TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY , isu.ltm his t 'iw ar 1 , w i "BmsBmmi i m ifimtr i gnsaiBsas it1 n 'ii f iim ... . ffWf CONSPIRATORS Copyright 1902, Life Publishing Co. WORK OF CONGRESS PLEASES Melt Impaction and Pnrs Fcod Laws Eatufj Packers and Jobber BETTER OFF NOW THAN THEY WERE BEFORE More Rigid the Inaprrtloa Pleased Are the Maaafartari nht Look for Great Pablle Beaeflt. More iie forMMri. tinW similar penalty, tn rrquit or u a If r""" ticket or rl-ll-e granted at a ls rate than is charged the rmnlh-. The statutory prohibition, does not apply, however, to notaries public. persons h"l llt an office that pay no fees or salary, ci(Hcr or members f the faculty if any state ed-ur-atlnnal Institution, officer or directors of the Iowa 8tme Hoard of Agriculture, mem bers of the Iowa National Uuard or of any rttv fire dcimrlment. or to the ue of trans portation In arronipanyinu live stock or perishable frolRht or uslns; the return prlv Urge Riven urxm such shipments, or to rid In or accepting transportation upon a npnrlnl train run for the public safety, health or welfare. . CRCP AND SOIL IN WYOMING E BEGIN WITH THE FIRST 'And make a complete collection of the whole series of GIBSON PICTURES By ppecial arrangement, readers of The Bee have an opportunity of making a complete col lection of Gibson's famous drawings, printed on egg shell art paper, size 10 in. x 15 in., re produced in black with a buff background all ready for framing. The first of the series will be given away with the issue of E SUNDAY BEE ULY 8TH TH and will continue weekly till further notice. Subscribe at once for The Sunday Bee, only 5 cents per copy, delivered at your door. Subscriptions taken by any newsdealer, or 'phone Douglas 897. ' SslVc Every 6 (me 1 1 r. ho Somewhere n Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha San Francisco and Los Angeles, June 25 to July 7 . . $52.00 . One way via Portland '. . . . . 64.50 San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. . 60.00 One way via Shasta Koute 73.50 ' Spokane, Wash 55.00 Butte and Helena . . . 50.00 Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden "... 30 50 Glenwood Springs, Colo. . . . .. 29.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 17.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, July 10 to 16 15.00 -'Cody, Wyo. . 30.10 Sheridan, Wyo ' .. 26.40 Deadwood and Lead, S. D 18.75 Hot Springs, S. D 16.40 Hot Springs, Rapid City, Deadwood and Lead, S. D., .July 11 to 16 15.00 Chicago, 111., 20.00 St. Louis, Mo., 18.50 Milwaukee and Madison, Wis 20.00 Mackinac Island, Mich 25.75 Charlevoix, Mich 23.75 Petoskey, Mich 23.75 Bay View, Mich 23.75 Detroit, Mich 33.50 Port Huron, Mich.... 33.75 PutIn-Bay, Ohio 32.00 Buffalo and Niagara Falls 41.00 Chautauqua Lake Points 40.00 Montreal, Quebec 53.00 Toronto, Ontario ; 42.35 Portland, Maine 58.00 Pittsburg. Pa ' 37.95 Mexico City, June 25 to July 7 53.25 Better call or write and let me plan your summer vacation for you. I can give you all the latert information and free descriptive lit erature. J. D. REYNOLDS. C. P. A., 1502 Firnam St. Omaha. Neb. mm HO0 LflTMDA The Great Uric Acid Solvent Natural Lithia Spring Water A Delightful Table Water Ask your dealer or drop a line to SHOGO LITHIA SPRING CO , Milford, Neb. Lindenwood College for Women Cailcf A 99 CHAKLtS MO 1831 1906 ST. Diamond Jubilee College, of the West. Academic. Seminary and Collet Courses. Uusic, locution. Art and Domestic Koouomy. Physical and Strategic Location. Accessibility to a great city. Select patronage. Limited number of boarders. Every roii taken during laat school yer Beautiful location. Blectrio care te at. aVouia. leiaiogue ea autUcaoxa. mt (reef 7 reaerie Ayrea. r. The meat Inspection and pure food laws enacted by congress are sstlsfaotory to the packers of South Omaha and whole sale grocers of Omaha, respectively. In both casta local dealer! agree congress, out of the chaos of public clamor, partisan strife and private Influence, brought forth a 'measure that promises adequate relief and mutual benefit to the dealers and public. R. C. Howe, manager of Armour & Co.'s plant, said: "So far as I know tba local packer are well pleased with the meat Inspection Mil. It looks like a rigid one from the number of Inspectors provided. The more stringent tha better. The government should pay for tho Inspection for several good rea sons. The Inspectors are responsible to the government for their services and should look to the government for their pay- If the puckers paid the cost of the Inspection It would subject them to much criticism. It would be held that the inspectors were working In the Interests of the packers. As It is they can take their orders from the government and be responsible to it alone." Manager Murphy of Cudahy's packing plant expressed great satisfaction In the provisions of the meat Inspection law. "It will have the effect," he declared, "of restoring the confidence of the people. Some measures of the kind were necessary. The more rigid the Inspection the better for us. It Is natural that we should favor the provision that the government pay the cost of inspection, but on the other hand, it is also human nature that an Inspector should favor the company that pay" him. We shall be glad to welcome all-the In spectors who may be stationed in our plant" Ho Fault to Find. Manager Culver of the Omaha plant simply emphasized the statements of the other managers in his expression of satis faction. "We have no fault to find. The agita tion of the last few weeks required a stringent action to counteract its Influence. This law will have the effect of restoring conlldence. A short time now will bring back the normal conditions and in the end we are confident the markets will be better than before. Whatever might be lost I through any process of condemnation at I the hands of the Inspectors will soon be ; realized from the strengthening of the con I dltions of trade. We are expecting five or six new Inspectors within a few days and we snail lane piraauio 111 weiuuuuus iimn i ! advent. The faot that the government pays me inspectors win reiiwe ub irum source of much caustic criticism, however unmerited." This attitude of the packers Is a decided change from the manner In which they looked on thc'governmental Inspection dur ing the early years of Its effect. According to Don C. Ayer, the chief Inspector and a number of the older men In the service. at that time they met with a vigorous j daily tirade of abuse and opposition. As soon as the day's killing was over thrt Inspector began to shake in his shoes, for at that time he had to pass on all tho carcasses he had taken out. The marianem and foremen of the plants gathered around ready to protest, not so much because of their knowledge but on the general prin ciple tht-lt paid to .-kick, n This, fcliul of, thing- .has long since ceased antVr. when an inspector passes on a carcase ills judg ment is rarely questioned. Dealers on Pure Food law. Omaha wholesaler Jobbers are expressing their satisfaction over the passage of the pure food bill. Protection of consumers against adulterations and the ultimate emancipation of the Jobbers from the an noyance of the various state laws ore the inln reasons given for their good feeling. "Tho principal consideration is that the law gives tho consumer a square deal," said Edgar S. Allen of Allen Bros, com pany. "Government Inspection will protect him against, eating things represented to be what they are not. I do say, however, that there is far less adulteration of foods than the public is led to' believe. In this respect the manufacturers have been steadily growing better in the last few years, because ' the demand has been for high grade stuff, and the Jobbers have been careful about getting it.'- "I think the state laws on food will ulti mately be repealed, unless state inspectors have to be continued as figureheads for party political reasons," said J. 8. Brady of the McCord-Brady company. "'They have been very annoying to the Jobbers. For- Instance, Nebraska has a pure food law, but made no appropriation to pay In spector's salary, which la derived from a 'license' paid by manufacturers and dealers In certain articles Inspected. We pay the state food Inspection bureau $90 a year license. Our competitors In Council Bluffs, Sioux City and St. Joseph do not pay a cent, and all the Nebraska inspector does with their adulterated product Is to order the retailer to send it back. Wyoming has a food law without an appropriation for salary. For two years the Inspector didn't do anything, but the present Incumbent of the office has hit upon a happy idea, He goes Into a retail store, tokes down a bottle of something or other and returns in a day or two to tell the dealer that it Is adulterated, tie says also that If the dealer will pay a fine of $25 he will be relieved of the embarrassment of having the matter taken before the attorney gen eral. The dealer naturally agrees to pay the J25 and the Jobber, having sold him the goods, foots the bill. I have a letter on my desk from a Wyoming dealer asking for $50 to pay a flue. "I am glad to see that the bill has be come a law. The government will be feared and the consumer will benefit by getting pure food. As It is, there Is an enormous amount of adulteration. Most vanilla extract la not vanilla extract ut all; there is scarcely a pound of pure cream of tartar in the city; 90 per cent of the olive oil in the retail stores Is bogus. All this will be changed. The government will Inspect everything that gees from one state to another, and there is scarcely anyUiln manufactured fcr one state alone." Ko Copy of Rate Law. ine rate uiu, wnicn nas become a law, Is not commented on as yet by the railroad ....... v. ..... .i.j, - "irj uie received r.o copy oi me taw. and all are uncertain a to lis exact limitations. The Iowa legisla ture, however, passed a law which will go into effsct July , which puts a limitation on passes to several classes of pfflce hold ers. The text of the Iowa law Is: By a statute euscted at the last u..in of the lelslature of Iowa, and taking effect July 1 all railway companies are for bidden, under serious peualty. to Issue any free pass, ticket or other privilege at a rati iram ui.ii is wiuievu mi pUDHC, to any lcr- son within the following classes: 1. City, county, district or state officei including Judges and mem Ik rs i,l ii,. eial Assembly of iowa. and federal orltuer. IB i. lHlegates to any political convention traveling to or from such convent ,on 3. Members and employes of any political committee, t. Candidates for any city, county, district. i Jurors In state or federal court Person wltiiin tfct tate4 classes are Uks- Conilltlona Alone; the narllnsjlnn how Ample Iteason for Uen era I Rejoicing. Ladies' Wash Suits at Half Off Ladies' White Wash Goats at Half Off A Bargain Rack Sale Tuesday A. M. of odds and ends of "White Pox Coats and Jacket Suits and Separate Coats, all new, ALL AT HALF OFF. The Burlington crop ar.d soil report for the Wyoming district for the week ending June 30 shows wheat on the Alliance divl- I slon , making gTod' progress snd hesdlng nicely. 1 the hends ' bemg well filled. Har vesting wilt bcirin In a few days and the average yield will bo fair. The oats crop ! has suffered considerably from drouth and heavy winds nnd ar good crop cannot be expected. The last week was very fa vorable for corn on the Alliance division and Is doing well. Potatoes are doing nicely and the rain of the last week Insures a good crop. The first alfalfa crop was heavy. , ; On the Sheridan division wheat- la grow ing fast and o" far has hnd plenty of rain and unless It turns dry soon a good crop Is Insured. Winter wheat ts Just beginning to head out. Oats are growing faM, with prospects good for a heavy yield. The po tato crop is fine, with prospects for a heavy yield. Meadows and pastures are stilt In good condition and. the. grass is curing to some extent. About one-half . Inch of rain fell during the last week, putting the soil In excellent condition.. On the Sterling division the wheat crop Is doing rruch better than was expected and the yield probably will be as heavy as last year, with a better grade of wheat. In the vicinity of Curtis the wheat was ruined by a hall storm on the 24th. The oats crop Is" doing fairly well, but Is greatly In need of rain and will be rather short for binding. ' Corn Is of a good color and stand, with very few weeds. Weather has been favor able during last week. A good crop Is ex pected. Potatoes are doing fine and a good crop Is expected. Beets are doing very well, but on account of the heavy winds lately con siderable replanting had to be done. . The first crop of aJfalfa has been cut, the yield being an average. -The second crop Is nicely started The pastures over the entire division are in good condition. Plenty of moisture during last week put the soli In first-class shape. ' VINTON. THE MODEL SCHOOL Sew Building- la to tie Pattern la Point of Mechanical . Construction. The Board of Education is trying to make the new Vinton school a model for school house construction In Omaha, and . with this end In view Superintendent of Instruc tion Davidson, Member's Rice and Koenlfr and Architect F. W. Clarke have been v!s Iting the newer 'sehoel structures' and spending hours over" the devising of pre liminary plans. The efToit Is to take tho best features of saheOl houses here and elsewhere and comb!neit!im so as to form a standard. If the object Is accomplished it is likely that 'furure buildings will be reared from' the uatnfe' fti.inf,' which will become the property aef the1 board: It Is understood that ! Mr. .'UlHrJte has soma of tha preliminary sketcJiO about prepared. ' The board at Its mewtlng last night opened Md for fuel, prfnflne and other -' suii- plieS for" the next' year.' " ' LADIES' WASH DRESSES Plain India Linon and Lawns, Fi paired Batiste, Floral Lawns and fine Sateens. These dresses were $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50. All Tuesday Q fl C at UeVD LADIES' LINGERIE WAISTS-A grand chance to secure a beautiful waist. A choice of 20 styles of the most artistic models pro duced this season. Marked down from $3.95, $4.50, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, 0 00 All at UJ0 WASH GOODS SPECIAL 100 r'ec?s of fine Batiste white back grounds with very pretty small patterns, regular price 10c, Tuesday only, yard 31 OUR GREAT EMBROIDERY SALE CON TINUES TUESDAY. Over half of our great purchase of Embroid eries sold Monday. Thousands of yards left to go on sale Tuesday at less than manufac turer's price. This lot consists of wido flouncing and yoking embroideries with narrow and wide insertions to match, worth to 59c a yard. Sale price, a yard, 25c, 19c, 15c, 10c, iy2c and ..5c 2.00 NEW LONG SILK GLOVES AND MITTS JUST ARRIVED. . Prepare for the Fourth and obtain these gloves ami mitts at once. 16-button length. heavy silk gloves in black and white.i Tuesday, a pair, $'2.25 and 16-button length heavy silk Lace Mitts, QQ a in black and white, Tuesday, a pair. . .0C NEW LINGERIE AND FANCY NECKWEAR. The new Peter Pan Collars, fancy embroid ered linen Turnover Collars, beautiful lace Half Sleeves, fancy Chimesettes, Collar and Cuff Sets, and a big line of fancy Stock Col lars in linen and silk, sale price, OC each, 50c and Uu SPECIAL FOURTH OF JULY SALES Parasols, f6r Ladies and Children. Umbrellas, for Sun or Rain. Fans, in all the newest novelties. Ladies' Belts, in white duck, linen and leather. All these lines will be just about cut in two for the Fourth of July sales. STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY JULY 4TH ODoMboe-RedmoD' Owners of Dry Goods Dept. in the DENNETT Co. STORE m.wtBESBamLvd' F. C. ANTHONY DOES NO WRONG Former F.leTator Conductor at City Hall Exonerated by Mayor Dahlraan. "I think-' a decided 'injustice has bee: done to F. C. Anthony, -a former elevator conductor at the city hall, by reports In some of: the newspapers that he was caught stealing supplies from the city hall," said Mayor Dahlman. "A.s a mat ter of fact tha city hall superintendent no ticed Anthony leaving the building with a package under his arm and Investigating discovered it contained, a couple of rolls of tfillet paper. ' The matter was Imme diately brought before ma and Anthony explained that the stuff Had been given him by a janitor, who said It had been thrown In a pile of rubblBlt. Mr. Alimony Is a man of excellent reputation ami 1 am satisfied that he wa not involved in any rtal or contemplated theft." Diamonds tof own Import;, watches and jewelry at 20 per cent below price at A. ii. Hubermanns, southeast corner Uth and Douglas: Fays no rent and. buys for 'cash. DIAMONDS Frsnzer, l&ih anu Dodge sis . Field link Tennis. , I Past play was the order on the Field club couris last nigm- r our maicnes were nn ished. two of them laklnjr an extra Met to decide the winner. The ' match between Fred Potter and Caldwell attracted the gal-' lery, young Potter taklnn th first set tK! and nave the veteran a lad scare. Hughes beat Kohn more easily than was expected, as Kohn was picked as a likely winner of the tournament. The match is now down to Ave men and the finals will be played oft Wednesday afternoon. Results: Kainey beat West, 6-4, 8-2. A. O. Fotter beat Neeley, 6-7. 6-1, 6-4. Caldwell beat Ced Potter, 3-t, 6-1, 8-S. Hughe beat Kohn, 6-3, 6-1. Piay Tuehday will be: Bciibner against Ralney. Potter anuliiKt Martin. Hughes against Caldwell. Mortality statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Bourd r.f Health during the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births Ueorge Mason, -jun Nortn 1 wenty- flrst. boy; James Abbott. 2iW North Twenty-first, girl; Fred Outter, Debnlt Place, boy; liny v. nun, uewey avenue, lrl: .TRmes M. Clifton. Presbyterian hosnl- tal. girl: Albert lrng. alley, gin; Her bert P. Rvner. 1911 South Twenty-eighth, girl; M. K. Stoner, 978 North Twenty-sev- tnth avenue, girl. Deaths Clarsnee Keleher. T.'JI Boutn Thir teenth. 1: William J. Huston. liilS Chicago, 4; Barbara Krlst, 1414 Bouth Thirteenth, 4S; Hatlle McConnell, 2402 Cas, 6S: David K. Wlemer. SS4 Kortn rwenty-pixtn. jo; Elisabeth Hartum Derrlngton, 1806 Ohio, z. BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Man and Wife Disturb the Peace in Two Languages. BREAK LOOSE WITH THE COCK'S CROW For Disturbing: the Slumbers of Law. Abiding; rltlsens at Socta Un seemly Hoars They Aro Punished. Edward Kirehkoff of Ninth and Castellar streets was arraigned before the people's bar Monday morning on the charge of dis turbing the peace at his home. The cir cumstances of Klrshkoff's peace disturb ance were unusual. In that he not only disturbed the peace at the unseemly hour of 6:30 a. m., but disturbed the peace In both the English and perman languages. The police records show that most of the cases of disturbing the peace occur about candle light time, or after that hour, when the labor of the day Is over and the dishes ali washed. But Kirehkoff was not at all conventional in his truculency; any old time for Klrshkoff. Mrs. Kirshkoff was also arrested with her vallnnt pence disturber. When both Kirshkoffa got started their home sounded like the din of a rail fac tory filling rush orders for stricken San Francisco, neighbors declared. The appearance of the Klrshkoffs in the police court Monday morning was not their first arraignment before the police magis trate. They were received with a "wel come home' sort of salutation. The hus band was sentenced thirty days in the county Jail, while the wife was fined $5 and costs. Sergeant Hayes, Patrolman Heelan and others testified that the conduct of the Klrshkoffs had been a disgrace to the south side for several months. J. P. Rahl testified regarding the German part of the case. He declared Mrs. Klrshkoff could disturb the peace In German as well as in English. Mr. Rahl said Mrs. Klrshkoff called his aged mother many vile names In German and even made faces in German. The worst part of the whole business was the testimony that the Klrshkoffs began their daily disturbances at 6:30 a. m., even arousing patients at St. Joseph's hospital. Berger Baughman, an aged German, ar raigned before the police judge Monday morning on the charge cf vugrancy, showed the police judge one of Mayor Dahlman's campaign cards as a credential. "Dahlman let me sae I've heard that name before," remarked City Prosecutor Dee, as he fumbled the card. "Oh, yes, I know who Imhlman is. Guess we can discharge this man," continued Dee. Baughman was discharged and told to be careful. "That Is 'Foley the Cockney,' " remarked Captain Dunn In police court Monday morning, when one of a bunch of five vagrants turned toward the captain. Cap tain Dunn had not seen the prisoner for thirteen years, the last time he was in Omaha and when Foley was "mugged" and measured for the police records. Foley admitted he had been in Omaha at that time, and to verify his recognition Captain Dunn found the man's photograph In the rogues' gallery downstairs. Foley was discharged by the police judge, as there was nothing . serious against the prisoner. Thirteen years ago Foley had quite a record as an all-round thief and bouse worker. When You Come to SII0SII0M to Register STOP AT PIONEER IIOTEL, Reasonable Inquire for J. H. SHARP. Attorney In Land and Mining Cases 'aaPV The Shoshone Reservation AND Dig Horn Dasin ., Tha Shoshone Reservation is a new empire about to be opened for development and trade. Besides 2,000 Irrigable farms to be drawn for, there are 700,000 acres of mineral and timber lands to be taken up in the usual way. The whole Shoshone proposition deserves thoughtful consideration by those who desire a farm, or a mineral or a Umber claim. ThoBe who are fortunate In the drawing for agricultural lands are to pay only $1.50 an acre, one-third cash, subject, of course, to the future prorated cost of irrigation. When yoti register, combine business with pleasure and Instruction, and go to Worland, Wyo., for the registration. This is the terminus of the Burlington's new line through the Big Horn Basin along the Big Horn River, enroute to the Shoshone Reservation. You will enjoy the views of the Black Hills, the Big Horn Mountains, the Custer Battlefield, and the scenic canons of Big Horn River. You will pas through the new towns along the Worland extension, which offer splendid chances for moderate capital In the way of stores and Industries, and you will pass through thousands of acres of perfectly Irrigated farms, giving you an idea of the profits yielded annually from irrigated farming. Iess than half fare with a maximum excursion rate of but J20.00 from .Nebraska territory. Send for Shoshone de scriptive folder with map of the Reservation and the Big Horn Basin, rates, routes, train service, method of drawing, etc., free. L. W. WAKELEY, G. V. A., 1004 Fa mam Kt. OMAHA. NEB. i.a-u mil--. ; - - - And many otter painful and serious ailments from wnich most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of "Mfltuirt Frteil." This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical -ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses ''Mother's Frieol" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and mm LJUU L3 JUL good natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its weieht in eold toeverv woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Cradfiild Resulttor Co. Atlanta, Co. mm Kock island Incursions (POA Art Chicago and Return, on sale dally. (9 ft ft Many Canadian Points and Re $UU turn, on sale daily. (9 ftftMany New Enlftnd Plnt nd Re e?AevU turn, on sale July 18th. a Petoskey, or Bay View, Mich.,' )uviiv and return, on sale daily. Mackinac Island, Mich., and Re turn, on sale dally. Colorado and Return, on sale daily. Colorado and Return, on sale, July 10th to 18th. Salt Lake and Return, on sale dally. California and Return, on sale daily to July 7th. Mexico City and Return, on sale dally to July 7th. 99 CASouthern Texas Points and Return, $LL0) on sale July 3rd and 17th. 0n Fare Plus One Fare Mas $25.75' $17.50 $15.00 $30.50 $52.00 $53.25 4th of July Excursion rates Fare and one-third for the round trip points within 250 miles. On sale July 3rd and 4th, return limit July 6th. For further information call or address: F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A 1323 Firnam St. OMAHA, NEB. ill I CII'O Cf1ftTCAeC Taissuaure A Ctrtals Curt lor Tlrsd, Hot, Achinj Fast WULrU-Ai DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oa very bos. LsKo For FEe Trial rckff, AddrtM, A j. en .fi.lt