13 THE OMAHA DAILY BKEi SATURDAY, JCXE 30, 1903. V .1 J :1s GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET IZB !r Jrwtws B- -U V KKW tORK URACHAL, MARKKT Enlli Tail to 8t-p Wheal la Townwu Conns. SEPTEMBER CLOSES OVER CENT LOWER Cora raasaally Flraa la the rae f This nnkitn aaa God Weather Actaal Gala la Big; Moiiai, OMAHA, June it. WA. Wheat continued on 111 downward court today, Price were oft at the opening, the heavy rain all through th tp.lng wheat country having do eaect. Snortiy me mar ket turned uronr,, advancing about S! only to brea again. The decline reached ISo below yeaterday. with a recovery of fco at the close. Harveit I progressing ravoraoie in the southwest ana continue! report come of Rood yield. The cash demand I not very food. Thl country i sun out of line for export, a.ul Dear confidently expect good report on winter yield and good proepect fur spring wheal will eend rrlre mum lower Corn eteadfastly refuaed to yield with tl.t weakness in wheat, and thl In spite of good weather and only a fair cAh demand, It not only held It own today, but gained. Tli opening wa unchanged on September and there wa a gain of V, with a subse quent loss of o. July closed So abova yceierasy. There wa no tradlna in oat. Argentina shipments of wheat were l.SW.- V buhtls, against t.eM.OUO bushels last week. Corn shipment were 2,U7,OVO bushels, against t.oa.CMi bushels last year. Iho Modern Miller says: "Returns from the threshing of wlntrr hMt renerallv show i good yield of grain of excellent mill ing quality. Few reports of deficient yield are -received. Crop conditions in Nebraska nave Improved since tbe recent rain and the good crop promise elsewhere I main tamed. Rain have impeded the harvest and delayed movement to market, but the rroieots are that the movement will be tree if the weather continue favorable. 1'rlmary wheat receipt mere 231,000 bushel and shipment 120,000 bushels, . aKuinsl recelpta last year of 282.001) bushels and shipment of 107,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 717,000 bushels and shipments 411, 000 bushels, against receipts Ust yesr of 830.000 bushels and shipments of (51,000 bushels. Clearances were 27,000 barrels flour, 214.000 bushel corn and 440,000 bushels oats. Liverpool closed fNd lower on wheat and u Hd lower on corn. I.oral range of options: Articles. Op-il.T Hlgh. Low. Close TeVy. NEW MR STOCKS AND BONDS Wheal I July. Sept. Sept. 7A-TS'aBt J 7b ..I 47V.B. 7A 7S 47HBI 7A US 7ViB 76A 76A 47HB1 47A 76HA 7VB 47HA 47VB A asked. B bid Omaha Cask Sale. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car, 75c. CORN No. J. 2 cars, 47c. Oanaha Cash Prices. WH BAT No. 2 hard, 74Vt877c; No, 7C&ic: No. 4 hard, (Mtf.oc; No. 2 74l,c; No. spring. 70fi73c. CORN No, 2, 47c; No. J. WUi sawc; No. 3 yellow, 47Vc; No, 7'it7ac: No. I white. Vri9c. OATS No. t mixed. W'8".!h'-tc; No. I whlta, Kuii'c; No. 4 white, K6Vt'tj V,c. . KYJfc-No. 1, 6c; No. t. fci67o. 1 ' . Carlo! Heesiyta, Wheat. I hard, spring. 47c; No. -4. . f yellow, Chicago Kansas' City .mi lint pons Omaha lululh St. Louis .. 7 .. ..170 .. 1 .. 46 .. 10 Corn. 2tt U ' Oats. 126 tiaotatlona at the Pay Tarleas ' Caeaaaedltle. KEW TORK, June 2FrrR Re ceipts, 11.441 bbls; exports. lt.ll bbls.; sls. 4.000 packaaes: market steady but dull: winter patents. 14000410; winter etrslghts, ll.10C4.10; winter extrss, 11 140; winter low granes, u mi'jmn, Minnesota patents, 4 tie 4 IS; Minnesota bskere. 114W1S. Rve flour quiet; fair to good, tl.46 0 4 5; choice to fancy, li st W . . ... . . CORNMFAI Steady, nne wnite ana yel low, 11.2001. 21; coarse, 11.10 tj 112; kiln dried, $:oei.00. RYE Dull; No. I western, Wc, nominal, f. o. li.. New York. WHEAT Receipts 21.200 bushels; sale", I,600,00 bushels futures; spot market easy; No. S red. flTtc elevator: ISO. Z tea, ttSc nominal t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth, 114c nominal f. o. b. afloat! No. 1 northern Manitoba, llHc nominal t. o. b. afloat. Sharp decllnea occurred in wheat today, patching stop loss orders, the rlose showing U to IS net decline. Im- firoverl weather and crop news, a besr ih Modern Miller report and weakness In outside markets were the matn in fluences connected with the break. July, IIItSMV, closed. 7c; September, 7Hc, ctoed, 17c; December. 8t tJIOr, closed. It4c. CORN Receipts 47.J00 bushels; ex norta. 1511 Si bushels: sale 66.000 bushels futures. Spot market firm; No. 2, 0W nominal elevator and ISOc nominal f. o. n, afloat; No. 2 yellow, lOHe nominal; No. 1 white, 61e nominal. Option market had a sharp advance early on light country ac rntanres and hull eiiPDort. but finally re acted with wheat, closing only "Ac net .. . . , . . , . Y. nigner: Juiy cioeea, eec; ppMmnuwi. WVe, closed 68 4c; December closed ''oATS Receipts 28,500 buhels: export 440 bushels: snot market firm: mixed oat 2 to 82 pound. IIS 4 44c; natural white, 10 to II pounds, 44$ 45c; clipped white. 18 to 40 pounds, 41 Oslo. FEELv-fjteady; spring bran. Ii25 first half July shipment; middling, 119.75 first half July shipment. HAY Steady; shipping. 6565c: good to choice. lietiUe. HOPS Steady; Paclfla coast, isos, irr lie; 1104, II Oil He; old nominal; stato. common ta rhntce. 1905. ff 1 sc. HIDES Rteadv. Oalveston. 20 to Zt pound, 20c; California, 21 to 25 pound, lie; Texas dry. 24 to 10 pounos ic. LEATHER Steadv: acid. C27ViC PROVISIONS Beef steady; family. 111 001011 K0: mesa. 1 4.60 iG . 00 : beef hams. izo.BOff 22.00: packet, is.&n'oi iv.e. tut mpsla. Arm: mickled bellies. Ill.OOtT IS. 00: pickled shoulders, !8 00Ol..t; nlckled hams. 112 000 12.50 Lard. Arm western prime. 18.8b; rennea, stema , continent. IS 2i; South America, 19. .5; com pound, 747c. Fork, tirm; lamny. ihm; short clear, 1. 75 18.60; mess, I17.21& 17.76. TALLOW- Steady; city, 6c; country, lesur. RICE Steady; domestic, rair 10 extra, IHtlH-e- . BL 1 T Kit rirm; renovaiea. common 10 extra. 1218V4e; western factory, common to firsts. 12(filr.V.c. CHEESE Steady; receipts. 1.405; new Tork etate full creams, large fancy, lie; New York Tull creams, fair to food. tt0Kc: New York full creams, small fancy, 11c; New York full creams, fair ta a cod. ionize: new lorx run creams, 111 ferlor, IHHc; skims. 7jl. li: DMadl" r,-pinl 13. MIX: Stat Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white. 23c. cnoice. zitrzzc: cnoice mixeu. extra, 20S21c; western firsts, lmoiic; western seconds. 1616c; southerns, . 14 rul'l.TBI- Live, quiet; wemprn spring ehlrkana 18c? fowls, l.llc: turkev. !Kal2c: dresned, qvilt; western spring chickens, 17 1821c; turkeys, liaise; rowis, Eellinar Preunr Continnoi to Tlroncbont to 8wiioii. Grow MARKET WEAK AND "SEMI-DEMORALIZED Closa Is Hear taa Lswrit, wltk Uaterlal Ket Lasses la Prae tteally taa Eatlra Ust. II CHICAGO GRAVt AMD PROVISIONS CHICAA June 29. General selling Trading; ail Cloatagj Board of Trad. by longs caused weakneas today In the local wheat market. At the close September was down 1'ktflHc. Corn was unchanged Oat showed a gain of He. Provisions were 6i7Wn hlarher to 10c lower. Sentiment In the whest pit was Inclined to be weak for the greater part of the day, but several times the market rallied slightly on covering by shorts, which wss bssed upon the excellent weather for the harvesting of winter whest. There wss a little rally early In the day on buying by coin ml felon houses with northwestern con nectiuns. The news from the northwest aa sxaln of a bullish character, add! tlonal rains being reported In vsrious sec tions of the winter whest country. Later In the session the market was srrectea bv rerutrts from Missouri and southern Illinois which claimed that the yield of wheat In Ihose sections would be very heavy. During the last hour, the market wss extremely weak on general eelllrur. Shorts were the best buyers. The clone wss week with prices rlose to the lowest point of the day. September opened un changed to c lower st 827iHS3c. sold at 83kc snd declined to 8lc. The close was at 8lVme. Clearances of wheat and flujir were eaual to 118.1O0 bushels. Kx ports for th week a shown by Brad- street's were eaual to l.OOO.OOO bushels I'rlirary receipts were 2E9,Of bushels against 29.',ii0 bushel for the same dsy last yer. Minneannlla. Duluth and Chlcaxo reported recelnta of 222 care against 230 cars last nnA ir nri a vesr sao. Light country acceptances and a lively ahinninr rivmanH caused the corn market to be st ron a nesrly all day. 1-ate in the Miinn linuutation. couDled with the break In wheat, resulted in a loss of much of ths early firmness. Th market closed stesdy. September opened a shade to He higher at 6JYo'"'i' lo Mc, sold between t2tcitiO ana ciosea mi e--v . . . - r. Iff" ceipi were on oars win, im Th oats msrket wa firm all day. There wm unrul s-nnral demand, based largely upon hot weather, which was said to.b detrimental to the best development of the new crop. Offerings wera light. The msrket cVsed firm. September opened un changed o 'c higher at snban.wo, v a need to and closed at S64, t r lr,l were 124 cars. Trading In provlalons wss quiets Early In the day the market wa firm on buying by local packers, but lster the msrk.t A. .a n? iriha In svmDSthy with ths break In wheat. At th close September pork wa down 1"C at 1170. Lard w upi.KAaed at 18 lit. Rib were bWt,c fc , . t IB 3ftf, a X.'W. 17 cari- ,6fc'P ' toT tomorrow: Whest. wiirTl.? -ra; . "; hogs. Th leading futur ntei followi. Article. Opert.l Hli.rrsf.w ZSZiZ St. Laata General Market 8T. LOUIS,' June 20. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, cah, elevator. t)c track, Oc; July, 7J'.i7c; Beptemotr, !4(aiJ?c; xso. 2 hard. lktMc. CORN Weak; No. I cash. 6lc; track. 62c: July. wiHc; ueptemrjer, isc V' l J I I IK MCI lw. am , II .1,11, 28t3c; July. 17; September, H6-)3j36Vc; no. z wnite. jc. FIX1 R Bteady; red winter patents, M.3S 64.60; extra fancy and straight, 13.764.30; clear, i:'. 76(8 3.25. SEED Timothy higher. 83.0O3.5O. CORNMBAL Higher. 2.). FRAN Dull: sacked east track, 802c HAY-Flrmi timothy. I12.504i17.00; prairie. IRON COTTON TIES 41.00. BAOOINO 8So. HEMP TWIN E 7V4C. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobhlng, 11(70. Lard, steady; prime steamed. Ik.46. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 13.60; clsar ribs, SS.62Vi; short clears, !.8;4. hutcon, steany; Doxed extra snorts, Ki.a i-lar rib. 110.S7U: short clears. 110.S2U POULTRY Weak; chickens, SWc; springs. liic; turays, jic; aucas. sc; geese, oc. BUTTER Steady : creamery. 1521c: dairy, icji.c. EGGS Lower, 12Hc, NEW YORK. June t Stock cam upon the msrket freely from time to tlm today in continuance, of the liquidation move ment recently In progreea. Th result was sort ot nibbling st prices wninn mane constant Inroads upon vslues and was highly dlaconcertlna to holder of long lock. Th consequence was a growth In selling pressure until In the final hour the market took on the wk and demoralised tone which characterised Wednesdays break. In a few cases price got back to a lower level than during th decline of the first part of yeeterday' session. The bear party showed treat caution In Its operations and made no such raid on price sa were in evidence earlier in the reek. It w evident that a waiting de mand existed at the lower level and thl wa attributed to th outstanding ahort who took the opportunity in this way to realise their proms. There were no Im portant incidents bearlna on value In today new. Money on call wa aetWa sll dsy In consequence of calling of loan by the banks in preparation for meeting the July settlement requirement. The fact that this Is the last day of prepare tlntt previous to the July 1 payment, aa th money market at th Stock exchange Is wholly nominal on Saturday, left room for some feelln that th worst effect or the coming requirements were being felt In today's money market. Advice from Washington -during the day pointed to th possiDinty or a nnol adjournment ot con gress tonight. As large short selling for bear account Is believed to have been baaed on apprehensions of further congressional action against corporations, professional operators looked for some covering demand upon the adjournment of congress. The argument was heard slao that the ad ministration program against the trusts ha peen outlined, leaving no further measures to be reared. Trie seeming restraint witn which the bears operated In th market was accounted for by these considerations The supposition that money win work easier with the turn of the half year has played a part In the day s operations, a, though It wa pointed out that on pre vloua occasions the unsettlement In money has continued for several day after the period of the ettlement. The announce ment of 1600,0(10 gold secured from the Bank of. England for export has the effect of confirming confidence that next week's ex pected large arrivals of Soutn Arrlcan aold In London would be secured for New York. Although the banks have lost-over 81.000,000 to the sub-treasury on the 'week' operations, there has been a suracietit gain on the express movement with the Interior to indicate an Increase In cash ot about 12.700.000. The week's liquidation in stock Is expected to reduce the loan item and make a stronx bank return. Stocks which have been most active In the speculation continued under notable presaWe, notwithstanding these restraining factors. It was concluded that the calling or loans still affected most directly stock market pools and large speculative holdings in the market. The concurrent weakness of the Hill railroad stock and of the I nlted States Steel stocks pointed to Haul datlon of speculative holdings which have been acquired In connection with th Great Northern ore lands deal- report. Rumor pointed to the closing out of an Important speculative account for an estate In process of settlement. Today's reports of earning of railroads for May made a strong show ing with the exception of that for Reading. which snowed the final effects or th an thracite miners' strike. The lowest price of the day were touched In the last hour and th market closed week and near the lowest with material net losses throughout. Bonds were heavy. Total ssje. par value, $1,170,000. United States' 3s, coupon, declined H per cent on call. The following ar th quotation on the 000 gold reserve shows: Available cash lance, 1174, nil. Ill; gold coin and bul lion, 190, 014, 171; gold certificates, 140,- 150. NEW YORK. June . MONET On call. trong and higher at 49 per cent: ruling rate, per cent; closing bid, 44j per cent: offered st I per cent: time loans, very dull and steady; sixty osys. 4 per cent; ninny day. 4H P cent: alx months, 6-(iSa per cent; prime mercantile paper, luov, p-r cent. STERLING FXCHAUE weaaer arter an advance st 4.s4Mi.4ii tor nemano ano t 14 81lo4 8?n for lxty-iT puis; posteo rstes. 4.8:4y&W and 4.85vy4.M; commer cial bills, M.81V SILVER Bar, Wc; Mexican aonars, ana,.,. HONDO uorernmeni, easy; rauruau. heavy. Quotation on new mrs oonas lousy wer as follows: v g. ear. h. re fle eevpoe . g. . rag.... So eeupos U g. ol4 im. n as comae .... V a s 4s, r 30 fTQpOfl As. Tobssse 4s , 4o s Atrhlena SMI. 4s.. 4o adl. 4a Atlantic C. V. 4s. Bsl. Okie 4s... so e Brk. R. T. e. 4s.. Central of Os. is. 4o let Ina 4o 14 las So 14 In (. Obis IHl .lM4'Ja s. 4 ..14 1 4 rtfl. ..1014 So 4a rtrs ..1(U 1 series. ..11-. I, A N. sal. 4s... ..101 Ma, t. t ..llt4 Me. Central 4s... . .lrt( io tat Inr .. 17VMtna. a at. L. ..I11VM - K. T- ..m to H .. N. R. R. of M. e. ,. N Y. C. . ISa.. ..m IN. J. C. f. la...., .. Nli'Kt. rarlfle 4a..... .. N do la ...lllK, N. W. . 4a... .. rt IO. I. U rtdg 4a. ,.. yens. eoav. ... tiu Readies sen. 4s.. u a I. M. series.. .. 41 ..in ..101 .. T .. lH .. .. n .. 41 4s X4 .. ia ..v ..14 .. 7, .. s$ .. rr ..ioi4 t..114H IM1HA LIVE STOCK H1RKET rt Cattl eiow and Dull, wtlh Lowtr TgTldgOOJ. HOGS SHOW STILL FURTHER GAINS treaae High Pelat, Break Badly aa Aeeoaat af Lower Prlee Pr SOUTH OMAHA. June 2, ISO. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Official Monday 1,110 ITSS Hll Offlclal Tuesday 4.447 11.283 Ofrlclal Wcdncsdar l.i4 8.214 " Ofrlclal Thursday J.474 16.411 1 812 Official Friday 2.108 12.16S 1.317 17 '4 t Ctlcofo A A. IHa.... tt . U F. ft- 4a. W14 C. B. A . s. 4s.... eaV8t U . W. s. 4a.... t C, R. I. P. 4s 74'4 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... I7V4 4 col CCC. 4 tt. U Colo. In, la, sa do sarlas B..., Colorado Mid. Colo. So. 4s.. Cabs la D. A R. O. 4s. Dletlllors" Sec. I Brio s I. 4a.... do son. 4o.... Japan 4a .. Uttered, St i Bo. padfle 4a II 4s..l4! a etfa irvf r. A. 74 iso. naiiwar ta 111 tS Teaaa P. la Ill 14 T.. St. U W. 4a.. II MV4 t'slos Pmclnc 4s iwv ina If- B. Steel M 4 Ml IM Wabaah la 1114 I da deb. B II 101 ss Woatern Mi. 4a MH M W. I L g. a IH Wis. Contra! 4s lilt Bestaa Stocks aad Boads. BOSTON. June 2.-Call loans, 46 per rent. Time losns, 4(S6t per cent. Offlclal closing on stock and oonas: Five day thl week.... 16. Oil 68.77 1V77I Same day last weok....l,S Vi.Kl 4.IH Same two weeks ago. . ..n.O-fl 87, M 7.448 Same three weeks sgo..l7.; 47.U1 12.7W Same four weeks aao...l8.M6 S&.748 11.237 Same days last year.... 11.18 U.l lMo Th, tnimwlns? tuhio ahowa the receipts oC cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to date, compared with last rear: 19na. 1805. Inc. Cattl 474. 4S1 424.8M ".f Hon I It' 1 l.JSd.114 146. 2!4 Bheeo 70.ra7 71.4e4 2.07J CATTLB QUOTATIONS. Th follomlne will ahow th price paid tor th different kind of cattl oa th South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed tr 15 1J TO Fair to good corn-fed eteer 4.7'ex.10 Common to fair corn-fed tre.... 4.utij4.i Good to choice cow and half era.. 4o-4 b6 Fair to aood com nil heifers 8.Cno4m) Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.7fc!a ) Good to Choice stocker A feeder.. 1.764.00 lr to good atockeie and feedet. lv(4-i Common to fair atocksrs l otv 2 Bulla, itc. 1.7OU-4.10 Veal calve '. 4.00iifi.7 'lua following tab I shows th aveiaa price of hog at South Omana for the last evarat days, with comparisons; Dt. WU. IIJOS.IIIW.IISOS.IIIW.IIWLIISW Atrblann ad. do 4a In. Central Atrhleon do pfd Boaton Albany. Boaton A Maine... Boeton Elevated .. Fltrhburg pfd .... staalcan Cootrsl .. Tnloa Pacific Amor. Atxo. Cham. do pfd Amor. Pneil. Tuba. Amor. Busar ...... da pfd Amor. T. T... Amor. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A B.. Kdlaon Klae. Iilu. Maaa. Gloctrto .... do pfd- Maaa. Gaa t nttad Knilt United Shoe Macb... do pfd . North Butte t:. a. a eel... do pfd .... Waatlng. common ...1004 ... 77 ... M ... f ...141 ...171 ...151 ...Mrt .... td ...ML. .... 2 ... II .. 18 ..117 ..1.1k ,.14 .. Il ..10J1 .. 14 ..14 J .. I4H .. I7S, .. ta Adranture Allotiet Amalsamated ..... American Kmc .... Atlantic Btntham Cal. A Hacla Centennial Copper Range ..... nalgr woet Franklin Oranbr 1,1 Roeale Mm. Mining ..... Mlcbliaa Mnhavk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion .... Ooreola Parrot Qulncr Shannon Tamarack Trlnltr Talted Copper .... 17 iT. S. Mining tt'Ji V. 8. Oil H t'tah 44 IVIctorla I1. Winona 74 I Wolverine .. .. a .. n .. i .. u .. 17 ..41 .. J4 .. ! .. Il4 .. 1T4 .. 10 .. .71, .. 1 .. 11 .. .H .. IS .. MS ..101 .. u .. W4 .. 4 .. H . I ... 41 .. MS .. IS :. his ... ?s .. i ..im Juna 18... Jun 17... June 18... Jun is... 4Ull 2v... Jun ll.. June ti.., j un u... June 24.., Jun 25.. Jun 26.., Jun 27.. Jun .. Jun 2B.. 22 4 881 I 02 7 24 I v.u a iI a ui t va 8 811 HS J7 7 261 f 108 87Hi ta i a mi i i u I on i ui 1 141 I wi H7V4I 10 07 7 481 i Mi i M : !?l Y'J ? H . .." V 141 i 16) 6 M I 4 'All I 1Z toM, I I M t 28 4i4a i 33 1 ( 14 I S U 111 I 6 22 6 061 I 87 6 w 7i 7 4i .'J V 1 471 I Ul I Hi ' 7 M I', s i 7 61 B 93 PI 7 641 6 1 6 02 T 66 7 62 Ml 6 66 Sunday. RANGE IN PRICES. Cattle. t3.40Q6.76 l.iaVe.0 2.lXUt.w0 2.0IHUA.BB 1.00O6.IS6 Hogs. S.4uj4i.67V b.tbu.su 6 6ku.70 t.0lieV76 H6a.66 Asked. -Ek-dlvidend. "'Bid. Cocaola. monar do account 17 11-11 Anaconda 1214 Atchison II - do pfd 104 Baltimore Ohio. . . . ltni Canadian PaclSo .I..144 Stock exchange: galas. Klgk. Uw. Class. 17 ms hi Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu. . Corn, bu. .. Oats, bir. ... Receipts. Shipments. 4.0U0 ....10,0i0 ....ai.ono ....2J.OO0 8.000 31.000 59.nno 61,000 Mlaaeagialla Grata Market. (Superior Board of Trade Quotations foe Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Th rang of price, n reported by F. D. Day A Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Article. Open.) Utgh. Low. Clos. Tey. Local ra cer of con- Whest I July... Sept..., Pic... Flax- July... Sept... Oct.... o39'4j 8SS 834j:cJ1S'I KttVsl 3 t 18 l US 1 U 1 11 i ir 1 12 82t 81V 8'SI slSiMVoM 82tk;83S9H 83 1 124i 1 12V 1 " 1 12 I 12JTfc 1 IV , 81 1 124 1 12H 1 US 1,100 in no '.'im -4ti 'ii' Minneapolis Cash Prices Wheat : No. 1 herd. 8444c: No. 1 northern. 834r: to arrive. 8-iHc; No. 1 northern. 82c; to arrive. 82Vbc; No. (1 northern, 81$oHac; No. 1 durum, 7310; No. 2 durum, 71'c. Corn: No. 2 yel low, w-v: . ro. t, sc. uats: tso. j wnit. 87So: No. t, 4HW4J3RSC. Barley, S7i848c. Kye, 64Mc Flsx: Cash, tl.0. Kasaa City Orala aad Prarlslaas. KANSAS CITT. June . WHEAT-July. 71c; September, 74SC; December, 76.c ro. t nsra, othiv; no. l, Tiac mc. o. a, iTSfT.nc. II 41 7414 141 Cr.sh: No. 2 red Wheat July 8ep. Dec. Corn July 6epV Oats- July iWaCS i2'e'Uj! !s3:aii4, isiViasi i i i mm Oct, Pi he July Sept. Oct. MV, 4-V Pork- i 6 6 46 I 324j 10 t Tes'y. ! J tts U 6?HI 62 6ia bZSi - ! 1 Itt 1 1 I OOl A I WVal &'t t1 I J7 I17H01! i 1 I I 17 00 I IT S 16 70 1 SO I I 78 8 77Hi T lM IK In I 40 9 40 l"H I I I ls t 16 I 8 07HI I 071 0 CORN July. 4c; September. 48So: De cember, 4f'Se. Cash: No. 2 mixed, oOc; No. 1, 49SO; No. 2 wl lte. 50r;, No. i, 60c. OATS No. 2 while. 2S&40c: No. 2 mixed. Vc. HAT Stesdy: choice timothy. US.Sfr cnoit-e prairj. mi vm li oo. n i r. o'iiy, odtmm:, numiniu. BCTTtR Creamery. lCWc:- uacklnr. UU KGG8 Steady : MI.-v.ourt and Kansas, new No. I whitewnod cases Included. HV; case count, litc; cases returned. Wc less. . Rereints. fititmnents. Wheat, bu ; X0fJ ifi.OOO Corn, bu 83.U00 24,':oo Oate, bu ll.OuO 1,000 17 OCHf 17 00 16 87WI W "0 i I 4f t"Ji WW 40 Mllwaake Grata Market. MILWACKEE. June 2. WHEAT Steady; No. -1 northern, 86H0 8kHc; No. 2 northern. 84V187c: September. llHe bid RYE Lower; No. 1. 4fl5e. BARLEY Dull: No. 2. Lit: samDle. 46 64c. . t I'ORN-HlBher: No. 1 cash. 6141 lie: September, iifec bid. Na. t r h Quotations warj as follows: KLOCR Steady: winter patenta. 13 609 4uu winter straights, u.oveij ,u. spring pat ent, 83. 703 00; spilng straight. H iiiiS.so; Lakera. It S.tl3.10. WHEAT No. I spring. o4Bc; Na. , n 8c; No. I red. Knr.e. i'iirn-No. I. lie: No. t yellow, isvc. OAT No. ft, 8,j3.c; No. 2 whits, 41 fi:-io; No. I white, . li V V X' ft 1 Sic h ari Elf Fair to choice malting, 4BGSc, 6EEDU No. 1 flax. 81 07l; No. 1 north western. HUH Timothy, prime, 4.16. Clover, contrail grade, $11.26. KKOVlcJlOMaV Short rib. lde floost), 13 X a 40 Mess pok. per bbl.. 117.0517.06. Laid per lA lb., 18 74. Short clear side (boxed). 8.7C8 " ... , , Receipts and ulwnt of flour snd grain wera. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl 14. U V heat, bu U M .; Corn, bu 578 a KlJro Oats, bu . !) btt j" Uariey. bu 28.M l.sui) On th Produce exchange today th but tor market wa Heady; creamery. IbWOV, dalriea, lemTieo. 4. Steady; at mark, rase Included, UI lac i firsts. 16c; prim firsts, lc; xtraa, loo. Vheeae, steady, 1t Jill. Pa II ad el gala Predaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June . BUTTER Firm: extra nearby pnuta. 23o. lAXl steady and In fair demand; a.ry freaU and weatera freah. Iko at auark. . 6alikXfia-rira New Tork, full creaaia. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. June 29 WHEAT finot. nominal; futures, dull: Julv. 6s Tud: ao- tember. Is 77d; December. 6s 7Vd. COKN Spot, steadv: American mixed. old. 4s lid. Futures, quiet; July, 4s 8Wd; Beptember, 4a id. HOI'S-. At London. (Pacific coast), firm at 1 103 I 16. ' Dalath Orala Market. Dt'LVTH. June :. WHEAT To ar rive and on track, No. 1 northern, 8Jc; No. 2 northern. 81Uc; July, 82c; Sep tember, 82 c ; December. 61c. OATS To arrive and on track and July, lie Pearla Market, PEORIA. Juna St CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 yelow, 62c: No. t. 61c; no grade. 49c. OATS Higher; No. I whlte 40c; No. I white, iwvc; No. 4 white, 8)Sc. WHISKY -On th basis of 11.3 for fin ished goods. Teleda lead Market. TOLEDO, O., June ii. SEEDS-Clover. caeh, to 8u: October, 16 6. Timothy, prime. U i". Aisik. August, ss.00. RVE-Nu. S, 64c. Adama fcipresa Amalsamated Copper 114.00 American C. A P , I.IM. American C. A P. pfd Araoiioaa Cotton Oil 404 Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Eiproaa Americas H. A U pfd 104 American Ice, aecurltloa.... 1. 10 American Mnaaed Oil Am. Unseed Oil pfd American Locomotive 1,100 41 Am. Locomotive pfd American 8. A It., ei-dle.. 14,100 144- Amarlcan I. R pfd 4n0 IKS American sugar Refining... 1.000 IMS Am. Tobacco pfd etfa. too Anaconda Mining Co M.40A Ml Atrhtaon 1. 100 S Atcniaon pre. x-aiv inn loo Atlantic Coaat Line 400 ill Baltimore A Ohio U.IO0 117 Baltimore A Ohio pfd BrouKIrn Rapid Tranalt.... It. 104 T714 Canadian PadAe 1.400 IMS Central or New Jersey in ITe Cbeaapeaka A Ohio 40 44 Chicago Groat Western 1,400 i if Chicago A Northwoatera.... too 1I7S Chicago, Mil. St. P 14. 404 174 Chicago T. m T , Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C. C. St lula 140 IIS Colorado Puel A Iroa tl.te 4IS Colorado A Southern 1,40 US Cnlnrado A Bo. lit pfd O0 MS Colorado A go. Sd pfd too 44 Consolidated Oaa 1,190 I41S Corn Producta. rfg 40 US corn rroducta pro, ox-div.. Delaware A Hudaon Delaware, U A W Denver A R. Q Denver A R. (i. sfd Dlatlllars Securltlea 1.004 Brio U.104 Erie 1st pfd loo Brio Id pld 400 General gleetrle to Hocking Valley Illlnoia Central 1,400 International Paper 100 Internal tonal Paper pfd international rump International Pump pfd low Central 104 X Iowa Central pfd ". .- Kanaaa City Southern Kanaaa City go. pfd 100 81 Ltral.Tttla Maehvlll l.tns lit Meilcaa Central ttoo 11 Mlnneapcha A St. Louis. n l4 44 M . It. P A S. M M , St P.' A g. M. pfd Miaenurt Pacific llo us Miaaouri. Kanaaa A Texas.. t.UO lis M. K. A T. pfd l.sn I7H National Lead 4,104 Tlk National R. B of M. pfd ..... New York Central, sx-dlv.. 141 1114 Naw York, O A W l.SK) 4S Norfolk A Weatarn too It Norioik A W. pfd :. North Americas I M 14 Paciflo Mall 4 ace US Pennsylvania ,. 12.110 lr4 reopie a uaa 10 so P . C . c. A It. L. , Praaeed Ileal car ),40 47 Prraeed Heel Car pfd Pali ma a Palace Car 400 Hi Reading 111. PS 124S Reading let pfd , Beading Id pfd Rapublla etael .VA US Republic licel pfd tH 14 Hoc a island to l.aoo 14 S Rock Island Co. pfd 1,00 IIS t. Leuls A P. Id pfd St. Louis tnuikwewern I4 IIS St. Louis W. afd... 40I out t era PaclSo 14.14 44 PaclSe pfd. x-dlv South era Railway la. Railway pfd Teaneoaea Coal A Iroa Taiaa A Pacific Toledo. It L. A W ... T . II L 4 W. pfd too talon Paclfla 111.4r In lea Pacioc pfd t'nited Stale areas Inked Statea Realty t'nited Staua Rubber t'nited States Rubber pfd Intted State Steel I'. Steel pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemical ... Ca -Corolla Cham. pfd.. Wabaaa Wabaah pfd We1l.Kargo Enpreaa Waalinglieuaa Klectric ... Wcetera t'aloa Wheeling A Lake Erie Wlecouete Central 1. Wi. Centra) pfd Northern Pacifto ........... Central Leather Central Leetber pfd Iloaa-Shameld Steel Oreet N on here pfd Interboreugk MetropellLaa. , InterborouaS Met. pfd Tout sales fee the day. I MS MS t"S 40 141 Vi 114H IMS 1444 t4S MS 100 H4 1141a 'tis in in MS US 117 17S MS 44 MS M 4IS 111 us 40S IIS 47 S 140 i7i 17 S 144 MS us MS M Its I MS 17S M 4444 111 141 114S IMS IM s 10 IM 114 II 7f.S leis 120 elS lVtj 114 171S 11 in 1 44S 47S 07 S IMS U 17 114 400 l S4S s 40S 71 S 7S in lie 1744 la II 41 4S 14 S Lealoa Closlagr Itaeka. LONDON, Jun 20. Closing quotation oa the Stock exchange were: ..140 .. i't .. M .. 44 .. u .. , .. 4S .. 44 .. 44 .. M ..ms .. MS ..14S aa M44 104 lfl'4 44 M'4. per ounce. D. f'Uea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W. M. dt St. P. DeBeera A R. O do pfd Erl do lat pfd.... do Id pfd.... Illinois Central Louisville A Naah....l47 , K. A T SILVER Bar, ste, Ooftea Market. NEW TORK. June 2 COPFEB-Market for coffo future opened ateady at un changed pricea to an advance of I point On renewal of Wall street and local bull support and. while there was no special feature to th cab lea, ruled siearly to firm In the absence of Important offering. The insrket eioeed firm at a net advance of 63'14 points. Salea were reported of 44.000 bags. Including September at 1.60c; Oct. ber, Isoc: DeveinUr, 66ec: starch, 7 One; May, 7.1f7.1c fcvut. 4 load J i No. I Kio. 41 141 104 44 44S !tS iits ii MS 1!S M ItO Ul PS 4H MS II "ii" 6M 104 MS I4S 40 IIS II 47 144 S '"inoYlii 1.10 46 S ii 4i 'its 44.44 ICtS soo v 104 107 l"4 t4 1.104 44 14 li") 4.500 , I 44 " 0 "It" 44 17 17 141 S l ice IM U uoa (s I . 74s 144.10 akaraa. 4S 1414 it" 444 ii" MS M 10 ' 114 444 14 44 III -MS Wl 44S 171 s r.i 14 40 14114 s eft 141 HI 44 71S 14 1ISS 47 Vi 17 1 144 I, IM. n 10 41 M IM l.'l S4 10 M MS "4. 1 41 II 4S 441 11 MS n 1404 i 1 44 S 141 H ill 41 444 1I7S MS S II 1(4 IIS 44S 171 . IMS us 17 13 44 14 MS 141 4S tsl It !4S T 1S-1C; M. T. Central.... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Peanavlvanla Rand Mines Reading It lit pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway do pfd Southern Pacific Jnlon Pacific .... do pfd J. I. Steal do pfd .'abash do pfd vanish 4a 801-lod 1V H 174 17S 41'. sS 41 1 71' 141 MONEY nsr rent. The rate of dlacount In the often market for short bills Is S'i per cent: for three months' bills, 3S, per cent. Baak Clearlagts. OMAHA. June 2. Bank clesrlnr for ' toaay were l,b38.8-J3. 76 and for th corre sponding date last year 11, 436,644. W. Omaha Chicago -rr...... Kansas City St. Louis .-. Sioux City THURSDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders uniiped to Ilia country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. T. Fagan, Commerce, la. R. 1 2 O. U Green. Atlantic. la K 1 1 J. W. Bimon. Niobrara. Neb. F. B I P. M. t orbit. Wavne. Neb. M. A 0 1 H.-A. Wllklns. Ravenna, Neb.-Q '.. 1 J. H. Samaon, Sioux City, Is. M. A O.... 1 Keefe faros., Hampton, la. O. W 1' Luer Bros., Alton, 111. 1 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each load was: cattle. Hogs. tttieep.H r . C, M. A St. P Wabash Missouri FaelftCi I'nion Pacinc C. A N. W.p east C. A N. W.. west C. St. P.. M. A O.... C, B. A Q., east C, B. A Q., west ., R. A P., east C. R. I. A P.. west., Illinois Central , Chicago Ot. Western 14 2 I 8 44 I 6 6.. 27 63 It- 17 ,10 4 14 :i I 2 8 1 'i , 1 I . t2 18 10 Total receipt. The dlsDOsition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing in num. ber of head Indicated: CattlA Hogs, uneep. Caltoa Market. NEW TORK. June 29. COTTON Knot closed quiet; middling upland, 10.70c; mid- untiK Kuu, n ine; naie. s Dale. LIVERPOOL. June 29. COTTON Snot steady and prices I points lower; Ameri can middling fslr. I.OOd; good middling, 8.32d; middling, 8.10d; low middling, 6.92d; good ordinary, 6.72d; ordinary, l.62d. The ssles of the day were 40.000 bsles. of which 600 bsles were for speculation and export and Included 8.800 bales American. Re celpta. 18,000 bales. Including 14,000 bale American. bi. uji ia, mo.. June a.-tui ru Steady; middling, 10',c; ssles, none; re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 28,419 bales. NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 29.-COTTON Spot closed firm: ssles, 1,260 bsles; low ordinsry, 7c, nominal; ordinary, 8Hc; good ordinary, t 7-lc; low middling. lO'c; middling, lie; good middling, line; mid dling fair, tl'ic, nominal; fair, 12Hc; re- ceipts, 712 bales; stock, os,4ii Dates. Omaha Packing Co 2f4 Swift and Company 240 Cudahy Packing Co. 9J Armour A Co.... 2h7 Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C... S Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C... 6 Swift and Co.. K. C.:.... 16 Armour A Co., K. C 94 Lobman A Co 6 W. I. Stephen 1 Hill A Son 3t Klngsn Independent St. Louis D. B. Co Other buyer 71 1.177 2.617 8.414 ,327 2f7 02 446 146 1W 1.452 8l "iii 7 hew Yark Mlalagt ttaeka.- NEW YORK. June 21. Closing quotations en mining stocaa were: Adam Cea Alloa Bteee Braaewlok Ooe .. t'eaastack Tuaoel Coa. Cel. A Va,.. Hiera III vex Iroa (liver Leedvilla Coa ... eottered. ..Ill .. m .. M .. U .. M ..14S Utile Cklet Ontario Opbir Pkoeata .... Savaaa Sierra Nevada ... email Hoeaa ..... laniard . I III -fc . I . 8 . II . II . M 114 Treaaary gtatesaeat. WASHINOTON. Jun It. Tadsy's statsment of tha treasury balaacea In tn geusitU fund, eatluaiv ef th 8119,000, Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 29 -METALS The London tin market wa a little lower, with pot quoted at 177 6a and futures at 176 15. The local market was quiet, with spot quoted at 88.60S38.76; the decline being In sympathy with the loss abroad. Copper waa about Is d higher in the Ixmdon mar ket, with spot quoted at 81 6s and future at 80 10. Locally, the market was un- chanced, with lake quoted at lis.misue- electrolytic, 8l8.2ry18.624; cssting. IlLUVsW 18.26. Lead was a shade higher at l'i l'.s In -London, but remained quiet at 46. io-ij 6 86 In th local market. Spelter was un changed at 27 2s d in London and at KflotfinUO locally. Iron wa a little higher in the English market, with standard foun dry quoted at 49e 9d and Cleveland war rants at 60s Locally, the market was un changed, with No. 1 northern foundry Quoted at H8.2r318 75; No. 2 northern foun ry, 17.7tvtyi8 26; No. 1 southern foundry, itf&Vfi 18.00; No. 2 southern foundry, 817.00 fa 17 60. ST. LOt'IS. Jun 29 METAIt Lead, Steady at $6 60. Spelter, lower at 86.87V. Kaaaaa C4r Lira Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. June 29. CATTLE Receipts, 8.400 hesd. Including 2.100 head southern: mrket stesdy snd active; choice export and dressed beef steers. 16 404341.00; fslr to good, 84.266.80; western fed steers. 160ig.o6: stockers snd feeders, I2 76SS60; southern steers. 3.0tig00; south ern cows, $2.21iS.o; nstive cows. 2.0ifp 460; native heifers. IJ.2?6.!0; bulls. 12.60 400: calves, 82 606 60. HOOS Receipts, 6.600 head: market for heavy hogs 6o higher; lights loc higher; top, .; bulk of ssles. ?6tv8.2H: heavy. VhiV3.; packer. 56-ai; pigs snd lights. 16.60fit.6:H. . , . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.400 head; market weak; lamha, M.0i8.00: fed sheep and yearlings. 8ra--V: Texss snd Arlsona clipped yearlings, lii.OOgi.OO. Texas and Arlsona clipped sheep. 6.0O'S6O; Texas goats. 13.264)176; stockers and feed ers, 13 .20(6600. F.waaerateA Apples aad Pried Fralts. NEW YORK. June -EVAPORATED APPLES Market 1p unchanged with prime quoted at Ullc; choice, lts'3'llV; fancy, H4tJ15c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITB Ther I A ateady demand for prune and price are steadily held with quotations ranging from 7'ab4 according to grade. Apricots are more or less nominal on spot, owing to the supplies available and holders being abovs buyer' view. Choice ar quoted at 11c: extra choice, ic; fancy. 14al4') Peaches are Arm In ton with choice quoted at lo4Sllc; extra choice, llSsfiimo; fancy, ll6i:c; extra fancy. ir'tme. Kaiains sre unchanged witn tnree to inur crown loose Muscatel quoted at S7c; seeded raisins, 6VaHc; London layers, 11.66. Oils aad ftokta. NEW YORK. Juns 29-OILB-Cottonseed, fjrra: prim crude, f. o. b. mills, JsiiOiHc nominal, new crop; prl-r.e yellow, Joe. Tur pentine, firm at biH'nc. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 11 26. SAVANNAH. Os., Jun tt.OIL Turpen tine, firm t 67VC. . ROBIN-Ftrmt A, B nd C, 8J6f.fi A); D. MKria.(; K. 14 10; F. 84 16: Q. K'94.fc; H. H44H46; I. 84 60; K. 64 66. M, 14.71; N. 1 80, WO, I4.e0ly4.8tr WW. 6.0i. agar aad Melasees. NEW TORK. June St. 81'OAR gw firm; fair refining. I l-16V3c; centrif ugai. V test, 8 19-12D3SC: molasses sugar. 2 U-l-g Tie. Refined firm; crushed, .40c; pow dered. 4 lc: grsnulatsd, 4 Toe. NEW ORLEANS La.. June 2.-SrQ,R-tedv; open kettle centrifugal, trl 7-Uc; csntrifugsl , ljlc; seconds i-tlVj. MOL-ASSK5-Jirm. srup, 26euo, Total i,138 12,79 1,167 CATTIJE- The receiDts Of cattle were light this morning as usual on a Friday, but there seemed to be a greet plenty to supply the demand notwithstanding the fact that reecipts for the weea to date show a very considerable falling oft as mm no red with the urovloua Week. Friday Is seldom a very good day in the beef steer market. While the receipta were light this morning and gave setter a hope of being able to secure steady cr strong prices the fact that the market nus been no In a- ud so rapidly this week acted against them. Buyers appeared to :eal that they had been putting on almost too last and they were in consequence not ve.-y envlnna for additional aunDllea at the pre vailing high figures of yesterday. Th market mlarht be described as slow and dull from start to finish. That always means a lower market and this was no exception to the rule, prices in many cases showlna a decline of 6ifrl0e aa comparsd il,h veeterrlnv'a hlrh TlOlnt. There were not over eight or nln loads of cow in tne yara ana me oun nn. while slow were not very much different trnm ,trAAV There were no stockers or feedVrs of any AAnaenuence on sale. As usual at this sea son the demand 1 limited and ther la not eery much doing. Representative sales: Ma I I 11 40 I 11...., II 1.... II.... II II.... 0.... 17.... M... 11.... 1... I.... 14 ... It.... II..,, 11.... M... 14.... n ... 14... it.!!! 14... Ae. .... 140 .... 140 .... 100 704 ....1014 ... ....1(47 ....1011 ....1011 .... IM 1044 441 1201 T4I 1104 1074 1111 1107 1134 1111 HIS Ill 71 Ill IM ri 444 !) 1144 104 1004 741 44 HIS 1206 4M 1444 1074 Ml 44 1041 Mt ....".110 rr. I II 4 40 4 14 4 II 4 14 4 44 4 40 4 14 4 74 4 10 4 44 4 U 4 40 4 10 4 H I 00 I 00 I 00 I 04 I 10 I 01 I 04 I 11 I II I II I 44 I 44 I 44 I 44 I 74 I 71 IS Me. 14.... 14..., 14..., 4..., 11..., 4... 14... 71.... II ... 14... II... 14... II... II... 44... 1... I ... 41... 14... 44... 17... 11... II ... cows. i... i. .. to... t... ii. .. l .. il... l... t... l... ii... it... I... I.., l . 1... l... 1 1.. 17 .. 170 .. 1U .. Ml ..1040 ..110 ..1110 ..1144 . n; . .1014 ..111 .. .. 6M .. tr7 .. 14 .. r .. 174 .. IS .. 14 14 114 lti It I oo I 10 I 14 I III I 44 I 4 I 40 I 14 I 40 I 40 HEIFERS. 1 t t Hi 4 I 44 I 4v. ir i W24 1140 1W4 1114 lll 1391 , 1041 l!4l 1SU ll ll"4 110 1171 , 11M 1114 1WI 1944 14C 144 , 14"! 14:4 HM 1140 444 10110 HI 144 M7 1140 1074 1014 1147 1144 liao Ml II 474 1JO0 , 14 1414 ..USi m in . 711 to I II I M I to l to 1 10 I IS I II I II I II I 44 I 40 I 44 I 44 I 14 I II I 44 I II I II I 4 74 I 74 I II I 44 I 74 I 70 I 1 I 71 I 71 I 14 4 04 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 44 4 14 4 M 4 II I II 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 N I 44 I 14 4 U I 14 I 74 ! 74 I M I I I s I 40 I 10 CALVES. I ....1144 I II ....mo 1 4 ....1444 4 44 ! 1 II H ... .! ....1444 1 r 4 f 4 0 I II I I I I I 44 4 74 4 74 4 4A I 4 I 44 I 4 1 I I ... .... It , 11 , 144 . 11 . 144 , 140 . 144 , rve I 4 I 4 It ti. I M I 44 I 76 6 I 6 It Bonds for Investment We own and offer the following hlxh-yrade bonds: Mr MO PAL. Albaquerrjues K. Mn . . Allethenj Co., Pa ... . BCATST C., Pa Boactnan, Moat Boaton, Maaa., Kef.. Boaton, Mam., Reg Boulder, Colo. Braddork, Pa. . Caldwell, Idaho Canyon Co., Idaho. . . Charlotte, Mich Chicago, III Chicago Ranltary Dirt. Chicago Sanitary lUt, Chicago Sanitary Dlst. Chicago South Park . , Cleveland, Ohio Cobleaktll. N. Y Ileg. Colorado Springs, Co Columbus, Ohio ...... Columbus, Ohio Cook Co., 111., (Oak Park) .4V .41 .4 .' .8Ht . .4' 4W'i 4'a .....5 4H' 4'g 4'a 4i 4H' B'g 4'a 4'a 8.95 4'a 4'g School Dlst. 4's 4'g Cook Co.,. 111. , Corona, CaU School Iist pgnburr. Conn H' Dajton, Ohio 4'g Klgln, 111., School Dlst 4'g Eureka Spring, Ark A'g Fayette, Mo H'i Ford County, 111 4'a Frankfort, Ivy 4H'i nioucester, Mas 4'a Keokuk, Iowa 4'a King Co., Wash., School Dist. .B'a Lincoln Co.. Wash 4M'i Ix Angeles, Cal 8H'g Marquette, Mich 4'g Massachusetts. State S'a Massachusetts State, Reg H Memphis, Tenn 4'a Midland, Tenn 4'g Midland Co., Mich 4'a Muakegon Helghta, Mich B'a Newark, N. J., Reg. Water. ...SH'i Newberg, Ore. H New Caafle Co., Del 4'a New Vork City, Reg H New Vork City, Reg. . .. 4'g Normal, 111 fi'g North Andover, Maaa 4 H Nunda, III B'a Oregon Twp., Ogle Co., Ill .... 4 H a Paxton, III., School Dlst. .... .44 Tg Peoria, HI 4'a Poplar Bluff, Mo 44 'a Poplar Bluff, Mo., School Dlftt.4H'a Portland, Ore B'a Port Washington, Wig 4'a Racine, Wl 4'g Rhode Island State, Reg S'a Salt Lake Co., Utah 4H.'a San Antonio, Texas H'i Sin Dleso, Cal., School Diat. ..B'g Sandusky, Ohio 4'a San Jacinto,' Cal A'g Seattle, Wash., School Diat. . . .4'a RAILROAD. Ray of Qulute Ry. Co., 1st. .. .B'g IteilJngham Ray British Co lumhla R. tU 1st o a Boaton Albany R. R 4'a Buffalo atV Snaquehaan. .,, , , . Chicago Je Alton Ref 8'g .. a,, a st. r. i. rac. West) Chk-airo A Kaetem 111 B'g . Chicago a Indiana Coal Ry. lat B'a Central PAc. R. R. Keg. 1st.. a Denrer R4o Grand 4H'a F.lgin, Jollet aft Kaatcrn Ry. 1st Fitchburg R. R 4'g Illlnoia Central . Cairo Bridge Collateral Trust . , Memphis Division Kentucky Central . L. at N. (Nashville, Florence A Sheffield) B'a Louisville, New Albany a Chicago (Chic. A Ind.) ltt 6'a Montana Central lat B'g Michigan Central (J, L. at ft.) lat 8U' N. Y. C. A Hudson R, Reg. H'g N. Y., New Haven A Hartford . Deh., Reg SM Pitta., Cln., Chi. A St, L. R. R. Series A 4H'8) Tacoma Eaateru Ry. Co. 1st... B'a 4'a . .4'a . .4'a . .4'a Seattle, Wash Spokane, Wash. Spokane, Wash. Sterling, 111. . . Sussex Co., Del Temple, Texas Trinidad, Colo. Vermilion Co.. Dint (Danville Jet.) . . . Waco, Texaa Waterloo, la.. School Dlst Weatherford, Teiaa .... Wellaton, Mo., School Diat West Plains, Mo. Yankton, S. Dak School Dlst 111. S'a 4V't 4'g 4H'l 4'a B'a 4'l School A'g ...B'a ...4'g ...B'g . . .4'g ...B'g ...4H'a Listed on N. Y. Stock Exchange. OTHER CORPORATIONS. Baltimore County Water A Electric Co. lat B'g Birmingham Ry. Light A Power Co Chicago Edison Co. lat B'a Commonwealth Elec. Co. (Chicago) lat B' Dayton Elec. Lt, Co. lat B Detroit Edison Co. lat B'a Duluth Edison Elec. Co. lit. . .B'g Grand Rapids Muskegon Power Co. 1st B'g Houston Lgt, A Power Co. lat B'a Inttrurban Ry Co. of Dea Molnea lat B'g Laclede Gaa Lt- Co. lit B'a Laclede Gag Lt. Co. Ref . . ..B'a Lex. Ave. Pavonla Ferry lgt. .B'a Log Angelea Edison Co B a Metropolitan St. Ry. (Kan. City) Mich. Btat Tel. Co. lat B'a Milwaukee El. Ry. A Lt. Co...4H Montreal Lt., 11 U A Pr. Co. lgt 4'g Municipal Gaa A Electric Co., Rochester, lat , H a Newark Paa. Ry Co. 1st. . . B'a N. Y. Gaa A Elec. Lt., HU A Power Co. lat B'a Northern Texaa Trac. Co. lat. .B'a , Northwestern Elevated lat. .4'g Omaha Elec. Lt- A Power Co. lat Penn. A Mahoning Valley Ry. . .B'a Peoples Gaa Lt. A Coke Co Portland Gen. Electric Co. lat. B'a Seattle Lighting Co. 1st B's Seattle-Tncoma Power Co. lat. B'a fouth Beud Fuel A Gaa Co. 1st . B'a South Ferry R. R. lt B'g Schenectady Ry. lat. H' Springfield A Eaat St. Ry Co. i.t Syracuse Gaa Co. lat B'g' Terre Haute W. W. Co. lat. . .4H'a I'nion Elec. Lt. A Pow. Co. lat . S'a Inited Elec. Lt. A Power Co. of Baltimore H' United Trac. Co. (Albany A . Troy) Winnipeg Elec. Ry. Co B s Lltted on Chicago Stock Exchange. of the above issue will be Pricea and full particular on any furnished on request. Deposits received subject to check and Interest allowed on balaacea. Letters of credit issued on Bank of Scotland, London. Personal interviews Invited. N. W. Harris & CoinpUiy BANKERS . New York 204 Dearborn Street CHICAGO Bostott advance and th forenoon waa pretty much exhausted before anything like a clearance waa made. As win De noted rrom tne tauie of average prices th market today wa 12?l6d' higher tnan on weea ago. Representative ssles: Ne. 14.. 44.. It.. 44.. 44.. 74.. 71.. 71.. 17.. 40.. 74.. 40.. 44.. 74 . 41.. II.. II.. 7., II., 74., 10., 40. 44 41.., 74... 71... 47... 7 . II... II.., It.. 71.. 4a At. 114 114 Ill 14 , 117 tit 144 124 144 S17 til 114 144 ! IU Ill Ill Il Ill 1 104 K4 134 Ml Ill Ill Ill 131 til 111 . .114 ..IM .147 gs. rr. I 44 100 14 114 110 40 IM in 40 'ii 'ii o lie N UD to 10 44 124 144 V 144 II wi 71 IM r 10 41. II. II. i a., ti. i. i. 71. 74. 44 T7. 74. 14. 44 4. : it. i. 4:. 41. TI. .M7 .111 ..111 ..111 ..ltt ..IH ..lot .141 ..111 .111 ..11 .121 .144 . r"7 .III .124 .IN .141 . ..no BHKKP-Th I 40 414 4 4! 4 41V a 4 44 4 44 4 41 I 46 I 41 I 41 44 4 41 I 44 4 4 41 4 44 4 41 4 a 4 41 I 44 41 ( 44 I 41 44 4 44 a 44 4 44 I 41 4 44 I 44 4 4 44 4 44 41 4 44 I 47V, I 41V, I 47V, 4 47 4 47V, 47 H 47 Vj I 47 4 47V, 47V, 4 47V, 4 47 St 4 47 k 47 Vi 47V, 47 4 47V, 47 V, sheep Ne 44.... 74.... 44... 17.... 41.... 41.... 41..., 74..., 44..., 77... II..., 44... 41 ... 40.... 14..., 4..,, 71... II... 14... 44... 41... 44... 71... 14... 77... II... 71... 74... 44.... 14... 71... 41... 44... 71... 71... 14... 44... 74... 44... 44 .. 74... 44... 44... 47 ... 44... 47... 14... 17... II... At. ...144 ....141 ....111 ...ill ...141 ....10 ...lit ....140 ...17 ....IS4 ....II ....Wl ....IM ....114 ...111 ....III ....IN ....141 ....Ml ...147 ....11 ....III ...111 ...lit ....211 ...lit .'...144 tit Ul 24 ltt ...Ul ...m 104 ...Jt Ill 114 Ill 114 SB. 114 40 It 4 144 140 'to ioi 100 t44 114 40 114 114 141 144 144 47 l4 t'4 lt IM l J .241 .141 11 Ml III .104 market rr. I 47V 4 41V, 47V, 4 47V, t 47', 47V, 47V 47V, 471 4 47 I 47V, I 47V, 4 471 4 47V, 4 47V, 4 47i, I 4TV, 47 47V, 471 4 171 4 411 4 471 I 10 I 10 I 40 10 44 I 14 4 44 4 10 I 14 I to I 10 I 40 I 44 4 14 40 I 44 44 144 4 14 44 o 144 40 good thorn iamb, t oowj.oo; cuu $4 6- &", gond to choice yearllni ood gs, i ft; fair to good yearling. tt.64Vft6.7s; good lambs, to choice wethers, tS'im.Tb; fairMo good wethers, fi.B046.76; good to choice ewes, tt to&e.'i: fair to good ewe. I4.754J W. Quotation ranc stock: Onod to choice yearlings, tft.OOtffi .60; gond to choic wthrs, leoOrftTi; ewes. .2i'a6.76. Representative sate: Ko. 17 ewes Il ewes 10 cull lamb 1 spring lamb 1 western ewes 21 western lambs 11 spring lambs M mil ewes M cull ewes M western lamb feeders.. 10 Cull Is nibs IS western lsmbs I'M western lambs f7 western lambs . W . lit . 46 . to . lit w 'a S . tl . 0 . 70 . 71 . M ,. tt Pr in I 71 to no AA T to I to I 71 t to I to f h 71 CHICAGO LIVR STOCK SI AHKttT Cattl Weak Hoe Slow aad matter gheeal Dull. V BTO'KIfi AND PEEDEBB. 1. a4 I (4 I tea 1 M HOOa Th market ornd thl morning Witt, pa-kr pkklnif out th best hog T te.47H. with Quit a sprinkling at t au y"l en up to 4'S- In other wuril th "'f a)a wer JM,)c higher than yaaiee' ey Aftar Use niftre urgent order wur Uii"fl th traie )rwe4 up and th laf ftl larger at tUaV tt tjelng almtwt ljivjff p&l to get iot ttia-t tgur aven for t s11 Th gee rl riti'lii?t ra anl'f ab'-t ri' hightr, lu ua4 wa raUer ,cr at 4 to 14 I 44 40 111 111 111 I 111 I 44 ( 44 I II 41 4 41V, Is tep heavy. It ta been going up and up ) alter day until it iia reached a rinl where It I so much above otner rr-rkct point that buyer could no longer afiurd to tak th stuff at th pricea At In am tlm eastern market wttcn wre alrady vry much lower tttar thl mar ket howed atill further decllr-s yesteiuay snd today. Aa a still further fcaturs of weakntsa th receipt thl ek hsve been somewhat mors liberal, Taking lt ail In all It Is not In the lest surprising th.t th market her thai morning wa not only vry low, brt generaly 26o lower, i many c belru Wc lower than the high tine. Even afte th declln prlo art 'i'.t higher "" eastern market, r.w(.llly on ay- Henre buyer wer not very anxious Supplle even at the- de clirs i oted Above and It wa vary much later r.iar uauat before anything Ilk a eiearvi. aa enctel. The nge aheep. ar commencing to put In e P-erano whll the fed stoca u Do eulU' g out a wsil as It waa a week tell ceai aav. it in ivi iTiniuwii Wfd ltween rang and fed shs-p snd bs owing to in tact mat a trouu dcaJ of tse tuff oomlng at thla season nrvei kilU very attefaciorlly, buyera are rum nutnciiif to pay more attention to quaint tind u'.eep and lamb tha would hav( panetd a good a week or two ago would nut oil so considered at the preeent time t.at is buyera are discriminating murt c..K'ly as to Duality. Uuoiatloa fed stock: Good to ehbu trrlna lannba, t7TH4J); good t choic vteelvra sattrs lAwba, IT.vval , fair U CHICAGO, June .-CATTLERelpts, l.oto hesd; market week; comttvm to prime steers. 14.0001 10; cows, Ifl-0; heifers. 2 7f.tJ8.iA; bulla. t? 76a3e; cslves, ta fV350; stockers snd feeders. i7V3.to. HOtl-ltecelpt. 14.mo head; market fer best 6fl7l,e higher; choice to jirlme heavy, tTHo ': medium to rootf heavy. t.3 75; butcherwelghts, Xt-flM 8-'; 00l ' choice heavy mixed, ti.T3.76; peeking, t.f70. SHEEP AND LAKB8-RC'PU. 10 hesd; msrket slnw and dull; sheep. 14 M "!!; yesrllngs, te4f87.fiO;. shorn lamba. 16.4097.76. ( t. Loalr LIt ttoek Market. BT lOlI( June ii CATTLE Receipt. 1.40 hea4. Including S3 Texan: market. Steady; rxtfve shipping snd export steers, 14 Wri&& dressed beef and butcher steers, Uftyytft; steers under l.to lb., tt ffj.70; atncAer and feeders. titudt X; cows and heffors. 2.fi5 ; ranners. tl fS1.00; bulls, $ calves, t titCMf Texas and In dian steers, 12.;' 40; cows and heifer, HOOS-Recelpt. 4.000 higher; pig and light t torotl.76; butcher and t.7v. head: market, 60 .g!76; packer, beat heavy, or St.. Joaek BT. 'JOSEPH, celpt. 1.7.1 hesd 14 n.76 Lira Stock Market. June . CATTLB ft, market, ateady ; native. cow and heifei-e. 11 sua 4 40: tocker and feeder. It 7t474 (). HOU8 Receipt. t.Mal head, market, IS 7V,c higher: light, t46fl60; hud turn ajid heavy. M It-fix. 70. 8HKEP ANI LAMBS Recelnta - head; market for lamb, steady; tap. Hi. iibs, st lstoel Hssi City IJv! Stack Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Jun IS.-fBpeclal Tel, gram. OA TTLK Receipts. 600 hesd. Mar. ket stesdy; beeves, 14,ir'f6 tt; cows, buil snd mixed, e.1 OU'St W; stockers and feeders M f'JIlt; rslvee and yearlings. U(j-i 10. ' HOGS Receipts, 7.00 hesd. Market strong, selling at $., bulk of aalta. K--4. Hoi Statek la Slgkt. Receipt of live stock at th lg principal wrtmn inwi .11. j n im j . Cattle. South Omaha i.iog Bloux Citv 6'A kanaaa ( ity I '.00 St. Juaeph 1,7; St. Jul te Chicago ,iu) -fog. 12 " 7t' t S.0 6.144 . 110US Bheen. 1117 lit tn 10. TOlaUg U-H JM U4i sTr3Krt