Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 4. 1906. err; Tiie Omaha Daily Bee. B. ROSE WATER EDITOR, EnUrcd at Omaha PostofTloe M eeoond claas matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally lie. (without Sunday). one jr Dally Hm and Sunday, on r-r 'J fcundar Bee. om year Saturday Km, on year w DELIVERED BY CARRIER, pally I'm (including Sunday), par week.lTo Dally Bee (without Sunday, par week..ltc c-vtnlng We., (without ttunday), per week. Kv.nlng Bee (with Sunday), par week..l0o bunday Baa, per copy Address complaint of Irregularities la Sa livary to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council BletTs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago itM) Inity Building. Is aw York 1"! Home lAtm Ins. Building. Washington Cm Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to news and edi torial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha tier. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps received as payment of rilAll lrniint. V.r-.nri a I rhuokl. extent Oil Omaha or enstern exchanges, not aocepted. THE BEE PLBLIS1 UNO COMrAN 1. COMPAf RTATEMENT OF CI RCVLATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, : C. r. Hnsewater, general manager or The Bee Publishing company, oelng duly worn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during Ihe month of Juno, 180. was aa follows: 1 31,710 2 33,610 1 30,750 4 31,980 S 31.S80 33.070 T 33,010 31,900 33,410 10 30,630 11 33,300 12 31,830 1 31,810 14 31,880 IK 31,870 Total Less unsold copies tit 33,463 IT. II. 19. 10. 21. 22. 22. 24. 21. 24. 27. 30,800 81380 31,810 33,000 81,940 31,850 89.870 30,340 81,799 81,800 t ' 21 2! 31,700 20 33,280 .864,180 . 10,498 Net total sales 843.884 Dally average 81,468 C. C ROSE WATER. 1 General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this SOth day of June, 1906. (Seal) M. B. HLNGATK. Notary Public. WHEJI OIT OF TOW. Sahserlbera leaving- the pity lem porarlly sheald have Tha Be mailed to them. Address will ba changed aa eftea as requested. Now for the Glorious Fourth. This Is ordinarily the fire depart ment's busy day. If the Colorado supreme court keeps up Its record, Kansas may lose some of the distinction gained from court made law. With British spinners willing to pay 10 cents a pound for American cotton, corn will have to look to Its dearly won crown. About this- time eight years ago things were becoming quite lively in the neighborhood of a place called Santiago bay. Oklahoma should be (lad that the Indian Territory is putting eff itg race war before It assumes the name of Its associate In statehood. The drawings for Crow land Indicate that even as strenuous as is the Iowa political situation, it could not keep all the voters at home. Colonel Bryan's real problem will come whon he undertakes to draft a platform which will satisfy all the men who have declared for him. The casualty list has already com menced coming In, but It will take eeveral'weeks before the names of all tho victims are added to it. ' The board of directors of the Penn sylvania Railroad company having dis covered that it has done Its duty, the whitewash brush should be passed to the executive officers. Creditors of San Domingo will find it more difficult to get cash from a New York bank than to draw conces sions from the Insular government but the money is in sight at least. With concessions to the peasants on the subject of land tenure, the. Russian government may hope to divide them and conquer. But the peasants will hava s word to say after they get the land. The outbreak of cholera among the natives of the Philippines will give American medical science its chance to contribute toward making the Fili pinos glad they have been annexed by incle Sam. I The Panama canal project has one advantage over that at Suez, since Its bonds will carry Interest at the rate of t per cent, while the latter at times ..I J A a. . ... - suiu a. a discount, even wun per cent Interest. N hen the Interstate Commerce commission s decisions cease to be merely advisory, lawyers will probably Insist upon the adoption of rules which will enable them to delay the game as long aa possible. Having settled to iu own satisfac tion that there Is not land enough for all la Russia. It will still be difficult for the government to use this as a basis to Justify reducing the popula tlon through riot. Criticism of the record of congress on the subject of labor laws comes with bad taste from a party which de pends for congressional representation npoa states where peonage and child labor Is permitted. A lot of Nebraska people have drawn winning numbers In the Crow Reservation lottery, but why -anyone Situated ia Nebraska should want to go out there to get a land bonus will have to ba explained. , , INDEPKSDtifCt DAT. 1 Today la the one hundredth and thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the occasion will be duly celebrated not only wherever the American flag floats, but in many foreign countries wherever American citizens may hap- Den to be ft v.. ham nnito tha custom to lament the decadence of the times and the degeneracy of our public and prl- vate life, especially in the light of die- closures exposing scandals In govern- ment and business. Dut no one who Dig and quick pronu, wun corre looxs back over the record of Aroert- sponding risks. Such investors have can progress and achievement within the comparatively few years that have elapsed since the birth of the republic ,, h n.imiiiio tha future. The free institutions that were erected by the founders of our gov- eminent have been vindicated time and again and are more firmly en- trenched today than ever before. No country In the world is so entitled to be called the "land of the free and the home of the brave." and no other people have as much to show In the way of accumulated wealth and its widespread distribution as the Amer- Ican people. While a millionaire addicted to snobbery will now and then expatriate himself in order to associate more In- tlmately with titled aristocrats or European monarchies, all the rest of the inhabitants of our country are more than satisfied with their form of government and the conditions which 11 provides for comfortable livelihood, ian(1 wuld not give up their American citizenship In exchange for citizenship in any other nation of the world. When they travel abroad they take their greatest pride in heralding themselves as Americans and when they return home they realize more than they can express how greatly they value the American name and how glad they are to set foot again upon American soil, What sort of government and what sort of Institutions might have been in, the world, the percentage of dis developed on this continent had there eased animals being remarkably small been no Declaration of Independence on the Fourth Day of July in tho year 1776 no one can tell, but this much Is certain, that except for that historic event our present government and our present institutions would never have been ours to hand down to succeeding generations. IK DEPENDENT OPINION OF CONGRESS, What the Springfield (Mass.) Re- publican deliberately says under the head. "What Congress and the Presl- dent Have Done," Is significant, be- cause that paper is recognized as one of the pronounced types of strictly in- dependent Journalism, always a se- vere critic and standing for the strict- est ethical ideals In government. Con- pressed by the fact that the govern cludlng the long list of Important ment Is bending every energy to put measures enacted during the session Just closed, the Republican deliber- ately declares that "it is a record of spectlon over every particle of the great achievement," and adds: ' "We process of meat production "from pas may . question lndr t- whether there tare to package." The stamp of the has been a congress session since the government henceforth will carry an civil war that has more, closely held the public attention or dealt affirma- tlvely with so many matters of fMibllc interest." And of great matters be- fore congress, in its opinion, "what was left undone ia insignificant com- pared with what has been done." There can be no doubt that the ma- ture Judgment of the country, when it is definitely formed upon full lnforma- tlon, will coincide with this strictly and permanent Interests of our Ameri nonpartlsan opinion, especially in view can farmers and ranchmen, no less of the fact that most of the important enactments are measures long under consideration, but blocked by special interests, or of measures "exalting the powers of the federal government had been shocked, to prevent perma both at the expense of the states and nent and grave damage to those vast of the nower of monopolistic Inter- state businesses to do as they will in the exploitation of the people." The most extraordinary fact is that- most of these measures have gone through under no pressure of public disorder 6r Industrial hardship and de- presslon, but under conditions en- couraelna- to the policy of drift and "letting well enough" alone. It means far more than It would If It was the .nra...ln nf a mora nartlaan advo- cate that the Republican regards the decisive Impulse under these circum stances to be unquestionably President Roosevelt, and that he acted upon no mere disposition wantonly to meddle with and disturb existing arrange ments, but in the conviction that a large measure of Injustice and wrong enters into the Industrial order of the time. XKW NATIONAL. BOND ISSUE. The sale of $30,000,000 Panama canal bonds under the Spooner act, which authorised a total . Issue of 1130,000.000 is to be made direct to the people, without the intervention of any syndicate of bankers and finan ciers, under substantially the same method that was so successfully car- rled out during the war with Spain, when a $200,000,000 bond issue was subscrlbed several times over. There will thus be no share or commissions Intermediate between the treasury and the subscribers, and no profits that are not open to the small Investor as well as to the rich speculator, Considering that the interest Is only 2 per cent, that the bonds cannot be had at less than psr, and that they are payable at the government's option after the short period of only ten years, a small demand might natur ally be assumed, but It is anticipated In well Informed guarters that they will be much sought and even that competition may take them at con siderably above par. Though the In terest seems low. It Is payable quar terly, the bonds are exempt from both state and national taxation, and there Is the possibility. If not the probabil- tty, that they will not be ealled till the full thirty-year period ol maturity, go that there value may be gteadlly en hancod by demand as security for na- tional bank circulation Paying a net raU of Interest higher than that of the eastern savings banks and higher than the average on the great majority of industrial stocks wun periect rroeaora irom tneir nuc tustions and hniaros. these nonas really are attractive to a large and. in creasing number who have surplus ac cumulations and desire secure Invest ment and steady returns rather than come to consuiuie an immensely greater financial resource for our gov- eminent than the frugal trade ana farm classes In France, whose net earnings and savings are individually "o much smaller. They can supply almost out of their small change the funds required for the canal as the work progresses, without calling for extra current taxation and the treas- ry policy is a wise one that arroras them the opportunity. SECRETARY WILSON'S STATEMENT. Secretary Wilson's statement. Is- sued by direction of the president. thows the promptness and thorough- ness with which the new meat inspec- tlon system Is to be organized and en- forced and Is notice to the world of the signal benefits which must flow from it. Not one moment la to be j08t ana no effort of the government to be soared In utilizing the Bowers conferred by the new law. and when these are put in force no nation will have such far-reaching supervision of an forms of flesh food as the United states has now decreed. Secretary Wilson In his statement properly emphasizes one great fact which has lately been too much lost Bight of. but which the new law will jn due time surely be the means of bringing into bold relief, namely, that American live stock are the healthiest anu steadily decreasing because of the popularization of approved sclen- tlflc preventive methods, and that in- gpection of live animals before and at the time of slaughter always has been thorough. This was stated expressly, though briefly and with insufficient prominence, in the report of the presi dent's special expert Investigators of the Chicago packing industries. The objectional and offensive conditions which they found and the report of which caused such a sensation, related to sanitation and methods of prepara tlon of canned meat and similar meat derivatives. Consumers of our meats the world over will not fall to be favorably lm- In force, beyond the possibility of evasion, an adequate law extending in- absolute guarantee of the purity and wholesomeness of every ounce of meat products that are carried from one state to another or Into foreign coun- tries The result will Inevitably increase the demand for our meats both at home and abroad, whatever temporary injury may have been caused by re cent exposures. Thus the substantial than those of our packers, will be ultl- mately safeguarded by the Inspection law, which, indeed, was absolutely In dispensable, after public sensibilities Interests. The forty-sixth star m tne American na nas een nauy weicomea py a ureu '"r lUH " nlla bay. That Is where the Inhab- "ants of our far eastern possessions Bet decidedly the best of it by having Fourth of July come to them half a W earner man n reacnes us. i ais is something that the signers of the Dec- laranou aurciy uni uieauicuui The Postofflce department still oc cupies first place among other branches of the government in point of size of its requisition on the na tional treasury. Of all the money paid out by the national government, how ever, this brings its benefits directly to the greater number of people. Don't be In too great a hurry for full returns of the Douglas county -primary election. To tabulate completely the returns on only the two opposing state delegations of eighty-three each I voted for in eighty precincts requires the addition of 18,280 numerals ba fore the total can be had. " lok were to have a resumption of the ocean greyhound racing unless the ocean racing, like the automobile racing, turns up a bad ac- cldent at the start. The' old adage bout "8low but Bure" ,B lu8t ha od n th water ' ft 8 n land- Staid old Massachusetts, threatened with a political scandal, would be amusing were the case not serious. New Englanders may be willing to admit that graft threatens the founda tion of the republic when the shock hits so close home. A Toledo Judge has not only fined the Ire men. but has sentenced their attorneys to Imprisonment in the cooler for contempt. That ought to give all parties to the controversy a chance to lower their temperature. 'e sometimes have to go away from home to learn the news, which perhaps explains the declaration of a Des Moines paper that the contest In Ne- braska Is a repeUUoa of the fight waged for and against Governor Cum mins' demand for a third term over In Iowa. Nebraska republicans have not yet been apprised of the fact, but we presume they will take due notice of it now. The fact that proceedings in a Stand ard Oil suit In Ohio are instituted in the probate court does not necessarily mean that the prosecuting attorney considers the corporation dead, though he doubtless hopes to kill it. Two of a Klad. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Squeezing the lemon syndicate and breaking the Ice trust should be accom plished simultaneously In order to pro duce tha best results. Also Its Salary. New Tork Trlbuna. There Is a general belief that congress earned Its vacation this year, and on the whole representatives who were on tha winning side of the great publlo measures and most of them were have nothing to fear from their constituents. The Smart Thtasj to Do. Indianapolis News. If there really la no grain elevator trust, the smart thing for the alleged members of It to do, it would seem, would be to let the government plunge right ahead, and then give It tha raucous ha-ha. But It might n t work out Just right that way. Well qualified. Wltaeaaea. New York Trlbuna. The summoning of Japanese seamen and surgeons to testify In Admiral Rojest venaky's martial trial Is an Interesting and by no means unfitting Incident. Nobody la better qualified to tell of his doing, and of the hopeless Impossibility of tha task which was assigned to him, than they, and we may be sure his reputation and honor will not suffer unduly at their hands. One Corporatloa Excepted. New Tork Sun. Washington sends forth the virtuous de cision of the republican eongreaslonal cam paign committee not to seek contributions from corporations this yesr. The mem bers of the committee "assert positively" that this will not be a "money campaign." Their appeal will be to a free and enlight ened electorate by a party poor but hon est. One corporation the federal govern ment will be allowed to contribute the use of Its printing plant and postal ser vice without compensation for the manu facture and distribution of "literature." All others are barred. Prosrreaa oa the Farm. Chicago Chronicle. The congestion of population In cities has led tc much moralising on the decay of farm life and the Indisposition of farm ers' sons to pursue the father's calling. Tet our census reports show that between 1860 and 1900 the number of farms in the country Increased from less than 1,500,000 to nearly ,ono,1i. That this Is not wholly due to larger population Is shown by the fact that, while 1n 1S60 there was one farm to every sixteen persons. In 1900 there was one to every 1S.S persons, the farms grow ing In numbers faster than the population. There is shown In this fact one reason why farm labor is so Inadequate to the demand just now. Cobalt and Piebald. Harper's Weekly. Our neighbor. Thomas Edison, has got the horse annihilated again. He has been out after cobalt, and found lots of It somewhere, an that Is to make tha stor age battery so rHaap, light and capacious that every vehicle -will very soon be self propelling. Latterly, a ' good many of neighbor Edison's storage battery yarns have got separated from their sequels, and the aequels have got lost. But, after all. nobody has got a better right to have hiatuses occur In the plots of his wonder tales thsn a writer who has so often compassed the Incredible. When cobalt Is cheaper than piebald, then cobalt. Mean while, piebald. WO IO TIGER A FAD. Postofllee Rea-nlatlons Designed to Promote Poatal Card Baalaeaa. Cleveland Leader. Tha Postofflce department has about or rived at the conclusion that the souvenir post-card has developed from a fad Into an Institution. There Is no complaint on that score, for the cards often take the places of more bulky letters and they are eaay to handle. But on their account the publlo Is demanding at least one change In the postal regulations. The rule of the department la that every letter and postal card shall be stamped on the back with the place, data and hour of its receipt at Its postofflce destination The result Is often defacement of the pic tures on the souvenir cards, and aome of them are beautiful. To meet this objection the postofflce In New York and several other large cities have been allowed to omit the receiving stamp. Now the post masters of similar cities are asking for the same exemptions. There Is little doubt that the department will soon make Its special ruling In this respect general. The carda meet a real requirement and many of them are neat and artistic. Often the pictures tell more than can be put In a letter. The vulgar and offensive specimens which were re cently so conspicuous are rapidly disap peering. Those which border on the ln decent are held out by tha postmasters and sent to the dead letter office. It seems certain that the picture post-card have come to atay. AMEXDIKO THE COXSTITl'TIO. Steps to Formulate a Demaad Ceaaress. Chicago Record-Herald. Reports from Des Motnes Indicate that the convention of delegates of the states to discuss ways and means for securing the election of t'ntted Btatea senators by direct vote of the people will be largely attended and will give rise to an energetic propaganda. With nineteen states already on the list of thoae that have made their formal demand on congress to call a con stitutional convention, and with only eleven more needed to force rongresa to act. It Is evident that a little muscle and a little doae of "get together" will bring the results. How much can be accomplished by a state that atarta out to Interest the others Is shown by the work of the committee of correspondence appointed by the Penn sylvania legislature in ISM and reappointed In l'l. Prior to that time most of the states had been urging congress to "pro pose" or "submit" an amendment. Their resolutions were merely expressions of their desire, not forma! demands which could compel obedience. Pennsylvania pointed out to the other states that their work was going astray because the senate would never yield to their wishes till It was forced to. The point was so effectively made that swltt series of formal demands followed. Georgia and Arkansas In l") and 11" H also appointed committees of cor respondence and helped out the work of the Pennsylvania committee. The Des Moines convention can take Into account what progress waa made by the less strenuous n.eans of correspond- ence and be assured thst with two-thirds of the necessary preliminary work accom- mliMhaA tha other third will " TTHC DAT WH TR. Jely 4 aad tta Relation to the Deelar atloa of Inseeendeaee. There are those who assert as historical tnith that "the day wt celebrate," July 4, plumes Itself with more feathers of the eagle than the event warranta One writer In Harper's Magaslne Insists that July 2 Is tha proper date to celebrate the Immortal declaration. Other July datea have been claimants for come of the honors and that they possess equal rights with the Fourth Is not to be discussed seriously. The Declaration of Independence waa agreed to In the continental congress In Philadelphia July 4. 1774, and so there Is no occasion for tightening the lid on our exuberant ex hilaration. What was done on July 2 waa to agree to resolutions of Independ ent as framed originally by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. But that the declaration adopted on July 4 waa then formally engrossed and signed, or even agreed to by all of the thirteen colonies, says the Springfield Republican, la shown to be untrue In a volume recently published by the Macmlllan company, writ ten by Herbert Frledenwald, entitled "The Declaration of Independence; an In terpretation and Analysis." Jefferson himself has reoorded that after the declaration had been agreed to It waa "signed by every member preeent except Mr. Dickinson." The declaration itself goes to sustain this assertion, for It Is headed, "In congress, July 4, 1774," and Is said to be "the unanimous declaration of the thirteen United Btatea of America." But It is here shown beyond all power of disputing not only that the document was not signed on July 4, but that, aa the New Tork delegates had no power to act at 'the time. It was not unanimously adopted or proclaimed on that day, and In this connection It may be worth observing that the familiar tradition of tha ringing of the bell of Independence hall in Phila delphia on that day to make loud the proclamation of Independence Is a legend without the faintest show of authority. Bo the bell has of late years been going round the country under a measure of false pretension. These are matters of Interest, If not Im portance. The facts aa here brought out. though not altogether for the first time. re that had the declaration been signed on July 4, and had the signatures been confined to members of the congress pres ent, quite a different list of names would now stand appended to the document, and they would have numbered not more than forty-nine, and possibly only forty-five, In stead of the fifty-six which appear on the original parchment. It la known that forty-five members were present on that day, and their Identity Is known, and the four others needed to make up the full membership roll of the thirteen colonies may have been present, but left no certain trace of being so. It Is made pretty clear from the printed records of the time that the declaration was adopted on July 4, with the votes of the New Tork members lacking for want of authority; that on July 15 the New York members passed 1n their approval; that on July 19 It was decided to engrors the document on parchment and to hava It signed by every member of the congress after being engrossed, and the secret Journal of the congress, first published In 1S21, records fhat the stgmng took place on August 2. 177. when "the Declaration of Independence being engrossed and com pared at the table, was signed by the members." Thus the Declaration as sent out to the colonies and read to the soldiers immediately after July 4 waa lacking signa tures, and It waa not until January of the following year that congress agreed to S publication of an authentic copy with the signatures attached. It is the conclusion of this author that the matter of having the Declaration signed by tha men who promulgated It came ss a kind of afterthought, and that secrecy was maintained for some time thereafter In the possible idea of protecting the signers should the British government succeed in suppressing the revolt. In which case, as Franklin had said, they would all hang separately even though they had hung to gether. But If the fathers ever had any such purpose In mind they did not cling to It long, for congress published the signa tures In January, 1777. The evidence all goes to show thst the signing of the document extended over quite a little period of time, and did not take place altogether on August 2 or any other day. Seven men who were present In congress on July 4 never signed at all; seven men whose names do appear ap pended to the document were not members of congress on July 4. Some of the men who signed are known not to have been in Philadelphia on August 2. and the con clusion Is, accordingly, that the signing did not begin until that date, that It ex tended beyond August 2, as the convenience of members dictated, and that It Included quite a number who had no part in adopt Ing the Declaration. Only a few of the signers, furthermore, seem to have eppre elated the Importance of getting tholr names attached to this Immortal document- never dreaming that it waa to obtain the place It has In the literature and politics of the world. But there were some who did. Blbtldge Gerry of Massachusetts was one. Bad health compelled him to leave Philadelphia twelve days after the adoption of the Declaration, but he continued anx ious about the signing, for on July 21, writing from Klngsbrldge, N. Y., to John and Samuel Adams, he said: "Pray sub scribe for me ye Declaration of Independ ency If ye same Is to be signed as pro posed; I think we ought to have ye priv ilege, when necessarily absent, of voting and signing by proxy." This offers fur ther proof not only that there waa no sign ing on July 4. but that aa late as July 18, when Gerry left Philadelphia, there had been no signing. Gerry did not return tr Philadelphia until September 2, and pre sumably did not sign until then. As we have aald, thla Is of Interest. If not especially Important; but It is Instructive In going to show that there was no blason Ing forth of the document on July 4, full rigged or with names attached, and accom panted by the pealing of bells, as tradition has it. The Declaration Itself was adopted lacking New York's vote, on that day, and quietly sent forth for proclamation In tha colonies; but aa an engrossed and signed document, fully supporting the legend at the head, "Tha unanimous declaration," etc.. It came Into existence some time after July 4. Our author entera Into some study of the genesis of this great paper, and a consid eratlon of the political philosophy which It voices. We need not follow him to this extent, beyond noting that, whl'.e he dies not appear to follow this particular school of thought In regard to government as en thuslastically as migh be expected, he hf-sl tatea not to concede the mighty Influence which the Declaration has had heretofore In shaping our own political Institution and which It is yet to have In that dlrec tlon. We oceaelonally diverge from the teachings of this great popular creed flout the Ideals which It holds up, as either ridic ulous or unattainable; but It la only for the time being, for against all these paths of divergence the Declaration onerstes as stumbling Mock." as Lincoln raid, and will always so operate. Fur. let the wle nv n of politics and poUtiral. theory argue as they ntay, and conclude unit tney will, there j ., ' ,, ...., , th. ,., ,nn-.. . , . dp . .D)(Jln, conv1ron th.ttbe doo,rtn.. proclaimed In th e preamble of the -ehmrtIUlll essentially and eternally i tu. true. it makes you long for dinner time BAKING Rest for flaky pastry. wholesome bread and biscuit best for criso cookies best for delicious cakes, some muffins, doughnuts will melt in your mouth. Everyth'nfc you make well, It will help to make bttr, because it's "beat by test." Anybody ean cook well If they ase OaJaaaet Baking Powder. Failure with It Is almost Impossible. The feo pre pared with It Is irea frem Alum, Rocbelle Salts or any injurious substance. Price) Is Moderate FIRST AID FOR IXJURED. Simple Home Remedies for Fire cracker Boras. New York World. As In times of peace we are admonished to prepare for war, it Is as well for the mothers of "Young America"1 to get their medicine chests ready to do bsttls with burns of all kinds. Some simple remedies which each houae hold should have are given here with the hope that they will not be found necessary, but If they are, that they relieve the pain of the small sufferer. A strong solution of common baking soda gives almost Instant relief to an ordinary burn. Pour enough water over the soda to dissolve It, and apply on a piece of clean linen, or the burn, if it becomes very much Inflamed, can be painted with collodion. This is renewed whenever necessary ail will subdue the swelling. For burns covering a large surface, equal parte of Unseed oil and lime water are recommended, or four parts of lime water to one part of oil. Saturate a cloth with the mixture and apply to the parts affeoted. Where a child has burnt himself and the pain causes great nervousness, put a tea spoonful of alum in a pint of water and baths the parts frequently. Keep the burn wet with the solution, which extracts the heat in a remarkable manner, and put the small patient in bed. The lotion should soothe Into a calm and- refreshing sleep. Where none of the above remedies is at hand, kerosene or crude oil can be applied to the wound, provided It is not an open one. For the first application to s burn noth ing Is really more aoothlng than a lotion of equal parts of lime water and linseed oil. and this mixture should always be handy In the medicine closet. When the skin Is broken It should be applied on lint, as ordinary cloth will adhere to the sur face and cause much pain and suppura tion. In cases where the skin is unbroken this lotion may be continued until recovery- But when the surface Is raw and the skin nearly or quite destroyed the lotion should be dispensed with after from eighteen to thirty hours, and the following healing ointment used instead: Oxide sine, finely powdered, one ounce. Balsam of Peru, ten drops. . Vaseline, eight ounces. Heat the vaseline and stir in the pow der ed oxide of sine, being sure to mix well; add also the balsam and let stand until cool. Apply on lint, using the same pre caution aa specified above. Last year there were 404 deatha due to lockjaw from Injuries Incurred during the Fourth of July celebration. It should, therefore, not be necessary to warn parents against permitting their children to play with the more dangerous explosives, nor for them to overlook the slightest open wound or scratched skin which might give the terrible germ of lockjaw an opening. When such an abrasion has occurred apply some strong antiseptic, such as hydrosone, and then send for medical attendance. Some times a powder wound will Injure the deeper tissues of the skin, producing an enuslon of blood Into the skin. This 1 made visible by a livid, deep blue or black patch. A lotion of ah ounce of tincture of arnica to a pint of water will remove the pain and hasten an absorption of blood. Another remedy demands a sufficient quan tity of flaxseed meal to form a layer from three-quarters to sn inch thick. Spread a cloth the sise of the wound. Upon this place small pieces of Ice, sprinkled with the meal. Cover with another cloth, turn. ing In the edges so the mass will not es cape, and apply to the burn. PERSONAL NOTES. Alexander Mulr, author of Canada's na tional hymn, "The Maple Leaf," has Just died at Toronto. Andrew Carnegie's library glfta In the United States last year numbered 211 and amounted to over 23,000,000. As evidence that the Indian Territory has Indeed reached a stage of civilisation that entltlea It to statehood, one druggist out mere is advertising "house paint, face paint and nose paint." Richard Franklin Pettlgrew wants to b3 the first socialist to alt In the United States senate as such. He Is going to invite his atate of South Dakota to elect him senator three yeara hence. Ha has served two terms already. Edward Iveson Goldsmith bears the treble distinction of being the oldest native cltiien of Lynn, Mass., the oldest veteran of the civil war now living In the Bay state and one of the youngeet looking men of his I Good Pianos Chcap. 1 At Hospe s One Price Store To Mil oufrlr ni1 fas market a big lot of good pTunoVn.w oSeV enTu.!IV.'fl'Cla! to lac on th buyer an even chance to choose buvlnt eVn. ,to 1v" ,n P1"0 cheap piano. It's up to you to luvVstlV"u and od plano OT a when purchasing. "i-gAt and tale your own Judgment rul.?odmn?ffi y" On. price I. our safe In buying your piano ol f the a How Co uanlru h best. You are two'rndsVdoepi't Tr th' more money than what we offer you tortL. ll" ,n u"- But hy cost Hard to beat la this lot. "Jy. One R. W. Bradbury piano SCS as . One R. W. Sohm.7 Piano. W wn fid's? J" w On. Rosewood ose st Sons Plana, li ,S rLr ""on'h. One lag. Herllch Hano, lV h a.nd"h 'n1 fr month. Six brand new Vprl,ht IW.. onlJiU ekch r:.m2T,h to Sir P"n0" r"lri k?rCUi&"$oZ KCeTo'rn- WO nog&Vhan" "riZlZZJZX ? ' " Remember we have th. high irrs d. Vr?ibe ,or ''", "p Bni" Payment. Kr.kauer and other celebrated pianos .h rh .. K,1"',h & Bach. Kimball. tails them for. p " '' hlrh we sell as low as the factory re- Come earlv to set first rhnlc a 11 Good Parlor Organa for $15, 30. 2i and'twl ,n pl,Un flure A. HOSPE COMPANY l513DouU.St Om.h..N.b. CALUMET POVDER tooth that age In the world. He has Just celebrate! his 4th birthday and doea not look a rlay over 65. He served in the Twenty-third Massachusetts In the civil war. James Augustus Wilson, a negro, won th' rich prise at the" Wesleyan university fnf the best commencement orstlon. Mis sub ject was "Shall the Negro Have a Share in American Politics?" The prise-taker, norv a resident of Calhoun, Ala., was born In Wllllamsport, Pa., thirty-two years ago. Fifteen men are known to be still alive who served as confederate congressmen--John Ooode and Roger A. Pryor, Virginia. A. 8. Colyar, J. D. C. Atkins. Joseph P Helskel and John V. Wright, Tennessee; Hiram P. Bell, Georgia; Henry C. Jones. Florida; James L. Pugh, Alabama; S. IV Callahan, Indian Territory; J. A. P. Camp bell, Mississippi; 8. H. Ford, Kentucky; " H. Tlbbs, North Carolina. MERHY CRACKERS. New Guest (at summer resort hotel) To t had a dance here last night, didn't you How many couples were on the floor? Landlord One regular couple, and the halves of twenty-eight others. Chicago Tribune. "So soon forgot," murmered the visitor sadly. "Oh. brace up. What are you thinking about?" "That five I lent you last week for a day." Philadelphia Ledger. Bill A man doesn't know who to be lieve, nowadays. Jill Oh, I don't know! Just ask the cashier at your bank how your account stands, and you're not likely to get an extravagant ststement. Yonkers states man, "They were going to elope last night but it's all oft now. They couldn't deeme upon a conveyance." "Why, both he and she own automo biles." "That was the whole trouble. She de clared her auto waa the best and uh in sisted his was." Philadelphia Ledger. "My stomach has gone back on me," com plained the fat man. "You don't look it, old fellow," said hi' physician. "I never saw It in a more for ward condition." Chicago Tribune. Rockefeller was delighted with the thrift of the French. "Beautiful, beautiful." he murmured, then added musingly: "Yet If my countrymen were equally saving where would I be?" So serious was the train of thought started by this reflection that he forgot to tip the waiter. Philadelphia Ledger. '"Now," said the doctor, ryou'n' have to accustom yourself to one cigar after meals." "Oh! doctor," said the patient, "that's pretty hard" "Tut, tut! After a time you'll find It easy to give up even the cigars after meala." "But I'm sure I'll be giving up the meals after the clgara. I've never smoked, you know." Philadelphia Press. TUB GLORIOl'S FOURTH. W. J. Larrup ton in New York Sun, Great Scot, This is what They call the Fourth of July. It aounda more like all of it, and Then some, with the entire land Banging And whanging Ana wnizzing And fizzing And sir ring And shooting And tooting And yelling , And belling And ten million. smalt boys Making Just as much noise As they want to, and their pas and msa Adding a few hurrahs, While the eagle files - To the ridge pole of the skies And flaps his wings And screams and sings; And the Stars and Stripes are unfurled So that the whole wide world May see the colors that stand For the biggest and youngcat and greatest land That tha earth Has ever given birth To. And T'ncle Sam's grin At the national din, Extends from the Caribbean shore To the Philippines' door; And Yankee Doodle IS the air We're going to breathe forever; The air that makes a patriot do Or die In the endeavor. Gee whiz. What a day It la! And how the effete Monarchies of the old world beat A retreat I When they think of what We could do to mnke it hot For them, if we let fly ' Our Fourth of July At them Instead of In the air F.very where From Mwtne to California, From Boston to Ynhoo From Cuba to Manila, From here to Kalamazoo. That'e us. . And we don't make any fuss About It. either, except a little on the day e came here to ntay. And now blaze away uV'Iytt.,n- Bnd ,h rth and sky With the Fourth of July; The only one, too None genuine, .except stamped red, whits . and blue. - - Not Cheap Pianos Purchase at Our Store (