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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1906)
0 tiie clmta daily bee: Wednesday. .tuxe 27, 1906. N. 5 WELCOME WORDS TO W0AEN. From the tiew point of the averse rnan housework is very easy. The wile right at home. She ia her own mis tress, Fbe can ait down and rent any iwne. She can even to bed for a nap it ahe feels like it. Hhe can order her household affairs lust to suit her own convenience. If the doesn't feel equal to doing work to-day, ahe can do it to-morrow. That's the beautiful theory of the average man. Just suppose the Egyptian task-masters, when they fuatke the required dailr tale of bricks tax the nttertnost pf human strength, had said to the toiling slaves, "Don't hurry, take a rest every now and then only don't forget that your tale of bricks must be nil right at night or else there'll be trouble." There's the fact. There arc the day's duties to be got through, and the women who can rest may not. The woman, who, when she married, said, "Now, I'll be my own mistress," finds brrself a slave to household cares and duties. v And oh I how much that woman needs rest sometimes. She brushes and scrubs and rolls pastry, her temples throbbing, her back aching, her nerves -quivering under the stress of pain. What she would give if she could Just i creep upstairs and throw herself on the bed in a darkened room and rest. Rest would temporarily relieve the .train, doubtless, but it would be the same story over again to-morrow. The real need of weak, nervous women is strength, and fchat need is fully met and satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. It re moves the causes of women's weak ness, trariquilizea and invigorates the nerves', encourages the nppotite and inducps restful sleep. "Favorite Pre scription" is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrfiea, excessive flowing, pain ful menstruation,' unnatural suppres sions and irregularities, prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic con gestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness of the ovaries, accompanied with "internal heat." "I am pleased to add my testimony in behalf of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription," writes Miss Earline Agard, Chaplin, Patriotic Daughters of Amer ica, of 4134 Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Mich. "1 cannot And language to ex press my gratitude and joy over the fact that I am well once more. Wear ing my corsets too tight seemed to have brought on an extra abdominal pres sure, weakening the ligaments and rushing the internal organs down. What to do I knew not, as no medi cines 1 took seemed to help me. "I had beard of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and determined to try it, as a last resort. Before the first bottle was used I began to feel better, but could hardly believe that this was permanent, but my improvement went steadily on, and within four months I was like a new woman. Now I have no more pains, am well and strong, and am extremely grate tui to you." There is nothing to conceal about the rnake-up of "Favorit kvoRiTB Prescription." is an absolutely pure medicine NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS Temperature the Put Week Considerably Below the Normal.. . LIGHT RAINS IN SEVERAL SECTIONS light Froet, Doing Xo Da.aia.ce, Re ported Tharedar In Few Coi tlee la Xorthweatern Portion of the State. LINCOLN, June . The week wu cold, with a temperature below normal on every day. The dally mean temperature aver aged 8 decrees below normal in southeast ern reuntlee, and 10 degrees below In northern and western. A light frost oc curred Thursday in a few northwestern counties. The minimum temperatures were slightly below SO degrees In the eastern, counties and about 10 degrees lower In thu western. . Thursday and Friday were the warnieHt days, the maximum temperatures quite generally slightly above 80 degrees, although In a few southwestern counties they were about 10 degrees higher. The week waa partly cloudy, with northerly winds oa Ave days and with showers In some parte of the state on every day ex cept Thursday. The. heavy rain that occurred the laat part of last week continued In the eastern part of the state Monday. Light scat, tered showers occurred on Tuesday, Wed nesday, Friday and Saturday. The total rainfall. for the week was above the nor mal In the eastern counties, and below1 !n nHit of the central and western. The amount was leas than half an inch In 1ho greater pertlon of the western half of the state, and ranged from one to more than j three Inches In most of the eastern por- firm. The rainfall from April 1 to date is below normal In nearly all parts of the State. The deficiency la slightly leas than an' Inch in moat of the state, but it ex- ceeds two inches in some eastern counties. oatkeastera Seetton. Butler The week was cool, with show era Monday and Tuesday night. Clay A heavy.valn In the early part of the week relieved drouthy conditions. Fri day and Saturday were cloudy. Gage) A heavy ' rain occurred Monday and Ight showers Wednesday and Friday. The minimum temperature waa 48 desreea. Lancaster The week waa root and partlv cloudy, with showers on four davs. Nemaha The week waa cool add clouiTv, Willi a heavy rainfall flundny and M n day. and light showers Haturday. Otoe A line rain occurred Sunday and Monday. Pawnee Nice ralna occurred Sunday and Monday, followed by cool weather ihj Brat half nf the week. Thursday and Fri day were warmer, wllh light rain Friday night and Saturday. da line. Italn occurred Sunday and Mon day, followed by fair weather until Satur day morning, when a light rain occurred. Thayer The week has been cool, with COAT SMIOTR est anA i Am Uat bao cyLr tjl h i net. Taa ut sal 4l ya ( af nw oaae if GkMrteait. l.MeadeM. ciimltv, etaaoov a ca. made of native roots Nature's wu restoratives, compounded after ft form ula concerning which there can be no question, by skilled chemists and by thoroughly scientific processes. Doctor Pierce is perfectly willing to let every one know that his "Favoritk Fik acRirnos" contains Blue Cohosh root, Lady's Slipper root.l'nicorn root. B'ack Cohosh root and Golden Seal root. Every doctor knows that such a pre scription is beneficial in the diseasei of women and when properly com pounded i" certain to effect a cure in nearly all cases when given a fair trial. Kvery bottle of the "Favorite Pre scription" which leaves Dr. Pierce's immense laboratories in Buffalo, N. Y., has plainly printed upon its wrapper all the ingredients of whiob it is com posed. Thus Dr. Pierce proves to the world his own confidence in the rem edy which for forty' years has borne his name and which sis known all through the United States and Canada. England, Australia, and in parte of South America. Africa and Asia, as a sovereign en re for those diseasee which, unchecked, make our women old be fore their time. It will be noticed that there is no alcohol in the "Favorite Prescrip tion." Dr. Tierce never believed in using alcohol in the preparation of his famous household remedies. For it, he substitutes chemically pure glycerine, which has wonderful properties for ex tracting the medicinal principles of roots and preserving them at their full strength, without any deleterious effect whatever. In favor of Dr. Pierce's medicine is the frank, confiding, open, honest statement of their full composition, giving every ingredient ,in plain En glith, without fear of successful criti cism and with confidence that the good sense of the afflicted will lead them to appreciate this honorable man ner of confiding to them -what tbey are taking into their stomachs when mak ing nse of these medicines. Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford to take the afflicted into his full confi dence and lay all the ingredients of his medicines freely before them be cause these ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice as cures for the diseases for which these medicines are recom mended. Your druggists sells the "Favorite Prescription" and also that famous alterative, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the "Golden Medical Discov ery." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced physician and will treat your case as confidential and without charge for correspondence. Address him at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.. of which he is chief consulting physician. It is as easy to be well as ill and much more comfortable. Constipation is the cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. They are tinv, sugar-coated granules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathastievi All dealers in medicines sell them. Send 31 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing and get a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, over 1000 pages. Address Dr. R. V; Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y sufficient rain to put the soil In good con dltlon. York The week has been cool and cloudy, with light showers nearly every aay. Northeaetern Seetlon. Antelope The week waa dry and cool. with a large number or cloudy days. Boyd The week was dry, with aome days warm and aome cool, with very cool night. No rain has fallen since may. Burt A. timely and heavy rain oo- rnrrsit the (Irst nart nf the week. Doda-e The weather waa cool nearlyall the week. The heavy rains early in the week were verv beneficial. Holt The week waa dry with very cool nights. Rain ia needed badly. Knox A good rain occurred Sunday and waa very beneficial. The temperature wan too. low for ranld growth. Madiaon A good rain the first of the week was very beneficial. The weather waa finite cool. Flntte uooo snowera occurrea nunaay and Monday. Sarpy A heavy rain commenced Sunday night and continued until Monday noon. The rest of the week was partly cloudy, with cool nlchta. Wayne The week has been fair, with" warm days and cool nights. Central Seetlon. Boone The-Sround waa thoroughly a. akei by the heavy rain of last Sunday and Mon day. C'ust4r Light showers occurred Tuesday and Saturday, but more rain and higher temperature are needed. Dawson A light rain occurred In part of the county Tuesday afternoon. A heavy rain la needed. Hall The week was partly cloudy, with showers Monday and Tueaday. The mini mum temperatures were usually below iO degrees. Howard The rain early In the week was very beneficial, but more Is needed, epe dally In the western part of tne county. Merrick-rThe week waa generally fair and cool. The nights were too cold for ood arowth. Valley A light shower occurred Monday In the eastern part of the county. Kaln la badlv needed. Wheeler A light rain occurred Monday. Mure rain Is needed. Seathweatera Soetloa. Dundy The week was warm and mostly clear, witn ugnt anowers fTiaay ana sat urriav. Ftontier The week was dry and windy, with warm days and cool nights. OosDer The week waa very dry. but with light showers on Tueaday, Friday and Sat- urriav. More rain ia needed Harlan The week waa warm and mostly dry. Light ahowers occurred Tuesday, Sat urday and Sunday. ' Hayee The week waa dry, with showers Saturday morning. Hitchcock The week was dry and warm, with a shower Saturday. Kearney The week was very dry. Four days were showery, but the total rainfall waa less than half an Inch. Webater The week waa cool, with a good rain Monday and light ahowera Friday. Weatera and Korthwestera Seetloaa. Brown The week was cool, with a fine rain in the first part. Keltn A much needed rain fell Friday evening and Saturday. Boon a Miutr rne weea waa cool, with shnwera Wednesday and Friday. Sheridan Light rroet occurred Thursday. A nice, gentle rain occurred Saturday. U. A. Ld Vfc-l.A.Nl). Section Director. Lincoln, Neb. CROPS DAMAGED BY HAILSTORM Strip Two Miles by Tea Is Stripped by the Storm. CRE1QHTON, Neb.. June (Special Telegram.) A terrific wind and rain struck this section at (:I0 p. m. today. Hall to the depth of alx inches covered the main street. An area two miles wide by ten miles long 1 was covered. At the farm of P. Rlchlang. thirteen miles north weat of here, the eoru crib and all tha small buildings were blown down. Prob ably a hundred panes of glass were broken on Main street by the heavy hall. Gardena and all small fruit and growing crops In the path of the atorro are practically ruined. Insane Pntleat Dlea. NORFOLK. Neb.. June .-(Speclal.)-PaUent James Baird, for sis years an in sane hospital Inmate, who waa . conspicu ously mentioned In charges made against tba Norfolk hospital as having been a vie tlm of alleged cruelty, died yesterday of blight s disease, aged - Hla wife look the rematna to Clarke, Neb., for burial. If you have anything to trad advertise It la the For Exchange column of Tba atee Waa a4 M MICKEY I1AS ASYLUM PAPERS dicationi Testimony Hat Not Changed His Opinion in the Case. DOCTORS SUMMONED TO APPEAR MONDAY Foarta of Jaly Pardons rt e- o m -mended for Two, One of Whom la Ram Payne, Coarleted of Marder of Maad Rable. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, June M (Special.) Superin tendent J. M. Alden and Asslstnnt Dr. F. S. Nicholson of the Norfolk asylum have been summoned to Lincoln to appear before Gov ernor Mickey at 1 o'clock Monday after noon, July 2. and Introduce any defense they may have In answer to the charges made against them by the governor. The transcript of the testimony taken at Norfolk was delivered to the governor yes terday afternoon and bv Monday afternoon the governor will be ready to announce his decision In the matter. Governor Mickey has already read moat of the testimony. and It la not a bad guess to say he will stand by his first decision to remove the two officers from the Institution. While the governor will make no statement at this time what he will do. the reported flight of Ellis and the discharge of Cronk and Biggs by Superintendent Alden had not tended to sweeten the temper of the governor In the Norfolk matter and It is more than prob able he will compel Alden and Nicholson to get out. Nebraska Asked to Participate. Governor Mickey has received a letter from Governor Cummins of Iowa asking him to appoint fire delegates or commis sioners to meet with a many from the other atates to start a movement to get all legislatures to pass a resolution re questing the submission of a constitutional amendment providing for the election of I'nlted States senators by direct vote of the people. The governor will appoint the delegates within a ftw days. The meeting Is to be held in Des Moines September 5. Delegates to l.nvr Conference. Governor Mickey today appointed Roscoe Pound of Lincoln and John L. Webster and Ralph W. Breckinridge delegates to the Na tional Conference of Commissioners of Uni form State Laws. The conference Is to be held In St. Pafll, Minn., Just prior to the meeting of the American Bar association, which Is set for August 29 to 31, Inclusive. Pardoaa Recommended for Two. If Governor Mickey follows the recom mendation of the chief justice of the su preme court, the secretary cf state and the attorney general, two life prisoners will be pardoned July 4 and their cltlsenshlp will be restored to them. These officers today recommended pardons be granted to Ed ward J. Collins, sentenced from Valley county April 12, 1894, for life on a charge of murder, and Samuel E. Payne, colored, convicted . of murdering a white girl In Omaha. He reached the penitentiary De cember 28. 1894. He was convicted of tak ing the life of Maud Ruble, whose body was found in a house near the Tenth street viaduct. The murder was one of the most notable In the history of the state." Payne baa spent a portion of his time In the asylum. Electrician Falls to Death. John Curran, an electrician In the em ploy of the fire department, fell from a thirty-five foot pole at Eleventh and 7 atreeta at 4:30 this afternoon and waa In stantly killed. Curran atruck on hla head and hla skull waa crushed. It was not known whether he caught hold of a live wire or missed his hold on the pole. He was about 3 ( years old and leaYes a farn Uy residing at Twenty-fifth and T atreeta. The body was taken to the undertaking roomaof Walter Roberts. ' Colored Woman'a Clnb Federation , The second annual federation of the Nebraska Colored Women's federation be. gan at the Newman Methodist Episcopal church this morning and will continue over until Tuesday evening. The meeting waa called to order by Mrs. Ida Merrltt of Omaha, who tomorrow will read a paper on the subject. "Is the condition of the negro In this country becoming better or worse." A number of delegates are here from Omaha and Fremont and the smaller towns and a large attendance la expected tomorrow. Aatomoblle Not aa Aaaet. When a merchant or property owner ob jects to an assessment, the County Board of Equalisation has ruled that the party must show the board his Insurance policy so the board can Judge whether the protest should be sustained. John T. Dorgan whose automobile was Increased by the as sessor from $1,000 to 32,600, told the board that an automobile should be listed as a liability rather than as an asset. Dorgan argued an automobile should be assessed half the price of It the second year, one fourth the third rear and It waa worth nothing the fourth year. He then detailed what his machine had cost him to keep it running these two years. Object to Standa oa Sidewalk. The City Improvement society haa peti tioned the city council to remove all the fruit atanda and bootblack stands now cov ering a portion of the sidewalks in various parts of the city. The petition was read to the council Just prior to the Introduction of a resolution to give authority to a perron to construct another fruit stand on the street. The request was refused with only one councilman voting for it. Cars to tne Beach. The council has granted the right to the Capital Beach company to lay a track and run motor cars to the Beach from O street. The company intends to open the beach to the public July 4 and It expecta to have cars running on the new line by that time. The lake has already been filled with water and the switchback railway Is completed. Mrs. Katherlne Montgomery haa brought suit for $6.0(0 against Harry M. Mllltr, manager of the Lyric theater, asserting he knocked her down over some chairs In the theater and caused her permanent injuries. Miller and Montgomery, it is asserted, had a fight and Mrs. Montgomery tded to sep arate them. She got hurt In the mlxup. Plakertoaa Waat Pletarea. BROKEN BOW, Neb.. June .-(Speclal Telegram.) The Omaha office of the Pink erton agency haa sent to Sheriff Richardson requesting the photographs of ithe three men, Martin, Ryan and Wads, chartd with robbing Moran'a store at Callaway last week and arrested and brought up here from Kearney Sunday morning. It la thought the men are well known In the under world. This morning while return ing from the barber'a under strong guard the men were separately photographed by Artist Taylor, who waa concealed In the chief's office. The preliminary takea place before JuCge Humphrey Saturday morning. Series of Aeeldeata. LOUP CITY. Neb., June 2C-(Speclsl Tel egram.) A series of sccidents have oc curred here the last twenty-four hours. A little son of Thomas Ward fell and broke hie left wrist laat evening. W. H. Hughes, while trimming trees yesterday afternoon, ran a knife In his left wrist, severing an artery. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fletcher, an aged couple, were yesterday taken seriously 111 from ptomaine poisoning, caused from eating dried beef, and only an early call from a physician probably saved their Uvea. lad named Bradley was horse and had his collar thrown from i bone broken. EXERCISES AT DOASE COLLEGE Graaaatla Claaa Preaeata Play la Open Air.' CRETE. Neb., June 3S. (Special.) Tester- day afternoon the class of 19"S, Doae col lege, presented "The College Widow" in, the college grove. The play was adapted and the many neat local allusions were very well received. A large assemblage of old graduates, town people and students took advantage of the perfect afternoon to witness an open air play well worthy of their attention and a great chedlt to the class that gave It. The pleasant anticipations with which ac tive members and old members look for ward to the annual banquet of the PI Kappa Delta, Dnane college, were amply fulfilled last night. Fifty-three were pres ent In all and after the delicious repast had been attended to chairs were pushed back from the table and the toasts thnt followed were unusually pleasing and bril liant. The graduating exercises of Crete acad emy were held last evening. Twenty students were graduated. Most of these ex pect to enter Dnane college next year. Two scholarships were given for the highest standing. David Ray Arnold of Verdon won the first, which entitles him to the four years' course In Dnane. Mlsa Helen Perry received the second, which grants two years in college. The towns represented by the graduates are Crete, Verdon, Graf ton. Alnsworth, Ixiup City. Oreeley. Col.: Trenton, BloomJngton, Newman Grove, Au rora. Dorchester and David City. WATSO MIST GO TO TRIAL Nebraska City Attorney Moat Face Disbarment Chargea. NERRASKA CITT. Neb., June 2.-(8pe- clal.) On Monday, July 18, Attorney John C. Watson of the local bar will have his hearing on the disbarment charges filed against him In- the district court. Judge Jessen announced thle afternoon that he would call Judge B. F. Good of Wahoa and Judge Kelllgar of Auburn to occupy the bench with him dtiring the hearing of the charges. Judge Oood Is the presiding Judge of the Fifth district. Judge Kelllgar or the First district Of this state. Mr. Watson will be tried on the three counts of the original complaint, the court this afternoon having overruled the demurrer made by Watson to the second count of the charges made against' him. The demurrer wsa hesrd by Judges Good and Jessen. Kewa of Nebraska. ARLINGTON The nnntv n, v. held here some tlmo In August. rbATToMOl'TH R. B. Brissey Is the new freight agent for the Burlington here. PLATTSMOLTH-M. F. Lodell of Have lock succeeds A. R. Oasa as hia in the Burlington storehouse here. AKL.INGTON Another reatai irsnt h.. opened up for business In this city, J. H. """""n i or tiapias, iseb, being the proprietor. . ARLINGTON A . flna innn, I. locality last evening Insures a large crop of small fruit and wilt hurry up the corn crop and help pastures. - TABLE ROCK At the annual school elec tion Philip Asher and Dan Andrews, whose terms of office had expired, were re-elected as members of the school board. BEATRICE Mr. Peter Nles, a prominent German farmer living near Ellis, and Miss Mattle Stuekes of thlft city were married yesterday afternoon by County Judge Spaf ford. BEATRICE Colonel Savage of the United Statea army established a recruit ing station here today. Recruits will be enlisted for all three branches of the army service. ARLINGTON At special meeting of ine scnooi ooara miss oertrude rianas of Pierre. Neb., was elected aa teacher. She comes well recommended by President raDtree or tne state .normal. NEBRASKA CITY A lodge of Elka la to be organised In Ibis city in a few days. Saturday a petition tor' s, cnarter signed by fifty-six representative' citizens was sent to the grand lodge. , GRAND ISLAND Mrs. Carolina Buens. wife of a well known farmer, died yester day at the age of 71 years. Mr. and Mrs. Buens have been residents of Hall county for thirty-one years. The . funeral took place this afternoon. PLATTSMOUTH "Grandpa". William P. Bally, sr., celebrated his ninety-first birth day anniversary at his home in this city yesterday. Mr. Bally aa born In York shire, England. June 26, 1816, and has re sided in Nebraska since 1878. PAPILLION-Bherlff McAvoy was called to the west end of the county last night to arrest a young man by the name of Everett Horn, aged 18 years, upon a complaint sworn out by Minnie Masters, aged 14 years. The trial la set for Thursday, the lh. PLATTSMOUTH Rev. J. H. Salsbury, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and wife have gone to Parkvllle, Mo., to at tend the commencement exercises of the college and a reunion of the class ten years ago, at which time Mr. Salsbury was a member. BEATRICE The executive committee of the Beatrice fire department held a meet ing last evening and decided not to have any hose races here on the Fourth of July. The reason assigned for this action Is that the firemen do not feel like turning out on that day. BEATRICE Johnson 4 Gustafson, the contractors, have finished the new cottage at the Institution for Feeble Minded Youth, and the building will be Inspected by George A. .Berlinghof. the architect, the latter part of this week. The new struc ture cost about ta.Ot. TABLE ROCK A reception was given to day in honor of the 75th birthday of Ed ward A. Hansen. A large number of in vited guests were present and light re freshments were served. Mr. Hansen is one of the oldest reeldenta of the county, having lived here for more than forty years. FALIS CITY The funeral of John Bauer, who died Saturday, was held from the home of hla daughter, Mrs. F. A. Fal sken, north of Falls City, Monday after noon. Me waa wj years or agr aim unu lived near Fall" City since 164. His funerai was one of the largest ever seen in this county. , GRAND ISLAND - Fleming, , the left fielder of the Grand Island team, states that a report recently published in one of the state papers, under a Fremont date line, to the effect he stated It cost him $150 In the recent case at Fremont, waa not true and that he is perfectly satisfied wllh the outcome. OAKLAND Jsmee Smith. In the employ of Z. T Davis of Merrlman, Neb., waa seri ously Injured here late Monday afternoon While attempting to bridle a broncho In tlio stock varda the horae kicked him down, dis locating his shoulder and otherwise trulslng hlin. He was taken to the Crane hotel, where the shoulder was put back, but his suffering Is Intense. STANTON At the annual school meeting Health Insurance at little cost BAKING A ls-yeaf-eld SI. COO. CO rewrd i offered ! jwwwi ww anyone for any sub stance injurious to the health found in Calumet Baking Powder. Purity is a prime essential Cal Dmrt is made only of pure, Ingredients combined by skilled and complies with the pure food Laws ot all states. It is the only high-grade Baking Powder on the market sold at a moderate prlee. Cain met Baking Powder may bo freely used with the certainty that food made with it contains no harmfal drnjT up Alum, no Rochetie Salts, jio injurious held In this city It wss found that the financial affairs of the high school district were In such excellent condition ss to re quire a levy of but 12 mills for the ensuing year for all purposes. Hon. W. W. Young and County Treasurer Keyerherm were re elected members of th" board Theae men have held the position for twelve years. BEATRICE A. W. Nlckell yesterday brought to town a sample of cats from his farm about ten miles east of the city. The grain was taken from a field of thirty acrea and measures a trifle over four feet In height. Mr. Nickel! says the grain Is about the same over the entire field and that It has shown wonderful growth since the re cent rains. He believes It will eally yield thirty bushels to the acre. BEATRICE William Bitting, a boy. was bailly cut and bruised about the body while leading a cow yesterday. He hni tied the rope around his waist and when the animal started to run he was unable to release himself, lie was dragged alxmt 1"0 yards over the pavement on Sixth street before the cow was brought lo a stop by William Wlsworth, who happened to be passing up the street. URAND ISLAND While reclining on a cot in his livery barn office Charles Wescotl waa suddenly awakened by someone finger ing In his pockets. Just as he was about to arise he was dealt a stinging blow ever the head and was dased for a few minutes. When he recovered no one was In sight, the snenkthief having made his disappear ance. The wallet of money In his pocket hud not yet been reached. PLATTSMOUTH The , Nebraska Toung Churchmen's club, composed of l-en Beechcr of the Trinity cathedral In Omaha and the other Episcopal ministers in Omaha. South Omsha and Lincoln and the choir boys in the churches, who have been enjoying an outing In Camp Burgess for about two weeks, broke camp and folded their tents and quietly wended their way to their various homes Tuesday. FREMONT Charles Gaffney was given thirty dnye In Jail by Police Judge Cook this morning for the larceny of a number of boxes of cigars from the Northwestern depot. He was making oft with as many boxes aa he could conveniently carry, when one of the employes saw him and caught him, after a llvelv chase. Yesterday, while drunk, he unhitched and started to drive away Councilman Murphy's horse ajid buggy. BEATRICE Monday at high noon at the home of Colonel and Mrs. V. 8. Tllton occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Jessie R. Tllton, to Conrad Schmidt. Jr., of Chicago, Rev. W. A. Mulligan of the Episcopal church officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt left on an afternoon train for Chicago, wehre they will make their future home, the rroom having been en gaged in the prtntiag business there for the last year. GRAND ISLAND A section of the coun try north of Wood River. In Hall county, la considerably stirred up over the preva lence of the disease of glanders among the horses. State Veterinarian Bernard and Veterinarian Ebbitt, notified of the disease, mnde a tour of Inspection of the district and killed eight horses on their first trip, and It Is believed other horses will have to he disposed of before the Infectious and malignant disease is wiped out. OAKLAND The annual school meeting Of district No. 14 was held In the high school room Monday evening. Th attendance waa nearly oouoie tne usual mraiwr ana a mwi Interesting and harmonious meeting was the result. V. L. Fried was re-elected a member of the school board and iA. B. Penden waa elected to fill the place of the late T. N. Palmnulst, whose term expired at this time. The estimated expenses for the coming year are over W.000. FREMONT The Sure .Hatch Incubator company, manufacturers of the "wooden hen at Clay Center, Is going to move its plant to Fremont. Local capitalists hsve subscribed $40,nno to the stock of the com- Kiny and the Great Northern railroad and ichards. Keene & Co. have donated them a block of land In the factory district. The buildings will be put up this season so as to be ready for the winter trade. The company expects to employ 200 men. BEATRICE Tne June term of the dis trict court convened here Monday after noon with Judge Raper on the bench. Aa no Jury has been called for the term, Charles Bland, charged with assaulting hla wife with Intent to do great bodily Injury, waa bound over to the October term of court in the sum of $1,000. Alex Q. Smith appeared aa defendant'a bonds man and he waa released. The docket con tains 143 equity cases, and aa but few of them are ready for trial, business in the district court promises to be unusually light. LEIGH The annual school meeting of district 39, which is Leigh, waa held. Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock. It was the larg est attended meeting of the kind held in Leurh for veara. There waa talk on the streets that there would be a fight over the election of certain members on account of the dismissal of a teacher last winter, me opposing forces were weak and J. B. Stearns and F. N. Nichols were elected trustees for three veara and C K. ueaty for one year. A 7-mlll tax waa levied for the general fund and a 6-mlll,tax for the sinking fund. FREMONT School district No. 64, which Is situated near Vehllng, held Its annual meetlnn vesterdsv snd instead of a aulet gathering of a few it was attended by about all the votera In the district ano an exciting time was had. The proposition to divide the district was defeated by one vote. Those in favor of division then left the meeting and the winners proceeded to transact the business to suit themselves, The district is a long, Irregularly shaped one, with the most of the pupils at the two enos. tnoNe in tavor or division nave not given up the fight and may carry the mat. ter Into the courts. NEBRASKA CITY In the district court today Judge Paul Jensen, on a mandalo from the supreme court. Issued an order directing the Merchants National bank to remove the obstructions on the sidewalk in front of Its building on Central avenue. The order refers to the stone pillars In front of the bsnk. The case was tried In the dis trict court and Judge Jessen found for the defendant, but the case waa appealed to the supreme court and it reversed the decision of the lower court and found for the plain tiff, William Blschof. The removal of the Pillars will spoil the appearance of the building, which is one of the finest in the city. bkatricb Kllpatrlok Brothers are making plans to soon begin work on the Marysvllle-Topeka cut oil of the Union Pacific road from Onega to Marysvillu, Kan., the line between Topeka and Onaga having been completed last fall. A large number of men with teams nre being sent to Onaga at present, and It is the Intention to begin operations ss soon as possible. The distance between Onaga and Marys vllle Is about forty miles, and the entire line between Topeka and Marysvllle will be nlnetv-three miles. It Is reported that the I'nion Pacific company Is making plans to have the cut off completed by next fall so that trains can be operated over the line before snow flies. PIERCE At the annual school meeting, held Monday afternoon at the school house, the following named men were elected as members of the board for the next thruo years: A. L. Brande and William H. Chil vers. They were the retiring members. Thu other persons receiving votes were J.' A. Williams, N. M. Nelson and W. W. Qulvey and Mrs. J. A. Williams. The treasurer's report showed a balance of over $1,4JU In the treasury after all bills had been paid. The directors' report showed some 4J0 children in the district of school age. A special election to vote bonds for an ad dition to the schoolhouse will be held next Friday. The proposed addition will conalst of two rooms. This was made necessary by the crowded condition of the rooms in tho main building. If the addition Is built this will necessitate the employment of another teacher. It is also expected that a twelfth grade will be added to the high school. GALU.M POWDER worn in food. wholesome chemists, substance. f? 1 1 1 1 u ' u Hi SI MM liiil $50,000 worth of Summer Waah Suits, Dresses, Skirts, of nil styles and materials, Silk and Serge Suits, Separate Jackets, Gowns, and OUR ENTIRE LINE OF WASH WAISTS to be sold at virtually Your Own Price. No old or damaged stock, at less than 50c on the dollar. "We mention a few of the $10.00 WASH DRESSES for $10.00 WASH SUITS for $25.00 SERGE SUITS for $25.00 SILK SUITS for $10.00 SKIRT VALUES for Wash Skirts at S. Fredrick Authorities Tho New Cloak Shop. 3 EZ ifs'.suA 1,100,000 Acres of eral and Timber Land Almost Free OPENING OF THE SHOSHONE RESERVATION This Reservation to be opened for settlement August 15th 1 directly reached by the Burlington's new line to WORLAKD, TO, through the Big Horn Basin. Registration between July 16th and 31st; 400,000 acres of fine rrlgable lands to be drawn for and acquired at only $1.50 per acre, one-third cash; 700,000 acres of mineral and Umber lands to be taken up without drawing. Thia Is a most bountiful distribution of Uncle Sam's land among tha people. Cheap excursion rates; only one fare for the round trip to Worland, with a maximum of but $20.00 from Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and Nebraska territory. Register at Worland and go ovar the Burlington's Northwest line, which r-uns through thousands of acres of finely irrigated land along the Big Horn Rrver; the Journey will be Instructive as to the methods of Irrigation to be practiced la the development of this section. t) AT ICS OF 8 ALE: July 12th to 29th. Final limit, August 15th; stop-overs enroute. Consult nearest ticket agent for rates and descriptive Shoshone folder, with map, description of lands, method of drawing, etc. lap , WE I f A fllTD CDrntf Arm) In vlw of thers being; so many afflicted with VUn 31 LCIAL UllE.IV private, chronic and prlvlo dtaaases who ars treating without racelvln any benefit, we have decided to make a special offer ta-eharga only one-half cf our resMlar fee for curing; those who are now undergoing treatment elaewhere and ore dissatisfied. For Instance. If oil are afflicted with either Hydrocele. Varicocele or Nervous Pecllne, we will guarantee to cure you for one-lialf the regular fee, and accept the money la any way you wlah to pay. Thla liberal offer Is made to enable such to be cured and to show the many who have treated without benefit that we havgj the methods that produce reaulta. Oar methods are up-to-date and are Indorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Hence onr saccesa la the treatment of men's disease. Remember, our specialty la Limited to the dlsesusea of MK., and MK.N O.NLV. PRIVATE! DIBE9E8 Newly contracted snd chronic eased ouredtv'iAJt burning, Itching and Inflammation stopped In ii hours. t We cover the entire field of private and chronic, deep-aeated, con plicated diseases. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Northwest Corner 13th and TIIE Purchasing Power behind the unsurpassed home circulation of The Omaha Bee is what makes advertisers know that i pays to iu The Bee advertising columns liberally. r: FBSfll-F DAY but a clean, up-to-d Ue line J bargains: 4-98 r 9-981 ...11.98 n 3.98" Less Than Cost Deroer & Co.n on Style. 1517 Farnam 8t. 3 czn cm Agricultural, Min 1 Two daily through trains from tha South cast to Worland during the registration. . ' L. W. WAKELEY. Ocneral Passenger Agent, OMAHA. NEB- CURE MEN For One-half the Regular ; Fee Varicocele Bladder Diseases Hydrocele Piles and Fistula Urethral Obstruction Prostatic Diseases Hernia Neurasthenia Kidney Diseases Blood Poison PAY US FOR CURBS Farnam Streeta, Omaha, Neb. ESBaKSi!SLe I