THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 3, 190& '1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Hothin Stops TownwRrd Course of Lead in ? Cereal. WHEAT AND CORN DECLINE CENT EACH Latter Weak for First Tim la Several Oal.arsr Increase la Wheat Visible Cheek Lou Teaa , porarlly Oat Dotsa. OMAHA. Juiy 190$. A has been th case for the lut week, the rains In th northwest did not nave much effect on the wheat market. Ther was a llttla firmness early, but selling turned the market weak. Then was a reaction when the visible came, showing a larger decrease than expected, but this gave way to weakness again and lh close was more than a cent below yesterday. The cash d-mand does not lm- Srove. Ther were large deliveries on uly contracts at Chicago and the trader seemed to run away from them. No deliveries were made on the local ex change. Corn showed -weakness for the first time la several days, opening a trifle lof., yielding and closing about a cent down, weather was Ideal and receipts at Chi cago were larger than expected. oat were weak with the rest of tho market. World ! shipment wer 10.672.000 bu. wheat and 4.37J.OOO btt. corn. Wheat visible deoreaaed 1,07,000 bu.; oom Increased 1,387, 000 bu.; oat decreased, H9.000 bu. Primary wheat receipt were 465,000 bu. and shipments SOS.000 bu. Corn receipts wer 801.000 bu. and shipments 58,000 bu Last year the day was a holiday. Clear ances were 27,000 bu. wheat and 16,921 bbls. flour. Liverpool closed unchanged to d lower en wheat, and V4d higher on corn. Prom th Chicago Tribune: "Quite a strong bullish sentiment la running In the oat trade. Th belief 1 widespread that the crop will turn out light In such a large portion of th area, as to out down the total yield materially. With this as a basis and recalling th disappearances of the almost record - breaking crop of last year the Investor and speculator are willing to support th markwt on weaJt spots. There waa a fair shipping call at the oloee of the weak but only moderate business In a shipping way. There we an active trade all week and th market showed sub. tantlal gain Independent of other grains." Local rang of optional ' Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. C1os. Sat'y. July.. Sept.. Com July.. Sept., Oats . Sept.. 5 TA 47 iA t74VB 74H 734 T3B . ', fTk 47V, HA 4T4A . 47iA 47U 46A 48'AA. . '88 AT K A UMJl tVIX A asked, p hid. WHKAT-No. hard, BrffTlej No. bard, 78 77c; No. I ,4 hard, 2 06c; No. I spring, 72c. CORN Ko. I, 4s: No. S, 4THe; No. 4, 47c; No. I ysllow, 48o; No. t white, 49e. dATS No, I mUed, 168Ho; No. 8 white, 87c:' No. 4 white, ttifHc Omaha, Cash galea. WH1AT-N. I hard. 1 ear, lie; 1 71c: No. hard, X car. 7XV4.0, . Omaha Catsh Frleea. RTB No. .ITe; No. t. 66c Oavrlot ILoealat; ear. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago .... Kansas City Minneapolis 704 tit 88 'is Omaha , Duluth Bt. Louis CHICAGO GRAY AND PHOYTSIOK9 Feat a res of th Tradlaigr and Clealaar Price oa Boar ( Trad. CHICAGO. July t Oenr profit. taking In wheat, corn and oat cau "J weakness today in those markets on th Icral exchange. ' September wheat closed at 1010 lower., corn was down lo. Oat were off Tic . Provisions were 2V Oil He high. - The wheat market was fairly steady during th first xiart of th session be cause of additional rains In th north- wast. Pit traders and commission houses were moderate bidders and offering were light. Weekly statistic were somewhat favorable to th bulls, world's shipments being rather light, while th amount of breadstuff on ocean naasag decreased 1,471,000 bushels, compared with on week aco. About th middle of th day. how. ver, sentiment in the wheat pit became bearish and from then until th close local holder sold freely. There wer also liberal sales by .house with south western connections, which was said to be due to largely Increased receipts of pew wheat at Kansas City. The market closed weak, with prices at the lowest of the day. September opened unchanged to He higher, at 81 81 He, sold up to SltieSllae and than declined to 80Ha The close was at $0V80o. Clearance of wheat and flour war aual to 103. 400 bushel. The vlalble suddIt decreased 1.473,000 bushels. Primary receipts wer 4(8,000 bushels, compared with a holiday last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi run renorted reoelDta of 170 car, against SSi ear last week and a holiday one year ago. Wat w earner tnrougnout in corn rasa ket and prioe ware weak all day. An Increase of mora than 1,000.000 bushels in the visible supply created addition bearish feeling. The market closed weak. September opened unchanged to a shad higher, at ffce6IHo, sold oft to ll tlc and closed at 61 tic. Local re ceipts wer 704 cars, with 881 cars of contract grade. ... The oat market was firm at the open, ing because of excellent buying, baaed upon th Illinois crop report, which showed a deterioration of 17 points In the oats crop during the last month. Freo liquidation followed th advano and brought about a sharp decline, Th clous waa near th lowest point of the dsV September opened Ho to HO Ho higher, at 84Hc to ItHeslKo, sold off to 3 Hi OlSHo and closed at 85 He- Local re ceipts wer Z76 cars. Local packers wer active bidders In th provisions market and prices had a strong undertone. Offering war light. At th rlos September pork waa up liHc at 14 0. Lard waa 3Hc higher, at S. 00. Rlba wer up 10c at 8147 HO Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 cars; corn, ttl cars; oata, 110 Cars; hogs. It. 000 head. The Board of Trade will be closed July 4. Th leading future ranged as follows; Article ! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Clc. Sat'y. Wheat July . Sept. Dec. a'orn i July Sept. Km tii July Sept. Dec. po-k July ' Sept. Lard July Sept. Oct. rn.a " July ' Ct. !!l""!UU!z7 7 17 I oVTT4 81 8lHnS 81 KHtV. 83 624 62 S9H W Srt 8707H t7k 16 90 17 SO 14 77H M 96 I 77 S7H I r 9 07H too tio S60 S7H 46 9 6H it) I 25 79kl V Ma 82H HWVS 61,' 61 H 654 61V 6t SflH arH 'H to 87 h 17 00 14 76 1 90 1 77H ' 82H t ft) 9 00 I 97 9 02 9 Cv 67 9 47 9 60 9 40 9 26 111 84 16 90 II T7H S 77H 8 97C I 00 s au No. 1 Cash quotations wr aa follows: FLOCK Steady; winter patents, $L60a . u0; winter straights, SS Stuff 8 70; spring pai nt. SS.7U34 00; spring straights, SJ too 186; . Vers. 82 oVviS lo, WH FIAT No. S spring. Soc; No. 8. T84c; No. 8 red, 82fiS6c. CORN No. 8. 6-hc; No. t yellow, 52HC. OATS No. t, Sk.e: No. 2 white, 4vtrt BAKLET Good fe..lng. 404Sc) fair to choice malting, 46untJc. Sh-EJDS No 1 flax, tl 09; No. 1 north western, U 11. Timothy, prime. $4.16. ' l er contract grade, $11. 16. iVIajlONS Short ribs, sides (loose), J3 6"Vn9a Meti pork, pur bbi., $17.12(i; 14. Lard, per 100 lbs , .82. Short clear aide (boxed), $9 7-ijl600. Kwceipta anu Miipntenta or nour ana grata wre Receipta Shipments Flour, bbls. wheat, bu. Corn. bu. .. (ta, bu. .. Rye. bu. . 8,00 S4S.7U4 2(0 S8.4d $$.;' 4U..100 2a. mi Barley, bu. , 29.700 4.3U) . un the frodut exchange today tne but ter market was steady; creamery. 16r2uc; dalriea, 14Htnc lsa. steady; at mark, covse included. l?f l-c; flraia, 14c; prlu.e flraia. ); eatraa, 16c. Cheese, aieady. luw CUc. Dalatk Grala Market. DULITH. Aliitn. July S.-WHEAT-To arris 4 and on tiwck, No 1 nortlieru. 61 He, No. 1 northern, r- JmIv, (TlHc; Septem ber. 4C, iJecember, 7!. OATS To arrive, on track and July. 18c. RRW YORK GESKHAL MARKF.T Qaetatlon ef the Day Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Julv I. FLOl'R-Receipts. 16.134 bbls.; exports. 16.1U8 bbls.; sales, 7.800 pkgs.; market dull but steady; Minnesota patents, 84 o94 6ft; Minnesota bakers', M4ffil; winter patents. HCKa IH. winter straights. $2 tOtrt.lO; winter ex tras. $290-68.40; winter low grsdes. 12. IM Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3 46tJ $.90; choice to fsncy, $Sf,tJ4.16. CORNMEAL Dull; fine white and yel low, .ftrgi.26; cosrse, tl.10Ql.12; kiln dried, t? 9n4r3.00. RYB Kay; No. I western, ffTHe f. o. b. New York; No. 1 western. 83o c. I. t. Buffalo. , WH EAT Receipts. .mo on.; exports, T7.230 bu ; sales. 2,900.000 bu. futures; spot market easy; No. 2 red, c elevator; No. I red, ne f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8vie f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern xj.Ui. U. miJ- i .1 .'..' :.".liC ,t Steadier at the opening on rains In winter and spring wheat states the wheat market later weakened under liberal arrivals of new grain at southweat points, and in the afternoon was heavy at a cent decline from top. The break caught stop-loss orders, which added to the demoralisation and final prices showed He to c net loes. July, VtfiKc, closed at Ac; September, friHWTSc, closed at 8c; December, 87 11-lStf &8e, closed at 7Hc. CORN Receipts, ir2.100 bu.: sales. TIS.OoO bu. futures; No. I. 6trVc elevator, and UHc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 80c: No. 1 white, enHc. Option market waa generally weak and lower, responding to the wheat decline, large receipta, . good weather and liquidation. Th clone- waa HQHc below Saturday. July, MHfioSc. closed at S8He; September, MHMIHc, closed at 68HCI De cember, 57Kc, closed at 67He. OATS Reoeipts, lrtl,700 bu.; mixed oats, H to 82 pounds. 43jittHc; natural white, SO to 83 pounds, 4f346c; clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, 4iJ60c. FEED Dull:, spring bran, lis 26. nrst half July shipment; middlings, 119.76, first hslf July shipment: city, 3n.OMJ23.60. HAY Easy; shipping, b&a&c; good to choice. 8f.ti1c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. 1816 crop, Hn4e; 1004 crop, nominal; olds, nominal: Pacific coast. 1M6 crop.- 10ft l&c; 1804 crop, 12c; olds, nominal. lllUEH steady ; oaiveeton, zo to zo ins., too; Cslifornla. fa to 26 lbs.. 21c; Texss dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 19c. LK.ATHFR Stesdv: acid. 2Mt27He. PROVISIONS-Beef. easier: family, 110 00! 410 50; mess, SS.OOfi 60: beef hams. $30.3Qi 82.00; packet, 83 OOgD.60; ; city extra India mess. S16.00W8.00. cut meats, sieauy; pickled bellies, HiJlSe; pickled shoulder, is 6OS-9.00; pickled hams. lWlzHe. Lard. steady; weatern prime, t.8Bje.iio. nominal: refined, steady; continent, $9 30; South America, P16; compound, StiBHc Pork, firm; mess, ll7.ZMil7.7e. TALLOW Stesdy; city, 6c; country, C!4o. - RICK Steady ; comestic, iair to extra. 'UTTER Firm: street price, extra creamery, J0H&'Zlc; nmclal prices, creamery. common to extra, iwaw; renovaiea, com mon to extra, lSaiSHc; western factory, common to firsts, lZ'aieHc; western imita tion creamery, extra, lc; nrsts. itvuiic. CHBIKSE quiet; new state full cream large fancy, lie; state, fair to good, lOV'i 1044o; new state, small fancy, 11c; new state, fair to good, iiwiuwc; new state. Inferior, 8HW40. EGG 8 Steady to firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 23c; state. Choice, 21"p'Z2o; state mixed, extra, zutvic; western firsts, 16H17c; Western seconds, IftVaiSo; southern, l4fl5Ho- POULTRY Live, quiet; spring chickens. 17018e; fowl. ltHc; turkeys. IK&I20; dressed. Irregular; western spring chickens, 1882c; turkeys, llOlSc; fowls, U?13Hc. t. Lal Geaeral Market. 8T. LOUI8. July . WHEAT Lower; No. 1 red, rash elevator, 78c for new; track. 78HV30HO for new; September, 7744 OlOHc for new; December, iVc; No I hard, 7S0 83C. CORN Future lower; cash strong; No. t cash,. 62o nominal; track, 63 HO 64c; Sep tember, 6Hc; December, 484kc. OATS No. 1 cash, 88c, nominal; track, 88H0884c; September, 86H0 26Hc: De cember, 86c; No. 2 white. 41H42c. FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, $4.36 414.60; extra fancy and straight, 83.76tjH.30; clear, 82.7608.26. SEHID8 Timothy, steady; 33.0004.60. CORNMEAL Steady; 2.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 8032c. HAY-Steady; Umothy, S116017.00; prai rie, tU0013.60. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAQOINO-Hc. HF7MP TWINE 7He. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 16.90. Lard, firm; prime steam, 38.62$. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, g.60; clear rlba, t.62H; short clears, S9.87H. aeon, steady; boxed extra short, 110.25; clear rlba. S10.87H: short olear, S10.62H. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 9c; springs, 16c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, Sc; geese, 6c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 16tTilc: dairy, 14&17c. , EGOS Steady, IS Vie case count Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 7.000 4.000 Wheat, bu. 27.010 20.000 Corn, bu. 68,000 74,000 Oats, bu 88,000 46,000 KBBMS CttT Grata and ProTlsloas. KANSAS CITY, July 2. WH BAT Juiy, yic; eepiemoer, 7Zc; uecember. 73'c, Cash: No. S hard, old, 76577c; new 7t.y 76Hc; No. t, 7276c, nominal; No. 4, 67' 72Ha: No. t red. old. 713 77Hc: No H -.!, 76Hc nominal; No. 4. 7u874o. CORN July, 47Ho; September, 47He; De cember, 44c. Cash: No. t mixed, 49c; No, I, vswayia; no. I white, toe; no. s, 49Hc uai wo. x wnite, stajc; no. s mixed I '&' id. AY Steady: choloe timothv. $13.60 14 00; choice prairie, $11.007?11.EO. rtxn Bteaoy; oezrwe. KGG8 Steady to firm: choice Missouri and Kansaa, new, No. 2, white wood cases included. 14o; oaee count. 13Hc; cases re turned. Ho less. BUTTER Creamery, 18c; packing. 1SH, Receipts. Shipments. wheat, bu .ono Corn, bu 60.00ft 42,000 Oats, bu. 1,000 6,000 SflaaMBittll Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 2.-FLOUR First patents, S4.J&84.46; second patents, S4.lOff4.S0. first clears. S3.6O&S.A0; second clears, n.w0a.H. BRAN In bulk, tl8.16ffl6.60. . (Superior Board of Trade quotations fat Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The range of price, as reported by F. D. Day as m., iwm ooara oi jraae, Artlols. Open. HJgh. Low. CToee.l Sat'y. WbsatH July... Sept... Dec.... Sept... Oct.... tae riHfH n& 81Hi 81 WSllfS1 80 to 80 I 80 803 1H l 1SH til 1 14 1 13! 1 13H 1 16 1 13H I 3S 1 UV 1 14 1 13H 1 12 I n! 1 13 Visible) apply of Grala. NEW YORK, July 1 The visible suoply of grain Saturday, June 30, a compiled by the New xork froduce exchange, was follows: Wheat, SIS. 171,000 bu.; decreased 1.017.000 bu, Corn, 6.06S.OOO bu.; increased 1867.(00 bu. Oats, 4, 406,000 bu.; decreased S9.0 0 bu. Rye, I,437.0u0 bu.; decreased 110,0i0 bu. Barley, 848,000 bu.; decreased 24,0u0 bu. Kllwtiku Grala Market. MILWAUKEE! Wis.. July t-WHEAT-Lower; No. 1 northern, Mflirfc; No. t north ern, 64ftS6c: September. H0 asked. RYK-Dull; No. 1. 4o5c. BARLEY Dull; No. 1, 666c; sample tSiiiSo. CORN Lower; No. S cash, 62&6:c; 8ep- teniDer, oio. Food Itexska at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. July t.-Followlng are the stocks of breadstuffs and provisions in Liv erpool: Flour, K.OOO sacks: wheat. l.fc7.iOT centals; oorn, 44.000 centals; bacon, It.jM boxes; htuns, 1.600 boxes; shoulders. boxes; trotter. t.4u0 cwts.; lard. 10 tleK-es of prime weatern steam and 2.4M) tons of other kinds; cheese. 47.600 boxes. Pklladelpbia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. July S. Bc'TTER Steady; extra western creamery, 20Hc extra nearby prints, tSe. EGGri Steady: nearby fresh and west ern fresh, ltc at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, lOHOUHe. Liverpool Grala aad Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL. July t -- WHEAT - Spot, nominal; futures. Heady; July, s (d; Sep tember ana uecemDcr. s (Via. CORN Spot, stesdy; American mixed old, 4 lid. Futures, quiet; July, 4s 8d September. 4s 7d. Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. July t.-CORN-Hlgher: No. yellow. HAc: No. 8, 6e; No. 1 61c; no graoe. wvoc. OATS-Eaey; No I white, 40c; No. S white i,aV: n. 4 whit. ssvtcasHo. ' Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. July 2 SEEDS-Clover, cask, SATS; October. Timothy, prlaie, AIOIBS, AUSUSl, a, .MA RVE-No. 2. sic. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS FaJ-ly Market fstsriih and TJntvsa, oa Conflict Inn Influence, VIOLENT SLUMP LATE IN SESSION Prices Rreak Sharply Exteaalve Llaaldatloa aag Establish Kew Itw Level fee Preeeat Movenaeat. NEW YORK. July t-Th load of selling which the stock market had to oarry seemed slightly mlttgsted during the early trading today and the uneaslneae of th bears, which was caused by this fact. "e marget reverish and uneven for ,lme undr tn conflicting Influences of tne selling and the demand from shorts to cover. Later the selling was resumed in full force and the market cloaed weak. The high opening of prices was exceeded after the first break In the market and there were occasional breaks. But the fact was obvious that any show of a buy ing demand was taken advantage' of to the full extent to continue the realising sales. Late in the day free liquidation wss resumed and attempts at support were practically sbsndoned, the consequence be ing a violent fall In prices to the lowest on the present movement. A flurry In tho cell loan market was the signal for the enhanced pressure to sell and It was In ferred that there was further calling of loans and forced closing out of speculative holdings. It Is not unusual for the New York money market to show Immediate relief from the needs of a settlement with the arrival of the date and the extra de mand for call loans today did not occasion great surprise. It is the longer time money outlook that Is the subject of solicitude. The effect of the preparations for paying out I1&0.00.0nu of July disbursements Is ex pected to psss as son as these disburse ments are accomplished. But the tone of the time loan market continues strong with an active demand and very scanty supply. The heavy and stagnant tone of foreign stock markets was unrelieved. The Issuance of a circular by the secre tary of the treasury inviting subscriptions to 830.000,000 of Panama canal bonda was regarded aa a complicating factor In the glut in the bond market. The recent pros perous course of the government revenues and the surplus In course of accumulation in tne treasury have led to an assumption In some bsnking quarters that the Imme diate needs of the canal work would be upplled out of the treasury's cash bal ance and the notation of bonds tor tne work postponed to a more propitious time. This hope is disappointed by the day's events. Reassuring reports from railroad traffic managers were calculated to cor rect the Impression made by last week's renort a of a renins: off in volume or mer chandise transported and that development was pronounced temporary, as shown by recovery in the week lust past. But tne effect wss not perceptible on stock and more attention wss pain to reports ot cutting of grain rates to Missouri river points. Firmness in the wnaon copper market contributed to an early advance in the copper group of stocks. New Incor- poratlons in June or companies 01 capital or upwards are reported to be 8.11,- 460,000 larger than for June. isw. out nearly one-half of the total was of mining com- nanles and one-half of the remainder in atreet railway and light companies. This ia a significant showing of the multifarious ways In which Interest la diverted at pres ent from the securities dealt In at the Stock exchange. Pressure or liquidation became active in the late dealings and the character of the selling gave eviaence of distress, which was believed to reflect money difficulties on the part ot some spec ulative holders of long stocks. Bonds were more sctlve, out were esy. Total sales, par value. $1,920,000. United States 2s and the Bs coupon aecnnea and the new 4s coupon H on the last call. Th following are tne quotation on m Stock exchange: Sties. Rlgk. Law. Clean. Adams Express Amalgamated Copper .... A marl can C. A T Amrtoaa C. A T. pfd Amarlcan Cotton Oil .111.104 . 8.410 100 . 1.100 Mt4 too H 14 44S V4 4 : o no 17 40 14 II 44 111 141 114 1 M ffl 4 8 111 111 12 74 lit 111 15 100 4 14 Anv Cotton Oil pfd American Sipraas Amerinaa H. at L. pfd... Amartcan co, eocurltles. . ton 8,700 It II MH Amarleaa Llnooad Oil Am. Unaeod Oil pfd Amarlcan Locomotive .... Am. Lecomotlvo pfd Amarlcan B. A R 1,100 41 41.400 too 1.100 l0 17,100 11.100 14144 111 trMi MH OTH lSt 100 1 114H '74t4 141 114 in tl 14 I 1U 111 'ii" in 210 M ii" 14 Am. 8. A R. pfd A mart ban Sugar Reflnlnf. Am. Tobacco pfd otfa.... Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoa Atchlaoa pfd Atlantic Coaat Lino too I. too M.TO0 soiino 1.400 1,104 1.100 400 II, 100 Baltimore dV'nlo Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. Canadian Pacific Central of Now Jorsaf Cantral Laathar Central Laathar pfd Chesapeake A Ohio 15', 0 14 K 14 1W 111 Chicago Croat Woatora Chtcatra A Northwratera... Chicago. Mil A a Paal... Chicago T. A T C. T. A T. pfd. offered C, C. C. A Bt. L Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Colorado A So. tat pfd 1M IN lt7 is It M tl 45 11 47 44 III 11 77 t"7 4K M 4 44 t 74 47 141 t14 111 171 n 71 17 lt 41 K 44 700 I4.au0 1.400 "ino l.loo ino O0 too "too tot l.too 14.100 "tOO ino l.too 1400 1.400 l.imO 400 lot tl 41 11 '44 14014 lt 7T 10 40 44 47 40 '47 141 III iii" 14 74 1 I 45 tl 'it" ttt it 77 M7 it 14 14 11 'it" 141 177 17! M 71 11 tt Colorado A Bo. Id prd Conaolldatad Oat Corn Products Corn Producta pfd Ixlawaro A Hudaoa Delaware. L. A W Denver A Rio Orando D. A R. O. pfd Dltttllero Securities Erie Brie I at pfd Erie' td pfd OonsraJ Electric Great Northern pfd Hooking Valler Illinois cantral Intortorough Metropolitan.. Intarborough Met. old International Paper International Paper pfd ... International Pump International Pump pfd.... Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa CH? Southern Kanaaa Cttr Bo. pfd Louiavllla A Naahrllls Mexican Cantral Minneapolis A St. Loula... U . St. P. A S. S. M U . St. P. A S. S. M. pfd.. Mlaanurt Paclte Mlaaourl, Kanaaa A Taiaa . M. K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central.. Now Tork. O. A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall 44 11 44 140 10 II 111 111 M tl 44 71 tt lit 4T 45 to 1 111 10 m 8 10 41 4 tit 114 90 0 18 ! 24 40 41 10 l It 4 114 13 M 144 In 14 44 140 42 121 : 41 104 V 4 4 14 10t 11 44 171 IM t: IT 23 41 TOO s.wo l.too too 100 too "tnt I.K0 too l.tot iisoi 4.404 '"400 10. KM 4O0 141.700 1.400 " iiioo " ios 171. tOO 14 40 141 4t 140 14 4ft 141 'it" It 4 II iri 44 it 10 44 141 'io M 71 iti 41 17 'tt' 111 II lit 11 tt 111 M 117 11 Pannaylvaola People'! Oaa P.. C. C A Bt. L Praaaed Stool Car Proceed Blrel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car....,., Reading Reading let pfd Reading Id ptd Republic Stael Republic Steal pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd Bt. L. A 8. P. td pfd Bt. Loula Bouthweelern..., St. L. 8. W. pld Bloee-Bheflleld Steel Southern Pacific Bo. PaclAr pld Boutht-rn Rallwar to. Rallwar pfd Tenneaeee Coal A Iron..., Ttiaa A Pacllc T , St.. L. A W , T . St. LAW. pfd t'nloo Pacific In Ion Pacific pfd t'nltcd Slates Etprcas.... I a Had Statco Realtr L'ultad Btatca Rubber V. S. Rubber pfd tnlted Btalta Steal 1. S. Blficl ptd Va. -Carolina Chemical ... a -Caroline (hem. pfd.. Wabaab. Wabaab ptd Wtlta-Pergo Expreaa Woetlagbouae Electric ... Wouern Voloa Wheeling A Lake Erie..., WUconaln Cantral Wit. Central pfd Total tales for the ear, tl 111 III 111 . 1.100 . 1.100 . 1.000 TOO lot too too . 1,100 . 11.100 too . 11.100 "0 . 1.100 . 1.004 100 400 .ICt.tuO ' too 100 . 1.100 K'O .IKK . M.luO . 1.100 M0 lot 400 '. " ioo 10 t( tut N W 41 41 10 to Tt 41 114 M 111 11 44 141 iii" 11 41 101 14 10" II 101 11 44 iii" 11 17 14 44 n M 11 40 41 J' 4t 43 114 SI M 141 II M a 140 iit" 41 44 104 1 104 11 44 iii" t' 11 11 l.tll.ltt shartt. Loadoa Closing Stacks. LONDON. July 1 Closing quotations on th Sloes exchange ere- Conaola. money . . 4lo nroount Anaeoada Atchlaoa do pld Baltimore. A Ohio. Canadian Paetnc . Ches. A Ohio Chloago Ot. W c. it. st. p.... leBra P. A M O So pit trio do let pfd do td pld Illlaola Conlral ... Lomavilia A Naah. U . K. A T . 17 4 12 . Jl .104 .130 .lal . 47 11 .171 . IT 41 . 4a . 4l . TO .111 14, ll M T Central .' rtolk A W do ptd )iurls A W 'eaoarlvants land Mines Handing do :m pld de Id pld toothers fUllwar do pfd outh.rn PartSo . t'otoo PaciBo do pfd V- S. Steal do pld V.baaA do pfd 'paalak la ..irr .. no .. M .. 41 .. .. 6 .. 43 .. 4t .. 44 .. 4a .. M ..HI .. II .. 16 ..lut .. 3',',, .. M August. bll.rK-Fsr. eleni'v. SO $-164 MONEY 2712V ner cent. per ounce. Tt ri of msceunl tn ih open o.arktl fnr short Mils Is SH per eent: for thre months' bills, SH S-1S per cent. New Trk Sfoaey Market. NEW YORK, July I MONET On call, strong and higher, BSQt per cent; ruling rate, last loan, closing bid and offered, f per cant; time loana, strong and dull; sixty days, 4H per cent; ninety dsys, 4j6 pr cent; six months, tVper rent. PRIM IS MEKCANT1LE PAPER 642 6H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 4tfl 4 8400 for demand and at 4 0196 for sixty day bills: posted rates, S4.8ZH34.H6H: commercial bills, 84.81V SILVER Bar, ebHc; Mexican dollars. lot. o- . .... BONDS Government, weak; railroad. sy Quotations on were as follows: New York bonds today V. S. ref. la. rat M enpos U. . re 40 COUPOB V. S I4 4. rt do roupoa V S. 4a, r. 4o roupoa Am. Tobacco 4. . . do o Atchlooo fen. 4o.. do adj. Atlontlo C. L 4 bol. Ohio 4o... do im Bra R. T. e. Central of Oa. M. ju lot tne do Id Int.. de Id Inc. ..lit Jiiua o. Id sorio.. . M . 114 . US . M .i'l .1.1 . 7TH . M . rj . s . H y .1M .10.1) . 1 .100 14 . S .11X1 .1144 i. US . 71 . 7S . II . I6H .114 .111 . II . W, ,H3 . ani . . S . M, do elfo ...101 do 4a rtts ...141 I do 4 eertoe ...lov u N: anl. 4a.... ...1"7 Mas. c. t 4a ..1Moi. Control to! do lot loe ... V Minn. A St. L. 40... ...1114 M., K T. 4o ...lot do lo ... 14 N. R R. of M. c. tl .1"0 .1M . s . 4 . T. C. (. IHa.... N. 1. C. (. It No. Pacific 4a do la .HlV: N. A W. r. to . 47 lO. S. b rMs. 4a ... cotiv. Ita HIH.Pmii. Reading son. rir a omo ft L,. ft I M. o. U L. A S r. fa 4 rnlciso A. !... 7iV o., B. q. n. 4i.. C . R. I. P. 4... do tel. lo CI'C. St. U f. 40. Tolo. Ind- lo, tor. A do serleo II Colorado Mid. 4o.... Colo. A Bo. 4o r4 St. L 8. W. e. 4a., 7r. Beaboard A. L. 4a tn, ;?o PiciDc 4a lut do l 4o ttfa tS..I". Rallwar la .IH Teiaa P. la.... ',! T., St U A W. 4a av't'Dlon raclflc 4a... Cuba lo lnfuc. 8. stool Id la I) A R. a. 4a t )l.Wtaih la Erie p. I. 4a Huu do deh. B do tea. 4a OTWoatoni M4. 4a.. Hocklnt, Val. 4a...lH W AL E 4a . . Japan 4a 9wiWla ( antral 4a.. Kx-lnterest. Offered. Boatos Stocks aad Bond. BOSTON. July 2,-Call loans. 4Hf(i per cent; time losns. SH per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds Atchlaoa adj. 4a do 4a Vex. Central 4a ... Atchleofi du pfd Patnn A Albany... Piietna Elerated ... Kltrhburg pfd Meilcan Central ... N. Y., N. H. A H. t'nlon Pacific "Am. Argo. Chem. do pfd Amor. Pncu. Tube. Amor. Sugar do pfd Anier. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion !. A B... F.dlaon Klec. 1 1 lu . . Maaa. Electric do pfd JI)AdTenture ... . .. U .. u .. 5 . .! Allouea .. 76. Amalgamated .. ! American Zinc Atlantic .. ;.. . . 17 ..WW . . 7" . . I.I .. II .. 14 .. 10 .. 17 .. 7 .. 10 .. 40 .. .. 14 ..It .. 14 .. 11 .. .. It .. I ., 41 .. otSt .. .. 11 .. 7 .. 4 ..117 ,. ,.1'2 Plngham OI. A Herla... Centennial U7 ''Copper Kanga .. lit Dalr Went Ill'i Franklin . It', tlranbjr . M . 114 Ia .131 , .1314 .101 . IS ill . Ik . 474, . 5-1 Irle Korale "Mim Mining Mlohlgan Mohawk Mont. C. AC... Old Dominion .. Osceola Parrot (lulncy Shannon Tamarack Trinity Maaa, Oat t'nlled Fruit 1)7 United Copper . tnlted Shoe Mach T4V4 V. B. Mining... do pfd North Ruttt V. 8. Bteel do pfd Wetting, common c. Oil 14 I'l ah "Victoria . Winona . Welterlno 74 Bid. Asked. Hew York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. July 2.-Closlng quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con .. to Little Chief ... . I .110 .Me . 1 . 4 . II . II . HO .10 Alice Bieece Brunswick Con .. Cometock Tunnel Con. Cel. A Vs.. Horn fillrer Iron Silver LeadTlllo Con ... uttered. ..i:i .. .. 41 .. 11 .. 44 ..181 ..400 .. . 4 Ontario Ophlr phoenix Pntott Baraga -Sierra Nevada i&mall Hopea .. Standard Porelsja Financial. LONDON, July 2. Rates for money were easy today and supplies were more plenti ful with the cessation of the North End demand and the distribution of dividends. Discounts were easier In sympathy and ow ing to the Bank of England securing the bulk of the gold arrival. Trading on tho Stock exchange was uncertain and quiet and was not expected to improve until the consols settlements now progressing are concluded. Fears of the outcome of the Paris settlement further restricted burl ness. Amongst home rails Southwestern was weak owing to the railroad accident at tULltsbury. Americans Jmproved alter a dull opening and hardened to a fraction over parity despite the, weakness of Wall street Saturday. Later Jtrlces strengthened on the receipt of encouraging New York advices and closed at the i beet quotations of the day. Foreigners were dull. Russian new scrip hardened and the old bonds weakened. Kafflra recovered their early de cline. Japanese Imperial 6s Of 1904 closed at 101T. BERLIN, July I Trading on the Bourse today was quiet, but price were firm. PARIS, July 2 Tradirg on the Bourse to day was Irregular and prices were weak. i Russians declined and French rentes fi II ! owing to the fears of the effect of Finance Minister polncares plan for an income tax. ' Russian Imperial 4s closed at 76.60 and Rus- sian bonds of 1904 at 44 .00. Assail Treasary Statement.. WASHINGTON. July S.-At the close of business on June SO. 1SWS. 'a statement issued by th treasury shows that the govern ment's total debt, lees cash In the treasury, aggregsted S964.43S,tiS5, a decrease for the month of J17.619.tXi6. A recapitulation of lho debt follows: Interest bearing debt $ 895J6S,140 Debt on which Interest has ceased since maturity 1.12K.1A5 Debt bearing no interest SM.136.t8 1 Total Sl.2M.52t.970 This amount doe not Include 81.044.C38.SH9 In treasury notes and certificates outstand ing which are offset by an equal amount of cash on hand which is held for their re demption. The rash In the treasury Is classified as ;..V $ 150,000.010 follows: Gold reserve ;..V General fund In national bank depositories 178.152.SK0 93.rt.U31 In treasury of Philippine Islands 4.6R0.6I7 Trust funds 1,044, 6.-8. 869 Total , $1,471,858,119 There are demand liabilities outstanding aggregating $1.143.270,SS6. thus leaving a canh balance In th treasury of $328,067,33. - t Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 2 Bank elesrlngs for to day were $1,972,416. 79 and for the correspond ing date last year $1.7x.812.J3. Metal Market. NEW TORK. July t. METALS Spot tin waa 1 6s higher In the London mar ket, at 17$ 10s. while futures advanced 6a to 176; locally the market was quiet, but higher. In aympathv with the ad vance abroad. erot closing at $89.0i 89.50. Copper advanced 10s to SI 15s for spot and 81 for futures: locally ." market was dull and nominal, with lake quoted at $18.604319.00; electrolytic at tl8.2S3l8.2H' and casting at $18 !)" 18.26. Lead was lower in the IO don market, closing at 16 la 9d, but re mained unchanged at $5 7642 5. 86 local v. Spelter was quoted nbmlnal at J. 00 lo rally. The London market declined 2s 6d to 27. Iron was lower abroad, with standard foundry quoted at 4s 8d and Cleveland warranta at 40a lOVid; locally the market was "teadv and unchanged; No. 1 foundrv northern Is footed a t'8 2S (FM8.75. No. 2 foundrv northern at 117.78 7il8 25. No. 2 foundrv southern s $17.60 r 18,01 and No. 2 foundrv southern at $17 00 4J17 50 ST. LOl'IS. Julv I METAt R Lead, quiet; $5.80. Spelter, quiet; $6 87 Vi. Cotta Market. NEW YORK. July $ -COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.8 c: n Id dllng rulf. 1114c. Pnles. fi0,2t1 htles vrn' nt, i cakto i.i I v rorrAH a,f 1, A.l ,,.it . Q.I., o? lmlen Iaw rtrrllnnrv 74i.c. nominal: ordinary. 8c: good ordinary, $9-16c; low mlddllna-. 10fcc; middling. lle; god middling, 11Sc; middling flr 12 c. ncm'nal: fair. l,e. R'celpta, 2f5 bites; stnek. 61.819 hales. BT. LOUIS. Julv 2 COTTON Stead" : middling. Ve. Bales. 16 bales: receipta. rj balee: shlnrrenta, none: stock. 8 412 bales LIVERPOOL. Julv 2. COTTON Fpot In moderate demand and orleee 4 nolnts lower: American middling fair. 6M; good mid dling. S7d; middling. 10d; low mldd'lng. 62d; rood ordinary. 6 72d: ordtr-arv. 6 62i. The sales of the day were 8.000 hale, of which 6) were for aneculatlon "nd etp-rt and Included 7.000 American. Receipt, TO) bale, all American. ' Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July I COFFEE Market opened ateady at a decl ne f 6ul0 ptiinta In response to lower European msrkets and Eurooean elling orders In the lat months. Ther seemed to he very I ttle i'e mand althouah th" indlce'lnns were for n large decrease In the world's viel'ile suniily for th month than had been figured uron earlier and the market ruled rather ea-y The close was steady st a net decline of 19 polnta after prices had showed to of io 11 points at one time during the es'on Sales for the day wer renorf-d f t'TI bars. Includln Rertemrr st t De cember st t BMf d TV. Mrc at arvs,i'r, Anirt' at 1 'tv nn u(r t 7 flic. Boot Rio. steady No. T Invoice. 7c. MAIIA LIVE STOCI M1RIET Cavttl ActiT aid Btronc to Ten Gtsta Higher. HOGS AYIRAGIN6 A SHADE HIGHER beep aad Lamb Very frail aad Weak Owlmaj to I BOreeedeated Break la Ibices at Chicago Last Week. SOUTH OMAIIA. July . 1901 Reoelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ,( Same day last week.... $.210 Sam two weeks ago... $.114 Same three weeks ago.. $.070 Hame four weeka ago... 6.7J6 Same day laat year.... 1.&23 7.6 S.S7I 17M 7.1H1 S.A"6 4,04)1 4.4S7 1.51K 1 687 1.V1I $.S1 RECEIPTS TO DATE. Th following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth Oinah lor th year to date, compared with last er: i,. lent inc. 'tle 474.662 416,641 60.121 Hogs 1,449,612 l,3ue,4XS heep 7u4,U 741,631 141. V 22, CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Tho following will show th prices paid for the different kinds ot cattl on the bouth Omaha market: Oood to choice corn-fed steers $5.3.76 r alr to good corn-fed steers 4 ibajw.iU v-ummon to rair corn-led steers.., Uood to choice cows nd heifers.., alr to good cows and heifers..., Common to fair cows and heifers., Oood to choice Blockers 4V leeuers tolr to good stuckeis and leuders. Common to fair stockers Bulls, stags, eto , Veal calves , 'Hie folloerir.a tabla ahnwa the 4."tl4.76 4.1Ua4.taj S.OiNoj-4.10 l'rtxuU.U) $.754.10 .6a4.i6 S.7Utr4.10 4.0(6.76 svertMie price of hogs at South Oman, for the last ""at ouye, with comparisons Jt. 191. 1906.l04.llOS.lOJ.lB01.ilSOO. Jun 18... $7HI 8 $2 4 8 02 T 24) I Jun 17...I 6 Su 4 A 6 6 7 2d 6 SSI June la-... f g 4 93 6 S7 7 2i 6 89 I OS June 1... as ( U a , , M 7 4c, 6 W, 6 W JO I o lbl a 00. a bal 7 lei a teu 4 fcl June 21. June 'a. June iJ. June 24. June 26. 7U 6 10 6 07 I 7 431 6 92! 4 M I Uv,, e U o 47 t 84 k t t w 6 loi I 6 20 $H1 i f 2 r. a 2S 6 Obi 6 7k 7 4i I 6 14 6 121 6 67 1 7 W 6 S3I 6 16 $ 67 7 6, 001 6 10 June Jtj (V I Oil D 'l June 2... S 43. i 32i 6 14 6 Ho I 041 b Sll 0 u. 7 fit, 6 87 & 11 June ... 44 SOi 6 11 June i 4tri 6 22) 6 ., t7, 7 62( 6 01 June 4U...I b 4bTk 6 li Oil 6 bbi i 6 91 6 00 July l.... I 6 2J 6 13! 6 80 1 7 64 1 6 July 2 . I 6 li 6 6ti 7 641 6 K3 4 W Sunday. RANGE IN PRICES. Cattle. ,.$2.0t(6.76 .. 13tU.16 Hogs. snaU 6.76'0S6 6.6Xtfi.70 Omaha Chicago Kansas City bt. Louis .... Sioux City .. 2.00u.0 2.0OIU6.S6 S.OCK6.40 ti.lciUv.TB O.S6'8i.bti SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following shows the number ot cars of stockors and feeders snipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cam. J. Nelmuck, Marsuahtown, la. N. W.... 1 C. W. Whitney, Iowa Falls, la. N. W.. 1 C. W. Whitney. Hubbard, la. N. W.... 1 K. Bros. A Co.. Bonesteel. 8. D F. E.... 2 CATTLE KtLelpls o: cattle were un usually small for a Monday, which, to gether with the fact that favorable advl es were being wired from other market places, gave tne market a still better tone than prevailed laat week. Beef steers were In very good demand this morning and the general market waa active, with prices anywhere from strong to lOo higher. As has been the caae every day, the good kinds were especially sought after and sold as high as $6.76, the beet price paid for fat cattl any day since last September, when $6.90 was reached. Even the medium kinds of cattle, which buyers were Inclined to lay down on last Frluay, sold to better advantage. Cows and heifers were In very light sup ply, but anything In the way of good killers met with ready sale and they, too, could be quoted as strong to 10c higher. Practi cally everything answering to that descrip tion changed hands in very good Keason. Very common or canner stuff was inclined to be alow as usual. Good grass cows, how ever, are selling better than at the low time, due to the tact that fed stock is S3 scarce. There were no stockers or feeders of con sequence, but the feeling was that a few desirable feeding cattle of good weights would sell to good advantage. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, no. .... II.... 10.... to.... 14.... 42... I.... 14... I.... 14.... I.... I.... II.... 11 ... IT ... . 1 ... I.... 17.... 4.... !.... It.... M... 17... 44.... It.... AT. rr NO. 1 17.... II.... 17.... ii.... 11.... ii...; 21.... to.... II.... to.... 40.... II.... II.... It... II. ... 7.... M.... III. ... M ... 17.... It.... 14 ... cows. 4. tr. 1 II i 14 P I to t 10 1 to i to I to 1 a I K t ti t 10 I to t i II 4 It t 44 4 44 t M 4 40 4 10 . I 70 t 70 I 71 I It 774 101 1161 1.11 141 M Ml 1140 1204 140 t"4 .....1041 lot Til 1104 loot IIMI 1121 175 1071 1014 1441 114t 1041 1074 t H 40 4 14 4 W 4 tO 4 40 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 71 4 44 4 10 4 10 I 40 4 tt 4 00 t 14 t 10 i 10 1 ....1170 ....1114 ....1140 ....12.10 ....1311 10IC .... too .... Ni ....12!l ...1244 ...11M ....11T ....1144 ....1144 ....lt2 ....1164 ....1411 ....1340 ....1341 ....lint ....1134 ....1447 ....1411 ... 11K4 ....1400 S HO I 04 lost t tt I..... too I it 1 1110 t tt 1 1000 I tt 4 404 t 40 I tot I 14 t 173 t 4f 1 MO t 10 II 1039 I 4i; 1 into I to 1 1110 I 45 1. 1100 I 10 ' II 1044 I 70 I 4ot t to 1 not 1 it t t0 I 40 14 Ml I I 1 7W 1 10 11 M4 I 40 I Ill I 11 t 1144 I tO II 484 I 4 1061 I ao 1 MO 71 1 1100 I to I., 1010 t 71 10 M0 4 00 1 1010 to 1 1110 4 00 1 1031 I M 7 ! 4 00 1 1110 143 14 1064 4 04 1 106J I 1 1200 4 00 it 444 I 00 14 411 4 00 1 440 I 0 1 10l t to 1 1110 t 40 21 1047 4 00 t TM I M It 1041 4 00 1 M0 I tO 14 ll'M 4 V0 I 104 I It 1 1'' 4 00 4 I'l I 10 1 M 4 II S 1104 I ti t Ml 4 to 10 all I V t 1010 4 30 14 ttt I 40 1 1114 4 go 1 1K0 I tO 1 1110 4 It 101 t 10 HEIFERS. 1 too 1 00 1 Itl t tt 1 441 i It 4M t 71 3 140 111 4 711 4 00 1 440 I 40 14 734 4 Ou 1 101 t It t TM 4 00 I Io I to 4 140 4 04 10 404 I 04 I lit 4 14 1 ., 1V t 1 140 4 40 t 171 U CALVES. 1 140 I 00 t 104 I tt 1 441 t 24 1 110 I tt t M 4 00 161 t 10 1 110 IN 4 140 tO . 1 131 I tt 1 141 I Tl U 0 I It I ITS I 40 1 171 I ti 1 240 t 44 bt:ll 1 1170 t 14 1 1440 I tt 1 1160 I 44 1 117 10 1 Hl Itl 1 1IM t 40 I U1 t It 1 1M0 70 1 I'M I 00 1 1300 II 1 1170 I 00 1 111! i M 11 Hit I If 1 14T0 4 M 1 1640 t 26 1 1420 4 It 1 Hot I 40 1.... 1760 4 40 1 1444 I 60 ' 1 110 60 STAtih 1 14(0 I 10 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 1 W t 00 t Hi I SO 1 40 I it) 14 731 I J 1 44 III I m 111 t Itl I 4v HOGS Hogs sold a pinch idgher this morning. On Saturday almost .everything brought $6 4t,g7.4i), with a ut ' a sjvT.. nr. ,A . . , ti. m th lilTT wer. bunched more cloaelv. tt 1. !th. beat hog. did not sell up ..high and the general run not as low as Baturoay. In other words, It waa largely a $6.4. ma. ket today, with eomparailvely few loads either above or below. In other worda. tii average of all th ssles was a little buhei ! than Saturday, ahlle the tange of prUtsj would not be quite as high. The week i starts out with th market a gctd 12o ; higher than It waa st the beginning of last week. No. an Pr. No. At. th. T' IT 24 144 1 44 74 101 IM t 47 M tit ... 14' TT nt ... 4 4. II 377 13 4 41 44 12 ... 1 17 tl ant W t 44 V Ill ... 147 I lit 10 4 46 Tl Ill 40 I 47 W 207 ... t 47 41 144 to t 47 Tt rr? 44 I 47 (3 til ' 40 t 17 M :4 ... t 47 II lot 14 t 47 T4 tit 44 1 47 II 246 44 1 47 tl 141 ... 4 47 11 Kl to 147 M lit 44 4 47 to 130 to 4T 1 lit ... 4 47 44 37 144 4 47 Tl 244 140 4 17 Tl tit ... 147 71 Ill ... 147 Tl til 40 g.47 4 H I t4 4 47 Tl tit 40 t 47 71 I I 130 t 47 M 246 44 4 47 U 234 laO 147 II t:i M I4i Tl Ill 14 t 47 Tl 14 . . ttl 13 Ut 170 t 4;, Tt M4 IM t 47 It til 140 4 47 74....... 134 XI 4 17 4. Sit IW t 14 tut ... 4 41 tl.. 74.. 71.. ISO ia Pw t n 4 41 4 47 1. t 47 4 7 4 11 4 47 4 47 47t t 47 4 11 I 47, I 47 4 47 4 47 I 47 t 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 47 4 17 4 47t gt K 144 1 47 II U1 14 I 47V, IM 147 lt 4 41 tt It IM 4 47i 71 I1T ISO t 47 Tt IM M 4 ITV, II Ill IM 4 47 M IM IM I M M ...Ill tt I II 117 tt 4 M 14 h.N M 4 M K 14 40 4 M M pn 40 t M to iai to t M Tt 1X0 IM t M H r4 40 4 M to to t M Tt Ill 10 t M II M I rO 140 Ml ... 4 a4 T4 ,. .Jit 44 t 14 M .'..Ml IM 4 M 71 141 ... ar Tl lit JO ' e 41 IM ... 41 II lit ... tat ...ri ...IM ...l4 '70.. 4.. 4T.. It... 74 . 44.. ID.. Tl.. II.. 11.. tl.. ...MO .. rl ...MI ...11 ...14 ...IM ...l7 ...14 ...140 ...nt so M IM ..rea ..1T ..111 .114 ..121 ..ill ..111 ..m ..IM ..IM It M lut to so 74.. 1.. tl.. 4 47 4 47" Receipta of sheep were some what heavier than anticipated and consisted very largely of Idaho aud Wyoming range atock. '1 here were also two cars of sheep direct to a packer not offered tor sale. Ftd stuff waa In very light supply and th qual ity of th receipta poor. 'I he very heavy break at Chicago the latter half of last week ha created a feeling of weakness at all market points that la very noticeable In th trad at the present time. Bucti stuff aa buyers Just happened to need might not have been very much lower this morning, but the general tendency of the trade la downward. Until the eastern market steady down more or leaa uncertainly la bound to prevail at the weatern markets, which always means a slow trade and weak prices. It Is difficult to realise the condition of the Chicago market at the close of last week, but the following from the Chicago Dally Drovers' Journal Saturday will give some Idea. In reviewing the market for the week It tald: "Only a fancy class of handwelght ewes sold as high as $6.60 recently, while the bulk went at to. 40 down to $6.26, with plainer one going at $6. There was no safe outlet for heavy ewes higher than $6, while most lot sold at that price down to $4.76, coarse ?rades selling down to $4.60. Cull ewes went or slaughter at $.'.6004 00, according to kind. "Supply of wethers and yearlings tat Chi cago) exceptionally small, hardiy enough of such stock arriving to- test the market. The trend of prices wss lower, however, and only a fancy class of yearlings are quotable as high as $126 now, while $C Is the limit for best wethers. "All changes In the market at Chicago for lambs today, (Saturday) tended toward a lower beats, with most transactions blng Tocihll under the range In force late laat week. It has been a week of varied experi ences for traders. During the first two days of the week selling of spring and shorn lambs alike was at the highest level ever known here for this time of the season. while the market after then suffered the wortt break In so short a period in the his tory of the trade here. This terrible slump In the market resulted In some heavy losses to shippers of spring lambs, as not a few loads recently sold $2 below their acluil cost In the country, thousands of lambs go ing at 4i. ootid. 5" that were Dougnt in tne country to aell on the market around $8. "Shorn lambs (at Chicago) in reduced supply and the strings which brought to-XXif T.OO recently were similar to such as brought $7,256 00 early this week, while $6.0,KSjti 23 aectired a plainer to fair kind." With reports like the above coming from Chicago It is not to be wondered at that western markets are slow and weak, with both buyers and sellers hardly knowing where they are at. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr 212 western ewes 93 $4 87 7 ewe bucks 1"2 6 00 61 western lambs 4 60 spring lambs 65 00 1084 western wethers 110 4 75 870 Idaho yearlings wethers... 4 6 CHICAGO 1,IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Strowis; to Ten Oat Hlgaer Hog ady Sheep strong. CHICAGO. July 2 CATTLE Receipts, 21.000 head; market atrong to 10c higher; common to prime steers. $4.00i?jt1.10; cows. $3.00460; heifers. $2.75it36.26; bulls. $2,754 4.25; calves, $6.50ijj6.5O; stockers and feed ers, $2.76j4.0. HOGS Receipts, 46,000 head; market steady; choice to prime heavy, Sft.n'ytf 6.8.!4: medium to good heavy. $6.64f6..0; butcherwelghts, $fi.7oGg24; good to choice heavy mixed, S6.65.;7H; packing. $0.00 6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000 head: market strong; sheep, R26JJW.86; ve.irllngs, $G.00ig.26; shorn lamba, $G.404 6.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 15.000 head, eluding 7,000 au-utherns. Bef steers strong to lCc higher, others steady; choice export and dressed beef steers. $5.40186.00: fair to good. $4.166.26; western fed steers, $3.TfVjT6.40; stockers snd feeders, $2.754.50; southern steers, $3.0001 6.00; southern cows. $2.O03.6O; native cowa, $2 004.O: native heifers. $3.00j.3o; bul.a. $2.5tvg4 00; calves, $2.6005.26. , HOGS-Recelpts, 7.6O0 head. Market was Strong; top, $6.06; bulk of sales. $H.o6.65: heavy, $S.i2V.65; packers. $(j.67M8 to 1 P'B"' ,58EEP' AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.5u0 head. Market 10-S20C lower; native l""ib. $6.00-87.00: fed aheep and yearling-, li.iwo 8 00; western fed yearlings. f5.7?(.25: weat ern fed sheep, $5.ftQn.OO: stockers and ffed ere. $3.265.00; Texas goats. $3.25fjS.i0. j- St. Lonla LIt Stock Market. ST LOl'IS. July 2 CATTLE Receipts, 9 0) 'head. Including 6.600 Texans. Market: Natives, -higher: Texans. lowef. - Nat Ive shipping and export steers. $4.fi6fi6.86. dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.76Ufi .10; steers under l.OOO potin. S3.50ttl.85; stock ers and feeder. $2 .SOM.i.,; cows snd heifers. $00418.26; canners.. $l.CCrfi? 00: bulls. $?.40J 4 00; calves. $3.005.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.754.t; cows and heifers, $2,003 8 SO HOGS-teceipts, 6.000 head: market steadv; pigs and lights. S6.30.64i. 70; packers Sr..S6(C'6.70; butchers and best heavy, l.fO& ''SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. S .600 head: market steady; native muttons, $3 00 Oil 00; lambs, $8.00ifl.35: culls and bucks, S3.6oiJM.Sti: Stockers, $3.76T4.O0. Stonx City LIT Stock Market. SlOl'X CITY, la., July $.-(8perlal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipta. 600 head: mar ket strong and 10c higher; beeves, $4.004Ja.40; cows, bulls and mixed, $$.000450; stockers and feeders. $8 404J4.20; calves and yearlings, a nrA 4 in HOGS Receipts. 4 700 head: market steady to weak, selling at $6S86.55; bulk of sales, $0 4076. 4. M SHEEP AND LAMBB Receipts. 200 head; market atrong. f , St. Joaeph I.It Stnek Market. ST. JOSEPH. July ?. C A TTLE Recel pt a, 1 202 head: market steady to strong; na tives. $4.50!jj.90: Texas and westerns. $.1.60 (fi 50: cows and heifers, $1.73Jr4.?5: stockers and feeders. $?.7MiS.75. HOOS Kecelrtte. 8.403 head; market stradv: llsht. $VD04ii.fiO: medium and heavy, $T, f.5-" 7m b"tk Of sele. $iV67V'!j6.6V SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelnta. 1.5H7 hend; market dull to weak; lambs. $7.tv3 795. Stack la Sight. Receipts of live etcck st the six prlnelnal western markets yrsterdav wers as follows: t.:a'ti. tiogs. onecp, South Omaha Sioux City Kir,.n City St. ; osepU " T.ruls Chicago . tm 7.015 S.S',5 . 600 4.700 200 .16.000 T.foO S-O . 1,' 8.405 .M7 . 6 000 8.600 .7.ton 45.000 is.oiM .19.817 78.870 34,112 Totals Wool Market. LONDON. July ?. WOOI-The arrive. In of wool for the fruit h series of auction 1 sules closed to"tv wth the following : amounts: New 8'Uth Wales. t2"S b-!ee: i Queensland. 6.9'il biles; Victoria. V.i4 8 ; bales; Houth Autral, 4.724 bnls; We."t aoatrnlla. 441 hi'e-: -rsmnnl,. 6 $84 btles;l New Zealand 61.4.8 '-lee: 4 ape f tood 61.476 Hope and Natal. 4u' rgies fony-iwu tlcusAca Dales or Av-imii-n mui m, vi . hulea of CSDe or tooa tiope sna jN-ai w OI 1 v ere forwarf-d .'Ir-ct to l-avhig Jhe totsl v-l-.b's . f e. -4 I- ,nr "..." ; i . i hiooi a. ,a.. Zt. ST. LOT IS. Julv J-WOOL-B 'dv; T-- "'urn erae-. crrr.h eg and n'cthlnr . r fc: "h ,,,;8:fc: hc"v flne 1 917 : tu& washed. S24.e. . . " , gntrar lad Molasses, NEW YORK. July 2 SUOAR-Firm: I fair reflnln. 3c: ren'""'"rl. 98 te-t. 8c; (molstses suear. V'f R-fined. steady: No. . 4.30c; No. 7. 4 14c: 7o. a. 4 toe: ino . 4ic; Vn. 11. 4 'Ac; No. No. 12. SJOc: No. IS S85c; No. 14. 3fc c"" fee: Wears' A. 4. '6c; mould A. R(c: P" loaf. f.40c: cruelieu. J 41V; powdered. 4 'Or; granulated, 4 i0c; en' tee 4 f 5c. t""LA BSFB Bten v : " Orleans cpeh goc-" r'"-'ce. e8gc. NEW ORLEANS. Julv t-SUOAP Btesdv: onen Vettle. rtfugal. 8(IJt7-l'r-centrifugal yellow, 333c; seconds, i'li $c. x-t,SF" Firm. SYRUP- ISfSOe. Oil ana lola. OIL CITT. July t oiL-r-ed't balance. $1 4. ehintrnts Juna 30. 42.2M hbls ; aver age. 2 14 bbls: shloments Julv 1. M 871 bbls : slil""nt Lima Jime SO. 54.284 bbls ; average (7.020 bbls ; shipments July 1, 120,681 bbls ; runs. Lima, Jun SO, St. 490 bbla; average, 39,4.1 bhls. SAVANNAH, July l-ROBIN-FIrm; A. B and C. SSMIKH: D. $.!; K, $4 14; F, $4 26: G, $4S: H, $4 40; I $4 45; K, 14 60; M, $4.60;; N, $4.70; WO. $4..; WW, $6 16. OMAHA WHULF.I41.I3 MARKET. Coattltloa ml Trade anal Qaotatloae ea at pi anal Fancy Pvotlae. EGOS Receipts, liberal; treah stock. 14'o LlVii a-OLUKY Hens. SC roosiei s, Sc; turkeys. 12V; ducks, ,jc, spring chickens, loc per In. Wl'Tl hlK Packing stork, ll'tfltStc; choic fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, tlul)C. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Veed com pany : No 1 upland, $10.60; medium. $44); coarse, $900. Hya straw, $4.60. BRAN Per ton. $i; .60. Sl'GAR Granulated can. In bbls, 75 14, granulated oane. In sacks, $6 11; granu sted beet. In sacks, $6.01. BVHUP In bnis., 3tc per tal.; In case. 10-lb. cana, $1.70; case, ll 6-lb. can, tl.fcu; oases, $4 2-lb. cans, $1.86. COFFEE Roasted, No. 86, 26J per lb.i No. 30, o per lb.: No. 26. lc per loi No. v 16jC per lb.; rG. a. uo per id. Cl'RED FISH Family whlteflah, per quarter bbl , U4 lbs.. $4 00; Norw ay mack erel, No 1, $28. No. 2, SUA; No. $. $i0; Irtah. ' No. 2, $16; herring, In bbls., 3"0 lbs. each, Norway 4k, $12; Norway k. $11; Holland, mixed. $11; Holland herring, in kegs, milk era, hoc; kegs, mixed, 70c. CANNED WOODS Corn, standard west ern, 66'tiic; ' Maine. $1 lk Tomatoea, S-lb. cana, $12K)1.60: 2-lb., 97Vct2$l. Pineapples, grated. S-lb., ?Of.ii2S0: sliced. $1 tout A Gallon arplea, fancy, S3 $0; California aprt rots, $1.4i"ir-'.t0; pears, $l7fc4j2.b0. peaches, fancy, $1.754i'2.40; H. C. peachea. $2 0062.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26; fancy Chinook. F., $2.10: fancy sockeye. F., $ sardtnea. H oil. $2.60; mustard. l2.6d-8 10. Sweet potatoes, S1.161.26; sauerkraut, $1; pump kins, 80c$1.00; wax beans, S-lb.. J6j0et jlma beans, l-lb , 75c$l 8ft; spinach, $1.S6 cheap peaa, S-lb., 60c: extra, T64390CS laooy, $1.86Jl.7o. KEW VEGETABLEJ). TOMATOES Texas, per crate ot W 144 76fc80c. WAX BEANS Per market baskttt f Shout IS lbs., $1.26 STRING BEANS Per market basket of about 15 lbs., 60c. TVRNirS. BEETS AND CARROTS Per dos. bunches, 26c. LEAF LETT CCE Hothouse, dos. beads. 20o. CLCl'MBERS Home-grown. pr doa, 60c; Texas, per bu box, $2.00. ONIONS-Callfornla, 2Hc per lb.; Texas, In crates, white, II 76; yellow, $1.86. GREEN ONIONS Per doa. bunches, 20a RADISHES-Per do, "undies, 15a. CABBAGE Home-grown, 2Vo per lb. CAULIFLOWER Per dos. heads, T&. GREEN PEAS-Per bu.. $1.26 NEW POTATOES Per bu., 76c. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., 60d 6uo; South Dakota, per bu.. T&CTWc; Colorado, $oc per bu. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1 SS; No. 1 SLTa, LIMA BEANS Per lb.. So. TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of SO-id. pkgs.. tf.OOi Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per box, 6c; Bayers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, l-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per dog.; 8-lb. boxes, $1.00. ORANGES California, extra fancy natr. ela, large Blxe, $4 2i6.00: Mediterranean sweats, all slaes, M.lS4.W: Valencia all sixes, $5.00S.d6. LEMONS Limotiicrs, extra fancy. S40 sign, 00; 3"U to aov six, FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 76t Sbc; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. Uo; a x-crovn. 13c. BANANAS Per medium stsed bunch. $L7S 12.26; Jumbos, $2.bii8.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, sites 24. $0 and 36, $3.26. FRUITS. CHERRIES California, $100 per S-lb, box; sour cherries. 24-qt. crate, $1.60. GOOSEBERRIES Per crate ot 24 qt. $2 00. PEACHES California. $1.10 per Ju. PLUMS California, $1.6tt3l00. BLACKBERRIES Per 24-qt. crat. $125 RASPBERKlEil Red. per 24-pu crate, $2.26; black, per 24-qt. crate, $2.26. APRICO'lS Per 4-basket crate, $1.76. CURRANTS Home-grown, wblt and red, per 24 qts.. $1 .60. MELONS. WATERMELONSr-Per lb., lHc or about Sojdc each. CANTELOUPE8 California, per crate, about 46 melons, $4.60'(tt.00; Texas, per crate, about 46 melons. U.fc,. CUT MEAT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 12c; No. 2. loc; No. X 8c Loin: No. 1, 16c; No. 2, 12',c; No. $, 11c. Chuck: No. 1. 5'.c; No. 2, oc; No. 3, 4V.C. Round: No. 1, 8lc; wo. 2, 8'c; No. s, i1C. Plate: No. 1, 3c; No. 2. 8c; No. S, 2Hc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per i:, $3.76; per bbl., $6.76. HONEY New, .vtr 24 lbs., $3.60. CHEESE-Swlss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, lie; twins, uvxu; Young Americans, 16c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shells, new crop, per lb.. )6Hc; hard sheila, per lb, 134c. ' Pecans, large, per lb, 14c, small, per lb., 12o. Peanuts, per lb., 6Vtc; roasted, per lb., Uc. Chill wainuta. per lb.. 12ai3c. Almonds, loiv sliells, per to., 17c; hard .nelia, per lb., 16c. Cocoanuta, $4 per sac t ot 100. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. III.. July 2. BUTTER Firm at 20c per lb. Pales for the week, 997,000 lbs. REAL ESTATE! TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record July 2, 1906, furn ished by the Kerr-Shallcroas company, 1614 Farnam streets: Mary E. Tanner to John M. Tanner, lot 2, block 12, city of South Omaha. $ 1 Ed Phelan et al , to Zelates Avery, lot lti. Phelan's add 200 Josef Holub and wife tu Johan Vlcek, lot 3, block 13, 1st add to the city of South Omaha 9V Anton Glitter and wife to Agnes G. Sha Heroes, lot 6 In re-plat of block 8, Bemls park 600 Ernest Sweet and wife to Mrs. Edith Patterson, lot 6 In Ernest Sweet's odd $60 Nellie Tohin and husband to Gustave E. Shukert, lot 6, Ford's Baratoga add 450 Elisabeth C. Gruham and husband to Maria Haaga. lot 18, block S, Plain view add J.O0O George E. Hare et al., to Hobart A. Hare, lot 6, block 17, Poppleton park. 1 John W. McDonald to Julia Montgom ery Pratt, lot 29, 6tewart Place Charles !. McLean to Martha Faulk ner, lota 15 and 18, block S, Thorn burg Place $00 Wilson T. Graham and wife to George C. Porter and wife, lot 18, block 1. Moot sub of lots 8 and 16, Tuttle's aiil 160 Olof Olson and wife to William A. DeRond, undivided it Interest In W 10 acrea of sH of tax lot 2 12-14-12 1,000 Elicnbeth R. New to Elisabeth New McKean, lots 9 and 10, Convent Place 1 Mary E. Shelby and hushand to Carle ton 8. Shepurd. n 50 ft of lot 1. block 2, Cnpitol Hill add 8,500 Abraham L. Reed et al., to Georg C. Johnson, lot 4, block 4, Rced'.t 6U1 add $,400 John J. Powera and wife to Mary Powers, lot 5, block tl. Sliull'a 2d add . 10 Maggie Powera to Mary Powers, lot t, block 6. Shnll's 2d add 1 Wlillam S. Durnin Snd wife to Mar- Taret Falconer, lot S, block 4, enlse'a e,dd (. 1,200 Jennie Patrick and husband to Sumuel v H11IU y. w IA ft of lot 12 and w 6n ft of a 16 ft of lot 11. block 2, Mcin tosh's sub of lota 4 Hnd 6. Lane's sub In at- of se 27-15-13 874 Mnry Honenek and 4ueband to Corn!- . lius Shulian, lot li. block 4, Brown Park add 676 Jatnr-s W. El wood to Henrietta S. Carter, lot 21. block 10, BrlRg a plice 1,000 Henrietta S. Carter to James W. El wood, lot 15. block 8. Clifton Hill.... X.700 Blnnch Lemert Wise to J. Sherburne Johnson, lot 8, block I. Boggs St Hill's id add I John McDonald to John H. Merchant, e 3" ft of lot S. block 5. Reed a 3d add 1 Mshl , pedlar and hushand to Alfred Hoagland, lot n Mayfleld 1.200 Total .$30,440 OFFER. Our facilities for collection oi coupons. S lection of conser vative Investments. Trans action of General Banking. A. B. LEACH & CO. FORMERLY FARSON, LEACH Sc CO. NEW YORK IHJCAOO UOisiU.N riULADLLPUlA i