7 as THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JTXE SO, 1908. -n Is ft Is M M it to 2 5 M Cp!Ictl Dipt. fain 1 frptrt Cjiicln Ws!a Bonding See Braadel' A a for DCS MOINES STOCK On Pax 4 Bran dels' Aater Men Clo(hii Sale Oa Par 5i Big Special Offer Saturday S 1 Ladies' LONG LISLE GLOVES j N M M m 1 M It H n U H H n .' , H i M n a , H : H H a The stylish elbow length White and Colored Lisle Gloves big new lot brought forward for BaturdAy for the first time wnrth up dollar and a half a pair rery special at per pair Ladle' fihorf LlMe Gloves Also plain cotton and taf feta silk. In black, white and colors, choice lots from the Des Moines stock worth as high aa 7 Be a pair t rPalr Ladies' Lace and Embroidered m 25c m HANOI ERCHIEFS .jj These are dainty, sheer quality, many plain hem stitched also men's whit and Tsney Doraer ana silk embroidered Initial handkerchiefs from the Des Moines stock- gm rm worth up to 16c eacn go atr each only . - !G-SC 1 ''''Hi' v ' UNDERWEAR SALE Ladles', mlnses and children's rests, pants and umbrella drawers from the Des Moines stock, ladles' lace trimmed umbrella m rs, i 20 pants, children's vests and pants In all sizes extra spe cial, worth 25c each, at...., 12 0. j w AM, Ladies' $1 Corsets 69c 'Fine corsets from the Des Moines stock. Includ ing American Beauty, W. B. and other well known brands, double pair hose supporters, lace It H ' trimmed, $1 quality lUJ sTli at Ladies' 35c and 50c Neckwear at 15c Ladies' new summer styles in silk stocks, lace stocks, embroidered stocks, silk niching and silk ribbon trimmed al nrettiest turnover cellar and cuff sets, cboioest lot, from the Des Moines , stock, worth up to 60c, at LADIES', MEN'S II ft SI FR Y AND CHILDREN'S O VOlIiV i adies'. men's and children's plain ana iancy nosiery ladies' allover lace effects, mercerized hose, fl 1 tc, "worth up to 25c pair at, air w . TIVSVIVD, law JQ :15 c I 12ic i I Big Rug Specials Saturday xular 0x11 $16.50 ....12 Regular $18.00 0x12 nrnsnela I A 25 Uug at Kegnlar f27.SU 9x12 Brussels Rug at..... ::::0UIL:::: OXFORDS TWO-nrTT 1 rather a low pries for a good pair' of Oxfords. Mnnr Women who would Ilka to bur Ox fords at this prtoa are afraid to do so, fearing that they would not be satisfactory. We sell Two-rjfty Oxfords that are satisfactory In every way. The styles are the same as higher-priced Oxfords and the aboetnaklng Is splendid. Coma here and see what Two-Fifty will do In buying- Oxfords. Think you'll be surprised at the values. FRY SHOE CO. THE 8HOERB. . Wb and Douglas SU. Japanese Novelty Dept. Annex th ntiiMi novelties lust Imported direct from Japan Plates, Ornaments, Toys, Brlc-a-Brac. Price, are extremely moderate. lW CALLINO CAItDS, PRINTED IN A FEW MINUTES, 89c Bee Want Ads Bring Results FREE 1 4 irevjorits With every dollar's worth of merchandise purchased of us from today until July 8 we 111 give away free 25c worth of Fireworks, On purchase of two dollars, 60c Fireworks Jr free. On three dollars, 75c fre. As usual, out prices are lower than any other store tn Omaha. Our assortment of Fireworks la large this year. Come early and get first choice). , . ...... . . ADLEirs; k Southeast Corner 12th And I ' Farnara Streets. IT'S EIICOLL'S WAY OF KEEPING the Cutters cutting and the Tailors sewing during the warm months. Our special offer of a full Blue or Black- Berge 8ult with Trousers of game or striped material At S2S Gr.lUMA J ERR CMS CO3. OUR BOYS' SHOES m They ara holding their own, and then aorae etttn( better every day. We are telling more of them, and whenever we sen a pair we make a good friend. Nothing weara like our Boys' Shoes. No better leather can he bourht than what wa put Into our Boya ghoea. boys' sizes c nn I to 6Vfe 4S.UU LITTLE GENTS' SIZES sift 10 to H ,..4I.OU Bring the boys to ue and we will guarantee a perfect fit and Insure you arlitactlon. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 fir mm Street. L--,wit 11 ir JUNE WEDDINGG we are prepared for Juna 1 wtiaainge. Many beautiful artlclee auttable for bridal preients. An early eelecUon Is alwaya desirable. Cut glaee. allverware. ornamental j-wwiry, oiamonn. sterling silver noveltiee. Al euperb cneets of flatware, in larger "i ma.iivr collections, a ii pncen, ana the oanaeomest dealgna we nave ever shown. Drown a&Borsheiml JEWLR9 ZZZ doutb J6Street, Omaha. land for ISea'Catalegue t WALK-OVER CHOC, PRINTS and SHOE NEWS 2 A WALK-CVER BHOE8 are sold In 44 countries of this world sold In Omaha at U21 FARNAM STREET. The output of five Walk -Over fac tories la U.000 pairs of Men's Welt Sewed Shoes per day. ' Our output In Omaha Increaaes every month, because the value is In the shoes and you appreciate It when you wear them. We oaa At TOU at the Walk-Over Shoe Store 1621 Farnam St. Fd S. Thompson, the Walkover Man. NETTLETON AGENCY. Fellow the Flag.1 LOW RATES CIGAR SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY to Hasel Kirk "Juniors." I (or He fi r box of k. luo Hue! Kirk "Rain Perfeto.M V. HV1 bos oi aa Ux Hasel Kirk Monopol,n I for 10c, S3 ' box of iu. Tbe above gooda are made by Victor TTtoierh Co., Lancaster, Fa. This concern makes eeveral popular brands for this mar ket that are euld for more money, but do not smoke any better. Qe La Toutca. to or UH per box of (Have about u lef t ) lc El Aecto. 6c or tt-i0 per bog ef SC. (Have about 1 J10 lft ) J'Jc Uuaart. ftc. tl aO per box ef Ml OLD CJULY 151 mi. JULY 18, AUS. I HO 22, SEPT. 8 AID 19 Aik ' WABASH CITY OPTIOS; 1001 Fanuun ErU, or address HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. IX, WaiMsh R. R Omaha, Nehraak 'ir't.nJULKJ Dress Up for Uic il I My It's onlv four dars nntil the 4th and you can't afford to appear in a shabby suit, especial ly! when you can easily secure everything you need in wearing apparel on Our Easy Credit Plan L&die' s Suits, Waists, Skirts, Etc., Men's and Boys, Suits, Hats, Shoes, Etc. Credit costs nothing here. Get ntted Store, where everything is Store, where eveything is made easy and pleasant. COME! dme Credit Gothing Co. 1520 Dodge Street. 0. A. Larmon. Mgr. t ,.,,., ., tmmo.immmtmn. n aaj i SEI1SATI0HAL MILLK1ERY CLEARIIIG SALE, SATURDAY. Absolutely Any Hat in tho House at Cost. -S2.50J $5.00, S6.75 INVESTIGATE. IT PAYS. 1508 DOUGLAS ST. OT 08 ALWAYS Better to go to LengeV-better In every rav. Roods are freeli. txire end whole some, you get what you want, the service la- careful, correct snd courteous. Deliv eries are prompt; the pricea are the lowest in the city, why go elsewhere when the beet la at Lange's and you save money on very purchase? A FEW PROOFS. SATURDAY SPECIALS. 90 pounds pure cane granulated sugar Tor Fine apple Just received large ship ment or fancy large nne pineapples, special for Saturday, each 10c Keep cool with a good drink Mono gram raspDerry juice, me nnest drink one large quart bottle, regu lar c seller, special for Biiiint.v per bottle 10c ice in, per id..... hc SelBd dicing, large bottles, regular ac seller, for Baturdav 7U; Peaches, extra fancy, large baskets.... tic Butler, fresh from the country, per lb.. 20o Eggs, strictly fresh, per dot Ihc New Tork cream cheese, per lb lOe Soap Diamond C, Beat 'Em All, Lenox 10 bars for 26c MEAT DEPARTMENT. Chickens, fresh dressed, per lb Boll Mat, per lb Bacon, by the strip, per lb Bugar cured skinned hams, per lb. Pickles, sour or sweet, per dos.... ::?t. .12V4C ..iaHi .. be THE LANGE GROCERY CO., 24th and Cuming Gts., TELEPHONE 1530 DOUGLAS 32Z3. MM m ummmm One and a quarter million acres to be opened to settlement on the SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates of registration July 16th to 31st. EXCURSION RATES Less than one fare for the round trip, daily July 12th to 29th via SUN HOT? For Sunburn and Tan. Howell's "Quality" Cold Cream has a won derful soothing and healing, effect. It'a also line for chafing will not become rancid always smooth and aweeL DGo and GOo HOWELL DRUG CO. lech amd Capitol Are. Business $20,oo Round trip from Omaha, over the only all rail route from Omaha to .Shoshoni, Wyo., the reservation border. GEO. f. WEST, Central Agsat, Cslca Nsrtb-Wastara H. Ossaha.tisk Please sand to my address pamphlets, maps and tnfoc nation concerning- the opening of the Shoshone or Wind River reservation to settlement. GREAT WATER DAMAGE SALE Bargain Doner Than Cvcr Mils) THE RELIABLE STRE Daraalns Dctter Than Ever STUPEI1DQUS DARGAIUS SATURDAY Many New Lines That Have Suffered but Slight Damage Will Be Placed on Sale. LADIES' SUITS, WAISTS, 6KUZTS, JACKETS. MEN'S CLOTIUNO, FUENISHINO GOODS, HATS,". CAPS SHOE& CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHINO OF. ALL KINDS. MTTJTNEBY ,w LADIES' MTJSLTN. KNIT UNDERWEAR. CORSETS, HOSIERY. JEWELRY, ART GOODS. FANCY LEATHER GOOD& SILKS, WASH GOODS. DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS. LACES, EMBROIDERIES, FURNITURE. CARPETS ' AND DRAPERIES. PIANOS AND ALL MUSICAL GOODS. LINENS, MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS. DOMESTICS OF . ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BED SPREADS, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS. HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHINGS. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. All Goods. Wet or Dry, Damaged or Undamaged, Musi Go. Don't Bliss One Day. 1 i Jill ?rr Special HomeseeKers' BxI MlstourV Arkansas, UouUlana, Nc; Oklahoma, Texas, T U E SDA 1006. MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. TOM HUGHES, T. P. OL1AL H. G. TOWXSXXD, Oeneral 1. BT. LOk P 5r The Per feci! Been Comma.nds Atteivtion Besauw of Us purity, henlthfulneaa and unsur passed flavor. The lady with a caae of COLD TOP la ai waya prepared for unexpected gueste, for what oould be more - welcome wnen m weather le hot than glass of cool sparaUng foam-creasted Cold lop. We will send a case to your home. . , . , g Omaha He edqiiartere. JetterBrevmgCo. fsi Tel. Ho. 8, South Omaha, iois Main fitrwt. ei to. leposilion although one of a score or more applicant! who came in response to A Wont Ad In The Be9 employers who want competent office help will - find it Ms the easiest way to fill Vacancies. n Intelligent steaiaTapher, or clerk, who waati a posi tion watches the Waat Ada. .... ....... MyWI 8TATE VETERINARIAN. oosiers Try tU Wart AM (eetMtthh)Ceeeeel L BAMACCIOm D. v.s. UTmS-CILLGII D.UG CO) I - CtTt VCCRISARIAJL mt&.auil fcrnaci 2ts i M