors. Not only that, but Hayden Bros.' bank has more solid wealth and cash reaourco for Its liabilities than any other bank we know of, either in this state or elsewhere. There Is no mortgage or incumbrance of any kind on Hayden Bros.' property; It 1 all clear to strengthen and support the bank assets In rase of panic or adverse conditions of any kind. It might be well to think of these facts when making your savings deposits. I Hayden Bros." bank will pay 4 per cent Interest from July 1 on all deposits made before July 15; no notice required to with draw your money. HAYDEN BROS., BANKERS. Mt. Clemens, the Mineral Bath City. Is reached without change of rara only by the Grand Trunk Railway System. Time tables and a beautiful descriptive pamphlet will be mailed free on applica tion to Geo. W. Vaux, A. U. P. ft T. A,, 136 Adams St., Chicago. Tho Day Wo Celebrate. Usual holiday excursion ticketa will be on aale via Mlaaouri Paciflo Ry. Ticket of fices B. E. Corner l&th and Far nam, or Union atation. , j llnaton'a MafT Is Reinforced. Frlgar F. Waite, general salts agent for I. H. Baldwin & Co. of Chicago, man ufacturer of pianos, piano players an. slightly ...5c BENNETT STORE organs, has come to Omaha, accompanied by two aaaiatanta, B. T. L,ord and .'. W. Rose, to give a helping hand to I .or, I Manager J. J. Huaton In the big contest piano sale which the latter In comlm-tintr here from the headquarters at 407 South Fifteenth street. EARLY CLOSING OF STORES Leading; Omaha Retailers Will Stop Baelneas at B O'clock In the Evening:. Leading merchants of Omaha to the number of about forty have united in an early closing movement to . be begun on Thursday. Beginning with July 6 they will close their places of business at 5 o'clock each afternoon except Saturday until September 1. This is to allow the clerks mid other employes of the stores to get away early during the hot months. Shoppers are requested to keep this In mind and do their buying early. The list of firms Interested Is printed elsewhere In this issue. EW HOMES III TUB WEST. hoenone Reservation to Bo Opened to Settlement. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'T Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates from All Points July 11 to 73. Less than one fare for the round trl to Bhoahonl, Wyo., the reservation border. The only all-rail route to the reservation border. Dates of registration July 1 to 11 at Bhoahonl and Lander. Reamed only by this line. Write for pamphlets telling how to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free oaf fequest at City Office. 1401-3 Bmrnam St or addreaa 8. F. Miller, A. a F. a T, a, 1201 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Werts, Dentist, OM-a raxton bluett. Street far Company Wins. A verdict for the atreet car company was returned Tueaday morning In district court In th cane In which Knlthaa Kramer aned for no.OfiO" for Injnrlea he received at Hlx teenth and William atreet while alighting from a car. He aaya the car started while he waa getting off and threw hint to the ground, severely Injuring Mm. The afreet car company ahaerted he climbed off while the car waa In motion. 10c Housewives." Nebraska, Ir US Vo-tJ-e X: 14 3 i a 3 1 4 u o 1M Su 4 12 9 to W to w 16 5 58 to ' t ; 7 is 13 4.1 SO ' fm u b h 21 M 1 12 i (1 11 76 11 24 T 17 il S It 84 r at 12 7 ft 2 11 , 4 0 1 1 22 t 0 3u (i S t? u 47 47 le - auenaea en. T