Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Dee
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Communication! relating to new and edi
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bee. Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only J-cent itampi received aa payment of
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Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa:
C. C. Roaewater, general manager of The
Be PubllHhing Company, being duly sworn,
aays the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sanday Be printed duikng
tli month of Mav, 1K0C was aa follows:
8O.NS0. ' 17 81,55
t v...- StTO- IS H1J90
4 Sl,;tO 1 SSI.2T0
t 83..120 K UO.WftO
3,O.V) n 81,00
7 81,00 12..... Ul.IMM)
1 81,fttK ' Vt 81.930
1 81.BRO . 14 81.8O0
10 i.... 31, BOO 2S 81.S30
U 81.AAO M 33,490
U '.' aajWO . . .,.,,..... U,t50
U SO.UAO . . 81.8T0
U ... 81,700 ' 2 51.T40
U ,...81.520. . . .... S1.SM
U 81,940
Total ... W,STO
Lea unsold copies,. .
Net total, sale...
Dally average
... 81,5 TO
, General Manager.
Subscribed In tny presence and sworn to
uemre me mis ia aay or June. isus.
A J un A i.
Notary Public.
whig oct or TOWH.
Snbaerlber leaving the city tem
porarily shoal bar The Be
Mailed to them. Addree will b
haaaed aa often aa requested.
Cedar county casts eleven votes In
state convention for Edward Roaewater
for senator.
New Yorw .lioniat. ... ,,Kki
looking ahead for rare pickings when
the experts are called in the Thaw
Kansas might not be calling so
loudly for harvest hands from other
states were the natives not so busy
with Internal politics.
Don't let anyone disfranchise you.
Study the sample ballot and show them
at the polls next Tuesday that you are
determined to make your vote count.
The unanimity with r which demo
crat In republican states are declaring
for Colonel Bryan proves that they
have learned, the blessings of defeat
Five railroads operating In Ne-
braska are noted for prosecution for
dlsregardlng the safety appliance law.
Nebraska must be on the map In big
letters. v
Polls at the coming primary In Doug-
las county will be open from 8 a. ni. to
9 p. m. In Omaha and South Omaha,
and from 12 noon to 9 p. m. in the
country precincts.
Senator La Follette has at , least
proved that a man of ability and con-
vlctions can do something more than
take notes during his first year in the
United States senate.
i With chances one. to four of secur
ing a homestead on the Crow reserva
tion, the odds seem to favor the men
most wno run hotels In the towns
where the drawings take-place.
Wisconsin democrats have discov
ered a new slogan "rational tariff revi
sion;" . but it. will hardly appeal to
inose oia line "tariff busters" who
would sell every customs house.
The first republican county conven
tion In Nebraska to give expression on
senator has Instructed its delegates for
Edward Rosewater. Cedar county's
eleven votes In state convention lead
the van.
The report of a pending revolution
vln Spanish Honduras is a reminder
Uiai tbe United States did not make a
clean sweep of the Spanish flag on the
western hemisphere during the late
Advertisement writers may find it
necessary to study the pure food bill
before preparing labels for factories
next year. But six months Is given
manufacturers to dispose of "substi
tutes" on hand.
When the World-Herald was talking
V A II J . ..
aoout aespotic dictatorship" two
months ago it did not Imagine the
"despotic dictators" would be In a deal
DOW to boost father-in-law aa a rn,.K-
llcan candM.t. tnr .....
The man who spoke for Nebraska
at tue meeting or ue people's party at
bt, Louis has the satisfaction of know-
ing that he will have little trouble
dodging his constituents at home If he
has mistaken their sentiments.
j wo oz me FontaneUe favorites for
state convention delegates were re -
csnuy eipeued from the governing
board for bolting the club's nominee
for mayor at the late city campaign.
but now they are ro-em braced aad put
to tbe front to the exclusion of loyal
club members.' Is It any wonder the
Uub has lost ail standing It ever tad
Whatever efficacy there may be In I
the Invitation extended by Joint reso- I
lutlon of the Iowa legislature to a con- I
ference of persons designated by the
governors of the several states to pro-
mote action by state legislatures In I
favor of the election of United States
senators by direct vote of the people,
It Is one among multiplying signs of
the growing popular demand for the
adoption of that method. The partlc-
nlar Influence of such a conference
will depend much upon the extent to 1
which the governors of the various
states respond to the Invitation and
upon the number and character of
their appointees who attend.
It has been demonstrated to be prac
tically Impossible to secure a proposal
to amend the present constitutional
provision for election of senators by
the concurrence of two-thirds of fcoth
houses of congress. . The alternative
method .requires . the application to work well forward before the close of
congress of the legislatures of two- his term of office, and while no other
thirds of the states for a convention duty will be neglected, the adjourn
to propose amendments, which would ment of congress will only mark re
not be adopted until ratified by the doubled effort on his part In that dl-
legtslatures or conventions of three-1
fourths of the states.. Many state leg
islatures already at one time or an-
ulu" '" rcouiuuuue
making the appropriate application to
congress, and the rapid increase of the
number of such legislatures recently
shows that public sentiment Is pro
gressing toward a point at which, with
proper organization and co-operation,
the condition may be established re
quiring congress to call an amend
ment convention. It would of course
still remain, auer me amendment naa
been submitted, to secure us ratinca-
tlon by three-fourths of. the states.
r t a j i ass) ...ii s at- a I
long ana uiincuit n tae way to i
constitutional amendment that popu
lar effort is directed more and more
to secure the nearest possible approach
to it through legal or voluntary party
prlmarles, without waiting for change
of the constitution. And already. In
an Increasing number of states the
moral obligation Is thus accepted as
binding on members of the legislature
to vote for senatorial candidates nom-i
tnated by poll of the party member-'
ship. While an Improvement, this clr-1
cultous method falls short of the bene
fits of compulsory constitutional pro
vision, which would be effective In ali
states alike, but wherever it has leen
iainy tried tne result nas been to
cryata,tze "ntlment In favor of the
Iuu con"lu"on cnange.
Speaker Cannon's ultimatum to the
senate that there shall be no agree-
ment to adjourn until the rate control,
meat inspection and pure food bills
have all been passed, it Is reasonably
believed, will speedily Insure more
conclusive action than there has been
during the last week- It .iaian.. old
scheme of the senate or of .influential
senatorial cliques for getting virtual
control of legislation In the late stages
et a session to secure an adjournment
agreement while Important measures
are still pending. It Is then often In
tne Pwer oI mall group of senators
,n1 "onUn' . of a single sena-
or' bcua ot the peculiar rules and
curty. to force the assent of an un-
willing house to forms of legislation
on pain of defeating measures of vast I
Importance. A disposition has 'been
manifested In the senate to get things
In precisely that shape in. the wind-up
of the present session, the rate bill be-
ing among the measures that have
been suspiciously held In suspension
and both the meat Inspection and the
pure food bills being also obstinately
8peaker Cannon's notice to the sen-
ate therefore forces the alternatives of
passing tbe three measures which are
agreed to be of greatest Importance
or of remaining Indefinitely In session.
With these regularly disposed of, It ts
assumed that agreement could at once
be reached to adjourn on a certain
I future day, which might possibly per-
mlt tbe passage of the immigration bill
and several other measures of large
importance. But the anxiety of mem-
bers of congress to get away Is such
that In no event could a quorum long
be held after the three measures in-
eluded In Speaker Cannon'a ultimatum
are passed.
The interesting fact is given out from
reliable, Washington ' sources that no
sooner will congress have adjourned
than th. nrMnt wtit Af -
energy to pushing the Panama canal
enterprise forward. The decision to
make a lock Instead of a sea level
canal, although vitally Important at
this juncture, in nowise removes out
of the way the difficulties, which are of
uiubi lormiasuis cnaracisr ana re-
quire not only the highest engineering
skill and courage, but also every ad-
minlstratlve power that can be brought
to bear, and the president's plans con- iu supreme srilOB on nis
own part which he exacts from all
ho are concerned with the canal
No such locks were ever constructed
" the general scheme calls for. 900
feet long, ninety feet wide and forty
re1 aeP- 10 commodate great ocean
0,' "ua r" " oouoie
nignts or tnree iocks eacn. involving
o'otion or nitnerto unsolved construe-
t,on P"blms. But these immense
locks, as to tbe security and working
of which engineers are not agreed, are
I by no means as serious a problem as
1 that presented by the stupendous dsmslfiom the "rotation" outrage from sev
I which are necessary to control two
I great rivers, subject to tropical floods,
I whose courses run athwart the canal
route. While the outline of the plans
for the locks' and dams have been
drawn, many important questions re-
mala to be settled regarding them, not
to speak of a variety of matter con
cernlng other parts of .the historic
work, each If considered by itself of
treat magnitude. The president real
Itea that the a u roe as of the undertake
Ins depends , In large part on the
prompt and correct settlement of these
questions at the start
In two essential respects, aside from
benefiting by the general experience
lof the French on the isthmus, our gov
ernmett will have great advantage in
prosecuting the work. It will be free
from the financial crisis through which
the French company frequently passed,
for the necessary funds will surely be
forthcoming when needed. Then, so
far as regard, excavation, of which
there Is a vast amount, there has been
a marvelous development In machinery
the last few years which greatly slm-
pllfles and facilitates the task of mere
canal digging.
It Is known that President Roosevelt
has set his heart upon getting the canal
the "rotatioX' ballot.
It is a well known fact that the "ro-
tatlon" ballot for electing delegates to
tbe republican state convention at the
primary next Tuesday was Inflicted
upon the voters of Douglas county for
the express purpose of making the
marking of the ballots so confusing
and burdensome as to disfranchise
worklngmen and foreign-born citizens
who are suDnosed to be lacking in "In
telllgence." It devolves upon working
d foreln-bornv voters, there-
fo t ahnw fh.t -,. th nnnftc.
.a...., and uncalled for obstructions
they still have the intelligence to exer
cise the elective franchise effectively.
To do this every voter must study
and underBtand the ballot he Is re-
quired to mark. The "rotation" bal
lot, according to the court order pro
cured by the Fontanelles, Is a ballot In
this Instance containing 226 names, ar
ranged in one long column, following
one another In alphabetical order, but
"rotated" so that the particular ballot
a voter may receive may begin with
any one of the names. For example,
the particular ballot handed out may
begin with the name "McCague." In
that case the other names will follow
alphabetically from McCague to "Zlm-
man" and then to the first letter of the
alphabet and down the A. B. Cs to
"McCague" again.
To use a sample ballot effectively it
should be taken into the booth by the
voter and each name for which he
wishes to vote checked off as he puts
his crossmark opposite it on the offi-
clal ballot. After making- his cross-
marks the voter should count them to
be sure he has voted for eighty-three
no more and no less. , If hot makes a
mistake he should return his ballot and
get a new one, and If he is In doubt
about anything he should ask the elec-
tlon judge to .help him.
Another point for special care Is to
avoid confusion by identity of names.
There are on the ballot two Adams, of
which "James H. Adams" Is the Rose-
water delegate. There are six Ander-
sons, of which two. "David Anderson"
and "Nels J. Anderson." are on the
Rosewater ticket. There are two
Clarkes. of which "F. N. Clarke" is on
the Rosewater ticket. There ere two
Coles, of which "W. W. Cole" Is on the
Rosewater ticket. There are two Cun-
nlnghams, of which "M. O. Cunning-
ham" is on the Rosewater ticket. There
re two Fosters, of which "William A.
Foster" is on the Rosewater ticket.
There are three Johnsons, of which
w. "George M. Johnson" and "W.
Ernest Johnson," are on the Rosewater
ticket. There are five Smiths, of which
two, "Edward A. Smith" and "Fred L.
Smith." are on the Roaewater ticket.
There are two Stones, of which "Ben
J- 8tone" is on the Rosewater ticket.
There are two Willis, of which "E. A.
Willis" is on the Rosewater ticket.
Wlth grouping of the delegations no
difficulty would have been found on
this account, but with the voter re-
u,rea to make eighty-three crosses to
register his choice it Is especially 1m
Pant that he avoid being misled by
similarity of names
The application of the "rotation'
ballot scheme to this election of con
ventlon delegates is a piece of ballot
jugglery perpetrated in the hope of
splitting the delegation. To accom
plish results Douglas county republic
ans ought to send delegates to Lincoln
unanimous for the candidate of their
choice. It remains for the rank and
file of the party to rebuke the rotation
ballot tricksters by electing every one
of the eighty-three Rosewater del
tl. f.n... ... i.
aictmnt brought by the late grand
,nrr chareinr fraud udod an election
i iisi ibiiui o j i iuu usav ii iai vai u saa
offlcer doe, not Bhow up y,ry wel, for
the Fontanelles back of the prosecu-
.nn In this raaa the. worst that waa
rhsrged was that the election judge as
sisted a voter to cast his ballot pre
cisely ss be wanted it cast. Fonta
nelles' success evidently depends on dis
franchising qualified voters by "rota-
tlo.. b.ol- .nd by oreventlna- them
from getting needed assistance 1
margin., their tickets or setting the
voting machine. It must be remem
bered that people arbitrarily dlsfran
chisea at primaries still have votes at
... .wtion
I Douglas county taxpayers will bear
I eral directions. In th first place it
I will multiply the bill for printing the
I ballots several times, and in the second
place it will also double the amount
needed to pay the election officers who
on that account will have to be paid
tor two days' time at counting; where
tbe gronp plan would have closed sp
the canvass quickly. But the tax rate
cuts no figure with the "rotaters."
The water company blames the
Water board for delay of the water
works appraisement and the Water
board blames the water company. A
board of arbitrators to settle where the
blame really belongs might help to
prolong matters a little.
Senator Bailey's attack upon Hearst
may be his way of making his constit
uents forget bis assaults upon Roose
velt; for regardless of politics the
president has warm admirers In the
Lone Star state, as the senator has
doubtless discovered.
Egyptians sentenced to the whip
ping post for attacking British soldiers
will realize too late that the Imperial
government is not looking for more
trouble In Africa or the incident would
have been magnified Into a rebellion.
Tickles the Other Fellow.
Baltimore , American.
Th most popular vacation, so far as
the other fellows are concerned, will b
that to be taken soon by th Interstate
Commerce commission.
Buy Day a for F.mlnent Counsel.
! Kansas City Tunes.
The eminent counsel for the Standard
Oil company will be entirely justified In
striking for higher wages In view of the
Increased labors and long hours forced
upon them.
DtTeralty of Materials.
Chicago Tribune.
It must not be supposed that th manu
facturer of black pepper ar confined to
the use of lampblack and tapioca. They
can make aa excellent article out Of
ground cocoanut sheila.
Inpreflif Foraaer Efforta.
Philadelphia Record. .
A London tailor ha been Imported to
show us how to make clothes for our
soldiers. If a British tailor can glv our
soldiers fits he can do what no British gen
eral has been able . to do.
Who Kaowat
Portland Oregonlan.
There is no telling what might happen
in the next republican national conven
tion if Hon. Nick Longworth ahould
continue his trip on around the world and
return opportunely In th spring of 101.
Cncle Jo oa Kaey Street.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
One of those investigator who gives his
time to finding out how rich our stateamen
are discloses that I'ncle Joe Cannon Is
worth $2,000,000. This, if verified, may make
It eaay to understand why Uncle Joe Is
convinced that everything is all right every
where except among the muckrakers.
Following; Eminent Precedents.
Chicago Chronicle. . ,
Tf President Roosevelt has been some
what active In promoting legislation during
the present session : of . conareas it is well
to remember that very preceding president
has done th same, thing to the best of his
ability and In his own peculiar style and
that President Washington marched Into
the eenato and gay . H hH Columbia , to
Its face for undertaking to alter on of hi
treaties. i . - t i , . "
1 !.' '., 1
Mlaaoarl Show 'Em.
Kalis' 'fit Times.
Judge Ryan of Bt.,liOtils has ruled that
a trust cannot collect by law In this state.
His theory seems to be that a trust, being
an outlaw In Missouri, has no standing In
court. And that Is a good theory and the
ruling ought to be salutary, whatever on
may think of the man who would contract
debt and then refus to pay because he
could not be compelled to pay. But at
most It Is a dishonest combination futilely
Invoking the law against a dishonest cred
itor. '
Pabllclty Where l I Seeded.
Philadelphia Record.
It is noteworthy that In the discussion
of the pure food bill In the house th lead
ing champions of th ' measure are ex
tremely reluctant to give the name of
manufacturers whose adulterated products
seriously endanger the health and lives of
the people. In one nefarious case of fraud
Representative Mann refused when asked
to give the nam of th manufacturer.
Publicity In exposing the authors of these
frauds and thus warning consumers against
them would' be more effective than all th
penal provisions of the bill.
Pity the-Poor Ice Mas.
New.? 'York Bun.
For conspiracy In restraint of trade flvo
Toledo Ice dealer have been fined $6,000
apiece and sentenced to a year In the work
house. So the amended form of an old
summer question will read: "How would
you like not to be th Ice man?" Is th
coldness of their material reflected in their
naturesT No; Ice men ar excellent hus
bands, good fathers and so on, but It ts th
sad fact that they seem to have no friends
In th community, Who la there to mourn
for a convicted ice man? Not on. This
is a fact, her mournfully mentioned - for
the benefit of sociologists. .
Determination of the Government to
Enforce Obedlenee to Law.
Philadelphia Pre.
Tb war against trusts enters on a new
chapter., Th aonvlctlon of nv packing
companies and of th Burlington road for
violating the anti-rebate law and th Im
position of heavy A nee on the lawbreakers
will carry terror Into every offending truat
and railroad office In the country. The
concurrent aentenc of two rebate agents
to jail will give a personal sensation to the
blow. And th simultaneous announcement
of an Impending prosecution of th Stand
ard OH cornea like the trumpet call to
battle. The. announcement is made with
very circumstance of solemnity. Tb at
torney general state that his step Is taken
with the approval of the president and all
th cabinet. It has manifestly been con
sidered with great car and with a just
sense of Its jravlty. In launching th bolt
at thir time th administration accepts th
full responsibility. It evidently believes
that it holda Invincible weapons. It com
mlts Itself to relentless bsttla. In tha gen
eral Judgment th Standard Oil is th most
flagrant aa well as th moat powerful
offender among all the trusts, and in throw
Ing down the gage of battl th admlnlstra
tlon will hav th applause and support of
th country.
Th far-reaching effect of thee proceed
Ings can hardly be overestimated. They
will do more than all that ha been done
before to make the railroads and the grea
combination set their house in order. It
will be thoroughly , understood now that
there Is to be no trifling and that the law
of a square deal can neither he dlara
garded nor evaded. The realisation of th
ncceaalty of respecting th law will be In
Unsifted hy the conviction that dlsobe
dlence may Involve personal peril. And
while th lawbreaker are hurriedly
straightening out their households, there
will he a new feetlng of security among th
great body of th peopl.
Father-in-Law's Paper Bays They Will Be for Edward Rose
water for Senator Unless Tricked by Manipula
tion and Jugglery.
World-Herald, April 10, lfo.
The esteemed Fremont Herald inform
Its reader that the. action of the repub
lican state convention. In refusing the re
quest of Victor Rosewater that the repub
lican voter be allowed to choose the re
publican candidate for United Btatea sen
ator, "was a death-blow to th senatorial
aspirations of Edward Rosewater."
The Herald, commenting on tha fact,
says that for many year th masses of
the republican hare believed In Mr. Rose
water as a true anti-monopolist, but they
have never been able to control their party
convention r had much voice In th leg
islative halts.
In other words, if the choice were left
Ripple on the Carrent of Life la the
Large forces of husky workmen ar en
gaged in th long delayed job of making
openings for the escape of the overworked
air of th New York subway. All winter
long th necessary alterations were de
layed, and now the hot weather has
brought the people up In arms over the
stifling air In the bore th authorltlea
have set to work Isj a frensy of haste.
The city Is footing the bill for the Im
provements, for It was the city that ad
vanced the money for the original con
struction and the city will come Into pos
session of the property at the expiration
of th seventy-five-year lesse the Belmont
lines now hold on the underground high
way. The architects and engineers of the suh
wsy evidently took it for granted that the
openings at the various stations would be
sufficient to provide all the ventilation nec
essary, and during the greater portion of
the tunnel's lenirth no other alr-glving de
vices were arranged. In upper Broadway,
however, the parking In the center of the
thoroughfare under which the tube runa
offered such an unusual opportunity for
ventilating shafts several were put In. The
necessity of this additional means of bring
ing fresh sir Into the tunnel was mad
evident last summer, for th upper sub
way was from 10 to 15 degrees cooler than
the lower end,' while the quality of the
atmosphere In the different sections was
not to be con-pared at all.
The most valuable garden patch on Man
hattan Island consists of two beds of let
tuce and radishes, each twenty feet square,
In the rear of a little one-story wooden
house in West On Hundred and Twenty,
fourth street, half way between Columbus
and Amsterdam avenuea. The house and
garden In the rear are flanked on three
sides by modern six-story apartment
houses, which all but shut out th sun
from the garden. The houae occupies only
half the frontage of the lot, which gives an
xcellent view of the garden from the
street. Th little farm house almost brings
tears to the eyes of passing real estate
men. who realise how much more valuable
th ground could be made.
Besides Hook mountain on the Hudson,
there Is another beautiful bit of scenery lu
Nw York stat that Is saved from de
struction by the bill signed by Governor
Hlgglns Watklns glen, at the ' head of
Beneca lake. ,The glen, visited by thou
sands, haa bepn rendered accessible by all
manner of staircases snd pains tor years.
It '. was bought long ago by Andrew H.
dreen (th "father of Greater New York")
In order to preserve It; and he was also
the 'fouhder of the American scenic and
hlstorlo preservation society, which has
been instrumental In preserving Hook
mountain. The state pays for th glen
$50,000, Just what Mr. Green paid for it.
It la now perpetuated aa a slate park.
Detailed plans for the proposed Hudson-
Fulton celebration In September, 190ft, have
been completed by the committee In charge.
The plans Include a naval parade, a land
parade, oratory.- the dedication of me
morials, the establishment of a park at
Inwood with a memorial there, and the
establishment of a, state park at Vcr-
planCk's point. The plans for the naval
parade include representation for the na
vies of the Vnlted Btatea, Great Britain
and The Netherlands, th merchant marine,
excursion boats and yacht clubs.
There will alao be fac simile reproduc
tions of the Half Moon and Clermont. The
government of Holland I reqneeted to fur
nlah th reproduction of th Hudson ves
sel, and the American steamboat Interests
th Clermont. Both ships, It Is proposed,
shsll proceed north to Albany, stopping at
various points for local celebrations.
Th city of New York baa appropriated
$1,000,000 to build a magnificent bridge
across th Harlem river at th point where
It connects with the Hudson. To this sum
$1000,000 more will be adaed. The brldnu
la a little less than half a mil in length
and th central steel arch, 170 feet abov
th water, will measure 826 feet. Thl
central span Is the largest but one In the
world, being only fifteen feet less In length
than the arch over Niagara gorge. The
broad walks and the smooth driveway will
form an Important link In the aystem of
parks and driveways that lie scattered over
Greater New York.
Near on end of the bridge is a knoll 1
thlrty-flv feet In height. On this knoll
a statue of Hudson, possibly a model of his
historic craft, will carry out the memorial
Idea. This feature is to be carried through
by popular subscription. Th city hope
to hav the structure completed in time
for th celebration.
Haah Row" I no more. Th last vestiga
of it haa been removed from Fifth avenu
by the workmen who ar preparing th
lot on th avenu opposite th Waldorf-
Aatoria for a new building to be devoted
to bualneaa. More than thirty years ago
Hash Row" was the name applied to the
row of red brick houses belonging to th
Aator estate, at th place mentioned. They
were seised on as long ago by th board
ing house keeper and were never after
ward uaed for private occupancy. Some
times It seems Impossible for houses ever
to outgrow this particular use. On house
In Gramercy square ha been a boarding
house for thlrty-flv years, although th
home about It ar private. On Madison
avenue, near Thirtieth Street, there ar
several houses that hav served even a
longer usefulness of this kind.
A publisher who occupies a loft In Seven
teenth street directed one of his clerks to
hang out a "Boy Wanted" algn at the
street entrance a few day ago. The card
had been swinging In the breese only a
few minutes when a red-headed little tad
climbed to the publisher's offic with th
sign under his arm.
"Ssy mister," he demanded of th pub
lisher, "did you hang out this her 'Boy
Wsnted' sign?"
"I did."' replied the publisher sternly.
"Why did you tear It down?"
Back of his freckles th youngster wa
gaslng in wonder at th man's stupidity.
"Hully ge!" h blurted. "Why. I'm th
And h wa
to tha people. Mr. Rosewater, we are toKl,
would be the republican choice for sen
ator. The republican voters want him; he
Is th preferred candidate of the rank and
file. Put th toosses want somebody else,
and since the choice I to be left to th4 j
tat convention or the legislature in
stead of to the people, somebody else will
be chosen.
W bsllev this aa approximately cor
rect rtatemsat of th ease. Because th
peopl themselves ar set to be permitted
to speak their will Is aot to prevail. Con- i
ventloa aad leg-lslatlv manipulation and
Jugglery WW foist apoa tb party a can
didate th rank aad Ma do not want.
While Mr. Rockefeller ays he has noth
ing to do with Standard Oil. he haa not
made th statement under oath.
Out In California a woman smiled when
sentenced to desth. Probably she was
thinking of the petitions that would Soon
be circulating.
James Whltcomb Riley hss decided he
does not care to run a poet farm. He
haa quit the Bear Wallow (Ind.) project
because It was advertised as a haven for
disappointed authors.
Warren . Belcher, for fifty-three years
postmaster at Wlnthrop, Mass., has re
signed, to be succeeded by his son, David
Belcher. In time of service he wss the
oldest postmaster In th United States.
While addressing the senate the other
day Mr. Warren of Wyoming was Inter
rupted several times by Mr. Peverldge of
Indiana. When the western statesman re
sumed his speech he remsrked: "Senators
will come to future congresses much wiser
than I and nearly as wise as ths senator
from Indiana."
Thomas B. Youngblood of Boonvllle, Ind.,
Is the oldest Justlc of th peace In that
state and will soon be 80. He is famous
for marrying persons under unusual con
ditions, but says that he established his
record when he united a couple suffering
from smallpox and had to stand across th
road from them to do It
Two newsboys were standing m front of
a Bowery tobacconist's window recently,
gaslng with rapt admiration at the co
Icing display of "weed," relates the Even
ng Post. "Ef I had I cents I'd treat to
cigarettes," remarked one. His companion
remained thoughtfully silent, then quietly
sauntered Into th stor. In a few minutes
he emerged, a cigarette between his lips
and a self-assertive air. "Two?" remarked
the other. "Nope, one. I'se been hit by
de street." For a few moments there was
silence. "Don where do I come InT" ques
tioned the nonsmoker. "Youee de minority
stockholder do de splttinY'
Significant Rnllnas by Coart In
Two States
Chicago Nws.
Just at present public attention Is cen
tered mainly on tha various efforts being
mad to restrain trust abuses through the
agercy of the federal government., A re
minder of the fact that the Individual
states have Important and effective power
of their own in this respect Is to be found
in court decisions just rendered in Ohio
snd Missouri. The proceedings instituted
In theaa esses may be considered an inter
esting evidence of the general extent and
development of the movement now In prog
ress against corporate lawlessness.
In the Ohio case the defendant trust was
a combination of Toledo Ice dealera who
were accused of combining In restraint of
trade. These dealers were shown to have
been working In sgreement to maintain the
pries of le at an exorbitant figure. Though
they pleaded that they were guilty of only
a technical ofrense, the court haa decided
that they violated the law and haa Imposed
upon each of them a sentence providing a
fine of $1,000 and on year'a Imprisonment
in the Toledo workhouse. The only way,
apparently, in which they ar likely to
avoid this punishment Is by accepting the
court's proposal that they reduce prices
and make restitution to th public of the
money Illegally taken.
Th Missouri decision la even mote
sweeping, for it virtually says that under
the state law an Illegal trust may not cot
lect debts owing to it. In this case a St.
Louis plumbers' supply association, which
la held to be a trust, had sued a plumber
for th payment of a bill. The state law
contains a clause explicitly providing that
no purchaser who buys goods from an Ille
gal trust shall be liable for payment for
them. The court haa upheld the law, de
ciding that the plumber need not pay.
Virtually, It would appear, a debt owing to
an unlawful trad combination In Mlasourl
hss no more legal status than a gambling
Prosecutions of this character brought
under stat laws denote at once the In
clination of state authorltlea to deal with
unlawful trusts. Independent of federal ac
tion, and their ability to do so. The great
trade organisations doing an Interstate
business already have had their warning.
The local concerns which operate wholly
or In part within th hordera of one state
ar likely to find eventually that the state
government to which they are responsible
i. amDiy able to deal wltb them, also. In
case they attempt monopolistic or oppres
sive practices.
Have You
a Friend?
Then tell him about Ayers Cherry
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siTftB kftdif AlUeA-f tU Mood ATEfi'i AGV Clk Fat wKuift Uk4
President Roosevelt Admired for Ifco
F.nemle He Haa Made.
Washington Post.
Tresldrnt Rooeerr-lt has occupied the
front of the stsse during two of the most
eventful years of our politic! history. H
hus been th focus ef untold millions of
eyrs. the center of every domestic storm
of controversy. On this account h Is the
subject of a considerable amount of ho
tile criticism. On this account, also, he
has endeared himself to the peon's of all
class and conditions throughout .ha
country. Later on we may see how ths
criticism of tht disaffected fw will flgur
as agnlnst the sffcctlon snd confidence of
the great multitude of his fellow cltlnen.
Meanwhile it is nn at all difficult to
Identify the causes of Mr. Roosevelt's won
derful popularity, with the masses. They
see In him th protector of the weak, the
champion of the defenseless, a fearless
herald of reform. - Me Impresses them as
sn unselfish snd Ind'Tmltable advocate of
their rights, their welfare,- their manhood
and their dlRnitys The constant activity,
the unrelenting Insistence and the Impe
rious force with which he compel atten
tion snd rivets nubile Interest and solici
tude no doubt offered, perhaps exasperate.
In certain quarters: but ths great body of
the American people fee"! that he Is their
friend, snd they requite him with a fer
vent faith snd gratitude. They thrill re
sponsive to his boldness, his Impulsive un
conventionality, his almost - boyish vigor
and enthusiasm.' He presents to them ft
spectacle of captivating dash snd bril
liancy, of romantic devotion, to high Ide.Us.
of a courage without calculation, and an
energy consecrated ,t,o unselfish ends.
Above all, there Is tha engaging figure of
a president speaking frankly for the po
ple. Ignoring precedents arid going straight
to the mark he has set before him without
thought of consequences to himself. No
one can deny that It ts a novel and Inspirit
ing apotheosis. None need wonder, that it
captures the popular Imagination. -
Maybe Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Is tbe
shrewd, self-seeking, hesrtless aspirant his
enemies would have us believe; maybe he
Is working for snother nomination and an
other term. But. If so, he Is master of a
finesse of which Maohlavelll, Borgia, Tally
land. Metternlch, Cavour, Disraeli never
dreamed In their most Inspired moments.
He must be more or less than human. In
stead of th hearty, -Impetuous,' uncalcu
latlng good fellow ths American peopl
think he Is. . , ...
.Vrd Jlke t0 KO "hopping with you," said
Miss Passay. "but the dentist la to fix up
tny teeth this afternoon and it- will take
him at least an hour.1'
"Well that'll give us tlm," spiled Miss
Knox. lou can shop with me while he's
doing his work." Cleveland Loader.
"I suppose it wss hard work to follow my
argument." said the lawyer.
"No." answered the Judge. "It was easy
to follow It, but It was difficult to keep
BW.akun," the destination was reached. K
W ashlngton Btsr. , .
flo'n Holland w saw milk carts draws by
way?" ther eV" rU b"r Cart th m
"I don't know why?" '-
"I thought that might, be tho origin of
??rl?m(2L 'ruBhi th growler.' " '
Philadelphia Pre. "
'-T.-V, - . . . if i
uuua oui aneaa- in mat -flrru-
!!LhyenLt 1ult8 figured' It out. yet""
"How's that?" ' '
"I proved he waa wrong, and hs punched
my nose." Houston Chronicle, i .
"There' something good In every man,"
averred Lncle Allen Sparks, "although I'll
admit that you meet a man occasionally
I .,., "h'""" ood about him but his
appetlte."-Chicago Tribune.
ml'M-Bvr.,W'V..d0 yu ,hln" ther ar any
men on Mars? ' , '
"Of course. Mara Isn't a summer rsort."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
SheQueer old cemetery. Isn't It? I won
der what sort of people were burled here.
He Looks to me aa If they were all hard
drinkers; there are ao many ''hies'' on
the tombstones. Philadelphia Press.
I!'1 .YFp?"e'" Bal? th student of econom
ic": . V1.a,.jro.ur C,,T haa nv" tJ"n up,ubJect.of municipal ownership."
Oh, yes, answered Broncho Bob. "W
hit ,v H lutle thought. Every now
h. oine.n.2'. th boj" to thlnkin'
ml. 71 ?".il1Jown' ,but we generally man
age to get him quieted anr docile before
there a any real harm done."-Waahlnton
T. A. Daly In Catholic Standard.
I gatta mash weeth Mag McCue,
An she ees 'Merlcana, tool
Ha! wat you theenk? Now, mebb ao.
You weell no calls me ao slow
Ivf som' time you can looka see
How she ees com' an' flirt weeth ma.
Moat evra two t ree day. my frand.
8he atop by deea peanutta stand
An smile an' mak' da gongla-ey
An Justa look at me aW sigh. ., ,r,
An alia time she ao excite'
She peeck aom' fruit an' taka bitaj"
ph, my, she eesa look ao sweet
I no care how much fruit she at.
Me? I am cool an' mak' pretand
I want no more dan be her frand;
But een my heart, you bat my Ufa,
I theenk of hef for be rrfy nje.
Today I theenk: "Now I weell se
How mooch a she ees mash weeth m,"
An' so I speak of dees an' dat.
How mooch a playta mon' I gat.
How mooch I makln' evra day
An" wat 1 spend an' put away.
An' den I
so queeck, so sly:
' ou theenk som' uretta alrl weell tr
For lovln' ma a leetle beet?"
Oh, my! she eesa blush so sweet
"An' eef I ask her Ilka deea
For geevln' me a leetla keess.
Vou a'pose she geeve me- wan or two?
She tal me: "Twenty-free for you!" i
An' den she laugh so sweet, an' say:
"Skeeddoo! Skeeddoo!" an' ran away.
She like ao mooch for keesa me
She gona geeve me twanty-t'ree!
I a'pose dat w'at she say "skeeddoo"
Res alia same "I lova you. '
Ha! w'at you theenk? Now, mebbe so
Tou weell no calls me so slow: