I ,.t4 - - . THE. 011 A DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 30, im J "" " . I nrnnnn a I t rpiil linTIPPC SPECIAL (10TICES Advertlaenteat .' ibese enlemsis will be take, HI IS aa. fr veafaaT trdtttea and II . " he an oral a B Miltf dlts,. Rate 1 !- war Bret UMfllm. la a ward thereafter, srtfciaar takaa for lees taaa 20a far taa laser tie. Tkn alfrHUtatiU ru eeaaeeatlvely. AdTertleers, by raaatfa a anal be red eh-, eaa have " dresaed ta a aasabered letter - ear f Tfca Baa. Aaawera aa a4ursd will be delivered aa reeettle af ebeelc. MISCELLANEOUS SECOND SUMMER TERM I30YLES COLLEGE Monday, July 2. Write, t Adieus Neb. v 11 or 'phone for catalogue H. B. Boy lea, President, Omaha R-M146 30 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a pe- c'alty of fire escape, shutters, doors and salts. O. Andieen. Prop., 101 S. WBtj bIGN PAINTING. S. H. Cole, 1X4 tu- TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 8630. K 423 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1 "rnJa , IV Ai4 1 WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. 'Trunks, auit canes and shopping bags. ld trunk taken In exchange; repairing. FRELiNG A 8TEINLE. ' 410 N, Kith 6t. 'Phone Dowg. 4996 , R-lJuly 3 1ANTI MONOI'OL.Y Garbage Co., 21 N. Mth. Tel. L'oug. 177.. Res. phone, CXUR, n aiacra s RTttrfC. jt.rhir,if in Moutn 12th St. Tel. M37. R-US3 'it r 1'WS! ench, five for 11. 217 AJUCj IVCjIo 8 i4th gt. Tel. Douk- las 2974. R-M3i JUiyia TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, 12.60. Fox Typewriter Co.. 1822 Farnam. R-M4 July 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS .SODA FOUNTAIN, any else, 1811 Ttrwn. SI1EHW1N-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., On-.aha. Q 43 11ALI. 8 safes, new. Id-hand. 1K13 Farnam. Q-4J - FOH SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of - J. R. Campbell. Bee mall room. Q-4V41 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard - and pool tables; we ledo. ne worm m cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wick-BaJke-Collender. 407 U. 10th Bt. v Mo81 WE buy everything In the furniture line, Chicago Furniture lo., iwi iwge. CHEAP chicken, fence, long fir timbers, white basswuod fur burnt work. $21 N. Hth. Q-kU MILCH COWS. Center. on easy terms. 43d an-1 Q 431 tn'n t:R vour mall orders for drugs; ' freight paid on U0 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Oman a- 4 nvr aecond-hand Worthlncton st-arn pump, else 14xx12. capacity Son gallona per minute; i u-ri. -. uoimr, nu points; all are In good condition. AU Sress city clerk, Fullerton, Neb. Q-Ml Julyl FOR SALE Fully equipped boarding house. Address H-M Bee. Q 114 Jy lx FOR SALE House boat, furniture, tender and sail boat; inquire at Bot club. Lake Manawa. 0-192 July 3x FOR SALE One 8x12 Reclne butcher's re frigerator in A-l ronamon; one nann aomelv designed grocer's refrigerator, at tractive dtsDls- cases, etc.. at exceedingly low prices. Inquire Bommer Pros., 2Slh and Farnam. V M.t, jyi . , 24-PLATE PTATIf X-RAY MACHINE; USED 3 MONTHS: GOOD CONDITION; CHEAP IF TAKEN NOW. DR. I. L. SLATER. RANDOLPH. NEB.. BOX log. Q-M364 Julyl FINE Jersey cow, Just fresh; heifer calf. 43d and Center. J MJ juiyi OLD Bl'GGY, and harness, 43d and Center. (j-MJts juiyi BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly rurnisnea, on easy terms, to responsible party. Call 101 or 108 Ne- ills blk.. Omaha Neb. Y M9T1 Do You Wish to Make a Change t If vou have a farm. home, business or property that you want to sell or exchange GLOPB'LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, iseo., or bioux city, ta. Y-k&4 J2 in. ROOM rooming house, full of roomers: . good locatiou. Address G-04, care of Bee. X M7MI PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock, Kenmba Co. (southeast Nebraska); well established; sales from 150 to 176 per day: advise with owt.w; no trading stock; will leaulre about tb.MJO cash. Address H 8, Bee. V ul JyZl OOOD. clean stock of general merchandise. Invoice about K.noo. In a good live town ' In central Nebraska, doing a good busi ng's; no trade cunsldered. Ill health reason for selling. Address H 33. Bee. If M300 Julll CONFECTION LRY and restaurant, serv ing meala and lunch; bread, cakea, pies, cars and tolcco; has laundry agency; oer wants to leave city. Address O 15, nee omce. V 131 0x FOR BALE OR TRADE Bakery doing good business, nt haiaaln. trade stiaranteed. small capval needed, low rent, sm selling rccaurc uj-i aepenil entirely on hltvd help. Addrr Box Grand Island. Neb. N Y-M310 , LEGITIMATE ofov business, best location In Omaha, earning., u;i p,r lllonti, aver age. Price, 11.0IO. i,rKi chance for man . ana wire or r""e"t)ip. Address H 37 i are nee. . T-319 3D " WANTED SALESMEN . W ANTKU IMiemeo ana merer,,,,, th,, sell tailoring from samples, hew holme. nerchanta nesi line, niill"re rn,, uih inuiir . ...M. ( . ' ruura-omr nniim i uutm urr, ioi'iv.nU 5'rove your.elf a capable salenmn V,,,j e will liave souieihtna exceptlo aood to offer you. Write at once for ex elusive teirltory. Address lien I Mgr.. lept. 27. fcdaard E. Strsuas A Co.. Chi cago. HI. 1- M353 1 WANTED Experienced glove salesmen for South Dakota, southern Minnesota and Nebraska. C. D. Oslxirn Co., tilove Man ufacturers. Chicago. 111. L M'Ml Jul: lWANTED Salesmen to Introduce the new "J-M lighting system; exclusive features. ' sells at Mght; rare opportunity for good I men. Choice of terrltoiy end a perma- ( rent business with satisfactory profits. Writ for particulars. H V. Johns- I Manvllle Co., Ump Department, Mll- aukee. Mia. - L M33 Julyl FENCING I 4NCHOR and Iron Keucing: Wire Fencing ' $c fr foot- J N. 17lh St. Tel. Red-Ul Ml Julys WIRE and Iron Fencing Hitching Poets, Wire Trellis. Omaha Wtr and Iroa Wotks. 11.7 Farnam 6t. Tel. Red C90N M29s Jy PRINTING LTVOSTAD High Grade 1907 Calends i a ' A JORVR B E. corner ltto Ml. anj I ft JOnVh. Capitol Ave. 4uJ JXNGRAVING and printing Koiera ft av, lai Uusul Tei. Lsula fcvl. I- - WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Oirtrrr lakers; $ tUer and hnnrh breakers; will pay the beat of prices to go out of town; win eer td ticket. Address H. IX care of Bee. B Mill CHERRY FTCKERS Apply et rrhsrd of I. Jaynee any day except Sunday. Orn viHt Brom. B--98 29x WKN end boy wanted U teem plumbing, bricklaying, plssterirg trades; pay day. Coyne Fro Co.. New York. Chi ran, Cincinnati, BL Lou La. Free cata logue. J B 438 WANTED Three men of good person! appearance; outside position; ste.idr em ployment C F. A 'Jama Co., 1619 Howurd fct. 11-434 DRUG store bought and sold; drug clerk wanted, r. V. K ni eat. (U M. 1 L B 471 WAffTEIV-For V. 8. Army, ablebodled on. married men between aces ef 11 and IS; cltUene of United Siatea. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who ean pek. read and write English. For Informsilon apply to Recruiting Office. 11th and Doug laa Bt., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is land, Neb, or Sioux City, la. B i CARPENTERS wanted at Fort Omaha B M872 F . p. Keefe, contractor. YOUNG Men for Locomotive Firing. Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address Rjr. Dept, KB 8. 12th St.. Omaha. & V JBUW CTTFRRY PICKERS Apply orrhard. 9th ann jaynea. any day except pnnoay. Mren nile Broa. B m Julyla MAN with family, steady place en farm;. nouee to elf; Tree ticket. nweney a Empt. Co., 20 8o. Uth St. B M.1W BOYS wanted for factory work. BEMIS OilAtCA BAG CO. BWi 2 TEN good, steady men. 43 fv. 15th fit. B M2M Jul4 WANTED At once, registered pharmacist. Temperate: not afraid to work and un der-tan d a sod fountain. Wool-ey Phar m macy, Wymore. Neb. B M339 Jyi WANTED Second man In soda department. Aprly to Boston Store Drug Dept. Rhlpplna clerk. 160. StenoKVapher. 1K. HoKKt-eier. n0 to vn. n Offlre inannger. 1100. Call or write for complete Hat. Bee us If In need of position. WKHTEK.N HBf. FOND ASSN. IIINU.J, i)ept. B. 40-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-336 2 WANTED Roy In real estate office, 17 to en. muet De neat, inaustnnus ana iniem gent, address In own hand-writing. Ad dress H 39, Bee. B 847 30 WANTED Young man who has had ex perience In insurance omce to is us charge of Insurance department In real estate omce; must be a nustier ana ai solicitor. Address H 40, Bee. B 4fl jy 4 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; 10 positions for every graduate. Top wages pain. Few weeks completes, course in clude tools and positions. Can nearly earn expenses before completing. Call or write Moler Barber College. in Farnam Bt. B M3M JulBx FRINTBR--Vho can make good on ail around InMde work. Job. display, Campbell anil Gordon pre"swork, gasoline engine; hooxe barred. Particulars, wages and references first letter. A. B. Wood, Ger Ing, Neb. BM3M 2 A GOOD position can be secured by call ing at our office, or writing us, stating your experience. We find positions every where. WESTERN RF.F. A BOND ASSN. (Inc.) Dept. B, S40-41-42 N. Y. Life Rldg. B-M.173 SO WANTED Boy to learn pattern making trade, one with experience In manual training preferred; state age. Address H. 44, Bee. B-M365 July2 WANTED Practical bookkeeper for gen eral work with manufacturing concern; good position to right party; state age, experience and reference; also salary ex pected. Address H. 46, Bee. ' & M.tsJily2 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general housework. 8512 Farnam Bt. c 2 MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good nome and good wages; na tionality not considered; 623 4th St., Coun cil Bluffs. C 3d&4f GIRL WANTED Small family: no chil dren; nign wages. Mrs. M. u. Neely. 4371 Hamilton Bt. C M179 WANTED Experienced shirt makere, on power machines. Howell, Allen & Kauli, Denver, Colo. . C M730 Jyl9 WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook: smau lamuy; large salary. v Apply 1617 WANTED Experienced girl for general Housework; no children; good wages. In quire 2106 Blnney St. C 986 30 GOOD girl for genersl housework; wages xa a week. Tel. iiarney-W7. 816 B. 37th St C-1X6 30 GIRL wanted for house work; good wages. j.a-3 a. aisi ai. c I'M six WANTED Experienced alteration hands for ladles suit dept. s. FTederlak Berger at CO., lol7 Farnam Bt. c M3V7 30 UNIGRAPH shorthand, 1834 Farnum St.. umana. t-MJSS JulJ7 WANTED Thoroughly experienced fltKr ror laaies suit dept. u. Fredrick Berger at to., ion rarnani bi. t, all a WANTED Young lady to clerk In music store: must be good player. Addretis II 36, care of The Bee. C 327 29x WANTED An experienced nurse to take cate of twlna. must have references; best wages, Mrs. B. W. Cotton, 432 8. 3Sth Ave C 349 Jy 2 WANTED Girl for general housework refereni-es required. Mrs. 8. S. Cald well. VM6 Georgia Ave. C-M.TfJi Jul2 AGENTS WANTED LADDCb wanted to canvass for the Ed warda skirl supporter; one auDDorter fas. tena every shirt waiat to akin for seven Inct ea across back without pina, points or leetn to tear garments; tree terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co, 17 Main Bt., Buffalo, IS. I. J-MW Julyix AGENTS in every community to sell Top shine polishes. Topsr.ine Mfg. Co.. Auj Ohio Bt.. Omaha. J M927 Jul6x WANTED At once, energetic ladles: 116 per week; city work, can 1B12 uodge at. to 8 p. m. J 161 29x WANTED Hustlers for Nebraska Cor porsllon to visit business men, road work. DCkltlon permanent, bond and i ferences. self addressed stamped enveltve for reply, good pay. aaaresa n J nee. J 194 July 26 I . 1 . . J IJ - MIC .U IV. T. . V 1.1. ' I . . . 1 ' nf Lincoln Neb energetic, capable, ex perieticed life Insurance agents to won In Omaha and esstern Nebraska. N. . Snell. President. J-MX)i Jlx FIFTY dollars a month and extras; I will live for a man of itood character aa my Sjent. KUher sale-man, farmer, mer ' "ni or hanker mav apply. Vrlte lock oox if,. Lincoln. Neb J-M364 Jul AGENTt wanted to aell our popular poH cle. covering all a-cld-nta. disease nl occupatioKa: nomething entirely new and Issued by this aooistv only; easily under stood and easily aold; oit but to per annum each: commissions paid Im mediately and txrlualve territory al lowed. Addrees National Accident So ciety. 120 Broadwav. N,w yor Estab lished twenty years'. j WANTED SITUATIONS ATTENTION. THRESHEKmiN! In- ftneer want job with good o.tflt; about our years' expeiienos. Addre, Oeorsa Ky5.Bi-Af0J,lJi A M3I4 J j y , DRESSMAKING Woodruff ft Arnold. 111-14 Nerlll blocv af-TU July U M'DOWKLL SCHOOL' la Farnam. DRESSMAKING. M-fc'l Jy3 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES NEW brick, T-rooma. snodero; elecamly farniehed. ckse 1a. retaraiicaa. A l iraa H 1. Bee. 14 In j r n I I It io articleG Column. no Put FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 11th and Fsrnam, ft 'J Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks Thurston hotel; rooms tl-W op per week. TWO nicely furnished aouth front rooms. XM Harnev. aae-w DESIRABLF1 suite of rooms; also single: strictly modern; gentlemen preterrea; ivi North Twentieth. E 980 July 7. FURNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 23w Douglas Bt. E 709 WE8T FARNAM DISTRICT Nicely fur nished, modern room. 131 N. list Ave. E 770 FOR RENT 2 or 1 beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. E M126 1701 DAVENPORT, modern, one or two con necting rooms. K Mo jui4x DESIRABLE, cool, south room, modern house; references. 2221 Dougm St. E-M360 Jullx LARGE, cool south rooms: new, modern house, close in; private family. 'Phone red (C92. E-M375 2x FT'RNISHED room, everything new, S10 No. 20th. Thone Douglas 4136. E 825 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; gooa noarc; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. r-767 Julyx Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafaj F 3)1 BOARD and room at 1215 Howard Bt. F 185 Jy lx FINE, large, cool rooms: five minutes' from business center; excellent menls tr de sired. 617 Bo. 18th. F-M294 Jullx FIRST CLASS furnished rooms; single 8nd en suite; references required. 2410 Farnam St. ' K M341 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 1 rooms; bath. Tlsard. 170 N. a Mui Hd. CENTRAL, I rooms, bath. Tlsard. 220 N. G M608 no. BRIGHT UNFURNISHED ROOMS New residence, 2613 North 28th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 6146. G M306 Jul3x FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rlcos. Tel., ixiugias ibzo. eenmouer at tueller Piano Co., 1111-1313 Farnam. D 444 WOTTSF.S l" ii parta of the city. Th tlUUOXiO o. F. Davis Co.. sua Bee Biua. I D-407 ttUUOHiC) c. Meters Co.. Be Blds HOUSES. Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Bit THE Om-ha Van ft Storage Co.. pack. move and store H. H. goods; storenouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611Vk Farnam. TeJ., Doug. 1569. D 449 WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. uoug. im. omce, a.ia wen sfer St. D-60 6ED us when shlppinr household good t large cities v-s:. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug. U96. Furnished House to Let Very desirable 10-room, furnished houne. West Farnam district, during July and August. Best of references required. Rent nominal to deBlrable parties. Kew Dwelling, Just Completed 617 South 26th Ave,; 6 rooms, every modern convenience. Including electric lights: finished In hard wood throughout. Will decorate walls to suit tenant. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1320 Farnam St. ' 'Phone Douglas-1064. D-352 1 CENTRAL, 4 or t-room flats. N. 2Xd. Tisard, 224 D Mali FOR RENT Hotel Llader, Washington lake; by the week or month, or aeason; will accommodate twenty people; suitable for house parties. Inquire of T. J. Gard ner, Mankato, Minn. D-MS12 July6 FOR RENT 8-rooma, city water. 1826 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachrnann, 436 Paxton Blk. D 973 FOR RENT 1718 Mason St., 8-room cot tage, S. 614 N. 20th, new 10-room mod ern brick, hardwood finish, $60. W. R. Homan. 1617 Farnam St. D Mftt 8 CHOICE 1-room furnished cottage; well located on Lake OkoboJI. R. C. PETERS & CO.,' ' 208 2 KEW. modern, S-mom houe, West Farnam district. Tel. Harney D27. D-M304 two XKW seven room house; all nv-d em. $26.00 per month; 2Sd and Brown St.; apply to owner, di.iu in. -.hi. u on AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. 'Phone 1062. 1106 Farnam. D MS38 Jul28 1"! SOUTH 3fcth St., rooms, modern, $46. 2220 Chlcsgo 6t., 8 rooms, modern, $30. Ringwalt Hro... Barker Bfk. A GOOD 7-room Douglas 317. house, $!(. Telephone D ISO 30x 70 SOUTH 87th St.. 6-room brick house raja and bath, large lawn, good neigh lnrhnnri. one block from Ieavenworth iri oar: only 131 per month. Will put In new modem bath and lavatory for $25 per month. Funkhouaer r-unnnouBr, 118 Farnam 8t., Agents. D Mk3 JuU FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Dask room In Bee office, city ball building, sii ri. mux ex-, duu lu vmnna. Apply to manager. tu NO EviUAL. laund . drug ator. Tisard. ijO S. 23d. I-Mw STORE ROOM for rant. 401 B, Uth, Or ph.um Thaatar Bldg. DybaiL iilM Doug. 1-., I MVjS FOR RENT Third floor, als XSxlOO, suit hi, for lodse. club room or for menu lactunnc puipoaes. Inquire Palace Cloth. lug Co.. corner 14th and Douglaa. SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or maau- r,'iiiri : bilOe: 8 Boors ana basement: lv l aroaav Inquire 8i4 Fuwt Nat. Bank at tog- HALF of etc offlc for rent to reoponalble naur v Drty: Vislnes large, cool and well located; give eaa and city reference. Address H Be. I-S TWo-iLjaniiy furnished, connecting office e Xork I.tre mag , wiui teie- ."' a--. .,. . , v nuenlna branch "T'.oi . In 1,iu ao-1 o wtht dek room t" CUI lumur buiui f K3 hew trouble an ad FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON Special Sale Saturday On Saturday afternoon, Juna 30, from 1 to 8 p. m. we will be on the ground to show Tukey Heights and Epworth Place, located at 36th and Grand Ave. Go to the end of the Ames Ave. car tine and walk north to the top of the hill. We will make special price and special terme on 11 lots sold at that time. The prices range from 1100 to 1360 per lot. We can give you soma beautiful south and east fronts, overlooking tha surrounding country, or some very fine west fronts, covered with orchard and having a fine view to the west. Tartles desiring larger trscts, either acres.or half acres, suitable for gardening or chicken raising, will ba i pleased with some of our Tukey Heights lots, on Brown St., west of 36th. A. P. TUKEY ft SON, 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas-BSl. RE 164 Jyi Florence Heights A New Subdivision of acre property In the north part of lh city of Florence, about seven blocks from the end of the street car line. This Is high, slgntly, beautiful land, commanding an unobstructed view of the river and sur rounding country. , Will sell in tracts of TWO ACRE8 or more. Price very rea sonable;' terms, V cash, balance easy pay ments at 6 per cent An excellent oppor tunity to secure land for a country home. GEORGE & C0 Exclusive Agents. 1601 Farnam 8t. RE M844 30 DESIRABLE NEW HOME IN DUNDEE $4,760 for 7-room, 2-story, modern, square house, with reception hall, Junt com: pleted and up-to-date In every respect; full cement baaement, laundry, pressed brick foundation, highest grade ciutrter sswed oak finish, oak floors, combination fixtures, cement walks, nice shade trees; built by owner for his home; lot 50x128 feet; near car: line. An opportunity to secure a well built,- attractive home at a reasonable price. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam. June 27 and 29, 1906.' RE 343 29 Florence Heights That beautiful new subdivision covering some of the most desirable hill In Flor ence. Small acre tract on eaay term. For particulars call on or address. GEORGE & CO.," Exclusive Agents. 1601 Farnam St. RE-846 M30 Close in Home $4,000 for $-room modern square home on Dodge St., S blocks from high school; In first-class condl- ' tlon throughout; rents for $40 per months. Part cash, balance per cent. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 FARNAM. RE-814 29 A BARGAIN 1 block from the Walnut HJ!1 car line, in a fine neighbor hood, t-room house, bath, gas, electric light. In fine repair, south and east front, fine large lot, nice shade tree and ah rubbery, good barn. Only $2,500. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE 138 21 VACANT LOT $750.00 , On West Farnam St. Fine ahade trees, aouth front, lot 60x128. Nice new homes on either side. Improve ments all paid, and near to the Farnam cat line. For further particular see THOS. F. PAYTOX, . SOLE AGENT. Open Saturday till f p. m. 410 Bee Bldg. RE 331 ORCHARD HILL LOT $350 Colorado owners write me to sell this this beautiful lot at aane and have made exceedingly great .svraia price In order to get quick reeu'ta. Lot a right along aide thla one have auk! fcr $ oaah. fefse of lot. loxia. Call early If you want a bargain. Open Saturday till o. aa. THOS. F. PAYTON, SOLE AO' NT, 41U Be ki1v be m 130 FOR TWO nlc levl lots !oted V faet aouth of Spraarue. ea totti A-- M. B. owner, j . t J61S to recover lost in The Bee Loot FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS HSO.eiO For Improved business properly within one block Bennett's bl gstore, now renting for 7 per cent net. $77.6(10 FVr business block Joining Her Grand hotel; will lease on per cent net basis. 130.000 Business block, well rented, oppo site new Hoagland block on Howard St., near lth St. 117,000 For substantial brick business block In South Omaha; rental, 12.W2 per year. 18.000 For 1-story frame building; rental 1100 per month, 8 W. corner Grace and 18th St. $3,000-For store building. 1433 8. lth St.; rental $32.00 per month. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Farnam. RE 845 29 CLOSE IN Only 7 or 8 Min. Walk Beautiful, strictly modern house, built about eleven month ago, colonial style, ( rooms aad reception hall; all polished floors, fine, large hath room, including shower bath and medicine chest; laundry room; fine oak gas mantel with large mirror; Quaker furnace with time clock; and one could finish three more falr-slsed room on third floor. Price, $4,500. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., , Sole Agent. RE-321 2 INVESTMENTS W sold every piece of real es tate on or near Cuming 8U we advertised s cheap the past month. We now have ' another listed with us that we believe is the best bar gain in Omaha. It is a full c'ty lot and four cottages, two 8-room and two 8-room; granite paving in street and alley. All houses In good condition; rents, $522. Ten ant have been there over ten years. Thl property 1 near 22d and Cuming! where we have sold six Investments this month. You can have this one for $3,750, not a dol- ' lar under. Don't miss seeing this and putting up a deposit on it; term r easy. We will sell It again for you at a neat profit. . N. P. DODGE & CO., BEE BLDG., 1714 BWRNAM . ' . , RE-323 10 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB 8TRACT8 OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a 110.000 bond sgalnat loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr " abstract. 1008 N Y. Life Bids. 'Phone Doug. 2244. RE LAND NEAR OMAHA 4S0 acres on Dodge St., seven miles wes of postofflce. Dodge street pavement run tnrouarn una for about one-halt nillo. Several high, sightly points, very desirable for suburban homes. Price $150 per acre. Will consider taking $10,000 in good Omaha property as part payment. acres witn one-iourtn mile rrontage on Dodge St.. pavement, four and one-fourth mues west or posromce, ii4.wi". 64 acres one-fourth mile frontage on Cen ter 8t., pavement. 6-room house, barn, fcO- oarrei reservoir, witn water piped to house nam, yard. etc.. fine young orchard, very desirable for country home or South Omaha stockman; $200 per acre. loo acres near Benson, paved road. 8l2o per acre. 155 acre, well Improved, Joining Irvlnglon about ten miles northwest of Omaha, $100 an acre. GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam. June 27 and 29, 1906. H-342 2 WEST FARNAM HOME If you want a good 9-room house. In a good location, let us show you the one we have on 33d St., near Davenport. House Is all modern; fine corner lot. Owner very anxious to sell. The Byron Reed Company, Phone 297. 212 8., 14th. RE 183 29 An Ideal Home Corner lot, olx76, new, modern, i room and large reception hall; bath, furnace, gas electric lights; trees, shrubs, lawn, per manent walks. Two blocks from car. Part cash, balance easy. J. H. DUMpNT.ft SON, 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 1269. RE JT0 30 National Investment Co. 63 Douslas Blk.. 16th and Dodge Sta. 5-room house, acre of ground; tXo) cash, balance 110 a montn ii.iou. 10-room house, large lot; easy payments $1.6u. 4 rooms, on car line.- partly modern; amall casb. payment l. ooo. Kfci aw 30 400 ACRES of good uncultivated land ft aale cheap In the central part or i.iu nesota; inquire of J. Beckman. 1615 Far nam St. 'RE 844 29x $2 SENT or handed to Dexter Thomas, at tornev. 4iz nee mag., uinana. win securi a certificate allowing owner and mortgage if any, on any lot In Omaha or South Omaha. RE-M971 30 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x184, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Bia, $11,000 will take It for Immediate sal. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 459 LIST your properties with Boyer. lid ana) Cuming. RE 4 ch ab. Williamson Co, V. (t. bK. Bldg. 1st Floor. RE 4(1 8 ROOMS AND BATH. CLOSE IN-13.960. Oak finish and oak floors 1st story; sta tionary tubs and toilet In baaement; 4 hed-rooma; lot 2xi3G; one mile from Farnam and 16th St. Owner wante to build and haa made this price in order to move this property qulcklv. J, H. DUMONT ft SON. 738 N. Y. Life. Phone Douglas 129 RE M 174 ; TWO choice half-sections two mile north of Akron. Colo., Washington county, be ing the west half of section 21 and th.e north half of section 14, township 1. range 12 weat. Will aell this land for quick sal at $4 per acre. Address W, E Be n sont' raj g.M o. R E-M 378 3 x COUNCIL BLUFFS REAL ESTATE IN COUNCIL BLL'FFS. Corner lot, two blocks north street ear power house. $16u. alar, corner lot four block further north. $60. by Dexter L Tnomas. 411 Bee building. Omaha Tel. Dvu. ia, M97i ft) 91 I ' ii - - i i " 1 I ADHESIVF Invisible, har tiese. Satin skin powder is made In four alluring tlnta.RC A Dollar for You Any time before July 4th, If, this aup bin k ---n,. - 11 aa Ann. raymenl on a HO purchase of shoes, hats or cloth- ng, the balance to be paid aa you earn Home Credit Clothing Co- 1520 Dodge St, Omaha. O. A. LARMON. Mgr. v in MAGNETIC SS;niNai Mm, oor, V 478 Jyx ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the ma;ron or tn "''""V Army home for women at 1824 N. BU. Omaha, Neb. U Ml TRY KELLY'S Laundry. phone J" asxo. DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. I ft 8, 1IJ nam. V 8T YOU CAN RENT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER wltb o table for $1 00 monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO., 118 S. Hth St. Tel. Doug. 1111. U M381 JUIJ 11 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate, Pennell Millinery Co, 111 Boulo lit Bt U " 410 PRIVATE confinement home; Mr. Dr. Tel. Doug UK. 3-481 King. 1011 N. 21st St. P L E A T I N Cl Bultons. Ruohlng, fl inV-s Embroidering, Dyeing- and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only bo rer vard. Hend tor price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. $00 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglaa 1M u J LAUNDRY CITT STEAM. Tel. Doug. 254, PRIVATE home during confinement. Mr uaraeii, ssit cnarle. lei. jjoug. osii. U $ THE. BalvaUon Army solicit caat-off clotnlng; In fact, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and aell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4131 and wagon will call. U 611 Lake Okoboii Choice furnished rot tare with six sloins rooms; large lot; weir located on in lake; slxe 14x84, twa-atory; If takm within ten days, 11,100. R. C. PETERS & CO., Bee Bldg. 120 So. 17th Bt V 10 1 FREE medical and surgical treatment at creignton .Medical College, utn. and Davenport Bt. Special attention paid to confinement case. All treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Call answered day or night THE City Garbage oo. Office, 4th am Leavenworth BU. Tel. Douglas 1387 U 48$ CATTIES THREE-LATER WHITE, 80 aAfVfitJ JOHNBON-OOODLET CO., tOuJ Lake. Tel. Douglas 167 U Ma Jul l PRIVATE horn during oonnnarnant; ba ble adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffa, la. Tel. 774. U-4UJ SURVEYING. BUckensderfer. til Bee Bldg. u iva OMAHA Slammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. VI B8 8YRINGEB, rubber goods, by-mail: cut prices. Send for free catalosrue. Myers- Dillon Drug Co, Oman. . . u SEWING machine and supplies. P. B. Flodtnan ft Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. U-671 JeM MAGNETIC Sf.rS5i XrSt tenhouse, 410 N. 16th at., room 1. 2nd floor. U-M-683-July-l WE RENT sewing machine at $1 per week; w sell second hand machines $o up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner Ittk ana Harney. lei. uougias U M161 DRS. VOGEL privat hospital or women and for ladle before ana during confine ment. 231 o. 13 tn Bt., umana, is en. U-M466 Julyll n-r,,. TTo ; y restored to Its youthful color U1; and glos. W use no dye or lotions. zi is. ana. ti. Ka wo. U M-6M-July-M LEARN DRESSMAKING By the Mc Dowell system you are taught the only system or cutting witn a woria-wiae repu tat ion; eaay payments; positions free, send for circular. McDowell School of Dressmaking. Mr. Connolly manager, 1623 Farnam, umana. u Mh Jya BALLOON Ascensions. N. 24th. McKay Bros., 1116 U 831 30X A8K grocer for Ihm's fancy currant. . U-M181 MAGNETIC Massage. 411 N. 16th St., aecona noor, room 2. U M149 July2S MARCEL AVAVE. manicuring, facial ma age. Lutle Bryant, 818 Bee Bldg. U M'.48 July WANTED-Fourth of July attractions . merry-go-round, trapeze act, etc.; best of terms. Address Fourth of July Commit tee, Weston, Neb. u M328 Jyi CHIROPODIST Dr. Dunbar, 208 Neville Block. llalrdressing.' manicuring, massaging. We use exclusively latest appliances. U-M371 July2 RUPTURE CURED-Our new ELECTRO GALVANIC treatment cures rupture In 30 to 0 dsyn without pain or detention irom nusiness. uur "Home Treatment after one visit to our offices, enablea you to cure yourself at home. Write for free. booklet or call at our offices. Th QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO.. 611 Wood- meii of the World building. U MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer eor men. "Gray' Nerve Food Pius 1 dox. poetpata. Bnerman McConnell Drug o omana. 481 FOR SALE FARMS B'lNE FARMS AND RANCI LANDS. UNION PA CIFIC RAILROAD CO. 1 closing out it lands In western braaka, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acr. Tak advantage of the low price N and easy term offered, th opportunity will soon b gon. Special excursion rate to the land. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, $18 South 15th St.. Omaha, Neb. H-M13 JO NOTICE TO FARMERS. I have farms snd city property for sale, rent and leaae; land that I want put Into cultivation; want v rrguisr wood chop pers; ran furnish labor for 20 families For particulars address W. A. Smith "The Land Man," Sulphur Springs, Tex H-M17 Julyix Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska Kansas. Colorado and Wyomine low prices, ten years' lime. Land Ddl U. P. R. B,, Omaha. Neb-. Dept "A. M 41 FOR EXCHANGE IV YOU do not find what you want In thl wiuiun, yui mu a id ano you will son 5- - st mst LAW AND COLLECTIONS l M. Ma-farUa4. W. Pouc. fakA, T. la, B.d. Ti UUNOPFRG-Myrtle ef measles. Jurte I. 1!. aged I years, r ranmni injn, loved daughter of Mr. arjd Mr. A. I . I.JUllKrwia. c-,,.,.-.l fSaturHav afternoon at 2 o clink from the fanillv residence. 2i Shirley street. Interment Forest Iiri.Tm.,jTi FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. II. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN ft GENTLEMAN. 72 N. 16th. Don jlas H-'W. w:w juh MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 13 jyzt MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY! EVERTBODT NEEDS IT. And thla Is the place to come ahd get It. Don't let money stsnd In the way of en- joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained t tni omce on rr, GOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, WAGONS, etc SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANSt We bar a mod rroroltlon to offer those who wish money to tide them over vacation period. Call and b convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 107-108 raxton Block. X-M-948-38 OUR LOANS Our ammovea arra well Informed aad courteous and w ar always pleased t explain our manner of loana. TVe tell yoj to the cent what th coat will be, and II you conclude that It will not pay you t borrow, there I no harm done. We loan on fiirnltiira. nlanoa. Ilv StOCB and other chattel and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. W offer you rates as low as jrwi will find and our facilities for quick and oon fldentlal services are unsurpassed. we ar ire oldest concern in our line is the city, and we always try to please out patron. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Ill Board of Trad Bids;. "Phone Doug. ESS, A. -to MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, lew. elry, horse, oowa, eta C. F. Reed, 810 a iia. - Jt 4H Bowen. 703 N. Y. Life Bldar Advance Private money on chattels or salary. Eay to get no red tape. You get money earn day aaked for at amall coat Open evening till 7. X AM DR. PRIB KNOWS PRIVATE MONEY loaned on rurnlture, pianos, salary, horses, eta. In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect .pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any term wanted; payment suspended in case of sickness or out of employment Room 114 Karbaoh Blk.. 108 & &th St X-4S8 EAGLE Loan Offtoe, reliable, accommodat ing; aii d us in ess oonnaenusj. uui Doug, X-4U1 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLH ana oiner without security; easy pay meat. Office in 61 crlnclnal rltlea i. Tol man, room 714 New lork.LU Bldg. X-497 FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry Loan. 131 jsevius ttim. xatu wjtiiiN LOAN CO. FURNITURE, Live Stook. Baary Loana fun.urwa un CO., room a, Barker Blk. X-49 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana c oiy, miiui to., iDui r aruam fail. a. sua CHATTEL and salary loan. Phoenlg k.raii co.. ess paxton Block, x M463 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. $ and IS per cen i loans on reel eaiaie; no aeiay. W 4oJ MONEY TO LOAN Payn lnveatment Co. W 461 WANTED City loan and warranta W. Farnam bmltn co lw Farnam Bt , W-464 BUILDING loan on residence property; I per cent W. B. Melkle, Ramg block. i W 40 LOWEST RATES Bemi, Paxton blocla w 468 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed. 1620 Doug. w 467 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and reel. ri.n. nrnntrlv in Omaha; no delay. Thomas Brennan, H. l. N. y' Uf. WANTED City loana R. C Peters ft Co. ' v, . toy City ft farm loan. O. V. Carson Co., N.Y L. W 4(0 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. W 4?1 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOAN a Reed Bron.. 1710 Farnam St W 471 Lost LOST Monday evening on I3th - St.. be tween Vinton and Boulevard, one 14 kt. Sold band ring, Initial on Inside of ring to J: return to Mrs. Jno Thomas, -lh and J Bt., South Omaha. Lost i!l 29 LEFT on Sherman Ave. car June 3, one ladles ha no nag. Finder leave at U. S. naval recruiting station and receive liberal reward. Lost M328 30x LOST Cameo rln, between th and Far- . ...... .. 1 1 .... .1 T. -' T.. 1 1 b ii, .urn uiiu , , . i , , i , , i un aiuir. ward. Return to Ilayden Bros. o Dept. Lor.t-M 1 . PERSON who found tiearl x.i.'t '$1 r-TT?S- 7NlAve. Lot-869 lOx "The Capitol -t-M V - 4.--,J 1 ...u nt a lrnor LOST-KA irl He- office. Reward "X : 1st-M376x X 7 - v STENTS - . 'atered attorney; pat- H. A. BTURGE8, reg, yrlBhts; no fee u li en is, trade marks, cot y. w, Omab. Iss successful. 617 N. 7J '" 'sot lawyers; PatfStv Keb Bldg., OniaV474 F. J. LARSON ft CO. patsnt book free Bee Patent- procured, Invention developed, drawlnga.V ' patterns, castings, machine work. 604-oU fe. loth St. 476 PATENTS procured, bouirht and sold Na tional Investment Co.. U Douglas Blk. -M907 Julyl CONSULTING ENGINEER U H. GARDNER, $11 Flrat Nat. Bank Power planta. manufacturing processes. Is plant, tests. Inspection, reports. M131 July 11 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. Ill South ltkh Bt.. upsiaira, Resullful prediction absolutsly given. ' B 466 IF In trouble or worried, consult the re liable Mrs. Fauat; Permanently located I1.1W Cuming. Advice on all affairs. - M . - I'M HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE FOR BALE 1 pairs carriage horses; 1 single drivers; 1 surrey horse: 1 light driver. Dr. Hamilton, corner Main and Broadway, Council Bluffa. la. P-M377 6 CHEAP work mare, 43d and Center. P-M3n8 Julyl TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav tickets every-where. P. Ii- Phllbto. Uu6 Faroain. 'Phone Lou a. ts. -4.H LAP SON ft JOHN BO 1408 FaraAtal. Imh if n i