THE (WAIT A DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JTLY 2, 1906. COUNCIL BLUFFS . o LAIN FAC Office, 10 Tear! St. ' Tel. 43. MIJOR SKXTIOX. ''N Clark's s6as. Davis sells dmr. Btockert sen carjwr). Fine engraving at Leffert's. Fd Rogers' Tony, Faust beer. New location, so Prarl BLVMaloney. J'lumblng and heating.'. Blxby Bon. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. SW. Jjewla Cutler, funeral director. Thona 97. Mrs. Robert Mutlla In visiting In Chicago. r'lomonds a an lnvestmebt. Talk to Leffert about It. Fireworks' of all kinds. Purity Candy Kitchen, fctf W. Broadway. Position la waiting for you after taking a, course In the Wertern. Iowa college. 8e Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fire clay, aewer pipe, fittings and garden hnee. Hafer will tak meaaurementa for yntir screens and quote yJM a low figure free of charKe. Miss CaOierlne, Roddy of Nebraska City, Neb., la the guest of Iriri George Ixupree. 14 Fifth- avenue. Picture frames made 4o order. Hundreda cf patterns to choose -from. C. K. Alex ander. 333 Broadway. , If you have tender, feet and want a rood, comfortable she aee Duncan A tean. U Main street. B. M. Williamson rente and repalre eew lnn marblneH, also 'repalra all klnda of blcyclea. 17 Bouth Main atreet. The Mlrsea Hazel anil Genevieve Reed of flhehon. Neb., are guests of Mr. and Mra. C. C. McKnlKht. LZ South Sixth atreet. C. N. Mammel and family and Mra. Thomaa Maloney and two daughters will leave today for an, outing at Jefferaon Lake, Minn. The MJsses Ad anf Anna Fagenstecker, 8Y7 East Plerco atreet. have gone to iJay ton. (.,-9 visit- 'relatives for aeveral montha. . ; , . i For Sale Will sacrifice on my fine piano. Payments If desired. Can be seen at Bchmoller A Mueller', tOk Broadway, Council Bluffs,' la, ; . John Melhop, secretary of the Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Urocers' assocl atlon, left last evrnltig for Chicago on business connected with the organization. Juat received a fine lot of new atylea In pianos. fttouJ and scarfs. . Bourlciua l'iai'o House, &i5 1 ' Uroadwwv. where the organ stands upon th-building. We wholesale lc cream. Shipped to any part of -liio state. Special prices to the retail trade. 1. Muccl, Hi "meat Broad Way, Coupell Bluffs. la.. Tel. 364. YVn havrf th Bnst line of sample raonu. ments to select from in the west, ttheely Lane '-Marble and (Jraulte work a, 217 Jiaai Broadway, Council, Bluffs, la. John Bayers has 'been arrested by the po lice and la being held for investigation. He la suspected of knowing something about the several burglaries on Sixteenth avenue Friday nigtili i O. P. Hamilton, an employe of Keys Bros., waa prostrated, by the heat Saturday afternoon and had. 1.0 ,be removed to Mercy hospital. i )le Wns reported yesterday to be fully recovered. , Mra. Julia .A. iMyrtue, wife of John J. Myrtiie, died at a late hour Saturday night at her home, 89 Harrison atreet, aged 30 years. Be1de her'lrusbaad she Is survived by two young daughters. Walter Reller. son of Tr. W. E. Reller, 830 First avenup. left his bicycle by the curb of the postotflce yesterday morning while he went itiaute ror tne mall, wnen ne re turned he found the whel had been stolen. Winner court of the Tribe of Ben Hur will hereafter meet In the Modern Wood men of America hall In the M err! am block instead of In tl Maccabees' hall. The court will hereafter also meet every Monday night. . If you need new broom come and eee the Hendee wire aweepers. Rug sweepera, 11.75; floor brush, $1.60; warehouse brush, 11.60; street broom, 7k centa. Complete line, come and sea. Paddock Y Handachy Hard ware company. Do not overlook that "Van Brunt" carries a fine, high grade line of harness especially made for. this trade. Anyone buying a "Van Brunt" vehicle will be entitled to a cpecial proposition on a aet of harness. Investigate this. ' The quarterly meeting of the Woman's Christian association will be held this aft ernoon at & o'clock at the residence of Mrs. H. A. Qulnn on Oakland avenue. All mem bers and friends of the organization are cordially invited to attend. The following extracts will be served this week at our soda fountain: Carmacia Kiss, Maple Leaf, Canteloupe Sundaes, Hartford Eat, Frozen phosphate. Grape Juice Lem onade',' Maraschino Punch, Horlick'a Egg Phosphate, Maple Nog. Clark Drug Co. Rw. A. K. Griffith, D. D., presiding elder of the Council Bluffs district of the Meth odist church, and wife will celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Wednes day bv entertaining the pastors of the Mi thodist churches in the district and their iamdleti,- The ministers who are members of the Pastors' association of this city, and their families, will picnic Tuesday at Lake Man awa, providing the weather la favorable. They have been tendered the accommoda tlou of the clubhouse of the Council Bluffs Rowing association. Cheap fruit Jars are high priced this sea son. Why not buy good ones at a very little more? We have the "Globe" glass top, patent self-sealing fruit Jars. Pints, SI per dosen; quarts. (1.10. Also extra heavy rubbers, tin top Jelly glasses and root beer buttles. W. A. Maurer. Rev. H. W. Starr, rector of St. Paul's Kpiscopal church, who, with his wife and baby, will leave Thursday for Lake Oko- bojl, expects to visit several missions la this deanery at the request of Bishop Mor rison and to deliver a number of lectures on Sunday school work In six parishes In the eastern part of the stale before return ing. W. A. Larson and James Manson have been cited to appear In police court this morning and explain why they violated the saloon closing order as charged by selling liquor after midnight Saturday, it Is said the police 'found patrons of the establish ment drinking beer after 13 o'clock Satur day night In xhe restaurant attached to the saloon. Detective Dan Weir, received an ugly blow on the head last evening from Dan O'Con nell. whom he had placed under arrest for being drunk. O'Connell fought the officer and had to be handcuffed. While getting out of the patrol wagon O'Connell lifted his ,.ianQrl.H hanria Uriel brought them down on the top of the officer's head, Inflicting an ugly wound on weir roreneaa. Rev. James O'May ot the Broadway Meth odist church has been elected a member of the Honorary Society of I'nlverslty Repre sentatives of Northwestern university. This society la composed of all men who have represented the university in an interuiu verslty oratorical conteat. Rev. Mr. O'May waa captain of the team which represented Kortwestern university In the debating con test against the University of Michigan. James Mitchell, republican nominee for County treasurer, has resigned his position as city salesman for the Stewart Bros, com pany of Omaha and will leave In a few days for a visit with hla brother In Colorado be fore entering on the campaign. Robert II. Huntington, secretary of the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butchers' association, will succeed Mr. Mitchell as city salesman for the Stewart Broa. company in Council Bluffa. Here we are at the end of the season, and for the text thirty days I will make fine clothes regardless of cost. 1 have a very tine line of Scotch suitings, both light and heavy weights, from H0 to 146. that will go at 2b. Your choice of all In tho store, black thibets, undress worsteds, black and Hue serges, gray worsterds, will go In July regardlt-ss of cost. US overciat at t-. It you want to save $10 on a suit or overcoat drop In and aee Hicka. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed with every thing. . S. Hicka St. John's English Lutheran church la taking elepa towards the organisation of a mixed chorus choir of thirty voices under the direction of Carl F. Stough, an experi enced director and soloist. Thla will give a number of the young people of Council Bluffa an opportunity to secure thorough Instruction In choral work. Those desir ing to become members of the choir should communicate with the director or with tne pastor. Rev G. W. Suyrter. HI South Sev mh street. Tim first meeting of the chorus will be 1h Id Friday evening at t o'clock in the basement of the church. A. Metsgar A C. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 61 Mynater'St., Co. Bluffs. Is. Hume-made Bread a Specialty. SCHOOL BOARD TO ORGANIZE Treasurer Erii, Elected Ltet March, Take Office Under Hew Law, CHANGE IN TIME OF TAKING THE CENSUS Law Exeete to Work to Alvaalags of Tearhers la Cooatrr Districts, MalUas; Their Teaaro If or The Board of Education will hold Its annual meeting tonight, as provided by the new law enacted by the last legislature. The new law provides that all school boards throughout the state shall hold their annual meetings on July 1 or the day following when July 1 happena to fall on a 8undn.y. Heretofore the Board of Education held Its annual meeting on the third Monday In Beptember. Although Dillon Ross was elected secre tary of the board at the annual meeting last Beptember, the board, under the pro visions of the new law, will be required to elect a secretary at Its meeting tonight. There being no opposition, Mr. Ross will be unanimously re-elerted. At the school election In March George 8. Davis, the democratic candidate, was elected treasurer of the school district of Council Bluffs. Unlike the two new members of the Board of Education elected at the same .time, Mr. Davis did not assume hla office at the March meeting, but will do so tonight, when H. G. McQee, who held over as treasurer, will retire In hla favor. Treas urer Davis filed hla bond shortly after hla election and the same was approved by the board, so that he la prepared to taaums the responsibilities of his office tonight. The new law also makes a change In the time of taking the cliool census. Hereto fore the census had to be taken end com pleted between September 1 and -the third Monday in that month. Now It has to be completed by July L and Secretary Rcas, under whose direction th? census has been taken, will be required ti make his report of the same at the mat'l,ig tonight. Mr, Rosa stated last evening that he had not quite completed the tabulation and that possibly he would be unable to make a report tonight, although ae hoped to. The new law affects the dlrriors In the rural school districts somewlrai differently to those In the city llstrlcis and will prove a material benefit '.o th tencliern In the country schools. While tns school directors In the rural districts nre elected in March, unlike the directors in Mty district, they do not take their seats until the annual meeting In July. Herstofore It lias been the practice of school boards In flat rural districts to elect their teacher for six months only, from September , to March, and then when the new board convened In March it, as a rule, elected another set of teachers for the rest nf the echool year. Now that the new direct irs do rot trke their seats until July 1 the teachers. It Is expected, will be elected for the entire school rear. Lottos Yachting shoes In white, made especially for the purpose. Sargent a Family Shoe Store. Tou know a picture and a frame with out harmony means a poor picture. We have for years made picture, framing a specialty and a study.. We know what points It takes to make a picture valuable and prized. Tou will be satisfied with our price if you come to us. H. Berwick, 211 a Main. We show the largest stock of high-grade furniture In the west and offer the moat liberal credit terms . to all. Peterson & BchoerUng Co, Something entirely new and just oak Beautiful new photos at a special offer for short time only at Schmidt's studio. Position Is waiting for you after taking a course In the Western Iowa college. Doa't Go to Omaha Until you try at home. Tou have stocks of shoes In Council Bluffs equal to any city. Try Sargent's and the whole bunch. Tou will find what you want somewhere. Sar gent's Family Shoe Store. Look for the bear. Fight Not Allowed la Iowa. There was no prize fight at Courtland beach yesterday afternoon, although all preparations had been made. The pro moters of the affair and the principals In the proposed fistic encounter were on the ground, but Major George H. Richmond, chief of police, with Detective Weir and Sergeant O'Nell were also there. When Chief Richmond and the two officers reached Courtland beach they found every thing In readiness for the fight. The ring had been pitched on the old dancing pa vilion and the ropes were strung and the canvas spread. When Clarence English, the promoter of the fight, and Guy Buckles and "Kid" Jensen, the principals, appeared on the scene Major Richmond entered the ring and Informed them that the fight could not be pulled off on Iowa soil. Real ising that Council Bluffs' chief of police fully meant what he said, English and his assistants at once proceeded to dismantle the ring and remove themselves from the Jurisdiction of the city of Council Bluffs and the state of Iowa. Superiority of Quality is the Test. TWTOST BEER, no matter by whom brewed, is clean, pure and sterilized. Cleanliness is accepted as a rule of self preservation in every reputable brewery. Purity signifies nothing more than the absence of foreign matter. An experienced brewer would no more boast of the purity and cleanliness of his beer than a gentleman would brag of having washed his face. Many pure, clean beers, however, are not 1 good beers. A really first-class beer must not only be free from self-evident defects, but it must combine all the positive excellencies known to the science of brewing. For these reasons brewers who do not dare to test the substantial merits of beer harp on purity. The true test is QUALITY which cannot be had without superior materials, perfect treatment and ample storing capacity. Upon this issue of positive SUPER IORITY of QUALITY we challenge all competitors. Of materials we ise only the most excel lent, regardless of cost Corn, the one important substitute, which, on account of its cheapness, has been extensively adopted by many brewers, never enters our brewery. Our facilities for brewing beer are un equaled. Our storing capacity of 600,000 barrels doubles any other brewery in the United Statesf and enables us to store our beer from four to five months. Facts speak louder than words. Publicity is the demand of the day. The consumer is entitled to the truth. b '. nLiji,''T'-i ii , .ill, 'ii;- :lUi;;M - - ? ' '; -lis i, itf t -vif' 'iis MlWii 1 -'i -r war MS ' ymrMrn: Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Largest Brewers in the World GEO. KRUG, Manager, Anheuser-Busch Branch, Omaha. IS li st -V: ... m IL ...ji! secured several drinks of whisky, was taken Into custody and locked up at the city jail, from which he had but recently been released, on a charge of being drunk and disturbing the peace. Many of the newsdealers and drug stores which handle the Chicago and 8L Louts papers broke over the agreement made with the newsboys. Their customers de manded the papers and they decided they had to handle them. Special Sale. Lawn swings, 15.95: Ice cream freezers, SI. 46; hammocks, up from 75c; lawn mow er, $2.75; garden hose, per foot, 6c; gaso line stove ovens, fl&O. J. Zoller Merc. Co., 100-02-06 Broadway. 'Phone XX. Picture framing is a profession and re quires natural taieni to obtain good re sults. We've got the talent and guaran tee to do the work right. Handling wall paper and doing the work Is one of our One arts and when It comes to figuring on painting you can do no better than to fig ure with us. because we can do the work right and always make the right price. Council Bluffs Paint. OH and Glass Co. New location. Merrlam block. All Klads ef Flrewerke, See the "8on-of-a-Gun" torpedoes and shooting match. Roman randlea and lady flrecrackera. Purity Candy Kitchen, Ht West Broadway. Both phones 674. Investigate our cheap land proposition in eastern Colorado; tS per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soli; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Bend for printed matter. F. C. Lougee. 124 Mala street. Council Bluffs, la. For imported wines, liquors and Budwelser beer go to Roaenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, Bl Bouth Main street. SCAVENGER WORK I haul 'dead animals.')! .00 per head. r,rU. vsne. nunur. and all rub bish; clean vaults anu cesspools. All wf.rli dono Is sua ran teed. cji'.-i promptly atienaea ia 'Phone. Red U71 ' . J. ii. SHERLOCK Boycott Chicago Papera. The boycott of the newsboys against the Chicago and Bt. Iouls papers Is still on. although it was stated yesterday that one of the Chicago papers had conceded the boys' demands. The agent for one of the Chicago papers attempted to buck the boy cott and hired Tom Carter, a man who has had frequent trouble with the police, to sell his paper at the corner of Broadway and Pearl street. Carter's appearance on the street corner almost led to an Incipient riot, as the news. boys resented his Intrusion. The police had to be summoned to Interfere and the final upshot was that Carter, who had. despite the early hour of the morning and the faet that all saloons are supposed to be ciostd. Why are McAfee's bakery goods better than any made or sold In the city? Simply because all of the Ingredients that go Into their composition are absolutely pure and of the highest grade produced, and will conform to and pasa Inspection under any pure food law on earth. No compounds or Imitations used. The Title Guaranty ana Truat company. abatracters of tiUea. Books date back to 1853. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 2J6 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. High grade pianos sold on easy payments, HO down and S5 per month. Swanson Mualo Co., 407 Broadway. Pianos tuned and stored. his guests this afternoon and personally inspect the many and various Improve ments which he hss recfnOy completed. Ice Cream Freesere. White Mountain, Arctic and Wonder freezers (none better) just before the Fourth of July. Get our prices. BwaJne ft Maurer, 33$-338 Broadway. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 150. Night L6B1 Special 20 per cent dlacount on all of the following: Dinner sets, music cabinets, dinner chairs, porch furniture, parlor lamps, center tables, buffets, sideboards, kitchen cabinets, go-carts, refrigerators, portieres, lace curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, carpets and mattings. D. W. Keller, 103 So. Main. Remember We can't put the shoe stock In the win dow. If you don't see what you want, go Inside. Sargent's Family Shoe Store. Look for the bear. White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices, (1 to $2. Duncan & Dean, 23 Main street. CENTRAL, FLOUR 1. 16. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both Phones 24. FlreworVst Fireworks! Fireworks of all kinds. Purity Candy Kitchen, 646 West Broadway. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 6-room house with gas, city water and sewerage. also a 6-room cottage with city water and sewerage; both well rented. Never vacant Must be sold at once. Will make a good Investment or a good home. Please call and let me show them to you. Have houses to rent on monthly payments. Call me up. 'Phones 417 and 406 Red. D. S. Kerr L4A Broadway, Council Bluffa, la. Quality usssti More with paint than with anything else. Tou may think you save a few dollars on first cost, but you'll lose a year or more on the wear. We don't offer bargain counter prlcea for paint, but we paint so It stays painted. Jensen Is Nicholson. Outside and Inside House Deooratlona STREET RAILWAY ME OX STRIKE Interarban from.Masoa City to Clear I .eke' Affected. MASON CITT, la., July l.-A general strike of all employes of the Mason City street car company and the Mason City & Clear Lake Interurban lines took place to day. The employes demanded an Increase of wages. INCREASE IN THE CORN HELD Prof. Holdon Expeot to Add Fie Million, Bushels to the Crop, DEALERS DISCUSS GRAIN INVESTIGATION Many of Oplaloa It Will Uncover Dis crimination la Favor of the Llae Elevators Condition of Fralt Crop. ' The best pianos on earth are to be found at A. Hospe Co., 33 South Main St., Council Bluffs. They do not charge more than you pay elsewhere for unknown and Indifferent makes. We pay $11.00 per ton for cast Iron: mixed, 39.00 per ton; stoves, 37.60: rags, lc a lb.; rubber, 7c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Kattle man, 303 South Main. Both ,'Phones 66a Ostersnoer Mattress. Oatermpor Cotton Felt Mattresses are guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price, 115.00. We are exclusive agents. Keller Farnsworth Furniture Co. We employ nothing but first-class tin ners and plumbers and guarantee all of our work. Spencer Furnace and Sheet Metal Works. 163 West Broadway. Flao Farm. Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri VaUsy. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at 37 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First National bank building. Office telephone 303. FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Showers and Cooler Monday Twesday Fair and Warmer la Eastera Nebraska, WASHINGTON. July l.-Forecast of the weather for Monday and Tuesday: For Nebraska Showers and cooler 'Mon day; Tuesday, fair and warmer In west portion. For Iowa Partly cloudy Monday; showers and cooler In west portion and by night in east portion; Tuesday, fair. For Illinois Partly cloudy and cooler Monday; showers at night or Tuesday; fresh northwest to north winds. For Wyoming Generally fair Monday and Tuesday. For South Dakota Partly cloudy Mon day; aliowera and cooler In central and east portions; Tuesday, fair and warmer In west portion. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BURKAU. OMAHA, July 1. Offlcisl rerord of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: liOfl. 1906 1904. 1M. Maximum temperature.... M 70 7 80 Minimum temperature K t2 M 71 Mean temperature 74 70 da SO rreolpitation 66 .01 .00 .01 Temperature and precipitation dparturea frnm the normal at mnaha aince March 1, and comparison with the last two years TV- , I . - Nul ma I temperatur Heparture for the day Total d Mcirnry aince March 1... Normal precipitation Kxoens for the day Precipitation sinre March 1 Deficiency since March 1 Deficiency for cor. period in V$. Deficiency for cor. period in int. Reports from Stations at Station and State Tetnp. 4 0 76 .IS inch 4 Inch 13.22 Inches 1 63 Inches 6 61 Inches 2 36 Inches T P. M. Max. Ruin Hater Invites His FcJeads. C. Hefer has Issued Invitations to the members of the Commercial club ad busi ness and professional men of the city to bt of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy SO K4 .18 Cheyenne, clear 6S 72 .00 Chicago, clear 76 76 .06 Davenport, clear 76 R2 ,(0 Denver, part cloudy 73 2 T Hsvre. part cloudy 70 70 .04 Helena, clear 74 76 .00 Huron, part cloudy 71 78 .01 Kansas City, clear 32 86 . 00 North Platte, part cloudy.. 71 84 .74 Omaha, raining 78 6 T Rapid City, part cloudy.... 64 76 T St. Louis, part cloudy 34 .00 Bt. Paul, clear 71 T .00 Salt Lake City, clear 32 M .00 Valentine, clear 74 SO .00 "T" Indicates trace ef precipitation. . L a, WEXtiU. Leel Fo'ecaaua. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES DOINE8. July 1. (Special.) Prof. P. G. Holden of the State Agricultural col lege will start out this month to increase the yield of corn In Iowa by 6,000,000 bush els. His efforts will be made under the college extension department, for which the last legislature appropriated 335,000. Prof. Holden was the originator of the gospel seed corn train that toured Iowa last win ter and the winter before, spreading In formation among the farmers as to the selection and care of their seed corn. Last year there was about 3,000,000 acres of corn In Iowa and the average yield waa thirty six bushels. The year before lb was thirty two bushels. This average yield means but two stalks of corn to the hill. Prof. Holden believes that by proper selection of the seed corn so that every grain will grow, a stand of corn can be secured that will grow three good stalks to the hill, which would add one-third to the yield of the state. Since the lectures of Prof. Holden and the gospel seed corn trains the yield of corn has steadily increased. Be ginning this month, Prof. Holden leaves the agronomy department of the State Agri cultural college and will devote his entire time to the college extension work, which means that he Is to change from teaching farmer boys In the college to teaching the farmer and his boy direct on the farm. He believes that a great deal can be added to the increase of the yield of corn next year by the dissemination of Information this year, as to how to select seed corn. and believes that It Is only a question of time till a perfect stsnd of corn of three stalks to the hill with three full-slsed ears will be secured. The acreage of corn this ear la 3.433,960 acres, and to add the 5.000,- 000 bushels which he has set for the in crease next year It will be necessary to add only a trifle over half a bushel to the acre. To make an Increase from the present average of two stalks to the hill to a perfect stsnd of three stalks to the hill would mean an Increase of about bushels. Prof. Holden, therefore, thinks that his proposed increase of 6.000,000 Is a very conservative figure. To accomplish this he has planned to go Into every sec tion of the state of Iowa to reach the farmer with his theory as to the selection of seed corn. v Will A Beet Iowa Grala. Grain dealers of this atale are In conflict as to whether or not lows win oe aneciea by the investigation of the grain business and line elevators and discriminations called for by the LeFollette resolution. E. D. Hamlin of this city, who operates along the Iowa Central, believes that the investigation wilt effect only the big terminal elevators, and their dealings with the railroads. At different times In th last few years It haa been discovered In this state that there are secret agreements as to rates and shipments of gTaln. The farmers have had offered in the legislature a number of times bills Intended to cor rect evils which, however, have always failed to pass. A little over a year ago members of the Iowa Grain Dealers aeso elation fell out among themselves as to prices ef grain and also as to Una elevators which were favored as compared, to the Independent shipper. A number of grain dealers have expressed themselves the last few days to the effec( that the LaFollette Investigation will disclose discrimination in favor of the line elevators. They further more, claim that the same conditions which operate to give Peavey oV Co. at Council Bluffs an allowance of 1'4 cents a 100 welght and free switching between Omaha and Council Bluffs, also operate In other parts of this state to the advantage of large shippers, and they anticipate aome disclosures under the LaFollette Investiga tion. May Cartall Base Ball. The supreme court has been called upon to decide a case that may affect the whole future of the national game In Iowa. An appeal has been taken from Lucas county In an Injunction proceeding that was started to prohibit small boys playing base ball on a vacant piece of ground In the olty of Charlton. The Injunction was granted by the district court of Lucas county on the ground that the balls being batted about were -liable to go onto the ground of the complainant, " which would require the players to Invade the com plainant's yard, which might lead to dam age to complainant's property. As there Is always adjoining property to every base ball grounds the same ruling will apply everywhere In the state, nnleas the supreme court reverses the case. The vacant land In Charlton la owned by W. A. Elken berry. The land has been used as a sort of public commons and small and large boys alike have for years gathered there for their base ball games. The owner re ceived no rental for the ground, though at times admission was charged to see some of the games. Suit was started by J. F, Splker for an Injunction, which was granted for the reasons given, and he was given damages to the amount of 31 and costs, amounting to 148.30. Rlnsi for Nebraska Brother, Miss Ada C. Davis, the wealthy woman who was discovered dead at her home near Berwick a few days ago, left In her will a bequest of 310 for her brother, William, In Saundtrs county, Nebraska, with the request that he buy a ring with the money and have It engraved, "From Ada." The rest of the property is willed to nieces and other relatives. Conditio of Fralt. State Horticulturist Wesley Greene to day reported that the condition of the fruit of the etate June 30 was as follows: Ap ples, 30; pears, 36; American plums, 67; domestic plums, 45; Japan plums, 43; peaches, 77; cherries, 79; grapes, 81; red raspberries, 68; currants, 67; gooseberries, 68. In each case, except peaches, cherries and red raspberries, the condition of fruit is now as good as it was June 1. Red raspberries are in the same condition. Cherries have Improved from 76 to 79, and peaches from 67 to 77. The figures given are the per cent of the average condition of the fruit. Statue of Genernl Porter Dedicated. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., July 1 The statue to Major General Kltijohn Por'er, erected through the efforts of the Orand Army, and presented to the city, wna dedi cated In Haven park today, this being tda anniversary of the battle of Malvern Hill. Used by Millions CalumoR l Baking S I Powder J Wsigga-. Compll with th Para JL "Follow tho Pl4f.' LOW KATStft NEW ENGLAND POINTS OLD DAILY IN JUNE. JULY 18, AUG. I AND 22, SEPT. 5 AND 19 Ask WABASH CITY OFFICE, 1001 Far nam SC, . or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. r. D Wabaah R. R., Omaha, . Nebraska rt. Chicago (5E2EAT DAY TRAIN TO CHICAGO Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:45 a. m. Arrives Chicago, 10. -00 p. m. the same day. Observation End parlor Car with Dining Room and First-class Coaches. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper served in the Dining Room of Parlor Car a la carte. cm ticket orncE, tUt larnam Strsst, Omaha.