THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JULY 2, 1906. 7 BEATS SELEE AND TIES i aaSBeM8B8B Oath Takes rirtt Gm from Fniblt and ' fitoond ii a Draw, SANDERS GIYCS TLX KITS AND ONE FUN Mir nuwi et rue Hits ' aaa Onahi Makes Klcat, T tk laataas Tie It fa. Queer luck! Pueblo (eta ten Mta oft Bandera and one run. Omaha wlna. pueblo aeta flva hlU off McNeeHqr and two run. while Omaha makes clfht hlta .ft Btlmmell and two nine. To win on (am and tla tba other eras the beat Omaha could do with tha Belee Indiana at Vinton Street park Sunday after noon before one of the regulation Sunday erowda, the ecore of the (tret same being ll to 1 and tha aecond I to t Pueblo played rellow ball In tha nrat ome and Just tha reverie In the aecond, failing to (Ire Morrl tuin any tup port whatever and barking up Mr- Btlmmell well at all times, ao tha Omaha team waa able to cash In but two runa on the eight hit made. Bandera and Morrlaon, the latter of Dea Molnea fame, were opposed In tha flrat game and Sander pulled off one of hla characteristic gumee, permitting but one run when ten hlta were made. He ued hla head at all tlmea and held the opponents anfe at critical perloda. The first game started out all right until Omaha came to bat In the second Inning, when the whole Pueblo bunch went to Pieces. Welch started out with a hit to riant and Baseey flew out to Melrtyor. Drlah hit safe and Oondlnfa Texas leaguer filled the hasee. Long hit the ball to El wert. who bungled on a throw to the plate, and Welch and Polan aoored. Bandera bunted safe and Gondlng scored and Nick Carter bunted a clean one and Long scored. Howard bit safe to right, but Bandera could not get beyond third. Two mora scores were added In the third, when Bassey reached first on McOllvray'a eiror and Do lan walked. Iong and Sanders each hit safe, which scored Bassey and Dolan. In tha fifth after Carter had struck out, Howard reached first, when Btlmmell tried to throw the ball away and Perrlng brought Howard home with a double and came home himself on Basaey'a triple. Baseey scored on a passed ball. Omaha made two more In tha ninth for good measure. ' y' Pueblo n;ile Ita only run In i the fifth Inning when, after two were out. Cook singled, went to third on Long's error, and came home on Minor's single. ' Second Game Iatefeetlna;.. The recond game waa much more Interest ing In that It waa ctosa all the way through with Omaha playing an uphill 'game after tha fourth Inning, when Pueblo tied the one Omaha had made In the aecond and went one to the good. Omaha tied tha score again in fhe eighth, where It stood at the and of the ninth, when Umpire MoCarthy called tha, game because of darkness, the lowering clouda which were shedding a little rain making It aomewhat dark. Omaha rnsae tha first rua In the second Inning, when . Welch bit a clean single to right and went to third on Baaaey'a single to -the aama place and came home on Flake's error In handling Dolan'a grounder. Pueblo made two In the fourth, when Minor waa hit after McOilvray was out Melch'lor drove a bard one right through Howard and Minor came all tha way home. Xtwert popped out to Howard and Measltt hit for a double, which acored Melcholr. Omaha tied tha score In tba eighth with three singles." . Perrlng singled to left and Welch's aecond hit to right put blm on third and he cam home on Dolan'a drive to middle field. The aama teams play this afternoon, which will be ladles' day. Tba score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. O. 11 Carter, rf' r. t 0 1 I 0 0 Howard, ib.. Perrlng, Welch, of Bassey, If. Dolan. lb. liondlng, c. Long, ss... Bandera, p. Totals. SS 11 U 27 U PUEBLO. AB. R. Cook, If 6 1 Mcdllvray, lb 4 0 Minor, cf 6 0 Melchlor. rf S 0 Elwert, Sb 4 , 0 Meseltt. c II 0 Schrsnt, c... a 0 Hnke, ss 4 0 pader. fb 4 0 Morrison, ' p 4 0 H. O. 1 10 A. 0 a o o a o o a a l Totals... ..37 1 10 24 13 Omaha Hits o c Iluns 0 4 1 -M S 11 Pueblo Hits 'Runs v. Two-base hit: ...o o a a a o o o a 10 .0 00010000-1 Perrlng. Thr Baseey. Famed ball: Schrant. Bases on pans: tirr panders, . z; on Morrison. I. IWt on bases: Omaha. S: Pueblo, 11. Stolen Me: lionaing. earn nee nits: rerring. conning., lime: i:sa. empire: Mouaruiy attendance: 6.00. Score, second game: OMAHA. AB. R. II. O. A. K II. 1 0 i a i o o l o. 1 0 Carter, rf.... Howard, tb.. Perrlng, Sb.. Welch, cf ... Baseey, If.... Dolan. lb Rogers, c... lynx, es McNeeley, p. - Total 4 0 110 ss a PUEBLO. I 27 AB. R. H. O. 10 Cook, If.. McOilvray Minor, cf. lb. Melchlor, rf. Klwert, Sb... Mesnltt. o ... Flake, ss..... Bader, ib.... Btlmmell, p. .Totals...., Omaha lilts Huns PueUo Hits 4 H ...S3 ..o a .0 i i 10 00 ll 8 1-8 1 0-4 0 1 1 1 o a o o 1 i Runs Two-base hit: Mesaltt. Basee on balls: Off McNeeley, 1; oft Bttmmel, 1 Hit by pitched hall: By McNeeley, 1 Struck out: By McNeeley, .: by Stimniell, S. Left on bases: Omaha, S: Pueblo, S. Double play: Howard to Dolan. Stolen baaes: Baesey, Long. Dolan. Minor, Elwert. Time: 1:40. Umpire: McCarthy. Natee at tka Gaaaa. Every man on both team except Schrant made a hit or two In tha first game. McOilvray made a circus catch In tha fl-st Inning when ha landed Howard drive with on hand. - Morrison did not coma within a mile of Mcdllvray with hla throw to first in tha elxth inning of tha first game. Mesaltt arid Morrlaon had a enrt of col lision In the fifth inning, which made Mea sltt quit for tha remainder ef that game. . Had Welch been In his right position he would have caught Meeattt's double and the ecore would have baan different in Ike second gam. Welch made the sensational play of tha flay when be made one of ale fainoue foot ball divea for the lino hit from Edwert a bat In tha eighth inning. After be had rolled aver aeveral time be landed upright with tha balk SUndera waa plylng tn hard lack yester day and la nursing sore anlsa aoiA knaas today from aeveral fcaxa cracks be re aeivad. Oca ail kws pmt kin ant la tb last Inning, but he waa gam and xtlajred the suing out. Jne Waksh and Frank Band Is, twe of tha laV4Suaaca aX Ska g-ir1 jiaasa yhtr first appearance In years at the park Bunday. Handle said he wanted to e hnw the modern game we played to be the better poet ed wnen Colonel Ryder a Cliff Dwellera go to Schuyler neit Saturday. Dearer Takes Twe. SlOrX CITY, la., July l.-Slnu City dropped two games to Denver thle alter nnn by the ecorea of 6 to 4 and U to 1 In both the Orlsallea outplayed the Tack er. though a batting rally In the ninth in ning of the first game came within an ace of giving It to Bloux City. An accu mulation of error in the flrat Inning of the second game gave Ienver a lead of l. which wa never approached by the Peekere. Both team hit the opposing pitcher hard, a total of all home run being made In the eighteen Innings. Score, flrat game: DENVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. McHale, cf till Engle. 2b i 1 Kendall, rf 4 0 Huesell, lb 6 0 1 Keddlck, b 4 0 Beiden, If I t Smith, sa 4 11 Zaliiftky, c I Adam, p 4 Tctala as I SIOUX CITT AB. R. ::::::::::. t 4 0 4 0 It C 11 H. PO. A. 0 Campbell, If Pheehan, rt Nobllt. cf .. Weed, lb ... Meyer, lb . Newton, aa Froet, iti ... He, o .... Corbet t, p ., Jarrxtt, p .. I I 4 4 :::::::::: I t I ? Total H 4 U ti U I Denver 0 0 1 0 1 0 t 0 0-6 Sioux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 11 Earned runa: Sioux Ctty, I; Denver, 1. Home runa: Zalueky, Adam. Douple plays: McHale to Smith; Smith, Engle to Ruaeell. Left on bases: SIOUX City, li: Denver, . Stolen bases: McHale (t, Meyers. Sacrifice hlta: McHale, Zalusky. Baaes on balls: OR Adam. Ii oft Cor belt. ; off Jarrott, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Reddlck. Struck out: By Adams, 2; by Corbfclt, 1; by Jarrott, 1. Time: 1:40. Um pire: Davia. Score, aecond game: DENVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHale, cf Engle. 2b . Randall, rf Russell, lb , Keddck, 3b , Beiden, If . Smith, ss ... Zalueky, o . Wright, p . 6 2 12 0 0 5 1 0 4 0 0 i I I 1 0 0 6 1 4 13 0 0 4 0 0 1 1 0 f 1 0 3 0 0 i o o a 4 o 4 i a i i o 4 110 7 0 Totals 40 11 14 17 IS SIOUX CITT, AB. R. H. PO. A. 1 0 0 Campbell, If Sheehan, rf Nobllt, cf ... Weed. 2b .... Meyers, lb .. Newton, sa . Front, lb Freeee, c .... Jarrott, p .... Jackson, p . a 4 o 11 0 0 Totals Sioux City Denver Earned runs: Two-baee bits: runs: Sheehan, 3 a io ti w a ... looooooio a .. .40001400 0-11 Sioux City. 1: Denver, t Zalueky. Randall. Home Nobllt, Zalusky, Wright, Double play: Smith to Bngie. uen on henea: Bloux City. 7: Denver, 5. Stolt-tl ...,. MrHele 2 Randall. Sacrifice hit Reddlck. First base on balls: Off Wright, i- ntr ttrmii i. nit wnn nucnea Dan Beiden. Struck out: By Wright, 1; by Jarrott. S. Paused ball: Frees, iime: 1:46. Umpire: Davis. Welday Star at tha Bat. DES MOINES. July 1. Weldey s fifth hit In the game today acored Caffyn In the last of the tenth, winning for Dea Molnca by a score of S to 7. Lincoln had secured but one hit off Miller up to the fifth, but from that time on It wa either team s niM to the end. Hard hitting at oppor tune times won for Des Moines, aa Lin coln's numerous errors were seldom costly while on tha other hand four of the Das Molnea errora cost runs, score: DES MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. A. E Caffyn, If ... a a a a i HehlrKO. So.... Welday, cf,.., Dexter, lb.... ... a l l l a o ... o i o o o ... i o l a o o Towne, c , ,..411911 ,..4 0 1 6 1 1 Hogtlever, rf., Aoareaa, ss.., Maroon, lb..., Miller, p , ... s i i a a ...6 o i i i o 4 110 1 Totals. 41 S It SO LINCOLN. AB. R. i 1 4 1 H. PO. i a A. a l o o 0 4 1 Flllman, aa... Collins, rf.... ?ulllln, Sb.... homas, lb.., Ketchum, cf. Wolfe, If Barton, ib..., Zlnran, C Eyler, p ii Totals.... .40 9 14 Two out when winning run wks made. Des Molnea 100410010 1-8 Lincoln 00001 133007 Two-base hlta: Caffyn, Welday, Miller. Three-base hit: Thomas. Double plays.' Hogrlever to Towns, Andreas to Dexter. First base on balls: Off Miller, 1; off Eyler, S. Struck out: By Miller, S; by Eyler, 3. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Keefa. At tendance, 3,000. taadlatT at tka Teaaaa. Played. Wou. Loat. Pet. .703 Mi .as .448 .481 .844 Des Molnea.. Omaha ...... Denver Sioux City... Lincoln Pueblo .... 67 .... 87 .... 00 .... H .... 68 .... is 40 17 SI 31 !S rs Si ii (James today: Pueblo at Omaha, Lincoln at Dea Moines, Denver at Sioux City. Ramblers Add Aaother Victory. The Ramblers added another victory to their long, unbroken list Sunday by de feating the Klks by the score of 7 to 1. The Elks played a good game, but were outclasaed. Ronan pitched for the Ram blera, which had a great deal to do with tha result. He struck out eleven, passed two and alrbwed but four hits. Robinson pitched a atrong game at tlmea, but weak ened aomewhat when hlta meant runa. Score: RAMBLERS. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Liamand, 8b. Corrtgan, aa. Williams, e. . O'Neill, 3b. .. Collins, if. ... Swift, cf. ... Powers, rf. , Marsh, lb. ... Ronan, p. .... Totala .... 0 11 ....a ....4 11 a ..4 ..4 ..4 ..a 81 T ELKS. AB. R. 8 a a? H. PO. A. B. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Morlarty, cf. Wei berg, So. Plerson. lb. . Billot, lb. ... Qulgley, e. ., Doran. rf Barr, If Qaule, ss. ... Roblnaon, p. , 3 0 0 Totala S3 1 4 24 Earned runa: Ramblers, 1. Struck out By Roblnaon, 8; by Ronan, 10. First base on balls: Off Ronan. 2; off Robinson. 3. Two-base hits: Ronan. WilllHms. Sacrifice hlta: Williams, Collins. Pasrnd ball: Wil liams', Qulgley. Double play: Doran to Qulgley. Umpire: Kennlson. Attendance, Meaapkls Eaiy far Wakaa.' WAHOO. Neb.. July l.-(Special Tele gram, y Memphis opened the season today on Its new ground and waa easily defeated by Wahoo, 15 to 0. The feature of the game waa the pitching of Riumann. al lowing but two hlta and atrlking out eleven men. Score: R H E Whoo 3 3 0 1 2 3 1 0 8-16 is. 3 Memphla 0 000000000 34 Batteries: Memphis. F. Hsll and Owena: Wahoo, Ritamann, Johnson and Smith. Clarits Beat saldlers, Tha Fort Crook soldiers plsyed a fast game, but were outclassed. Score: - RHB. Clarke 11000010-441 Fort Crooks ..0 0000001 01 2 4 Batteries: Clarke. Barrett and Bmlth: Port Crooks, Flnley and Allen. laws La gas Reealts. MAR9HALLTOWN, la., July 1. (Special Telegram-) Following are the results in the Iowa league: Marshalltown. 3; Keokuk. 0. Fort Dodge, 8: Ottumwa. 8. Oakaloosa, 2; Waterloo, A. Burlington, 8; Boone, 1 LAkeeldea Walla Oaaraa. Tha Lekealdes trouacaa tba National Guards, lb to 1. at Loop park Bunds y. The feature of the game waa the pitching of Moeller, who fanned fourteen men. a How lug hut tw hi is. ttAUertaa; i alt asides. Moeller, Flannlcan aqd Cunningham; Na tional Guards, Nellson and Cott AMERICA AMOC1ATIO OAMRt re-laaskas Defeats Tolede aad Gee lata tka Lea a. COLCMBUR O.. July 1 Columbus de feated Toledo by the smallest possible score and took first place. Coulter s Infield hit, Klhm s sacrifice and Frkel a long single gave the run. Score: rouMBva. tolpo. AS H O A tlHOil PlrkerUa. et. 4 4 1 Naaee. ef.... t 1 Wrifl.t. tb. 4 1 t tJ Clark, 11. 4 lit HinrbmaB, rt 4 I Demoat, roniiar. If.. I It SJqde. rt. .. 4 4 1111 Klhm, lb.... S 1 I IKmser, lb..S Friel. Ib I I tKnabe. Ib... t Halavltl. m. I I I W ( lark. Ik I Rraa, I 1 Abbott, a.... I argr. .... I tramnltt, .. I Tatals tT lM 14 Total! U 4 M 11 8 Abbott out for Illegal batting. Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -l Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 v w v V- v Stolen base: Hlnchman. Sacrifice hits: Coulter, Klhm. Flrat base on balls: Off Berger, 3: oft Camnlta. 3. Three-baee hit: Hlnchman. Double plays: Wiigley to Klhm, Pickering to Klhm, Demont to W. Clarke. Hit with pitched ball: Jude. Struck out: By Berger, 4; Camnlta. S. Wild pitch: Berger. Time: 1:63. Umpires: Owen and Kane. MlUera Take tka Series. MINNEAPOLIS. July l.-Mnneapoll made it three straight from Milwaukee today, winning by a score of 3 to 1. A long fly by Oehrlng scored the winning run in the ninth. Oberlln pitched good ball, but his bad throw in the ninth was partly re sponsible for his defeat. The score: MIKNBAPOUS. MILWAUKEE. AB H O A E AB H O A E. Derla. cf.... 4 1 I Roblnaon. all I I I Sullivan, rf.. I I I SOrem. rf ... 1 I rreamaa. Qramln'r, lb. 4 11 4 Htbm. It.... 4 114 Ib I t 1 4 1 Batemaa. lb. 4 4 1 1 Hart, If I 4 Hamsblll, et. 4 I 4 I 4 Roth. 4 S 4 I 4 4 Darke, Ib... 4 1 1 I 1 I Mot or' ck. lb I 1 1 4 Orler. aa.. Oraham, Ib ebannoa, a Tbomaa, p. Oahrlng .. , I 4 e t 4 S I Obarlla. .... I 1 1444 Totala SI tJ4 IS S Tetalt II I rt 14 1 Batted for Thomas In the ninth. Two out when winning run was acored. Minneapolis 0010001001 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base hit: Roth. Bacriflce hits: Sulli van. Oyler. Double play: Shannon to Oylef to Thomas to Freeman. First base on balls: Off Thomas, 1; off oberlln, 1. Struck out: By Thomas, 7; by Oberlln, 6. Left on bases: Minneapolis, ; Milwaukee, S. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Yeager and Dougherty. Uvea Break at St. Paal. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 1. St. Paul and Kansaa City broke even in a double header here today. Score, first game: KANSAS CITY. ST. PAUL. AB.H O A t. AB.H O A E. Perrlne, sa... till 1 Qatar. If 41144 I'iMir, if... Ill Suadea, a.... 4 1 I I t waldroa. Mill. cf. . rf.. 4 1 OVanZandt, cf 8 4 I 0 4 4 114 4 Frlak, rf I 0 I 4 1 Slattory. lb.. 4 0 II Fraott, ib... 4 11 4 4 Whealar, lb. I S I II I Rek'M. aa.. 4 I I 4 I t Fad dea, Ib... 4 S 4 I 4 S 4 Ralajr, lb.... 4 10 4 4 1 Cor, 4 1 1 I 4 Burke, lb.... 4 11 Leahr. e Ill Swans, p.... i 4 Totals M I n 14 1 Total! IT 14 17 14 I Kansas City 2 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 0-7 st. 'Paul o a o o o o o a o s Two-base hits: Rockenfield, Burke, HlU. Three-base hits: Wheeler, Perrlne, Hill. Stolen bases: Cassady. Slattery. Burke. Leahy, Rockenfield, Haley. Double play: Siigden, Padden to Raley. Bases on balls: Off Coy, 2; oft Swann, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Swann. Frisk tl'): by Coy. Cassady. Struck out: By Coy, 2. Left on bases: St. Paul. 9: Kansas City. S. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Kelsey and Sulli van. Score, second game: ST. PAUL. KANSAS CITT. AB.H O A E. AB.H.O.A.g Getar. If I 0 1 I 8 Perrlne. aa . I 4 1 I 1 Busden, (.... 4 4 1 0 1'aaaedf, If.. 4 4 14 Van Zaodt, of I 1 I OWaldron, rf. 4 4 I v 1 Frlak. rf I 1 0 5 4 Hill, of 1114 0 Wbeeler, Ib. 4 114 I Flattery, lb.. 4 1 11 4 0 Book' Id, I 4 14 IPranta, Ib... 4 4 18 4 Padden. lb.. I III Burke, Jb.... 1 1110 Kaler. lb... 4 I 14 0 4 SnlliTaa. .. 4 I 4 Morgan, s... S 1 4 1 4 Bobannea, . I 1 4 I Totala 11 I tT 18 I Totala II I IT II I St. Paul 3 11000000-4 Kansaa City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Two-base hits: Frisk, Hill. Stolen bases: Padden. Moreran. Van Zandt. Double play Padden to Kaley. Bases on balls: Off Morgan, S: off Bohannon, 4. Hit by Ditcher: Rockenfield. Struck out: By Unrnn. S: by Bohannon. S. Passed ball: Sullivan. Wild pltchr Morgan. Left on bases: St. Paul. 7: Kansas City, 7. Time: 1:40. umpires: ieany ana iveiary. Staadlagj of tha Teasns. " Plaved. Won. Lost. Pet Columbus ... Toledo Milwaukee .. Ixutsvllle .. Minneapolis .... 78 43 W .6S9 .... 70 41 Z .Effl .... S .... 69 .... 71 li 37 34 83 2" 25 .569 .&3S 32 27 ti 41 44 .478 ..47s .406 .82 Kansaa City 60 Bt. Paul 69 Indianapolis . 09 Games today: Columbus at Louisville Indianapolis at Toledo, Milwaukee at Mln. neapolls, Kansaa City at Bt. Paul. GAMES IX THE AMERICA LEAGUE Detroit Baaekea Hlta aa Hawaii aad Wis Oat. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 1. Detroit bunched hits off Howell toaay ana won, to i. Boore: . DETROIT. ST. LOV1S. , AB.H O A. E. AB H O.A.B Vlntrre, It. 4 1 0 4 4 N lira, rf 4 I I 1 0 Bebaefer, Ib. 4 4 8 1 0 Jones, lb.... I I 11 1 0 Crlord. rt. I 8 10 Suwa, If 8 8 4 4 0 Cobb, of 4 4 8 1 8 Hemahlll, ef. I 1 1 1 1 Couihlls. 8b. 4 4 4 8 6 Wallace, aa.. 8 8 8 1 0 Llodeor. lb.. 4 8 10 1 4 0' Brian, lb.. 4 113 1 O'Laarj, aa.. 8 1 4 4 0 Haitian, Ib. 4 0 18 4 Warner, t. 111 o spencer, o... 4 o I I Blartr, p.... 8 0 1 8 4 Howell, p. 8 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 4 -KoenMT . Totals 81 IITll Total!.. .85 10 IT 88 3 Batted for Howell In ninth. Detroit 1 00000100-3 Bt. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: St. Ixnits, 2; Detroit, 1. Two-base hits: Crawford (2), Wallace, Btone, Llndsey. Sacrifice hit: Blever, Hemphill, O'Leary. Double play: Nlles to Jones. Stolen bases: Jones (31, Hartzell (2). Hit by pitched ball: By Blever, Nlles. Wild pitch: Howell. First base on balls: Off Howell, 3; off Slever, 3. Struck out: By Howell. 6; by Blever, 4. Left on bsses: Bt. Louis, 6; Detroit, 7. Time: 1:56. Um pire: Kvana. Cleveland Wins Bat f est. CHICAGO. July 1. -Cleveland defeated Chicago S to 6 here today In a batting fes tival, both Altrock and Joss being hit hard. Boore: OUtVBTLAND. CHICAOO. AB H.O.A E. AB.H.O.A.g. ..1144 8814 ..61841 Pllck. rf 8 1 1 0 Habn, If.. Bar. ef 8 1 1 ionm, of. Turrer, aa... 4 8 1 T 'ekell, 8b. La Join, lb.. 6 8 4 4 m. Blavall, lk. 8 8 18 4 4 Deaofeue. lb. 4 8 14 4 jaraaon, ir.. a o v f w ftell, rr... 8 10 4 1 Bradler, 8b.. 4 6 8 3 4ulllaa. a... 4 1 8 1 0 Clark, s 8 1 8 8 4 Tansehlll, 8b 4 4 1 1 4 J oaa. p 4 3 4 8 I Altreak, p.... 8 4 8 8 4 Hone 1 4 4 4 Totals 84 11 It IT S Totala 88 10 IT IT 8 Batted for Altrock In ninth. Cleveland r...l 3 0 4 1 0 0 1 1-6 Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 3 S 0 06 Left an bases: Chicago, T; Cleveland 8 Two baas hits: Jones, Lajole. Clarlc Sacrifice hits: Bay, o Net 11. Jackson. Tur ner. Double plays: Isbell to Davis- La jole to Btovall. Struck out: By Altrock. V,.by,!"' L ,rir,t bm n baile: Off Altrock, 3; off Joss. S. Time: 1:44 Um pire: Connolly. tanging af tka Twaaaa. . Played. Won. Loat. New York 61 87 24 Philadelphia 63 88 26 Cleveland 84 SS 26 Detroit 66 M 29 Chicago 84 84 SO Bt. Louis 65 83 S3 Waahlna-trin . a-l 44 Pet. .607 .16 .51 .654 .Ml .482 .SU .268 New Boston '. $ 1 11 u Oames today: St. Louis at Chi care, York at Philadelphia, Boston at Was hlng- Uaeala Twaas Oatelasssd. GRAND ISLAND, July l.-(8peclsj Tele gram )-Th Lincoln Grocers Were com pletely eutclaased. Rain stopped tha gams In th eighth Inning. Bear: K Grand Island ....I I II a-U11'. Lincoln 0 0 S 0 0 a Sis aB!L,"'i": "oco,n. Burnet, Ruff and Smith; Grand Island. Crania and CorbatL Dtata aad Hallwa Tla. The game at Diets park between tha Holly and Diets Sunday ended In the ninth Inning. 4 to t Tba Coronas and Diets played four Innings and stopped on account of rain. Score: Diets. 1; Cor onas, a. Tin Gaaaa. A very Utaraatiogt gaaaa between tha Hollye and tn nn AtbleUca at Diets nark ended la a tla, 4 te 4. awing ta a decision by tha umpire. Wltk tba score 4 to 1 tn the Holly fever, la th nlath In ning, the Diets landed a man on third wiU two sub Ailar JSuoaaU had aurad two strikes on the hatter he hlr a bal1 whloh Umpire Toung ceiiM rair and the Same ended right there. Tha hitting and elding of Rabinowlta. the Holly first baseman, and the pitching of Bunnell, who fanned out thirteeo, were the features. Score: R.H Fi Hollye 1 01100010 t 11 I D. A 0 0001001 14 68 Batteries: Bunnell and Spellman; Jones. Strong snd Msssmsn. GAMES 1 ATIOAt. I.RAGt B Ckleaga Defeats t'lnelaaatl by Oaa . la Kotklaa;.. r-Hirtna Julv 1. Wicker and Reulhach pitched very evenly and efTectlvely today, both keeping their hlta well scattered. An error msde Chicago's run possible. The visitors hsd hut one chnnce to score and wajitcd thnt opportunity by poor Judgment In base running. Score: CHICAGO CINCINNATI. AH H O A I. AB.H O A E. Slaste. rf.... 4 I I 4 lluaflna. Ib. I I I I I (herkart, IT. 4 S w v nener. u i i ehulta. rf.. 4 1 eermner. ft J l i-k.nn Ih . I I II 1 4 IK-iehantr. Ib 4 4 I 1 I Stemrdt, lb. 10 0 4 0Odell, rf... 4 0 18 Tinker. ea...8 I 4 4 Srhlel. lb ... I I T I 0 Erera. ib 8 14 1 0 ormran, aa. a l i a Kilns, e 14 8 1 OLMnewion, el 1 T 1 1 Real barb. . 8 I 6 8 Wlrker; p.... 8 1114 Totala II I IT 11 8 Totala 81 I 14 8 I Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Ift on bases: Chicago. 8: Cincinnati, Two-base hits: Evers. 2. Sacrifice hits: Stelnfeldt. Kllng. Stolen base: Stelnfrldt. Double play: Btelnfeldt, Evers and Chance. Rtriirk nut: Bv Heulbach. I: bv Wicker, t. Bnse on balls: Off Reulbach, 1. Wild pitch: Wicker. Time: 1:84. umpire: mem. Plratea anal Brawaa Spill. BT. lxll'IB. July 1. Bt. Louis broke even with Plttabura; today, losing the first tanw. 6 to 1, and winning the second, 8 to 1. Score first game: PITTSBURG. 8T. LOUIS. AB H O A E. AS H O A E. Beaumont, cf 8 8 1 Burrh. rf .. 1110 Oanler. rt... 4 4 4 4 Bennett, Ib.. 1114 0 Sheeban, Ib. I 1 I 0 I tnannos, If.. 4 14 10 Warner. aa..4 14 1 I Smoot. of ... 4 0 4 0 Nealon, lb. 8 10 t Perkier, lb . 8 1 II 0 0 I 1 1 OHnatetter, Ib. 4 I 1 4 4 Leech. If... Rltcber. lb.. 4 111 0 Oradr. c 8 1 0 1 Otbaon. .... 18 1 0 MrBrlda, a.. 4 1 I 4 bearer, p.... 4 111 STarlor. ... 4 118 4 Totals 88 IS IT 10 1 Totala II H 27 it 0 Pittsburg 1 1200001 1-4 St. Louis 0 0000100 0-1 Earned- runs: St. Louis. 1; Pittsburg. 4. Two base hits: Rltchey. Beaumont. Three- base hits: Beckley, Leever. Home run: Bheehan. Sacrifice hits: Ganley, Icach. Double play: Wagner, Rltchey and Nealon. Hit by pitched ball: By Taylor. 1: by Leever, 1. Bases on balls: Off Taylor, 1; off Iever, 2. Struck out: Hy leever, 8. Left on bases: Bt. Louis, 13; I'lttstwrg, (i. Time: 1:88. Umpires: O'Day and Carpenter. score second game: ST. LOUIS. PITTSBURG. AB II O A E . AB.H.O.A.g. Pnrrh. rf. ... I I 1 I 0 Beaumont, ef 4 1 I I 1 Bennett, lb.. I 1 1 I 1 Oanler. if.,, I I t I Shannon. K.. 4 110 Ogheehaa. lb.. 4 1 t 8 0 Smoot. cf 4 0 1 0 4 Wagner, as.. 4 0 I 1 0 Berkley, lb . I 1 8 0 0 Nealon, lb.. 4 8 1 1 0 Hosteller. Ib 8 4 0 8 .each. If 4 1 1 4 0 McCarthr, c. 8 1 8 1 ORItrkay, ib.. 4 1110 Mr Bride, sa. 1111 0 Pant, e I 1 I 0 0 Efan. I 1 4 OPkilllopa, . 1 0 1 1 Arndt, lb,... 8 4844 Totals II 8 84 7 I Totals 10 8 17 II 1 St. Louis". 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -8 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 1. Home run: Rltchey. Sacrifice hits: Ganley, Bennett. Double plnys: Rltcheyi Nealon and Shee han; Mc Bride, Bennett and Arndt. Btolen base: Bennett. Bases on balls: Off Phil lippe, 1. Struck out: By Egan, 3; by Phil llppe, 6. Left on bases: St. Louis, S; Pitts burg, ti. Time: 1:86. Umpires: O'Day and Carpenter. Standing af tba Teams. Played. Won. Iist. Pet. .... 7 47 20 . 701 .... 64 43 21 .67 .... SS 4,1 22 Mi .... 6 V84 84 ' .600 .... 64 26 S3 .m .... 68 26 42 .82 Chicago Pittsburg New lock Philadelphia .. Brooklyn , Cincinnati ..... Bt. Louis i, Boston . .... 70 M 44 .371 ....4 23' .848 Brooklyn at New York. Gsmes today: Philadelphia at Boston, Pittsburg at St. Louis, Chicago at Cincinnati. ' JOB DCFFYS BEAT , ORIGINALS Fast, Claaa Gaaaa Ends la Victory far tka Home Teasa. In a fast and clean gatne at the Joe Duffya' grounda the Lee-Glasa-Andreenuen Originals went down to defeat before the fast Joe Duffya of South Ornate Sunduy. The features of the game were the pitching of Adams, holding the Duffya down to live hits, while Smtth of then Jrnffys pitched equally as well, allowing the Originals but three hits. Tha Joe Duffya' would Ilk to hear from the Nonpareils - and Victors. Score: JOE DI'FFtS. ab. n. n. po. a Bohner. e 4 2 2 4 i:o. 12 Tslbot, lb 3- Bpltzen. ss .-...v.... 4 F. Bunker, if 4 Wlllett. Sb 4 Badura. cf....,, 4 Carey, 2b 4. Cavanaugh, rf 8 Smith, p ;.. 3 1 Totala.. 81 3 27 15 ORIGINALS. AB. R. If. PO. A. 0 Bradford, fb.. Lswler, ss Jellen, If Dunn, rf Rubin, cf Minlcue, Sb.... Coad. c Adams, p 6cafelder, lb.. 3 3 Totals 30 2 14 15 Duffys 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 Originals 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12 Struck out: By Smith. 5: by Adams, 6. First base on balls: Off Smith, 4: off Adams, j. Hit with pitched ball: By Smith, 4. Two-base hits: Bohner, Lawler. Umpire: Shanalian. . , BICKI.ES KNOCKS Ol'T JESE! Lands Twe Stiff Blows la Foarteentk Roand, Finishing; Things. About 4i0 admirers of the fistic art fol lowed the crowd to No Man's Land yester day afternoon, when the Courtland Beach Athletic club pulled off a "boxing contest" between Guy Buckles and Kid Jensen. Tha contest resulted In a clean victory' for Buckles, after a hard-fought battle of four teen rounds. Two well directed blows In the fourteenth round put Jensen off hla plna and out. The event waa one of the most spirited of its kind seen here for some time. Principals and apectatora found aotne difficulty In securing a place for the mill, as tha Council Bluffs authorities first In tervened and then the Douglaa county sheriff sent a telephone message. Finally a place was selected and tha contest fin ished without Interference. Buckles and Jensen went In at catch weights, with Buckles having considerable advantage in weight. Jensen proved him self both gamy and skillful, but as the rounds went by It became more and mora evident that Jenaen mas outclassed. Once during the early rounds Jensen had his adversary going some. Jensen was on the aggressive most of the time, but Buckles showed clever skill In covering himself at critical periods. Jensen took punishment well. He received several vicious blows on the nose and mouth snd bled profusely at times. Buckles finished strong and etnll lng. Haitch Smith waa referee and Dan Whit, ney timekeeper. Sterllags Defeat Soldiers. In th second game of a double-header the Sterlings defeated the Fort Crook team in a ten-Inning game, not a run being scored I until tha eighth Inning, when the Bterllngs acored their first one. The Fort Crook team scored one in the ninth and the Sterllnga another In the tenth, the Km belns a pitcher' battle all through tween Zlegler and Chrlslenson, of which Christenson hsd a, little the best of it In strike outa, getting thirteen to his credit. It wss a bard fought game aU through. Tha score: Sterlings 0 00000010 1-3 Fort Crook 0 0 O'O 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Base hlta: Fort Crook, S; Sterllnga, 4. Errora: Fort Crook. 2; Sterlings, 3; Bat teries: Fort Crook. Zlegler and Smith; Sterllnga. Chrlslenson and Rocheford. Ceaers Wla. Tha Coopers defeated tha' Fort Omaha team by th score of 11 to 10. The fea turee or tha gams waa tha pitching of Ma son, who struck out ten men, and the bat ting of tba Coeper In tha ninth Inning. Scar: Cooper 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 7-11 Fort Omaha 1 3 S t 3 0 0 0-10 Battalias: aid son and Carey; Thorp and Brown. Lyeas Teaats Flayere Wla. LYONS. Neb.. July L (Special. e Four of the Lyons Tennis club want over to De catur. Neb., yesterday and defeated four at th Daoxur club at tennis. Pearson snd Lundbcrg defeated Hunt and Page. 4-4 aad 1-a. and Harden and Classen de feated Hurler and Lambert, 4-1 and 7-4. &tara funas will ba nlajad as lyaas an Monday. Lynns will play four member of tha Wakefield club here on the Fourth. Three-1 l.eagae. At Dubuque llloomlngton. 3; Dubuque, 0. At Decatur lecatur, T; Rock laland, 1. At Davenport Davenport. 4; Teorla, o. At Bprlngtleld Springfield. 7; Cedar Rapids, I. CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady Best Rags Strong, Others Weak Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. June .-CA TTLB Receipts 600 head; market stesdy; beeves, 84.m,j i; cows snd heifers. 31 f6.10; siockers ana feeders, i:7(u4; calves, IS rtnti.2f. HOitrt- Receipts, n.oim head, estimated Monday, 4f,0 head; best strong, otnets weak; mixed and utchers, Sn 4.Vd :'; good heavy, K 7iVu ; rough heavy, KMl SO; light. $ 4Mi 0; pigs, 85.66Ue.45;. bulk of sales, $n.7iJj m. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. i.mi, head; market weak: sheep. 13 45.S; yearlings, IH.oofjoo; lambs, 85 JP-37.75. Kansaa Ctty Lira Stark Market. KANSAS CITY, June SO. CATTLE Receipts 1.000 head, including no south erns; market steady; choice export an-t dressed beef steers, 3S40f S.00; fair to good, 84 26fe 6 10; western fed steer. 13.20 ttfi.85; storker and feeders, 82.75 4(4.6); southern steers, 33 00 iff f. 00; southern cows, 82.2o03 oO; native cows, 32 0094 RO: na tive heifers. tS.intf J SO; bulls. 12 60 4.00: calves, 82.506 5. 60. Receipts for the week 40,300 head. HOGS Receipts 3.600 head; market strong; top, 38.87 H ; bulk of sales. 16 rt 4 B; heavy, 36.65 VS. St Vi ; packers. 36. CO 6.S7tt: pigs and lights, in.,6'u bj. ."V celpts for the week 63.100 head. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts 600 head; market eteady; lambs. 3.O08.OO; 1 fed sheep and yearlings, I6.00 6.;; Texas and Arlxona clipped yearlings, 86.00tf ".' ; Texas and Arlxona clipped sheep, Sa-OOtr 6.60; Texas goats, 13. 2i ii 3.76; stocker and feeders, 33.26 a 6.00. it. Loals I.lve Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 80 CATTLE R. celpta, head, Including 175 Texans; mar ket steadv; native shipping and export steers, 34 SopS 85; dressed beef and butcher steers, 83.7("&6.26; steers under 1.000 pounds, Sa.fU4.30; stockers snd fetrters. 82.50(84 21; cows and heifers. 3-'OU05.25; canncrs. I.(W 2.00; bulls. 32 4in8i.00: calves, 3;i.W0 4 00; Texas and Indian steers, 82. KT 60; cows and heifers. 32O0J3.5O. HOGS Receipts. 2.500 hen J; narket steady; pigs and lights, $SK'&o',A, packers, ti?41.75; butchers and best htavy, 80.66 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 0 head; market steady; native muttons, ti OO'hpi.ou; lambs, 84OiK0OO; culls and bucks 3.Ktf 6.60; stockers. 3.1ogC 20. New York Mrs Stock Market, NEW YORK, June SO BEEVES Re ceipts 3.666; feeling nominally steady, ex ports today 1,000 cattle and 6,820 quannra of beef. CALVES Receipts none; 300 ataia calves were on sale. Steady. Common to choice veals sold at, 82.606.00 per 100 pounds; no sales of buttermilks reported; city dressed veals slow at 6tf Vc pet pound; country dressed veals, 4ti8Vc. HOGS Receipts 342 head; market feel ing firm. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 7,631 head; sheep slow and weak at 34.004.iS; lambs, 37.269 8.60; dressed mutton slow at SHflOHc per pound; dressed lambs dull sod weak at IS 16c. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June 30. CATTLE Receipts, 88 head; market nominal: na tives, 84. 2506.76: cows and heifers, $1.503-4.6; siockers and feeders, 32.75tf4.0O. HOGS Receipts, 6.1R1 head; market steady to a shade higher; light, 36.4or6.6u; medium and heavy, $6.06!a.70, bulk of sales, 80.66fl.S6. 6HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 413 head; market 1533uc lower; lambs, 37.S0iS7.Si. Sloax City Live Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY, Jsn. 80-(fpeclnl Teles-ram.) CATTLE Receipts. 200 head: mar ket steady; beeves. 34.0UQ640; cows, bulls and mixed, 83.0004.50; stockers snd feeders, 83.25itfH.20; calves and yearlings, 84. 0CSf4 10. HOGS iteceipts, i.uuu neao; marvel about steady, selling at 86,366.66; bulk of sales, 84-406. 46. Stock ta Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as follows: South Omaha 126 10,130 Bloux City 200 7.0ii0 Kansas City 1.0X1 8.H00 bOO Bt. Joseph 88 6.1K1 413 Bt. Louis 200 3.500 8"0 Chicago 600 11.000 1.000 ' Totala 2.164 40..411 4,813 . Mtaaeapnlla Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 30. FLOUR First patents. S4.351H.45; second patents, J1.204J 4.30: first clears, S3.60tfj3.tiu; second clears, 2.4e&2.55. BRAN In bulk, S16 2P015.6O. (Superior Board of Trade quotations fot Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Th range of prices, ns reported by F. D. Day & Co.. 110-111 Board of Trde, was: Articles. Open. High.) Low. Cloa. Tes y. Wheat- July... Bepi... Dec... Flax July... Sept... Oct.... I 81311 SI 80; 81 itlW Am !, ' 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 13j 1 12! 1 12 1 12 1 ll'U 1 114 Minneapolis Cash Prlcee Wheat: No. 1 hard, ls3c; No. 1 northern, 81c: to arrive, 2vic; No. 3 northern, 81c; ta arrive. 81c; No. 3 northern, 7S0c; No. 1 durum, 72Tc; No. 3 durum, 709c. Corn: No. S yellow, 43c; No. 3, 4c. Oats: No. 3 white, 37c;, S6i3. Barley: 39SI&C. Rye: i6ra 6Mcria: Cash. 31.09. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June SO. WH EAT July, 72c; September. 73c: December, 7Sc. Cash No. S hard. 7ti78c; No. 3, 72&77Vkci nomlnel; No. 2 red. 78c; No. S. 7337, c. CORN July, 48c; September, 48c; De cember. 4f.c; Cash No. 2 mixed, 49j'14C ; No. S. 484c; No. 2 white, 4!Hy&4Hc; No. S, 40c. OATS No. 1 white, SWtOc; No. 1 mixed, Steady to lower; choice timothy, HS.50i-(fJ4 00; choice pratrlo, SlO.Gutf 11.00. RV K Steady. 5tVuic. KGOS Steady; Missouri and Kansaa new. No. 2, whltewood cases Included, 14c; esse count. 14c; cases returned. c less. BL'TTER Creamery, lc: packing. 1.1c. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 57,ono 8,000 Corn, bu 81.0"0 .0il Outa, bu H.U00 1.000 Cattaa Market. NEW YORK, June 30 COTTON B pot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10 80c; mid dling gulf. 11 06c. No sales, v NEW ORLKANB, June 80. COTTON Spot closed firm. Sales. 726 bales. Low ordinary, 7V nominal; ordinary, Sc; good ordlnarv, SS-18c: low .udilllng. 10c; mid dling, il; good middling, llc; middling fair. 12c, nominal: fair. I2c. Receipts, 1,781 bales; stock, 1,524 bales. Philadelphia Produce Market. ' PHILADELPHIA, June SO. BUTTER I'nchange'd; extra western creamery, ?0c; extra nearby prints. 23c. EGGS Steady: nearby fresh 18c at mark; western fresh, 18c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream choice, llVatfH New York full cream fair to good, 10 11c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June SO WHEAT Steady: No. 1 northern. Salute; No. 3 north ern. MV4ittc: September. Klc. RYE Bieady ; No. 1, tAQfior.. BARLEY--Bteady; No. 2, 66c; sample, 45 4jf4c CORN Bteady: No. S cash. 62363c; Sep tember, 6240 asked. Peoria Market. PEORIA. June, SO.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 52c; No. 4, 6lc; no grade. 60c. OATS Firm: No. i whit. 40c: No. 3 white, SSa3Mc: No. 4 white, 38390. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. June SO WHEAT Spot, nominal. Futures, steady: July, fis 6 d; September. 0s 7d; December, fia 7d. CORN Spot, steady; American mlxd, old. 4s lid. Futures, quiet; July, is 8d; September, 4a 7d. Dalatk Grala Market. DULUTH. June SO WHEAT To arrive and on track: No. 1 northern, S3c; No. 3 northern, -c; July, S2c; September, sltc, December. SOc. OATS To arrive, on track and July, 38c Tka Very est R eased y far Bewcl Traakla. Mr. If. F. Borrougha. an old and wall known resident of Blufflon. Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as tha very beat remedy for bowel trouble- I make this statement after having aaad tha remedy In my family lor eevaral jraara. 1 am asvar wlUkaut SL" ta: 61 1 13 1 13 1 134, 1 13 1 11 1 13 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Etosdj at Times, bat Visions Closing. Lower. GOVERNED BY SOUTHWEST CONDITIONS Cora Hslda Very Firm, vrtth Interest (enterleg la Jelf l.lahter Move ment Neat Week Predicted Oata Market Stakbora. OMAHA, June 30. ;. While steadying at limes, the market mas meatt, beptemixr closing He lower. The buying chiefly to cover shorts. 'Jheie was little in the neas to encuursge taxing the long side. The Dji.k ot cuur8e, are hanking on some setback lit the northwest to give them a footli,ld. For toe moment conditions In the cutu wst governed. Reports Indicate that tin. yield is fuliy up to expectations and the quality fine. Fair weather Is Indicnrfd tnrough tne harvest districts and II this proves true Monday it will facilitate culling, threshing and movement. South western millers are said o be unusimhy mdmerent o new crop ri orts and theie la no export demand. X cable I ruin Argentina on wheat says seeding is gm.itf forward slowly; ndverse conditions pirvail se.'e Si ed is already sown; progress is Impaired by drouth, t orn was a very Arm niarkit with Inter est centering to some extent In the July. Country movement Is tight. Prospec's are tor Smaller receipts next week and fair cash demand. toupicd witn tnis are possibilities In th way of drv weather next month. tints continue to be strong, stubborn market. The combination of a shtutaRC In the oats and hay crops gives the specu lative position a bullish tone. Receipts aro moderate and cash demand continues good. Primary wheat receipts were 3?,000 bushels and shipments 81,000 bushels, against re- THE YELLOWSTONE PARK. Plan your Pacific Coast tour so ns to include this won derland. LIVINGSTON TO MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN, $5.00. SIDE TRIP LIVINGSTON THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN Including rail and coaching fare and five and one-half days' board at the splendid Park hotels -but $49.50. FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN Including rail rates, coaching fare through the Park and five and ono half davs' accommodations at the Park hotels, only $75. FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA TO GARDINER (Entrance to Park) AND RETURN Only $45.00. Beyond Gardiner you can make your own arrange ments for transportation and hotels and can stay aa long as you like in that vacation land. VIA CODY, WYOMING Kound trip to Cody, from Omaha, $30.10. Fifteen days' personally conducted camp ing tour from Cody through Yellowstone Park over the "Sylvan Pass Route," everything provided, only $55.00. This is an ideal way to spend one's vacation through the Park region. PUBLICATIONS-Send for the Burlington's Yel lowstone Park 1906 folder, describing all Park tours and arrangements, both via the Gardiner entrance and the "Sylvan Pass Route" from Cody. I S F." " . - 31 rt rt u. EXCURSION 1 1 mmm Round trip tickets on sale every day to many points in Canada and New York at ONE FARE, plus $2.00, for 15-day ticket. ONE FARE, plus $4.00, for 30-day ticket. VIA THE CHCA GO. I ST. PAUL RY. Also low round trip rates to many points in Wisconsin and Michigan. For full particulars call on or write to F. A. NASH, General Western Agent., 1524 Farnam St., OMAHA, NEB. Telephone Douglas-284. pri TO DENVER Lesrlng Omaha July 16th (Monday) 4:00 p. m. Arrive Demer July 1 "lh (Tueaday) 7:00 a. txu Tbla train a ill be equipped with Pullmau Palace sleeping cars, Pullman Tourist Bleeping cars. Buffet Smoking and Library cars, frea Recllnlng-Cbalr cars and Dining car meals a la carte. VIA Union Pacific Tickets on a&le July 10th to 16th at $15.00 for the ROUND TRIP Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. FAIl.NAM HTHLET 'Phone clpt eir of accent piisbets snd fhlv ments of ;h.imi bushel Corn relpts wei i") bushel snd shipments rn,ii buhe!s, ncilnt receipt (net of 7tiJ.v buehels Hnd shipment of S7I. b'ihels. Clear. .I'icea ' st.Mi huahels of wheat, 1.VK lMihel of flour. l"' IniNliels of corn and ;i-i,inl biiehct of oiM. l.lverpoi rloH,1 '.u'i'l lower on wheat snd Vii'id hlKhr on . orn. Telegram from Dennis nt Cblcseo to Von Dorn Gnln conipmv: Twenty-five thon eund hu-,rts of No. 1 northern whest lust old here at Ce over September to a miller. Look like the hresk In wrest was over.'" HroonihHll etlmntes world's whest ship mc? ts for Mond.iy st JftiKKio bushels, sxninst 8.1'aoo bushels last week and 11, 1"4.iiii bushels lust yesr. Locnl rsnue of options: Articles. ip n High. Low. Close TeiTy. Wheat-I July...) Bcpl... Corn I TS-sA' 75A 74SH 74SH 74 A 741,' 7S A 7SA T4HA 47 A1 S5VB Julv... Sept... Oats Hept... 4T" 47H A asked. B bid Ornaka Cash Salea. COBN-No. 3 white, 1 car, 4Sc; No. 1, 1 car, 4Sc; 1 car, 47c. Omaha Cash Trlcea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 7S7Sc; No 3 hard, fWi73c; No. 4 hnrd. n-.nil'c; No. 1 spring, 73c; No. I spring. ttTlvc. CORN No. , 4Sc; No. S, 47H.c; No. 4, 46V-47c; No. ! yellow. 4e; No. 3 yellow, 47VWc; No. 3 white. 4fg-l!U.,c. (1ATS No. 3 mixed. SSMf.lTc: No. 3 whlta, 37h3;4c; No. 4 white, S(Vd3t'-c; atandard. 37V1C. RYE-No. 2, 57c; No. S. SA3C7C, Carlot IteoeiDts. Wheat. Corn. Oat. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Oman. i Duluth Bt. Louis .... ... IS AOS 1SI 11 57 T0 3 43 S 31 44 ft n I J. 11. lieyilQIQS, b. r. A., 1502 Firno Street. OMAHA, NEB. TS RATES EAST MILW1 rro Douglas 334. (EE . I H