Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Efiliwi Continuation of tha Present
Goremykin Cabinet ii Impossible
Constitntinnal Dumnrriti Wilt Unt 1
Places in the Ministry.
finpprt What is Good and Attack the
Objectionable in Any Cabinet.
la Fact They Do Sol Desire to Take
Responsibility of Government
Daring the Present Period
f I n rest.
ST. I ETETRSBURO, July l.-No definite
statement with reference to the retirement
of the Ooremykln cabinet was forthcom
ing today. Emperor Nicholas apparently
Is encountering trouble In finding a man
to whom to entrust the reins of power and
effecting an understanding with the liberal
groups of Parliament.
The constitutional democratic parliamen
tary committer met this morning behind
closed doors to discuss tactics under the
, new situation. The Associated Press was
Informed after the meeting that the com
mittee adhered to Its former decision that
nothing less than a fully responsible cab
inet will be acceptable and that constitu
tional democrats will refuse to take port
folios In any mixed ministry. The leaders
scarcely expect that these terms will be
accepted at present. Indeed, they have
alight derire to shoulder the responsibility
of government when the country ap
parently Is on the verge of a series of out
breaks and disorders. Their present plan
la to adopt towards any new ministry the
aame tactics they have followed In the
past, the acceptance of what Is good In
the policy tl the government and unsparing
Criticism where that policy does not square
with their IdeB. The Immediate vote of a
lack of confidence Is probable.
It la Stated that Minister of the Interior
Btolypln and Minister of Finance Kolov
eoff will submit to the lower house of
Parliament, probably tomorrow, a request
for an appropriation of JfAono.onn for famine
relief, one-half of which will be for dls
trlbutlon during the current year and the
remaining one-half next year. The mln
laters reject Parliament's suggestion that
relief be conducted through the aemstvo
and other local bodies, declaring that the
organisation of these bodies Is Insufficient
and th.t only the administration is capable
of efficient work.
. . Troops Still Mutinous.
BATlTM. July 1. The ferment of mu
tlnous artillerists here continues. Many
armed men are at large, though the period
within which they were ordered to return
to their barracks under extreme penalty
expires today.
Dullness here Is paralysed In consequence
. el the strike In the shipping Industry,
which Tiau lasted fire -Weeks. Robbery and
murder In the street! are of dally occur
. i . -
j unci,
Indications the Party Waa looking;
for a Chance to Snr
render. ST. PETERSBURG. July 1. The deposi
tions of various officers and sailors of the
torpedo boat destroyer Bedovy, forming the
documents in the court-msrtlal of Admiral
Rojestvensky and other naval officials who
surrendered to the Japanese In the battle
of the flea of Japan In May of last year,
are published today. The sailors' testimony
Indicate that the admiral's party hoarded
the Bedory with the full Intention of sur
rendering to the first Japanese ship they
should encounter. The Initial act waa to
order a white flag prepared. The officers
of the staff of Admiral Rojestvensky and
the commander of the Bedovy made a
pitiable exhibition in trying to shift the
responsibility for the surrender on each
Admiral Rojestvensy, though he says
he waa dased and out of his head all the
tlrhe. enters a manly plea of guilty be
cause he ,took no measures to prevent the
American Embassy In Mexico Now
Saltnbly Housed for First
MEXICO CITT. July 1 Minister Thomp
son has moved the American embassy to a
palatial building on Congress avenue, a
house of recent construction with twenty
rooms and ample accommodations for the
growing work of the embassy. The United
.tales has never before had Its diplomats
o handsomely housed. The old quarters
In Buena Vista had been occupied some
nine yaara.
American residents In the larger Interior
cities will observe the Fourth of July with
balls, picnics, reading of the Declaration
of Independence end speeches. Amhsssa
dor Thompson will deliver an oration at
the celebration In this city, at which Tresl.
dent I'tai will be present.
Cornerstone I .a Id with Mnrh Cere
mony ay Dnke and Dnchess
ef Aosta.
NAPLES, July 1. The duke and duchess
of Aosta and the local officials ascended
Mt. Vesuvius today to lay the cornerstone
of the new village of Ottsjano. The affair
was marked with great enthusiasm, a laf o
number nf people from Ban Oulssepp?,
Somma. Santanna and other villages In
jured by the eruption of the volcano lust
April witnessing the ceremony.
The weather, however, was unfavorable,
there being heavy rainstorm, with light
ning and thunder, and the heat being op
pressive. The cornerstone Is composed of
cement and cinders.
Outwit Otlcera and Files on Section
ef Lead.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 1. (Special.) A
telephone mesaage front Lander statea that
A sin us Bo r sen. the Iowa mining man, has
at last outwitted his enemies, and In spite
of the watchfulness of a company of United
Statea soldiers and the reservation official
at the Wind river agency, Boysen hat
Died on ) korea of mineral land la the
reservation, afld a soon as the land are
opened to settlement he will develop and
eteat la same.
Trying to Find Out Who Is Reepon
alble for Delay and Error
In Bills.
WASHINGTON. July l.-Puhlle Printer
Charles A. fitllllngs ha directed an In
vestigation of the public printing office to
ascertain the cause of delay In returning
he omnibus public building bill to the
nate and whether the public printing
Ve could be hrM responsible for the re
'Ion In the sundry rlvll hill of the Item
printing tl.OOO.non for the purrhase or
In Washington for executive bulld
fter both houses had voted not to
Btllllngs said the foreman of the
printing and bill forces at the printing office
did his full duty. After Interviews
with Senators Hale and Cullum. Mr. Stlll
Ings said the pressure was so great on the
enrolling force of congress that H waa Im
possible for the printing office to work
faster than It did.
As to the errors In the sundry civil bill.
Mr. Btllllngs said that his Information was
that the proofreaders hsd put question
marks on the proof containing this Item
and that when the proof came back for
final printing these question marks had
been crossed out, which meant to the print
ers that the Item was to be printed In the
Buildings Wrecked and Watchman
Mlaslua; and Probably Is
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 1 -With a force
so great that every window within three,
quarters of a mile radius was shattered
two of the tanks of the I'nlon OU company
of California exploded last night at t'nl
veralty park, a few miles north of this city.
I-ennard JhuuI. the night watchman, la
missing and It is feared he la dead. Both
of the tanks were nearly empty. It Is esti
mated that only 30.000 barrels of oil were
lost. This, with the damage to the tanks.
amounts to about $nn,0O0.
It la stated that Jaqul was seen near one
of the tanks Immediately before the ex
plosion occurred, and It Is believed In some
manner a spark was communicated from
his lantern to the oil. TheTlie waa cop
fined to the vicinity of tho two tanks.
Sera Superiority Over America Be
es use She Will He Permitted
to Hold Office.
HEISINGFORS, July 1 (Special Cable
gram to The Bee.) The new Finnish Diet,
which is to he elected shortly, will almost
certainly Include several women members.
The bill for constitution of the Diet de
clares that all male or female self-support
ing citizens above a certain age may vote
for any man or woman candidate whom
they desire to elect. It Is impossible yet
to predict how the sexes will be divided.
but all politicians concur In believing thut
the women will be greatly In the minority.
Mrs. Catt. of the United Statea. who
Is at the head of the Woman Suffrage
alliance and who has Just beeu studying
the cause of woman suffrage In the
Scandinavian peninsula, declares the fact
thai Finland and Russia are ahead of Eng
land and the United States la in itself a
remarkable trlhute to the progress which
liberty and freedom are making In the old
Catholics of Liverpool Hold Meeting
to Protest Against tha
Pending; Measure.
LONDON, July 1. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) A great Catholic demonstration
against the new educational measures pro
posed by Parliament is being planned here.
At the last Catholic demonstration at Gates
head, M. Watts of Liverpool, In denouncing
the education bill, declared:
"What monopoly In America has done
with the food of the people, monopoly In
education in England will do for the Chris.
tlan religion."
The primate, replying to the letter from
lay members of the church advocating
adoption of the principle of clause 1, but
amendments In the direction of religious
education, says that the signatures are
bound to demand thoughtful attention and
that he appreciates highly the contribution
It makes to the material for a decision on
the question.
roast Pnckler Raises Socialists, bat
Not la the Way He
BERLIN, July 1 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Count Puckler, the notorious
chief of the German militant anti-Semites,
has Just received a severe drubbing which
he will not soon forget.
While here he was lecturing to a large
audience on his favorite theme, working up
his Ignorant hearers to white heat against
the Jews, and appealing to the social demo
crats to aid him In his crusade. The
socialists, however, declined the Invitation,
and created such a disturbance that the
meeting had to be closed by the police. The
count was driven In wild fright to his
autocar, belabored on the way by sticks
and umbrellas, and amid a shower of vehe
ment Berlin expletives. Ha has Just con
cluded a period of six months' imprison
ment for Jew-baiting.
Labor Member of Parliament Wonld
Have None of Party la
IONDON. July 1 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) M. Kelr Hardie. la an Interview.
! has expressed himself as opposed to co
; operation between masters and men In In
j dustrlal enterprises.
I He considers that there is no place In
j the existing Gtitlsh government which is a
government of capitalists for a labor niem
! ber. Such a man would be sa amped In tne
cabinet and wield no Influence whatever.
He explained the position of the EnglUb
labor members by saying that In Paris they
would take up their position by the side of
M. Jaurea and In Berlin by that of Herr
Bebel. At the next election be 1 convinced
Parliament will count from seventy-five to
108 labor members.
La her Treahle Compromised.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 1. With the vote
to accept the compromise taken today by
the Bridge and Structural Steel Worker
union the last of the labor differences
which have kept building operation la a
turmoil for the laat three months cam to
an end. Under the compromise the men
get an advance of to cent a day. They de
manded aa Increase of St eeata, .
Basements Flooded and Water Comes Into
Borne of the Stores.
Street Cars Stopped and Lightning
Pnts Telephone System Ont of
Business Crops Are
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, July l.-iSpecial Telegram. )-
Lincoln was flooded this evening by the
heavtest rainfall In the history of the city.
The rain began at 6:n and continued until
7:15, when It began to slacken. Thousands
of dollars of damage was. done, baaemente
being flooded, floors of stores on O street
from Eleventh to Twentieth being covered
with several Inchea of water and street car
service stopped. For two hours after the
rain had practically ceased water on O
street from Twelfth to Thirteenth waa from
four to five feet deep and small boys
amused themselves by diving from stranded
street cars. Up to 7 o'clock 3.8 Inches had
The rain was accompanied by a severe
electrical and windstorm and reports from
out In the country Indicate the wheat la
blown down and the harvest will be seri
ously Interrupted.
The Rock Island tracks at Twentieth and
O streets were covered for a distance of
100 feet and an upholstering establishment
near there was flooded. The proprietor car
ried his stock into the street, where In a
short time It was floating around In three
feet of water.
Pianos Stand In Water.
The basement of the Curtice compsny
on O street, near Twelfth, was flooded and
forty-six pianos are standing In two feet
of water. The basement of the Paine
Clothing company, the Armstrong Clothing
company and Miller A Paine, between
Twelfth and Thirteenth on O, were flooded
and water swept over the first floors of
these buildings. Little damage was done
on these floors, however, as the goods were
stacked ont of reach. The basement and
the first floors of the Burr block and Funke
building at Twelfth and O were flooded.
Water came up on the sides of horses and
rushed through hacks coming down O
street, completely filled the streets and
came up over the sidewalks and seeped
through Into many of the show windows.
For a half block on South Twelfth street
the water was several feet deep and Hooded
the basement of the Harley drug store.
During the storm the telephone service
was practically knocked out and for two
hours no street cars ran on O atreet be
tween Eleventh and Thirteenth, completely
tying up the system. Salt creek Is rising
and It la probable Little Russia will again
be flooded as It was three years ago.
During the storm several alarms were
turned In. but little damage resulted from
the fires.
Miller ft Paine estimate their lose at tS.600
and they are moving Hielr basement goods
to the Auditorium. Sanderson, the shoe
man, estimates his loss at fl.OOO, and the
Harley Drug company at 1.100. Others In the
same block suffered smaller losses.
Antelope creek was out of Its banks at
11:31) and water hud backed up to the Rock
Island depot. The rise In this creek has
cut off street car service to University
Place and Havelock and many people from
these places are now quartered at the ho
tels and will remain In town tonight. They
had been spending the day at Lincoln park.
Since the rain the fire department has
been pumping the water out of six of the
basements. At 11:30 there was still five
feet of water In the basement of Miller ft
Palna's store.
Rainfall Heavy Over the State.
GRAND I8LAND. Neb., July l.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The heaviest rainfall pf the
season In a short time visited Hall county
about 4 o'clock today. Heavy clouds, mov
Ing In a circular fashion, from the south
and northwest, aoon broke Into almost a
cloudburst, accompanied by severe wind
and considerable hall, which combined Is
believed to have done considerable damage
throughout the county. The hall was not
large, however, nor did the stones at any
time cover the ground. Reports so far
received Indicate the storm was about the
same In the outlying districts as here. An
Inch of rain fell In twenty-five minutes.
TEKAMAH, Neb., July 1. (Special.) A
terrific wind and rainstorm visited this
place last night. One and one-half Inches
of rain fell In twenty minutes. Lightning
struck the chimney of of the Burt County
8tate bank and the dwelling house of L.
Clements. At the latter place three chil
dren were rendered unconscious, but were
all right again In a short time.
FREMONT. Neb.. July l.-(Spcclal.)-The
rainfall last night waa one of the heaviest
ever felt here. It was accompanied by se
vere thunder and lightning. A number of
fuses were burned out and transformers
put out of commission, but no other dam
age la reported by lightning. The rain
was not particularly needed. Corn Is back
ward and on the bottoms has been dam
aged considerably by water. Unless the
frost Is much later than usual a good deal
of It will not come up to grade. Oats
are poor, the straw short and the heads
not well filled. Wheat la generally looking
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 1. (Special.)
Another "million-dollar rain" fell In Cass
bounty Saturday night, which will benefit
the growing corn, grass, potatoes and other
garden truck, but it Is not beneficial to
hsrvestlng the winter wheat, which Is a
larger yield than last year.' Two and one
fourth Inches of wster fell.
EDGAR. Neb.. July l.-(8peelal.)-Tlie
heaviest electrical storm of the season
visited this section last evening. The storm
came up suddenly about 5 p. m. and was
accompanied by sharp lightning and heavy
thunder. About 6 Ji the wind rose to a
furious pitch snd blew violently for thirty
minutes. Much damage was done to fruit
and shade trees, but no other damage so
far Is reported In this vicinity. In the i
northern part of the township some hall Is
reported, but no serious damage la yet re
ported. BROKEN ROW, Neb.. July l.-(ajr-,riai
Telegram ) A heavy thunderstorm with
plenty of rain passed over this part of
the county this afternoon. About one Inch
of water fell In a little over an hour.
GENEVA Neb., July L (Special After
two terribly warm day a severe electric
storm arose from the west and a fine rain
fell all evening, yesterday and during the
night. It wa accompanied at first with a
gale of wind.
Rohhed While He Rested.
F. Chrlatianaon. Twenty-fifth and J
t reels. South Omaha, reported to the
police early Sunday morning that aa he
waa seated on the sidewalk at Tenth and
Harney streets two men ram up to him
and when they left a few aeoonda later
M of hi money waa la their pock is. Chris
tlsnson aid they took It from him forcibly.
The police took a deecrtptlon of the holdup
men and then locked the trlcUnt Bp, charged
wlla'beUif drunk
President of Society Pays It Is One
Thing Which KeepdTp Con rase
of Rt I
TANNERSVILLE. N. T., July 1 -That
the Zionist movement buoys up the Jewish
people and saves them from the hopeless
despair that would otherwise result from
the frequency of massacres wss the dec
laration made by Dr. Harry Frtedenwald
of Baltimore In his presidential message
delivered to the ninth convention of the
American Federation of Zionists here to
day. "In these troublous times," he said, "the
great movement in which We have thrown
our energies and our hearts gives us cour
age, hope and faith; courage to flght for
our people, our tradition and our pos
sessions; hope In the power of our people
to survive and faith In- Israel's future."
Among other recommendations contained
In the message waa one that every Jew
should give his fullest support to the work
of regenerating the Jewish population of
Palestine by finding for them suitable
means of earning a livelihood as well as
the schemes for acquiring lands for Intro
ducing Industries and Improving commerce.
The convention adopted with practical
unanimity the following declaration:
The convention emphasizes the fact that
Zionism Is a political movement. The con
vention expresses Its confidence In the
present "actions committee" and In the
ability of the present "actions committee"
to watch and take advantage of political
opportunities favorable to the Zionist move
Townspeople Tarn Ont to Welcome
Him Back to Oyster
OYSTER BAY. N. T.. July 1.-President
Roosevelt Is at Sagamore Hill for the sum
mer. He was met at the atatlon this morn
ing by Mrs. Roosevelt and Kermlt, who
had attended early communion. Hla jour
ney from Washington ended with the three
mile drive to Sagamore Hill, where he re
mained throughout tho dsy. The annual
return of President Roosevelt met the
heartiest approval of his Oyster Bay neigh
bors, who are planning to make much of
him In their Fourth of July celebration.
When the president stepped from the
train Kermlt greeted him, Mrs. Roosevelt
waiting in the wagonette. Former Sheriff
Jerome Johnson cut one more notch In his
record of being the first of the townspeople
to shake the hand of the president. Many
others In the little Sunday morning gath
ering at the station uttered words of greet
ing and welcome. The attempt of a man
with a camera to snap the president as
he took his seat by Mrs. Roosevelt waa
Interfered with by the activity of the secret
service men. ;
The executive offices over Moore's
grocery and provision store have been fitted
up for Work and the necessary executive
business will begin there tomorrow.
Cornea Back to City Where He Waa
Born to Assume Hla
NEW ORLEANS, July li The home
coming of the Roman Catlfiljo (archbishop,
J.'H. Blenk, a native et.iSww'iOrleans,Nwmi
waa a pariah pastor when he left here In
1899 and who today returned as archbishop
of the diocese of New Orleans, was the
occasion of an unusual demonstration. A
special . train carrying about 300 of hi
parishioners and a part of the city of
ficials was run across the Mississippi state
line to bring the archbishop Into Louisiana,
a salute of fifty guns was fired aa the
train stopped In New Orleans and over
6.000 of the archbishop' fellow townsmen
then marched as an escort to St. Louis
cathedral, where he formally assumed hla
new duties. A twenty-flve-gun salute was
fired upon arrival at the cathedral.
Most Rev. Blenk Is the successor of
Archbishop Chappelle, who died during the
yellow fever here last year. Archbishop
Blenk comes here from Porto Rico, where
he was archbishop of the diocese of Porto
Rico. ' '
Chnrrh People Stnnd Aronnd nnd Blnar
While Llqnora Are Being;
CANYON CITY, Colo., July 1. City offi
cials, assisted by a number of church peo
ple, made a raid today on the Canyon City
Labor club, where liquor selling Is said
to have been going on, arrested the pro
prletor after a hard fight and spilled the
stock of liquor Into the gutters of the
street. Throngs on their way to church
witnessed the raid, and as the whisky
beer and wine filled the gutters sang
"Praise God from Whom All Blessings
Today' raid waa the climax of the anti
liquor fight began over a year ago, when
the temperance element got control of the
council. The saloons quit business, but
many alleged "clubs" started up, which
have made stubborn fights against the ef
forts to close them up.
Those Who Do Sot Pay In Ann
Francisco Cnnnot Do Business
la Kansas.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. July I. The Times
says, quoting C. H. Lullng. superintendent
of insurance for Kansas, who is visiting
In Ii Angeles:
"The report which Insurance Commis
sioner E. Myron Wolf of California makes
upon the action of those, companies In
regard to promptness of payment of risks
In the big fire will be sufficient for every
other fire insurance commissioner In the
United States; at least It will be accepted
by myself as final Judgment as to whether
any certain company can continue to
transact business In the state of Kansas.
If the report Is unfavorable to any com
pany, that compt y must close its offices
In the state of Kansas once and for all."
Five Dead and One Fatally
lajnred la Ore Pit la
BVELETH. Minn., July 1 Four men
were killed and one probably faulty In
jured in a wreck In Fayal, No. t extension
pit late last night. Five runaway steel
car loaded with Iron ore daahed down the
grade Into the pit; striking a shovel In the
tripping and burying the shovel crew In
ere and debn. The dead:
WILLIAM CHAPPEL. fireman, aged 22.
LOY E May, water boy, aged 14.
JOHN KIND A. a pitman.
Jake Rinda, lather ot John RIB da.
Edward Rosewater Gnert of Honor at
Enthusiastic Reception,
Tamers' Hall Filled with Former
Residents of His Native tonntry
to Greet Him on His
In spite of the pouring rain the reception
tendered to Edward Rosewater by the
Bohemian citlxens of Omaha last night at
Bohemian Turners hall. Thirteenth and
Martha streets, was well attended, the hall
being comfortably filled. The rnln fell In
to-renta until after 8:30, but this did not
keep the people from gathering In large
nu nbers, both men and women being
rreeent. The women took a prominent part
In the .program, which consisted of a pleas
ing variety of numbers both musical and
Before the program, an Informal reception
was held, at which Mr. Rosewater met
many of his friends and conversed with
them about his recent trip to his native
land. The program was In the Bohemian
language, with the exception of one song
which was rendered In English. The open
ing number of the program was an over
ture by the Bohemian orchestra, under the
leadership of 8. B. Letovaky. The address
of welcome was delivered by O. Charvat.
He called attention to the prominence Mr.
Rosewater had taken In state and national
affairs and dwelt at some length on what
he had done for the city of Omaha. He
spoke of his work In the Interests of the
Bohemians of the city and referred to the
fact he was one of the pioneers snd It was
through his faith in the state that many
of his fellow countrymen had been Induced
to make Omaha their home. Whatever
they haj accomplished here, he said, they
should thank Mr. Rosewater for. Mr.
Charvat ' spoke forcefully and was fre
quently applauded.
Mr, Rosewater Responds.
Mr. Rosewater responded briefly to the
welcoming a.ldress. He thanked the audi
ence for the expression of their feeling
toward him. He devoted much of his ad
dress to an Interesting account of his
recent travels In Bohemia, where he visited
his own birthplace. He noted few changes
In the village, but found marked improve
ments In the larger cities In the fifty-one
years he had been away from his native
Rev. Father Chundelak of South Omaha
extended welcome to Mr. Rosewater In be
half of the Bohemian Catholics of the city
snd all other Bohemian citlxens. He spoke
especially of the Interest and xeal displayed
by Mr. Roaewater In affairs tending to the
welfare of all of the citizens of Omaha.
He Spoke of his characteristic energy and
his ability to accomplish things he sets
out to do.
Rev. Father Vrsnek, O. Charvot and Mrs.
E. Bandhauer rendered recitations and
were enthusiastically applauded by the
audience. One of the pleasing features of
the program waa an original soloby Mrs.
M. Buresh, In which he welcomed Mr.
Rosewater home from Ms travels. - She re
sponded to an' encore by singing "Home
Again- jla JEmsUsh.J Tbihuth,-...OnuLha,
Bohemian quartet sang a folk song and was
forced to respond to an encore, as waa 8.
B. Letovaky, who gave a solo on tlje
cello. The singing society of Tel Jed
Sokol, consisting of a chorus of both male
and female voices, sang several selection
which brought out loud applause from tn
audience. The program closed with a selec.
tlon by the orchestra.
The formal part of the meeting waa pre
sided over by V. Buresh.
A number of prominent Bohemians from
out of the city were present, among them
being F. J. Sadllek of Wllber, register of
deeds of Saline county; J. J. Langer, former
consul at Sollnger, Germany, and F. J.
Fltle of the land commissioner's office at
Endorsed by Bohemians.
Mr. Rosewater's candidacy for the United
States aenate waa given a rousing endorse
ment by Bohemlsn citlxens at a meeting of
the Bohemian Independent club at Metz
hall yesterday afternoon. The following
resolutions. Introduced by F. W. Banv
hauer, were passed by a standing vote:
In view of tne fact that at the next ses
sion of the legislature a member of the
United States senate Is to be elected, and
aa our fellow countryman, Edward Rose-
water, has consented to become a candl
date for this exalted office, be It
Resolved. That this club endorse the can
didacy of Mr. Rosewater for said office.
and further, that the members are hereby
requested to co-operate among their friends
for the purpose or obtaining the nomlna
tion of this candidate by voting at the ext
primary election, Tuesday. July 3. tot the
delegation that is ravorable to said candl
Determined to atop the Premature
Nolsemnklna; Incident to
the Fourth.
Persons violating the law by prematurely
celebrating the Fourth In the city of Omaha
will find themselves behind the bar of the
city Jail If they do not desist.
The police have started after this class
of lawbreakers In deadly earnest. The
order has gone forth that the ordinances
must be enforced, and this has been re
peated to each patrolman anil plain clothes
man with the "must" In big "caps." Ac
cordingly, an arrest was made Sunday
evening under the order, the flrit one for
the season. Charles Heede. colored.
North Eleventh Htreet, set off a nilinber of
fire crarkers of wonderful noise-producing
properties, and Emergency Officer Heil
promptly arrested lilm.
The police wish It to be thoroughly known
that there Is to be no fooling this year
thnl shooting of any kind whatsoever will
not be tolerated except during the hours
designated by the council incident to July
No excuses will go arrests will
be made in every Instance. This determina-
tlon on the part ot ine poiire win probably
pe me mruim 01 vvuminn utuny uurnn ana i
bruise and much pain and suffering and ! The America left Marseilles June 3 and
it also may deprive some of their freedom j (St. Michaels Jure 11, Hnd should have ar
during the celebration period. j ijved at New York about June Zl. The
" -- agents of the Fabre line say It niny have
BEVERIDGE GETS THE PEN ' bn W b' damage to lis machinery.
, I compelling It to go at reduced speed, or
President lends Complimentary
Letter of Transmittal , to
Indiana Senator.
WASHINGTON. July 1 President Roose
velt ha ent the following letter to Senator
Beveridge of Indiana, dated yesterday:
I send you herewith the pen with which
I signed the agricultural bill, containing
the meat Inspection clause. You were the
man who first called my sttentinn to the
abuses in the packing houses. You were
the legislator who drafted the bill which
In Its substance now appears In the amend
ment to the agricultural hill and which
will enable us to put a complete stop to
the wrongdoing complained of. The pen Is
worth nothing in Itself, but I am glad to
send It to you a the expression of my
acknowledgment ot your aervlcea.
Showers and Cooler Monday. Tues
day Fnlr nnd Warmer In West Portion.
Tempers tnre nt Omaha Yesterday i
Ho nr.
1 P.
2 P.
S p.
4 p.
R p.
(I p.
T p.
St p.
II p.
A a. m.
a. m.
T a. m .
a. m
n. m .
in a. m .
11 n. m.
13 m.. . .
Pollcemnn Fntnlly Hurt. One t Itlsen
Dead nnd Posse Pnrsnes
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. July l.-A man. to
escape arrcM, today killed Ren.lnmln
I-derie, wounded Police Sergeant Fehr.
probably fatally, stole a horse and buggy
and Med. with hundreds of citlxens, led
by Mayor Devrreaux, and guided by blood
hounds on his troll.
8crgcant Fehr today was Informed by
telephone that a man '-rying to sell a
bicycle, evidently stolen, at a pawn shop.
Fehr went to the shop and arrested the
man. The man quickly drew an iron bar
from a pocket and foiled Fehr and fle1,
taking the officer's revolver. I.eilerlr. see
ing the assault, chafed the thug up an slh'y.
Being cornered, the thug turned nnd shot
Ledorte dead. Re-entering the street, the
murderer untied a horse from a hitching
post. Jumped into the buggy and drove
rapidly out of town, standing off all pur
suers with the sergeant's revolver.
Mayor Devereaux, hearing of the affair,
headed a quickly formed troop of pursuers.
SPRINGFIELD. 111., July 2.-At an
early hour this morning a posse of
citizens and officers still surrounded the
tlmberland on South Fork river In which
the murderer, who Is supposed to be Joe
Perry of Indian Territory, Is In hiding. He
was pursued for twenty miles before tak
ing to the timber.
One Miner Killed nnd n bomber of
Miners nnd Rnnrds Are
WHEELING, W. Va., July 1. The Brad
ley mine of the T'nlted States Coal com
pany was the scene of a riot this afternoon
In which one miner wits killed and a num
ber wounded as well as several guards.
6herlff Voorhees of Jefferson county, Ohio,
was on tho scene tonight Investigating
the trouble. The women of the town fled
to Smlthfleld, where they were given shellter
In the town hall, as more trouble was ex
pected. Frank Hicks, nn English miner,
who lives In Smlthlii ld, stated this evening
that one miner, a foreigner, was Instantly
killed from a shot by a guard and that
five miners were badly wounded and that
there were probably more wounded, but
they could not be found. He said that
he was reliably Informed that eight guards
were wounded, but how seriously he could
not learn.
The trouble. Hicks said, wa started by
the guards who, he. claimed, were drink
ing.' Hick said the guard shot Into tha
houses . and the. women secured their chil
dren and fled to Smlthfleld.' Hundreds of
shots were fired. The trouble ocurred when
all the miner's officials were away spending
Sunday at their homes, but they will be on
the sceno totnorow morning.
I, Id on Tight on Both Kansas and
Klssonrl Side of the
Line. v
KANSAS CITY. July 1. For the first
time in their existence, perhaps, all sa
loons In both the Kansas Cltys were closed
tight today. On the Missouri side It was
the usual Sunday closing that has been
carried on for months past by order, of
Governor Folk. On the Kansas side, where
the prohibition law has been openly vlo
lated for years, the closing was the re
suit of Governor Hoch's campaign to stop
the sale of liquor not only on the Sabbath
but on every other day In the week. Since
the Sunday closing order has been in ef
fect on the Missouri side 30.000 have weekly
gone to the Kansas side for relief, but
today none was Ip sight. The lid was not
only on In Kansas, but It was padlocked.
In Kansas, In order to emphasize his earn
estness In the matter, Assistant Attorney
General Trlckett had padlocks placed on
the doors of all Joint.
establishment of n Central Oraanlsa-
tlon One of Matters to lie
INDIANAPOLIS, July l.-The annual
meeting of the central conference of
American rabbis was opened today In the
Hebrew Reformed temple of this city.
Rabbi Joseph R, Stolz of Chicago prelded.
The convention sermon was delivered by
Rabbi Samuel Schllman of New York.
A meeting of the executive board of the
conference was held this afternoon and all
arrangements made for the business ses
sions, which will continue until Thursday.
Many Important matters will be considered.
The establishment of a general synod of
all Jewish ministers In the United States
and Canada will lie discussed and perhaps
acted ujon. A committee appointed by the
last national meeting to consider this sub.
I Ject will make Its report this week.
Other matters to come up are points of
doctrinal interest to the rabble and the
Sunday question.
Steamship I Overdue.
ROME. July 1 All Inquiries by govrrn-
m,nt officials and- officers of the Fabre
: steamship company relative to tlie steamer
America of the Fabre i ne. now more than
week overdue at New Y'ork. hnve been
fruitless. It has been ascertained that the
; America had thirty Italians on board.
that It may havetaken a disabled vessel
In tow.
Movements of Ocean Vessels July I.
At I Jvernool Arrived : Campania, from
New York: Empress of India, from Quebec; j
Sylvanla, from Boston; Canada, from Mont- ,
real. Canadian, from Roston. Sailed: Ho-
hemlan, for Hoston and passed Fastnet.
July 1 i
At Movllle Arrived: I-aurentlen, from I
Boston for Ulusijow land proceeded.)
At Queenstown Sailed . I nibrl.i, from
New York. j
At Plymouth Arrived: Oceana, from
New York for Hamburg (and proceded i
At Ijndon Sailed: Mesalia. for N-w I
York and passed Llsard: Mount Royal, for
At Southampton Bailed: Barbarossa
(or New York.
Twenty-Three Americans Killed by Acci
dent to Train hear Lcmion.
Number of Others Are Seriously Injured
and Are in the Hospital.
Engine Jumps the Track Just Before
lassiDtr Onto a Entice.
Accident Hnppena at Salisbury,
Town l.labt .lilies from Irftmlon
Injured Kccrlvlna Rest
of Attenlion.
SALISBURY. England. July 1.-Driving
at a mad pnee hut the London South
western railway, tin- American Hue ex
press, iHrryliiK foit -three of the steamer
New Yolks pd!enfc;ers from Plynioulli lo
Ixndon, plunged from the track Just alter
rusHing the station here ut l;f? o'clock this
morning itml mangWd to death in its
wreckage twent) -three passengers, who
Hailid from .New York on June ZS, ami foi.r
of the trainmen. Besides those to whom
death came speedily a dozen persons wero
Injured, some of them seriously.
List ot Dead.
Following is the list of the first cahm
passengers dead:
WALTKH HA R WICK, Toronto. Ont.
LOI IS CAKtOMt. Trumbull, Conn.
KhdJl-.KlC Iv itr..NK lOSsu 1'. New
MRS. C. W. ELPH1CKE, Chicago.
IM'DLEY 1'. IIAKKI.NU. ,lti West Nlnety-
fllili street. New York.
MRS. L. N. Ill H'lH'Ul'K. 216 Central
Park, West, New York.
Thirty-llrsl street. New Ymk. i
KKV. K. 1,. K 1 Ml, Toronto, ont.
FRANK W. KiMil. Allciilown, Va.
JOHN K. M l x N A 1.1 . New ork.
C. F. M MWEK1N, New York.
( '. A. I" ' , 't 'lento.
AuUi. a.. .iK.N I I., .sew lolK.
MISS BLANCHE bt-lN'i'KLL. New York.
MRS. WALTER W. SMITH, Dayton, u.
(itilAKl) SMITH. Dayton, O.
avenue, New lurk.
ITie fcllowing second cabin passengers
are dead :
LOUIS GOEPPINGER, address unobtain
Jl'LES KEELKTt, address unontainanie.
WILLIAM THOMPSON, address unob
tainable, Tiie following are the first cabin passen
gers Injured:
G. V. Allen. New York; Robert 8. Crlt
chell. Chicago; Miss I. S. Crlswold, address
unobtainable; Miss M. Hitchcock, New
York; Mrs. Koch, Alletitown, Pa.; Mis
Anna E. Koch. Alletitown, Fa.
The following second cabin passenger
was Injured:
Miss Rash, address unobtainable.
The late hour of the New York'a arrival
at Plymouth saved many lives. It carried
more than sixty traveler for London, but
,niany pf Hiemelected to travel on comfort- ,
ably to Southampton in preicrnneu iu ioe
late landing at Plymouth and the long night
ride across tho country. If the New Yoik
had made a faster passage tho sombre
roster of the dead and Injured would have
been longer. The big American line
steamer reached Plymouth at 9;So o'cirti k
Saturday night and half nn hour later
there was a tender alongside to receive
passengers for England. Several who Irtd
planned to debark and hnd packed their
baggage decided at the last moment to
remain aboard. It was a fateful decision,
though not dictated by any fear. The run
across tho Atlantic had been pleasant.
There were cheery pnrtliigs when the pas
sengers for Imdon transferred to the war
ing tender, whirh steamed for the Devon
port landing, where the cxprean was lying
made up.
The train consisted of a powerful express
engine, three first-class corridor carriages
and one combination guard's van and
buffet. The passenger were soon entrained
and at 11:30 the express pulled out. It was
given a ch'ar track on the run of 230 mile
to Indon, on which the express generally
maintains an average speed of a mile a
Jo in pa Track nt Curve.
Driver Robins quickly gave the engine It
head and the special was aoon speeding
swiftly through the night. It ran on surely
and without incident until it entered the
lr.nir railway vnrd at Salisbury, when the
passengers noted that the coaches began
I swaying from side to side. Suddenly at
I the end of the long platform, when thu
I track begins to curve towards the bridg.i
i spanning Flsherton street, the main avi nuu
j of the city, the engine seemed fairly to leap
i from the truck. It Hwuiiit aeroas the
j adjng trac k wit h terrific, force Hnd de-
stroyed the guards van of a milk train
that was slowly steaming In t lie opposite
direction, killing a guard.- Lurching for
ward, the locomotive plunged against the
standards and the gliders of the bridge.
The bridge withstood lh Impact, and re
bounding the engine crushed Into another
engine standing on a sidlnR and overturned.
The wreckage of the two engines Inter
locked In a great broken inns of twlsteil
steel ami Iron Throughout the wild plung
ing of the engine. Driver lvdiiis, whether
alive of dead, remained in his cab, IIihiih
afterward his chaired body wa found
grilled over the firebox.
The first cai-ii shot over the engine and
careen d unwind until it was hurled
the parapet of tin loldge and smashed
Into fragments, killing or maiming aimoxt
every occupii nt . One intin was shot through
the window, cleared the p;ira. l and fell to
his death to the street below.
The second coach lurched forward and
r uled towards a star ihiihi'V traui and prai:
j tically destroyed it.-" -if li.-f.ue its wild flight
; ai etuP-d
The third coach d.iMe d fern. ml with the
j rest, left the rails an I
ncountt-red lonie
od . . :!.. J.
i obi ' ru l ion. nviirirind
The guards' win ard lni!it. th rearmost
'nr of the tinin. was h-'f l hy the courage
land qui. knej-s t Guard I :n ha i d.-en. With
the first si, o. k Ittch.i rd .'i J. imped fornard
land set the brakes aed j-;ivid bin. self and
j his comrades Tie- van -1" igln d fmuard,
I injuring some of Its iiceupi-tif h. but prac
tically maintaining its ;iui!ilrlurn.
Itellrf Comes (illicitly.
The surviving paei.neis and trainmen
describe the sound of the V4 I t ck UH like
the discbarge of a scri s of heavy guns
of varied calibre and w n. n the crashing of
the wreck w;ii i.:( thr- c.tmc MI o'
the Injured, t'rnl.h.g with uni
fe-ir a:.d .t : I i.e. u if Uvv IM. j i J
by tie shoe!..
Relief nil"- lU'ckty, I'm '.u'i 't x as 'in
hour before the la.-d ho ly wai ill i 4.. d from
the wreck. The polie--, attracted by tlir
noise, called anihol.'inc s ar.d sutgeons an 1
warned the hospital to prepare to rerftve
the Injured. 1h railway (u4 o.uKki