Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    ; - - - TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. Jl!KE 27. 106. U
J. 1 V T -- Ja. A. - - -
Offleaj, 1 rwri St. TeL 43.
Clark sodas. -.
Davis n drtig.
rockert sells esrpet.
Fin engrsvlng at Leffert'.
Ed Roger' Tony Faust boer.
New location. 10 Fesrl it., Maloney.
Plumbing anil heating. Blxby Bon.
Woodrtng Undertaking company. Tel. S3.
Lewi Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhon 7.
Diamond a an investment. Talk to
Leffert , about It. - t
Piano lesson. Marguerite I.. Morehouee,
Frank street. Ind. 'phone 1040.
See. LfTerf one-half price table for
attractive and useful . wedding- gifts.
&tr heavy, four-passenger lawn swings,
tiki. J. Zoller Merc Co. Phone 820.
I'airrion-1s waiting- for you after, taking
a course In the Western Iowa college.
8c. Stephen Bfo. for fire brick and fir
day. aswer pipe, fittings ana garaen nun
Sideboard SDerlal. Solid oak sideboard.
this- week, only Hi. . Petersen & Schoenlng
l.o. - .
Picture frames made to -order. Hundreds
ct patterns to choose from. C. h.. Alex
ander. 38 Broadway.
If du' nav tender feet and want a
good, 'comfortable shoe sea Duncan
Dean,, a Main street..
' "oe Wagner and Ardenia Mantor. both of
Or Mih, were married In this city yesterday
I Hev. tlnury De.Leng
MM; Nasty Marrwi I, aged, "4. died Monday
nignt t Bt. Bernard's hospital. The re
dim ins were taaun U Mundaiiun, la., yes
terday fwr-burlal.i . .
"For Bale Will sacrifice on myfln piano.
Payments if Uealred. Can tie seen at
bcbmoller & Mueller's. Ml Broaaway.
Vuunclt Bluffs, la. - i
' We '.wholesale Ire cream. Shipped ' to
any ' part of the state. Special prices to
I ha retail trade. I. Muocl, ills West Broad
Vta, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 14.
We have the finest lnf sample monu
ments to select Irotn In the weal, bheely
Lane Warble and Granite works, 817
Last Broadway, Count:!! Bluffs, la.
Just- received, sixty different styles In
well paper for our summer trad. The time In the year to paper Is In the
summer. Horwick. 211 South Main.
Dr. and Airs. J. C. ' Wsterman arrived
home vesiarduy morning Ironi Burke 8. D.,
ut ha4 to -leave this evening for Ames,
la,, iH'lilg called there by tne serious Illness
of a relative. I
Born to Robert . Henderson, managing
editor of the Council Bluff Nonpareil, and
wile yesterday afternoon, a son. Both
motbcr-nd child, who are at Mercy hos
pital, afe doing nicely.
'" The fire department was t-nlled out about
9 u cluck last. night to the residence of
It. J. fiiirrl at No.13 North Twentieth
strci, white the explosion of a coal oil
lamp . -I. auout u iianiaga. to the parlor
anil iu. meltings.
- Wlnl. U- Dunlap left his home at 119
West "fierce" street yesterdaw to buy a
morning iwper, a veak thief seised the
opportunity to- enter' and steal Mr. Dun-
laps pock at book, which he had left on
the taota In the front room.
The following extracts will lx served this
week at ourmxla fountain: Carmacla Kiss,
Maple kaf, Canteloupa Sundaes, Hartford
bat, Ftosnn Phosphate, Grape Juice Lem
onade.. Macaschlnu Punch, Horllck's Egg
l'hoepljate, Maple Nog. Clark Drug Co.
Cheap fruit Jars are high priced this) sea
son. Whjf not buy good ones at a very
little more? Wo have the "Olobe" glass
,tIS patent-Mtt-sealing fruit Jars. Pints,
Jl per doien; i)iarfs, $110. A' tra heavy
iiMjbers, tin top Jetiy glasses and root beer
,TprUt$.' A-Maurer: ;
- .Then aleotlon.. f a captain and first and
ecoiKl, iteutetiants " the Dodge . Light
guarUs will be ' held this evening. 1 he
. oWoerss of. the- company bave announced
i lliat ,tae enlistment will be increased to
-ajjuy.Mer-tMeun' is. At present the com
pany has forty-Jle rnemliers.
Mrs, Ora Everett filed original notice of
riiil IU tht)' flWrtflct court yesterday against
thoC)nahs Counclf BlulTs Street Hallway
'couiany for . I6.00 damages for alleged
'personal injuries said to have bwn received
' Way 6 of this Vear. Mrs.'-Kverett alleges
that 4iwmr Wli On 4HeisMWy frUrhCened
,"tiiei hoeev wa driving, .causing a. run
iivayiMidtnelnJurlea io kersej. - -
'"h rVceipta In i the general .fund of- the
-tChrisiian home-last-week- weee eM.0,.Mlng
tl4;(.0 iM'lyy th needs of .tke week, and
incieaBlng the anioMiii needed in the con
tingent and Improvement fun for 1S08 to
Xl.IilI.M. ja the manager's fund the re
ceipts wrre. .t0. being gl.W- below tht
lietU 6f the week and Increasing the do
,li'my In this fund to date to I1.3.J7. ' '
.-.Nlohulaa ,V. Bpncf of Doveland, . Ia.,
win) wasr-Hrresied last week a few day
after his marriage to. another young Wo
man on complaint of Miss. Maggie hon
. man nl HaXel liell tOWnShlD. hSO a piellll
irary liearing-before Justice. Oardioer yui
trday and wu lound over to the grand
jury. HH bond was fixed a $Rti0, which
8ienrer lurniHiied. IdS Foreman accused
Sapencer o( betraying her under promLse of
Tha funefal of the late Bairet K. Llnkey,
. ho died, at. Baker City, r".' .
vesteruay-aiternoonu from the family res
idence on , Bluff street, and was largely
"attended. Rev. H. W. Starr, rector Of St.
Paul s, Kptscopal church., connected t'ie
services. Skhlle the music was furnished by
i .luarteU TUe floral trll... wereeKutcl
rmWf numetu and leai al. Interment
i wim in Walnut Jilll e ..-very, the pal -
rers blng thfr following i;;i mcr school
.niale of- the deceased: - l'"", 8c5n,";
Harry. Montgomery. Carl Hoist. Albert
rKorene, Fred Juhuson and Herbert Hltks.
v . Kmders Dollar HasOr.
"'No hOumg. ho troping. Sea them In our
how winder.. Swalne Mauar, where
they sell high grade harflwar. 3 and 13
West Broadway, V
Willitm T. Hickt, Aliki Berinhgm, Twio
a Eriderroom Within Month.
geearr On Lleas Himself d
ladaees ProsperlT Brotaer-lsi-Us
to Uet the Seeoad
Oa for Him.
worthless checks, floated by him. have
turned up, In addition to the one he rave-J
Whltsett. W. Raymond, an Omaha stock
buyer, railed at the aheriff'g office yeeter
dsy and stated he had given Jacques fl4n
with which to purchase produce, but that J
Jacques had appropriated the money.
On May 15 of this year a marriage license
was issued In the office of the clerk of the
district court of Pottawattamie county to
William F. Hicks and Catherine Albeck.
both claiming Omaha as their place of
residence. The man gav hi age a X
while that of the young woman wa given
as 26. The couple were married by Rev.
Henry DeLong In his office in the county
court house. The groom wore the uniform
of a conductor of the Omaha Street Rail
way -rompany.-
On May 31, or sixtenn dsys lster a mar
ring license was Issued o William -.F.
Bertngham. aged 27, and Mary F. Iambdln.
aged 31. both from Omaha. They were
msrried by Justice Field. The groom was
attired In the uniform 'of a conductor of
the Omaha Street Railway company, in
this instance the groom did not appear ,
In person and apply for the license, but I
wss represented by William C. Hurley,
brother-in-law of Miss Lambdln.- In ap
plying, for the license ho explained thftt
the groom to be was a treet car con
ductor In Omaha and was unable to get
away at the time.
Now comes the chsrge that William F.
Hicks, who w-s married to Catherine Al
beck on May IB. and William F. Bering
ham, who wa married to Mary "F. Umb
dln on May 31, both marriage taking place
In Council Bluffs, are one and the same
person. In fact, a warrant for the arrest
of Hicks alUs Berlngham on a charge of
bigamy' has been Issued from the court
of Justlcs Gardiner In this city. The In
formation on which the warrant ws Issued
was worn to by Mrs. Wllllanf F.1 Berlng
ham. who prior to May 31. was. Mis Mary
F. Iambdln.
Hicks or Berlngharh, and It Is said that
Hicks Is his right name, has so far evaded
arrest and it Is said he ha skipped for
parts unknown. ...
Mis Lambdln. In filing her complaint
before Justice Oardlner. Is said to have
stated that her brother-in-law, William
Hurley, who secured the msrrlage license,
wss badly duped a, she, wasssjwas,
wholly unaware Berlnghant wa married
or; that his name was other than that of
Klerstedt to Come at Oae.
Mayor Macrae yesterday morning at
tached his official autograph to the con
tract by which the city secure the serv
ice of W. Klerstedt, the hydraulic engi
neer from Kansas City, to compute th
value of the present water work plant
and furnish an estimate of the cost of the
construction of a new one and for which
Mr. Klerstedt Is to receive $1.0rt) when tha
work Is performed to the satisfaction of
the city council. ,
Notice of the decision of the city council
to engage his services was sent Mr. Kler
stedt by telegram and he Is expected to ar
rive In the city today. From previous
talks he had with the members of the
special water ' works committee, It Is un
derstood Mr. Klerstedt Is prepared to com
mence work here at once and It Is ex
pected that he will begin next week.
Manager K. W. Haft of the water works
company has assured the special committee
that he will willingly render Mr. Kler
stedt all the assistance possible In the
work of examining the plant. At the same
time Mr. Hart stated that his company
would probably employ an expert to work
In conjunction with him
At I.eflerfs.
The best optician In the wet.
Investigate the superior construction of
the Wise furnace. In this progressive age
you should provide yourself with tho mod
ern furnace, Th "Wise" Is. more durable,
economics! and has greater heating ca
pacity than any other. We are ready to
show you at 41 8. Main St. Paddock Hand
chy Hardware company.
half below ,the surface. No sb seem to
remember when It wa place there, but
It I supposed It must have been thersflf
teen or twenty years or over since the
street ws filled.
The curbing when brought to the surface
was found to be in excellent condition and
sufficient to cover the space' In front of
the property from the alley to Second ave-
A. Mttigsr A Co.
New location of Wholesale Bakery,
Bit Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-mad Bread a Specialty.
Our line of violins and other small musi
cal Instruments Is one of the most com
plete In the west.- Bourlclus Piano House,
338 B'way. where the organ stands upon the
(taallty Ooota
Moro with paint than with anything else,
Tou may think you aava a few dollar
on first cot. but you'll Ioe a year or mora
on th wear. Wa don't orrer pargsm
counter prices for paint, but we pln o
It tay painted. Jensen A Nicholson.
Outside and Ingld Hou Decoration.
' ladies'
Vsehtina shoe In white, made especially
for th purpoe. Sargent Family Bho
Why are" MeAtee' bakery good better
than any mad or sold In th cltyt Slmpl
"because all of th Ingredient that go Into
'their composition are absolutely pure and
.( the. highest grade penduced, and will
' conform to and pasa Inspection under any
pur food law on earth. No compounds or
tm'ations Vsed. . , .
f. )Thi .'J'ltW Guaranty ana Trust oompany,
. abstracter of title. Books data back to
' li&s. Books are all up to date. Work ac
. outataely and promptly done at lowest
prlc. -Office opposite court house, IS Pearl
street, Cojlncll' Bluffs, la.
'vTen high 'top organ. wah French bevel
- plater mirrors,, must be sold -quick. Get
'; V 'bargain at A. Hospe. A Co.. IS S. Main
r t. Council Bluff a. . . . "
, j . .' .
' ' CENTRAL.1 Fl.OrR-ll.1ft " Every sack
' "oarrfrited. :Centrkl Grocery and Meat Mar
. kau Both i'hoae U. ' .
Ban on Blar Firecrackers.
Chief of Police Richmond has decided to
pot the lid on as far a possible 'on the
Fourth ofJul-by prohibiting the use of
this giant 'cannon cracker and other-dangerous
forms of 'fireworks or explosives.
Instructions were Issued yesterday by Chief
Richmond ,to the members of;.-Uie- police
force-that th ordinance' regulating th'use
of fireworks, passed' a year 'ago, must be
enforced and person found violating game
aa,tKj; arrested. 1 - '-' '
The ordinance prohibits the exploding of
any 'firecracker more than three Inches' In
length or more than half an Inch In diam
eter or torpedo having a length or diam
eter of more than one Inch. It also pro
hibit the discharging of any pistol, gun.
cannon or rifle, excepting such a are de
signed to fire paper caps. "
Dealers are also prohibited by the or
dinance frpm selling or offering for sale
ny such tabooed firecrackers, torpedoes
r toy pistols, guns, cannon, rifles or canes
eslgr.ed for tha firing of metal cartridges
or powder,
The placing of torpedoes, cap or explo
sives of any kind upon railroad tracks ia
also prohibited by the ordinance.
. Eagles Dedicate Clob Room.
There was a goodly gathering of the clan
at the formal opening last night by Council
Bluffs aerie of Ragles of its- new hall and
club rooms In the Clark building on Pearl
street. The handsome hall, with Its ele
gant new furniture, was prettily decorated
and presented a most pleasing sight.
Past President S. B. Wadsworth presided,
while the guest of honor of the evening
was the worthy grand president, Hy. D. Da
vis of .Cleveland, who addressed the gath
ering. - Addresses were also made by Past
President Wadsworth, Hon. Emmet Tlnley,
County Attorney J. J. Hess and others.
During the evening Covalt'a orchestra ren
dered a number. .of selections. Interspersed
with several numbers by a colored quartet.
At the close of the program lunch was
served, and a social session enjoyed.
Me Instil
P"THIS is a matter of great interest to the publicand "of still greater
11 interest to thousands of individuals. People with the fairest
At I,nrfa,
The best optician in the west.
l.-ln.. Accident nt Webster City.
WFFtSTF.R CITY. Ia., June .-(8pectal
Tflegrsm.V-Dr. Mahodd ws seriously In
jured in this city last , night In a runaway,
helna- thrown violently from a buggy by
the Imoact of the tongue with a telephone
xj the merest accident his little
l-vear-old baby, which was In hi lap and
thrown out with him, landed In the deep
grass unhurt. His wife and other cnua
Jumped were unhurt. The doctor has
several deep and sertny calp- wound
and his shoulder was thrown out of Joint.
The breaking of a breast strap and the
falling of the tongue caused the team to
run away, the horse Tunning half a mile.
Christian Chor Conrentlon.
IOWA CITT. Ia.. Jutia 26. (Special Telegrams-Two
hundred delegatea .to the Iowa
state convention of the ChrWtlan church
spent today In discussing the advancement
of th Christian church In Iowa and th
middle west. Addresses were delivered by
prominent Christian church worker on
various topics. The convention will close
Fine Farm.
Two hundred-acre farm five mile from
Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and
orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Office telephone 203.
u. .
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado; IS per acre for raising all
kinds of crops; good soli; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions - first and
third -Tuesday of each month. Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs, la. . - v , -
W pay $11.00 jr ton for cast Iron,- mixed,
39.00 per ton; stove, S7.B0: rag, lo a lb.;
rubber, 7c; copper,. 14c per lb. J. Kattle
man, tut South Main. Both 'Phono teO.
Something entirely new nd Jut toot
Beautiful new photo at a special offer (or
hort time only at Schmidt' tudlo. ,
For. Imported wine, liquor and Budwelsar
beer go to Li. Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor
dealer, 61 South Main street..
Don't forget that I have tine spring and
summer suit from $30 to $26. E. 8. Hick.
-TOO to Hicks' foe year money wort la
tailoring. No bluff, either.
- Wo can't put -the sho stock In th win
; dow. . If du. don't see vwhat you want, go
, Uistil.- Sargent' Family Shoo Store, Look
Tor ti bear. ''
Special Zv per cent discount on all of th
"following! Dinner sets, music cabinets.
dUinxr cUalri, porch furniture, parlor lamps,
center tables, buffets, sldnboards. kitchen
i-allnet. gu-carl. refrigerators, portieres,
lac curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, carpets
and mattings.- 1). W. Keller,' lut So.. Main.
Ditch Assessments Approved.
Th boards of supervisor of Pottawatta
mie and Harrison counties In adjourned
Joint snsslon yesterday approved the re
vised schedule of assessment for. benefits
arising from the construction of the Joint
drainage ditches. - Property owners who
may object to the' assessment placed
against them by th Joint board must now
appeal to tha district court.- -'!.
. Th auditor of the two counfle were
instructed to advertise for bids for steel,
galvanised Iron or cement pipe for tho con
struction of Inlets which th counties will
have to make to the diyhes.
The Council Bluffs Nonpareil nj th Mis
souri Valley - Daily New were each al
lowed $533.96 for publishing the original
notice of the benefit assessments. Miss
Colburn, stenographer to. County Attorney
He, who took shorthand notes of the evi
dent at th hearing of protests against the
assessments, was allowed $118.50 for her
Th Joint, board. adjourned to. Jtugnst .7.
Former . Blag's Man Killed.
A telegram to Detective Tpm Callaghan,
received at police headquarters last, eysn
Ing from J. D. Buchanan, an undertaker
at Spokane 'VYaah.., contained. -lha follow
ing: "Beth Reed, dead; railroad accident.
Wire instructions. Answer 'quick.'1 "'
Beth Reed (wi formerly a switchman 'in
the empioy of the t'hlon Pacific here. He
was a brother of the late . Corey Reed,
cashier at the freight office at the transfer,
and of Mrs. Anna Albright of Glen avenue,
who la at present on a visit to her daugh
ter at Dunlap, Ia. . HI step-mother, Mrs.
Emallne Reed, live at 140 Graham avenue.
Mrs. Albright 'could not be reached last
night, so no answer can be sent to Spokane
until she la heard from this morning.
. Jndlclal Convention Called.
WEBSTER CITY, Ia., Jun 28. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Richards, chairman of
the committee, today issued the call for
th Thirty-seventh Judicial convention to
be held In thla city Monday, July 2. In
the districts are Hardin, Hamilton and
Wright counties, each. of which ha a can
didate a follows: Chase, Webster City;
Peterson, Clarion, nd;Ward. FJdora.
Logan Mill Change Hands.
LOGAN, Ia., June . (Bpeclal.)-Th Lo
gan Milling company'"mlll, on the bank
of the Boyer, ha tee,n,old by the preeent
owner, J. A. Felthon of St. Paul, to A.
Edgecomb of Missouri Valley, who will
continue the business.' Edgecom formerly
owned g"half Interest Mn the Valley Toller
mill, owned by Eflgecttmb Dew.
. Don't Go lo Omaha
Cntll you try at home. ' Tou have stocks
of shoes In Council Bluff equal to any city.
Try Sargent' and th whole bunch. You
will find what you want somewhere. Sar
gent's Family Bboe Store. Look, for th
White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices,
$1 to $2. Duncan ft Dean, 2$ Main street.
At I.eOrt'a.
Sterling silver teaspoons for $3 60 and up
wards; good weight and ataple patterns;
Just the thing for a wedding present.
We; (5it)oy nothing but first-class tin.
aerssattd. plumbers and guarantee all of
' our work. -' Spenocr . Furnac and Sheet
j Metal vrors. IM Wet Broadway.
' Hl4ti grado piano uld oil easy payments,
; $u 4n gnd S6 per month. Swaoaon
Mualo Cu., U7 Broadway f'tanoa tuned and
N. T, Plumbing Co.
Tel. XA Night L4M
I haul dead animals, XI 00 per head.
arbwa. asOea, manur and all
..h clean vault and eaaeoool.
werfe (Uu I guaranteed.
- Caila. promptly attended to,
'Phono. Red U71
The Hawkea cut glass Is renowned for
clearness of Its crystal and Its orignal and
attractive design. Th trade mark I en
graved on every piece; none genuine with
out this mark. For a fine wedding gift send
Hawkes' cut glass.' It has'asi excluslveness
that make It doubly acceptable. Our line
is complete, with attractive pieces, from
$2 up to $20. Leffert.
Position Is waiting for you after taking
a course in th Western Iowa college.
Clairvoyant Is Away On".
Frank Whltsett.. proprietor of the livery
bara from whom William Jacques hired the
team which he 1 charged with trying to
dispose at In Omaha, where he waa ar
rested. Is expected horn today. Acting on
posttlvo Information furnished him by a
clairvoyant In Omaha, whom he consulted
Whltsett started to Missouri after tho miss
ing rig. Yesterday morning4 - Whltsett
called up Sheriff- Cannlrg over the long
distance telephone from a small town south
of Bt. Joseph, asking it anything- had been
hoard of Jacques or th missing rig. When
he learned that Jacquea had1 bea arrested
Sunday In Omaha and tho rig and team
recovered, he was aa, much surprised as
he waa pleased. He said he would start
for homo at or.c.
Sum Jacques wa i rled a o umber of
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfer were reported toTho
Bee, Juna 2, by the Guaranty Title anJ
Truat Co., of Council Bluff:
Jeremiah Sullivan to N. P. Peter
sen, lots t and 10 and K ft of lot
8 In block 11 In Grimes' Add to
Council Bluffs, la., wd $ $100
Em'll Srhlpporeit and wife to Will
lam RudlofT, lot 8 in block 36 '
In Ferry Add to Council Bluffs,
la., w d s$5
Martin P. Schmidt to L. M. Potter,
guardian, east H lot In bloc S -in
Casady's Add to Council Bluff,
I . w d ! 700
E. J. Uilbert and wife to Will and
E. Walton, lots II and 12 In block
'12 In Central subdivision In Coun- .
ell Bluffs, la . ..., J0J
A. O. Gilbert and wife to Agnes 11.
Keys, lots 13 and 14 In block $2
In Central auhdlvlston in Council
Bluffs. Ia. w A . Oil
N. C. Phillips, nr., and N. p. Dodge.
Aamr , io w. j. ueverett. lots J.
tl and 27, In block 1, and lots 14
and 27, In block 21. In Ferry add.
to Council Bluffs, la., exrs. d 273
George W. Hewitt and wife to A.
- Metsger Co.. lot fc, in block 4. in
Mynster's add. to Council Bluffs, -
. Ia..- q. c. d J
Lewis P. Judsort and wife to J. G.
oaraaiey, pari nw z-77-tz, q
r. d
Eloper Etnslo- OBlcer.
IOWA CITY, la., June 26. (Special Tele
gram.) WhllAOfflejir fftuppert waited In
the lobby of the Bt. James hotel for an
eloping couple' to come tiowrf1 stairs, IS.' N.
Cummins of New York and Ruth Wilson
of Marengo climbed oufon fir escape
at the third floor and) left the hotel this
Drowned In Well.
MARBH ALLTOWN', .'Ia., June .-6pe-clal.)
While drawing watr from ,a well
with a rope and bucket at Grand Junction,
Ml" Nellie Cross was "drawn In head fore
most and drowned.
Cannon and peechee. Fired On When
' First Train Reaches th
, e-.
BABIN. Wyo., Juno 2-SpeetaL Baaln
has at . last celebrated th advent of th
railroad and the first -train-. For many
year th cltlxens of this place have awaited
th coming of the railroad with anticipa
tion and the occasion iof Its arrival waa
the scene of a great jjdemonst ration and
celebration. At $ o'clock a salute wa
fired from a cannon of Battery B and th
band waa called and-' th . mayor and city
council drove twelve "golden spikes" at the
crossing of B street. It has now been about
two years sine the Burlington md the
survey of the line which .it is now con
structing south from Wor)and.
Eight transfers, total.,
Ostermoor Mattress. !T. '
Pstermoor Cotton Felt Mattresses ar
guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price,
$11.00, W are exclusive agents. . Keller-
Farnsworth Furniture Co. ,
Fancy sugar cured Rex breakfast bacon,
llPfcc per pound. Central Grocery and Meat
Market. Both ' Phone 24.
geronty-FlTe Deleara'tea ' Represent
Forty'FlveU einha. i
MITCH ELI 8. ' D. ,- Jun 26 (Bpeoli'.l
Telegram J The South Dakota Federation
of Women' Clubs met -in this city this
afternoon. In Annual convention, with an
attendance of eeventy-ilve delegate from
forty-five club In the mw, augumentcd
somewhat by the attendance of the women
of the city, both In and out. of the clubs.
The address of welcome was made hy
Mayor O. L. Hanson and greetings were
extended by Mrs. Josephine Thompson,
Vermilion. Responses were made by Mrs.
' Julia Flak in behalf of the officers and by
Mr. Annie Litmley. president, for the fed
eration. Addresses were made by Mrs.
William Lyons of Sioux Falls, Mrs. Stella
M. Btuterman of Watertown and Mr.
Judge Glfford of Canton, each speaking on
the biennial meeting of the federation held
at Bt. Paul last week, to whlclt they were
delegates. Mrs. Lumley gave Tier annual
address as the concluding feature of the
Marriage Licenses. .
'Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Nrme and Residence.
C. H. Mathlas. McClelland, la
Hsxel U Lively. Island Park, la ....
Frank A. Myers. Sioux City, la
Flossie B. Cpdyke, Omaha
Joe Wagner, Omaha
Ardenia Mantor, Omaha..
R. R Beardsley, Council Bluffs
Kdith K. Brock, Council Blurts ,
Jehn M. Webster. Vsn Wert. Ohio ,
Kdna M. Sweet. Kansas City ......
Carl O. Schneyel. McClelland: la . ;,,
Ldna Pearl Khepard. McClelland, la
John Frank 8hetherd, Red Oak, la..
Leota Gowlng, Shenandoah, la ....
N. A. Jensen. Council Bluffs
Mart C. Chrlstensen. Council Bluffs
. ...11
, . . .So
At Loffort'a.
Wedding present of the finest quality at
th lowest prices. . Our nam on th box
give an added value.
If you ar In need of a sowing machine,
bicycle or phonograph call on S. M. Will
iamson, 17 S. Main St., or 'phon red 11S7.
Old Csikla' inoarorod.
While ? excavating for the pavlog and
curbing on South Ninth street ia front of
th Everett property workmen In the em
ploy of Contractor Wickham discovered
about lttt tl ul curbing a fowl gad
Developing Asbestos Mlno.
CASPER. Wyo:. June 3B.-(8peclal.)-Ma-Jor
E. M. French' has Just returned from
Washington, where he haa been for the
last four months In th Interest of the
asbestos mine on . Bmtth creek, about
twelve miles from Casper. Msjor French
succeeded In organising a company fur
the purpose of developing th mine and
operations will begin at once. These mines
produced specimens which were awarded
first premium at the World fair at Bt.
Ixiul. Th new company la Incorporated
for $l,o00,A0u. It 1 - proposed to load th
product on car at Casper for shipment to
the eastern markets.
Former Omaha Man Killed.
BRIDGE WATER, 8. D.. June .-(Sp-clafc)
A buggy top dresser, who gav hi
bom a Omaha, waa run over' by a Mil
waukee freight at Emery, 8. D., Saturday
evening and almost Instantly killed. He
sat on ins rauroaa iraca, wnere he was
not noticed by the engineer until too late
to save him. A brother at Omaha has been
notified and will come at once to claim the
body. . - - - -
daeer sensation -
la stomach,' back or bowels, ar algn of
crtalnt-4ngr. which Elect rto Bitter ar
guaranteed to cure. U cent. For sal by
Uxibaa MeConiMll Drug Co.
mind- and that means most people have been disturbed and
unsettled by the developments and denunciations of the past
few months. What these people want is the truth the plain .
unvarnished truth. To give them this truth is the object of this announcement.
. The Mutual Life Insurance Company was organized in 1843. the first
of its kind in America. In 24 years it had become the largest in the world.
For 39 years, in fpite of the keenest competition, it has held the lead, passing
unharmed through panics, failures, strikes and wars : meeting with promptness
its every obligation and having over 470 millions of assets to-day; this being
78 millions in excess of the 392 millions required by law as a reserve fund for
paying all the Company'! insurance risks, fas certified by the New York
Insurance Department ; and all other legal liabilities.
The recent Insurance agitation was unique. The investigation certainly
was thorough. As every one knows the Mutual Life was on the firing line.
The smoke nas now dearet away. What do we find?
In the first place we find that the Mutual Life is still the largest and
staunchest Life Insurance Company in the world. Without defending or in
the least belittling the abuses and extravagances recently brought to light,
everybody should keep in mind the fact that the solvency of this Company
has not for a moment been affected thereby. Concerning the work of the
finance committee which has been attacked in the press, this Company's
auditing committee consisting of Messrs. Truesdale, Auchincloss, Tish and
Dixon stated on February 15th,'19C6 :
l)The Committee certify that the investments ef the Company are of
the highest order and well selected" and "have found the valuation given
safe and conservative, in many instances less than the market value, and in
none in excess of such value." ' . ..
In the next place, extravagance has been stopped, and those responsible
for it have gone ; a new management has been installed, and retrenchments
have been affected that have already saved vast sums of money and will save
much more as time goes on. Legislative reforms have likewise been antici- ,
Eated, and the Company is now as sound at the circumference as it always hat
een at the'eore.
In the next place, the ending of the first quarter presents an excellent
opportunity for comparing this year with last.
Tht amount paid policy holders is $9,608,436.30, an increase of
$r, 070,815. 36. The receipts for premiums were $13,082,484.37, a decrease
of 857,905.29 for the period. This is a shrinkage of less than 5 per cent.
The amount paid for expenses was $i,9JSSJ2-44 a reduction of
This remarkable showing is a good thing to be kept in mind by every
bodythose now insured in the Mutual Life, and those who should be.,. It
cannot be accounted for by the smaller amount of new business written. "
Of the saving for the quarter, the sum of $390,961.52 is in items not connected
with the obtaining of new business.
In the next place we find that this Company is doing businessmore
business than any other company in the world with one exception. Far from
being paralyzed or demoralized it is forging right ahead. Policies by the
. hundred are being written each day; honest trustees, keenly alert, are directing
its affairs; faithful and experienced men are doing its intricate work; loyal '
agents are explaining its advantages and discriminating people are obtaining
iU protection. . , - ,
. In the next place we find that there need be no question as to the future.
A policy in the Mutual Life is just as good as gold. No obligation could
possibly be better. A bond of the United States Government is no later; ":
It will, therefore, be a misfortune if any one is misled by the writer who prints
for revenue or for notoriety, ot by the attorney who is out for his clients, or
the competitor who is out for himself, or even by the gentlemen who have ...
organized themselves into committees under an nonest misapprehension of
the facts. Such incidents may tend to hinder business, but need deter no
one who needs insurance. '
With economv, which means rapid improvement in regard to earning
of surplus for dividends, everywhere at work in the Mutual Life ; with its
immense size as the basis for moderate general expenses ; with smaller liability
for renewal commissions to agents than any other Company ; with the cost
of new business limited by law for all Companies, how can any one possibly
better provide for the. uncertainties of the future than through a policy in
the first Insurance Company in America, and the strongest in the world
The Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York v
New York
The Mutual Life issues a policy at a notably low rate, which provides most fTrtbt9
protection. Send your address and lei us inform you as to ike particulars, ' -
Aueumeiit Oompanies Eeceirin?
Attention of Committee.
lnsnrane Companies Seeking; to
Provo that Missing; Man Is Still
Allt-o Instead of Being
(From a. Stsff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINF.8, June 2S. (Special. )-
That assessment Insurance companies
are on an unsound basis sermed
to be the point the legislative In
surance commission was arriving In its
questions put to Henry 8. Nollen, seoretars
of the Bankers' Life, today. Almost the
entire morning wss spent In an examination
of Secretary Nollen, not so much s to the
fart a to his company, but as to the basis
of asseasnient Insurance In general. It was
brought out In the testimony that the Bank
er ha a reserve fund of nearly M.OOO.Oiift
and assets of about Ivmfi.cnjO or over.
Consldfrsble time was spent by the com
mission In the details of the Bankers' Ufe
showing as to financial renditions, but
largely for the purpose of getting at the
condition of assessment life Insurance. The
officers of the Bankers showed that the
average age of the membership was re
maining nearly stationary, at 42H years.
Barrrntore Wot Grlswold.
It was John Barrymore who was seen
fighting at th Rock Island depot Some
month ago and not Qeorge H. Grlswold,
who is supposed to bo dad When the
Insurance man'a body was discovered in
the river it was claimed by a man nsmed
Owen that he saw Oriswotd fighting near
the Rock Island depot. It now develops
In the court proceedings that ths man who
was fighting wa John Barrymore, the
author, and that he wa fighting the porter
on the train beraua he refosed to rsrry a
grip for Barrymore s sister. Barrymore
has sine had correspondence with th Rock
Island officials concerning . It. . Though
Oriswold body Is supposed to havo been
lakn from Ut river, UU insurance com
panies' are fighting the payment on the
ground that lie is still alive and lias been
Keen. Gnswnld at one time resided In
Omaha, where he and his wife are well
Claode Porter a Candidate.
It Is understood among the democrats uf
this city that Claude 1'orter, ex-state sen
ator from tha Appanoose-Davis district, will
be the democratic nominee for congress In
the Eighth district to oppose Colonel V. I'.
Hepburn, the present member and chairman
(f the interstate commerce committee of the
R. tn. Cook a Candidate.
A petition Is being circuited In Montgom
ery county to have the name of R. E. Conk
put on the ballot at fhe November election
ns an Independent candidate for representa
tive against F. F. Jooc. the present repub
lican representative and a member of the
Insurance Investigation .commlxsion. .
Hoy t'rnn Improved.
The weekly ' orp bulletin issued today
states that the hay crop, aa well aa the
oats' and wheat crop, has been greatly ben
efited by the rain that came last week,
while the corn has not been damaged. Th
report Is very flattering aa lo the condition
of all crops.
Thief Rrtnrna 2t.
On the front porch of John Honk's rsl
dence at 1212 Scott street, this morning was
discovered $J00 worth of Jewelry that had
been stolen from -the houfe by burglars
some time before. The jewelry was tied In
a handkerchief and the only explanation I
-that remorse overcame the hugtar.
Knights of Pythias Are Here.
Hundreds of Knights of Pythias from
Ames, Knoxvllle, Stuart, Menlo and other
cities of Iowa are In attendance at th an
nual ceremonial of the Noble Order of nVnl
Urn Bed, temple No-, t. Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorasssn, In D-s Moines today.
At noon a lunch wss served In the Knignts
of Pythias hall. Tonight a class of fifty
will be Initiated at which W. I). Hadfleld
of peorja, Imperial prince, will officiate.
Kew Town Laid Oat.
WATERTOWN. 8 D., June M.-(Hpeeisl )
The Minneapolis A Bt. Ixiuls railroad has
created a new (own on Its Watertown-
Mlssourl river-? extension, whch promises
to boom a Sucre, fully a Florence. Brent
ford la the name of the new South Dakota
city, locatsd iu U burinera portion of
Spink county midway between Cond and
Mellette. Thl la the third of the' new
towns which have been created, th other
two being Florence and Wallaco, both tn
Codington county.' The new town I lo
cated In the heart of the famou Jam
river valley and Is from thirty to thlrtf-flr
miles from competing towns on othef line,
with an Immense and very rich territory
surrounding It.-
Railroad Improvements at C'nsgor.
CABPER. Wyo., June 26. Bpclal. Th
improvements being made at Casper by th
Northwestern Indicate thl Is to b on of
the principal, center of that railroad. A
now roundhouse Is In course of construction
and the character Of the, work t of th
most substantial order. The superintendent
In charge says that few building of thl
kind are so well constructed. A larg ma
chine shop Is also to bo built and th pre
liminary work ia already done. To ' fa
cilitate the handling of trains, of which;
there are to be many during th opening
of th Bhoshone reservation, a temporary
machine shop will be built to be used until
the large one Is completed. Th . round
house ready for use a aoon as th
turntable arrives and can .be Installed.
Komtaatlona Hy Pre'aldent.
WASHINUTON. June 2.-The president
today sent to the senate th following norn
lnatii ns;
Consul at Calgary, Alberta, Can. E. Scott
Hotchkiss, WUionslln. .
Collector of Customs District of Beau
fort. 8 t Rolert Binslls.
Marshal, District of Idaho Ruel Round.
Chief of the Bureau ut Insular Affair
(rank of brigadiur general) Clarence R.
Kdw ards.
To Be Placed on Retired Ust Colonel
John Pitman, ordnance department,, with
rank of brigadier general.
Indian Ii.spctor William H. Cod. Art
Sona. r
Receiver of Public Moneys at Missoula,
ilnnt. Edward A. Wlnstanley.
Krg-tster of I .and Office at Missoula,
Mont Daniel Anns.
Hurveyor General of Montana John T.
Agvnt for the Indians of the CYow
Agency, Munt Samuel C. Reynold.
Conference on Immlsratlea.
WASHINGTON. June M. Th senate to
day granted the house request for a con
ference on th Immigration bill. Differ
ences between ths two house on tho naval
appriprlatlon hill have vanished, which hat
tu tct of ftoa.ll paaalng Ut tsU, .