Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Our Clcarlna Sale o! Ladles Summer Suits, Waists
and Wraps commences Wcdncsdau morning; Evcru
garment is new In stuie and the mark-down prices will
be made without regard to cost.
elaborate embroidery and turh,
pleste1 driils- eksrt. Rrgulsr
price W.W, Wrdresday J
lace- t rimed waists, y0e effwt front
nil hack, pleated circular skirt, ex
tra full, worth KM o rts
' t O.vO
10 pieces of thla season atlka In neat
Small designs and pretty shades
" every yard clean and perfect aold
by tia at 6c a yard all
BO In one lot Wednesday je,
at, yard toOC
A good quality of real Imports i cream
Japanese Silk will wear and laun
, der perfectly aold everywhere at
c Wednesday sale in.
. at, yard IvC
Bi D.rin in BUck Silks
10 pieces of black French Peau da
P6le Silk made to wear with a
beautiful luster aold by ua and
and every one at 8rc yad- s. , , ,
. W'ednesday'e aale at, yard. .
K-lht'lt Blac k Chiffon FlnUh -d Taf
feta -an excellent wearlntc qua II; y
of taffeta allk we will aell our 1 1..'(
qttallty for one day onlv fi'Xn
Wednesday's sale, at, yard . . . OOw
Dig Cut Price Svle On All
........ WasH Goods
100 pieces pretty Fancy Lawns, white
around, pretty colored designs,
worth 10c yard Wednesday
at, yard
Fine white dotted Swisses with neat
'small embroidered patterns tha
quality that washes worth OSir.
15c yard Wednesday, ard. .
109 pieces fins white India Linen flna
- 20c and 22c grade for - ICr
Wednesday, yard Jaj
A GreaJ Towel Sale
500 . nlca White Huck Towel nice
. borders, all hemmed, worth
10c each Wednesday .
f 1MAIEII(0)11) CO.
Owners of Dry Goods Dept. in the BENNETT STORE
W. A. Pais Talks of the lomli
' ftftarre Of Saeply for
In tied States. . . .
-i;.4V AHg..Pf Buenaventura, Cuba, spent
J yesterday In Omaha. Mr. Page will be re
1 nitmbered as the organiser and manager of
the Page Soap works at this point and also
on'' of the founders and the president of
th ManufArturrra and Consumers- Assocl-
atloa of Nebraska, an organization founded
for the sole purpose of Increasing; the con
sumption of Nebraska made goods by Ne
luaxka pe"P'- Mr. Page Is engaged In the
,. growing .of citrus fruits, being manager of
the Buenaventura and Redenclon rlanta
tlnna ln .Cuba. They have 2.000 acres all
planted to manges and grapefruit, being
' the Isjgcst orchard of citrus fruits under
one management In the world.
Orange trees, grow very rapidly In Cuba
. and Would bloaanm and produce fruit
eighteen months after being set out If al
lowed .to do ao, but the careful planter
chips off the buds In order to save the
strength ef the trees. The first planted
tree In Mr. Page's orchard, about C.rnn
In number, will be allowed to fruit the
coming Winter, and from t li 1st on there will
be an Inereaslng number allowed to bear
each year until the whole 2,cnu acres will
become, a producing orchard, which will
If In about four yeara. Bom Idea of what
thla means may le gained from the fact
that' there are If trees to the acre, or a
total of 21ii,0tO trees In the plantations.
Hot Weather Two- Piece
Suits to Order $20 and Up
There Is Always Room
At The Top
just tinder a nian'a hat. May
we not hope that there U room
under YOl'R hat for a useeatlnn
that yqu let your next cult be
MacCarthy-Wilson made-for-you?
It you follow the suggestion
we know that there will be no
room for dissatlsfartion with the
soothing -summer-suit that we
turn out for you.
Let It be a 3-button Single
Breasted Back of this new War
burton Worsted for S30.OO.
'Phone Douglas 180S.
. J04-J0 S. Hth St.
Nest door to the Wabash Ticket
lhe Great Uric Acid Solvent Ask your dealer to drop a line to
Natural Lithia Spring Water SHOQO LITHIA SPRING CO.,
A Delightful Table Water Milford, Neb.
Btnn Jackets, iihort iWvh, eleemntly
tailored with etrsp and buttons,
daintily trimmed with reseda green
and white briild. skirt full clrcurar
with folds at hottnm. pleated front
end buck, ruiilur price I tLf
$9.90, Wednesday at UtUVJ
SKIRTS, vertical plcsts with folds,
regular 11.60 skirt, Wednes- f39C
Sale of Odd Linen Pieces
1.000 pieces of odd linens in Tabla
Scarfs, Shams, Tray Cloths. Splas e
and Center Pieces allghtly soiled
worth 95c Wednesday O e,-,
each SOC
Greatest Lace Bargain Ever
Offered in Omaha. On Sale
Wednesday, 5c Yd.
Nearly 1,000 pieces i.f finest Import' d
Bands. Appliques atid Lace, creams
and white, wide cluny. normanilcs,
antiques and Paraguay pattern mm I
torchon malch sets this lot worth
to 50c a yard Wednesday
only, a yard
Embroidery AlUvers at Half
Thirty pieces of lg to 22-Inch Allovar
Embroideries, fine and tnavy nain
sook, in beautiful waist designs
worth 75c yard Wednes- "17 f
day's sale, a yard -ig
Big Lot of Handkerchiefs
Very Cheap
Ladles' fancy shadow embroidered
sheer Handkerchiefs, fancy lace
trimmed and plain hemstitched, acd
(Jems' Plain Hemstitched Handker
chief this lot worth 10c and llMiO
each WedneKday'a great
sale price, each
When It Is borne In mind that It doea not
take a very large tree to produce four
boxes of oranges it will not seem strange
that the company Is planning to have Its
own steamships for the purpose of convey
ing Its crop to New York and the other
large sraboard cities.
Mr. Page Is very enthusiastic over the
future of Cuba, believing that It will be
come through American genius and energy
one of the richest spots in the world.
Although Cuba was one of the first points
III this hemisphere to be settled by Euro
peans, there was practically nothing there
In the way of fruit growing: for commer
cial purposes previous to the late war of
Independence. It was the policy of the
Spanish government to prevent tiie develop
ment In Cuba of any industry thHt would
come into competition with the mother
country. Hence Cubans were not allowed
to plant out orangea, lenfons, figs, olives
and grapes, as all these were counted
among the Important crops of Spain. A
farmer could plant two or three orange
trees for his own use, but none for the
purpose of bearing fruit for sale. It there
fore happen that fruit has always been
extremely scarce and high priced on the j
Island, althoiiRh the soil and climate are
especially adapted to its culture. Imme
diately after the Spanish war Americana
began gong into the IhIhihI and they at
once t"ok up the culture of fruit, espe
cially citrus fruits and pineapples. The
tder of the orchards are Just coming Into
bearing and this year have demonstrated
to their owners thnt Ui business is a great
success. Mr. Page sys that grapefruit
especially has proven a "winner," the
quality of the fruit being far superior to
that grown in any other country, so much
so that Americans say that they never
knew what grapefruit was until they tasted
the Cuban product. Mr. Page was ac
companied as far aa Chicago by Mrs.
Page, who will visit Omaha later. Mr.
Pae returned to Chicago yesterday and
will sail fur Cuba within a week or ten
Mlaaeapolls Family at First Demurs,
hat Coaseata to Pay Roy's
Way Home.
Victor Judeloheti, a 11-year-nld Minn
apolla urchin who strayed Into Omaha
with a small companion a few weeks ago,
has been returned to his parents by tha
juvenile court officers. At first the par
ents declined to send transportation, say
ing they were too poor. Probation Officer
Bernstein responded that the only alterna
tive was to place the boy In some state
institution and keep him there until ha
became of age., Thla produced the de
sired effect and railway fare to Minne
apolis was forthcoming. The other lad
waa ransomed shortly after his rapture,
but the relatives of the Judeloheti hoy
evidently decided to let Omaha bear tha
expense, if possible.
Sterling Silver Frenser. lit a and Dodge.
A little forethought may save you no end
of trouble. Anyone who makes It a rule to
keep Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to
be a fact.
T. P.. Wilcoz, representative of the
Cambria Salt company, was In the city
Tuesday In the Interests of the company.
He said the plant was complete end prac
tically ready for operation, the final test
to be msd In the nrst part of July. Mr.
Wtlcog says tha process is evaporation and
they -expect to turn out about five car
loads per day when they get to running at
full capacity.
I. suites' Mark Span Cilasfl Skirt,
dollar quality, Vrdne
(lay at JUC
All ladlcV Colored Silk Coats and
Mark and rrant all-over lace on
ilk at HALF OKK.
2 black ullk etons and coats th
. r damaired by water during: the,
storm of Sunday, Jun 11, at about
the price of the lining.
Ladies' Lingerie at Half Off
Five dozen beautiful lace half sleeve,
creams and white, pretty baby Irish
and fine val lace-r-worth 1 a par
Wednesday special, Atr
a pair 0j
Great Sale of Neck
wear ,
Over 200 dozen fancy embroider!
turnover collar, plain white and
colors regular 10c and 15c valuea
sweeping sale Wednesday, Rr
each ofc
June Clearing Sale of Ladies
60 dozen Gauze Vests, small ribbed,
taped top. low peck, no sleeves
our regular 10c value to go ep
Wednesday, each J
Extra Special in Ladies Belts
Plain white linen and fancy embroid
ery Belts, colored mercerized girdles'
regular t5c value all go Mr
Wednesday at, each 1 WC
Washable Hand
Bags at
Half Price
Two gross of fancy embroidered
white duck, hand bags can be clean
ed like white shoes regular. 39c to
75c valuea divided into two lota
LOT 1 Regular 39c value, lQr
special, each IVw
LOT 2 Regular 69c and He
values, special, each.
Charles Rlsemaa f haraed with Frand
la Third Ward la iprlag;
Fares alary.
,'ChargcJ' with hii unlawful interference
with the casting of votes In the Third
precinct of the Third ward at the last city
election. Charles Piseman one of the judges
of the election, was placed on trial Tues
day morning before Judge Sutton. The
morning session of court was taken up
with arguments on a demurrer filed by
V. J. Connell, Rlseman's attorney and In
securing a Jury.
In the demurrer Mr. Connell asked thnt
the indictment be dismissed because of
alleged defects In the instrument itself and
because of flaws in the law under which
U was drawn. The objections were of a
technical nature and In the main alleged
the charges In the Indictment did not cor
respond with the offenses defined In the
law. Judge Sutton overruled the demurrer.
Riseman, who Is one of the ten election
officials in the Third ward Indicted by the
grand Jury In connection with the alleged
election frauds, Is specifically charged with
going Into the voting machine enclosure
with Dr. William O. Sheppard. attempting
to obstruct his vote and violating the secrecy
provision of the law. The law fixes a
penalty for the Judges going Into the en
closure or allowing anyone else to go in
wlH a voter unless the voter Is physically
or mentally unable to cast the vote him
self, when assistance can be given him.
The penalty la from one to five yeara In
the penitentiary.
Dr. William (!. Pheppard. the complaining
witness, gave the principal evidence at
Rlseman's trial yesterday afternoon. It
waa In connection with Mr. Sheppard' vote
that Rlsemnn was changed with fraud.
Mr. 8hepp.trd said when he went Info the
enclosure to vote he asked a friend by the
name of Thomas how to vote for the bond
proposition. Thomas replied that one of the
Judges wouUI help him. Riseman then went
Into the enclosure, pulled the curtain shut
and when fiheppard said he wanted to vote
for the proposition pulled the lever.
He then asked Sheppard how he wanted
to vote the general ticket and Sheppard an
swered ie wanted to vote the republican
ticket. Riseman reached for tha lever, but
Sheppard told him he would do that part
of the voting himself. Riseman. he said,
remained Inside the enclosure while he
pulled the party lever. Riseman. he said
to the best of his belief, watched him
An s musing Incident occurred while Me
Sheppard waa on the stand. He calls him
self Dr. Sheppard. but he said he had not
been admitted to practice. Mr. Connell
brought out he was the nronrleinr -
patent medicine. Mr. Connell began to go
into in neiaus or his business, mhen Judge
Button stopped him. saying It was Imma
terial. Dr. Sheppard then pulled a box- of patent
medicine from his pocket and held It out,
Judge, may I Introduce a sample of my
medicine?'" he asked.
No. we don't want to see It," said Judge
.Mr. Connell took the package and sked
Mr fllippard If he did not make oomplalnt
in this case in order to get the advertis
ing. Mr. Sheppard denied It. The case
will be finished today.
Pa ale Averted.
In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc.,
panlo is averted by curing yourself with
Dr. King s New I.lfs Pills. I6c. For sal
by Sherman A McConnsll Drug Co.
Oao of Iho l.oaaest stretches of
Doable Track la the World
under na management Is that of tha
Grand Trunk Railway Syatem from Chi
cago to Montreal and te Niagara Falla.
Tha Orand Tmnk-Lehlgh Valley Double
Track Route via Niagara Falls reaches
from Chicago to New York.
Descriptive literature, time tablea, etc.,
will bo mailed free oa application to Geo.
W. Veux. A. Q. P. at T. A.. Grand Trunk
Rail a ay ijsUni, US Adams St, Chicago.
Three Independent Telephone Franchise
Crdinanoes Intrtdnoed.
F.Waaeer Demaage la veatlaatloa ol
"Ire Trust," and l.laM tompaales
Decline to Lower Their
Present Rates.
Three applications lor telephone fran
chises were received by the city council
last night In ordinance form and referred
to the committee on telegraphs nnd lUe
phones. with an understanding that the
promoters will be given a hearing Monday
afternoon. One proposition came from thu
Omaha Home Telephons company, another
from the Helm-Pnrmelee-Pollock Interests
and the third from Albert von Hoffman of
Milwaukee, who claims to control J3,(ak,ai0.
with which to flnince hia enterprise.
The ordinances read very much alike,
and each provides for the legal submission
to the voters for approval or rejection.
The Home company and the Helm-Par-melee-Pollock
Interests ask for a fifty-year
grant, but Mr. von Hoffman seeks per
petual rights to the streets, with a clause
giving the city the option of purchasing
after twenty-five years. The second propo
sition is one that has been presented to
the council and as many times described
In the newspapers. lis maximum rates are
$72 for business 'phones and Its for res
idence 'phones.
Retarns to the City.
The Home company proposes to pay the
city a royalty of 1 per tnt on the grosa
earnings of tho first five years and 2 per
cent thereafter, also to offer free toll ser
vice with South Omaha. Von Hoffman
offers a royalty tof 1 per cent on gross
earnings for the" first three yeara, 2 per
cent the next five years and 3 per cent
thereatcr. He agrees to make connec
tions "at reasonable terms" with all inde
pendent" companies building copper metal
lic circuit lines to the city limits. His
prices are $48 a year for business 'phones,
$-'4 for residence 'phones and KM cents ad
ditional per month for each 1.000 'phones
more than 10,000 added to the system.
All agree to give a $.!&.000 cash bond to
the city to guarantee building the ex
change and system and carrying out the
terms of the franchise. As everyone who
had any special Interest in the matter
knew that the ordinances were coming
and what they would offer, no particular
Interest was displayed in them.
Councilman Bridges Introduced the or
dinance to abolish the gas Inspector and
to make the city electrician "gas Inspector
ex-oftlclo." It waa referred to a committee
without any remarks.
'Ice Troll" oa the Pan.
The muck rake Is to be' drawn over
Omaha to see If It has an ice trust. Pete
Elsasser sprung a resolution directing the
Judiciary committee and the city attorney
to do the work and mentioning the fact
that Ice cost $10 a ton, but only 15 cents
per 100 pounds last summer.
"Hw Is the city attorney to make an
Investigation?" asked Zlminan.
"Huh:;.- exclaimed Elsasser wrathfully.
"They found an Ice trust In Kansas City
and some of the members got fined $2,ii0
and some were sent over the road. Huh!
"AH right," said Zimman, "let er go."
"Do you belong - to an Ice company?"
asked Klsasser. airily.
"If I did." responded Zimman, "I would
use a ton of It, right away to pack you
In.". ,.,.,
o Cnt la l.labt nates.
The Gas company and the electric light
company sent letters te the lighting com
mittee, saying they didn't see how they
could possibly retce their rates any. con
slderlng the fact 'that Omaha has the best
and lowest-priced service In the United
States for a town of Its slxe, age and ge
ography. The committee submitted letters
without adding anything of Us own and
the documenta were laid on file. Mr. Nash
sict the average rate received by the ele
trie liarht company was 6 cents, "a less
rate than received by any company In the
Cnlted States similarly located ss to fuel,
labor and other conditions applying to the
manufacture and distribution of electric
current." Also thst fla-urlng In the royalty
of S per cent Omaha got Its lights at a
lower price than any city In the country.
President Hamilton of the gas company
remarked that the franchise held by the
corporation permits it to charge $1.45 per
l.nflO cubic feet for Its product, hut It only
asks $1.?5. hsvlng made three voluntary
reductions and having another drop of 10
cents scheduled for October 1, 190H. He
pointed out the vicissitudes of manufac
turing and distributing gas in Omaha and
the special reasons that made It difficult,
and said that the combined royalty and
taxes paid amounted to 17 rents per l.nm
cubic feet, which Is more than any other
company tn the I'nltsd States and brines
the net price of gas down in less than $1
All thjs was brought out by the council's
polite Inquiry to th corporations asking
the latter If they Would not help to carry
out the democrsMe platform pledges.
Meaaaae from the Mayor.
Mayor Dahlfflsn, In a message, declared
enlargements were heeded for the city Jail
and that lhe Capitol avenue market horse
should be transposed fmm a mere monument
to Idleness Into something useful. He said
that from three to five more cells were
needed at the Jail and should be provided,
but he urged the council to inquire Into
the project of selling the Jail and grounds
and building a new and modern police sta
tion elsewhere with the proceeds. He had
been told that this was rearible. With ref
erence to the market house, he said he
understood an automobile dealer was wil
ling to sign a three-year lease for $3.0nn.
In this connection his honor said perhaps
It would be a good Idea to make a public
bath house out of the structure; that per
haps plumbers might be Induced to bear
the expenae of equipment In exchange for
advertising; privileges, and that 5 cents
charge for baths would pay for towels,
soap, water, caretaker, etc. The message
went to the committee on buildings and
property for consideration.
The council refused to sustain the veto
of the mayor to the resolution proposing
to create the office of second assistant city
attorney at $2,000 a year. The mayor said
he thought a salary of $l.6no a year suffi
cient. Zimman aad Funkhouser took Issue
with him on the point. Zimman said that
I'nlon Pacific tax litigation involving
$4.OO0 la lying In the federal court because
the legal department does not have time
to attend to It. He asserted that more lit!
gallon with the water company la probably
in store, and with that corporation employ
Ing the best lawyers It could find, he
thought the city should have better than
$1.S00 men opposing. He said he would
favor a higher salary than $2,000 for the
position. The council majority saw it his
Taylor Draws th Jab.
Tom Is and John C. Lynch were again
rejected for the positions of prosecutor and
gas Inspector, hut the mayor's appeal to
reconsider action on Egbert Taylor, col
ored. for Janitor at the city Jail, on the
ground that hla honor had known the ap
pointee twenty years and he waa a "con
sistent democrat and a man of good
habits." waa heeded by the council and
Mr. Taylor awarded the Job.
Councilman Alma Jackson. Churchill
Parker and James Schnelderwlod were
named and confirmed aa the board of ap
pralaera for city property.
Treasurer finks protest against the
The Outing Season is here Fourth of July xvill be in a few
days. Gentlemen it's time to have your Outing Suit. We re pre
pared to meet your most exacting wishes with the best clothing madc
by taking time by the forelock and getting here before the last
minute is to your advantage as well as ours.
Blue Serge Suits, $10, 131, $18 ITwo-Piccc
Blue Herge, a fabric thnt can lie worn penal
ly well by young and old always stylish. All
the best dressers have one in their wardrobe.
rooms assigned him on the second floor at
the city hall was referred to the committee
on buildings and property.
A resolution by Councilman Brucker re
citing that whereas complaints had been
made of short weights on Ice. coal and
meat, prices ascending and rumors of
trusts and combinations In the air, that
citliens were advised to weigh doubtful
deliveries and report discrepancies to the
city clerk, created so much amaxement
that It was referred to the Inspector of
weights and measures. The city has laws
covering the subject and supposed to be
enforced. N
Councilman Zimman introduced an ordi
nance to amend the circus license ordi
nance so that shows cannot escape paying
full rates by cutting a cent or two under
established charges.
Thief Takes Footgear and Keeps
Them Berssae He Can Ontrnn
Their Owner,
Alexander Reed, collector for the Royal
Arcanum, lost a fine pair of shoes Tues
day morning because he could not rut
fast enough. While in a Farnnm street
ambroclal bufte teling a coterie of
friends why Sherman marched to the sei,
a culprit picked up Mr. Reed's pair of
new shoes and began to do rapid sprint,
with Mr. Reed and a posse In close pur
suit. The man with the footwear became
a mere speck In the distance, so Mr. Reed
gave up the chase nd reported the mat
ter to the police for further action.
Shoshone Reservation to Be Opened
to Settlement.
Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates
from All PotnU July 13 to 21.
Less than one tare for the round trip
to Shoshonl, Wyo., the reservation border
The only all-rail route to the reservation
Dates of registration July It to 11 at
Shoshonl and Lander. Reacned only by
this line.
Write for namnhlrta telllna how to take
. ' ., , . , 1
up one 01 mrB9 amai:uvo hwiiicbithi,
Information, maps and pamphlets free on
request at City Office, 1401-1 Farnam St,
or address S. F. Miller, A. O. F. A T. A.,
1201 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their sympathy and kind
ness shown during the Illness and death
of our beloved wife and mother, Julia
On July and 27, to Lake,
N. T.. and return at 114, good 30 days; and
daily June 1 until September tu. at 30, via
ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago; stop
overs also permitted on all tickets to New
York, Boston, Niagara Falls, etc. Arply to
your local ticket agent or J. A. Dolan, T.
P. A., K Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111.
Go to Kerr Tor on the l.ehleh.
Double track scenic highway. Connects
at nuffnlo or Niagara Falla with all lines
from the west.
Write passenger department, Lehigh Val. ,
fey R. rt., zis souin uiara bi- -nicajo, uk
The Day We Celebrate.
Csual holiday excursion licketa will be
on ssle via Missouri Pacific Ry. Ticket of- ;
flees 8. K. Corner iiu ana rarnsm, or
I'nlon stntlon.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Issued :
Name and Resldenc Age.
Paul R. Sutton, Omaha 2
Kh"Z..heth Brady, Omaha 25
Herman Ppilsenv Pouth Omaha 23
Alia Clayton, South Omaha 1
Christian 8 Newmyer, Lyons, Neb S3
Kathryn Hall. Lyons. . men a
John McDonough. Omaha 21
Laura Wliannon. oimii it
John M I'rbanskl. South Omaha 27
Rose Marie neaa. roum wniana
Daniel T. Reed, Auburn. Neb 2
rsle M pecker. Waterloo, ren z:
William 8. nreenleaf. Omaha a
Iona Case. Omaha 13
John W. Dickson. Avon. 8. D tl
Elisabeth Miles, iimana 311
John J. Kerron. Coufiell Bluffs, la 21
t'hilamlna. I.. Kautman. omana 30
Edward A. Mlchal. Qoldfl-ld. Nev M
Anna B. A. Kranoa. umana 24
Patrick Qulnn. Omaha 'A
Alberta Flynn. Omaha 14
DIAMONDS Ed holm. 16th and Harney.
Road Gradine
Men's Summer Online Suits I two-Piece ) , blue ert
flannels or tropical worsteds, double or single breasted
coat. We bve Jnat received a new shipment of thes
garments. Including the "new" two-button long roll
coat, which is becoming so very popular.
The Omaha Water
The United States Circuit Court of Appeals having
decided the schednle of water rates established by City
Ordinance Xo. 423 is a matter of contract which could uot
Ire changed by the Water Board, notice is hereby given to
the customers of the Company who have paid only the rates
declared by the Water Hoard in 1 JX3, that they are required
to pay, at the office of the Company, the balance charged
against them.
June 2o, UMMi. ' By E. M. Fatrfidd,
One Fare plus $2.00 for round trip with 15 day return
limit and
One Fare plus $4.00 for round trip with thirty day
return limit, to many eastern summer resorts in New Eng
land and Canada, via the
IS Pay Limit to Day Limit
Quebec, Can .$36.25 $38.25
Halifax, N. S. . .:$46.75 $48.75
Pictou, N. S $46.50 ' $48.50
Toronto, Ont $27.15 $29.15'
Thous. Island Jet $32.75 $34.75
St. Johns, N. B $42.25 , $44.25
Portland, Maine $35.25 $37.25
Bar Harbor, Maine .... .$40.25 $42.25
Montpeiler, Vt $33.75 $35.75
For full information as to dates of sale, routes, eto.,
write to or call on,
F. A. NASH, Gen'l Western Agent.
1524 Farnam
A class with your luncheon re
news your energy for thg after
noon. A glass with your dinner re
freshes you for the evening-.
A (lass at bedtime brings you
deep and restful sleep.
South Omaha. 'Phone 8.
Omaha Headquarters,
14th and Douglas.
Tel. Douglas 1542.
Co. Bluffs Headquarters,
1011 Main Street Tel. 10.
and Ditching
i 1 TOJ
Cootnctors Supplied With Rotary Dlse Plowing Atficbntents for
EltTitnli Endin( Uich'oei
On third asara work aaeosaptUhad 1b tha same tins tkaa with
taa eld stylo alow attaMiluneat. Oar attachment woika well la
Wot pisooe arkare tks old style p'ow trUl not work. Oar rotary
plow anta tkxonfk any kind of sail and rubblah, a4 rolls over
racks and otker o-bstruoUoaa. On rotary disc la specially toads
far as. Wag heavy H-tnck thick. Our pataat roller aad ball
hearings prsnreat frlctloa and waar. Thla patent attachment can
onlg te 'arahaaed fro at Tha Dlse Q radar ant now Co., of
akoater, m. D- er Its aethorlasd agaata. re alrsalavrs aad par
taovinrs, addraoa.
Die Grader and Plow Comp
Hunror "" "'
Suits, $10,$12,$15
General Manager. .
St.; Omaha, Neb.
St tbs Msw Transient. StMl Built, riraproof
I2t-ist w. u. ant
Braadssy. N Y. City.
blocks asm ef Oro Cestr.l
sns jurt 08 kon-r or
Tlmaa Square. ID vsrr start
I th cur. I th midrt at ihs
theaters and tluha soil saar
tha shopping dlrtrtrt. Subwaf
end ' IV' road a-id Broadway
cars amaeant. Mndara acaem.
noaauona for
rooms mar bath, II 0
annua all light room
suites with pntalo hath.
U us.
iou- rtauurasi. Hiuli.
las notei Harwich,
utsd. VaraMiX
will be open to summer boarders
July 7th. Rates for adults. $5.50
to )8 per week. For particulars
flelletue, Reb.
In the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses
leading to degrees of A.. B. and Hut. iJ
Classics, Music, Art. A most excellent fac
ulty. Campus 60 acres: 14 buildings; rat.g
moderate. M H. REA8ER. Ph D. Preg't.
M College Ave.. CH Ail UKRailURQ. PA.
Caaroa. Texas. April I. I tog,
Te The Diss G radar rfcr Ce., baits
N D.
I hara baas aalog poor etUchwaat aa
Br Oraoor for the last toa Sard sag
think K Iho boat taol I sen a4. I
vosid sot Changs haoh ta tha eld plow
for twloa Us coat. Tears rsapactlsllr,
B. H. POTTER. Railroad Centimeter.
tu Sowar St., Oaubs. Hah, goat, n,
txar Orsdar Plow Co , Una tar. ft. t
Ocatlaaioa: Ham boas using roar ReUry
IMnr Plowing Attarhwant lor tks past lev
M snd Sad It g good tool. It plsaa
whsro snoihar plow will not scour, this
will, tod do It saurh eaalar than say other
plow ssd throw aiarh won earth m lhe
sWratar w'.th loaa labor ss tha ssschlne
sad stork. I da sot think aar contract
running grading awhlset ran sSeed U ha
without it Tours Irylr.
I- 1. LsMOKSAUX. Leatreoier.
Bancroft, Keb., Nor. 1 IMS.
at. D
Orader- Plow Co., Ma
Cwm'.ataoa I roroKad the guaraataa (
(ha Raurr Pin Plowing Ati Vr. -u . ..
Grading hUrhin- j-""1" -
..'.Jju and srlfa to Peter Jeaaeo,
;r lot X block 4, Ulfua -