THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27. SB AS Biriili lb Oaf WiiflEi- Special Bircili Dij SFI TIE GREAT SPECIAL ftD DES MOINES STOCK Of! PAGE 4. Bl SIKIOE. SALS All the Shoes from the Des Moines Stock Winu's 51.50 Whlti CSflYlt Cxfardi, Pilr, 74c 8ojt' lud Minis' ' Wiiti Tennis Shoes, Pair. 27c Ladies' $2.60 White Court Ties These very stylish ..white shoes are hand turned, made of fine sea island linen, very special 1 45 Ladies' IJ.tO hmicl turned viol - and patent oolt oxfords, at... Misses' ud children's vlH aod nun tnetal shoes. ms1e of "olid leather, at Babies' 5fle. harefont sandal In all color, at. a ' pair : 1 98c 15c Ladles' I2.R0 quality high shoe, patent tip vlel and patent colt, at, pair Boys', misses' and ehlldren'o II 00 barefoot sandals, at, ' ' pair . Men's tan shoes, low or high rut, the odds and enda go at, pair 29 39c 98c JEWELRY Special From th Dei Moines Stock Enameled Fancy Cuff Buttons, at, per p&lr . i ........... . Fancy Beaded Belts worth up to fl.00, it, each Steel and Fancy Belt Buckles, sold up to $1.00. at ...... Gold Plated Vanity Cases,' that sold up to 1. S5, at 5c 25c 25c 25c Fancy Shirt Waist Jew airy, that sold up to $1.00, at Cabinet size (old plated -photo frames, that sold up to 76c, at ........ Fancy Wash Belts, that sold up to 25c at Fancy Beads that sold up to twenty-five cents, at . 25c 10c 5c 5c Ladies' Low Button. This Is one of the new and correct styles that have become popular this reason, and with Its patent colt, vamps and heel foxing, dull kid tops, welt soles and military heels. It makes a very stylish and handsome looking low shoe. We also have them In the, (run metal calf. They arc new and "dif ferent"" and give the foot a very dressp appearance. The prtoe It $3.50 and $4.00 FRY SHOE CO. THE SHOER8. . Wh and Doughs Sts. BOYS' CLOTHING SPECIALS From the Des Moloe stock. I'tlVi IA I Boys' 36o f I Men's 2 f f I Boys" W double f PA lUC WlU,U IDC ffLnU breasted sulta ts at. I at " I at r " I ages 8 to , at.... Boys' knee pan Boys' CM ' long pants st 75c Boys' $2.50 Rus lnn suits, ages I to 7, at 1.19 Boys' I7.B0 long , pants suits, 17 to 20 years 2.98 BR A N D E I S CUUEII UTEUTIRE. "John Wlthempoon," by David Al'alker Woods, Jr.. M. A. Is the first comprehen sive account of the life of man so prom inently indentifled with the early history of our country as was John Wlthempoon. Of . all .the Soota who figured In revolu tionary times, he was the most consplou ous. Ills life Is treated In four period", showing the part played by Witherspoon In the struggle far popular rights In' the Church of Scotland; the administration of Princeton college, as Its president; the or ganization of the American Presbyterian church; as the signer of the Declaration of Independence, and an active man In the conduct of the Revolution. The author la a great-grandson of his subject and has done his' work with great care and with . exceptional opportunity for consulting rare public documents. Published by the Flem ing HV Kvell company. ' In the July number of The Smart Bet a host of entertaining stories will be found. The novelette. In particular, will prove Interesting reading. It Is called "'The Pur pis Border," and is written by Beatrix Pemareit Lloyd, a young writer of rare premise. The, story opens in Ireland, where Michael Deravaragh, the eccentric young hero. IS preparing to leave for America, after relinquishing- his claims to the title of n earl, ' I'pon Ms arrival in Newport, where he visits an old boyhood friend, the real 'story begins, and a story more full of charm and fine sentiment has seldom appeared In any magasine. It will win many admiring readers. - In the.' July Delineator Is begun a new novel by C. N. and A. il. Williamson, authors of "The Lightning Conductor." "The Chaff eur and the Chaperon," which y the title of the new story, promises to be tl)e brightest, cleverest piece of fiction that the two famous authors of motor stories, have yet' written. Of the several groups of, collaborators who have won suc oeea In large meesure none is more Interest ing than the two Williamsons. Before their marriage Mr. Williamson was an editor of ' renown. Mrs. Williamson employed her i time In devising countless romances for the ; totter class of English papers. It is said ' tVet she oould torn out a story of any , length. fbutlfc. around, any given plot. In m ; stated number of hours. Their methods of work are Interesting. Between them. It Is I understood, they devise the plots of their eterle. while Mrs. Williamson atipplies the J dialogue, which ts their brightest feature, Jd Mr. Williamson the facts and data. It is one of their literary traits to write their experiences fhto their books, and their a'.ory, which begin In the July Delineator Is the direct result of a tour of Holland that the authors recently mads In a motor boat.. - -. The third article in the series on "The Hallways of the Future" In Bcrlbner de- acribee tlx" great ., Canadian project of a new transcontinental road, backed by the government for tSO.0OO.Ou0. This road, ofll elally kQWK as the Orand Trunk Pacific will open up the great northwest, where there are boundless wheat lands. In the July Scribner this daring and romantic 1 project will be described by Hugh D. Lums ' dan, chief engineer of the government sec tion, . and Cy Warman. the well know; writer of mtlroad stories. The bearing of . this arojeet on the development of our own , northwest is very. Important. Already ' Mtmaends of emigrants have left Montana was other states for this region. VBy wit or woman." by Arthur W Marrhnsesit, adda one more title to his long Met of paeular romance. Ths story relates the remarkable adventure of a beauiliil ; heroine, Chriatabel von Dreechler, who, . saving spent her girlhood In America, re : turua to Budapest to vindicate the name of bar father, unjustly accused of murder In notion with a plot te restore the asteient j3wLnfrj Brothers DSlfTpjTS Standard" lsggrMsjl Paint THE PAINT YVK RECOMMEND' -We. put our reputation behind It as 'well as that of the makers, because we know Wist it GIVES THE BEST RESULTS Covers best.'spresds best, lasts long est, looks prettiest and Is most eco nomical. Give us the location of your house and we will show you some of your neighhors houses thst are pit In ted with "High Standard" paint. The houses are our best advertisement. x RIyers-Dillon Drag Co. Paint ' Department 1416 Harney Phone Dong. 8425 Hungarian monarchy. Mr. ' Merehmont Is never more at home' than when dealing with modern Kuropean political Intrigue, as in this new and exciting story. Published by the Frederick A. Stokes company. "The Basses Fresh Water and Marine," by William C. Harris, Dr. Tarleton H Bean and others, is edited by Louis Rhead, also editor of The Speckled Brook Trout' which was pronounced by authorities the most beautiful angling book heretofore is sued and which received for Its drawings snd manufacture - a gold medal ' at St. Louis. With the experience gained, Mr. Rhead now follows this success with a still more admirable volume. From an artistic stsndpolnt, from cover to back the book Is notable, containing as It does about flft y original pictures, several being in-oelors, and having a remarkabls cover represent Ing the skin of a striped baas, painted from a 'living specimen and reproduced In the natural Iridescent hues. There are also aeveral photo-engravings of the fish In repose, as -well - as reproductions of drawings showing the modes of capture and the fish in action. The contribution on salt-water basses Is written by Tarleton H. Bean, a -world- famous scientific writer, the founder of the New Tork aquarium, for many years a fish eulturist. United States commissioner at many world's fairs and as author cf many books. Dr. Bean, in thla volunK gives really the first adequate treatise ever written on the striped bass, Its habits, habitat and modes of capture. Little h previously been written on this coming. rightly-named, game fish and Dr. Bean writes fully end with authority on this and the other marine basses. The late William C. Harris was without peer aa a practical angler and. after fifty years of continuous writing, he took up for this volume, as his lsst work, the fresh-water basses. As part of his con tribution he wrote In a narrative way cf three brother anglers, fishing for the blsVS bass; each describing minutely a different method or mode of capture. There Is not a line of unnecessary matter,' net a word written but of value to the expert, the novice, the scientist, .the naturalist and every lover ef out-of-door life. Pub !!:hed by the Frederick A. Stokes company. 'Salnts In Society." by Marsraret Balllia Saundera, la the story of the effect upon a young printer snd unnn bla wife sudden secession to wealth, title and so cial success. In their changed circum stances each meets a ."kindred soul." and the perilous relations of the four charac ter, thus brought together lead te a troublesome situation and result In an ab sorbing entanglement of tsot. Strom hu rt's n Interest, vivid characterisation, and careful consideration of social problems that clamor for nreaertt attention u blended In this tale. Published by O. P. Putnam's Sons. "Robinson Crusoe for OMldren." rewritten by James Baldwin, is Intended for children In the second year of school. Defoe's fa mous story Is here retold In words easy for every child, and rn the ' charming stvle which marks sll of Dr. BaMwin-a win- The narrative has been abridged, and. while the ideas, the main points of the tale, and the simple manner of the original have been carefully preserved, the harsher parts and the tiresome reflections have been omitted. Published by the Ameriean Book company. ; Mrs, Frances Hodgson Burnett, perhaps ths beet known writer of the day of stories for children, has written a series of fairy tales, which will begin in the October St. Nicholas and continue thveejgh several num bers. The stories are baaed on aualat and humorous conceit, carried eur. It la said. In Mrs. Burnett's hsppieet vein, and are te have a number ef lllustratlona in color by Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Large. Stock si Low Prices Oar $5.00 Suit . . VkCsse in all cowhide leather and the best made for the money. ALFRED CORNISH & CO. Ti efbsma IAIKESS tfOU H till h Street They Arc Hero The HerpkMde ladles, with the long snd beautiful hair, have arrived In Omaha, and for the next few days will be at our store. NEWBRO S HERPICIDB Is certainly the "edition de Luxe" of hair preparation. It is a clean and exquisite smelling Hair Tonic snd Dandruff Killer, compounded from the recipe of a most competent chem ist. It is so unlike many other srtlcles for the hair on the market that It deserves HONORABLE MBNTION. See the ladies snd talk with them. riOO Newbro's Herplctde for .'.98c 25c Herplctde Soap for Stp. toe Soclete Hvgienlque Soap for tec 25c Mistletoe Cream for 10c 25c Lyon'e Tooth Powder for 14c 11.00 Pe-ru-na (new formula) for &c il.OO Bumham's Saraaparllla for ZV: Ka Hire's Root Beer Extract for 12c 26o Thompson's Cherry Phosphate for.. .10c k pound Mule Team Borax for 14c 3 Sliver Salt for 13c 26c Bartender's Friend Polish for ..14c Don't forget "SATURDAY CANDY." Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co. Corner 'lth and Dodge. OMAHA. NEB. 1 i IP "Follow th Viae.' LOW RATKS HEW ENGLAND POINTS SOLD MILY III JliXE. JULY II, AU8. I MS 22, SEPT. 5 A 13 Harrison Cady. Above books at lowest retail pricea. Mat thews, U Swrtfv Fifteenth street. WABASH CITY OFFICS, 1601 Ptnam St, or add rata HARRY B. MOORKS, G. A. P. D, Wabash R. R, Omaha, Kehraaka YES, IT'S HOT But It you wish to be cool coma to Beaton'a. It'a better than a summer resort under the cool fana. 1. OS Hyomel Complete (Guaranteed Hay Fever Cure.) .8o ....17 a sec .Z.tOc ....40c tl 0s De Moe's Cod Liver Oil.... tl.M 8. S. 8. for the Blood........ II OS Porapeian Massage Cream 11.0 Dr. Char lea' Skin Food.... 11.00 Ayer's Recamler Cream 700 tl 00 AvaJon lOo Cigars, per box of 11.... o (While they last) BEATON DRUG CO, 13th and Farnam. Phone your wants, ws deliver (re to OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Wwlnety Fair iLllil ii 11 GEUltTUKUJIfirStirKI XKit 7" WEDNESDAY IS RED-LETTER. DAY TEX GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE TO EACH BOOK SHOWN AT PREMIUM PARLOR BALCONY. New Books and Free Stamps for the MAking. ' ' Red Letter Day Bargains in Shoes Boy's Tan Welted Sole Barefoot Sandals, size 1 C to"6, at - . I.-W Ladies' and Misses' White Canvas Oxfords with AA Large Eyelets, worth $1.50, at Men's Vici Kid, Southern Ties, Oxfords and Prince A f Alberts, vorth $2.50 and $3, at. v. .uVU Men's and Boys' Canvas Oxfords, worth $1.50, J QQ flt oaaaeeaeaeaeeeewaaaaeaeaaseaaaaaeaaeaaeaaaa Men's and Boys' "Canvas Balmorals, worth $1.75, flt egaaaeaeeeeaaeaeaaeeaaaaaaaaa Boys' and girls' Barefoot Sandals, 98 C Ladies' Patent Colt Gibson Ties, worth $3.00, J 43 BennettY Big Grocery SMALL PROFITS MAKE MANY . BALKS AND CROWDS OF . FLEASED CUSTOMERS Granulated Siigar, best quality, twenty pounds t1.P0 And twenty green trading stamp. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack I1.J0 And forty green trading stamps. Java and MochW Coffee, 1 lbs. ...11.00 And fifty rrsen trading stamps. Tetley's Bunflewer Tes, lb. tin 7Sc. And fifty green trading stamps. Diamond 8 Fruits, csn 2Sc And forty green trading stsmps. Bennett's Bargain Soap, ten brs..!5c Bennett's Breakfast ColTee 2-lb can 4c And twenty green trading stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea. round. .. .40 And twenty green rrsdlng stamp. Oround Black Pepper, pure -lb. ' CS41 i - '..ISC And twenty green trsdlng stamps. Jell-O. assorted, three pkg 28c And ten green trading stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, pound pkg 26c And ten green trsdlng stamps. Baked Beans, three large cans 26c And ten green trading stamps. NEW POTATOES, PECK 30e Table Syrup. 1-lb can liHc And ten green trading stamps. Peanut Butter, t Jars... 20e And ten green trading stamps. Imported Macaroni, pound pkg 15o Arid ten green trading stamps. Palace Car Jams, pound tin 16c And ten green trading stamps. Mount Klneo Maine Com. two cans 25c And ten grn trading stamps. Salmon, fancy, pound can 13Vc - And ten gferp trsdlng ktamps. Bennett's (Capll, Lemon Extract, bottle V...'...f,.j ISc And twenty 'green trsdlng stamps. ' BULK SICKLES Sour Pickles, quart 10c And ten green trading stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 15c And ten green trsdlng stamps Small Sweet, Pfrkles,' quart 20c And ten gren, trading stamps. Frwuh ' Country Butter pound Two pound Red fetter Stationery Sale Ten Green Trsdlng Stamps with each of the following Items: Crepe Paper, best grade, Qr . assorted colors Bennett's Parsflne Lunch lOc Paper,, RO sheets Lece Hhelf Paper (10 yard pkg.) Sq anenrted colors Bottle Carter's Ink, gC heert grade Bicycle Plsylng Cards, ($1.50 Rc a dosen). pack Steamboat Playing Cards, Kr pack Main Floor. Wo pounds-. And ten green trading stamps. ..20c 40c U need a Busrutta. fonr pkgs ,15c And ten green trading stamps. Extra large Queen Olives, pint 2c And ten green trading stamps. BENNETT S CANDT Several hundred Be cakes eating Chocolate, Wednesdsy 2 for Be Each 2Hc. - Each ShwC Specials in Hardware Wednesday . See demonstration on' Asbestos Sad Irons. Hold hear twice v.aa long aa the common irons. All styles and prices. Forty Green Trading Stamps with each laundry set, at S1.7S See demonstra tion on the Ameri can Twin . Ice Cream Freezer Freezes two. flay ors In one freer-Ing. Special prices 3.85, 92.SR, S2.S5 White Mountain and Arctic Freer.. era; up from . .91.44 Fifty Green Trading Stamps with any Freeser Wednesday No. 8 Granite Tea Kettle, regular 65c, special 49c No. 22 Blue and White Stew Pan, regular 4 2c, special 29c No. 2 0 Granite Preserving Ket tle, special , .............. 29c Granite Collenders, special.. . .18c Small 8teel Fry Pan, . .ftc Dust Pan ..... 5c Lemon Squeezers, 26c to lie Ice Tones, regular 25c, special. 15c CHERRY STONE RS Enterprise, Rollman and Brighton 85c, 75c and. . . . . ; . .60e SO Green Trading Stamps with each I Potato Mirers, etveh 25c And Thirty Green Trading Stamps Red Hot Bargains in Crockery lor Red Letter Day Doable Greet Trading Stamps hi tab Dept. Wednesday Daly ' "'I',sa. Japanese. China' Cups "V H J and Saucers Very - A Y pretty .7Bc values, V Sdn!?..50c The Kent Special Pinner Seta Very pretty, neat decoration., nice treatment of gold, C1H full 100 pieces.. iIU And Four Hundred Green Trading Stamps with i c -j . each eet. Ten Green Trading Stamps with each dpzeajjar rubbers, at 10c and. 5c Cloning out In Dinner ware pattern at half for mrr prices. Goods Include meat platters, cover dishes, plates, cups and usurers, bakera, sugars, creams, jogs, etc., etc., about twelve patterns. Only a few pieces of each. Ice Cream seta at Half the Importer's Frice C2 Seta, Values up to $5 Set Includes I fla 6 plates and tray, at I JO FRC1T JARS, JELLY TUMBLERSFCLL LINE AT LOWEST PRICES ART RED LETTER BARGAINS. COLONIAL MIRRORS In Mahogany Ovals, a $3.00 value, sale price, each $1.59 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Double Green Trading Stamps on Picture Framing. See our big dis play for wedding gifts. CLOTHING' MOTHERS: Boys9 and Children's Suits Three to Sixteen Years Hal! Price All Day Wednesday was Jtaa laamsi al am M' WW W n anaawansnsni . V WASH SUITS AS BELL 3.75 97.50 Suits for . 95.05 Suits for 94.95 Suit for.. 93.95 Knits for. 92.98 Sulfa for 92.45 SuiU ' for, 91.95 Sulu for.; ;.. 2.98 2.48 .1.98 .1.48 .1.28 98c 91JM)8uita nc lor..., X.iDC For location of Depsrtments See Page Five, IT llll AY 3 Li jvS THE RELIABLE STORE For location of Departments See Page Five. Stupendous Bargains Await You So general and far-reaching was the damage to our stock?, not one escaping without some loss, that to reach an equitable adjust ment it was found necessary to take-a complete and careful in voice of our .entire summer stock. This being the case, it was found impossible to open our store before this time. ; Everything Must Go And all goods are marked for this sale with absolutely no re gard as to cost or previous selling price. It is impossible at tht present time to quote prices, but as an example ALL SLIGHTLY DAMAG ED WALL PAPERS will be sold at 75 to 90 per LADIES' . MUSLIN UNDERWEAR no matter how slightly dam- cent discount. Undamaged aged at o per cent discount papers at half price. . trom regular pnees. DRESS GOODS AND SILKS at practically your own price. CHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, Etc., at 50 to 75 per cent discount from regular prices. JL AW 0. a Special rlomeseekers' Excursion Missouri, Arkansas. Indian Territory. Louisiana, Now Mexico. Oklahoma. Texas. Republic of Alextao. TUESDAYS July & and 17(4, Anguat Tin and Slat, -September 4tk and 190a, October 94 ssad 16th, Aerember lb. and aotn. 1306, Vfa " ROSSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. P. A., T. F. GODFREY, P. T. aU OMAHA. NEB. H. a TOWKSEXD, General Paasenger and Ticke Arent, . ST. LOUIS, MO. '.j..; LOW VIA $15.00 $17.50 52G.50 $30.50 $34.30 $52.00 $55.00 $60.00 $64.50 $75.00 FROH OMAHA To Colorado a ad Betnro July 10 to It, Inclusive, and Sept. II to II, inclusive. Te Colorado and Ketua Every day, 'to September SO. To Ogdea or Salt Xake City and metarm First and third Tuesdays, July to Nov., inoluslve. To Ogden or Bait X.ake City and Metara ' Every day, to September 30. . To Helena and Butts and Setnra' First snd third Tuesdays, July to Nov., inclusive. To San Trenoisoo or bos aagslss and Betora every day to July 7. To Tellowstons rark and Setnra Including rail and stage, every day to Sept. IT. To Portland. Taoosaa, sjaattle, or to Ian VraaaUoa Zos Aageles and Baa XMego and vetara, dally to September 1&. Te California, etnraiar ta rtrUaad every day to July 7. To TsUowstoae Park aad Betnra Including rail, stage and hotels In Park beyond Tel lowstone for five and one-half day trip, dally te September 17. Also very low round-trip rates, dally to September 16, to many other Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho and British Columbia Point. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1824 FARNAM STREET 'Phone Douglas 834. . , . i 1 . 1 The Right Road to MINNESOTA LAKES CHIC A OO GrREAT xu WESTERN railway $12.50 Fr the round trip to St. Paul or Minneapolis A sesy of "CuU te CuWs eel." rr.s. H. H. CHURCHILL. Csneral agent, f 4 f 1 tarmtm 8tri.