Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Bwais to Hs, Ministry Responsible to
People's BepreientatiTes.
Spread of RYolutionry Ideas in Army
' Opens His lyes.
Cliief of EsMtioniriei 8ayi it U Only Way
to Save tbs Throne.
Revlag 'Bend Force Workers to
Lea to Fields aad Domestic Ser- .
wants to Leave Homes of
01 T. . , .
palgn which the oppositional element,
Nicholas to dismiss the Qoremyfcln csblnet
and accept the principle of a responsible
ministry promises to be successful soon.
But the emperor and the court are being1
frightened Into surrender by the alarming
spread of revolutionary Ideas among the
troops. When tr.o Preobrasjnaaky regiment,
Ms majesty's own. pronounced its solidarity
with Parliament at Krasnoe-Belo lass than
a dosen miles from the Peterhof. the em
peror's eyea opened and the court began to
realise that there was only a step from that
to declaring aJlegience to Parliament as
against the government. Even the former
procurator general of the holy synod. M.
PobedonostsefT. who today, celebrated the
sixtieth jubilee Of Ms entrance Into the
service of the state and who has been much
at Peterhof recently. Is said to have re
versed the position of a lifetime and to have
advised the emperor to yield to the demand
for a responsible ministry as the only means
of preserving the throne.
Fear of Public Opto Ion.
The governments sudden fear of affront
ing public opinion after finding the army
Infected with the revolutionary propaganda
Is shown In the hurried grant of a new
trial to seven men condemned to death at
Riga, the acquittal of six others and the
commutation of death sentences Imposed
on three murderers of the foreman of th,
Putllpff iron works.
The news from the provinces show that
general anarchy Is growing. In Altarak
and Tea ride provinces, the peasants are
tjanaoning the neias ana in niia province
T.nK bands are marching through the
country'., .dredging In their wake not only
'the workers from the fields, but the do
mestic - servants of the gentry- In the
Baltic provinces the governor general has
again granted the land owners permission
to organise armed patrols.
The only conservative group In the lower
house of Parliament, which Is headed by
Count Heyden. has at last bowed before the
' storm t "radicalism and declared In favor
of practically the whole of the constitu
tional democrats' agrarian program. In
cluding the expropriation of state, church,
crown r.nd private lands.
Government's Land Scheme. -The
agcartan scheme, drawn for the gov
ernment by M. Btlchlnsky, minister of
agriculture, Is now completed, but has not
been finally approved. It still rejects the
principle of expropriation, but contains
enormous concessions from the program
announced by Premier Goremykin thrra
weeks ago, by providing for the distribution
of all lands belonging to the state' in
European Russia, but neither the crown
lands, belonging to the emperor nor the
lands belonging to members of the Imperial
family or the church are included in It.
Besides, it contains the original features
providing for the distribution of the lands
of private holders, which would be sold
through the peasant banks, a. d the coloni
sation of peasants, etc. Such a sc'.ieme
proposed at the opening of Parliament
might have helped to stem the tide, but
wrung from the government. It comes too
Many Attacks on Cabinet.
Parliament seems practically to have
abandoned Its attempt to frama legislation.
Its whole energy Is' directed' to attacking
the government by the medium of Inter- i
pellatlon, for the double purpose of
strengthening Ita authority with the masses
and ousting the ministry. Today the pre
sentation of the Blalystok report was again
postponed. The Interpellations began with
a demand to know why the government
prohibited the proposed meeting of the
Peasant's league at St. Petersburg while,
permitting that of the nobles, and also
why members of the Peasant's league, ar
rested st Ioscow months ago, have not
Wen released.
Jasaraare Company Representatives
try to Separate Flro Damage
from Earthaaake Loss.
SAN FRANCISCO, June The first
step was tsken yesterday by the insurance
companies to adjust the losses of big bank
ing corporations and estate by the fire In
this city. Loss committees were appointed
by the companies at the instance of the
committee of flpeen. the executive body
Of the fire underwriters, which urged re
ports be msde as soon ss possible. These
committees will consider and report all I
the facts necessary for a prompt and full
consideration of the sound value of the
properties before the fire, the earthquake
damage, if any. the loss by fire and all
othef factors that count In determining
what aums are due to the Important finan
cial Interests represented In these In
stances. The financial center of the city is thus
reached by the Insurance companies.
Standard Oil Company Stops SelllaaT
tho Klad Ised la Aatemeblle
CLEVELAND. June a.-The Standard
Oil company today sent oat circulars noti
fying all of lis customers that high gratis
gasoline, testing from Tt to 1 degrees, haa
been withdrawn from the market. Tha
action Is taken aa a result of the enormous
demand for the product and the Inability
of tha Standard Oil company to supply tha
same. The high grade gasoline is used
ajvinet exclusively In operating automo
biles, naphtha launches, etc. It ia stated
that gas engines generally can be altered
aa at to ptrmlt ttt use of ths common or
stove gasoline as fuel.
Tha Standard company reduced tha atll
ttag arte of eocene, refined ell, (rota Vht9
Pt . - -
Hansen at Kaasas City. Kansas, Mar
Be Demolished If Ised r
KANSAS CITY, June M. The anM-slon
crusade at Kansas City, Kan., was re
newed today with Increased vigor. In
addition to destroying stocks of liquor and
bar fixtures, C. W. Trickett, the assistant
attorney general appointed by Governor
Horn to enforce the prohibition law, today
threatened to demolish saloon building If
the owners persisted In renting their place
to Joint keepers. Many of these building
are owyied by the brewing companies.
Today Attorney General Trlrkett began
I sending out warnings to property owners.
"This Is to notify you," reads the wsrn
Ing. "that If you permit said premises to
be again used for the sale of Intoxicating
liquors so as to make necessary the Is
suance of a second writ of shatement, I
shell order ' the premises sufficiently de
molished, so that no third trip will be
necessary, and, In addition, will cite you
for contempt of court In aiding and as
sisting In violating the order of the court."
There are about 10ft saloons In Kansaa
City. Kan., about fifty of which have been
these had been seised by the county
mX up t0 to(,ay A of th
Vrty wss destroyed yesterday, and
Sjhe officials continued to spill liquor
a r 'til up costly bars, tables and other
fu already brought In and to search
forv re.
Deep, e warnings of Attorney General
Trickett many of - the Saloons remained
open today. The costly bar fixtures owned
by the breweries were removed In many
Instances to the Missouri side for safety
and the Joint keepera continued to run
their places with cheep furniture or none
at all. Several Joint keepers contented
themselves by selling bottled goods only,
using tubs for refrigerators.
George Warren Smith. Srbllts and
Omaha Warehonae Prepare
for Construction.
A two-story brick building, Mxllt feet,
is to be erected by George Warren Smith t
140S-1410-1412 Harney streets, the site of
the old Omaha's Crockery company's build
ing, which Is being torn down. Ruther
ford A Jensen, paper hangers, will have
the west forty-four feet of both floors and
J. J. Hanlghen, plumber, the east twenty
two feet. The building Is to be completed
by September 1.
The Schllta Brewing company has de
elded to erect a building to take the plate
of the Ooos hotel, which is on the site of
the Northwestern's recently bought depot
terminals and will have to be torn down.
The hotel will be allowed to stand until
late in the fall and by that time the
company hopes to have another building
completed. It Is understood that the aite
has been selected, but It has not been
made public The Schllts people leased
the Ooos for hotel purposes and kept the
barroom for themselves, and It Is said tlio
new building Is to be operated In like
manner. . '
-'The- Omaha ' Warehouse"1 company" has
broken ground for a large addition to Its
building at Sixth and Jonea street, and
will begin the work of construction at
once. The building Will be brick, 66x132
feet, and will be one story In height,
though the foundation and walls will be
made strong enough to carry three
Services Will Be Held In Federal
Court Rooms by Attorneys
and Judge ..
Formal proceedings were taken In tha
United States courts Thursday morning In
memory of the late James M. Wooiworth
by the members of the bar of Omaha
practicing before the federal courts.'
The formal announcement of the dis
tinguished lawyer's death was made ly
Judge W. D. McHugh, who moved that of
ficial cognliapce be taken by the federal
courts of the Nebraska district and that a
committee be appointed by the court, con
sisting of members of the bar, to prepare
and present to the court a memorial of
the life and services of Mr. Wooiworth.
Judge Murjrer thereupon appointed this
committee to have charge of the proceed
ings: John I Webster, chairman; Judge
Eleaser Wakeley, George W. Doane,
Richard S. Hall. Charles J. Greene, Will
iam F. Ourley, William D. McHugh, Alvin
F. Johnson, Omaha; Frank N. Hall,
Lincoln; John M. Reagan,1 Hastlnga, and
R. C. Calkins. Kearney.
Saturday July 7. at 10 a: m.. wss fixed
as the time for the memorial services. The
services will be held In the federal court
room, Omaha, at which time and place tho
committee will submit Its report and the
services be conducted.
Judge Muhger bss Invited the Judges of
the state court to sit with him on this
Manger. Goaa and Waraor Catrh Big
String, bnt They All Get
Judge Munger. District Attorney (joes
and I'nlted (states Marshal Warner have re
turned from a fishing expedition to Dakota
City and all of them have good fish stories
to tell but Marshal Warner.
Mr. Warner was the viceroy of the party
and particularly Impressed upon the fisher
men the precaution against losing fish. It
was something he had never done. Tha
trio had caught a fine atrlng of fish and,
knowing of Mr. Warner's extreme cau
tion, put him In charge of 'the catch. The
atrlng d d not seem to keep tally with the
quantity of fish caught, and when an ac
counting was Anally hnd not a flsh could
be found on the string. The hold at the
i bottom of the string had become loose and
the whole catch, gently slid back into the
Member of Weaker Sea, Albert
Kartermala Says, Is What
Caased Hla Downfall.
Albert Kartermaln was taken into cus
tody Thursday morrflng at the Burlington
station by Detectives Ferris and Dunn and
charged at the city Jail with being a fugi
tive from Justice. Kartermaln has been
charged with passing a 1J0O worthless i
check at Cedar Rapids, la., where the
check was returned from an Omaha bans,
unpaid. Kartermaln has consented to re
turn to Cedar Rapids for trial. The pris
oner said a woman was at the bottom of troublaa. Kartermaln has been travel
ing for an Oaaaaa bouse uadar tb msm
of iwlIX
Blaycr of Stanford Whit Promptly Indicted
by Grand Jury,
Mrs. Tksw Appears la Jary Room,
at Is Eseased from Testi
fying at Her Own
NEW TORK, June W.-Harry Kendall
Thaw was Indicted today for murder In the
first degree for the killing of Stanford
White on the Madison Square roof garden.
Hta wife, Evelyn Neabltt Thaw, appeared as
a witness before the grand Jury, but was
excused from giving testimony by As
sistant District Attorney Oarvan and by
the Jurors, who did not insist that she
should answer questions. Thaw will plead
to the Indictment tomorrow in the court.
No time will be set for the trial until Dis
trict Attorney Jerome returns to the city
next week. In the meantime witnesses
have been summoned to appear In John
Doe proceedings at the district attorney's
The grand Jury's consideration of the
case followed an Inquest , before the cor
oner's Jury, which heard the testimony
of several eye witnesses and rendered a
formal verdict that White's death had been
caused by Thaw. The latter calmly listened
to the testimony and while the Jury was
out he chatted with his counsel and a po
liceman sitting near, laughing aloud at one
stage of the conversation. When the Jury
hsd completed its verdict Thaw was re
committed to the Tombs without bail.
Mrs. Thaw, following her appearance be
fore the grand Jury, crossed the bridge of
sighs and entered the city prison to see her
husband. They talked together for a long
while. When Mrs. Thaw attempted to leave
she found her way blocked by the largest
crowd, the police say, thst haa ever slath
ered about the structure. She was virtually
held a prisoner by the Inquisitive throng for
thirty minutes, when, police reserves man
aged to clear a way for her.
Stanford White's body was burled today
with simple ceremonies at St. James, L. I.,
where he had a summer home. The services
were held In the St. James Episcopal
church snd the Interment was In the
church yard.
In the opinion of the physician who per
formed the autopsy on White's body, the
life of the architect was shortened not more
than two year's by the bullets from Thaw's
pistol. He was found to be suffering from
Brlght's disease, from Incipient tubercu
losis and from fatty degeneration of the
Thaw sent a message from the Tombs to
Anthony Comstock, president of the society
for the suppression of Vice, saying he had
received a letter which It would pay Mr.
Comstock to Investigate. An agent of the
society called upon Thaw this afternoon.
but was not admitted. It was said that
either the agent or Mr.' Comstock himself
may see Thaw tomorrow.
Mrs. Thaw's appearance before the grand
Jury had been looked forward to with
conatderehble Interest, and It was thought
she might possibly throw some additional
light upn the tragedy. When she requested
to be excused the Jury took the view that
for the purpose of an Indictment her evi
dence was not necessary.
Miss May McKenzie, the actress friend of
Mrs. Thaw,, was not sworn as a witness,
She and a number of others have been
subpoenaed in the John Doe proceedings
which are to be conducted by the district
attorney's office. j
F.astern Conneetlons Threaten
Trouble Brcanae It Favors
Kansas City Shippers.
KANSAS CITT, June H -The Journal to
day says that because the Milwaukee and
St. Paul has refused to cancel the only
cpncesslon Kansas City shippers have been
able to aave from the wrecked rate atruc
ture pulled down by the rebate cases, the
eastern connections of that line no
threaten to withdraw all through tariffs
published In connection , with It. applying
to any western points reached wholly or in
part by the Milwaukee and St. Paul's rail
road. While this presents a serious
situation, the executive traffic officials of
the St. Paul have so far been Arm In their
refusal to accede to the demand made
upon them by their connections, although
In this position they are without any con
slderable support from the other western
The Wabash, which was chosen recently
by the shippers of St. Joseph and Omana
to receive their massed tonnage west
bound. Is affording an Indirect support
of the Milwaukee and St. Paul's contention
by insisting upon the maintenance through
lake . Erie ports of the practice to which
the eastern roads have complained as ap
plied through Chicago.
Local officials of the Milwaukee say
they know of no concessions the people of
Kansas City have from the Milwaukee
which other roads do not give ex ept the
absorption of the marine insurance, which
the Milwaukee was first to announce.
When the atrife was on for the grain
business from the Missouri river the Mil
waukee road announced that it would ab
sorb the marine insurance, which has had
a tendency to divert considerable buriness
from tha all-rail route to the lake and
railway and this probably Is what the
eastern roads are complaining of.
Method of Procedare la
WASHINGTON. June . A conference
was held at the Whit House this afternoon
in wMfh Attorney General Moodv As. !
...,.. Attorney General Purdv. Messrs I
Kellogg and Morrison, special counsel In
the case connected with the investigation
of Standard Oil affairs, psrticlpated with
ths president. The anti-trust phase of the
question was under discussion. It was
said thst this question was atlll In tha
course of Investigation and no conclusion
has yet been arrived at.
Body of David H. Welmer Foaad aa
tha Track at Baad Statlaa.
HELENA. Mont.. June (8peclel Tele,
gram David H. Welmer. an 11-year-old
Omaha boy, was killed by an Oregon hor
Line freight train near Bond station.' Hat
body wss found by the engineer of a f re Iff
train. It waa frightfully mangled. Tr
coroner will hold an Inquest tomorrow. Tht
hoy waa In Dillon the day before looking
for work. Hla parauU bar been artiOed.
All Kit
warded by Victory for
NEW TORK. June St After fighting
against death for more than twenty-two
hours Jeremiah Fisher, a plumber, was res
cued alive today from a sand pit at Tomp-
klnsvllle. Staten Island, In which he had
been Imprisoned since' 11 o'clock yesterday
forenoon. The rescued men ts In a pitiable
condition from exhaustion, however, and' It
Is not at all certain that he will survive
the effects of hla frightful ordeal.
Fisher was working In in excavation
when a passing steamer loosened the earth
around the hole and Sent an avalanche of
sand pouring down on him. Before he
could scramble out of Its way the sand had
sifted In around hla legs and held him as
firmly as In a vise, and gradually rising
until only his head was visible.
For hours a targe force of rescuers
worked with frantic haste In an effort to
save the Imprisoned man, but the shifting
sand surged back and renewed Its grip
upon the prisoner almost as fast as they
could remove It. When the rescuers began
to abandon hope of getting Fisher out alive
they reluctsntly decided to notify his fam
ily of his predicament and the wife, mother
snd brother were witnesses of the all night
fight for life which followed. Hundreds of
persons from various parts of the Island
had flocked to the scene and many of them
remained throughout the night. An ambu
lance with physicians and nurses also stood
by In constant readiness to render any aid
they could, and two clergymen who had
been summoned awaited the call to admin
ister the last rites should the .task of the
rescuers prove unavailing. All through the
night the rescuers labored Under the glare
of torches and when daylight came they
had succeeded In uncovering the Imprisoned
man's body as far down as the hips. Then
ropes were attached under Fisher's arms,
but the combined strength of twenty men
failed even to move the imprisoned man an"
InVh. Fisher then was unconscious and the
physicians who had been watching his con
dition declared that there remained only
the faintest hope of his surviving much
longer. The rescuers stuck to their task,
however, and hours later when the last
obstacle was removed and the senseless
form of Fisher wss drawn from the Stirling
hole a spark 'of life still lingered. His con
dition wss extremely critical, but the phy
sicians said that he might recover.
Addrese to Americana Adopted and
Plan for Clah firgnnlaatloa
la Cantfnaed. N
ST. LOUIS. Juno 31. The national com
mittee of the people's party assembled here
yesterday In annual conference upon the
call of Chairman James H, Ferrlss of Jollet,
111., concluded its labors today and ad
journed sine die.
The work accompli! lied consisted prin
cipally In the adoptloi of a resolution In
troduced by II. J. Mul n of Tennessee pro
viding that the people' psrty Jiesfplly agree
In the work being pelrrvmcd by the con
ference provisional coj nltfee for the pur
pose of the concent radius ana centralising
of the reform organisations of the country
Into an Integral part of the people's psrty
the adoption oC a general address to the
American people setting forth 'the doctrines
and principles of the party; the authoriza
tion of Colonel H. L. Bentley of Texas to
continue the work he has Individually pur
sued for sixteen years of organizing peo
ple's psrty county clubs throughout the
I'nlted Ststes; election of him as president
of the people's party club organization and
appointment of a committee to raise 4.noO
annually to defray the expense incurred
in the club federation movement; the au
thorization of a movement to establish a
party publication organ as soon as condi
tions Justify, and a multitude of resolutions
discussing and expounding the doctrines
and basic principles of the national party.
Eleven Cars Blown from Track by
Wind aad Japanese Are.
CHEYENNE. Wyo, June 2R.-Hlgh wind
early today blew over a train of eleven
coaches at Weir, a small station east of
Cheyenne. The cars were used as quarters
for Japanese laborers and were on a siding
at the time of the accident. Twenty la
borers were Injured, seven seriously.
The wind also blew down about a mile of
telegraph poles and did other damage.
Woman's Clah Finishes Work.
MITCHELL, S. D.. June 8.-Speclal Tel
egram.) At the noon hour today the South
Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs con
cluded Its session and adjourned after
transacting business and electing the new
officers at the close. The location of the
next convention was left to the executive
committee. The Harvard plan for enter
taining delegates waa adopted by the con
vention. The following are the new officers elected:
President, Stella Marie Stutenroth. Water
town; vice preaident, Mrs. H. H. Hendricks,
Sioux Falls; recording secretary. Mrs. Fan
nie Freyburg, Mitchell; corresponding
secretary. Mrs. Ludla B. Johnsona Fort
Pierre; treasurer, Miss Kate C. Saunders,
Mllbank; auditor, Mrs. George Longstaff.
Huron; east division correspondent. Mrs.
Jennie Crisman. Redfleld; west division
i correspondent. Mrs. James Halley, Rapid
jClty; general federation secretary, Mrs.
! Annie Lurrtley. Pierre.
Big Day for Mnceabeea.
YANKTON. 8. D., June 3. -v(8peclal. )
The biggest day local Maccabees ever par
ticipated In was pulled off here yesterday
and members of the Knights and Ladles
of the Maccabees from all over this sec
tion, from as far away as Mitchell, were
here to greet Supreme Commander D. . P.
Markey of Port Huron and Mis. Llllie M.
Holllater. supreme commander of the
afternoon reception st Odd Felloes hall
and addresses by the visitors at the opera
bouse were the main features, there being
a crush at each gathering.
Editor In Critical rendition.
8TI RG18. 8. D.. June 1 Specia 1 Tele
gram.) Charles C. Moody, editor and pro
prietor of the Sturgla Record, who haa
been confined to h'.s bed for the last two
weeks, has for the past four days been
unconscious and unable to take nourish
ment of any kind. He Is gradually sinking.
His physicians fear thst his heart action
will fall before any change for the better
can tske piece.
Camped Coavlrt garreaders.
BASIN. Wyo.. June tt. (SpecUU John
Mattox, claiming to be an rat sped convict
from the Kansas state penitentiary, gave
himself up to Sheriff Fenton hers a few
days ago. Mattox said be was tired of
being chssed by sleuths. Ma'tox waa taken
to Billings. Mont., sod Losrs turned over
U Uio Kansaa ahartft,
Cam pain Committee and Delegation Can
didate Gather for Conference.
Raldrlge, Cornish, towel! and Others
Express Sentiments aad Are
Cheered by Assemblage Can
didate Glvea an OTatlon.
. Members of the delegation and the gen
eral campaign committee In the Interest of
Edward Rosewater for t'nlted States sen
ulor packed the big hall in The Pee build
ing laat night. Mr. Rosewater met with
them for the first time and his appearance
was the signal for an outburst of prolonged
applause, emphasising the welcome ex
tended to him on his return from abroad,
where he had been attending the Interna
tional Postal congress at Rome as delegate
for the United States. Hon. Howard H.
Raldrlge prt-slded and Introduced Mr. Rose
water In a few fitting words, among other
things saying:
I am very sure you will be very much
pleased to greet Mr. Rosewater tonight.
Some fen' months sgo he left us at the
call of the government to go abroad as
the representative of this country to the
postal congress held st Rome. It wss a
very distinguished honor to have been con
ferred upon him. He has come home to
receive even more distinguished honors.
For, after all. In his heart of hearts he
must treasure what the people of this
state have done In his rsndtdnry, In their
deelre to honor him. more than any com
mission he may have received from the
hands of the president. There hsve been
times In the past when there have been
some dlfferencea of opinion ss to who
should represent the great atste of Nebrsska
In the I nlted States senate, but It scms
to me thst the Impetus which his canvas
has received has been so great that It
looks as If the sentiment were almost
unanimous that Mr. Rosewater ought to
be our next senator. (Applause.)
It does srm to me that these years of
trouble, these, years of work, these years
of toll for the upbuilding of the great stste
of Nebraska are In some degree to, bring
their reward to him. He haa labored for
the state a great many years. He repre
sents. In my Judgment, more then any
other man In this state, the sentiment of
the great people of Nebrasks on the great
public, questions, and that of all men In
this state we may best call him the "Trib
une of the people." (Applause.)
I, with you. am very glad to welcome
him Into this fight, and ss I read some
time ago of the great 0nersl Conde, when
asked by his officers and men where they
should fight In the battle, said "Follow
the white plume; where It goes, It will lead
to victory." Bo 1 feel In this fight. We
may have some diversity of opinion, but
If we follow hla lead It will bring victory.
Mr. Rosewater'a Response.''
Mr. Rosewater responded amid rousing
applause, speaking as follows:
Mr. Chairman, Fellow Republicans and
Neighbors: it will be a week tomorrow
that the steamer on which 1 was embarked
for home reached the confines of this great
country, and as we stesmed up towards
Sandy Hook, the crowd of psssengers as
sembled on the decks, and presently we
were in sight of Dreamland, on Coney
Island. The structures are all of that c!a
of palatial and fantastic, muuti like the
white cities of 8t. Ixuils, Chicago and
Omaha. The place was magnificently illuminated.-
It was startling, almost, as
from out of the. main - deck with its 7;o
emigrants came to our ears the word
"Americi." That wsa America for 'them.
They felt In mat one word the acstacy nf
coming tat -promised land. And so,
turning from all the great cities ana capi
tals ot Europe, from the various countries
watered by the Rhine, the Tiber, the
Seine, the Kibe, the Tonga. I still felt that
great Impulse, America, the land of the
free and the land of liberty and equality
and the land of opportunity for every man
to better his condition. (Applause.)
No matter what enjoyment 1 might have
had abroad, this Idea came through my
brain, that it was the happiest thing to
come back among the people whom 1 iiad
left and with whom I am Identified for
better or for worse.
1 was very much surprised and gratified
at the cordial reception the announcement
of my candidacy had received from the
state press. We have had so many fierce
contests in years gone by. covering a third
of a century, so much ha 1 been done to
misrepresent my views and misquote me
and misrepresent everything that I did or
attempted to do that It was a great treat
for nie to read the almost unanimous com
mendation my candidacy received. So far
aa I am concerned, I have always wanted
to know how It will be when I am gone. I
left my boys In charge of the establishment
to see whether they could conduct the paper
that I had founded as well, or fairly as
well, to the satisfaction of the public. I
felt that the labor of a lifetime should not
be lost. I also had wondered what might
be said when I am gone by people who have
known me, and what has been said by the
state pres I appreciate more than I would
If I had the commission of senator right
here On this table, because the senatorshlp
will neither raise me In my stature nor In
the estimation of the people after all. In
fact, it may have the reverse effeot, for
no public man can possibly satisfy every
body any more than can an editor.
I have come here, however, to find this
community apparently in earnest to be
represented by me in the unner house of
the national legislature, end I feel that, my
strength permitting. I will be willing to
assume that task, and I am willing to work
with ray friends to that end. But as I
have stated before. I say here now. I would
not want to be senator unless I am wanted
to be senator by the people of my county
and of my state. (Applauee.)
Willing to Trnat the Peniile.
Six years sgo I submitted my name to
the voters of this state, and I distinctly
announced that I would not be a candidate
unless they, by a majority at least of the
republicans In our own county, would so
express their preference. Hod I been here
before this I allot was arranged and agreed
on, I would have been glad to hsve had my
imr.e placed upon that lallot, to be voled
for. no natter who the opponent might have
been, the decision of a majority of the re
publican party of my county and state to
1 trust the work you have begun will end
In good results, but If It should not, I still
will feel grateful to every one of you. 1
appreciate your friendship and good will,
and 1 shall always remember those who
stood by me. and everybody that has known
me for the past thirty years knows thst I
have never championed a cause that I have
deserted nor dtserted a friend in need, and
that I would rather fall with a friend than
succeed agatrixt him. (Applause.)
This campaign Is to be pretty Hhnrt, and
probably short and decisive. It Is sll a
question of getting out the voters. The
confusion f the ballots may cause some
people to feel dissatisfied but the work
will be to get the pmiple to the polls. I do
not believe that any man from Omaha has
a ghost of a chance for senator unless lie
comes substantially backed by the delega
tion from Douglas county. We cannot go
and ask for the highest position within ths
gift of the people without coming In harmony-for
the candidate whom the republi
cans of Douglas county desire to place In
that position. If w corns there with a
fight we might as well stay out altogether.
It Is for you. personally and collectively,
to carry out whatever campaign you have
started on. It is not best for nm at tills
late date to formulate any new plan. All
I can say Is. t:iat we should have an or
ganised effort In each precinct to bring out
the vote, and to explain to the Individual
vrter the care he must take In making his
marks so that he gets the cross right oppo
site Hi and not any more or any less.
I thank you for your hearty and cordial
reception and am at ycur disposal during
thia campaign and will be with you every
day from now on until the ballots are ail
cast and counted. (Applause.)
Tarnish aa the Sltaatloa.
At the conclusion of Mr. Rosewater s re
marks Chatm.aii Laldrlge called on Hon.
E. J. Cornish, who was also greeted In a
most demonstrative manner and whose
words were received with frequent punctu
ations of apprjval.
Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans:
I do not know f sny person In the state
of Nebrasks mho would nut want to send
Mr. Rosenster to the senate, exiept tlione
a ho fear that might -be the end of their
polUW-al career. I Applause.)
It must be a pleasure to Mr. Roeawatar
lOoalliMied Becoaa PI
Saturday Fair.
Temnrratare at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Pes. Hoar." Ds.
K a. m 7.1 1 p. at ST
a. m T I p. m
T a. m TH 8 p. m
a. m T7 4 p. m On
B a. m HO II p. m i
10) a. m...... aa H p. m ST
It a. m SV4 T B. m 4
IS m SH An. sn SUI
p. m M
l nlted States Marshal Langhs at Silly
Story Sprang; by World
Herald. i
I'nited States Marshal William P. War
ner said last night he was much amused
at the Item under a Lincoln date sprung
with a scare head In the World-Herald a
evening edition of Thursday, saying he
was to come out as a successor to the
Millard support for Cnlted States senator.
"I have no thought of becoming a sena
torial candidate," said Mr. Warner. "My
political ambitions take a different turn."
The absurdity of the story Is shown by
the fact that Cedar county Instructed Ita
delegates to the state convention for Ed
ward Rosewater. and expects to Instruct
Its delegates to the congressional conven
tion of the Third district for Warner. Mr.
.Warner said he had been busy all evening
denying the rerort.
riatform Endorsing Bryan and De
claring for Anti-Monopoly la
Passed hy Convention.
MILWAUKEE. June 28 The democratic
platform, aa prepared by the committee on
resolutions after an all night session, and
presented to the convention aa a whole
today for ratification, strongly endorses
William J. Bryan as the democratic, can
didate for president In 190g. Among other
things, the platform demanda enforcement
of the statutes against all trusts, com
binations and monopolies; favora revision
of the present tariff; the election of
I'nlted States senators by direct vote and
government control and regulstlon of all
public service corporations. On slate mat
ters the report favora a law conferring
upon municipalities power to regulate pub
lic service corporations; favors t cents per
mile maximum passenger rate; taxation on
the ad valorem basis and amendmenta to
the primary election law.
Bank Teller Says the Deposed Leader
Owes Nearly Half Million
k CHICAGO, June 28. In tha hearing of
the Dowle case before Judge Landla In the
federal court E. E. Harwood. teller In the
Zlon city bank, was called aa a witness.
He testified that the books of the bank
show that Dowie'a account in the bank Is
overdrawn to the amount of 1481.137. He
a1d that slnre vm Dowle had -drana money
from the bank at the rate of IM.OOO a year.
From the nature of the checka, Mr. Har
wood said. It appeared that this money
had been used by Dowle for personal ex
He produced further figures purporting
to show that the overdrafts of the various
Zlon city Industries since 1399 amount to
Judge . Indls continued the hearing for
a week because of other cases pending.
Governor of Kansas Wonld Have De
natured Alrohol Made by
State Convicts.
TOPEKA, Kan., June . Governor B. W.
Hoch la In favor of the establishment of a
state denatured alcohol distillery In
Kansas. "Such a distillery," said the gov
ernor last night, "would furnish means
for employing a large number of convicts.
and the courts could not declare the law
Invalid on the grounds set up against the
state oil refinery measure. Thla law would
have the same effect that waa expected of
the oil refinery measure, in that It would
reduce the price ot light and fuel to tha
In Ita fight against the Standard OH com
pany the last Kansaa legislature passed a
bill providing for the establishment of a
state oil refinery to be operated by con
vlcta. The court declared the measure un
Seaator Tillman Aaala Refuses ta
Attach Slgnntnre to t onipro
mlse Agreed I'poa.
WASHINGTON. June 28. The confer,
ees on the railroad rate bill formulated
their third report today nnd It will bo
signed by Senators Elklns and Cullom and
the three house conferees, rlenator Tillman
again withholding his signature. The Mo
Iauren commodity amendment was mads
to apply to "railroad companies," the word
"companies" having been added to the pre
vloua agreement which changed the appli
cation from "common carriers" to "rail
roads" In order to exempt pipe lines.
The pass agreement was based on the
provision of the senate bill, but two or
three of the exemptions were stricken
Assessor Makes Grewsome Discovery
on His Roaads la St. Joseph,
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., June M.-The decom
posed bodies of Alfred Bettles and his wife
were found In bed at their home here to
day, a bullet hole In the head of each. Cir
cumstances Indicate that Bettles murdered
his wife and killed himself.
The Bettles lived alone and neither had
been teen about the house slnre Monday.
He Is known to hsve been Jealous of his
wife and It Is supposed they quarreled after
going to bed. The tragedy was dirovered
by a deputy assessor, who went to th
Kemtaatleas by President.
WASHINGTON. June J. The president
sent th following nominations to th
Treasury Surveyor of customs at Bur
lington. Is , lieorge H Luddle.
War Ordnance department. to be
colonels. Lieutenant Colonels Htsnhope R.
Blunt and Frank Heath. Majors to he
lieutenant colonels, Ira MacNutr, Frank
Raker, lirln H MIK lism nnd Lawrence I..
Huff Captains to be majors, Ji-hn T.
Thompson, diaries H. Wheelar and Wil
llsm S peine.
postmss'ers Isaac C Davis. Msrysvllle,
Kan.: William H. Tsnrey, LaBell". Mo;
David Lary. Mayvllle. N. R. K. ale-
gown, algaros Uty, Mo.
Hotus Conferees Instructed to Iniiit oo
Meat Inspection Amendment.
Attempt to Charcce Inipeotion to Packer!
Kecemi Nineteen Votes.
Upper Honse at Onos Orders Another Con
fere ii oe on Measure,
All Efforts to Serare Increases la
Appropriations F.srept for Saa
Joan, r. I., Caatoma Hons
Are I asaccessfal.
WASHINGTON, June .-By a vote of
193 to 46 the house voted to stand by the
house conferees on the meat Inspection
amendment to the agricultural bill and ths
conferees were reappointed.
Mr. Wadsworth called up the partial con-
farence report pn the agricultural appro
priation bill In the house today and It was
agreed to without discussion.
Mr. Wadsworth then moved that the
house Insist upon Its disagreement to the
meat Inspection amendment. Thla was
adopted on a division. Then Mr. Wsds
worth sprung a surprise by sending to
the desk a resolution that It la the sense
of the house that the ronfereea do not
recede from their amendmenta known as
the meat Inspection amendment and the
house waa face to face with a contest with
the senate.
Mr. Wadswworth, after referring to tha
disagreement about the date going on the
cans and insisting that It waa not neces
sary, passed to the legal question Involved.
His platform was: " The passage of the
bill Is necessary for the protection of our
foreign commerce and for the benefit ot
public health.
A vigorous protest against placing any
charge on the packer was made by Mr.
Burleson (Tex.). The packer, he aald,
would Immediately shift the burden on the
cattle grower.
Mr. Humphrey (Wash.) talked about the
devil's In hell" in conjunction with the
packer paying the cost of Inspection and
Inveighed against their Insulting demands.
Mr. Henry (Tex.) wanted to be right on
the question and said be would vote that
the government should pay the tax. He
called attention to the quarantine bill,
which provided that the government ahould
pay the cost.
'Rally around the confereea," waa tho
slogan of Mr. Payne (N. Y.). "Stand by
the Judgment of the house. Put tha In
spection upon the government, where It
belongs, and make thla Inspection a model
for the world." ,
The resolution that it was tha sense ot
tha heusa that tha confereea refuse to re
cede was then adopted; 1M"to It. fhe'ad-'
vocatea of making the packers pay tor the
Inspection endeavored to secure a roll call,
but only nineteen members demanded It.
Hoasa Adapts Confereaea Reports.
The house worked under forced draught
today and accomplished an Immense
amount of business preparatory to adjourn
ment at the week's end. Conference re
ports on a number of measures were
adopted without dobate, but It required
special rules in other particulars to effect
consideration and ' adoption ot some Im
portant conference agreements.
Interest centered about the conference re
ports on the railroad rate bill and the ag
ricultural appropriation bill. Both were
considered and adopted under a blanket
rule permitting tha consideration of con
ference reports without being printed In the
On the rate bill there waa a general ex
pression of satisfaction that that measure
had been perfected.
Without taking a recess the house labored
from 11 o'clock this morning until adjourn
ment at 11 o'clock tonight, during which
time many bills on the private calendar
were passed.
After the legislative business which kept
the house at the grindstone until t o'clock
hsd been disposed of, crowded galleries
listened to another aerlea ot . political
Efforts of Senators to Secara Mora
Pork I'asaeeeasfal.
WASHINGTON. June M The senate con
sumed the greater j-art of the day dis
cussing the public building bill. Efforts
by several senators to secure Increases for
public buildings In cities and towns of their
respective states were in no instance suc
cessful. For San Juan, Porto Rico, Sen
ator Fcraker secured an advance from
1200,000 to I300,0on. ' In reporting the bill,
Senator Scott, chairman of ths committee
on public buildings and grounds, referred
to It as the "pork barrel."
The agricultural appropriation bill re
appeared In a partial conference report.
The report was complete except with ref
erence to the meat inspection provision
and on that another conference waa or
dered. ,
There was some desultory discussion of
the conference report on the pur food
bill, but Its deposition was postponed
until tomorrow. The conference commit
tee's report on the lak Erie & Ohio ship
canal bill waa accepted without debate.
The LaFollettt bill regulating hour ot
employment for trainmen was displaced by
the building bill.
Senator Tillman found opportunity to
make his long deferred speech on the ejec
tion In March last of Mrs. Minor Morris
from the White Houst by direction of As
sistant Secretary Barnes. He reiterated hi
charge that Mrs. Morris had been out
rageously treated and that the president
had endorsed the action by appointing
Barnes ss postmaster at Washington.
The last of the great appropriation bills,
the general deficiency, was reached during
the day and a night session wss held for
It consideration.
The public building bill waa passed at
1015 tonleht. It waa atlll under considera
tion when at o'clock the senate took a
recess until S o'clock, and wss resumed at
the night session. On th suggestion of
Secretary Shaw, a proposition appropriat
ing $ for an asssy offlc In New York
wss added. Numerous efforts were mid
to secure Increases, but to no avail, except
j a'O Increase fsr San Juan. Porto Rice.
The general deficiency hill carrying 111. SO,-
OKI was also pjsbcd.
I eV-nator TiIImihii tonight presented In 'he
senate the on?eren on the railrnad lul
Mil snd Hive that he mould ark Its
rnr.fiderstion tomorrow. He offered a Joint
resolution mat It should not become a law
unUi sixty, days gXtar Us approval, ffb