Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Enrllncton Allows Lincoln to Pomp Out of
lu Weill.
a Tale Aninal Urn tot Raa Preble
Ileal tee of Mrewerka aa
Accoeat of the Dtitr
from Flrea.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July l.-(Special.)-8uperln-tendent
Blgnelt of the Rurlington cama lo
iha relief of Lincoln last night and per
mitted the water commissioner to turn Into
tha water mains of tha city any amount
needed from the Burlington wells until the
city get in water system In commission
again. Then Mr. Blgnell loaned the city a
pump and It was lowered Into the Mockett
well and started. Just how long It will
take to put the city water plant In repair
ts not known. The capacity of the Burling
ton wells la 1,000,000 gallons a day, and at
least half of this amount Is. at the d lupous 1
of the city.
Mayor Brown Issued a proclamation this
afternoon calling upon all cltlsens to refrain
from shooting fireworks In the business sec
tion of the town In order to make the dan
ger from fire as little as possible. Every
person . who shoots a blank revolver or
touches off a firecracker will be arrested
and prosecuted.
Pollard Rearhes Hem.
Congressman Pollard reached his home In
Kehawka this morning from Washington
and It Is now expected the congressional
committee will be called to meet shortly
and the date of the primary or convention
will he set. Pollsrd's friends hope he will
call a primary, as It Is believed he could
get the nomination that way, but If he does
It is likely the entire cost will he saddled
onto him, as he will. In all probability, have
no opposition. Chairman Teegarden has
hesitated to call the committee together
.ending the arrival of Mr. Pollard.
Oeorsre Tobey, secretary to Benator Burk
ed, accompanied by Mrs. Tobey, reached
Lincoln this morning from . Washington
and Senator Burkett Is expected Thursday.
The senator went to Wisconsin, where he
speaks at Appleton tomorrow. He accom
panied Mr. Tobey as far as Chicago on the
way home. Mrs. Burkett and children
have been here since Saturday.
Capital City Briefs.
Oovemor Mickey has gone to Trenton,
Mo., where tomorrow he will make a speech
at the Chautauqua, the oci jii being old
sottlers' day.
Secretary of State Qaluaha, accompanied
by his family, will leave Saturday for. a
visit to Tellowstons park. The family will
be gone for a week or ten days.
Preps Looking- Well.
State Senator Mockett returned this morn
ing from a trip Into Custer county and re
ports crops looking better In that section
of the state than ever before. The people
In Custer were getting scared about the
scarcity of rain, said Mr. Mockett, but Sun
day night a good rain fell, and the Indica
tions are the crops will be bountiful. Wheat
never looked better, Mr. Mockett said.
Representative Crutchfleld of Kearney
county was here today on business and re
ported crops out In his section of the state
looking good. Very little politics Is being
discussed, said Mr. Crutchfleld. Whether
,he will be a candidate for a second term,
Mr. Crutchfleld has not fully decided, al
though It Is very probable that he will be.
Brows and Sheldon Fall Dawa.
Attorney General Norris Browa, candi
date for senator, and George Sheldon,
yrandldnte for governor,, get . thejr k first
throw-down In Lancaster county last' night
when the Union Veterans' Republican club
refured to endorse them. For some days
friends of the two candidates have been
1 busy trying to work up sentiment among
the old soldiers and the Impression had
been created that they would be endorsed.
Pome of the members of the club had ex
pressed themselves In their favor and at
the meeting held last night the matter was
taken up. A member of the clubproposed
the endorsement of Crounse for senator
and Steele for governor. The resolution
went through without a fight, the Brown
Ehrldon men not being sufficiently numer
ous to mik trouble.
Poara Oil from a Large Caa Oato
tha Fir.'
SPENCER, Neb.. July I. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Calhoun waa burned to death
here at t o'clock this morning. She tried
to start the kitchen fire, and after two or
th'ee unsuccessful attempts she poured
kerosene In the stove nut of a gallon can,
which caused an explosion, bursting both
ends out of the can and scattering the
oil on her and all about the room, which
Immediately became a mass of Mimes. She
fell to the floor and the Are and heat was
. so Intense that help could not .reach her
until the fire waa partially extinguished by
the firemen. Her son, Ouy C. Calhoun, and
his wife snd two children were In an ad
joining room, just getting- up, when th??
ja. cowr-iia iaDfm im m
,Jr "1.S0 and snare
uacu. reaDofly ft to
IiiiiiI -J Cellara
I 11
yjf Wxj oino
(n i Ts orrLiKt
yrj' TClla TMl 8 TORY Of TMI
lUJ. ol who. r I
aU-h Una. Tks h I
When You Come to SIIOSUOM to Register
Inquire lor J. B. SHARP. Attorney In Land and Mining Cases
Waters That Make You Well.
SIIOGO LITHIA imparts energy and vigor and kills that
tired feeling. If your dealer does not keep it order a case or
demijohn from
heard the explosion, but they could not
help her, as the flames enveloped her In
an Instant.
It wss but a few mlttutea until the Are
wss under control, so she could be rescued,
but every particle of clothing wss burned
from her body, and her face and neck were
burned terribly and her hair wss burned
from her head. Even her shoes were nearly
burned off. She lived for four hours snd
died st 10 o'clock. She remained conscious
to the last and said good-bye to those
near her a moment before expiring. The
house waa not damaged much, as the water
works were near st hand and the fire was
soon extinguished.
Deslraa Officers ta tlelp Make Peace
with Haabaad.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., July I. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Riley, the wife and mother
who deserted her home to Join the "Holy
Rollers," the band of religious enthusiasts,
who were egged In this city and ordered
from the grounds they occupied, wrote a
complaint to Governor Mickey, but finally
packed up and went to Hastings, has re
turned to this city (he second time and Is
anxious for a reconciliation with her hus
band. She Immediately called upon Chief
of Police Koeplln and told qutte a atrangu
story. She alleged that the "Holy Rollers"
held a strange power over her and that,
though In leaving her husband and child
she knew she was doing wrong, she could
not resist the Importunities of the men
and women of the band. She believed
that she had been hypnotised.
She states that when she was In this
city Friday, accompanied by two of the
male members of the band, and when she
told the chief that she had never been
married to Mr. Riley, and the child waa
not liar own, but an adopted one, It was
at the Instance and dictation of the peo
ple who accompanied her. On Saturday
night, she saya, she was determined to go
home, but the people who had the in
fluence over her would not permit It. They
even took her rings to assist In making
her stay. She asserts that shs finally got
away and returned to this city through
the asslstsnce of the chief of police of
Haatlngs. She urged upon the authorities
here to Intercede with her husband to
have him reconcile the matter, acknowl
edging her guilt and desiring to reunite
the family. It Is stated that the Husband
Is much disinclined to do this.
Money Necessary to Secare Enter
prise Readily Raised.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 3. (Special Tel
egram.) The necessary bonds for the es
tablishment of a packing house In Beatrice
were practically secured today and this
Industry for Nebraska's third city Is now
an assured fact. The proposed plant Is to
cost 8260,000 and will employ several hun
dred skilled workmen. The capacity of the
plant will be 200- cattle and 1,000 hogs dally.
The bonds were raised with but little effort
on the part of the Commercial club, as
those who purchased the bonds realise
that Beatrice Is located In a fine agricul
tural country with splendid railroad facili
ties and reaooroea that will amply support
an Institution of this kind. Kansas City
parties are behind the enterprise and the
proposition calls for the completion of
the plant In eight months.
aaasael Payae and Ed Collins, Mar
derers, Graated Freedom.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 1. (Special Telegram.)
Governor Mickey this morning pardoned
Samuel E. Tayne, colored, and Kd Collins,
murderers sentenced to the penitentiary
for life from Douglas county. The men
had served fourteen years each.
' Payne waa .convicted of the murder of a
white girl In Omaha and the murder was
one of the most brutal ever committed In
tha stste. The pardons were recommended
by the chief Justice, Attorney General
Brown and Secretary of State Galusha.
Methodist Elders Meet.
COLUMBUS, Neb., July 8.-Speclal.)-Presiding
Elder Millard of the Grand Island
district of the north Nebraska conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church had a
meeting of the elders of the different dis
tricts of the conference at his home here a
couple of days ago. There were present
Rev. William Gorat, D. D., of the Omaha
district. Rev. D. K. TIndall. D. D . of the
Norfolk district and Rev. Thomas Blthnell,
D. D., of the Nellgh district. These clergy
men are next to the bishop In the annual
conference and there business was to get
the committee in working order for tru
meeting of the annual conference that la to
be held at Central City September 12, at
which Bishop L. B. Wilson will preside.
Lightning- at Barchard,
BL'RCHARD. Neb., July 8. (Special.)
Lightning struck the house' of William
Taya at Lew la ton. nine miles north of here,
Saturday night, damaging the building to a
considerable extent end rendering Insensible
the nine inmates, who did not recover con
sciousness for fifteen minutes. Aside' from
Mr. snd Mrs. Tays and children Mr. and
Mrs. Urry Hochstedler of Burchard and
Mrs. Boston and children of Wymore were
visitors at the Tays home, and all are
congratulating themselves that the build
ing was not set on fire by the lightning
Dolllver ta Speak at Falraary.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. July 8 (Special.)
The Fairbury Chautauqua will be held Au
gust 10 to 20. The talent secured for the
meeting embreces Senator J. P. Dolllver,
Captain Richmond P. Hobson. Dr. Dana C.
Johnson, Adraln M. Newens, Spllmsn RJggs,
Frank R. Roberson, Gilbert A. Eldrldge,
Dr. Frank G. 8mlth, Frank E. Janes, Prof.
F. 11. Lane. Dr. I-ewla T. Guild, Miss Edna
H. McAllister, Temple mole quartet, Wll
Hams jubilee singers, Alton Psckard and
Roaanl, "the Juggler." The exercises will
be held In the city park.
Horse Draffs Boy to Death.
LOUP CITY, Neb.. July 8 (Special
Telegram.) The S-year-old son of Law Rossa, a farmer living about seven
miles east of this city, near Sihaupps,
wss dragged to hla death by a horse this
afternoon The little fellow went Into
the pasture, caught the horae and after
putting the halter on the animal thought
lessly tied the rope about his body.
Fast Week Hu Been Qsmrally favorable
in All Portion! of the State,
Ralas Geaeral Over State, la ansae
lastaacee Arcnat peeled by Hall,
bat as a Rale Doing
I.lttle Damage.
LINCOLN. July 1-The last week was a
very favorable one In nearly all parts of
the stste. The temperature was near nor
mal and beneficial showers occurred very
The mean dally temperature of the last
week averaged 2 degrees sbove normal In
the southern counties and 1 degree below
normal In the, northern. The maximum
temperatures were slightly sbove 90 de
grees on Thursday, and they were also
above to degrees at many stations on
Friday and Saturday. The minimum tem
peratures were slightly below 60 degrees
at most atstlons.
The rainfall was above the normal In
most of the stste. It exceeded an Inch In
about all of the counties In the eastern
half xf the state artd ranged from two
Inches to more than four In considerable
areas. The heavy showers of Tuesday and
Saturday were accompanied by hall In
many localltiea, although generally little
damage resulted. The total rainfall from
April 1 to date Is above the normal In the
greater part of the atate. but the. defi
ciency continues In the southwestern coun
ties. Rontheaatera Section.
BuMer Thre rnnA hA.,.- . jt.
, . " " i i v hi i . , .lur
ing the week, with mmo h..n.
and a little hall. .
cass Rain occurred the first part of the
week and waa verv hen.HMai Yh. r-nA
la In good condition.
Jlllmnre A good rain occurred Saturday.
Hamilton A aonil mln With .nna!1jiMhl-
hall occurred Tuesday. Friday and Satur
day were clear and warm.
Jefferson Most of the week was clear
and warm.
Johnson A heavy thunderstorm occurred
Tuesday nlht and a heavy rainfall oc
curred Friday afternoon.
Lancaster The week was warm, with
good showers Tuesday and Saturday nights
and a henvy rain Sunday.
Nuckolls The week waa warm and
mostly clear.
Richardson Frldav evening m rainfall nf
1.46 Inches occurred, which puts the ground
in nne cnnauion.
York The rainfall was ample snd the
week generally favorable. A severe snd
destructive hailstorm occurred In the north
western part of the country on the 2tith.
Northeastern Section.
Antelope The first Dart of the week wss
cool, with rsln on Thursday. Friday and
Saturday were warm and pleasant.
Boyd The week was warm and dry. The
only rain of the week occurred on the
28th. More rain- Is needed.
Burt The weather has been warm, with
considerable rain.
Colfax Showers occurred Monday, Tues
y and Saturday. The rest of the week
was fair and warm.
Cumins Rain fell -n Mondav and Tues
image The week was cloudy, with many
showers .and only two warm days.
Knox l he week was cloudy, w ltn show
ers on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, .
and some hail on Saturday.
Mad! eon An abundance or rain occurred
during the week. A bad hailstorm wss ex
perienced Just south of Norfolk on the 2Bth.
Platte Fine rains occurred throughout
the county.
Barpy The week was warm ana partly
cloudy, with heavy rain Thursday ana (Sat
urday nights.
Wayne The week wss warm, wnn a
shower nearly every dny. A heavy rain oc
curred Saturday evening.
Central Section.
Blaine The week has been warm, with
planty of rain.
Run sin The week waa warm, with show
ers Tuesday and Sunday, and some hall
Custer The week was partly cloudy and
warm, with showers Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday. "
La wson A neavy rain oecurrea iuawj
night, followed by fine growing weather.
Howard The week was warm, with heavy
rain and some large hall Tuesday even-
'n- . . . .
Nance The weatner or me wee nas umn
line for all growing crops.
Vallev The weather was mostly fair and
cool, with light showers Monday and Fri
day, ... . ' ...
Wheeler A nne rain oecurrea on me
night of .the 28th.
Southwestern Sectioa.
Adams The week was warm, with much
sunshine. A light shower occurred Tues
day night.
t innalin 1 ne winu was nign iucii ,
Wednesday and Thursday, buturday wus
hot, followed by a good rain.
Furnas Good growing weather prevailed
the most of the week, lollowed by hot, dry
weather. The wind was high Wednesday.
Gosper The week was warm, witn ugni
showers on two days.
Hayes A htnvv rain occurred on the
2bth, with considerable hall In the northern
part of the county.
Hitchcock Tne week was dry, hot and
fneips l ne wees whs varm nuu uij.
Western and Northwestern gectlone.
Cherry The week wus cool and wti, with
a liliih ,wlnd on the 28th.
Dawes Rain occurred early In the week.
followed by partly cloudy, cool weather the
rest of the week.
Keith The week was warm, wun a nne
rain Wednesday evening.
Logan The week was dry and rain ts
badly needed.
Rock It was very dry and windy until
Thursday, when a fair shower of halt an
Inch ocourrea, ooing mucn guiiu.
Scottsblufl The rainfall waa ample for
all crop needs. U. A. LOVELANU,
beciion uirecior, iiicuiii, nru.
Womaa Wbo Kills Slate?- .tear Ne
braska City Adnilta Crime.
NEBRASKA CITY. July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Lucy Lloyd, the young woman
who killed her sister Delia by choking her
to death last Sunday morning, was taken
to the asylum this morning. While being
examined by the commissioners she .be
came very hysterical and would not talk.
She confessed to the crime, but would not
tell anything about It.
Store and Depot Robbed,
HARVARD, Neb.. July (.-(Special.)
Thieves last night broke Into the Burling
ton depot and the dry goods store of the
Harvard Mercantile company. At the depot
three trunks belonging to Cyrous Valentine
and one or two belonging to others were
broken Into, but the amount taken Is not
known as Mr. Valentine reached Harvard
from California yesterday and has not
examined his property. A Jug thought to
contain liquor was taken, several express
packages broken open and more or lees
taken and a gun belonging to Agent Wing
and about $5 In change. At the Harvard
Mercantile store the plate glass In a side
door had a corner cut out so that the foot
bolt could be drawn. About 1100 worth
of clothing, shirts and other goods was
irgsatst aa Miles Will Case.
FALLS CITY, Neb., July I. (Special.)
The Miles will case was argued In the
district court all day Monday, Judge Ra
per being on the bench. The argument
waa, on the Question of the dismissal of
three of the plaintiffs and the right of tho
defendants to flls an amended answer.
Late In the evening Judge Rapor decided
that the parties should not be dismissed
and allowed the amended answer to be
Hied. The case was set down for hearing
on the merits on September IT, when the
regular term of court opens In this
Balldiaa" for Lstkersa esslaary.
BEWAFJ). Neb, July ..-(Special.) The
Board of Regents of the German Lutheran
seminary met and decided to erect two
large residences for the professors. A
building for a model training school Is
one of tha structures to be erected. One
mala building for class rooms and assembly
iVevv Lines
Shown for
First Time
Pianos, Organs All Kind3
rf Musical Instruments,
Music Books and
Sheet Music
Ml Must Go
halt at a cost of n"
cost of the Improvements will be 35.0W.
FreUat Trains Collide at Tekaaaah.
TEKAMAH. Neb.. July ..-(Spectal.)-Whlle
engines Nos. 1 and 147. pulling a
a northbound freight, were switching on
the main line her at.t O'clock tonight.
Train No. 1. pulled by engine No. 198, ran
Into them at the curve ;on the south end
of the cut. completely demolishing the
front of two of the engines. No one was
Injured as the engineers and firemen from
both trains Jumped. The engineers on the
train standing on the main line reversed
their engines and tried to get back out
of the wr.y. but were ueeble to do so as
they had a long string of cars behind
News of Nebraska.
BEATRICE John Meyer, a GeJ-man
farmer living west of Beatrice, had his
left hand badly crushed In a binder to
day. SEWARD County Treasurer Newton
paid off $7,000 of the court house bonds
this week. This makes 110,000 of the
bonds ald.
BEATRICE Horace Cook, 10 years of
age, will probably lose, the sight of an
eye, caused by the explosion of a blank
cartridge pistol yesterday.
SEWARD During the storm on Sun
day night a largo tree was struck by
lightning near the residence of Sherman
Dlers, shocking some of the family.
BEATRICE Mrs. Carl Schults died at
her home nine miles southwest of Bearrlce
yesterday, aged 40 years.. She Is survived
by her husband and three children.
BEATRICE Paul Wltskl of this city
was yesterday awarded the contract for
building the new plant for the Beatrlco
poultry and Cold Storage company.
Bl'RCHARD Dr. R. S. Humphrey, who
has practiced his profession at Tobias,
this slate, for ten years past, has moved
to Burchard and opens his orrlce here toV
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Claus
n r wat Rea.trlce left vesterday on
an extended visit to Europe and their old
home at Denmark. They win De aosent
until next fall. .
BEATRICE A heavy rain fell heee
Sunday evening, arcompsnled by some
wind and hall. The storm was not severe
enough to damage crops. The rainfall
amounted to sn Inch.
PIERCE Mr. Albert O. Schramm and
Miss Kate Hslpln were united In marriage
Saturday night at I o'clock at the Cath
olic parsonage. Rev. Father Mester per
forming the ceremony.
BEATRICE The case of Charles Jones,
who Is chsrged with driving his automo
bile faster then the law permits, was
called In Judge Inman's court yesterday
and continued to July 21.
BEATRICE New mall service waa es
tablished on Rock Island trains Nos. ST
and 68 yesterday, which will be greatly
appreciated by the cltlsens of Beatrice.
These trains run between Kansas City
and Denver.
HARVARD Sunday afternoon a hari
rainstorm came up and one-half of att
inch of water fell in a tew moments. Six
miles north of here, alor.g the county line,
considerable bail fell and many farmers
were heavy losers.
PLATTS MOUTH The V Csss county
mortgage record for June 1 as follows:
Farm mortgages filed, 11; amount. 22,
k:6; released, 17; amount, $22, CIS. City
mortgages filed, I; amount, 14,116; re
leased, V; amount, !,M.
COLL'MBCS Columbus is to have a
new national bank. It la to be called the
German National, Its cspltal stock to be
$60,000. Its directors are Hans Elliott,
Theodore Freldhoff, Walter O. Phillips. P.
J. McKUUp and J. F. Sims.
SEWARD Adjutant General Culver
will go to Beaver Crossing to see If th-sie
Is a rifle range near there where the state
troops may meet lor target practice, iiu
powerful small arms now used by the
slate require a 1.000-yard range.
SEWARD The wind which accompan
ied the storm on (Sunday night destroyed
h II of the small outbuildings on William
Wilson's farm. Hall as large as a base
ball fell In A precinct on Sunday even
ing. Seven Inches of rain fell at Bee.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Hoag
Fanners Elevator company last nlvlu
William Keefer was elected jianager.
Work has been commenced on I no i,tw
2o,0o0-bushels cspactty elevator and It
will be pushed to completion with all pos
sible haste.
GRAND ISLAND The city of Grand
Island yesterday received the money, $36,
000. for Us recently Issued municipal
lighting bonds with which to construct
an electric plant In connection wltb the
waterworks, and It has developed that
a final effort was msde by private parties,
through an outslds arm. to defeat the
sale, of the bonds, which, however, was
unsuccessful since the procedures tn con
coction with the election and issue were
Thursday the Eighth Day of the Greatest of All
Always a Good Place
to Buy
Seven days have passed since the opening day of this
Bale, and still buying interest has not abated in the least.
Still the bargain worth of the offerings are as great, and
in many cases even greater than in the preceding days of
this sale.
Many New Lines VJill Be Shown for
the First Time Thursday
Thus extending to those who were unable to attend
during the earlier days of this sale bargain opportunities
fully as great as those before offered.
Nearly all lines of goods are now in readiness for
sale, and as rapidly as space permits will be offered for
Vou Should Be There Thursday
and supply your needs at the MONEY-SAVING TRICES
which prevail throughout our great store, most "prices
showing a discount of 35 per cent to 90 per cent.
Only a very small per cent of the goods offered for sale
have suffered any material damage and many of them aro
entirely undamaged.
Come early Thursday prepared for a treat of Real Bar
gains, .vnousanas 01 tnem await you.
very carefully taken and no flaw could
bo found. The contracts for the erection
and installation of the plant had already
been let, subject to the final sale of the
bonds, and the contractors have been no
tified to proceed wlttv the work.
PLATTSMOUTH The 10-year-old son
of George Crebe had a deep gash cut In
his right foot with an ax In tne hands,
of Charley Neuroan. The boys were re
turning from the Burlington shops after
tsklng the noon lunch to their fathers
when the accident occurred.
LONO PINE Frank Tinsel, the colored
yardman at the Rome Miller railroad eat
ing house, disappeared Tuesday night and
before taking leave he Incidentally broke
Into aa many rooms as he could and stole
a number of suits of clothes and about
$26 In money. He left no trace.
LYONS M. Brockway, who lives about
ten miles east of Lyons, had his barn
struck by lightning last Saturday and
burned to the ground. Six horses an. I
one colt were killed by the lightning an 1
nothing Inside the barn was saved from
the fire. The barn waa Insured for $100.
PIERCED Some of the farmers living
northesst of town report that on Saturday
night about 6 o'clock a hailstorm visited
them and destroyed nearly all their oats.
B H. Woltman says that three-rourths of
his oats crop was destroyed. They sv
that their corn was very little damaged.
FALLS CITY Thfe body of Harry
Gardner, a young man who was drowned
Monday In Lake Michigan, was sent to
Falls City from Chicago today. He waa
about 20 years of age and a son of tn
late Newton Gardner of this city. The fu
neral will be held Wednesday afternoon.
LONG PINE Harry Welbourn, a boy
about years old, started to celebrate the
Fourth a little earlier than the rest by
shooting off a greater portion of his finger
with a blank cartridge gun. Blood polsnn
has set In and It was only through the
operation performed by Dr. Black that
lock-jaw was averted.
PLATTSMOUTH The Misses Alice and
Ethel Dovey have gone to White Lake,
Mich., to attend a house party to be given
by Messrs. Hough and Adams of the Land
of Nod company. Miss Ethel expects o
return In about three weeks, but Miss
Alice will soon begin the preparatory work
for the play for another season.
AINSWORTH At 10 o'clock Sunday, at
the home of his son. Napoleon Hlvely. a
farmer. Caleb Hlvely. ag-d 84 years old,
iil from a naralvtic stroke and the re
mains were shipped this morning to Man
The most stupendous sale of Ladies'
Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Hats, Milli
nery and Furnishings. Included are this
season's most desirable and latest crea
tions in greatest variety.
Don't waste time this hot weather in
wearisome search for bargains when you
are sure to find them here. It is because
we have made it an object for the well
dressers as well as for the economical to
come here.
hattan, Kan., ro be buried by the side of
his wife and daughter. He leaves two
sons and two daughters to survive him.
BEATRICE A sensation occurred at
Wymore Sunday evening when G. H.
Cooper went home and found Brad Free
man and Mrs. Cooper occupying the sme
room. Cooper at once attacked Freeman
and gave him a terrible beating and then
called City Marshal Allen, who took Free
man from the Cooper home. Arrests aro
likely to follow as a result or tne trouoin.
LYONS Four of the Decatur Tennla
club came over here to play return games
of tennis and were again defeated by four
of the Lyona club, Pearson and Lund
berg defeating Hunt and Page, 6-1 anj
6-2, and Haydon and Smith defeating
Lambert and Barlow, 6-1, 3-6 and 6-2.
The games were all closely contested, but
the Lyons teams won mostly on account
of their superior serving and good team
work. TECUMSEH Russell Glasson, the
young son of Mr. and Mrs. William Olss
son of this city, was the victim of a very
peculiar accident yesterday. He wa out
to the farm of his brother, William Glis
son, near the city, when a vicious mirne
bit him. The animal bit the boy squarely
on the nose and nearly tore the member
frvn the lad's face. Dr. M. Stewnit was
summoned and took seversl stitches In
the nose to again fix it In lta proper posi
tion on the boy's face.
AUBURN Suit has been brought
against this city for the amount of $10.
21:9 by W. L. Armstrong and wife of thlj
ety. The suit arises out of an accident
which occurred last fall. Mr. and Mrs.
Armstrong were out driving and came
across a culvert the city had been fixing
and had left no danger signal to warn J id
public that It was Impnssable. It
night, they drove Into it and were thrown
from their bugicy to the bottom of tha ra
vine and sustained severe Injuries.
TECUMSEH Mr. and Mra. J. D. Kav
anagh of this city have received word
from their son, Lieutenant Arthur D.
Kavanagh of the United States navy, tnai
the young officer will visit his old home
within a short time. Ho is on duty at
the Brooklyn navy yard at present, but
has been ordered to the orient for service,
to sail from the United States August 20.
Before that time he will come lo Tecufn
seh on a furlough. Lieutenant Kavanah
was an ensign on the Ulympla with Dewey
at the time of the capture of Manila bay.
He Is a native Nebraskan. and during hla
schooling days at Annapolis was a noted
ii Co9
seit C
The Very
Best of the
Pianos, Organs All Kinds
of Musical Instruments,
Music Books and
Sheet M'isio
All Must Go
athlete of the Institution, playing a prom
inent position In the foot ball team of the
school and occupying good places la all
Marked Redaction, Cknraelerlstto ef
Tbts Seaaoa of tha Teas', la,
tha Marketing; af Bsga
CINCINNATI, O.. July I. Special Tle
gram.) Price Current says: A further re
duction In the marketing of hog la shown
by a week's record, which reflects a con
dition usual at this time tn the season.
Total western packing waa 48,000, com
pared with 690,000 the preceding week and
645,000 last year. Since March 1 the total
Is 8,870,000, against 8,460,000 a ysar ago.
Prominent places compare as follows:
1906. I1.
Chicago 1.8S0.0O0 1.966.0T0
Kansas City 1,230,000 1,136,000
South Omaha .0O0 840,010
St. Louis 626,000 63O.0H0
St. Joseph 708,000 aW.Onrt
Indianapolis 420.000 387.0HO
Milwaukee $41,000 26,0O
Cincinnati lOl.ona SMi.oriO
Ottuniwa i.000 170,00
Cedar Rapids 1X2,000 l,(KO
Sioux City 876.000 SiO.Ono
St. Paul 820.000 376.000
Cleveland 800.000 1,000
Look Oat for Lockjaw.
The great danger from Fourth of July
accidents Is of' their resulting In lockjaw.
This may be entirely avoided by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Do not bandage,
but leave the wound open. If very severe
have it dressed by a surgeon.
Accident la Kansas Shop.
HORTON, Kan., July J. Four employes
of the sawmill connected with the Rock
Island railroad shops here were seriously
Injured today, the result of the bursting
of a ten-ton fly wheel, which had been
struck by a runawav locomotive. William
Fuller, Jsmes Holden. James Delaney and
William Rusenbarrlck were cut by pieces
of flying machinery or sustained broken
louglas St
Satisfaction is certain when you buy
here. When you inspect these lines on
Bale we will not have to urge you to buy,
rnd prudence will bring you back next
time you, want wearing apparel.
Nothing more can be said hero ex
cepting that the sale begins
Thursday, 10 O'clock a, m,, July 5th
and continues until
Saturday, 10 p. m., July 14th.
09 Douglas St.