u TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 1, 190(1 4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET OattU Ehow Considerable Adftaoe for the &eck. HOGS MAKE A GOOD GAIN THIS WEEK All Kinds Sheep and Umbi Fillf Tnntf-Kltf Lower for Week, with Some Kinds Showlnf Lose of Fifty Cents. BOUTH OMAHA. June 30. 1906. Rerelpt hcie. Cat He,. Hogs. SI. eeo Official Monday 3,210 6,7id l.uH vmciai i uesduy 4,417 Official Wcd.nmday l,s4 Olllcial Thursday m. 3,474 Oh.cial Friday 2.16 11. 234 8.214 16.419 lbt 10, U j 615 2.9M 8.312 i.J-4 on.cUi toaturuay lyf Thi, week 15.217 63,927 10,;S0 Lai a I week It,a2ti ib,.15 5.i34 'lo uitka tfo .63 .8.1.4 Three weeks ago 17, 60; i8.4;a It us Four itKi au 18.7a 7i,182 14 rA Earui week last year 1S.4J4 71.14 19,1. J RECEIPTS TO DATE. The following table show, the receipt, ot itiie, nogs ana gneep at Bouui umanu . for in. year to date, compared with last Cattle 4 -im il m H,.,. , i M ci,,,. nT.il i.k.j. "eI 7oO,t64 i44.ili lU.ooJ CATTLE UL'UTATlUNb. I The foliuwmir ain ut.nw ma i.ru-.. naid for tne uiflercnl kind of cattle on me buuiii umana market: Uoud to choice corn-fed iter. lo.tuuu.iu air to goou com-ted steei. 4. i1t44u.11 Common in lair cum-fetl .teres.... .imh-.io Goou to niioico cows and beileis.. 4.uU44.7u Fan to gouo. cow. una lieueu Com. nun to lau' conn and neilei... 1 iotf ! Goou to cnolce atockers 42 leeuers. 3. oiy4.1i it an to uuO iLwkiktia .illu Uuucift. .it4 J Coiiimoii to stockeia 2 V4H.2 iuti, stags, etc a. ,141 4.I0 Veal calves 4.001446. 16 lo.tueYii.g table shows the !.. ut ttuga at auutii omana lor iliti iu)i iViai u, wliu coiiipaii.oua; Date. I IKfc lu6.ll4.lui. (1802. UW1.1IKW. June 16. Juui il. tune is. Juuo la. U liill -v. June Hi. June iu. t D7i 6 23 881 1 ' "I I I I i 3ui 4 K-i Va 7 M 6 ' , I iHhti I t W I III J 14 W W I t M 1 D 18, 1 6 W 7 4j, e J, 0 vo I I B loi 6 OtI 4 Ml I il 1 ! I 6 1U ui I 7 4J 5 H 4 M 1 ' i.wi a l.ti tt oil 6 Mi ii x juuo mi... 1 ( ay, a lui itMi t m 7 4S 1 1 it H Juue 24...I 1 6 a 6 1U a bii 7 6 6 W June 26... 1 Iai I 6 i6l 6 t 1 7 ottt wi a lo June inrjt, 6 28 I 70 7 &i a IU a HI June z... 4i,,( 5 5 11 hidi 1 m, 0 a 1 , a iu June 2s. ..1 44s 6 30i ft 111 7 oo 6 . 6 11 Juue 4oi b a I 6 wai 6 67 7 H -l June 3u... 1 k li 6 W 6 txt t 6 8l 6 XI b-inday. RANGE IN PRICES. Cue Us. Hogs. Omaha S2.Ov440.1ti Sii.4TVst4u.au Chlcao l:A&o.W 0.00 iuo.06 ivai.aua City a.vosvj.uU b.uo 4u.uiVi bi. iaUis XtAnt4u.fta ..10 iuu.au biuux tny .Wv-.40 ! 4iv.u6 The following shows receipts for eucu ruuntli this year: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. January til, owl lSl.i.ti feoiuary Mti8 u.iu 12. ,01 luarch tw.Ot 2,iv3 -u.,u.y April bi.oUO 2oa,4ttu leit.luu iViiy 81,sl a,uil sa,4,7 june ,bu4 304.UIU 4u,7e4 FRIDAY'S BHll'AlENTH. The following show, the number of car. of lockers and feeders snipped to the country and their points of deat. nation: CA'iTLK. Cars. Chas. Johner, Uumnp, ia. N. W Chas. Erne, Ella, la. I. C 1 J. U. Clarke, Pappilion, Neb. U. P 1 W. R. Reese, Murshalliown, la. N. W. ... 1 The offtulal number of car. ot slock brought lu today by tat 11 toad was: cattle, nogs. Horses. C, M. & St. P. Ry. 4 WabiUili Mo. P. Ry U. P. system C. &. N. W. (east) ... C 6t N. V. (west) C, Bt. P., M. & O. Ry. C, B. & g. (east) C, . a J. (west) .... C.. R. 1. (east) .... C. R. 1. P. (west) .... Illinois Central Chicago tit. Western ... 1 47 10 U i 4 128 Total receipts The disposition of the day', receipts wa as follows, each buyer purunaslng the num. per ut head indicated: Buyers. Oman Packing Co. .. Bwitt and Company .. cuuahy Packing Co. . Armour k Co Kenyon Packing Co. Holstead Packing Co. Oilier buyers Cattle. Hog.. 1,23s i,sa 3.&7 3,u41 '.61 20 Totals 23 l.-'3 CATTLE There were no cattle here of any consequence, the day's receipts being limited to two or three cars, whtuh were not enough to make any semblanoe of a market. The total receipts for the week show a small decrease a. compared witu last week and a heavy decrease a. com pared with previous week, during tne month. . , . , The market on fat cattle has been In very good condition this wettk a. viewed from a seller s standpoint. alue. were quoted higher eveiy day until Friday, wtin the trade active at the prevailing prices. On Friday tho advance came to a standstill, and while medium cattle retained the ad vance already made, medium grades were 111 spot. ItQluo lower. At the close of the wee it is sale to quote uwuuio ucei cattle fully 2uo higher and aoiue would Quote the advance mure than that. Me oium to common kinds have not shown us rruuh Improvement, but they, too, -are higher. Tne advance, so far a. can be do mlned, I. duo to improvement In the con suming demand, together with a falling off tn the receipts ot desirable killing grades at the different market centers. Cow. and heifer, participated In the ad vance to about the same extent a. beef steers, belr.g quoted higher every day until Friday, when tne upward movement came to a standstill. The fact is, packers at thi. point have been unable on many days to gst a. many good cows and heiiera an they would like- to kill out with tne num ber of steers tint are coming. Grass cows, owing to the scarcity of good kinds, showed considerable Improvement In prices, but shipper, will understand that they aie sure to be discriminated ug.tluM whenever tne more desirable kinds are in sufficient sup ply to till packers requirement. In other word., grass cows ut this season of the year can advance or decline 2ac before one hardly reulize. it, and in buying thai kind of stuff fur shipment great caution should be ufced. Only a few atocker. and feeders arrived during the week and while there was no great demand tre few to be had sold to pretty good adv mage, the general rains in the country a. w a.e improved condition of me beef maik..t giving buyers encour agement. HOUS Seller, seemed to feel this morn" Ing that they were entitled to a little mon money for their hogs itun yesteiuay and started out generally trying for an auvance. 'In fuct ti.at it wan a Siturd-iy was so much against them tnat Instead ot securing stronger prices the market proved lo be If anything a little easier. Snippers would pay u.471s for the kind of hos that they couid use or were wanting, borne of too packer, were also paying that price for a few of the be.t that j'-is happened to .ult them, but the general run of the hogs had to .ell very largely at W 16 and It win hard work to get any more than that. One very good load of hog. .old up lo $tf.K. which wa. 2Wo higher than anything brought yesterday and the highest pneu paid this year. The trsde as a rule was slow and the forenoon was well advancud before a clearance was effected. The avei ge of all the sale, wa slightly less than yesterday, when the bulk sold at $n 4iyi 50. The receipts of hogs thi. week have shown a heavy decrease as compared with lost week and a year ago. Under the influ ence of the more moderate receipt, and the very good buying demand, prices giaduaily tended upward, there being more or less gain every day until today. The weca closes with the market Just about Uo higher than It wa. on last (Saturday. VVnile the highest price of the yen wus maJa today, the average market 1. still 6c lowei than It was Ap.il 17 and IS, when tho aver age prices paid for all the hogs at this pjii t was M 61. Tne total receipt, of hogs at this point for June break all previous records, be the market Rspreaentatlve sales: No. A. sk. Pr. No. At. In. Pr. It 114 ... 194 93 1'l 44 4 46 IT M4 14 4 r 84 13 ... 4714 T7 114 44 4 41 61 irt ... 4 47 45 tee iw li:a 4 2U as 4 4T 11 Ill 144 44 il 1.1 44 I 47 41 8.14 44 I 4i 78 131 40 47 44 lot ... 4 48 44 lot) 44 4 41 44 14 IM I a TI 140 44 4 47-, 7 114 ... Ill 4. 104 to 4 47 4 Ill 40 6 44 47 240 SO 4 41 14 134 ... 4 48 44 fc7 140 4 47 14 US 114) I 44 10 Ill 144 4 41 41 48 4 44 41 141 ... 4 41 II ti i I 44 14 M U 4 41 o m ... M 11 im u It II IM I U '5 I:i io t ti 1" til 12) 4 44 78 14 1W 4 4.1 74 liT H III i u4 no i ( IJ1 .tl I 48 7 IM 404 I 41 45 Jll 124 IS n 126 14 I 44 m to i is T7 141 N IHH tn Ill ... I 47 1, 46 t0 120 4 471 7 T ....... IE.I 140 4 41-4 If Ill 40 I 4714 74. 14 ... 41 41 214 40 4 47 V, 47 n 144 4 47 ::i at 1 47 17... 211 ... 4 47 II 1j0 40 I 47 17 IM J"0 47 11 146 SIM 4 47 64 171 ... 4 47 14 174 HO 4 47 74 If,l 114 I 47 74 16 40 I 47 4 11 177 ... 1 47 70 H 140 I 47 II I!i4 140 4 17 15 -1ST 40 4 47 71 8M 44 4 47 10 121 ... 4 47 44 2 4 40 4 47 77 115 41) 4 47 H 141 110 4 47 44 it ... I 60 44 !) 40 4 60 71 lit ... I 60 (I !) 10 I 66 67 2J 120 6 61 CO 114 lfu I fl6 68 261 10 I 66 71 2f,4 80 4 5 44 MS ... 4 66 45 167 ... 4 4 2 1 1 40 I 44 .11 14 I 48 .141 44 4 48 . 141 t'") 4 46 . .I'1 144 I 46 .121 ... 4 45 ..17 144 4 44 .121 114 4 41 HT J'H 4 4S .t'.l 400 I 45 73 191 ict I 46 75 121 110 4 46 6 Sl4 40 4 46 7 2.-4 100 4 45 l'O 40 I 46 71 214 100 4 45 f 2SJ 160 4 48 64 14 ... I 46 10 I I 40 4 4f I"7 40 I 45 64 H4 ... 4 45 61 t 80 4 46 tl 140 I 46 82 121 140 I 44 BOAR. 1 414 ... 4 00 STAG. 1 620 40 00 SHEEP The market was bare of fresh receipts of sheep ami lambs this momma. and It was Just as well, as the demand j.j n . aun.J- ... v ' hricU .trinir 2fVnVnp-.rh.t.p whTcheoM too llteye". tTla)' t0 bs r"l'"rtfl brought $5.50. ..Durln. ,h0 ". th.ee day. of the week no "'"'Ket on sheep and laratin was in Vlr.. satisfactory condition, the hlirh nrlcM high prices ruling during the previous week being fully I maintained. It had been apparent for ev- cr" al. that the market at this point ws. becoming top heavy. The light re celpts had caused a steady advance in price, unt.l a point had been reached that was so far above eastern markets that packer, could not longer afford to take the stuff. As an example of the kind of prices putd at this nulnt It mittit ho mlilci that when ewes were selling here at Jtf.uu'u 4 15 Chicago quoted choice ewes sorted for export selling at 5 .60. while ut Buffalo the murKet wan still lower. Operators on this market were expecting a break in prices most any day, and it ourne Thursday, the market going still lower Friday. At the close of the week It Is safe to say that there Is practically nothing in the way of sheep or lambs that Is not at least 25o lower than the high point the Ilrst of the week, while In a good many cases the mar ket Is fully 50c lower. Some spring lambs sold a. high as JS.25, consequent upon the demand for choice .tuff Just previous to the holiday July 4, but the feeling is that they have been selling very high and that anything like a decent run of thnt kind of stuff next week would sell at a much lower range of prices. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice eprlng Ittmb. I7.2Ssi8.Oi; good to choice we-t-ern shorn inmbs, d.7:ir7.25; fair to good shorn lambs, Id.OMiti.-S; cull lambs, H.oO-tf 6.o; good to choice yearlings, Ju.75'&6.25; fair to good yearling, $6.60416.76; good to choice wethers, $a.5O'i6.00; fair to good wethers, $6 2&476.5O; good to choice ewes, o.2iiruS. ,6; fair to good ewes, ti 60B5. 25. Quotations for range stock: Good to choice yearlings, $S.Vipy.2; good to choice wether., to . 50 u 6 . 73 ; ewes, ti.iifcG.SO. Representative sales: INO Av. . KS . 93 . Ill Pr. 3 60 4 26 E 60 6 Wyoming bucks 60 Wyoming yearling culls.. 6k Wyoming wether. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Rest Hogs Strong, Others Weak Sheep Weak. CHICAGO. June 20.-CA 1'TL.E Receipts, 600 head, market steady; beeves, 14.0o0'ij.iiu; cows and heifers, $l.;r,'U6.ie; stockera and feeders, $L'.7iky4.ti6; calves, $6 00416.26. HOGS- Receipts, 11,0)0 lund. estimated Monday, 46.UUO head; be.t strong; others weak; mixed and butchers, $i.45(ai .82; good heavy, $6.70'y886; rough heavy, pi.ljin, b.50; light, $6. 46.80; pigs, $5.664f'6.46; bulk of sales. C.70iJ 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt., 3,000 head; market weak; sheep, $3.40igj.26: yearling., $8.00qr7.00: lambs, $u.2Tt7.76. Kansas City 1.1 re Stock Market. KANSAS CITX, June $0. CATTLE Receipts 1,000 rTead, including no south erns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.406.00; fair to good, $4.25(6.80; western fed steers, $3.20 4l6.85; stockers and feeders, $2.76(t 4.6 J; southern steers, $3.006.00; southern cows, $2.26 0 3.60; native cows, $2.008 4 60; na tive heifers. $ 3. 25 6.30; bulls, $2.60(4.00; elves, $2,504 6.60. Receipts for the week 40.800 head. HOOS Receipts 1,600 head; market' strong; top, $6.67 ft 1 bulk of .ale., $S 60d 6.(6: heavy, $6.65(6.67 Vs 1 packer., $6.30 06.67H; pig. and lights, $5,7616.65. X ceipt. for the week 63,100 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 600 head; market steady; iambs, $6.00(81 8.00; fed sheep and yearlings, $6.00(tJ6.50; Texas and Arizona clipped yearlings, J6.0oSf7.0o; Texas and Arizona clipped sheep, $.00g) 6.50; Texas goats, $3.26 8.76; Blockers and feeders, $3.26 6.00. St. Louts Lire Btook Market. BT. LOUIS, Mo., June 30. CATTLE Re ceipt., 200 head. Including 175 Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, $4.6or(j6.85; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.71X1.26; steers under 1,000 pounds, $J.rxu'4.2o; stockers and feeders, $2.oOa-4 2j; cows and heifers, $'.!.0Gt.25; canners, $1.00 ru'iva; bulls, $2.404.00; calves, $3.uo86.00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.7&211.6o; cow. and heifers, $2.00-3. 60. HOGS Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $6.10(6.75; packers, $6.4011 C. 75; butcher, and best heavy, $6.63 63 SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.UO('aii.oy; lambs, $4.(KXi1.00; culls and bucks, $3.0041) 5.50; stockers, $3.106.20. St. Joseph Live Stock Markert. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 30. CATTLE Receipts, 38 head; market nominal; na tives, $4.2ooj6.75; cow. and heifer., $l.&0tgl.u0; lockers and feeders, $2.75J(4.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,181 head; market steady to a shade higher; light, $6,404(6 b; medium and heavy, $6. 66 'a 6. 70; bulk of salts, $5.D(u4J65. bllEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 413 head; market lSj'JOo lower; lambs, $7.80417.95. Sloas City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX C1TV, Jan. 30.-(&pecial Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpls, 2i0 head; mar ket steady, beeves. $4.uuii5.40; cows, bulls and mixed, $2,004(4.50; stocker. and feeder. J .fel.Jj; calves and yearlings, t4.ov4V4.lo. HoGS Receipt., 7.000 head; market about steady, selling at $6.3uUJii6; bulk of sales, $d.4uu6.45. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live Btock at the six principal western market, yesterday were a. follow.: Cattle. Hon Kh. ti ouuiu oinauii i.n Sioux City ioo Kansas City 1,10 St. Joseph , 88 St. Louis 2oo Chicago 600 C1A...W A. 1 . 1L. . . . 10.130 7,Oj0 S.0O0 6,181 2, ioo U.OoO ttOO 413 SoO 3.000 Total. 2.161 40 ,411 4,313 St. Louis Oeneral Market. ST. LOUIS, June 30. WHEAT Lower; No. 3 red, cash elevaior. 87c; track, old. tKt4c; new, 80c; July, 6,c; September. 78t,U Tsc; No. 2 hard, 7Dtj7(3c. CORN Firm; cash higher; No. 2 cah, Use; track, 3Sii ; July, 37c; September, 3o-uo; No. 2 white. 42HC. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.35 fe4 00; extra fancy and straight, $3.?uul-30; cki- 7 '3 2u. SEED Timothy. $3.0of7V&0. CORN MEAL Steady, $2.6. HHAN Uul.; sacked, east track, 80."d2c. HAY Steady; timothy, $12.5nu'17 .00; prai rie. $11 0O.&135O. IRON LO'l ION TIES $1.00. BAGGING (Sc. HEMP TWINE 7H PROVISIONS - Pork, higher; Jobbing. $'.6 77. Ijird. higher; prime steam, $1.50. Dry suit meat, (boxed), steady; extra .hort. tau; clear 1 lbs, $ ; short clears, 7. Bacon iboxedl, steady; extra short. $lo.2j; clear ribs. $10 37S; short clears. $10 624 POULTRV Weuk; choice chickens," c; springs. lac; tuxkeys, 11c; ducks, 8c; geese. 5c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 154jac; dairy. 141 !7e. ECClS-HIgher, KHo. rteceipts. Shipments Flour, bbl..... Wheat .bu.... Corn, bu Oats, bu T.OOO 000 4.000 23.0OU 45.000 J34 4o.um Dalnta Grata Market. DUl.UTH. June J1.-WI1E AT-To arrive ard on track: No. 1 n' rthern, 8Jc; No. 2 northern, ftvc; July, 82lc; Septemljer, blVo; ttecember. 80u. OATS To arrive, on track and July, JSc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Juno So.-M ETALS-Tradlng In the Ixindi n metal market was quiet and prices showed no quotable change. Spot tin 1. quoted at $:o? 6"Q 38 76. Cooper 1. more or less nominal, with lake q doted at $18.6i! 19 0t electrolytic. $18 2tVijl8 RV,: cast ing. $18 nl 25. Lead, quiet at $6.75. nd spelter at $6.0ojj 10. Iron, steady at the recent decline ST. IAH'IS. June $4 M ET ALS Ld, dull at te-tu. Spelter, $6.4";, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Liquidation Continue, and Price. Are foroed Still Lower. NEW LOW RECORDS FOR THE YEAR Appearance of Bank Statement Signal for Renewed Selling and Second, lamp Ensnea Slight Rally at (lot. NEW TOHK, June 30. The liquidation In securities wa. continued today with the result of forcing prices art 1 j 1 lower and adding to the number of slocks to make low recuids for the year. The liquidation was somewhat snottv and a few lnrli showed effect of good support. There is no borrowing of money on the stock exchange on Saturday so that the market was free from that influence, but the appearance of the bank statement wa. the signal for fresh .elling and a fall in prices to the lowest of the day. Only part of the ex pected gain In cash wa. reflected in the statement and a loan contraction of less than $1,U(0,UOO. following the severe liquida tion which has lieen going on In the stock market Increased the feeling of anxiety the apparent demand for credits, which keeps pace with every addition to banking resources and with every reduc tion of accommodations to speculative OOrrOWerS. 1 'nrovprwl thnrli ttH,m.-n.l on alert tendency to cover at all available uecunes ana tnis kept the tone of the mar ket unsettled and Irregular lietween the 1-erlndM of declines. The Inclination of the beara to cover was stimulated by the pros pect that Monday would find congres. ad journed. Some account was taken also of the prospect of securing gold In London for Im port to New York next week. While tho prevail, r.g level of exchange Is as low a. that during the last gold import movement It is rointed out that the banks admittedly count the previous gold engagements In their reserves as soon a. secured abroad, even before the secretary of the treasury allowed advance, of government deposits when gold was engaged. At the present time the banks are enjoined from adopting this measure. The banl.s have already re ceived an Injunction from the comptroller to restrict loans to Individuals to an amount within 10 per cent of their capital and sur plus and not to exceed In any event 3 per cent of the capital. This Is In accordance with the new law which extends the period of permissible loans beyond the old restric tion lo 10 per cent of capital, but the old restriction as ha. been in effect has been a dead letter for a long time and It 1. believed the Intended enforcement of the more liberal publication will necessitate some scaling down of present loan account, with individuals. The market closed slightly Irregular at a rally. Many promi nent stocks, however, show notable net losses on the day. Total .ales of bonds, par value, $796,000. The following are the quotation, on the StocK exchange: Bales. High. Low. Close. 140 84.(00 9714 45 St 44, 1,800 85 88 ', 1,100 llti 21 21 0 120 200 27 H 274 :7V 1.100 401 (sit, ga 18 38 i.800 44 45 H M! Ill 42.200 142', 1404 142 200 IMS 114 114 1,260 12tsa 129 124 40 111114 tg us 800 237 234 238 1.600 88i 4744 74i 100 t 9 800 136 134 W 13414 4,400 114 ut ;i4H 91 H,40 7844 '5 78 2,800 lkS 1(4 lb Ill 800 66 '4 KH s5Vi ' 800 16'4 14H 1444 1.800 1S84 m 194 14,800 17J i7o 170 11 80 100 41V4 12 11 i.200 4CN4 4414 16 H 100 13 Vt 434 83 7S4 47 100 13844 1384 138 200 1944 14 19 100 7714 '714 77 400 110 109 109 410 100 40 19 89 'i.'ioo ' '.7 "(ivi 87 11,(00 4014 40 40 200 77 77 77 700 69 '4 47 47 100 111 111 Hi 140 1.600 177 1754, 176 400 11 18 11 81 100 44 44 44 Adams Expreis Amalgamated Copper American C. at F Anur.can C. A y. vti American Cotton Oil Am. Cotton oil ptd American Elpreas American H. 4k L. pfd American Io, w urltlea.... American Linseed Oil Am. Unseed Oil pfd American Locomotive Am. Louomotlve pfd American 6. A R American 8. & R. cfd American Sugar Refining... Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchlsun Atchison pfd Atlantic, Coast Lin Ualtlmore St Ohio Baltimore & Ohio pfd Brooklyn Hapld Transit Canadian Paclno Central of New Jersey Chaaapeako 4V Ohio Chicago Oreat Weatt:rn Chicago Northwestern.... Chicago, Mil. & SI. e Chicago T. & T , Chicago T. 44 T. pfd. . .'."..'!! C, C. C. A Bt. Louis Colorado Fuel & iron Colorado t Southern Colorado 4V So. 1st pfd Colorado at So. Id ptd...... Consolidated Gas Coro Products Corn Products ptd Delaware, at Hudson Delaware, L. at w Penvtr & Rio Grande... . Denver at R. O. ptd Distillers" Securities Erlo Erie 1st pfd Erls Id pld Ueneral Electric , Hocking Valley, offered.... Illinois Central inuniational paper International Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Southern kanaas City Bo. pfd Louisville A Nathvllls Meiican Central Minneapolis A St. Louis.... M., St. P. & S. B. M M.. St. P. at 8. 8. M. pfd. Missouri Pacific Mlaaourl, Kanaas & Texas!! M.. K. T. pfd National Load National K. ft, of M. pfd." New York Central New York, O. Jb W Norfolk a Weatarn Norfolk & W. pfd North Amerloan Pacific Mali Pennsylvania People's Uaa " C, C. at It. L '." Pressed Steel Car... Pressed Steel Car pfd....!.. Pullman 1'alace Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading Zd pfd ,','!!,' Republlu Steel !!!!!! Republic Steal pfd Rock Island Co '. Kock Island Co. pfd ... t. L. & g. r. Id pfd....'.'. 8U Louis Southwtatorn St. Louis 8. W. pfd Southern Pacltlo 80. Pacific Dfd "" 42 24 48 24 SO 100 14 100 f,o 1,800 142 1,400 21 400 164 " 100 171 1,800 10 1.700 82 2.800 78 ' (00 87 6,7(0 131 1.100 47'4 1,800 87 14 (0 140 141 10 20 46 161 171 89 18 '72" 152 170 89 82 66 72 87 84 130 181 .47 47 si 87 40 92 t 126 89 80 100 It 800 31 .12 24 41,800 1J7 125 100 89 89 (00 46 44 47,200 122 120' 90 0 too 1.100 l.ft'iO 900 100 "ioo 11.700 18 94 234 14 41 'io 67 46 44 23 41 42 21 80 6b lltl U s 14 30 15 4 61 42 '(il" (6 Southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tennrasee C. & I Teaas A Paclne !,,! Toledo, St. L AW. T.. St. L. A W. pfd !! Uuloa Pacific I'ulon Pacific pfd tnlted States Eaprers. . ! ! . United States Realty United States Rubber I'. S. Rubber pld United Statea Stocl.... U. 8. Sloe! pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical ... Va. -Carolina Chcm. Dfd Wabash Wabaeb -pfd Welle-Tarso Expreas ..... Weallnghuuse Electric Wratern Union Wheeling at Lake Erie..., Wlaconaln Central Wla. Central pfd N irthern Pacific Central Leather ! Central Leather pfd Siona-Shcfneld Steel Ill tat Northern rfi4 . 10,500 14 31 94 99 100 700 ISO 150 ivo 81 31 44 62.400 142 141 14! 115 100 (2 Ilk) 45 200 107 64.400 14 44.100 100 200 19 82 107 3.(44 48 ' 35 414, 46 107 S3 .9 4 a., 106 19 44 27., 162 11 17 13 44 H4 193 35 loO 400 44 IOO 274 200 46 48 11,400 193 191 700 86 8J 90 69 l.4ou 212 1.5H1 37 64 17M 2e 1 u Int. rboroush Metropolitan 3i uivruirou8n Met. pfd 3(1 Toll aalaa for ths day. 447,000 shar.i. 1 400 74 74 Boston Stocks and nouda. cen?8' "-, -. Per closing on ..os 'an3 b,d,r t, ,U' U" Atchison adj. . 131 Adventure loOVAl'.oues . 77 ; Ait.algamated 17 j America. Zino ao 4a Mex. Central 4a.... Auhlaon do pfd Unetou A Main.. "Uoalon A Main.. Button Elt-vattd ... Fltchburg pfd .. 6 .. ..96 .. 9 .. 124. .. :7 . .63 .. 30 .. 69 .. 16 .. If .. 10 .. 17 ' lo-l. .. 41 24 .. 17 ..lot 44' .. 93 .. .. M .. 8 .. 84 ... 5. .. 1 ... i ,..144 "a Atlantic .146 Bingham .110 .lt.2 Cal. A Hecla.. Centeuulal .136 I upper Rang .. . Mexican Lentrwl 0Daly Weat S. Y.. N. H. A H.. lit franklin Union Pacific 142Oranby Amtr. Arg. Chem do pfd Amtr. Pneu. Tun.., Amtr. Sugar do pfd Amr. T A T Amer. Woolau do pfd , IVmlnlcn I. A 8... Edltoa Ela. lllu... Maaa. Electric do ptd Maas. Oaa lolled 4n.lt United 8hue Mach.. do pfd North Butte L. s. SimI do pfd Wting. common . Asked, "liid. . il llal Royal . IS 'Maes Mining . 17 Michigan 1?9 "Mohawk .111 Mont C. A C... .134 Old Dominion . 82 Oaceol 10l Parrot 2ft tjulncy .141 bbarnon .... . llTimarack " . a Trinity . 61 I United Copper ,. 101 lU. 8. Mining .17 If 8. oil . 28V Utah . 8a i Victoria ! . 86 I Wlue.ua . 9i Wolverine .. 74 Clearing Hons Average.. NEW YORK, June SOt-The statement of th clearing house bank, for this week shows that the banks hold $12,0u5 750 over th. legal recjuliements. This Is an increase of l.lt2,K over lsst week. The statement follows: lsun. 1,U66.M4.M; decrease $;13 too. Deposits. $l.o49.6J7.0iO; Increase. $144 7tj Circulation. $48.342. ; decrease, $l 7..V Legal tenders 47,2,500; increase, 2 87sio' Specie, $li7,l!4.5i ; decrease. l C4 ti ,' serve. $-74.480.i; Increas. tl.l7kf4i' u.. j serve 1-etiuUed, $26J,li4,2iw, increase. $36,176. Surplus, $U.066,7ryi; Increase, $1,142,826. Ex Uniled States deposits, $16,8a6,CU; Increnae, tl.ol.67. Sere- fork Money Market. NEW YORK, June 30. -MON EY-On call, nominal; no loans. Tune loans, linn and dull; 60 and days, 4&5 per cent; C months, 6i(.H per cent. Piviaiiu tunatcAtN 11L.E PAI'EH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steadier St $4.44.044. 84,5 for demand and at 14 M''dt S3 for sixty day bills, posted rates, $4 4j and $4 so, couiinerclul bins, )4 8H4 4.82. SILVER Bar, b6c; Mexican dollars, 6vHc. RoNDS Government steady; railroad. Ir regular. quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: V. 8. ref 2s. reg 103 Japan ta Id aeries ... do coupon 104 1 do 4s ctfs 44 U. S. Is. reg 103 do 4a ctfs 44 do coupon 104! do 2d series 98 L S. o.u 4s. reg 1'- I. St K. unl. 4s 104 do coupon 103 Man. c. g 4a Ml L S. new 4s, reg..l- Mex. Central 4s do coupon 1.'9 ilo 1st Inc 18 Am. Tobacco 4s X 'Minn. St. L. 4s... 46 do 6a : Ill M . K. Ik T. 4s 94 Atchison gen. 4s 101 do 20 49 do adj. 4a 94 "N. U. R. of M. 0 4a 44 100 N. V. C. g. ls 9S 103 N. I C. g. (s 12,' Allantlc C. L. 4a. Hal. at Ohio 4a.... da ls Brk. R. T. 0. 4. .. Central of Oa. 6a. do lat Inc do 2d Inc do 3d Inc Chea. at Ohio 4a Chicago A A. la. C, H. at d. a. 4a. C, R. 1. 44 P. 4s. do col. (a Mt ino. t'acinc as.. lot, 744 100 44 102 .. 96V i do 3s ..112 N. A W. c. 4a.... ..97 O. a. U rfdg. 4a. .. 19 Penn. ronv. 8a.. .. 8 Heading gan. 4a.. ..107 St. L. A 1. M. c. (a.. 114 .. 79. St. L. A 8. K. fg. 4s. 46 .. 48 ot L. S. W. e. 4a... 77 .. la IBeaboard A. L. 4s 87 .. 0 80. rai iBu 4a 92 1. .1021 do lat 4s ctfs 97 (A C. 4 81. L I Colo. Ind. 6a, aer. A. 76 180 Hallway 6a 118 up series jo iD-ts t ease At r. la 114 Colorado Mid. 4s ',6 IT.. St. L. A W. 4a. (1 Colo. A So. 4s Cuba 6a D A R. O. 4a Distillers' Sec. (s. Erie p. I. 4s do gen. 4s Hocking Val. 4a Japan 4s 'tillered. ... 93 lnlon Pacific 4a ...106 it. 8. Blcel 2d 6a... ...loo Wabash la . . . Sj i oo ueb. B ...101 Western Md. 4a. ... 43 W. A L. E. 4a ...l'jWla. Central 4a ... , 104 8 1.3, 61 do a. . Ji London Closing Stocks. LONDON, June 30. Closing quotations on the bluer, exchange were: Consuls, money 97 N. Y. Central 13914 no accuuul 87 Anaconda 12 Atchison il do pfd 104 Baltimore A Ohio. ... 113 t, Canadian Pacltlo ....164 ,k Chca. A Ohio (st, I h.cago Ot. W 17 C, M. A St. P 176- DeUeers 17 D. A H. U 48 do pfd 8 trie u do lat pfd 80' do 2d pfd 71 Illinois Central 184 Loulsvlll A Nash... 116 M., K. A T 83 Norfolk A W u do pld . inter. o A W 1'eunsyivania 'and Miuee .adlng Jo lat pfd do 2d ptd outheru Hallway do pfd tuiheru Pacific . atou Pacific do pfd . S. bteel Jo pfd abasit do pfd pan lab 4a .. 96 .. 4s .. 46 , a .. 42 .. 44 .. 4i .. 88 ..102 . . 68 ..146 .. 6s .. 84 ..104 .. lo .. 44 bibVbK-Har, stcey, 3u 3-lbd ner onnc MONEY-3((44 per cent, lite Kate u u.;.count in the open markst for short bills 1. 3V4 Per cent; for three months bills, 3 per cent. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, June 30. Closing quotations vti Miming iLocra veie; Adama Con :o Little Chief ... ... $ ...274 ...44 ... I ... 4 ...20 ..i 17 ... 80 ...174 Alice ..224 .. ao .. 44 .. 14 .. 40 ..183 ..400 .. 4 Ontario Ophlr lii eeus iirunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs. .. Horn Stiver iron silver Leadvilie Co. ... Ulieied. rtioenlx Potcal lavage alt-rra Nevada otuall Hopes ,. -landard Treasury Statement. "WASHINGTON, June 3o.-Today's autt'. ...en. mo neaaury oaninces in the gen erul fund, exclusive of the $100,000,000 gold r?-e.v!ei,-"howf: Available cash balance, lu,,iW,,i; gold coin and bullion. $92,436 384 gold certificates, $39,147,990. ' NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Uuotatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, June 30,-FLOUR-Re-celpts, 18,544 bbls.; exports, 11,08, bbls : .ales, 2,000 pkgs.; market dull but steady; Minnesota patents, $4.36(Jc4.65; Minnesota bakers , $3.464,3.86; winter patents, 4.0iKti ,30; wJ,no Vf11 W.9O&4.10; winter ex tras, $2.90U3.40; winter low grades, $3.8041 "y,e Romi 1u'et: fair to good, $3.46$ S.80; choice to fancy, $3.9o(4.15. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel-iZtU1-S6; 0oarS8. I1-1W8H.12; kiln dried, RYE-DulI; No. t western, 680, nominal, 1. o. b. New York. WHEAT-Receipts. 26,000 bu.; sales, 900, 000 bu. futures. Spot easy; No. 2 red 2o ?,or!llI,al'. - b" afloat: No. 1 northern Luluth, 9044c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No i nortnern, Manitoba, SIVio, nominal, f. o. ! b., afloat. Except for a slight rally after the opening with corn, the wheat market was generally weak all the forenoon on good weather, easy cables and liquidation. It closed H'tf'Ho net lower. July, 87(a877Ac. i Closed at &,'lc: Hvnlemhnr 7rf, ninJ at 8.74c; December, SiKSHc, closed at CuRN-Recelpts, 43,000 bu.; exports, 33, 82 bu.; sales. 66,000 bu. futures. Spot mar ket steady; No. 2, 60Hc, nominal, elevator, and 60c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 60HC, nominal; No. 2 white, 61o nominal. The option market opened steady and advanced on bull support, firm cables and room covering, last prices showing Htl'Vic net advance. July, 6Sft'j9c, closed at 6Wc; September, 68V4'y6jc, closed at (8'tc; December closed at 67c. OATS Receipts, 87,500 bu.; exports, BIO bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, 26 to 82 pounds, 43ii(44c; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds, 44(tj46c; clipped white, $8 to 40 pounds, 48&61C FEED Steady; spring bran, $19.25, first half July shipment; middlings, $19.76, first half July shipment; city, $21.i(r23.60. HAY Steady; .hipping, 664060; good to choice, 86ii6c. HOPS fateady; .tate, common to choice, 19o0 crop, KkHc; 1904 crop, nominal; old., nominal; Pacific coast, 1906 crop, ltXaioc; 19o4 crop, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lb.., 20c; California, a to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 19c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 20fiT274c. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; family $ll.o"Kii6 00; mess, $8 509.00: beef hams, $2(.644j'22.00; packet, $.fXK'fl'10.50; city, extra India mess, $16.60117.00. Cut meats, Arm; pickled bellies, ll'yloc; pickled shoulders, 8Sc; pickled hams, 12i(l-'c.. Lard, firm; western prime, $8.8oy8.90, nominal; refined, qu'et; continent, $9.20; South America, ,9 .6; ct.irpound, 67(jB7t:. Pork, firm; mess, $17.26'01".T5. 1 i. -ia ' Steady; city, 6c; country, 6 GO! Ic. i.iCE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, SvjC. R UTTER Steady ; western Imitation creamery extras, 19tjl9Vc; renovated, com mon to extra, Uii lsc ; western factory, common to ilrst, 12SJ16UC. CHEESE Sleudy ; New York state full creams, large fancy. He; New York full creams, fair to good, HVj (jvlOtc; New York full creams, sma.l fancy, 11c; New York full creams, fair ta gcod, 10 u 12c; New York full cieams, In ferior. 8Vfc.i9Vfcc; skims. 7 4jSV EGGS Steady ; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 23c; choice, 21'(722c; choice mixed, extra, 208 21c; western firsts, 1617c: western seconds, 16 016c; southerns, 14 'V I 5 'c. POULTRY Live nominally unchanged: dresstd sirarty; wertern spring chicken., 17 U21c; turkey., 1Ku13c; fowls, 11'aHc. Mlnueaiiolts Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 30. FLOUR First patents, $4.35fi4 46; second patents, $1.21'( 4 in; first clears, $3.i('u3oo; second clears, $!. 'a J 65. URAN-In bulk, $16.2b'!lB.60. iuper.or i.otiin 01 oaa. quotations for Mlnneupclls and Chicago delivery. 1 hs range of prices, as repor'ed by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. I Open.i Hlgh. Low. Close Tsy. Wheat I I I I July. Sept. Dec. 81H9SI .MM 8nVu1H H 81', 81VtC '. I at1 Flax- till T..I.. 1 lie I ...tl 1 leti! 1 1SH 1 1 12'-j 1 13 112 1 12', tfuijr...i ate I a - -a Sept... 1 II 1 13i 1 li Oct.... 1 U4! 1 12VI 1 U Minneapolis Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, 83c; No. 1 northern. 82c; to arrive, 82Vc; No. 2 northern, 81c; to arrive, 81o; No. I northern, 794j'Soc; No. 1 durum, i'Sc; No. 2 durum, 70c. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 49c; No. 8, 4s'c. Oat: No t white, I7Vc; No. 2, 3;c. Barley: 39'aH8o. Rye: 664 6oaC. Flax: Cash, $1.09v,. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 30 BUTTER Unchanged; extra western creamery, 20Hc; extra nearby prints, 23a EGGS Steady; neurby fresh 18c at mark; western fresh, 18c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams choice, 11 44 11 We; New York full creams fair to good, lOVjwllc. Mllwaakeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June S. WHEAT -Steady; No. 1 northern, 85'Mo; No. 1 north tin. 84tus5c; September, Mc. RYE-tjteady; No. 1. 64'atiSo. PARLEY-Steady; No. 2. 56c; .arrrple. 41 tjifrfe CORN-Steady; No. t cajh. 52Vi)0ic; Sep tember, 52c asked. I (Ti iH"1 Fol f? I '1 Jfff 151 PER C LMIO. IWm Every tourist who ever traveled over the famous "Georgetown Loop" in Clear Creek county, Colorado, has heard the names of the following mines the big producer that, for four decades, have brought forth the yellow gold and the shimmering silver that have made this section far famed: The Terrible, the Centennial, the Mendota, the Snow Drift, the Silver Plume, the Griffith, the South American, the Pay Rock, the Fred Rogers, the Cashier, the Star of the West, the Scoot, the Polar Star Extension, the White, the Silver Glance and the. Clift, which produced from $125,000 to $8,000,000 each. Right in the midst of these, midway between the cities of Georgetown and Silver Plume, is the property of the Georgetown Loop Mining Company, owning 25 claims and a mill sight; in all, 108 acres. This property, on Clear Creek, with railway facilities, is being opened by a crosscut tunnel that will drain the property while developing it at depth. Assays, running from $17.50 to $105 a ton, prove that mineral is there and we know it is there in quantities. When you buy into Georgetown Loop, you connect with something worth your while. At 10 cents (par $1.00) this stock has no equal. Twenty-five cents is the next jump and then likely fifty cents. The property, the development, the mineraliza tion, the location, the management everything combines in re commending it. LET GEORGETOWN LOOP ANNEX A FEW DOLLARS TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT I GEORGETOWN LOOP MMM COMPANY 1 1047 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Steady at Times, bat Weakens, Closing Lower. GOVERNED BY SOUTHWEST CONDITIONS Corn Holds Very Firm, with Interest Centering: In July Lighter Move ment Next Week Predicted Oats Market Stubborn. OMAHA, June 80, 1906. While steadying at times, tne waeat market was wean, September closing 4fcU lower. The buying was cniefly to cover shorts. There wa. little in tne news to encourage taking the long side. The buns, ut course, aie banking ou some setback, in the nortnwest to give them a foothold. ur tne moment conditions in the out.i west governed. Reports indicate thai tut. yield is tuny up to expectations and the quuuty tine. Fair weather i. indicated through tne harvest district, and 11 tin. proves true Monday it will laeiiKialo cutting, tnie.hing and movement. South western miller, are .aiu o be unusuany inun.eient ". new crop n.lori. and ineie Is no export demand. A cao.e lroni Argentina on wneat say. seeding i. goi.. loi ward slowly; adverse conditions pitivaii wbt.-e .ted 1. aneaay sowu; piugtts is impaired by drouth. Corn wa. a very nrm market with inter est centering to some extent In the July. Country movemint Is ttght. propped are tor amalier receipt, next week and fair cash demand. Coupled with this are possibilities In the way of dry weather next month. data continue to be strong, stubborn market. The combination of a shortage In the oats and hay crops gives the specu lative position a bullish tone. Receipts arc moderate and cash demand continues goou. Primary wneat receipts were i9,UJ bushels an4 ai.inmenta kl.uuo bushels, aaainsl re- c-lpts lost year of 387.000 bushels and shlp rr.nt nf 244. uuO bushels. Com receipts we.e 682.OJ0 bushels and shipments 60,000 bushels, against receipts last year of ibJ.'Ajj nusneia and shipment, of iii.ud) bushels. Cleif ances were 64,000 bushels of wheat, U.txu bushel, of flour. 33,oou bushels of corn una Dio.ovJ bushels of oats. Llverpol closed V,(Sd lower on wheat and W'nd higher on corn. Teleram from Dentil, at Chicago to Von Dotn Grain company: Twenty-live thou sand bushels of No. 1 northern wlteat Jusl .old here at 2c over September to a miller. Looks like the break in wheal was over.'' Rruoml.all estimate, world's wheal ship met ts for Monday at 9.6O0.O0O bushels, against S.136.0UO bushels last week and 13. Io4,0o bu.hel. last year. Local rangt of options: Articles ! Opm. HIgh. Low. Close Tes'y. Wheat j July... 6ept... Corn July... Sept... Oats Sept... 75 Al 76 A :4SB:74Hii 474,11 A 8kd. B bid Omaha Cash Bales. CORN No. 1 white, 1 car, 48c; No. t, 1 car, 48c; 1 cor, 4740. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. I hard. 73fl76c; No t hard, 'ir373c; No. 4 hard, t2ti4kc; No. 2 spring, 73c, No. i spring, ebg'lc. CCRN-No. i, 48c; Na. 3. 47HS4c; No. 4. 46Vvii4.'Vc; No. 2 yellov.. 4-c; No. S yellow, 4,V4,4c; No. t white, 4834lc. OATS No. I mixed, bs,.;7c; No. t white. I74i;vc; No. 4 white, eVjWrtc; standard, 'kYE-No. I, BlVto; No. 3, 54T57c. v Carlot Keceipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 14 6t 1X4 Kansas City 57 $1 U MluiteapoUs & ... I r i i I 74A 74J T6A 74 74Al ToA I I 47V 474bi 47A. 47V4B 47,R 4 HI 47.A 47HA 1 1 35V4B, h!il JULY1 Seventeenth Street. DENVER, COLO. Omaha ... Duluth .. St. Louis 1 43 44 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of th Trading- and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 30. The continuance of excellent weather In tho .outhwest Induced free liquidation of wheat today and re.ultcd tn a weak market. At the close wheat for September delivery wa. off USHc Corn wa. up VtC. Oat. showed a loss of tic Provision, were from 5c to THc higher. The feature of the wheat market wa. the renewed liquidation of July holding, by discouraged longs. The weakness which followed the selling had a sympathetic effect on all other deliveries, the general market being quite weak. Support was also lacking, as tho majority of purchases were made by shorts. Good weather for harvesting was the principal cause for the selling pressure, although It was In some measure due to clearer weather In the northwest. Southwestern wheat markets were weak because of selling caused by the anticipation of an Increased movement from the winter wheat territory and this de pressed prices on the local market. Senti ment was bearish all day and the market closed weak, with price, near the lowest point. September opened a shade higher to HBc lower at 81M:Slic. "old off to BlHc and closed at SWc. Clearance, of wheat and flour were equal to 122,000 bu. Primary receipts were 390.000 bu.. ns against 867,000 for the corresponding day last year. Minne apolis. Duluth and Chlrago reported re celnts of 265 cars, as against 2u6 last week and 219 one year ago. Gencrnl ram. throughout the corn produc ing .tate. of the middle west caused free selling of com early In the day and resulted In moderate weakness. On the decline some of the leading cash house, bought Tuly and at the same time sold September. Thi. caused a rally In the July option and started active covering by short.. The result was a strong market during the last hour of trading. September opened un changed to c lower at eS'ifrdSMe. sold off to 52c and then advanced to tPC. The close was strong at 524c. Local receipts were 606 cars, with S44 of contract grade. The oat. market wag less active than for several days and the volume of business rnmnarntlve'v sma'l. Fsrlv In the session the market was influenced by the we-ikneso of wheat. b:it l"t"r the s'rneth of mm caused n steadier feo'l. -.rtemhr ortepe.i Hff!c lower at .W-'.4P6,c. srlvnnrerl to S7 snd cloned at 36-Hc Ixiral reeelpt. were 1'5 cnr. Provisions wrre nu'et and firm. Itocil packer, gave the market fair support and selling wus scattered. Small receipts of live hogs strengthened th market. At the close September pork was up 7'c at $16 75. lard was 5c higher at $'.t'7V and rib. were TVc higher at $9.37V.49 40. h-stiinated receipts for Monday: wneet, 14 cirs; corn, 675 car.; oats, 245 cars; hogs. 4G.OJ0 head. Tho lea J ng futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cb . Ycs'y Wheat I I I mm 82, B2T 37 37 I I I rr! 81 July !80Vr?1 Sept. 81V,! Dec. 824.1 82m i 62 Corn- I I 5?v. ?m 6262V41, 'SC'sM I July Sept. 62 624 62 89 84 37 Oats- July Kept. Dec. Pork Julv Sept. Lr.l July Sept. ( let. Sept. Oct. S''.S'' 3i', K 37V, V , I IB 75 17 Ot 18 7741 14 70 171, I 17 00 I IT no I 10 75 16 76 I 16 81 V 16 76 t 75 I II 8'Ji! 75 8 9". I 9 Oa i 8 95 8 T7' 9i ' 97V,! 9 08 I 8 9THI 100 I I ri' III 9 45 I Grt I 46 I 9 474jl 9 " 35 I 4 .'V,' I 35 I 9 40 I 9 ?2'4 UV,I 51 12'V 16 9 07 H No. t Ca.h quotation, werti a. follow.: FLOI'R Steady; winter patent.. $1 SfVfJ 4 00; w'nler .tralght.. 13 ft S 7c: sprlns pat- rnt, $3 7rft4nO: spring straight., $3 45tj3 8r; bs hers flaZl0. WHEAT No. 1 .prtng, 82(84c; No. t, 750 84c: No I red, 844.. rORN-No. t. Hc; No. 1 yellow, 5!t,fi64c OATS-No. 2. tt-mOi No. I white, ir-i2c, T) f"l "0) j iijtu) F. D. Day & Co. Stock. Grain. Provisions Ship Yoar Grain to I'.. Chicago and Minneapolis Delivery. One-eighth commission on Grain, one- quarter on Stocks. Prompt and careful attention given to outside accounts. Write HO-111 Hoard of Trad Uldg., OMAHA, NF. II. for our dally Market Letter, mailed free. Main omce, I.ontT Distance 'Phone, Douglas SS14, W. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investm ent Securities. Wa offer subject to sals UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK. 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1403 6 PER CENT BONDS 6 PER CENT of the SHERIDAN COAL CO. 8. BURNS. JR. Investment, sonrlti.s, STBW TOIX LITE 1LOO, S14 NEYADA MINING AND MARKET REVIEW The latest news from the greatest gold camps ever known. A postal will bring it free for three inontha with a copy ot Goldfleld's Golden Horseshoe. Inval uable to all Interested In Nevada mines D. MACKENZIE afe CO., Goldfleld, Nev. No. 3 white, Uic. RYE No. 2, fAiC. PARLEY Good feeding, WQASc; fair to choice malting, Wit'Mc. SLEDS No, 1 llax, $1.07,; No. 1 north we.lern, $1.11, Timothy, prime, $4.15. Clder, contract grade, $11.25. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loo.e), $9.419.50. Mess pork, per bbl., $16.75. Laru, per I") lb.., $8.M. Short clear tides tboxed), (9.75i&'9.87,. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Keceipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 16, 10 17.60C Wheat, bu 14,ou 9,tf0 Coin, bu Utj.W 7'i.:oC Oats, bu 214, h Rye, bu 1 0 Larley, bu 39,'jo I.SX On the Produce exchange today the but ter marktt was steady; creamery, lSljluc; dairies, 14j(JlSc. F.ggs, weaker; at mark, cases included. 1 2f(i 1 4 'c ; firsts, 14'e; pnmi lir.is, l'.c; extras, 18c. Cheese, steady, 10',, Si 11c. liAnsa. City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 30 . WHEAT July, 72o; September, i3c; December, 7lV--Lash No. 2 hard, 7te-u,,8c, No. 3, .277,. 7; nominal; No. t red, 7ic; N'o. 8, 73'uii'o. CORN July, 48Vc; Septttnber, 41c; rember, 4tc; Ca< No. 2 mixed, 4it-,j'8.iia' ; Ns. I, 49U41vaC; No. 2 white, 4'.Vu 49 tc; No. i. 4940. OA 1 8 No. 1 white, 3Mf40e; No, I mixed, $370. ilAV Slaody to lower; choice timothy, J13 6otYU0: choice prairie, Ilu.boyll.OO. RYR-Steady. Mfliiso. EGGS Steady; M.t.oui1 and Kansas new, No. J, whltewood caes inch ded, 14,cj case court. 14c; cas. s returned. V less. BUTTER Creaniery, jiev,c; parking. lJic. Rajoelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 67.000 ,(: Corn, bu 81.OU0 .' OaU, bu. ...r... 1IJ 4VoUl