Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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All Counties Reporting Tfcundaj Exoept
Merrick Show an Increase.
Will Create a Sensation FRIDAY by
Bargains They Will Oiler in AU Kinds
$15.00 Wash Suits at $9.90
Eton and Pony Jacket 8ult of fine Irish linen. short
or long sleeves, plain tailored or fancy g
efTects, were Bold at 115.00; Friday,
Bathing Suits
A large line to select from in nary and black
trimmed In white. In good range or prices.
6PEOIAL A pretty black suit, with sailor
collar, trimmed In white braid on waist
and skirt, made to sell at $3; Friday. . .
Fancy Silk Waists
A large line of fancy Evening Waists. In all evening
hades. In satin, crepe de chines, moussellnes and
taffetas these were $7.50. $10.00 and g Q
$12.50 Waists some are slightly soiled X ft
and mussed; Your Choice Friday
Great Bargains in Silk Remnants
f a yard for remnants of silk left from our
J f big silk sale, In lengths from 1V to 6 yards.
sWaV Worth and sold from 69c to $1.00 a yard.
All go la one lot Friday.
: Colored Bress Goods
Q80 to 46-Inch plain and fancy cheviots, mixed suit-
Inge In stripes and checks and fancy mixtures, lignt
and dark shades, medium and summer y f
weights, sold at 65c to 85c the yard; J f f
Friday only, the. yard w
54-Inch Sicilians In navy blue, brown,
1 lie rigui material lur irrcuu
street , wear, dust proof, regular
85c yard; Friday only, yard
...... A Big Corset Bargain
Ladles' summer weight Batiste Corsets and Corset
Girdles,- In white, pink, blue and white
' Batiste Taped Girdles, a 48c value; spe
- clal, each.
Ladies Hose Very Cheap
$0" dozen of good Cotton Maco Hose, fast f
black, double heel and toe, worth
pair; to go Friday, a pair
Or, three pair for
Owners oi Dry Goods Depi. in the DENNETT
?-1orftdV Traveler Makes the Discovery
'rf While CileiniD HU Knife.
rteyserlte Soap. Which Haa Proved lis Resolt of Iavestlga
., tloa by Scientists an .
A iarastora." :-ff
ORLEANS, Neb., June 28. (Special.) The '
limitless possibilities (or mankind that lie
In nsture, herself has had new exemplifica
tion' recently in the dtacovery of a deposit'
of la; perhaps centurlea old from which
a hlgbygrade, genuinely pure soap can be
madv. .Heretofore it haa always been
th likht that a soap could only be made
front animal tats, oils, etc. It thus adds
weight and credence to , the old aaylng
that man can And everything he wants In
r.iotirer earth. The finding ot this sa
ponaceous deposit la especially interesting
in ,tht period of chemically prepared arti
cles.', , ,
Ths discovery, romantic though It sounds.
Is riot a myth, but a geological fact. The
supposition is that the lava Was deposited
by an extlnot geyser centuries ago. It Is
situated near .Orleans.
No doubt thousands of prospectors and
ranchmen In days passed camped near this
valuable lode, but none thought to Investi
gate It. ' It remained for some ranchers
from Colorado who camped there to look
Into the peculiar soil. It was purely an
accident, a deed of curiosity, that prompted
ia member of the party to take some of
the mud to clean a knlfa blade. To the
amasement ot all It took Off' the rust aa
If by magic. They rubbed it in their hands
aod their hands became clean. They tried
It In cleaning other articles and it worked
equally well. ,
Capitalists Are latereated.
When 'the party returned to Colorado
they told of their And. The saponaceous
qualities of the lava were not dreamed of
at that time, the finders believing it
merely had atrangs and unusual scouring
properties, just as nearly all mud pos
sesses some such properties. Denver capi
talists became interested and sent a geolo
Malt Gives Beer
Its Food Value
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is healthful it builds up strength,
?romotes health, aids digestion and acts as a tonic. Perfect beer
s possible only with perfect malt, and perfect malt can only be
.made by .the eight-day process used by Pabst.
Mall is made from barley. Barley contains in its elementary
form the constituents that go to build up the human system, bone,
muscle, blood and brain. The Pabst process of making malt is
like the process of digestion. The barley is started growing as
if planted in the ground. The changes that take place in the
grain when it sprouts are similar to the action of the digestive
fluids on the grain if it were eaten. Pabst eight-day process of
making malt retains in predigested form in the beer all the nutri
tious, life-giving elements of the barley.
In many breweries the old shorter process is still used. This
' covers a period of not more than three or four days and the malt
- is of forotd. unnatural development, lacks in nutrition and is
in all ways inferior, much of the vital nutriment of the grain
being lost.
and .
WlMfi OHerlng Imt,
Odd Lot of Children's Undenvcar Cheap
This lot consists of broken sizes in Children's f
Shirts and Drawers, regular 25c and 35c P
values; to go below cost at, each J J
Big Lot of Ladies' Vests Cheap
75 dozen Summer Gauze Vests, low deck, no ai
sleeves, regular 12 He value, medium p
sizes; special, each
Bargain Sale of Allover Laces
50 pieces of One Oriental Net Allover I. ace, 18 inches
wide, in creams and white, worth76c to M q
$1.00 yard; sale price Friday, a aQQ
Bear in Mind Our Cheap Lace Sale
Hundreds of people left our department greatly sat
isfied with the big bargains In Laces. Thou
sands of yards left many good values to f
, select from, worth 60c yard; sale price Frl- t
day, a yard
Hour Sale of Embroideries Cheap
1,000 yards of odd pieces of Embroidery Edges, In
sertions and Small Appliques, worth 7 He Tj
to 16c yard; to 10 a. m. Friday, a J0
yard "'v
1,000 yards of Prints and Lawns, worth to
10c a yard; Friday, while they last, only,
red and black.
nuu - ri
price gC
600 remnants from 2 to 12 yards In a piece
of batiste, organdies, white walstlngs and fi
fine summer suitings, worth to 26c; Frl- 1 1 If
day only, a. yard v
All the short lengths
ings, organdies, dimities, mulls and dotted
Swisses, lengths from 1 to 9 yards,
. worth to 65c yard; Friday only, yard
200 Sofa and Porch Pillows filled with feathers, oil
silk floss and covered with a fine quality of sateen
15c a IfliP
and art denims,
worth to 75c;
gist to Investigate. He reported that, the
deposit was undoubVdly left by a once
active geyser. The mstter was then sub
mitted to chemists snd their analysis of
the lava gave the first Inkling that It
possessed the properties of soap in a pure
and natural state.
The property, extending over a conslder-
Vable number of acres, was bought outright
from the original owner, and a company
was formed in Denver tv. manufacture a
commercial soap with this lava as a base.
The company was named the Oeyserlte
Soap eompsny, and the article Itself Oey
serlte soap. A building was erected at
Thlrty-flref and Blair streets, in Denver
snd the manufacture of ' the ' soap was
begun on a Urge scale.
Company Finds Demand.
Though all this hsppened a compara
tively short time ago, "the company Is re
ported to be In a very prosperous condi
tion, snd the soap Is being sold In sll parts
of the Vnlted States and the demsnd for
It Is Increasing steSdlly without the ex
penditure of a cent for sdvertislng. The
promoters, however, hope soon to compete
with the other well known soaps by launch
ing an extensive advertising campsign. It
seems that nowadays nothing can be made
to go hugely without extensive advertising.
Frank A. Joslln of Denver, the president
of the company, recently made a trip to the
property In the company of an expert and
he reports that the deposit Is well-nigh
limitless. An attractive feature from the
commercial standpoint is that this lava
costs the company practically nothing In
comparison to the material that all other
scap manufacturers are compelled to buy,
and that the geyaerlte can be ahtpped Into
Denver, ready to be converted into sosp, at
less than one-half cent a pound. This gives
the company a tremendous advantage over
other sosp manufacturers, as, owing to the
peculiar Inexpenalvencss of the article. It
csn be sold at a lower figure than other
sosps while giving a better profit. The
wholesaler and Jobber sells what he finds
the most profitable, so It Is certain that
Geyserit coap will have the friendship of
the men who aell It.
Pare Nataral Soap.
Chemists claim that Oeyaerlte sosp Is
the only purs and natural sosp that has
yet been marketed. It Is ssld to be un
comblned and to contain no free caustlo
alkali. It Is this latter ingredient In the
cheaper soapa that plays such havoc with
the skin.
Thhe successful sals of the soap Is re
Perfect beer, such as Pabst Blue Rib
bon, cannot be made from four-day
malt. Pabst Beer is thus richest in
actual food value and strength-building
elements because it is made only with
rabst eight-day malt.
Pabst Beer is clean beer. too. From
mash tub to keg or bottle it is never
touched by human hands and never
comes in contact with anything but
sterilized machines, sterilized utensils
crihzed air.
Call for FaUt fiiua Mbao
1307 Loavjav .r'.. .
rrton Oobf,. d.
the Marvelous
of our imported summer vault
with a 4-lnch ruffle.
Friday only,
. . .
markable, because It has depended entirely
upon one person recommending It to an
other, but even by this primitive method
the ssle has been extended Into several
countries. The commercial lmportsnco of
the find is admitted by rival soap manu
facturers, and other sections of tho state
are being prospected for similar deposits.
At the present time It Is believed that the
Oeyserllte Soap company has a world mo
nopoly of this deposit.
al Gather for Closing; Exercises
of the Yeas.
CRETE. Neb., June JV. (Special.)
Commencement day at Doane has found a
large number of alumni present, and ou
tlful weather for all the festivities. The
time-honored custom of having the grad
uating class give orations mni tssays. In
stead of importing an orator, la still ob
served at Doane and seems to bo of more
Interest to all the friends concerned. Four
teen received diplomas and four teacher's
certificates. The young men were John M.
Grayblll of Orchard, E. H. Geer of Eureka
Kan., A. F. Gulliver, Aurora; A. W. Medlar,
Almira, C. B. Perry, Crete, A. T. Spees,
Weeping Water, B. D. Evans, Strang, J.
W. Fuhrer, Crete, F. O. Fairchtld, Crete,
J. F. Halght, Crete. The young women
were Mlaa Florence Cone of AaliUnJ, Mfa
Julia Jeffries, Nebraska City; Miss Edna
Tolles, Liberty; Miss Laura Pomeroy,
Crete. Mr. Oulllver waa valedictorian and
has accepted an excellent position as sup
erintendent of schools at Bloomflnl'l. Neb.
The president's message to the class win
a most earnest one upon the willingness
to be heroic and self-sacrl1-:ing.
Last evening the commencement con
cert was held as usuil and a-i excel
lent programme rendered. Tim ft -st part
was miscellaneous and ths livt half was
St. Cecilia's mass, given oy the eol'ege
chorus. Special mention rhould te made
of the fine work of the orcheatra and
the chorda, and also of ths Kindness of
Mr. Fullerton, the tenor of :he Vesleyan
quartet, who stepped In at the laat mo
ment to take the place o. the Lincoln
tenor, who did not appear. Mr. Kotert
Dick, the conductor, deserts '.ho hiKliett
praise for faithful and high class work.
Vhe alumni banquet was held In tin
college chaoel thla afternoon.
Fences of Aspirant Said To Be Oat
of Repair la Buffalo.
LINCOLN, June 28. (Special Telegram.)
Attorney General Brown left yesterday
afternoon for Buffalo county, reports hav
ing reached Lincoln that a number of the
big precincts in his home county had se
lected' delegates who would oppose his en
dorsement la the county convention. Mr.
Brown went out to personally look uttir
his Interest.
Dlapate Over Water Bill.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. June 18. (Spe
cial.) A council ot war was held this morn
ing in ths office of Councilman Lelser,
chairman of the water committee of ths
city council, between W. H. Loucke, agent
of the I'nlnn Pacific, and Water Commis
sioner Wstters. Mayor Schuff. City At
torney Prince and Chairman Lelser, ths
quextlon being whether the shops of the
I'nlon Pacific and the yards should bo cut
off from the water supply' or not. Such
action would unquestionably tie up ths
plant and make It necessary for the loco
motives to get water elsewhere. This cli
max ia the result of the refusal ot the
I'nlon Pacific for some months to pay Its
water rent to the city, though the ordi
nance provides thst such rental, in such
cases, be paid monthly. When Water Com
missioner Watters preeented the April bill
for totS.SI the local agent protested againat
the bill and, it appeara, cut It down to
84470. A further hearing will be held
Boy lajared Raklaa Hay.
EDGAR. Neb., June 2&.-(Specla!.) Ths
14-year-old son of James Devor, residing
about Ave allies south of Edgar, aas badly
Injured yesterday while raking alfalfa. Tha
boy was thrown under the rake and
dragged about tha field for several minutes
before bs was thrown out and assistance
could reach him. When rescued ha was
unconscious snd had only partially gained
consciousness at a lsts hour last evening.
The body wss badly bruised and there were
a number of deep cuts and bruises sbout
ths bead.
lessor Miller Makes Frotest Bad
laalats Ho Was Correct la tho
Yalaatloaa Placed on Lla
cola Merrhaadlao.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 'A. (Special.) -A number
of counties reported to the State Board of
Assessment this morning. The assessments,
as made by ths county boards of equailaa
tlon ehow a very good Increase, with the
exception of Merrick county, which shows a
decrease. On the face of the returns
Saline county shows a decrease, but the
assessor has failed to add some 8170,000 to
the value of his real estate, aa ordered
by the board last year. When this amount
is added the assessment this year will be
an Increase of some 81W.O0O over the returns
of last year.
D. B. Griffith, assessor of Jefferson
county, enclosed a memorandum with his
returns, showing his deputies had classi
fied and assessed live stock aa follows:
Thirty per cent of the horses sssessed wore
aged II to 6 years and were valued from
820 to 850; 15 per cent of the horses as
sessed were colts from 8 months to 8 years
old and were valued at from .830 to 830;
SO per cent of the mules assessed were
colts and were valued from 840 to 865; 50
per cent of the cattle assessed were stock
cattle, ranging In age from calves to 2-yrar-olds
and valued at from 85 to 815; 76 per
cent of the hogs assessed were suckling
pigs and fall shoats and valued at from
82 to 85.
The following Is a compsratlve statement
of the assessment ot last year and this
yesr In those counties reporting today: ,
Assessed valuation
1S06 190(i.
Saline .44.473 2 8-V4O2.671.70
Adams 6.173. W5 87
Jefferson 4.r3.fN.45
Webster 8,01. OM.15
Dixon t
Merrick 8.4,339 09
4,743. (U 74
Redaclng Lincoln Assessments.
County Assessor Miller of Lancaster
county Is becoming much agitated be
cause the County Board of Equalisation Is
making a material reduction in his assess
ment of the business men of Lincoln.
Nearly every business man who has gone
before the board with a protest has suc
ceeded in knocking off several thousand'
dollars. Mr. Miller yesterday went before
the board and said such action would re
sult in the State Board of Equalisation
taking a hand In Lancaster county affairs
and the consequence would be that Lan
caster county property would all get ma
terially boosted.
Inasmuch as the merchants of Lincoln
had already commenced to knock on ths
assessment of the business men of Omaha
long before the county board of Douglas
county got through Its work. Mr. Miller
says It is not meet that the county board
of Lancaster county should reduce his as
sessments. He assured the board he had
made a fair assessment of the property
In this county, and in every Instance, he
said, he had goodv reasons for increasing
the returns made by the property owners
and under the circumstances he would be
unable to go before ;the' atate board to
Justify any changes made by the county
Brian Look In ar Over Fences,
L. G. Brian of Albion., candidate for tho
republican nomination for: stats treasurer,
spent last night and today' in Lincoln en
listing the politicians' of this city in his
candidacy. He was la Charge of Crawford
Kennedy who, it la said, knows svery msn
in the county that Brian didn't know. Mr.
Brian reported that crops were good and
politics interesting and plentiful. He went
from here to Omaha.
Cooley Oat for Honao.
Dick Cooley, a pioneer cltlxen of Lan
caster county residing at Waverly, has an
nounced himself as a candidate for the
republican nomination for state senator. He
resides In the same community with Rep
resentatlve Chav'-oy Warner, who also
wants to come I e senate, so these two
will have their hd..ds full right at home.
Veterans Plenle at MUford.
Members of the Grand Army of the Re
public and Woman's Relief Corps, accom
panied by numerous friends and relatives
and by Governor Mickey, under commatri
nf Adjutant Geneal Jacob Henry Culver,
went to MUford this morning on a special
train to spend a day. In the green grass
on the banks of ths Blue.
Storlaa Iasaraneo Reports.
Insurance Deputy Pierce Is taking ad
vantage of the warm weather to cart down
to the basement a ton or two of valuable
and very necessary insurance reports of Ne
braska and other states, which for a num
ber of years havs graced the library In
hla office. After being placed In the base
ment, the numerous valuable volumes, of
course, will be subject to Inspection by In
terestsd parties. The room gained by the
change will be used to start another li
brary of the same character.
Secretary of Stats Galusha went to
Grand Island yesterday evening to meet
with ths finance committee of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen lodge and to
take a look at the Old Soldiers' home.
Prohibition Connty Convention.
The county convention of prohibition
ists met this afternoon, adopted a plat
form, nominated a legislative ticket and
selected delegates to the state convention.
H T. Sutton of Bethany and Dr. C. E.
Coffin were nominated for state senator
aid for representative these were noml
nsted: F. E. Llnch, W. F. Hunt of Lin
-oln, Michael Doubt of Prairie Home and
E. D. Harris of West Lincoln. The conven
tlon declared In favor of a county option
law, at the aame time proclaiming for a
stste and national prohibition law, equal
suffrage and the Initiative and re re re n
Colored Woman'a Clan Adjoaras.
The colored women's club adjourned to.
night to meet In South Omaha next year.
At today's session a movement waa started
to erect a home in this city for sged and
Infirm colored people. Mrs. George Marsh,
the state organiser, started the movement
and It was the unanimous sentiment of
the meeting that such a move should be
carried on to auccess. Mrs. M. F. Stsrnes
of South Omaha read a paper on
"Mother's Duty to Her Children." .
Kew Towns on ITnloa Paelfla.
STROMSBURG, Neb., June 88. (Spa
clal.) The location of the towna on ttif
Stromaburg-Central City extension of ths
Union Pacific has been Anally settled. Ono
town will be established ten miles from
Stromsburg. The name of this town will
probably be Mohler, In honor of Mr. A,
L. Mohler, vice president and general man
ager of the Union Pacific railroad, a petl
tlon having been sent to the postmaster
general, signed by sixty residents of th
Immediate vicinity of tha prospective
tewn site, requesting that a postofnes Le
established at that point to be ao named.
About midway between Mohler and
Stromsburg a siding has been located
which ths railroad officials have decreed
shall be called Hsko. Six miles west ot
Mohler ths second town will be ostab
II shed which has beea named Hordvllis,
for T. B. Hord. the catt.'s king of Central
A corporation has been established heea
under tlis came of lbs I'll Improve
Steinway & Sons, Sieger & Sons, Emerson, Hardman, A. B. Chase, Kurtzm&n, McPhail,
Schmoller & Mueller and over twenty other standard makes, all perfect and new.
No Intelligent purchaser should invest a dollar in a Piano without first making a visit
of inspection to our warerooms. In tone, appearance and, last but not least, price, there is
nothing in the west to compare with our present offer. We wish to state emphatically that
the price reductions we advertise are genuine and that in our entire business career we have
never priced the more costly instruments on as close a margin as at the present time.
$10.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY
secures a first-class standard make. Why pay more elsewhere? '
Owing to the prominent reputation of the factories we represent, we do not wish to advertise their naraea
in detail; It. Is sufficient to know that the SWEKP1NU REDUCTIONS extend throughout the five floors ot our
new building;.
Splendid Pianos, brand new, perfect, choice of oak. walnut or mahogany, regular $260.00 A.J Art
values; special price ,ITaiwU
Beautiful colonial Pianos, the same kind small dealers price at $300.00; never duplicated In PQ Art
Omaha at our special price ' ,1 JOiUU
$350.00 to $400.00 Parlor Uprights, a high Quality Piano, one of the most popular makes of 1 ft C ftrt
today; special price 10)UU
$400.00 to $450.00 Cabinet Grand Uprights, stylish, beautiful, with entrancing tone, selected golden oak,
Flemish oak, fancy Clrcassion walnut or genuine mahogany; 255 00 &Ici 240 00
The high quality of our new stock is well Must t rated by the many good Pianos we have received in ex
change In the last few days, some of the lnstrumentsorlginally commanded a price ot $500.00 and few ot
them can be duplicated elsewhere for less than $300.00.
They require but a small outlay now and give the purchaser the option to exchange later toward any ot
our best Pianos at the present purchase price.
Kimball make, walnut fllS . Singer, walnut case .....$152
Arion, oak case 12.1 Wheelock, walnut rase 156
Vose & Sons, large size , .. 128 i Lester, fancy walnut, slightly used, looks new.. IflO
Martin Bros., oak case 143 j $500 Kimball Baby Grand 245
Price & Teeple, mahogany, used only 3 months. . 148
and many others, including Steinway & 8ons, Steger ft Sons, Emerson, McPhail, Mueller, Gramer, Sterling.
Hale, Foster, Chickering, etc. Square Pianos of good quality from $20.00 to $45.00 half former prices.
As the above prices apply ony to this stock, we ccannot undertake to duplicate any of the Instruments at
these unusual prices. Prompt action Is therefore necessary. Over six hundred clean, dry, new Pianos to
select from.
Schmoller Mueller Fianoo.
Main Warerooms and
men r-nmnnnv which will have charge nf
surveying and pushing the new towns. The
company has aecured the land upon wmcn
both towns are located and will begin tho
work of platting early next month. The
lots will be sold at auction, me saie 10
take place on or about July 20. Already
nutnerniia business ventures are assured
for the new towns. Including a national
bank at Mohler and a state or national
bank at Hordvllle by Wilson Bros., of
Stromsburg, snd associates. The Incor
porator of the City Improvement com
pany are J. W. Wilson, V. E. Wilson, Na
than Wilson and C. C. McCune.
F.pworth Lraane Convention.
vivi a n N'eh.. June 28. (Special.) The
Kpworth lesgue convention of the Hasting
district thst befrsn Its session nere iu
day continued yesterdsy. The discussions
embraced the subjects pertaining to the
most effective work of the league ouring
the coming er. . The folio wlnf officers
wers elected tor the ensuing yesr-. Prcslr
dent. Rev. Xr. Banford of Hastings; secre
tary Miss Ethel Amberson or superior;
.r...r.r nr. rruleish of Button; first vice
president, Mrs. Lucy R. Psrtrldge of Kene-
siw; second vice president, miss ash
Wh.lnn of Oenevs: third vice president,
Miss Mabel Ash of Hastings; superintend
ent of Junior league. Miss Kva farser.
News of Nebraska.
hitibon A fine rain fell here lsst even
ing and farmers are Jubilant.
DfiTPirp Thft estimate of expenses
adopted by the board of education for the
coming year Is W4.O0O.
SEWARD Union services or an trie
Protestant churches of Seward will begin
for the summer next Sunday.
SEWARD Members of the city council
Of Tecumseh are at Seward today Inspect
ing the city water works and electric liglt
NEISON A company composed of Nel
son business men Is being organised for
the purpose of locating an Incubator fac
tory here.
NELSON The Odd Fellows began work
this week on their new lodge building. It
will be a two-story and basement brick,
26x120 feet.
SEWARD Articles of Incorporation
have been filed for a new lumber and
fuel company. Sixteen well-to-do business
men hsve organised this company.
BEATRICE The Bell and Home Tele
phone companies are pushing work on their
new plants at Wymore, and each company
appears to be trying to outdo the other.
LONO PINE After a season of cool, dry
eather this section of the county was
visited last night by a heavy rain. This
long looked for rain wss an Immense bene
fit to tne crops in tnis section.
WEST POINT Fire destroyed the barn
and Incubator of Chris Oraveson In the
southern part or tne city, caused oy the
explosion of the lamp In the Incubator.
Huilalng ana contents were a total loss.
NIOBRARA The committees for the
Fourth of Julv celebration have been Verv
Industrious and sn unusually tine time Is an
ticipated. More hard work and eutnuslshiu
has been put Into the affair than for many
SEWARD The msrrlage of Miss Os'.l
Luclle Wehn and Melville Gordon will v
cur st the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. ITT Wehn, at 8 o'clock. June 2 8.
Rev. Wilcox of the Methodist church will
LONG PINE At the school meeting held
here yesterday Dr. 11. P. McKnlahl and
J. S. Davison were elected members of
the school board. The school board electtni
Mr. J. B. Davison aa chairman at Its llrst
SEWARD A mm meeting of citizens
has been called for Thursday night to pro
test against the Burlington railroad cu
ting beward from the main line. If such
a thing happens tha L'nloa Pacific, only
I The 2Uth Century
V Sanitary Carpet
CHEX the on'y absolutely saa
Itary floor ooveiisg alords no
boms for germs and disease. Dtut
cannot collect In CTIEX. It si
wajs li oks well and wears looger
than any other floor covering,
al thy price. CRBX should be
la STery home it Is equally aJapt
abls to the palace or oottagei
Tks prlos Is wltllo easy reach c f
CilTIOJl ! Imitations
e sare 70a ft CRUX-
$old mhtnmtr On si It r mid
r't York St Ex-1 I'l'.
Jobbers in Omaha : Oixraaxa a
wuaelm Carpet Oosapoay.
Office, 1311-13
twenty-live miles sway, will build from
here to Lincoln and the Northwestern, now
running through here, will connect with
LONG PINE A pleasant wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Farrnr
on Wednesday evening, when Mr. Wallace
Hollsh and Miss CIsra Farrar were Joined
together In the bonds of matrimony. Rev.
Mr. Qlasner officiating.
BEATRICE Lieutenant George C. Day,
who has been vlntting in the city with his
Farents, Mr. snd Mrs. H. G. Dsy, left today
or New York, where he hss been assigned
to duty on the receiving ship Hancock, In
the navy yards at New York.
GRAND ISLAND Johann Gens, an aged
cltlsen, residing In Hall county for over
thirty years, passed away yesterday at the
age of 79 years. He leaves a wife and
one daughter, Mrs. Gam, a widow of only
a few weeks, to mourn his loss.
NEBRASKA CITY. This afternoon, at
the home of the bride's parents on Sixth
avenue, Mr. Roy Aucklns was united In
marriage to Miss May Allen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen, by Rev. C. A.
Mastln of the Methodist church.
NELSON The Nelson and Ruskln nines
tflaved a most exciting sums of ball here.
The sooro was' I to 4 In favor of the local
team. Ruskln made two hits snd Nelson
five. The -festure of the game was Joker
Campbell's pitching. He struck out four
teen men.
PAPILL.ION A robbery of a B. & M.
freight car at La Platte, In Sarpy county,
waa reported to Sheriff McEvoy yester
day. He got track of the thieves and traced
them to Nebraska City, where he arrested
and lodged them In Jail at South Omaha.
They are two young colored men.
BEATRICE Yesterday morning at the
bride's home, st Wllber, occurred the mar
riage of Mr. New Shaffer, until recently a
resident of Beatrice, snd Miss Pearl Rosa.
rhe young couple will make their home In
Denver, where the groom Is employed In
the offices of the Burlington company.
FREMONT The 'mercury this afternoon
reached 96, the highest so far this season.
A. warm south wind has prevailed. Vege
tation of all kinds, on account of the pre
vious heavy rains. Is growing rapidly. In
dications all point to a la'rge corn crop.
Wheat Is In good condition, but oats will
be light.
A INS WORTH Last nlrht Silver Cord
lodge No. 224. Ancient Free snd Accepted
Masons, installed the following omcers ror
the ensuing year: C. A. Barriea, W. M.;
H. W. Fournler. 8. W.: C. F. How. J. W.:
R. H. Bailey, secretary; R. 8. Rising, treas
urer; W. M. Ely. 8. D. : W. H. Metcalf,
J. D-; Robert Martin, tyler.
BEATRICE-Yesterday In the district
court Vlnus Kelso of Wymore, who has
been in aii ror some time, pieaaea guilty
to the charge of burglaj-ly and was sen-
tencea to six montns inline county jau.
Kelso was ons of the thire men arrested
last winter on the charge of bresklng into
Burlington box csrs at Wymore.
BEATRICE Large crowds are attending
the Beatrice Chautauqua assembly from day
to aay. inis srternoon ir. MCArtnur of
New York addressed a large audience, and
thla evening Richmond Hobson of Merrlmsc
fame appeared on the oroxram. The aa-
sembly clones next Wednesday and so far
tne attendance nas Deen very good.
GRAND ISLAND Bessie, the 13-vear-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N; Greer, was
seriously ournea sdoui tne lower extremi
ties while reviving a fire In a conk stove.
The fire hsd smouldered. Late In the after
noon she took a can of oil and the common
result followed. There was sn exoloslon
and her skirts were Immediately aflame.
WEST POINT The temperature yester
day was the highest for the sesson. A
violent hailstorm occurred along the north
Hue of Cuming county, extending for some
five miles east and west and one-halt mile
wide. The course of the storm was er
ratic, sbout every other field suffering
greatly. Crops where the hail struck are
totally destroyed.
LYONS A new fire company has been
organised at thla place and the following
officers were elected: M. L. Shumway,
president; J. J. Haydon vice president; P.
Tanner, . secretary snd treasurer; H. F.
Gehman, chief, with C. J. Hultberg and J.
J. Haydon as assistants. This crmpaiy
expects to Join the State Fireman's asso
ciation before long.
BEATRICE J. D. Brown, a merchant of
Burchard. and J. C. Fletcher of this city,
two civil war veterans who were In An
dersonvllle prison together, met here last
night for the first time and talked over old
times. Mr. Brown served during the war
as a member of the Eighth Iowa cavalry
and Mr. Fletcher the Third Iowa cavalry.
BEATRICE Yesterday at high noon ot
the bride's home st Table Hock occumil
the marriage of Miss Ruth Chambers snd
Mr. Louis C. Wolfe, formerly In charge of
the Lincoln Journal at this point, but at
present night telegraph editor of the Non
pareil at Council Bluffs. After a short
wedding trip to Colorado the young couple
will make their home at Council Bluffs.
FREMONT The sttendance al the Fre
mont Normal school la the largest In Its
history, the total enrollment reaching 1,Sm.
The Increase Is owing to teachers who are
taking special courses In order to receive
state certificates. The rooms in the dor
mitories are all taken and boarding house
keepers in the northeast part of the town
are hating all that they caji accommodate.
BEATRICE The marrlsge of Miss Anna
Wlttulskl to Mr. Frederick Mlliewskl was
solemnised st St. Joseph's Catholic church
yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. Mlaa Eliza
beth Wlttulskl. cousin of the bride, was
bridesmaid, and Edward Routh acted as
best null. After ths ceremony a reception
was held st the home of the bride's mother.
The young couple will make their hums In
West Beatrice.
WEST POINT The annual conference of
the teachers of the Uernisn Lutheran paro-
cruai scnoois tor tne norm jseorastta dis
trict Is now In session at West Point, forty
teachers of the district are In attendance
and the conference Is proving a great auc
cess. The sessions srs held In the St.
Paul's German Lutheran church, under the
presidency of Rev. A. R. E. Oelsciilaeger,
pastor, and close today.
KEBRABKA CITY In the district court
thla afternoon Robert Fleming and Georce
Crockett. bolU colored, plead guilty to tls
Farnam St.. Omaha
charge of burglary. Judge Jsssen sen.
tenced the men to three years In the pen
itentiary. The negroes were charged with
robbing Goldberg's clothing store on April
5. Lsst week the negroes sawed their war
out of the county Jail and wers at liberty
for sbout fifteen hours.
LYONS Robert Small, who hss been
In charge of the work for Phelan A
Shirley at the big out on the Great North
em railway, about twelve miles north of
Lyons, has completed his work and ex
pects to leave before long. Assistant En
gineer MoKelllp, who has been In ohargn
of this division, also expects to finish his
work this week.
FREMONT The prospect of a new nalu
ralliatlon law which will make the obtain
ing of naturalisation papers more difficult
and expensive has stimulated naturalisa
tion business In the district court. Judge
Hollenbeck haa held two sessions for the.
purpose of Issuing nnal papers to Fremont
residents, some of whom have lived ner
for twenty years. Saturday It Is expected
that a carload of Stanton county wouldba
cltlxens will be here for their papers.
There will be no session of the district
court In that county until fall.
BEATRICE A party of Union Pacific sur.
veyors was running lines south of ths city
yesterday, and It la reported that the com-
any is maaing plans to remove Its roadbed
rom the east to the west side of the elver
between Beatrice and Blue Springs., For
years the floods have Interfered with traflln
over the present roadbed, which follows tha
Miue river for miles, and it Is understood
the company Intends to seek higher ground
by building a new line from this place to
Holmesvllle and thence to Blue Springs on
the west side of the river. By this change
there would te no danger from floods.
AUBURN This vlclnltv had a rainfall
of one Inch which, following a rainfall
of over two Inches some days ago, makes
ine prospects ror a good crop very nat
tering. Wheat Is Just ready for harvest
and some of It Is being cut. The yield U
going to be above the average and tne
quality of the grain fine. Ten days sgs
the outlook for oats was very poor, but
It has sprung up so rapidly since tht
rain that the farmers are predicting a
large oat yield. Tha fields of corn ara
quite spotted snd the corn seems to be
fsrther back thsn usual, yst It haa a good
color and the prospects for a corn crop Is
as good aa It usually Is at this time of
the year, ir nothing happens to injure in
fiult crop we will have a bouncer. Tin
prospects for apples has never been as
good within twehty years.
- . u
Unqualified Boocaaa of Lydla X. pink,
bsml Vegetable Compound la tha
Caaa of Mrs. Fannla D. Vox.
One of the greatest triurnpha of Lydla
E. Pinkbama Vegetable Compound la
the conquering oi woman' dread a
noy, Tumor. ;
The growth of s tumor ia ao air that
frequently its presence isnot suspectad
nntil it ia far advanced.
So-called "wandering pains" so ay
come from its early stages, or tha
Jiresence of danger may be made insol
ent by prof ube monthly periods, aocom
psnled by unusual pain, from tha
abdomen through the groin and thigha.
If you have mysterious paint. If tnera
re Indications of inflammation or dis
plocement, secure a bottle of Lydla E.
l'inkham's Vegetable Compound rlghi
away and begin its usa.
Mrs. llnkham. of Lynn, Mssa., will
give you her advice if you will write
her about yourself. Nhe Is the daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham and
for twenty-five years hss been advising
ick women free of charge.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham s
" I take ths liberty to congratulate yen en
ths success I hsve hsd with your wonderful
medicine. VAhVmo months ago my periods
stofipsd. Bbortly after I felt so bsuUy that
I submitted to a thorough examination by a
physician snd was told that 1 had a tumor
and would have to undergo sn operation.
' Boon after I read ons of your dvartlss
menu and decidnd to (rive Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Corn)ound a trisX After
taking five bottles as directed ths tumor Is
entirely (oim. I have ten examined by a
phvsici&n and be says I bars no signs of a
tumor now. It has slso brought my partode
around once niure. and I am siitirelT
well "-Fsmiie L. Fag, 1 CUsumU few
Bradford, Ira. .
09 Jllrs. Fannie D. fit x