Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas til
i 9 Saturday vvill be a day of exceptional value-giving in this main floor
department. Fine hand embroidered French mull Waist Patterns, pure linen hand embroid
ered Shirt Waist Fronts and embroidered linen Suitings, all go on sale at 8 o'clock Saturday
morning at one-half price. Be here early if you want best selection.
Fine Hand Embroidered French
Moll Waist Patterns at
One-half Price.
Saturday will b your opportunity te -esr
on of the dainty and moat hand
Sent pattern at the price of an ordinary
waist. Aa wa never carry over any of
fhs fine piece of art, tomorrow will ba
our loaa and your gain
All M0 hand embroidered mull waiat
pattern II 00 earh.
All II. "I hand embroidered mull walat
patterns II. II each.
All IT.ftO hand embroidered mull waiat
patterna II 10 earh.
All 17.71 hand embroidered mull walat
patterna P H each.
All 11.00 hand embroidered mull walt
patterna 14.00 each.
All 110.00 hand embroidered mull walat
patterna IS 00 each.
All III. 00 hand embroidered mull walat
patterna 11.00 each. '
All 111. 00 hand embroidered mull walat
patterna I". SO each.
Pare Linen Hand Embroidered
' Shirt Waist Fronts at
One-half Price.
. Saturday we will place on special sal
all ur flna Irish linen hand embroidered
thlrt walat fronta at half price. They are
all this aeaaon'a arooda; among them will
be found many choice patterna.
All II 00 hand embroidered ehlrt waut
fronta 11.10 each.
Ail hand embroidered ahlrt walat
fronts tl.ll each. ,
. AH fl.10 hand embroidered ahlrt walat
fronta 11.71 each.
All t. 00 hand embroidered ahlrt walat
fronta 11.10 each.
All 16.00 hand embroidered ablrt walit
front 11.00 each.
Embroidery Linen Suitings at
One-half Price.
. Saturday morning wa will place on spe
cial aala all of aur choice and beautiful
llnei suiting at one-half price. Some are
all .white, others have pretty colored
ftoral design.
All 7Bc embroidered linen suiting iTttoi
par yard.
AIT 4lc embroidered llnel aultlnga J2H
pef yard.
Main Floor.
$2.25, $2.00 and $1.75 Shirts at
$1.50 Each.
, Saturday will be a day of value giving
In the Shirt Section. An endless variety
f colore and patterna to chocs e from, coat
Styles, some have cuffs attached, others
detached, all alien. Saturday $1.50 each.
411 klnda of men's furnishings at popular
Mam Floor. J
i-a denounced by him aa "a transparent
piece of demogoguery." He considered It
an appeal rnworthy of oongreaa. He
Criticised the conference for so shaping the
provision snd waa sharply challenged by
Mr, Tillman when one of the sharpest con
flicts of the session occurred between the
two democratic leaders, standing elbow to
' The clash came when Mr. Tillman Inter
rupted Mr. Bailey.
' "An attorney exclualvely , In the employ
of a railroad might." aald Mr. Tillman,
''be' classed with the other employes, but
t;h attorney who. gets a paaa and does
nothing else but watch Juries, round up
conventions and do other little odd joba
Snd, never geta any compensation except
transportation for hlmaelf and hla family
is the man I am after. I do not know what
the senator thinks about It, but I think
that' class have got no business rldlng-on
the railroads at all, unless they pay for It,
any more than any other man.
; To this Mr. BaUey replied that ha did
not regard ' such men ss attorneys and
Mr. Tillman proceeded, aaklng "What about
the man who works with hla hands and the
man who works with hla brain, when the
man who works with hla brain only works
a little while and la a pettifogger, a tricks
ter and lobbylat? That," he added, "Is the
mkh we were after."
' Mr. Tillman gave evidence from the start
of considerable feeling and as he proceeded
his manner became more and more Intense,
until he fatrly shouted In Mr. Bailey's face
as the two men stood facing each other
and near enough each other to touch.
Mr. Bailey replied to the laat remarka
by Saying that auch a man as tha South
Carolina senator bad described ahould not
be given a paaa.
"We did the beat we could, replied Mr.
Tillman, at tha top of hla voice, "but there
sre so many lawyers here who stick It
out that there la no harm for lawyer to
get peases and that lawyers be excepted.'
By this time Mr. Bailey had become e
cited and he replied: "There are too many
demagogues who are always talking against
the lawyers "
He d'dr not get an opportunity to finish
the sentence for Mr. Tillman Interrupted,
saying: "If there are any 'wetaagoguet
here they must be lawyers, because the
members of this body are lawyers except
possibly half a doaen.''
, At thla Juncture the vice president found
mm Urt m m ansa aas.
isJmL aeUih,
I -""i.S?iIff i-
ilitnifl ON AND Off
ullllllll UKA00AT'
I III! Ilil " P0"
"mm (gurte
H IMS lie smbm Mi.J ' -
Great Half Price
Saturday NiKt Specials
The following specials go on talent 7:10 P. M.
Intercut to be hare oa time.
Great Special Sale of Lace Curtains Saturday Evening.
PreYloua aalee hare certainly convinced you that it pays to attend
these Saturday night Curtain Sales. In this sale we will sell cream
colored Lace Curtains, In beautiful new designs and absolutely perfect.
. 60 fine Lace Curtains at 11.23 a pair.
$2.75 fine Lace Curtains at $1.3 a pair.
IS. 00 fine Lace Curtains at $1.48 a pair.
$3.50 One Lace Curtains at 11.79 a pair.
$4.60 fine Lace Curtains at $2.23 a pair.
Drapery Department, Basement.
Linen Finished Shrunk Muslin, Gc Per Yard.
Saturday evening we will sell this popular white summer suiting,
,34 lnchen wide, absolutely perfect, at 6c a yard.
In Basement.
25c, 35c and 40c Ribbons at 15c Per Yard.
If you'll need ribbons for any purpose whatsoever between this
date and late summer buy them Saturday evening. The valuea offered
are of the very best. Fine taffeta ribbons In black and white checks,
pretty stripes, Persians and floral designs, can be used for hair ribbons,
' belts and girdles, regular 25c, 35c and 40c ribbons, Saturday evening
16c a yard.
Main Floor.
Men's 25c Half Hose, Wte Per Pair.
Saturday we will sell a line of regular 26c black Egyptian Cotton
Hose, made with double sole, toe and heel, nearly all sixes, at two pair
for 25c.
Ladies' 15c Vests, Three for 25c. -
Ladies' fine Swiss Cotton Vests, plain tape top, regular price 16c,
Saturday evening only 10c, or three for 25c.
Main Floor. . '
Special Sale of Women's Hose in Economy Basement.
Women's Blffck Cotton Hose, neatly embroidered In Colors, have
double soles, heels and toee. Special sale price Saturday evening 10c
a pair, or three pairs for 26c.
8peclal value In Lace Lisle Hose, black, brown or white, 25 a pair.
Great and Final Sale ofMillin
ery Saturday.
Hats that sold from ii.oo to n.oo
ON SALE AT toe EACH. Saturday will 1
be a good opportunity to aecure a fine hat J
at next to nothing In price. All the fine
women's and misses' hats left from our
buay aeaaon'a selling must go. In the lot
are fine hand aewad hata, blocked hate,
ehildren'a chipped atraws and panama
hats, both dark and light colors. Many of
the aeaaon'a moat desirable shapes to be ,
had. Valuea worth up to 11.00.
In Basement. ,
. Men's Underwear at Half
Saturday we will place on epeclal sale
two llnea of underwear from our regular
stock, one a plain blue balbrlggan, the
other a fine mercerised yarn, flesh color.
These garmente are made from fine yarns,
are - extra well finished, drawers have
Howard Corner
It necessary to Interfere end to Insist upon
the senators addressing the chair.
The Interruption gave Mr. Bailey an 'op
portunity to get his breath and when he
resumed he was quite calm.
Mr. Bailey ssM:
Bailey Defead Uwyers,
"The senator from South Carolina has
many admirable qualities, but he has got
some prejudices thst obscure his usual
fairness and his usual clearness. I do not
know what grude he has down In South
Carolina against tha lawyer. But what
he ought to do and nearly all he needa to
do to be one of the moat useful senators
of this body Is to get thst cobweb out of
his mind. He performs great aervlce, he
doea it fearlessly and he does It honestly,
snd the only thing that keeps him from
doing It wisely la now and then he yields
to this very kind of a prejudice. I have no
patience with It myself.
"I think a lawyer. If he Is a good one, is
as good a cltlsen aa lives beneath the flag."
Mr. Tillman replied, declaring his regard
for respectable members of that profession,
but adding, "I have a moat Infinite con
tempt for some of the breed I know."
He quoted Jesus' characterisation of
lawyer as "hypocrites," and said, "The
dirty creatures who run the political con
ventlons are the men whom he would shut
off from the paaa privilege."
The conference report waa adopted with
out division. This vote had the effect of
finally paaslng the bllL
The senate then adopted the Joint reao
ution fixing the time when the act shall
to Into effect two months after Its approval
oy the president.
Might Session at Beaat.
The senate tonight at 11:10 O'clock adopted
the conference report on the general de
ficiency appropriation bill.
At 11 o'clock Mr.' Scott presented a par-
tlal conference ?eport on the publlo building
bill. He said there were fourteen Items
of difference between the two house and
added that it would be Impossible to com
plete the work tonight.
On motion of Senator Penrose the senate
conferee were authorised v to add HOO.ouo
to the bill for a public building at Al
buquerque, N. M.
The senate, after a discussion without
action on the La Follette bill limiting train
men's required hours of labor to alxteen
consecutive hours, adjourned at 11. 5 p. m.
until 19 a. m. tomorrow.
At the outsat of tonight's session of the
senate Mr. LaFollette sought to aecure
a vote on his bill, but Senators Oslllnrer.
Carter, Foraker and McCumber urged de
lay. Mr. 1-s.Follett said that If the bill should
bo defeated he would show that the act
la In the face of the recommendations of
th Induatrlal commission, the Interstate
Commerce commission snd the president of
the United States. He alleged that the
president had today Commissioned him to
aay that It waa bis earnest hope that the
senate would take action on the bill.
Mr. LavFollette charged other senator
with preventing the consideration and
passage t Ma bill, and said they must
take the responsibility for future railroad
disasters due lo employes working over
time. Mr. Foraker moved to reoommit the bill
to the eommltU on Interstate ceramero.
and Mr. LaFollette moved to lay the motion
on th table. The motion was declared kL
Mr. LaFollett called for a division, and
padding th set tl era at of to snaltor tha
a A.t adjourned.
Sale in Linen
It will be to your
double gusset moat all slsea to be had,
sold all aeason at 10c, Saturday 25o each.
Grand Final Clearing Sale of '
This Season s Colored Dress
' Goods Remnants July 2.
We wieh to stats that every remnant to
be Sold during Monday's grand Cloarlng
sale represents tlie height of dress ele
gance. There is not, an old or shop-worn
piece In the lot. They cost you no mdre
than trashy or damaged lots that are her
alded aa great bargains'.
! See goods displayed In our Sixteenth St.
window, also Sunday! paper for details of
tXla clearing sale.
Real Irish Dimities.
The Ideal hot weather material for dainty
and washable dresses. " We are still show
ing a most beautiful line of Irish Dimities.
They are clean and crisp and perfect in
every way. The weaves sre In narrow
cords cluster stripes, little checks or larger
Sixteenth Street
Governor Cummins Has Not Tet Replied to
Letter of Bit Opponent.
Sanday Bar Goes Ip on Ofllelala, Mem
ber of Political Committee and
Delegations to Convention
Riding on Passes.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. la., June 2S (Specie I.)
George D. Perkins' letter addressed to
the other candidates for the republican
gubernatoral nomination urging harmony
In the republican party-In this state and
proposing to aubmlt the matter of con
tested delegatlona to a commission to be
aelected by the national republican com
mittee la attracting great attention. It
Is also meeting with favorable response
on the part of some of the candidates.
Captain F. 8. Rathbun of Marlon, on
of the leading candidates for governor,
mires his scceptance of the proposition as
MARION, la., June 2.-Hon. George D..
Perkins. Des Molnee. la.: Ycura received.
I am willing to do anything that will tend
to pteeerve the unity and integrity of
the republican party of Iowa.
(Signed) S. W. RATHBUN.
Thla prompt response on the part of
Captain Rathbun la In line with his well
known loyalty to tha republican party.
Oovernor Cummlna haa not yet replied
to the Perkins letter and It Is thought will
not for a few days. He may consult some
of his leaders before making an answer.
Antl-Pnee Uw Snndny. .
The antt-pass law In this state goes into
effect Sunday. Saturday, June 30, being
the' laat day on which a public official
can legally ride on a pasa. Railroada are
aendlng out to pereona who have previously
ridden on passes requests that they return
their passee, which the road promise to
renew if they are not- excluded by the
law. The law prohibits giving passes to
any publlo official, delegatea to party con
vention, members of political committees,
state or federal Jurors.
Mar Prohlhlt Taktag Ketes.
Th Insurance commission had no wit
nesses befor It today and spent th time
discussing th problem of whether or not
to prohibit Insurance companies taking
note In payment for Insurance premiums.
It waa maintained by Chairman Jamison
In the discussion that note are frequently
not paid, and thla cause .a los whlcB
must be born by th policyholder who
pay rash. .Representative Kendall aaeerted
that th number of note lost I o small
that they are not worth considering.
"There hss not been a Suit on a promissory
not in flv year In Monro county," said
Mr. Kendall, "and not a suit for fore
closure of a mortgage In ten year. Per
mission to give a note allow person to
get Insurance who could not otherwise and
la a bualnea proposition. Th losses) are
not worth considering" Representative
Clary agreed with Mr Kendall.
Headaarer Opened.
Th local committee on arrangement of
the national eacamproent of the Army of
th Philippine today opened headquarter
In th Commercial dub rooms) with Colonel
Bee, Jane !: 161.
crossbars, mostly white ground, with either
dots, flgurea oY floral designs. We
also have a good line of dark blue, cadet
blue, .light blue, pink and black back
grounds. With printed whttS figures. The
colors of the real Irish Dlmittee are better
than In any other fabric of Ita kind.
Prices. Ko and Aflc per yard-In Basement.
One Day Special in Muslin Un
derwear Department.
Kxtraordlnsry Value for Saturday only.
We have gathered til the odda and enda In
Lace and Embroidery-Trimmed Drawers,
estra well made, garments of very fine
quality; regular price, 11.60; Saturday, only
98e each.
One lot of Drawers with F.mbroidery
Edging and lace trimmed, ettra well made,
Saturday only S9c each-Second Floor.
Bolero Jackets.
See the handsome Bolero Jackets we are
showing at our I-ace Department at tl.TS,
: 13.00., ro.OO. U 00 and ITO.Oo each.' They
1 add style and elegance to an otherwise
plain costume Main Floor.
We are headquarters for thoroughly up-to-date
atylea In Veilings St sll times.
Plain and Dotted Veilings, In all desirable
shades to match your hat, ranging In price
from 25c to 11 so a yard.
Chfffon Veiling for auto use at SOc and
"Bo a yard.
Malines, all colors, ate a yard.
See our Novelty Made Veils; Mourning
Veils In a variety of styles-Main Floor.
Special Sale of Hosiery.
Saturday we will offer Special values In
our Ladles' Hosiery Department. Tou will
quickly recognise the values, for you have
bought these same numbers from us at
the full' price and considered them good
Values. Women's 50c Hose for 35c a pair.
Fine Black Bilk Lisle Hose, with white
heel and toe; Very elastic, double soles,,
heels and toes; regular too hose; Saturday,
tfo a pair. '
broidery and clocked, 11.35, 11.00 and lie
quality, 4Sc per pair Main Floor.
Ladies'. "Sterling" Union Suits
Half Price Saturday.
"Starling stands for tha best in Union
Suits. This popular make of Union Suit at
this pries should interest every woman In
Sterling Union Suits, a few odd slsea, in
fine lisle thresd, high neck, long sleeve,
snkle length,, or low neck, sleeveless, knee
length; regular price, 3.00; Ssturdsy, II. oO
a suit. -
50c Vests Saturday 35c Three
for $1.00.
Ladles' Fine Swiss Ribbed Oause Lisle
Vests, low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed
hand crochet; regular too quality; Saturday,
only or I for li.0-Maln Floor.
J. Viper, who commanded the Fifty
fir. wa In the Philippines, snd Major
Frank Lyman In charge.
Fnse nrnad Ont.
Bernard Emery; art "employs of the Edl
aon Light company waa badly burhod
about his hand snd for about fifteen or
twenty minutes ' msde perfectly blind by
a fuse burning' out on one of the switch
boards st the state house today. The bosrd
la located in the office of the clerk of the
supreme court room.. Emery was work
ing st the. board when a. connection was
made In soms way snd a flash followed,
badly burning his 'left hsnd. Dr. J. F.
Kennedy, secretary of the State Board of
Health, was called and administered tem
porary relief.
Claim to Be Thaw.
"I'm Harry Thaw," calmly announced a
young man to Deputy Sheriff Kess at th
court house today. The young man la now
locked up In the county jail awaiting the
action of the Insanity commission. All
efforts to ascertain his 'name failed, for
the young man etoutly maintains that he
I Harry Thaw and declarea that he vol
untarily gave hlinee'lf up because he shot
Stanford Whit for Insulting hla wife. It
la not known but that the young man may
be suffering from too much liquor. He I
about IS years old and every effort to per
suade him that he la anyone but Harry
Thaw haa prbven useless.
1 Charles C. Moody.
STUROIS. S. .. June 2.-(8pcial Tele
gram. ) Charles C. Moody, editor and pro
prietor of the Bturgls Record, died at l;
o'clock last night, agd 41 years. He had
been alck two week and waa unconscious
th last four days. He established the Rec
ord here, the Oldest paper In Meade county,
In July, 18RS. ahd had run and owned It sines
that ttme. He waa a pioneer newspaper
man of the Black Hilts. . He leaves a wlf,
three daughter, mother, alster and thre
brother. He waa a Maaon and Eagle. Fu
neral Sunday afternoon under th auaploe
of the Masons. '
Dr. WlllUan Alexander.
SAN AN8EI.MO. Cel., June 2S.-Rev. Wil
liam Alexander, D. D. LL. D.. profeasor of
church hlatory In. the Preabyterlan Theo
logical seminary, died at hla home here to
day. He wa born In Pennsylvania In 1831.
He graduated front Jefferson college In 1851
nd from Princeton Theological seminary In
W. J. Hasten.
W. J. Huston died at his residence, Hit
Chicago street, at o'clock Friday night of
pneumonia. The deceased had been engaged
In the restaurant business In Omaha for a
numoer of year.
Politely Invite
Your hotel wftJter
to terro
The Food will come.
Fresid'eat to Tana Proclamation at One
Explaining, lu Frovtiioaa.
estln nag. RegalatUa Tr
. to Qatet for All Tlaa Amy "
Feare It.earaia AasSrteaa
Meat froeaet.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June J.-(Fpeclal Tele
gram.) So socn a th agricultural bill be
come g law, which will be tonight or to
morrow, all difference having been cleared
up In th final conference report. It I the
Intention of President Roosevelt to Issue
proclamation stating the scop and ex
tent 6f the meat Inspection law with a
pledge that every packing house where In
spection 1 carried on must enforce the
sanitary condition provided for In the bill.
Thla action wa ascertained today by both
Senator Millard and Congressman Pollard,
who called on the secretary of agriculture
with a view of learning tht Intent of the
department when the bill Is signed by ths
president. It Is alao Secretary Wilson
intention to make a positive publlo an
nouncement concerning th meat Industry
snd that the government will Immediately
adopt measure to put In force a.jyatem
of ths most rigid Inspection of every pack
ing nous In the country, requiring Im
proved modern sanitary conditions, and
alao that constant Inspection of the pro
ducts of the packing houses will be en
forced. To further strengthen th govern
ment position, rigid day and night inspec
tion Will be at one begun and every effort
put forth to re-establish the faith of our
people as well as of the foreign nations In
th whoiesomeness and purity of our meat
Kennedy Carrie His Point, t
Congressman Kennedy old business to
day. As s result of his speech on postal
savlt.g bank and which has crested a
great deal of Interest In congress, he hsd
passed today a resolution requesting the
secretary of state to call upon our diplo
matic representatives in foreign, countries
ta secur from 'th aeveral government
to which they are accredited statistic on
postal saving bank, which shall not only
show their deposits, the number of d-
posltors, but th amount of interest paid,
bringing th came down to tha latest pos
sible date.
He also secured the passage of a bill ex
tending the time for the construction of
th bridge across th Missouri river ' at
South Omaha.
President Praise Congress.
Congressman Hlnehaw took leave of th
president today. Incident ta the leave tak
ing and exchange of compliments Mr. Hln
Shsw presented the nsme of Walter D. Hill
of hla district for forest supervisor. Mr.
Hill is 61 yesrs of sge. and ths msximum
sg for forest supervisors hss been fixed
at 40 years, but the law so feeds that ths
president may waive the age limit In de
serving esses. As Mr. Hill IS sn efficient
msn but above the sge, Mr. Hlnshsw
asked ths president to make an exception
In Mr. Hill's behalf. This th president
refused Id do, solely upon th ground that
If he made an exception In one case ha
would be overrun with - request in Ilk
eaaes snd he decided, therefore, to strictly
follow the letter of the law. Incidentally
the president told Mr. Hinshaw that this
was the best congres In the hlatory of
the government and remedial legislation'
enacted would redound ta the credit not
only of the nation, but to the men who
assisted In th enactment of thla legisla
tion. '
Wllaon Compliment Fellnrd.
Congressman Pollard was tho recipient
this evening of a laudatory letter from
James Wilson, secretary of agriculture.
Among other things, Mr. Wilson said:
tn bidding you goodbye for th summer
permit me to express my keen apprecia
tion of ths good work In which you have
taken an active part during the paat ses
sion of congress. A man coming to the
house of representatives from. tha. farm
finds a great field for his activities snd
one thst is not exhausted nor likely to be
fof some time. You have exercised a good
Influence on legislation, for a
man In hi first term. ,
Settlers Want Fall Claim.
Senator Millard haa received a petition
algned by entrymen in the and hill cou-'
try 6f western Nebraska, who are In
the Irrigation dlatrict covered by th Path
finder project, praying that their home
stead entries or 119 acres be not cut down
to eighty or forty acres, as Is provided
may b done under th reclamation act.
Under Section S of that act the erreur
of-th Interior may. In hi discretion, re
duce the else of a hometeady. entry te
eighty or even trim them down to forty
acre. Senator Millard ha presented th
petition of th Nebrskan to th secre
ts ry of th Interior.
The president haa laaued an order re
serving th northeast quarter of section
24, township 9 north, rang esst. Black
Hills, within the limits of Bell Fourth
Irrigation project, for the purpose of ex
perimental work In agriculture; under th
suprvtlon of th Department or Agricul
ture, the tract, however, to remain under
th general jurisdiction and control of th
reclamation ervlce.
Gamble' Men Arc sad.
President Roosevelt todsy sent to ths
senat a number of nomination or poat-
inaater In South Dakota. In every Instane
Senator Gamble' a wishes prevailed In th
distribution of thla patronage, which Indi
cates thst In th Immediate future, at teaat,
Gamble will be supreme In suggesting who
shall have th office In South Dakota. At
Arlington th president nominated Oeorg
Rld to be postmaster. This I a reappoint
ment. Rold 1 Gamble' man, while Martin
and Burke endorsed James . Cross. John
D. Cotton, Gamble' candidate at Parker,
waa nominated. Charlea F, Hackctt' was
recommended by th congressmen. At Elk
ton Henry Helts Is reappointed on his
record for good service. At Scotland John
Reich was supported by Gamble and wins.
while P. A. Bliss, who had the support of
Burks and Martin, loses. , At Beresford
Robert Z. Bennett Is reappointed on his
record, and the came condition prevails at
Spearflah, John Bell being reappointed. F.
8. Myers Is reappointed at Redfleld, Thomas
Cries man. th candidate of the congress
men. losing. At Woonsorket George I
Fish 1 reappointed on hla record.
Minor Matter at Capital.
Judg Klnkald waa hast -at a delightful
luncheon today In the restaurant of lbs
houae In honor of Hon. Wesley WUoox and
wifs of North Platte. A majority of the
members of the Nebraaka delegation were
present to meet Mr. Klnkald 8 gueeta.
A majority of th Nebraska member
hav arranged to Itave Washington Just
aa soon aa ths gavel falls tomorrow
Among thoe who hav booked their A
aage west are: Mr. and Mr. McCarthy
and famliy, Judg N orris and family. Judge
Klakaid and Mr. Pollard. - Mr. Kennedy.
having some department matter to attend
to, will probably not leav until early the
coming woek.
Senator Millard and Mia Millard leave
for Omaha oa th first trala they can
make after adjournment.
Senator Burkett, with hla secretary,
Ooorg Tobey, hare engaged sleeping car
accommodations for Sunday morning.
Doahle Marder and galeld.
MANINOTON, Va., June IS -Returning
U town today Jams L. Coad, aa oil dir.
hot and killed Ms wife ss she lay la txd.
H daitgru1y wounded Samuel H. Will
lama a boarder whs he found asleep en a
lounge.- Oad then committed suicide,
Williams will recover. Coad, It Is sahl.
deserted his wife last January. In April
lb waa granted a dtvorcs and then opened
a boarding house.
I to Retire Within Shert
ST. PAUL, Minn., June .-The Pioneer
Press tomorrow will shy thst It Is reported
thst ptes dent Howard Flllott of the North
srn Psclflc rstlwsy has tendered his res
ignation and that It ha been . accepted.
The report la apparently well authenti
cated, but owing to the abeence of Mr.
Rlllott from the city It could not be either
confirmed or denied.
Sterling Silver Frenser, nth and Dodge.
SILVER CREEK, Neb., June II. (Spe
cial) Wednesday vnlng at o'clock Mis
Lucll Le was married to Mr. Fred C
Shumaker. The ceremony waa performed at
th Congregatlonal church, Rev. J. H. An
drew of Weeping Water, aselated by Rev.
A. R. Palmer ef this piece, officiated. The
txthengrln wedding march wa played by
Miss Alma Spragu. The bride and groom
were attended by Mia Edith Wright of
Bellevue, maid of honor; Mr. Eugene Shu
maker Of Fremont, groomsman; Misses
Bertha and Florence Lee, bridesmaid and
Messrs. John Fitch and Andrew Houston,
ushers. Miss Josephine Shumsker, ths lit
tle sister of the groom, acted a flower
girl. Th ring cremony wa used .
Immediately after the ceremony a re
ception waa held at th bride's home for
sbout forty young friends of the brid
srld groom. Luncheon wa served by Mr.
George Craig of Omaha and Mr. Andrew
Houston Of Benedict, assisted by Misses
Mary Gray, Alma SprSgus, pesrl Kissel
Snd Etta Outhen. The young couple left nt
1:10 for an extended trip to Cherokee
park, Colo., Salt Lake City and Lo An
geles. Th bride' wedding gown wa of
batiste, embroidered In silk. Her going
away gown was of old rose pansma cloth.
made In the modish Eton Jacket style,
with hat and gloves corresponding.
Ths guest from out-of-town cam from
Omaha, Stromsburg, Osceola, Genoa. Bene
dict. " Bellevue, Fremont, Weeping Watir
and South Dakota. v
Frank Anderson sod Miss Minnie Weaorv
were married Thursday evening at tha
heme, ef Mr. and Mr. A. Samueleon, 1W1
Corby street, by Rev. Elvtng of 8lm
Lutheran church. Mis Hilda Anderson.
sister of th groom, was maid of honor,
while J. Q. K. Carlson of Essex, I., cousin
of the bride, scted ss best man.. Mis Lot
tie Samueleon waa rjng bearer and flower
girl. Th brid wa dressed in whit silk.
Th ceremonies included a' general-good
time by a merry prty of relative.
At the home of the bride's parent. Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Crowley, MM South Nine
teenth street, occurred the wedding Thurs
day night of Miss Emma Iule Crowley
nd ' Mr. Frederick Wllllsm Krelle,- Rev.
Waiter H. Reynold performing th cere
mony. Aftef a wedding eupper th couple
went to their own home Immediately across
the street. Mrs. Kretls was a member of
the Omaha High school tlsss of 1905 and
Mr. Krelle Is a promising young architect,
with an office in the Bee building.
A little forethought may save you no end
f trouble. Anyone who make It a rul to
keep Chamberlain' Colle, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at band know this to
b a fact.
O'Neill Bnslness Hoases.
O'NEfLL, Neb., June .-(Bpell Tele
gram.) On of th most disastrous fires
that hss visited this city for years broks
out In th Bowen livery barn at 1:10 thla
morning, consuming It and th lumbar yard
of the Bxelman Lumber company. Sixteen
horses were burned In the livery bam and
all the buggies and harness. X-osa, about
$1,600; Insurance. S00. ,v
Ths yard of the lumber company Joined
the barn on th north and desplt th heroic
effort of th fir department It wa soon
a seething mssa of flames, the entire ysrd
Ith Its contents being destroyed except
sbout half the coal bins and about ip.ww
shingles. liOss, estimated at $30,000; no In
surance. The abeence of wind and the per
sistent efforts of the Are depsrtment un
doubtedly ssved the entlr west half of
Fourth street.
A Nebraska MthU Water.
In placing the natural llthla mineral
water on the msrket. th Bhogo uitnia
Spring company of Mllford has established
an enterprise which will no doubt prove
beneficial to Nebraskan In two way:
First, It will act a a wide advertising me
dium for the state, which has heretofore
been unsbte to bosat of a natural mineral
spring; second, It will give to the realdents
o( this state a pure spring water at veason
abla prices. In reach of all classes. The
analysis of this wster, as made by the
Cnlverslty of Nebraska, ahows the follow
ing elements to be present: i.ttnium
chloride, eodlum chloride, magnealum aul-
phate, magnesium bicarbonate, calculm bi
carbonate. Iron and aluminum oxiaes ana
silica. The water la bottled In Its natural
state, or carbonated, as It comes from the
rock, and those who hav been using the
water regularly say that It com pars fa
vorably with th mot extnivly adver
tised water of today. Th success of this
undertaking will mean a good thing for
Nebraska. ,
Diamonds (of own Import), watches and
jewelery at 10 per cent below price at A. H.
Hubermann'a, southeast corner uth and
Douglas. Pays no rent and buys for cash.
Grand Steamboat Excursion
Commencing Sunday, June 30, at 8 P. M.
Every afternoon and evening eicept Monday day trip and Friday
day aod evening trips.
Boat leavea foot of Douglaa street at t:30 and S p. m., returning
at S:0 and 11 p. m.
Tickets for the round trip up the river and return, SS centa.
The largest dancing Soor afloat, J 6x6 8 feet, without posts.
Don't mlaa taking a trip and don't be afraid to bring your families
ad eweetneartsraa tha beat of order will be maintained at all tlmea.
Capacity of boat, 1,714 people, but for comfort, ssfety and a good time
the management have decided to take only a limited number of 100
people on each trip. U. M. MVLKV. Manager.
Badly Affected With Soret and
Crusts Extended Down Behind1
the Ears Some Years Litef
Painful and Itching Pustule.
Broke Out on Lower Part of
Body Son Also Affected.
"About ten years ago my scalp K
came badly affected with sore andl
itehtna; humors, cruets, etc., and extend
ing down behind the ears. My hair
came out in place also. 1 wag greatly
troubled; understood it u ecseini.
Tried various remedies, so called, with
out effect. Saw your Outieura adver
tisement, and got them at once). Ap
plied them aa to direction, etc, and
after two works, I think, of use, waa
dear as a whistle.
"I have to state alao that late last
fall, October and November. 1904, I
was suddenly afflicted with a had erup
tion, painful and itching pustule ovef
tha lower part of the bod. I suffered
dreadfully. In two months, under the
skilful treatment of my doctor, con-
t lined ailh Cuticura Soap and Cuticurs,
intment, I found myself eured. -"Six
years ago my son ws laid u
with a sever cold, a hard cough, and
finally painful eruption all aver the
body. I procured th Cuticura Remedied
aa soon as possible, and after his faith
ful usa of sain was sa well aa ever in
two weeks, as well as 1 can recall. M
hss never had a return of tha illneaa,
as far a 1 know. . .
" I hav alwaye been pleased to com
mend the Cuticura Remediee.and testify
as to their efficacy. 1 am a veteran of
the late Civil War. '61-'6S, between
seventy aud eighty years of in. Your
truly, H. M. F. .Weiss, Rosamond,.
Christian Co.. III., Aug. t. IMA."
OmsIiu BstorMl n ImimI Trwhotai far H
Htmxtt tjm riiito emmit, frem limnr? to A r
i CMKm sms, sh., oa.i,.,
sew feat
at h rr . aUtlai ,mmm . . Bfaam
T WfJleMs FV Ba las Cwt lfcts 4 4A
aiaWatlaW H. stufr. wU eflftM.'
v , i :.
Sold it AH Soda Fountains
Pintsind Quarts for Family Tride
Sold by All Drurjgisttand Grocers
i ' 1 1
John G. Vcodward & Co.
Ceunoll Bluffs, Iowa .
Plngera roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only
tke dirt, but also the loosened, injur! r
cuticle, and rtitortp tb ilagtn to
their aatunl btmuty.
ViQton Street Park.
Omaha, vs. Pueblo
June 30; July 1, 1, 2.
Sunday, July 1st, Two Games,
Tint called at 2:30.
Monday, July 2nd, Lady's Day,
Game called at 3:45. ' ,
i I