Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
ftotte Again Send Measure to Conference
After Extended Debate.
Tillman, Elkint, Cnllom, Hepbnrn, fiber
man and Richardson Are Appointed.
Upper Eoue Will Insist that They Be
Declared Common Carriers,
Independent Sag it WiU Bo Dis
astrous to Them to Hnr to
Sell at Refinery Instead
of at Wall.
W ASHINGTON, June After two' or
three mora speeches on the conference re
port ro the railroad rat bill, the aenate
today tent the bill back to conference,
(tain designating Senator Tillman, Elklns
and Cullom confere. During the day
the naval appropriation bill, which ha been
in conferen'.-e for eeveral week, w finally
panned, the eenat receding from It mnd
mert concerning th naval training station
at Port Royal, 8. C, which wa the only
Item remaining In controversy. The mot
Interesting incident wa a conflict over a
motion by 8enator La Toilette to enter
pon the consideration of the bill limiting
sixteen hours the time railroad em-
nye engaged In the movement of train
may be employed consecutively. There
great difficulty In securing a voting quorum,
but the requisite number ultimately wa
obtained. Sevri speeches were made on
the bill: Th senate adjourned at 4:35 p. in.
until Jl o'clock tomorrow.
Debate on Pipe Line lection
When the conference report on the rail
road rate bill wss tnken up In the senate
today Senator Elklns, who wa one of the
senate conferees, spoke on the amendment
to the commodity provision using the word
"railroad" Instead of the phrase "common
carrier." He gave Immediate attention to
the contention that the change 4as the
effect of eliminating pipe lines from the re
quliement of the bill. He said that West
Virginia Is the largest oil producer In the
union and that the greater part of the oil
Is sold to the pipe line owners, so that the
owner transport their own oil and are not,
'..peaking, common carriers.
Benelor Long spoke at some length on the
I pips line amendment and In doing so dealt j
Vi. with the Kansas oil legislation. That atate I
had declared pipe lines' common carriers I policies written In France, the Mutual
2 ss a mesne of restricting th Standard ' would have to segregate $!6,0no.0OO to $20.00",
company, but It had not had that effect. OOP for the purpose."
f There had bn no effort In Kansas to pro-
hihlt the pipe lines from transporting their :
own products because It-was known tliut
the effect would be disastrous to the Imle-
pendent npersrers. All th protests be had
received bad ctjma frtt people of that class
who were" In no wis connected with- IVeM
Extreme". ui.fttt and unfair legislation ill-
i reeled to the in.iury or a corporation line
'"I soma nf thHt of Kansas I likely in fall of
Its end " Continuing, he said that all the
legislation had not been Ineffectual. Thy
had fovnd a state rr finery to be the most
affective remedy they had resorted to. He
also stated that the agitation In that state
had the effect nf Increasing the number of
I innrprnaini rrnnenm iuiii nnr ht-ttu.
Kffert on Independents.
There are also Independent lines, but un-
I less the senate amendment Is altered, he
I said, they could not tarry IhefT own oil.
1 iFurthermore, there is a r ovement on foot
hi Hinalmi-I nine tine lo the eulf cf Ml I-
- - - -
"" which would be under he same
e atVlctlon.
r A .
Mr. Long said that producers do not want
to ell their oil at th refineries, but at the
well. In the eastern .tales, he said, the
. . i.
ciianusra ciimpny m imw inriru iv r,.,u
the law because practically all of Ita tank
lines srs In the nsme nf the National Tran
sit company. The Standard company would
buy the oH In Its own name snd transport
It through It lines held by that company
under another name.
In Ms own section th legislation would
be especially disastrous because many nf
th Independent- refineries of Kansas are
Just scross the line from Indian Territory,
where the richest oil wells ar located,
making the transportation of oil Interstate
commerce under the terms of th law.
The senators later decided by an almost
(C 'unanimous vote lo not accept the confer
ee ... ... . . r. ant ti, Inaial further linnn lie
y. i-wii . - .... .........
. a . T-1 1 1 ... I.. i i . . .1
Klliepnmcni. Pl'liaii'm iiiiuinii, i.imim auu
CuIIiiiii were reappointed conferees.
The house acceded to the request of ihe
senate fur. another conference mv the rill-
rosd iat bill upoi th" receipt of the senate
f requet today. Messrs. Hepburn. Sh'rinan
J and Richardson . were sppolnted conferees.
t Shorter liny for Trainmen.
l Benator 1 Kollette made a determined
.' effo-t 10 the senate today to secure consld
'( ratlin of the bill limiting to sixteen hours
the time during which railroad employe
connected with the operation of train
may be kept on duty. There wa do small
degree tt opposition manifested when the
j v bill was called up and on a vlvg voce vote
tbe motlou waa declared lost. A roll call
-tWs then ordered. The result was ; to
.IS. cne less than a quorum. A series of
"quorum culls alternating with votes fol
lowed, ear. i of the former developing the
presence and each of the latter th ab
n?e of a uirum.
Finally a suffloUnt number of votes was
7 sec a red and the' motion to take up the
1 hill wa carried. 3 to 11. Senator Mo-
J ' Cumber tpoke In opposition to the measure.
- .... ... , ....
Saying uiat it wouia ne impracticable of
application on the long run across the
western plain, where delays a re frequent
uit run long. 1
Sstiatar Warren nald he had heard no
complaints about 'the Ungth of hour In
bis part of th country. He also criticised
th bill a Impertinent.
Benator Builey supported th hill, but
said that In th Interest nf public safety
the limit of time of continuous work should
be reduced to twelve hours.
Senator Foraker found fault with the
provision prohibiting men returning to
work after having had Irs than ten hour
re il. saying that emergencies might fre
quently arise In which It would be desira
ble t all concerned to have the' rest time
diminished. He alao aaid th railroad
J r as, much Interested a th public In
' Mun.T I n ei r vmDiurn in Ktjoa conaman.
(T hlolr could not be accomplished If they
worked overtime. He thought that em
ptor securing, by deception, work for
snore then the regular time, should be
penalised, audi offered, an amendment pro-
. TlJliuj a ft Be of not mors than tl.OP.
I Tan bin saa stilt under eooslderatlon
JCearttaond osv evl Pans)
Canadian Interests Object to Partner
Increase of Flow from
BUFFALO. N. T., June .--A public hear
ing was given by the International Water
ways commission today upon the proposed
withdrawal of 14.OC0 cuhl.' feet of water a
second from Lake Michigan for the Chi
cago drainage canal.
Ishsm Randolph, chief engineer of the
sanitary district of Chicago, said that In
order to provide for the care of the entire
sewage of Chicago It would be absolutely.
necessary to Increase the present flow from
the lake. The use of water for power
purposes, Mr. Randolph said, was Inci
dental They did not ask for any mere
ater than Is necessary for sanitary pur
J. L. Wellnr of the Canadian IVpartment
of Railways and Canals expressed the
opinion that the water In the Welland
canal would be lowered from four to seven
Inches, which -ould prove disastrous.
"We have barely sufficient water there
now," said the speaker, "and have Just
spent to get a fourteen-foot chan
nel. The fit. Ijiwrence canals would be
even more affected."
President Livingstone of the Lake Car
riers' association said he believed In giv
ing ''Mcago nil the water necesaary for
v purposes, but did not believe the
a ?;. the Great laks should be di
ve, order thnt a ship canal might
be ft 'y ?d to the Mississippi river, thus
desttS lake carrying trade.
Fran representing the Canadian
marine ' voiced the sentiments of
Mr. Livlt, except that he would not
go so far i 'tm 'ting to give Chicago all
the water i r sanitary purposes.
"We claim ' vested rights In the
canals." he sal -i cannot be Interfered
with for the her. ,.t of a local district. The
lake are for navigation purpose and the
levels In them must be maintained."
Mntnal Life May Be Forced Ont of
Business In F.nropean
NEW TORK, June 2fi.-At the regular
meeting of the Mutual Ufe directors to
morrow the serious situation In France Is
likely to he considered. Charles A. Pea
body, president of the company, hns bad
recent Information from Emory McClin
tock, vice president, which does not indi
cate a fluttering outlook for the. American
companies and It Is more than probable
the Mutual's management may decide to
withdraw from the effort, to acquire new
business In France. I
"rndor the French edict' said Mr. Pea-
body, "which requires American companies
to Invest In strictly French securities to
the amount of the full legal reserve on
1 At tomorrow's meeting the Trtiesdals
commute? Is expected to present a further
, report, dealing chiefly with the. work of
the committee's expert accountants and
' with the irregularities the district attorney
ha. already unearthed In the empnty de-
' In the various suit already begun by th
1 Mutual against the McCurdya, .member of
i me rxpermnures commutes ana otners, no
i further aggressive steps are likely to he
' taken until counsel for the company Is
shle to learn from Mr. Jerome detail of
the Information elicited by the grand Jury.
Committee 'on Plnn and Scope of Re
ception Named la New
NEW TORK, June 2. In pursuance of
rt-solutions adopted at a meeting of the i
I rmm ...,1 a I 'T'.-a .'.I.,.' Inll.Tpiiif 1A- I
i held on June 11, 1S06. Wlllam Hoge. head
of the league, announced today the ap-
polntment of the following committee on
Plan and scope for the Bryan reception:
i -r r iv, irnM. x,tnr.
i turn u. ww., ., w.,u, , . .. . '
Harrison. Bird 8. Coler. Augustus Thomas
Lewis Nixon. New York; Alexander
Troup. Connecticut; A. H. Eastman and
John H. O'Brien.
This committee will Invite all the dem
ocratic members of congress, the chsir
men of the democratic state committers
of various states, the mayora of the dem
ocratic cltiea of the country and the edi
tors of democratic newspapers to serve
upon a reception comlttee, of which Gov
ernor Folk of Missouri will be the chair
man. '
Augustus Thomas will welcome Mi.
Bryan upon behalf 1 the league.
. Coroner I
Alabama Town In Donbl
as lo Which la Ion.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. June K.-Two
bodies, each of which Is declared to be thst
of W. J. Marshall, a well knosm contractor
who dlaappeared from his home here June
4, lie In an undertaking establishment.
Friends of the family of Mr. Marshall
have supposed that the man who com
mitted suicide by Jumping from a brldgs
at Little Rock, Ark., on June 6 was Mr.
Marshsll. S. H. Harris went to Arkansas,
recognised the body which was found In
the river at Pine Bluff, Ark., and brought
It here yesterdsy. Mr. Harris declares It
Is the body of Mr. Marshall.
Teaterday at Red Mountain, south of
Birmingham, another badly decomposed
body was found, snd the description of
clothing tellies so closely with thst worn
by Mr. Marshall at the time of hie dis
appearance that the coroner Is In a ouan
dary. Marshall carried considerable Insur
snce and agents of insurance companies
re especially active In the Investigation.
Seen re Fnlr Treatment
from Companies.
6AN FRANCISCO, June 2s-A powerful
organlietion known as the Policy Holders'
Protective league mas formed yesterday by
the business men of Ssn Francisco to en
force fair treatment from all Insursnre
Bankers, manufacturers, merchants anil
shipper were present at a meeting repre
senting fir losses amounting to mors than
A committee waa appointed from the
membership of the commercial orguntsa.
tlon of th city, two from each, with on
member at Urge, which will prepare and
direct a plan of campaign lor th organise
tlon, which will supply th necessary money
from a fund created by a pro rata assess
ment on th fee vnfu m4 tlx aallclea repre
sent -
More Trouble Threaten! Men Who Conduct
Buirian Affair,
t sable to Control I iterance of !V ews-
papers Police Sleme rianta and
Arrest Officers of the
Companies.' r
8T. FETF.R8BURO, June M.-The gov-
emment taking advntnge of .the effect
produced by the fi&nkness and sincerity
of Interior Minister Stolypln's declara
tlona In the lower house of parliament has
taken prompt steps to prevent further sntl-
semltle excesses. But this effect la wan
ing and the Impossibility of the present
situation Is dally coming more to the fore.
The sentiment In favor of a change In the
ministry le "now not only shared by the
lower and upper house of parliament and
voiced by the entire press, but is supported
by a strong faction at court.
The revolutionist are Jubilant at the
progress made by the military propaganda.
The conservative Novoe Vrtmyt today
devotee a leading editorial to the subject
and the radical organs print columna of
accounts of military troubles, some'' of
which undoubtedly were Invented for sug
gestive effect, but the majority are baaed
on fact.
Newspaper Plnnts Slesed.
After a vain attempt to stop the publi
cation of unfavorable military news by
the confiscation of their editions, the police
yeiterday seised the typographical outfits
of several papers and the offices of pro
vincial journals which were reprinting
the accounts of the Novoe Vremya and
Blovo mere summarily closed.
Agrarian disorders at Kharkoff, Poltava
and Tambnff have led to conflicts with the
troops. The estate of Prince Volkonsky. a
member of the lower house of parliament,
at Morshans haa been plundered and his
residence burned.
A general feeling of terror prevails
among the petty admlnistrstlve officials
In various parts of The country, many of
whom have resigned to save their lives.
The bakers' strike continues and th rail
road and market porters have struck.
Regiment in Revoln,
KALUGA. Russia, June 2.-The entjr
Ninth regiment of Infantry has refused
to do any duty until the members of two
companies, who were arrested on account
of then" refusal to fire on an assembly of
workmen, are released. The men are still
behaving In an orderly manner."
Large Crowd Present When Contest
' Over the Snrtbe Clrenlt
is Started.
PARIS. June M The automobile contest
for the grand prize over the Sarthe clrcu't
was started this morning at o'clock. A
large crowd of people was present and
great enthusiasm wa manifested.
The-course, which is 1.003 kilometers long,'
was. patrolled by' troops,., ,
Bias (France led during the third Cir
cuit, steadily increasing his lead, and won
the day's raring in 6 hours, 4S minutes,
SOS seconds. Clement (France) waa sec
ond In 6 hours, 10 minutes, 40 seconds.
Baros (France) covered the first round In
52 minutes, 25 seconds, at the rate of 111
kilometers per hour. Duray (France) was
second In (2 minutes, 32 seconds.
Two accidents occurred during the first
round. Fabry (Italy) collided with a wall
and the machine was completely demol
ished, but the occupants were uninjured.
Lebon (France) was ditched. The racers
will start again at ( a. m. tomorrow. .
Fl-ance has twenty-flve entries. Germany
three and Italy six In the Sarthe circuit
; contest. The course must be covered
! "v ,lm"' ,he c" runnl"f '
, ' . , kll
I -i.L ,m,.4 r. ..
f ."""e fourth and
i (ranc"' fourth and Heath (France) fifth.
Baron De Csters wa upset but his In
juries were slight, .
An excursion train bringing spectators
to the course was derailed and three per
sons were Injured.
Mszzaro Utaly) finished third, Baxi liter
(France fourth and Heath (Francet flirt It.
Baron de Caters was upset but his In
juries were sugni. ,
Cologne Gnaettc Jlon Calls for Trade
Reprisals Against tho
1 nlted states.
BERLIN, June 2. The Cologne Ga-
sette todsy printed a number of com-
plaint on the subject of the treatment
Herman good have been ubje ted to by
the United States sines March 1, wlten
Germany agreed to extend the most fa
vored nation clause of Its tariff to Ameri
can goods lu return for alleviations in the
American customs administration. The
paper says the United States guaranteed
Germany milder treatment In the applica
tion of ad volorem duties and that Instead
of, this ths United States Is valuing Ger
man goods higher than ever. Thla haa
caused a check In the export of certain
kinds of goods. The Gazette therefore de
mands that ths German government adopt
retaliatory measures and says It must Im
mediately Instruct the German embassy st
Washington to Insist upon Justice being
Pnlajaae Lenders Surrender.
MANILA. June 2 The Pulajane lead
ers, Qulentln and Adva, have sur
rendered to Governor Osmena and ths
constsbulsry. These were the last of the
men arrayed agalnat the Americana on the
Is'.snd ef Cebu. The rifle and ammuni
tion of the members of their band were !
also surrendered.
Surgepn General P. M. Rixey of th
United State navy ha arrived at Ma
nila lo Inspect the naval hospital at
Cavlte, Cebu and Olongapo.
Tear to Take Vaenttoa.
risl family are planning a summer cruise
In the Finnish archipelago. No official an
nouncement of the time of the emperor's
departure I obtainable.
Wellman In Norway.
TRONDHJEM. June 2- Walter Wellman.
leader of the Wellman-Chlcago Record
Herald Arctic expedition, arrived here to
day and will proceed to Tromso by
steamer tomorrow.
Mnrder and InJeld In Chicago.
CHICAGO. Juns 3. Korath Kovata last
night killed bis wife by cutting her throat
with a rasor and tnen g tried rits o
- I """ dl'p ,nl h rn'" recover. Ko-
procured a warrant tor his street on a
charge of abandonment It i believed that
K ovals learning of this, returned to the
hunae during ui niU ss4 killed fcla rU
a aba aiou -
western matters at capital
Congressman Klnkald Congratulating
Himself on Kearney Bolldlnsj
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. June S. (Special Te.e
gram.l Congressman Klnkald '.was greatly
elated todsy. nof only over the passage of
the omnibus public building bill, but he
caese the appropriation for Kearney
provides for both the purchase of a site
and the erection of a building. Heretofore
It has been the rule of the committee
on public buildings and grounds that It
would not appropriate outright for a site
and bulliling, but would make an appro
priation for a site first and then building
afterward. Judge Kinkaid. however, in
sisted that because a wrong was perpe
trated. It should not Insist on the continu
ance of the wrong, and by his argument
before the committee and by discussing tin-
matter with Individual members he flnslly
secured the appropriation for a site and
building for . a poatofflce and court house
at Kearney, which he considers an Indl
vldusl triumph.
It Is understood that the foreign affairs
of the house will report favorably to
morrow Mr. Kennedy's resolution calling
upon the seeretsry of stste to direct our
diplomatic representatives accredited lo
foreign governments to make a report on
tho condition nf postal savings banks in
said countries for the last ten years.
The South Dakota politicians, Messrs.
Elliott, Parke and Cole, visited Mount
Vernon todsy Instead of putting In their
time arranging their slat of presidential
sppolntmente. ?'
Congressman Kennedy" haa secured a
pension of $12 for Chretlsn Dllrlch of
Omaha. f .
Senator Burkett has secured the passage
of a bill appropriating 4642 to pay Wells
C. McCool of Salem. . Jieb., for certain
back pay.
Senator Millard has secured the passage
of a bill gtving C. M. Roberts of Crab
Orchard, N-. a pension of h. also a
bill granting an Increase to. John A. Odrdun
of Omaha to $30.
On recommendation of Congressman Hep
burn, Dr. M. E. Johnson has been appointed
pension examining surgeon at Corning, la.,
vice Dr. J. R. Thompson, resigned.
Earl J. Johnson, Osage; M. J. Mitchell,
Charles W. Hackler. Fort Dodge. Ia.. have
been admitted to practice before the In
terior department.
Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska,
routes: Battle Creek, "mute 1, John E.
Risk, carrier; Frank Tsk, substitute.
Emerson, route 1, William Hansen, carrier;
Christian Hansen, subststnte.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa, Foster,
Monroe cotKity. Wallace Oonvey. vloa A. H.
Goode, resigned. South nnkota. De Orey.
Hughes county, Anna. J. "Smith, vice Ellea
Chandler, resigned; Powell. eamunas
county, William A.. Hodaon. vice Henry
Hodson. resigned: Vllsa. Miner county.
Robert Hodge, vice J. T. Wyrrri, resigned.
George Powell f Chicago Accepts the
Position with the Omaha
-George Powell of ir;vigs waa chcen
chief grain Inspector ef th Omaha Grain
exchange at a meeting -of th board of
director held Monday. Tneday morning
Secretary E. J. 'MeVann received a tele
gram from Mr.' Powell accepting the po
sition. Since the resignation of W. F. Heyl,
several weeks ago. the board baa been
resting about for a competent ucceor.
During that time T. F. Flood ha been
acting chief inspector.
Mr. Powell has been for six years cniei
clerk In the office of Mr. Smiley, super
vising grain Inspector for the city of Chl-
citgo, and for fifteen years prior to that
waa Inspector and chief Inspector ror tne
Poria Board of Trade. Ills acceptance of
the position here carries with It the prom
ise to begin h's new duties July X.
"The Importance of the electlon to fh
Omaha Grain exchange and to the grain
trade of the tate cannot be overeti
mated," ald Secretary MeVann.. "He Is a
msn of wide experience and one of the
best to be found. For six year he ha
been training under one of tho atrictest
supervisors In the country, whose Inspec
tion snd weight certificates have been
good everywhere. He will thoroughly re
organise the Inspection and Weighing de
partment and put it on a basis which will
make our Inapectlon and weight certin
cates above suspicion In sny market of
the world, it is one of the really import
ant steps sine the organisation of the ex
change." Though the offlcera of the exchange are
unwilling to admit It, there haa been con
siderable complaint In other market of
Omaha weights and Inspections
Crowd at Allentown. Pa., Attempts to
Prevent Arrests nnd Oncers
ALLENTOWN. Pa.. Juns 26 A plstoon
oLrthe stats constamiiary wnicn is on uuiy
fnthls district In connection with the street
car strike, flred Into a crowd tonight and
Injured a boy.
The police were riding past Fourth and
Hamilton street when they war attracted
by the yells of a lsrge crowd congregated
at that point. Two of the state policemen
arrested two men and started with them
for the Jail a half block away. A crowd of
i 000 gathered quickly and stones were
thrown at the state police. The helmet of
F. Markrsntz. a stste policeman, was
smashed with a brick. The police, being
hard pressed by the crowd that was fol
lowing them, turned snd flred a shot Inio
the sir snd then shot low. A bullet struck
Harry R- Winkle, a 13-year-old boy, in the
leg and he was taken to a hospital.
The crowd waa highly Incensed at tho ac
tion of the state police. There is a deep
prejudice against the presence here of the
state constabulary.
Senate Committee Deride to Postpone
Farther Hearings Until Nest
Congreelenal Session.
WASHINGTON. June 2. By a vote of
to I the sensts committee on Interne eanlc
canal, today decided not to go to th
Isthmus of Panama and take testimony
In the csnsl Investigation.
By agreement no testimony will be taken
In Washington until next session, and
therefor th disposition of William Nel
son Cromwell's refusal to testify concert
ing canal matters prior to government
ownership of ths property will be post
poned until next 'December.
The action of th committee carries with
It n adjournment until next December,
which will postpone action on th nomina
tion of canal cemmlaalonem It Is ex
pected th commissioner will be reap
pointed during th reoeaa at oongr.
Editor of Tbe Bee Ketnrni from Hit Lone;
Trip to Europe.
Men of The Bee Force Tender a Warm
Welcome Home lo Their thief
and Cheer HI Brief
Kdward Rosewater and his wife, daugh
ter and granddaughter reached Omaha
) i-sterdH.v, re'ui i.liig from Rome, where he
served as one of the delegates from the
t'nlted States to th Universal Postal Con
greea rerently held there. Mr. Rosewater
is in remarkably good heslth, nd tlie
whole party semed to hsvt stood th trip
very well.
During the afternoon Mr. Rosewater was
aelcomed home by the emploves of The
Uee Publishing company and the Bee Build
ing company. A reception waa held In the
court room on the top floor of the Bee
building, where Mr. T. F. Sturgess presided.
Mr. Sturgess, In calling the meeting to or
der, said:
We are here for the purpose of welcoming
our employer. Hon. r:ilwsrri ttosewaier. i
wish to say to Mr. Rosewater that several
weekvs sgo the employes of The Bee, from
whst they knew of you snd out of admira
tion for you .is a mnn and a cl'lien of Ne
braska, conceived the Idea of forming nn
organisation to help vour candidacy for
the United States senate. 'At that time
we did not know that you would be willing
to make the race, but wned to be flrat
In the field to give expression to our feel
ings In this matter.
It la not necessary for me to say sny
Ihlng in welcoming Mr. Rosewater home,
and as to our estimate of the man more
than this:
Mr. Rosewater, we feel that we are not
only welcoming you as our employer, but as
our friend. That all who have been asso
clated'wlth you, either as sn employe of
The Bee Building company or The Beo
Publishing company, have at all tlmea felt
free to go to you as a friend. That we
could go anywhere and meet you and you
would receive us, not aa an employe, but
as a friend. And we ere here tonight as
your friend, willing and anxious to do
what we ran to help you reach the United
States senate. We believe, and we believe
the people generally regard you aa the
best-enulpped man In this state to meet
the Issues of the hour and the great prob
lems that confront us ss a people. You
hsve the unanimous support of every em
plove of The Bee who is a voter, and I
know, after your long absence, we mould
all like very much to hear a few worda
from you at this time.
Mr. Rosewater' Response.
,Mr. Rosewater responded briefly as fol
lows: "Mr. Sturgess, Gentlemen and Friends: I
feel more than grateful for the enthusi
astic reception you have tendered me here
on my return 'after a long absence. But,
1 want to reiterate what I have so often
said before, that I do not believe any man
who works for wages owes his employer
anything If he does his work well. When
it cornea to a question of politics, to the
political preferment of the American cltl
aen. nothing should Intervene between a
man and his conscientious discharge of his
duty a a citlsen of the United State to
choose who he believes honestly and con
scientiously to be the best qualified to rep
resent, not only his pwn interest, but that
of tb commonwealth. . And I might say
that I have preached that doctrine for
more than thirty years While I hav
preached It as applying to others. It should
apply with equal force to myself.
"I have at all times been opposed to
the coercion of employes by employers. It
Is their right and duty to vote as their
conscience dictates. I wish to say that
if any employe of the Bee Building com
pany or the Bee Publishing company doe
not feel that I am the proper person, I
would not want him to support me, and
would not want him to do anything to pro
mote my candidacy. As a matter of fact,
however, this candidacy has been sprung
upon me almost without any premonition.
When I left here nearly four months ago
I hsd said to my friends, and I have writ
ten it to friends urging me to have my
name announced, that I had grave doubts
whether the time had come for me to pro
ject myself Into this race.
Donglns Mnst Be t'nanljnoos.
"Ypu doubtless realize that even with
the unanimous cholcs of Douglas county,
there Is still going to be quite a contest
before us In Nebraska before Omaha gets
the aenatorahlp again. And I dotibt very
seriously anybody can be senator In Omaha
and Douglas county who does not go to
Lincoln with practically a solid delegation.
The people will naturally say that It Is for
Douglas county to come unanimously for
some candidate before asking other counties
to come to his support.
"I do aot think It is necessary for in to
go over historical fact which are known
to nearly every citlsen. I do not think that
it Is necessary to define anew my views.
I iu aui imi wuei mey are now aim wnat :
they have been. It Is fairly well known that
I have nteadily adhered to the original car
dinal principles of the republican party,
which favored free speech, free soil and
free men.
His Policies for Tears.
"I think that I have for year advocated
l those policies that are now o prominently
before tb American people. These policies
ar not all th republican party will have
to deal with. There are now grav ques
tion coming up which require knowledge of
conditions, which requlr an understanding
of the popular Interest and the abuses
from which the public Is suffering, and It
requires a knowledge of these conditions
to legislate Intelligently for a great country
like ours. I wilt leave It to others to say
whether I would be the proper person lo
represent this people or state. '
"I appreciate your good will and f el
grateful for your expressions of sympathy.
As I said at the very outset I do not wsnt
v.- . ,
sn v me n wnefhei ne nn we e I .
The Bee or The Bee Building company or
In any other way has been a beneficiary
of any Institution with which I am con
nected to feel thst he is coerced or being
dragooned Into my support. He is abso
lutely free. If he does not feel like sup
porting me he will receive exactly as good
treatment snd as fslr consideration for pro
motion. If he Is worthy of It, ss he would
If hs were my most enthusiastic supporter."
(Loud and prolonged applause.)
Replying. Mr. Sturgesa, ss chairman, ex
plained that the organisation was purely
voluntary. "It Is of our own volition and
our own act. We met and had a full 'ex
pression of opinion and voted unanimously
on this matter at our flrar meeting." he
added, and then Invited representatives of
the vsrlou departments to speak.
Sapport of Loyal Employes. .
Theodore W. McCullough of the editorial
fore ssid:
I would Ilk to say to Mr. Rosewater
personally, that while this matter Is on
the knee of the gods, anything thst Is in
the future is still uncertain snd undeter
mined, but he can rely urxin the fact that
he has upon bis psy roll ss loyal a set of
men ss sver followed the lead of an em
ployer In whom they hsve perfect confi
dence. I do not think that there I a
man In Mr. Rosewater s employment who
did not feel, before Mr. Rosewater gave
kConUnu4 un Second. PsgaJ ,
Fnlr Wednesday nnd Wnrmer In West
Portion. Thnrsdny Partly Ctendr.
Temperatare m Omaha lesterdsyl
. . Wl
. . CI
. . 1
. . tut
. .
. . Til
. . TS
I P.
.1 p.
4 p.
Jl p.
H p.
T p.
H p.
I p.
A n. m . .
O n. ra . .
t n. m .
m n. m. .
a. m . ,
10 n. m . .
11 a. m. .
I ii m TM
Heavy Rain Floods Streets nnd Kara
rations and Fills Some
I ellers.
The hesvlret rain of the season, for the
time It lasted, began ahout 0 o'clock Hst
night snd Tr shout sn hour and a hnif
the water came down In tirrent. The
streets In the northern rrt of the cltv
were filled from curb to curb with roaring
torrents, and at Spencer and Twenty-fourth
and Patrick and Twenty-fourth streets the
wster was over two feet deep. Numerous
cellars and basements In those vicinities
were flooded, snd near Patrick street sev
eral houses lying In the low ground at the
esst side of Twenty-fourth were flooded
snd the occupants were driven out, some
of them taking refuge on the shed roofs
adjoining their houses. Several stn-et cara
were placed' hut of commission by the
water covering the motors. This same
trouble occurred at Twenty-fourth and
Cuming and at Cuming snd Sixteenth
streets. The sewers were unabl to carry
off the sudden volume of water, and Six
teenth from Capitol avenue to Cuming
street was a veritable river. The street
cars were blockaded by h'.irned or drnwned
out motors and had to be pushed along by
cars still In service until the flooded street
was passed.
Hundreds of 'persons were compelled to
stand on street corners waiting far beyond
the regular time for tars to come to take
them home. Nearly every doorway and
corner had Its group of patient, suffering.
waiting passengers, who In some cases
kept up the vlgll for fifteen minutes and
even more before a car would come, by
which time most of them were more or
less soaked with water.
The electric lights were knocked out two
or three times by the heavy electrical storm
prevailing, and from nil parts of tho city
cornea the story of flooded basemertts and
cellars. From two to three feet of water
collected In building excavatlona, doing con-
aiilerable damage, and will necessitate con
siderable pumping to permit work to be re
sumed today.
Great Western Hefners Reqnest front
Other Railroads to Continue
Elevntor Chnrges.
BT. PAUL. June 2C. A delegation of
officials from the Rock Island and Santa
Fe railroads, who in reality represented
a number of western lines operating be
tween Chicago and the Missouri river,
called on President A. B. Stickney of the
Chicago. Great. Western at his office todsy,
urging him to withdraw what they called
a reduction in the grain rates.
Mr. Stickney refused to recede trim the
position he took last week when hi ordered
the elevation charge discontinued.
President Stickney recently ordered that
the elevator rebate of l1 cents per 100
pounds on grain shipped through elevstors
be discontinued on the Great Western.
Some, If not all, of the other western roads
were In favor of cutting nut the rebates
and leaving the published schedules as be
fore. They called Mr. ' Stickney s action a
reduction In the rates. Mr. Stickney met
their contention with the following state
ment: The Chicago Great Western has made no
cut on ratea on grain west of the Missouri
river. It has made no reduction of tho
rate est of the Missouri river. Hereto
fore the tariffs have named certain rates
and provided that l1 cents should be re
paid from this rate to shippers.
The Chicago Great Western has simply
rhsnged the form of this tariff and named
the net rates which have been collected
heretofore and provided that nothing shall
be paid back, leaving the actual rats ex
actly the same as before.
Th other roads hsve decided to abolish
the custom of retaining 14 cents and leave
the nominal ratea the ssme as before,
which Is equlvslent to raising the rate m
cents per 100.
There are S.OMJ.Omi bushels of grain In
store In the elevstors at Omaha alone
which haa been bought on the, basis of the
present rstes. To raise the rate 1V cents
per I 'JO would be equivalent to Imposing an
unexpected burden on the purchasers of
this grain of U2.D00, which the Chicago
Great Western company does not regard as
a squsre deal, and therefore refuses to
consent to such an advance In rates.
Convention Called for Lincoln lo Meet
Wight Before State Con
vention. Gordon W. iWattles, president of the Ne
braska State Republican league, has Issued
the following call for the lesgue conven
tion: A state convention of the republican
clubs of Nebraska Is hereby called at the
Auditorium In Lincoln. Neb., at 8 o'clock
p. m. on August 21. 1906. fr the election
of ortWra of the State league of Republi
can Cluha and for tb transaction of such
other business as may come before the
convention. Kach republican club in the
stste of Nebraska will be entitled to one
delegste for every ten members of Its
club. You sre urgently requested to send
a full delegation to thla convention. After
the tmaine of the convention lias been
transacted, prominent speakers will nd
dress the meeting, to which a general In
vitation to all republicans In the state is
I The railroads have made a rate for the
convention of one fare for the round
trip, plus & cents, sale to begin on the
I ' . . .
momma or August :i. ano in-Kets anoa
to return, leaving Lincoln not later than
August Zi.
G. W. WATTLES. President.
DAN J. RILKV. Secretary.
I nlon Assesses 400 Illinois t ool
Digger SIO Kach for t la
Is 1 1 n g Contract.
. 1 afield A Ixingfellow on Wsll street, where
ST. IM'IS. June 2 At s meeting toluy h remsined In consultation with counsel
of the United Mine Workers association f i fur several hours. While there she wss
Illinois fines of $10 each were asHesxd I eerved with a subpoena requiring her at
agalnst 4M miners employed In a mine near tendani s liefore the grand Jury on Thur
Colllnsvllle, III. When the mines through-' dsy. Mrs. Thsw was ilad in a plain brown
out the bituminous region resumed work the
men refused to report because two mule
drivers had been dlschsrged by the manage
ment. There Is an arbitration clause In the
agreement between the Mine Workers snd
owners, snd because the men did not work
pending an Investigation of the troubles the
fines were Imposed.
j ha marge of the proserin ion, aald tonight
Horse Snl In New York. j tlat all the witness l the Inquest and
8HFF.PSHKAD BAY. June 2-The fe- j before ihe gr;md Jury would first be ex
ture of the Racelsnd stud yeirllngs sale I aniin,(i hy lilm. but Intimated Hint Mrs.
st Bheepshead Bay today was the sale of ... . .. , . , .
the half alater ti Blues and Blue Girl, j h P""""' Inque.t would ut
After oms lively bidding th horse wks be required. It ass understood that this
knocked down to H P. Whitney for IKi.unO. rourse was derided upon lu vkrw of U
tbtop prlc of the sale. The nor I Ihll, wr. .- -raJS -..nJ tea
by Imp. Biaa Shoot-Boonl Elua Jl,
Elajer of Stanford White Charged with
Murder in first Perree.
Greatest Shock Metropolis Eai Had Binog
Etokes Killed Fico.
Ee Alleees that Victim Wrecked life of
Hia Wife.
Three nted Alienists Are Called
In to Report on the Prl
oner's Mental Condi
NRW YORK. June M -Frankly admitting
that he killed Stanford White, the famous
architect and pleading In Justification of
the deed that Whit had ruined the llfs of
his wife, the beautiful former chorus girl
and artist's model, Florence Evelyn Nes
blt. Harry Kendall Thaw of Pittsburg.
brother of the countess of Yarmouth, oc
cupies a cell In the Tombs awaiting ths ac
tion of the grand Jury on a charge of mur
der. His counsel will offer th defense
of Insanity, and today the prisoner wss
exsmlned by eminent alienists, retained In
his behalf and by the district attorney'e
office. The coroner's Inquest will be held
on Thursday nnd In all probability the esse
will then be considered by th grand Jury,
when the prisoner's wife will be required
to appear before thst body, she having
been served with a subpoena today while
In consultation st the office of her hus
band'a counsel. Rvery effort Is now being
mndo by b..-th sides to expedite the legal
preliminaries, so that the arraignment and
trial may take place at the earliest pos
sible date.
Metropolis I Shocked.
Not since the killing of James Flsk. Jr.,
by Edward 8. Stokes on the stslrcase of the
Grand Central hotel, more than thirty
years ago, has the metropolis been shocked
by so startling and dramatic s tragedy as
that which waa enacted last night In th
presence of an audience of more than 1.000
persons In the roof thester of Msdlson
Square Garden. Not the least drama'tc
feature of th tragedy Is the fact that Mr.
White met his death In the structure which
is perhaps the moat conspicuous memorial
of his architectural genius.
Rarely hss the case against any prisoner
moved with more rapidity than did the
proceedings today, which ended In Thaw's
formal committment to the Tombs. Ssve
in this unusual snd almost frensled haste
the routine followed and the treatment ac
corded to Thaw differed In no respect from
thst meted out to any prisoner charged
with a capital offense. Roused early thla
morning from his cell In the West Thir
tieth street station house, Thaw, attired in
fresh clothing brought to him by his valet, .
waa shackled, In spite of hi protestations,
to a detective and taken in the patrol
wagon to polio headquarters. There, after
awaiting his turn in the long line of petty
criminals arrested during th night, he wss
photographed and hia measurement taken
on the Hertlllon system. Again, In the pa
trol wagon, he was tsken to the crlminsl
court building, where grest multitude i
gathered to catch a passing glimpse of him,
and was arraigned In the police court. There
the proceedings were of the briefest, anl
after the bare formality of arraignment
had been undergone Thaw waa remanded to
the custody of the coroner and on his order
committed to the Tombs to swalt ths re
sult of the Inquest, which was set for
Thaw Not Excited.
Throughout the proceedings Thaw showed
little evidence of agitation except when the
detective approached him in the station
house to put the handcuffs to his wrist.
Then he protested vehemently, but on being
assured that this waa the invariable prac
tice he submitted without further words.
While leaving the station house and even In
the court roo n he waa compelled to run the
gauntlet of butteries of cameras, from
which he shielded himself as well aa he
could by covering his face with his un
shackeled hand. Thaw was registered at
the Tombs as "Harry Thaw, bom In the
United States, 38 years old, student," and
wss assigned to cell 220 on the seoond tier.
Shortly after his arrival he was visited In
his cell by Dr. Austin Flint. Ir. Carlos F.
MacDonald and Dr. Mahon, on behalf. It
was said, of the district attorney's office,
and by Dr. Magulre, the tomb phystrlsn.
who was requested to make an examination
of the prisoner s mental condition by coun
sel for the defense. Drs. MacDonald and
Flint later refused to say anything, but
Dr. Magulre said he believed he discovered
symptoms of emotional Insanity and pos
sible Indications of Incipient paresis. The
alienists will make a further examination
of the prisoner tomorrow, Dr. Magulre
meantime keeping him under observation.
Dr. Msgulre said that Thaw's physical con
dition was almost perfect and hi appetite
Lawyers Decline to Talk.
Lewis Delafleld, who took charge of
Thaw's Interests Immediately after his ar
rest, announced that the Arm of black.
Olcott, Gruher g- Bonynge, of which furmer
Governor Frank S. Rlack is the senior part
ner, had been retained to conduct the do
fens. loiter Mr. Delafleld and former
Judge Olcott had sn Interview with th
prisoner in the consultation room In the
prison, sfter which Mr. Delafleld declined to
say anything about the esse, except .that It
wss now entirely In the hands of Mr. Ulack
and Mr. Olcott. Mr. Olcott docllnsU to
make any statement.
The whereabouts of Mis. Thaw, who dis
appeared from Madison Square Garden In
the confusion thst followed the tragedy,
remained a mystery until this afternoon,
when, accompanied by 'a friend. Miss Msy
Mi Kinzle, she arrived st the offices of Del-
automobile costume and appeared til and
nervous and apparently hardly strong
enough to walk from the carriage t the
door. At the Iswyers' office Mr. Thaw
waa Joined by Mr and Mra. George Car
negie, sn Id to be relatives of her husband.
Says Thaw Is Not lasnne.
Asr stant District Attorney Nott. ho