THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, inn. r v V OMAHA WISS FROM DENVER Eonrkt rmilj Enatohei L8t of Bom Series with Orizzliei. GAME FULL OF FREAK OCCURRENCES , lt f Thinn Sotrd that An Kot . . . t anally Seen, hot Rill Everett la I'at Oat of Lot toal. In a Mm in which the umpire wii lad, - In which Denver made mora hlta than Omaha. In which several hits were made whlrh are not counted In the summary be cause the umpire ruled otherwise. In whlfh several good fielding chancea were taken. In which Omaha stole all the baaea, In which Old Man Kverett was ejected from ,the grounds for talking too much, In which Belden made three hita In threa tlmea tip nd In which none of the Omaha plajrere were struck but, Omaha won from Denver ' at Vinton Bfreet park Tuesday afternoon ' by a, acore of ft to 1. Kvere(t, for want of a better man, sent In do tha twirling Hunt for him, and he exploded In the flrat, but the Old Man decided to let him stay and get hla , bum;"' Jtls sagacity waa proven, for the - -?oyigster pitched excellent ball for the re mainder of the game, the Omaha bunch making ' but four hit from hla delivery during the 'balance of the fun. Tha flrat Inning, however, waa a bad one for Mr. Adama, and he began to wlah he had 'stayed In Greeley before Ta'a Colte were through with him. Oaaaha Mini In Flrat. Johnny Bender, who waa playing right In place of Carter, who hnd hla ahoulder wrenched at the den Monday night when . the goat hunted him Into one of the heavy timber, led off with a hit. and Howard pepped out to the pitcher In trying to v hunt. Terrlng hit for' a double, and Dr. Welch walked. Bassey'a single brought Perrlng home, and Joe. Dolan also singled, which scored Welch and put Baaeey on ..third. Baaeey and Dolan pulled off a auc ceseful double ateal, which made a total of four and ended the run getting. Denver acored one In tha fourth by Bel , den, J. Smith and Zaluaky each making a single. Ir the . sevehth two more were . dded thusly: T. Smith walked and Ran dall hit for a three-Backer, bringing him home. After Russell and Reddlck had re- tired Belden made hla third alngle In the day and brought Randall home. Omaha'e other score 'waa made In the fifth Inning,, when Perrlng led oft with a . double and, Welch walked. BUI Everett 'ook auch violent exceptions to the. de cielons of the umpire that Mr. McCarthy told -him he had better go back of the grandstand and alt down, which Old Bill did. after parading in front of the grand stand for some, time to show hia manly form. Bill was not doing much but bark at the nmp. After Bill had retired Baaaey hit : to Adams, who caught him at first, and In the meanwhile Perrlng had gone to third and came home on Dolan'a out from Red , dick tot Russell. . Corns la Tight . Hole. .. That .waa all the scoring done. Corns looked like he was about to explode In antkoi aavaJitjh., when Denver made three hlta off Ma delivery," 1 affer-Mermn I)ng . ;had MeNesdey warm up lie aettled down '. and finished strong. Howard and Terrlng .each wera atar actors In aoina faat fielding plays. ; - Pueblo will be here Saturday. .;. The score: " OMAHA. 1 R. R:H. PO. A.' K. Pender V ' 0 , Howard, ?.,..;...,.. j o .'Perrlng. 3b 4 5 2 .4 0 0 1 1 0 7 15 ; weicii. cr 2 1 1 2 ."Hasrey, If.. 3 118 . . Dplan. lb.i , 4 0 1- 12 Hqiikle. aa 4 n 0 1 . bonding, c 2 0 0 ft (Corns, p g 0 1 1 . 'Totals .. h DENVER. . II 27 H. PO. 0 , 2 0 2 -n AR 4 .3 3 4 McHale. cf T. Smith, 2b... Handall. If.... Riii.c. lb...... Fleddlok. ,1b.... .Belden. rf J. Smith, aa.... Zalusky,. c..:.. Adams, p,...,. 15 . n 3 0 0 1 .... Totala 85 3 24 17 , Omaha . Ilita 4 0 1 2 10 " Huns 4 0 0 0 1 0 Denver 0 - 0 -5 0 O-B 0 08 Hlta , Runs . 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 OO Two-base hlta: Perrina (2i. RanH.11 . rtiree-baaa hit: Randall. Bases on balls: Off Corns.. 4 off Adams, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Corns. 1; Adams, '1. 'Struck out: Hv 'Corn. 3;. by Adams. 0. I.ert on bases'- Omaha.-t: Denver. II. Sacrifice lilts: Bas xey. T. Pnitth. Double plavs: McHale 10 T. Smith; J. Smith to Russell. Stolen bases: Bender. Basscy 1.'). Dnlan. Time 1:. I'mplre: McCarthy. Attendance. 400. Collegian lias Lincoln 4aesaing. 8IOI X CITY, la.. June 2.-Sawver, the young roll-man from South Dakota., was '-tried -out by Sioux City toilay and" he ''pitched- a etdlar game, allowing Lincoln nly wix scattering hits and winning by 4 score of to 4. I'p to the fifth inning no Lincoln batter succeeded In reaching : llrst. Then loose work In the inflcld and a, wild pitch brought In two runs. Lin coln acored ngain In the seventh and '. eighth. the- lattr being earned. Xackert wilso pitched a fairly good game, hut was lilt harder than Sawyer and at times when klia meant rune. Score: i .j. 8IOVX.C1TY. At . .Campbell ,lf, 1 v "heehan; rf 4 Kenton, rf-lf 4 Xobllt. cf 4 Wed. Si :....' ; 4 Meyers, lh I . -Newton, aa 8 Woet. Sb 4 Freese. c 4 v Hee.' f.,..: 0 Swjert p 3 . R. H. O. A E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 o o i o o 3 2 2 0 0 2 S 8 8 0 0 I ' 11 0 1 11 1 4 1 1 1 0 4 0 0 2 8 0 o ; '0 0 0 O A I 0 0 0 2 0 J 12 2 13 1 I ,N. . R. It. PO. A E. 0 0 12 0 13 110 0 0 111 1 3 10 1 0 11 3 0 0 1 o i o o 0 1110 0- 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 24 11 7 Totala .. 34 icor AB . . S3 Ktllman, as.... Wolfe, rf 'Vuutllln, Sli Thomas, lb 'olllna. ff " Ketchem, cf... Barton,'' 2b Zlnran, 'c '- Zackerl, - p i . Totals, Colline out i Sioux City Lincoln . ....... ..01001 1 0 3 - 1 0-4 ... 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 Earned runs: Bk.ux City. 6, Uncoln, 1. 10. YOUR DOC SICK7 If - your dog ta aick come to u. aa we sell ALL kinds of Iog Medicines, , PPRATTS, DENTsi and GLOVERS. BOOK FREE For feas get our "Dog Shampoo." Kill every flea. Price 25c. For mange gel "Improved Mange Cure," to apply, prlea. tOo and Tonic Condition Tablets for Inter- Two-hae hits: Sheehan, Nobllt (2), Weed. Frost, Freese, Wolfe. Home run: Weed. Double plays: Wolfe to Bartnn; FYost to Wed to Meyers. I,eff on bases: Slous Cltr, 7; Lincoln, 4 Stolen bsees: Sheehan, Newton, Wolf, Thomas. Sacrifice hits: Newton, Ket-hm. Hhsos on balls: Ciff Zackert. 2. lilt bv pitched ball: Ketchem. Struck out: By Sawyer, 7; by 7-aekert, 4. Wild pitch: Sawyer. Time of game: 1:38. Umpire: Davis. Attendance, 7o0 Champion Take Another. DF.S MOINKS, 1., Juno 2. Orouver Olllen, Des Molnea- new pitcher from To ledo, arrived this morning and went Imp the box today, winning from Pnehlo by a score of 4 to 2. Both teams played steilai ball at all times, but Gillen kept his hl:s well Blattered while the champions fell on Morrison In the eighth for three hits anJ three scores. The score: DES MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Caffvn, If 4 1 8 3 0 0 O'leary, Sb 2 0 0 0 2 0 Welda.i, cf 4 1 2 0 0 Dexter, lb 4 0 1 9 0 0 Torn, c 4 0 18 2 0 Hogrlever. rf 4 0 0 10 0 Andreas, es 2 1 0 4 4 0 S. hlpke. Sb 8 1 1 1 4 1 Olllen. p 2 1 2 0 0 0 Totala 29 4 PUEBIiO. AB. R. , 4 1 3 1 4 0 27 12 H. PO. A. 1 4 0 Conk, If McOllvrav. lb... Sluiirart, 2b Melrhlnr, rf 1 11 0 2 X 1 4 0 Under, cf 4 Klwert, 3b 4 Kteke. as 4 Mesaltt, c 4 Morrison, p... 8 0 2 0 v 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 34 2 23 ! Welday hit by batted ball. Dea Molnea 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 02 Two-base hits: Welday, Caffvn. Double play: Andreas. Shlpke and Dexter. Basea on balls: Off Morrison. 4; off Gillen. 1. Struck out: By Morrison, 2; bv allien. 8. Passed bsll: Towne. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Keefe. Attendance: 600. standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Des Molnee 61 3fi IS Omaha 51 Denver M Sioux City R2 Lincoln 53 Pueblo 53 2fl 2) 24 22 18 5W .5.17 .4R2 .ilo .345 Games todav: Omaha at Ut Moines, Denver at Lincoln. Pueblo at Sioux City. GAMES IJf THE AMERICA I.EAGIB Chicago Shnta Ont St. I.onls Through Good I.nclt. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June 2. Glade pitched magnificent ball today, but the vlsltora were lucky, acorlng two runs on no hlta and In another inning two nine on one hit, defeating St. Ixjula 4 to 0. Owen, for Chi cago, waa hit hard, but kept them scat tered. Hcore: CHICAGO. ST. IjOVIS. B H.O.A E. fl H O A E. Hihn. If 4 4 1 4 N tins, rf t 1 0 0 T. Joiim. cf. I 0 0 UT. Jones, lb. 4 0 0 IkImII. lb 1 I) I 4 0 SI one. If I 1 u 0 Darn, u 4 0 t 4 1 HemDhlll. ft. 1 1 I 6 1 liononus, lb. f 0 11 0 CI 1 !, u..4 ONU. rf....4 110 OOBrlen. lb..l 14 4 1 0 111 Sulllnn. C..4 1 1 1 0 Hansell. Sb. 4 1 1 4 lannenill, Ibl I I I 1 Rlrhey, C....4 1 t 0 1 Owsn, p 4 1 0 1, p S 1 0 1 0 Koahler. lb.. 1 1 S 1 0 Totals U 4 17 11 lNord;k ...10 00 ToUli U I 17 4 Batted for Glade In ninth. Chicago 00000200 24 St. loulB 00000000 00 Earned run: Chicago, 1. Two-haee hlta: NIL'S, Sullivan. Hartzell. Double plays: O'Brien to Wallace: Hahn to.Iebell; Tanne hlll to 1 shell to Donahue. Stolen basea: O'Nell, Donahue. Baaea on balls: Off Glade, 6; oft Owen, 3. Struck out: By GLado, 4; by Owen, 1. Left on basea: gt. Ijouls, 10; Chicago 7. Time: 1:67. Umpire: Sheridan. Darla Wins for Qnakera. PH1TADELPHI A, June Si.-Davis' home run hit, with a man on a baaet gave Phila delphia another victory overjBnston today. Yoijng was lilt hard, while the visitors couid da-4uta with JHender'a pitching. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. B.H.O.A C. B H O A E Hartnl. If... 4 110 4 Parent, aa ... 4 114 4 Lord. cf......4 8 1 C Stahl. cf 1 1 8 0 i IKvla. lb.... 11 0 Freeman, lb. 1 1 (1 0 Reynold, rl.,1 I 1 0 geibarh. If... 4 110 0 Murphy, lb.. 4 111 ( Forrla. 2b ... 4 0 4 1 0 Shir-.k. 0... 4 7 1 1 Harden, rf... 4 0 2,0 0 Crrvaa. a 4 1 I 1 u Morjao. lb.. I 18 Knislit, lb... 4 10 1 1 AimhniDter. el 0 I 1 0 Bendar, . p.... 4 110 0 Young, p...i.l 0 01 Totals...... 11 17 10 1 Totala Jo 24 11 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 Boston , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 IWt on bases: Boston, 5; Philadelphia, 0. Ea rned rune: Philadelphia, 3. Stolen baaea: Selbach, Jrd. Two-base hit: Ben der. Three-base hit: Hartsel. Home run: Davis. Sacrifice hits: Davis, Freeman. Double play: Croas, Murphy and Davla. Struck out: By Young. 4; by Bender, . First base on balls: Off Bender, 2. Time: 1:50. Umpires: Hurst and Connor. Detroit Defeats Cleveland. DETROIT, June 2. With two out in the ninth and two runs needed to tie, Detroit followed a base on balls by an Infield single and clean drives to the outfield by Craw ford and Cobb, winning the game 6 to 4. DETROIT. CLEVELAND. B H O A E. B.H.O.A.E. ,'nnn. rf 4 0 1 0 0 Flick, cf 4 110 0 Brhaefar, It.t I I I 1 JarkroB, if I'rawfonl. rf. I 1 10 ITurner, as-. 4 1 1 0 u 4 14 4 1 Cobb. If t 111 0 Lajela. lb.... I 1110 Cnufhlln, lb. I 1 1 0 Roasman, lb. 1 0 J 1 0 binauv, in.. l hi tunnsaiioa, rf 4 0 I I o O Lrary, is. . 4 1 1 3 BriJl.y. lb... 4 1 1 I 0 Schmidt, i Mullln. p Pajna .. Lows ... 10 7 1 larks, e 4 0 4 0 1 110 10 Hsu, p 4 1 1 0 C 0000 10 0 4 0 Totala It f2 11 Totala 30 11 17 1 .Batted for Schmidt In the ninth. Batted for Jonea In the ninth. Two out when winning run acored. Detroit 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 8- Cleveland 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 04 Two-base hits: Crawford, Flick. Sacri fice hit: Rossman. Stolen liases: Bchaefnr, Flick. First base on balls: off Mullln, 4; off Hess, 4. Left on basea: Detroit, 9; Cleveland. . Struck out: By Mullln, 5 by Hess, 3. Time: l:f.. Umpires: Con nolly and Evans. Game Postponed. At Washington Washington-New York game postponed; rain. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. .17 .s13 .,"s .6?-. .6J6 .525 .851 .271 Cleveland 67 Philadelphia 5K 35 it New York , SA ;4 24 Chicago f,7 30 27 St. Ixiuls 6i 31 2 Detroit 5.1 . .11 2 Washington 67 . 20 87 Boston 59 . 1 , . 43 Games today: Chicago at St. Iyiuls Cleveland at Detroit. Philadelphia at Waahl lngton, Boston at New York. YAI.E WI9 IH TK TH IMQ of Series. ' NEW HAVEN, June K. Before crowded stands, ahlch at tlmea were massea of blue and crimson flags, and in the presence of ariouKly attired classes back for class reunions. Vale defeated Harvard today at lale field In the second of the champion ship series of liase hall by the' score of 3 to 2. The game went through ten Innings. The victory this afternoon gives Yale the series, the Blues having defeated tha t rimsona at Cambridge last week by the score of 8 to 1. This makes a third game unnecessary. Jackson's clean drive to left field after two men had been retired In the last huir of the tenth Inning won the game All the pent-up enthusiasm of I he last iiowd burst forth at ttila play and Jack son, caugivt up in the arms of excited and jubilant undergraduates, was "borne from the field amid thundering cheers and the strains of "Hoola." The parade of the undergraduatea In their fancy and groteaque costuinea was carried out on the field before the game and added greatly to the merriment of the I'M '4'laHlfBfl Score: r. h. k Yale 0 A1010000 13 4 , Harvard OOG0U42O0 03 4 8 j Batterlea: Yale, Paraona anil Jones: Har ,vard: Castle. Currier and Stephenson. Two Straight for Fremont. j FREMONT. Neb.. June I. (Special Tele ! gram 1 Fremont made It two straight from I the Lincoln grocere thla afternoon, by a I ax-ore of to 1. After-the first lni.1111 tha grocers were not In it at any atage of the game. Both eidee played rather slow ball owing to the game being played In the outheld in the grass. R. H. E. Fremont 0 8 2 0 0 3 2 - 14 Lincoln 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 4 J Batteries: Fremont. Prelmley, Brown and Fianklln; Lincoln. Smith and Campbell. Tio at Seventeen Innings. BEATRICE, Neb.. June 31. (Special Tele gram t The fastest gam of ball played in this county in years mas pulled off this afternoon at Pttkrell between the Pltkrell (jiiriiiiii learns 1 ne game went sevrn- "r.fe oeing 1 to 2. The CHICAGO DEFEATS ST. LOUIS Game ii a Pitcher' Btttl Between Orertll ' and Brown. EACH TEAM MAKES BUT THREE HITS Windy City riayera Make Two Slaglea la Third Inning; and Score Only Rnn of the Gam. CHICAGO, June M.-The locals defeated St. Ixiuls 1 to 0 today In a decided pitcher' battle, each team being held to three sin gles. Kllng scored the run on his single, a sacrfflce and Slagle s drive to center. Score: chkaco. sr. Lori. B.H.O.A K . B.H O A E. riffle, rf 4 1 S 0 0 Burrh. rf 4 1 8 0 Slnaard. If. 1 001) Brnnett. lb. .1 1 4 0 "whnlis. rf... 4 0 1 e 0 Arn-tt. Ib 4 n 0 S Hoffman, lb. 1 S 0 0 Smnet, cf.... t 1 0 (( Stlnfllt. Ski I t ( 0 Shannon, If . . (I S 0 (1 Tlnkar. as... n 4 1 Be. kleT. lb.. I 8 16 0 Frers. !b i I McRrlite. aa. . I 0 ( 0 K Una; c t 1 1 1 OV-Carlov. o..I 0 t 2 0 lrall, p.... 1 14 1 0 Brown, p a 0 0 Tfttls... '...-I 3 17 1 Totala It I 24 16 0 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (I 1 St. IOUis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 left on bases: Chicago, 6; St. Ixiuis, 3. Sacrifice hits: Stelnfeldt, Overall, Bennett. Stolen base: Sheckard. Double plav: Kllng to Kvers. Struck out: By Overall, 11; by Brown. 3. Passed balls: MrCarthv, Kllng. Baaes on balls: Off Brown, 3. Wild pilch: Overall. Hit by pitched ball: Sheckard. Time: 1:30. t'mplres: Carpenter and Klem. Brooklyn Mini In Flrat. BOSTON. June 2fi Four hits, Including a three-bagger, with two out. netted Brook lyn four rune In the first Inning today,' giv ing them a victory over Boaton. 4 to 1. The game was interrupted by a small riot which occurred when the police made two arrests for alleged gambling In the first base bleachere. The crowd got out upon the field and the players left the game to watch the exertions of the police, who had to beat off many would-be rescuers of the prisoners on the way to the gates. This action on the part of the jiollce la the result of a re cent crusade against betting at the local base ball games. Score: BROOKLYN. BOSTON. B.H. O A K. ' B.H.O.A K. Maimer, rf.. 4 I ( 6 Brldwsll. as.. 4 10 1 Caner. 3b 311 0 Tenner, lb... I 1 II M Lumler. rf...J t 4 1 0 Brain. Kb 4 1 0 i 0 Jordan, lb... 4 1 II 0 1 Bates, cf 4 1 I 0 0 Alperman. ib 4 1 1 4 0 Howard. If.. 4 110 1 Lawla. as ... 4 0 1 7 0 Dolan, rf 4 0 3 0 (I Hi-n.msl, If.. 4 1 t 0 0 Brown, e I 0 3 0 0 Bren. e i 0 ! 4 0 stroeoel. Sb. 4 1 4 7 9 MdDtyrt, p.. 0 0 1 0 Llntfaman, pi 1 0 8 0 Totals 33 T 37 IS 1 Totals 33 i S7 17 1 Brooklyn 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Two-base hits: Llndaman, Brain. Three base hit: Alperman. Sacrifice hit: Casey. Stolen base:, Maloney. Double plays: Lum ley to Alperman to Lewis; Iwls to Jordan: Stroebel to Tenney. Base on balla: Off Mclntyre. 2; off Llndaman. 1. Struck out: By Mclntyre, 1: by Llndaman. 2. Time: 1:35. Umpires: Kmalte and Conway. Plttlnger Too Nnrh for New York. NEW YORK, June 2 Plttlnger waa too strong for the locals today. It was a close game at that. Doolln's double and Glea son's single being responsible for the visi tors winning the last game of the series. Snore: PHILADELPHIA. . NEW YORK. B.H.O.A E. B.H.O.A.E. Thomas, cf . .. 8 1 i 0 c Bri snahan, rf 3 0 8 h f Tltua. rf I 0 1 ') Marahp.ll, rf. 4 0 2 0 0 1 1 lb.. 4 0 10 0 0 Courtney, lb. 4 1 msm. if.... 4 1 1 0 0 Martea. If.... 4 12 0 0 Doolln. aa.... 4 ill 2 I'ahleo. as...i 1210 Bianaflal, 1k 4 0 i ( Devlin, lb.... I 2 4 1 G.taaoo, 2b.. I 1 0 0 0 Ullbert. ; 2b... I 0 i t 0 Dnoln, e I 0 I OBnwirman. el 0 1 4 1 rittlnier, p. 8 0 i i 0 M. olnnUy. p 3 0 0 t 0 "Strang, e.. 1 0 0 U 0 Totals 10 (278 Totals.- 80 4 27 II 1 Batted for McGinnity In ninth. Philadelphia 00010010 02 New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 t First on errors: New York. 8; Phila delphia, 1. Left on ba'aea: New York, 1; Philadelphia. 4. Bnses on balla: Off Mc Olnnity, 1, off Piltlnger, ti. Two-base hit: Doilln. Sacrifice lilts: Marshall, I'evlli, Titus. Stolen bpses: Brtsnahan, Devli-i (2t, Gilbert (21. Double plays: Gilbert to McGann; Iioolin to Braastleld. I'mplre: Johnstone. Time: 1:40. Garrison Finish by Pirates.. .. CINCINNATI. June 2. Heavy hitting by the Plttsburgs In the last three InnlnRS won the game after It seemed as though Cincinnati was certain of victory. Ieever, pitching for 1 lie visitors, retired after the first inning. Seymour was benched In the fifth Inning for disputing a decision on a strike. Score: P1TTSBCRO. B. II. CAE. CINCINNATI. . B.H.O.A.E Beaumont, eft 2 '. II il Huga-lna. 2b.. 3 10 10 Galley, rf.... a 12 1 0 S! mour, -f..3 0 2 0 C Cltlke. ir A 3 2 0 0 Lobert, rf ...l 0 10 0 Warner, aa... 3 0 1 4 Keller, If.... 4 14 0 0 Neklrn, lb... I ill I 0 Barry, lb 4 0 Leach. 3b 4 1 2 0 Delehanly. Ib 4 2 2 1 1 Rl'rhsy, 2k.. 4 0 12 OOOwell. FT...4 110 1 Pelts, c I 1 3 0 0 Corcoran, aa.. 3 0 1 0 Fholpa. c... 1 10 0 0 Llrlnsaton. c4 0 8 0 Uevcr, p,... 0 0 0 0 0 Wicker, p I Sli LjDih. p I 1 1 0 Fraeer. p 0 0 0 1 Totals...... S5 10 21 1 totals. .....81 8 27 in i Pittsburg ...0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2-6 Cincinnati 3 0 1 0 0 o 0 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Delehanty I2i. Home run: Clarke. Sacrllice lilts: Lynch (2). Stolen base: Wagner. St ruck, out: Bv 'Wicker, 4: by Lynch, 3. First base on balls; off Wicker, 2; off Leever, 2: off Lynch, 2. Double play: Wagner and Nealon. Hits; Off Ijcever, 3 In three Innings; off Lynch, 2 In eight Innings; off Wicker, 8 In eight in nings; off Fraser. 2 In one inning. Time: 2:16. I'mplre: O'Day. Standing; of the Teama. Played. Won. Lost. Pet Chicago t4 S 19 . 7-J3 Pittaburg o 3 1 New York M 40 21 .. Philadelphia M 'ii 32 .& Cincinnati C4 Jo 3:t .1 Brooklyn ' 23 37 .31 St. Louis KTi :4 41 .-,9 Boston 6J 21 41 .118 Gamea today: Brooklyn at Philadelphia, New York at Boston, I'll t.-iliut g at Cincin nati. fttelnfeldt Leads 1. 1st. Sunday, Stelnfeldt, Chicago's cra:'k tlilul baseman, and Dohlln wore tied for lead in the National league batting !lrt with a percentage of .3XV Wonder If Cin cinnati couldn't use Stelnfeldt if they had him hack? The National's Hat starts off like this: AB. BH. Pet. 21S 73 .8.1! 37 .ZSfi ' 2l"l rlK 228 77 .S17 1J6 41 .3:11 1M 47 .317 164 52 .817 2ol M .313 m 1 111 ISO 4H .3011 2 It? 6 & 3oS 1n 08 2f7 2f 6 .26 213 s.1 .Ii5 144 42 .291 15" 46 .29 143 41 .2)f7 2: 7 .2A 119 34 . 285 Stelnfeldt. Chicago. Donlln. New York ; Wagner, Pittsburg Schulte, Chicago Ward. Philadelphia Kllng. Chicago McGann, New York Chance, Chicago Lumley, Brooklyn Thoman. Philadelphia ... I.each, Pittsburg Sheckard. Chicago Devlin, New York Barry. Cincinnati Ganley, Pittsburg Clark. Pittsburg Bresuahan, New York , Kelley, Cincinnati Arndt. St. Iiuia Courtney, Philadelphia , Defaults on Drafted Playrra. CINCINNATI. June 26-Notlcea of de faults In payments for seven players drnfteri from minor league clubs was made today by Secretary Bruce of the national com mission. In the National league there was default by St. Ijouls In the case of Player Adams of the Paraona (Kan 1 club and bv Brooklyn In the cane of Player Pattee of the Jersey City club. In the A merles n league Philadelphia defaulted in the aeea of Playera Justice of Hartford. William O'Hara of Wtlkesliarre and J. Myera of To ledo. Tlie Boston Americans defaulted on payments for Players Josslyn of Providence and Olmsted of Kamtaa City If no other major league club delres. under the na tional agreement, to make the aerond draft price payment for any of these plavera and secure their services they will revert to the clubs from which they were drafted. (arroll Haa on Batting; Clothes. BIiOOMFIFIJ. Neb.. June 26- Special Telegram.! The Carroll base ball team de feated the Bloomneld nine here todav by a acore of 18 to 3. Three Bloomfleld pit hers were used and all were hit freely. F.vaua for Carroll pitched fine ball. . Score: R H. E. Carroll 1 I t 0 8 018 18 2 Bloomfleld ...1 000OOJ0 8 4 10 Batterlea: Carroll, Evans and Taft; Bloomfleld, Book, Hoatetter, Sutton and Gardner. Rananlere Want Gaaaea. On account of the trouble between tha Bloomlngton and Martina-ton teama laat Sunday the Hanlngton team has cancelled Ita game 'with the Ramblers of South Omaha, leaving them without a gama for next Sunday. The Kamblera have loat but ons game thla seaaoii and have defeated tha faat Bellevue team, also the ciack Jetter'a Gold Tope of South Omaha, tha " 9te.r,0"' rr) CaflCJXUU . -liA. eiltaXU n. In the fire fJt.nnHarH makf. ...wiwa ttw.w iiioivi imiiji 'IIJUI V. - t a lit. UlilJ UUIIIUV UUIIU I. W lllL IIIVJV VI 4 . these iiistruments was a slight marring of the cases, caused by the hasty removal QyJ of; this great stock from one part of the building to another. Owing to a liberal r allowance by the the former prices, . n : u.' rianu uuyers a high grade instrument at the price they kind. A sale of pianos at such a saving as p in" Nebraska. AH pianos on the floor improvements known to the piano manufacturers. All pianos will, as usual, be sold ftp on easy terms if 6p parlor entrance Everything o Zithers, accordions, talking machines and records, in fact everything pertaining to p music will be included in this sale. ' p Be on hand and a few other fast amateur teams. Any team in or out or tne.cuy desiring a good, fast game for next Sunday should write to the Ramblers. Address. Jetters to R. Corrl gan. Thlrtv-nlnth and -8 streets. South Omaha, Neb. ' GAMES IS AMfCRrCA ASSOCIATION Parkers and JHIIIem Break Rrra li Donble-Header at Flonr City. MINNRAPOMS. June 28. Kansas City and Minneapolis broke even today In a double-header.- In the first game Kansas city bunched hits off Kllroy In the fourth inning. Cadwallader allowed but one hit in the second game, that being made In the ninth by Waldron. Cassady's one-handed catch waa the feature of the game. 8core, first game: . '. KANSAS CITY. ' UlNNBAPOUe-. B.H.O.A.V. n.H.O.A.H. r.rrlne. .a; I'aMarty, If. Waldron. rf . 4 . 4 . I . 3 i 1 4 C Davis. Tf 1 . (i e Preaman, lb. 4 Z U on. Sullivan, if( 1 O t o A I i l : i it i s 1 o Burka, 8b.. Oram I near, 8b 4 Hill, rf a Ken, jf. Phrle. lb.... 4 Slalt.rv, lb. . 4 Hulllvan. c... 4 Krautt. p...-. 8 OvUr. as... 0 Yeaaar.- o.. CFoi. ... Kllroy. p.. tMirlnt . .. (I Totals II .1 f ; Totals 14 10 ii It Batted for Kllroy In ninth. Kansas City 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 03 Minneapolis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 Two-bane) hits: Freeman, Oreminger, Phyle. Stolen base: Hill. Sacrifice hits: Hill, Burke, Freeman. Bases on balls; Off Kllroy. 4; off Franta, 1. Struck out: bv Franta, 2; by Kllroy, I. Hit by pitched hall: By Fran It. Suntvnn: by Kllroy, Franti. Balk: Kllroy. Left on baaea: Mln neapoha. 8; Kansas City, 7. Time: 1:46. I'mpires: Ix ahy. and Graham. Score, second game (eight innings): MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS CITT. B.H.O.A.E. B.H II A E Parla. rf.. 6 14 0 Crerrlna. aa... I 8 2 1 Fireman, lb. 8 1 ('('sandy,. If Waldron,' r t Burke. Sb... 0 Hill. cf . .. (Phele. lb Sratterv. lb 0 8 1 1 0 0 I 1 n i .18 ti Sullivan, rf 8 1 Oremlnser. Ib I I) Hnrt. If I I Orler, aa 3 1 Shannon, r. . 8 0 foil, lb 8 1 Cads-al der, p 3 0 b e Sratterv. lb.. 8 S 11 1 0 1 0 J. Hulllnn. c I 0 I 1 0 1 0 Durham, p .. 10 00 Yotala 31 :t 7 .. Totals., i. ...I 187 11 1 Minneapolis ...o 0 0 1 0 1 0 24 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 8 0-0 Home run: ' Hart. Three-base hit : Fox. Stolen base: Oyler. Sacrifice hits: Shan non. Oreminger, Cadwallader. . Basea on balla: Off I'urliam. 4. off Cadwallader, 5. Struck out: By.Cadwaijader. 4; by Durham, 1. Double play: Fox to Oyler to Vreeman. Time: 1:30., 1'inplresi. Teager and Ieahy. ... Brewera Rsark Hlta. ST. PA1'l..' June . Mil waukee bunched Its hits off Moore. iJlck Padden'a new re cruit from the Texaa league, and won by a score of to 4. Although hit hard at times, Moore made a good impression. Score: ' , T. PAIL. B.H.O.A E. B.H.O.A K. Robinson, as.-t 1- i OOeler, . rf Suaden. Ik. . . 4 Oreen, If 8 Mi heaney, rf RatemHO, lb. I Hemphill, rf Heillle. r ( lark, lb 4 M ( onn'k. !b I Qo'dlQ p.. o vanandt, . cf I Frlak. If 8 0 waxier, lb.. 4 Ro. k'feld. a. 4 t Padden. tb. . 8 0 Prill, e 4 1 0 Moore, p ..301 1 -Haley . Total. 31 13 J7 1 Totals. Batted for Moore In ninth ..100 .88 n 16 1 Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 Hi. Baul 0 fi 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Two-base hits: Hemphill 2i, Rohlnxou. McCht-sney. - tireen. Goodwin. Bat email. (Seir. Double plays: Rot-kenfeld to Fadrtrn to Hugden; 'MeChesnejr' to Bateman. Baaea on I'Mlla: Off Moore, 4; off Goodwin. 1. Hit by pitched lull: By Goodwin. Padden, Sugdeii. Frlak. Struck out: By Moore. ; by GOndwIn. 4. Bacrlflce hit: Green. Left on bases: fit. Paul. 8; Milwaukee, 11. Time: 1:W. empire: Haskell. tolambna Wlai nlth Sllek. INDIANAPOLIS, June 38 By euperlor hitting Columbus won today trom Indi anapolis, to 3. Score: COH MM INDIANAPOLIS. B H O A E. H H O A K- Plrkerlnf. rf 4 1 I s Dunlaarr. cf. 4 1 4 0 Wriaiey, b..l I 7 0 J. ( air. aa ... 4 I 1 1 Hmrhmaa. rf 4 110 HI me.. If ... . 4 1300 (oultar, lf... 3 10 C. (a rr. lb . 4 1,10 Haji. ib I ill i SAikenoa. lb I 1 0 rnal. Ib .... I 1 I Perry, rf .... 8 1 B Hulaarlit, aa . 4 1 I Marraa. ib... 4 0 8 8 0 ' ' 8 8 4 t OKa.oa. c 8 13 10 Kab.rt.llls. pi j j J ri.h.r. p,.. 1 1 o Walker, p.... J 0 I 0 Totals 87 : 37 J Totala 33 f 17 8 I Columbus 0 0 8 0 0(0 08 Indianapolis 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 J Innings pitched: By Fisher. S: by Walker. Z. Baa hita: Off Fisher. 11; off Walker, 2. Basra on balls: Off Fisher. 4; off Robertaille. X. Struck out: By Fisher, 1: by Kohertaille, 1 Wild pltchea: Rotrtallle. Two-bauM hlta: Hlnchman. Huls wt Three-base hit: Frlel. RacrlHce hits: Pliketing. Ryan Double playa: Hulawitt !; Wrlgley to Ryan: C. Cnrr to Marran. Mil Jn U.u I fin r,; .4iutirs Zuti Iom JtA tc that occurred June 3 vvprp nnt matprinlKr ininrori Tho nnhr Himirfo different insurance companies, we are able to and can save the purchaser from $150 to $200. t t t i . .i or prospective Duyers the pianos on our floors are high grade standard makes. All the -Ap are the 1906 patterns, thus insuring the purchaser all the latest p) purchaser so desires. on Douglas street. in sheet music, book early and secure first choice as. sale will begin (AH Douglas 634 rora: Kahoe, Wrlgley. Ift on bases: Ip dlanapolls. 4: Columbus, 2. I'mpire: Owens. Modhens Ranch Hlta. TOIjKDO, June I. Bunching of hits won for Toledo today. Captain Clarke was put off the field for protesting when Kane al lowed Hallman four strikes. Score: TOLEDO. LOII8V1U.E. . B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A E. Nsnr.. cf 4 t 1 (I 0 Hallman. If.t. 10 2 0 0 J. i larke. If. 4 Iiemont, aa. .. 8 Jude. rf...:.. 4 Krueger, lb.. I ib.... I 0 Stnvall, cf . 4 0 Rraahear. 2b. 4 Sullivan, lb. 4 0 Kerwln. rf . .. 4 0 Woodruff. 3b. 4 0 Shaw, c 4 tl Qulnlan. aa.. 3 0 llunkle, p. . . . I 1 kenna 1 1 1 I W. riarke. lb 0 Abbott, lb... 8 1 Land, c 1 Piatt, p 3 Totals 8 S7 7 1 Totala 33 I 24 8 1 Batted for Dunkle in ninth. Toledo 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 4 Louisville 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Two-base hita: Sullivan, Woodruff, Bra shear, Piatt, J. Clarke, Krucger. Struck out: By Piatt. 8; by Dunkle, 2. Basea on baifs; Off Piatt, 2; off Dunkle, 1. Stolen baaea: Woodruff. (Julnlan. Double plays: yuin lan to Brashear; Shaw to (Julnlan. Sacri fice hit: Land. Time: 1:50. I'mplre: Kane. Standing; of the Trams. Played. Won. Pet. Toledo ho S9 2t .oAl Columbus (W 4H 28 Milwaukee l ,V i,74 Louisville 64 34 i'l C31 Kansas City M Jn .13 ,4T6 Minneapolis ti :to 3.i ,thj St. Paul 2 Jh .'17 .4nl Indianapolis b4 -! 41 .i'l Games today: Columbus at Indianapolis, Louisville at Toledo, Milwaukee at St. Paul, Kansas City at Minneapolis. Arapahoe Takes n bealp. BEAVER CITY. Neb.. June 2.-i8pi-clar Telegram i. In the game here today be tween the Arapahoe Beavera and Beaver City While Caps, the former won by a score of 12 tu 7. Score: R II K Arapahoe 1 0 0 4 2 0 8 0 0-12 10 4 Beaver City.. S3U00001 0 78o Batterlea: Arapahoe. Tanner and Schoon over; Beaver City, Ijrach and Sclvarkcy. I'mplre: Burney of McCook. Bases on balll: Off Tanner, a: off leach, (. Struck out: By Tanner, 12; by Loach, 15. Ternuiaeh Wlna In enth. TECl'MSKH, Neb., June 26. (Special.) It took ten Innlnga to decide the bill game between Pawnee. City and T C 111 seh here today. Score: R.H. Pawnee City ...0 0200101 0 16 C Teciimseh 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 o - . : Batteries: Pawnee City, Dclair and (!ood ale; Teciimseh, Phillips, Parrieas and Cook. Utrui'k out: By lx-lair, 11; by Phil lips, 4; by Parrless. 10. Pllger One to the Good. STANTON. Neb.. June 2k. (Special Tele gram!. Pilger and Stanton met on Stan ton grounds, playing good ball regardless of wet grounds Score: R H K Pllger 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-4 8 4 Stanton 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 7 4 Bttteriea: Pllger, Shwars and Harrison, Stanton. Mayer and Person. empire: Cowan. Games In Three-I l.ragne. At Springfield-Springfield, 4; Rock ls- lnd' 0 . At Dubuque Dubuque, i; Peoria. 0. At Decatur Cedar Rapids, 2; Decatur. 1. At Davenport Davenport, 6; Blooming ton, 4. KVESTS TIIK HlMG TRACKS Halifax Makes erv World's Record for geven Fnrlongs. NEW YORK. June 26 Alex Shield' Halifax, canylng 11 pounds, made a new world'a record for seven furlongs on a c'r cular track when he won the Swift stak- at Sheepshead Bay today. He was quot'-d at 7 to 1 in the betting and sti-pP'd tie distance In 1:24S. which is one-fifth of j second faater than the Musketeer's time made at Saratoga In 16 and Aeronaut's time made thla year at Belmont Park. The Swift stakes only brought three starters, with Brookdale Nymph the favorite, at 4 to t, and Ormondale next in demand, at 13 :i in. after tielng played down from 2 to 1, while Halifax was the outsider. Prince Hamburg, in winning the first rare, equah-1 the world s record for six and one-half fur longs 1 :lt-lield by Mineola and .Miniu ms.. Reaulta: Flrat race, six and one-half furlongs, main eourae: Prince Hamburg won. Sir Lynnewood aecond. Clnna third. Time: l.ltV Second race, selling, one mile: Rye won, Watertank second, Kllngror third. Time: 1:S.W. Third race, the Zephvr slake, five snd one-half furlongs. Futurity course: R-d River won. r?"H second. Bat Masterson third. Time: laH Fourth race, the Swift etakes. seven fur longs, main course: Halifax won. Ormon dale aecond, Brookdale Nymph thi'd. Time: 124S illUl. ra, ellinf, out mil; Fane fimm . our pianos, consisting snouia accept tnis opportunity to purcnase ay) would ordinarily pay for we will offer you will Pianos are on display studies, mandolins, violins, guitars, banjos. Tu n mm Bird won. Stimulant second, Mary Morris third. Time: 1:4K- Sixth race, one and threp-sixtoentha miles, on turf: Maxnar won. Miss Crawford sec ond. Agile third. Time: 2:(iov CINCINNATI. June. 2.-Ed. Corrlgan's Plsnuie, an added starter and a rank out sider in the betting, won the Cincinnati trophy the feature of the card at fttonla todny. Tbe value of the stake to the win ner was 84.410. Results: First race, five furlongs: Bonaventure won. Poster Girl second, Mildiene third. Time: 1:07V S'-cond race, lx furlongs: Matador won, Roscoe second, Mayor Johnson third. Time: 1:2ik.. Third race, one mile: Harry Scott won, Bedford second, Brancas third. Time: 1 :4k-V Fourth race, five and one-half furlongs, the Cincinnati trophy: Pinnule won. ZhI wyck Booond, Yowrli- third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, steeplechase, handicap, club houae course: Stoddard won. Gould aecond Class Ieiider third. Time: 3:32. Sixth race, one mile: I.unsdowne won Dr. Burch second, Piatt third. Time: 1 :4h. Seventh race, one mile: IiFollette won, J. K. F. second, Knowledge third. Time; 1 :4i. GOI.P rRAXTICK AT ( WK'STSI A Willie Anderson Covers Coarse Eleven Strokes I ndrr Boaey. CHICAGO. June 26. Scores of profes sionals and every amateur entered in the ni'tl-innl open golf championship tourna ment, which Is to he held at Onwentsla on Thursday and Friday, were out for practice today. Willie Anderson made the best score in the afternoon play, going over the elghteen-hole course in 71. The last nine holea for which bogev is 41. he nisde in 34. while on the flrst half he beat hogey by four. Allen Campbell of Brookline went over DTEiS FOREMEN ( M A Tf V'r The Reliable Specialists men of all aceg no matter In what walk of life, m-hos weakened vitality, exhauated enerrlea , and shattered nerves tell a pitiable story, and who are in a condition of ex treme peril unless promptly rescued, caused In many rasea by Ignorance, ax cesses or contagion, these are the very men we want to talk to and help. What can be more pitiable than to eee a young man. who la Just budding Into manhood, drooping and fading away In the springtime of life? Disease aoon robe the fare of Ita color and the eyea of their hrlghtneas. The stooping form, languid step and downcast countenance reveal to the critical eye the blight of hla existence, but thia la only the ahadow or outward mark of tha' trouble existing within, and the young man aoon pasaea from the boundaries of health Into the confines of dlscsse. He Is nervous, esslly confused, absent. nlndad. forgetful, continually poasassed of douhta and feara, any, auspicious. Irritable, avoids aociety and would rather be alone Night losses, (Jar drain., wast In urine and marked aexual decline almost Invariably follow. Tha sys tem unstrung, he haa headache, backache, palpitation of the heart, of breath, dltxlness. deranged stomach, torpid liver, weak kldneya. poor circu lation, and la tired, llfelras and worn-out. He lark, ambition, confidence and courage If you are atllng. call and ronault ua without delay. We will help you ta escape from the slavery that la holding you captive and depleting your man-, hood. We cure ssfely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and all dlseasaa and weaknesses of men due to evil hablta, aelf-abusea, ax ceases, or the result of specific or private dlseaaes. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION y.01o,,:,,,"m,.u STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1S08 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. ifc 0 V'07 --0'O' it II -'') 'N I of 278 high grade Hnno tn tho mnct nf A sell pianos at half ) . . i ' ' J the most ordinary never again occur in our new piano promptly at 8 A. M. the course In 74. a mark which was equaled by Percy Barrett of Toronto. ' Other good scores were Cummlng of To ronto, 7h; Way of Wheeling. W. Va., 77; James Foulls, 77; Alex Taylor, 77; - and Stewart Gardiner of Garden City, I , J8. Some of the" scores madf jiy the amateur were aa follows: "": "t i O. Tf . Hunter of Midlothian., ill) Wrnneil K. Wood of Homewood. 76: O. W. Potter, Jr., of Midlothian, 81. Amateur Champion H. Chandler F-gen and George A. Ormlaton of Oakmont were also on the court, during the day. Field Clnb Tennis. The Field club tennis tournament will be held on the Field club courts beginning Saturday afternoon to determine tha tennis championship of the Field club. Many new players are In the field this year, whll some of the former winners are not devot ing ao much time to the game., Conrad Young, the present champion Is so engulfed In business he has been unable to practice much this spring, which almost puta him out of the runiiing and makes a new champion likely. The players who went to Sioux City a week ago are all In good form and any one of these six, Hughea, Cald well, Young. Kohn. Scrlbner and Martin are looked upon oa probable winnera. Some of the newer men at the game aa Cub Potter, Rasmussen, McConnell, Hlllls, Hughes and others must also be reckoned with In considering the chancea for thn winner. The entry list must he filled with Will Wood at the Field club before Friday night, anly Field club members being eligible. Sporting; Brevities. With Wallace making four hits in four times up and Alonro Stone three hits In three times up it is little wonder the St. Ixiu Is Browns won from Chicago Monday. Reulback must have rounded Into his summer form from the work he haa done lately. If Chicago could win all the gamoa it haa ao far with the staff officials out of plumb the team should go some with these stars rounding Into shape. ...,--..;.f... ,,,, : f ? - J " i 'Mr, , '. A - t.n iBnanValal ) 1 I A .