Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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riled ulth police, doctor, nurwn, train
men and volunteers.
The darkness mid Incredible destruction
made the work of rescue eaceedlngly dif
ficult. lnip snd torches were brought to
light the desolate scene. The station was
converted Into a hospital lind the platform
was made a mortuary. Reveral of the desd
and Injured wore Imprisoned In compart
ments snd It waa necesaary to saw away
the partition In order to effect their re
lease. Other were caught under heavy
wreckage. Heveral of the bodies were badly
mangled and one woman waa decarll"l.
The first bodies recovered and Identified
Included those of John E. MrIonsld of
New York. W. H, Thompson, sdrtreas un
known, and C. r. MrMeekin of New York.
Frank W. Koch of Allentown, Pa.: Julea
Keeler. adrtreea unknown; Charle E. Sen
tell of New York. Rev. E. L. Kin of Tor
onto. Miss Mary F. Howleeon of New York.
Mra. r. W. Elphlcke of Chicago and Mr.
Lllllaa Hurd Walle of New York. Dudley
P. Herding of New York, lotila Casaler of
Trumbull. Conn., and F. II. Cossltt of New
York were alive when they were removed
from the wreck, but died at the Infirmary
aoon after their admittance.
Practical!? All ot Them People of
NEW YORK, July 1. Tne Identity of tha
dead la aa follnwi:
Mr. Walter narwlcK waa one of the lead
era of the Toronto bar and won particular
distinction In the Bale dee Chaleura caee
before a committee of the Canadian senate
In 1K1. He waa a liberal and a prominent
member of the church of England. He waa
called to the bar In 1877. He waa a partner
of . Postmaster General Ayleaworth under
the firm name of Berwick. Ayleaworth,
Mo'aa & Wright. He waa a klni'e couneel.
His wife Ik the daughter of the late Isaac
Atkinson of Chicago.
I.ouls Caesler, of Trumbull, Conn., near
Bridgeport, waa the editor of two maga
ilnes, the Electrical Review and The En
gineer. He waa yeara cf age and leave
a widow. He had gone abroad to attend
to some matters of business and expected
to be away but a comparatively ahort time.
He waa well known In New York trade
Frederick Henry Cossltt of New York
was only 21 yeara of age and waa married
June 18 In New York City to Mlsa Antonla
Ougro, daughter of Mra. and Judge P.
Henry Duiro. The young couple were on
their wedding trip. Mr. Coasltt graduated
from Princeton unlveralty Just a few daye
prior to his marriage. He waa a nephew
of Mra. George Eggleston Dodge and Mra.
A. D. Julllard of New York.
Mrs. C. W. Elphlcke of Chicago, 111., waa
the wife of Charles W. Elphlcke of C. W.
Elphlcke & Co., vessel and Insurance
agents, Chicago. The Elphlcke home la at
Kvanston, a auburb of Chicago. Mr. El
phlcke waa fiii yeara of age.
Dudley P. Harding of New York City waa
a traveling salesman and apent but a por
tion of the time In New York, making hla
home there at 318 Wert Ninety-fifth street,
In apartments.
Mrs. I N. Hitchcock of New York City
lived In New York at 261 Central Park West;
where ehe had apartment with her daugh
ter. Mis May Hitchcock. Mra. Hitchcock
waa the widow . of Lumen N. Hitchcock,
who wn a cousin of Secretary E. A. Hitch
cock of the Interior department at Wash
ington. Mra. Hitchcock also had a home at
Morrlstown, N. J. She had gone abroad
with her daughter to spend the summer.
The latter waa slightly injured In the
Miss Mary E. Howleon of New York
was a milliner, whose place of business la
at 31 West Thirty-flrat streaj, New York.
Bhn had gone abroad on a business and
pleasure trip. Intending to be away about
two month. Mlsa Howleson waa 45 years
old. 8he had been a successful business
woman for many yeara. She leaves In New
York a sister, Mrs. James C. Crane.
Rev. E. U. King of Toronto, Ont., was
pastor of the Davenport Road Anglican
church. Toronto, and until recently was a
professor In Trinity college. He waa a
native of England and hud been in Canada
about eight years.
Frank W. Koch of Allentown. Pa., waa
one of Allentown's wealthiest and most
prominent cltixens. He was the senior
member of the clothing Arm of Koch Bros,
and owner of the Hotel Allen building.
Mr. Koch waa 54 years old, a native of
Iehlgh county, Pennsylvania. He was a
trustee of Muhlenberg college and of the
Allentown hospital and a director of the
Allentown National bank. With his wife
he had planned to repeat a European Wed
ding trip taken twenty years ago.
John E. McDonald of New York City had
been well known on the American and
European turf for a number of years,
having owned stables of race horses both
here and abroad. Earlier -in life Mr. Mc
wards. St. Florlan and Bowling Brook and
had a half Interest with "Jack" McDonald
In Imported Woolsthrop- Mr. McMeekln
had accompanied Mr. McDonald abroad.
C. A. Plpon of Toronto, Ont., was the
agent of tha American line at Toronto. He
waa ti years ef age and leaves ft wife and
Charlea E. Sentell, a lawyer with offices
In the financial district of New York and
residence at 71 Decatur street, Brooklyn.
With his two daughters, hi son, E. W.
Sentell. and the latter wife, ha had gone
abroad to spend tha summer. The only
sun-Ivor of the family party of five is
young E. W. Bentell, whose wife was killed.
Mrs. W. W. Smith, Dayton, O, who with
her daughter, Eleanor, aged 28, and aon,
Qerard, aged 21, was killed in the wreck,
waa the widow of the former aenlor partner
In the turbine water wheel manufacturing
firm of Bmlth A Valle, which some years
ago waa Incorporated as the Stlllwell-Bierce
and Smlth-Valle company. The son Gerard
would have graduated at Yale next year.
Mrs, Mlllan Hurd Waits, New York City,
was a fashionable milliner with shop at
434 Fifth avenue. With her husband, former
Alderman Charles B. Walte. she lived at the
Hotel Toralne. Mrs. Walte was H years
of age and a native of Springfield, III. She
has a brother living In Omaha,
Louis Goepptnger, Jules Keeler and W. H.
Thompson, whose addresses are unobtain
able at present, had made the trip In the
second cabin. Julea Keeler Is supposed to
have been a well known acrobat whose
stage name, however. Could not be learned.
Robert S. Crltchell of Chicago, III.. Is
about U years of age and for many years
has been a conspicuous figure in Chicago.
He Is a, member of the firm of Crttchell,
Miller, Whitney AY Barbour, insurance
agents, an officer In the t'nlon League club
and takes an active part In all public
Miss L. 8. Grlewold, Epsom, England.
Miss May Hlteheock of New York is
the daughter of Mrs. L. N. Hitchcock, who
was killed.
Mrs. Frank W. Koch of Allentown. Pa.,
la the wife of Mr. Koch, who was killed
In the wreck.
Miss M. Rask, London.
O. H. V. Allen Is ft resident of Falr-
haren, Vt., and until recently had been
connected with the Allen National bank
thete. With Mrs. Allen h had gone over
on the New York for ft brief tour of Eu
Trains Sappoaed to Slow Dowa While
Roaadlaft- It.
SALISBURY. England, July 1. A short
distance out of Salisbury begins a remark
able curve which some times has been de
scribed as the most dangerous In the world
and which certainly possesses elements of
danger. Not only does the line leave the
station on a curve, but where It crossea
Flsherto etreet the line takea a slight rise.
It was practldally at this point that the en
gine Jumped the rails and brought about
a disaster, both aa regards the percentage
of lives lost and the extent of the damage
to rolling stock, almost without precedent
in the history of British railway accidents,
especially of boat expreaaes.
At tha scene of the catastrophe there are
Ave lines of rails. . Two are main lines,
two others are devoted to local traffic, and
the firth Is a siding. Of these live lines
only two were occupied at the time of the
accident. A milk train laden with empty
carts was leisurely entering the station In
the opposite direction to the express, while
at the entrance of the siding waa a sol
itary locomotive ready to furnish any serv
ice the milk train' might require.
The directions to engine drivers over this
portion of the line Is not to exceed ft speed
of thirty miles an hour, but It Is alleged
that calculations baaed on the times at
which different signal boxes were passed
showed that this speed was exceeded. Un
fortunately both the engineer and the stok-r
are dead and therefore it may be difficult
to obtain reliable evidence as to the speed
the train was running when the accident
Remarks Regarding British "Go all"
Hot Taken Good Fart
Acroaa Water.
LONDON, July 1. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Blahop Potters remarks on
British "gush" and his assertion that there
la no love loat between the two countries
have called forth vsrlous comments In the
newspapers, both dally and weekly, tire
consensus of opinion being that the bishop
ought to be the last man in the world to
complain of treatment received at th
handa of tha Britlahers because he
been welcomed by the clergy and the laiiy
as few foreigners have been,
In business circles It is thought that the
Donald waa a bookmaker. He apent much, natural implication of Bishop Potter's re
ef his time In England and was often seen I marks is the English confidence in the
In company with Richard Croker and others : Integrity of Americana has been rudely
of the American colony sojourning abroad.
Mr. McDonald was president and director
of the Boston A New Tork Telephone 'and
Telegraph company, president and director
of the Knickerbocker Telephone and Tele
graph company, treaaurer and director of
the Massachuaetta Telephone company and
trraaurer and director of the Telephone
Cable Company of America. Hla residence
was at 214 West Seventy-second street.
His wife and daughter accompanied him
Charles F. McMeekln of Lexington. Ky..
was a prominent breeder of thoroughbred!
horses In tha famous blua grass region
of Kentucky. He was a member of the
firm of Applegate it McMeekln. owners
of the Oakwood stables, Lexington. The
moat famous recent product of this stable
la th horse Go Between, which on June 31
won th rich Suburban handicap at the
Sheepahead Bay race track of the Coney
Island Jockey club. Mr. McMeekln was
president of the Native Breeders' Protec
tive association and director of th Ken.
tucky Trotting Horse Breeders' association.
He was the owner of Fonso, Hayden Ed-
ken by the disclosures of American
;ireas corruption made during the two
years Juat past.
Mr. Emory McClintock, an American
business man now in London, says, "I
think that English confidence has been
shaken In th Americans, but I cannot be
lieve It will prove a permanent effect. Dur
ing my vlatt to this country I have ex
perienced only the most admirable spirit
of fair play on the part of the Englishmen
have met. Commercial confidence as
between the two countries cannot be easily
overturned. It- 1 ft matter of profound
regvet that even temporarily there ahould
be any suspension of confidence between
the two countries.
"Lord Salisbury's attitude during th
United States war with Spain, the Ameri
can attitude of noninterference during the
Boer war. and, above all. the identity cf
views held by the two countries during the
Japanese war, had built up ft most cordial
understanding between America and Eug
land; and I certainly hope and believe that
undtrtaandlng will not be permanently
weakened by the regrettable exposures it
the last year." f
minci linn! mtu lint
siwsrr, eaasest a o.
Does Not Burn or Explode
Kills th Lkk. Toe. 8m the PoUtT
"GREEN POISON" Is easily applied
with brush, or feather. A 2 6 -cent bot
tle of "OREEN POISON" from your
druggist U1 mil million Dugs,
Governor it Expected to Deelds Norfolk
iilnm Matter Today.
Opinion Also Expressed They Will
Refase to Get Oa aad Raeeela
tloa I Rife as to Coara
f Goveraor,
(From a Stslt Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 1. (Ppeclal ) Tomorrow
Governor Mickey probably will Anally pass
upon the report made to him of the in
vestigation of the charges against Super
intendent Alden snd Assistant Nicholson
of the Norfolk Insane asylum by the mem
bers or the Board of Public Lands and
Buildings. Dr. Alden and Dr. Nicholson
have been notified to be present and answer
some more questions which the governor
desires to ask, but It Is not known whether
either will avail himself of this last op
portunity to make good before the chief
Not the least doubt exists but what th
governor will stick to his demand for Dr.
Alden to get out of the Institution and
it la more than probable Dr. Nicholson
will also be again told to get out. Just
how the governor Intends to enfotce his
demand is not known, though it is gen
erally understood here the two physicians
will stay In the Institution until forced
out. The governor realises if the doctors
appesl to the courts his term of office
will have expired before ft final decision
Is reached, and because of this he may
adopt heroic measures to get rid of his
two appointees.
In his desire to remove the two men,
Governor Mickey hss the earnest sympa
thy of Treasurer Mortensen, while the
other members of the board seem to sym
pathise with the doctors and are opposed
to the action of the governor. This dis
agreement is liable to cause some trouble
in the future, because the rovernor has
his bak up and Is firmly of the opinion
the members of the board, with the ex
ception of Treasurer Morteneen, have not
treated him fairly. The governor main
tains his reaaons for ordering the resigna
tion of the two-officials are not personal,
but he based his action on the showing
made to him, and what he did, he says,
was for the good of the state and for the
protection of the Inmates of the asylum.
Lose Clear oi Salltvaa.
The news dispatches published this morn
ing that Judge J. J. Sullivan and Mrs.
Sullivan had actually sailed from Boston
for the old country will cause a number of
cigars and such things to change hands,
as wagers were numerous around Lincoln
and the state house that the former chief
Justice would back out at the last minute
and not make the trip. This supposition
was based on the former action of Judge
Sullivan. One who knows, said the Judge
and Mrs, Sullivan had contemplated this
trip for a number of years, but at the
last minute the judge had always backed
out. This party aaid:
"A few years ago Judge and Mrs. Sulli
van had all their arrangements made to go;
had packed their trunks and had loaned
their cow to a neighbor, and had made ar
rangements to get the chickens fed during
their absence.
"They boarded the train and got to New
Tork and had arranged for their passage,
and were juat about ready to board the
Vessel, Judge Sullivan turned to hla wife
and said:
" 'It's mighty nice and pleasant right
here, don't you think.'
"Mrs. Sullivan evidently thought like
the Judge, for he oontinued: . '
'Well, suppose we don't go; It Is mighty
safe on land and you can't tell about the
'The next year and the next and for years
since then Judge Sullivan has planned this
trip, but each time he got afraid of the
water and decided not to go. It must have
been the presence of Judge Sedgwick that
ept him nerved up this tlme Incidentally,
lost a box of cigars when he boarded the
Lively Time on Fourth.
The glorious Fourth of July In Lincoln
promises to be a real gala day and amuse
ments will be dished up to suit every taste.
,lncoln plays a double header at Blystone
park, an open air concert will be given
t the Oliver theater, the Fulton Stock
company will give a matinee at Epworth
Lake park, a real celebration will be pulled
ff and Capital bench will be thrown open
to the public. iy years ago this same
Capital beach, . r the name of Burling
ton beach, waa one of the finest resorts In
the country, but during the hard times of
a few years back the beach dwindled away
to nothing. During the last few months It
has been put In first class shape, the lake
has been filled with water, new bulldlnga
have been put up and many attractions
have been secured for the summer. It will
be formally dedicated to the public next
Wednesday and Lincoln Is expecting hun
dreda of people from out in the state on
that occasion.
Coart Officials oa Vacation.
Victor Seymour, accompanied by his fam
ily. Is In California for a month's trip. Mr.
Seymour Is deputy clerk of the supreme
court and he Intended to take hla trip
earlier In the season, buUfhanged his plans
becauae of the San Franclaco earthquake
Cliff LeRoy, stenographer for Judge Let-
ton of the supreme bench, left yesterday
for ft trip through the Black Hills, search
Ing for pleasure apd a rest.
Dr. Nicholson and Steward Peters reached
Lincoln tonight and will appear at tb
bearing before the governor tomorrow.
Neitter of the men called on the governor
tonight. Superintendent Alden did not come
down and It is understood he will not be
f '" "
, , , y
Get Out of the Constipation Car V
It travels fast to sickness by the direct route. I
INature gives us the means of keeping the human sys
tem free from disease germs and impurities of every
kind, but sometimes nature is blocked, and unless we
promptly assist her in breaking this blockade
she exacts a terrible penalty sickness. Red
Raven acts as a mild but effective purgative.
It is one of nature's chief aids in
the campaign of system cleaning.
Stop right now; don't wait
until the evil has been done,
but get a bottle of Red Raven
from your druggist and be on
the safe side.
I5c the Bottle
siderable damage done to railroad prop
erty, but no one was Injured. The wreck
age was not cleared up until Sunday morn
ing, when traffic' waa resumed over the
Work to Commence at Ose oat Eree
tloa of the Shed for the
TROMSOE. Norway, July l.-Th Well
man Chicago Keoora-tieraid stesmer
Frithjofl arrived here today from Spits
barren, where fat left Major Hersey and
eighteen others comprising th first section
of the expedition.
The supplies were safely landed at Dan
Island, huge blocks of Ice being used as
rafts to oonvey the rsrgo ashore. An
immediate start will be made with the
erection of the airship sh.d within a few
hundred yard of the spot from whence
B. A. Andree made hla fatal ascent June
1. UM.
Mr. Wellmaa will start for Spitsbergen
July 14.
Troosta Held la Readiness.
EL PASO. Tea., July 1. Orders have been
laaued at Phoenix. Aria., to hold three com
panto of th Arlaona National Guard In
readlnesa to proceed to Mornenct and (jllf
too, Arts., where a strike is threatened In
th mines. A strike occurred there three
years ago with serious riots and United
States troops had to be called out to que
them. There has been trouble In this camp
for several weeks past with several minor
strikes. Many Mtxlcans are employed In
both the camps.
DLt-MONDaV-fraaaer, Uit a, podge u
laey Lloyd, Kear Nebraska City, Tel(s
Jlelftftoora ei ino trims.
NEBRASKA CITV, Neb., July l.-(Spe
cial Telegram.) Lucy Lloyd, a young
woman St yeara of age, killed her sister
Delia this morning by choking her to
death. The crtuie was committed at the
woman home, eight mile northwest of
this city. The murdered woman was 3o
years of age and was supposed to have
been insane. About t o'clock this morn
Ing Lucy Informed the family of II Miller,
who rcalde with her, that she had killed
her sister during th night. She gave no
reason for committing the crime and when
questioned by the sheriff this afternoon
the said she did not know why she did It
Neighbors of the Lloyds say that both
th women were Insane. Thomas Lloyd
fsther of the women, had at one time bee
committed to th aaylum for th Insan
and few days after ha wss released
disappeared and haa never since been heard
from. Bheriff Donovan brought the woma
to thla city this evening and took her
to the Grand Pacific hotel, where shs will
be held under guard until she U examined
as to her sanity. The Lloyds are quit
wealthy and own ft larg tract of land in
th northern part of th county.
Trala Collide with Wild Car.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 1. (Special.)
Westbound Rock Island passenger, due to
arrive here at $: p. m., was wrecked one
mils east of Lam 1st on Saturday night. The
train collided with ft boxcar which had
been blown off the siding onto the irutl
track with the result that the engln
smoker and baggage car left the ralla.
Tha car waa completely smashed and con
Conarreaalonal Delegates Named.
GENEVA, Neb., Jflly 1. (Special.) Ycs-
rday afternoon a meeting was held by the
republican county central committee and
the following delegates appointed for the
congressional convention at David City:
Dr. O. P. Baker. Exeter; Dr. 8. F. Ashby,
Fairmont; W, E...'Boilth, West Blue pre
cinct; Dr. J. W,. Archard, Grafton; E. Sand-
wek, Geneva; William Aldcup. Madison
precinct; J.' .K. Barbur, Liberty precinct;
A. Hamouz. Glenary precinct; Lee
Huston, Chelsea; J. E. Beeson, Stanton;
Thomas Jacobson, Bryant; Dr. A. C. Wells,
Belle precinct; Dr. A. W. Fltzsimon,
Ohiowa. The county convention Is ap
pointed for August 20, at which time county
officers will be -nominated and delegates to
the state convention will be elected.
Nebraska News Notes.
PLATTSMOT'TH Piatt smouth will cele-
rate the Fourth of July.
WEST POINT The stock of August
Klelne has been sold to A. W. Forbes of
ASHLAND Chester Frailer, the young
man who atfmpted laRt week to cut his
hroat with a taror. la rapidly recovering.
BEATRICE Mrs. Amelia Auchtmeler
led at her home near liarbine after a
llngerlnR illness, aged 46 years. She leaves
no family except her husband.
BEATRICE-The Beatrice Driving asso
ciation will Rive a splendid racing pro-
ram on July 4 with a balloon ascension
and fireworks display In the evening.
WEST POINT Former Superintendent
William Collins, who became tired of Ne
braska some months ago and moved his
family to California, haa returned to his
rst love.
COLI'MBIS Relatives of Dr. Edward
Hoehen received word on Thursday morn
ing that the doctor had aiea suo'ieniy at
Danville, 111. body was brought to
olunibus for burial.
PI. ATTBMOCTH Francis C. Ream and
Miss Maude L. Crlppen csme from Omaha
Saturday and were united In marriage by
Kev. J. K. Houlgate. pastor or me aieino-
Utst Episcopul uliurch.
BEATRICE- A severe electrical storm,
accompanied by quite a henvy fall of rain
hellion In Company B, Thirty-fourth 1111
noia Infantry, and was admitted to the
home from Lincoln. The funeral took place
this afternoon. Interment being made In
the Home cemetery.
FREMONT Judge Reeder held a short
session of the district court yesterday af.
ternonn and granted naturalisation papers
to eighteen applicants, most of them re
siding In thin county, making a total of
fifty new Americana turned out within the
past two weeks, a larger number than are
usually naturalized here In a year.
- BBATItlCE During the last week thirty
carloads of scrapers, wagons and other
grading equipment have been shlppedrom
Wyoming to Beatrice by Kllpatrick Broth
ers and placed In their shops here to un
dergo repairs before being taken to Onaga,
Kan., to be used on I'nlon Pacific cutoff,
which la to be built to Maryavllle, Kan.
In the shipment la eight carloads of steel
GRAND ISLAND-Sherlff Dunkel had ft
2 a. m. call to Lion Grove, a reaort two
miles south of the city along Wood river.
the owner, J. c Hann and ramuy navlng
been disturbed by two drunks who became
Insulting and threatened to assault the
entire family. They were towed to the
city and fined. $11. The trouble arose over
the refusal of the proprietor to get. up and
furnish them with more liquor.
GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Riley, the woman
who went away with the "Holy Rollers"
the gospel band which created such a dis
turbance In this city and left Mr. Riley
and their child, returned to this city yes
terday and wanted to get some papers she
alleged were at their home. Mr. Klley was
at Kearney, making ariungementa for the
enre of the child In view of the desertion
of the mother, and Mrs. Riley applied to
the chief of police, to whom she stated
that the child was adopted, the desired
papers having reference to the adoption,
and that she had never married Mr. Riley.
It Is believed by the neighbors that the
woman's mind is unbalanced. She has
evidently returned to Hastings without
causing further trouble.
WEST POINT The net result of the
labors of the county board of equalization
in examining ana comparing the assess
ments of the various townships resulted In
the personal assessment of Ixgan township
being raised 10 per cent, that of the city of
West Point waa lowered 6 per cent, the
village of Bancroft was lowered I per cent.
The comparative figures on the personal
assessment of the townships for lliu-6 are;
For l!f5, I8I2.19H; 1'jOi. $7.&K). The changes
In and additions to the real estate) asaeaa
ment made by Assessor Smith last year re.
Flllted In a net increase therein nr 1H flirt
I The figures on the city and vlllago persons!
assessment are: f or iif. xih7.0f,a; l!i,
Ijk.'Vij.S.M. The total personal assessment of
Cuming county for the year Hi"', la tl.lM.A44.
These firtiK'S, however, do not Include tele
graph, . telephone and railroad assessments.
Tracks Oat at 1'ndtriross.
t'NDERWOOD, la.. July l.-(Speclal.V-In
the severe storm last night about 270 feet
of Rock Island track a short distance south
of here waa washed out. Tom Collins and
Bam Keeley. both of this place, were quite
seriously Injured by fulling onto a rattle
guard. Section men from Shelby and Neola
are here repairing the damage. Six trains
lalted this section Saturday nlKht. Theie
waa but little' wind and consequently no
damage resulted to crops.
COLI-MBI'S The lid will be on tleht In
the ColumbuH stores for the Kourtn or July,
he merchanta having agrei to close on
he evenlna of the 3d and remain closed
until the morning of the 6th.
AfeHLAND The assessed valuation of
nersonal tsroperty In Ashland precinct la
146,73, an advance cf over last year.
For Baunrtera county me valuation is
11,671. 6.H0 for personal property, a gain of
WEST POINT B. If. Morgan of Ban
croft, coroner of Cuming county, naa re-t wrra blocked In Cnderwood for a good
signed his position by reason of changea InH . . . , .
hla buslnesa. The county supervisors have nare of the nlht- The-first tmln to pass
Captured by Foue After He Etd Assaulted
a Youn White GirL
First Taken to Tree and Hinged,
Then Cat Dowa Before Life Is
Extlact sad Flames Flaish
the Task.
CHICKASHA, I. T., July l.-A negro who
committed ft criminal assault upon the 16-
year-old daughter of Ira Robertson, near
Worftack, was captured last night and after
being taken back to the scene of his crime
was hanged and burned near the spot where
he committed the crime. He confessed bis
crime and offered no resistance to the mob.
To one person the negro gave hi name as
Cliff May of Marshall, Texas, and he told
another that it was Will Newbrlght of San
Antonio. By the time the negro was over
taken near Bradley1 last night fully 400 men
had Joined in the chase and soon after the
capture the march to Womack began. It
wits nearly 3 o'clock this morning when the
Robertson home was reached and the negro
was broVtsht before the assaulted girl.
"That's the one," said she at once, and
the negro replied: "Yes, lady, I'm the one.
Gentlemen, I admit the crime."
The mob then proceeded with Its victim
past (he spot where he had committed the
crime and to a tree In the road on the
bank of Walnut creek, where a rope waa
thrown over a limb about eighteen feet
high and the other end knotted about the
man's neck. He waa given an opportunity
to speak and again he confessed his guilt.
and after W fervent prayer to God for for
glveneas, he was drawn Into the air to die
by strangulation.
Be-fore life waa extinct the body waa
lowered to the ground, logs and brush were
heaped upon It and the mass ignited. For
a moment the body writhed, a few groans
were heard and the flames completed their
work. Two hours later the charred body
wss buried under the same tree under the
direction of a deputy marshal from Purcell,
who had been thwarted in his effort to take
the negro from the mob.
Lumber Mill la Wlseonala.
ASH LAND, Wis., July l.-The Edward
Hinea Lumber company's mill at Wash
burn burned this morning. The shlng e nilU
and warehouse also burned. Fifty thousand
feet of lumber waa destroyed. One man was
caught under ft falling tramway and fatally
hurt. Loss, 1100.000, fully covered by Insur
A Great Drawback.
'Tee. I tasted a sample of th water
frora that medicinal spring he recently
'Did you? Too bad about the taste of
It. Isn't Itr '
Why, I thought its taste decidedly pleas
ant." -
"Exactly; and for that reaaon It will
never sell. The publlo will never have
faith in ft medicinal water that tastes
good." Philadelphia Press.
(net Election la Panama.
PANAMA, July 1. The elections here to
day passed off quietly. The compromise
ticket was elected. Returns from othtr
provinces show ft big majority for the con
stitutional party, but the exact result will
not be known for two or three days.'
Vinton Street Park.
Omaha, vs. Pueblo
June 30; July t, 1. 2.
Sunday, July 1st, Two Games,
First called at 2:30.
Monday, July 2nd, Lady's Day,
Game called at 3:45.
over the newly laid track left town about
6:30 this morning. Telephone wires and
poles are down, fences and trees are on
the ground and a great deal of fruit has
been blown from the trees.
Xew School for Neola.
NEOLA, la., July L (Special.) The bul'd
Ing known as St. Joseph's school has been
sold and Is being torn down and moved. A
new school building, which It Is estimated
will cost over HO.Oisl, will bo erected In its
place. The new building will contain a
basement and three atorlea. The third floor
will be fitted up as a meeting place for the
Knights of Columbus. The new action!
building Is- to be rtady for use about
October I.
appointed Dr. H. L. Welle of Weat Point
to fill the vacancy.
GRAND ISLAND Hon. W. H. Thompson,
known over the state as the "Little Giant"
and democratic candidate for governor four
years ago, la at present nutKing a trip
through Scotland and. it is rumored, will
return with W. J. Bryan.
RL'LO AIvls Dannecker. sr.. a wealthy
farmer and land owner, who Uvea one and
one-half miles north of here, while doing
his chores this morning found that tne
lightning struck his line barn and killed
six head of fine cattle last evening.
AIN8 WORTH The great craze for the
fruit land on the Green river, L'tah, haa
struck Ainswonh and eighteen of the best
cltliens of the town and county, and yet
Aineworth Is booming and new buildings
going up as fast aa carpenters can do tne
TEK AM AH Mrs. Langford. wife of W.
R. I.angf.ii,t of this place, died yeaterd.iy
morning alter a luiKeilng illness of several
yeara. The deceased leaves a nu.shand and
two daughters, Mrs. h.. r.. stapieton oi
thl. city and Mra. Tom Harvey of Cleve
land. O.
WEST POINT-Judge J. F. Boyd of Ne-
llgh was In the city last week looking
after hi political interests The Jude
Is making a systematic canvaaa oi me
district with a -view of securing the nomina
tion for conares to represent tne inua
congressional district.
BEATRICE Sundav waa another big day
st the Chautauqua aseemlily and it is esti
mated that I.uOu excurkloniata vlaited the
city. Father L. J. Vaughn was the prin
cipal speaker In the afternoon and evening.
The Wealeyaji quartet gave two concerts.
The assembly clones July S.
WEST POINT The town on the Sioux
City at -Western railway, which at flrat
was named Farley and later Hodge, Is now
to be known aa Rosalie. This name has
Ineiil res kienn of htancron
Busineas propositions advertised In The
Bee go into the homes of the beat people.
Automobile Tarsi Over.
SOl'TH BEND. Ind.. July 1 An suto.
mobile owned and driven by Poatmaster
D. A. 8haw of Mishawaka, Ind., turned
over at Osceola thla evening while running
at a hlKh rate of speed, severely Injuring
Shaw and three other occupanta of the
car, Mra. J. A. Winn and Mr. and Mra.
8. W. Schuyler. It is said that the acci
dent waa caused hy the failure of the
steering gear to work ai a curve In the
road. Mrax Winn, wife of an Episcopal
preacher at Mlsliawaka. was the moat se
riously hurt, both legs being broken, be
sides Internal Injuries.
L3ock .stand
tfA AA Chicago and Return,
One Fare
on sale dally.
A Art Many Canadian Point and Re
turn, on sale daily.
One Fare 9 A AMany New England Points and Re
Plus 76eUU turn, on sale July 18th.
Petoskey, or Bay View. Mich.,
i9 nr
$Ltdld gnd return, on sale dally.
t9C 7rIacklnac '8land- Mich.,
I D turn, on sale dally.
(17 A Colorado and Return,
e)! 3U on sale dally.
and Re-
PLATTSMOI'TH Otto W. Hamburg of
Brownvllle, Mo., and Mlas Edna Burilg were
united in marriage Saturday at tha home
of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Will
iam BudiK, In thla city, Rev. F. I-anghort,
paetor of St. Paul a church, officiating. Mr.
and Mra. Hamburg will reside In Omaha.
BEATRICE Following la the mortgage
record for Gage county for the month of
June: Number of farm mortgages filed,
18; amount, He.S5o. Number of farm mort
gages released. S6: amount. $4. 678. Num
ber of city mortgages riled, i; amount,
IJ0.871. Number of city mortgagee released,
41; amount, H8,6uJ.
ORAND ISLAND Ransom Foas died at
the aoldlsre' borne yesterday at the age of
years. Us served in the war ef Uie re
al UM Mas Tiaaataat. BtMl Batlt. riiir I
1M-1M '
!iuka mm
and fun
r Mm sc. Ml
N. T. City. )
1 of Orta t.nlr.l
off. Loas.ra !
$53.25 on
Colorado and Return,
on sale July 10th to 16th.
Salt Lake and Return,
on sale daily.
California and Return,
on aale daily to July 7th.
Mexico City and Return,
sale dally to July 7th.
(99 r ASouthern Texas Points and Return,
7A6.DU on sale July 8rd and 17th.
4th of July Excursion rates Fare and one-third for the round
trip points within 260 miles. On sale July 8rd and 4th, return limit
July 6th.
For further information call or address:
F. P. RUTHERFORD, 0. P. A 1323 Farnam St
Tiuum fiiQuara, tha vrr heart
W th eUjr. Jit tha mtdat ol ih
lh?tni aa4 cluba o4 naai
lata abappini tflxrtct. Subway
ai4 ' L ' ruada and Broadway
aara adjaoaut. Modwrm ftoaom
nodatloD tow fcJ. MotWri
roooaa aar bath. 11 M. Lua
urtoM all ItcUi roof&a d
uiua wiia vmata bath, a
their- raatAvrsot. Muaia.
Atwa Hexal .Wwic, m
ktaa. Vwrnwi
The Great Uric Acid Solvent Ask jrour dealer or drop a lin tu t
Natural Lithia Spring Water SHOQO LITHIA SPRING CO
A Delightful Table Water MilfordNeb.