Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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. 1 H"
r I A. 2.
1 1
A Dollar for You
Any Urn before July 4ih. !. this (lip
will be afcepu-d t 8I.W down. pymnt
on 110 purchase of shoes, hat or cloth
ing, the balance to be paid ss you esrn It.
llome Credit Clothing Co.,
152QDodge St., Cmaba.
O. A. LuiUUto:. Mgr.
U 477
FAIR. healthy. Satin skin bMlowM by Batin
Kin cream na tin twin puwder. -c.
.......... U-
M A nVFTTP ratm!iit baths. Mm
&UJJMJi.XJ Bnuth. iU N. Is. Id floor.
u t;s Jy
- " 1 T 1 .
ANT POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or writ ia lite matron oC the salvation
Army ham. Tor women at 824 N Hth
SL, Omaha. Nab U Ml)
TRT JELLY'S Laundry.
'Phone ouilu-
tR. ROT. Chiropody. R. 1 A I. 1608 Far
nan. r L 411
uoi xor iitro monthly.
11 8. 18th 8c. Tel Doug 111.
i - Or-UIH Jlllf 1
TOUR aavlng1 48 prfcht. Investigate.
Pennell MI
f Winery Co., Ill South. 16th St
; ... U 48t
PRIVATE ' confinement home; Mr. Dr.
King. W N.'ilil BC Tal. Doug 85j8.
t ' - a 41
3uttone, Ruchtng,
Dyelna? and nuaini. finAnalnn m.nd Shrink
Ing, only to par yard: bend tor prica llt
and aampla,.,
KW Petlglag JUlok. . . . Tel. Douglas !
U 4iJ
' '1 i i) i
Tel. poug. s4
' m 8. IHh St.
U 4S4
PRIVATE "borne, during eoaflnamant. Mr
. Urdell,J2i jtharlea. TcL Doug. i3U-
i ..
THS5 Salvation Army aollclta caat-olt
elothlngt- In faeti anything you da not
neaoV. wa collAot, repair and sell, at 114
K 11th for coat f collecting to tha
weTthy pooti Call 'Fbona Doug. 1138 and
wagon wiU ealL U-6U
Lake Okoboji
Choice furnished ootUNre with six el. ptn.i
rooms; Jarga lot well , located on the
lake; tlsa S4S4, twj-atory; if talon
Within 4erl dajrft', 11,100.
Bee Bldg. 220 So. 17th St
"' U 20 it
FREK raedloed and surgical treatment at
Crelghtoo Medical .College, 14th and
Davenport ' Sis. Special attention paid
to confinement - aae. All treatment
supervised by -college professors. 'Phone
Doug. U7. Call answered day or night.
u ia4
THE City Garbage co.-office. 4th and
Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 1387
Lake. Tel. Douglaa 1S7K Jul 1
PRIVATiC com during confinement; ba
bies adontad. The Good Samaritan San-
tarrum, im .gvt ava. vouncu n.uiis,
iUyjCYNO, BUcktBSderf er. 212 Bee Bid,
OMAMA aUammarer laaUtUta, Ramge Blk.
. , ' " ..... . - U ids .
SYRINGES, rubber, goods, by mall; gut
6 r lose. Send for free catalogue., Myers
illon Drug .Co.. Omaha. U-4S
BBWINO machine and supplies. P. E.
FlotLavAa Co., Uli Capitol Ave.
i " ', -(-, , ... ) -
ptn-3oeay. trmale !tMi
mm uutal. Mrs. Hit-
tnhpUM.!i0 N.1 16th sX., room 1. 2nd floor.
111 JT
WT5 ' IIJNT ewlng machine at ft
week: we sail second l and machl
IB" up-' Nebrtaka Cycle Co.. cornet XitU
ana iiixnay, xuu vugia iooa.
DRS. TOOEti private hospital for women
and for Ud.e befora and during confine
. Mia fa - '., K at A -
... U-M4S4 July IS
Clwir TTalr restored to Its youthful color
UrHy aoii and fiotu w, use no dye
or loUoo. 214 N. 22nd.
Tel. Red aOOS.
U M-6o-July-ll
Dowell. system you are taught the. only
system or cvuung wun a woria-wiae repu.
tation: easy "oayment: ' position free
end for circular. McDowell School oi
Drmaklng, Mr. Connolly manager, 1621
famam. umaha. u msj jyw
For concessions and particulars apply to
committee, P. Mangold, p. I. inckey.
BALLOON-AfceMlons. McKay Bros , lilt
i 1ASK grocar for Itim'a fancy currants,
U M1S1 i
' MAGNETIC N. wthat.,
1 : ,. seconu rioor. room i.
. , ...... .. U M14 July2S
IliRCEb WAVE.1 manicuring, facial ftiaa.
sage. i.utinryant, S16 e Hidg. .
- . 1 -. - U-M14S July25
WANTED FoUrtk of July attractions
merry-go-round, trapese act, etc. ; beat of
term. Address Fourth of July Commit
tee, Wemon, Neb. U M3a Jyl
BEST nerve bracer tror men. "Gray" Nerve
Food PU1"41 boa. , postpaid. Sherman A
Met on neil lrur '-a., omana. an
LTNOSTAO nh Or-de 1907 Calendat.
- E.. corner Mth St. and
m wvin.v. Capitol Ave. tul
ENGRAVING and ' printing. Kotera A
C4t 1U Howard.- Tel. Douglas Uu"7. ,
. . . 4Jl
t ail at Mo. U4 Hum mho dw. upeiair.
IieuUful,iirdioUoa abaoluteiy, given
IF -in -troufeir or worried consult the re
liable Mra Fauaft Permanently located
at lew (.Aiming. Advice on all affairs.
- - 8-SJ4 x
ANCHOR and Iron f-eitemg; Wire Fencing
, .. . . . n . a. vi i.ti. a. ..i . . ut t
V ySl. AWVVi ISV 4 PS. ncuu
v - . . . Juiy
.i w i ..... mm r
WIRE and Jtba Fencing, mtching Post,
WHka 244 'VtuM.vSu , Ti fled 9u.
i i .- - . M2D4 Jy
. -1
Ki'T plumbing aappllea direct " Wholesale
vrloea. - Save oo every article. out
fir.t-Llaaa aottda handlod. Prompt atten
ttvn-to .WMry- vrdtr. .- bend for caiaiogu.
14.-1.' Karol. Saa Harrison ML, Chicago.
III. - M Jto .
L. TC GARDNER, lit First Nat. .Bank
power I'lanis, manufacturing proces.
U tlanta. testa, inspection, rt-ports.
-J WIU July 11
FOR SAl.E-8n.alt tiers, about fc swonds.
very gentle. .aullabl fur children. -44
B totlv . . P-r.7 SSs
JOH.1SOM lusUlule, U M. T. In. Tel. Doa;
Tal. Doug
I'OtOHF.RTY-Jolin at his home, I'll! Oak
street Wednesday morning, sged 80 year
Funeral Frldny morning June
o i'l rk from rwMcm of hi soft Charles
Dougherty. 4.'3 North Klshteenth street to
t. Patrick' church. Inte rment . .at St.
Mary a remlery.
Douglas rti.W. M938 .fulS
Great Western Granite Co. Douglaa WH.
' Jli Jy24
And thia la th place to coma and get It.
Don't let money stand In the way of en
Joying yourielf when It can b ao easily
obtained at Uila. ofttce on .HOl'SEHOLU
XV t hara a good prn'poTtlnn tn OfTpr thnaa
who wish money to tlrta them over vacation
period. Call and he convinced.
S07-&6 Pazton Block.
our employes are well Informed and
courtedus and we are aiwaya pleased to
explain our manner of loana. We tell you
to the cent what th coat will be. and If
you conclude that It will not pay you ts
borrow, there la no harm dona . ,
we loan on furniture, pianos, live aioca
nd other cnattela and to aalarled people
Upon their own agreement to pav.
wa onrer you rates as low as you wiu
nd and our facil'.tlea for Quick and con
Odenilal set vices are unsurpassed.
. We ar tha oldest concern in our una in
tha city, and. we always try to please our
119 Board of Trade Bid-
Phoa Doug. TSi.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
elry, horses, cows, ate. C t . Kcea, no a.
lSth. ' - X 9I
Bo wen,. 703 NV Y. Life Bldg.,
Advance private money on chattels or
salary. EAy to get no rea tape, xou
get money aame day 'asked Mr at small
oust. Open evenings till 1. XM
loaned., on. .furniture, pianos, salary,
horses, etc.. In any amount, at less than
half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri
vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms
wanted; payments suspended In case of
sickness or out of employment. Room
114 Karbach Blk., tot 8, Uth SL X 4
EAGLE Loan Offlce, reliable, aeoommodat.
ing; all buainea oonadentlal, . Uul Doug,
and others without aecunty; easy pay
ments. Office In 53 principal cltlea. Tul
man, foorp, m New York Life Bldg.
FURNITURE,' Piano-. Jewelrr Loan. till
Neville wik. twis vy tHAt-BW.MJAN im
. X 4
FURNITURE, Live 8tock. Salary Loana
lun urn ioan, . vo.,., yooio. tiaraer
Blk. X 4v9
CHATTELS,' aalary . and . jewelry ; loana
r oiey, jan L-o.. uli jr arnam, St. A ow
CHATTEL and ' salary loan; Phoenix
Credit. Co,. ftU Paxton Block. X-M4fi3
SIDEWALKS All kind licensed. A. R
tioei, iuo Webster. lei. Doug. 404.
Wnen You Write to
remember It only take an extra stroke or
two of th pen to mention th fact that you
saw to ad. In The Jiee,
tlllery horses: Chief - Uuartermaster'a
Offlce, Omaha, Nb.,- ij-une la. lswtt. Sealed
proposals, in Iri plicate, will be received st
this office, until 12 o'clock m., central
standard time. July "2, lHu.'"' and then
opened, in the presence -of attending bir
ders,, for two hundred and seventy-five
(275) csvalry horses, and twenty-five (26)
artillery horses, for delivery at Beattle.
Washington; or other ' prominent railroad
points. The animals to conlorm to speci
fications for cavalry horses. United State
reserves riant to acceDt or reject any or
all proposals or any part thereof. Par
ticulars' rnd nlank ror proposals . will be
furnished on application. Envelope con
taining' pfopotal to br-indorsed "Pra-
poal for Tiorsee," and addressed to
Major M. Gray eallnskl. Chief Quarter.
master. JU-14-l6-16-at-3oa
Agriculture, office of. the. stcreta,v.
Washington, D. C; - June -22, . IU. Notice
Is hereby given that the Secretary of Agi i
culture nas, .uuaer autnoruy. coprerrwi
law, lasued an amendment described
Amendment No, 4 to the regulatlona of the
Secretary of Agriculture governing- the in
spection, dlxlnfection, certification, treat
ment, handling, and method and mAnner of
delivery and shipment, of live stock which
is the subject of interstate t omruerce. Thia
amendment mouines Regulation- 3s. cover
ing the disinfection of cars 1 Mnd " other
veh'cles. yards, ri-iw.' sheds, chutes, etc.
that have contained sherp. X ople of
Amendment No. 4 to the Regulation may
be obtained from the Chief of rhe'Hureau
of Animal Industry, - .whose address Is
Washington, U. C, James waon. sec
retary. J.'9dlt
anchor uni rj. a nan, rraAMHHirs
t.M,uf arm.) mtMlALlOB. SlMllCM. UUauS. Tka
toaUoit of pAftfwnsers cuttluU teastilarva. Sits
r naaa-Ui tickets laurs enwwa nw i orm u
Inuk, Basllak. iruk aa all tnulptl MalliMJ
lata at tuiKlin rate, ml lor Bs el 1 ottrm
rr lMhu te rhuI latMBt.iie apvlr
local astDl el tM A or or L.u, of tt tlkjSIOaMAwJI
BHUS.. UH I mu laioa. lib .
Find a
Ere thing yeu hare)
t Mil Is-wanted by
gomebody If price an4
quality are riynt
Bet Want Ad Will
ftad tM roe torn en
scavenger worm
I haul dead anlmala, II 00 per head.
Garb. manure end all .rub
bish;, clean vaults and - rcMouuU- All
work, don t guarantsrfal , -i-U
.promptly att-ndod. to. . .
... - ypiwne. R4 Vff . ..
Offloa, 10 INwri
. . MlXttrt MKtTlOI.
Clark' soda. y
Davis sells dniga.
Btockert sells csrpet.
Fine engraving at Leffert .
Ed Roger' Tony Fault beer.
New location. 30 Pearl St.. Matoney.
Plumbing and heating, Blxby A Son.
Woodritig Undertaking company. Tel.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhon 7.
Diamonds as an Investment. Talk to
Leffert about it.
Fireworks of i- kinds. Purity Candy
Kitchen, $46 W. Broadway.
Buy your building material f rom C. Hafer.
Big stock and little prices.
Bluff City Masonic loilne will meet tonight
for work In the third degree.
Piano lesson. Marguerite I- Morehouse,
L'O Frank street, ind. 'phone 1040.
Extra heavy, four-passenger lawn swings, J. Kollsr Merc. Co. Phone 820.
Position is wslting for you after taking
a courae In the Western Iowa college.
Bee Stephen Bros, for Arc brick and fire
clay, sewer pipe, tltting and garden hose.
All our goods are marked in plain figures.
This niaki-s buying easy. Peterson &
Schoning Co.
Picture frame made to order. Hundreds
of patterns tu choose from. C. E. Alex
ander, 123 Broadway.
If you have tender feet and want
tood. comfortable alio ae Duncan A
an, i3 Main street.
The Woman's Relief corps aid aoclety
will meet tins afternoon with Mr. Marks,
10J5 East Washington avenue.
Mrs. U J. Trimble has been called to
Colorado Springs by the serious Illness of
her slHUr Mrs. Mary K, .Anderson.
H. A. Qulnn has been called to Baltimore
by the death of his brother-in-law, Henry
F. Manning, who died Tuesday at Knox
vllle, Tenn.
For Sale Will' sacrifice on my fine piano.
Payments If desired. Can be seen at
Schmoller A Mueller'. 60S Broadway,
Council Bluffs. . la.
Charles A. Epp began uit in the district
court yesterday for divorce from Ann C.
Kdd..-to w hom he was married Decemner
26. 1902, at Mitchellvllle, la.
we wholesale Ice cream. Shipped to
any part of the state. Special price te
th retail trade. I. Mucct, 213 meat Broad
Way, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. Mi-
We have the Sneat line of sample monu
ments to select from In the west. Sheely
A Lane Marble and Granite works, 117
East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Just received, sixty different styles In
wall paper for our summer trad. Th
best time In the year to paper Is in tb
ummer. Borwlck. 211 South Main;
Michael O'Brien filed original notice. of
uit in the district court yesterday against
the Wabash railroad claiming J I HO for six
head - of calves killed on the company
right-of-way, ... i
Th following extract will be served this
week at our soda fountain: Carmacla Kiss,
Maple Leaf, Canteloupe Sundaes, Hartford
Eatj -Frosen Phoephate, Grape Juice Lem
onade, Maraschino Punch, Horltck'a Egg
phosphate. Maple Nog. Clark Drug Co.
Cheap fruit Jars are high priced this ea
on. Why not buy good ones at a -very
little-more? We have the "Globe " glass font self-sealing fruit Jars. Pints.
II per dosen; quarts. 11.10. Also extra heavy
rubbers, tin top Jelly glasses and root bcor
bottles. W. A, Maurer.
Mrs. Mary Maloney, wife of Patrick P.
Maloney, 1H4 Avenue C, died last evening
after a short Illness from perltontls. aged
48 yhrs. Besides her husbsnd, two daught
ers, and three sons survive her. The funeral
will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock
from St. Francis Xavler's church and Inter
ment will be In St. Jone-ph cemetery.
To forestall further litigation the street
railway company ia taking down the via
duct over th roadway at Its entrance to
the resort at Itke Manawa. 1 tie court
ordered the street railway company, as the
result- of the litigation over-4he closing
of certain streets at Manawa, to remove
all obstructions. When the viaduct waa left
standing) threats were recently made that
th courts would again. be appftaled in. . . ,
There wHl be-a general meeting of th
Council Bluffs Fish and Game Protective
association this evening at the club house
t lAke Manawa. Since the treet railway
company fenced in its reaort a a result
of .the litigation over the streets the club
house can only be reached by a long detour
along' the Country 'road and not from-the
reaort. Tbe meeting tonigui ia to aeviae
wave and means to secure some way of
getting to and from the club house other
than at present.
Jim Brown will have a hearing: In Justice
Field's court tomorrow morning on the
charge of taking $5 from the person of
J. p. Hraay. tirown ana nraay were in a
South Main street saloon on June 12. when
Brown noticed ,a to bill protruding from
Brady's pocket. He pTomPl'y took posse,
slon of the bill, it Is alleged, but when the
owner remonstrated promised to return, it.
After waiting, fifteen (lnvs and falling to
get the money "back Brady yesterday filed
an tnrormanon in justice r leia a courr,
Brown gave bond for hie appearance Satur
The funeral of Arthur Zlno. who died a
few -days ago at St. Bernard's hospital,
will be held this morning at 9 o'clock from
t. peter. I'atnouc. cnurcn. ana intermeni
will be in St. Joseph cemetery. Mrs. Harry
Johns of Atchison, Kan., sister of tho
deceased, who intended coming here to at
tend the funeral, yesterday notified I nder-
aker Woodrlng that she would be unable
to be present and gave directions for the
burial. The mother and another slater of
the deceased, who were former resident
of Council Bluffs, are living in Iawton,
Okl . hut' wilt not be able to come for the
Picture framing Is a profession and re
quire natural talent to obtain good re
sults. We've got the talent and guaran
tee to do the work right.. Handling wall
paper and doing th work 1 one of our
One art and when It come to figuring on
painting you can do no better than to fig
ure with us, because w can do th work
right and always mak th right prica.
Council Bluff Paint. Oil and Glass Co,
New location, Merrlanv block.
house with gas, city water and sewerage,
also a 6-room cottsge with city water and
sswerage; both well rented. Never vacant.
Must be sold at once. Will make a good
Investment or a good home. Please call
and let me show them to you. Have houses
to rent On monthly payments.- Call m up.
rhone 417 and 40A Red. D. 8. Kerr, M6
Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.
We can't put the shoe stock In the win
dow. It you don't se what you want, go
Inside. Sargent a Family Shoe Store. Look
for the bear.
Special 2u per cent discount on all of th
following: Dinner sets, -music cabinets,
dinner chair, porch furniture, parlor lamp,
center table, buffets, sideboards, kitchen
cabinets, go-carts, refrigeratory, portlerus,
lace curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, earpcta
and mattings. D. W. Keller. 103 So. Malu.
Ten high top organs, with French be-el
plate mirrors, must be sold quick'. Get a
big bargain at A.. Heap Co., at B. Mala
St., Council Bljffs.
CENTRAL rLOL'Iy-Sl.U. - Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both Phone IC
If you ar in need ot a sewing machine,
bicycle or phonograph call on 8. M. Will.
Unison. 17 8. Main St., or 'prior, red H7,
W employ nothing but first-class tin
Mr and plumbers and guarantee all of
our work. Spencer Furnae aad Sheet
Metal Work. 161 West Broadway.
- - .
Something entirely new and lust ol
Beautiful new photo at a special offer fr
Short lime only at Schmidt studio.
Dea l forget thai .1 have an spring and
summer suit from 20 to 12. B. 8. Hieka
Faacy sugar cured Xsx breakfast bacon,
lle per pound Central Grocery and Meat
Market. Bulk ' Pheae 24.
White cnva Oxford, all king. Price,
HUH. Punca Degn, u Mala aueet.
St. TL 48.
Bu t Chance to Lean Ten Dollar on
"Fine" Gold WgtcL
Sends Boy for Police and Stranger
aad His "Phoney" Tlmeplef Are
Both Reposing la tkc
Police gtatloa.
"Good evening, Mr. Park," H the fa
miliar manner In which a young man,
well dressed but a stranger, addressed the
chief clerk at the Grand hotel last even
ing. "I am in rather an embarrassing po
sition. I have two women friends I prom
ised to take to the lake this evening' and
I find I have left my pocketbook at home.
Would you kindly accommodate me with
110 on this until tomorrow." With this the
stranger placed a seemingly handsome gold
watch with silk fob and charm In Mr.
Parks' hand.
"My father Is a well known Rock Island
official in Omaha and 1 will bring the
money over after lunch' tomorrow," he
continued. Mr. Parks, however, hail been
there before.
"Let me have your name, as we gen
erally like to know to whom we lend
money," replied Mr. Parka, as he handed
the stranger a slip of paper.
"Oh my name is F. O. Wilson. I live
at S515 Farnam street. I am well known
across the river."
"Is your name In the directory?"
"It ought to be, I have lived ther--Umg
enough." -
While the stranger was writing his nam
on A slip of paper. Clerk Park managed
to send on of the boys after an officer
and kept the fellow waiting a minute or
so while he pretended to unlock the safe
to get the money. When the officer ar
rived the fellow etarted to run, but waa
quickly overhauled.
At th city Jail he gave the name of T,
G. Teaman and had letters on him ad
dressed to thia name to th general de
livery, Omaha. '
He is being held for Investigation.
The watch la one., of the cheapest
"phoney" kind.
Clerk Parks about a year ago loaned the
son of a "prominent Northwestern official
In Omaha" $10 on a somewhat similar
watch end under similar circumstances and
consequently the game last night failed to
Partlea Get Together and Reach an
Amicable Agreement.
The county supervisors, Bitting as a
drainage board, approved yesterday after
noon the benefit assessment schedule for
the Pigeon creek ditch' after reaching a
settlement with the Northwestern railroad
satisfactory to the ditch promoters and
Contractor Wlckhatn. ..- .'
Under the agreement reached the assess,
nient of 1.6:.S0 against, the railroad was
stricken off and the propecty ot the rail
road was taken 'out. of the drainage dis
trict. In return the railroad withdrew Its
claim of 15,000. for .4antgc and entered
Into an agreement to.. mov,e Its bridge so
as to permit Contract Wick ham to pass
his . dredge up or dawn , he elream. Tho
railroad ia to replace Its present structure
with a steel bridge on stone abuttments.
This" agreement was reached after the
supervisors had stepped aside and allowed
the- representatives of the railroad, the
ditch promoters and the 'contractor to get
together and talk it over. In order to bring
about a settlement of the controversy Con
tractor Wlckbam offered" to donate 11,000
pf the contract price for'ths construction
of the ditch to the drainage district.
The hoard adjourned to August 8, at
which time it will decide on the bond Issue
to pay for the construction of th ditch,
which will coat between 120,000 and 130,
000. " Property owner "assessed for bene
fits can pay their assessments on or be
fore August 8 in cash and the amount eo
paid In will be deducted from the bond
Issue. No cash payments on assesmsnta,
however, will be aocepted after that date
or' after the amount of the bond issue Is
determined upon.
Ostermear Mattress.
Ostermnor Cotton Felt Mattresses ar
guaranteed not to lump , or pack, Price.
tlt.M. We are exclusive, agent. Keller
Farnsworth Furniture Co.
Do you krow what makes a buggy worth
owning? I will tell yoa. ' First, Its dura
blllty and wearing qualitle: second, It ap
pearance and comfort. These points you
will aiwaya And In "Van -Brunt Vehicles."
No use talking, they have no equals. . Call
and se. '
Tou know a picture and a frame with
out harmony means a poor picture. We
have for year made picture framing a
specialty and a study. We know what
point it takes to make a picture valuable
and prised. You will be satisfied with
our price if you come to us. H. Borwlck,
til S. Main. .
Coaaell 4 Consider Light Contract.
The city council will meet n commit te
cf the whole this afternoon to consider
the proposed new lighting contract with th
Cltlsen'a Gas and Electric company. While
some opposition has arisen to th proposed
contract on account of certain persons
Inline western part of the city asserting
that It doe not guarantee that portion
of th city gaa in the neai future, th con
tract I generally considered an advan
tageous one for the city, seeing that by it
the company guarantees a royalty of I
per cent of its gross earnings on electrical
business other than that of th city light
ing This royalty or rebate will enable the
city to inatall several more light without
extra expense, or will reduce the coat of
th are light materially If additional one
ar not Installed.
While in some quarters there has been a
demand for 81 gas the council men ar sat.
lined with the reduction, from 11. tt to SI 25.
For Imported wines, liquors and Budwelaer
beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholsaal liquor
dealer, 611 South Main street.
Investigate the superior construction of
the Wise furnace. In this progressive age
you should provide yourself with th mod
ern furnace. The "Wise" 1 more durable,
economical and ha greater hasting ca
pacity .than any other. We ar ready to
how you at 11 8. Main St. Paddock Hand,
achy Hardware company.
Oo te Hick' for your money's worth la
tattering. No bluff, either
Kaglee to Itooat In - Blafs.
Councilman . Thomas Maloney arrived
home last evening from Dea Moines, vhtre
he attended the mesttng of the etate uerl
of Eagls. He brought with him the In
formation that Council Bluffs secured the
meeting for lfcT, and that th stgte aerie
endorsed the candidacy of 8. B. Wadsworth
of this city for worthy (read preeldn
of th order at the meeting of the grand
aerie to be held in Milwaukee on August
It. F. C. Hendricks arrived home with
Mr. Maloney and tha rest of the delega
tion will return today.
We pay 111. 00 per ton for rest Iron; mixed.
Is 0 per ton; stove. 17 SO; rsgs, 1 a lb ;
rubber, 7c; copper, 14c per R. J. Kattle
man, tut South Main. Both 'Phones toO.
Position Is waiting for you after taking
a course In the Western Iowa college.
Fin Farm.
Two hundred-acre farm Ave miles from
Missouri Vallsy. Good Improvements and
orchard. Cheap at 7t per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room t. First National bank
building. Office telephone tot.
Everest Has HI Tranble.
Frank F. Everest, th well known real
estate man and former city assessor, was
gbl yesterday to testify to the truth of
the ancient adage that mlsfqrtuncs never
come singly.
Wednesday evening Mr. Everest, while
out driving with her m-year-old babe and
Miss Carrie Spooner, waa thrown out of the
buggy and suffered a severely wrenched
back. Mis Spooner, who was holding the
baby, waa severely bruised, but the child
escaped injury. In some manner the lines
became entangled In the wheels, the horse
became frightened and the buggy was
tipped over, throwing the occupants into
the street.
About i Vclock yesterday morning Mr.
Everest, who lives on Glen avenue, arose
to give his wife some medicine. Looking
for his watch he was surprised to discover
that It was not on the bureau where h
had plated It before retiring. Investigation
showed the remains of a number of burred
matches on the floor and the discovery that
his clothes were also scattered about the
floor with the pocket inside out caused
Mr. Everest to realise that he had been
robbed while asleep. Neighbors had noticed
some person striking matches In different
part of the house, but supposing it was
some member of the household, had not
given the subject any more thought.
Besides the watch, which waa a valuable
gold one, the thief secured a small sum of
money from. Mr. Everest's clothes. None
of the silverware In the dining room was
touched. It Is thought the thief entered
the house' through one of the ecreened
windows which had been left open on the
lower floor.
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado; IS per acre for raising all
kinds of crops; good soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions' first and
third Tuesday of each month. Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs, I a.
A. Metsgar A Cm.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
616 Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, Ia.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Our line of violins and other small musi
cal instruments is one of the most com
plete In the west. Bouricius Piano House,
136 B'way, where the organ stands upon the
Real Estate Transkfer.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee June 281by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
F. W. Meneray and wife to Thomas
French, part nwV. nw1 23 and part
se-4 ne4 U-75-44, w d 7,900
Orpha McCurdy to Edgar C. Hutchin
son, part of lot I, n block I, in
Eubank's 2d add. to Council Bluffs.. . . .
' la..- and lot 3 of Auditor's sub-di-'
vision of w4 80-76-48. w d
XV. H. Stacy and wife to Nellie F.
Merrill, lot 4. in block 7. In Grime'
add to Council Bluffs, Ia., w d
Fanchlon A. Seller and husband to
Nellie F. Merrill, lot 10. in block
3, In Baylies A Palmer's add. to
Council Bluffs, la., w d
L. knd J. Messenberg to O. R. Larson,
lot 13. In block 10, in Pierce's sub-
division to Council Bluffs, la., w d
H A. Trobough, and husband to Soph
rnnla Beecley. lot 12. In block 2, In
Gates' edd to Oakland. Ia., w d
Charles M. Crlppen and wife to H.
Edstrom and I . G. Kepner, lots 1
and 2. In block 1. In Wright's add.
to Cotineil Hluffs, Ia., w d
M. A. Burke and husbsnd to A. D.
Annls, lots 7 and 8, in block 2, in
Parkdale add. to Council Bluffa, Ia.,
w d
A. J. Seaman to Benjamln-Fahr Real
Estate company, lots 22 and 2t, In
block 9. In Wright's add., and lot 13,
in block 27, in Beer sub-dtvtsion
to Council Bluffs. Ia.. w d
W. S. Balrd to Anna E. Balrd. nV of
lot 16. in block 18, In Beer's sub
division to Council Bluffs, Ia., w d
William O. Moomsw and wife to
Nannie A. Fuller, part of lot 11. In
Johnson's add, to Council Bluffs.,
la., q o d ,
Eleven transfers, total
Qnallty foant
More with paint than with anything sis.
Tou may think you save a few dollars
en first cost, hut you'll lose a year or more
on. the wear. W don't offer bargain
counter price for paint, but w paint so
It stays painted. Jensen it Nicholson.
Outside and Inside House Decorations.
Don't Ge to Omaha
Until you try at home. Tou have stocks
ot shoe In Council Bluff equal to any city.
Try Sargent' and the whole bunch. You
will And what you want somewhere. Bar.
gent' Family Shoe Store. Look for the
Sad Homecoming for Vonnkerman.
It will b a aad homecoming for Coun
cilman Oscar Younkermaa whsn he reaches
his horn In Germany, which he left twenty
seven year ago to petti In the United
States. Councilman Tounkerman and wife
laft Council Bluffs Tuesday for New York,
from wher they expected to sail yester
day for Germany tu spend two months or
so at Mr. Younkerman's old home. Yester
dsy morning a letter was received from
Germany and was opened by a member of
the family. It contained the news of the
death of Mr. Tounkerman' father two
week ago. When th aged parent realised
that death wa approaching, the letter
stated, hi one wish was that he would live
long enough to one more hi son,
Oscsr, who had written telling hi parents
of hi Intended Visit, but hi wish wa not
gratified ahd he died with his eyes resting
on a ,,larg picture of Mr. . Tounkerman
which at th dying mini requeat had
been placed at tbe foot of the bed.
When the sad news was received yester
day morning members of the family at
first thought of telegraphing to Mr. Tounk
erman in New York with the chance of
reaching him before h Bailed, but later
decided not to do o.
... Ladle'
Yachting shoes In white, made especially
for the purpose, Sargent's Family Bho
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. tM. Night Lea!
Boy Ran Away Iron Home.
tester Green, George Green and I
Bat ft, three small boys from th Christian
home, from which they had been absent
about a week, a It later developed, were
picked up by the police yesterday morning
near a West Broadway saloon. Lester
Green wa found to be In possession ot a
fnur-ounr bottle of whisky which he had
secured at the saloon for a negress named
Mr. Campbell, living In the alley south
of Broadway near Eighth street.
tnveatlcatloa shewed that the negreee
had seen th three boys In the alley pick
ing over some refuse at tbe rear of a
grocery store and she asked the Green lad
to go or) the eriand and get the whisky
for her.
The finding of two new pncketknlves In
possession of the youngsters led to the
confeselon thst they had tolen a bundle
of rocketknlves from one of the 10-cent
stores on Broadway. They Implicated four
other boys "from the home In th theft
and further Inveatlgatlon by the police
howed that th other four lads were still
missing from the Institution. The boys
picked up by the police said they had been
sleeping In barns and alleys and subsisting
on what they could pick up In th alleys
back of grocery and other stores.
Fireworks! Fireworks!
Fireworks of all kinds. Purity Candy
Kitchen, 46 West Broadway.
Badera Dollar Rlisr.
No honing, no slroping. See them in our
show winder. Swain A tauer, where
they sell high grade hardware. 336 and 333
West Broadway.
Why era, McAte' l-akery goods better
than any made or sold In the city? Simply
because all of the Ingrediente that go Into
their composition are absolutely pure aud
otj the highest grade produced, and will
eohform to and pase Inspectlen under any
pure food law on earth. No compounds or
Imitations used.
Haselton I roaara tnlatrd.
Postmaster Haselton was the recipient of
many congratulations yesterday by reason
of the Wsshlngtan dispatches announcing
that tho president had sent to the senate
his appointment to succeed himself as post
master in this city at the expiration of
his term on Jily 11.
The Title Guaranty ana Trust company,
abstracter of titles. Books date back to
1X63. Booke ar all up te data. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl
treet. Council Bluffs, la.
High grade pianos sold on easy payments,
110 down and 15 per month. Swanson
Music Co., 407 Broadway. Pianos tuned and
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Nsme and Residence.
. I
A?2 1
Wlnfleld E. Smith. Lincoln, Neh ?B
Estella Kellerman, Lincoln, Neb 28
Tom Jett. Omaha , 88
Ella Null. Omaha Is
William O. Cheney, Lincoln, Neh t
Lucretia Burroughs, Lincoln, Neb .... 16
BeTcrnt Are Honor Graduate at Vale
and Harvard.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., June J8 (Special
Telegram.) Among those receiving the
doctor of philosophy degree from Harvsrd
university is Burrill Samuel Lncey of Du
buque, la., for work In physical chemistry.
The title ot his thesis Is "Temperature Co
efficient . of Concentration Cells and of
Electrodes and the Thomas Effect in Elec
trotypes." Mr. lAcey has been assistant
In chemistry, at Harvard, a John Harvard
fellow, and holds the A. B. and A. M. de
grees from Harvard.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. June 28. (SpertHl
Telegram.) The following students have
received the master of arts degree from
Yale university: Fred I. Hadsell, Ph. B.,
of Urper Iowa college, '02; Walter E. Lager,
qulst, Clarinda, Ia.. B. A., Simpson col
lege, '03, B. A., Yale, '05; Marlon B. Begv
ers,;oskaloosa, la.. B. A., Haverford, '06.
Stranger Die at Missouri Valley.
MISSOURI VALLEY. n.. June 28.-,
(Special.) Thia afternoon n stranger giv
ing hi name a Jack or Henry Roberts,
was suddenly taken with fonyylslons on
Erie street, and was carried Into an empty
bulltjlng and medical aid summoned, but
after working two hours the dot-tor was
unable to give the man any relief and
he waa then removed to the Gasson
Boughton hospital, where Drs. Gasson and
Boughton did all that waa possible for the
man and not -until after o'clock could
they get him to reatlng easy. They then
mad an attempt to get him to talk and
gathered from hi muttering that hia
nam waa .Henry Roberts, that he had a
brother Sam and a sister Nellie Hail in
Ottumwa, but could not get him to say
where he was from or where he was going.
' He tried to talk to ,nm Ana ho alteH
Charlie and "Shorty" and asked for a
priest. He died about 1:80 o'clock.
Fremont Crop Prospect.
SIDNEY, Ia., June 28. -(Special.) An
other good rain blessed thia region Tues
day night, . When' nearly two Inches fell.
The general crop prospects never looked
better. Corn Is especially promising. The
eeaaon haa been favorable in every re
spect, and there Is a good stand, which
Is clesn, even and. making rapid growth.
Hay la hot so rank as last year, but of
better quality. Oat and wheat are doing
well. Home grown potatoes have already
appeared on the local market. Rasp
berries and blackberries are abundant, and
peaches, plums and apples promts an en
ormous yield.
Grocer Select Picnic Grounds.
(Special.) Th Council Bluff grocer
have decided to hold their annual plcnlu
and outing here on Thursday, July 18.
Frensled with Fear
are many who develop lung trouble. Dr.
King's New Discovery will cure them.
Guaranteed. 80c -and 81.00. For sale by
Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co,
. Every day to July 7th - . - , - r
Round Trij tickets will bo sold to '
IM r KA.vcibl O or LOd ANGEL1SS.
j J Alao other low round trip rates In eect daily to Sept. 15 .'
t P eure your tickets rend over this lice .
Inquire st -
V t-fione iKttifc-ias 3.1
Rational Committee to Same Commission
to Settle All Contcttt. '
Last Township In Dallas t'sssty,
Selects Delegates and fslrea (lot--,
ernor a Majority la the
County Convention.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINE8, June IS. (Special.) H n
George D. Perkins, candidate for the re
publican nomination for governor, toda'
sent his opponent. Governor A. U. Cummins,
tli following letter:
t am reluctant to take the Initiative It
suggesting any plan looking to a peacefu
solution of th perplexing altuation nov
confronting the republican party of thlt
state. I assume that yoti. equally with my
self, desire that the convention snail In
orderly and above suspicion of Intentlona,
wrong. We are mutually desirous, I air
free to say. to shield the party tiUmc front
dishonor and to bring about the nomination
of S ticket that the sincere membership of
the party can loyally and unitedly support.
Tho time for calm action Is row.
The pre-ronventlnn campaign has been
heated. Tho struggle for delegates has
never been equalled In our state The con-
t-st haa come down to he closing das
Without a clear settlement as to the choice .
of the party for the gubernatorial nomlnru .
tlon. The balance of power Is with delega
tlona that are contested, and these contest-",
to my mind, should be Impartially and In.
telllgently determined to tbe end tlwt confi
dence iiiay he established In the Integrity
of the convention's determinations. Neltlirr
you nor I want a nomination Involving a
doubtful title or the suspicion of It. Now,
what can he done to provide a fair adjust,
ment? .
It has occurred to me that w-e might ask
for the Intervention of the republican na
tional committee. Would you be willing in
Join In a request to the chairman of th
national committee that he appoint from .
the membership of the committee a com
mission of three, the cholre to be mad
from states sufficiently separated from our
state to secure Impartiality and freedom
from predetermination, to hear and !e-
ternilne the Issues thnt have arisen. My
thought is that such rommielon should I'
empowered to hear all contests and upon
their finding make up a tempnrnry roll to
be binding upon al parties, and. ' further,
Ihst such commission be authorised to pre
scribe, parliamentary rules hy which th
convention should be governed In all Its
preliminary work.
If a plan of this kind were to be agreed
to, it would be necessary, of course, that
we should PersonHlly obligate ourselves
to abide by the action of the commission.
i to use otir rull Influence to have their con
I elusions accepted by the convention -and to
exert all our power to have the plan and
conclusion thus -framed carried out in good
faith. If this suggestion, prompted only by
my desire to place the-eommon welfare of
the party nbove personal concern, does
not meet your specific approval, I trust I
am not mistaken In assuming that the ob.
Ject In view haa your cordial endorsement.
Therefore, I am not without confidence
that some .in can be mutually aureed toV
that will secure a creditable adjustment
and save the convention from hasty and.
Imprudent action, harmful to the party
and mortifying to those aaalnst whom re.
sponslhlllty might be lodged. I am not
personally disposed In this matter to Ignore
the authority of our state committee, and
my sua-aestlon would be ' (f you should
agree with me In the general proposition,
to petition our own committee to take tip
the matter with- the chairman cf the na
tional committee. I should consider It an
honor to be favored with your early reply.
Respectfully yours. .
Tt' 1st understood that Mr. Perkins' lotter
was mailed also to Lieutenant Governor
Herrlott at Stuart and Major Ratlibun at
Marlon, the two other candidates for the
position of governor. .
Governor Cummins was not at his office
today and It la npt known what his nnswef
will be, . . .
Comniln Carries Dallas,
Governor Cumnilns carried the last town,
ship lr Dallas.'county, . Walnut, at
caucuses yesterday hv a vote of 116 to 58.
On the face of ' the returns he now has
sixty-four delegates to the'eounfy conven
tion and Perkins-has rlfty-three.
Trro New Candidate Talked.
Joseph Alien' of Pucahantus county 4.
being discussed as a candidate for Stat
treasurer. He 1b also mentioned as a
candidate for slate senator In opposition to'
Senator til WInne of Humboldt county,
if la a hanker and a member of th Board
of Regents of the State university.
A. M. Cloud of Manchester, Buchanan
county, ia n"w mentioned ss a . possible
candidate for attorney general and It la
understood- to be practlonlly determined
that he will be a candidate. There are
three other candidates In the. flrld for at
torney general. The announcement of two
candidates for state offices after all but
four county conventions have been held 1
rather unusual. . .
Insurance Commission.
John M. Kmery, actuary of the Dea
Mnlnen Life Insurance company, the first
expert actuary before the Insurance ln
vestlgatlon commission, eald today that h
favored an annual accounting and distribu
tion of dividends and toll the commission
that it would remedy nearly all. the evils
as to misappropriation and mislnvestment
of funds. ....... , '
Edward A. Temple, president of the Bank,
era Life anHoclatlon, wag before the com
mission. He testified that, his company had
no actuary and needed none., . Ha . gave
more In detail Information as to the finan
cial cond'tion of the Bankers Life and h.
testimony was in connici wtiq mat ot ir--Emery
as to some points in insurance
matters. He asserted (hut the percentage
of loaaes paid would amount to the sam
thing as the petventago of individuals
dying.' Mr. Emery stated In Ills testimony
that the percent was different.
The Eleventh cavalry of the regul ir army,
stationed at Fort Dea Moines, has been
ordered by the department at Washington
to postpone ita march to Fort Hlley to
August II In order to be In Dps Molne
when the reunion of the .Army ot the
Philippines Is held in this city.