Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
9 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1905. i : 1 ; ) SPECIAL NOTICES will be takea. aatll IS ma. tor th trratiic cdltloa mm mmtH p. m. lor th morals- l4r 4ltln. Rate 1 l-2 a war flrat laser-Haw. lo word thereafter. Natklaa; take for lea tkaa SO for tke rt laser tlaa. Tkeaa adTertlaeateate aaast ke laa eoasaeatlvely. Advertisers, kr reaeela a na tiered check, cast kara aaswers ad dressed ta a aaaihera letter la rare of Tke Bea. Aaawera aa addressed will ke delivered aa areeeatatlea at rkeek. MISCELLANEOUS SECOND SUMMER TERM I30YLES COLLEGE i Monday, July 2. Write, call or 'piione for catalogue. Address H. B. Boyle. President, Omaha, Neb. K-M146 30 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a P clalty of fire eacapea, shutters, iloors and safes. O. Anareen. Prop., lul 8. 10th Bt. R 421 SIGN PAINTING. 8. H. Cole, 1101 Douglas. TRY Kelljr-a Towel Supply. "Sal. Doug. 1530. Iowa Ban Itary Clea nl n g Co., 1S1I Farnaro. afv-JM WHERE TRUNKS ARK MADE. Trunka. suit rw awl shopping bags. Old truns taken in exchange; repairing. KREUXG & STEINLE, 410 N. 16th Bt. 'Phone Doug. 4M6. R-196 July 26 ANTI MONOPOLY Oar bag Co., $21 N.16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Re, 'phone. Doug (J: EL8ABBER BRICK. Machinists, all South 12th Bt- Tel. SOT. R 135 YALE KEYS MV'i.Z'&u? Ua 2974. R-M467 JulylS TYPEWRITERS rented, all miket, $2.50. Fox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnatn. R-M584 July 1 . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any alia. ISIS Farnam. Q 127 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. beat mixed paint. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 1 HALL'S safe, new, 2d-band. ISIS Farnam. Q iJ FOR SALE Empty Ink barrela. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bea mall room. Q 643 FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; eaay payments. 11 runs-wick-Balke-Collender, 407 8. lOtb Bt. M588 WE buv everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Q 430 FURNITURE AND CARPETS 26 per cent cheaper here than at any installment store. The quality la reliable. Cash or OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. Q-S14 28 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white baaswood for burnt work. 921 N. lath. Q-U MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. j 483 BEND US your mall orders for drug; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 434 X DUNN'S roll top, quarter-sawed oak reg ular alsed desk, worth $a0; 1 fine quarter sawed oak chair, worth 115; 1 almost new Oliver No. 3 typewriter, worth $100; will sell all three for $100. Address 644-IS46 Bee Bldg. . . Q-293 28 ONE second-hand Worthington stram pump, site 14xMtxl2, cuparily 600 gallons per minute; 1 40-H. P. boiler; 3- crook points; all are In good condition. Ad dress city clerk. Fullerton, Neb. Q-M721 July3 FOR SALE Fully equipped boarding houae. Address 11-48 Bee. Q 134 Jy lx FOR SALE House boat, furniture, tender and sail boat; inqulra at Boat club. Lake Manawa. Q 192 July lx FOR BALE One 8x12 Reclne butcher's re frigerator In A-l condition; one hand somely designed grocer's refrigerator, at tractive display caeea, etc., at exceedingly low nrlces. Inquire Summer Bras., 28th and Farnam. Q M329 Jyl BUSINESS CHANCES HOTEL In eaatern Nebraska; only hotel In town; ran prove protlta to owner will ex ceed $200 per month; owner going to Colo, rado for health and must sell. Some cash and eaay payments gels It. Address H 14. care Bee. Y-181 28 WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing psrlora, newly furnished, on easy terms, to responsible party. Call 301 or 301 Ne ville blk.. Omaha Neb. - Y M871 Do You Wish to Make a Change t If you have a farm, home, business or property thai you want to sell or exchange win us. ULOBk) LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Net)., or Sioux City, la, Y Mi46 J29 ONE of the swelleet cafes In Omaha for sale cheap; terms If desired; paying prop osition; well located, and doing good bus iness. Proprietor leaving permanently for northwest. You need not be a practical restsurant man to make big money out of this. Address H 31, care Bee. Y-1S3 2 LAUNDRY for sals or lease to practical partus. Address G 67, Bee, Y M723 29 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address G-64, care of Bee. Y-M7ak FINE little cafe and short-order restau rant. In good location, can be rented by responsible parry; all furnished and doing business; a money maker tor right party, who can take active charge. Address II X. oars Bee. Y 1S4 A PRIVATE sals of up-to-date drug stock. Nemaha Co. (southeast Nebraska); well established; sales from $i0 to $76 per day; advise with owner; no trading atock; will require about Ji.OoO cash. Address 11 (, Bee. Y svl Jy21 SPLENDID bakery end confectionery, well located; good trade; clears $16 a week. Owner has other business and will sell cheap. Address H 30, care Bee. Y-181 at UOOD, clean stock of general merchandise, Invoice about $.0u0. In a good live town In central Nebraska, doing a good busi ness; no trade considered. Ill health reason for selling. Address H 33. Bee. Y M3U0 Julll COUNTY rights for sale. $100 to $V. Big profits; quick seller. 330 Nevills lilk. Y-fisi 28x CONFECTIONERY and restaurant, serv ing meals and lunch; bread, cakes, pies, cigars and tobacco; has laundry agency; oiir wants to leave city. Address ) 15. Bee office. Y-Ulx FOR BALE OR TRADE Bakery doing good business, at a bargain, trada guaranteed, small capitsl needed, low rent, am selling because must depend entirely on hired help. Address Box suO, Grand Islund, Neb. Y-MilO LEGITIMATE office business, best location In Omaha, earning $17 per month aver age. Price. $1.00. Good chance for man and wile or partnership. Address H $7, care Bee. Y . 319 ) FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want la this ooluiun. put an ad ta and you will song get tc z-a WANTED TO RENT WANTED By good physician, office with a ArfcL-vlAaa 4n!lMt in koaiI orrice Ii:!!.!. Lug. Address H U. Be- sv-1179 2x WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Mn to learn barber trade; splendid time to begin; busy season now; little expense; few weeks completes; top wages paid graduates; position waiting; small capital stsrts business. Call or write Moiiier Barber college. 111 Farnam, St. B MS16 2x WANTED Clgarmskers; Tollers and 6 bunch breakers: will pay the besi of prices to go out of town; will send tickets. Address h lz, csre of Bee. B-.MS16 CHERRY PICKERS Apply at orchard of I. Jaynes any day Sunday. Gren vllls Bros. B 966 23 x MEN and boys wsnted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plasteilng trades; pay $5 a day. Coyne Bros. Co.. New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 435 WANTED Three men of good personsi appearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard Ft. ii ca DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerk wanted. F. V. Knlest. 624 N. Y. L. B 437 WAN TED-For U. S. Army, ablebodled un. married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temnerate habits, who can speslt. read and writs English. For Informsilnn PPly to Recruiting Office, ISth and Dou. laa Sts , Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is land, Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 471 CARPENTERS wanted at Fort' Omaha. F. P. Keefo, contractor. . B M872 YOUNG Men for I-ocomotlve Firing. Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address Ry. Dept., 200 S. 12th 6t., Omnha. D 230 JulylO CHERRY PICKERS Apply at orchard. Oth ana jaynes, any day except Sunday, uren vllle Bros. B 96o Julylx FIRST-CLASS pants maker; steady work. Molony, McElvaln & Beck, 320 So. loth. B Ml 41 28 MAN with family, steady place on farm; house to self; free ticket. Bweneys Empt. Co., 209 So. 12th St. B MliS BOYS wanted for factory work. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO. B-193 29 WANTED Salesmen; side line. Quick seller to banks. Big commission. Box fitil, St. Joseph, Mo. B SOI 2Sx TEN good, steady men. 413 Fn. lMh St. B-M-38 Jul4 WANTED Experienced Ice cream maker, 1620 Farnam. B 1S8-28 WANTED At once, registered pharmacist. Temperate; not afraid to work and un derstand a soda fountain. Woolsey Phar macy, Wymore, Neb. B M330 Jyl WANTED Second man In soda dfrartment. Apply to Boston Sure Drug Dept. B-33S Shipping clerk. $60. Stenographer, $G6. Bookkeeper, $10 to $0l. Office inannger, $100. Call or write for complete list. See ua tf In need of position. WK8TE11N REF. & BOND ASSN. (INC.), . Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-336 29 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general housework. 3112 Farnam St. C 829 MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good home and good wages; na tionality not considered; 623 4th St., Coun cil Bluffs. C-JUBtf GIRL WANTED Small family; no chil dren; high wages. Mrs. II. D. Neely. 4371 Hamilton St. C M479 WANTED Experienced shirt makers, on Eower machines. Howell, Allen & Kaull, lenver, Colo. C M730 Jyl WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook: small family; large salary. Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no children; good wages. In quire 2106 Blnney St. C 986 30 GOOD girl for general housework; wages $5 a week. Tel. Harney -667. 818 S. 37th St. C 16 30 GIRL wanted for house work; good wages. 1329 S. 31st St. C 190 28x WANTED Experienced alteration hands for ladies' suit dppt. 8. Frederick Berger sc Co., 1617 Farnnm St. C M307 30 UNIGRAPH shorthand, 1824 Farnam St., Omaha. C-M299 Jul27 WANTED Thoroughly experienced niter for ladies' suit dept. S. Fredrick Berger ac Co., 1617 Farnam St. C 311 29 WANTED Yotmg lady to clerk In music store; must be good player. Address H 36, cars of The Bee. C 327 29x AGENTS WANTED LADDlS wanted to canvass for the Ed wards skirt supporter; one supporter fas tens every shirt waist to skin for seven Inct es across back without pins, points or teeth to tear garments; free terms, Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., 617 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. J-MJ89 July8x AGENTS In every community to sell Top shine Polishes. Topshine Mfg. Co., 2W7 Ohio St.. Omaha. - J M927 Jul6x WANTED At once, energetic ladles; $1$ per week; city work. Call 1812 Dodge st. 1 to 8 p. m. J 162 29x WANTED Hustlers for Nebraska Cor porstlon to visit business men, road work, position permanent, bond and re ferences, self s a dressed stsmped envelop for reply, good pay, address II 36 Baa. J-194 July M AGENTS and canvassers make $2 to $3 dally selling our assorted gummed fruit jar labels; book of 300 for 16c, and other fine specialties. Send for free samples and particulars. Ohio Plate Co., 424 Kaca St., Cincinnati. O. J 302 28x WANTED By the Midwest Life (old line) of Lincoln. Neb., energetic, capable, ex perienced life Insurance agents to work In Omaha and eaatern Nebraska. N. ' Bnell, President. J-MJ31 Jylx WANTED SITUATIONS ATTENTION. THRESHERMEN! En- flneer wants Job with good outfit; about our years' experience. Address George Evans. Afton, la. A MS14 July3x WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, atoves, carpets, clothing and shoes. 1'ay th best prices. Telephone Douglas XjTL N-Uj6 Juiyi WANT TO BUY Thirty to 40 acres of land, In: proved, near Omaha; will pay cash; anyone having some to soil write Kd. Mahoney, Lawler, la., giving price and descriptions. N M169 2a t WANTED TO PURCHASE Hotel, lease and fixtures In good town In Nebraska; county seat town preferred; must be pay ing proposition. Address H 64. Be. N 31a 28x PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attonr; pat ents, trad marks, copyrights; no fe un less successful. U7 N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. 1.3 F, J. LARSON CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. B Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 474 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine wcik. w-oll 8. 10th St. 41S PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co.. oi Douglas Blk. Mn Juiyi TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav tickets everywhere, P. H. Phllbin. 1M Far us m. 'Phou Loug. 14. v LA RSON JOHNSON. 140$ Farnam. Doug. ; DRESSMAKING Woodruff 4V Arnold. $13-14 Neville bloc. U-VU July as ynoWMLL SCHOOL f KKB-'M AK1NO, Al-sU iru j 16-5 Ir'aiauau In a short lime what the Wise Mai knows now, the whole public will know It will be too late then for Bargains. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, K Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E 239 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 np per week. E-HM TWO nicely furnished south front rooms. 3664 Harnsr. E M4x HOUSES and roomse furnished; reliable goods and square deal. No Installment methods. Cash' or credit. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. E 313 28 DERTRABLEi suite of rooms; also single: strictly modern; gentlemen preferred; 107 North Twentieth. El 880 July 7. FURNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 2306 Douglas St. E-709 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Nicely fur nished, modern room. 131 N, 31st Ave. E 770 FOR RENT 2 or $ beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. E M125 1701 DAVENPORT, modern, one or two con necting rooms. E M303 Jul4x FURNISHED room, everything new. 61 No. gotli. Phone Douglas 4136. E 325 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; good board; reasonable rates. Th Rose, 2020 Harney St. F 767 July6x Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-29J VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, rsfa F-291 BOARD and room at J21S Howard St. F 185 Jy lx FINE, large, cool rooms; five minutes' from business center; excellent meals If de sired. 617 So. 18th. F M294 Jullx FIRST CLASS furnished rooms; single and en suite; references required. 2410 Farnam St. Ii Mail UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL! $ rooms; bath. Tlxard. 220 N. tad. o Mm CENTRAL, I rooms, bath. Tlxard. 220 N. 23d. D M608 BRIGHT UNFINISHED ROOMS New residence. 2S13 North 3Sth Ave. Tele phone Douglas 6146. O M3"6 Jullx FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel., Douglas 1625. Schmoller A ueller Plana Co- 1311-1313 Farnam. D (43 HOUSES ta Jrtl ot ,he rh U.UUOI1U3 Q, jr. CZvlm Co.. 60s live Bi. D-307 HOUSES ,n "u w" of th cl,r- a UUUOEiO c j.etra Co.. Be Bldg. D 30$ HOUSES, Insurant'. Rlngwalt. Barker Bk. D 448 THE Omiha Van As Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1669. P 449 WE MOVE" pianos. Maggard Van as Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14Mk Office. 471$ Web ster St. D 460 6EB us when shlpptsr household goods to large cities Wil We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug, llita D-461 DON'T pay fancy prices lor cheap furni ture at Installment houses. Get reliable goods from us for less money. Cash ur credit. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1200-1211-1213 Farnam St. D 812 28 FOR RENT. Two strictly modern and up-to-date 9 rooni flats just completed. Owner will decorate the house to suit first occupant. 8J26-3.t28 Harney St. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. D-199 28 CENTRAL, 4 or t-room flat. Tlxard, 229 H. 23d. D Moll FOR RENT Hotel Under, Waahington lake; by the week or month, or season; will accommodate twenty people; suitable for house parties. Inquire of T. J. Gard ner,' Mankato, Minn. D Mi 12 July 6 FOR RENT, (-room apartment In the Albion. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D. 17S1. D 162 28 FOR RENT 3-rooms, city water. 1826 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Faxton Blk. D 973 FOR RENT 1713 Mason St., 6-room cot tage, $20. 614 N. 2oth, new 10-room mod ern brick, hardwood finish, $60. W. R. Homan, 1617 Farnam St. D M9S6 30 CHOICE 8-room furnished cottage; well located on Lake Okoboji. R. C. PETERS & CO., 208 29 NEW, rriodern, 9-room house. West Farnam district. Tel. Harney 927. D M304 TWO NEW seven room houses: all mod ern, $25.00 per month; 23rd and Brown St.; apply to owner. 6130 N. ZJrd. D 316 .'Six AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. 'Phone 1062. llui Farnam. D M338 Jul28 102 SOUTH Srtth St.. 9 rooms, modern, $4R. 2220 Chicago St., 8 rooms, modern, $30. Rlngwalt Itros., Barker Blk. D-MW Jull FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES NEW brick, 7-rooms, modern; elegantly furnished; close In; references. Address H-63, 810 29x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city ball building. 417 N. totb St.. Soutb Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EvjUAL. laundry, drug store. Tlxard, $20 N. 23d. I-M6U9 . STORE ROOM fo' rent, 40$ 8. 16th. Or pbeum Theater Bldg. Dyball. 1618 Doug. Ua. 1-MV)J FOR RENT Third floor, six $3x100, suit abla for lodgs, club room or for manu facturing purposes. Inquire Palao Cloth, lug Co.. corner 14th and Douglas. 1-M52I SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; $ floors and basement; luu Farnam. Inquire 114 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 i4 LOST LOST Monday evening on 13th St., be tween Vinton snd Boulevard, on 14 kt. Sold band ring. Initial on inside of ring to J: return lo Mrs. Jno Thomas. th and J St., 6outh Omaha. Lost ill 29 LEFT on Sherman Ave. car June 23. one ladle's handbag. Finder leave st U. 8. naval recruiting station and receive liberal reward. Lost M326 lux IX58T Cameo pin, between 28th and Far nam street and Iiayden Bros, store. Re ward. Hsluru I iiayden Bros Music Vwi. Lost-MKT 3u& FOR SALE HARRISON & MORTON - 912-913 N. Y. LIFE. TEL 314. a) Omaha population I860.... 1.83 Omaha, population 1870.... 16.01 Omaha population lfwo.... $0,518 Omaha population 1S!K.... No accurate census. Omaha population 1900.... 102.565 Omaha population 1908 (Estimated) 132.471 TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. 1903 $704.078 1904 7.321.834 1905 7,144.337 1906 (5 months) 4,037,331 Mr. Tukey and others raised the question In the Real Estate exchange the other day as' to whether residence and business property had advanced except In special Instances In the last 3 or 6 years? The consensus of opinion seemed to be that there hnd been no material Increase, and that property was still very cheap. (It was agreed that this should not go to the papers). This Is the best Judgment we can get upon this subject, and If correct. It should greatly stimulate purchasers. Th Internal growth and the growth of buslnrss hss been very great In Omaha and Ne braska In the past 6 years. Real estate from now on should have a steady nnd permanent increase In value, because of the general growth of the city and Btte- We are willing to risk our Judgment on the following statement, vlx., that the Items of real estate advertised below 5 years from now will appear ridiculously cheap, even though we have on th list soma Farnam street property that ha already advanced a little. FARNAM STREET. 33 feet Just east of the new Baldrige-Wead building, 20th and Farnam, $600 a foot with out the building. We have now an offer of $1,600 more than this for the lot. Includ ing the building. 72H feet Just west of Powel-Bacon Garage plant, $225 per foot. 100 feet fronting north Just across the street at the same price. 132 feet fronting north, a little farther west (solid ground, not filled), $200 a foot. 44 feet Just east of 9th, fronting north, trackage In the rear, solid ground, $8,500. $12,000 for 2-story brick store, near 22d and Farnam. ACREAGE. $6,50010 acres with fine old. house, IVi miles 8. W. Hanscom park; lies sightly, overlooking surrounding country. $8,50035 acres m mile west of Florence; 20 acres In natural forest, 6 acres In grapes, plums, apple and other fruits, good buildings. $ 4,20014 acres, with 165 feet front on Flor ence boulevard, fine old trees on the boulevard. This Is Just a lltle south of the P. B. Halght purchase; grow ing property,. $9,00040 acres lying miles north of Krug park fnot Improved). This is ' a most' sightly piece of ground, over loklng much' of the surrounding country and most desirable for a suburban hoihe ' " $13,600 Highly InWoved 11 old homestead, fronting ' full "'width on Elmwood park; a part" 6f 'lt Is covered with fine trees. ""The east half, fronting the park, Is' very sightly. There Is artesian water and a small lake on the property. " " 100 acres Joining Ithe city limits and the Cenr street road, highly improved, $225 an acre. 40 acres $ miles N. W. of Florence; much of It lies fine, some of it is wooded. We consider $85 an acre cheap for this. One acre on 13th St. car line. Joining Syndicate park and fronting east cn 13th St., where the street car will take you to either Omaha or South Omaha. This Is very sightly ground; It slopes a little to the south and haa some fine forest tree on it; $1,000 buys th whole acre; as much aa 6 average lots. One acre, 42d and Grover Sts., level and tightly; east front on main road and has some large tree on It $550.00. Four acres, with old house, at 60th and Grover 6ta. for $500.00. INVESTMENTS $65,0009 brick houses, in the best condi tion, steam-heated, bringing a rental of over $7,000 per annum; always oc cupied; handy to Farnam car and within walking distance. . $6,7001 frame 7-room houses, 2 blocks from Hanscom park car line, west of th park; rental value, with some re pairs, $900 a year; on corner; both streets paved. Owner very anxious to sel. $36,0006 modern tenements, Spanish tile roofs; very up-to-date and complete. In the exclusive West Farnam dis trict; tenants Just moving In; rental value over $3,600 a year. $l!,000-6xl32. right In the heart of the wholesale district, U. P. trackage ground, slightly Improved, renting for $000 net per year. $30.000 Brick building containing 90,000 square feet of floor space, good trackage facilities, special rates on switching; place now rents for $3,600 per annum; would cost $80,000 to du plicate buildings; nonresident owner wants to cut It loose; would give HARRISON & MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. LIFE TEL 314. VACANT LOT $750.00 On West Farnam St. Fine shade trees, south front, lot 60x128. Nice new homes on either side. Improve ments all paid, and near to the Farnam car line. For further particulars see THOS. F. PAYTON, SOLE AGENT. Open Saturday till $ P- m. 410 Bee Bldg. RE 332 29 ORCHARD HILL LOT 1 $330 Colorado owners write me to sell this beautliul lot at once and have made this exceedingly great bargain price In order to get quick results. Lots right along side this one have sold for $460 cash. Size of lot. 60x128. Call early If you want a bargain. Opn Saturday till 6 p. m. THOS. F. PAYTON, SOLE AGENT. 410 tee Bldg. JtK-$31 9 t j REAL ESTATE (Bee. June 96-f7. 1906). BUILDING FERMITS. 1j3 1.07i.s67 IM X.Uul.hiM 1& 4.387.4M BUILDING FERMITS FOR MONTH OF MAY. May, 1903, (workmen" strike on) May. 1904 !. May, 1906 02,W May. 1806 706,176 RESIDENCES $ 1,600 Three new 8-room houses In what Is called Boulevard Park addition, being part of the old exposition grounds; high, sightly ground; , houses all modern; very easy terms. $ 4,5003338 Harney, rooms, all modern; exclusive West Farnam district. $ 4,000 Lot 60x135, south and east front; new square house, 7 rooms, very complete, small barn; room for an other house; east edge of Dundee, one block from Farnam car. FLORENCE BOULEVARD. Some one has aptly called Florenc boulevard, north of Ame avenue, th "beauty spot of Omaha." It Is a 100-foot parked roadway, the fashionable diiv of the city, running along the bluffs, over looking the river and the Iowa hills and bordered In many place with fine old na tive forest trees. The land undulates a little, enough to give variety, and th drive bends In and out, following th con tour of the bluffs. Anything along this well kept boulevard Is choice. W have 129 ft front left. Just opposite Rom Miller's country residence. This ha beautiful forest trees, also, city conven iences, sewer, water and gas; will sell th whole piece or divide It to suit at $26 a front foot. Remember there are no spe cial paving taxes, the boulevard being cared for by the Park board. A little further north we offer 82x300 feet for $2,000. Small cottage on It. Also Just north of Donaghue' greenhouse, 165x300; for quick sale, $2,600. Also the John Morrison property, corner Grand Ave., diagonally across from Rom Miller's; lot Hxl42; house I rooms, good barn, flna trees; noble view to th east; price $7,000; must be sold; want an offer; might rent If not sold. Just oft of Florence boulevard, on Grand Ave., we have 4 lots left; they have sewer, water, gas, stone sidewalk; are 2 or 2H feet above the street; $550 each. $1.850 6-room modern cottage, except fur nace; stone sidewalk; 22d and Grand Av. CHEAP LOTS Three high and sightly lots lying on the plateau a little west of Joslyn's; fine view to the southwest; $900 each; sewer, water s.nd gas. 60x121. on 38th, near Chicago; lies high and sightly, a little above the street, $1,100. 187 east front by 166 south front, corner 36th and Pacific, Joining Field club; can be divided into 3 or 4 choice lots; $5,000 for all. $1.100 lot on paved street, near 30th and Chicago; one of the cheapeat lots we know of for the money. Th third lot west ot 38th Bt., fronting south on Seward, 60x130, to 15-foot alley; Seward la newly paved and the lot lie al most perfect; we would submit $600; act quickly. . 100x100, southwest corner Burt and 28th Ave., where the new boulevard 1 to pass; price $1,100; makes two nice building lota. $1,000 full east front lot, Hansoom Place, between Woolworth and Hickory. $600 Third lot south of Hickory, on 27th Bt., In Hanscom Place. $3,000 for three lots, corner 29th Av. and Douglas. SPECIALS. An eastern owner haa five piece and urges us to sell at the best price we can get. One lot lies opposite Charles Turner s, on Farnam; one In Kountxe's and Ruth's addition, facing Twentieth and th Gseat Western R. R.; three lot at the corner of Sper.cer and Florence ave. (26th Bt.). W would submit an offer on any of thsse lot. They will all be sold cheap. W have 76 feet, east front, on $7th near Farnam pavement paid to date; right In the swell West Farnam district; $40 a foot is cheap for this. Twenty-two feet on Cuming St., between 19th and 20th, $1,000. Bmall lot near Mason St. school, 26th and Rees St.. $460." RE A Home For You Quit Paying Rent. Be your own landlord; six rooms and largs reception hsll, modern except furnace; three nice bed rooms, pantry, cemented cellar; brick slds wslks, on grade, oind new and built of A-l material; on block from Dodge street car; price $X2oO; terms, $300 cash, balance $22.66 per month; house will rent for $24 par month. F1TZGERALD-DERMODY CO., $36 New York Life Buldlng. KE 191 28 WEST FARNAM HOME If you want a good 9-room house. In a good ocstlon, let us show you th on w have on 83d St., near Davenport. Hous is all modern; fin corner lot. Owner very anxious to sell. The Byron Reed Company, 'Phone 297. $11 8. 14th. RE 161 2 BIX-ROOM HOU8E, $1,760. GOOD location, city water, gas, eleetrte lights, lawn, ahad and fruit trees, garden, temsut walk. Phone Harney 3V.-2, Ha FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A. P. TUKEY & SON Special Sale Saturday On Saturday afternoon. June from 1 to $ p. m. we will b on th ground to show Tukey Heights and Epworth Place, located at 86th and Grand Ave. Go to the end of the Ames Ave. car line and walk north to th top of th hill. We will make special prices and special terms on all lots sold at that time. The prices range from $100 to $X0 per lot. W can give you soma beautiful south and east fronts, overlooking th surrounding country, or som rery fine west fronts, covered with orchard and having a fine view to th west. Parties desiring larger tracts, either acres or halt acre, suitable for gardening or chicken raising, will be plessed with some of our Tukey Height lots. on Brown St., west of 86th. A. P. TTTKET SON. 444-445 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. 'Phon Douglas-71 81. RE 164 Jyl Florence Heights A New Subdivision Of acre property In th north part of th city of Florence, about seven block from th end of th street car line. This I high, sightly, beautiful land, commanding an unobstructed view of the river and sur rounding country. .Will sell In tracts of TWO ACRES or mor. Price very rea sonable; terms, 4 cash, balancs easy pay ment at ( per cent. An excellent oppor tunity to secure land for a country bom. GEORGE & CO., Excluslv Agent. 1601 Farnam Bt. RE MS44 10 Furnished House to Let Very desirable ten-room furnished house, West Far nam district, during July and August. Bst of . ref erences required. Rent nom inal to dealrabl parties. New Dwelling, Just Completed 617 South 26th Ave. Every modern convenience, includ ing electrio lights; finished In hard wood throughout. s Will decorate walls to suit tenant. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. i 'Phone Douglas 1064. RE M297 $0 Florence Heights That beautiful new subdivision covering som of th most desirable hills In Flor enc. Bmall acre tracts on easy terms. For particular call on or address, GEORGE & CO., Exclusive Agents. 1601 Farnam St. RE 848 M30 Desirable Building Sites Along upper Farnam are be coming scarcer every day. We offer for sale this week a full south front lot on Farnam, near 38th, for $1,750; will soon bring $3,500. HICK'S REAL ESTATE CO., 489 Bd. Trad Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1169. RE 117 2$ A BARGAIN 1 block from the Walnut Hill car line. In a fin neighbor hood, 6-room house, bath, gas, electrio light, in fine repair, soutb and east front, fine largs lot, nice shade trees and shrubbery, good barn. Only $1,500. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE 19$ 29 An Ideal Home Corner lot. 61x76, nw, modern, T rooms and large reception hall; bath, furnace, gas, electric lights; trees, shrubs, lawn, per manent walks. Two blocks from car. Part cash, balance easy. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phon Douglas 1269. R1&-M309 2$ KOUNTZE PLACE New 7-rooiu house, full 2 stories, all modern, hot water heat, 4 rooms on first floor and 1 on second; lot 60x127, south front; on block from car. Owner compelled to sell, account other business ar rangements, and will sacrt Acs for $4,000. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., ICO Farnam St. Tel. Douglas-1064. RE 14 21 National Investment Co. 6$ Douglas Blk., 1Mb and Dodge Sts. $-room houae, of ground; $100 cash, balance $10 a month $1.1' JO. 10-room nous, large lot; easy payments $l.u. $ rooms, on car line, partly modern: small cash payment $1,006. RE 31$ $0 $30 FOR TWO nice level lots, located 100 feet south of Spragu. on 96th Av. M. B. Kendis, owner, M N. 16th St. HE 430 $0x $2 SENT or handed to Dexter Thomas, at torney, 41$ bee Bldg., Omaba. will secure a certificate showing owner snd mortsag. if any. oa aoy lot la Omaha or South Omaha. E- M971 19 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN Only 7 or 0 Min. Walk 4 Beautiful, strictly modern house, built ahotil eleven months go, colonial style, rooms and reception hall; sit polished floors, fin, large bath room, Including shower bath and medlcln chest; laundry room; fin oak ga mantel with large mirror; Quaker furnace with time clock; and one could finish three more falr-slsed rooms on third floor. Price. $4,600. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor N. T. Llf Bldg., Sole Asents. S re-:j 2$ INVESTMENTS We sold every rise of real es- tate on or noar Cuming 8l. we advertised aa cheap th past month. W now hav another listed with us that we believe Is the best bar gain In Omsha. If Is a full city lot and four cottages, two 1-room and two $-room; granite paving In street and alley. All houses In good condition; rents, $522. Ten ants hav ben there over ten years. This property Is near 23d and Cuming, where we have sold six Investments this month. You can havs this one for $3,750, not a dol lar under. Don't mis seeing this and putting up a deposit on It; terms ar easy. We will sell It again for you at a neat profit. N. P. DODGE & CO., BEE BLDG., 1714 FARNAM REres 10 FINE INVESTMENTS $11,000 Buy a fine brick block. No. 1914-16-18 N. 24th, 1 story, 1 fiats, in excellent repair; good tenants; alwsys rented; brings $1,170 per year; will net or 7 per cent. ' $13,i J,000 Take a fin corner, with 4 new 8-room, modern houses, always rented to good tenant. This corner will grow into business. Two car line by it. Rental $1,440 a year. Others everywhere larger, mailer. ' .. ' Wallace, Brown Block. ' 'Phono Douglas-1860. RE-166 $8 ' ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. I wlfl sell my property, consisting otrghm 7-room, modern resldavce and n - 10 room, both practically new and In A-l shspe, on psved street, near best car line, about 1 mile northwest of postofllce. Price, $6,200; cash or terms. Will rent for $70 per month. Improvements worth more then price asxed. Address H So, car Bee. RE 124 28x . TRACKAGE A One piece of trackage property, 147x114,' oa U. P. track, st 6th and Jons 8'- 112.000 will take It for immediate .aai , , Room L Nw York Llf Bldg. K 469 LIST your properties with Boysr. 22d and Cuming. RE 4 CH8- Williamson Co., - fifa- RE 461 FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS. UNION PA CIFIC RAILROAD CO. I closing out Its lands in western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Tak advantage of th low price and asy terms offered, th opportunity will soon b gone. Special excursion rates to th land. For further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, $18 South 15th St., Omaha, Neb. , H-M129 - A GREAT OPPORTUNITY 2U ACRES OF WELL IMPROVED LAND. 4 M1LBS SOUTH OF. P, JUNCTION, I A., TO EXCHANGE FOR WELL IMPROVED RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS PROPERTY IN OMAHA; f AKM KH.IN1B t Aon rEH ACKJu. SEE US QUICKLY ABOUT THIS. THE PUTNAM CO., 604-6 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. H 306 28 NOTICE TO FARMERS. I hav farms and city property for sale, rent and lease; land that I want put Into cultivation; want 20 regular wood chop pers; csn furnish labor for 20 families.' For particulars address W. A. Smith, ' "The Land Man," Sulphur Springs, Tex. ' H-M176 Julylx Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' tlm. Land Dspc. V. P. R. k. Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." H 49 COUNCIL BLUFFS REAL ESTATE IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Corner lot, two blocks north street car power house, $160; also corner lot four blocks further north. $00, by Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee building, Omaha. Tel.. Doug. 2280. M971 10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OARVIN BROS.. lo4 Farnam, I and ty. ' W-tfj MONEY TO LOAN Psjm Investment Cv WANTED City loans and warrant. W. ftrum Doma t V.O-. mm r ax asm at. W 4 BUILDING loans on residence properly; 1 . LOWEST RATES Bamla. Pax ton block. W 46 PK1VATE MONEY F. IX Wad. 130 Doug. la a-.-J $1,000,009 TO LOAN on buaines and rest- asncs property la vmana; lowest rates; no dalay. Thomas brsnuan. H- 1. N. Y. Llf. W 46 WANT ED City loans. H C. Patera 4s Co. W 4e City A farm loan. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y U W 47$ LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, n ESJ. I. lkJ..lnn. L. u . 7lr XtlrA m W 4ft FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOAN fcsedBror:J!7j0ysrnsn St Wj-4?1 LAW AND COLLECTIONS 1. M. Mscftiiaad. M M. T. U Bid Tl J I i r L! "IV I fart V If 1 I I Wilis. aM.