Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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"Jfltphon Douglaa 618.
sMsuum v- a 4 -
? i . . ' . V
in basement,
$-ou will readily tee, the cost has
;. Jarketa that ware $5.00, at 12 49.
l2 Rslnrnats. wrr ti 76. alia l, now M.S.
"A flwsgf-r Coat,, wss $5.f. alia 40. at M.4.
.'j (jray Bult. alia S. waa $10.00, at $3.75.
- Blark petticoat',' re $1.60, at Wc.
Plarlt Biffi Jacket, alia 42. waa WW. At
, f J
!ron Rilk retti'coat, waa $4 00, at $2.49.
1 Blue Silk Buft, aire M, waa $10.00. at
MM. - .
2 Blue Bklrts. war $4.00. at fl..
' 1 Broun Bklrt. waa $4.', at $1 .
i flllk Waleta, were X 00, alia 42, at $1.25.
.23 tVhiic l-awn Waists, worth up to $2 00,
M Oc.
'4 Black and White Pettlcoata, were $1.00,
4 4Pc.
1S t;hlre; Percale and Print Wrappers,
mostly 'sarH cnlors, worth to $1.50, at 6c.
Many. Extraordinary Values
for Monday, July 2nd.
' Hare you aoen the Great Special Display
of choice, Clta Dreaa Goods now being;
shewn Mn our Sixteenth atreef window!
They r to b sold July 2d. Th values
are even arreatcr than any prevloua sale,
and. beat of all, not a single piece of
trashy or damaged goods In the lot. Make
It a point to aee them, and then come early
Monday. :.-.
The Season's Choicest Fash
ions in Beautiful Wash Fab-
When buying Waah Material for a new
ummer dreaa, the. wtaer course la to buy
A-l dependable, choice goods rather than
mere cheapness. Our Waah Materials are
'popular-priced, the styles are of thla sea
ton's choicest pickings and the qualities
resolution went over" to await action on the
conference-report. !"'.'.
In view . pf .th decisive action of the
house today,-virtually Instructing Ita con
ferees on the agricultural bill to adhere
to the house amendment' In relation to meat
Inspection, the conferee will- meet again
tomorrow morning The Indlcatlona are
that th senate representative will refuse
to recede. ' , . .' '
A. Haseltoa of Council Bluff Head
, 4! I.Ut. s
WASHINGTON, June 28 Th aenat In
executive aession. confirmed the. following
nominations; . . . . . ..
Clarence. Rlc Slocum of New York, con
sul general at Homa, Congo Free elate;
William H. Cod of Arizona, to b an 1n
aiaii Inspector. '
To-be niemoer of the Mississippi rivev
Commission: Major James U Lusk.
To be chief of the bureau of Insular af
fair of- th War department, with rank
of .brigadier general; Cuilanel Clarence K.
Sza.vru It f.mlrien of Iowa.
Vn"d State marshals: rVel T.junds.
for the district of Idaho; Edwin R. Dur
ham, for the weMern district of Missouri.
Postmasters: Iowa A. 8. Haielton. Coun
cil Bluffs; E.-'U. Schrack, Parkersburg.
Kansaa-Rf. M. Armetrong, Council Orovs;
W. H. Ellett, Eldorado; T. E. Dlttemore,
Eureka; R. M Hamer, Emporia; C B.
fjpencer. lol: T. B. Hurley; Minneapolis;
W. H. Jones.r I,yons; T. A. Dllley. Sterling;
M. M. Murdock, Wichita; J. W. Hmlth,
Wst Mineral. Missouri Delia L. Crowder,
lxlngion. Nebraska-R. A. St. John, Olb
on; W. P. Hall.- Holdrege. South Dakota
-4. F. Reld. Elk Point.
''Sterling Silver Frenser, 15th and Dodg.
The Original Slang Stories
' ' j " ;
; .'. -5 - ..'PUtsbu.rt r., August lfr
Dear Jm-4'' 1 ;
To-J.-;'ncn,ber I writ you about a. sack
suit 1 'rt,rtv;d ' last week. .Well, it cam
terdtty, and Vou know the inlsh. Why
ai l t. (elkW put on a new suit, make a
few cU nd go 'oornr'ilke' a gentleman
The minute I -got Uitv'ttisf eult I ll off
the water .wagon wllh an awful bump,
althotigh 1 'hkdn't teudhed' a" drink for
UartTSeeear days, ,6b, but I got a lovely
bun on. Thai's the last. No more for me.
There's; notltln- in- tt. If anybody saya,
'Have uitu kmg. Bi(J.' you'll aee your
I ncl Bill take to' the trees.
yeeurda at 2;$0 I had a hundred and
ten dollars "this morning I'm there with
a dollar eighty, aad that's the draw out
of af two-dolUr touch. If there's any
liulH la. the old saying that money talks,
1 ain ,irlmly deaf and dumb today. Be
aldes, l.'have card in my pocket which
'' I t opened up a running account of
thlrtytwo forty at George's place. I won
der tf this Uetirge la on the level, because
I'll swr I don't think I was' there at all.
ril'betihe stuck the forty on, anyway.
You. kiow cue, Jim. I am one of those.
br;glfi people wlto try to keep up with a lot
ef . $ have-nothing to do but blow
thi.o.Cmlru J .aloud ground yesterday and
looked wise, and, Hiked up about four high,
bulls; then I kind of stretched. Whenever
1 give on of those stretch and swsll up
a That's a kigu I'm commencing to get
wealthy. switched over and took couple
v (iit ' dries,' gad than tt. hit me I wa
nvV-r ku Jay Gould ever was; I had the
h(i,beoii.lda backed clear off the board, and
I linos Wnj. II. Vanderbllt look like a
ahotx You understand, Jim,
thle.'W ystruay. I got a mil red spot
iipah rtek and then 1 leaned ever the
bar ni whispered.' 'Mr. Bartender, break
a'UnlO of that Pommery.' Ordinarily I
cX li"f booae clerk"
is n extract from the famous
F-l;; Raxtr ktirrs. The entire aeries,
bv! BSonieiy bound In a substaoital volume,
ii ne Brt - cnargc prepaid, on receipt
i f Tic. Address Duqueane l'tstrtbutlng Co.,
tiaxuiarvilte, AUc-Liiy County, Pa.
TO be brigadier ,g;"neraia "oa rrura;
Colonel . Walter T. Iugganl ColonM 0i
walT H. Kmst, Colonel John Plttuian. .
' fiutvevor of customs at Burlington, In.;
r jst j
. t -it fj. r
. . . i
L. i ' '"
.... 4
Special Odd and
Friday morning at 8 o'clock we Trill place
the following odds and ends at
not been taken into consideration.
nd ihm. in kMmnt. i
auch that will wear ana wim wm. com
Real Imported lrmh Dlmltlea, 26c yard.
Imported Zephyrs. 25c yard.
Trlnted Madraa at loo, lc, 20c yard.
Printed Batistes, 'plenty of polka, dots,
10c. 12MiC, 15c yard.
Printed Silk Organdlea 26q yard.
Bilk Gingham, 45c yard.
Fin Waah Tissues at 25a yard.
In basement.
Laces and Embroideries.
No summer gown la complete this season,
without t touch of lac or embroidery, or
both. Pretty designs In French and Gr.
man Valenciennes Edgings, Inaertlnga and
Beadlngs at (c, 7c, to, tc, 10c, 11c, UW,
14c, 15c. 16c, ISc. 10c, 26c and 90c a yard,
with reduction by tb bolt.
Swiss and Nainaook. Embroidery Inaert
lnga, some new onea arrived yesterday, at
26c, 20c, 40c and 50c a yard.
Handsome Batiste Embroidered Allovers
at $1.00, $250. $3.00, $3.50, $3.75 and $5.00 a
yard, for yokea and entire walata.
Main floor.
Fine Imported St.. Gall Dress
The demand for theaa handsoma fabrics
started early In th aeaaon and has been
steadily increasing until now Bt. Gall
Swisses are the'very pinacle of fashion for
the dainty aummer dress.
All our beautiful Embroidered and Dotted
Bt. Oall Swisses will be aold Friday at the
following special prices I
All the 85c St. Oall Swisses Friday at 69c
a yard.
All th T6c St. Oall Swiaaea FrWay at 69o
a yard.
All the too Bt. Oall Swisses Friday at'3c
a yard Main Floor. , '
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
luildine Wrecked, but No 0n Injured, u
" Feopls Beak Cars, -
torus Last Thirty Mluotee aa One
ssd One-half Inch of Water
Fall Clbrall D - -clared
8TOCKVILLE, Neb., June 21 (Special.)
A severe wind and rain storm struck thl
village shortly after 7 o'clock Tuesday
evening. - It wa th worst storm ever
known here. Th fronts of geveral toi
buildings wer torn off. Most of the wind
mills were damaged god many of the barn
ad small' out building- we blow t X
piece. At the fair ground JJoiolnt)
village th 'Floral hall, racing stables,
grand stand and ticket 6fBc were eom
pletely destroyed. th lumber being
scattered aaros the ground and onto th
adjoining fields beyond. A few residence
wr moved from thefr foundtlon. No
on was Injured and th storm wa over
in about thirty minute during th time,
about on and one-half Inches of water
fell. Th proposed celebration of . tho
Fourth of July ha been deolared off her
and every one Is at work clearing; up the
The storm destroyed the school' house
Ave. miles southeast of her, and bit
down many trees along the Medicine. A
report has Just been received: that all wind
mills for six mile west of here are down
and several farm, barn - and granaxl
destroyed. The homes of S. R. Blak
three and on-half mile west of town
and of .Mr.. Hull four mllea northwol
were deatroyedbut no one hurt a th
occupant wer In thelx caves.
Doable Weddlaar at Temple Israel.
A unique social vent ' waa- noted lai
night at Tmpl Israel,; when a doable
wedding wa celebrated. . two brother
espousing two sister. Mlea Florence Singer
and Mr. Ieo Rosenthal were - one or the
contracting couples, and Miss Stella Singer
and Mr. Israel Rosenthal wtr th othr.
Th ceremony wa perforated at 8:80 o'clock
by Rabbi Cohn In th presence ef a large
number of relative and friends. Mr. W.
R. Singer of Ballna, Kan, and Mls Rn
Rosenthal wer th maid of. honor; Mis
Stella and Mlse Cora Rosenthal and Miss
Tina Cohn and Mis Blanch Rosewater
were the bridesmaids. Mr,' J.. Singer nd
Mr. Sidney Singer were the best man. Th
cider daughter wa given away by her
father and th yourujef. by her brother.
A dinner and reception followed the wed-
" ...
BeteBf orrlsea.
VERMILLION, S. D.. June tt.MBpeclel.)
In th chapel of St. Joseph's academy In
this cltj yesterday morning occurred th
marriage of Mia Lucy Maud Morrison,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Morrison,
to Mr. J. Georg Best Of Hartlngton. Neb.
son of Mr. nd Mrs. Theodor Bests of
St. James, Neb. Th ceremony waa per
formed by Rev. Father TT L. Flood of
St. Mary' Catholic church In the presence
of a large number of Invited gueat.
CRE1GHTON, Neb., Jun .-(Spclal
Telegram.) At high noon today Mr. Rob
ert M. Peyton of Creighton and Ml Net
tle Lundstrom of Omaha wer united In
marriage. Rev. E. C. Thort of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, officiating. Mr. and
Mra Peyton left thia afternoon for New
York, from whence they will sail for an
extended wedding trip through Europe. v
BRADSHAW. Neb., Jun $s. -(Special. J
Th horn of Mr. aod Mr. J. A- Brumscy
waa th on of a pretty wedding this
morning when their daughter. Mlnals, wa
united. In marriage te Mr. Leu Powell -of
Raelne, Wl. Th reremony wa performed
by Rav. M. C. Smith tn th presence of a
large number of relative and Invited
ALDA. Neb.. Jun 2. Special Tele
gram. ) Miss VUloa Bpeacer, daughter of
8. W. Spencer, residing three mile north'
west of A Ida, was married at high noua
today to Mr. Peter Vanse. of Grand
Island, Rev. Gregory ef Grand Island oftl
dating. Mr. and 'Mrs. Vansee will reside
la Grand Island, where Mr. Vans I em
ployed. - i
NIOBRARA. N,eb., Jun (3clai.-A
quiet wedding tp place last evening at
th residence of , Mr. and Mr. H- D. Palen,
thr eldest daughter, Grece, and Mr. Frank
N. Graham ef , Oreca Kay, - Wis., being
ualt4 by Rr- ". C. Tkompse eg the
by Rsjr. F.
- Be, June 17, 1106.
End Sale
special sale, on bargain square
greatly reduced prices. As
Be here early Friday morning
Genuine Dr, Scott i Hair
. , . .
EniSIlCS, RedUCed in ITlCe.
Mad of pur bristles, not wires; ele
gantly mounted and carved.
All $1.0$ Brushes 59c each.
All $1.50 Brushes 98c each.
All $2 .00 Brushes $1.4each.
All $2.50 Brushes $1 68 each Mala Floor.
Toilet Goods.
A complete stock of Toilet Qooda from
th best maker, at popular pricea. Fine
Toilet Boap. Face Powdar, Hair Tonics,
Tooth Past or Powder, Cream. Vaselln.
Orangewood Bticka 'and Complexion
Manicure Artist.
On th third Boor, In connection with our
rest room, we hav opened a room for
manicuring. Mlaa Logan la In charge; hav
ing taken a special courae In thla Una of
work, sh 1 considered 'an expert mani
curist. Her methods are strictly sanitary.
Embroidery Flouncing. x
Swiss Flouncing, made especially for aklrt
ruffles, t inches wide, at ffic, 85c and $1.00
a yard.
Wider widths and more elaborate at $1.63,
$2.00, $2.50, $176 to $6.00 a yard.
Basement Specials. N
Be the special lots of Val Lace at Sc.
4o and tc a yard.
One apecial lot of Allover Bwisa Embroid
ery at 60c a yard.
On lot of Swls Edging, from 4 to
Inches wide, at 25c a yard.
On lot of 14-Inch Corset Cover Bmbrold-
ry at S8o a yard.
Presbyterian church. They left for an ex
tended trip east this morning.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., June !8.-(8pclal.)-A
pretty wedding was solemnized Wednes
day at high noon, the contracting parties
being Iwls C. Wolfe of the Council Bluff
Nonpareil and Mis Ruth C. Chamber of
thla place. The wedding occurred at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cf. W. ' Chambers. The bridal couple left
for Denver and the west on the afternoon
train. After a month's absence they will
return to Council Bluffs.
Rowley. Dory.
BRADSHAW, Neb., June 28. (SpeclaJ.)
In the presence of about forty guests at
the horn of Mr. and Mr. John Rowley,
living a few mile northwest of this place.
occurred the wedding of their daughter,
Clara, to Mr. Merle Dory. Rev. Mr. Wat-
terman of Valentine performed th cere
mony. . , . ,
,'.... . Parker-WIUnian, , '
"BRADSHAW, Neb., June M. -(Special'. r
At the home of Mr. L. A. Parker Wedhe
day. Juris 27, at noon, occurred the mar
riage' of her daughter, Carrie Muriel, to
Mr. Charles Wlldman of Charleston; Elder
T. 8. McDonald performed the ceremony.
Christian Newmyer and Kathryn Hall,
both of Lyons, Neb., were married at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Charles Schneider.
Twenty-second and Manderaon streets, at
noon Tuesday. Rev. Melvln V. Hlgbee of
th Knox Presbyterian church officiated.
, Raymond-Pavls.
Maurice 1. Raymond and Grace A. Davl
were united In marriage at the home cf
officiating clergyman. Rev. M. V. Hlgbee.
M17 North Nineteenth avenue, at I p.
m. Wednesday. They will be at home to
friends at 1606 Corby after July 10. .
Loadaa Medical Journal Say Sapply
from Abroad I Superior to
Homo Product.
LONDON, Jun . An article In the
Lancet dealing with th meat resolution
admits that a large part of London's im
ported meat, Including much of the chilled
and frosen meat from the United States
and Argentina, Is, with regard to ' dls
aa and cleanliness, more satisfactory than
much of - th hem product. Th paper
consider, however, that the larger' power
of Inspection should be required . In the
place of origin.
Desnoeratle Party aad Frlead of aa
ladepeaeUat Candidate A
He at Burllactoa.
BURLINGTON. Vt., June 2.-Thl city
today wa th acen of two atat conven
tion. On was th regular biennial con
vention of the democratic party and the
other wa a gathering of Independent voter
In response to a call Issued by Perclval w
Clement of Rutland, who some time ago
announcea nimseu as an Independent can
dldate for governor.
If disfigured by pirn pie, ulcers, sores.
Bucklsn's Arnica Salv will heal you up
wlthjut a acar. 2. cents. Guaranteed. For
aal by Bhermaa A McConnell Drug Co.
D. Iteddard.
FVLLERTON, Neb., June 28. (Special.;
After an nine of- two day V. D. Stod
dard died last night )n a room In the Lamb
uuiiaing. air. eioaaara cam to Fullerton
twentyfour year agofrom Red Oak. Ia.,
nd Invested heavily In Nance county land a
and although h mad Red Oak hi horn
much of nla time since then haa'been spent
nere in improving hi farms. About t
years ago he removed hi residence from
Red Oak to Fremont, where he baa an
legant horn and wher ha and hi wlf
lived whan not in Nance county. He was
a man far advanced In th TO and waa re
puted to M worth about $100,000. He leave
no fujilly except his aged wlf.
aa.BO omee l.M4k4Mk,
Edward Irteh, clerk at the Eastern New
York Reformatory at Napanoeh, and con a
dtatlal man to Wsrdeo Coutle, the first of
thla month raised a check of $J6q, which
had been drawn by Warden Coutle, te
$2,160. had It cashed and absconded with
the money.
Thursday was pay day at th reforma
tory, but there wer do funds, and the
keeper and guard and ofBoer eonneeted
with the prison wr compelled to wttpn
out tneir wages until such tlm as lauds
are forwfd by lb tut.
Senate Increases Ee?erl Itemi in Poblio
Buildin BilL .. . .
War Dtsrlnesl Favar ! apaly
Depot at Omaha aad Retalalast
ttahlasoa as a Prsna
eat rwst.
(From a 8taff' Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, June 2s.-iSpeolal Tele
gram.) The senate today passed the omni
bus public building appropriation bill, de
creasing appropriations In soma Instances,
but through the efforts of Eenator Millard
of Nebraska dim ouf of th melee con
siderably to the good. Tl)e senat ralsrd
the appropriation for the government build
ing at Kearney from $d5.0o0 to $b6.0n0, and
for York, frorn $.ono to $70.0fO. The aen
ator Injected ' an 1ntlreIJ' new Item Into
the bill appropriating $8,00 with which to
buy the lota adjoining the government
buildlna at Nebraska City. Th Item In
the hous bill carrying $U5.00 for the Grand
Island building, and 17,. Vi each for a ait
at Columbus' and Plat turnout h, were agreed
by th senate.- '
Kehraaka aad the Army.
Senator Millard and! Congressman Ken
nedy called On the secretary of war and
quartermaster' general today on matters of
Importance to Omaha.' They were assured
the department " would' give special atten
tion to the question reestablishing a gen
eral Issue army supply depot at Omaha,
with a view to making a favorable report
to congress In support of Senator Millard's
bill to appropriate $100,000 for that pur
pose. ' r
Senator Millard had an Interview today
with the secretary of' war In reference to
the question of making Fort Robinson a
permanent military fort, and waa assured
the secretary waa "ready to expend $400.(ft0
for the permanent improvement of Fort
Robinson and work would proceed without
delay. -
Minor Matters at Capital.
Representative Hlnshaw today wa ad
vised pensions of the following Nebraakana
have been tnereased:" Abraham C. Wright,
Mllford, to $10; James W. Barnes, Reyn
olds, to $12; John Smalldon, Falrbury, to $$.
CI. Crawford, republican nomine for
governor of South Dakota, arrived tn Wash
ington tonight to 'consult with Senator
Gamble upon state' affairs.
'Elmer J. Eyerly of Brookings, 8. T., la
In Washington to consult with Secretary
Wilson on matters relative to th conduct
of th South Dakota Agricultural college."
Rural routea 1 and have been ordered
established September 1 at Eustls, Frontier
county, Nebraska, serving 850 people and
170 houses.
Rural ' carriers ' appointed: Iowa New
Albion, rout t, William E. Stevena carrier,
William Lange substitute. South Dakota
Tyndall, route 4, Oren O. Deed carrier.
Mary Deed substitute. - ,
Nebraska postmasters appointed: Crow-
ell, Dodge county: Hermann Dier. vie
V. Ho wer, resigned; Inea, Holt county.
John Cubbell, vice' J". 'W. Mesa, resigned.
(Continued from First Page.)
! .;!. 1 ' .' j
to return and And 'bow a brief absence
abroad has made. .peoplA forget th little
pony enmities na. jeatpusies, ana everyq
who expresses htmreif in my presence
the TJtty(-'-a"f Tiavw-"hsam.' suunds-'hls
praises, and at. least (t looks as though
even Within his life shotrlAr come thi honor
which he ao richly deserves. (Applause.
In this campaign t is -not necessary for
the friends of Mr. Jlosewater to belittle
any opposlrig candidates or to say anything
thM would arouse a prejudice that might
endanger the person who by -chance may
Decome me nominee tor tne reoohiiesn
party. Senator Millard has been my banker
and friend. I respeot his ability and have
confidence In him and would like to favor
mm. Norrin Brown waa my old school
mate twenty-five years sgo. I feel for
mm mat a flection that-we always feel for
mo rrienas or our . eniianooa. 1 reel aa
though 1 am a part owner of the honors
that an appreciative public baa bestowed
upon blm. But, I am Impelled' to support
Mr. . Rosewater because I feel that It Is
the duty of the republican polltlclana to
give me people ot tne state an opportunity
ly-uBd ine urn. laieni.. (Applause.)
Sentiments -of the W est.
(If late we have been hearlnc a rrest
aeai in tna east anout western sentiment,
the- demands of the west, Th cowboy
president la sometime aritldsed in the east
as naving imoinea loo much of this west
era sentiment In his early years, and when
we oegin to analyse the terms to find
what la meant by Western sentiment, the
demand or the west, and such like ohraaea
i nna mai u means tnoae ideas which for
thirty or forty years, and I do' not know
how many more, Mr. Rosewater- ha ad
vocated. It waa before my. day, but for
many years It' has found utterance in the
columns of The. Be. (Anrjlauae.l
111 eastern, statesman wenline ta mi(
himself n regard a western sentiment and
western Ideas and western aspirations, gt-ta
1)1 ideas from what Mr Roeewater has
wntts;i and apofcen.-.- Hia paper lias been
e representative of our typical weatern
eas. I do not with to SDeak disnarajrliwlv
of other papera in the west, but nearly
all of them have found, their Instruction
and financial aaalatnoe from Institutions
that had their headquarters in th east
and hav never correctly spoken "the Ideas
of the west. That ha found utterance in
Th Omaha Be alone. Not only ao, but
there Is not a statesman In th I'nitrd
State or national Influence that has not
sought th acquaintance of Mr. Rosewater,
In order to put himself In touch with
weatern ldeaa and weatern sentiment- I
have been with him In Washington, and
round mm better acquaited than the mem
bers of he senate there with the departmen
officials. I found there, that every man o
note, who I had heard of aa having great
Influence throughout ' the land "knew Mr.
Rosewater, and waa delighted to hear auch
doctrines from this representative western
man. In everything which the west par
ticularly needa, he la our natural and
logical representative. There has not been
any, movement calculated to uphold Ne
braska that he has not been In. in the In
septlon the Organisation and the application
of that work. The Ideas that ne has bean
advocatlDg for years have , today becoma
the accepted ldeaa of the nation. Hie
president Is Justly beloved for the work
that he nas been oolna to prevent th
growth of trusts and monopolies and to
secure the enforcement of law. and those
ldeaa have been advocated In The Bee since
I can -flrat remember that paper. Thoae
queatlona are not ended, and there always
romea up new queatlona In which the In
terests of different parts of this union are
not Identical.- In which the state of Ne
braska ahould be represented by a man of
ability, well enough known to command
respect forcible and combative enough to
demand a hearing and abW to represen
the Interest of thla aection. nr. Roaewater
in that reapect atanda alone.
Tar 1ST aad Other Iseaea.
In the matter of the tariff, the interest
of the people vt the west and the peopl
of the east are not in ail reapecta Identic
The making of a tariff ia a complicated
problem. The people of Nebraska ahouid
be represented when a tariff bill ta being
offered by a person who know the needs of
our people and the condition of Our atate,
and a man who la willing and able to tight
when the fight comes; who will assert him
self whenever It U right to assert himself,
who ha ability enough to make hlmat-lf
heard and who knows the facts so that
what he saya alwaya receives consideration.
We have no men In the east as such a tun
that we could rely upon with such Implicit
confidence a our friend, Mr. ftoaeaater.
(Loud applause.)
Another matter that ha ceme up. I
notice thst Mr. Goto per letters advising
igaulsed labor to go Into politics. At
present It looks aa though they were toying
with the leader of the democratlo party.
Any person who ha atudled the conditions
of th social and political conditions of the
I'nlted States must know that the laboring
mea cannot trust the democrat aa long a
th southern. democrat dominate (hat
party. Th laboring man In the south Is
disfranchised, Intimidated and coerced In all
his ilvlo rlghta As long aa the aouthern
congressmen aaj sens tors eaa be ejected to
these high office without receiving a single
vets from the laboring man, long as
thee men dominate the policy ef th deino
crt party, no matter what Utsy say or
how they tolk, tnev r unsafe for the
laboring man to aliy himself with. Mr.
Kealr is on personal, Intimate and
friendly relntlnna wlta all the leaders of
organised lobor in th Vnlted Statea. He
has ben a constant friend f Inbor and
thy all know it. There la not In the I'nlted
State eenai today a single man wh ewnuld
be a Influential In holding the organised
labor organisations ol tills country either
neutral or In harmony with the republican
party a Mr. Rosemater. (Applause.)
They say that Mr. r.oeewater la domi
neering. opintoiiHted. and will not brook
opposition. That things must go his way
or they do not go. I Imve never foiitu that
assertion to he Justified. No person, hoe -ever,
can ny that he ever ha an opinion
that Is not based tiiMin particular Informa
tion and long study. But, however thet
may be, humorous flights are very fre
quently closely connected with his RretoH
efforts. Lincoln stories that are some
times criticised were closely associated wMh
his bright humor, and curried him snfclv
through many trying times. Bob lugersnil
referred to C'onkling as being to Imperious
to stoop and too proud to do a wrong. In
these days who wants a man to represent
the state of Nebraska that receives his
opinions ready made and does the bidding
of any other man except aa he hears the
voice of the people of his state? (Applause
One of the most unpromising thinge of
the time is the ability manifested bv nieni
bera of congress and even of I'nlted States
senators who are seeking presidential fa
vors In following the dictates of the party
bosses or even of the president if the
occasion arose. I would expect Mr. Rose
water In the I'nlted R'atea senate to re
ceive counsel of any man who desired to
counsel with him. I would also expert him
to give his counsel tn any men who was
entitled to receive It. I know thst the
man doea not live who could make him do
otherwise than what he thought was right
and for that reason I would like to se4
him l nlted States senntor. (Applause.)
He stands prominent In this state In hi
familiarity with our conditions, in the labor
he has put In to upbuild Nebraska, In the
success he has achieved, In the manner In
w-hlch he has educated the people, so tbnt
the renin sis for him that are now coming
from throivhout thla atate Is the real and
natural result of the time ha has !,.., .
the people of this state for the last forty
years. When you have a man of that char
acter we do not need to criticise or belittle
other candidates, but na republicans wa
want to give to the people of this stats the
nest talent that It i nn.aihi. wn , k
find. (Apnlause.l
Other Speaker Wel Rerelred.
Mr. Cornish waa followed by Robert
Cowell, who gave a clear-cut statement of
tn origin and progress of the movement
In favor of Mr. Rose mater for sens In.
W. J. Connell urged that the Judgea of th
primary be Impressed with their duty to
tht every qualified voter ha a fair
opportunity for expressing his choice for
11 of the eighty-three delegates to be
elected. David Anderson of South Omaha
also made a feww well-received remark
and the meeting then fsolved Itself Into
a serle of report from the different ward
nd outlining of campaign work.
There will be a meeting of th Second
ward republicans In favor of Mr, Rose
water'a candidacy tonight at Nineteenth
and Vinton streets. Tenth ward rlends of
Mr. Rosewater will meet tonight at Met
hall on South Thirteenth street and Twelfth
ward friends of Mr. Rosewater will meet
at Idlewlld hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant
streets, Saturday evening.
Thunder Showers and Cooler fa So.
braska and South Dakota Todays
Fair Tomorrow. . ..
WASHINGTON. June '2 Forecast of
the weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Thun
der showers and cooler Friday; Saturday
For lowa Partly cloudy Friday, ahow-
era with cooler tn afternoon or night; Sat
urday fair in weat, ahowers and cooler in
central and eaat portions.
For Kansas Partly cloudy Friday.
showers snd cooler in afternoon or night;
naturaay ralr.
For Missouri Fair Friday; Saturday
showers, coolef. ' - ' '
For -Colorado Fair In west, ahowers
with cooler In east portion Friday; Bat
urday fair, warmer In eaat portion.
For Wyoming Showers Friday, warmer
In west portion! Saturday fair, warmer.
Leal Record.
OMAHA, June a. Offlclal record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
years: iso. i0B. 1804. lsos.
Maximum temperature .. 80 77 7 en
Minimum temperature ... 71 67 80 fjfl
Mean temperature ti 67 70 78
Precipitation 00 .08 .00 ' T
' Temperature and oreclDltatlon denarture
from the normal at Omaha alnoa March 1
ana comparison witn tne last two years:
Normal temperature
excess for the day
lMflclency alnce March 1
Normal precipitation
.. .It Inch
.. .It Inch
..12 M Inche
Uenolenoy fur the day
Precipitation alnce March 1.
Deficiency alnce March 1
1.73 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lftrsj. . . (.24 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, lao4... l.U inchaa
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State T
of Weather. 7
Rlsmarck. clear ....
. tn. Temp. fall.
84 .00
0 74 T
to ti .00
90 i .00
7 , 84 .00
M 62 .44
M 68 .02
70 M . ..1
84 88 .00
80 94 .00
84 M .00
74 82 .00
88 92 .00
8 M .00
M ft4 .3
90 2 .00
Cheyenne, cloudy
Chicago, clesr
Davenport, clear ,
ueriver, cloudy
Havre, cloudy
Helena, partly cloudy....
Huron, raining
Kansas City, clear
North Platte, clear
Omaha, cloudy
Rapid City, clear
St. IiOUla, clear
St. Paul, clear
Salt Lake City, cloudy...
Valentine, clear
"T indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
When tho family complains about the poor quality of tho tea, goat
make excuses Just try Tetlejr'a.
McCORD, BRADY & CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha.
F?7 J
cesses of men due to inheritance, exhaustion or the result
of specific diseases.
, licrthvestern Medical 5 Surgical Instituts
Northwest Comer 13th tod
Pure, Healthful, Refreshing
"The Queen of Tabic Waters"
Colored Van Cannot Be Conneoted with
Harder of Trtnk E. Wheeler.
labausrh Passes Sentence on Weight
ef Junior Yellow's Veraolty
When He Dismisses
" tho Case.
The. court officers of Douglas county
passed sentence on yellow Journalism
Thursday morning when Jame Dtggs, the
colored man charged with the murder, Feb
ruary 23. of Frank E". Wheeler, waa dis
missed for lack of evidence against him.
Boon after the arrest of Dlggs the junior
yellow, In a chsracterlstlo fake interview, and she waa paroled" to a bremlhenx meni
quoted Mrs. Wheeler, held with Diggs. as ber of the Woman's Christian Temperance
confessing Dlgga committed the deed. The
woman soon proved to the satisfaction of j
the authorities that the interview waa the
purest tissue of falsehoods and the matter
was then snd there dismissed at too trivial
to bother with in the real investigation ot
itis case.
County Attorney Slabaugh dismissed th
information against Diggs.' Failure to con
nect Dlggs with th crlm leave th stat
up In th air lor a theory, except for on
clue which I now being investigated.
County Attorney Slabaugh said h had
received a tip through a colored man that
the person who killed Wheeler was on of
th man who shot Banker Frank T, Clarke
while trying to hold him up on Chicago
street about two .weeks after the Wheeler
murder. Judge Slabaugh said he was In
vestigating the story of the colored man,
but he did not know whether there was
anything to It or not. He would not dis
cuss ths details of the story nor Indicate
who, if any .one, , was under suspicion.
, It was reported that, Harrison Clark, who
Is under sentence of death tor the murder
of Street Car Conductor Flury, had told
persons In the county Jail thst Clarence
Gathright, who Is serving a twenty-year
sentence for the Flury murder, wss guilty
of th Wheeler murder. County .Attorney
Slabaugh, however, denied that Clark was
his Informant. Clark alao denied to a re
porter that he had -any Information about
the Diggs case, -except that Dlggs, who
was Clark's cellmate at the Jail, had de
nied his guilt to Clark.
Details of Wheeler Case.
Wheeler was found dead on th night of
February-? on the Street near- Fourteenth
and Pacific streets. Suspicion wa directed j west of Chamberlain; Draper Is sxty-Jlvo
against Dlgga because It waa found he had j mile and Murdo-McKenxle ' seventy-five
been Intimate with Mrs. Wheeler, a white j miles. Town lots sold to the highest bid
woman, and that sh had furnishsd him der. Here Is the opportunity of youc life.
Money. At the time of his arrest It was These towns, are bound to growv W'rito
learned he wss about to go to South . Da- for plats of the towns and don't forget tho
kota to engage In business on money fur dates. All sale's" managed by the land de-
nlshed Mm by Mr. Wheeief.-.Wheeler car -
tied considerable life Insursnc and this
'act furnished further grounds for - sus
picion. Mra. Wheeler. Wis held at the city
Jail for several days, but was finally dis
charged, no evidence having been, found to
implicate her.
. The Clarke shooting took place a day or
jo before the Flury murder and one theory
held by the police, waa that the two Jobs
wer done by the earn persons.
Shortly after the arrest of Diggs and Mrs.
Wheeler the Junior yellow published one of
Its fake Interview, ..with' Mr- Wheeler In
which it was ".claimed she confessed ths
guilt of Dlggs. The story wa denied by
Mrs. Wheeler and . was discredited by all
th officials who had anything to do with
th ce. From th time of their arrest
both Mrs. Wheeler, and Dlggs have "stood
pat" and refuged to admit they knew any
thing about the crime.
Man Charted with Holdups Arraigned
4 Denies It All.
George W, Lawrence, who Is charged
with being one of th two men who held
up drug stores, pedestrians and street cars
In th west part of th city on th night of
June 14, waa arraigned on an information
charging him with the robbery of R. L
Tlnkham'a drug store and with shooting
Mr. Tlnkham with intent to kill. Lawreno
entered a plea of not guilty and hia case
will b heard Friday morning.
Albert Hudnall, who' waa found hiding
under the bed In which Miss Hslen Rosses
waa sleeping at her homo la the southeast
We art specialists for diase of
men and men only. The most stubborn
and complicated c&Bes yild quickly to
our scientific treatment
Pay Uo for Curoo
We cure Nenrwu Debility, Vital
Weakness, Enlarged Veins, Rupture,
Sores and Blood Poison, Swollen
Q lands, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal
Diseases, and all diseases and weak-
Tifuua 8ts. ' OmahA, Neb.
I part of the city., pleaded guilty to a charge
of assault and battery and waa sentenced.'
to ninety days In the county. Jal by Judgo
Sutton, H was cha-t-e l - wlthr. Intent to,
commit a mor aerlous crime, but videncn.
was not atiffleient to warrant placing hint
on trial. Mlsi Roesen . hrard. tUnv under
the bed and acreamed. Her father cam
into the room and Hudnall Jumped out of,
th window. He wa recognised and lte;
arrested. 1 " ' '
Two sentences, ode of thirty days and thr
other one day, were awau!crl pH lUrrf
Shaw, who pleaded guilty . bcTnra Judi
Sutton of two charges of' pef.J- lareenjrs
Burglary waa the ebsege against, ilm, but
the ststs was Xinsbje to prov th serlnu,
offens and County Attorney Staba'ugh ac
cepted plea to petty tarceny.: . ' .
The case against Jennie' Hughe, charged,
with larceny from the perwon; of George
Rlair, has been illstftumed. Ttlalr having;
disappeared. An attemrit' was made after
her arrest to Induce Miss Hughe to reform
union, th refused to give' uat'her old sr
soclates and wa sent back to' Jail: Since
then the police bav bn trying te locate
Blair, but hav railed.
Store aad Postoftlc at Mtrea,
FRANKLIN. Neb., June . (Special
Telegram.) The general store -helonglnf
to W.- J. Phepard at Mgeon,-ib", eight
mllea north ef this place wa buroed at an
early hour thl morning. Both bulldlngr
and atock of goods Ms a total loss. Too
postoffloe waa located in thls building and
all mall matter was lot1 A kerosene lamp
exploded last night tn the store aod they
thought they had the lire put, out,,' Jut tt
aeema they overlooked some place that
waa burning alowly and when fir was -die-covered
thla morning It .was ,unde,r suoji
headway that It -was not, .possible 10 &va a
thing. There was' small Insurancfeion both
atock and building. 44: -J
Girls', Dormitory' I Si Tennessee.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn., June .-The glrla
dormitory pf Knox County Industrial
school. Just beyopd th fltvy lrJH,Sws
totally destroyed by fire' today. - Plftyweigltt
girls sleeping In tb building escaped. with
out injury.
1 ,
At Vivian. Draper and MurdoOfcKta
I July 11 aad IS.
, Three new towns opened up by th Blspsx
Hills extension of the Chicago, Mil w eke
ds Bt. Paul railway In Lyman county.
South Dakota. Vivian Is fifty-two miles
1 partment of the-. Chics, Milwaukee 4k
St. Paul railway. C. A. PADLET,
General Land Agent," Milwaukee, Wis.
Th trousers of your summer
ult have a long Journey ahead of
them before their fall retirement
' It you want to be assured that
they will finish the season In jood.
lhap you should relay them with
a couple of extra pair of trotisers.
' UacCartby-Wt1dn " made-for-you
extra trousers-f-S3 to 810.
'Phone Poiiflaa JtQg. .
04-10 4 8. llth 8t. ' V.
Next oor to the' Wabaah Ticket
office. , 1 .
"fUW THS f pkO,"
8 OLD. y
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or ad'dr
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