Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Bt-T ,umh!n aupplle direct Wholes)
rrtoee. Rave on every artlrl. Only
Tirst-clase rood handled Prompt ttn
tlon t every order. Fend for catalogue.
P. r. Karol. 2X Harrison St.. Chicago.
,J L ;
WANTID-To buy second-hand furniture,
tore, carpet, clothing and ho. -ay
th bast price. Telephone Dooglaa 7L
N-M" July:
SIDEWALK 9 All kind licenced. A. R.
Hofl, HOI Wabatar. Tel Doug. 404.
J1 jnlyl
AfTOMOBIUES for rent. Tel. T2i. Stand
Myers-Dillon, corner lath and Farnsm.
1 J72 July)
JOHNSON Inetltuta.'ti N. T. U TaL Doug"
las. im
Office), 10 Pearl Be Tel. 43.
ton. Lparlmnt of fha Interior, oince
Of Indiana AOalr, Washington, U. c,
J una 7. ltd. Meaiad DrouuMia. Dlainlv
marked on tha outside of the sealed an
veiope, "Proposal fur bunding), Pipe-
stun. Ulna , ' and addressed 10 the Com
missioner of Indian Afialr, Yv'aaiungion,
I. C. will bo received at tha Indian ottica
until I o'clook p. re. of Juiiy U, lw. fur
furnishing and delivering tne necessary
material and labor required to construct
and complete k atone employee' quarter
and atone superintendent a resiuence, both
with plumbing, steam heat and gasoline
gas piping. In strict accordance Willi plana,
speciuoauon ana inairucuuna to uiaatrs,
which may b examined at this office, tne
office of the American Contractor, Chi
cage, 111.; Improvement bulletin, Minn
apolla, Minn.: tha Argua Leader, (Sioux
Fails, ft. 1).; The Be. Omaha, .Neb.: pio
neer Press, St. Paul. Minn.; tha Hulldere'
4t Traders' exchanges at Omaha, Neb.:
Milwaukee. tVle.; St. Paul, Minn., and
Minneapolis, Minn.; tha Northweatern
Manufacturers' association, St. Paul,
Minn.; the U B. Indian wsrehouaea In
Chicago, 111.; St. Louts, Mo; Omrflia, Neb.,
and New . York City, and at the school,
for further Information apply to W. S.
Campbell, auperlntendent, Plpeetone, Minn.
C. . Larraboe, Acting Commissioner.
Building Department of the Interior,
Office of Indian Affair, Washington, P. C,
Juna I, lo. Healed proposal, plainly
marked on the outside of the eald en.
veiope, "Propoaala . r School Building,
Pierre, 9. D., and jddrwd to the Com
missioner of Indian Affaire, Washington,
D. C, will bo received at tha Indian Office
until t o'clock p. m. July U, I), for fur
nlrMng and delivering tha necessary ma
terials and labor required to cohatruot and
complete a brick school house, with plumb
ing, ateam heat and acteylene gas piping,
In strict accordance wit i plans, specifica
tion and Instructions to hie 'ere, which
pray be examined at thl ofnee.'th office
ht tha Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis,
Minn.; Construction News, Chicago, III.;
Argus-Leader, Stoux Falls. 8. Dak.; Plo-peer-Press
8t. Paul, Ml.; Bee, Omaha.
Neb.: Builder' and Trailers Exchange.
Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee, Wis ; St. Paul
and Minneapolis, Minn ; Northwestern Mnn
ufacturera' Assocla Ion. St. Paul, Minn.;
the U. 8. Indian warehouses at Chicago,
III.; 0 kha. Neb.; St. Louis. Mo., and New
Tork ' ity. N. T., and at the school. For
fimhf Information apply to J. C. Loven
good.' Juperintandent. C. F. LARRABF.B,
Acting woianuaaicner. J v
PROy horaeVo.r
p. ueaisa
Velved at
V centraf
X then
log pas
pline. Ci
made 10
-LA Lo
For plana,
tlon rail on, J
tdarry E. M w
Lonla Neese,
I. B. Reynold,
W. O. Davidson,
O. B. Abbott, 13X4
W. E. Bock. 1624
duly 11
Auguat a
In 8rl
ami Bank
am Btreet
ntm 6trt
oasa ttroat,
Clerk's eodaa.
Davla eells dnig.
Rtockert sell rarpeta
Fin engraving at Leffert a.
Ed Roger' Tony Fatiet beer.
New location. Hb Tearl St.. Maloney.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby Son.
Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel. nw.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone tl.
Diamonds an inveatment. Talk to
Leffert about It.
Firework of all kind. Purity Candy
Kitchen. 6eJ W. Broadway.
I'Uno lon. Marguerite L. Morehouae,
"CO Frank street. I11U. 'phone lo0.
Judge 1 M. S-ott and family are horn
from h flhlng trip to Blue like, la.
Toaltlon la waiting for you aftr taking
a courae In the Western lowa college.
8 Stephen Broe. for fire brick and flra
clay, seaer pipe, nttlng and garden hose.
Hafer lll take meaeurements for your
errwna anil quote you a low ngure nr. 01
Picture framea made to order. Hundred
of patterna to chooe from. C. Alex
ander. 133 Broadway.
If you have tender feet and want a
good, comlortable sho aaa Duncan
Lean. U Main atreet.
8. M. Williamson rent and repairs sew
ing machines, aleo repairs all kinds of
bicycle. 17 South Main street.
Walter Canning Is home from the Colo
rado School of Minm to spend the eummer
with hia parents. Sheriff and Mr. Ed tan
ning. For Sale Will sacrifice on my fin piano,
payment If desired. Can be aeon at
Bchmoller Mueller', SOU Broadway,
Council Bluff, la.
Just received a fine lot of new style
In pianos, stools and scarfs. Botirlclu
Piano House, MS Broadway, wher th
organ atanda upon tha building.
W wholesale lea cream. Shipped to
ny part of the state. Special price t
th retail trade. I. Mucct, lli Wet Broad
way, Council Bluff, la. Tel., 164.
W have th Ones Una of ssmpl monu
ments to select from In tha weu Sheely
(c Lan Marbl and -Urmiilt wurk. ill
kast Broadway, Council Bluffa, la.
The funeral of the late Mrs. PatrU-k
Maloney will he held Sunday afternoon at
1;H0 o'clock from St. Francis Xavler
church and Interment will be In St. Joseph
O. O Oldham and Ml IJl Wal
lace left yesterday for Malvern, where they
will take charge of the Woman Chrlatlan
Temperance union tent at th MM county
Do not overlook that "Van Brunt" carrle
a fin, high grade line of harne especially
made for this trade. Anyone buying a
"Van Brunt" vehicle will be entitled to a
peolal proposition on a set of harness.
Investigate this.
A. O'Heam, th Union Pacific wltcbman
Indicted with two companion on th charge
of breaking Into a freight car and stealing
a case of whlaky, haa been released from
th county Jail on a two bond furtUahed by
hia attorney, H. O. Our en.
F. O. Teaman, who waa arreeted Thurs
day evening after attempting to "rusir
Chief Clerk Parka of the Orand hotel for a
110 loan on a phoney watch, la still at the
city Jail, a the authorltlea decided to hold
him for Investigation for a day or so.
Th following extracts will b served thl
week at our oda fountain: Carmaoia Kiaa,
Mapla Leaf. Cantaloupe Bund a, Hartford
Eat, Froxen Phoaphate, drape Juloe Lem
onade, Maraachlno Punch, Horilck' Egg
Phosphate. Maple Nog. Clark Drug Co.
At a meeting yeeterdav afternoon of th
director, of tha Falrview Cemetery aaaocla
tlon atep were taken to Improve the prop
erty by th construction of a number of
drlvewava. It ha also decided to extend
the water main to tne upper pari 01 ye
Erl W. Miller, eon of Mr. and Mr. F. W.
Miller of Oakland avenue, haa surprised hia
family and friend by marrying Ml Elis
abeth L. Martin of Peoria. 111., at De
Molnea, where h 1 engaged In electrical
work with the Dea Molne Edison Electric
Light company.
Cheap fruit Jar are high priced this sea
son. Why not buy good ones at a ve'y
llttla moreT Wo have th "Globe" glaaa
top, patent nelf-eeallng fruit Jars. Pinta.
$1 per doaen; quarts. $1.10. Also extra heavy
rubbers, tin top Jelly glasses and root boor
bottle. W. A. Maurer.
Arthur Lnrkln, a real estate dealer, who
was rhnrged with assault and battery on
hia alater-ln-law. was discharged in police
rt" v"tTrrtHV",-the- uompininmg witness
lm to BDnesr. The caee had been bend-
about a month and It is supposed the
rtie settled matter out of court.
rh city haa been compelled to drive a
mntlty of additional piling under the
ol house on the bank of Indian creek.
ear the Bryant street bridge. The bank
v been caving In for soma time and
t additional nlllna Is needed to prevent
he atructure from falling Into the creek.
The Commercial club la Interesting Itself
n an Icel.-as rerriarerator. wnicn 11 iounn
ucceasful might be manufactured in mis
ltv The dmhl-Hetemen comnanv haa
constructed a sample refrigerator and the
memliera of the Commercial club and all
otheia Interested are Invited to Inspect It
We can atlll All our order with plneapplea
at ll.M per doaen, currant at $150 per case,
new home grown potatoea at Jfo per peck,
cahhage at 6c per head, wax beans at 10c,
tomatoes at 2ftc per basket. We lo have
the Mason fruit Jar at &0c for plnta, tiOc
for quarts and 76c for half gallon. Bartel
it Miller. Telephone 389.
Over 100 glrla and boy from the cottage
for the afflicted at the Christian Home
were treated to a trolley ride on a apecial
car Thursday afternoon through the gener
nsitv of Rev. A. Overton. The ride in
cluded a trip to Benson and other Omaha
Connoil in Committe of tha Wholo Dit
CQMei th Proposed Contract.
t rge Hnldlaa I p of Coatract ( ntll fia
Company Agree to Rittai
It MaJaa lato that
Junk pile. Besieged on very iae me
committee on atreet nd alley finally
deldd. that It w Incumbent oa It to do
something. nd the placing of th order
for a combined sweer and sprinkler Is
the reult. -
"While we are holding thl contract over
ha company we might a well ue It to
aome effect and force It to agree to ex
tend Its main to the western part of -the
City a demanded by the pople of the
Sixth ward.'' stated Councilman Wallace
at the meeting of the committee of the
whole of the city council lal night In
dlculng the proposed lighting contract
with the Citizens' Oas and Electric com
pany. The Injection of the price of gaa
and the extension of the company's main
Into different pnvl of the city Into the
lighting contract between the city and the
company resulted In leaving the proposed
contract In the air. o to apeak.
Several of the councllmen during the
dlacuaelon showed they considered It a
favorable tlm to force the company to
consent to the demand for extension of
It malna before they would vote In favor
of the contract for the electric lighting of
tha city.
The Sixth ward wa represented by A.
C. Keller, president of th Weat Council
Bluffs Improvement club, and former! when Officer O'Neill wa dispatched to
Haaare Himself, to 4g1 Tree !
elahbar' Itrd,
John Mrk. living at ITU Avenu O,
committed aulcide yeatenUy morning by
hanging hlmelf with a clothe line from
a tree In the yard of hia next door neigh
bor. John A. Roblnaon. He wa $5. year
of age and had worked at the Northweat
ern roundhouse for the last alxteen year.
It I believed that he had become men
tally unbalanced worrying over om
property he had recently purchaaed, a
he wa under the lmpreslon that he hal
been worsted In the deal. It la known
that he waa alao somewhat despondent b
nue of hi own and hi wife 111 health.
It I aot known exactly at what time,
Dick committed the deed, aa hia wlf wa
unaware of hi leaving hi bed. Mr.
Oeorge Carter, living aero th atreet
from the Robinson and Dick' places, aaw
a man walking about In the .yard of the
Roblnaon home about 4 o'clock, but up
poaed It wa Mr. Robinson. An hour later
he saw th man atandlng, aa ah Sup
posed, under a tree, but atlll supposing
it wa Mr. Roblnaon, gave the matter no
fWther thought. When preparing break
fast.Mr. Csrter noticed the man tlll
tacking under the tree and she called
her husband attention to lilm. Investlga
tlon disclosed the dead body of Dirks
hanging from the tree, hi feet being
within two Inches of the ground. He
had been dead evtdently same time. Tho
unfortunate man had evidently strangled
to death. Marka on tha tree showed wher
ti had cllmped up onto a projecting limb
and tied the rope and after adjusting the
other end around hia neck dropped off,
For Saturday in Ladies' Gauze Under Vests
Ladies' Summer Gauzo Vests, full sizes low neck no sleeves 50 dozen of thera
Saturday, at - '
31 Cents Each
25 Dozen of 19c Gauze Vests Low neck no sleeves all sizes up to and including
the extra large sizes Go on sale Saturday morning, June 30th at 9 o'clock, at
9 Cents Each
Several hundred assorted choice 15c gauze vests, all styles low neck, V-shaped -neck,
etc., fancy beaded tops, fancy lace shoulder straps, splendid 13c vajues, your choice
Saturday at '
awntoa una v. a r rrBAMftntn.
raw To.. paLaaato and nam.
gsce mniinlillM, aaesueat Cutaaaa. Tk
ttmtof f "'" centaur taai4ra, gl,
sr naal-trt twkui iasM4 knnn N.w Yarfc ul
tretoa. atlMh. Irish 4 all pnacipml eatiDkJ
Ma at atUMtlv ratsa a4 Sw BMk i Taws
tmt Ucketa r gierl latonaauaa ! te tif
trMl aM W tk akr Uu, er t USKOKaaus)
taoa.. m'l Aamla, Ckieaaax IU-
RaaJ Eatat Traaafer.
Th tranfr wer reported to Tha
Be Jun 1$ by th Title Guaranty and
Trut company of Council Bluff:
J. H. Cleaver and wife to A. F.
Bono, trustee, lot I, In block t,
In Myntr'a addition to Council
Bluffa, la, w. d , $ 1,100
Hlr of Charlea T. tAlken to
A. T. Fllcklnger. lot r and 8. of
Auditor auodiyialon or ne"a
- w -7l-4J.,w. d
Laura Fllcklnger to Harry K. Belt
mmr. lota 14 and 1$. In block $0. In
Central aubdlvlaon to Council
Bluff. 1a, w. d
Wolra sf"D. g. Patton to John Flynn.
" I, la blo-k It, In r-:vertt'
Addltlon to Council Bluff, la.,
yT. d
Julia Kerr to William N. Young,
outh 101 foet nf lot 1. In block
6. In Steel A Wood' addition to
Council Bluff, la. w. d
Michael L. Schaffert and wife to T.
Watts, lot and 10, In block 14.
In Bentley, la., w. d
C O. and Blanch B. Griffith to
lowa Townalte company, lota It
and 14. In block , In McClelland,
la., w. d
suburb. Manager Lemen la planning to
take th boy of the institution out camping
about Auguet 1. The camp will probably
be at Hanthorn lake or Noble lake, al
though the location ha not yet been de
cided. ,
Clayton Butler wa arrested yesterday
on complaint of hia wife, who charged him
with beating her ld-year-old daughter. But
ler gave bond In the awm of $it for hia
appearance in Juetice Gardlner'e court
Monday afternoon. When Butler waa ar
retted yeaterday afternoon he waa fol
lowed to police headimrtera by hia wife,
kn nrnmntlv msH seised with a fit of
hysterica, and her crie could be heard for
several diock. tiuiicr i me wouish
aecoml Jiusbttnd.
Councilman William C- Boyer. who both
urged th council not to approve th con
tract for th electric lighting until the
company positively agreed to extend It
main and furnish gas to the reaidenta
of that section of the city. . The Cltixena1
Gas and Electric company waa not repre
aented at the 'meeting. The meeting had
been called for the afternoon, but there was
not a quorum preaent and the meeting at
first was postponed until Monday night,
but later In th afternoon was changed
to laat night. President Naah of the light
ing company waa preaent In the afternoon,
and as far as t known he waa unaware
that the time of the adjourned meeting
had been changed to the evening.
Contract Not Stadias.
Ci:y Solicitor Kimball explained that the
Citv council. In its contract for the electric
lighting, could not fit the price of ga to
private consumer or force th company to
extend It malna. The clause In th lighting
contract. In which the lighting company
agreed to acquiesce to a $1.26 rate for gaa,
he explained, waa not a contract between
th city and th company and In no manner
bound the city. The city council, he,
had the right to fix by ordinance th price
of g. providing the price so fixed was
held reasonable and just by the courts.
Bom of th councllmen wer In favor of
eliminating from the contract all mention of
the ga rate and paaslng an ordinance at a
future date fixing It, Other, however, In
Hated that the present waa a favorable time
to bring the company to terms by holdlnu
the lighting contract over It hed a a
Mr. Boyer. In hi talk to the committee,
tated there was not a single foot of pa
main In the Sixth ward, although that por
tion of the city waa building up more rap
Idly than any other, "t'nlesa you bind the
company to glv ua gaa we wltl not get it
for the next five year,' or during the life of
this proposed new contract," he said.
Regarding tha Improvement of tho spaee
between the new paving on Btoadway, be
tween Thirteenth and Twentieth atreets, the
committe decidd to rcommend to the city
council that the material there at present
be taken out and that the space be filled
with crushed rock, two Inches deep at th
elde and three Inches deep In the center,
and that the city clerk be Instructed to ad
ertls for bid for the work after th city
engineer has prepared plan and specific.
Th request rf the Commercial club that
the city council take aotne steps to have
street sign placed t the street Intersec
tion was discussed and finally referred to
City Clerk Sapp. who ld he might be
hi to snlv the question for the city
council, although he did not explain In
whit way. Councilman Maloney waa of
the opinion that the atreet sign would
entail an expenditure of $l.ono and he did
not see wher the money wa coming from.
Councilman Knudsen went, him one better
by asserting that they would cost at leaat
tft.Onn, the slgna would have to be placed
on Iron pole at the atreet Intersection.
th place, after the police had bean noti
fied, he found a crowd of women and chil
dren gathered around the hanging body.
He at once cut th body down and notified
Coroner Treynor who, after an Investiga
tion, decided that an inquest would be
Beside hi wife Diek leavea thr?e
daughters, Mr. Frank L. Daub, Mr.
Aaron Papat and Miss Tlllle Dlcka. The
funeral will be held Sunday morning at
10 o'clock from the family residence and
burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery.
Special M per cent discount on all of the
following: pinner sets, music cabinet,
dinner chair, porch furniture, parlor lamp,
center table, buffet, aldeboard, kitchen
cabinet, go-cart, refrigerator, portiere,
lac curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, carpet
and matting. D. W. Keller, 108 So. Main.
The Title Guaranty ana Trust company,
abstracter of title. Book data back to
1863. Book are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly don at loweat
price. Office opposlt court house, IX Pearl
ttreet. Council Bluff, la.
High grade piano sold on eay payment.
HO down and $5 per month. Swanson
Mualo Co., 407 Broadway. Piano tuned and
Country butter, In two-gallon Jar. 14 to
lit cents per pound. J. Zoller Mercantile
W can't put the ho stock In th win
dow. If you don't see what you want, go
Inside. Sargent' Family Sho Store. Look
for the bear.
houae with gas, city water and sewerage,
alao a K-room cottage with city water and
sewerage; both well rented. Never vacant.
Must be sold at once. Will make a good
Inveatment or a good home. Please call
and let me show them to you. Have houses
to rent on monthly paymenta. Call m up.
'Phone 417 and 40 Red. D. 8. Kerr, M
Broadway, Council Bluffa, la.
Matter la District Ceart.
H. F. Keller and Nellie Keller, hia wife,
have brought ault in the district court to
recover damagea placed at $5,000 from th
Board nf Park Commissioners, composed
of A. C. Graham, J. J. Brown and Frank
Feterson. Th suit arise from the con
struction by the park board of a two-story
residence In Falrmount park adjoining the
home of Mr. and Mr. Keller, at the head
of Falrmount avenue. The house wa os
tensibly built by the Park board for the
accommodation of a park caretaker, but
Inc It completion ha been occupied by
th family of John F. Oliver, a member
of the fire department, who I a near rela
tlv or President Graham of the Park
board. Mr. Oliver ha the refreshment
privileges at the park In addition to oecu
pylng the house erected by tha board, pay
ing a moderate rental. The house contains
eight room and Is modern In every re
apect, even to electric light.
At the time the house, wn In course of
erection the Keller brought Injunction pro
ceeding against th board, asserting that
It wne being built on a public thoroughfare.
but the court ruled in favor of the board
They now allege that the board In con
atructlng the house cut down a hill at th
rear of thefr property, o a to cause the
surface water In time of heavy rein to
flood their property. The recent heavy
rain. It 1 alleged In the petition, flooded
their premise, causing considerable' dam
age. '
Andrew Irenn began suit In the die
trlrt court yesterday against the Omaha A
Council Bluff Street Railway company
claiming tio.ono damage on account of In
juries alleged to have been received by hia
wife, Mary Lorenxen, on October 24. 1905.
The petition sreeitea that on the day In
question Mr. Lorenaen.waa a passenger on
a car which collided with another at Har
fiey and Fourteenth street. Omaha, when
he received the Injuries complained of.
Svea tranafar. total
. ..$ I.1II
Leffert Match Price.
Ladle' O ixe 20-year gold-filled enf rvd
caae. with Elgin or Waltham movement; a
good tlmepleo or money refunded; only
Ladles' O ! tR-year gold-filled, haud-
omely engraved ca. with good pigtn or
Waltham movement: oniy
Gentlemen' 20-yar gold-filled engraved
ease. tandard make. with 17-Jewcl
'althsm nlckel-adjuated movement; patent
regulator; thi week, only
" $14 30. ,
Gentlemen l-al JS-year gold-fllld
caae, with 1$ Jewel nickel Elgin or Waltham
new model movement; a fine watch for
113 50 W ahow the largest stock of high-grade
Gentlemen li-slae ouen face plain tol- furniture In the west and offer the mmt
ished 2i-yer case, with thin model , liberal credit term to all. Peteron A
Waltham' movement: only J Schoenlng Co.
Gentlemen' 12-lxe hunting engravtd
turned JO-year Bo ce. with shield for
monogram In center; Elgin thin model
nickel movement; a fine watch for profea
aional or commercial man; only
Try our Golden Rule flour. It la war
ranted to be flrat-claaa or money refunded;
$1.15 per sack. The lady who bakea our
home-made bread for ua ue no other. Her
bread Is always In demand: In fact, we can
not alwaya fill order. Bartel at Miller,
W employ nothing but flrat-claaa tin
ner and plumber and guarantee all of
our work. Spencer Furnace and 6ht
Metal Work. Iu8 West Broadway.
9 Cents Each
"We are making special prices in every department in the house.
Music Saturday evening by Covalt's Orchestra.
If you cannot come personally try our Mail Order Department. Prompt and satis
factory f ervice guaranteed. ' '
33-35 Pearl St., 32-34 So. Main St. Both Phones 565.
John Beno, President. W. A. Maurer, Secretary. A. E. Hunter, Treasurer.
county ticket. It I possible, however,' that
(eparate convention may be held to nam
delegates to the three convention and to
put In nomination th party county ticket.
Wholesale Grocer Meet.
A special called meeting of the lowa
and Nebraska Wholesale Grocer' associa
tion waa held at th Grand hotel yester
day. Th meeting was, a usual, held
behind closed doors and member preaent
declined to give out any Information. Sec
retary Melhnp, when asked tha object of
the meeting aald:
"The meeting waa called for the purpose
of considering conditions which are of In
terest lo the association, but not, to th
It wa atated, however, that the cut- 1
ting of price on the part of certain job-
ber waa responsible for the meeting. I
The following firms were represented at 1
the meeting: i
Charlea Hewitt & Sona' company. War-
field Pratt Howell company, Dea Moines;
rlea UaK Urocery company, Red Oak; J. :
H. Merrill company, Creston; Letts-Flet
cher company, Marahalltown; Tolerion .
Warfleld company. William Tackaberry '
company, C. Shenkherg company, War
field-Pratt Howell rompnny. bloux C'ltv:
Oroneweg Shoentacn company. Council
Bluffa; Bradley Catro cnmiaiiy, Utterb,ick,
Sargent & Rice, Nebraska (Ity: Paxton 6z
Gallagher company, McCord-Brady com
pany, Allen Hros. company, Mtewart Hnn.
company, Kaapke A Katx company,
Omaha; Hargreaven Bro., (irainer Bro. i
company, II. P. Lau company, Lincoln. I
Flrevtorkal Flreworkal j
Flreworka of all kind. Purity Candy i
Kitchen, 846 West Broadway.
Investigate the superior construction of
the Wise furnace. In thl progressive age
you should provide yourself with tho mod
ern furnace. The "Wise" Is more durable,
economical and ha greater heating ca
pacity than any other. Wo are ready to
show you at 41 B. Main St. Paddock Hand
achy Hardware company.
Doth 'Phones 24. 600-602 Broadway.
Rex Breakfast 1'
Bacon, per lb
Freh Dressed
Chickens, per lb iK
Best Blrloln Steak, 1 J
per pound laSjC
Picnic Hams, Ol.
per lb J2C
Three pounds Lard
for rDC
Bologna Sausage, f
per lb DC
20 lbs. best Cano $T
Sugar tJl
Diamond "C" Soap 1"A
10 bars DC
Best Country Butter, )A
per lb &Ul
Egg-O-See, per '
package I;v
Dr. Price's Breakfast Jl
Food, package '2'
TJncolored Japan C
Tea, per lb 3
We will have an abundance of fancy Raspberries, CherMe.
Gooseberries, Currants, Watermelons, Canteloupes, fresh Tomatoes,
Vegetable 1 and Fruits of all kinds at lowest prices.
Try Our Central Flour
Lvery Back Warranted, per Back .
Tou know a picture and a frame with
out harmony means a poor picture. We
have for years made picture framing a
specialty and a study. We know what
points It take to make a picture valuable
and prised. You Will 'be aatlafled with
our price If you come to ua. IL Borwlck,
211 S. Main.
Both Phones 108. 236 West Broadway
Whit canvaa Oxford, all kind. Price,
1 to I-'. Duncan & Dean, 23 Main street.
Baler' Dollar Raaor.
No-nonlng. no atroplng. gee them In ' -how
winder. Swain A Mauer. wher
they sell high grad hardware. 336 and 33S
Weat Broadway.
Something entirely nw and just ooL
Beautiful oew photo at a apaolal effar for
abort Urn only at Schmidt' studio.
For imported wlnea, liquor and Budwelsar
beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor
dealer, 61 South Main atreet.
Special gala.
Doa't Om ta
Lawn swing. H.96; lc eream freesers, j rntll you try at hom
tlV hammock, up from Tic; lawn mow
er, $1,781 garden ho, per foot. Ic: gaso
line atov oven. tl.W. J- Roller Merc. Co.,
lCO-Ot-ot Broadway. 'Phone 320.
CENTRAL FLOrB.-H.lS. Every sack
warranted. Caatral Grocery ad Meat Mar
ket. Botk Phones K
Tou have stock
of ahoe In Council Bluffs equal to any city.
Try Sargent' and the whole hunch. Tou
will And what you want somewhere. Sar
gent's Family Sho Stor. . Look for th
Go to Hick for your money' worth in
tailoring. No. bluff, either.
I aaal dead animal, tl per haad.
Garb, asnea. manura and alt rub
bish; elaaa vaulte and oea.poui. All
wark dona 1 auaranlaad.
proiupujr tiunua ia
Phuao. IU4 U.1
Picture framing 1 a profession and re
quire natural talent to obtain good re
sults., We've got th talent and guaran
tee ta do th work right. Handling wall
paper and doing the work Is on of our
fin aft and when It come to figuring on
painting you can d ne better than t Bsw
tir With ua. cans w can do th work
right and always make th right arte,
fount U Hiuffa 1'aint. OU and Glaaa Cu.
Nw location. Merrtam block.'
Don't forget thai I have fine spring and
umintr suit from 120 to 325. E. 8. Hicks
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SU. Nlaht LS9J
ThaVeat plaooa an earth ara ta fouad
at A. Haapa Col. a South Mala St, Council
Bluff. They net rharg mors than you
say alaawaara tor ask&owa aad Indlgsraat
Street Sweeg-er I Farehaaed.
Mayor Macrae persistent efforts to have
the city purchase a combined treat aaeeper
and sprinkler have at lat been crowned
with aucceaa. Th city council committee
on street and alleya haa finally placed an
order for on of. the machine and de
livery 1 exptcud the early part of July.
Th machine will coat tK4 and la guaran
teed for three years. If It la found satis
factory. It 1 aald. It la th intention of th
treet and alley oummlttee to purchase
a aecond macbin In the fall.
For week past reaidenta on paved etraeta
hav beea com plaining about the duat and
Imploring th city, offlelai to do some
thing ta abat th nuisance. Mayor Macrae
Insisted that something ahould be dona If
only to reaurrert farmer Councilman Cas
par aid air: Swaafiar tram Lb siiuUcipal
Why are McAtee' bakery good better
than any mad or sold In th city? Simply
becau all of th Ingredient that ga Into
their composition ar absolutely pur and
of-vth highest grad produced, and will
conform to and pas Inspection under any
pur iooa iw on earth. No compound or
Imitation uaed."
W pay 311.00 per ton for cast Iron: mixed
39.00 per ton; tove, 37.M: rgs. lc a lb :
rubber.' "c; copper. 14o per lb. J. Kattle
man, 303 South Main. Both 'Phone 650.
Position la waiting for you after taking
a course' In th Western Iowa college. Mattrea.
Oatermoor Cotton Felt Mrutresse ar
guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price,
$16.00. We ar exclusive agents. Keller
Farnaworth Furniture Co.
Investigate our cheap land propoeitlon In
eastern Colorado; $5 per acr for raising all
klnda of cropa; good soli; best of Water;
delightful cllmat. Excursion first and
third Tuesday of each month, fend for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 1:4 Mala
ttreet, Council Blnff, la.
Oaallty Ova at
Mora with paint than with anything else.
You may think you save a few dollar
an tint cost, but you'll lose a year or mora
on th - wear. We don't offer bargain
counter price for paint, but w paint o
It stay painted. Jensen at Nicholson.
Outside and Insld Houa Deoorations.
Flaa Faraa.
Two hundred-acr farm nva mile from
MUsOurl Valley. Oood Improvement and
orchard. Cheap at $73 per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Office telephone 303.
Soldier to Visit Sidney.
SIDNEY, la.. June . a.-(Spe lal.l-Poai-master
Eugene Btilea'haa been notllled by
Colonel E. D. Thomaa of the Eleventh
United BtaHea cavalry, elationed at Fort
Dea Molne. that the regiment will camp
one night at Sidney on It return from Ihe
maneuver at Fort Riley. Kan., In Septem
ber. The regiment will leave Dea Molne
for Fort Riley August 13 and niak the trip
by rail, but will march back. It will re
quire about twenty acrea of camping
grounds, with forage, fuel and water.
Extra Fancy Large Tomatoes, per lb., 5o,
or 25c per basket
A. Metsarar A C.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
&lt Mynater St., Co. Bluff. la.
Home-mad Bread a Specialty.
Tachtlng ahoe In white, mad especially
for th purpose. Saraent Family Sho
Stor. On-l.te. .etl.r.
Attorney F. W. k'.ller, rhatrmao of the
democratic county central committee, ha
railed a meeting of tewnahip and precinct
committeemen f'--' Friday eveuing. July (,
for th purpov of deciding on th data of
holding th county convention or con van
tloa. a th caa may he.
Chairman Miller la quoted a being in
favor wt anlujn on convention for select
leg aite. t tha rate, congressional
aiki ji.fli.aAl BuTatisa aad far "; m
rear Kern Str.adcd Farnace
Wall. They Fight Blase
mm Reef.
EAST ST. LOLI8, 111.. June I.-Four
firemen hoiated In an elactrlo crarj twenty
feet abov five enormoua furnace at th
American Foundry company' plant today
to fight a Br In th roof, wer left
tratded half aa hour becau th men
operating the crane became frightened and
left their pot. Th heat from th furnace
and burning root beoame unbearable and
for halt and hour the firemen cried to be
let down. At laat Fireman Mike Sulivan
In desperation. Jumped to th ground, be
neath the furnaces, threw a rope to hi
companion . and they descended baury
blistered from the terrible beat endured.
Th flr waa confine to th burning of a
false roof.
20 lbs. Best Cane Sugar...
2 lbs. Best Wisconsin Full
Cream Cheese .25c
25c Bottle Chow Chow or
Sweet Pickles... 15c
All Extracts, any flavor. per
bottle 7c
3 big; hends of Cabbage for.. 10c
2 extra large fine Cucumbers. .Sc
Wax Beans, per lb Be
All Patent Flour, per sack $1.10
Extra Fancy Large Pineapples, per dozen $1.00
Ited or Jilack Raspberries, per box, 10c, or per case. .$2.25
We have all kinds of fresh vegetables at lowest prices.
6. lbs. of hand-picked NaYjr
'Beans 9fkt
4 lbs. of Rent Japan lllee....25e
2 lbH. of best home-rendered
Lard 25e
Best Sweet Corn, per can..,.. 5c
Extra fancy California Plums,
per doz., 5c, or per basket. rifle
-Uncolored Japan Ta, per lb.. 25c
The Orvis Market and Grocery
537 West Broadway. Both 'Phones 46.
Sirloin Steak, for today only, per pound 10c
New Pickle Pork, per lb 10c
Picnic Hams, per lb 10c
Corn Beef, per lb So
Beat "Em All Soap. 10 bars.. 25c
Swift Pride Soap, 10 bars.... 25
10 bar Diamond "C" Soap... 25
Patent Flour, sack $1.20
Sugar Corn, per can, ,5o
Fancy Rice, per lb 5o
Wisconsin Cream Cheese. ., 12Hc
Boda Crackers, lb ,5
Oyster Crackers, lb 5
6 lbs. Nary Beans for 25
20 lb. Can Sugar 1.00
I lb. Oood CoffM...- 23c
Mir Drag- Dead
from lo-called heart trouble, when
oaoaa i acute hndigerttim. easily
av Rnriria Hitter. 56 cents. For
;( arable I
Ml bf 1
It Will Savo
you tlmoand
monoy if you
srill u so , . .
k 4
f :