Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephona Dougla,61.
urn st
goods eve i? offered for sale here, but bright, crisp and reliable merchandise, priced as low as p'iy
.store in the United States. Very cheap and very good don't often go together. Make Wednes-.
. day a day of comparison. '
i .
Pave You an Account in Our
; Customers' Deposit ..ccount
' It not, why not? Thl in not a bank. , It
la a department operated for the conven
ience of our wianycuitomera. where they
rnay'depoalt a small 4 in n they wish,
-then when a purchase fir made It la charged
against their account. The unspent portion
t your account earne 4 per cent Interest,
'compounded erery three montha. Mtate
rnenta mailed monthly. Give It a trial, you
are aura to like It. Come In the atore and
let ua tell you mora about It.
:- Main Floor.
. Choice; Wwh' Material.
. , Tom J,. h Oraea certainly It ta Ip
'h tylleh and pretty, and to be this. It
mutt made of'dbnlc atyliah and per
fect natriaM, aucH la theee for Instance.
.lPrltte JUdrs fcl'We, ic. JOc c and We
1 rrd.
.. Prlnfxi BMIate JJfle and lie a yard.
f,?,Prtne itrlt'' .' lc, 2Bo and SOo a
Mercerised Zephyr at So a yard,
'"'flrnfc 7-oe.ayr at 26e a yard.
'Zephyr- Oln html at 16c a yard.
' 'French Organdie at.gOc a yard.
;llk Organdie at Me and 0c a yard.
V VBItkt -1ln gharris at fto, 46c and 60c a yard.
RpoliU sal of waah goods remnanta at
hlf gjla rlc. i Length of from I to
';lyardB, Including every kind of dealrable
. uh material. .
..In Baaement. '-' ' X
: Special Sale of Hosiery.
'Wednesday we will place on apeclal BAle
, women fancy colored hoee, )lle, hand
.. ambtoldere or lac boot patterna. These
ho have sold for $125, $100 and Hie per
j pair, Wednesday 49c per pair. Main Floor.
1 1;
right a a wife to refuse ta testify
. het husband, fihe. wltl, however, be re
. quired to appear before' th' grand Jury.
" Th district" attorney- office I busily
v engaged In looking up Thaw' antecedents.
hi mode of living, -.reported dissipations
and indulgence, with a mow to analysing
' ttttlr bearing on hi mental condition. On
this point Mr. Nott said today:
"Thaw 1 not Insane now, nor was he
inaane at h Urn he shot .White." -"
Asked concerning the. probable date of
the trial Assistant District Attorney Nott
iald:v '..".' ' .
I know o.fnorea on why Thaw should
be treated any differently from an ordinary
r accused murderer.' He will have to wait hi
','tur ato b tried. In, all probability. How
.ever,. Mr. .Jerome will- be back In town on
Monday next and will decide that."
';. kin. Whit Prostrated.
Up' 'to tdhlfht th district'' aftorney'a
. offlc has, .received . no communications
from pf n,hjr, ot MjA WIVe'a Xanjlly. . ftlrt
Whit came. in thl amornlng from her aum
,'mer Bt. . Jamea, li. Long la) and.
Vkcoompanied by her sister, Mr. Preacott
I'M. Butler, and went to the town house in
t'ramerof .park; wher ah la now with her
son Lawrence, who came down from Ilur
5 vard and parted with hi father only tin
hour er so before th tragedy. Mr. While
was reported to .be .completely proatrated
by ehock and grief.
, M.-Whlt: body waa removed to the
house thl afternoon. .Th autopsy held to
day showed that twq bullet had taken
effect, one In the corner of the left eye.
which penetrated . the brain and waa In
stantly fatal .and i pne In th upper Up.
knocklrrg out several. teeth and striking the
left shoulder. '
. Funeral ervlcep wlj be held on Thurs
diy at 'Bt. 'Bartholomew' church Arch
bishop Greer officiating.
' ThWrtrtng laj . the1 Tomb waa the.
ouroe of much wonder to the wardens
who hadHll? In eWge. While h appeared
to ba-'lrf a.-ao of dase and unable to
oomprehend his ponltton, his appetite was
onlmpalYed, for he disposed of three sub
stantial meal during the afternoon and
kavlug lned ki e'elock ' with every ap
pearance of enjoyment he remarked that
h experted to spend a1 comfortable night.
Mtfcr of Mra. TKaw Talka.
, PrTTBB'iTlGtun tiUn. ChsrleS Hoi
man, mother pf Mr. Harry Kendall Thaw,
wno, ivs t;Brookllne. a suburb of tht
city, wa gpprlaed early today of the ehoot.
tn Of Btaafosd .Wblt hv Mr. Th Mr.
Holraan lliied to a recital of the tragedy,
but beyond asking a few queatlon ax to
further devi(. eald Hte. ,
n aid she did not know Btanfo-d
hlte..-t& ead architect: had. in fact
never heard of him. and that she did not
Each summer we have a spe
cial -selling event of Boys'
Washable Blouses. This
' 'year - it commences Wednes
day morning, when we place
m ale 35 dozen blouses;
420 garments in all Do hot
miss this opportunity to out-
rcv-tha boy with plenty ; of
' new, clean blouses at a great
saving in price.
too Xjaaderd Bloaaes with at
tached collar. In new patterna,
of fin madras; color are abso
lutely fast.' and all good shade r
else I to It years. These are
our regular K. E $1.00 to $1 60
blouses. Priced for quick sell
ing at '
They are eplendich values
1818 IK1 ULuiH 8TIIHET
Glean Merch'aiidise
A Two Word Description of Otir Goods. No old damaged or bankrupt
Special Values in Lace Hose in
Economy Basement.
Black, white or brown lace hoee, all
Over lace or lac boot pattern t 2Re pet l
All the Newest Shirt Waists .
Are. to be- seen here Jn the newest pat
terns of the moat fashionable fabrlca. Made
with -unusual- care, and fit aa well aa the
made-to-order varments.
Reduced Prices
On all these fine Valuta "should make
them of unusual Interest ' to you. CorrVa
Wednesday and "secure one of these line
waieta. . ..
All the 112.00 waists now f00.
All the $10.00 Waists now fft.90.
All the $7.60 waist now 16.00.
All the $6.00 waieta now $4iQ0. 1 I
"pedal sale on soiled waists that sold -at
$4 60. $.0d and $6 09 at $150 each.
New white waah skirts received Monday.
Ask to'see hm. . .'v ; . ;
Second Floor. (.' '
Free Lessons, Art Embroidery.
Miss Steenstrup, expert needle artist,
lve free lessons In art embroidery every
day from I to I p. m. AU the latfst
stlches are tuht; apeclal course for thuee
who are In the city, for only, a- few days.
Material must be purchased here. Class
meets on Second Floor, near.rt Depart
ment. Come and join us.
An Extraordinary Opportunity
Walt for our final grand clearing pale of
choice dresa good remnanta on Monday,
July i. ,It will be to your Intereat to at
tend this sale.. See these foods, now dis
played In our Sixteenth St. window. " No
old bankrupt stocks or cheap trashy .lots
Howard Gcrcar Sixteenth Street
know what she was going to do regard' 113
the matter." "
The new of the killing came a a dis
tinct ahock to the-friends of the Thaw
family in Pittsburg and waa a matter for
discussion today In all the prominent clubs
and homes In the two cities. All efforts to
find a member of the family In thl city
have proved fruitless. It was reported that
Joslah Copley Thaw, a brother of Harry.
was In Pittsburg, but he "could not be
fqund. and it was stated at the club that
he and his wife were out of the city and
had been for several weeka. ' '
, At the home of Mrs. William, Thaw,
mother. pf Harry, who sailed from New
York last Saturday to "spend the summer
with her daughter. Alice, the countess of
Yarmouth, It waa aald that she -would be
reached as quickly as possible, and notified
of the unfortunate affair. . .
'Theatrical Maa Praises'" White. t
CHICAGO, una a.Gorge,.W. Lederar,
manager pf , tlje Co.lonlai heajler . in tttl
city, who waa the employer of Mra. Thaw,
w he a, as vely.eeJalt, aha.wen on jtjSe
stage, aald today that hie believed the in
terest taken In her career by White was
merely that of a good friend.' who desired
to see her advanced In .her profession. '
"White waa one of the finest men that
ever lived," said Manager Lederer.
"He became Interested in . Mis Nesbit
when sne was playing in "Florodora" and
tried to help her when he knew what a
atruggle ahe and her mothef were having
to get along. I know of many cases where
White had aided young, people striving to
obtain a foothold on th stage.. , He wa a
moat kindly and generous maa.'' .
Leaves Letter Iadtcatlas Slckaca I
Taaae of Aet.
. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., June 28 (Special.)
Groans emanating from a room In the
second story of the Great Northern hotel,
Landlord Hlleman. when notified, went .to
the room and finding '- the door locked
kicked It open to find -a stranger In the
last throea of death. He waa lying on the
bed, shoes off, and had replaced a dark
colored work shirt for a dress shirt pur
chased early thla morning. On the floor
back of the bed wa, found a pint beer
bottle with a few dregs. In. the bottom,
which dtacloaed a -powdered substance. In
vestigation disclosed. ''that ' the man had
purchased ten cent worth '-of -powdered
strychnine at McBeatn'a drugstore about
f o'olock this morning., giving bis natna aa
John Reed, residence near, iidmer., end
stating that he wished the poison for
gophers. I'pon searching I he ' body. K.16
In money and two letter were, found. The
letters were addressed
Haull and J. N. Holman.
Mis Myrtle
both of Decatur,
sao Xaaatsrd Bloa, made with
cut collars, la aretty shade qt
blue, tan,, greek and ox-blood
madras; alao plain white madraa
' and oxford cloth: sixes ( ta II
years. These are our regular
$1 00 blouses. Priced for quick
selling at
still in profrresa.
at 91
t r "M.rmr
W UtJ It-. j..:,
Bee, Jan 16, 1101
here. Every
remnant clean, crisp and
Have Your
Bed Blankets
rr m wmi t -T i
Washed by Mill Process Now, i
'1 he beauty of fine wool blankets la oftt-n
polled by them not being washed properly.
They have shrunk, turned hard, oily. or
have chanced from white to a dirty yel
low. All thla can be avoided and you can
have your bed blankets like new If you
send them to ua. We have them waahe.
bleached, rebound'and reflnlshed by one of
the best mllla In the country. Prlcea for
single blankets, TRc; double blankets, tl.Oft.
Bend" them to blanket department In base
ment. " '
Men's Department, Main Floor,
South Aisle.
The. men should know more about this
department. It Is conveniently located,
near either entrance. The newest novelties
pre always shown her at popular prices,
and very often we make apeclal prices. It
la shirts we speak of now.-
Fine. madras shirts, either light or dark
colors, pretty stripes or figures, some have
cuffs attached, othera detached. Sold all
season at $1.76, $2.00 and $2.2D; special price,
$1.50 each..
New string ties In the popular checks,
very neat and pretty; Be each.
Four-ln-hartd scarfs, only the -newest of
patterns, checks are In prominence now;
EOc each.
Pretty Windsors to wear with the soft
collar shirts. 60c each.
Bee display of men's goods In corner win
dow. Then come in the atore and see the
pretty department we have for men. Al
ways glad to show goods, even If
haven't the slightest Idea of buying.
Neb., and were signed Leslie Holman. The
letter were opened by Coroner Sawyer.
Jle addresses Miss Baull as a former
sweetheart, to whom he waa to 6 mar
ried ths spring, and states that he la about
to end his life. The other -letter is ad
dressed to hla father, In which the writer
say a he is going to kill himself. That since
leaving home he haa worked In Iowa, at
Sergeant Bluffs, and that he can't get
wU., Coroner Sawyers did not think It
necessary .to hold an Inquest, In View of
the fact thai. It was a clear case of suicide.
Relative, have been notified.-
';? Democrats Call Convention.'.
NORFOLK. . Neb., June (Special.)
The democratic congressional convention
of the Third district will meet In Norfolk
Augilej p at i o'clock to name a candidate.
This :wll .be determined by the central
ctommlttee. whlch-held a meeting here. It
was -the sntl)rl"ent of tfte committee 'jhit
rob4)'Jflr Bgas.', Howard . p.: "rwit.iir
"Judge Graves of Pender, camld hay the
jio-nin&Uoifc ...Judge '-Howard. koaeevAr.
tafed that he hardly believes hle buslneaa
will) permit accepting , the nomination, , If
orrered. His friends say that he probably
will be nominated by the state convention
a week earlier for railroad cbrhmlssloper
Drops Dead la Garden.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. June M.-(8peclal
Telegram.) Paul Searaon. an old and well
known realdent of Georgetown, twenty miles
south of here, dropped dead while working
In -his garden late yesterday afternoon. He
waa well advanced In year and had been
ailing for some time.
Oxford Votes for Water Works.
OXFORD, Neb.." June M.-(Bpeclal Tele
gram.) By. a decisive vote Oxford today
voted to issue bonds for $15,000 for water
works and $3,600 for a lighting plant. , .
Card of Tbaaki.
Wa wish to thank our friends and
neighbor for - their sympathy and' kind
ness shown during the Illness, and death
of our beloved wife and mother, Julia
Fair Today la Nebraska, Warmer la
Wl Portloa Partly Cloady
WASHINGTON. June W. Forecast of the
I w"'er for Wednesday and Thursday;
For Nebraska-Fair Wednesday and
warmer In west portion; Thuraday, partly
For Kansas-Partly cloudy Wednesday,
shower ar.S cooler at night or Thuraday.
For luwa-Partly cloudy Wednesday,
warmer In north portion; Thuraday, partly
For Missouri Fair Wedneaday; Thurs
day, partly cloudy, probably showers and
For South Dakota Fair and warmer
Wedneaday; Thursday, partly cloudy.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Wednesday;
showers and cooler at night or Thursday.
For. Wyoming Partly cloudy Wednesday,
showers In west portion; Thursday, show
ers, cooler In eaat portion.
For Montana Fair Wednesday except
showers and cooler in northwest portion;
Thursday, showers and cooler. .
Local Record.
OMAHA, June M.Oflicial record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last threa
.; "ears: 19" 1. 104. 1908.
Maximum temperature... M 74 0
1 Mlnlmuia temperature 03 M S9
' Mean temperature...: "r "2 6 70
Pretlpltatloii 11 .00 .00 . 21
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha aince March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 74
Deficiency for the day
Total rainfall since Marchl. If.... H
Normal precipitation II Inch
lef)clency for the day Inch
Total rainfall alnre March 1 10 97 lnchee
Deficiency since March 1 t M Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1W6.. f AO inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19i4.. 1.4 Inches
Reaarts front Statloas at T P. M. I
Station and Stat Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tamo. fall.
Htsmarca. clear
Chevenne, partly 'cloudy
I Chicago, partly cloudy.
Davenport, near
, Ienver. cloudy
i Havre, clear
Helena, clear
1 Huron, partly cloudy...
; Kansaa City, clear
; Nonh Platte, cloudy
I ( nnaha, cloudy
Rapid City, partly, cloudy.
st. Ijouis. clear.
&t. Paul, clear
Salt Ike City, clear... .'.
Valentine, partly cloudy..
Wllllston. clear
"T ' Indicates trace of precipitation.
-. -Three
Independent Telephone Franchise
Ordinance Introduced.
Elsaaacr' Deiaaade )a vest Ift'a tloa at
"! Trait," aaa Light Coaapaalea
Derlla Lawer Tael
freaeat Rates.
inree applications lor incpnum n.n-
chStt, were r,, iy the city council
last night In ordinance form and referred
to th commute On telegraph and tele
phone, with an underatanding that lje
promoter wilt be given hearing Monday
afternoon. .One proposition came from the
Omaha Homo TeW-phone company, another
from the Helm-Parmelee-Pollock Interests
and th third from Albert, von Hoffman of
Milwaukee, who claims to control $2,000,)0.
with which to.'flnanre hi enterprise.
The ordinances read very much alike,
and each provides for th legal submission
to the . voters,, for -approval or rejection.
The Home .company and the Helm-Par-
melee-Pollock .Interests ask for a fifty-year
grant, but Mr.. .von Hoffman eeena per
petual right to th streets, with clause
giving the-city, the option . of purchasing
after t.wejity-flve years. The second propo
sition . Is onethat has been presented to
the council and aa jnany times described
in the newspapers. Its maximum ratea are
$72 for business 'phone and $4$ for res
idence 'phones.
R'tarrii to the City.
The Home oomjany psopoees' to pay the
city a royalty of 1 perVtnt on the gross
earnings of th flrt vo years nd 2 per
cent thereafter, alao to offer free toll ser
vice with -South Omaha. Von Hoffman
offers royalty of 1. per rent on gross
earning for the flrat three years, i per
cent the next five year and t per cent
theroater. . He agree . to make connec
tlona "at reasonable; terms" with all "Inde
prndervt'rompaBle building copper metal
lic circuit line -to, . the city- limits. His
priceg are $48 a year ,(or bualness 'phones,
$24 for resldenoe phones ana 12H cent ad
ditional per ,montb.vfvir -each J.000 'phonca
mure than 10,000 aUdfd to. the eystem.
All agree to-give, w $25)00 cash bond to
the city,o guaraiutee building the ex
change, and syatem and carrying out the
terma of the franchlae. Aa everyone who
had any ppeclal... Interest In the matter
knew that . the ordinances were - oomlng
and what they would offer, no particular
Interest wa displayed In them. '
Councilman Bridges' introduced the or
dinance to abolish the- gas Inspector and
to make the city electrician "gas Inspector,
ex-offlcio.". It wa tf erred to a committee
without any remarks.''.'.
"Ice Traef oa tie Pao.
Th muck rake Is to be drawn over
Omaha to see If Tf;h n Ice trust., Pete
Elsaseer sprung a resolution directing the
judiciary commute and the city attorney
to do the work "and mentioning the fact
that lee coM $10 a tin', but only 18 cents
per J00 pounds laat .aummer...
'How la the rlty attorney to make n
InvestlgatlftTi?' :SkV( Zlmman. i
"Huh!" exclaimed: lilaasaer wrathfuily.
'They found..n Ic..rust In Kansa City
and Home: Of th 'Member got fined $2,000
ajid om-v;fe, efO'f $yer,the road.; , Huh,!"
"All right," said Zlmman, "let er go."
'iyou belong Aonlc compt.y?"
asked. FJlsaser, arMVjJ. f' '
. U.lriW'poi'rXt"l w.ould
use a ton to pack you
!.,.. V A -TT;.l .',-'' :
latutht Ratea.1
,, JTh Oa coppyj,i'fAd.ll.ele''t''f 'Jh
company sent letter to th: lighting, coin-
Tnlttee,'!say1rrg how : they
could sosa!bT?r'feduc'ethelr rates'any.'eon
sidoring the, fa'sl 'th,t,OtiftainA
and lowest-priced aerviee the Vnited
States for a town of "Its Mxe;' age and ge
ography." JhV committee, aiibtnltted letter
without ' adding anything own "and
the documenta werelard on -flle. Mr.' Nash
aald the average rat .received by the', elec
tric light company ; was 8 'cent, "a, less
rate than received by any company In the
United SUea similarly located as to fuel.
labor nd other condition applying to the
manufacture and distribution of electric
current'." Also that -figuring In the royalty
of S, pef cent ' Omaha got It lights at a
lower price than an city In' the country.
Preaident Hamilton of the gaa company
remarked thatC the1 franchise held by the
corporation. permls . It to. charge $1.46 per
1,000 cubic feet for tW product, but It only
asks $1 75. having made . three- voluntary
reductions and pavlni another drop of 10
cents scheduled for October 1. I!)". He
pointed out the vicissitude of manufac
turing and1 distributing gas In Omaha and
the special reaaona' tliat made' It difficult.
und said that- th eombined royally and
taxes paid amounted to-17 'cents per l.OOrt
cubic feet, which Is.fnore than any other
company In the I'nlted Stated i and brings
the net price of gas down to less than $1.
All this "Was brought out biJ' he council's
polite inquiry to the corporations aaklng
the latter If they weuld not help to carry
out the democratic 'platform pledges.
'. Meaaago from the Iflayor. , . ,
Mayor Dhtnial1;; 'IB ',' messkae. declared
enlargements ere jieeded for the city, jail
and that the. CapltoV avenue market houae
should be transposed -from a mere monument
to Idleness into something useful. He said
that from three to five more cell were
needed at the jail and ahould be provided,
but he urged the council io Inquire Into
the project, of falling the jail. and grounds
and building a new and modern police sta
tion elsewhere with the proceeds. He had
been totd that thla waa feasible.' With ref
erence to the market house. , he aald he
understood an., automobile, dealer wa Wil
ling to sign a three-year lease for $3,000.
In. thl connection his 'honor aald 'perhaps
It would be a good idea to make a public
bath house out of the structure; that per
haps plumbers might be Induced tp bear
the expense of. equipment In exchange for
advertising privileges, and that 8 cents
charge for bathi v would pay for towels,
soap, water, caretaker, etc. The message'
went to the committee on. buildings and
property for consideration.
Th council refused to sustain th veto
of the mayu-,to the reaolution proposing
to create th ofllce of second assistant city
attorney at W.OO a year. The mayor aald
he thought a salary of $1,(00 year suffi
cient Zlmruaft and Finkhouaer took Issue
with him on the points Zlmman said that
Union Pacific tat litigation Involving
$48,000 I lying In the federal court because
the legal department doe not have tint
to attend to It. He asaerted that more liti
gation with th water company Is probably
In atore. and with that corporatlonemploy
lng the beat lawyer It could, find, he
If Coffee
agrees with yon stick to it.
JJ PQt, use
is Uinsands ! braia
workers' i$f
thought the city should hare better than
$1.5sn men opposing... He -said he would
favor a higher salary than $2,000 for the
position. The council majnrltr w It his
Taylor Draw the Jos.
Tom Lee and John C. Lynch were again
rejected for the positions of prosecutor nd
gas Inspector, but th mayor' appeal to
reconsider action on Egbert Taylor, col
ored, for janitor at the city Jail, on the
ground that hla honor had known the ap
pointee twenty year and he waa a "con
slstent democrat and a man of good
habits," waa heeded by th connctl and
Mr. Taylor awarded the Job.
Councilman Alma Jackson. hurchlll
Parker and James Sc-hnelderwlnd were
named and confirmed aa the board of p
p raisers for city property. '
Treasurer Fink's proteat against the
room assigned hlin on the second floor at
the city hall waa referred to the committee
on buildings and property.
A resolution by Councilman Brnrker re
citing that whereas complaints had been
made of short welghta on Ice, coal and
meat, prices ascending and rumors of
trust and combinations in the air, that
cltltAn were advised to weigh doubtful
deliveries and report discrepancies-to the
city clerk, createfl o mucii amaiement
that It was referred to the Inspector-of
weight and measures.. The city has law.-
covering the subject and supposed- to be
Councilman Zlmman Introduced an ordi
nance to amend the elrcu license ordi
nance ao that shows cannot escape paying
full ratea by cutting a cent or two under
established rhargea.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
that assurance, that hla political support
waa not included in his einpiovmem. it
has been traditional with The Bee that a
man's politics or private opinions were
sacred to him, and that they would not
any time be encroached upon or Interfered
with by reason of the fact that he waa en
employe of The Bee.
I feel safe In assuring Mr. Rosewater of
the loyal and faitnful and energetic support
of every man employed by The Pee. The
long years we have worked for him have
endeared him to us, we respect him as a
man, honor. him as a citizen and love him
as an employer, and I am sure that every
man Is Anxious and eager to do nuv and
all things that he can do to bring to a
Successful Issue the making of Mr. Rose
water United States senator.
I waa out last week on a trip of the
Commercial club which took us around to
many counties. I was very much encour
aged with the words I heard. There seems
to be a general sentiment among the
people that Mr. Rosewater is to he made
United States senator at this time. One of
the moat encomaglng things I found on
the trip waa the sentiment of the business
men of Omaha. We had not been out
long when they came to me by twoe and
threes and told me that they were for Mr.
Rosewater, and were anxious that he
should be elected the next United States
Sentiments of Othera.
George - B. Tzschuck of the counting
rcom. Thomas F. Doyle of the composing
room, William Neckel of th presa roo.n
and Walter Bridges of the engine room
followed, briefly voicing their own and
their rompaniona' aentlmenta, and express
ing the confidence of the men In Me.
Rosewater. They renewed their pledges of
support at t lie po'ls, and promised to give
any aid asked In connection with the com
ing primary election.
The meeting adjourned with three cheers
for Mr. Rosewater.
.On Thursday evening.. Mr. Rosewater
wllL meet , with the candidates for dele
gates on hla ticket and the members of his
campaign committee.
ICnglnce from Kast, RcJnacd Etnplaj-
" Six l'eara of Age. ''
A graduated civil englner of Cornell uni
versity, and' man who has had years of
experience In engineering work In various
part of the United ' States, arrived In
Omaha Monday, looking for employment.
He applied first at the office of the' city
engineer end was told no vacancies existed
which he might fill. Assistant City En
gineer Craig suggested trying the Union
"The engineering department of that
road Is hiring all the skilled engineers and
draughtsmen it can find." aald Mr. 'Craig.
"They are on the lookout for good men.
Tour credentials should get you a place
at one" ' " x
The engineer returned to the city hall In
the afternoon. He was still looking for
"I just missed a job," said" he. "I ap
plied at headquarter, was told engineer
were needed, had my papers examined
and everything aa pronounced satisfac
tory. I was then handed a formal appli
cation blank to fill out. On of the ques
tions asked my age, ' I wrote, '46.' This
waa observed and I wa told to writ no
" 'Why not?' I asked. ' '
"'Forty-five la the age limit,' waa the re
ply. We cannot hire men older than thit.'
"If I had known the requirement I could
have" shaved off my whiskers and told
something of a falsehood, and got the Job.
As it Is, I am still open to engagementa."
Assistant City Engineer Craig referred
him to several other places where engineers
are employed.
Thief Take Footgear aad Keeps
Theaa Became He Can Ontraa
Their Owaor.
Alexander Reed, collector for the Royal
Arcanum, loat a fine pair of shoes Tues
day morning because he could ' not ru-i
fast enough. While In a Farnam street
air.broclal buffet teling a coterie of
friends why Sherman marched to the ee.
a culprit picked up Mr. Heed's pair of
new shoes and began to do rapid aprints,
with Mr. Reed and a posse in close pur
suit. The man with the footwear became
a mere speck In the distance, ao Mr. Reed
gave up the chaae and reported the mat
ter to the police for further action.
Caara-o that Mlaaeaota Flraaa Ceaa
blaeal to Raise Prle oa
tat Work.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jun .-8lx ecret in
dictments, said to be a gainst firms and
member of firms of local printing estab
lishment for an alleged violation of the
state anti-trust and combination statute,
were returned today by the Ramsey county
grand Jury. It haa been alleged and formal
complaint filed with the county attorney by
the legal representative of the Typo
graphical union that a combination exists
among local printing establishments In the
matter of presenting bids on atate printing
which la In effect a violation of thla act.
Caaaarla Bait Coaaaaay.
F. B. Wilcox. representative of the
Cambria Bajt company, was In the city
Tuesday in the interests of the company.
li said tha plant waa complete and prac
tically ready for operation, the final test
to bo made In the flrat part of July. ' Mr.
Wilcox says the process Is evaporation and
they expect to turn out about five car
loads per day when they get to running at
full rapacity.
Hsih Passes Balldlasj BUI."
WASHINGTON. June 31 -The omnibus
public building bill waa passed by the
bouse today. . . , ,
mot people mum
- .POOR : f ;
because they never try to pave money. ', .
There is only one way to pain a com- . ,
petenoy, and be free from worry and want.
Our facilities are arranged for yonr assist
ance. -
,i - 'i .
- Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank -in
Nebraska. , ' . V
16th and -Douglas Street.
' - .
(Continued from First Pag.)
when at 4 p. m. the senate went. Into ..ex
ecutive session. . -. . . -. . . ;
t 0flRF.
II on ae Leaders Mr No Imaortaat Bills
Will Be Allowed to Go Over.
WASHINGTON, , June W.-Congresa will
stay In stsslon unMI Ita a-ork Is finished.
Thl is the dictum of. Speaker Cannon and
his lieutenants and la being emphaelxed
at this time to counteract the lmpreaslon
that the pure food bill at least might go
over until the next session.
There' Is also trouble on the meat Inspec
tion bill and the tleup on the railroad rate
bill indlcatea delay. The Immigration bill
Is also In conference as are several of the
appropriation bllla. All of thesp things
must be worked out without ny date of
adjournment being aet, according to the
decision of the houae leaders. When the
a-ork Is don? 'an, adjournment resolution
will be forthcoming In ahort order.
While the situation today spells delay
until next week, the 'work on the floor Is
progressing. Member say there Is no need
of prolonging the. session beyond Friday If
the confereea make up. their minds that
the work must be done or that agreements
which will . meet all demands can be ar
ranged on all matters before that time
and that If th Idea- of prolonging the
session for the purpose of killing certain
bllla Is abandoned this week will see the
end. . ' x
VaW iunisefldaday passed the senate bill
which repeal thS ' so-called twenty-eight-hour
law by fixing the maximum of time In
transit 'for-slock af thirty-fclx hours, upon
the written' Request of the owner or per
son in chrg-of the particular shipment,
The rent of the old 'custom house In'
New York again showed Itself in the gen
eral deficiency bill In a provision for the
current year. "Mr. Bulxer of New York
-made a point- of -order against the. item
which wa overruled.; Mr. Sulxer asked the
letiubllcans how much they expected to get
out of the', amount, .for the forthcoming
campaign. , . m, r ,
' ' "Not a muoh th people 'will get 'out
of In;, replied Mr'.' Tawne "r "" '""
A 'provide .'' JjiAsrted' n ' the .VftJ di
recting the ofBolala of. the -Territory of
Oklahoma to continue the tnantalnenance
of all public Institutions and execute all
existing contracta until the new state gov
ernment shall have 'been established. -
. Mr. Hull ot Iowa ',offe red an. amendment
appropriating , fca.OOO to reimburse officers
and enlisted -men Of he army, who were
on duty in San Francisco during the re
cent disaster and who euffered losses of
clothing and other personal effect. Mr.
Llttauer made a point of order against
the amendment, .-The. chair sustained the
A long discussion ensued over the Item
appropriating 3T6.41s to reimburse the state
of Texas for moneys expended between
February S. 1865. and June a; 1840. In pay
ment of state volunteers or ranger oiled
Into servlre by the governor of Texas.
Mr. Dalxell made ' point of order against
th item. Without deciding the point of
order the general deficiency bill was laid
aside and the house at 6 o'clock took a re
cess for two hour,
The house tonight-In a session lasting
three hours was occupied with speeches
on a variety of political subjects, although
the pending measure waa 4he bill "to sim
plify the laws tn relation to .the collection
of the revenue.-' Mr. Boutelle of IIHnoia
replied V th peebea of Messrs. Ralner
of Illltiola and Williams of Mississippi on
the "Watch trust." Mr. Boutelle spoke In
a humorous vein, referring to the subject
aa a "great drama," to which he gave the
title "governmant . by advertisement, or
who gets aold the most In the watch
trade." Mr. Boutelle referred to Mr. Wil
liam' position regarding the tariff on
watches and said that Mr. Ralney, "stand
ing like Tenerlffe. emote him (Williams)
with hi eyes." Mr. Boutelle humorously
pictured what he termed the different
"acts" and drew on Bhakeapeare to lllua
trate his points and' convulsed the house
and gallerle with paraphrases of well
known street car advertisements. He re
ferred to. "Sunny Jack, 'the Statesman'
Breakfast' Food. ". on meal of which,, h
said, will make a democratic congressman
feel so buoyant and gay that he can con
template the all-pervading prosperity of
hla country with equanimity. "Roaet 'em,"
which iie said "cools the blood, soothes th
nerves, warms the fer't,",h preacrlbed for
those "whose nights are mad miserable
by frightful visions of avaricious trusts
glarlhg at them out of the darkness at
the foot of th bed." H had a colloquy
with Mr. Williams, growing out of a dis
cussion of Sea Island cotton and long fiber
cotton, in whloh Mr. Williams denied cer
tain statements attributed to him.
Mr. Payne sought to -eevent Mr. Wil
liam from replying by suggesting that
th democrata have occupied thlrty-flv
mlnufes more than th republicans. Mr.
Wllliama replied to Mr. Payne and Mr.
Dalxell railed for regulai order, as the
disputants glared at each other across the
"Why did you not call th gentleman
from New York to order, howling Ilk a
wild demon around hrT" asked Mr. Wil
liam. Thla evoked applause from the dem
ocrats. Mr. PeArmond of Missouri discussed
"Government by Injunction," and asked
wher th Invoking of th writ ot Injunc
tion Is going to stop.
The house djo0med t II p. m., until
taaiala Wrist Coavletod.
WASHINGTON, June M The court-msr-tial
which recently ' tried Captain R. F.
Wynne, United Btarna Marin eorpa, on
charge of Insubordination, has found -him
guilty and recommended his dismissal from
the service. Ttie court. martial made no
recommendation for clemency. The . Navy
department haa recommended to the pres
ident approval of th aentence, but In view
of Captain Wynne aervlce and th pro
vocation under which b a;le4 in lb moat
l.'TJ '
serious off ense chatpted.. he department
advised -that exeeut foro vf' the ertiteace bo
delayed until- Captain. Wynne, jpovld- be
given 'opportunity to rosiga. .'Th. 'president
later pproved thlTee6ninicndHihm.-
Deadlock aa Pay f inspectors nd
Date of Labels.
. WASHINGTON, Jun 2,-The tneat- ln"
spection amendment to the agricultural- bill
probably will b returned In the nnt
and house' disagreement. Th conferee
twice had It under, dtseusslon today and
the Indication are that the differences in
regard to the payment for Inspection by
the packers or by- the government or
whether the date ' of " Inspection most b
placed on cns of meat are Irreconcilable.
Another effort to get together will "be mad
st 10 o'clock tomorrow. A complete agree
ment was reachrd on all other matter 1
the bill. . ...
Practically all of the important .'apiend
menta concerning the 'usual featusea of th
agricultural bill were accepted by th house
conferees. These amendmenta Include ap
propriation of J15,V10 for the establlahment
atpolnta of export of .laboratories to exam
ine and report upon -the nature quality
and condition of seed pr grain o serve a
a basis for the fixing of definite grades;
and K.Ono for Investigating the Insect known
aa the white fly, which affects; oranga
growers. Amendments were offered provid
ing that 1(1 per cent of ll money received
from each forest reserve earn' year"' shall b
paid to the states or territories In which
the reserve are situated, to be expended
for the benefit of the p'ublfo school 'and
roads; also the amendment for an Inveatl
gatlon of the effect of cold storage; UpOh tha
healthfulness of foods. . An ...araennrncni
eliminated was that which provided ton
investigation of crop- brsjt, ailaptdj )
rigaiea aisincis.. f . ' :.
(ieaersl Baldwin Retlrea.
WASHINGTON. Jun M.-Bjlgadler Gen
eral Frank Dr Baldwin, commandjng l)
southwestern military dlvls'jotp, f Ith . head
quarters st Oklahoma' City, was placed
on the retired list today by operation of
the law on account pf age. The. yacanoy
in the list . of brigadier generals erfUr-ed
by his retirement will be filled by the pro
motion of Colonel. Walter D. Uuggan. now
In Qopimand' of the First UlfarUry Jn .t
Philippine. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '
Kxeeatlvea Fxchanae Greetings.
WASHINGTON, June 2ti.-csord!a! greet
ings have been- exchanged -"between Presi
dent Rooaevelt and . MuUuJillo. , .the em
peror of Japan, over the American cable
connecting the Island of duam and Japan,
which recently was completed. The presi
dent's message, expressing the good, will
of America and himself, was sent 'yester
day' and the emperor's reply reached
Washington today. 1
lowing no
Hnoih. Utah, attornev. District of Utah..
Postmasters: Iowa K. V. Meyers, I)en
ison, la.; W. M. McClure, Greene.' Idaho
Francis M. Winters, Mont pollen, i Indiatl
Territory J. JJ. .Long. Stlgler. . . . , A
Tweaty-KlaTht-Hoar Ijiw Repealed.
WASHINGTON. June 2: The' -houae to
day passed the senate bill wh'ch repeal
the so-called twenty-eight-hour law 'hr
fixing the maximum of time In transit' for
atock at thirty-six hours, upon th written
request of the owner Or person In charge
of the particular shipment '
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