Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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iHlilllA T VflllTn ftll Iff t ber end more commodious structure will
!! tha Faarth.
South Omaha eem to be. making very
llttl preparation for th celebration of
the Fourth. A number of private picnics
and perils ara planned, but very few
function of a public nature ara announced
I Th flout h Omaha Country club la about tha
only organisation which la making a, de
cided effort at entertainment. There a
schedule of mtiMmmli baa been prepared
to occupy the day. These consist of a
number of content and race. There will
he a tennla tournament, a golfing; contest
for appropriate prltea, a number of spirited
and unique races, and an amateur game of
bane ball. One of these team will be cap
tained by C. C. Howe and will be made up
of South Omaha business men. They will
play another team made' up from tha ex-
f tha city. Parka. Johnaon Tarka. con- chanae and captained by C. H. Marling.
' tractor fof tha paring of Twenty-fourth i There la a rommodlou place on the
etreet. finished their contract Last Thure- grounds for all kinds of private picnics.
day, and the mala street of the city la
now In a flrM-clasa eondltlon for the first
time in year. The etreet now supports
(a pavement with a solid concrete founda
tion. Which should In it for many year.
The final aettlement for the new fire halt
waa effected during the week. THIB brings
the total Toat up to about llS.ono.
The t'nlon Stock yarda baa nearly eom
, pleted a aerlea of aheda for the accommoda
tion of etock hauled In In wagons from
the surrounding country. They are located
at tha West and of th O street viaduct
.and r thought to be enfftctent to meet
I alt requirement. The company Is ata
Good Froerssi Bf inc V ads In Both Fnbllo
tod Irmte Improvements,
Arntanr t: (lean; Away Debrla
at Weceat Fire aad Will Malta
tha Sew trwer rire
f Proof.
The week Just closed witnessed consider
able gdvkhc In th improvement of the
(appearance of the atreeta-'and building
pushing It run-way for the aecommoda- Sunday closing law.
Oood music will be provided and In the
evening there will be a dance for tha en
tertainment of the club members and their
Mitl City Goaala.
The city council will meet this evening
In regular session.
Miss Oenevleve Smith has returned from
a visit to Nelson, Neb.
A large number of friends attended the
funeral of Qeorg Hertiog.
Mr. E. P. Koggen and daughter will
spend a short summer vacation In Colorado.
Rndle Redmond waa placed under arrest
for an alleged assault on T. T. O'Connore.
The South Omaha police atlll discover a
lean or two in the strict observance 01 me
tlon of the new Omaha Packing company's
plant, which will enter at th killing
In tha Hammond- property, or the present
i Omaha Packing company's purchase, the
. progress of Improvement ha been going
on steadily. Th plant la now taking on
a neat and finished appearance,
dowa and frames have been put In. Nearly
all the ragged walls have been thoroughly
re-eef orced and repaired. The great
stack, whloh la to equal the one built by
Armour 4 Co.,. la completed about two-
Howard Meman. In the employ of Swift
and Company, haa been , promoted and
transferred to another point.
Joe Buchanan of Nineteenth and Caa
tellar reported that two man snatched a
watch from him aa he waa riding on a
South Omaha car.
Th congregation of the First Presby-
a. j.
thirds of It height. A great deal of the
Tieavy michlnery fof the boiler and en
gine rooms ta In position or In process of
erection. ; This machinery Includes n
Ice-making' apparatus of large capacity.
Tha repairs to the Interior woodwork wer
of the most extensive nature.
T. J. O'Neill haa begun the grading for
the new city hall building and expect to
fulfill the conditions of hla contract and
have tha site ready for the erection of
the building by the end of the allotted
thirty day. The plan for the building
have been at least agreed upon In the
geberal outline. The complete epeelflca
tiona will be ready In tha course of a week
or twa. -
Private laaproTeaaeata Proarres.
Th private bulldlnga and Improvemente
ly returned from Manila,
haa a remarkably aweet
tertan church enlnved tha Solo bv Mrs.
New win- F. Boomer, recent!
very mucn. rie
Steve Oreakvlc, who was cruahed at the
Dooly A Moody camo Saturday morning.
died at th South Omaha hospital during
the same night. No arrangcmente have
been made for the burial aa the man h
no relatives In this country
Joe Christie has purchased the property
w et
owned by Mrs. David
ner v
Mfl North Twenty-eixlh street. Joe. Murphy
has purchased the Christie property on F
etreet. Mrs. Welchert expecta to go, to
California In the fall, where the family
will make a permanent residence.
lateraatlaaT Program Carried Oat by
Jewlsk airls Cnltnr'e
The Jewish Girl' Culture club gave a
"bloomer" entertainment at Myrtle hall
Sunday evening to show wha the orgnnlxa
tlon Is capable of doing. The club waa
rather unfortunate In choosing ao rainy a
night and the attendance waa greatly af-
have progressed with greater rapidity dur- fected because of the weather. Neverthe-
..... I 1 . A.d t II . . , V. I .. Ait
ing tn paat ween t nan rormeriy. tm . raniiunmijr mi.
Jhe entertainment waa prepared and
rendered under the direction of Mlsa Jennie
Gordon, the organiser of the club, and
proved a complete aueeeaa. The program
consisted of music, singing, recitations,
readings, a ehort comedy In two acta and
a "bloomer drill" by three glrle. Those
taking part In the program were Ida Ku
lakfsky, Hattle Nathan, Mollle Gottstoln.
Mary Gordon, Ida, Essie and Dave Brod
key. Ruby and Paul Isaacson. 8a rah
Aglnakea, Arthur Marowtta. Minnie Romo
neck, Sophia Welnateln, IJlllan Slavln and
Cella Richards. The three latter performed
tha drill. Refreshments were served fol
lowing the program.
The purpose of the affair was to arouse
greater interest In the club and advertise
It among prospective members.
Horace Piunkett building haa been delayed
by. difficulty In securing a solid founda
tion from which to build. The lot at the
east end of -the building were on made
ground, and the walla had to be relald
several times there before a foundation
could be secured which would not settle.
The walls are up now nearly to the second
siory. The Telephone exchange la progress
ing satisfactorily at Twenty-fourth and K
streeta. B. K. Wilcox will have completed
his barn at Twenty-fourth and J streets
within a. week or two. The glass of tha
front I already being put In.
At Arnrouf Co.'s plant th work of
clearing away th debrla of th late fire
Is progressing steadily. A fireproof build
ing will be erected In the place pf the
former bonding. It may be that a muoh
1 sT
1 . ..X:
CONSPIRATORS-Copyright 1902, Life Publishing Co.
And make a complete collection of the whole series of
I By special arrangement, readers of The Bee
; , have an opportunity of making a complete eol
. lection of Gibson's famous drawings, printed
on egg shell art paper, size 10 in. x 15 in., re
produced in black with a buff background all
ready for framing.
The first of the series will be given away
with the issue of
and will continue weekly till further notice.
Subscribe at once for The Sunday Bee, only 5
cnts per copy, delivered at your door.
Subscriptions taken by any newsdealer, or
'phone Douglas 897.
Sscve Every One!
la ta lead nilla f Nebraska.
VALENTINE, Neb.. June M. - To th
Editor of Th Bee: Nowher else In th
world can be eeen such a variety ct hills.
A man with an ordinary Klnkald home
stead can truly say his cattle rsnge on a
thousand hills, from the smooth and grasa-
covered to the occasional blowout, where
the sand drift Ilk a now before a bits
sard. Tet nature, which abhor waat. I
continually encroaching on theee sand spot
with grass, and land which one might con-
alder too sandy to grow anything, where
It la near enough to water, growa three
crop a year of alfalfa. In most eeetkine
the country la smooth enough to drlv a
buggy, except where there are a few
miniature "gTand canyon of th Colo
rado," where th cattle on rare occasion
fn the winter, blinded by A bllsasrd, rush
to their destruction and leave their bonea
bleaching at tha bottom of the ravine. Ex
cept during very severe weather, the cattle
range the hills all the year 'round, pro
vided they have winter pasture that haa
been nursed during the summer months.
A rancher with a natural meadow ha al
waya abundance of hay, and some of these
natural meadows are being planted to red
top clover and timothy, and th higher
lands to alfalfa. Ranchers without hay
flats mow th valleys between the hills
and get about one ton to the acre. The
rancher haa quite an easy time compared
to the average farmer, exoept during the
hay and roundup seasons.
The homesteaders are so encroaching on
the stockman's range that ranches fifty
mllea long will soon be a memory of the
past. Many a mall ranchers receive two a
month from creameries for their butter
fat. These Nebraska meadows and rich
grass lands are making Omaha the greatest
butter market of the world.
The lakes and streama are a'sportsman's
paradise. One hundred and fifteen carp
were caught In one day, some weighing
ten pounds. Pickerel and other fish are
plentiful, and prairie chlckena, ducks and
Jack rabbits, while the howl of the coyoto
at night reminds one that he Is on the
frontier. Old settlers recall the day when
they planted tree around the homestead
that now form magnificent groves fifty
feet high. New settlers are continually
planting more trees and wind-breaks. Thla
tree planting and the damming up and
utilising of the water aupply of the west
by the government la transforming the
great American desert Into one of the most
prosperous sections of the world. This
country, that a few yeara ago was subject
to Indian raids, now has telephones In
nearly every house. In the settled dis
tricts tha, barbed wire fence form a tele
phone systenf, and In the sod houses, hat
are warm In winter, and cool In summer,
are to be found such evidences of civilisa
tion aa pianos, books, newspapers and
magaslnet. For Vncle Sam, with his liberal
mall route system, keeps these pioneers
In touch with the world.
There are also some failures to be eeen
In frontier life, where pioneers have tried
to farm land fit only for range or alfalfa,
as Is demonstrated by th mined sod
houses and plowed fields left behind them.
Ranchers are now tuccessfully experiment
ing with the grasses suited for the higher
and dryer lands, and the government, by
the experiment grounds. Is demonstrating
that trees can be grown on the sand hills.
Many ranchers plant as high aa 8,000 trees
around their homesteads. Some day the
condition of thla (and hill country will
be revolutionised by a regular system of
forestry. There are without doubt wonder
ful opportunities for the Intelligent and
persistent worker.
A high salaried railway official moved
to this country for his health. In seven
year he owned 1,296 acree, had 1,500 apple
trees, some of the oldest treSs yielding $10
to the tree, and he alao sells large quan
tities of hay, live stock and butter fat,
and cleara as high as $75 an acre from
alfalfa and hogs. He Is making more
money now than when he Waa a high sal
aried railroad official. But to offset thla
example of success, In a seaspn of drouth
some rancher have lost loO.OOO and went
broke, but with true western energy have
gone to work nd are again making money.
There must be some charm In being near
to nature'a heart, for In this wild country.
where some voting precincts cover 116
Square mile, with but fifteen voters, are
women of culture and refinement, who
cook as dainty a mejj. on a stove heated
by a hay burner attachment tan do their
city sisters with servants tnd modern
equipment, and the college bred women.
with their books and mogaxlnes. sre Just
as Interesting In their conversation a
thejr city alatera with much of their use
less society gossip eliminated. , The con
dltlons of western life gives the woman I
refreshing vivacity and originality that Is
especially their own. Even though these
pioneer women milk cows and are not
afraid to drive a carriage through a rag.
Irtg winter storm to get their children re
turning from school, such aelf-rellant spirit
appeals more to man'a admiration than
the hothouse beauty that weeps or faints
when trouble or danger Is near. What
tha world needs today Is women who can
be cultured, graceful and refined and at
th lime time useful cltlxens. Many of
the pioneer women claim that the isolation
of their lives from modern society condl
tlons Is more than compensated for by
Improved health and relaxation from the
drtidgery of living for appearances, which
too orten sacrifices tha plain and aub-
stantlal comforts of home life.
Railway finiliioc FromM o Uott
Extanri Pet) fof Tetn.
Work la Doae en Oae Haatfred aaa
Elgbty-Taree Uae la Thirty
lllae statee aad Ter.
PASTES oes?"
lite Story of
The Railway Age glvea thla Interesting
resume of railroad building in thla coun
try: Railway building In the foiled States
Is progressing on a more extensive scale
than for many years past and the mlleuatt
of track laid on new lines during the first
half of the year is greater than that of any
similar period for the last fifteen years
with the exception of IWe, when $..114 mllea
of track were completed from January 1
to June SO. The track laid during the tfrst
Six months of 1M aggregates 1,H miles.
according to the returns In hand, and the
Indications are that the new mllease for
th entire year will exceed that for 1902
ana two, wnen 6,B4 miles snd 6,7S miles,
respectively, wer comDleted.
In Its Issue of March 2.1 last the Railway
Age published a summary showing that
over 13.WU miles or new railroad were un
der construction, and since that tim con.
tracta for many hundred mllaa additional
have been awarded. Construction Is being
rushed In all sections of the country, but
he preliminary work of surveying and
grading haa taken up a good portion of
the first six months of the year par
ticularly In the north and northwest and
the trarklaying stage haa not vet been
reached on many of the most Important
extensions, un otner lines slow progress
Is being made In the work of putting down
the track owing to the difficulty of secur
ing rails. The steel mills are overcrowded
with orders and the delay in making de
liveries la obstructing the work In various
localities. Official reports Indicate that the
grading on many new lines Is completed
far ahead of the tracklayers, but this
work also la being retarded owing to the
irouoie or securing jauor.
Track Laid la Ms Moatbs.
The track laid alnce January 1 haa been
on 183 llnea In thirty-nine atatns and
territories, and the details are shown in
i lie lonowmg taoie:
State. No. Llnea. Miles.
It is the housewife that will be interested and profit most bv following
the valuable suggestions set forth in the story of the White Heart. It
is necessarily a story for the family, because it teaches
Economy and Good Living in the Household
TVlf etnrtf r( tVxa YVVn'fo T Ta $.. ... -
Best Breakfast Food-VITOS
The White Heart of the Wheat the real essence of nutriment
and flavor ot the grain. Your money really goes eight times as jrvu uuy a uisuuiy s tcsi DreaKiasE .ereai, De cause
costs oniy lc a pound, served as against 10c for less
man a pound ot the ordinary dry prepared foods.
Indian Territory
Kentucky ,
Maryland 3
Michigan 6
Minnesota 1
Mississippi 14
Missouri 1
Nebraska ' 1
evada - 1
New Mexico 8
New York 4
North Carolina 5
North Dakota 1
Ohio I
Oklahoma I
Oregon s.:
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee ...i.
Washington ...
West Virginia
Royal Caaaalaa Baad Dellgtate
Large Crowd lat th
The attendance at Knig park set In most
promisingly, but storm clouds began to
gather between 4 and t o'clock and stopped
the doming. The afternoon concert by the
Royal Canadian band held the close at
tentlon of all who wer musically in
ellned, and these were In such numbers
that the audience well filled the pavilion
and the open apace In the annex.
The selection on the program that waa
received with, the greatest favor waa th
grand fantasia, . "Reminiscences of Bcot
Jand." by Dan Oodfrey, th celebrated
British bandmaster, who made thla mu
leal composition so popular when hla
band played it during the Tranamlaslssippl
exposition. Th most beautiful song of
Scotland are interapersed aa solos for th
principal band Instrument. Th oboe solo
"Annie Laurie." waa effectively played by
A. Rurasly. who ha been connected
with the band only alnce last Monday
Th o!o for th cornet, "The Blue Bella
of Scotland." waa rendered by Christian
Redenklrchen, premier soloist and cornet
virtuoso. Th selection cloeed with "Auld
Lang Byne." by the full band.
Part three ot the program opened with
a deacrlptlv piece, "On Day and Night
on a Farm." composed by Prof. T. M
BUtnhauaer of this city and directed per
sonslly by him. For th enoore, prof.
telnhaueer own composition. "Hurrah
for Our Army and Nary," was girsn
AaHMig th selections played by the band
by request wer "Wait Till th Sun Shine,
Weill" (voa Tllser). 'lUppy Helnl
(Blanck) aad "On My Merry Oldsmobll
Th evening ooaoert opened during
heavy rain and th big pavilion w
crowded to Ita utmoat capacity with
U 66
21 64
6 60
12 00
21 90
44 10
10 20
82. K7
48. :o
83. SO
71. 46
Then, too, you get the famous "Pillsbury'
An All the Year Food
you will like it in summer as well
as in the winter.
Ask Your
lflrti J.S14 6.IK4
Ifrd 2.221 5.7X6
lc4 1.937 4.2M
1906 1.2K4 6.0UQ
j06 2.298
It will be aeen that the track laid thus
far this year exceeds by 1.014 miles the new
track for the nrst hair or iswo, dui tne per
centage for the first six month waa un
usually small last year, and it is not to De
expected that tne same ratio win oe main
tained this year, for that would mean that
over 7.000 miles of track must be completed
between now and January 1. It seems cer
tain that the new mileage for the twelve
mrnths of 19o will exceed that for the
year 19. when 5.000 miles were completed.
Only th scarcity of lsbor and the difficulty
of securing track material will prevent such
Total, SI states and territ S..18S 2.298.20
Although there are several extensions
under construction In the New EneUnil
states, no track haa yet been laid tn that
aectlon of the country, and but 110 miles
of new line have been completed in the
miaaie states, wnicn include New York,
New Jersey. Pennsylvania. Delaware and
Maryland, in otner groups of states the
iraca tain is as follows: central northern
states. Iu3 miles: south Atlantic states. 4
miles; gulf and Mississippi valley states, 832
mues; soutnwestern states, GOO miles:
northwestern states, S62 miles; Paclflo
States, 497 miles. .
In the statea aouth of the Ohio river
and east of the Mississippi the new mile
eg aggregatee 447 mllee, and In the states
west or the Mississippi ' river 1.691 mllea.
lexaa snows a larger new mileage than
any other state, with 260 miles of track
laid. Nevada is Second with 227 miles,
Wyoming third with 162 miles snd Ioulslnna
fourth With 148 miles. The OnlV Other nr anch waa tha hurrUn nt hla wlfe'a atorv
iw cacn are r... , i . .,! .
Takes a Bis Kilfe to Her Man Was
Had Shovra Symptoms of
Shaking Her.
Knives and other edited tools are usually
used for the purpose of rending asunder,
but Louie Kyles, a colored woman, living
with her man, William, at 118 North Elev
enth street, put one of the Instruments Into
service Sunday evening In an endeavor to
keep her marriage ties from snapping and
being trailed In the dirt of the atreets and
alleys bf the Third ward, as though "Bill"
had never promised, six years ago, to love,
cherish and the rest, forever an" ever. For
six years, she told Captain Mostyn at the
police station, they have lived together,
and not more than once or twice in all
that time haa It been necessary to call a
surgeon, so quiet and free from domestic
Strife haa their home been.
But alas and aluck! One day another
woman came along, fixed up to captivate
any gallant's heart. Now William Dean
Kyles has been trilling In a wicked moment.
Mississippi with 110 miles and California
with 108 miles.
In the north and northwest tracklavlna-
is just neing started on many lines and
there will be a rapid Increase In new mile
age for the next six months. For instance.
In lorth Dakota, where but 12 miles of
track are reported for the-first six months.
over 4"0 miles are being built by the Great
northern and the. Boo line, tiradlng Is
well advanced on much of this mller-.ffe
and tracklavtng on several extensions will
begin in July.
Ia Boath Dakota.
In South Dakota the Mlnneannlts A fit.
Louis Is building 230 miles, the Chicago A
isortnwestern 1S1 miles and the Chicago.
Milwaukee St. Paul over 400 miles, mak
ing approximately 8CO miles under construc
tion In this kUte. Tracklavlna Is already
under way on the Northwestern extension
trom Merre to Rapid City and on the
St. Paul extension from Chamberlain to
Rapid City, and the Minneapolis A St.
Louis expecta to stnrt trackfaying about
July 16. All of these extensions are to le
completed this year, as well us a portion
of th Bt. Paula extension from Evarts
west to the Pacific coast, over 200 miles
of which are located In South Dakota.
In Nebraaka the 103-mlle line from South
Sioux City to Ashland to connect the Ureal
Northern snd Burlington, on which one-
half the track waa laid In 1906, lias been
completed, and the Union Pacific has laid
20 miles of track On the extension from
Hershry to Northport. leaving 91 miles to
lay ta reach the la iter point. The I'nlon
Pacific is building two other extensions
In Nebraska, aggregating 83 miles, and
the Chicago, St. Paul, Minnespolis Si
Omaha will Complete a 15-mlle branch In
this atate before the close of the year.
The 162 ml es completed in v yoniing nave
Viun hulir hv th. fiiirlliiaton and the Chi
cago A Northwestern, ano tne lauer nas
4 miles to lay to complete us exipnni'm
from t'asDer to j-anoer, wnicn win De nu-
lahcrl tn th latter rjulnt In August.
In Montana some no nines or line in
under construction, but no track has yet
been laid. The only other western stale
In whlrh no new track haa been put down
this year Is lows.
The C7 mnea or new una in nvui iuv
been built by three companies, nameiv.
the Ias Vegss A Tonopah, the Nevada
Northern and the Virginia trucxee. ana
there la a atlll larger mileage under con
f rilntlrin
in urtnuinn to tha ;0 miles or tracx iaia
In Texas there are -ever 00 mllea under
construction, a good percentage ot wnicn
will be completed this year, ana in
Louisiana, where 14 miles have been com
pleted alnce January 1. work la being
pushed on 900 miles of additional exten-
at.,ii with trackiavlng Just starting on
several of them.
back number and proposed to have and to
hold her husband for better or for worse.
and Just then a knife came In the way of
her gase and she grabbed It and aet after
her mate In a manner most loving and
glorious to see. He ran for the street but
she could go some, too, and reaching out
gave htm a slash with the knife, cutting a
gash more than a foot long In his buck.
But she had been rather Indiscreet In the
choice of time and place and had forgotten
to look out and n-e who was around, for
Just as the blade was making excellent
time toward the foot and a half post. De
tectives Drummy and Maloney stopped the
baste and hurry, and marched all off to
Jail. Police Sin-aeon Elmore fixed up Kyles'
wound, which was found to be superficial,
and as the man refused to make any com
plaint against his wife they were locked
up on charges of being disorderly.
Oaald's Western Paclfle,
The Western Faclfic has Just begun track
laying on Its 9.4-mll line from Halt Ike
City to San Francisco. The present work
la west from Salt Iake City and an official
report from th chief engineer atates that
trscklaylng will begin In California in
August. The work of grading on thla line
la being pushed with much vigor in nan
Mavarfa. a nit California.
fir art in a- is In ororress In North Dakota.
Montana and Washington on the Chicago,
Milwaukee Kt Paul extension from
Evarta, 8. D.. to Tacoma and Seattle, .but
there la much heavy work on thla line and
It la not anticipated that much track will
ha laid durina tha current vear.
Th systems enumerated below, which
have many new llnea under construction,
have laid track alnre January 1. aa followa:
Chicago A Northwestern, 127 miles; Harrl-
man system. Including the Southern Pa
cific, the L'nlon Parltlc. the Oregon Bhott
Llns. 120 mllea: Santa Fe system. 97 miles
Chicago. Burlington Qulncy, o miles;
rtrest Northern, ti miles; Tidewater-Deep
water system, it miles; Hock Island system,
46 miles; Illinois Central, 42 miles; Wiscon
sin Central. 88 miles; Hurralo Husque
hanna, 81 mllea; Chicago, Milwaukee A flt
Paul. 87 miles.
The following tsble shows the track laid
for alx montha and the entire year for the
paat fifteen yeara:
First Six Kntlre
Tear. Months. Year.
1 1.867 4.178
1114 1,014 2.8
1IH 6aS 1.94N
i 4i 1,7a
18-4 1K 1.B4S
wr , ta i sw
IKK 1.181
la l.Xtt
1 1 -
1 U17
' Pointed Puraarapha.
He who thinks no evil .can do no wrong.
A business man should neither dose nor
The stubs In check hooks cover a multi
tude of disappointments.
A woman's vanity begins with her hat
and ends with her shoes.
It Is so easy to flnil fault with the good
things poSKPSsed by others.
Good-looking girls are born, but most
good-looking women are aelf-niade.
Poverty would soon die out If b:iMs were
permitted to select thdr parents.
A man la seldom ns old as he feels or a
woman as young as she snys sl.e Is.
The faster a man lives the quicker ho
will occupy ground floor space In a ceme
If a woman Isn't suspicious of her hus
band one of her womanly traits la badly
It'a an easy matter to obtain peace; all
you have to do is let the other fellow have
his Way.
One can alwaya tell by the way a man
goes Into a pawnshop whether he has had
exporlence or not.
Flatter a storekeeper In a small town and
he imagines that he was cut out for. a mer
chant prince.
Why doesn't some scientist announce hlm-
telf aa a candidate for a niche In the Hall
rf Fame by Inventing a sure tome for tho
Intellect? Chlcugo New.
dapanda largely on ti
tha us ot ll ana r'
.tlnlns he rcoclvas bata
Kmbr ran ha rtoalva
,,t fntntn tnr fh THt DOttl bl IH OT BtB'
hood th.n at tha KR4.KXKY MILITARY
ACADEMY. IwraWmant ' mlna and bodj.
alf-reatralnt and initiauva ai iia mimuro mn-
aofj. CouiDlMa coll preparatory manual train
ing amllarv lalrt. inairwriion ana iihiiiiih.
thorovifti. thougn not ara. Athlailca, sura air
and axcellent aanltirr conditions. Writs for Cata
logue A. Kaarnar Milltarr Aradamr. Ktarnay, Nab.
In the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses
leading to degrees of A.. B. and Mua. B
Classic!. Music, Art. A most excellent fac
ulty. Campua 60 aorea; 14 bulldlnga; rate
moderate. M. H. REASER. Ph. D . Prsa't.
work ao nlo and aaay. N oramplng. On
at bedtime, and next nurnlaj you U leal
a r..a I Am Ka Poatoaid.
JULY 3, 1906
JULY 17, 1906
AUGUST 7, 1906
AUCUST 21, 1906
I will personally conduct the above Homeseekers Excur
sions for the purpose of assisting homeseekers to locate on
Sections of free Klnkald lands under the 640-acre homestead
law. I will have with me, for each excursion, township platg
showing the location of all the available homestead lands in
those localities. , ,
81'KOIAIi OPPORTUNITIES Lands that are now being
cancelled on reports of the Special Agents of the government
are generally desirable homesteads. 1 keep track of all of the
cancelled lands for the benefit of the patrons of this Bureau.
TRAIN 8ERVICR Train leaves Omaha at 11:10 p, m. for
Seneca, Mullen and Whitman, and at 4:10 p. m. tor Ellsworth.
RATES ANO TICKETS Very low round-trip homeseekers
excursion rates will be In effect on above dates to these destina
tions, and to any other points In the homestead counties of
Nebraska. Those holding excursion tickets desiring to visit other
points will be furnished township plats showing the homestead
land In any section they desire to visit.
For Further Information Call or Write
IIomeReekpm Information Bureau,
1001 Farnam Streot, Omaha, Neb.
DOCTORS foremen
I I Jl luaalll J 1 I u aa w
i. .'
V ' - ' ;;-
" 4 ' "a!
The Reliable Specialists
a Visit will tell.
Perhaps you are suffering In silence; perhaps you have been unauccessfully
treated: perhaps you anticipate 'hat relief can be secured only through sur.
try; but more likely ou consider your caso hopeless, or at lest susceptible
only to temporary relif. Don t sbalr, even though you nave failed to find
lellef. Thre may be health and ha.'plnes In atore for you yet. A visit to our
office will tell. Surely it is v-eiiti ihr trouble, as health la a prima necessity
and paramount to almost anything a hiimaji being can posseva.
Come to our nmaa and we will make a thorough, searching and scientific
examination of your ailmenta frea of charge; an ersrainaiion tha will dis
close your tTue physical rondtttor. withou" a knowledge of which you ar
grcplug Id the dark, and without a thorough understanding of which no phy
sician er speclsllst should treat j-rni. We nt all ailing men to feel that ther
can com to our onV freerly for an examination and explanation of their con
dition. -t bout being bound by any obligation to take tre.tmant unless they
so d-vlre. Kvery man, whether taking treatment, or cont roplatlng same,
should tske svsntsge of this opportunity to larn bis rnie condition, aa w
will advie h'm how to best retrain hla healtn and strength and preserve th
powers rf manhood onto ripe old age.
ro not b satisfied until you hsve been mm'iiM by the fet specialists rn
the ceurtrr. You may be sent swsy hsppv without any treatment, but wltn
advice 'hst will not only save you much time and morey. but rsv you mental
sufle-lnr 1 vou reouire trestment. you will be tresied honastrr and skill
fully snd rstored to beslth within the briefest possible pr1oi sjid at th lesat
expense. Thousands of mea ar longing today to attain health, but are being
held hack by their skepticism growing out of wasting time and money wltn
those who treat, but never cure. Banish all doubts and svsll vourself of th
ee-vlres of sperlsllsts of reeognlied ability such ss e sre. We hsve made a
lifelong Study of the disesses snd weeknesses that constitute our specialty,
reinforced bv an Immense prsotlc All tfst expert skill vast experience and
thorough ac1ntlnc office equipment can accomplish are now being done for
thee a ho come to us for the help they need.
We cure safely and thoroughly
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all dlesesses snd weaknesses of men, dne ta evil bahlta, self-abusa, ex
cesses T the result of specific or prlvst disease'. ,
1308 Fartuin St, Between 13th and 14th Sts, Omaha, Neb.
1.24 1 Ittjt Dads. IU
I well pled aad full Ufl4 audience