THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1906. GRAIN A5D PRODUCE MARKET Tnll All Csnt, but Beciini On track: Nox northern. S4tc; Ntv t northern. CSe; July, 34V.c; September, 8Sa; Dermeei tM. OATS-T j-rlv. on track Mil July. SSr. uf8t Yields CLOSING FIGURE AT HALF CENT ADVANCE Cora) Rtrwaar Tkreaafc Seealea, Taaf-i ftx-ted by Teapturi Veakaess la ', HhMMlHt la Oral If, Oats Market Rales Illgber. OMAHA, June 2S, l!. Wtut aas firm at the opening- under tha Inflame of heavy reins In the DortbwNL After tha mora urgent buying orders were tilled tha market turned Mk and price y, elded almost cent. After this ahorts ere Inclined to cover, because of tha pronounced strength In corn, and prica turned strong again. The cloaa on Septem ber wai above the opening and better thsji V9C aonve yesterday. Receipts were amaii, bat cash demand la poor and flour aales 1 ima.ll. No trading was done In oats. Tbat am In was up c at Chicago. Corn wks strong ail through the session, unaffected by tha early weakness In wheat. Prices at tha clone were a cent above yesterday. Talk was heard of cool weather causing the com to be backward. , Primary wheat receipts were 174.000 bush, la aod shipments S3e,0nr) bushels, against receipt last year of 2X2.000 bnahels and shipments of 8S8.000 bushels. Corn receipts weia 1,118,008 bushels and shipments 610.U00 bushels, against receipts alst year of 1.211, OuO buahela and shipment of 79,0i) bushels. Clearances were 8.000 bushels of wheat, 1746 barrels of flour. 5.000 bushels of corn and 890 bushels of oats. Liverpool closed Vtf-Vad lower on wheat and vdj)d higher on corn. From the Inter-Ocean: "A bearish sen timent pervadea the corn trade. Stocks have Increased 1.(20.000 bushels In two weeks. Recent rains have Improved crop conditions over the greater part of th corn belt eectlona. Tradera who were out In the country over Sunday returned wa h favorable report. The fact that the coun try and the public have ceased to send buying orders where two weeke ago there were free buyers Is taken aa Indicating that there la nothing bullish In the situa tion at preeent." Iocal range of options: Articles.) Open.) High. Low. Closa Tee'y. Wheat I July.. Sept.. Sept.. 7oA 7S"4a' 76A 7A VA 76V- TtiA 7WA 7mA 75'4B , 45iA 41? B 46H 46HB 45 A 4B 4Vt 48 ihi 46-4 A raked. R bid Omaha Caab galea. CORN-No. 1. 1 car. 4e. OATS No. 1 white. 1 car. S6c: No. 3, S cars, 3&Hc; No. 4 white. 1 car. 3SVc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 7637oc: No. I hard, ToeTOc; No. 4 hard. Mr70c; No. 2 spring, 77c; No. 8 spring. 72ifT5o. CORN No. a. 4tic; No. 4, 44y3'46e: No. I yellow, mvWifc; Mo. a white. il&lie. OATS No. 3 mixed. 54c; No. I white, 3Br; No. 4 white, 5Hc. RYE No. 2, 68c; No. 3 6e. narlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oa Chicago Kvnsaa City. Minneapolis , Omaha Duiuth St. Louis...,. 4 B0 77 t . 93 33 'a 'ii 255 24 70 7t CHICAGO , GRAI , AID PROVISION FeatareVaf tVe Treadta- as Closlaa Prleea aa Board of Trad. CHICAGO, June 26. The wheat market today waa Irregular and nervous, prices juiins- (mm s-e under to o over tha close of, yesterday for the September option. The plos was firm, with September H81c higher. Corn' waa up c. Oats were 4 o higher and provisions advanoed 16c tA 17Wu . . ... There waa nothing sensational on either side of the market, in the new of the day Km rmiAiu a ioa munh rain in the north' west and the appearance of red rust in hut iwilnn ffertei the market as much as anything. Karly in tha day the market waa Inclined to be firm because of con tinue! rains In the anuthweBt and north west, amall recelDta at Minneapolis and the comnaratlvelv firm tone at Liverpool Shorts t-oWred rfeely and there -waa con' iHerahla huvlna by local tjulle. Toward the middle of the day the market broke sharply, the September option declining n fi-aist aithniiKh tha world's visible sup ply showed a considerable decrease. There w.ia aJso some Drottt-taklng, which Weak ened tha market. Offerlnge were acarce however, and the strength of corn and on r.nrtl nt rlrll t tona I Tnil in the nOITh nrires advanced strongly. The close waa Arm. September opened He higher at SSHc, ranged between S2Hc and H3H and olosed at 83S"- July ol(1 between 8 ffrtJVio and 834'&H and closed at 83Wtf sst.e.. The world's visible supply, accord- - . - . . . a ,ui ra m v.,. KW lORK GENERAL MARKET Qeetatleaa af tha Day aa Varleaa Cemmadltlea, NEW TORK. June 2K. F"Il'R-Receipts. l.0a bbls.: exports, bbls; sale 4,uO packsa-es; market dull but Arm; winter pstents, Rmifcrt ; winter straights, U 4.10; wlntor extras, tJ"tfS.4; winter lnw grades, $a.fl.;; Minnesota patents, 4.0ir 4.K6; Minnesota bakers, $.1 MAi 1 Kye flour, steady: fair to good, 3.46y4.95; choice to fancy, VI KM14.1S. CORN MtiAL Steady; fine white and yel low, Sl.i!Vt1.25; coarse, 11.1011.12; kiln dried, f 2.ift3.00. RTt-Dull; No. t western, Sc, nomlnsl, t. o. b . New York. WHBAT Receipts. I.OTX) bu.: exports, 7.9M bu ; sales, l.v bu futures; spot nisrket nrm! No. 1 red, MSc, nominal, elevator; No. t red. MSc, nominal, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern Puluth, WSc. nominal, f. o: b.. afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba. Pl'c. nominal, f. d. b., afloat. The wheat market opened firmer and fairly active on excee-lve rains in an parts or tne west, u naa a midday break on easy cables, commission house selling, a liberal private estimate on the Kansaa crop and liquidation, but rallied in the last hour on wan street ouying. Last prices showed H'S0 net advance; July. hwWtlWac. closed at KOHc; September, a-lc, closed st sHc; December, K i 7-lic. closed at fvy,c. CORN Reeelpta, 178.ti!d bu. : exports, 240 bu.; SHles, 2no.(fo bu. futures; spot market Arm; No. 2, S&ir, nominal, elevator, and &c, nominal, f. o. b., sfloat; No. 2 yellow, &Wc, nominal; No. 2 white. WHc, nomlnn!, f. o. b., afloat. Option market was fairly active and firmer on bull support, lighter farm ofTerlnga and predictions for Smaller receipts. The close was Hic net higher; July, fi7V"&fSc, closed at &8c; September, 57 4jWc, closed at 68'xc; December, &fM,&o"Vic. closed at b7c. OATS Receipts. 28,500 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 2i to 32 pounds, 42VJ1 4c; natural white, 30 to 33 pounds. U(f 44c; clipped white. 3S to 40 pounds, 47f(f4Sc. FEED Firm; spring bran, 119 50, to ar rive; middlings, tit 75. to arrive. HAY Ouiet: shipping, 60&7oc; good to HOPS Firm: Paciflc const, lft. IW 16c; 104. SliffSlVic; old nominal; stato, common to choice, 1905, ei3c. HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to !S pounds. 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, lie; Texas dry, 24 to 10 pounds, lc. LEATHER Steady; acid, 26 27 He. PROVISIONS Beef steadv: family. $11 0011 60; mess, IS.SO'gB .00; beef hams. ixo.b0tt-i2.oo; packet, I.60fi to. 50. t ut meats firm; pickled bellies. Ill.OfSf 11.00; pickled shoulders. ts.003.26: pickled hams, 112 (nif 12.50. fard, steady; western prime, 8.sn4j.N; renned. nrm; con tinent. $8 26: South America, $9.7B; com pound, ''g'7c. Pork, firm: family, $l!.oo; ahort clear, $16.76jl.i0; mess, 17.0017.6O. TALLOw Quiet; city. 6c: country. til 6c. Kit steady; domestic, lair to extra. 3H 64c. BL TTEn-Firm: renovated, common to extra, 12(pl8Hc; western factory, common to firsts, n-ftltiHc. CHEESE Firm: rece nts 1.406: New Tork state full creams, large fancy, lie; New York full creams, fair to good, 104 tfl0c: New York full creama. small fancy, 11c; New York full creams, fair to gcod, lU'ulzc; New York run creams, in ferior, 8H(89ttc; skims. 78V EGGS Firm; receipts 1 3,508 ; ... state. Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy seln ted white, 28c; choice, 21022c; choice mixed, extra, 20&21c; western firsts, 16Vilic; western seconds, 16llc; southerns, 14 16HC POULTRY Live, steady; spring chick ens, 18c; fowls. 3c; turkeys. 111Z0. Dressed, easy; western broilers. lt'8-lc; turkeys, UQiUc; fowls, ll-a. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS rail in Price. Contimed Burin? tht Early Part of Beaiion. BUYING BY SHORTS CAUSES A RALLY Decrease ta Activity Fellews Rise la Valaes, hat Close la Firm aad Highest of Day. ing last Leala Geaeral Market June 28, WHEftlvjlimtri at, ST. LOUIS. 6c; new, 89HlHc; old July. liitasOc; Sep tember, BiMyuw'sc; ro. i nara, iiBi4C. CORN Higher: No. I cash, 5oc; track. lWafc: July, 60c; September, 61c. OATS Lower; no. 2 cash, 87c; track, 37ty jno. . 0io; July, 3tic; September, 35vac white, 41HC- FLOUBr-Steady; red winter patents, $4.46 g4.60; extra fancy atid straight, $3.7&S4.4o; clear, 12.75a.0O. ' j SEED Timothy, firm, $2.7&33.. CO RNMEAL -Steady, $2.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east trsck, S67c. HAY Steady; timothy, tl4.0017.s0; prfci rle, $U.6uri3.50. IRON COTTON TIES-H.00. BAGOINO-V- HEMP TWINE 7H. ' - PROVISIONS Purkw higher; Jobbing, H8.77H. Lard, higher; prime steamed, $8.50. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, Ui; clear riba, W.fe; ahort clears. $9 871. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short. $10.37 V; clear rlba, $10.60; short clear, 10.UVt. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs, 164)'18c; turkeys, 12Hc; ducka, 84c; geese, 6u. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15Q21C; dairy, 113 18c. BOGS-Steady, 13Hc. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shluments. Flour, bbls 6,000 7.00 Wheat, bu 12,010 42,Om Corn, bu 16.000 121. OOu Oats, bu 70,000 M.ouO NEW TflBK Tiin Th. fall In the prl es of stocks, w hich wss In LTogr- yesterday, was extended conalderanly dur I lng the early trade t.x.ay. inr ea j yielding of prices encouraged aggreanlv ' operations on The short side by profea- stonai near operators, with the i-ourm- ... the trading, however, this class of opera tors developed misgivings over the anion tt and the kind of company they found them selves in. The resumption of sensat io...n advertising methods to Induce selling of stocks on the part of a Boston speitiln. ttve party caused aome apprehension that pinfeaslonal short selling rather than tlia disposal of longs waa having the mu. . do with the decline In the market. The action of Drlces during :h- nom ine had the effect of emphasising this im pression by the clear Indication aflor "'I of raiding tactics by bear operators. Tha purpose was manifest to make storks a i lower rather than to dispose of holdings at an advantage. In St. Paul no stork was disposed of on the ftrst break between 175 and 174, the latter price following in former on sales of only 500 shares. This Incident served aa a warning to the bears that they were over-extending themselves and a demand to cover shorts, which gained in volume during the progress of the dny, was the consequence. A suh'tsn tlal recovery in prices followed. It did not appear that the demand which InOin i d this recovery extended beyond the uncov ered short Interest. As prices got up to the higher levels there was a decreasa In activity and a diminishing Inclination to buy stocks. There was no Imporfant change In conditions affecting the market. Some calling of loans was reported amongst the banks and this was said to be for the purpose of replenishing their reserves in preparation for the July pay ments, which are unusually heavy this year, and are estimated as high as $125, 000,000. The cUlng of loana had no per ceptible effect In the call loan market, but rates for time loana continued strong at the higher level as established yesterday. Such heavy disbursements as are to occur with the turn of the month are expected usually to cause some preliminary Invest' ment demsnd for securities. One of tlm discouraging featurea of the present mar ket Is the entire abaence of any such mand. The bond market continues rather to reflect the pressure of occasional liqui dation, aome times due to the exttlrn"'n of syndicates and the distribution to mem bers of unsold holdings. The market la affected by demanda by life Insurance companies, owing to the new regulations for Investment for the surplus of those In stitutions. Selling bv flro Insurance com panies has been evident also ever since the San Francisco losses. This kind of selling was a marked Influence In the London market today and selling for Paris account was also In evidence there. Iv--don Is also apprehensive of money trouble In connection witn tne mining sememoni now Imminent. The weekly report of the Imperial bank of Germany serves a e-r. planatlon of the hardening of money rates there. These disturbed conditions in roregn marketa serve as an obstacle to efforts v secure gold for Import to New York -and there was not-aufflclent change In the for eign exchange rate today to overcome the margin which divides the price of exs- change from the level ot prom ror gom Import. A further decline tn the tendon price of copper made Amalgamated Copper vulnerable to further attack tTUs morning. The Increase In the dividend rate of Ana conda, during the afternoon left a larg-? ahort Interest In the two siocks uncov ered and their strong rally furnished ef fective leadership for the recovery In th general market. The continued flrtnnes! of Southern Paclfl? kept alive rumors of an intended Increase In the dividend rate. After some irreguismy in wm im Ings the market closed firm at the best prices on a final rally. . ..... 1 mmltim W.A Ud 1 11A Konoa were eiwy. i mm pi $1,910,000. V. S. 2's advanced K Pr cent on call. ' ' . . The following are tne quotations on m Stock exchange: . . ; i r eaias. msa. 'ww. '- -. general .fund exclusive of the $160.000,l',0 gold reserve shows: Available caah ba'. anre. $1!t: gold coin and bullion, $.14.22; gold certtflcatea,-ti,7&,0. n - " - . . . New Tark Money Market. NEW TORK. June .-MO.KT-Oti call easy, f(i4 per cent: runng rate. 1 wr cent: closing hid. 2H per cent; offered at $ per cent. Time ln Arm; sixty dsys, 4H per cent: ninety days. 4irt per cent; six months, fcjjfiH per rent. ( ' PRIME MERCANTILE . fAPF.R-fcSHi per cent. 8TK.RI.INtJ EXCHANGE-tasv at $4 M 4 86 for demand ami at $4':d4 fir sixty day bills: posted rates. $4.83 and $4.88; commercial bills. $48171. SILVER Pr. c: Mexican dollars. 6OH0 BONDS Government. firm; railroad, easy Viuotatlons" on New York bonds today were as follows: Japan . M aeries.. -a ..Iojv 4'. . lnaV a M sertea . IPJi Sn 4a. rlfa . L N. ual. 41 1' f. a raf. fa. ret ao cenpoa f. l. rt.... 4o eouaon V. t e!4 4a. rt 4o couoon V 8. new it, so rnusnn Am. Tub. 4a do Atrhlnnti sen. 4a..-.. do tM ! Atlantic C. L. 4a.. B O. in l4a Brk. R. T. " a ventral ot 0 ka.. ao lit Inc So Id Inr do d Inc t'nra Ohio 4ii.. (hlraao A. IW . C , B. A Q. n. 4i C . R I. C C. St. 9MAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Deiirabla Xindj of Fat Cattle Sell Tan Cecta Either. HOGS ARE TWO AND A HALF CENTS HIGHER Geaeral Teaaemey of Prices (award aa All Klada of Fat Stock Sheep Strong aad la Demand. ...!) Manhat r. i"ld rag. .Ktia t antral 4a an Wi do 1st Inr la 71 Minn. A St. U 4a.. luV M . K T. 4a . ...lot t do ta "4 fl"i N. R. ot M. c. 4a. 4 mK S. T. C. n. 3Ha.... 1 I N - J. 4". cn. T Ne. Paclnc 4i 7 do la 'Norfolk A w. as....lrta in it o. ta.innt Colo. Ind. 5a, dt aer. B Colo. Mid. 4 Colo. A So. 4a... Cuba Ba D. A R. O 4a... Platlllera' 9ca Rria prior lien 4s do (en. 4a Hock. Vallajr 44i Japan 4a Offered. a; 'Ore. a. L. rf 4a... 4 t iPann. rv. Itl " I Readme n. 4t I"J li74'St. L. A I. M c. a.114-a U ft. UAH T. ( 4a. M 1 n , t. u 8. W. con. 4a, tt P. ml. fta Sraboard A. I t. ... 7 U. a 4a.U: So. Pacini: 4a t. 77t,. do IM 4 ctf ... Srathrra Hy ... 7 Trj1 A r . ! . . ... M !Tol . 9t L. A W ...lV'l'nlon Pacific cv. ...!(, t' S Steal td . ta. ri't ".hn la ...nit,l do deh B .... ttv, Wertam Md 4s. lia W. A . K 4. .... rsta.Wle. Cantral 4. .... t7a ....lla 4a. "I 4a..1iH4 .... ....114 .... ss .... M'4j .... M .... 4t Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, June 2.-Call loans, 4V&5 per cent. Time loans, 4Atji1t per cent. Official closing on stocks and nonas: Atchlon adj. 4a 4 Wrrtlnhc.s torn do 4i H"1 Advrntura Max. Cantral 4a 7 Allouei Atrhlaon V Amalramatet do pld rt- Atlantic Boaton A Albany. .J4!V iFlnKham 171 rat. a Hacta l.'ill U'cntrrnlal 137Vi Ctpiar Ranga . tl4llialT Waat lt'Trt kiln .. Boftnn A MaJna. Ponton Rlavated ... Fltchburs pfd.... Meitcan Central ... N. T , N. H. A H t'nlon Pacific Am. .Arte. fhem... do pfd Am. Pneu. Tuba... Am. Sitar do pfd .....;..':., Am. Tel. A Tl... Am. Woolen do pfd .14 . N -. 4 . 1 .111 .ir.5". M Qrpnbr Uta Rovala .. Ma. ' Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont, foil A Old Dominion . tit.reola .l(it'airot ..U1n.t a deer ease of 3.863.000 nu. year. Clearancea of wheat and flour were eaual to 88,200 bu. Prlmiry receipts were 1,4.000 bu. against 2tt2.0oO bu. last year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported reeemta of 174 cars agalnat 4l cars last week and 112 cara a year ago. t. market ruled atrong through out, the September option closing lic higher. Cash houses reported a general reduction In country acceptances. The price of cash corn waa higher and the demand waa good. The best buying was by shorts and commission houses. Sep tember opened unchanged at 61He, isold between that flgur . 624c. the high price of the day. ,1"ed,,,iTO.n'i July ranged between 50Sc and MTao and closed at the latter figure. Local receipts were 394 cara, with 614 cars of contract '"he" oata market waa atrong all flay. partly in svpmpathy with corn and partly on a good demand for ahorta and commis sion houaea. Tha buying waa pf an influen. tlal character and continued throughout the session. The close waa strong with prices at the highest point. September opened at 34V, which waa a ahade hiher than , the close of yesterday, ranged be tween $4c and ISVic, which waa the final ouotatjon. July aold between 37V4C end Jk'ac, closing at Sv,c. Local reeelpta were "'&1 cars. ' The trovislnn market was Arm on a inodernte amount.of trade and closed with a na throughout the list. The strength r ... .,..i ,,,n Mirher nrlces for live hogs, , n m r----- , v, ovcring bv snorts an.i active uujma ocal pack'era. At the close September l c higher st f 97H- Wba were up If The futurea ranged as follows: Ar.lcla. - Mlaaeapolla Grala Market. (Superior Board of Trade Quotations fat Mlnneupolls and Chicago delivery.) Tha range of prices, as reported by F. 1. Day t-o.. iio-iu uoard of Trade, waa: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Teay. Opoa,) High. Low. aoae. Yes'y. Wheat ! ' I July... ks'sv) B(Dt. . Dec... Corn 61H'. July; Sept.. S 1.41 a- . July. ..I tfSi " Sept... 14VHj n oj M aw I 7sl a a a& a t24ji 16 a oo I .4"l i 86,! IT ' 16 SO I CO 91t S2s; 07Vi 82S SSfj 'i 824i 3S 50SI 61 MS I 17 OS 1 62Vk 8 S7H 1 2 85 a 23d. 1 a oo 61 6? n-a K274 60S 8SV 8&H,S4.e'l, 17 1TJ 17 00 1 77 1 y a w i a r. a 82H a 274 a oo 8 ."4 3 K'i a k .a io 1 90 Wheat-I July. ..83S Beut...l82Vu4jki torn i Dec. Flax- July.. Sept.. Oct... 1 13H I 131 1 83 1 18H 1 l4k 1 12VI 113 1 83 U "SI I 1 18! 1 US 1 1H UVk 82H 1 l'JH 1 13 1 12Vt Adama Kipreaa Amalsamatad Coopar 17J.tnl Araer. Car and Foundry.... l.nno do pM Amer. Cotton Oil... do pfd , w Amer. Kipraaa Amar. Hida A leather pro i Amar. lea Becurlttas ...... IS Amar. LlnaeM Oil do pfd Amar. Lacomotlva ll.ino at do pfd. aa-dlTldand Amer. Smaltlnf A Reflnlng ii.7 9S r7'4 ton tH 41 100 1 . 17 tist ! 75 ns De. Pork July... Kept.. Lard- . July.. ' Sept.. Oct... B11.S July.. Bpt.. Oct... No. 2. Paah Quotations were aa follows FLOL'K Steady; winter patents. 83.603 4 00. winter straights, H Vfi4 7, aprtng pat- ntr. t3.7otu4 uV; spring straights. W 40. 85; hi. Vera. Ii. JL3 10. WHEAT No. 1 spring, 843Wa; No. 3, 78 C4c: No. I led, 8o'81c. . i'ORS'.Ka i. UVc; Nu. t yellow. 8Vc - OATS-No- 2. WVic; No. 1 white, 3vtjS"c; No. 8 white. Su8Sc. HVV-No. L Uc. . BARI-ET Oood feedlrur, 424M4Hc; fair to Choice malting 4fr63c. . . BKKlta-Nf H uaa. 1108; No. 1 north waatcrn, H-11H. Timothy, prima, 14.20. CU'var, contract grade, 311.35. ,'H'ltjlON'8 Snort ribs aides Hooael, a Xtti U- Meaa pork. 4M-r bbL, 117 1517 30. lrii. 1j0 lba . 88.T7H 10. Short clear aidra ibozed.l. H 7fto .84. aud sulpuients of flour and grain Kecelota. Bhlpmanta. rimtr, bbla 18 008 17 no V hsnt. bu. 8f0 11000 Corn. ba. .8VU0 418.M OitaT bu. 32 4.0 ln.5 Hve. bu 1.0') 1300 isarley. bu. , 84.70 a.W On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamery. Uao; ditry. 14Tlc. steady; at mark. Inciuiied. !rt-lao; flraca, Uc; prima firsts, lav; extras, 10c Cheese, stsady, lir, Ijlli', ' DaJatk Grata Marks. DIXITH. June S-WH EAT To arrive: No. aarlaera, Uc, No. 1 oortheru, 8?V Mlnneaoolla Caah Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, bytilic; No. 1 northern, 84fe6c; to arrive, 844c: No. 2 northern, luiiWo; to arrive, 83c; No. 8, rj2c; No. 1 durum. ne; No. 2 durum, 71 c. Corn: No. 8 yel low. 48"c; No. 8. 47Hc. Oata: No. 8 whits. 36c: to arrlvs, 8Hc; No. 3, S6VaC. Barley, 88'a48c. Rye, ooco. Flax: Cash, 81.10H; jujy, i.u'4 Kaasas City Grata aad Pravlaioaa KiNIll mTT. .Tutwi at. WUF.AT July, 74Hc: Seateiuber, 7&Hc; December, (Mkc. caaa: No. I hard. nVtTNOo: No. i, ift.fco; Mo. 4, artf74c; No. 3 red, ol';c; noininaL No. 3. .fcaiaJc: .nominal. . No. 4. 7WU.7C uukim wuiy, 4ttc; Beptemoer, 4do; December. 4tc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 4o No. 3, 48c; No. 2 whtte. 60c; No. i. 6oc. OATS No. 2 white. Syi-oc; No. 2 mixed 3ru:ioA,C. KO8 Steady; Mlaaouii and Kanaaa new No. 1 while wood cases Included. 14 cas count. 13Hc: casea returned Vkc 1e HAY Firm; choice timothy, 818.600 14.00; choice prairie, 112.00. RYK-Steauy; 66ti8o. Reeelpta Shipments. Wheat, bu..., "....K.OOO ii.OvO Corn, bu, , 28.000 2.'. 0'tO Oata, bu .10.000 6.000 Visible Sapply of Grala. NEW YORK. June SRSpeclal cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies aa compared with provl oua account: Wheat, I'nlted States and Canada eaat of Rocklea, decreased l.Sla.009 bu ; afloat for and in Europe, decreaaed l.Soo.000 bu; total supply decreased 8.04n,tM bu. Corn. L'nltvd Slat as and Canada eaat of Rockies, increased 1.141.0U0 bu. Oats. I'nlted- States and Canada east of Rockies, decreased 1.119.000 bu. The leading decreaaea reported this week are: SJC.OoO bu. In Manitoba, M.OO bu. at tha Chicago private Crvatora. o,0CO bu at Ixuisvllle and 62.0k) bu. st Portland. Ma. Stocks held at Fort Worth. Tex., in creased 142.0U0 bu. - Mllaaaakec Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. June St-WHEAT-Strady; No. 1 northern, S7iaHc: No- 2 northern, MHOS' V; September, o3VsC, bid. KYE Dull; No. 1. 66&i)c. BARUKY Steady ; No. 3. Mc; sample, 48 ewe CORN-Flrmer; No. 1 cash, 50HtMlc; Sep tember, 63aC. Pklladelpkla Pradace Market. PHILADELPHIA.. June 2.-BCTTER Btaady; extra weatern creamery, SOStc; ex tra nearby priDta. 22c. EOGS Firm; nearly freah. Uc, at mark; western rreao. ISC, at mark. CHkESE Flrro. Vo higher;. New York ruu creama, itMQllo. Pearta Market. PBOPJA, June K-CORN-Hlgher: No. 3 yellow, Uc: No. 3. 61c; No. 4. 80c; pa graoe. i.ii.m, OATS Higher: na. I white, larstHc; No. 4 white. ITVJSTtftc WHlSKY-Ou the baaU of . H-3 for rmianed gooda LlTarsaal Grala Market. IJVERPOOL. Juna 24. WHEAT 0 not- nominal; futures steady: July, aa 7d; 8ep- ismoar, aa aa; L'eremoer. as ti. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, old. aa uva. r-umras, rum; Julf, a 8iJ BnLw.ter, is trd. 14Uj U7 do pfd I "" "I" " Amar. Susar Raflnins tl.ano Ul irt" Amer. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Kn H Wi Anaconda Mining Co n rm Atchlaon 9. TltO . M do pfd l.K IWt lf-H Atlantlo Coaat Una 1) l'1 n.lllmnra A Ohio 14.400 119 11T do pfd nrooklrn Rantd Tranalt 77t. r.o.Al.n P.clAe I.OOO 140V4 ISMk Cantral Laathar 'a H do pfd 400 in 1H4 Cantral ot Nee Jeraey inn 116 IM Chaaapaaka A Ohio 1.400 61 47 Chlcaso A Alton do pfd TT 1V CMcao Grant Waatern.... l.4no 1'4 H' Chlcaao A Northwaataro. . . hno l""1 C. M. A St. Paul 0,700 1H 174 Chicago Tarm. A Tranalt do pfd 100 C. C. C. A St. Uoula.... Vino MH 51 Colo. Fuel and Iron 10.70 4S 44 Colo. A SnutharD l."0 4 t do lat pfd l." tt do td pfd 400 4 47 Conaoltdatad Oaa t.7n taovi 1 Corn Producta rfg l.K " to do pfd. rfi I"" 1S 1 Paiaware A Hudaon 900 tit til Dal.. Lack. A Weateni tenrer A Rio Grande T.9"9 41k, 41H do pfd o0 ii4 r4 ptatlllara' Sacuritlaa I.oi ht 7 Erla M " 4J So 1 pfd "0 1 io Id pfd I.M9 M4j Ganaral Elactiie 1 Ton ins 1U Great Northern pfd I.9MI IM Ml Hocklnf Vallar Illlnnm Cantral 1.40O 17V4 171 ' Inter. Paper "0 UV, U do pfd ! I'S Intarborougn Mat 11.1' 17 do pfd 14. 1n T7V, 7 Inter. Pump I 44 4J' do pfd Iowa Central do pfd Kanaaa City Southern 1.100 U do pfd 1.40 14 l!'i Uiutayllla A Naahrtlla... 4 b"" 14 1411 Mailcan Cantral I. W0 tl 21 Mlno. A Bt. Louta M.. 8t. P. A Bault 8ta. M. loo lltvt, IU do pfd 1"0 178t 1714 Hiaaourl Pacific 4 lno 961 4St Mo.. Kan. A Taiaa M J4 do pfd 1.4O0 (7 MSt National Laad 9.oO 72 70 N. R. R. of Mailco. pfd... 100 U II New Tork Cantral 1.W0 1W4 13 N. T . Ontario A Weateni 474 44V. Norfolk A Westers 1.700 ah 17 do pfd North Americas WO Wa, H Son nam Paeldo I. too nH t0b4 Paciac Mall U K PcunarWanla 99. it 110 It faopla-a Gaa 1,100 90 l4 Pttia. C . c. A St. KMila Freaaad ttaal Car 1.90 47 47 do pfd Pullman Palaoa Car. Readwif do lat pfd do Id pfd Republic Bteal do pfd Rock Uland Co do pfd Bt. L. A Baa FTmn. Id pfd Bt. Louis A Souiuwaetera. do pfd Bloaa-Shaffirld Southern Paclse do pfd w.. Boutharn Railway do pfd Taonaaaaa Coal aad Iron.... Taa A Piclflo Toledo, at. L A Western. do pfd Vnioa. Paciflc do pfd V. 8. Eipraao V. a Realtr I 8 Rubbar do pfd V. 8. Blael do pfd Virflnla-Carallna Chamloal do pfd Wabaaa ln It II ao pro Walla-Farie Eipraaa 9n4 M ( Waatlngbouf Klartrtc .... ' n l 1M W astera I nloa lie It 91 Whaellng A Lake Erta Wlacooals Caatrai 409 94 la da pld 100 44 44 Total aalaa (or the aar. 1. 10) ano aharaa. 140 9 JTH 100 1.1 0 121 ! 10 19 t 8'a US 141 Ul 110 ion 144 101 1J7 lit Dom. Iron A steel. M,4utni)' KdUon Elec. III. Maw. Electric do pfd Mara. Gaa nlted Fruit .i t'nlted Shoa Mark. do pfd North Butte V. 8. Steel .'. do pfd Asked. Bid. J4i fh.nrnn .. IK "Tamarack .... .. M Trinity ., ol t nlted Copper ..tie if. 8. Mining.. .. 77 f- 8. Oil .. iit tah .. ! victoria .. il,ttlnona ..lu3Wolvcrlna ... 90 ... ...15 ... 9 ... 12 ... 17 ...IKS ... 1" ... 71 ...15 ... 17 ... II ... 17' ... 7 . .. I" ... .. ... 3 ...1074, .. J5 .. 13 ... I ...IS ... I ... t: ... ... ... w ... 90 ... ol ...131 SOUTH OMAHA, June !, lf. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllcial Monday 8.210 t,7M 1.613 Offtclal Tuesday 4.448 11.732 ft Two daya thla week... 7 t ;.9 llf Aame dnra laat week.... 8.4nD !4 ATI l.r Same two weeks ago.... s.04 2V8 1810 8amt three weeks ago.. 9.49 15.111 6. Same four weeks ago. ...10.193 14.197 Same days last year.... 6,7 1:'.140 11.116 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep st South Omaha tor the year to date, compared with last I 09 I I 00 CALVES. 1 t I I 1 I I 4 I I 1 I I I I II 1 Ml JW 1M 10 110 170 ran ran 144 . no t I 9 I 14 I It I r 4 ao 4 M 4 19 4 7 I l I M I oo I ta I on I on i ; 1 1. year: itn. isos. inc. Cattle 4477.018 416,437 61,681 Hog l.SVr9 1,:42.178 1M.4 Sheep 762.147 727.68a :4,io2 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kinds of cuttle on the South Omaha market: oood to cno ice corn-led steers i.0"iti.f4 Kalr to good corn-fed steers 4. iu .w Common to lair rnrn-fed steers.... IM'ul f Oood to choice cows and helfets.. 4tV,u4.M rair to gooa cows and heifers.. Common to fslr cows and nolfers. Oood to choice Blockers & feeders. Fair to good stockers and feeders Common to fair atockera Hulls, staa;, etc Veal en Ives '1 na falloarlr.v tatile alifiwrs the price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dite. 19(4. iyi5.'l9m.l903.l902.il90l-130 8 87H! t2 4 88! t 021 7 24 J 4 85 IUi 9J H5, 7 21; 6 S3' 3 8SH 4 83 6 7l 7 21 6 8 $ 08 6 38 6 19 6 M 7 43 j 6 8vi 6 06 t HO I i loi 6 00, 6 8KI 7 131 6 8V; 4 M 7 431 9 92 4 So 2.8fu4.0U 3 .76 I-W 3.2.V3.76 2 WKU3.26 2. 7041 1. 1" 4.ttU5.76 svei ae I... 1 .. 1... I... 1... 1 .. I... 1... 1... 1... I... 1... I... 1 .. 7... 1... 1... 1 ... i... I... I ... 1.. I. I I.. DC LLA ltn II 100 , 1 too , IM . IM . f IM . 1U , 140 , tM . Ill . 121 . IM . 110 . Ill 4 o I " I IS I I) I M I M I M I 7S I 71 5 II I Tt I 71 I 71 I 71 I 71 I Tl I 71 I 71 nominal, new crop; prime yellow. 8vfe. Tt.tpentlne. Arm; strained, common to good. ' no c. SAVANNAH. June 18.-Oll.r-Turpentine, ! llrnv S;c. I ROSIN nrm; stock. 81.14 hKa. Quot: I A. H. f. $N8; n. 8.. K. 84 10; K. 84 1; 84 rr. II. 4i. 1. 4 K. 14. 4S. M. 14 4; N, 14 t. W. O.. 14 78: W. W.. 84 S in 1 ;i 1S40 '0 1 mo wt :.i iioa 110 1774 1410 ,.! loan ll4 If so 1U0 14?" PEKOKKS 7"0 I 71 ,. sat fo M4 lit tot I 70 I 71 I 71 I 40 I U I I o I 90 I 94 4 40 4 00 4 90 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 I tl I II I IS 1 m 1 49 Juna 18.., June 17... June 18... June 19... Juno Hi... June 21 ... I 8 27H1 6 10 8 o: 34 JUfie 2.'... 1 tj 3JV, 1 6 07 8 84i I 6 ai i W June a... 1 6 34W! 6 16; 6 (a! 6 78 7 49 16 14 lliOntario A Weatarn. ;..(i.l04 3VinarlTanla Ohl..120H, 'Rand Mlnaa Iondoa Cloalna- Stoeka. LONDON. June 2fi. Closing Quotations on the Block exchange were: Ccro!. money K74 N. T. Cantral 14', do account 7 Norfolk A Wnatarn.. tl Anaioaaa lifcl do pfd ... Atcniaon do pfd Haitimora A Ohla..i:iv "Hand Mlnaa tanaaian racmc Chaa. A Ohio.... Chlcaao 0. W . C . M. A 8t.,l. DeBean V. A R. O do pfd Erie do lat pfd do id Dfd llllnola Central Loulivllle A N, M., si. A T... S1L.VER- . .:.t44 .... 04 J, -171 .:..ia .... 17 .... 43 .... i .... 4J .... 1 .... 11 ....184 ....I47S 'JSH Bar. flltet .5At.1Krl nr nunr. The rte OI mat-mint in lh. nrtn n,lf.i for ahort bills is B'A-oer cent: for ihr months bills, 3 ter cent. ii, i , j. New Vork tn)la; Stocka. NEW YORK. June iKh-Cloainff ounrutinn. vii rniiiuig aipesa WSpe; I'Raadrna - do lat pffl i ... M pauthrra Ry do pfd Southern Pacific tnlon Paciflc ... do pfd I 8. Bleal do pfd Wala.h - do pfd IWlah 44 4 .. M .. 4 .; I6ti 44 .. 47 .. II ..liC .. ..141 .. 14 V. 17 ..100 .. Ill .. 47 June 24 June 25.. June 26.. 3V. a Ki 6 I." 6 671 7 5!! 6 15 1 8 67 7 6 f. no' ft 1" 6 28 I 6 70; 7 61 6 93 6 tfl Sunday. RANGE IN PRICES. Cuttle. $2.0036.65 1.4tv 10 2.0Vtf6.90 I, (i, 8 corn 6 40 Hogs. 16 Oo-'ati 4iV, 6.6fu.lS7; 6.60'ij 06 6.6f(ii.oO 6.3iya.4o Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. lyOUlR Sioux Cltv YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. Bloom Cattle Co., Evarts, S. P. Mil 17 Q. E. Bumken, Crete. .Neb. y 1 J. McNaniara, Beemer Neb. P. E 1 City State bank, Corytion, la. Q 6 Watson Bros., Columbus. Tenn. y 2 J. Oswald, Reenter, Neb. F. E 1 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: cattle, nogs, sneep. n ses. ao I io l . . . I MO 3 74 I .. i wi a i9 i ... 1110 I 71 1... I?V I TS 1... 1SO0 1 T I.... iran (4 1 . . lite I o i .. 1414 I M I .. mo l on 1. .. 1110 lt i. . 1fl I 29 I. .. 1110 I 1... 4 4 90 I... 141T III 1 .. tMl 0 1 . 1011 I t I... 8VOCKER9 AN O f..w i to l 740 40 1 af 1 71 1 4Jl 1 71 I 40 1 00 14 Ill I n 9 .... 470 I 10 HOOR-Hogs sold JHtioc 2Wc higher, than yeaterday to feel that they were entitled to a little more advance than that and they marie hard struggle to force prices still higher, but without avail. At flrM the trade was a little slow, but when once under way It was quite active, so that the big bulk of the hogs sold In good sesson st the advance noted. After the mote urgent orders were filled the trade slowed up. closing a Hub eauler. As will be noted from the en lev the big bulk of the hoga brought t 3.V 40. with a top at IS 4ft. It will be remembered that the hogs sold yesterday very largely at 8;.864i.874j. with In 35 the leading prlca and with 38.37V4 the ton. Today's advance carries the market to the hlghet point touched since Tuesday of last week; In fact the hogs sold on an a erase In about the same notch today as one wees. ago. Representative sales higher, mostly Sellera seent'd C. M. & St. P.. Mteaourt Pacific 3H Union I'mllic 3 C. N. VV., east.... C. N. ., west.... 11 C, St. P., M. A O.... 6 C, B. A y , east 8 C,, B. y., west 61 C R. I. & P.. easti... 6 C, R. I. at P.. west.. 1 Chicago Ot. Western. .. 8 2 2S 8 40 4 64 a i' 2 151 ' Adama Cos Alice Bieace .......w... Bruniwlck Con... Comatock Tunonl Con. Cal. A(Va.. Horn Bilvar iron Bilvar ..... Laadillla Cos .... oiiered. io ..tin .. 9 .. 10 .. 17 .. 41 ' ..1H4 ..400 ... 4. Lit la Chief .. Ontario rDphtr.- Phoenli Pntoal .tiraga .'-.r..... Sierra Nevada , null Hopea .. -laadard .. ( ..226 ..140 .. I .. 9 .. IS - It .. :i ..10b 1T4.I tM 114 1.100 fr 1,100 40 100 909 4. 1.904 M.I "0 I too t0 KM l.4ta too too ....104,900 149 904 M.ino 1.4US ino 104 ana ' 94 0 97 9 14 II 4S II 75 4 ir 4 91 1U II 14 44 144 94 41 10 M 101 11 til 114 144 9f 11 II 44 11 II 70 111 IS1 99 111 to II 144 94 47 107 U4 1" 94 140 17 101 121 74 19 14 lT4 ill 174 13 94 4 13 a 47 140 II 71 117 11 41 II SI 42 74 44 149 194 111 174 ! 2 17 77 44 91 J4 41 It 43 145 21 44 IM 171 SJ 90 71 94 114 a 4; W 90 m4 11 1)0 90 aO 47 94 tt 12 90 91 27 ' 94 14 al 46 SI 4 71 4k 11 J6 HI-, II IS 44 144 924 1)4 91 4T 101 94 1( v 104 19 S 17i US 91 1' 94 47 1 . Forelara Plnaaclal. oi'9lNDSN, June, 20--8upplle of money continued plentiful today and the demand waa good. - Discounts were steady. Trad ing on the stock exchange opened cntor fuily, but a heaviness developed later on general liquidation. Consols fell sharply on reporteu seiilng by Insurance companies. This affected the market in other direc tions, while the depression was accentuated In foreigners by Paris liquidating. Russians particularly sensitive, dropping Hliarply. Kaffirs declined on a Paris selling. Ameri cans opened dull and were neglected early in the day, disappointing Wan street and checking operations. About noon a silgnt hardening occurred, but the market eased later on ior New York advices and closed at tue lowest quotations of the day. Japanese lis of 19" closed at 102. BllKUN. June 26. Trading on the Bourse today waa atagnant. Baltimore & Ohio opened weak, but Improved later upun active buying. Canadian Pacific waa dull. PARIS. June 2K. Prices on the Bourse today were heavy. KuHMlan Imperial 4a closed at 77.46 and Russian bonda of 14 at 4a . Total receipts 172 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnnslng tne num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 111 145 a!7iti 3,68 tV2 'J0 555 Wool Market. BOSTON, June 2ti. WOOI-c- Market Is generally quiet but ttrni, old woola are In amall atocs., audi lota aa are onered are neglected by buyers, as tha prices are loo high and the Interest is transferred to the new wools. Pulled wools continue slow With some trade In B supers. Tne interest In territories seems centered In the new clip. Foreign wools are quiet. leading quotations follow) Ohio and Pennsylvania, AX and above. KVtfMc, Sit. 1. 37'g-oV; No. 2. Vt33&c; fine unwasned. 2tVoKa;c; quarter blood, blood, unwashed, aiiiSSo; three-elgnis blood. Sac; half blood. 3ic; unwashed Delaine. 3iy3ac; tine unwashed, 2fvu-'oc; quarter blood, unwashed, 3J'33c; thi ee-cightna - blood, washed, Ulifjoiic; three-eightns blood. 31 Si t3w: half blood, 3-.,'uJ-'c , unwashed Delaine, 2iS-oc; Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three elghliia and quarter blood, , 32ibX1c; Terri tory, Idaho fine, yu.(3c; heavy nne, liaBc; fine medium. 2V-c; medium, iia-le; low medium, . i4j.77c; Wyoming line. iVnSic; h j u Hnu maiilc- tine medium. 2ui3c; medium, Wit'.'ic: low medium, 2utt27c; Utah and Nevada, fine. KJufiScj heavy fine. Hco-tw; fine medium, tVQ'Oe; medium, Wc; low medium, ioCac; Dakota, tine. Zutt'&e; line medium, 2Jffli3c; medliim. 27-i8c: low med ium 2o(u27c; Montana, line, choice, 24i5o; fine average, S'(t-4c; fine medium, choice, lAHf-Oe: average. 23-'a24e; staple. 2.itc; med ium choice, a.m2bc; average, 26U'ici ST 1A1'iS. Mo.. June 2n.-WtH.ilr-Steady; medium grad-e, comhliig and clothing, :4 fcl&c; hht fine, liiflilc; heavy fine. Ii-l8c; tub wanned. 3tntl34c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 26 -METALS-There waa a further ahitrp decline In the Indon tin market, with spot closing at i:7b 16 and futures at 174 lbs; kcaliy the market also waa lower, witn spot closing at jo o"s SS 60. Copper also was lower In the Ixindon market, with spot closing at JEH 6a and futures at avaO, locally the market remain practically nominal, with outside quota tions a little extreme; lake is qtmud at 318 5Kdl9.00. electrolytic at 118 2ifl .SiVfc and casting at-3'b 12i-fc 18.26. bead waa un changed at t5.T5ttu.ta-' In the local market and 16 Us od in London Spelter waa also un changed In both markets, closing at 27 In London and at 86 oMiti 15 In the local mar ket. Iron closed unchanged to a shade higher in the Kngliah market, with stand ard foundry quoted at 4ts 3d and Cleveland warrants at 4K lh)t locally no change was reported; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 11 25&1S.75. No. 2 foundry north ern at tlT.754ilS.2o. No. 1 foundry southern at 117 5tSlS.(') and No. 1 foundry southern at ti;.0ol750. ST. I.OIIS. June 28.-METAL8 Lead, lower; to.MX Spelter, weak; 1&.97V. Oman a Packing Co 43o Swift and Company 740 Cudrthy Packing Co 73 Armour ft Co 60 Omaha PKg. Co., K C... 66 Cudihy Pkg. Co.. K. C... W Bwlft and Co., K. C 23 Armour & Co., K. C 75 Vansant & Cu 40 Ltobman & Co...... , 6 Hill A Son 114 Kingan &. Co . . .., . Sol Degan 10 J. B. Root & Co 1 8. A S 133 Other buyers. 13d Totala ...'. 3.221 lft 645 CATTL Receipts of cattle were the smallest this morning that tnty have beeu for a Tuesday since the first ,of tne ytar. That is not ail, however ta ihlrty-on cara out of the number rep .eo In were south ern cattle on their ay to the Dakota range and not offered for pale. The bula of those on sale consisted of cornfed slcers and there were a good many loads of really amil cattle anions the recelDts. Under the influence of the light receipts and a good demand the mar net opened early and fairly active, with the desirable kinds of fat steers generally 10c higher. The most of the good cattle sold In good season. Common and Inferior grades, that is, cattle that were unfinished or that showed grasa, were not sought after. Dry lot cows and heifers were In small supply, with the market anywhere from strong to 10c higher on the better kinds. As was the case with beef steers, the trade was active and the offerings for the most girt were cleaned up early In the forenoon, veryone who had any grass cows com plained that that kind was neglected, but that is the case every day. Good bulls con tinue to sell well, but there are very few coming that are good enough to bring 84 or better. Veal ralvee have suffered a de cided reverse this week and it Is hsrd work to get over 15.75 for anything however good. The stocker and feeder market was with out noteworthy change. Representative salea: BEEF STEERS. Na 7 44 4 71 74 at 74 . . . II.... 71 ... tt.... 40, ... 74.... 77 ... . .... ft... Hi. . . . 74.... at.... 17.... 11... 71.... 77.... 70... !.... 71.... 44 ... 99. ... 71.... 74 tl ... II... 77.... 4... II.... It .. .... 74... 12... 7... 77... 71... . 91... 74... 90... J... 4t... 77... 47..., 74... II... U... al... 4... II... 11... 71.... J!.... Av. ..141 ..47 .112 ...110 ...107 ...III ...147 ...211 ...Ml ...120 ...120 ...!' ...IM ...117 ...110 ...l4 ...lot ...111 ...!H4 ...J34 ...121 ...Ml ...140 ...111 .. .140 ...191 ...111 ...til .!.t4 ...171 ...17 . . . . ?tn ... 1 49 ...IHI ,...!! ,...909 ...124 , ...I"! ...110 ....111 ,...140 ,...14 ...121 ,...121 ...14 ,...221 ...111 ...140 ....111 ....OI ,...114 ....111 ....IM ....144 .241 140 140 40 90 120 40 40 40 io 140 40 40 40 40 91 40 40 100 Pr. I 17 I 12V, I I 4 IS I II 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 87 I 17 I 7 I 17 1, I I7, 4 17 1 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 4 17 9 IT l7 I 17 I 17 I 17 I IT 4 17 I 17 I IT I 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I n 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 4 17 I 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 40 Na. 44 74 71 tl 14 74 41 74. II 71...... 74 It I. 70 tt 74 71 11 44 , 44 41 II 70 79 71 44 47 70 M tl Il... I IS 71 14 40 41 I II 71 71 71 41 .... 41 70 71 14 71 49 70 42 70 70 11 M 7 41 AT. .21 ,.117 , .110 ,.11 ,.tt4 .141 .214 ..III ..24 ..211 . tM ..147 ..lit . .14 ..144 ..117 ..221 .110 ..III ..I4t ...17 .191 .247 .191 ..111 .111 .114 .141 .114 ..111 . I ,.ttl .114 ..211 .. .241 .214 .171 ..!7t .lit ...114 ...111 ,. .m , ...!4 .221 ...290 ...114 ...tM ...11 ..21 ...Ml ...4l ...24 ...lot ...191 Bh. I 40 I 4 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 41 I 40 4 40 4 40 I 49 I 40 I 40 4 40 I 40 4 40 4 44 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 49 I 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 to 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 42 I 42 I 41 4 42 4 42 I 42 4 41 4 41 9 W4 4 4 A, I 41 944 Todl ilcj SHEEP Three cars of sheep were re ported In this morning, but two of them were direct to a packer, leaving only a sin- fle deck of a plain kind of ewes on sale, n other words, the offerings on the market were not aultlclt-nt to really make a test of values, so that there Is very little to be said regarding the trade. As has been stated every day for aome time back, there is a steady demand at this point for desira ble killers, both sheep and lambs, and there Is no danger but what anything of that description sent to1 this point would sell to good advantage. yuotattons: Oood to choice spring lambs, t7.2f47.75; good to choice western shorn lsmhs. 17.0uca7.26: fair to good shorn lambs, 11 5iVi7.0O; cull lambs. !4 6Vg6&; good to choice yearlings, tti.2S18S.0O; fair to good yearllnga, 15.754tri.26; good to choice wethers. to.Mit) M; fair to good wethers. J5.75ui Ui; good to choice ewes, t5.7fVrit.26: fair to good ewes, t6.6fS&76; bucks, 14.254.76. CHICAGO L1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady ta Itroaa- Beat Hoga Fire Cents Hlarher, Others Weak. CHICAUO, June 2b. CATTLE Receipts, 2,500 head. Market steady to strong; com mon to prime steers, 14.0iTi).lrt; cows, !3.0o 4.60; heifers. 12.76Cfi5.l6; bulls,'o4.7s; calves, t6.&0C(j7.5O; stockers and feeders, 12.7o M.80. HOOS-Recelpts. 15.000 head. Market for beat ac higher, othets weak; choice to heuvy, 8o.B6i.H7; medium to good heavy, !6.tva6.65; butchers' lights, 8 57H.65; good to choice heavy mixed, St).S7S&tlli2; pack ing. 8ti.Oti.67. SUtEP AND I.AM HH Keeeipts, I 9.UW head. Market strong to Ittc higher; Sheep, 14 506.50; yearlings, 6.60&7.50; shorn lambs, 8&.40t(j7.85. "KwVlai vaaat cuiafa. OMAHA. June 2.-Bank clearings for today were 81.664.842.87, and for the oorre spondlng date laat year 0.640.201.24. Traaaarjr tateaseat. WASHINOTON. June 26. Todsya stateaieat of the Araaury balance in th-: Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 2o.-COPTEE-MarUet for futurea opened eteady at unchanged prices to a decline of I points, which a as considered a good showing In view of the European cablea, which did not respond 13 th flrmneea cf the local market on the Drevloua demand. Trading here waa largely la the shape f switching from near to lata montha and prleea ahowed light change un til near th close, when they eased off slightly with the market firm and ateady net unchanged on June, but generally Mi 10 points net Tower. Sales for the day ware reported of 86.750 bag. Including July at 6 avert 26o, September at 4 t-Vrin 4V October at ( 6ie. November at 6.40r. IWember Jt 36.tfc. March at 7.tV and May at 7fj 7.06c Spot Klo, quiet; No. 7 fnvulce, 7c. Ns. 4 1 II t n 10 11 1 I tt.'.'.'. II.... 11... 19... 4 ft.... I t... I ... a 17.... it.... 1 ... 11... 12 ... II... U... I ... is... 21 ... 11... to.... 11.... 14 ... .... 1... 1... I.... I ... I.... 1 ... I.-... 1.... !.... I.... I ... I.... I.... I.... I...: I.... I.... I .. I.... I.... 1 I ... I .... I .... I... I... 1... 4... I... 1... 1... l .. J... 1... 1.... 1 .. 1... l... 9 .. I. .. I... 1... 4 .. 4... II. .. 4..., 1... 1 .. 1. . ... 1 .. 4... At. .. 90 .. lit Ill ...100 ... ... Ul ,..1014 ,..1104 ,.. 121 ... 411 ...1041 ... 79 ... 987 ...Ml ...941 ... 991 ...1070 ...909 ...104 ...lit . . . Itt0 ... 911 ...1014 ...lilt ... 741 ...1104 ...1079 ...1047 ...1144 ...1074 ... Ill ...1141 ...nil ... Ill ...150 .. .1140 ... 990 ... 940 ...wt ... 710 ...490 ... 1060 ... 40 ...920 ...994 ...1170 ... 110 ... 940 ..1061 ... 90 .... 940 . ... 44 .... 4M , ...1CJ0 ....1110 .... 964 .... 440 ....1040 .... 741 ....1000 ...1010 1041 .... 49 .... 171 ....lit 420 .... 46 ...1114 .... 971 .... 414 .... Ill .... 740 .... 10 .... 740 .... IM .... 174 .... 941 .... 4 440 NO. AT. 11 1171 41.... ft. I 90 I 44 4 40 4 10 4 It 4 4 10 4 14 4 49 4 40 4 44 4 4J 4 40 4 41 4 41 4 79 4 74 4 74 4 14 4 90 4 40 4 io 4 tt 4 94 4 II 4 94 4 II 4 14 4 90 4 94 4 90 4 90 4 94 4 96 4 II COWS. t 90 2 ... I 00 I 09 I 01 I II t u I u I II I to I 10 I 4 I 10 I 40 I 40 I 49 I 44 I 44 I 44 I 44 t II t 99 I 44 I 94 I I I 14 I II I II I It I 4 I 49 I 40 8 49 I U I 44 I 4 HEIFERS. 41.... I.... 41.... 14 44 ... It ... II.... 4.... St.... 11 ... 97.... 10.... II.... 41.... It.... 14.... 14.... 1... 14.... 77.... 4.... I.... 19.... 90.... 41.... It.... 12.... St.... 44 II ... ti ... 14. ... 1... I... 1... 4... I .. 1... I. .. 10... II .. 4 . 14... I ... I . I ... 1.. 10... I . I.. II. . 1.. I.. 1.. 1.. 1 . t . 4 1 . t . 4.. 4 . I . I.. I.. ..121 ...1111 ...1111 ...1420 ...10M ...1131 ...U04 ...104,7 ...1111 ...1144 ...1270 ...1194 ...1204 ...1200 ...1177 ...1111 ...1234 ...1)11 ...1147 ...1179 ...1124 ...1340 ...1114 ...1170 ...1071 ...1121 ...1475 ...lit! ...11S4 ... 11 ...1141 ...1209 r. 4 94 4 49 I 00 I 90 I 00 I 00 I 09 I 08 I 10 I 14 I II I II I 11 I to I 10 1 to 4 90 I 24 I II I 14 I U I 90 I 90 I It I 21 I II I II I 49 I to I H 8 M 4 90 4 99 I 90 I 9m I 09 I 94 I 99 I 0 I 99 t 94 t 99 I 49 I 4 I 99 I 94 I 44 1 44 I 49 I 4 1 99 I 1.. I . 1 . It.. 10.. 1 . 1 . r. 1 . I . .. it.. II . t.. 1 1 ....1114 ....1010 140 1110 .... lit .... 11 1900 ....1170 ,...lfl IT! ....1060 ....1171 ...1300 ....1291 ....lit ....111 1100 ..,.1149 .... 110 .... 971 ....1070 110 ....1140 ....11J0 ....119 ..100 .. tot .. 144 ..1114 . . 120 ..'.III ..1190 . TH . 164 .1100 . 174 . 991 . 441 . 44 . 19 . 40 . 94 . 10 . 411 . 44 ,. 149 1 a I 71 I 19 I II I 43 I 44 I II I 90 I 90 I M 4 on 4 09 4 99 4 00 4 ft 4 00 4 04 4 0 4 99 4 99 4 1 4 II 4 It 4 94 4 II 4 14 4 14 4 19 4 It 4 II 4 II 4 ti 4 4 4 44 I 9 I 0 I II I II 1 38 t 49 4 44 I 44 I 49 I 4 I 49 I 94 I 99 I 99 4 99 I 99 49 Kaasas City 1.1 Te Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, June 26. CATTLE Receipts 7,700 head, Including 1,200 south erns; market atrong to 10c higher. Choice export ana dressed Deer steers, 90.10 w 8.00; fair to good. t4.2S& 6.26; western fed steers. II 7 6 10; stockers and feed ers. t2.764f.JO; southern steers. 14.004 6.00; southern rows. I1.1I4T8.80; native cows, tl-OOTJ 4.60: native heifers, ti.Jj t.26; bulls. 12 6043 4.00; calve, tl. 50 4 8.00. HOOK Receipts 12.600 1 head; market atrong to 6c higher. Top, $6.62 VtV : bulk of sales. tt.85e 47V4; heavy. 1 ort t( 62 V. ; packers, 18.40 & 6.62 H ; pigs and light t. ts.hotr a. 43 14. SHEEP AND LAMI1S Kerelnta 10.601 head; market strong and active. Lambs, trj.ooip; 7.85: fad sheep and yearlings, 15.01 ft 6 50 , Texas and Arlxona yearllnga, 14.UJ 47 7.00; Texas and Arizona lt"p, tn.t . 6.60; Texas gosts. 13 2661. "6: atockera and feeders. I3.26&6 00. St. I .out a I.It Stoek Market. BT. LOriS.'Mo., June 26 CATTLE Re ceipts, 9.501) head. Including b.bti Texana; market, lower; native shipping and export ateers, 14.5fa6 86: dressed beef and butcher steers. 13.76 g5P0 steers under l.OOQ lbs., 13 5(4 60; stockers and feeders, 12. 68 4 26; rows and heifers. 12 5uii6.26; cannera. 11 00 2.00; bulls. 32 ig 3 6-t. calves. 13.60&6.0O; Texas and Indian steers. I3.nmsj4.ri0; cows and heifers. 12.0f4.60. HOGS Receipts, iO.OuO head: market. Steady; plus and lights. 15 6Dtl 60; packers, tn ,vf6.S&; butchers and beat heavy, 88 46 4i ) SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7 000 head: market, lower; native nnuttona. 13 00 rffS; lambs. 14nnrd.on-. culls and buck, t4.0uj1.0O; stockers, t3.(64j6 10. St. Joseph Lira Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. June 28 CATTLE Receipts. 3.6S3 head; market, steady to strona: natives. 14 2M76.75: cows snd lielf era. 11.6012 4.00; stockers and feeders, 12 75 4J4.00. . I . 1 C n -!.. lft U4 1 ..... .4 . mlrlf.l strong to 6c higher; light. ln'fi-45; med ium and heavy. t).3tVRt.62A; bulk ot sales. SHEEP AND I.AMB8-Receipts, 2.304 head; market, strong to 1' higher; lamb. 17. U. Slaax City Live Stark Market. 8IOCX CiTY. Ia., Jun 28 -8pcll Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. X hesd. Mar ket strong; tockr steady; beeves, 84 08 140; cows, bulls and mixed. t3.0rk&43t); stocker and feeder, I3.4"a4 26; calve and yearling, CWtj4.14. HOOS-Recelyt. a.) head. Market atrong. selling at 0S.40; bulk of sale. ri.EW6.3S. Stock la Slkt. Receipt t f llv stock at th six principal western market yeterday were a follows: t attle. Hoga. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago OMAHA lAlloMCItlG MARKET. roaaltloa f Traae aad Qatatloaaa EUGS-Re.-ttpts, liberal; fresh stock, lHaO. Ul r. -.. 6. i rt x -rt en. 9f; roosie. a. tc; tutkes. 1 ducks. Wc; spring chick ens, IMg.fc per lb. 1.1 I 1 r.i r -ruing vtoca. ignc; cnoica fancy dairy. 15c; creamery, 21tilVc. II AY-Prices qutel py uttiiot sera com pany: No. 1 upland.; medium. ou;, W00 Rye straw, 16 60. BRAN Per ton, 81 7 60. NEW V kOETARLM. ' TOMATokn Texas, per aiata at tt lirtv. 81.10. ' WAX BEANS Far market Dak9 ot bout 13 lbs., 11. Jt. 81 him tor.ANS-rer inarktt ba! or about 15 lb.. 11. 2& TURNIPS. BlvETS AND CARROTS Per dot. bunches, 36o. LEAP Lk'lTCCii-Hothou. ixr doa. heads. SOc. etc I i HERS Home-grown. per dox.. fctV; Texas, per bu. box, tl.OtV CiNlONS-californla. ic per lb.; Txaa In crates, wnite, 41 is; eliow, 11.85. . GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunchea, Xkk RADISH ES -Pr dos. "jneha, 16c CAHHAGh. Callfointa, 80 per lb. -CAl LIP LOWER-Per dos. head. 164V OHEEN PE4S -Per bu., H.26. NEW POTA -tOF.8-Per bu., 81.0. OLD VEOETABL.EB. POTATOES Home-grown, per tu 8M uo, routn Daxota. pr bu., 15tjMic; Cotorado, t per bu. N a v 1 MFiA.'ss-rer pu., 91 ; no. x ai..a. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 8eo. iROPICAL FRLlTR : DATES Par t--l it a-lb. pkga, H 80; Halloween, In 7v-ib. boxes, par boa, 6c; tit)cr, per 10., ; walnut stuffed, 1-10. pKss., per dos.; 8-10. boxes, 11. DO, OKANOEb CUlornia, extra faney tiav. ela, large slxe, 4-xue.0V; Mediterraneaa weets, alt si sea, 4.tAa4.ou; Valentflas ail atnea. ao.M'tii 60. LEatONb imonlera. extra fancy, sit", .uu; i to aou aisa, ti.aa. PIGS California. ier lw-lb. carton. 8!c; imported bmyriia, three-orowa, MX-crown, lac. BAN ANAS Per medium slaed bunch, 81.71 tjl u; Jumbos, rVavuS-UB. PlNbAi PLcb- l- iorlda. sixes 34, SO aad r rnvn. CHERRIES California. UOO per 8-lb. bor, our ctierne M-i- crate, tLatOl.SV ooObt.tit.itRita-t'tt crai ul A qta, i-90. riuACHES-Callfornla. ti ll per bu. l'LCMt California, 41.6taji3.ttt. tlLAt KBKKR1E8 Per M-qt. erat. 11 18 KASr-Be-RttthJI Red. per 24-pt. crate, 13 w; uiat-K. per 24-pt. crate, 12.2, APRK-O'lb Per 4-baskt crate, 11.7a.' CL'RRAJsTS llome-growu, whit and ' red. per it qt-. 81.26. MELONS. WATERMELON Per lb., lc, or about JOtQUoc eacn. CA.s'ie.L.OUPES California, per trato, bout 4a melons. 86 4oOv6o; laxaa, per ctaie. auout 4s melon. 4.u REEF CUT PRICES. No. 1 rlba. He; No. 2 rib. 8c; No. I rlba, 7c: No. 1 10m, 19c; No. 9 loin, Uc; No. 8 iwn, nttc, .no. 1 cnuck, eVfec; No. 1 cnuca, sc; Nu. 4 cnucK, ac, No. 1 round, 6Vc; No. 2 round, 60, Io. i round, lc; No. 1 piates, ic; i-lo. 4 pi ales. 80; No. I plates, MISCELXJ4.NCOU8. CIDER Pfr t8. 13 k; per uol., la. 78. HON tf New, ,-r 34 lb., 4.(81. .rtt,r.&E-wis, new, ,,v; Wlooala buck, Uc; Wisconsin umberaar, Uc; twins, uv; ioung Amerlcana 16c. - NUTS Walnut, No. 1, soft hall, new crop, per lb IbW-i .hard 1 bells, par 10., recana, laige, par lb, lc,- mall, per lb.. 13o. Peanuta. per lb., Vo; roasted, ir lb., lie. Chill wainuta, par io.. UuUao. Atinoiids. sol6 aliens, per lb., 17e; baud nelis. per lb., loc. Cocoanuta, $4 pr (ac t of lutJ. . . SbOAR Granulated can. In bbl , 15.(4); granulated cane. In sack. 1601; gran ulated, in eavas. M-4i. bi'RU'P in bbls., 40 per gal,; In caa, 6 10-lb. cans, 11.70; caaea, 11 8-lb. cans, ti.90; cases. 24 iVa-lb. cans, 11.88. COKTEE Roasted, No. 85, Va per lb 5 No. 30, )vic per lb.; No. 26. Uc per lo.; No. 20. 16Ho per lb.; No. 31, l2Ho per lb. CURED FlBH Family whlteflsh, par 4 bbl., 100 lbs., 14; Norway mackerel, per Dbl., lbs., bloater. 840; No. 1. 338; No. 8, yx; No- 1. 820; Irish, No. t 116; herring, ta bbls.. a lb. co, Norway 4k, 813: Norway Ik, 818; Holland, mlxd, til. 60; Holland her ring. In kegs, milker. SOc; keg, mixed, Ttxi. CANNED GOODS Com, standard ref ern, 66"c; Maine. 1116, Tomatoes, 1 8-lb. cans, l2wal.oO; 2-lb 7H-4?31. Plnearplea, grattd. 2-lb.. 82 064j2.8O; allced., Uallon apple, fancy, 13 80; California apri cots, 1.40tbt.00; pears tl.7MJJ.50; peaches, fane. tl-tSfll 40; H. C. pche. 11 ttKJt&O. Alaska salmon, red. tl.26: fancy Chinook. P., 12.10; fancy aockeye, F 11.86; ardtnea, H oil. 12.60; 4 mustard, tl 5iS3.10. Sweat potatoes, 11.151.16; sauerkraut, tl; pump kins, 80C081OO; wax beans, 1-lb., 7oa90c; lima beans, 2-lb., 76ceil.36: tpinacb, 8134; cheap peaa, t-lb.. 60c; extra, 76V30o; fancy, tl.S5(gl-78. ' 1. Cattea Market. NEW YORK. June . COTTON-Spot closed steady; middling uplands, lO.aoc; mid. dllng gulf. 11.05c. Sales. 11.000 Hales. . ST. IXil'IS. June 28-COTTON-Maraet quiet: middling. lt7o. Bales, M) bales; re ceipts. 118 bales; shipments, 788 bales; etoCk, 2,i3S bale. LlVERPOOU June M COTTON Spot dull and prices unchanged; Americaa mid dling, ltd The snlea of th day wer VOOO bales, of which oCA were for -peculation and export and Included 4,6m) American. Re eelpta, 10.000 bales. Including 8.4O0 American. NEW ORLEANS. June 88. COTTON- Spot closed easy. Sales, 860 bale. Iow or dinary. 7 8-lric, nominal; ordinary, 8 1-lie; good ordlnarv. 4c; low middling. J0 8-lc; nldltna- tnlK-IAr- arnn1 mtddllne. 11 7-le: m'ddllng fair 11 13 18c, nominal; fair. lIT-lfto. Receipt. 2.7W balea; stock. 86.4Z8 oaie. Sattar aad Melaaaea. NEW YORK. Juns .-SCOAR Raw. firm: fair refining. 1 1-SS9S3 l-82c: centrifugal. M test 3 17-S.&8 19-32c; molasjes sugar, 1 26-U tjlil-Stc. Refined, firm; No. 8. 4. law; No. 7. 4.16e; No. fi, 4.10c; No. I. 4tc; No. 14 4a; No. 11, 3.86c; No. It 8roc; No. IS. SSfo; N. 14. t.S5c; confectioners' A, 4 68e; mould A. Svttte; cut loaf, 6.40c; crushed, t40e: powdeied. 4.9Dc; granulated. 4.70c; cubes, 481. NEW ORLEANS. June 28. S!.'OAR-p kettle centrifugal, 838 7-1-; centrifugal yel low, 3S73c; aeconds, IC3H- REAL ESTATE TRAXrEIIS. Toleda Seed Market TOLEDO. June 28 SEEPS Clover, caah, 8735. Timothy, prime, 12.00 Alslke, August, H 00. Iaraatlcatioa la Wlseaasla, MILW'AVKEEE. June 28 -The Woota In legislature Investigation committee ta umed It sitting today. ... . 4.4M 11.ZJ3 949 t.4110 7.7o 11 4-0 10.600 1 51 1.6A2 1.8T4 8 f4) 10.(00 7 OuO 2.500 15.0H) l,rJd Total. .28.131 86 081 16.48 Oil aad Raala. NEW YORK, ' Jun 28 OIU Cottonseed oil, firm; pnm crude, . 0. b. mUla, 2&VC Rudolph Bugo and wife to John A, Person, lot 14, block 8. Central Park SOS James Kkharuson and wife to Frank A. Helrner, wVi lot 3, block 21&H. city of Omaha , LttM Joseph . Carpenter and wife to Ted Sul.lvan. eH lot 11 and iot 12, block 9. Hiilnn 2d add (SOS Michael Hlrhachman and wife to Cnarlea Drasdausky, sS lot 8, block 7, Improvement Association add C. D. Armstrong to the Florence com- rany, nM feet lot 80, OMffen 4 saac's add H. A. Tukey to Phillip Daniels, wU feet of not feet lot 14. block la, Im provement Association add....,.; 1.8US H. A. Tukey to Richard C. Taylor, . n27 feet of r22.8 feet lot 18. and nil feet lot 17, block 16, improvement As sociation add Lks) Emma C. Johnston et al. to Andrew Nelson, lots 7 and IP, block t. Sprint; Lake Park TaV E. H. Olson and wlf to Ernest M. x Jacobbergn, lot 1 and 4. block 33, Halcyon Height L30S Imperial Investment company to Jen nie o Brietis. lot 16, block 1, lat subdlv. of Grlffen 4k Smith add ... UM Henry P. Graham to Joaepb PrtblL. s1 of wl41'A feet Of lot M, Ko untie 2d add L80 Maude Kane and huaband to Mildred Tlghe and husband, s3t7 4 feet of at 14 8-14-13 I Arthur P. Wool and wife to O-org p. Bancroft, undivided half Interest la lots 8. 10 and U. block It, South Omaha . 4.171 George Bancroft and wife to Arthur p. Wood, undivided half Inter eat In block lit; lota 1. till aad S lot 18, block 8. S E. Rogers' add Preston Cants and wife to Thomas T Hall, toglnnlng feet n cf 16-16-12, thence north "t feet I John W. McDonald, sheriff, to PI or- - -en re P I.eavitf, suhlot 13 of lot 8. . Capital add 8f)0 Zora I. Shield to George H Vaugha. of eo 8 feet of lot It block 6. ta let ubd!v. cf Orlffln dt Smith's dd. t SOS Ernest Doll and wlf to Peter Jess en. Ajt lot 34. block S, CllfUia 1110,.... t ) sanai lay f- T7