Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Daily Bee
Bailroada and Indiyiduala Convicted at
Kaniaa City Taka Appeal.
Bills ot rxcBptiom Will la Filed with
Court of Appeali August 21.
One Paragraph in Ghana to the Jury
Alleged to Ee Improper.
Hew York Men "ay They Were iot
Legally Jhown to Have Been
Connected irllk the
KANSAS CIT IT. July 2-The fiUowini?
utrps in the I'nited States district roiirt
her In the rebate case were taken today.
whn appeal bonds were perfectM upon
behalf cf the seven convicted Individual
anr". concern, and when bills of exception
were filed for the Chlcigo, Burlington &
Qulnoy Rallrosd company and George I.
Thomaa.' the New York broker, and hi
chief clerk. L. B. Taggnrt. Rill of ex
tention had nreviouslv been presented In
tbe cses nf
the Armour, Swift, Cudahy
ar.d Nelson Morris racking companies.
The r.ext step will be the filing of the bill
of exception with the court of appcal.t,
which will he done at St. Ixuils on Au
gust 21. ,
In this case of the Burlington road the
,.,iB, lafc.n annlv nartlcula-iv to the
exception taken appu parncuia.iy "ll I
allegation of the defendant that the Inter- j
state commerce act does not apply to ex
port rates, which question la involved, and
that this district court lacks Jurisdiction.
Object to Court' I.nnttnage.
Particular exception is taken to the fol
lowing charge to the jury made by Judge
Smith Yclfherson, who presided nt '.he
It Is alleged lhat this carriage was by
way of a concession lo Amour & Co. to
the extent of 12 cents per hundred pounds
for Unit pnrt of (he dstrtcT between H'.
Iouls or the Mississippi river nnd New
York Cltv. where It could be loaded upon .
the steamslilp. The nll.eHtlon Is that thls
wv.s an unlawful concesor,, thereby i-ub- I
J'Ctlng Ihe defendant to the netnlt'es of j
the act of congress passed Fehrui.iy 1",
rfl. rotvinonly called the fc.lKlns net.
This part of the chargo referred to a
h-pment cf packing; house p-oducta ac
cepted by the railroad at a 2.1-ecnt rate
when the' tariff on Pie with the Interstate
Commerce commission was 35 cents.
The exceptions In the cases of Thomas
and Taggart ore based principally upon the
Assertion that It was not shown that the
defendants had been a party to the alleged
conspiracy ertered Into with George A.
Barton, the Kansas City ahoo merchant,
to violate the Elklna net by securing re
bate on shlpmenta from New York, nnd
that no overt act was committed. The ln-
dletment ' charged . Thomas and Taggtirt
1 wlilt-WPsplracv .alleging sevfi 'overt. acta.
'" T Alton Rebate Laae on Trial.
CHICAGO, July 2. John N. Falthorn and
Fred A. Wanrt, former officials of the Chi
cago Alton railroad, were placed on
trial today In the fnlted States district
court on the charge of granting illegal
rebates to the Sihwarachlld Sc. Suliberger
Pack'ng company of this' city.
A Jury was secured In a short time and
the court was Informed that the counsel
In the case had agreed upon the facts
covered Id the ' flrat eight counta of the
Indictments, and that only a small amount
of evidence will be necessary under the
remaining two counta. The Indictments
charge the defendants with granting a re
bate of C on every car of meat shipped
from Ita plant In Kansas City. The de
fendanta claim that the money was paid for
another purpose. The last two counta of
the indictment charge that the employes
of the packing company were carried by
the railroad free of charge, because after
purchasing tickets In the regular way they
would be given receipts and later the
amount would be returned by the railroad
to Schwanehlld A Sulzberger, and that
this constituted a rehate.
Oil Cine Called at Toledo.
TOLEDO. O., July t In the probate court
of Hancock county waa begun today the
fight against th Manhattan Oil company
and the Buckeye Pipe Line company, pur
chasing and pipe line companies of the
Standard OH company. The charge la con-
aplracy In restraint cf trade. The matter
was not taken before the grand Jury, but
wa brought directly In probate court by
th prosecuting attorney, who la assisted
by th attorney general of the state. The
Standard attorneys have filed a motion
to quash the motion on the ground that
th probata court Is without Jurisdiction.
Rebate Case at Cleveland.
CLEVELAND. July S.-Vnlted States Dis
trict Judg Tayler today Isaued an order
for a grand Jury to Investigate the charges
of rebating and discriminating against the
I, Shore a: Michigan Southern and other
railroad in favor of the Standard Oil com
Secretary of Treaaary Places Thirteen
Million Dollar of Canal Seenrl.
tie on the Market.
WAami.-sUlli. JUiy ..-oecretary anaw
today offered to the public I30.UW.Oiio of
-Secretary Khaw
bona or in i a nam a cunui loan, author
ised by the recent act of congress. The
bonds will bear Interest at the rate of 2
per cent, will be dated August 1, 1WC, and
Interest will be payable quarterly. They
will be redeemable at the pleasure of the
government after ten years from date of
issue and will be payable thirty year from
The bond mill be exempt from taxe or
dutle of the I'nited States and will be
available to national bank a surety fur
circulation. Th bonds will not be sold for
less than par ; all cltlaena will have etiuat
opportunity to subscribe for them and th
bid must be submitted to th department
ou or before Julv I). l:S.
in a statement mad public today Secre
tary Shaw says:
In considering bids, the bidder oTerlng
the highest price will receive the first
allotment. If two or more bidder offering
the same price, tboae asking for the
smaller amounts of bonds will rerelv
priority In allotment. The department re
serves 'he right to permit bidder offering
th highest prices to increae the amount
ut their pun-have.
The department also reserve the right
to reject any or all bids. If deemed to be
in Lb Interest of the l olled alates to do
The bonds will be ready for delivery
about August 1. 190.
ProMilv bidder desiring Information
not contained In this circular may addreaa
tbe ecretar- of the treasury, division of
loan and currency. Washington, D. t, tne
assistant Ireaauiet at Chicago, bt- Lvuls.
fee kUoi or k Ftancleci).
Cnmnlllrr nf Board nf Trnee Sara
Affairs of ( omMr Are la
Rood ronilllln,
NEW TORK. July 2.-Th special enm
niittee of the Board of Trustees of the New
York Life Insurance company appointed
December IS. inne., to consider the evidence
submitted to the legislative committee and
the report of the five state commissioner
of Insurance who were then examining; the
company's affairs, mude Its final report
to the Board of Trustees today. The report,
which Is n, comprehensive, one. deals with
the financial condition of the company, the
work of the flnHnce committee, the vrenernl
method of conducting the business, the
departmental work. expenses, foreign busi
ness, deferred dividend policies and various
nilsi ellaiicnu matters under separate heads.
It Is sinned by Thomas P. Fowler, Norman
B. Ream, Hiram R. Steele. A. O. Paine
and Clarence H. Mackay.
After reciting that the special committee
had sixty meetings and availed I'self of
every source of Information concerning the
p' 'irs of the company, the report saya:
X therefore, feels that It has left noth
i v'y done to enable It to determine how
th 1 ncss of the company In all Its de
par, has been conducted and to speak
MU I 111
'ely on that subfect."
then submits the balance sheet
of the e-
' accountants, which. In part.
We Imve
company. nr.
ses-vos for p
December 31, IS
to npjj.7,iiiri.i!i,
ed all the assets of the
i- providing sufficient re-
nssrs. nnii than on
r1 total assets amounted
-id are fully worth that
I sum.
1 We have tested the clerical accuracy of
the Insurance reserve as certitled by the
actuary ot in' company, n niru hiii'juiiis
to,t.o6-1. and exceeds that required by
the Insurance department of the stale of
Now York by the sum of $7. 201. 720. and hav
ing made a provision of $.Y5M,775 for all
' other ll;i hlHt tec we fln.l that ther Wn s
on December 31." lift. a balance of $M.047.17
available for dividend on participating
Policies (Including deferred dividend policies
tUp ,,nd of (,irr BPVeial aecumilatlon
peiiodsi and for contingencies. This bal
ance exceefis rnpt claimed ny tne company
ill Its annual report fur lf"ifi.
The general administration of the com-
p.inv is wrl! organized. Its management
sound, its business methods and system
of collecting premiums are effective and
economical and its hroks and records are
well and accurately kept.
The committee reports that In 1!05 the
company wrote L'!k;,t;tc,.So4 new Insurance
and lhat Its total Income from nil sources
during that year was $103, IM'.VK). The total
payments to policyholders in lfKi amounted
to $in.2fi2.t39 and the total number of out
standing polities was I,lll,2e3.
The report says th" total expenditures in
conducting the business for inert, after de
ducting the amount paid for Insurance,
taxes and investment expenses, were 19.95
per cent of the premium Income for tha
year. The committee's conclusions are
strongly In favor of maintaining the for
eign business as a general policy.
Secretary of Agriculture Will
Take Vacation nnd Issues
m Statement.
WASHINGTON, July 2. Secretary Wilson
of the Department of Agriculture haa de
cided ti poxtnone Ins annual vacation iinL-.l
ha. haa completed" the organization, neces
sary to put into operation the new meat
inspection law. Ho will give his entire
time to thlB work for the nxt two months.
The new pure food law also will require
attention, but he intends to leave this al
most wholly to Dr. H. W. Wiley, chief of
the bureau of chemistry.
By direction of the president, Secretary
Wilson today Issued the following state
ment: American live stock are the healthiest
In the world. The great ran if en of t In-
west produce herda ot cattle in which the
percentage of disease is remarkable small
and the federal government la steadily re
ducing by approved selentllic methods this
small percentage. The inspection of tiie
animal before and at the time of slaughter
has always been thorough. It is true that
the Department of Agriculture has hem.
tofore lacked the power and the monev to
provide for an efflc.ent supervision nnd
.sanitation and the methods of preparation
of canned meat food products.
The legislation which has just become
effective provides the Department of Agri
culture with adequate law nnd power to
carry it Into effect. Supervision Inspec
tion will be extended from the pasture,
to the package. The federal stamp upon
the can will be a guarantee not only of the
healthfulness of the animal, but also that
the product wa prepared In vanltary sur
roundings, and with the addition of no
deleterious chemical or preservative, any
meat food product bearing the government
stamp will be nt for food.
With this law In operation it may be'
accepted as a fact that lor heathf ulnesa
and purity the prepared canned product
will compare favoarbly with the fresh meat
of the l ulled States, which is and always
has been the finest In the world.
The new law Is comprehensive, the means
for Its enfovcnient are ample and Its exe
cution ne thorough. People at home
and abroad may use our meats In confi
dence. To carry Into effect the meat Inspection
bill recently enacted by congress the Civil
Service commission today announced an ex
amination of Inspectors to be held on the
21st. The regulations under which the ex
amlnatlona are to be held do not require
that the Inspectors be veterlnariana. but
they must from experience be qualified to
determine whether or not meat Is sound.
wholesome and fit for human food. The
entrance salary la M.W per annum.
Attnekera and Defender of British
Channel Say that They
Has Won.
IONDON. July 2. As a
naval maneuver both the
result of the
attacking and
victory. Both
, nrremiig fleets
...f.ed losse. in
claim a
Admiral Mav
commanding the attacking fleet, captured
the Scarborough and telegraphed Jo King
Edward: "We have obtained comnl-te
control of the English channel and have
demanded the surrender of the English
The defenders captured the bnHleship
Victorious, flagship of Rear Admiral Sir
Archibiltl Berkeley Milne, together with
the battleship Royal Oak and two cruisers
In a battle oft Cape Finlsterne. and claim
that they aecured the trade route by driv
ing the attackers Into the North sea."
RsmI W 111 Aerept Law Providing for
Freedom of Conscience, Meet
ing nnd Associations.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 2 -Interlor Min
ister Stolypin publicly announced today In
behalf of the government that after an
examination the government is prepared to
accept the laws which the lower house is
considering for establishing liberty of con
science and freedom of meetings and as
ttiaperor William at Kiel.
BERLIN, July l-Emperor William has
again returned to Kiel. The report that
be went to Potsdam on account of the ven
dition of the hea'lli of the Crown Princess
Frederick William a incorrect.
Spenda First Day of Viiit to Baeamora Hill
Without Labor.
Photographer Charaea Him with
Assault. AllealnaT that Ottlcer
OYSTER BAY'. N. Y July i-fresident
Roosevelt has had his first day's rest and
complete relaxation from official cares since
congress assembled last December. All
work was barred at Sagamore Hill today.
The routine of official business was con
ducted at the executive offices In Oyster
Bay by Pecretary Loeb without the aid of
his chief and without even using the di
rect telephone between his desk and the
library at the president house. The pres
ident waa not disturbed by callers, hla
Oyster Bay neighbors contenting them
selves with the promise of a speech on
the Fourth, when they will then extend
their summer welcome.
James Sloan, chief of the president's
secret service corps, waa placed under ar
rest this morning as he came from duty
at Sagamore Hill. Jack McQuade, the
village constable, served the warrant,
which had been sworn out by Clarence
I.egendre, a New Y'ork photographer.
charging Sloan with assault in the third
degree. An appearance waa entered at
once before Squire Franklin, and Sloan
was released on hla own recognisance to
appear for trial next Monday. The arrest
was the result of Interference by the se
cret service men yesterday In the endeavor
of Legendre to take a snap shot of the
president as he entered hla earrlge at
the station here. Legendre claims Sloan
hit him In the face after the photograph
was taken and the president had driven
away. The secret service men say they
have previously had trouble with Legendre.
Plana of the local committee for the
Fourth of July celebration haa been
changed since the arrival of Secretary
I-oel. The exercises are to be held In
the open air, a short distance from the
village square, and It ha been planned
to erect a grandstand capable of seating
fiOO persons. There was to have been a
charge of 50 centa admission to this stand.
The secretary has vetoed this proposition,
and there will be no grandstand and no
admission charged. The president will not
deliver a prepared speech.
Proapret that Slayer of "White
Can Be Arraigned Before
NEW YORK, July 2. That there is no
prospect of a speedy trial for Harry K.
Thaw waa announced today by District At
torney Jerome, who returned to town to
day to give h.'s personal attention to the
caae. Owing to the tact that during the
summer there are only two parts of the
court of general sessions and that the trial
would probably lent two or three weeks,
the district attorney decided not to . ad
vance the Thaw case on the calendar.
Thaw will haj-dly be arraigned before Octo
ber. Thaw paased a very comfortable night In
his cell in the Tombs and today appeared
to be in better condition than at any time
since he waa arrested for uhootlng Stanford
White a week ago. The prisoner' wife
called at the usual hour today and spent
nine time with him.
"When Mrs. Thaw left the prison he
said she found her husband In better
spirits and more cheerful than at any
time alnce the tragedy. "He Is a cheer
ful as anyone In his position could be ex
pected to be," she said.
From the prison she went to the offlci
of her husband's attorney. Alien W".
Evarts, counsel for the White family,
called ot the district attorney' office to
day and had a ten minutes' talk with Mr.
Jerome. This is the first occasion on which
the White family has been in touch with
the district auorney'a office in cbnnectloa
with the tragedy. Another caller at the
private attorney's office waa P. L. Ber
geff, a private detective, who aya he
wa employed by Stanford White for
many months before the tragedy. Bergof
waa accompanied by three of hla assist
ants wh), he say, were actively engaged
In watching both Mr. wnite anu a corps
of detective who had been employed by
Former Judge Olcott of counsel for Thaw
spent nearly the entire afternoon in the
prison in consultation with hla client. Much
of the time was spent In going over letter
which have been received by Thaw since
his Imprisonment. His mall Is increasing
in else dally, and many of the writers de
clare themaelve ready to disclose certain
Information concerning Thaw' victim.
which they think may be of uae to the de
fense. More than half a hundred letter
were received today and fully half of these
were deemed to be of sufficient Importance
to demand consideration by hla counsel.
Chicago Conneil Aeqnlt Former Fire
Chief, hot Decline to Re
instate Him.
CHICAGO, July 2. John Campion, former
head of the Are department of Chicago,
who was removed from office several weeks
ago by Mayor Dunne because of alleged
discrimination in the letting of contracts,
will not be reinstated in his old position
despite the fact that the committee ap
pointed by the city council to Investigate
the charges found the former fire mar
shal not guilty. The report of thla com
mltee, which was suhmllted to the coun
cil tonight, contained a request that Cam
pion be reinstated, but when the report
was submitted to the aldermen for a vote
Mayor Dunne' action wa sustained by
a vote of 40 to 22.
His Eminence la Too Bnsy to Serve
on International Policyholders'
Commit too.
BALTIMORE, Md.. July 1-lt wa au
thoritatively staled here today that hla in
Inence, Cardinal Gibbon, ba written a let
ter to the secretary of the International
policyholder' committee. New York, with
drawing hi consent to erv a a member
of that committee. It 1 stated that the
cardinal realise that on account of hi
many other duties he would not hav time
to attend th committee meeting and. be
side, he doe not feel qualified to pass
upon the various question and financial
matter that would come before th com
mittee, a hi thought and occupation have
been directed toward a different field of
Large Xaraber of jrbraka, lossa and
South Dakotana la the
BILLINGS. Mont., July 2. -tSieoial Tele
gram.) Inng before the hour set for the
drawing, a large crowd gathered at the
tent erected for that purpose, anil men
vied with one another for a favorable
place to watch the proceedings. The
enormous crowd was an orderly one. how
ever, and nothing unusual occurred. After
a brief address by Hon. Martin McCln
nis of Helena, member of the committee
In charge of the work, the drawing pro
ceeded. The first name drawn wa that of Owen
B. Williams of Custer, Mont. "William Is
a section foreman In the employ of the
Northern Pacific railway. Henry Johnson
of Sheridan, Wyo., drew second, and John
Schwarti of Chicago. III., drew third: Jo
seph Relnlete of Kelt. Wyo.. fourth:
Charles Danielson of Billings, fifth, and
Jacob Rnhlch of Butte, sixth.
Other winners were:
No. 7, Oeorge Busha. Chandler. Okla.
No. . Bavard H. Thonibury. old soldier,
(by Colville D TerrMD. Miles Cltv. Mont.
No. 9. Charles B. Holmes. Sheridan, Wyo.
No. 10. Sam Holland. Livingstone. Mont.
No. 12. James W. Van Diver. Greenfield,
No. !. Wallace T. Hlcklin. Sheridan. Wyo.
Nil. 18, William L. Duncan, Hawk Point.
MNo. in, John F. Goodwin. Clearmont. Wyo.
No. 21, Harry G. Haiighey. Pherldan. "Wyo.
No. 22. James R. Vine. Gravity, la.
Mrs. Joseph Artery of Butte was the first
woman to draw. A. Hmwn or Atlanta. u.,
who drew No. 5S7, waa the most remote
resident to draw during the forenoon.
About 2,000 names were drawn today.
The names of Nebraska, Iowa and South
Dakota winners of today are a follows-
Iowa James W. Vandiver, Greenfield;
James R. King, Gravity; James R. Thomp
son. Corning
William II.
I'rlah K. Miller.. Bloomtleld;
Weber. Vililsca; William H.
Hloomneld: Elmer Hanson,
McAchra n,
Newlands; Valentine J. Hill. Council BluffR;
Herman S. Eklenerry, icro ; i . p. mittei,
Hloomfleld; W. D. Penn. Hprlngtleld; F. A.
Gorland. Derby; E. K. Herra, Bloomtleld;
C. Evans, Woodward; P. J. O'Neill,
Osceola; K J. Brr, lamnnl: L. Shields,
Murray; Helen Wary. Bloomlield; R. K.
Humphrey, Glenwood; A. K. Brown, Ida
Grove; W. A. Penn, Sidney; H. Donnelly.
Glenwood; Mark Sandusky, Oskaloosa: J.
Sunders, Bloomfleld ; 11. O. Arnold, Garden
Grove: Otis Worder, Wloomtield : O. A.
Anderson. Villlsca: Fred Faith, Bedford;
C. W. Young. Deg Moines; II. Curry,
Bloomlield; M. F. Rubinkeni, Harlan;
Martha Danborn, Red Oak: Ada M. French.
Pella; L. S. T. Hatton, Bloomlield; R. M.
Adams. Greenfield; P. F. Owens, Weston;
Bettie B. Barker, Ames; L. 9. Bradshaw,
Fairfield; C. T. Bradagln. Tracy; C. E.
Curtis. Knoxville: H. E. Clifford, Des
Moines; F. C. Curtz, Sidney; K. Enlow,
Cedar Falls; C. B. Bowdish. Waubeck:
C. K Cov. Odebolt; .1. R. Ingram. Mt. Ayr;
I.. F. Richardson. Sioux City; Ole Tvadt,
Dolllvar; W. S. Shields, Mnsaeua: R. K.
Urcnt. Hiimlston; F. E. Johnson, Gravity;
A. E. Sherlock, Rlverton: A. McNeal,
Bloomfleld; W. A. Boggs, Griswold; Ieroy
Wolbert. Cumberland; A. Ramsey, Mystic;
J. II. C. Shields, Murray; J. W. Alderson,
Crrston; 11. B. Lewis. Council Bluffs; H.
Patte. Atlantic: H. E. Bustard. Moore
head; M. T. Hayden, Wapello; R. T. Boyd.
Nebraska Mikel Waldron. O'Neill; Joslah
S. Stupper, Alliance: Dlali P. Merrill.
Nealy; Jesse B. Henderson. Ansley; Ferdl
nsnd Ijingehelin, Primrose; E. K. Bore
man. I-iwrence; Tunis Aildlngton, Nio
brara; jRcoh Gnehrlng, Seward; C. T.
Knepp, Lincoln; Thomas HoMon Lawrence;
R. C. Hidden, Alliance; W. H. Pungan,
McCook; F. R. Tacklcy. Pawnee City; I
T. Pulstoii. Geneva; 1. H Put hf rhind,
Wayne; Ray B. Hall. . Camb. !.Ikp5 F.'-- ft.
Bentley. Geneva; irrias '-. H.yj rokins.4-Al)'--ance:
William S. Crnsllawf Alliance;
Amel Cumroy, Culbertsoni W. G. Dodge,
Hastings; J. E. Cram, Burviell; Iouls Grae
man. Hay Springs; TV J. Lynch, Virginia;
J. ii. Perry, Clay Center; Herman Kape,
McCook: C. R. Moran. Lincoln: E. D.
Shirley. McCook: Z. T. Camp. Republican
City; C. C. Reed, Alliance; A. L. Fitch,
Omaha: C. C. Cooper, Ansley; W. F. Chad
dock. Omaha: Henry Peareo. Omaha; H.
If. Hull. Pawnee City: May L. Davis,
Warioo; A. C. F. Schlecel. Schuyler; N. D.
Hooker, Oconto; Martha Makowslia, Ash
ton: James L. Harrington. Omaha: George
A. Byrne. Mead: F. T. Waggoner. Stan
ford: Olta K. Bvrne. Alliance; George H.
Herring, Alnsworth; A. C. Wood. Lincoln;
A. S. Lutgennt. Elk Creek: Roy H. Moore,
Lincoln; Ralph Jeffers. Omaha; Viretta
Lynch, Clay Center; louts Dell, Omahaj
Frank Roche, Western; Bird Henderson,
Grand Island: Ben Good. Lincoln: N. C.
Osgood, Hastings; Joseph Thompson,
Omaha; John E. Fetterby. Lincoln; Harri
son Wing. Harvard; Guy A. Crook, Falls
Valley; Charles 1 McDanlela. Alliance;
W. G. Smith. Edgar: Seara T. Osgood,
Hastings: Iwan Norris, Lawrence; J. C.
Morgan, Seward; H. H. Carson. Ord; C. A.
Marker, Carlton: Anderson Ie. Farnam;
J. H. Corey. Guide Rock; F. M. Hook, Lin
coln; George Wright, Ainsley; J. Q. Adams,
Omaha: H. I. Mills. Geneva; p. H. Yeek,
Lincoln: Jake Krldothnugh. Alliance: F. J.
Nan. Table Rock: C. A. Hays. Hardr;
J. E. Williams. Omaha: O. V. Hall. Bladen:
G. W. Halatead. Terumseh: A. H. Steven,
Omaha; J. O. Ryan, Waunets.
South Dakota A. J. "Wanlper. Sissetnn;
W. F. Hanley, Lead City- E. !. Grentham.
Custer; J. L. Graves, Deadwood: R. M.
Bradshnw, Worthing.
Appeal from Dr. Ma Jordan Aronse
Mneh F.nthnslnsm In the
TANNERSV1LLE, N. Y , July 2.-A letter
from Dr. Max Nordau of Paris, containing
a strong appeal for the support of the al
ready established Jewish Institutions in
Palestine, aroused murh enthusiasm at to
day's session of the federation of American
Zionist here. Much Interest also was
shown In a communication from Trof. Otto
Warburg, head of th Palestine commission,
which pointed out the political, induatrial
and agrlcutural posslbllltie of Palestine.
Particular stress was laid upon the favor
able attitude, now evinced toward Jewish
colonization in Palestine by the Turkish
government. The commission recommended
the organization of commercial, industrial
and agricultural syndiactea for the exploit
ing of the resources of Palestine.
Dr. H. Perelra Mendes, president of the
American branch ot the Jewish territory
association, startled the convention by de
claring that the report of ihe commission,
which come at a critical moment for
Zionists, proved that there is no need for
any other organization to undertake relief
work for Jews or for other activities else
where. Palestine must come first, he said,
and only when activities are Impossible In
Palestine need activities or relief work
be undertaken elsewhere. This statement
was regarded by the convention as notice
of the early dissolution of the territorial
movement of Zionism, and aims to secure
a grant of land for a Jemish autonomous
stale anywhere in the world, where the
light to establish such a stale may be ob
tained. TORONTO. Ont.. July J At the opening
of the seventh annual convcullon of the
Federation of Zionist societies In Canada
here President Dc Sola of Montreal an
nounced that the sultnn nf Turkey had re
voked the laws fni' Jews to settle
In Palestine. II did mt nlsh It under
stood that they had received a chart T, but
It was now possible for Jews to Inhabit
the country and enjoy th protection cf it
law. He predicted that ihe t-ultan'a ac
tion would give a great impetus to Immi
gration from Russia.
Aeeldent at at. I.oola.
ST. LOl."19. July 2 A car on th scenic
railway. tilled with pleasure seekers,
jumped the track on a fifty-foot trestle at
C.ev Coeur lak yterdav afternoon,
turned over, but did not fall off th treeti.
Ten person were injured, several aeiiourly.
but iwba will dla
Postal Employes of Three Cities Greet
Government's Bepresentatire.
Men "H ho Handle Mall (ilven
Sjnoptlc Report of the Proceed
ings of Fifty-One Day'
A reception waa given by the employes
of the Omaha postoffk-e t Edward Crclgh
ton Institute hall. Eighteenth street, near
Douglas, to Edward Rosewater In honor
of his return from abroad as a member of
the Universal Postal Congress. In addi
tion to about 10) of the postofflre employes
of Omaha, twenty of the employe of the
Council Bluffs and twenty-five of the South
Omaha postofflce employes were present.
The meeting was called to order by George
KlelTner, president of the Omaha Letter
Carriers' association, who introduced Cap
tain II. E. Palmer a chairman of the even
ing. The meeting had no political algnlflcance
whatever, being simply a grod will greet
ing of welcome to Mr. Rosewater. Captain
Palmer, in intretduclng Mr. Rosewater,
said he waa glad to welcome him home,
not only on hla own behalf, but on behalf
of the postofflce force of the three cltlee.
as they recognized In Mr. Rosewater tne
representative of the great Postofflce de
partment, not alone of the I'nited Statrj.
but of all the great nations represented Th
the Postal congress.
Mr. Rosewater was greeted with applause
as he stepped forward to address the gath
ering. He said. In effect:
"It gives me great pleasure to meet so
many of you here tonight as members of
the postofflce force of this country. It has
been my good fortune to meet the repre
sentatives of many other countries since
I last saw many of you. While abroad
I have visited the postofflce In part of
France. Germany and Italy and have ob
served their manner of doing business. In
some respects their postal system Is bet
ter than ours, but In respect to the In
terior workings of the foreign poslofncea,
I think that ours Is much superior. In
Rome, particularly, they still do things
the old way; In fact, nothing short of 2,000
years old will count In Rome anyhow."
Work of Postal Congress.
Mr. Rosewater then gave an Interesting
talk upon the Postal congress and Its per
sonnel, which consisted of the highest post
office dignitaries of the sixty-four coun
tries represented in the congress. The
German delegation waa honored by the
presence of a cabinet minister from that
country, while one of the delegate from
France was the president of the Postal
Savings bank of France. The ession con
tinued for fifty-one day. The prolonged
session resulted from the great multi
plicity of questions under consideration
and the conservatism of the European
delegates, a well a the South American
delegates, who would have preferred to
let matter remain In atatue quo, rather
than to undertake any Improved method,
which they susplcloned might reduce their
f 'aJ .revenue. After prolonged dlacus
hujsh tiie.ferirrn coupon system -foe foreign
tstage-waa nnaHTTidoftted'Tsi-r(he- trwl
ait rate wa cut down about 50 per cent.
The new rule will go Into effect October 1,
1907. After much discussion the twenty-
gramme standard waa adopted, though op
posed by the countries not using the
metric system of weights and measures.
The twenty-gramme standard 1 regarded
as the nearest equivalent to the American
and British ounce, but really twenty-eight
gramme is nearer equivalent of the ounce.
The international rate of potage was es
tablished at B cent per twenty gramme.
Another Important concession granted by
the congress at the earnest persistency of
Switzerland was to permit the transit of
flowers through the malls, with special
reference to the Eldelwelss flower, of
which great quantltle are sent out of
Switzerland to all part of the world.
Mr. Roewater told many other thing
of Interest of the work of the congress,
and of his visits to the postofflces of the
several countries. He concluded his in
formal talk with the expression of his sin
cere appreciation of the compliment paid
him by this reception, which he was glad
to say had no political significance.
Mr. Rosewater brought with him a large
collection of pictures and postal cards of
the various foreign countrle which he vis-
i Ited. which he left for the Inspection of
j'the meeting upon the conclusion of his ad
Engrossed Resolutions Presented.
President Kleffner then presented Mr.
Rosewater with an engrossed ropy of the
resolutions passed at the meeting of the
Slate ssoclation of I-etter Carrier held at
South Omaha May 30, which embodied the
thank of the asoclatlon for the services
Mr. Rosewater had at all time rendered
tbe postal employe of the country, and
particularly the letter carriers.
A vote of thanks wa unanimously ten
dered Mr. Rosewater for his address.
Short addresses followed, by D. R. Wit
ter of Council Bluffs. M. J. Grady of South
Omaha, Charles Kaltler of Omaha, George
Kleffner and other. Mr. Kleffner strongly
advocated that the clerk perfect an or
ganization such as the letter carrier have,
for both social and bualnea purposes.
Cigar were passed during the evening, and
the meeting closed about 10 o'clock.
ev Battleship Demonstrates that It
Meet All Reqalre.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 2. The battle
ship Nebraska, on a builders' trial today,
made 1U.I knots over the prescribed course
off Point Reals.
The battleship, with Captain I.awe and
Captain Jordlson In command, was sent
over the course three times, twice at the
record speed and once slowly. The re
quirements of the Naval department arethal
Die battleship shall make nineteen knots,
and It builders assert that this will be
easily accomplished. Lieutenant Com
mander R. E. Coonts, Inspector of equip
ment; Naval Constructor Arthur Grlm
aiiaw. Inspector of machinery and ordnance,
and Naval Contructor Ruhn were aboard
the battleship in unofficial capacities. Rob
ert Moran. bead of the shipbuilding firm
that completed the Nebraska, had his fam
ily aboard.
The Nebraska was out all the forenoon
and part of the afternoon. The early part
of the day was spent In cruising and ad
justing compasses, testing the machinery
and watching the behavior of the beiat.
When It was sent over the prescribed
course on a trial spin the machinery
worked in a manner that Chief Engineer
L. B Croasett pronounced entirely satis
fied ory.
The Nebraska will go to the Puget sound
navy yard July I snd Its bottom will be
cleared In preparation for tha official trial
thl mem to.
Partly 4 Inadr TnesrlaM Warmer In
"West Portion. Wednesday Fair and
n n. i
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7 n. i
K n. i
n n. i
10 n. i
11 a. i
131 m..
Omahn Yesterdari
. .
. .
. . HI
. . Art
. . Ml
. . T
. . 7
. . OH
1 p.
2 .
a p.
4 P.
ft .
T P.
fs p.
O p.
Denver Judge Xot Permitted to In
vestigate Election Frands
III Ossn Way.
DENVER. July 2.-By decision of the
tate supreme court today District Judge
John I. Mulllns of the crlmlnsl court Is
pronlblted from appointing elisors to draw
a special gland Jury to Investigate the al
leged frauds at the city election on May
15 last and a special prosecutor to conduct
such an Investigation.
The supreme court held that Judge Mul
llns had no cause for removal of District
Attorney George Stldger and Sheriff NU
bel, who, It waa alleged, were unfitted to
conduct the Investigation, being Interested
parties. It was further decided that Judge
Mulllns had no right to inquire Into elec
tion frauds to ascertain whether there
was surniient evidence of crime on which
to base a call for a grand Jury; that he
had no right to compel witnesses to tes
tify In the taking of such testimony and
was In error In nning Republican Chair
man William and Democratic Chairman
Devoren for refusing to be sworn.
The supreme court also made permanent
Its writ of prohibition restraining District
Judge Frank T. Johnson from proceeding
with his investigation Into the election at
which the Denver City tramway and the
Denver gaa and electric companies se
cured a renewal of their franchises. The
court held that Judge Johnson had no
right to appoint watchers at the polls and
he Is enjoined from attempting to discover
If any violations of hi Injunctive order
were committed.
In the case of Henry L. Doherty, presi
dent of the Denver Gas and Klectrlc com
pany, sentenced to Jail by Judge Johnson
for contempt In refusing to give testi
mony, the supreme court ruled that Mr.
Doherty's attorneys had taken the wrong
method In applying for relief. Instead of
asking for a writ of supersedeas, they
should have asked for a writ ot error,
Mr. Doherty will change his plea.
Three IVesr sfntlonnl Banks Authorised
to Transact Business In
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 2.-(8peclal
gram.) Representative Kennedy
Washington this afternoon for Omaha
Prior to leaving he called on First As
slstant Postmaster General Madden in re
gard, to a request made by a weekly paper
published In . Omaha In the interest of
We"strhfiuYer r-rehbyterlan-'chuich to. hare
the publication entered a seoondlclass
mail matter. General Madden Bald he
would tak th application under advise
ment and advise Congressman Kennedy ot
the result by mall.
Nebraska national banks authorised to
begin bualness: The First National of Ce
dar Rapids with 5,000 capital; James
Squrare, president; Samuel J. Coffman
vice president; L. A. Tuttle, cashier. The
First National of Hampton with 130,000
capital; A. B. Houghton, president; 8. C
Houghton, caaler. The First National of
Stromeburg with 160.000 capital; J. W. Wil
son, president; V. E. Wilson, vice presi
dent; Nathan Wilson, cashier.
Alta E. Westover haa been appointed
postmaster at Pringle, Custer county, S
D., vice Myrtle Conlon, removed,
It 1 Being; Closely Followed by Hot
Wave Originating In the
Pacific State.
WASHINGTON, July 2.-'There 1 a good
lzed cool wave In the west," said Fore
caster Frankenfleld of the weather bureau
tonight, "but it I rather low in getting
thl way. Colorado and New Mexico
are getting the best of it In low tempera
ture. On the Pacific coast there is a hot
wave with the maximum temperatures from
9 to 102 degrees and the effect of this will
be felt again In the middle weat by Wednes
day or Thursday."
The cool wave Is gradually moving east
ward and this with thunder ahowers, pre
dicted for the entire territory east of the
Mississippi river tomorrow, and over a
great portion of it tor Wednesday, will
effect a reduction in temperature.
Rosewater Repnbllean Orgnnlsed
nnd Prepnred to Aid In
Sweeping Victory.
The Tenth Ward Rosewater committee
held a meeting last night In the hall at
1246 South Thirteenth streets to make final
arrangements for the election. The execu
tive committee . and th captains of the
different precincts reported the details of
organization and announced their plans
for today, the report meeting full approval.
The committee will have men and buggies
at work all day and a strong effort will
be made to get out a large vote. Chair
man Fred Brunlng prophesied a sweeping
victory for Mr. Rosewater In ihe Tenth
Movement of Ocean Vessels Jul) .
At New York Arrived : Mlnnetoiika.
from Ixiniion. Sailed: Lombardia, for
At Rotterdam Arrived: Potsdam, from
New York.
At Liverpool Arrived : Alhenia, from
At Gibraltar Arrived: Koenigen Louise
and Crliie. from New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Laurenllan, from
At Movllle Arrived : Furnessla, fiom
New York.
At lunlon Arrived: Maryland, from
At Naples Sailed : Neapolitan Prince, for
New York; I'rin Oskar, for New Yoik;
Sennla. for New York.
At Boulogne Hailed: Ryndam. for New
At Trieste Arrived: Franccsca. from
New York.
At Bremen Arrived : Bremen, from New
At Hout hainpton Sailed : Barbarossa, for
New York.
At Dover Arrived : Finland, from New
Al Montreal Arrived : Lake Ene, from
At iierbourg Arrived: Oceanic, from
New York.
At Boston. Arrived; Parisian, from
Chairman Tawnry Analyses Appropriation!
Made by Conrress,
Etate and National Taxss Lower Than is
Any Country in Europe.
eople Expeot Service that 8hould Ba Per
formed by the States.
Mr. Iltlnastonr Point to firnwth ot
Appropriations nnd Charae the
Republicans svitli Ex
travagance. WASHINGTON, July 2. Representative
Tawney, chairman of Ihe house committee
on appropriations, has prepared detailed
statement concerning the appropriations for
the fiscal year, beginning July 1, IfH. made
by congress during the session Just closed.
In which he claims that the per capita cost
of government in the I'nited States, In
cluding federal and state, is less than that
in any European country.
Mr. Tawney enters upon an analysis to
show thai various channels Into which the
total appropriation of $SS0,tS3.S0l will bo
diverted, lie begins by deducting $139,4:R.13
provided for the sinking fund for the
Panama canal account, showing lhat the
real appropriation for the conduct of the
government for the fiscal year Is 70.72i,S'i.
To meet this demand he cellmates that the
total revenues (customs, internal and
postal) will be TSl,BT3,;i61.
The appropriation, as made in the vari
ous -supply bills, are a follows:
Agriculture $ sW2W
Army "I.Miitij
Diplomatic and consular 3,uil,0!t
District of Columbia lu.ia.ii!
Formications 6.0.vt.ii M
Indian s.itVi.!
Ix-gislatlve. etc 2i 7ii tin
Military academy l.rtiU.T'ix
?"ay 102.ii71,rs
Pension no .at, t
PostofUce ini.!t;.'i'.n
Sundry civil Dt.,274.571
Total G72.r7,7oJ
Deficiency bill!
Isthmian canal deficiency $ 11, 000. Quo
I'rgent deficiency.
Hum and prior
Urgent deficiency, additional. 19n6
anil prior vears 974 n:'-.
Deficiency, lVuti and prior years.... ll,6V3l'.-
Total regular annual appropriations, I7W.-
100,981; permanent annual appropriations,
$140,076.3JO. Grand total regular and per
manent annual appropriations, rso.ll,l.
The aggregat appropriation la trt.uutVOO in
excess of that tor last year.
Kew Item nnd Increases.
Of the various increases, that of J3,O60.;6O
is mad on account ot meat Inspection,
tl.i3ir.b33 on account of tbe army, SMK.Mti
to carry the new consular law into effect,
11.73-4,870 ou account ot the navy. H.SKu.kk
on account ot pensions, J10,S73,96 on account
of tfa.. PoatofflcT, depart uvajit. of which
13,030,000 waa for rural tree delivery. Of
th appropriation made about Ml.WO.uou
wa unestlmated for. Included In this list
were the following: $10,260,000 carried In the
statehood act, $1,000,kjO for arming and
equipping the militia, (2,(00,000 on account
of the earthquake and fire at Ban Ftan
claco, t&OO.OOO on account of the new quaran
tine law, $10,231,600 on account of public
Mr. Tawney comment a follow on the
volume of the appropriation:
"While the expenditure ot our govern
ment are constantly Increasing and whllo
the appropriations made therefore by con
gress are In the aggregate very large, yet
when we take Into consideration the mar
velous growth of the country, the extent lo
which the people demand that th federal
govern momt ahall perform service that
should be paid by the states, none but the
unthlklng or misguided who do not stop to
consider the care with which the estimates
for appropriations for the public service
are crutlnlzed by the several committee
having Jurisdiction of appropriation bills,
can find any reason to criticize appropria
tion made during thl cession of congress.
View of the Minority, -
In a statement mad for the democratic
minority. Representative Livingstone makes
a comparison of the expenditures provided
for by thl congres. $81,1x3.301, with the
expenditure of 1X98, the first year of Presi
dent McKlnley administration, when the
figures were tr2.TC6.078. a difference of $361,
448,222. Commenting on thl showing, he
sa ys :
Thl growth In appropriations sustain
the contention that the republican party
stands for extravagance In public expend!,
tures In order to use that extravagance a
a cloak for their more objectionable pur
pose of maintaining a high protective tariff
to favor the trust combination of manu
facturer of this country.
A reduction of expenditure, they well
know, would compel a commensurate re
duction In taxation, and to that extent a
lowering of tbe (Tilnese wall of protection
that now surrounds the great body of eon.
sumers, who constitute the larger portion
of our population and compel tribute from
them to the favored classes.
Much of the extravagance grow out of
the practice prevailing with the present
administration of appointing commissions
to do what congress ought lo do and what
congressmen are elected for and paid for.
thus delegating the powers constitutionally
belonging to congres lo others, who have
no particular relations with or responsi
bilities to the public, and do not rentier an
accounting to the taxpayer of this country.
To sfford an Idea nf the magnitude of
this year's appropriations, Mr. Uvlngstort
says :
"Our corn crop of IK'S, valued at $X2.192.
3SS, could have been paid for with the total
appropriations made at this session and
a few million to spare."
Alleged Plot to Assassinate Leader
of Oklahoma Mob tnuse
Gt'THRIE. Okl.. July 2 A special from
Purrell. 1. T., to the State Capital Ute to
day states that Intense excitement prevails
there over the report that the negroes of
Womack have armed themselves Uh the
Intention of shooting down members of
the mob that lynched and burned Will
Davis, a member of their race, for assault
ing the 14-year-old daughter of Ira Robert
son, a farmer.
Heavily armed posses of htitdness men
and farmers left Norman, Okl., and Purc!
today for Womack. Three leaders of
the mob of while men are declared lo have
been marked for aKsasslnallnn and further
trouble of serious character is expected.
Judge I Hi kerson of Chli kasha has an
nounced that he nill linioedialel v empanel
a special grand Jur U UkVUat) Ut